HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 11. TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. THE SIGNAL TO 1st MARCH, '07, AND THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD FOR ONE YEAR, BOTH PAPERS FOR ONLY $1.00. Subscribe Now. Zhe kA%ouat, PFPTY•NINTB YKAIt-Na :1$) GOUEtt1tlH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MARCH 1, 191)6 ✓ —rte PRINTED ,STATION- ERY, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS, ETC. YOU CAN DEPEND ON GETTING A GOOD JOB OF PRINTING DON E AT THE SIGNAL BE- CAUSE WE DON'T DO ANY OTHER KIND. r. V ANATTEI1 & ROBERTSON, PL'si.Iellzns Financial 1 _r T ) LOAN CO.THE STA I DA l U) Ll) N \ makes a speciality of handling the doleaa4it$of ladies. We medially invite I:uliuN to Make this bink their headquarters while down lawn, and will appreciate an opportunity of initiating you into the lentils of keeping a checking account. Call or write for our little booklet entitled "SOME CAIXDINAL POINTS" THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZES UNTO ACCEPT DEPOSIT:ti. \V. L. 1 L ORTON, 9.1x. MER. notice r — II'1RAFtilsa; ,,EAS()N, Iul>tl,•-PER- VI SUNS wishing trees grafted for the cool Ing .arson In hies sir Monte) genu hate the aervieee of all experiennd grafter by 1e0 (o4, Meir orders at 7'bus. v hlcan . seed stare. Fast street. A Nal assortment of the leading varlet hos of apple, pear. plum and cherry ,,.lou• to stuck. WARNING. ANYONE FO 1 S1) tempo. -log or ferrying fire tirns on any pert of nor property will be arrested and {{,else ruled. ,Signed, F_ l • 4 E. 1 ATTRII.I. 4PECIAL NOTICE. SHAREHOLDERS Or THE YORK (yl'NTY LtrAN A\lbSAVINGS COMI•.t lt All pen.ons having claim. against the York ('(runty IAWII 01111 Kar 4414,. ( o,..p.nl)" R. holders of lenuaacll sit 1enu11tattng -tack of the said (•o!u{ru)• are required W (forward forthwith to the )1,lluld4l0r. Notional Trasl- 1 tang. 1.11nited Yd Klhg street Ewa. '101041(4. or to tau different dealers' bank. art lug ,,. eol*w'tin1( agents for the liquidator, their 1'0^• 110111. 4410` stark Pert lflrates in order that they may part i- e•itrte in the benefits of Ibc wlhAlug-up order. No furl her p, '0)f os etldcner of the claims of a shareholder than that eonlrinr.t in the 1s1. - books and °ertlfll•ates ree•ived by the liquid• ator will 11, el -quit -eft mole+, further 140(1. • M given 11' spelt .han•hnldrr. NKII. M, LY.tN• OlBrial Itefcre.. Iral,x1 th1• 31.1 d U' of Ja to ,tory. Int Juggle ANO TUNING. -MIL FIRED. A. - — I)Ibusy is. team, timer. of I4-rlio. export. to - teinOuderlrhintwuurthneweek. from date. NOtICE TO ADVERTISERS GODERICH MARKETS. t Irp•m %v. Staub ht. A +1,1 c floe lot of hmrtven fat cattle. fist by J ,hu 1lu.>lnv, of 1 'dlbot•oc, wort weighed at lbc ,kation on Sill 111410V 00141 weight I11..51)) pounds) and were sold W Mr. Smith, cattle buyer: front Clinton. for tlw English market. A shipment of Ira 1404(0.0144 11111411. 0111101111.Iy, the price being Ilk• letter thou lost week. Fall wheat. per bush, now '•lin 73 to n 73 Spring wheat, ler bush. new a 7:1 to 0 7;1 ltye, per bush - u 4'. to 0 45 Ilulk wheat. per bush ' itest Il•40 `o (4 a(.. per busts.. new Peas. ler bash ` 0 73 W 0 73 Harley. per bush .. ... .. _ , 1,1\41 to 0 11 Se•reuinus. ler ton Is filo to 1s al Flour, (mull/. perewt ' 't c•) to 2 :111 Flour, latent, per cwt 2 No to 2 art Henn. per ton 14110 10 111101 Shorts, per ton %11 Mr b, b) Irl H.o,)jer tun . .. ...... . e 31)) to \7 Ire %%Aad, ler cord - 110 to 41 44) Hutto, per lb. .. .. .. Into 4) r I'hos*. per Ib. ' u lY to 0 f2 F:ggs. fresh. per doe ... ....{,'11 1( 10 m 10 Potatoes et 13 to to 4, rattle, ordin'y to wed. peeert. 4 1.. 10 4 4n ('agile, expert, Ler cwt ... 1 Sar W'. 4 7:5 Hog..live Weight, per elrt'•.... _ r, 40 to Or at Srint0 Lariats ....5 01 to h.2111yy 8 110 to :17.5 ((am. per Ib . e 114 to- a 114 Huron. per Ib ...... .. n It to 0 18 Lard, per Ib ................. . 12i W121 Tallow. per lb e 11 e Ur els Hidpere., er ret .. lt,.) to -ill Sh,rpMkin. .. tin Turkey. , o to Uhiekous a .1., (Outside )nark. ,- .n. p;i;r t.• LOCAL 'TOPICS. June 1:441). There will he the Jutted "led into pneumonia, death t'I•tiuiing patent in the l'uited States tut. a, 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -MARCH I cheep rates, and es this' is one of the luta on Friday last. Like his wife t'opyholdcl•. t'AOf Ix•st and most enjoyable trips of the h. was x native of Ireluud,' but (gime Teedenitiv %vas Ash \Vtdnesday surd Hoole Study Course -Central 1(tt.11tel- • Huron Old Boys' Excursion. Neuvon, 11I1d ae 1he date fixed is at the to this country sortie sixty years or sit l v'. *i 00 w,•re held in St. heroge's +ted l'ollc08 Toronto 2 best time of the real• to visit the Cul• • ago, being Married here in 1Mil. \Ir. Flt. I•t(•*- * chu1Y•htw, ISaster this yeitl' Preserve Your Eyoeight--Taube & Son 1 • The Huron Old Boys of Toronto, lege, the excursitr11 will doubtless 1s)• ( amid ell at one time was un a farm• 0:1111('$ 011 Apt•il 15th. Huuw44ukl0 01 111ant1 1 -U. Millar Cu. have fixed Saturday, July 7611: it1) Nle very largely patronized. noel latero was proprietor of a hotel at 'rile "*000 i utl utllces, 1:+tst agger, TwuOroat Remain Day., -J. H. 1. olbortw date o[ their annual exculehm to. the Hob Ko}, sold was g the oldest 1 Now UeNxt. W. Arhv t1nlr'Son 2 old home count y. At the Police I -Our,. are at preNent inn Ntitte of confusion, Mun'. and Boy.' Spring l'lutbtug .t%Peal• residents of (i,llerirh. H. is wirvived tlaup d On F'ridx}' a young Hutu was i I' by +1 brother in the Mhttrs, and Ieov.O sitting Ul tar ch;ulgeN i« progmss. June Excursion to Guelph. rested fat' using {uufaue and abusive \1'1' preN the council u)041.