The Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 8•
1: TYUIUDAI, Fah. 22, 1906
iaaiii a
s•P1mN',S. r rt�fiiapzr
Crowded Houses o0 Thursday and Fri-
day and • Splendid Performance.
The first production of the (itxlerich
Minstrels was rgt-ven at the Opera
House ofsThureday a veiling last to all
appnriatfve audience which packed
the house. So great was the demand
for reserved vc1ltm on the opening of
the plan tied iv less than an hour
Ahmed every serif was .taken up, iu•
eluding the entire st'attitg space of the
gallery. .Promptly at S p. til.. the
utcheetI « awed the overtures
and following ibis came the minstrel
first part. The upeuing chorus of
"Down Where the Potton Blossoms
Grow" cotttmenetvl with the curtain
lowered. the voices sounding away in
the distance; gradually as they neared
the closing liIn)) the curtai0 slowly
[thee, displaying a pretty etage wetting,
the soloist., interlocutor, nix end -
men arranged in a semi-ens:1e, while
lwhind then) were elevated two town
of the new... chorus.
The first number in the niimsu'el
first part was an appropriate i•«m
song, A *)ark Main ling With a
Bundle." well tendered by John Hut-
ton. This w9ae the announcement of
the arrival of Henry) and George
(Harry 0. Sturdy and U, L P&u nn 1.
the two extreme end filen. From
that on the ekcerdiugly funny jokes
and Actions of the end -idea kept the
audience heat state of laughter. They
were never at a lose to create : se-
metit. Many of the jokes were local
hits and brought the house down, par-
ticularly those of Jor Pigott's on the
town water. Fred Bt ophey a un t he town
clerk. H.O. $tutrly's automobile trip
and 4.. L. Tarpons ' take -of on the
proposed powerc patty and the gait
Plant- The solos of George ''Belcher
and iidnev }Metier were well re-
erit•ed. hovel Harland, x111 gl(
handicapped with ,•cold, sang, "My
Heart's.Tonight in Tenni-owe" with a
sweet tenor voice. Flank Shannon,
also uuder-the weather. rendered.
"Where the Southern Rows Bloom."
James Th0lllson sustained 1401 repu-
tation by his singing of -The Hells of
fit. Mary's." with good effect. Harry
Chrson rendered A beautiful Iallad
"Asthore." land received an enthusi-
astic recall floor the audienee,' t.•
which be responded with the '"Vet-
eran's Song." His rich baritone vuire
won the appreciation of. everyone
present. The juvenile deet. "A Picnic
for Two," by Masters Walter Mel)onadd
and Cockburn Have,' was well sung :
these young aro voice* will
undoubtedly d elop into entertain-
ing features our local talent.
The halm a of the musical Neat part
was of tit negro variety. All of the
Boon ere neve and up-to-date and
e received. calling for an en-
coreti 11rec 1 et.clK Ii
core to every song the end -songs of
Hawley Smith, Fred Brophey, H. L.
Grass and W. S. Turnbull being par-
ticularly catchy. The Choruses cre-
ated a great impression rather volume
of thirty-flve well-sielected voices re-
sounded through the hall. Thr chat•-
ecteristic song, "Hiram Green,",by C.
N. Pote, was greatly applauded and
made an excet'linggly appropriate ter-
mination to the minstrel part.
in the second part Fred Eg.ner ten-
dered a solo very effectively, which
drew forth an encore. A coon melody
"Where the \Vaterluelou Grows." by
(i. L. Parsons, was also emoted. C.
S. Pote sang an English military Hong:
"Pretty Selina," for which he was
dressed in the dress of n colonel of the
Canadian volunteers.
Monsieur Alexis Loraine fullowtd
with Nome clever C01lJUtIn� ltP
sleight-of-hand, keeping the ,audience
mystified with his feats of magic.
The futile efforts - of his assistant,
"Mktuteze (Frei Bropheyl, to dupli-
cate the tricks cleated •h laugh-
ter from the audience. .
Clarence' Pennington gave a clevera
Interpretation of the intricacies of
triple-tongue cornet playing, two dis-
tinct tones being audible simultan-
eously through some parts of his solo.
