HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GM/ERR'II ONTARIO.
TI1uahIAv Feb. 22 1:)06
444********.4,4***44 444 44 4 ****44***4.,
The News of the District.
V454545464611541454645+445484454644546414541646414641454245444544645466H 45414546+464414464444e
The Signal's Clubbing List.1
Now is the titre to chde.ie your
reading mutter fin. 11106. Look over
this Ind wild see the itdvantagee of-
fered to Signal nub cr(eve in getting
the leading papers at reduced rates.
The Sinal anti Montreal Weekly.
Herald *1.00
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Weekly Sun ITurouto) 1 75
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Daily Globe 4,50
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Toronto Weekly Globe 1.70
Th Signal, Weekly Herald and
Montreal Family H e r a I d and
Weekly Star 1.75
All subscriber. to Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly titter receive the (neat pteadu,n
Picture."Queen Alexandra. Her Unandchll
drew, and Doom"
The Farmer . Manual and Veterinary
Oulde"may he hied h. connection with ehuce
offer for 1, cents additional, ora WW of glib,
The SiKua1, \Veekly Herald and
Farming World (Toronto) 1.30
The Signal. \1'eekly Herald and
Weekly Mail and Empire 1.70
All ouh..eritwr, for Weekly Mail and Empire re-
ceive the premium rotogravure. "The Star of
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The Signal, Weekly Hernld and
Toronto Daily World Sas
The Signal, Weekly Hermit' and
Toronto Daily Star 180
Tke Signal, 1\'eekly herald and
Toronto Daily News too
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
London Daily Advertiser...... 3.40
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London Weekly Advertiser . 1 6o
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Presbyterian a as
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Westminster ' a 25
The Signal. -Weekly Herald, Pres-
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The Signal. Weekly Herald end.
Farmer's Advocate.. ...... . 3.40
We etrengly recommend eur mailer, to
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The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Montreal Daily Witness ... 35o
The Signal, Weekly Herald a
Montreal Weekly Witness 6o
The Signal. AWeakly Ilerald and �.
World Wide
Send remittances by poet Mee or-
der, postal note or express order to
TUltsn.ty. Feb. dtth.
Haughton Huu,erMalf left on Monday
for Barrie.
Miss McMillan. of Goderich town-
ship, spent it few days at Lie h of
her uncle, Robert McMillan. last week.
A nunler from here spent it most
enjoyable evening at the h • of C.
Me' eil, of Dunlop, on Thursday last,
H. T. Morris entertained a number'
of friends at him home last wts•k and
all report having had it nlnml enjoy-
able time.
TUESDAY, Feb. 29th.
\Villiaus Hultman, from the West, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
The Maitland toys have leen hav-
ing Room' sport skating on the ricer
the last few weeks.
FINK Hintegi .---On r Monday last
William Durst delivered to buyers at
Blyth a fine team of dapple grey colts.
rising tour years old and weighing
:3,)II) pounds.
Evangelical r h
,' e
of th
will be conducted as usual next Sab-
bath; in the moaning at 10::lit o'clock
,and in the evening at 731. The
pastor, Rev. A. D. Oischler. is again
able to take charge of (he services.
TUESDAY, Feb. 20th.
Several of our young people were up
at a dancing arty at Geo. McLeod,
ill (Antoni, one night last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. McNeil held a
pleasant aawial dancing party at their
hotue un Thursday night of last week.
TUESDAY. Feb. 200 1.
*MOAT, Feht•uary IHtbl.
Thomas Style. is on the airk lint.
Harry-Mci)onalil intends leaving
for the West next week.
Hector McGregor is leaving for
Galveston, Texas, tomorrow.
J. M. O'Hilepp entertained feW tet
m •i reds on Icrida nuncio
hi ft e y K.
Miss Ella Dean wits the guest of
Miss K. W'hitty on Monday eve g.
Mies Pearl Johuston hes gone to Miss Belle Melba is the guest of
Paterson, N. J., to take a e011114.1 of 'Rev. Father McRae, of Goderich, this
training as x nurse. We wish her week.
