The Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 5Dogs Must Be Tagged.
Bylaw to Regulate Canines Passed by
the Town Council.
Improved Lamps for Street Lighting System -Peti-
tion for New Walk on Nelson Street The As-
sessment Question Drainage System of the
Town in Need of Attention Public Library Board
Finances A Busy Evening for the Town Fathers.
The regular tueeting of the town
council was held on Friday evening
and a very large amount of business
was transacted. The only member
absent was Councillor Elliott, who
was detained by (Ungar in his family.
A letter from. the towu solicitor in
regard to the taxes payable by the
Elevator Company wets sent on to the
collector, with instructions to act on
the solicitor's advice. The advice is
to the effect that the Company is
liable for scbbol tax on both the real
estate and the business assessment.
Engineer Kelly reported upon ele•-
trie lights installed and asked per-
mission to put in a large injector.
Referred to the Neater and light coin-
The auditor's report was stbrnitted
and eefend to the finance couuuittee.
In response Lo .w apppent from the
National Sanitarium) Aews•iation for
essista nce in iter work for consump-
tives at Muskoka, it grant of $1111 wtas
A letter from John Galt, C. E., of
Toronto, requesting the opportunity
of consulting the council in connec-
tion with the installation of a new
electric light austral, was referred to
-- the water and eight a 'ttee.
An offer of The Canadian Munici-
pal Journal, the official organ of the
Union of Canadian Municipalities, of-
, tering copier of The Journal to the
inembera of the council at half price,
511 cents each, was accepted, six copies
being ordered. The Mayor gets n
copy gratis.
A circular asking the counc•il'e in-
fluence toward,. the establishment of
fllhyygienic institute at London was
Claim for Compensation.
A conununicalion from W. 11. Bur-'
gear req p requested compensation for two
week(( detente from work through
the quarantine of the McLeod house
on account of the diphtheria ease.
Mr. Burgett?' placed his lows at $11.
The matter was referred to the special
rOAMuitte•. Councillors Blair and
Hallows were (premed to this move,
holding that the council was under nu
liability in the (mutter.
John C. McIntosh asked for ;a re-
bate of charge for water service for
watering two ,eosin. Him water tap
was in the house and he watered his
cows from a well. The water and
light committee was empowered to
act in the matter on the report of the
Public Library Estimates.
It J. Naftel, secretary of the puhlir
library loard.'sedi fitted the 'estimates
of the board for the current" year and
naked for an appropriation of $750 for
the year. The estimates ole tea fol-
lows :
ltalance 011 hand . .. $ leo
legislative aunt tai
(Minty grant .... .... .. .. Li
Town grant . . ..... 710
Rent of lecture romp.. .... ' :4.
Readers eatd., once. etc- 7..
Water and Ilghl 2441
Book•• and periodicals. 310
Mandela e11
Il IM)
Mr. Naftel explained that only $.9t
was spent on betake. Inst year and a
larger expenditure would he necessary
for thin year. The librarian's salary
also had been increased slightly.
Mayor Tilt expressed him belief that
the library wan being maintained as
economically as pssible.
The grent of $7i.(I wain made, to be
drawn in minis of $20i as required.
Robert Elliott's Complaint
Robert Elliott complained that Mr.
Holmes was putting WOOd on Mait-
land street and blocking the road to
him (Mr. Elliott's) coal sheds. Mr. Ei-
liott addressed the council in support
of his complaint and clahned that Mr.
Holmes had no right to convert the
street into a wood-yetd.
Councillor Blair said there wee a
standing resolution of the council
covering the point raised by Mr El-
liott, and tbct the )tatter was in the
hands of the Mayor. Him Worship
stated that he would see that Mr.
Holmes Wits notified to remove the
Dog Bylaw.
A bylaw Was peteeed providing for
the licensing and regulation of doge.
The bylaw provides that on or before
the 1st day of May in each year the
owner of every dog Khali have the
patne "registered. bereft described
and licensed" in the office of the col-
lector of taxer, and shall cause the dog
to weer around its neck et collar hat-
ing attached a metallic plate with the
lettere G. 1). L. (meaning (Joderich
dog license) and figures indicating the.
year for which the license hest leen
paid and a number corresponding
with the numbtlr tinder which the dog
was registered. The charge for such
license, metallic plate and registra-
tion for each dog is to be $1.0) and for
each hitch $2.0). Doge ale not to be
allowed to run at. Inrge unless acrom-
panjed by and rontrolied by some
competent person, a n d any dug
rtnniug at large contrary to the
proviaione of the bylaw may be
raptured, killed or otherwiee di4pt4el
of hy such persli as may he duly
authorized so to do. The town con-
stables are mentioned as officers for
the enforcement of the provininnee of
the bylaw. Other clauses refer to
vicious and rabid doge etc. The
maximum penalty for violation of the
bylaw shall le $,irl for each Offence, or
SIX months in jail.