*ug 1)- 1*,. Ines Ch,114Ke-(I. M. Elliott 1 ttvu children, Mans, Haley, of town, ` The Huron excursion -to the Ontal'i) Lupguagron the street. He was let go and \\'illia"1, of Harbor 1344411* M1I4I1 morrow will be held «p'4t*( r"• Thu U.Ii.g>ola.epr-S E. Hick, N Agricultural College and Model Farm un paying roosts. who was here fur the fuuentl, whirl' Remember the dcite of 'ramp. & Foston, Emote. Fence- C. C. Las... ,.,..,. ., i, at Uut 1ph has been fixed for Friday. , . 4)n Friday evening John N', Me- took place 4111 '1'«rstlny. Mr. 4'anlp- Sons visit to (;+Nlet•ich, Mild if y ' Piano Tuning -Prod. A. IA+w11. 1 Donald was the defentlaut in enaction Ia•il was a Protestant told the funeral eyes Ix)th0r you in any way make it a .toggle' Pup Lunt-Tlw Signal. ... I for as.auitbrought by GeorgeGulbett.-' t,t,t•t-it'es were cuudurttel bt• Ili.'., `N)int to consult than. At the Mittel' Aenuuneement- N. Dietrich & Son 1 _ -- --__ _ lie was fined *1 and costs. James A. Anderson. The pall 1,carelvl hotel on \Ve,hlt•slav, Thursday and Sample. White Underwear Hodat•ns tantew --ANTED. -- AN, EXPERIENCED C. P. R. Construction Notes. were Messrs. \\', Achetmi. 1', Me- Friday; Marvin i 1th, 15th and lath. 'i....).' Leaf Otocerv--Mt.Ewen aro, a 11 second k, h bust wages. Apply.at Kenzie, T. .1. \'idem• Noble, .1, Mr Our thanks guys due to Miss Itetlit ones at the BRITISH kXt'11A uK l i)TEL. A pile•drifet• k t been Ilut•tly ri11t('I Vicar e41111 1. Page. 4 Ioi' for u bunch of *nu0041(0ps re- ap on the bank this side of thy ricer (wive(' last Saturday. '1'he brute little LIEN \PANTF.U. -GOOD RE1.1- reparatory to driving piles along the A Native of the Orkney,. blossoms were picked from the garden 10l ABLE men In this district to represent How of the (', 1'. H., quite n "wither of In the dearth of our well-known nt' 1)t. \V. F. l'IMrk. Victoria in -dell 11.1 01111 0,•11 wire (encu to farmersi splendid ides toeing nite+uly on the round. seller. work during ',pare time or permanent- p K ground. townsman Jil1aPN l'1'a lggle, , \1'hh, Thirsk of it ! S shams ill Febr11aryl ly, Splendid opening fora hostler. Write for A few t4•st holes were recently sunk occurred last Salurha}•, +t figure iitade' l'oliu C:uuplN•11 guts at second Incu- srilruars to t u, l'AxAI)IAN F'ENC F: > 144. along the • hu:(ch to see where greet.' familiar by hie many year,; eonnec' ''u.. Ltd„ w'agdstas:k, Ohl. TWA 6 suitable for further cement work tin" tt ith the (1011 .end ice business is baton-luttched hru(NI sit chick+ out, U\' \\ .1NTFD- API'RtsNTICE TO could IN sutured. ret •t'd. Some four years ago Dir, getting 150 chicks out of 175 eggs. A A an of twenty-five or thiel eon- third 111'tNN' IN dile nett week and we learn printing. 14 or 1st years of age, fair gangy l'raibir gevr III) his. business and fat (erst.end MI r. 1. 1!)) x•I1 intends rnis- lduentluu. a treat opportunity for n bright throes at work with tido smaller stearal tin. 1,x01 few yeses had n1)4 Iw•.0 boy. Apply at 1* . - 14.. 0I. OFFICE. shovel ..which is now engaged mottle in Kotxl heilth. . Hr was out ,t ing about, a th•ntsitud altogether this lite miles east of Ilene.• week ago last Saturday . and t04)k a season. It is rt• orttel that there is u dint- ,•old, whish settle,' on his lungs. The 1)r. Macklin hats finished luting up rutty' with the l.. T. it. attend bring- funeral took 'dace on Tut -slay ager- the fold Bank of Mo"tn•xl fur nn oRlce. DU. NESS CHANGE. --I1 A \' 1 N (i ing the girders for the bridge 1)001 the 11q„11 10 Maitland c•entet•t•y. Hee A INtrtit' O('cupies the poNititin of 11 M. •Idtd 10 take a rlu'nge frwubudness for brand Trunk trucks. .James A. Anderson conducting tht•- the old c ►1,l•. nitd the vomit which n time, here sold out my bit -Messy.. Me Raven 84 1'. ICrs, The pill l•*44 (1 PIN were Col. ,)11 (v• stored MI much gold Dow makes Leaf tIr who will 111 future conduct. the Maple Married in Toronto. a tine dark ('00u► lot' MI, eyes, Leaf lIn •cry and l7hiva.Ha11. They are piling St. Johti s (•h1143. -F:est 1'orvnto, seas 1:oa)a+g, 1)1,. Nicholson, W. I►, 1'y.' , Olen of b fines,..,. that *4. •. u(K, good repaual1 (4? Capt. Lawson), l:. • Ib lw'lling 1(11d G. F. earn, rte. and arc:" the ion, Oat the good reputnuon of the seen. on Tuesday minting of the. IlInir• and the Maisons and Orangemen Col. la•ylwrn, of London, was in the store . ,1'u b1, nau11whwel. uu(Ightee of Miss Cath1011111,)? t Dean, attended in a INNI Dir, ('ntik el • was town bast Friday making an inspec- t la+.{e' for them a conlln,utnce of the 41 daughter of James) Dr114 of torso, to } I"eral µw nage U.:.