The original Irish sketch of the
'Alderman and the Hod Carrier," ar-
ranged and presented by G. L. Par-
sons and H. O. Stuidy. wan the hit of
the evening and their witty sayings,
and funny stories kept the audience
roaring with laughter. Their re-
partee of Irish cross -tire and take-tiffit
on local merchants and topics around
town wort• receive] with great ap-
plannr. This, followed hy (.01 Slave
the F. 1g,'brought to a close what we
feel sure, was the beet performance
ever given by local talent and in
inany respects better than most pro:
tensional prductione.
Too much cannot 1e• said for the
orchestra and their capable instructor.
Clarence Pennington. Their ace •
paninlents and overtures were ern-;
dere* with marked )revision and it i,
dted alepia tii�to any now th
we have-
anorchestra outside id
city theatres. A. Hoy Adams .de-
Nerves great credit for his 411e4.e44 in
perfecting the choruses, which demon -
'United that he is an expert in hilt
The committee n e.
m I st ryenl r credit
for the etictesMfuI olrtcanle of their
efforts and their nnu)ager, .(i. 1,.
Parsons, is to be e 'Unlimited on his
success in taking hold of and bringing to
an name the production which had
hung fire during the early part of the
rehearsals. The performance was re-
peated on Friday l•vefling, through
the:denlanrl of those unable to secure
seats on the first night: It it esti-
mated that the funds of the titmice!
society will lie augmented by nearly
$1(JJ, which will materially assist in
pCrocul lmpp new instruments and n(Ualc
for the :t9n1-r•giluent baud,
Joklr of the Eaad-moe.
A.few of the witticisms got off at
the Minstrel Show haat week.
Say, di1 you know I have a brother
that hasn't adept in• two years P
\%'hat's the mother with hits : \1'hy
he's night watchman up at the orgau
factory. That's nothing I know seven
or eight who 'dept., the whole of last
year will 1. waking up. \Vho were
they) The
Nay. did you vote fur Mr. Leith-
waite At the last election :' No. Nell,
anmelady did.
Why are all the (inderieh policemen
like a rainla)w I' Search me, Beeson*
they never shpw up until after a
ete evil. •'
Say. do you know they have parks
in Ireland that it takes sienionthe W
go through 7 That's nothing. They
have strr•te lu (iixlerich that the
health titHrer Clever gets through.
('ai1 you tell me the name of the
most neglected regenthle in Goderich:•
No. 1 cant nay that I can. What hs
the name of the L neglected vege-
table in lioderich ' Why rite ponce -
111101'e 14•141.
What was that little boy of y
crying so bard for yesterday i Be-
cause he couldn't be Premier of Cana-
da. Why. he might when lie grates
up. No, sir, there's no chance. I1 s
11 Conservative."
1 see that they put Mayo( Mllrlley
out of office. %Vhat for? They say
he was tees leve in the ehair.
nl.1(1) Laurier banquet- '1n• not every day
00lltrC)It•e, Int the 1114)11 who get- his 1••110ring
at F. J. PNdharu'. 1. ready for 11w•n, whenever
they come: Fit and .tyle nlwny. cornet at
1'1 i.lhmn'.. •
Do Om nerd a new mann•+n 1111..{wring! 1f
you bought 0111' 0( the fauwu. Ito -hall Saul.
Lary M ittn•.e-r. Mot wn..m you will not. tar
they err built to lad a life time, hid it you
Ince yet 101rj'-the luxury of .11011 n maitre.+.
we Ire he yon Wean and be embalmed that 1t
1+ the n(Mt military and comfortable node.
rludth', Yuruiturr..ud Art stun•, Fa.t 'Orem.
Aseessu l lmplm'll has c weed
tIM aM8Psltile•nt for i(111.
We regret to state that John 'Ache -
son's condition door not show the
signs of improvement his many
friends would like t'i) see. .
The main building of the old mill of
Rnrhannna A Lawson is tieing tort
down preparatory to Using the land
for the ereetion of houses. • '
The township councils of Colborne
and lin derich township are leaking an
effort/to settle the dispute regarding
the :Maitland contests' bridge.
clerk of the gee on'Tuesday
made his return of the 'us i • {ho
r jam (e f [lir
peace for the county. Of the 1'Jt Ap-
pointed ointe'd all but twenty-four had quali-
Work will probably start shortly on
the erection of IL Parsons flew store,
and jt is r lel a new store may he
put up on the adjacent premiers thin
W. Achesoti A Sea have the con -
trivet for the carpeting of the new
;cords Street Methodist church with
lfrtlsmrl, earpx•t. at $I,C) x yard.
