HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 6t
T1WISDAT, Feb. 92, 1916,
Dear Mother
Your leak ones are a mutant can a
f all and Water weather. Ila will
catch toll. Db you know about shbh's
Gessumpoois Gee, the Lung Torus. and
what at has done for to many ? It a said
to be the only toLable noaady for all
&MON of the au teoa51 ia children.
It is absolutely harmkw and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
as returned Ole /ewe d 25c. per bottle.
and all dealers In maims sell
I. Brewster's
That remedy J,0ald be to every houwboid
CmireietaI. flee.
b 1.e►we S. SI.sw
4 C.OMny
Special One -Way Rates
t Billings. \lune., Denver,
e iratbi Springs, Salt iake
ti *4'. Nelson, Roseland, Van-
couver, Purl land, Ore., San -
F'ranciseo, Pickets un sale
Special Settlers' Trains
to !Northwest
Every Tuesday during
4liurh and April a special
train with colonist bleeper
will leave Toronto at 9 p.111..
for M)u1itolMa and the
Northwest. *'lI 494' 11 go 114
travelling without livestock
should take express leaving
Toronto 1:13 p.m.
The Short Line to Cuba
Leave h Thursday p.
ow„ arriving ' in Havana.
('uba, early Monday morn-
ing. 1)i rest ronneeet'
'1'uutist rates in effect..
For tickets and ,full in''
formation call ren
Town Agent.
Office hours: 6:30d in. to
9:511 pan.
J. D. McDonald, District P.a.-
anger Agent, Toronto.
t'l1.t1Tt:I: XXX.
1 )NT1, you are breaking ms
heart," was tbs. drat and Du-
ly appeal Mrs. Gray ever
made to him: It was two
do -a before the 23d, and It did not eowe
until after the secondhand store wen
had driven away from her door with
the bulk of his clothing iu their wag-
on. She and Peggy had eee11 little of
Brewster, and his uervotlM reotlesaness
alarmed them. IIIc return was the
talk of the town. Men tried to shun
him, but he peraleteutly warted 101110
portion of his fortune oil hie unwilling
subjects. When he gavlig3.1)00 In cash
to a home for newsboy. even its
friends jumper to the eonelusinn that
he was mud. It was his nuly gift to
charity, and he excused his motive la
ogling at thte time by recalling S0olge?
w-iek's injunetluu to!'•git/ sparingly to
•'parity." Everything was gone Yr.un
his thoughts but the overpowering
eagerueso to get rid of 0 few trouble -
'010e tbou'auds. lie felt like an out-
cast, a pnriah,.a hated object that In-
fected every one with whnul he value
111 contact. Sleep w•11r almost fulpos-
sihle; eating wee -a-tars. Ile gave
elaborate supper, which be 1110 not
touch. Already his float friends were
discussing the advisability of putting
him In a sanitarium, where his mind
dight le preserved. Ills tree war
Innkerl 1111011 as peculiar in the history
of mankind. No. writer could find a
parallel; no one could Inllgiuel a cu111-
parienu. -
Mra. Gray met bin in the hallway
of her home as lie was nervously pock-
eting the $1111 he hill retr'ivel ht pay-
ment for his clothes, tier face wad
like that of a gtlnrt. He tried to an-
swer her reproof, but the wort% would
not COMP, and he tied to him room. lock-
ing the door after him. 11e wet at
_work there on the transaeflon that was
keening Der hook to the man wflo
mulled so sadly nod yet ao heartlessly.
"I didn't avant the million, Peggy."
he went on. "You think as the rest
do. 1 know. that I was n fool to act 011
1 0111. It would be milk Idiot' rd1 my
part to blame you any more than the
other,, for thinking em you do. Ap-
peal -envois are ngaluat me; the proof Is
overwhelmtug. A year ago I wan call-
eri a 111111; today they ure stripping me
of every claim to that oliotinetion. Tho
world says I ani it -foot a dolt, almond a
criminal, but no oue lellevee 1 tun a
Ivan. Peggy., will you feel letter to -
'ward sue if I tell you that I am going
to begin life all ever again? It will
be a new Monty Brewster that starts
out ngain In it few drays, or, If you will,
1t shall be the old oue--tib' Musty you
once knew."