The hylaw was read three times and
Jet now in effect.
Sidewalk on Nelson Street.
A petition wean presented by prop-
erty -owners on the south side of Nel-
son street, for a granolithic• sidewalk
from Albert street, to the end of
Hamilton street, the walk to he four
feet wide and planed outside the tree..
C. Mtinninge and H. B. Beckett,
spoke in replanati0n and au port of
the petition. They asked that the
...roaming et Hamilton street Armlet he
eon.trncted Or/tight across to the
ilnion hotel corner, to connect. With
the walk on the, northwesterly side of
Hamilton street. Councillcnw had
some doubt ea to whether this world
Notaries ............. ....
be the Treat location for the crossing,
and the petition Was referred to the
public works committee with power
to obtain as report from an engineer ;
and it. Was requested that n couuuittee
of the petitioners appear before the
public works conlmotet, at the next
meeting to dimmer, the matter further.
Change in Street Lamps.
The water end light committee
made the following recommendation',:
That the transformer near Hie sum-
mer hotel Ie repaired by the Packard
Electric Company ; that no action be
taken on tile tenders for supplies+, 1111
none of thele are complete : that the
supply of oil he purchlwed on the
tender of the Queen City Oil Co. ;
that an incandee ent light off the arc
citruit he installed on 'Trafalgar
sheet : that the council consider at
the earliest possible date the reneelel-
ling of the street lighting system :
that five 10 -light meters for eleett'ic
lights is- purchased.
1 -,uncillor (flair. chairman of this
committee, referred to the proposed
change in the lighting system to the
enclosed ;ire letups. The Toa of the
charge was estimated at $2,501, but as
the lights would ran 1J) hours with-
out tee-cat•booing it was estimated
there 'would be 0 Having of 89 per
bump per year ; the waving would
more than pay the interest on the
int'esainent. Coder the present sys-
tem it was impossible to keep the
street light burning after midnight
when the hate train was delatyel, to
light the passengers home : under the,
prop sed new systein this could 1
done, and the lifhis could also
turned 011 in the winter mornings for
people going to the early train. '
Engineer Kelly said a change was
necessary, ate the present lights were
in laid shape and t here were frequent
complaints of lights being out. The
new lamp was in use in all the Rice.
One carbon would past for fro a two
week,. to a th.
The report was adopted.
Committee Reports.
The special ennui' ittee tee minended
Glatt advertisement lee mad • for offer',
to take in 41111 l'at'e for t•olltagluue
and infectious dioceses as hey occur ;
end that the clerk count) nkcat' with
the umanngers of the G yhlwhd 11f1
such other beats as are kely to be in
the excursion trade her . for informa-
tion as to advertisin •• the town by
photos olferd gratis /\' M r. 'gallows
and Mr. Br ophey.
The Mayor explai ed that the ai•tiun
teemumenele,l reg (ding the contag-
ious dist-Ame•s cast was advisee! by the
telarel of health, o provide for future,
cases that mix occur. The report
%tan IUleq.twl.
The theme committee reveille
mended the a cep terse• of the loans
offered by a 'Mtantbml Luaan CO.
on sinking fund account, one for
$2,45), two or IM(/u1 each, one for
$2,3lNs (ell 5 per rent, i, and one for
?101 e r
1. d r ant. and that a cut -
$. i p 1. n u
mission 5 nue per cent. be paid on all
that tet • five per rent. upon their
being •newest for a term of five
yearn, the Company to pa • costs of
eosin 'int : in the rase of� the four
per rentmortgage the •m -oration te.
pay (meta of atseignme•nt but no e . -
tmis • Th., report Wits adopted.
The public works romtnailt•e FteconI-
nMended the Acceptance of C. .1.
Ha rper's tender for the heading of the
town offices. Mr. Harper offered to
put in an Oxtorl heater at $K7.^ The
report was a dieptd.
