HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 3INK Si(:! AI.: ()NIA THEaNDAY March I, 190(1 3 Distilled Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that made Sunday feel like wash- day ? Q Perhaps you have been drinking inferior teas. (. No, you dont need medi- cine - all you need is a package of Grand Mogul Tea. Q This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves. Why i' Because it is rich in theine (the flavorin; essence ) which is just concentrated sunbeams. Grown on the high table lands of Ceyton. this tea contains the ele- ments of a pure nerve -food. Grand Mogul Tea q There are no other teas " ins u good" as Grand Mogul. 25c. IO 4 c OC and S Ocer D Pound. q Sold only in packages hoed with ur•ogk paper. Premium coupons in each package. The cost of thee coupons is not taken out of the Or -bur is simply a pan of the ad. imaging appropneuon. MOO PERFECTION- -; (Rtith:Q;:�: ...' .Soda IF MOONEY 61SCUls UtLNDT. GC sTRATroRD , CANAM,' From the Ovens to You We brydge distance with our moisture -proof, dust -proof packages. Hali- fax and Vancouver are brought to the ovens' doors. Farms and small towns are put en the same plane with the big Cues. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas set paled in I (. 3 id airtight packages. fresh cnlp, dehctour- and reach you in dee seine con- dom no metier where you hue. AT All. GROCERS NO NEW BLADES. NO ANNUAL TAX. ropes °.Ai �e9r`�/ 11 you wish to test one of these Razors without RISK or OBLIGATION on your part, apply to us for details I 4 O P[Ices cae�i.fem Ma Pair In us. Leaner Lase sable Caecave lar Meavy Rads """"- "1 ortmi-Matstet 2N"1.arba-}fnynef ,- I.:I,nN do f Ush ion O r. PpA. 51.00 Free Sow -nista 4* Sausn." M W HOWELL. - Many Women have Kidney Trouble d and don't know it. They at- tribute their ill -health to weal: - mita." Dragging pains in the hips, backache nervou'ness. tiredness, headaches ---ere more often mused by sick kidneys. If your kidner are not welt, the other delicate organs are disturbed and inflamed, bringing on the horrors of female weak- ness and the serious troubles often attending pregnancy. . THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL cures these case. of " Petnale Weakness" because they cure the Kidney*, They promptly restore the Kidneys to health, allay inflammetioti. take away deli- cate the d 1 ' a and II the pain., tate organs well and strong. Al druggists, or direct on receipt of price, yse Tec OLArllrl CHtMICAL CO. UNITED WISaSOR. CWT. THE "LORNE" REMEMBER the h,.1,1 bwidena geed maga, ►torch. of .11 kinds. M.rr.ws, Rsll.r, Manor., SWa.ders, Wruffl.rs. Wheelbarrows, [fr.. IF fr. 4 t,I....A ,e n,•.1 The Wilkinson Plough Co. 1 INITED TORONTO OINADI ,fews of the 9istriet. • S. A. Ilrublteler, orgniizei• for the Retail Mel'ellatitie Association of Can- ada. was in Whit/ham recently with a view to urgauizieg a Inauch 111 that tlwu. Thos. Jackson. jr.; of the firm of the Jackson Manufacturing ( patty. Clintn, wet; recently imesaentel with an address and it chrls cabinet by the muploye's of the Company. MuN. Thomas 31 many, of iesu'gside, passed :away on Situday, February 17th, death remitting film' a stroke Of paralysis. She leaver her hurbaud, three sone and four daughters to mourn her 1)1)414. • Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Hell;lotl, of the 121)4 couees»iun of '1'ucket•sttlith, recently celebrated the !went -fifth ailnivcrrary of their wedding. 