The Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 4TaoeanaT, Fob.:' 1, 19('6 TFI[F SIGNAL: GODERICII ONTARIO GODERICII BOARD OF TRADE. Annual Meeting on Monday Evening The Presi- dent's Report an Interesting and Encouraging Review of Industrial and Trade Conditions in the Town. The town clerk's office was more ,1 1)t Shring ining II they the .poosed ofr than comfortably filled on Monday l and paid ant about $14.110) in wages, evening, the weirdo') of the annual having averaged forty hands through. meeting of the Ihuurt of Trade ; hitt eat the year. nobody complained, as it was taken as 'their Northwest trade is showing increased I a milady improvement anti they cx- au encouraging sign o[ ant Ilett• with the advent of the C. P. R.. interest on the part of the business to get into closer touch with that uteo of the town in the work of the trade. Board and its a welcome change frau The Goderich Organ Co. . the time when only a handful of men The _til 1,'i e t Organ Comptuy, turned opt to the. )meetings. The Limited. have had a successful year. meml)4elship of the I}uurd has reached They have a large and constantly high-water stark, with prospects of a fir•"whmg field for their maximal.. further increase to a figure will rheic export trr►de with England and K the rolunies is showing nu increase include alnoet every bumineess 111811 in melt month : their home trade is in - the town ; and with the increase in creasing also, uu•tkulaily in the membership there is an ruldel enthus. Northwest And Manitoba. Their pro- ias0l and a feeling that the Beard will ducts enjoy a good reputation, and in the future do a more active work in the name of the (iedericlt Organ Coni - the building up of the town. pony is hennaing n househeild name President C. A. Nairn eves in the aliloi g t he music -loving people of chair, and after the reading of initiates Canada. .Their regular lines have he presented his retort for the past grown sr) rapidly in demand that they year am follows : have given up the interior work. And To the member. u( :be 4;ud.,iti. matte ot, now find their factory running full Tr'xde. time :and with A full staff 1)u their lu presenting the annual report of regular lines. Their pay list lest year the Board for the past year. I am WAS aver $:f(1,IMMI, the output showing aorry that .we cannot claim any ilii- an bne•l•1Ne of over $LIMMI per month. portant Additions to our ananufa tut•- The outlook for the coming season is tag industries. It has not iaeell 1Iie good. The manager auticipatee the fault of that important 'etc. largest business in their history. who have worked zealously. and have They look forward to the opening of never missed All opportunity when the 1'. P. K. to give then increased presented t4) get into cornmImieltiun ft•ihtWs i1) their export oleic. with firms intending to locate ter pre- The Goderich Knitting Co. sent the advantage);offered by our town. \Ve still hope that their efforts The Goderich Knitting 1,'o. con- tra)• yet bear fruit. Nunes to get its annual share of bush. During the early part of the s news. Tlfeir Kneels are highly spoken mer the town sustained a financial id and are giving the (Nest of satisftc- blow in the destruction by tier of the tion. The shit ods extend from the grain elevator belonging to the God., Atlantic 14) the I'a•iflc coast. rich F,levatnr and Transit Co., as 't When in full running order they kept us from participating in the employ about sixty hands. principally handling of the great crop, of the iris, the prey roll for the year run - Northwest. \Veale pleased to know 11 •le between eleven and twelve that, through the spirit of progressive- thousand dollars, nese, they will he rrady for this year% The Goderich Lumber Co. .crop, better equipped than ever. May nieces. attend them.''Iiia Ceremony started operations We note with [)leash i•1' the ('on. here 814)111. tell years ago and lig ve tinned *t•tiyity in the building trade, been manufacturing Mintier. shingles, great number of houses have been etc., (Very seaann Niece. `And while a0 mpleted. aniongst them apse very the business has not made touch fine residences. The Methodist body money for the Ahateholdets (luring all are to 1)e congratulAtel upon 'the fine Giese rears, they are and have been edifice, nearly- completed, which they ' of the Meet industries the