The revised local iruprdvement by-
law was given the first and second
reeding. and the thiel reading was
deferred to the next meeting, that all
the menthe's' of the tounri1 'nigh: lie
New Business.
A number of 'netters intrxlured ley
Councillor Blair were then dealt with.'
The question of prx•nring a one-
horse mower for use in the parks and
on the' amen. wan referred to the
public works committee' to procure
prices., etc., and report.
The alterations in the town hall of -
fres *ere left in the hands of the pub-
lic works romnlittee, the work to be
pushed along as quickly am possible.
As the electric light plaint call now
carry about: 100 e lights, it was de-
cides) to )fake an effort to secure ad-
ditional tnket•s, and the water and
light committee waas.authrn•ized to get
1 out a circular pointing out the advant-
age of the light and pend copies to
suitable p4.1w0ne, such, persons to bre
afterwards canvassed personally by
the engineer.
The question of repairing the flee
engine was referred to the fire com-
mittee : 1541 team also the platter of re-
modelling the bylaw governing the
fire hrigede, that it might be re
fully under the enntrol of the council.
The public works couunitLe• WAS in-
ett•ucted to attend to the paths in the
Square that have not already leen
costed with cinders' ; also to attend t0
the snubbing -posts and other repairs
at the dock.
The matter of coal supply was left
with the water end light committee).
Mr. Blair also intuit' the suggestion
that the electric light poles sholtld he
painted, following the example of the
Bell Telephone Co.
Drainage Needs Attention.
J. M. Proudfoot was heard respect-
ing the water In hie cellar. which is
reimposed to have backed 1111 from one
of the town drains. A long (iscus-
sion followed. and the opinion se•rnel
to prevail that it would be nereesary
to make extensive changes in the
drainage system of the town. Mr.
Proti if ot•s case wan left in the hands
of the public works committee. to de-
vise 41011)4' 'opens of relief.
USnineillor gallows hail Rome sug-
gestinnn also. One seem that a plan of
the cemetery lots should be procured
for the clerk's office. Thi. wit. left to
the attention of the cemetery com-
mittee. Another was in regnel to the
consolidation of the town bylaws.
This work was r•Onrineneed 410me yearn
ago, and the clerk was instructed to
retort 0n the erste of the matter.
The Rseetesment question WAR die. -
mowed At mottle length, and Council-
lor Hlair's suggestion, that the coin
tnitle' of the whole mermen Rhnuld
meet with the wMewor, go over Is. t
year's e..euant('nt with hint, and ad-
vise where necessary. was srdnptal,
the meeting t0 he on the following
Thursday evening.
The council then adjourned.
1111 •-lie's 11 Vt)I)h.l{It'S
Liverpool Wheat Futuna Close Lower,
Chioapo Higher --Love Stock -
The Latest Quotations. .
Monday F:yeulng, Feb, 10.
Liverpool wheat :taunts closed to -day t;d
to (411 lower than Saturday, and cora fu-
tures %d to yid higher.
At (Wlcago, May wheat Glared tike IdgIet
than xaturday. May cora uneekaugtm) and
?day ,eats unchanged.
sheet 47,614)1)4) 37,45m,4td
"Corn p 1,475,4x.1 n.a4et•.a1
01111.28,428,iusi 17,001,1E11
During the wsek wheat decreased "al,'
4)0) bushels, corn decreased 140.01a, bushel.,
and outs decreased 10,(x4) bushels.
The following were the closing quotations
Yesterday at tido market : Feb. 14',, bid,
May 77%c bid, July 714(,c bid,
• May:. Sept
New York 811% 17%
Duluth 81% S4(4
Mian,-apolla 81% 6'(4
lit, Lou. 90% 711'•
Detroit 87%k 114(4
Toledo 87 1894
tvueat, spring bush .,.10 78 to 3....
Wheat fall, bush 0 76 0 74
When(, red. bush 0 76 0 78
whe-ut, goose. bush ,.., l) i_ ,...
Barley, bush. 0 7i1 ..