'I'h•re were preee.gtt 116 cul 1 I) try11's114, to 411( honor to the ',.nasion. tlalcolnl tarty', run of J. 1L Mar - 1 tn, of Rip 'y, diel in F iuciuvliue l)n ‘Ve•duerduv of (11141 w • k, of di`{ lithet•- Li, after. few dity ' inures. He tuns 111 his sixteenth year and at student at lime:Mah il, high reboot. Robert Poetical, formerly of Exeter, diel in Siunain on February 13th; the reeuIt of an operation for upptfudleilit. The young matt was truest y-uue• )'..rt d ae, :u141 14•:11 * .1(1 1)1 Edward Poe. - tide. formerly proprietorot the station hotel at Exeter. l.lie•klUlw council ham decided to purrhaM• the Cumgranl properly bu- lk. role- site .of theproposed new linen hall cad public liI'rioy to be erected wish the $7,541) doneta1 by Andrew l'arnegi,•. '1'lie lot contains half nn tiers' inti thr price is Odin. E, \\'. Dorno% who leas leen ac - ...mutant in the I.st'Ier branch of the Sovereign' Hulk for about three yr•4111, 14414 114'.•11 pr tell to the tninfig,-.- •hip -of the Miltertou 104111(1) of the (lank. J. I.. Seed 1, mf Zurich, takes the 'mullion of ice taut iii Exeter. the Smliday. February lath, \Its. 'lr•on Lilidaay p,aeseel away ;it her mime in 1ir)mw•I' after :a- paiuf•tl ill - iron) reelect.. She was- furty- •'i;aht years of age and besides her Husband leaves a family of one salts .Ind tw) daughters t n het • loss. Mims Alive Peterson, who recently e..signe4 her position on Ih.• liinc4u•- litn• public meIaoul Staff, was 11I011e the r,•cipu•ut of n hands • silver jewel - •n84' by her .fellow -workers on the •tae *1141 or as t•hek 111111 hrIMM'h by her pupils. Mit. Petenlon purposes g ' g % rest. Nits. Dun+ald l'mt'rie, an old resident .f 1truSM lN, 11041 1111 Friday, Febru:u-v 11101. haviugreacheel the ge.Nl old age elf right yeatiy teal's. She had been a reeidcht of Rrus,.t•ls for twenty-eight yeses.. ND. Currie diet some twelve sear% ago. A family of blur suns hnt•- St. Joseph has bright prosp('rts of sewer' telephone conne•tiiii> with the ant' le world. Tet rulNerilers 44.1(14' b) 1 w•„01(-41 between Hemsel1 nod 4t. Jo. Ih beflee. the ei mlp:uiy A ill build the ' le, and 1114 the'mm11al)4•0 11,114 been »,•,•ure the line will likely. to built this rumling N •r. - Mies A. (1nteul,M:k, 'if Senfouth, who recently gave ni•her millinery In .i e," a m n 1. ui to At a MI t to 4in[a- . lutaSask.. . k., NIs kindly to i•n11ie•rsl ....fore herldepartnre; by the '. P. Si, t'. E. ter .•II» Atweeel Presby et•Irtn ehurcb, a ho pre1e•1Ited her crit , an 4411he14s and a handsome ring, &l)n Thun•eley, Februhr1 15th. thea,. pivoted only. an hllttoled pioneer of pivoted township in the pM•twm of 'Demme (Menu. al the age of seventy. seven years. .31r. silent emit a native of Ireland, hitt had leen it resident of 1'sforrn• Ah• nearly half a lentut•y. Ih• ie survived fly his widow. tufo 14411114 turd one 'laughter. Rept' ding the iteral widely pub- 1ishellast _week telling of the mho44t- ;11g,uf at 111', 14114 1to1111111. A 31 IN. Itich- .ro1s, Paid to 1N• ft u-nlerly of Si•afurth. 4.y her Iiullquid, 'The Se,forlIi Expredt- teer,stys it 11118 111+4411. diligent inquil•y and 1'11/1 ' Nnd 110 pewon who can identilt the wom,nl fin :1 fo11111.0' resi- dent of Sea teeth n1• vicinity. Albion 1). F. Nle1nt,INh, formerly of sinreeneld, now connected with the American Express Company. New York. Was lately merriest to MistA • \I. McLean. of ltor•ht•stvi. N.Y. They 11,1(14• gone on 44 tour itethe Orient and rill visit Italy. Greece. Turkey. the Holy Ia4nd, Egypt and other interest- ing places un the Mediterranean. NI nein) Stirling, cf. liode•1•irh town- ship, made as record drive into (linter] one day last. week. His intent child while playing with a toy elmade& got it fast in his throat. And the parents living unableto extricate it they hitched• up and started for town. where the ray