Over aril runt. will he required.
• The March meeting of the (ihxh'rir}I
branch of the Women's Institute will
111 held on Thursday, March 1st, at
the home of Mrs, S. Clack, Bruce
street, neat[ Victoria street. at 2:30
Colin Campbell has young chicks
hatcher* on the Lith' of February.
bshione % other Heti process. Ile
expects at large incubator hatching in
a few days.
The Maitland River Power ('om-
paan • wall organize] lost week. and
application 1.% being le for a
charter, with n capital of $500.00,
1l. (i. ('atneron,'M. P. P., le the solici-
tor of the (' pany.
Architect Fowler has lately sent
'several sets of plans .of residences two
Toronto. The erection of a et -Ad. -nee
in (llinlon for Dr. Shaw is also occu-
pying his attention. The foundation
for this war put in last year.
• Last' Friday afternoon Janice Tr stle-
thwaite had three fingers of'the heft
hand badly injured, two of then* 'wing
cut W the home: M). Postlethwaite
was at the planing twill getting *time
chisels sharpened and received his
injuries from the store.
Last Saturday, February 17th, T. H.
Ward, West street. had a brood of
fort v -five chicks hatch out. The
chicks were incul4ttor hatched hut even
no aur, pretty early binds. Among the
lot train tine curiositywith two heiul'
and three legs ,,,,athe odd leg hail
only three toes. The monster cid nit
live however. Mt. Wand has alt•eaady
Net as wronel blood.
On Tuesday night the Police Magis-
trate received -several calls from a
man, who at 111rt wanted to lay an in-
formation bet who finally was glaul to
accept temporary lodging in the halt -
up. being unable to get it. at the
m • N
h tl . In this etinnertion a miry
Was published The London Free
Press thin fliLondonng ler date of
Galcrich, in 'whiolf the proprietor of
the lied hull Nimes as a little shrewder
than the man w'ho alleged he wits
wuhpenned as a witness against Mr.
Davin for welling liquir nftsr•r hours.
A pleasant hirthdaty surprise was
acorlid Mt', and Mrs. \Vu. Treble pn
the occasion of Mr. Treble's birthd,iy,
butt Friday, Ittth inst.. when their
rhiddlen. including JIr. and Mrs.
Jolter. Oke. and grandchildren,, Grace.
Howell's Hardware
East Side of Square
:1 good fence aulds its prier to lite• value of the land. A
poor fence won hwentnea unsightly and worthless. • The jab
moat It done over again. 1'on moat go to rill of the ex -
penile of erecting a fence again. Thin r•o*tt lots of Money
in time and labor : it meant' piling expense en top of Px-
pense•. It pays to do the job right in the Hrj place. Pat
1141 the ideal w'0ven Wine fence and you Will hare done with
that piece of fencing for many year.. it's not going to
runt out in a few Yeats, because it is heavily galvanized and
It always looks well. 11 atnnds ftp. 11 hilils It., shop• per-
fectly un any surface. hilly or 11914l. There is 11 reason for
Chia, and the reason is thnt Ideal Fence has the weight.
It's all made of No. ti herd steep wire. and 1114. the bullous
Ideal lock at every wire cromting. Slipping wires are int-
pnlmible with this kick. Any .train or presmnte iw dittrib►•
tiled and borne by all of the wires. That meant' strength.
There in not it d •st.ic animal living that can go through
or over IC And there h* nm trouble nlsnut het or eolrl
it eat her. 1t adjusts itself to all tetnperatIlren. If you can-
not Is- sure of these things, investigate. Let its sand you
s book giving all details, about Ideal fence. It is free; .
write for it.
Bruer and 110y, of lk,isset'ain, '.t1at1.,
presented emit of theti* with ahandsume
upholstered chair. The event took
place at their home, Gloucester ter-
race, in the evening. Mr. and• Mrs.
Treble, in accepting the gifts of their
children. made as few well-chosen
remarks, after whicb the young
people spent the evening in social
Wallwiu, suitor tit the
a Il'. ,► Y' - -..-.
London, has been invited to lel0tai0 a
third year, and has consented.
Nev. J. W. • Robinson has IM'l•n in-
vited hy the official bard of 1lungati-
nun Methodist church to remain as
pastor of the church for the fourth
Rev. li. N. Haien has' been asked
by the °Mcial board of North street
Meihodi*t church to continue ifl' the
pastorate of the church for another,
the third, year.