Nut*, bush, 0 38 a 40
Rye, bush 0 76 ..,,
Peaf. bush 0 M ••••
MUegwheat, bush u 33 ,,,,
New York, Feb. 19, -Batter -Firm; to
condo, 23441. Ktreet price : Extra creamery. 1{i,•. 061clr1 pricer : creamery, coin
mon to extra, 18c to :Me; date dairy, com-
mon to extra, 15c to 20t•; renovated, 141111'
mon to extra, 15c to '/B; western factorl,
common to firsts, 14e• t6. I7c; western Iml-
tarluu creamery, extras, 21c; do., firsts,
Kkeear-Firm; receipt1042: state, tell
cream, small and large, colored and white,
Kept„ fa14%c;cy, 14c; do., Oetohair Leat,
15%, to 13%e: do., late made, email ave•
rage best 12%c; do.. large, 12tec; do.,
fair, 11.4e to 1211•; .klor, full to light, 3(41
to 11%e.
Eggs --Weak; receipts, 73Y0: state, Nit*
■ylvaula and nearby, fancy w•lected whit*Apr 10 21c; do. choice. Ise to 199; do.,
,-bdre mixed 'extra. 17c; western erste,
15c; ,lo, .econds, 14c to 14yie; southerna,
12c to DSc.
Cables taekaaaed-Cat11e 14ador,
Hasa Firmer at Dtfala.
London, Feb.' 111.-4'attle are quoted at
104tc to 12c per 1b.; refrigerator beef,
10%e to 9%e.
• Receipts of live stork at the Codon Stock
Yards were 3N carloads. eoualyaIeg of 134
cattle, 21 sheep, 150 bogs and 11 calves.
One or two Iota of prime cattle• .old an
1.5.25, alas one hind at 15.30. The general
uta sold .t 1480 to $:., wife the buck going
it 14.75 to $4.90 per cwt. Export bull.
sold at $:4.50 to 14, with a few choice std.
mars at 14.121,s ler evil. The cptil.• that
sold at 1.5.25 Isere good enough het a 1'hrbt-
mar market; 1111 feel one prominent dealer
stated that they were lost fat,
Picked lots of prion' heifers and strera
sold ■t . $4.50 to 14,61; toads of good at
14..71 to 14.4te; medium nt $4 to 14.15; it
mon mused at ' Ft.5sr to cows at 11573
to 14 per cwt.
Milch ('even,
A few cinch rows sold at :3U to 147 elle*
1 cal 4'sli m.
A few e: Ices sold of $4.:0 to $7 per cwt.
wn.eep seed Iambs.
T,imlw sold at Mt :s. to 37 per cwt.; el.
port .ewes at $4.50 per cwt,
Henn. _
H. T. Kennedy repots peters es Mine
$/,TS for sale,',,. gust Ml,:as for light fats.
Montreal. Feb 16, (Sp.rlel.l ('able ad.
Tire.. fron, 1.1,erpsd nod London on Pana•
dime ra1)1e worn. .osier and noted s decline
In prlr.'.. of t.c, with sales nt 10%e to
111,4,. Glasgow sdvl,•,, were weak, with
prices t,,,.. lower. 15 Ile to 11th. Ksp.rte
forweek he from t f m Kt. John N. h., end reit
land were 34:11 cattle. Itreeipis bore weer.
1:Pio rattle 75 mulch cows, 1(11) ealvet 9 M
.beep and land", non hope.
The butchers were out In hill force. and
trod. was brink. with no material .hang.'
In prlre: Prime (04.1011 sold at 41,4,- In 5e
per lb.; pretty good cattle. 3%c to 41,4c, aur
the common took nt 2)4.• to 31i., with
tarp•, fat bn11. a) 4c to 41,9e. There were
n number of very fine large mllcl. I-nw. on
(1.e market. ntid $70 Wile askfor Home of
them lint the buyers did not r.• to go 'le
high; the common cows sold n 1311 to 1111
earls. Mr. Ihrhoto• paid Mkt for 'level' gno 1
calves, or at the rate of 44,e to fie per Ib,;
young twills Wold at 1:t to $6 each; sheep
00111 s.1 4(e, anti iambs at 6e per Ib,
There was very Ilttlr change In- the eeon•
Milton of the market for hogs: .upplla
were ample to 1111 all requirements. and
gals. were made at 17.4) to 37,50, with an
odd lot of ..heir,' w'lerta welling .4 17.410 pet
Ion 11ra. weight. weighed off cars. Calle
adelres on Patentor 'from Liverpool on
Csuldlan Intron, were stronger end noted
an 'drone" In prices of 1 per cent. to 54s
is 'fee but advices from tendon and Sri*
tol reported pries steady.