wee quickly removed from the child's Ultima by a doctor. Miss Sarah Moran. of 4eaforth, who had been attending St. Mary's hompital, Saginata. in Miehig:ul, has graduated as a 4l se, after a three tears1.11.14140401441 1;1(111x(•; taking lemma. It is her intention to trehala in Magi naw and practise her ' profession. Iter mister, Mims Margaret Moran. leaven for Sagi- naw )hnrtty to go into training for sa nurse at the ,.am, hospital. On \\•e'tlnewhay Morning elf last week a quiet wedding wait solemnized at the t't•midence 41f Alexaulder Camp - he I, Ki,cateline, when his daughter Nffir-e was united itt the holy ponds of wedleiiik to ('apt. Murdoch Rowan. of I'm -meant. 0.. The cera v Wan ))(•r - formed by Rev. F. A. Carrier, 11 .:r,td fiend, uncle of the bride, mLe- •i.ttl by Rev. i)1'. Nlerrny, pastor of loos church. Kintardht4', only the II nitediem t('1111i14's luring present. Mr. and Mr's. howls' will make their homeConneaut. e - 14 of Se:Wort h is se•iom1l ' 11 town 7 > con*id/•tying the proloatitiun of me uhalt-palling the main .flee(' (rum (iodet•ich street, to the railway stile inn. It I. proposed to pave the .Meet from • '14. 11 1.11• w'1 irk will Ade to Side. The t t o r Ie in the neighborhood of $2.',lltl or etteljes1, *1)x1(1 per cent. of the eelyt to Ie prtlll by 11)1' I,OgN•rty facing 11i1 \Itis slee•1, and forty per cent. by the town 111 genet -el. the payment). le extend over n period of twenty years, the interest Mitt n proportion of the principal to be paid Annllall', Mies H(•*taeie McMichael, a resident of the Mt.h cekices*inn of Merritt, linseed away at the I • of her mister, )111x. \Val. Kelly, on \Vednesday morning of Last week, hitting attained the patriarvhal age of ninety yeti 1-1. 1)1'- I eased wan holm in It'lnn,l, and crone to America about fifty yem•e ager, liv- ing in Buffalo, N. Y., until bleed six yenr4 agn, when she unloved to Mor- rie, w-hee *ie had resided ever since. Mims M>MI,-hael haul leen in filling health far NOME' II MP. 4111' is 14119vitrsl by one brother, who lite., in Ireland, and Mrn. Kelly, of Morrie. The de- ceased wan a memlwr.,f the ('hir•h of England. - A charming hole wedding wan re1711'1ttl on 15'edne'mday. February lath, at the residents. of Mr. end Mr.. Duncan Mel ntyr•, Kinllris when their third daughter, Mise Maletuet% was uuitell ill marriage to Robert Keith, hi the presence of one hundred and fifty guests. The eels"' al)y was performed by Rev. Mr. MacLennan, of Lucknow, the Iridal patty standing tinder All arch of evergreens 111141 r w., 'elle bride wale utleudtrl Iy' Miss Faulkner.; of 'Toronto, while John I). McKenzie supp.A•le1 the groom. Miss Jean Keith, niece of the grout. was the Hower -girl. Ur. and Mrs. Keith will take up their eeridence on the:eh C 4)Ilt'1•r,iOtl of Culross. Business Change in Clinton. Itis anuonnoed'tt Clinton that Th ta. Jaulksoml, sr., will shortly retire from bumtues4111111 that 55'. L. Galbraith hits purchased 1114 1411)•k and 4(18)11.1.111. NIr. Jackson has leen in the ordered 1,1441hing and lirnishing business in Clinton tar fifty -11'44 )'cat's. 11e is Mi•tenly-three years of age, Wedded in Toronto. A Intppy event (miltphtl1• in 1'>r- onlu un Wednesday, February 111)1, when John, 14. Duckett. of the 1st. Lille of Morris, was married to Miss Han- nah 55'. Barber. of \Vol,eley, Sask.. The rete •'w•1414 perfut•inel I1y !rev. it. S. E. Large. Mr. Duckett 114 uue it the 1141-11-111-110 awl pros Nlrour fatlueh of Morris, and his bride le a former resident of Lpgknul'. An Egmondville Wedding. • - A pretty wedding lu,lk phaco at the ho • of J. S don, 1•:g,nund'i(le, )1n Wednesday, Fehr1ary'2)at, when his only daughter. Edith May, was unites) in mai nage to Ede awl .1. 