town have erected upon the site of their old ever had. Last measled the • cut et the church on North street. nilll here upwards of three Million feet That Goderich is looked upon am mu, of lumber. besides a great quantity of of the best summer resorts upon take shingles. etc. ''hey give employment Huron. Is evidenced by the increasing to 1k'twr•e'u thirty and- forty people, number who pay us a visit veer after w • 0t' wheel • 41 large wages. year, our hotels and boarding-houses When the laeakwater is finimbel being taxed to neev)mmlahlte them. they contemplate enlarging their We are lax m not Advertisingour plana and making Kirate storage r natural advantages, etc.• more eaten- capacity for logs. In doing PO they will give employment to mlent to a still greater rival). her of hands. Their ill at From the reporte handed in by the Stokes Bay usually tuner all the year committee on manufactures, our pies- y cem- ent industries serer to have enjoyed portion of the output, round, winter and summer. A cno- ahnsy and successful year. t slderable t is The harnessing of the River MAU. bought (Town on vessels ami trail. land, for the production of electrical shipped here, which also adds to the power, is ahont to be:n,ne Au accnqu- e'iilpleyment of leehor in this port. it plished fact. Engineers have ahem MAY be herr• tamedthat the Company surveyed and reported ups the pmj- has a large quantity of logs carried over eat Their calculations demonstrate 111"°1 last M(I)40n. whirl' will "nide beyond question that power can be them to start cutting earlier than produced on A profitable basis. With usual next epring. An expenditure of $2 0,0is) they can The Western Canada Flour Mills Co. develop' 2,673 mechanical horse power. Mr. Goldthorpe, the owner of the prop- This is an industry in whirl" Grde- rrties, has organized a compuy aur; rich has as "special pride. Is-eamse of its expects to start conetructio) this sum- magnitude and the fame it brings to mer. Cheap lower would do )lord to- 4)1(1 town. During the mutt year a induce the establishing of mannfer- merger was completed hy which the terrier in Goderich than anything els' plant here was asse)ciaterl with `others we could offer them. 1 ata 4.1114' 1.1)11. at Brandon and Winnipeg, the coni - Board will do all in its (ower (o assist this important undertaking. The lion. C. S. Hyman, Minister of Public Works, paid m4) town a visit during the summer ; he was met by the Mayor, council and members of the Board. HPasslltrd us that every- thing would he done to make this one of the beet bathes on the lake. As to the completion of the breakwater, they were waiting to see the effect of the present work before placing further contracts. Mr. J. C. Lark, commissioner to Australia, upon the solicitation of the 13oanl. paid tis a visit. Along with toome of the menhem, he visited several of our industries, and in the evening gave an addtese 14) the citi- zens on the ppxxlersibilitics of trade with our sister colony. A word of congratulation and praise is due to the promoter), of the Alex- andra Marine and General Huspiuil, which will shortly be opened i1) the Shephard property- un South street. The task has been n difficult one, but we trust the unselfish efforts of thole who have for so long worked for this meritorious object -Will be as gener- 011111y supported by the public. As presiding iiftieer for the year. must thank the nrenlher4 generally, and especially the reecl•e'tu y and men: - berm of the council, for their mishit - *nee during the year. 1 would like to see more of our citizens affiliate the•nr- It•es with the Boatel. as it is only by co • rertel action than the town's in- ters. A can 1e promoted. end ter do that a 111114.1. sink our individuality end me e ourselves and our activities into the )melon aggregate of mem- bership an. Hort. That spirit would make the 111 of Trade n potent factor in the p .motion of municipal intermits end g mai progress and prosperity of the r Inanity. BUSINESS NOTE FOR altos. The Goderich Engine and B' cle Co. The G/derieh Engine an \Bicycle Co. ;report A very gold yt•ar'tt' tirade. having turned ort atemt$75,1MMIworth of their various products'. During the year they n)alllllletllrld fifteen Mc- intosh Sand-t'ement Brick machine*, and they are all giving Nueh entire wttiefnctifn 111441 they anticipate a bigger demand than ever for them during it»t. Beside' their regular line of marine engine( they are making the "Ross more Knife Grinder" for fanners' IMP. And expect to manufacture fully 10.