Knot lturtnln rob. 19.-Caine-ItrcMpta,
4801 head; fnlrly active; 14c• to 215• lower;
prime .teer., s. -...L to 15.65; shipping, $4.73
to 15.25; Lntebera, $4.40 to 15.15; helfer.,
1::.21 to 1:': e0WS, 8225 to $1.51; hulls.
$2.50 to 14.110; stockers; and feeder(, 13.27
to $4.33; stock heifers,, $2.:0 to 13.13; fresh
('0(415 and spdngrre steady: for Roam -$21
to KIM.
Festa-- Receipts, 1100 head; settee; gm
lower $'i to $0.
Huge- ltre•elpte. 12,w10 bend; fairly ac
tiro; 51ade higher; heavy, mixed and yarn
ors, 341,:.0; pigs. 96.5 0 to 16.00; rougtia,
$5.05 to 1.5.50; Mtge, $3,75 to 34.50.
Sheep ■n.1 Lambe--Receiptn, 15,24x) head;
active; sheep .lendy; lambs 10' to 13r high•
ter; In.010r 141.25 to 17.145; yearling,. MUMS:
to 11L415; wether., $3.70 to M); ewes 111.61
to 13.7:5: sheep. mixed 13 10 tua10; welters
halos, $7.25 to $7.36.
New York, Feb. 19.-Seerert-Reeefpta,
Man: steers. 10c to 15c lower; bologna
Trolls steady; fat bulls elder; ,sows 10• tc
15.• off, except bologna rows. which wen
•boot steady; ea..,), 34.70 to $1173: extra.
1.5.104 to MI; hullo, $3 to $4,50; .sew., 11!4
to 13.15); top twice $4.10. Exports 50,0,1
row. Rau cattle, 15170 steep and 41141 quer
tern of beef.
Calves -Receipts. 1755; Teets ..' lower
barnyard calves lower; vests. $4.51 tp pi...:.,
ehof.-r, 1n,37yi 50 50.740; little esus., $3,:d
to $4; barnyard roues, $3 to $375.
Sheep and hands* - Iter.•Ipte 448(4 head
sheep .reedy hof nlmoet n.wdnel; lamb;
erns nud medium grades 1(4. to 1.5e. higher
sheep, 14 to 15; no good sheep herr; culla
$3.25; limb., $7 to $7.76.
Hogs--Reselpt., 13,140; market 5rn
state end Pennplvenla hogs quoted at $4,44
to 14.75; choice light page exceeded quota
('hlesgn, Fah, 11).-('attle - Receipt., A9
Ora): weak; tet• Lower: rnmat to prim.
steers MAO to 14.411; entree. 1:1 to pit
sin,krrn rind feeder.. $2.:1) to $4.25.
(log, -Receipts, atm.; - • higher: .'hole+
to prime. hescy. 141.25 to 141,311; medium t,
gond het vy 54041) to $4.25; bMehere
weights, falba to 15.01; gond to choler
honey, mixed, MiIill to 14.2:.; packing, M
to 14.25.
Shap end Lamb.-RrrMpte. ;okaheal; lea
strong: others slow: .be.•p, *4 to 14.13
curling., (5.50 ty $6.:4); lamb., $8.40 ft
Throw MediciMs to the Dogs 1
At best they are unpleasant, often
useless. You have some diseases of
the nose, throat or hinge. l)oetors
cull it bronchitis, asthma or catarrh.
The common root of these di.eaeee is
germ or nliernbir• irritation. Catarrh -
ozone not only destroys disease gertne.
it does more, it heals' dispasd and in-
flamed tissue. Tho (Unease be not only
cured, hot its return isforever pre-
vented hy using ('atsrrhnzone, which
is splendid also for colds, rotighs and
imitable throat.. lreinembser von in -
h a 1 r (%atat•thns0lw -- N1'ot.nrr's own
mire- tier no other but Uafwrrhoiione-
it's the heat catarrh cure made.
BREAD is never better
than the flour it is made of.
Often it is not nearly so
good, but that is the -fault of
the bread -maker.
Without good flour, good
bread is impossible, no matter
how skilfully it is handled.
Now, good bread must
be good to cat, as well as
good to see or to taste.
Good -to -eat bread is bread
that nourishes.