31n1e, 4 •� •l t by 1 ns 1 . t n• t er lu I .4ftth. 16 1 1,1'111441 by Rrt. N. Shaw ,in the plan• encs of only a few friends. Mr. and Jays. Mole left for a trip to eastern points sand on ,their rt.turtl will take up housekeeping in Myth. Wingham' Wedding. An interesting event took pine you Wednesday 11(111ng of last week at the reade.nce of Mr. and Nies. Ilu4(h 11 'Itoa. 55 ingheih, when lheit 1nnngest dtulghter, .....4141', l ecatlle the fn ids of 11 u*s'rl Arbuckle, son of \\'illiaw \rinckle, East 5Vewano4h. Rev. 1). ferric performed the mar- riage el're'ul.11y, `.1'll':h orass w.1t-- nestit4I by only the- reletive4 and im- mediate friend. et the bride and goo . The young eonide intend to take up their re14idene'• 1n Wlnrtite•4(. Death of Former Wingham Lady. A foriner well-known and highly resp i:eted reeidrht 4)) Winghun 'died in Grand Rapids. NIi(1),. on Saturday. I'ebrniry 17111, iu•the IN•11un of Eliza- beth Hughes, relict of the late Gee). Hughes. After• the death of her hus- 14u1d, deceased' left 1Vingh:rn fur Brand Rapids. where she resided with her 41(11, Fwet. (bights. Mors. Hu4(hee was for many years s 4)lrualN•r 4,f the Win4(1)1111 NlethudG1 church and had a large e:ircle of friend14. The body was brought to \\'inghsru for inter. iw•nt. A Crediton Weeding. The marriage. t.e.k plata. on Wed- nesday, Fedi:l eery 21141, of Nliss Minni,• 1{„ SPI -1/111.1 damp l:ter of Rev. J. \V. and Mrs. AndreWn, 4'leditum, and Wel. If. Mlrl'ormi -k, of Pieson. MA11- t1(ht. 1.111. cc1t tirok p lce at noon e• )'es • 1 •e 1 a 'large high n n in the presence t I f alar K 1 K number of guests and Wan performed by t he bride's father, assisted by Het. .5. 11. Going, of Exeter : Ret. (1. AV. .tndt•ews, of Centralia. I Rev: S. J. AIIin, of Parkhill. After their honey. moo)) trip Mt: and NIr•s. Mcl'ornlick will leave for their house in Pierson, Nail. Sherman at Montreal. Seaforth Sun : "I)r." A. W. Sher- man. who wee in Seafurth, London and Berlin recently. wad who prU- fe4seN to cure people by the laying on of hands, has lust left Nhent'eal after as yiry highly muccessful visit of five. weeks. 1.4011111y people flocked to he cured by his wondrous hands that after two -weeks he had to leave his IN matnhtrg-he)IIl4' a11141 we•nt to the this - Kell bone... 'There people ('4(11(141 by the hundreds. even f • Toronto find Ottawa. No miracles have been re parted except a probable' Miraculous nrreaM' in therloctor'4 bank account. probable Industry for Exeter. .5 gentleman who manufactures acetylene and gasoline engines and aututel )1114'14 sad installs acetylene or ga*oline plants for private partite 01• companies recentlyinterviewee) the Exeter town emitted relative, to uoly- inF his plant to that town. Hit prop - Mit tort avis 111111 the town mlrnttld lend him $t11I14) for ten years without in- terest, to he p:iid hawk in installna•nts of $I.isst as year. the first payment to be made et the beginning of th • sixth year. Ile agreed t1 put up his triton, whirl' he tallied at about $7,:1111, 114 sem er•It - for the loan. De said he would he able to employ from twelve to Hftt•n at, the start and would evenlmall;• incr•erase his force to fifty hands. rhe• 'ttu)rnobtles iuunlfnc- tur'd 1•ould lie much less in price than 1)41-41• of the same• pattern made in the Unilel States. 11 is proposition 1N 'wing considered by the Exeter council. .1ftt•r atfew yearn to t'alifurnia he re- turned aid settled on the 5111 conceN- ri44n of Stanley. About twenty years alio he rented his farm au(1 retired to Iirucrtk'Id, whew, he continued to live till hie death. Deceased WAN a elan of etinsietetoible intelligence, hottest and upright in hie dealings. aid was a highly. menettea member of the rune nlmnity. 