Miss Belle McDon+ild, of Lochalsh,
was visiting friends here the past
every success iii her chosen work.
J. 1f. Tewaley is here trots Yurktou,
Seek.. 00 x visit to rrlativea and
friends. Ile purposed remaining sev-
eral weeks and will take hack with
hien a carload of horses for sale in his
The canva sn fur subscriptions to the
new Sunday srbool room building has
out met with the success expected and
at Hint, experienced. Another congre-
gational meeting will be held soon to
discuss the *intuition further and to
decide what is to be done.
R. M. Young will attend the Laurier
banquet in Toronto on Wednesday, as
a delegate frau the \Vest Huron
Literal Association. He will also
attend a unre•ting of the Pn+sidents
and 'secretaarien of the 1'at•dneni Insti-
tutes of Ontario to arrange for the
annual excursions to the Agricultural
College alt Uuelph.
John Buchanan attended the fun-
eutl of the late D..('. Mackay. his
brother in -haw end lifelong friend, in
Goalerieh. For forty-two years the two
gentlemen were permitted to take
their Christmas dinner ti,gether, last
Clu•ist , owing to Mi.. Maekay's ill
health. being the flit break in the
long and Irtppy intercourse. The
severance of the tie hi naturally the
cauwe of much sorrow and regret.
Mfootn.t s, Feb. 19th.
.fames Heddle spent Sunday at his
home hem.
Henry Fisher, of 1'linton, is herr for
a few days.
Service at Bethel chin. h next Sun-
day will lore held both morning and
Inst Friday evening a very enjoy-
able time was spent by a few 'young
people at the hone; of Jesse. Snyder.
The Sons of Temper*nce hire have
a•cepted the challenge to debate with
the C. O. F. Watch the papers for
further pnrticulns.
John Gant has returned to his
home. having been railed here by the
very unexpected death of his mother.
the late Mrs. Thos. Genu'.
The League meeting next week will
he the ,,monthly consecration. rel cell
and collection. We moot cordially
invite all to come to oar meetings,
which commence at 8 o'clock.
Tuesu+y. Feb. •Jlth.
Miss Rutledge. of Oodertth town-
ship, was the guest of .Mrs. Horace
ilurton last week.
M • of oar ferment were at
Holinewville . lust \Vedne:alay itt the
axle of. the. late Alex. Oali aldes,ton's
fa r stock. They bought several
ileac f rattle and horses.
11 Chilton had a fall off his
horse the
io at his gate
badly, last did
for going by ca
and helped him to
her evening when turning
He hurt his arm lather
t break it. A neigh-
s to his assistance
rpt his horse.
replier fortnightly meet
entry St wiet y was held en
evening of bolt week and dna:
attendance. In the absence ti
president A. A. Williams. of Dunlop,
wag (dimwit chairman. The pr)gran
was a varied one of [ratings,
144 004 dialogues and nusir. The
dialogue ••Taking' the Train fret• Mins
row." by a tris brought down the
house with roars of merriment from
the Iwgiduing to the end. Our we•ll-
k •n viulinimtm, ',Alex. McNevin and
,las. Linklater, geave s lively seler-
tiuda, the letter testing a new violin
teethe first time. Miss 1Horton sc-
pen1ed the selections on the organ.
11. J. Morris was present and gave a
short address, extending good wimhes
for the success h►f the Society, A g
nrW Gu•.•m 14 110 1 0k Dirt ill the pro-
gram were Jliss Anme Mr(;raw, E.
Shaw. jr., and 11. 1'himhohu, with
recitations. Miss 31iav Ryan sang a
sling very nicely awl P. K. Williams,
not a stranger to it l.eehnrn audience,
was in good voice with several c •
K _•
1IiiND.tY. Feb. lint.
regular monthly meeting of the Aide
Held circuit. W. M. S. was held at the
home of Mn. John Ferguson on Fri-
day afternoon. February 10th. There
we're thirty-two Aiixili,u'y member/4
present ieeide a number of visitors.