- 1110 of them (hiring the year. Thiel will mean morn work for the mechan- ics of Goderich and may ultimately lead to en ferrets* in their Already extensive plant. During the year they Average) thirty-five ]nen, and their pay roll totalled nearly $18,6110. Another new departure of this en- terprising firm is the manufacture of the "Imperial Smoke Consumer." They have not Aa yet put thin device on (the market, but we tetra it will Rive relief to thousands of city dwell- er( when they do. The Kensington Furniture Co. The Kennington Furniture Co. have eeperien ed a much better year's brief- ness than the previ(ma year, and err looking forward to a record year in bitted ra parity of which will 1w (I,15M) bids. of flour iser day. being equal to the output of any other trill in the British Empire. The Gederich mill has now a rapa- city of 1,1») hbls. 'we day, grinding up from 1411,IOMI to 170,1111 bnehels mf wheal per )month. and having an out- put of 'thirteen caTletauls of 4O,INMI lbs. each, daily. and to new ,storage ware- house just completed allow* the 111.rn•. age from twenty t4) tweet y-flyecam of fed. 'As practically rill this wheat comes in by' vessel, the butane,* presents at strong argument (if any w'e'ir' nedel1 for the continued im- provement of the harbor by the Government. The business here means re turn over of $2,1111tteel'a year.- and an expenditure of $1(P,IHM1 per year amongst our wage-earning (•laim, The Brandon dill hos a capacity of 1111 bbls, per clay-, end the new- mill now under construction et Winnipeg band which will be the trainer mill of• the wand+ 14'will r tamed in duly or August, with a capacity of 1,11(1() hills. per day.- A new tyarehotow a iU alar be part of the, plant there with ,e storage of 141,11(11 Wk. of flour, and an el•rator ea parity of half n million. I which will ' inet•etesel in the nen• futn•e to one,• il)iiljc)u„end the 1' - lmny now own from seventy-five to 111(1 grain elevates thnitt th Manitoba and the Northwest Provmres, which will 1t added to ft time to time. As this 515141)114' business haft grown front the original mill here. (3odei'irh may well feel at Pride in it 4)x tomee- thing in which we all have 41 personal interest. •' The Marlton Dredging Co. This Company woo stertel by n syn- dicate of our townspeople about eight years ago, buying out tisp dredge Ar- noldi. tug 11 1111/11 and Nenw4, operat- ing under the management of Mr. R Miele Marlton. (itderirh being headquarters for the plant, all repairs ere done here, and upwards of ten thousand dollars were expended on the plant this but year, end a new tug is being built et present, which. when finished, will mean an onlay of ft:'i,I41(1 expended on the plaint in 14” paint And new work since the 1or11(1. tion of the syndicate eight years ago. This is Prelusive of the running ex - peewit. which average about ,$$,I1011 n veer, nearly All of which be slant in (ioderirh, mostly in wages. Thee Company will be in good shop• to resume work at the opening of navigation. and as there is lnuch to be done to keep up the efltrieney of our hartrr)r we look for A hnsy sraton for the Dredging Co. The Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. This Company, after n very 1ucrest- hal season in 11401.03, had the misfor- tune to lose their fine PIeretor build- ing on .duly std, i(5K, and the fossa wax one which extended to others besides. themselves, and wee It tourer. of deep regret to all our citizens. Ve are glad to ray, however, that the Company in a short time com- pleted arrangRement,' for erecting a new And strictly fireproof Indlding, composed of etetel and torrent, which is now well under way. The new Nt011t111P will have a rapacity of 5151,111111 Mlsh,•ls, and will be so ,'on- itrwted as to allow an addition to it at any tillle when increased etorage is derived. It will be the only fireproof elevator buildi 15 on lake Huron, and will coat in the neighborhood of $115,1111 when completed. (iuderich is particularly well .adapted for a grain elevator, as it is the motet (Beret point o1) the lakes for greiu shipments to the East. This is claimed to 1w the itidy elevator doing Manitoba wheat business rill both the Canadian Pacific *4141 (11)14)4 'ri1ink at its door, and the Company say : "We expect to les able ter give (•1)r customers a warehouse receipt including 111a0t•- mice. 