1n politics 111' wax a lifelong Liberal, and a Presby 11.1•1Nt1 1,1 1•t•ligiou, Ile IN Nll1'1'11'ltl Icy 111m WIdUN',. (41'11 solus and two daughters. THE. WINTER EGG CROP. blow to greed sad Food N.as to So. ears Meat NualI*. Fall is the time to prepare for the winter egg+, but the real foundation for strong work Is iii the original breed- ing stock -in' uthrr words, the future generation of winter layers should came from stock that themselves us pullets did good haying In January, writes 31. K. Bayer In -lmerievn Agri- eulturist. The metkoll I employ is to use trap ul'sts and keep at record of all the pullets that lay lu January.. Those that do not lay Iu that Month are dis- carded 'from the breeding pea. The offspring from this malting is then used for the next year's winter work. For good winter laying P prefer pullets that do not drop their first eggs before Dec. 1. I have found that such birds hr Y. gi(14u us the Hest results at a season when egg.4 leuot:Klit die beet prieos. pullets• latched between April 1 and May 15, as a cult', lay well during De - reinter and January, prepar- ing el - • los Im )ortaut point In r ur The most 1l 1 ! 1 1 winter work is fib select the de - in or I t g sired pullets anti place them in We -winter. quarters. Fifteen pullets will do better than twenty-tlrejrrowded in the saute place: They should be placed in the regular 1101114/•4 before showing ane signs of laying. for to move pullets on the verge of laying is only to give Weal a setback. It will t '.:e dome time to become u• naltin,1 with the new piuir•tcrs. '1'hie houses dust be in r•rlulines4 before moving, es working about the note glee the bads scary and floes harm. The louses to which these pullets are removed ure built in the scratehi14 Kited order. The cur• tains are kept .up and the wladowa opera until from. It Is a mistake to put pull('[ in tightly built houses. Min11- ness 11 a great factor in winter egg product n, and It can only be occur(»I by nccus ruing the young birds to con- ditions am ear outdoors as posible. The food nitrogenous mous. yet we tie eorne-both -mash and crack grain lalxture, scratching shed is litter In which the so the pullets must food. Exercise is ' ery Importaut. Green cut bone is sup!.ed about twice a week and all the gr n food daily they will eat. This meth enables us to have our pullets lay we during the months of December. January and February. To a great extent it solves the winter egg problem. ten must lie more of a rder than the carbona- believe Iu feeding a lit- rnmeal iii the morning corn In the evening The floor of the otered heavily with rain is scattered, rk bard for their Darks ■a Egg Pr ll A (0111(st white' attracted mural at- tention from poultrymen was the Aus- tralian hen -duck laylug competition, uys' Feather, from which the picture For ever" build of aces there is a Semi -ready type SEMI -READY garments fit live men. Must clothing is built dummies, are built to measurement. But according to clothing makers' methods, a 4u-tuch breast is to supposed to beloug to a 6 -foot man, so where does Mr. Short Stout come off? The four extra inches on the tail of his coat slake hint ridiculous. You see, the old system was wrong - it could only fit normal men - the Semi -ready system of physique types will fit any figure. Of course, fit is an important thing to get so satisfactorily settled, but Setni• ready didn't stop there. Seuli - ready system of tailoring is different, too. Instead of employing a man simply because he is a tailor, we employ hila because he has proved himself an expert in one particular branch of the business, and keep Vitra doing nothing else but his specialty. 