[ 1 have received during K also a nleu11114r of the tions of Scotland. tion of horses for "Iiliuu•y- purposes the past rig Use year , E. O. Craw, ,if FAIL Toronto. The bride For the tea rcm4al•• or lb0st+ who have sic- but as many of the Members' of that and select(••.1 a scute of animals. Col. 1 wits in blue 111 Il; cloth. with bowie(0 were ('tresented in the other Young has chart of the selection of comas theIt .ell r, 1 will b1• tumid for the present while silk waist, ,old hat to match, I K K! at the old .w t. O. M. ELLIOTT. mid the bridesmaid. Mise Minnie Sim• lodges they did not attend in a body. n s' 'gal' II111111N•l'; tort}' +t11111111N being nh•rs, was similiirly' deposed. Frank The deceased was to native of the required.. Pratt, , of Belleville, brother of the Orkney INL•ulds but when it y g men W e are. pleased to• 1x1 nide to con- i'11I '4l:1t 1: your 1a I:SIG 11'I' groom, war first Ulan: After the came to this country. The following grutldate Albert (+"ey, son of our K year he 1('turntd to his native plate tow•n;lStn -O. F. Carey, on his recent TAL i E di SON eiturch service breakfast was e.rve`I and was ulnlri'.d, his bride's) maiden at the residence of the brides brother, wxrriage in Seattle, the •lousy of his lanur ('"tri„ uvtJ4iaiiil and Eye -mitt weepy coli le af- name also being (Jraigie, though there clinic. being a dins a ,lad) \Ir, sl ch i•a will b et rived in team The o ['1 S P were un ties of emisttn '1) 1)14.00 )1 ('are is now with the Delmer Wool - Y rived in town by the i tichN•k renin. )' •o THE H4(1I'I. H 1011.1.. INtUI-.L*4 ll' the same evening and a teception,was the f;unilitw, Returning t0 Canada lett CO. of Seattle. K Mr, and Mrs. 1'raigie• maul. Gtx'et'Ich given them at the 'lesiden :e of the• their 1 1 family of six surtivrN. After unloading at the Big 11111 the 'ee .s la utYxlnv, 1 4 tiln ., 11i•ides pnrenLN, where they xtY• mak- all of whorl were here for the funeral. steamers Turret Court and Turret \ h1 t }. T } in a week's Visit. Chief changed places, the batter now March 11th„1 th and Pith. K Thej are ALv. \V, A. I►once, of being in position for unloading. The ,rood will b& plcs.wt, to have all Ouse Macdonald Institute Scholarships. Mtnynty: James ('.. of Pittsburg,ulLd.: Airs,- being in and si 1• of the rade of the tna lITl with 1110 Kl'Tlv1 1'. F. The ftiIlow'itag lt•ttt•r to public school 0• \\ • :1ta+serf, of 1 and Turret Court have the and the S h;Il Intl 11:111 .1s11-1 + theft'. ied1inspectors ti.t hewn issued by the John, Alive x1)114'(1 Tile dt4 411.01i riiil i1,[ fitting out has stooled under Th, y hu. r brew csp, Ill h l 111 T„ t woe. it tueul6er of N nix rhumb, he tm.1111.•Ie7I.;11111111141+. Uta,141111 I)rputy1linist.rofF:dUIati"n: P tarenginrt•1''14NtItN`l'YIMI,ells jj puns).) 1 a.1•. have 1a. 1 -11111`.-nal; feta Ne hulouahips U) the value uL$i5- had belonged to the 'Masonic fraternity F.,. nnlll by them., alit ,for le teacher' and $,JI),111)• for ever Ninr4 curving to this country, and The five youths who were sent up Un • Udvudngc Ihl•y iia r oyer other- he woe one of the oldest, mentle114 of for trial k few w'ee'ks ago by a mag} iq- i- the fact that they gri d Ora own female teachers will 4. granted by the trate at M.xforth for distnfbiu public beets :111(1 by ,1' doing ,re1'ent ,any MHnist.r of F:dueaP tit, texcbe)s the Orange order. He Nests highly es- K 1 en 01, In the lrt4 n...d 11n. laku.1- p tf•e"ted, (specially i+tlly by those who heat worship at a Kinburtl church decider' If your 1y1s b Sher you in uu• w..+ holding'at genal second -elms ru1e8- P(" MP 1tlasso, you mow wear a. • nn' +iun,11 'certificates. There is also knew• him, He was one of n gamily of. not to wait fur the assizes and have fortabledutot negl.,•t this 0 ).n;:1.. wanted from the 'Macdonald rural nine, of whom only one brother, their case go IN•fore a jury, They Of hating your eyes Properly lotto -n.1..1 at - ....hoot fund rive rents {x•1, mil. for Neil ('raigic, of Edinbw•gh, Scotland, were brought to Utwlprirh this o- to. ing and bud (11(11 caw dis{prsed of by ThcuewFae•+rirOpahtyymom mascots• travelling expenses. The nature• Nurvivea. need til uoakb,k •all cxaua*q ,uo '1))410 pouP•se• 1• - •"eros 0n tllp 51.11 uI A Month in Jail, th. en1►nty judge, paying +t Hue of $.i ...........111 work ah ululely truant each and being hound over for a year LIprig, and io. It p Durr n {wriexl of The whiskey informer J. P. Harrison to keep the peace, th1Yr• lbs. It is desirable that the son. tell, Iden' )tell to hiacknlair the ' ditfefent portions of the Province I The O. T. R. bass introduced 41 new shall Ile re xrse•nted, and that, not otv.lrrietoit of the Hotel Bedford on [exUue that will lie aplirr'uatArl by 1 than i (encore should cn[u1 ueselay night of last Yvet•k. was sen- travellers to the cities. P.rsn"s going P:'I.II'ATlON TO PAIL1.1AM :N'I'. a-ou1 any conmt)'5 Kindly give thistcnce,l o" Tuesday Mow g lout t0 to Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa or [1 as h ubliritV as possible. and en- Doyle. days in jail by His 11 lodge Hamilton cMtl have (heir lmggugp '1'.0101 NOTh'F: that tan 1pptlaatioe w, be P 1 Doyle, As wits states! in • dolt i'Nue ,sleeked right to their destination in h e teach- o 'e r be: avails 1 t t v11 t th K hn tt K ) 1 Nl , f 1'IIt•Nltil 111 tt 11t•IllllllNrerll Il N'' c . •)sib ' of the f n - t R lg A t'UIII roll will t c lei/Watts5sse 1 } c' nd the railway welt 1) tJ.> 1 I int city x } "1'1 of onl+ari 1111 iL. opal +x•11 4)4 int I •t 14 ( 11)imply.1tt A1phcji't should l IN; it. it. >l4111 )01' woo In Woodstock this week. dof itst week in tie lex k -up, IN ittg sat t1, IUs delivery. Thi. will obviate Miss Mary Martin, of Cleveland, L sinning iint inter the Ihoop (or tar gnus della lel .b received +L' this `, (1(11 w•nL nut toter unable' to+, gel, III lat. at Lac the necessity of 41* ranging with iroes• relatives /u town, Untatfo Wee Shote Faasrir Ito wp' 1'nuqu, > ttpin Ih1 1 Il It YIf . atl'Lh: nod ton/obit/fit It to expropriate Whale,l. ben 4 hotels. The following wort g he 1,i f.1, cuuquuties for the delivery of bag.Vis lila \'anstonr, of Buffalo. N. \'., arrived Hoag Ix+Hers 1,y for it. ea«)saw.. and for •ill• Miami to Clinton. tt'here it appears his gage and will relieve travellers of eon- h Ltt Tuesday t1) wall lw+ her mother. of her xuunsluu ,t. to the pn.c+ors of the said A RISinR Young Minister. 