'This will be a great boon to Toronto grain leen and ]millets. when they ' consider that their wheat is always insured when in our house. We are making our arrangements with the underwrites at present to this end." N. Dietrich & Son, of the Star Roller Milt, report a goal rease11 in 115)3, amount- ing to about $f*,IMK1• They have made 1)o particular intprlvemruts, but have kept their plant in good re- ptile and erected a new brick chimney. They say the outlook for the cooling year;K('enl$ good, 1414 the he -reale in stork feeding and the good prices for hogs meas that fame's: will require considerable feed for t tt purpose. The wheat acreage hat 1t 11 increased i1) this sectio], and a good chap ought to make more business in their line. in the -Building Line. The past year has been a 54)041 4)1)11 Mill the iucidations for 11K11 are equal- ly good Meows. Huchatians & bowmen. 0 t the Goderich Planing Mill, any they had nn exceptionally bray season, over thirty new dwellings being. construeted. and the tine new church for the North street Methodist congregetien, besides (Tons repair jobs. 'There still con - 110(14s at gradual iu(Iras• in the prices of building materiel And in wages, leaving as much suutller ]margin of prof- it for the contractor, nevertheless they expect a► hrisk eens})n in 1910. The removal to 1(1)41 fitting up of their new factory involved a large outlat-, but they now have a modern and well- equipped factory not often equalled in larger towns. They employ about forty workmen. Mr. B. l'. Munitingi reports having built eleven new houses. besides do- ing n considerable amount of replies cud improvements. He has several contr.lets naw waiting the opening of spring. and while there is an advance. in cost of material. there is no edge of a falling elf in the number of Build- ings which will be erected. The Maitland River Power Company. A movement which molders to have an Important bearing upon the futule, of our town industrially, is the formation of a► company for the development of the water powers of the River Maitland. C'onlpetent en- gineers have made comprehensive sur- veys of the river. and have reported to the effect that it is capable of pro- ducing power for industrial purposes 4)11 n profitable basis. ('heap p)'Set• is one of the greatest inducements o1)4• town could offer 0) bring uuuulfactur- er-s tune, and when it Is stated that the Maitland river can furnish power for all the factories in (i}Nle•rieh, and many 4)l besides, at a price that would cut the prevent cost of power in two, it can readily be seen that the successful development of this project will • tend greatly to advance the town's' position as a Itnal1)fal•tlring centre. The suggestion that the 1)111 niripl waterworks and electric light plant Might he furnished fr this source is one diet will doubtless receive the ...ambit attention of this Boraad, and of the citizens at large, whenever such a proposition is brought forw*td. Another Manner In which re teirtion of the power propeeed to he developed might be a in(ll)yI'll to the advantage of the town and of the whole district, wield he in connection with a system of electric railway, furnishing quick conmuunicatiorl and rapid transmuta- tion facilities to portions of our county not now so pt•ovithd. This iuterestingsoul important prop- risition has engaged the attention of a ller of • pruulinent bmiineare men, end it (output). has been formed with the following provisional di- rectors : M414144s. \`'..1. Il. Hillaucs, J. T. Golds her`w, Jas. ('lark, Jam. A. Mc- Intosh, \\'. 1,. Horton. .1. A. Rumlall, H. .1. \Ic'Ewen art( Ia.-Col. \Ion. Young,. to charter being applied for with a capital of tjl.i40,01M1, M1. \Ve wish the company every snecess. The Goderich Cement Brick Company, Limited. , This industry was established here two years ago for the purpose of leaking brick from nand and Portland cement. The first year they manufac- tured half a million brick,' and batt sermon threeagnuters of a million, running the plant to, only half its caprity during the tittle it wits in operation. Their plant in catnipped' with the hest machinery i thisit ne and when ran to full capacity can make four millions of brick*. in a season. The bricks are being ]mea) generally and are pronounced by many leading lruildeis and contractors, who have iiserl all( twlerl theta, to he sultrier in quality to the old clay brick. (luring the pest .reason the C patty has shipped large moan tities nfhome bricks r t tl k to London. St•ulfnnl,' St. 