1f he 511 iu sleeves - best lie does nothing else in our tailorey ; if he is an expert on collars. that is his per- manent occupation while with us -and so on to every part - of our business.° Thus we get the moat perfect tailoring, there is. That is why you find style in all our garments, anti permanent shape. We have reached such a high in tailoring that we couldn't afford t0 use anything but the lest of materials, 511 we carefully test every thread of goods we buy -then we guarantee them with the knowledge that they can't an wrong. Perhaps you have never been in a Semi -ready Wardrobe! We would like to a .how you what it is like. .511 fit The Semi -ready ,system of is based en the permanent measurement -height. Once the figure is formed, height never changes, though the waist and breast lines may vary con- sidrrabl•. F..r each height we have every n t '1 in , n t n of figure - stout, alight, over -erect, sloping -shoulders, etc. - ..here are los variations altogether. -Here is an example : V>jlen a 5 -foot t-incli titan with a 4o -inch breast comes into one of our wardrobes, we produce suit for a 5 -foot 4 -inch man with a to-irich breast. The fit is invariably ilerfect. If the same man goes into an ordinary clothing store they take his breast M sizes Semi -ready Tailoring GODERICH - - - MCLEf N BROS., Agents .:r•.amrsvrs stn slur �' til"•tl(l•+e,� � �-= BUFF ORPINGTON DUCE. herewith shown was reproduced. Nine- teen pens of ducks compete! for We honors. This contest was for tw -Iv* months, closing the end of June. A new breed of ducks to us fa grown that country, called the Buff Orping ton du.ks. A pen of these produced the greatest number of eggs during the contest, having averaged over 200 eggs Reach in twelve months. The next In order to these are the Indian Runner ducks, which produced almost as many eggs as did the Buff Orpington*. Their Diamond Wedding. it is not given to many to celebrate their dim 1 wedding, but this fol. - Gine has fallen to ,thy. and Arra. George Dickson. of the 5th concession of M.•Killop, who. w ith a few friend,., relebr*ted the. sixtieth )nnive•relry of their marriage at them hiene on Mon- day, Feb •y 10th. Thie worthy temple were 'untried in RIxloroshir'. Rt'olland. on the filth of February, ISM. They 4aume to Canada in Irks, settling in McKillop on the nod home- stead when• they still reside. They have thus been tee'4'n414 cif the '.3(11)1 • t y • for over half a rrntury 111111 there to- gether sha'•esl life'.4 joys and morrows, and the tribulations. and tritnnplim of pioneer life. All the member.. 1(f the (Amity were 1 . • o celebrate faun t 1 lthe tl event, The children presented each of their raged and Ielovel parents with n 11x11(110(1111' and .'oltlflrtl ,le easy ,•hilt. Resides the inettitiere of the family who were p eeent, the pante• et the aged couple and his wife, Rev. 1). and Mrs, 4'ar14we11. well• the only invited' guests. Air. 11 1141 Mrs, Dickson ,us. stilt hale and 'hearty, and pike to "crack sa joke" with their neighbors and friends. Death of Stanley Township Pioneer. Another of the old pioneers of the township of 4t enlcy line g • the w4.y of all living, in the ppNe•rronof Valentine Diehl, bile of the village of Hrllelh'Id, but. formerly of Stanley, who died on elahbatlteve•ning. February lath, after pewee. Him,* of over n week, at the age of eightyy' three. Iheeea*ctl wnm as native of iM'.'Iuilt, Gerrnany, where he wee horn in the yllrlr luxe. At he age of hte):13.4hive he lett him natter co11nl.rf and emigrated to America, arriving in New fork in 1810. He went to elassaelneetts, where be w 'irked for it wear, and Dom came to Canada. In 14111, when the gold fever , wax riming. Ile went 14) California 4 where be bad it fair measure of success. Get. your salt• bills at The Signal. 