HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 7HF, slliN 11. 1i4tl)El(I('1! i►\ IAi{111
7nu aD.tY Feb. I5, 19011 7
ar'i`'i°'i` icircct i 'A`4 ii`i'Ti.'i'+`iv+`A'' 'i`ci itniRi `igsi'' S'giei ct`'i``i` ''i'•' vi`i' ' * ''i''?+'i`'Fi'i`*449'i`
The News of the District.
The Signal's Clubbing List.'
\VKDNKN1)AV, Feb. 14tH. TUESDAY. Fel). 13th.
The financial and statistical report Miss Haley is visiting in the vicinity their supply of ice.
Now is the time to choose your of Knox church has Mhonied been deed in yiat present.
reading matter for 11106. Look over printed form for distribution among miss Maggie Kilpatrick Visited at Miss Mary Porterfield, of Marnoch.Chia list and see the advantaged of- the congregation. The various de- huge on N today. iv visiting her sister, Mrs. J s
fared to Signal kubecribers in getting partutentr of the church are in good Mil'?"Gley was bane trout hot Fergus,u'
the leading paper,' at reduced rales. financial condition. The re net chows schiil over Sundry. \Vu aro pleased to bre 'Dramas
The Signal and Montreal Weekly a balance of slightly ever $I,OW atilt We are hal W se Fred l'ulhrtt ul Shiley out again after bxeing confined
Heald t,00 W be rid on the new church build- K W the house with a rut foot. •
ing. Thr mcutxradii put the cungte. work again after kir ritkners.
The Signal, \Veekly Herald andi
John W+ursley has had another trip
Weekly Sun i'!'urunto) t 75 Ration u ben 129,repnrwut ng Victor Whitely with F. AIcGIenA
to Berlin and the doctors thele say
The Signal, Weekly Herald and •sixty families. Rev. J. 1., Small is visited at Guderich on Sunday. they have solar hopes of his recovery.
K Y the pastin• and the board W man ager' \Val. Shackletorn, who had 1x'en
Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 is composed of Jame* Howatt, chair -'sick the past week. is well again. A gfolke of the social icl: township.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and ; J. C. Stoltz, secretary ; W. young folks held a social dance in the
Toronto Weekly Globe 1.7o King. treasurer; H. Phillips, John Mrs. Tate returned to the West last town hull here on Wednesday even.
Y Win. Andetyon and A. lExlli- Tuesday after viNiting friends itt Hes- ing.
The Signal, Weekly Herald and K• peler and'4Vest.Muntrose. - Inspector 1'UIII visited our school
Montreal Family Hera 1 d and day• and was pleased to hear that the
All ■u1N'ernxr, to Montreal gamily Monad Weekly Star ng BENMILLER. LUCHALSH. pupils were busy preparing fora con -
\VI•:uwi anAY. `Feb. 14th.
The fishermen are busy laying in
and Weekly :Spar receive the great premium Mos DAY. Feb. 12tb.
means, "queen Alexandra, Her Graidchll Miss a 111Ake r st In with her
Bron, and Dogs"llIG
The Fanner'.. Manual and Veterinary sister, Mrs. Chaos. Oke.
Guide" may be had i, .ouneetloo with shore: Last Friday evening the Y011n
offer for 15 cents additional, or • total of $1.91t.e.g
The Signal, Weekly Herald and people spent an enjoyable evening on
Farming World (Toronto) 1:3o the pond skating and sleigh -riding.
The Signal, \Veekly Herald and Next Thursday °evening, 2nd inst.,
Weekly Mail and FrupK 1 1.70 the topic at the Epworth Leigpie is,
All ..uh.,criben, for weekly .Mail and Kmp In• re- "Christ's Life, Lessors I.," to be taken
eche the pr•emuiui, arttraras ere, "Thu star of by Ed. SU•wart. Everybody is wel-
Betldehem." come and the meeting corilnleuces at K
The Signal, Weekly Herald and o'clock.
Toronto Daily World 325 The Heneuiller choir was entertained
The Signal, Weekly Herald and at the par. age last \Vedttesday
Toronto Daily Star ...... ..... .1.80 evening. After the guests hod spent
The Signal. Weekly Herald and 801110 time in games and music lunch
Toronto Daily News... ' t 90 was served, after which all left for
'I•he Signal, Weekly Herald and their 1 •s h pleased with the
London Daily Advertiser...... ...2.40 evenings entertainment.
' Signal. ' • 1 Weekly • Herald PORTER'S HILL and
LondoonnWeekly Advertiser, 1.60
The Signal. Weekly Herald and M(Nnay. Feb. 12th.
Presbyterian 2 313 Miss McAllister visited at t Mts.
The Signal. \Veekly Herald and McPhuil's last Sunday.