'l'hormur and Clinton, !resides sup- plying a large nawlltr to the local trade. and ate now filling an order fur three hundred and fifty thousand to be lewd in the new elevator naw' tinder rarest ructieit herr. The Company end - ploy ten wen, wages aloud $500 per th. The Doty Engine Works Co. Also report a good year's lei/eines* in ISKmi, with excellent prospect,' for 11K1$, ar in addition to their general trade they are looking for a large amount of trade from the Northwest. Their wales lest year aggregated $(KI,IMMI, and their wage hill $1$,0011, the everege number of hand,. being thirty. They are con- templating other branches of business with the opening of spring, which will give employment to an additional her mf men. The Goderich Mineral Water Co. 1141'.,' inereaseed their machinery for a h greater output of their famous pmt• natural mineral water, and with en early spring expect to double their sales the commit newton. Tiley are slaking n Mplc•balt.y of 'tritest ginger 4)l• made from the famous imported Irish Itelfnst rxtrart for the local trade. *Imo seltzer writers. 1'. L. Wal- ton is general manager. Office, \\'eat street, Goderirh, with F. 1'. Doiig1**, Napanee, i;a,'tern ege)ry, and (7. F. & J. (halt, 1Vinnipeg, Western agency. Our Railway Facilities. When our lad. Annual meeting ware held It was noted that cerhy this year the building of the Guelph and Gode- rich branr11 of the C. 1'. Railway would be mart Wally ronlpleted. Many eiremestancea have combhled In dilly this bing-Innktd-for rainstorm elation. but we /11A' rranonably hope for the road being In full ()twilit ion by the end of thin year. The r,al-bNd is nearly All r plead and track -laying has been in plower* for several miles, and with the 'met- ing of spring will lie nestled vigor- ously, 11411 the work of bridge corn 'deletion and the crossing of 111e River MeitI.uul at this harbor are pretty hexa') `{pieces of work. 1t may be said here that the entrance to Ulslrrich will present one of the prettiest views t4) the traveller which can be had any- where in Ontario. 'rhe ' passenger depot win be located at the foot of the hill behind the Oueun House's present site, and 11 new 14)44( a the duck will Is• upx'ntd through what is ktlow1) as 1\'ate• Lanae. The DPW rwul will ke great changes around, the har- bor, and it y safely Ise assumed everything will be in the direction of largely ineraeel trunk there. Grand Trunk Railway. During the year there has not been 111111:1) change 111 the Grand Trunk Hail w'ay but we understand that they are contemplating great improvements be- fore. long. Among these is a new freight shed. ''his is a pressing reed. me the town has fee outgrown the capacity of the present shed. They Met) intend to rearrange the switches in the yard and thus give shippers much better accouauodaaion. The rade are already herr for an extra switch at the dock Anda new switch into the plant of the 1b51e•rich Lumber Co. The report was received with Ap- plause. and was duly adopted, Alex. )+ 1ers, in seconding the motion for Adoption, spoke hopefully of the prow ieets•of making (i(xterch one of the wittowns N t n 1)l \Veatrj•n Ontario. Other towns were loounng as the re- sult of united action by their` town c it and Board of Tirade in encour- aging the location of manufacturing industries, and he hoped that tiir. enunetl and the Brand of Trade f Goderich would during the present year act together for the good of the town. The election of officers for 1lIki was then proceeded with. On motion of William (, mpimll. eecunded by J. H. Colima tie, , :th of whom spoke in complimentary Tine of the president, hit. Nairn WAS alerted 10 that position Mr' Anoth you•. The other officers also Were re- elected ae follows : \'ice-ptresi(ent---J. A. Rumlatll, Treasurer- -\V. A. McKim, Secretary -James Mitchell. Council—S. A. Meths*. J. B. Haw- kins, Geo. Porter, W. H: Roberton, W. T. Marney, Wm. Campbell, Chats. C. Lee, S, N. Hick, J. A. Mchtto3,h, J. H. Colborne, A. Saunders, H. E.. Hedgers. President Nairn and Vice-president Rumlatll briefly thanked the members for the honor conferred in their tee - election. ,The c Invassing co 'tte'e reported forty -fire tneulhere,, with the canvass not yet completed. • A large lilt of these were new members, who on motion were duly received. 