730 oklef " D ' containing photo: of fead?ng The Hell "iano riN Crgy,•lrs Cc., t.ln.it ad's:merge sswelte Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce - Gum Used tactsAsivela in ono of Canada's lamella( Education - 01 Institutions O.0 Loreto. Guz:r'l. Unt. G•nttrs:y. • ' 1A11 yen. porn f,:e1;ser In Lnr.:y C. 11 ..2111 1,4', four rleiI P,rnOJ 14:11 -1:114 1a,nitaele Q.ie'r Rrxatina Action .1,nttrr In for Ivo 8e11 Plan/ a tread, it Nor i•Y a1,r0 1,rr'us I rnav t::•n n el the Ira; , . al -,1• n. O s . 8, Y Pa -404 41114t awe' 14 ,o./,n ...e LO.r.•ref 51(71.• a ''144) rhe Last: at L•, o T'rite urs jut Fran nu :ical col,t'ritkrs. :. C luetph. Ont. MINI star -=-•news Cures:, Ccnlighs GRAY'S SYI;UP, does that one thing. nn,l does it well. It' s no "cnn--all," but n CURE for al, throe t and lung troubles. GRAY'S SYRUP OP LED SPRUCE GUM stops t tie irrit sting tickle - takes away the sor:pens•-sa othe and heals the throat -and CU17} COUGHS to stay cured. None the less etre etive because it is pleasant to take, 25 tats. b *tie. 1' BISSELL 3 Drum Ste al Land Roller They Mand np :Orel of it. 11-1.14 net. News steel et I'I.aelas y elcehd T strong. Rohl by AV aamphl roller. None nano 'p1.t F:LL- . T. E. BISSELL 'Write for h Say To This Offer, Write to if91- u are ready totry q I t t o- I sone. Let us buy the font bottle for you. Let the product itself prove the good it can do. ' You who are waiting don't know what you miss. 1 There are le•m plenty to tell 1 pN ifou would y o d ask; for millions hnl•r, al- ready used it. Some use it to get well; some to keep well. Some to erre germ diseases; some as a tonic. You will 1158 it as they do, when you learn what the product doe*. And you will then regret that you delayed oolong. What Liquozone Is. The virtues of Liquozone are derived solely from gases. The formula le sent to each user. The process of making re- quires large apparatus, and from $ to 14 days' time. It is directed by chemists of the highest (less. The object is to so fix and combine the Rases as tocarry into the system a powerful tonic -germicide. Contact with Liquozone kills any form of disease germ, because germ* are of vegetable origin. Yet to the body I.iquo- 14one is not only harmless, hut helpful in the extreme. That is its main dis- tinction. Common germicides are poison when taken internally. That is why medicine has been en helplene in a germ disease. s Liquozone is cxhdareting, vi- talizing, purifying; yet no disease germ can exist in it. We purchased the Americen rights to Ugmssss Jeer thousands of tesla had "Yes PO net hard wor.t and lite arlitea tar /mase. 5 In all the drums inaghest and very stn. haus aI,eok as genuine witho et the Manufactured b)• , ELORA, ON1`e toll let '• 4 •es..!ai •,'� and See tbbe Good You Will been made with Its P°berh sdb 't. been 1 proved, again end again, In 468 moat dif- ficult germ diseases. Then we offered to supply the first bottle free in every di- sease that required it. And over ono million dollars have been spent to an- nounce end fulfill this offer. The result in that 11.000,000 bottles have been used, mostly in the pant two years. Today there are countless cur d ones, scatteeed everywhere, to tell whO Liquozone has done. liut so mine others need it that this offer is published atilt. In late