The Signal, 1906-2-22, Page 3• 'EHE SIGN AI, : (.ODEItIt'II ON .%1;It Tito emir Feb. ta, 1906 Can't Eat Enough of Appetite comes with eating and each square of crisp de- liciousness seems but to make room for more. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are different from any other cracker. Nothing heavy or doughy about them but so Tight and crisp that they are trans- parent. Mooney's biscuits will be a regular dish on your table if you will try them. Say-Mooney's' to your grocer. Sold on 3 Months' Trial t \or ar h,nO7Inevery way. ALWAYS READY FOR INSTANT USE because the "Cart Math lie" rterreral/y temerrvI and hollow around in its own occulLar way. Wntu rdinar rtful use, It wily cal told , u edge tor rears with Mews of the 9rstrkt. Exeter is talking of having a grand celebration on the 24th of May. Angus McDonald has sold his hotel at Lucknow to 'rhos. Nunes, of Strat- ford. Robert Tuoiupuon will open out a new drug store in Kiut111irdine very rlhnrtly. Meson. Culbert, of lig dville, have purchased the Payne NMI 4,11 the Mill road, Tuckersmith. The "gentlemen of Clinton" will give au asseulbly in the town hall on the evening of February 27th the most intimate friends of the .bride and gamut. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will reside with Mr. Currie in Wing - haul. The death ut•t•ut•t'evl on Tuesday of last week of Mee. H. 1'. Kennedy, au old and touch esteemed resident of Seafot-th. Her demise took place at her home in Egmondville after an illness of four months, the result of a {autolytic stroke. The deceased had been a resident mt Seafort11 for many years, Mr. Kennedy being 11 former proprietor of the Grip hotel, hitt fur some time they had leen living Messrs. Strew turd lr„.oe, of Myth, retired at Egmundville. Besides her haveun-hasel the evaporating plant I husband the deceased is survived by and llusiness of Mahler Brom., of otic daughter, Mrs. Clarets, of Toronto. 1Viughatn. J. G. Medd, who a few weeks He (Reposed of his lsu•Ia•r business in Clinton to Fred. 1Vbitely, has twilight it hack and is in possession. The new bridge over the river at the still dam in Winghtuu itt 11dw completed. The structure is about a foot higher than the old bridge. The Winghanl high school board has leen fully organized Haid at its Zest meeting a site fur the new high school to kw erected shortly WKS chosen. Preparations ate being made for a great exhibition and nate of live stock iu Clutton stn April rah. Prizes amounting to $3110 will be offered. .1. A. Griffin, of St. l'athariuee Col- legiate, formerly. of Cliutuo,. has resigner) in aster to aceept a lucrative petition in commercial life at Detroit. • t41 •1 Jtu'kstes who reskiel on the., 2nd Concession of linnet. died sud- denly of heart failure. He was fifty- six yews of age and leaves a wife and strtall latllily. The Carey Dry Goats Co., who rerently purchased the Alex. Ritchie stock in \Vinghanl, has decided te continue the business there ru'd will re -open about the lot of March. Mies .Fuphenlia C only lat'tghter of Mr. and Mrs. 1l. M. Cum• yen. of Newry, former ire dents of Sea forth. was recently mitits! to James Morrison, of lierestutvl, au, Charlet; Beverley, who n cies ago was engager) in business in Exe- ter, has tenanted to that" village from Hensall and will ere -engage in the furniture and undertaking business them. John Mowat, a highly trotter ted resident of Seaforth, dird,at his haute here on Sunday, February 11th, in its Seventieth year. Ile leaves a vides and as large fitfully to mourn his death. News bar been received -in 'Wing - in of the death in Bellevue hospital. s York, of (;melt(( E. Williams, for lerly of Wiugbaul. The young maw Wad erupinyed in the Bank of Manu ton prior to his leaving Wing - ham. A qui •1 -but tetty wedding was *dent nirt at th lr•si, nee of Rev. Dr. MeK y, lit' iucardl e, on