At the February meeting of the
official boardof Luck Methodist
church Rev. H. W. Millyard was
invited to remain for the fourth year
as pastor. Mr. Millyor.l ttecepted the
The trial and entertainment u
the auspices of the EpWUIth league 40f
,forth street Methodist church. which
was anninlueed in last week's issue,
has been postponed till Monday. Feb-
ruary 'Jit h,
On Mondry evening the official
boort of Victoria st1•ee't Methodist
church unanimously passed it re1o11-
ttun inviting the pastor. Rev. N. H.
Graham. to remain in charge for the
fourth year.
Next Sunday Hev. J. C. Reid, B. A.
B. D., of Nile, will preach in the court
house in the morning and Rev. it.
Nutt in the evening. The pastor. Hey.
(i. N. Haran. will preach anniversary
sermons in Sarnia that day.
Rev. S. M. Whaley, formerly pastor
of the St. Helens Presbyterian emigre•
gat was on the lith Inst. inducted
into the It %total charge of Burn's
church 1 Fast .'orrai and Hl•ook.datle.
The indite ' took place in the
1iloukelale . church, which was
crowded to overflowing. The new
pastor received a hearty welcome and
the occasion makes a rr•ii-letter day in
the church life of •the district. Mr.
\Vhaley's friends in this lo;ality .wish
hull good health and much opportun-
ity foe ll*ctUlness in his new charge.
The Leamington News reports at
length the opening of the new Metho-
dist church at Leamington, where
Rev., Jasper Wilson, formerly of
(iode►'ich is in charge. The old
church was burned down January
: 1h, 1905, :out the opening of the new
edifice took (dace on Sunday. January
:Nth. 1(118. fhe set•vicen of the open-
ing day were very successful and the
people of Leamington sewn) to ire well
*pleased with the new church. which
Is built on almost Lhe salve plans as
the new North street church -in Gode-
London Free Frets : The quarterly
board of the Colborne start Methl.-
dlnt church Friday evening extended
most hearty and Ilnatn' invita-
tion to Rev. 1)r. Daniel to remain for
a third tern) as pastor of the church.
After expressions of appreciation by
members of the hard of the pastor s
services, loth in the pulpit and in
pastoral work, and references to the
flourishing condition of the church.
Rev. Dr. Daniel accepted the invita-
tion. subject to the action of the stir
J. 1'. Alexander hr• guar to 3.11. 6ula. blunt.
l'levelaaud Itlehard. swain Ullntod 011 Mel
It. Phelan left yesterday on a brief atoll le
Rat. 1. ►t [['elude. of Leaden, was In town
Loa week.
Mn. w111'11o0 boo arrived to join her hu.
bond here.
K. J.'Itumbed rod ,.on made • trip to Mama
on 31uuday. -.
NI++ I.isale Acheson hao returned home
from Erie, I'a.
Mr. and Mr,. H. C. Muuuiuge left oa Monday
fur n (kit b,,t'oronto,
Ma.. tllr.l Cook, of Toronto. is vldting,at the
reddosce of lir. Whitely.
J. W. Hniderlek returned til. week from a
.1.11 to London and Toronto.
Mr.. and 51M, D. II dap left un Friday oa
their [wedding trip to lartroa.
\VxuxwlDA Y, . Feb. 21st.
Ott Tuewlay evening next Mr. Reid
will give a lectures on "China and Its
Needs." A silver colle•tiun will be
taken up in aid of the Forward Move-
ment for Miaa .
Hes, J. U. Reid preached special
tniesiuuary sermons here Net Sabbath.
The collections for the day, which
Ars+aJlsskau,oL+l4 wr�::.rr •a+') �1 nuuteti with the subscriptions to
s ld town. `wt"dt'ai11>tt.'tl6rdtTt Mehl I}M"IejttlPiii
mission fund. Next Sunday evening
there will be a special temperance Ner-
vier. - •
cook. of 14(11'0. ens t i+ilex C.. It. tea -meeting aud concert Ill COnneetiOn
Schuh/N. In Solt ford. ha«t wwk. 44.1111 Sheppardton Methodist church
Theodore Hale, of Clinton, Iiao been blending will he held on F't•ida
n week or w iu town, being .ometvleu India.y Match 'Lal.