'rhe treasurer a report showed a led- ance of $4.70 on hand. J. H. l'olloroe said that, though so far this was a record year for the Board, there should 1* sixty 1)r seven- ty -fit•( members ; ,"i)ti with 1114• pros- pects of capon now before the town there would `11e a good deal of work for the I3oan1 to do during the present year. In anticipation of the increased nmmllult of work that will fell ups the secretary timing the year. it was decided that he should be given some remuneration, the alnnnnt to be, fixed l.y the council off the Brewed. There was some discussion as to the hest )leans of securing new uuantifact- tiring establishments for the town. and the co 'tree (p1 etanufactoriles was requested to formulate a scheme whereby a definite proposition may be preeelted to tiny manufacturers who propose to 1,5.41te herr. The seeretu'y was aautherrizel to in.; terview the Provincial Government. regarding the _establishment in Gode- rich of one of the new unni)al schools which, it is undetstold, our to be plated at several points in the t'lovfnee 111 connection with the new' edneational pulley. The tweeting then ndjoi fined. ATTEMPTS MURDLR ND SUICIDE. Seaforth Girl AKilled by Brutal band. Detroit, Feb Ie.—Jealous, road and infuriated Ire use his wife, May, ,aged twenty-two /secured as warrant for his •nearest for brutally assaulting her, William . liicharde, aged tt'enty-six• broke pito the hinise at AI Duffield street eat 731 tonight and shot the woman twice As she stood in the kit'hen. One bullet struck her in the right cheek, lodging in the baek of the head; the other struck her in the hand. Richards then turned the weapon ups 1 ' self and sent the ball crashing into the eight side of the neck. George Sowerly, it (sander, and him dsughter. Lillian, aged fourteen, (Iodized bullet.. The wounded woman rant to Reid's (10)5 more two blocks away, and later wan sent to St. Mary's hospital, and Rickards to Harper hospital. Richards is ole more seriously wounded, but both vill recover. The4)hoo ' ing e •w ,as the continued Atmore. They were result of married Colored Dress Silks, "Twenty-one 15 -yard pieces of new Spring Colored Silks. Joist 15 yards in each piece and no two alike. They are in plain shots, and fancy stripes and checks. They are real novelties in Dress Silks and the styles are new. We got a chance of them from a house who bought out a mill's whole stock. The prices are, 50c, 75c and $I.00. They are a good deal less than regular prices. BARGAIN DAYS SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd and MONDAY, MARCH 5th, N% ill be bargain days in this store. We are making great preparation for these two bargain days' as we intend to outdo any previous bargain day efforts. The most of.our whole stock will be at bargain day prices. Terms cash. Spring Goods I ell aid a English makes. are coming stn 1 n faster and d in greater quantities than we ever had them to .come at so early a date for spring trade before. 94 PIECES NEW PRINTS dark and light colors. to cents and 12% cents. Canadian and Fast, colors. CHAMBREYS rd GINGHAMS 511 picot, of theme, r els in all the leading colors, w•alt•antel fast, i I2 I -2c• t• 25C Small and large cheek Ging not. The largest and moat attnective lot we ever . , ere -d. • WAISTINGS Merverized Colored "Vaistirigs, Cotton Detain,- Waist ings, !+line de Soie 'Waistings, White Cotton \Vaistings, Fancy \\'bite Lustre \Vaisting.4 A11 1Ve01 llelaine Waistings. Colored Silk \Vtaistiugs. in black and c,ilore. In light grey plain and check DRESS FABRICS Broadcloths, • Venetians, Taffetas, Sctgen, Satin Clothe, Lustre}, Poplins, Homs! s, 6 ashnmreb au( Tweeds. All neW. H. OLBORNE less than a year ago. been systematically tonnes ft • Seaforth, The wnmo,n ill -treater. 