Jan- uarj --l' kh, when Miss A le, only the late SKmlur S 111.11't•itvl to Bard i Ire. A Man Who Drinks Hard needs " Bu-ju " if he wants to keep his health. Beer, whisky, wine --all alcoholic beverages - irritate the kidneys. Pain in the back, headaches, brick dust de- posits in the urine -prove that the kidneys are seriously in- flamed. Bu-Jrt THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL strengthens and invigorates the kidneys, Beals the inflammation, clears the urine, and takes away the pain. " Bala " is not a cure for the drink habit, bat " Bu -Ju " does the steady drinker against ieB.try disease. All drugsists have .. Ba -Ju " or will get them for you. Tilt CLAFUN CHI IPAL CO. Hellas wale_ ONT. THE "LORNE" REMEMBER We build beadese good wagon Mlemali et all AIN*, Marrows. Reser., Manure Spreader., Stuffier'''. Wheelberrew., Ete., Etc. A;waps pleased to road you our catalogue. The Wilkinson Plough Co. LIMITED TORONTO • CANADA Ceykm Tea Mountain Grown Grand l'4iogul Tea is a product of the sunniest mountain tops in Ceylon. Prepared by machinery from P Imo: )ta tion to tea- pot, it is the beverage of hygiene. Q No exposure to store dust or microbes -the pack- ages lined with air' -tight paper bnng it to you in the nicest possible condition. Insiston your dealer stip. plying you with this• the best possible blend of the finest and rest teas Dis- criminating housekeepers prefer it to bulk teas of doubtful value. Grand Mogul Tea Q.Sotd only M perhw• at 2Sc 10a 40t enol 511c per pcemd ....Wee diet((• ear adrernmma Maine with you by roams OR'*'arn mw• pew le each pockeit 1 daughter of of Blyth, w Stewart, of KI Last ..week 1 \Vitgliaul, dispu .her business the 011,11, who will t: e . prss'asinn on )larch 1st. Nits IN .glitfitan intends g ' g \Ve•st and will it.htlly- engage in the w.ute line of 4u.'ness. ' The heating appatatt at the new (1. T. It. station in Wing ant has been found to be not large enoo h to supply the 'necessary at t It stelae In hetet the new building. his has causal ,a delay in moving to he Row premises. The building is co pletedi ;Uhl will be in use very shortly. John Wyatt. of Mullett, has so 1 his lls6(rre (purl near Ilarhlck, WWII he put•cjuasd n short time ago- from . r. Crosby, to Peter Taylor for lit).:■ 1. The farm In a grail 1111,,• lint tate built lugs are not first -Plass. Mr. Wyatt inu•nds ring to New °loath in the sin•iug to push his fin tune them. ?hiker. 'ei rge of If. N'ighttitan, sl of his lama a • to' Robert Joh She was seventy-two years of age. Presenektion to W. J. Harland, Clinton. (Inc evening 1•eeently the members of Ontario street Methodist church choir, Clinton. were entertained at the home of W. J. Harland and dur- ing the evening air. Marland sal, present.eel with a handsome settee, and rocker as it tecogttitil,lt of his serviceioin the choir. Mr. Mar- land has been connected with the choir for over twenty years. Death at the County House of Refuge. On Monday of last week Timothy Titus Hewitt, who had been an in- mate of the county house'of refuge for six years. stied, aged eighty-eight yea's. He twltengwl to rurnherry township. Donald McInnis, who w'as recently admitted to the house of refuge from Bayfield, tendering from gangrene in his feel, the result of having them frozen. died 1,n Thursday of last week. Death of a Maria Pioneer. On Satnnlay, Feb -y loth. 1-nurh- lin Fraser, of the let line of Morris, passed away, ager) sixty-six years. lie was bora iu Lower Canada, of Scotch parentage. and cattle to On- tario when a young titan, settling in Morris. lie had leen ill, JOS twelve, yam's but lore his sufferings with patience and t'ht•e(fulness. The de- cease) is surrivetl•ly' his widow. one son and seven daughters, A Chapter of Changes. On Friday, F'ebruauy lith, after nn Wiliest: of only a few days. Miss Glary fiendetsun. second daughter of 1VIn. 1lendet•een, of the -11h cuncessi 'it of SICK i11411), 1111sse itway'.