Westminster 2 �5 A('ss"I.ittlta Mullin is Visited friends
The Signal. Weekly Herald, Pres- itt Porter's Hill last wtA•k.
bytenan and Westminster J-25 Rev. IIr, Steatlmmn'mrevivalnuctings
The signal. \Ve•ekl • Herald and still 'milt 1.1111‘... Mucid good has been
> dune,
Farmer Advocate. ........ .2.4o Staring McPhail, df Braeside, visited
w'e it 4 1y recommend our reader, to
.nib -arida to he Farmer's Advocate. friends at Klippen on Saturday and
The Signal. \Veekh' Herald and Sunday.
Montreal D '' y Witness .3.5o Mi. :and Mrs: T. A. McDnnalil en -
Thr Signal, `!'e. kly Herald and tertainrd a number oEtileir friendb on
Montreal Weekly Witness 1 60 Friday evening.
The Signal. Wt kly Herald and r James Sterling is laid up with more
World Wide t E5 throat. We hope to hear of his
Send remittance by postnfllce or- speedy recovery.,
der, postal may ore nus under to. (IgpERICHCTOWNSHIP.
THE SIG At.,TrICS11AY. Feb. 13th.
GODERICH, - ONT. \\�' H. Bell wits up f Stratford
•tivrr Sundsy.
Mos».ty, Feb 12th.
:Visa: Viva "(tell vixitel frien ' here
on Monday last.
Milton and Golden Stothers v _'ted
hen. on Sunday.
Quite a number attended service t
Hackett's en Sunday night.
Hisses Ada and Georgina Sprm1
spent a few days with friends here
last week.
As a result of the•' frosty weather
of but week the ice has been in gond
obit{* and skating is the order of the
Fanny. Feb. lath.
The following is the standing ;of the
pupils of Union S, S. No. 17, Ashfield
and West \Vawanosh, for the month
of January : Senior V. clams --Elea
(Arvin, Daisy Ryan. Junior V. class
-Lulu Stothers, Stella Kirke, Nellie
Ryan. Senior IV. elasa-Spray Bailie.
Wilfrid Elliott, Laura McIntyre, \Vil-
Ile Nivins, Lute Dunkeld. Fl smie El-
liott. Junior iV. clans- Kati. Wilma).
Leonard Dunkeld. Seriisw 111. nates -
Nnrtian Kirke, Charlie Nivins. Junior
1Ii. class- Ella Rtothe•n(;xlvimfiailie.
Carrie Dunkeld, J s Melnlvrc.
Senior 11. clans Walter Nixon. Jun-
ior 11. clause Emma Nixon, (;rorge
Paul. 11. claw's. -(River Kirke,
&lythe Nixon. fart 1. - - F:rneat M.•-
GtatL°n, John Sproul, Richard Mc-
intyre. M.ARKL A. BAILIE. Teacher.
MoNnay. Veli. filth.
Hector McGregor intends leaving
for Tease this week.
Miss Rachel Boyd. of Gnderich, is
visiting in the neighborhood.
Miss Jennie Johnston. of Goderich,
spent. Sunday at her home here.
Miss Tena Carrick spent a few days
with Miss Jennie McMin•ehy last
Mise Jennie McMiurchy and Misty
Tena Carrick spent a few das's visit-
ing friends in Carlow.
Miss Annie McKenzie, of leothian,
s a int re
• 1e Misses M c
was the guest of tl Y
for a couple of days lately.
John N. McKenzie, comity councillor
for district No. 1, was in Toronto
last week, interviewing the Govern-
ment regarding the house of refuge at
Mr. and Mrs. Park, of Ladysmith,
B. C'.. arrived in this neighlxn•hood
after spending a month in
Montreal, Mr. l'ark's former home.
They will -spend some time in this
locality, it being Mrs. Park's former
The Misses \V. and S. Mac\bth are
visiting their sister. \lis. N. Trp-
w•artlia. of Hulmesville.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Union l'tesbt-terian church held it
parlor ss•iad at the hone of R. David-
son. B.tytield road, on Friday evening
of last weer.
WEDDING. - An inte•restitlg event
took !slave at the home of John Mar-
in. ruckriwmith, en Wednesday.
'rbtaary il). when Miss Slaty Msr-
and Lewis Tthhutt. of this town -
were united in marriage. The
al ce'reintmy gas {x•rfnrned by
'. Ii. Larkin, of Seaforth. the
,arty standing beneath x floral
the Misssl'clbuLt. 'was tile.
le flow,•r•girl.. Mr. and Mrs.
r the recipients of many
d sn.vieeable gifts. testi-
teem in which they are
uiv friends.
1x•11. ,
dainty lit
heath ilia a
fving -to the
hold by their 1
tors of one of ItiN flet
an axe while hewing t
millet on Friday •1 last veek. Ile is
now confined to hill ninth is home in
!hiss village.