Toward the clone of the program Miss
Luella 'Treleaven read the following
address and Miss Emsillia Hackett
bpresented Mrs. Feralrsun with it
eautiful rose jar of Kur )ki ware :
To Mini. FKROrsoN. - We. the
members of the 1Von,nn's Missionary
Society of the Ashfield circuit, avail
ourselvem of this oplorh,nity to ex-
press to you the esteem in which you
are 'held by' those with whom you
have been associated, and to tell you
how it we will miss you fr our
soa•ini circle. You have always beta]
willing to take your place in our work
of faith and love. sn we feel we would
1e remits in our dory if we foils(' to
express our ap recision of your
friendship, which woe' at all limes
manifest. and hope you will accept
the accompanying gift as an expn•s-
sio, of love from the heart,' mf those
you are leaving. \Ve know that our
loss will be another'* gain enol our
prayer is that Gars richest blearing
nuty always rest on your faithful
work. Wishing you every blessing of
success 11 hopdsg y011 will never
have cause to regret the change you
have made ; when we have tlnisl01
our wnt•k on earth may w•e each hent
Him "Wi•11 done, come up higher.'.
Signed on behalf of the W. M. M.
Llzzu' 13t..tKas, President.
1.izziE ANDERSON, ('or. -sec.
MAY HEED, Treasurer.
of the l.it-
a. good
Trlssn.tIt, Feb. 2)411.,
H. Mri.eam of (hslerieh, was M the
vicinity last week buying hooters.
The youngest child of George Dur -
is hupniving (rout a recent sick-
ness. `
Mr. and Mt•s. John Armstrong and
children, of Port Albert, vislt+d here
on Sunday.
Arthur and A. Culbert have bought
a vuluxhle colt from, A. Agar, paying
upwards of =311). '
Mrs. Dick, McWhinney had it
must've'. of the Ladies of the vicinity at
it quilting bee laud week.
Norman and Fred. Treleaven. Orton
and Orville Durnin and Miss M. GuI-
tert, of the G. C. 1., spent Saturday
and Sunday at their respective houses.
HATUHDAY. Feb. 17th.
The sound of wedding tells is in the
air 'again.
\\'e are sorry to state that our
sleighing is again gone. We miss the
chime of the balls.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. of Ripley,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Lane on Thursday last. •
Men. Ilenry Johnston. of 3lefeking,
is at .present visiting her daughter.
Mrs. William 1'. heed, of 1.44111.41.
Chis. McDonagh. our p q)ulxr young
merchanta attended w meeting of the
I.. O. L. in Hipleyon Thursday even-
ing Inst.
W. J. bine sold it span of matched
nouns one day this week. Hoses ere
very high in price in this vicinity.
Quite it number are being sold.
Mrs. Good, wife of Thomas Good. died
on Sunday, 11th inst. of rheumatism,
with which she had suffered for some
time. Besides her husband she leaves
two daughters and it son, MIs. Hallie,
of Chicago, and John, front near
London, being home for the funeral.
The other daughter residers at 1 .
The decent -0.d was 11 native of loins
island, Scotland. and carne to Caned*
with her parent,', the late John and
Catherine McKay. when about five
years of age, and settled in Dundee,
where they resided for 'a short time.
There her father died. Leaving Dun -
dna she came to West 7MIP1t and re-
sided there for a time, het mother
pasting away a short time after mov-
ing there. The deceased resided there
with friends till she grew up to
womanhood, end from there she ratite
to Goderich, where she remarried her
now bereaved hnabnnd and settled
down in the township of Colborne
thirty-Hve years ago. MIs. Good was
brought up in her early youth tel the
doctrine of the Preshytet'lan church
and lived a pioue, Christian lite, loved
and respected by ell who knew her.-
er:The funeral took place on Tueselay
afternoon, service (wing conducted at
the Methodist church by itev. J. G.