- Miss Hind- et7a,11' w91s it most estimable woman and Was highly- 1r•sperttai by a Targe circle of friends. She was lifty-our }Tarts of age. '1'hcStnit ford Beacon of February' 141It gives the following : At Sl. Joseph's church this morning alias 'Mary timber. daughter of Mrs. .1. timber, Caledonia etrer't, was united in marriage to Andrew Duncan, of Seaforth. Flee. Father Meitee per- formed the ceremony. 'rhe bride tuts given away l.y her brother. Andrew Graber, of Chatlutru. A pretty wedding took plies. at the Evangelical Lutheran church at Dash- wood nit Tuesday, February 8th, when tete marriage. of Miss glary Stade. eldest daughter of Mr. and Nies. Christian . Stade, tend John G. I•:1,1t, eldest soh of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eidt. took place. On their re - null from their honeymoon • aft. went' Mrs. Eidt will live in 1ltashwotld. The residence of Samuel Vanstotte, of Turn1a+rry, sluts the scene of a happy event 1,n February lith, when his daughter, Miss Edith, became the Ini'lt of Isaac J. Wright. The cere- mony was performed by ltev. I)r. Omni y„ of \Vingh,un, the bridal couple standing beneath a pretty pine arch. The leuipy,couple left for a trip to !.codon, ((''FFii:tthant Knd other rifles. Things are taking n change on the 4th eoneeasiun of Kinloss this spring. J. A. Tayler has sold his farm to Mr. Richardson. 1,f the 8th eorreretsiun of Cult•uts. for $5,5t11. Mr. Taylor lilt tends moving to Edmonton, Alta:, in March. G. Tiffin has rental his farm to air. Naylor. of the boundary line, and also intends going West. Witt. Hetherington; who •ed nn the farm formerly owned by Jas. Thmup- soq, has also sold out with a view lit mowing 1Vt•st Wald. Death of Mrs. Nimens, Clinton. After an illness of only about a work, fr one, int. Mts. (;eorge Nimens passed sway et her home in Ulintotr 1,11 Tues,lay afternuutt of Lest week. She was sixty-six years of 'age and had been a tesideut of Clint ten for thirty-five years. Mr. Nimens dial f • years ago Of as fatnil •`}• e eleven children six daughters and ri sone survive. The deceased w woman of tine Christine t•itunacte was greatly esteei nrl in her ci friends, who will deeply re emlisy. - An Osborne Wedding. A (poet 'wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage. Heosal1. n11 \Veeltiesclly oftet'nouat of last week. when •Ahninal. the ,only daughter of Thom. Cerro; of the lith enuce$sion of Cab erne, was married to John Runkle. After the core • was ever the young earl, returned to the It • of thebrio dainty repast tv14. NIit. Hunkin. left unto and 1)arlingtsn. ,i will live on aft. Cann Hunkin having tented 1l 1t' a and ole of t her s father, where a iYak big. Nil'. ,:and a trip to Tut•. ter whieli the;•.. Genn. Mt-. r a term of years. Demise of an Usborne Pioneer. nattier of Cilor•ne's most ighly est tooled pioneers departed thi life on • ututdiev, February 10th. in we • perm of' .lames Me('ullagh, of tl llth e. his tri Ireland. Ten year concession tinned to {`eats trios w Ills 111x11 John t Ile is survived sem. Mr. Met'. strict integrity never lin •nt took n keen interest the cuuntt•V. Died in Win The turd news bf flit de pine of .Mt•s. n. D. Ferguson, at \V nip'g, on Tuesday mottling of beef. reek was received in Brussels with,.