p.ed, An excellent tea will be served in the
hall above the church shed front 6 to N
(Mock, after which a splendid pplo-
suFeEd. l'wmppion era bomo from Heuwdl ors, gram will be given, the talent huclud-
a' •. He has buten Iran.ferred 10 the *tug the North street Met hldist rhnt•ch
Sovereign Hank branch at Zurich. choir, of Gtldericb. einlirl sedectionx by
Aceountaut Aolerwot of 1 h Provinci4 F. Doty, -readings' by Miss Edna
auditor'. department 1+ here going Into the Straiton and tddreraen by Rev. J.
books of the buwn.hlp of uwtrrh h' Hamilton, (ilxlerieh : Rev. C. thither -
M. (t. Cameron. M. 1'. P., left for Toronto on
Monday to attend the erosion of the Iwgh:la
Mr. and Jin.. John Henden were in Dun
Kennon ufour) and Rev,. J. W. Robinson, Uun01)Monday, being hulled 111 int _by the
avan' of Mr. Hamlett'. brother, I,e aoHnmlen. gnunon. Adnliseion 25c. ; children 1Let
T.1•. > aftel I. .pending the week In Toronl
a. delegate from the It. T. of T. and Hurticul• . MUNICIPAL COUNCILS.
tend Society to lueetit p being held thla week.
Frank H. Beattie. who had been wheels at ..
Port l'olbnve for the lad month. .pent a end "E ' "• otteenICH Tl'lN'\AI(11'
day. at hi. home od the field jowl before ' - •'
returning to Princeton.MoND.tY, Feb, '5th.
Mr. %%alter Bern and little aughter, of Cmlincil met pul•suant to iidjotirti'
4.441.,. 111, have been 'Tendingn w day. at !tient, minute)) of last meeting were
the home of the turner. µovnt., bur. and Mrs. and ;sussed. 11110v
cd Thou,wt. Elgin aveuua•. read{ ctrl y J. Me-
. nod Mr+. N'. T. bl urnmy and f ily adv • Clt,re, ae:onlled by J. „Ford, that the
tollks•ing aCetltltltg hg Jaid : '1'110 Star
Printing, $1.73: The News -Record,
printing. 6111; J, (fall• ostoMce• lox,
$1 : J. ('on1,011» w ititesslitZburniugbal-
lota, $1 ; J. F:, %Vhitel•. postage, stir
ttonery and financial report, 71:1 ;
luuis Audenon,wc1lgApud station-
ery, 1$5.Move% Iby J. ('ooh;- iiecandid
by . L. Salkeld, that Thomas Weath-
er d he appointed township
yiew No. 3, appointing township
gineer, was ryrul and pssel. Council
t'Ia•1're+idemJaux'Mitehell, of the i'*Qnll,tiljournrd to meet (10 41)4. first 1111,11•
-tsa•halo,l,.ul4Soc•lrtary N. o. Johnstet,. of d,ty in Appril at 1 o'clock. NIXON
lam rte.% Huron .tgrirulutr4)l We•IeU', ire at• p•-RUY, l'lerk.
t • dl the 11 1 Toronto. Wm. Velli
V lotting in Toronto and Tonal to J1tu•t011. Mr.
Marney io attending the ns'•t 1, of the F'alro
..eciet leen as a deletion, from the west Helve
.1gii..u11 ural Society.
In the midwinter examination. o' the
London Conoereotory of Mudd.. Nina Annie
McKenzie, of Laurier, took honor,. in .enlor
orchrdration old amitotic.. and era -elo s
honor. In ',motor hi.t or>•.
Mrs k:. ?lrlowrll rind daughter. Misr 4.u.
have [et from their vi -it in Toronto, 11.111
are again M lake. kw home, shuck Mr.
Nc l klwcb l will Here open for gll.o t • the rousing
On their wa • hide. they 41.11.'.
nt Hrepeler, Clinton and %treat dell. •
ng u mer ng ,, oron o. 1. e - ,
alai Th.n. Stot her.. of Dungan11on, are al.o at: w't4IT VrAWAN11111.
tending the I nirw A-onelotimn meeting. as
delegate. from the v.hneld and N'nwn4o.h %%'NDNicsI,'*r, Fein lith.