Yelland, The cell -bearers Were John
Breen. Jeune (iledhill, Paul Mae.lel,
Michael i'franner, ('has. Walters and
Wm. Mtrithen. Two 'mothproof Mrs.
Gond survive, lwwlilew the relative,'
tnentioned *hove, Angors, of Mani-
toba. and John. of toe Rainy River
district, to whom with the other rela-
tives' the many friends of the family
• offer their sincere syinpathy.
You think 1 look so much better
pee, anti i feel hetter-Miller's Com-
pn/ind Iron fills did it. For sale by
Jae. Wilson.
The only way most of us can get
rich is to inherit. it.
For some people there is comfort In
not IetUng others have any.
1. In Dungannon for The Signal le at the of-
fice of .1. G. Wand. J.P.. conveyancer. etc., who
will receive outer. for eithecnptione. adrertie-
Ing and job work, and le authorized to give re-
ceipt., for amounts paid for the some.
Trtcsh.ty, Felt. 201.11.
Wenuera((i Bet.ut.- Dame Humor re-
ports it amber of weddings in the
near tmlure.
meeting of the toad of Dungnnnnn
and Crewe rircnit of the Methodist
church, hell recently in the church. n
unaninu)ds invitation wait extended to
the _present popular pastor, Rev. J,
W. ohinstrn,` t, 114113111 it their year.
making his fourth veer, which is ,an
evidence of the boar'd's. appreciation of
the reverend and esteemed gentleman.
SItWHoN or Corsa-its -On Wednes-
day. the Itch lust„ the municipal
fathers of West \Vaw•anosh met in the
tewnehip hall. A11 the ineiitlwra"wen'
present and Reeve W. Bailie pre-
sided. .las. Johnston. sr., tinct (t.
Tt•rsDAY, Feb.
Miss A • Hendersons is in Toronto
atwuding the millinery openings.
James Mclsitn was able to be out
driving this week after his long
Saute. Bissett has leen busy putting
in a supply of ice for the costing
J. T. Goldthorpe is in Toronto this
weak. They ss • lie is perfecting his
scheme for ••gathering up the river."
Moen.%v, Feb. llkh.
Mr. Hardesty is ,sway on a trip to
Montreal to visit his father.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vn. Campbell and
sun. Colin, visited friends in Luck
a few daya least week.
\Vol. Hilea,of Londeatorogh, and
nephew, John (files, of Kincardine,
called on friends hero+ on Satul•Ijlty
Mr. and Mrs. E. McDowell with
their:deu►ghter. Miss Etta, of (iWench,
are spending a few ) days with their
son, Harvey.
TUESDAY, February dl)th.
Harry Beunett returned front Mus-
koka hest week.
Miss May Lachance, of Goderich,
spent Sunday here. ,
Mr. Gray visited his parents in Ox-
ford Centre a short tinge sago.
Mr. Pentland, r,/ Teeourittei•, visited
et Jas. Hayden's' on' \Vednesay of
last wen•:. '
Mrs. John Campbell, of Sl. Helens,
visited her parents here the first part
of last week.
During the cold period lest week
our citizens secured their annual
supply of ire.
Miss McMillian and Miss Crawford:
teachers, slant Sunday at their re-
spective homes here,'
Mia. Rutherford, teacher, of Ceder
Valley, visited her friend, Miss Edna
Bennett, the other week.
There will be .an evening service
every \Vednesday during Lent in the
English church here, to which all are
cordially invited.
Missies Alice and Pearl llawkips re -
tamed from London on Matfrlay
aftersleasant visit of three weeks.
with relatives in that city.
Miss 3haizt• left for her home on the
Ith concession hast week. 31iss Maize
has leen in our huidat for the past two
years, having resided with her emit,
the late Mrs. N. Graham, and we :tee
no t i -y to see her go.
3ItisesY, Feb. 19th.
Miss Durnin was the guest of Mita:
Annie Mclennan over Sunday. '
James Brown and Mr. McKay, of
Paisley, are visiting in this neighbor -
Mr. Armour and Miss Jennie Me -
Murchie spent a few days with friends
in Lorne.