•ersal regret. She had gone throng a siege of typhoid fever and ten days •lir to her death a baby, son Was 1orn, ihe- eeaserl't1 i,eiitletl name wa.r, Pan Forbes, she being the eldest daug of Mr'. John Forbes,. of Bemuse n. She was married to D. D. Ferguson last 'elarch and went to Winnipeg, shortly after. nitre. Ferguson was held in the highest esteem by a wide circle of relatives and friends, and the sesta of her dt•coitse cattle as a great shock. The rentable were brought to Brussels for interment. Time Not Ripe for Prohibition. Winnipeg, Feb. 9. ---Principal Pat- rick, of Manitoba College, spe-aking the liquor question Inst night, sold that prohibition multi not in general ell 1 keep v•s II be enforced vet, but t e 6 strictest ' .bin the. Gict Of it our wtl the oral( f I 1 limits. (iovernmenrel conhnl drove the liquor influence mit ofolitics. He strongly advocated the (iothen- Iserg system or some similar system. Norway was changed by this system LO it nation of sobriety. end Norway and Capula were neck with neck for high sobriety. An interesting event occurred at. tht M,•thasli it pausoonge at Fortlwich 1,n Toeslay morning. .February 13th, when Mies Minnie E. Peel and Gen. Walk r -y were 11114141 in marriage, Rev. J. Homer performing the nuptial ceremony. The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to London, Wood- stock and 111Pdfottl, after which the r Will take tip their residence in F'orii- wick. A large and happy gathering assembled at the Roue of Win. and Mrs. Itolinson, 11th tOttce'ssion: Grey, nn 1 hl• evening of Fehrnat'y ith. on 1hespecaelmtof the marriage of their d.tnghter Frances to C. 1t. Parrott, of Iheights, Manitoba. The eere v was prrfurmed by Rev. E. T. Arai• ,h,mg. The n1 kwlyavedel,d couple leave shortly for their home nt. 11oug- iss, Manitoba. 11. P) tee), of the rsm,,iou road near Clinton, held a dispersion sate of thoroughbred end grade emit ht on Wednesday of last week. T h r weather ens unfavurhhle a nil no donbt was an adverse Garter. All the grade rattle were sold and irmnght their full value, but the demand for thotroghht•erls writ tint keen. and only it few w ere told. T II P proceeds ds amounted to about $1,311. A quiet home wedding took plan tef the residence of Robert, ('mimic, Wing - ham, on Tnesdny evening of hast. week. when Miss Florence M. (Curie, the adopted daughter of Mr. (merle, was married to areltie A. Kennedy. The,•rtenony was p•rfointd by Rev. Dr. Goody end was witnetised by only peed etr. 'rite Ile—ceased was tit •-first year, le was born in cooling u, Canada in Dili. later he settler) on the 111th 1 Cslorne, where he eon- -side until. (Bout three it he went to live near t the 111 It cunceNSiun. by his wife and one ltgll was a Mall of d, while he was 'n public life, he 'n tile welfare of r A New Magazine for You I am bringing out another new magazine that you will come pretty close to liking. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit you harder than anything to the shape of a magazine you have ever seen. There isn't much style to it, but it has the stuff in it that you and everybody else will want to read. It is called • Something New in Magazine Making THE SCRAP BOOK is the most elastic thing that ever happened in tate way of a migazine-elasuic enough to carry anything from a tin whistle to- a battleship. Every- thing that appeals to the human Isr)lin and human heart conies within its compass -fiction, which is the backbone of periodical circulation; biography, review, philosophy, .science, art, poetry, w.it, humor, pathos,. satire, the weird, the mystical -everything that can be cls-sified and everything that cannot be classified. A paragraph, a little bit, a saying, au editorial, a joke. a maxim, au epigram. Nothing Like It in the World . There isn't anything in the world jest like THF.