DEATH tor Mits. R.t k. --Mrs.
James Barr died on 'Velneeslt after-
n.m,n after several ths' illn s with
cancer of the stomach. The neral
took place this afternoon. The 1 int-
Imre of the bereave) family have he
sympathy ut name friends.
h'ERsoNAL.-Moe. Ellen Monlgone
erO. of Galeria', -has been visiting
-this week at the hunm• of James Bent-
ley Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson
and baby left on Tuesday mor ' g for
their home at Ponoka, Allerta
Maurice Suaeltze•r, of Str•,tthcunit. Al-
berta. is renewing old acquaintances
in Blyth and vicinity. It as seventeen
years since he left these parts.
The Blyth fair will he held this year
on 'l iies(1Ny and Wednesday, Sep-
tember 1N and 19. These dates will
be three weeks earlier than the fair
has been held for 'several years past
and will follow ' diately after the
London fair. The cold, wet weather
whirl) hes am often accompanied the
Blyth fair k what caused the ditecturs
to change to the earlier dates. A. E.
Hradwin and Frank Metcalf have
been re -appointed secretary and
treasurer respectively,
'RnA Y. Fels 10th.
Flrxsly had the
hinl40 cult With
diet near lien.
IN AID uF SlcK (',IILDRKN'$ ilos-
PtTAI..--The concert on Friday night,
in aid of the Sick Children's hlospit,tl,
was n success although the weather
was somewhat stormy. Dr. Simpson
was appointed chairman, it position
which he filled wit!) much crtslit to
himself and satisfaction to the audi-
ence. The following is the program,
all of which Was exceptionally well
rendered . Chairman's address: solo
by Miss \Vinnogrle McDonald, which
was heartily encored : sole by Dan
McLeod, which was well rendered and
encored : quartette by Messrs. Kennie
and Alex. Mclennan, Chao. Boyd and
Geo. McGregor: selection by Mc-
Noreen'a orchestra. which w a s
rendered to the delight of the audi-
ence ; dialogue, "Better than a
Doctor." by Arehie McMurchy, Mnrdo
and Kennie McGreorand the Misses
Annie JohntUm, Mate Drennan and
Mae Me(lregor ; that h3' Dan McLeod
and Mies \Vinno enc McDonald ; 'solo
hy Miss Gerthie Johnston. which wee
well rendered and heart ily emoted ; Re -
lection by the orchestra : anln by Eddie
Martin, which was •h npprec-iated
and encored ; quartette: dialogue,
"Praltrnuster,- by Kennie McGregor
and Chas. Taylor; solo by Miss Mc-
Donald ; select ion by the orchestra ;
'stump speech hy Jack O'Rir11)) which
brought great epplaume; solo by Dan
McLeod : (planet te Aoki by Mists
Johnston ; dialogue, "How Michael
Hagan ('ural the Pig t' solo by Eddie
Martin ; selection by the orchestra :
duet., Dan McLeod and Mi" Melton-
; recitation by Peter Meott, which
was well encored. The National
Anthem brought th0 program to a
TtttsDAY. Feb. 1:lth.
Mr. and Mts, Frank Mackenzie, of
the Soo. are homenh a visit.
Miss Hre)w'n, of Lul•gan, eras the
guest of Miss Alaggie AracChavles on
Sunday last.
Mts. Kerr, one of our oldest resi-
dents, died On Satutslty last and wits
interred in Kincardine cemetery on
The Lochalsh boys have had i► very
happy winter between parties and
balls, but the more they get the wore
they seek.
Neil Mackenzie hoe purehxsel a
magnificent driver and will now be
able to attend regularly at his
1 urktio v Itituatiun.
Mrs. W. H. Alacintneh is visiting
her Gather; David Cowan, who was
411d ispase(I. We umderst sod Air,
l'ow•atn is rather better now.
The Saturday excursioDs to town
on business are %pry c -
this good weather,. but state should
return la•fure the electric lights go
It. J. Mackenzie will have to lie
more careful in future whilst in
c•ha4 a of at he'd of hay ; he is sup-
posed to lw un the top iota not it on
top of hien, IAN was the rase, 0111
Saturday. j
Donald •J, M. -Charles( will work itt
the Paramount rheeai• factory this
sea8nt also. which completes his
nitptenticeshi11. For the c Invenienre
of the milk -carrier we would advise a
factory nota in this vicinity.
Ebenezer tit•nuld like a little more
snow this w• ter. am that he aright
truce some of the shims. that pass in
the night along the Niderned, and it
would also lw mute pleasant. as he
could go on Saturdays to town and
not on Fridays as things are now. -
ITratitrtr, February Illth.
Misses Msrg,tret and` Gladys Mush.
of the G. ('. 1., are home here at Ines-
J. M. O'Reilly rntertainwl a few of
his friends on Friday night of last
week. e
TtKAD.4Y, Felt. 13th.