The prayer -meeting this week will
be held in the house of Alex, Boyd,
of Ambwrley. - -
Miss Lily McLean, teacher, of
Mheppardton, Spent Sunday the
guest of Miss Annie McKenzie. -
"Togo' is going to be a vicious
than "Pete" was. as he tore a young
11141'5 uvrrcoat front nape to tape
recently. Watch out for the young
.Imp, John Jo,
Anderwm, auditors for 1905. presented
their report. whioli shown ill clew \VMitnsb .. .t Y, Feb. 21st.
detail the receipts and payments due- I)K.tTu ret' Mow. ♦Kltlt.-11'u are
ing the year. The (welted gave tin sorry this week to have to recutd the
Auditors special credit for the able death of Mts. James Kerr. 31rs. Kerr
hail Fwo•n in failing health tnn the past
manner in whu
ch they performed their
0o Ha satin
•e se andher death n t
arm . r
duties. Snaring duly ve it teltxl other afternoon was not unexpected. 1'he
business brought Iwfore it the council afternoon
took place on Mund:ty morn-
ofMdecided to meet again on the IILb tiny ing, intet•uteut being !mule in Kin-
uf March.
ANlrTlIKlt PU)NKEI. DEPARTED. n nirdine . two sons
Met. Kerra leaver; .
We sincere( regret to have t 'Ili, son, two stns and two daughters.
Y K The sons are David, of •Duluth, and
chroniele the sudden demise of Isaac John, of Beaumont, Texas, and the
Minden. one of the laxed. nestwrte'iI daughters are Mis. James l.eitheaul,
and esteemed eitizo•na of `oto cillxge north line, Kincardine, and Susie, at
and vicinity 1 a pioneer of the hotue, all of whore have the heart -
township of Ashfield. The sad event full sympathy of the whole Con/ -
took phew tat the residence of mdnity.
bin sun. Peter, in Kincardine. on
Saturday. the 17th inst. The deentaed
left here on Tuesday to visit his ten.
Peter, and family and caught it w•vele
cold, which caused hisdeet•ane, at news
Mrs. Ferguson expressed her thanks
in a few well chosen words and maid
that wherever she might go the Ash-
field Auxiliary worth' always have a
warm place in her heart. Mrs. W. f'.
1{eed wan appointed trrording•secre-
tary in Mrs. Fergtison's stead. Five
new members were enrolled and the
meeting clamed by singing "G..1 Re
With Von Till We Meet Again." The
regular missionary tea mug then
reeved, after which the ladies went
their several ways. having spent .a
pleasant and profitable afternoon. -
Cott. -Sec.
\VKDNKMn.tr, Feb. 2Ist.
Miss Mamie McDougall is in cha•g,•
of which time citizens of. Dungannon, of the store,nd telephone.
were deeply :)(tested. His tematina Miss Flossie Pollock is r•isitiug
wets interred in Dungannon cemetery friends in the country this week. •
on M lay beside those of his beloved a \Ve are sorry to learn that .Ino.
wife, whir predeceased him about fore \\'xmsle-v is not improving very fast.
sears. The sett • it es neerlicteel Alts. Peter Campbell and niece
y his rotator. Rev. J. W. Robinson.Flornier ata visiting friends in 'rur-
'l'he deceased wets nearly eighty years Onto this week.
of age and leaves to mourn his death
several suns and daughters. and his , Miss Jean Mustard, of 13rucetlehl.
brother, John Hainl•n, ..,xleri,h. He -went Saturday and Sunday with alts.
was asincete and true Christian. hay- T. Miistard, of town.
ing chosen the one thing needful for' Wedding la•Ils are tinging in Bay -
eternity. He is one to be forever in Held - , one this week and one re -
the p renener of his $,a•ioiir, in Whims ported for neat week.
he sincerely tested. The pioneers of l Messts. Gardener and Twitchell of
thin country are gradually 'teaming Clinton, took in the concert as well as
from their labors and ate Is•c g
fete In number.