In the matter of nutriment,
Royal llousehold Flour
is supreme. It represents the
best that is in the wheat,
ground to a snowy whiteness
and purified by electricity.
It produces bread that is
light, easy to digest and best
of all -nutritious. Ogilvie's
Royal Household is to be
had at all grocers.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid.
"ngilvir's Ronk for Cook," contains
1.90 page. of excellent recipes, some never
published beforej'n,r grocer can toil
you how to get it FRES.
Appeal to Epworth Leaguers.
The following letter has been tient
to the Epworth Leagrtes of Godexich
dietrict :
At the ministerial district meeting
held in Ontario street rhumb, Clinton,
on September 10th, 11Nki, the following
resolution'was unanimously adopted :
Moved by Rev. W. H. Graham, and
seconded by S. Anderson, that we
endertake to present the interest+ of
Rev. W. J. Stone, our Missionary to
the Indians at Clayoquot, B. C., in the
purchasing of a launch for the prom).
peeformanre of hie work, to our Ep-
worth Dengues, and ask them to slake
a special effort to assist in this most
necessary work. It is under5ta)d
thea this humeri, when purchased, will
be the property of Mr. Stone, and will
coot Menet $38). Carried.
I)o the members* of the League.'
know the extent of Rev, Mr. Stone's
travels to and fr the different
points in his field of work 7 The fol-
lowing will cotla-ey an idea of it :
(9ayex1uot to Outer Reticle five
mike, during March to June:
Cls. 'opiot to Cannery, • fourteen
miles, Sabbaths during July and Aug-
('Iaysxiuot to Mill Site, fourteen
miles, regularly.
CIay(apot to Kiloawaht, five mites,
every Sabbath from December to
There are distances one way, and
must,la doubled for return trips. 'At
.Hill Site from 2511 to; 4110 mon are eul-
ployed, a and are without teligioue
s'rviree save what Mr. Stone can give
them. it is et very imlportiant work.
At present Mr. Htofie is making
these journeys in a lI-foot launch of
his own manufacture, and fitted with
n ono -horse -power gasoline engine.
That it is deplorably inadequate for
the work Tomei not he said, let ua in
our e Portable homes and our coot
fortable churches try to compare our
lot with that of our missionary, Mr.
Stone, who every der roust venture
out in the sees in him tiny craft, a mere
toy in the power of the great waves of
the Northern Pacific Ocean, Which
of us would dare toendanger his life
by such an expet•i'nent7 And we are
pledged by our district executive to
raise the money for the purchase of a
larger boat end one in which it will be
safe for Mr. Stone to navigate the
open sea,
Mem, '.V, S. Harland, the treasurer
of the "Stone &sat Fund," has its yet
had a little less than $Yui handed her.
It is expedient that every leaguer in
the district consider the matter as A
Ipersonal responsibility of his own.
t is suggested that each League in the
district undertake to raise an arununt
equal to fifty rents per head of its
meumla•twhin. That is, a League with
a membership of fifty would raise 825,
etc. This could tet• rais'll by volun-
teer contributions. or by getting up
socials or entertainments of a suitable
kind, or in other ways, as each League
might think most suitable. But let
whatever he done, be done quickly,
for the' need is urgent, and our
3la6ter'a ••(io;•e" is sounding in our
ears as a "clarion call." Let us las'
the matter upon our hearts and act at
once. ••1 gave nay life for thee, what
haat thou given foeme is"
W. H. GRAHAM. $14Cy.
Clark's Corned Beef
Rau+ a spiciness of flavor which pieces
it in the front rank of l-etely-to-serve
pleats. Try it.
Miller's Drink Cure has made -thou-
sands of happy homes. For sale by
Jape. Wilson.
Read the advertising columns of The
Signal. They are full of interesting
balks to our readers.
we,/ !/r.
N., r Ie/.r./ - -- - wee
Frost Fences
Are Strong All Around
The lateral. of • Frost Fence are high Carbon No. q 1(•n1 Steel Coiled Wire,
n.ordughly galvanised -that can't be broken until the strain ruches from two to
atop pounds.
The stays are No. 7 or this lite No 9 wire,
And the two wires are locked with the Frost lock.