Rohr. Durnin left for the Riot on
Tuesday morning.
Rey. H. \V. (.'r•sw preached in Luck -
now Sunday evening.
31iss Mitt -roma. Rutherford is holi•
(haying in G.xlerich, the guest of Miss
Edna Straiton.
Mims Teta Gordon, Mrs. itglis and
daughter Mary are spending is few
days at the home of W. E. Gordon.
Mr,. 1Ciehna loud two children, of
the vicinity of Stratford, are visiting
at the home of .the farmers sister,
Mrs, C. Decker.
CirN(•KRT. -- Lk,n't forget the box
social and concert on Friday evening of
this week. Fehr •,v 11hh. The fol-
lowinKK talent assures it good prpgraln
Will J1,el.exl, comedian and dancer ;
Jus. Stalker and \Vesttleld q •tette
Miss A 11 u i e Jovnt, elocutionist.
Ladies. with ix,xes, free.. Fiver?•laxly
welc Concert Begins at. S o clock.
OIIITIIA)tY. - We are • 'sorry this
week to have to record the death of
Ma. int). McDonald, fornae•rly Miss
Alice McGuire. Mrs. McDonald had
been in fulling health the bast year or
se, but her sudden death en Thursb'y
morning last 0111111• ns n shock and sit•-
prise, :t great many. 'rhe funeral
took place on Satuuliky morning, a
service being hold' in tile Presbyterian
church, of which deceets.(1 had long
been a member. Interu0'nt at•m. made
m Winghaut cemetery. Mrs. McDon-
ald lesves a husband and young st.
besides two loveliness, John and Robert
'McGuire. of this place, and one sister.
Mrs. John Murray, of Gielerich, to all
,1f whine is extended the heartfelt
sympathy of the whole community.
\Io,D,ty, Feb. 12th.
Miss Ails rta entree( Bl•t h, visited
her sister. Mrs. it. \Viglituian, the
past two weeks.
Messrs. MOClin'on and Toll expect
10 leave fur the West this week wii h
two co heeds mf horses,
Amo.. John Chaintiey returned home
The carpenters are .hn*ily engaged on F1i.lty evening after a two week,:
in flmi;•hing John C. Dalian s new visit with A'hfield friends.
house. Wit). Ringlet• was called to his 1 ,
Raymond, MtConpell, of Hallett, itt '43 ,•ixrtrr on Thursday last owing
nod ,fouls, of Stint find, sprat kiun• to the serious illtrrbd of his father.
d:ay here, J. N. Campbell is this week 'ing
J. J. and Mks Maggio O'Reilly spent his family en to the beautiful fire
Suodmc with Mr. wed Mrs. \Vuu. Farr, aback he purchased from James
of (ilJrrh•h. H,wnt't erode lime. tufo.
James Rowton Jerry and \iissCarsie Jackson i1Vightman has purchased
' - h the bongo and of ou Keayrs street, G.xle-
('. (! F. in (iderich on Thursday rie\�hi1, where he aotrnds taking up hos
night last. teshlenee in the neer fattier.Christopher lamhertns has sold his Thr days of the -old Indian hunter
farm itt Kintail for the semi of 65,2011 are past. but if he were titre today ht•
to 51ioha el Dineen and intends to would -have a rom{x•tit11) in the person
mroar hew and live retired: of Harvey' AicD iwrll. Harvey' rx-
A number of boys and girls from pet'4s to have $100 worth of pelts by
here went to Goderieh on Alonday spying -
night to see the hocks match be- James Hoover is loading Ids car to-
tweet]Gixleri -h and Stratford. day. preparing to stent for the West
!From another correspondent.) . this week. Mrs. Hoover will visit
relatives for it abort time before she
J. P. Sullivan was in Toronto the and Gunny terve for their new hums
fore part of this week. fn i -la.
Mims Nora Keefe was the guest of }revAllwJ. C. Reid, of ,Nile, de -
Mrs. 51. Connor last week. livered an excellent lecture on the
Mims :Haggle O'Reillyy is visiting in subject, "The Human Tongue," to an
,erich, the guest of Mt•s. 1'. Finn. appreciative audience in the Donny-
rs. James Young and sot Jim, of brook Methodist cbitrch on Friday
1, spent Sunday among relatives ( evening last.
Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn, cnn-
•h ducted the set vices at Westfield and
Oonnot task 11t the bell given y a,
MoNn.tY, February 12th.
We are 'snag' to state that Miss
Ihikhanan is not improving.
Messrs. Tyndall recently bought it
heavy -draught colt frond Win: Bogie,
of the lake shote. orad. The price
paid was a fair 11gnre.-
\Vm. Cunningham ham sold his
fancy drivel•, \%oodlawn, for a good
rand sum. Mr. Cunningham is a
great fancier of fine horses and raises
but the best.