111114. 4'nwl•auy as 11a • bedeune4 ncre•awre. The I)Akl:upl 11(1,1 Mes):enger of Holme 1s, Ina Prlprietur• Davis leyitlg 1(tl•t•:til. llr)tlbh• 1141(1 a0xti'y, Mf...\lire Ila,... of TMYn,tm, pent a week'. Ogled at Oioler •h this tit h day of debt• ary 1hfUlnnt' against Ilio. 4 instable holidays at the ala home on NeKg1(10 street. . Young and Mios rlrrnne} 1st wakes the following ref - 'W. IL. (iundr} followed hie and The toppling at the 'Ppnt{N•1vtt1(''' Alba lnsebronk returned on Mondor to CANF:Rus) ffi KILIdrR.lx. a puce to ,1. lyre Stewart, son of .lames Hnll last Sunday (Memento was of the Paris after a visit to her brblher, Conducttur •solicitor,, for Applicants. plowed hint u"dt•t• 11, 410' 'I'M. prelim- 5arfireNrk. F, pearl, of `roll sweet evangelistic tem •ranee. eluu•acter and "► \ .., .-. r r Stewart, i2 A .,r tt.._ Mary hearing of the calor took plarp on ..,,.s ..f unusual- iulers!sf_ M11,001•0. Ali. 0ba1N•1 Ker. of Clinton.ins,' few day: with Miss - has been splrtldAr 11111111.111i011 Will 1,1 made by the Huron & Co Ilie Seminary, preached two %IVY trate. who o therroilmking an.), meta him E. r. and Sid. Belcher and. Mrs. SHIM I,. .:11111C.011. p for trial, and. oti Tueedallast• the .. and Miss Laura Drew sang a guar- outoorio iteibtoy Conned ty lo the Parliament r.ge [1(.10 solemn's for the PresbyteretO miss Jean Johtistott. of the D. r._ I.. and her Of Colette at the next . ion thereof for an tette. Elsmillellt 711111 1011'4111 n41- brot h.q. Vlettor attended the wedding of MI. - county joidge disposed of t he lltse as 4...ems., wei, delivered by 11,.1,. Iv.... it Us a Whitley, of Irtingaimon. t ion by briving further am bliti 1 power to yowl moin, . posSibly twenty-four above mentioned. the man having ” Mr-. io. Staldart has returned from a visit of pletith•fi guilty. The Crown attorney Graham and Rev. Huson Wright. J. i -tie bonds t1.11.1 10 extend bronchi.. of woid yi.ars ,f mgt., n 4"anadisat by lett h. his ,4111111 week.. to (*Memel) AIM F1111011, Illo.. at the ort Perry to a point ton Iss : (Wore/ al or nativr• trovitice being Ontai io. tic 111,1 'lenge of the easy for t he prose- P. Brown ocetipied the rhair. Next bitter place v isit Mg her son, Ref . W. W. lsttel tie r 11 Witty tor 1 1.11a1.11. MO: 111111 0011011141 has Imo thee year's., work At 31,•Co cot ion and (I. F. Illeir acted for the tie- , Sunday ltev. (4. N. Hamm will deliver (11141. J01111 Inele, of Herriston. wits in town last toe smith through the nand es of 1111roll. ' •. las st Milliliter he Ilatl work for a the /Oliveto:, a mectitig at 4:15 pan. A. week vtfiting Hs 111111e. H. I. Strang. 11.A. Mill P.M 14111111t1111, ke111 11114 ....P% to the Iroise. l'he th•tails (of the ettn.y of :11r. Irvine is to civil togint.er and spent the t chteisli a the western ,i(1.• of the Mori kootes attteept. to extort Money MIMI itll ill% ital.” ' extended to y g front the propi•iistor of the Bedford men. - x. ihwehter, of Cott Henn.. Ale.. lifteehler /11.1. 1 0 1 Ill. following effect : liar- ' Fides,' there is a Minute. in the one youngest son, Charley, were In town lest A. D. (plant ies id a rising young minister. Ds ii called tip 31r. DaVis by tele- present plans of the artent•nt, the e,.ek,'Alr. lititeliler being here on bisineow hi pit o•teer. DUNCAN. Glt XT & Both his set. ions, Stotelay, were well connection with the sale of hi. farm near photte on the night in 4nestion and steamers 0.sifragt• and Minnie M. Shnopardlon. The lane consists of 123 acre. said that he haol jug been toubmeinted will not, be om the Owen riotind-S000 mod the price paid was $5,500. Wm. Bogie being • 10 111.1.01111 1.01114. 11, it U11110414 Iligal11141 1'011 1141 111.14 .... 1 . igsteuson. leds claimed he im it pleatsin conversationalist, and him for selling Minor after hours the that the company did not receive the pitrehaser. solid iti his con- 't•tions. Ile is ot. joke' Ooderich, but wholins a continental repute previous Saturday, and. ate ho• had /1. propel' 1011/11011 1.111111 1 Ile IPWell 140111111 lion ILA the former manager of the Point Farm. moll with the (invert ett outdo stomol- shipper% although they inoult• that was in town on Fridny last. Mr. Wright Is ail Oakland Very in eii. He was enter- . olshtione printer. having served an apprentice- Wileon." in wit It t he offirial, t list be would have port their teustern terminus. The emonected with The Monies Weeder. At isis ship in the old country. and being for a time ford and talk the inattet* over. De /similar comploont that freight is eltipped via the Collingwood boats in prt•ference to the etemiters making fooloo..111111110111 ivsort he entertained men anti w ..... eto of higli degree from all parts of the world, including fa s American general. A Change for Geo. Morris. wrotthl .10 the right thing. The pro, pt•it tor invited him to e to the Bell- AucrION SALE OF F.11131. Mr. s. it. MacMatio hots insole -trot ne• 1, and politicians. Ile -till wields a facile pct.: .ell his let•tii. lot lit concestion I. Owlet 1, I. The, Guelph Herald of Tuesday had cottne and stated to the proprietor that. Owen Sollnil their headquarter.. The 01111 11111 write a most interesting .tory. though the, folloWing interest reference tat a he bought a 50 -cent fiitek mei that, a steamer King Edward will cover the 10,V1114111/. 