"'lie old Monty'r" she marmond
softly, dreamily. "It would he good
to see pini -to much better than to ewe
the Monty of the last year."
".Ul in spite of all I have done,
to he throe.). over on the morning of the
2:11 and the emeriti rep wt wee not to
11(• eomide.e(I until 9 o'clock on that
do v.
IIs-kle'wl Peggy gowlhy, tukl her to
be ready for a drive at 4 o'clock, and
Own went off to dud Joe Bragtlun and
E101 Gardner. Alley met him by ap
poiunacut, and to them he confided his
tleolgn to be married on the following
"You rent afford 11 Monty," explod-
ed Joe fearlessly. "Peggy Is too good
a girl. It Isn't fair to her."
"We here agreed to begin life tomor-
row. Halt and see the re+nit. 1 think
it %%11I surprleo you. Incident:1111 It Is
up to we to engage n minister's miry -
loam. It's going to be quiet. you know.
Joe. you eau Ile my lest 101111 If you
like. and. Gardie. I'll expeet yon to
alga your name ar oue of the wit-
nesses, Tomorrow evening we'll have
supper at Mrs. Gray's, and 'among
Home present' will nut eomprise a very
large 1111. 1 assure you. But we'll tall
about that later oly. Just now I want
to ask you fellows to lend we enough
money to pay the preacher. I'll return
It tomorrow afternoon."
"Well. l'ui blessed:" exclaimed Gard-
ner. utterly dumfounded by the nerve
of the man. Gardner prouil*ed to have
the miuister at the Gray house the next
niorning. Monly's other request --made
In deep seriousness --was that l'eggy
was not to lw told of the little transac-
tion. Ile then hurried off to the office
of (Scant & Ripley. The buudlea of re-
ceipts bad preceded him.
"Has Jones arrived in town?" was
his dost anxious question aft* the
"Ile is hot registered at any Of the
Peggy, you will stand by me? You hotels," responded Mr. Germ, and
won't desert ins like the rest? You'll Brewster did not see the troubled look
that passed over his face. •
:'he'll show up tonight, I prseunle,"
said he complaeently. The lawyer's
be the ,awe Peggy of the other days?"
lie cried, big calmness breaking down.
"How can you ask? Why should
you doubt Lee?"
For a moment they stool silent. each
looking into the heart of the other. each
seeing the beginning of a new day.
"Child" -his L'ob'e trembled danger
musty -"1-1 wonder if you corn enough
for me to ---to"--- But he could only
look the question.
'•'1'11 start all ovor again with you?"
she w•hieperetl. '
"Yes -to trust yourself to the prodi-
gal who has' returntvl. Without you.
child, all the .rest would be as the
busks. Peggy, 1 want you -you: You
do love,me. I cnn seer It in your eyes; 1
can feel it in yonr presence.,,
"How long you. have leen in realiz-
ing it:" she said pensively as she
stretched nut her arms to him. For
many minutes ne held her close. dud -
Ing a beautiful place in the world
"How long have you really cared:'"
he asked In a whisper.
"Always. Monty; all my life."
"And 1, too, child; all my life. 1 know
it now; I've 1:310811 It for mouths. Ob.
what .a fool 1 w'as to haat: wasted all
this love of yours and all this lite of
wine" But i'Il not be a profligate In
love. Peggy. I'll not'muauder nu atom
of it, deaf•, not as long as I lite."
".Uri we will ton11d a greater love,
Moly, as we build the 114.8 lit)' togeth-
er. We never can Ie poor while we
have Ince 111 a treasure."
"14/11 won't niiud being poor with
me?" he asked.
"I can't be -poor with you," she said
"Anil I might have IM all this escape
me:" he ticked fervently. "Listen, peg -
g7; we will start together, you as my
wife and my fortune.' You shall be all
that Is left to Ire of the past. Will you
marry me the day after tomorrow?'
I sort say 'No,' (Ieareot. I want to begin
on that day. At 7 in the morning, dear?