Connell iirom. have moved their
portable r4iawniill from the Feagan
{`property on the lith concession to the
block of land they recently purchased
from Jamem Strnnghan.
The weather last week was the
coldest that harm been cxpe•t•ienr•ed here
for yearn. toot Monday night the
thermometer registered twenty de -
green 1x•I0W zero and it remained
blow zero for 1Free days and three
Cumuli Notts. A congregational
'fleeting was held in Stnith'e Hill
church last Thursday evening, to
consider the advisability of building
an addition to the church to be used
as n Sunday echo of mom. On i► volt,
being taken it was found to be unani-
mously in raver mf the project. A
building committee wan appointed
and the hoard of manager's wars
inmtroete d to canvass the congregation
for subscriptions towards the expense
involved. three-fourths of the nione7
to be snbscriM•d before the work is
commenced. Alresdy the cant•mss has
met with splendid interest' and no
doubt baildirrg operations will be
'started es soon as pewit -ilia The addi-
tion. which is to lee nettle to the north
side of the church, is to he of nal brick
with it stone foundation. The estim-
ated emit. is about, $(P5 Rev. .1. 1..
Smallesehanged pulpits last Sendai/
with iter. J. G. "Allis, pastor of
Auburn Methodist church.
Miss Annie Dalton nm reUnn I)onnyhr.xpk on Sabbath Lot in note
h • a er spending n few weeks in I
Galeria'.that Rey. Mr. Fallis might c`pnduct his
l at
John O':' i1 entertained a few of the on tundayre evangelistic services ices Auburn
y g folks a party un \Vedne•slay
evening of la t week. All enjoyed
Ter .t A, Feb. lat).
Mrs. Johnston is ving daugh-
her dao h-
ter. Airs. P.
\V. Abraham), fr owick, was
visiting in this vicinity.
The young men from here n' Inky
teaming since the mnoty has c
A large n her from Blak 's at-
tended the service at Hackett on
Sunday evening.
Miss ,la•tha Alton is visiting r
sister, Mrs. T. Hall, who is ver
poorly at present.
A sh'lghloatl ft-oin the Nile spent 11
pleasant evening at the horn, nt \V.
Sherwood recently.
\Ve are pleased to se' the children
taking such interest in their Ae'Istes,
which are being carried on with ane-
ceas. •
Thr• Womrn''s Misaiounry Society
will hold their meeting at the home of
Mrs. Ferguson. All are cordially
A number from here nttendel the
service• at Lanes on Sunday and were
pleased to hear Rev. R. W. (Taw,
their new pastor.
Remember the Epworth League
meeting at Haekett'a appointment.
The subject will he taken by ]rev. W.
Smith, the pastas.
\Ve are pleased to see Miss Minnie
Nixon home again) having spent a
few week?, with her Mater, Nita. J.
Stotherm, of Nile.
IFnnn another emerwpendent.4
Will Nixon mold his va able colt
kat week.
Mime Craig WAS visiting fries here
during the past week,
Mrs. Chandlers, id Wanting), Maaioi-
toba, is visitit:g her sister. Mrs. .John
thicket t. a n d also Miss. James'
51rnuglon, of Colborne.
,lack Ferguson has std his farm of
inn netra to .iateplt Hackett, of the
121h roneeseinn of Aahfleld. Mr. and
Mrs. F'et•gnso will be missed in the
eenimenity, both in rhumb and social
ci robes.
The power of fnrtone is ronfei'swl
only by the miserable: for the happy
impute all their sauces to pridence
is.nd merit.- SwifL
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most In-
tense and Continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease la
the reproductive oegons.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect condition, present
and cure those (earful die -
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
Corbett has derided not to hey sailing
Trrsn.e., Fel): nth.
Colborne council. met in the town-
ship hall today, all the members pres-
ent. The minutia) of the plra•ious
meeting W01e read and adoptetl. The
following +accounts were ordered ]mid :
Win. Sttaughan, tilling tvashuut. $'i;
J 4 hisholui, opening drain. 511c.;
Stan, printing, $7,511; Sianuel Bissett.
tile. *1 : Alex. McLeod. digging ditch,
$I.:dl; Samuel Hiss•tt, salary. $701
Simnel Nissen, postage and station-
ery. $3; iiirit) Moser, repairing,, wash-
out, $1.504 Bell Trlyphone Co.. 255.
Moved by Sir. 1(mbet•tmen. remide1 by
Air. McMlai*us, that .1. N. Krrnighan
be appointed asstmsot• foe this year.
51 o V1.4 in ailment by Ate.
Stranghan, seconde41 by the Reeve,
that Nathan JohnIs• assessor. Air.
M. Ewa 11 voted tt ith tht' amendment,
whirl) wits carried. Moved by Mr.