One of th. most danger-
ous and repulsive forms of
Kidney Disease M
for which Dodd•• Kidney
PIU are the only certain
cure. In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
e , and the water, which
should be expelled In the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges in the cells of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs u the drain.
Restore the Kidneys to
health. There is only Goa
Kidney Medicine
TeesuAY, Feb Seth.
Mr. McMhannock leaves fur hi,
home in Manitoba next week.
Miss Edna McDonald left last Mon-
day oil 4. visit to friends in Bolton
Mis. Jxuu•s Young has leen on the
sick list for a while. We hope ere long
to xnnouuct her recovery.
Samuel 'tlal•shnll. who has lteen
visiting his father ht this village, left
bust week for his h • in Manitoba.
Jame,' Medd, our village tailor. lits
sold I(i{u house and lot to John Knox.
who .intends starting a harness shop
.Joseph Wilson, of the 1-Ith comes
cion of Hullett, welcomed a stranger
to the family circle on the 7th inst., a
wee 'Hanle.
John 3lcShanuock has rented his
farm. on the 3rd concession of East
Witwasosh, to Bert ('artepj for a term
of five years.
Mts. Much, sr., of the:ini concession
of East \Vswamrsh, is seriously ill at
present. Her daughter front Cleve-
land is visiting her at present.
William Ferguson, son of John Fer-
guson. arrived here from the North-
west bast Meatutday. lie intends visit-
ing for a short time before returning.
:Hiss :Maggie Jackson, :Miss Rena
Paterson and 3laster Will Fingtand,
of the Uodei-irli Collegiate Institute,
spent Sunday under tic parental roofs.
Several of our citizens and farmers
in this neighborhood spent part of hist
week in procuring a sunuuer supply
of ice. They procured it at tiatntiel
Scott's pont.
James Young, the proprietor id our
village waw -mill, 11:a Iweu receiving
quite a number of saw -logs of late.
Every slight snowfall has leen taken
advantage of.
Sales are the order of the day.
Alexander McCabe, al,e, of the 2nd conceit•
Mon of %Vent \VitwOnosh, has • this
week. on the 't'nd, and Wilson Bros.,
of the 14Ui cone.nitiiun of Hullett, next
week, 27tH inst.
Thr weather prophets are at last
able to predict the weather.and hit it
every time. As the formula may be
of use to others, we will let you have
it, "It looks like rain or snow or yodre-
thing else." 'lbe prediction never•
,lames Medd hits purchased frau
John Nicholson 'his house and lot.
Mr. Medd intends fitting up the shop
lately used by Mr. Nicholson its 0 har-
ness shop for a tailor shop, Mr.
Nicholson starts for the Northwest
this week. Ile visited that port last
mummer end built a shop. }ie left it
in charge of as party there during his
absence. ' Mr. Nicholson Opel lawn a
good citizen lien+ and a ptsadioent
and active worker in the Methodist
church. We wish 1 • success in his
new horse. . J
You Are Ailing
Not quite sick, -but robbed of am-
bition to work-flnd it hand to think
clearly. Not ill enough to think of
dying, but had enough for life to he
pretty doll. There ino a renedy--Fer-
nnone -that, quickly lifts that half-
dead feeling. Gracious, but Ferro-
zoi,e makes you feet grunt t it sharpens
the dullest appetite, makes it keen an
A razor.
Blood i' Ferronone makes' Iota of it.
the rich, nourishing kind that vital-
isee the whole body. You'll be won-
derfully quickened, immensely
strengthened. feel hearty and vigor -
min After timing F'crrrsone. Buoyant
health, surplus vigor and reserve
energy ell come from this great m-
otivative. Fifty rents Indyt a hex of
fifty tablets et ell deelets.
Get your job printing at The Signal.