Hrnnch .egrleultoral S0•Iet>•. Cnunc•il met, as per adjournment,
J. H. Tesary, of 1'nrkton. Soak., arrived in members all prtw•nt, Rtwyr Bailie in
town on Wet urday from hi. weaterri home. for the chair. he era of last meet -
the portant of li.'g ing of his .farm near
Carlos' and'pun•ha+in1t a carload' or two of ing were reed and conft•1ued, on
horses to take back with him. He eslast. to motion of Meow. Antler'snl and Mur -
he in lhi» .rt•timh fur about a month. Mr.
y rN The treasurer's •totement, %huw-
Tew.ley 1. looking hl+ headquarter. with hi.
,,other, Mr.. Margaret Tew.Iey, Saltfond ing a IMdan ' of 7jili•2.118, was fled, on
%v 't Huron Lilwrwl. were rethe•rtite1 at the Motion . of Messrs. Murray
and n.: r•
banquet to Sir Wilfrid t, 4.1 . W.
1.Toronto M+t at. The )tteve,hund Councillor Jleld
,night by Wm. Proudfoo. K.C., w'. L. Horton. reported on court Asan Nia-
Choo Darrow[ klex, Wounder. and W. 11. (k
Itohertnnn, of Goderieh: Itob. Holing... of lion, and, on 1' t Metiers, Medd
Clinton t John Style.. of Kin /ail: Wm. Bailie. and ;I'hompso n, the clerk was in -
of Dungannon. and H. M. \ming, of (l,rlow' alt'Ue'tel t, alnll( the temltht•nt of
Mrs, 1t. M. Young and Maw. Ida Holum,. of Y P
('Iltlton. occupied oral+ill the gallery. Dungannon Driving Park Aesocintiill
that the township would deal with
THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Ashlcld township le court room.
- The auditors, JAM. Jid1111144111 and H.
The address in reply to the speech Anderson, presented their report :in,1.,
from the thtgne was morel on Friday after laving finally audited, it was
by Hugh ('lark (Centre Bruce) arta 1'. adopted, on motion of Messrs, Ander-
H. Hlt(a•yee 1 West Kent). Booth male son and Medd. Messrs Th psun.
speehe-n which met with ,wtrnl ap- Andel'wal rand Murray WeTe npporuted•
{{norm mil the Government side of the to Inlet and arrange a1M1111 building
Hmu.'. Hon. (i. W. Boss 'ed the a fence at the corner of Alex. Shuart'i
adjournment of the debate. and the fano. Thr clerk was instructed to
House aadjournel Instil Monday. lurk for tenders for township printing
and also to write the comity engineer
Lines Inscribed to Rev. J. 11 Hector, about the contract of the at Man -
"The Black Knight." chewier bridge. IPaid Mr. Echlin by
loth township o land etnlnty.i The fol -
Well hadd thou thy bourn .gena,
R cew
lowing hties were issued : -\ndi-
Thd none bele•k thy dark hrow : f
w'A t' , *fir pl %sant character of
his pastoral terms at the Colborne
street church.
The special services at Victoria
street Methodist church were .Mmol
last week. The meetings were well
attended and much interest was
shown. The pastor. Rev. W. 11. Ore-
bro'', IV AS assisted o11 several neva-
slims by Rev. G. N. Hazen. of Ninth
street rhumb, and Rev. J. l'. Reid,
of Nile, also ' *twisted, The tinlsic
was led by E. C. Belcher and mem-
bers of the church choir. A goodly
n her of converts were made, and
the meetings have dune untold good
in )trengthening the spiritual life of
the congregation i►tnd indirectly of the
cituonnity. On St day ening a
reception servire Was held and twenty
converts joined the church. Next
Sunday there wilt 1e another ti-eep•
tion nervier for 'hose who were not
present last Sunday and for pupils of
the Sabbath school.
• Church Opening.
The splendid new church of the
North err et Idethlalist congregation
will be rledirated on Sunday. JLur:h
lath, by Rev. 1)r. Catruatn, general
s)ipsrintendent of ,the Methodist
church. and Rev. Joseph Philp. li. fl.,
u[ Aylmer, president of the London
conference. On the following Sun-
day, Mauch 'Lith. the services will 11e
conducted by Rev. Jasper Wilson.