011 he has penned his threescore )(Inns end ten Wednenday, Mooed' ith. IMO, former\Colborne towns ip boy : man named Stewart Wan With Mtn. Toledo -Soto route agotin this hummer. nt the hour tif 2 °Cheek. The sale mitt 111` (it'll. th NI Orl'IM 111114 11 1)11/14.11 Of 11i11 and Geo they would liavt• to give evi- Infornettion an to the new route of limit. held on the property. IlardWare Mistiness on 1 WP1. 11'ytol- denee to thim r ffect. - I would joist all the tholifrage and Minnie 31. is 1114 W111011 i. a prosperous town, anti where The Lorin 1. H1-0 mile* from flotierich. barn street to McMillan as.. of Tot- soon give yon $4111 71S the magistrate COHN. -Have 1,000 bushels (of good there 1,, n good toeal market and Rho (twill- onto. The deal WI1S 1 II1 O•ol today. $2o," paid the loroprietor. The info win- . American corn for sale. N. Di uTiticit ' CHURCH NOTES. lie. fer the +hipping of farm maim, hut the new roprietors wi not Mkt. er said that woo. hist e WI. 'rh,. possession tint June 1st. 41 ie. rt.tite. proprietor then Vold the informer he & St tN. , or le,at. The soil I. a clay loam. -awaking of WA NTEI).--.10 metes eggs and a tom il no 11a wtiele. W1111 Da, 01011141011 011' 0 silent tot Mr. 31( age %volt 001./t 011 Mg.!) would have to give an agreeititeit of The Presbytery of Huron will ineet at (7Iinton on l'tiestlay next. of butter Week1V. also t.ttw flues and lighter grade along the front where the protection. which was dotie AM 110110WM: bonding, 01111 1110 014.111it'd III,. regret oiniongsVhis lerge im doer of " I, J.. P. 1.1:Liaison, guarantee that no' At the regular meeting of the There i- n tern 50 x 31 feet anti a bay loft Petrone and feielola ill tide eit •• 1 le about Mt feel toter with a good birth post. Ilam lomat iti businees ht•re for . t•ven- ertion will be takt•n ageinst Mr. Davis. quarterly board of Nile circuit 'tee. Witighaita. The hoist, is 01 x 30 feet with a tir.t.t•lt,s.. teen year., during Which time It has of the Hotel Bedford, lot. violating tht• J• C. 1{1'111 WWI 111111111.11011Sly invito•d to Tottibe & Son Inte the new eltoctrie cellar 01111 1111. been made over front top to imilt up a large and timid miteci. ful opthalmornet [stricture in making all .. Reid has accepted mithject to 'the rte - bot tom onIN• a short tam. ago. Theo. are about Dere act,. ender tenth.. Ili,„, dealings haVe always I en 1 ..... malt being 11110."-dStigneolo --J. .1 nexamittatione. At tlw lit•itish hotel on orrhard, toonoly held A tirter fruit. There fair end aboveboard. which fact Is W 'II Ifittrinoll. " This' iS mit teiBleient.” Lion of the stationing eon 'ttee. Wielnt• ay, Thursday and Friday, is in 0111110011 tO this a Mimi on•lintd of attested by the high regard in whic said Mr. Davie. • *. In Cane 1 give yott On Sunday morning lest the North March h. 15th and Illth. some fifteen or eighteen trees. There is n 1111, Mere of hush covering he is helot by tlu• other merchants I *III and Stewart comes along and holds Memo Methodist o•cmgregation heard . about three and ono -half acres tof lore, AUCTION SALES. , this city. As a citizen lie has heen 1111P 111P Ilp fitt $1(1 inot.e and a -liturgy is a mplentlid sermon f Rev. J. C. rock rho. 11r those who hat ve 'been alway's active id before the tuagisttate, what. pro- Iteid, of -Nile. and the young men will There is a pewit -dile well that ',mob'. - in the itatt•ro•sts of the city, and should Hat- lko v;e1comed on atny future occasion. Twat-otos% Mew, et. Auction sale of farm stork sit lot Mock E, Ctilborne tone mile front t ction beet. I got front you. ?" vritig water. tile, A .1.41 -water ci.t MIL he remove front here hie loioto will be rt m said he womld SWPar that he did In the evening net,. IL Nott occupied saltfordi. .... ...... eneing nt I o'clock. Gyouto. not Mtge queutity of tine t..sinr reusing. The place is fairlY well leneed RIO 11A." ,n, keeely felt. Mr. Mot.rie has toot inside no gt•t any liquor. '. W ill you put the pulpit with him timed ability. l'he it is within one-half 1.11110 of thatetioir.i. up his mind am thins future platy:, Ile t hi. in writing?" outked Mr. I tavis. pastor woe at Sat•eia for the (lay. and school. Mill retains the Otielph Cartage -Co. mi : . Me le did, am folloWS : " That I /t1811 MON11.1 V. Af.tr,,h 51h. Ch•aring auction sale The sale Will he held on the Mon w It It I Le The seteratnetit of t he LOINI'll Slipper of carotene* tenanted at 1:30 o'clock at lot sole 010141 111 view of giving haentli our pm and the liteelph Ice Co. elate at to my knowledge, directly or will bt• dimpensed at the morning MVP- 3. 0011Pe..11111 1. W. If, A field. one•tmlf mile Monsen. a cher hsight. indirec ly. Mr. Davie lute tievt•r noold Triter,: Ten Per cent. of the purelete• A Business Change. viet. next Sebbatli in Knox church. north of Port Albert. it eke, Srevekoos. pro. prieter. Time. III emir. atationeer. liquor tiring prohibited hours, and Tht•serviee preperntory to them...lotion money to be paid On date of wile and the FH11/ 1 V. March 91 h. • Auction wile of form An entiouncentetot which ' wee hat I ati prepared too motto. an ant- t•eceived with considerable Surprise will be held on Friday everdn't itt ti stotar. implerionots and honwhOld furniture, nt s. It. NirMATII. THOS. DUNDIt 1', hy many in town woo; thiat of the sale woveltittAt'o:il vb(slio ontr:e.olitialtlitr•Ivi•fillie:o1;to'eitlioltenill i).chrki't wshvn fityiev:. I). W :11S. .7"11:1. - Situations vacant Notice 11. RIO ADAMS Teat HEN CO l'iaso Co of Changb of tsunn.ng advertise- nts must he left at this office by • \u, Mork. Moaned tn•al l l n'o in Honk ofinsertion t I t ensure St d M dot noono Y ue of same week. f11• \\'. \\ 1L{.MUTr HI►N011ti1'ER - 11 TIF-IC.