PKR+x)NAL MENTION.- Mr. Edwards
sold Mrs. Keating, of Reignite. are
visiting at the home of their minter,
Mrs. Hub. Moore Mtn. H. Scott
hos returned to het i • in Manitoba
after it very pleasant. visit with
her sister. Mrs. ('his. Barber
Mrs. Frank Johnston and little
daughter, Heleh, are visiting the
farmer's brother. Alex. Pentli.ld, and,
lee all our vi.itors do, are enjoying
their visit very much Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Young Were visitors to
1 ueknnw one day last week
Natt Whyad ham returned home from
a very pleasant visit with friends in
Elmira. Walkerton and Ha•riston.
.John Mrintyre, of Detroit, is
visiting at. the hone of his cousin,
Mrs. Jas. Whyard Miss Lillie
Sendersom, of Carlow, is spending it
few days with friends in our village.
Mise Lucy Sanderson hat re-
turned from iwndon, where she had
been living for a time Mrs. Fal-
roner, of Michigan. is visiting her
daughter, :Nes. Jasper Walk ,
Miss Georgia Spared returned to work
in London on Thursday of last week.
.Quitea number from here took
in the concert at Clinton on the Lith.
They report having a good time that
evening, hut, oh ! what a difference In
the morning
Those. Pent-
land has returned from Amherle•y,
where she WAR visiting her daughter, "While Winking in a maw -mill, -
Mrs. .1. E. Brydges ... Mine iwura write. C. E. Kenny. from (Mann, '•1
Hrydges returned home to Amberley' strained ray bark and side so 'severely
last week Mr. and Mrs. John 1 heti to go to N.A. Every movement.
Hamlen. of Goderich, attended the caused tree torture. i tried different
funeral of Mr. Henilen'e brother, !yaw oils end liniments, but wasn't helped
Ii len. until 1 used ?ervilioe. Even the tirst
1 used to be continnnit tired ;haw applicetinn gave ronmilerable relief.
In three days I woe again a1. work.
1 an, strong end well-, iller'n Com- Other men in the mill sear Nerviline
pound iron PItin did it. For sale by with Irenlendous benefit too." An
Jam. Wilson. honest recon) of nearly flfty years
Are you a mubecriln•r to The Signal P has established the value of Polsom'm
Read our clubbing lint on this page. Nerviline.
calling on old friends.
Our Hour mill is in readiness now.
waiting for the wheat to come in. It
bus been under repair for some time
rind at hast is nmiplete.
blui)t NOON \VKII)INIl.--In the pres-
ence of a few relatives John Ferguson
was united in the bouts of holy matri-
mony to Miss Winnie Miorehonse.
The wedding took place at, the home
of the bride's parents at neon on
Wednesday, February 21st. The
happy couple left on is trip the sane
afternoon. We wish therm a prosper-
ous and happy voyage through life.
Plenfac farmix,l. CONVERT. The con-
cert in the town hall given by the
pupils of the Bevfleld public school
was one of the lest ever given in
town. The program consisted of
fancy and military drills, motion,
kindergarten and patriotic songs, reri-
t*tions tend dialogues, all of which
were very interesting. The pupils
and teat -hers are to he congrnttilittrd
on the hurre•es of their ennce•rt. One
thing especially that characterized the
program was that every pert of it was
given in clear, distinct tones which
could he heart in all petrts of the hall.
The chair was occupied by 'tepee Dr.
1Voxxls. The proceeds, which ore to
be used in purchasing a libt•nry, were
Strained Back and Side.
Have The Signal sent to your sons
and daughters who are away fi
(some. 'They will appreciate the horse
news each wreck more. perhaps, than
some who re -Ade [nearby.
11 There is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex-
ercise, nourishing food and
Scotts Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil-
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung.
11 From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. They
can take
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is no oil, not
excepting butler, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scott's Emulsion.
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
q We will ,send you •a
sample free.
(I Re run that this
p enure in the form of
a Irtol ie on thr wrap-
per of every beetle of
Emulsion yen buy.
Scott & Bownc
Toronto, Ont.
Ise. ..1 eaa W eneriw.