Don't you see how gond the 'Start will
And he pleaded 1.0 nrueuny .and so
earneotly tint he won, his 'mint even
though It grew out of a whim that she
could not then understand. She was
not to learn until itfterwarl his object
in having the marriage take place on
the morning of Sept. t, two hours Ix--
fure the time set for the turning over
of the Selgwi(•k millions. if all went
well they would lie lttew'ster's millions -
before 12 o'clock, sol Peggy'+ life of
poverty wrollhd cover no Inure than
three hours of time. She believed hips
worth a lifetime of twangy.. So they
would start 1h0 new life with but one
possession -love.
Peggy rebelled ngainst him desire to
mime! the $70 that still remained, hut
he wan firm in his determination. They
would dine and drive together and nee
all of the old life that WW1 left -on $70.
Then on the next day they would start
all over again. There was one nude mo-
ment of di,nl0y when It o'currld to
him that i'eggy might be considered
nn"asset" It she became him wife be-
fore 9 o'clock. But he realized at nine
that It was only deulanded of him tint
he be pennlle%M and thnt he p>'4' ' no
object that had leen neo ilrtrl through
the medium of FAiwiI peter Br'wmter's
money, Surely tido wife who. was not
to come to him until bee lams dollar was
gone eonld not he the product of nn old
metre legacy. But so eait'fnl was he In
regard to the trnileaetion that 110 decid-
ed 10 borrow -money of .1 04. Bragdon to
'buy the Iicense nod to pay the minis-
ter's fee. Not only wonhl lie Me penni-
less nn the day of settlement. hat he
would toe In deht. So changed was the
calor of the world to hint now that even
the fnllure to win Seolgwiek's millions
eonld not emelt out the new life and
the new joy that had come to hlin with
'PHONE 15 OR 24
warehouse) Cr. \Vest
When you want (and Yards, (street and
THEHIit'l at (lock $quare
i'ant weighed on the market -rales,
whore you get 2.04 IM. for .a ton. -
' thew. left at 1. t'. LEE s Hardware Store
FAA. •1de Square. promptly attended to.
Coal, Wood
Hard Coal, Egg, Stove
and Chestnut
No. 1 Red Jacket, Do-
mestic Lump, Best
Soft Coal in the mar-
Any amount of hardwood, best
Maple and Beech, cut and split,
ready for the stove.
SYND IS 01•'
Canadiin 'Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even ntinthenvi .Met tan of 1timtnthm
lands in Mantnlit of the North west 1'10_ Ince
r.trppl1 Ing M and *knot reser ecd. may he hmne.
11•wdeM1 ht'• an)' eei.on win Is the .ole hen,' of n
family, or Any oink re IT 114 ) envy of age, In the
extent of 000 WW1 lei +er ion of Rat acres. 010re
"r lass.
Mrs. Gray met hint to the hallway.
t0 record the total 01'appfiaraure of
Edwin Brewster',. million --hie flual re-
port to Swenrengen Juuea, executor of
,lames Se'dgwiek's will. On the floor
were bundles of package% ' carefully
wrapped nu0 11(x1, 01111 on the table
was the long sheet of white paper on
whirl) the report was being drawn.
'floe packages contained reeclpts-thou-
aauda upon thousands of them -for the
Wilier% he had spent In leen than a
year. They were there for the inspec-
tion of Swearengen Jones, faithfully
mud honorably kept, as if the old west-
erner world go over in detail the eonnb
lest. io•umeats.
lie had the account% balanced up to
the hour. On the hag sheet lay the
re turd of his ruthleaeuesd the epitaph
of n million. in h1% packet was exaet-
ly $79.08. This was to last him for
leas thou forty-eight hours, and then
it would go to join the rest. It was
Ida )11111 to vislttiramt & Ripley ow the
afternoon of the 2211 and to read the
report to theta In anticipation of the
meeting with Jones on the day follow-
.Inst before noon, niter hie encounter
with Mrs. (fray. he came downstairs
and boldly, for the drat time 111 days,
%aught out Peggy. There was the old
'mile in his eye% and the old heartiness
id Irl. voice when he carne upon her
in the library. She was not reading.