AIc1•ywv►n, s•eotnde•tl by Mr. 13 dwrtso,
that bylaw No. 4 be untended, chang-
ing the stater e labor schedule. The
auditors' r.•port was eeul :aril mrloptad
lout ouch anlitor seas paid $1 fur his
services. • 'I'he council adjournial to
meet l'ui'si:iv, \i:arch lith, /It . 9.111 ick
p. 111. F. W. MtDostunt, Clerk.
From WM. {YMiNOToN, Neche,
Pembina County. North Dakota :
"Yon will find a closed a it<xitotflce
order for one uollity for The Signal
and The Montreal Weekly Il,tvdd for
another year. We gppleciat0 TI e
Signal very- touch. It aiaalways awe:
conte visitor at our tablet, 'We con-
gratulate you for the great improve-
ment in the style of the paten• sin) r
you became the owners and managers
of if. We also like The Herald very
h: it c Rnbtins iso nnueh uw•fol in-
formation. Wt cannot see how the
two ex•tellent'pperi.xlic'als can Ise iatird
for so small at sum."
From FINLAY F. LONG, Calgary,
Alta.: •
Enclosed find $'w09 As tai y
subscription for The Signal is run out
1 thonied. 1 %vould subscribe right
,away, as 1 do not want to miss any of
the numbs m. Your paper ja int good
An a letter 1 home every week."
TUE.:DAY. Feb. int .
ilart•y '1'. Williams is visiting is
uncle, Chas. Spence, in G«uric
Mine brat Glazier, ggf the Exchange,
culnlncnced un Monday to draw him
usual supply of ice from (hoderich for
hla summer use.
Thursday last the school was clotted.
the teacher being given a holiclty by
our boated of education in order to
attend the wedding of her cuualn.
Misr Mibtiell. in Goderich.
Our former townenuan Janes Jewell.
who hits been in the Northwest for
nam' years. has t•ece•ntly lost his wife
I dearth. Mrs. Jewell wan formerly. a
5 a Stevens. of near Be•nniiller. 'l
Ti ST SAWING ('oNTK•rr. -- Up to
date mr champions with the tem,
Messrs. (yeti and Thompson, me still
waiting or n reply fr Gadd t- ch
1 ownahip, it her piasonally or through
the local p s., to their challenge for a
sawing come t ;t wager of not less
than $lo. A WI' 'stalled lefot•e, our
champions in nil having another
chopping and ma ing Mee in March.
and they havedeci 041 on St. Patrick's
Day for the even If any of the
Grnlerirh trow•nship a ips• are plucky
enough let tltt•ot Neild a ,mluiittee ant
to the woods where this hither is I (041
arrange a match and select the wiesl.
Our well-known townstnW-e�in John
Barker knows the slot and will be
pleased to meet the 00nlnlit a. and
introduce them tT oar chamupion/a.
AGAIN ItecoVKRiso.--favid (JOrb-
ett, the well-known and popular
hastier at the Union hotel in Gimle-
t -kb, is we are Wafted to state.
improving considerably after him ten
weeks' siege of rheumatism, end heat
week wits able to 1x• out trod 'sere leis
friends in Goderich. Mr. Corbett
rm traeterl the disease feet Angttet
while sailing on the lakes, having
resigned his goat et the Union about a
year ago for change of rxrupatien.
Ho west obliged to give rip sailing and
conte bark t0 Gcxlericli for ,t 14,1 -
After a few weeks time he joined the
C. P. R. const ruetlun gang and after
some time there, during which he weals
Iw,thrr'sI n little with the ailinent, he
went back to his old post at the Union
for the winter. There he was laid up
for three weeks and when "veneering
came 4111t. to NIP relative/1 here and writ.
taken with this Iasi attack. Mr.
pottAnt city. Tbr mayors• presidfhi,
aud'w•hen coffee was bring served the
yor leaned over and touched 3lr.
Chaunlx•rlai11,ss+tyitg. "Shall we let the
longer, ornhad weer) better yha,0 your
speech now :' •
An irishman gut employment to
eatery brii•ks up a scaffold. When he
came up with the drat luau{, not being
accustomed to that sort of work, he
Asked the bricklayer. "How 11111 i to
get down \1t'Iq', go down the
Even °when it girl has a grand-
mother she cant make herself believe
she is ever going Go 1'e old.
Even when a woman knows it isn't
so she always believes h^r lnlsband
who is away when . he writes how
lonesome he is.
Joseph Chautbetlain ens once the
guest of honor at n dinner in an int -
same way as you, canoe up." "N
fear." replied Pat, "1 came up bead
II rat ."
A, rancher who is known for work-
ing his leen long hours recently hired
an Irishman. A day or so later the
tri htuan said lie was going to town to
buy a new had for Pat. "'Vex needn't
git extravagant on due account," said
Pat ; "if it's yyst the same to yez, yez
can (sat out bbyitr' a new bel, and -can
thrade the ?field Ivan for a Ianthern."