%T1: Trin0ty ('ollrg^. Lom.. r hog,,. 0110111.1 and duoirielasles ill Ka•.` Zost or Found rhunrh, halerirb. teacher of planamire singing, 1 hemy 11111 hanrwny. .e11 oder el Nit-. = - \ Melkmal'e..bt. lets id's streets ten door+ wf•-' I 11 1. 1l\ . 1 \ 1, Y. FEI1I(1'ARY of t'Ivluri* sta3.•ul ,-hnn-h. ;.4-:1,1 ) _ ,1: . ,, i ,, , . .r i,• ,.I 1 ,•41114' 4 1(1, -d.Irk 4,uel w1n4,•. 1.01 Howard. Info, motion mac---- -- -- -- - I left at TIIF: SIr1 N.4. nm1e. Estat • for ale. • real to a i►HA\V11(. AND 1 AIN'1'IN(: I N --__ 11 ell. ANO 55'ATF:i: l l)Lr17t Til 1: ►nF:uu'H :Al. ESTATE 1'rltate tuitinlnAnd elnee-. I L .1N It IN SI itA1.)F: A :M.N. 'l/. F. H AROIT"1',l :11nbria I:a I Pmt star. 1)b 0 ) nil i , . %-.lar - brick rind cement 11 w Iwcll I g ,w ) l . r 1.' 1 h,1, .c' r 1 ul l I Large .table. 1'1 Int+. F' dY situated on K..U, sInst, Stun, n snot . 1) flame:tool s1 .l welling, n (Eli new.. 81.:+n. Situated on Soot 1 unset. 1 Int .ant table, sllla.lrl on Light hon • dn•et ' S -.ton M store. lakcr'. oven nm -photo- eph goo •n. Situated 00 M,dn trect. 14bth. 01..4 Hone, tete fol ant .tole on Lighthouse +l •1. , h11'g,• 110)1)1.. Irl a re Non. Finery sit ed. tilled buildle Fruit, 1iw11 sit ppl) of ler. 2 miles from town. 54,114). 2 one 'marl er acne Iota near li:'T. • station. 1)-St0rY room• house. a 110)111., - tat+d on .1'1,ton street. near Collegiate Witte. 4{1 74 .5 otto', of land nn batik or lake. 11.41,4 Iola' . I Mood, line +i W at ion for market icatden. >1.'d Money to hen..5 per 4111*. C.% R 1:0, II A M LI N -K. 14nnk of Commerce Bldg, l ' Pia Arts Dentistry — -- I E. SAL) . LD.tk. MIAS. MclA a n's Block lir. Turnbull'. old +t.oid.4 Medical ItM>MMF:R,w)N k Tl'l1 111 LI. A. T.Kwwok'."4.M,II• W.11. Tcwort 1,.I_ M. H. IrSt. Hwmll l)fl'* ,/ret. '1'1 • per. Itc•ldcuce 'phone 1.1. 1)R. A. 1. MA('KI.IN, M. 13. PH5 -N 1 AN ANP S*'I4UEO' Special aft tion to F:)v. Eat. Nus,: 01111 Thr.,h °Me• tut nwl erose, nkl Henkel( Mon real. oneo'•Ite wtoM.e, West .1.. limier:eh. Telephoto c No, Ir►_ IIOI'SF: AND 1.01' FOR SALE. -A 11 1 gaol frame .tory and a haft dwelling. quarter of nn titre of and, 14(4011*(', good well. 1•,w -e -•4n11111. 1s)• 4R(411111 1111V time. Arad) to MRS. ALEX ANDER 111RAK, Kintail. :oaf LLI3A01T. REMIIIF:NPE AN!) H:\LF- 1• ACRE LOT POI: 14.1LE.--weigh •fruuc (able. The garden 1. 0110 of the beast 1n the IIAMERON & KI .1 )RA N. HAIL- df-trk•t for the growing of small fruit.. ►br 1 RIMTKI3.4, solldton, n osteo, 01), OMe°, term+ rind conditions apply to w'J1. terrrs. Hamilton St.. third doer from, • 10are, Uodcrl,h. Salt fond. 7S*( Ont. M. G. CAMERON, K. J. 1.. KiI.• LORAN. I N RXCEI.LEN'I' F A It 3i F- O R i' \1:1:.-21111 rlres ll West Wew•nmwh.1 wo A. ROul)Foo'r. BAYS & H1.A1 R. miles (roost .5ululrll :.0I1 a lily loal.l, about lie ban -totem, .oWritor, notaries') b1i. 'poo •- 411,1+l'umler .0*11vntion 01`14 :r, to r) ern•. Square. Londe e exxt door 1 . A, rt8alrn', 1,010 . Pei 00* 1* 1„1side timber. 'lt' teellieg n goodrrbare 4U Stmt nn d alefut vale funt.tolend at Irw)st twtrs of in rest, dril int( bed. Appl>'lu, '1 )l'NU & RUNRICT- W. PRUCOF(N)T. 0. 1'. R. t'. HAYS. F SON, (ioderirh. . .4LAIIt. 11101'MES FOR SALE. D ANCEY, iter, n UH E„ BA1 I1 1/ &MICR. elicitor, notary. epeeist ntleth 1 have for sale Macre! new houses, Olteh'Cnn- tion g1Yen to Marine Court work. Mono)' to (nine halt parlor, di8400 room. kitchen. own. (Mice : North Sl. end Square, (Ioderlch. i ry, , as ^sl '. three good extending u and closet. ' 0. JOIINMTON. BARRISTER, who , house. ▪ • solicitor, rmmna•wlonor, ate. Money to The • houses have all leen recently flnl.hed own, oMce, corner Hamilton and St. Andrew',, and IN1 haen will find thorn thoroughly .at is- min. Uoderlch, 0111, - Parlor} If Ymi w a tonanl you should COMP amt .a,• Di('KiNMON k ()ARROW, BAR- 'nn it tech per to buy It bonne than to lag rent. KI1TKRS, attorneys, solicitor., etc., 61 If J. T. OULHTHORPF. (IoeleriK I Money to Iced at lowest rates. E. Y0L-NU k OBERTSON, REAL L. DICKINSON. CHARLES UARItuN', LL. N, *tate and 1 umme Agent.. Ileal ee- J1*. WARD, ('ON V EYANCER, tate for 'tele or to le Properties handled In • etc., and commissioner for takhig tied any part of the town mi county. Fire and reeel%ing rev o4(nlranees of 1a11, affidavits life nsnrance. money to stn, etc. or aMrtnations, depositions or soletnn declare- --- tIons In or concerning any soon stilt or pro. PROPXR71F.)5. F. ' S.t1.L, eeeding in the High l mart of .t n.ti/•e, the ('oirt of Appeal for Ontario, or In any ('mmita A roinfnrtable frmno dwelling .n Essex st net. cr Division Court. .411 tr nsaet10ns carefully . with modern convenlenle.. A stable and and prompptly executed. Residence wad P.O. drivt0g hoose. - addrean-L)itngennon 'Jit. A roulette! us Inoue dwelling n South and 1.0•Wn +t tan with stable. 12c. \ franc dive! on Keay'. street. 