( SCRAP BOOK. It is an idea ott which we.have been working for several years, and for which we have been gathering materials. We have bought hundred.; and hundreds of . scrap books from all over the country, some of them a century old, and are still buying them. From these books we are gathering and classifying an enormous number of gems, and .facts and figures, and historical and personal bits that are of rare value. Furthermore, we have a corps of peo- pie ransacking libraries, reading all the current publications, the leading daily papers. and digging out curious and quaint facts and useful facts and figures from reference books cyclopedia, etc-., etc. Don't fail to get a copy of this first issue of THE SCRAP BOOK. It sells at the price at which all our other maga- zines sell -Ten Ccnts a Copy and One Dollar by the Year. On all news stands or from the publisher FRANK A. MUNSEV, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York • Found His Voice. The donor who is irluntAest with his adult iratients has always a soft heart for children. A London tett-Keen who had leen called to attend a little lad dangerously .rick with diphtheria per- formed the op•ratii/n of trarheot y, and le h gtent joy saw the toy re- vive. During the next few days everything pieete•d off Iwe:ultiftlly. lent the doctor wanted to -Ileal' his small friend speakTlhs en far the patient had not d "I are storey he can't speak to enc, mitre, because 1 tun go- ing up lo London today And shan't know whether to bring hint it horse or a gun." 1t was the doctor speaking the little one. A tiny finger stole up to the wounded throat, and the ghost of a baby's voice whispered, -Please, doetne, homing a Tickle Ron !" •- New York Tribune. SIFTED CHARCOAL JUST ARRIVED A Carload of hardwood Charcoal. '\ We sift all the (.lilt and dust out of our coal before putting it into bags. 15c a Half -bushel Bag. Farmers We have a quantity of pow(lered • Charcoal especially adapted for feed- ing to Hogs, etc. Get some while it lasts. 1 Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store 1 Hamilton Street - - (IODE1l1CH 9 FIMPLINE CURIOS PIMPLES l'inlpline is absolutely guaranteed to cure the wets( caber of 1tilnpler and other such skin diseases thatcan be fttuad. Four or five applications have entirely cured Mild cases and we guar- antee one bottler, perfect cute. Money refunded if not satisfactory. To Whom It May Concern : 1 used Pimpline and can highly see bnd it. 1 was troubled with pimples and It skin disease for years. I• natal less than a bottle of Pinipline and 1 ant per, ulaneitly curled ; there is not a pimple on my taco. It is p wonderful cure. Tune. CoLsoN. Guelph, Ont. Price 50 cents, postpaid J. E. BROWN & CO. GUELPH, ONT. Build Up Now hr getting 0111 Beef, Iron & Wine $1.N bottle for 75.. Cud Liver Oil $1.00 bottle for 50.. Compound Syrup tlypophos- phites $1.lI bottle, 50c. Any of these Medicines will pat you in goof shale for the eprMg. H. W. Thomson's DRUG STORE 1 We Can always rely on our custotnets'satisfar- tion with our Canned Goods because we handle only reliable. brands that we know all clout. Every 1 • k,wp'r knows hots iutu.II ditfet'e•ttce (Here is in these honsehrrid necessities. Abd it in not always the trite that in SUMS the quality. Woe inc sheering ,1 tine t.f c,anne d gusts that we are sell - ng very low indeed., so 1,1513 in fact hat, you will be surprised how good hey are when they appear 1/11 your able. STURDY & CO. Resolved : That Thr Signal furnish- es the biggest' . dollar's worth of loyal news that can be had in '1% Huron. A Test Will Tell What Liquozone Can Do for You—and It Is Free., You who are waiting -we ask you' again to try Liquokone; to try it at our expense. You'll reiret this delay when you learn what the product means to von. Do as millions have done -stop doubt- ing; give Liquosone a teat. Then judge it by results. Germ diseases -and there are scores of them -call for a germicide. Those are the diseases to ieh Liquo-. sone hest applies. Don't eh blindly to old-time remedies, if you n't find them effective. Let us prove the power of the new. What Liquozone Is. The virtues of Liquozone are derived( solely from gases. The formula is sentto Inch user. The process of making re- quires large apparatus, and from R to 14 days' time. Itis directed by chemists of -the highest Elates The object is to so fix and combine the