Book*, pleasures nod all the joys of
life had fled from her mind, and she
thongbit only of the disaster that well
conning to the boy she had always
loved. His heart smote him as he
looked into the deep, somber, fright-
ened eyes. running over with lore and
fear for him. ___
"Peggy, do yen think I'm worth any-
tl:ing more from yonr mother? iM you
think the wilt ask me to live here any
longer.?" he asked steadily, taking her
hand in his. Hera was cold. his as hot
no -dr.. "You know what you said
nway off yonder somewhere, that she'd tux winning of Peggy Gray,
pet me Ilre.here If i deserved It. r
nm a pnuper. Peggy. and I'm afraid ('ITAI'TF:It XXXi.
i'll- 1 !logy have to get down to drndg- OON otter- noon on the wd of
ery seen). Will ehe turn me ant? You September Monty folded his re -
knew 1 must hare anmewh.re to live. port to Swenrengen Jones, Muck
Mlrhnate? hon you re -
Shall It he the p It Into him pocket 111111 twilled
member %suing one dory that 1'11 end forth. 2. pnr/el delivery wagon hnd
In the poorhouse'!" carried alt n myeteriowa Montle a few
She a -ns looking into him eye%, dread- minute* before. ]Ire. Gray could not
Mg whet might be teen In them, convent her wonder, but.Brewster's an -
But there woos no gleam of Inownity ewers to her gneMIlons threw little light
there; there wan no fever. lnefend there on the mystery. 11e eontd not tell her
ono the gullet smile of the men who is the hug Iwttttke enntained 11)0 receipts
eatlsflM with himself and the world. tlmt were to prove his alnrerity when
Him voice bore traces of emotion. lint the time came to 'settle with ?ir..lones.
It was the vole, of one who has perfect Brewster had teal his own farm of re -
control of his wife. eelpt for every purchase. The little
"I■ it all gone, Montyt" rhe asked. Moll ree*'lpt hooka hnd been mnde to
almost in a whimper oder 'or him part not only he, lint ev-
"llere Is the vendor. of mu estate." fry p0hao In his employ, carried one
he anis, rap ening his purse with steady everywhere. No matter how trivial the
fingers. "i'm hark to where 1 left off a purhase, the person who received a
year ego The million im gone. and my droller of Brewstei s money etgnel n re.
swinge are rltppal " II.* faro wsls ereipt for the tn)mint. Nrwahnva nod
vil.lte: her heart won In the elnteh of litmthlaeko'were the only being.' who
ure. Hew emil4 he 9. net calm about It eteaperl the formality; t1()s to waiters,
when for bim mho was t'Rering nub porters, rabbles, etc , n ere reeotded
weeny? Twloe eh• started to ,peek. and tfterwnnl taut into n 015511 by
hat her 444(0. fatbOd her. She ((trued thetalselyea. Tte•elptt far the few dol.
slowly and walked to the window. Mrs remaining In iia poeaessipD veers
F;n*ryyma • he mole ;101-.0'141y0'
.0'141y rat the l,.)
land ofee Inc the 111.1:let in stitch the land le
.it stale. or if the homnshatier d,•.Ire•. kc may.
011 epplirwt inn In the Mlnl.ter of the Ire et tor
Ialaw.. 1he 1'onmdv.lnnrr of 1 laratlo,
Winnipeg. or the ham) agent 0,111 a aulhtMty
for ,"Imr'mete Tooke entry for him.
The hotne•Inwier I- required In orrfnrnt 11r
rnnditla,P cntmm Itrl therewith tinder one of
the following plan.
111 At hid .10 month: redden,', upon and
cuftlrallon of the land in each year for three
141 if the father tar mother, if the father i.de
ceased) of the lmntcsltrsder re -Ides nain a farm
In the vicinity orf the land entered for the ret
tnirentents eo to nrtldenve may he Patlsaed
by Koch p0*8)0 melding *111, the father tt
631 If the +etlet has his permanent ts.Mence
nett fmrming land owned by him to the vletn
Sty of hl. horne.teeal. the requirement. e. to
,wtldan,e may he 011 0 tr1 by tmkirnoe upon
the ,at In tel.
Mix mme h: not In writing .hnnld barber
to the ('omml..lnner of Iwmnialnn tando at
Ottawa of Intent 1011 io apply for patent.
W. W. t*IRV.
fMpnly of the Mlnl.lor of the Interior.
N.P. t'maulhOrl rad peblieat.itm of Ihi. rad
4eueemeut wilt not be paid for.
