HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL : (;ODER1eII ONTARIO • WHAT OUR NEIGHBORS SAY The Old Story. Walkerton Telescope : On the lath of January we sent ant from this office accounts amounting to $150, ntt which we paid 00c. in postage. The response has been just one dollar. \Ve have conte to the eoucluaiuu that We are a failure as a collecting agency and that its an experimentwe had better hand the iwcounte over to one of our lawyers. fie may have a little letter success. How Bruce Assists Its County Hospital. Blyth was chosen as the next 1 of annual meeting, which will be on the first Tuesdity in February. the reuti•auuultl tueeulig to he bel Winghaul at the call of the vo rnastett The lodge was closed b) brethren ringing the National them. -Coy. SOUTH HURON REFORMER held ` MARKET REPORTS. iu Liverpool Wheat Penes Close Un• utlty changed, Chicago Cbsed-Liv. Stock the An- Markets -The Laest Quotations. ftoadsy t:rrnlug. Feta, I. 1.1% e•ryl uut wDeul nnuec those l to Jay s. uteba6;eA to $441 lower than Saito de), eenmityy „114 euro lurorrr S.J to lkd lower The l'41a•ago ;cab a•xehuwk'• was closed '1'1 yesterday at' this amarkel; Feb.e„byte h101 flay T!t,yc, July 1 %v bid. Was TORONTO NROOUCE MARKET. Raoluliglls on Tariff and Ind Q -Mass Meeting is June The annual meeting of the Si Huron Itelorm Association, Its Co tutu/ for Dominion purposes, WINNIPI(LOPTIONS. 11e 1oliewing err the 4144.1114 noluliens, tuth n41ti- held In 1Vileon s Hull• I3rueefield, ou Walkerton Herald : A win gq is to be Monday, 5th inst. 'rite president, e•deeted to Walkerton hospital for the Alex. Mustard, presided, and Jas. treatment of patients with infectious Watson, of $rufurth, acted as *ecre- diseases. The county *emitted haat tiny in the laxative of J. G. Stmnbury. week made it grant of $1,250 to assist of Exelerr,tbe regular IcereUtry. All_ inthat purpose. $751) is to be, given the former officers were re-elected, now and $.ills) when the work is under and the following municipal chairmen cunstructiou. The hospital is doing were appointed fol. their respective good work and is greatly .appreciated muuieiiutltties : McKillop, John Me - by the people of the county. Every Dowell ; Seafurtli, J. I.. Killoran; patient who is treated in the institu- Tucket'sunith, Geom. M. B3hack; Stow - Don isanenthusia*tie admirer thereof. ley. Wei. Murdoch: Hayfield, John An Inexperienced Burglar.Fruiter:x Mensal!, 1)r. McDe(•mid: Ilay. Pete'. L,unont; Stephen, S. Seafot•th Expositor,: Some time ie- Sweitzer; Exeter, A.I(,t. llobier; 11s- tween Saturday night and Sunday borne, John T. Allison. morning some evil -disposed person of Measures were taken for the proper etptms brake open' the- hack door of revision of the voters' lists in each The•Ezpositur office, pried o{{wit the iri{stlit •. it was els(( decided, if clash drawer and ransacked the con- possible. to told a political amass meet - tents. There wets no Money in the Ing in tile riding some time next June, drawer and consequently the thieves and the seentu'y was i0structcd 10 hail their pains for their trouble. communicate with Hon. Messrs, Any person who would raid. a print- Fielding, Ayleywurth, Fijz nttrick and ing office expectingg to get. money Hyman. with the view of procuring must have satulething wrung iu his two or more of thew gentlemen to upper story. Fortunately they did address the said meeting. nut disturb anything else in the ufllce. The followingresolutions were dis- cussedHaae-grown Oranges at Wingham. stud ousel tau ly, nod the secretary instructed to forward Wingham Advance : !lir. Orr, poo- copice of them to Sir \Vitft•id Laurier: prietorof Hotel Brunswick, has a tour'- M.o'ed by John McDowell, seconded year-old orange tree growing in his by 1). 