years, sci- encehutraeed scores of diseases to germ attacks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show those nick ones -at our coat -what Liquozone can do. Where It Applies. These are the dinenses in which Liquo- zone has been most employed. in three it has earned its widest reputation. In all of these trouble* we supply the first bottle free. And in all -no matter how dif- ficult -we offer each user A two months' further teat without the risk of a penny. Asthma (talus -riot A "10.es-Aelllt014 Ones -ether O1net arnnrhltl5 nay rover Inalt.sr ninon Poison la Grillo. nnwH Trnuhleo Iltteorrh.a ( , i,', 1•nIM Malaris Vemale s rnnenmptlnn riles Owner' ronlaelnoa Mseese. Rheumatism *neer- rattier% Meeete-e7esine reaetmee ntsrrSss faun mica... Preforms t>•Mrag Tn1r•nlntu *41rwea- F.rrtlpel.. Tmmn,• rhea 1ss91a-•CML Mose Tbro.a Trooali Alan moat forms o Elmne/'I,Ithlee [Stomach •I'rnul4nt Fever. Inenmma1 coned bland ,.11611 In nrrvnn. 4.1,111 a0oomD t Ilahln rem nllowi CUM tis: Lion Trnnhlee women'. chase IMI M atarrh- Impure nr sob r 4n414atn a 4er111 RI tack ly 11.14)11410"14. sen 41 a 5111441999. Wts. utast sea PIMPLINE t't'Itl•:S PIMPLES Pilupline is a11w)1utely guat•unttel to cure thetimedcases of pimples And other such skin el se•aees that tarn be found. F1(ur or Hee applica1- have entirely cured 11111d (Nt4t•h 1111(1 we guar- antee • bottle a pie elite. 51o11y ieflialed if not satisfactory. To Whom It May Concern : I ti -,•d Pimpline and 'can highly recommend 1t. I was troubled ,with pimples and a skin disease for years. 1 lewd less than a ImItt1' of 1'impline and 1 1111 per- manently tamed ; there is nut A pimple on my face. It is A W Olhlll•rfill cure. Tuts. CutsloN, Guelph, Ont. Price 50 cents, postpaid J. E. BROWN & CO. GUELPH,, ONT. • ■ 50c. 1 Settle Free. It "011 need Liquozone, and have never tried it. please send us this coupon. Ws will then mail you nn order on a loci druggist for , s full-size bottle, and will ay the drug' r(( t ourselves for it. This our free 4(i ft, made to eonvinee you; t let the pw ala 't itself 'show you what it n do. 1 n tl voice to y'oureelf, please arc ,tit tot' May, for it places you under 110 0 tgatio ns w hatever. T.iquoznr a roc s 50e. and SI. CUT C MUT THIS COUPON 7111 It frit and melt It to Th. I iinusan* Com- 0041,1A- PI Woos. 1 ars, Cble.gn. MYR/ rotor le . t b es,. never M surf dy toe • gr; A A n 1 afro n,n ail 'Agnnrnne. Aut If yna w111 • tree 1 w111 take It. Mote that 1hte none ape Ally aluminise or iwgge staid *Grotto* bah se to I asst 141411. Vella nasals • peers 0.1? •slasa•leasases Build Up Now Lv;:'ttingInn Beef, Iron & Nine $1.00 bottle for 75c. Cod Liver Oil $1.00 bettle for 5k. Compound Syrup llypophos• phites $1.00 holl,e, 50c. i Any of these inelieiuel will put you in gleet Kh4pe tot, the spring. H. W. Thomson's DRUG STORE If you are in Need .,f urlytlling 111 the liu4e>11 Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil or Gasoline, call at PINI►EI1's. He keeps only the best and prices are right. Let hila figguure on your Plumbing, cleating _ and Tinsmithing. SATISFACTION (i - W. R. Pinder WI J. BROPIIEY & SON I -- - LI:ADINO-- • Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders cattail), .tlenord to at 111 hears, night or day eel iu-UN]RY BROS. Livery,Hack ---- - A N bl s .S tos e �Iserr�aea G001) ) I I0Ii4ES t',1141t1A(iE•S 411A E'1'ON4 •--:8 T e'., AT 1EA4ONAiI1,l RA :'ES - 1 Well- appoint ed Hacks and reli- able driver). in charge of the 'Tinsel, which will meet All train s and 1t can)h44 Atm 1 11 I e S 1',1,4 ATTENDED '1.1 I I;,,tl44) I,5' MOM H(yrF:l.'. GiINDRY BROS. al('Ttt 1411N'I' I 1.110N I.; F4)-1 =