'shut lots on eve strict. on ►ice street. a on Montreal .,ret, on Britannia road. J0HN W. (%RAiGIE, i,iFE, FiRE. on Room,, yawl. ant ('arae street. Fara.. to'.. mfloe front ('snow•. O” acre., .n r and accident Insnranre. Agent for leadingMr buildings. good waiter supply, orehnhi motile] and stock companies. Insnranre In an and timber lot. lines effected on best piens and at lowest rates. 1'artn In West w'awann-h, within three miles of Ca11 tit nfllro, corner West Street and mum*, Auburn. 110 melte. liuod buildings Mal or addrew. J. W. ('RAIUIF:, Utxlerich, Ont. water. ,r fele .hone 24 Farm in I eiborne. Joke Wry. four ndle. front Oodcrich. Pnat•1e.. McK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE 15• Farm ou Mayfield teed. four mites from (lode- S ti R A N (' F, (' O. -Farm and isolated rich. I weeps. town property 404(11eA. Talon of pmpert)- hr Farm nn Huron mad. one mile from laxlerkh, aired up to Jen. ISM, over ,nt(iin, °Steers M) nem., and director,.: -J. 11, McLean. .: T. Fnw•r, F'.,r further Inforn anon *PAY te Jas. Connolly. lis Dale. Mr. ('ams- Y4) .NO R I0)RKRTMI/N, 'gt•pe ileal 0.tale and Insurance Mem., (Ndert^h, ' Hey, J. Wort, Jar. Evans, J.0. Grieve, J. Benne. l)Mres : Next door to ilell Telephone lMlce, wets, directors : T. 0. Heys, Seaton h, eeeretary- the Ynunrr. Roderick. trtmurer • Inspe(lop., neaten. director to loss, J W. leo, Holtnesvilla, agent. for West Mime. Policy -holden c apn[app1 any r eesemente and get their carte reeeIp ed twro (lCnets. Clinton.sr00M el can Hrda r insurance, Loans, etc. Public Notice Huron ronin. Ther,• Wan a fair at- tendance 1 those who were present had un enjoyal.le• preening, The two_ grain included instrumental numtwn+ by A. Hoy Adams and Mitis Mc- Lachlan, 11 reading by E. Downigg, recitations by 51un 13evu1 and M14w Hose Aitken, a song by Miss Mario' Aitken, a quartette ley Misses Allifl lord Cousins and Messrs. Belcher and Shaw. phonograph selections by Mrs. \ F. Elliott, and addresses by Rev. J. 1'. \\ Reid, of Nile, and Itev. G. 5. Hazen. H. 1. Morrish discharged 1111' thitles of \ shad emua" in a very capable "Manner. .\.1. the conclusion of the• program re- f rest 'sits were served. (convey• ante from the court house was furuishwl for those who attendee', rigs being kindly provided by Gundry Bros. and horses by Messrs. Benet/Ill told l'ut•ry. THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. 'l'he Premiere and the ex -Premier croseel swords lout week 11) the debatt• on the addi•etis in reply to the speech front the throne. Mr. Ross chinned that the favorable position of the Province was due to the thit•ty y'CNre of Liberal +ulminist•+ttion, and criti- cized severely tit• present Govern' iil,'Iit'*4 contYse• in respect to dirtlli,(44118 front ()Mee. 11 r. Whitney spoke vigor- ously in reply. The Legislature markets time for the remainder of the week after the clime of the debate on the address. simply performing routine leleine4p. This w'M•k it In getting to work, and the first of the (4nverntnent bills fort. - shadowed in the' *teach front the th one has IN•en introduced. This i4 +t hill t.4) change the name of the 1)e- p(u•t"1t•nt of Londe and Mines to the Department of Lands, Forests anti Mines, and to protide for an addi- tional Deputy 41iiister. The deputies will be knowlt as the 10'tpity Minister of Lands and Fot:ttte+tn(1 the Deputy Minister of Mines, respectively. The forntt•r will be Aubrey White, deputy of the 1)epaituu'nt:us now constituted, and the Latter T. W. Gibson, the {{new•nt director of the Bureau of Mines. PERSONAL MENTION. Auotioneenng f'IIOMAM ()UNDitY. I.1VE STO(*K J.. and general wnctloneer, has removed fmm Hamilton street to new offices on South Street, where he will lie found at all Umes when not. crying metes. Terns reae,ll)Nhle and ever e( - ort used tAhOl1. 70n M1.lefectlon 'Phone . if1F:OROS BECKETT, (:1;NFRA1, 413 auctioneer. oral Hnmlhon.I re, t• Ooder1h. F'. co. en, ma 511 sales will rendre special attention. t will boy veer entire slotk of houwheld good. for re-h.and will *Ml you stoves, fit err. marl c.c..spr1ngs. Me.. cheep ('ell awl see what we ten do for ynn.tu this line. GEORGE I1ICCKETT. cariosity Mase, eisdsrleb. I('Olt SALE. --F'01'It TOWN LOIN 1' on14ayn^Idrept.,00thM Mi'(j espl.ttilts sort's property. Apply to O. W. TIIONI-S )N t SON. Xl-tf. LIARM FOR MALE -FIFTY A('RE...4, f being north half of the °a.t half of lot No. 11,mni%ee. on 4, A.hfl014; two mile. west of lhmgannm,. (food building.. two neer+ orrhanl: well nnderdralned: all ^Ind• loam. For particular. apply to (1001100 )(AMRR's, Uoderlch, Ont. Auction Sales Proprietor. _ -- A ekt it ewer. the new nu•n11N•t•M will be received ►rmlrru,nr, Tilos. sit !MM. sine( fencer. 7, '. to MIaF;seen Hots., the 'newl>rnpriPtni'. - •• - - Harrison. and combo dirtrihntrl to inu•tttlln :4t'rrnn.tV, :Botch lot h. -Auction sole of it N'tPII111111g titmice this 'ping. Dh'• L CAL °PIGS .N BRIEF. g comfortable II MOM. 2 -story dwelling and two F;1ltntt h1141 been in business in Geode. __ _ a)wmunirar.ts. The collection will jMs,n„+r.rlfU)n4r ou'l,, also 1 s,•hoId tocol• be on IN'Iptlf of the poor, tore, etc.. at the pmmlw•+. Smnh 'loom, re rich for the plot eighteen 0qeat•r and Picture hlon,ng at I. nrtistlr and that 1. mewing at 1 o'clock .heart/. Howe r. S. \('ow Netioe to Creditors hn'tbuilt np n splendid resole hyo hie t,'•'t1rhlcg•1 nr 1.1 he had at Wilmer St„I)h's; ArtYtngpmont4a1,(+ being cowpplt•ttrl \y7,e.. proprietor. Tint, I,,'.IPR)',minthewer. honest denting and r •terns treat- atsnheadgna ten f0 ,Phn*olertng,thccgmfal01 for• the opening of the new North Mq,a11A1'. 