That brans the fence in all directions -up down and diagonally,
We mew. sure that Frost fence. are the strongest and lent that we gaa1u1M
to repair, free of charge, any fence that goes wrong. 'F1,.(• fair, ion t iV
Fro.1 Wire Fences are for sale by
J. J. MOORE, - Benmiller
W. M. HOWELL, Goderich
W. H. STOGDILL, - Varna
ARE YOU MAKING $2,003.22 A
YEAR EAR r II is `sing dome with our goods,
tl .r4. r. pleasant, permanent -and profitable.
Goods tined in every house, every day. No fake.
and no need to create the demand. Legitimate,
reputable business. you can start without ■ cent
of capital. Write to day. G. 14 Lt. re Co.,
Wholesale Teas, and Coffee,. London. out
Neuralgia and .,rv„usnean r rod 410 ;.;. be
No heart depression. Greatest sure ever Jiscovere•
Take ncc•her. Imam! sw. All des ler. or direct from
AUSTIN & Co. Sims., Ont. Money hack if act
At it, same address, since 1(1`11, Also
Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out-
fits, White t;namel Lettere, &c. Write
us, we'll do the rest. Chas, W. Mack,
5611.18 King St. West. Toronto.
Tofu sDAY Feb. 22. 1906
'Phone W. A. McKim Gol,rich
Look over the list in last week's Signal
and see if there is anything you would like to
save honey on.
Dress Goods Furs
2& I)ress'Uoods for ...124r I Caperine, $4.510 for $3.01)
etc Dress Goods for.. , 25t• 1 Sable -Ruff, $10 for $6.31)
and Alper cent. orssne-tifth 1(Stone Martin, $6.1111. $4.811
off all our best black and 3 Hair Ruffs. $3.58) fdr $2.118
other dress goods. ,1 Hair Ruff. $1.226 for .85
Dress Skirts, half price,
Jackets, half price,
Jackets, one-third price,
White Goods a quarter off the price.
Shirt %Valets, regular price 5a- to 82.25, to clear at 255c, 504:
and 7,ic.
Six only, very fine Golf Coats, regular price, $2.35. to clear
at 118(5•.
Remnants 01 Dress Goode, Remnants of Table Linen,
Remnants of Wash Goods.
Remnants of all kiudr'aat pricer to suit you.
New Wash Goods, Embroideries and
Laces, at
Apples are Scarce
We foresaw that this would' be the case early in the
season, and fortuuntely we placed a large order for canned
in Apples
Nothing butthe choicest is put', in these cans. You will
be pleased with the qualit and price of these goods.
Try a gallon can for o 20 cents. 3 lb. cans at IOc.
Our Granite and Tin are
are Always on Top.
1 Ile ware that wr handle is et German
make, guaranteed for five years. and alt nigh it coats
rim a little route money than other slake it will out-
ing(. them a genal 151aa11) times e.t'1•r; there( re it is the
ehetapest in the long run. Also the gu rantee is
worth a great deal
We Are not only on top with our granule and 1in-
w su' but with Happy Thought Nantes, Radiant Home
Heaters, General Hardware Plumbing Heating Tin-
B''Sc* 910 li °**9494` 9i9CkcitC 449irt°i 49+4944494.47 49*
G. W. Th�mson & Son
are headquarters for
"• 1 never hod a more e.(nlflrlehle 01 `t b
A better.fltting suit," said a man who
gets his clothes made tit rr'F
A full stark of in 0(1111111 and heavy
weight slot hes fur fit II and w int et wear
Suits and Overcoats
tnaar 10 measure rill short not ire.
11a'ady-to wear Clothing goo.' and
at tong ;mole .m the p(en)ises.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
DURING tlir many
years in which we have
been eugaged in cater-
ing to the needs of t he
people of the greater part of
West Huron in Musical in-
struments, Sewing Machines,
etc., we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantly increasing patronage
We extend thanks to all our
customers for their many
We wish to announce that
we were never in a better
position for the handling of
marketable goods 111 our Zine
than at the present time.
s - - tui. Not only in the larger instnt-
ments are we well prepared
to meet the most particular demands upon us, but in the smaller instruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Mandolins,
Flutes, Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Or gans, etc., also is our stock for the coming holiday season well
assorted. In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the publications of all the leading composers, is
very complete.
Edison Phonographs and Records,
Berliner and other Gramophones,
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pens,
School Requisites.
Fine Stationery, etc., etc.
We cordially invite you to make your selections at our Music Emporium.
The Square Goderich.
ete4s 444 444444444-4 +46454 +4'V 'P tffsr, i.lyas` S454y4e V44t