Read The Signal for all the local new -.
For every build otf-imam
there is a Semi -ready type
$MI -READY garments are built to
fit live men.
Moat clothing is built to fit
o J
The Semi -ready system of sizes is
based on the permanent measurement
*height. Once the figure is formed,
height never changes, though the
waist and breast lines may vary con-
For each height we have • every
variation of figure - stout, slight,
e'er -greet, sloping -shoulders, etc. -
lhcre are nus variations altogether.
'dere Is an example: When n' 5 -foot
4-01011 man with a 4o -inch breast comes
intra one of our wardrobes, we produce
a suit for a 5 -foot 4 -inch man with a
Is -inch breast. The fit is invariably
If the salve man goes into an ordinary
clothing atom they take his breast
ISe experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ-
ent soil than others ;
some crops need differ-
enthandling than others.
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time, and that the soil
must be kept enriched.
No use of complaining
in summer about a mis-
take made in the spring.
Decide before the seed
is planted.
'i• best time to reme-
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be-
fore the evil is too deep
rooted. At the first evi-
dence of loss of flesh
Scott's Emulsion
should be taken imme-
diately. There is noth-
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scott's Emulsion.
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi-
nary fo ods absolutely
w. trot ssadpa a 9awra1. fem
AO sere that ti's
picture rn lb. fort,
et a la).1 is on th.
wrapper of eery
bottle of Emulsion
you buy,
Toronto, Ont.
pa. sad ei ;
all dragglau
measurement. But according to clothing
makers' methods, a 4o -inch breast iia
supposed to belong to a 6 -foot man, so
where does INr. Short. Stout come off?
The four extra inches on the tail of
hitt coat make 'dui ridiculous.
You see, the old system was wrong -
it could only fit normal men - the
Semi -ready system of physique types
will fit any figure.
Of course, fit is an important thing to
get so satisfactorily settled, but Semi -
ready didn't stop there.;
Semi -ready system of tailoring is
different, too. Instead of employing a
man simply because be is a tailor, we
employ hitt because be has proved
himself en expert in one particular
branch of the business, and keep him
doing soothing else but his specialty.
if be fits in sleeves best he .loci;
nothing else in our tailorey ; if he is
an expert on collars, that is his per-
manent occupation while with us -amt
so on to every part of our busine,a,
Thu, we get the most perfect tailoring;
there 1s. That is why you find style
in alt our garments, and permanent
We Have reached such a high plane
In tailoring that we couldn't afford to
use auything but the best of materials,
so we carefully test every thread of
goods we huy-tben we , uarantee tient
with the knowledge that They can't go
Perhaps you have never ricers in a
Semi -ready wardrobe! We vtould like
to show you what it is like. 523
After Stock -taking
( Like every other merchal ) we find ourselves
witlt\too much of some lin s, and we are de-
termined to offer the goods at such prices as
will clear them out in short order.
You Don't Need Wire for! Fencing Now
but you will 11,011 it in at 111. 1).ui t tynit till the prier. ;nlvanrc as
it 8lttays clones. SAVE. tlleney.
One ton C level and coiled spring Wire, best quality, $2 55 per hundred.
One ton barb Wire, two and four pont $2.65 per hundred.
SKATES. HOCKEY STiC:KS, etc., 20 per rent. off.
(:ROSS -CUT SAWS Premier. Leader, Racer and Lance Tooth, regular
750 per foot, at 63c per foot
isiger Ctoss-cut Saws, regular 75c, at .350 per foot
CONQUEROR SAW SETS, regular 90c, at 77r
WHITING SAW SETS, regular 45c, at
STOVES AND RANGES at prices that will induce you to buy if you have
any use for a stove.
ND -SLEIGHS, 20 per cent. off.
LTERS, etc., is per cent. off. _
.... 150
Rememhce the Sale starts SATURDAY. FEBRUARY
8th, and ends on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th
The Hardware Mari
N'e've got about two dozeli left, and
don't want to carry thein over. They are
not' high-priced caps, but all made -front
well -furred skins, look well and will give ser-
viceable wear. You will never regret laying
out the stnall amount of money they will
cost you now. If we were to offer you 2:+
per cent. for the use of some of your
money and gave adequate security for same,
would you not loosen up sable ? That _is
exactly what we are doing and even a. little
better in some cases. Step in and look
them over.
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Haers, etc.
\ l u t l i -i, tr Court 1 lutist; Square, (, udericIl.
pottAnt city. Tbr mayors• presidfhi,
aud'w•hen coffee was bring served the
yor leaned over and touched 3lr.