gasesaa to carry into the system a powerful took -germicide. Contact with Liquozone kills any form of disease germ, because germs srr of regetlble origin. Yet to the body Liquo- sone s not only harmless, but helpful in the extreme. That is its main dis- tinction. Common grrmieidee arc poison when taken internally. That hr why medicine has been en helpless in a germ disease. Liquozone is exhilarating, vi- talising. purifying; yet no disease germ can exist in it. We purchased the American rights to Uquosons alts thousands of tests lead w Brest mads with It. Its power had been proved, again and again. In the tno,et'dif- firult germ diseases. Then we offered to s(pply the first bottle free in every di- seaae that required it. And over one million dollars have been spent to an- nounce I noun -e end fulfill this offer. The result is that 11,000,000 bottles have been used, most1rin the past two wars. •Tndav there are emollients cured noes, scattered everywhere, to tell what Liquosone has done. But so many others nerd it that this offer is published still. In late years, sci- ence has traced scores of diseases to germ attacks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show those sick ones -at our cost -what Liquozone can do. Where It Applies. These are the diseases in which Ligno- cone has been most employed. in there it has earned its widest reputation. in all of these trouble!' we supply the first bot tlefree. And in all -no matter bow dif- firult -we offer each carr a two months' further tett without the risk of a penny. A.thma Aecec Anew Amoebula nlnM Pooson Anw.1 Trrn,MM ContM rnlM rnrotnm.Dnn I;nn,atlona Dlae••eM a.n.rr e•elarrh nra►ntar7 I„•rrMa hr.p•Sel• Dendrite/ T:r .,pair 0,11,. emit (lnnnrrh5 01.tt Hal r.v.r tneuania La Orlppj-a' tlernrrhea Malaria weaeslp. Msec 4nlmsy VMnmallam Mrofnla- Arsenio efts rsse.... Tna�lu,�errro1.M remora 1 inns, rtOtles� revels -wet tSoaM N. • AIM conal fnnwa .f lawfnnossing A Arley Troonlee LI s -r Troubles hum 4'b Trnnhl.w Wnrnen'a D, -awes Feer, Inflammation re ra4arrh Impar. tar p'ii. sonM blood usually In,wr•l. s Berm . tart. 10 nervoo, A.olllt7 IIg,xwnr,. seta as • v,taltese, amompWbinq remark•Mt rafts. 50c. Bottle Free. It you need Ligoosme,and have never tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail you ao order on a local druggist for a full -sire bottle, and wilt pay the druggist o,inclves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you; to let the pmduct itself show you what it can do. In justice to yourself, pleas, accept it today, for it places you under no obligations whatever. Liquozone costs 50r. and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON 51111{ not and mall It to Tha L'-nnv'n. Coin -- pony, 466-40,4 Wabaab Ave., Cbecaan \f 7 4,..... 1n.. t b•vn never tr1M Ll1nMi,nbut If you win .epos ma • Ilio bottle foe I will take It. AA D...............•......... ................ 1 u elite fall ettar.M- wets pI.t.l7. If you are in Need ��t nlic'1 ny; nl 11 III1�•')f Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil or Gasoline, call at PINDER's. He keeps only the best and prices are right. Let hie) figure on your Plumbing, heating and Tinsmithing, SATISFACTION G1'ARAN - TEED. ' W. R. Pinder Nola that t h 1, nine err t ra Is ,sew WPM iISt7, An7 physlrl an nr Mapl n.l .'nt IMMI*llitsssas win be (ladey suppiled h. a teal, J. BROPHEY & SON 1HE LEADING -- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Order. tarlully ■tlennsd to et 411 hours, bight or day fGUN])RY BROS, Livery,ck Ha - A N D - --- bus Stables 11 tio01) 110104 :s CARRIAGES PHAETONS --RTC., AT— REAMONAHLE —R A T lit 14— Well-appointed Hawks and reli- able drivers in charge of the 'Ibises, which will meet all twain s aneI '1Ca11,11eatls A1.1. ('A1.1.8 A'ITENUKD 'FI1 1'ROMITLY FIt(M HOTEI4 AND PRIVATE HOUSES GUN DRY BROS. MOUTH ST1e:KT ANODIC FTTTY'