" Maple Lcaf" Long Rubber Boots are doubly
strengthened at points where the wear is greatest,
and are made throughout of only the toughest
Insist old " Maple Leaf" brand rubbers for all
purposes -they fit every shape and style of men's,
women's and children's shoes.
Are warm, perfect fitting and lilsting.
" Maple Leaf " brand rubbers
please the dealer because they
satisfy his customers and
increase trade.
_'Level Inc etimigh manicy to putt' tote
pre lehcr "
did not tell him that all the telegrams
they had sent to Swearengeu Jones In
the past two weeks had been returned
to the New York ofllee as unclaimed in
Butte. The telegraph company report-
ed that Mr. Jones was not to be found
and that he hid not been seen 1n Butte
since the 3d of September. The law-
yer' were hourly expecting word from
Montana men to whom they had tele-
graphed for Information and advice.
They were extremely nervous, but
Montgomery Brewster was too eager
and excited to notice the fact.
"A tall, bearded stranger was here
this morning asking for you, Mr. Brew-
ster," said Ripley, his head bent over
some papers on his desk.
"Ali, Jones, I'm sure: Pre always
Imagined him with a long beard," said
Monty, relief in ods voice.
"it was not Jones. We know Jones
quite well. This man wan a stranger
and refs,/ll to give My name. He Bald
he would call at Mr.. Gray's this after-
UIQ he look like a constable or a bill
o le•tor?" asked Monty, with a laugh.
"ile looked very much like a tramp."
"Well, we'll forget him for the time
being," said Monty, drawing the report
from hie 'pocket. "Would you mind
looking over this report, gentlemen?
I'd like to know ft it 1s In proper form
to preemie to Mr. Jones."
Crant's hand trembled as he took
the carefully folded sheet from Brew -
`oder. A quick glance of despair passed
between the two lawyers.
"Of course, you'll nnderstand that
"this report Is merely a synopsis of the
expenditures. They are classified, how-
ever, and the receipts over there are
arranged In tech a way that Mr. Jones
cnn enmity verify all the figures pet out
in the report. For instance, where It
says 'cigars' I have put down the total
amount that went up In smoke. The
receipts nre to serve as ren Itemized
statement. you kn )w." Mr. Ripley
talk the paper from his partner's hand
■rad, pulling hlmeelf together, rend the
report aloud. It was ns follows:
New York, Sept. 2.1, 10-.
To Swenrengen Jones, Esti., Executor Un-
der the Will of the Late James T. Sedg-
wick of Montana:
In pursuance of the terms of the afore -
Enid trill and In accord with the inetruc-
tinns Pet forth by yourself 115 executor 1
present my report of reeelpte and dis-
bursements for the year In my life ending
at midnight on Sept. 22. The necurare of
the figures set forth in this general state-
ment may ha established by referring to
the receipts which form a part of this
report. There la not one penny of Edwin
Peter flrewater'e money In my po%%em-
alon, and I have no asset to mark Its
burial place. Tltete figures are submitted
for your moat careful consideration:
Original capital $1,40,40 re
EA 660 M
I.Mn no
40,1)110 no
Vie en
Lumber and Fuel misfortune
Prise fight mIPJtdg•d
Monte Carlo education
Rine track. errors
Rale of six terrier pops
Rale of furniture and personal
e40Otp 44604.40
Interest on funds once in hand10.114100
:sugars :, 1JT00
Prinks. c lefty for others - 0.040.20
clothing 3.400.00
Rent of one villa 30, 0on6
One courier . 600-M
Dinner partly 117.00 et
Suppers and lu cheons ..... 10.000.0
Theater parties and *uppers--..., 6.'_:; 00
Hotel expenses 61.21*4 (9
Railway and steamship (area.:, 31.:4.41
For Newsboys' home 0.00. ea
Two opera performances 04.00000
Repairs to Flitter ' 6442.60
In to* from somewhere to
Southampton 50.010.00
Special train to Florida 1.000.01
t'ottage In Florida 6.500.00
Medlcat attendance 3.10000
Living expenses In Florida 6,100.00