M. A.. of las ' gton. a former pastor
of North street church, and in the
afternoon a Sabbath wheal rally will
take place. Extensive p e l A in m
are being i nnde for theiir' Nervi(.) and
other gatherings in connection with
the ope ' g of the church, and the
congregation is looking forward to a
notable occasion in the history of the
A hockey match between that Bed-
ford and British blocks is rumored, to
take place next week. '
On Tuesday- night Berlin won out
in the second round. defeating Milton
H to 2. Glxlerirh plays Berlin in the
semi-finals, tonmorroir nt. Berlin and
here on Monday or Tutkduty.
The Tecumseh hlx•keyj team play
the. Clinton juniors at tlA' ['ink here
tomorrow nigh t. Adminsinn 15c.
Tonight the Te timmeh, and Ma-
chinists play in the town league.
The opinion of must critic* in that
the intermediate final* will 1* be -
teem' Petel•ioro' and (ioderlr•ll. The
Pattern team is heavy and strong. and
the tram that beats them will know
that they have leen to a bx'key gamP.
Herten that the northern ehnpn may
win. 100(10n Advertiser.
A 1ierj)atch front I'eterlorii, dated
Feb. 1 ath, Rays : "The Peterboro'
hockey team will have a week's rest
before they play the winners of the
Northern O.1.A. dintrirts in the semi-
finals. The teatn ham placed eight
game* and has won then nil. scoring
N7 goals to their opponents' 2!." , The
Peterlori team Is said to 1* pretty
fent and The Toronto Star diem up the
(icder•irh and Petcrlorri drams as fol-
lows : "(iixlerieh is reported to have
an extremely fast intermediate *even.
They will have to hate momething
more than 'extremely feet' to part the
kibosh over I'etp,'Isn i." Just by way
of Pomparison, though, take (lcxle-
rich's gnat record up to date and we
find that (*tele! 'eh has played ten O.
H. A. games, neoring tui goals to their
opponent.' :74. This IR 311111 Peterhoro'N
record wij:h six goaln added to
each Ride. Ro it does not look as If the
meal. need fear to go tip against
Teterboro' in the finals as ecpual4,
mop wtwiug they win out in the semi -
rx � )•rii
Hath smut thee blessing. from above _
Hicher t Mn neon'. gift.. 1 (row.
Faol.e A. Kkiiuines.
Southern Resorts.
Avoid this disaugreeable winter
weather by apxeIding a few weeks in
the land of s 's ))11111011104', Cali-
fornia. Florida. Mexico. Gula. See G.
T. H. agents for full particulars anti
His Answer.
"-And now." • asked the master,
"what eonntry is opposite to tut on the
globe "I don't know, sir," an-
swered the pupil arldrsased. "Well, if
a hole were bored etraaight through
the earth and you were to go in at
this end, where would you come out?"
"Out of the hole. lir." replied the
youngster, confident that he had
found the correct answer.
[Special One-way Rates.
Are in effect daily to points in Mon-
tanan, Utah, - Colorado, California.
Oregon, Washington and HI t'h
Columbia. Call on G.T.R. agent)) for
full information.
Purgatives Are Dangerous.
They gripe. rause burning pains and
slake the constipated condition evert
worse. Physicians say the ideal laxa-
tive in Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut ; they are ex-
ceedingly mild. composed only of
health -giving vegetable retinae. Dr.retinae.-t
Hamilton's Isle n•elr urst tt move-
Inent of the bowels, .tre:gthen the
stomach and purify the 'blood. For
ccnatipathon, sick headache, billowi-
ness and disorlerel digestion no med-
icine on earth slakes such remarkable
cures 1s Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try a
25c. box yoatself.
Have The Signal sent to your soon
and daughters who are away from
borne. They will appreciate the home
news each week more,. perhaps. than
some who reside nearby.
We don't 11 ourselves
"Professor" but we know
how to assi$t defective
vision if lenses will (lo it.
Try us examination
ti. PARK
Jeweller and Optica.
Be Alive to r:
Your Own Interests.
Buy Footwear !here it is sold strictly on
a " o' •vajakes we are 'selling.
You'll like them. ,Correct' winter styles in
shapely, perfect -fitting, comfortable good-wear-
inp noes at the littlest prices we've ever known
k shoes of equal- quality. You'll `Have reason
to be proud of your feet if you wear a pair of
our shoes.
Downing & MacVicar
it was the first case ever tried in exhressed the general opinion. "We
Stony Gulch, and the jury had wt for don't think he did it," he said, 'slowly.
hours argui g aux[ disputing. At InstI "for we allow his wa'n't there : but
they etraggld (sack to their places,we think he would of of he'd had the
and the toteul5\:, a tall mountailmer, I chwnat."--Youth'n Companion.