Thu newest importations in
Scotch and
Canadian Tweeds,
English Worsteds,
Cheviots, Serges, etc.
New Patterns
New Effects
Fit guaranteed at
moderate prices
Made (11) in
latest style
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc.
North side Court house SquaFe, Godorich.
13I35 17LL
Sleesf r t, s,
and a homes.
Is sfteady Disk. Frame locks to the
Bangs with a simple half turn. Scraper
Knives combined with a•1 Bars keep
plates free of all sods or trach. tall Sear.
Inge, 411 anti friction balls make draught
very light. Flexible. Will 011 furrow. or
at. uneven ground. dates the correct
shape, turns and pulverizes the soil. Other
Disks and cultivators tested against the
•• 11r24SKLL" get • surprise. Sold by our
Agents. Manufactured by
T. E: BISSELL, [Lon*, ONT.
is )j Write tor Booklet •• K."
The ;i'esanent Style and
r '`
Shape of Se>Ili•readr Garments
P 1
Eva ., •-c wants style in his clothes. '1
Some -limn say they don't, but they
are mistaken.
Almost all ready-made clothing has
style' in it. In fact, it is style that sells
half the ordinary ready-made clothes.
But there are two kinds of style -
surface style and through-and-through
tailored style. There is as much differ-
ence betweenas
them there
is between a
wooden Louse painted to look
like stone
and A solid stone house.
Surfacc-otyle is created principally in
the pressii,g room -put in with the hot
iron -it pleases you when you try it on,
but after :. :duple of weeks wear it
looks as if it had been drawn through
a knot -hole.
Our styles •re designed by the ac-
knowledged Ler,[ clothing designer in
America. Semeriady styles are right -
then we tailor Ikon permanently.
Semi -ready skies is built froni the
foundation out. 5 •cry step in the con-
struction is in (i • hands of expert
tailors. The shoo revs are permanently
stitch - moulded 1 10 shape (see the
illustration), not preyed and shrunk by
a hot iron only to •g out of sheik
after a little wear.
Every part' of ev, rhmi-ready gar -
mem is stitched into permanent shape.
If the least unevenness shows it is ripped
and reatitched, not smoothed over with
1 •
a bot iron. Every garment 15 passel
by an expert as perfect in shape befog
it goes to the pressers.
Semi -ready fit is 'a certainty. 1)•,c.
plan of physique type' cover every ci., . ,
of figure. Short stoat► and tall stout- .
sloping shoulders and . over -erect, r 1
variations of figdre are provided for m
the Semi -ready pia
These points give r'style, fit rt 1
comfort -now for wea
Every piece of cloth comes oes is •
our tailorey has been selec I at t
mill by our cloth experts ; be se it •
ty nr
placed in stock it is tested b •
severe tests. Some cloth men lay •
are tau severe, but we think me, f•
we put our reputation back of eta ry
thread of, it when we sew the hcni i • .
ready label in a garment.
The silk -sewn seams, the rarefu'::
selected linings, the perfectly ma•:.
button -holes. every little detail is est -
fully watched so as to make Semi -read! •
tailoring the best produced. 6,
You can see the style, fit Anil f•n
of a Semi -ready garment ellen
try it on --there is no );nese work -:,c I
our guarantee covers any possible d •
Next time you are thinking of cloth t
drop in and see us -in justice to you --
self, you should investigate our claiths.
Sexai-r ad
ems: Tailoring
GODERICH ' • - - McLEhN BROS., Agents
the comfort of shaving with a really
good Razor ? ' no you "scrhpe"
along from . day to day and dread
the pain of shaving ? My friend,
this is all unnecessary. Buy a Black
Diamond Razor. Use it ono month.
l f it does not shave you with entire
comfort and satisfaction, in fact if it
does not make shaving a pleasure in-
stead of an operation to be dreaded,
bring it hack to our store and we
will cheerfully refund your money
without question or argument. That
tithould strike you as a 'pretty square
The Hardware Man