1 . has Stir DON'T DOSE THE STOMACH. Hyomei Cures Catarrh by Breathing Aromatic Healing Air. You cannot afford In risk perma- nent 11ws of health by taking strong drugs into the slnteith in the vain huge mf curing catarrh of the 11104e and throat. The only trite way of raring catarrh,( troubles is by the ate of 11yonnei, which is breathed through as neat pocket inhslrr that, le w with every outfit. Hyttttt ei ie not a secret remedy, and its for la be given to all reputable physicians'. Its lase is the f 's eucalyptus oil. This is combined with other- healing, aromatic. guns and balsams, so that when using Hyou,ei, the air you In- ache is fi11e1 with germ -killing. Malt h-gi'ine, curative powers. It kills all catarrhal germ,. and restore, the •01114 me mhrlane of the none, throat 1(1141 lungs to a per- fectly healthy condition. The complete Hyonei outfit, con- sisting of a newt pocket inhaler. A medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyoulei, cosy but *1, and extra bottles can beifobtained for vents. making it the most eynnonite uuelhtN1 of curing catarrh, its well as the most reliable. 1f you ranted. obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded hy nail, postage laid. on receipt of price. Write today fcr consultation blank that w ill entitle you to *peelers of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Rooth Company, Hyomei Building, 'Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. Goodwin's Hands. A story comes from Milton, N.H., of An old clergyman named Gomiwin. He was a tall broad -shouldered elan, and WAS old t, have the largest hands of any ►4)$n for miles around. One n(N1n it young man named Allen WAS taking dinner at the elder's house. It was the elders custom t1'ask a bless- ing at the table, and Allen had evidently not. been used to this tort of thing, for instead of waiting, he began to eat. The elder raised his hand with a restraining gesture and said : "Ps Pause, 4)114 man." 3 R n " Paws," was the reply-. "I should think they was paw t. UNUGHT ;SOAP Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dart but always injure the fabric. Suntght Soap will not injure tithe most dainty lace or the hands that use it• because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always h used As directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. 5c. , Buy it and follow directions.5 . SS SAA Rt'WAM) will h4) tr)tM -+rO-' ' la 1111( J"'OA wale 11,.1 n.anlluhr 4„sp 4"11444101 a„V 4".Iarlos. enmai,wls or say torte of ndulterel ion. Goer fi. 4hrn trisates. Tseaa*N 'PhonerrD 56 • Millar On the Co. Square In the Dress Department We will make a special showing of our New Spring Tweeds at SOc a yard in all the latest designs and colorintis to suit the iuost fastid- ious tastes. New ('repolines, Voiles and Eolieunes, New Corde Sois, Lustres and Cashmeres. Special line in Lustres at 25c a yard. The colors are black, navy, green anal reed. '• In the Fancy Department We are showing our n»w 1►ress Trinln►ings, including the new Gold Braid, in all widths at popular prices. New Allover Laces and Chiffons, ranging from 25c to $3.00 a yard. Out first shipment of new Swiss Embroideries was opened (Pit last week. ( )ver 100 new designs to select front. Special prices for remaining stock of Ladies' and Gents' AU -wool Underwear. Miller's Popular Store OUR MEDICAL HERB TEA This excellent stomach aril blood remedy is a wholesenno luixtere of rots, barks, etc. We intend to change the container and to Clear out the present Int will sell this excellent remedy at just half-price, ISc or 2 for 25c .Inst think of it! Each package makes it quart of medicine. Come soon - - - Only :ri dozen to go Chemist BEDFORD BLOCK. 1(rd-('roto quality is a always the highest. FORT! FY YOUR LUNGS against cold,' with ae bottle of nor W. C. GOODE EMULSIO MEDICINEA 111(711 -CLASS not the cheap trashy kind some Nell. Only 4o cents Uncle Eben, in The Washington Star, says, "it takes a mighty conscientious man to Altus be able to tell de differrinee 'twee) when he's tired an' when he's lazy." Write fot testimonial*. A l l d rrsm Goderich Box 173 Ont. THE FARMING WORLD CANADA'S FAVORITE FARM AND STOCK PAPER. Published at Toronto en the 1st and 16th of each month. (51 cents a year, two years for $I. Devoted to the farts and its interests, TH FARMING WORLD and TH SIGNAL oto payes for one year for I.30 A wimple nopy for the asking. Sulwwcriptlnne taken now will he dated from January 1st., 1f11M1. N. B. Above offer inrindes also a year's sobscrito The Mo - real Weekly 1f herald. Mold- real