11inapproprlat ion of personal
property by servants 3.5181.00
Taxes on personal property 1113
Sundries ° 0.10:1.00
Household expenses 24.106 00
Total amount to be disposed of.11,N0,0 0.t0
Rent for apartments $23114.04'
Fnrnishing nptfl'tmenla 04.272.00
Three nnlnmethilen 21.Onnm
'tenting six automobiles 16.8141 en
Amount Inst to DeWitt. 1.40 0
R Inrfa 24,66000
Aloount paid to men Injured In
auto accident 12.24000
Amount lost In bank failure113.0021
Amount loot on races 4.004 M
coat mane screen 1.060.40
t'hrlttmas presents 1,311.04
Pommel 1,111+
('able and telegraph Urn M
Stationery 5410 m
Two Proton terriers Moro
Amount lost to 'seldom man MA IV
Amount leer on concert trot 64,312 M
Amemat Putt through O. Ilarrl-
1on'1 apeeulatlon fon my 50 -
moat) . . g Mo m
One tall fin two seettowa), et not M
Porten favors . aam0
On. yacht cruise 1(2 ens
One cerniv$i .. 6 *11 M
Total disbursements >h. t*n.n40.00
Balance on hand 4.nyn,000.00
Respectfully submitted,
"11'a rather broad, you see. gentle-
men, but there are receipts for every
dollar, barring some trittiug luciden
tabs. He may think I di,.,lpnted the for-
tune, but I defy biro or any one else
to prove that 1 have Dot had'nl7 1110u-
ey's worth. To tell you the truth, it
has seemed like a hundred million. 1f
any one should tell you that it is au
easy matter to waste n mlllinn dollars
refer bin to me. Inst fall I weighed
780 pounds; yesterday I barely' moved
the beam at 140. Last fall there was
not a wrinkle In niy face, nor did 1
have a white hair. You ser the result
of overwork, gentlemen. It will take
an age to get back to where 1 was
physically, but I think I can do it with
the vacation that begins totnorrow. In-
cidentally I'11) going to be married to-
morrow morning, just when I am poor-
er than 1 ever expect to be again., I
still have a few dollars to spend, and I
must be about it. Tomorrow I will ac-
count for what I spend this evening.
It 10 now covered by the 'sundries'
iter,( but I'll ave the receipts to show
all right. See ou tomorrow moruing."
He was gone, eager to be with Pet-
gy, afraid to discuss his report with
the lawyers. Grant and Ripley shook
their heads and sat silent for a long
time after his departure.
"We ought to bear something definite
before night," said Grant, but there
was anxiety in his voice.
"I wonder," mused Ripley, an If to
himself, "how he w111 take It if the
wont should happen."
[TO 111 coren(UZD.]
My daughter hat, improved so much
that you wo111d warmly know her--
31iller'n Compound iron Pills did it.
For sale by Jam. NVilson.
La Grippe
Twelve times and out!
Doctors say that LA GRIPPE
will come two or three't,'cars
more and disappear again
for ,o years. it has a
periodical run of 12 years.
Each time it -comes it is
worse than the time before.
Thfs time LA GRtf't'r•, is
prophesied to have terrible
neuralgic and rheumatic
pains as a symptom and
afterclap. These pains are
the most excruciating-- -
worse than the rack a, d
torture. Avoid LA GRtilrrl,
prevent LA GRIPPE, or cure
i.A GRIPPE, by taking the
specific, scientific remedy
gold to .ft tvrorr..o. for 01 rer 1,4110
Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited
170 Nang RC 11/.05, vostoeseo
'Treat from .ceylon
4: Red Fedtiter"
Leaves a good impression.
Made by inachiaatt7, enables
Ow mama hour/wife to
hare purr/tier mad mar.
wbolestnnwe brand. awl. -
out any of um troubk and
worry bakIng day oma -
.01111114 bey malls,.
dee It Cost, less Thse te
For the next ten days we are going to clear our entire stock of felt
footwear at
2o per cent. discount.
he following list contains some of the good things we have to offer
Men's Felt Shoes.
Dongola foxed with leather
moles and heel.. In all mines
from 0 to II.
Women s Slippers.
The remaindei of our ettick of
noca go.
Men's Felt Shoes.
With heavy felt holes and
heel*. Jitst the thing to Went'
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