04inh ISth. Sn11 of farm stork r K any work dun wtret•t Methodist rhumb on the 1seal implements end houw•hnld tnrnttnn•. the et - Al 1► OTICE 1'O C13F:DITOI FI, tnc•nt of curt fag, A g the told'' TheUcdrrich a•kry 1'y. nrr, winner., Hood itt41L, warn Iit•v. Ur. l'+tt"Mtn, general ertY of lirnrpe ILC ., tit lir Send a IM, 7 M.tT'rKt kr F' THF: F'STATF: OF. he war looked upon as true of the .n raf* the .1)l h, we rnlRlr garments that. ,»nres.lon e, Underfelt tnwn.hbe, commencing IN TBE t 4.'o"e Pmldhmn Or to iln eery}• dnr, M,xle- RtIp('t•init•tplent of the ('lnadia" Mrll(' oil 1 Welts k. K/ -r.lbinIt man lr0 dl+ asst o N NF;S 4"41NOF:ItynN, 1..5TK OF THE fairer of temtpetitore4 Mr, Elliott ,,,l1, rhatxe•., tamp d w 1 hl TU5`'NOFIiOI►F;ItICfI, INTtIR('UI'NT\' iv teal n1' ,at('ll tnnulke+ any annnu)),.r. pg), gnats wmk- ,Mint body, will 1)110cate the new a• Mr. Cox has o•nted the farm. THOMAS °F Ituitox, OucteaeKO. 1 1 nan.hlp. will me • the •roots march forth edifice. On lir (allowing Monday NCsnwv, auctioneer. _ llleul al. present ,M LU is intentions cagey flay In 'lar:b, f m t fled tollwthlMy- TrrsoAV.'March I1th.".Anction 'sale M (noon --- far the (More. iso 1 the etatenu,n( nest. evening a grand moppet. and concert NO414, that heathy given pursuant to It, S. O, Y ta•k nhd implements. w. 101 Oto roi 1 o'* 1, reap Ilk, that all creditor• and other. having that; he iv not. leaving Gowlerirh, lee -cutting at the 'end of the will In• given under the anspires of the F:a.l w'aw•nna+h; roefl>neelrinR at I oela k (41l,)1,111)0 4g111n+t the estate of the said Agnes Which will Ire welcome Hens lo the h+uMrrwtartrrl ye•wtrfM,ly. Ladies' .>A1 Society. I't1I'Lhe*' 7111• beep. Fl. J. NfU11Tx1A.f, pmnNetor, Wr•t ltendenon. who dial on the *nth 110V of Feb nolle et•tnetlt will be made liter on. nelft. Tuna, tit nnwr electioneer, rnary, w1,( are rrgair.sl on or before the lath tow nepte Ides '$'hi' new firm in charge 'rhl e Huron county lwsi w for the da • of Mar, -h, 1111114, ..,,end by post prepaid or of the Maple Leaf Grocery and !'hint heating of jury raeex nail' onm011C1• The Epworth IweaRur welvicr at - _- BORN. --- deliver to M.'.'.rh. lekin o n dnDarrow. in 4- of tt the Hall are young inen of 'moth end.. top Tuesday, March 1:4l.h, Vh-bo'bt Pte et. 'lethrxllPt Omni) next of ener t The members of the Hoon nil' !' h 1'4)Pwday will N. trf wring intcrPwt, TIIOM4UN. - la (iaicrk+h, on* F'nllrmity lath. to of tM'eslsir of tar Bald dn•cltmd, thrix ('bels- R.'• Ves4.4. 1 w'iM Axl Welt111" ny and M1. and Mn. Howard W. Thmn+on a 11411 end lnrn•ime,, odd resat,. .and descriptions, 13, A, McEwen, who (•antra from Ml. taking the form of 11 gl”( ''L e Plrx•tl- daughter, the fedi port hiders of their 11111111+.:1411 .tat^- George, lint_, and W. 1'. D1rRtven, lir IMginning of tar Ie•ntell rleawon' tion. Severe' pioNilgrw of Scripture MARRIED. men, of their account. mood the nattier of the F.a.ter COIIIP41 Ott April li)lh. securities. If any held by throe. who for the loser two vents lute been have been selected, one of which iv to ()WEN- M. !MANI.-,U the manse, (ialerlrh. And further take nnUer that after *he last w0slreutt(rl with hie brother. .1..1: Mt•• Thr next tnnrnanu•nt of tar Harem Iwo trrited h • each room oetitnt•. F' • on 5vrdneslay. Fefirunr)' :anti. hY Iter. Jas. mentioned date the sold executors will promed l Ewen, in Ihr gnNery huwinera in U,xlr Kifif-hPaqup will he held 4t. the Uewle' )riles me offered and the ju(Ige'e are A. Anderson. N, A serried Hntee Owen to dlslr)bnte the eascts of rho' dceeawd amongt•Ich. (rich range the of May. to Robin(' tato McAdam, troth of the town• R } I:.'roup, A. 11. 1)ntiwn+. end. 1V. 11. r the partly, entitled *heron. having regardIWhip of A+hfic d. >Earnage Lleenses only (0 the claims of which they shall then .1. i''. tete e, rnretakt'r of the l'e'nt calf ItlIN•t•tMn11. Thr we4tin will iee held DIEQ, - --_.. --- ---- -- - ---- Nor notice. end Llat the »eh' executors w11* Another Old Resident Gone, ,,o'hto,I, haw been Incapacitated by lt. in the body of the rhur'F1 ootid eevrt•nl note llebic for the said asst. 0? any wart ('ItAI01►:i-{n James it on Saturday, Feb WALTER E. KELL.. thereof to nnv',0nm, or 4)44.00. of wt,me At the tine of the death of Mts. i neer for aeveritl days this week, but is' Innwical numbet.v will h+ included in nary :4t h. Jamesitrmeie.need Inyears and OUi► :RICI{. °x 1'. ektimsnotlge.ha I not hate been, rr,+e'I.esl I., George Campbell wore six weeks ago 1 naw on the mind. the ptogta"1, t months. Watchmaker.Mnwr1)4" 1d clni"l inn. *boon IFatfN? Ili time of FrhrmUiet yl.11nr,. we little e•xlN+ct.ed Mf towns to he celled 1 In it list Af {mtA'nlres t' really pith On Mon(Iay ('vening a ancial unde•f t AMprR►:LL.-in Otxlerietw nn Friday. 1.4. upon t.. , hrnnidP the death of her I lishwl we notice• 1 he noun of (lime. V. t•h(, ane n,•t w of r hr I: 'worth LP Ile nt story 114) 4)el. George Campbell. aged 73 ye4r•. Ob('KINSON k O,t1CROw'. I • " ( M( Ni‘ hROO. .\I S4uh St°. Marge. Dial., Al"! W f ANi&, ISSUER OF MAI;RI• Solicitor, for Peter A. MoTa1I.h and 11g,Y1 partner. MI. Ilam )Iw•II took Shannon, of Ontvewmt Fitt', sent of Mrw, (Ntrrth 01)1,0 t Mle•Lluw lot 01111141 wvM ThnMay, ►rbrnarf tANh Mh. Jolla u 1,1• A01pIleanes,Oedorich,un1. i.J1• Thee. u,Shllllnglaw,Executors, cold a short tilne alga, which devel• Muumuu, of town. He has taken a hesld at the halm of J. L Aitken,j laud, aged Tayuu•',