Toilet aand Medicated Soaps!
. ps
We carry in stox•k a the time quite an este' naive range sof above lines.
Ln PERFUMED TOIL - SOAPS we can show all grades from the
\"N: Butte lik Soap l3 caber in lox for 100,• a'r kA`
ftp to`thelgncy Import ' Soaps at a;n• mr {a• a crake.
\„ 'Carbolic oaps, Tar Soaps,
Sulphur Sp s.
A apectinlly good MEDICATED S P is 4
Dr. Dix's Cur tive Skin- Soap tux per cake',
1.ot.eof that pure French Castile, by the piece, pound or bar.
S. E. HICK - Ce ral Drug Store
0oderlch, 0
ens cuncessiun 12, $.; WOWS*
n1en1 toll+, etc.. $5.1:,, The (outwit
adjourned to meet on Wednesday.
March 11th, nt Ila o'clock. \V, S. Mc-
('eweTIB, Clerk..
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with Itrol nppli'•nll.n,.. as they canlAI reach
the .rt(of the (Ilneaw. Catarrh 1. a Irhowl or
eon.) notional dial•..,',,, and in order to chat i1
you mint 10 kc internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh 1'ure 4' taken internally and wets
dircetly on the blond and nm,•.xa- .urfntx•..
Ht1l.1'ntarrh 1'tire i. not agaaek medicine. It
ora+ iseserllwd hy one of the heat phy.lelana 11,
til. countly for year, and i. a regular pre.
ors -lotion. It erwitioned of the bud minas
known. combined with the Ire,d blood maiden..
acting directly on the*,-e., The
perfect,onlhinatioa of the two ing�nvlienta I.
what produce...e•11 wonderful moult. incuring
Catarrh. Send for t,ot in Ian. free.
F. J.
by ('HKVnndr1:tutdY lt at,ti ('1. ITots,,, Toledo, 0.
Take Hell'. Family I'M. won-lllwtlon.
Quite n number of px•rtons are talk-
ing of building in G.wlerich the coal-
ing season fait in most Cassa definite
decision has not been reached.
the past ten months 1 have enjoyed a fair share of
in country and beim and as this 'is my Hutt year in
is,alley t sta
It, *glen for the
year as are pnbwlrplY' . 'arl'li, 1111 , Pr idol t o RE-
1ST. -
Past customers, am well as per peetive ones[,
profitable fr ta
them to take advantage f this sle
My entire stuck is fresh! being ten.\
vain. No okl stock to clean off. The
all new goods.
Highest cash or trade price will be given for butter and
A ..hare Of your patronage Is respectfully solicited.
will find it
1x1 at frequent inter-
�1lueed prices aur on
First store from square, west side Hamilton st.
71ilk folfolkh1/11fllllliPfelh1if►II\llfIVI lrWT!^ PI Ifi'.`l�
Phone No
Court House
Saturday horning we put on sale 25 Dress Skirts at $2.50 each. The actual
values are from $3.00 to $4.00. This lot Is underpriced. The styles are good, the
skirts are well made and the materials the kind that stand any amount of hard
wear. The quantity is limited. At the outside there are not more tban 25 to sell
at this price, and the earlier you come on Saturday the better will be your chance
for getting just what you want.
ladies' tweed and cloth skirts, blacks and colors, cut in this eetaMrrn's styles, tailor-made and perfect
fitting, regular 1( 08) to $1.00, clearing lotgoing on side Snthrday morning at
1 ai Two Dollars and Fifty Cents
Last Call for Coats
Here is the last call for winter Jackets. it is not a matter of
price now. Ws just HAVE TO SELL these last nine garments, for
we WILL NOT SHOW an old garment next season. That is why
you take your choice of the last nine on Saturday for
Two Dollars r
All am this mention's stylet and were good value at original
pricer. If there is one in the Int prior mizc. you can get your
moneys worth if you only wear it thin newton,
Dozens tied dozens of pieces of new,
dress goods, tweeds and black dress
materials, j ust opened uptlhis week.
Imported (Erect from Britain. Fabrics
that are cc erect in every way for the
coming ser,son. A collection such as
we have n. •ver shown before.
50c to 152.50 the yard
s,,n-t GODERICH.
r •^ 1 -'r r^ -