Chaunlx•rlai11,ss+tyitg. "Shall we let the
longer, ornhad weer) better yha,0 your
speech now :' •
An irishman gut employment to
eatery brii•ks up a scaffold. When he
came up with the drat luau{, not being
accustomed to that sort of work, he
Asked the bricklayer. "How 11111 i to
get down \1t'Iq', go down the
Even °when it girl has a grand-
mother she cant make herself believe
she is ever going Go 1'e old.
Even when a woman knows it isn't
so she always believes h^r lnlsband
who is away when . he writes how
lonesome he is.
Joseph Chautbetlain ens once the
guest of honor at n dinner in an int -
same way as you, canoe up." "N
fear." replied Pat, "1 came up bead
II rat ."
A, rancher who is known for work-
ing his leen long hours recently hired
an Irishman. A day or so later the
tri htuan said lie was going to town to
buy a new had for Pat. "'Vex needn't
git extravagant on due account," said
Pat ; "if it's yyst the same to yez, yez
can (sat out bbyitr' a new bel, and -can
thrade the ?field Ivan for a Ianthern."
Read The Signal for all the local new -.
For every build otf-imam
there is a Semi -ready type
$MI -READY garments are built to
fit live men.
Moat clothing is built to fit
o J
The Semi -ready system of sizes is
based on the permanent measurement
*height. Once the figure is formed,
height never changes, though the
waist and breast lines may vary con-
For each height we have • every
variation of figure - stout, slight,
e'er -greet, sloping -shoulders, etc. -
lhcre are nus variations altogether.
'dere Is an example: When n' 5 -foot
4-01011 man with a 4o -inch breast comes
intra one of our wardrobes, we produce
a suit for a 5 -foot 4 -inch man with a
Is -inch breast. The fit is invariably
If the salve man goes into an ordinary
clothing atom they take his breast
ISe experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ-
ent soil than others ;
some crops need differ-
enthandling than others.
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time, and that the soil
must be kept enriched.
No use of complaining
in summer about a mis-
take made in the spring.
Decide before the seed
is planted.
'i• best time to reme-
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be-
fore the evil is too deep
rooted. At the first evi-
dence of loss of flesh
Scott's Emulsion
should be taken imme-
diately. There is noth-
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scott's Emulsion.
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi-
nary fo ods absolutely
w. trot ssadpa a 9awra1. fem
AO sere that ti's
picture rn lb. fort,
et a la).1 is on th.
wrapper of eery
bottle of Emulsion
you buy,
Toronto, Ont.
pa. sad ei ;
all dragglau
measurement. But according to clothing
makers' methods, a 4o -inch breast iia
supposed to belong to a 6 -foot man, so
where does INr. Short. Stout come off?
The four extra inches on the tail of
hitt coat make 'dui ridiculous.
You see, the old system was wrong -
it could only fit normal men - the
Semi -ready system of physique types
will fit any figure.
Of course, fit is an important thing to
get so satisfactorily settled, but Semi -
ready didn't stop there.;
Semi -ready system of tailoring is
different, too. Instead of employing a
man simply because be is a tailor, we
employ hitt because be has proved
himself en expert in one particular
branch of the business, and keep him
doing soothing else but his specialty.
if be fits in sleeves best he .loci;
nothing else in our tailorey ; if he is
an expert on collars, that is his per-
manent occupation while with us -amt
so on to every part of our busine,a,
Thu, we get the most perfect tailoring;
there 1s. That is why you find style
in alt our garments, and permanent
We Have reached such a high plane
In tailoring that we couldn't afford to
use auything but the best of materials,
so we carefully test every thread of
goods we huy-tben we , uarantee tient
with the knowledge that They can't go
Perhaps you have never ricers in a
Semi -ready wardrobe! We vtould like
to show you what it is like. 523
After Stock -taking
( Like every other merchal ) we find ourselves
witlt\too much of some lin s, and we are de-
termined to offer the goods at such prices as
will clear them out in short order.
You Don't Need Wire for! Fencing Now
but you will 11,011 it in at 111. 1).ui t tynit till the prier. ;nlvanrc as
it 8lttays clones. SAVE. tlleney.
One ton C level and coiled spring Wire, best quality, $2 55 per hundred.
One ton barb Wire, two and four pont $2.65 per hundred.
SKATES. HOCKEY STiC:KS, etc., 20 per rent. off.
(:ROSS -CUT SAWS Premier. Leader, Racer and Lance Tooth, regular
750 per foot, at 63c per foot
isiger Ctoss-cut Saws, regular 75c, at .350 per foot
CONQUEROR SAW SETS, regular 90c, at 77r
WHITING SAW SETS, regular 45c, at
STOVES AND RANGES at prices that will induce you to buy if you have
any use for a stove.
ND -SLEIGHS, 20 per cent. off.
LTERS, etc., is per cent. off. _
.... 150
Rememhce the Sale starts SATURDAY. FEBRUARY
8th, and ends on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th
The Hardware Mari