1). \Vihem, that we. the Re. dining -room. This season it bit forulet's of South Huron. et our seven oranges on it, and a sample por- tion of the fruit wigs handed the editor of The Advance. The tree is small an yet. and the fruit not so large as we have sten in California, hut it k a curiosity. to say the least, to eat oranges gotten.,in 1i'inghatn, and ripening with thetemperature away below zero. The orange tree is an in. ()mations plant, and often fears blos- soms before parting with its' ripe fruit. Pretty Nearly Everything but Mayor. Clinton News-Reentd : Mr. Joseph Wheatley, who on Tuesday evening was by the town council epppitltd chief "of the local pence for the fif- teenth time. is a somewhat busy roan, as ;will be seen from the following list of the duties assigned to him: Chief conrtahle, bell-ringer. weigh- nual meeting. desire to place record an expression•of our coutin c,ntiden^t in the luhuinistrat' of '.V01rid fmtu•ier, under which ('an has enjoyed so -very large a meas of pt•Irspevity. We desire also to e' press our. strungtuppositt,,lon to any, i crease of the present tkrtfy, as we id runvineed that sued a step tr(iltld 17 le in the best interests of the routs of the people of the country. 10 'Ir opinion the road of prosperity- lcai in the opposite direction. We wad, therefore. hail with satisfaction eon- siderable issluctiun in the pr•sr,lrnte of high tariff taxation. Moved by Jame* Hess, occou(.1 by' Allan Douglas, that we, the y:iirm- erI. of South Huron, at our mom! meeting, desire to place ort' red our disapprobation of the Nor aims wt1setl 4 the last session of liarlia ut in - master, eaphtary inkgector. truant c asitig th,• sessional indellty of officer. collector of taxes, inspector members and providing fora'nsions of treat, bread, fish. wood, etc: Dur. to.(,'abiuet Ministers: read I}'1•tfully ing the summer Mr. Wheatley takes ask that they IN. pealed satire first charge of the building of cement P ,pi,'tunny. \ •e ' do sat' 'deet to walks and snakes a good job of it. the i crease. in the salary °the Pre - While At this work he re(•eives $1.25 rnier, s in view of the res ,,ihilitiek per day. but if not so engaged ix paid and d ties attllrhing to to lsisitinn at the rate of $110 ler year. we do tu,l consider this uKctumable. Ezeter'. industries Hens.`Seaforth Expositor repo . Exeter Advoeat• : In last week's .STOMACH CUE - issue of the local palet•s Mr. 'RowelilTe states that an October 4th ante of his An Emy y from Stant o1 Con - Wyandotte pullets began to lay and by December •Jstli (two months and a half) emteoea two of these pullets had laid thirty- The sorc,tld cures f indigestion seven eggs. _ lie lows ,tlsr, that the latealmost Os utnrt•tter the visuals Wyandotte can't 1e beaten by the theenst•lves, mi, s,•.trrr1a day puuelces Hocks ari winter layers. Let its see. with/.ort the hn{ ,t of tfls*iuis of sof• orala- %%lieut, alaiug 1.114144 4,17s to wla41t, fall 1, sb 0 70 a 7,1 11'ht at, red: lash a 711 1, 7e Wheat, goose bow•.. u 7• a ;a Miley, hoer a ;,I a ::: Cats, lush " :ar,, a iv By., hush a 74 1'1 Yr. bush 11 4r1 " The uta y cools Ihat stay WWI a E' family aro those that are Married to It- it. r'' Miller's Drink Cum is $1 ter hex., y: a For sale by all druggists. For sale by U. Jas, Wilson. - . g.retbi.. ole 11x4 I'ora.(tea. Small lluy -Jokier, kin you eta lige a ten dollar bill? Mister -No, 4101103'. That belongs strictly to my' wife's sbere of the domestic duties. 1 might have been able to (•Irange one long ago, but I'm clean out u' practice now. Alt *what arab. "And you can this chair uulqueT Why, Its Isn't any elder than I amt" ^Well,• ma'am, that may be, but It's calque, an right .^ 6taaterat,d, A publisher advertises: "'The Wive* of Hrury VUI.' Third tllou'tnd." Surely there Is seine exaggeration here. - 'uucb Miller's (iri p powders core. For sale by Jas. Nilson. - " -. '1.1 I f H, rkwbeat bard u • t LIVERPOO GRAIN ANO PROOUC Llecrpwl,eeb, 11. -wbcut, wont, howl II; lutwrr,Illlet: yr,'b, (w 105•d; Ma Rs b'''!!o d; Ju(, 4111 41%If. ('urn, rlwt, stead 'metier') sized, new, 4a 1344; Marilee utliedr el.' 4r lad: futures, rteudy; shire Je I'id: 44y, 4s •• Lt.eon, :Mittel land •ut, firm, 47s; rhos rlt.s, 10 , Ia pounds. arm ,14111 84; elm 1b ar Inks, tri , 44s, l,... -.l, America r, tined, Ism, Mrs &1, 1'hw•se Anted •it flees( 11JY•, qulel, Ole; 4, colored, qn:e las' '1" Imports of wheat tutu 1.11erpq, Inst w k were 04,l010 derriere, from A Is':11e .nils, and 1(111) tenor o(hrr port 1'hr 441•„144 of cern trout Atlantic pe(: sire ',Isla quarters, t Mothers think if they look after the rt matchmaking the love king will 11 100k after knelt. • 11 New life for a. 'pottier. Miller's at Compound Iron Pills. For 'bale by t- Jas. N'ilsuu. s, The nem- money aWalt' hos the loon, his nt•ighla,re hate hitt and the pore respect they pay, hits. CATTLE MARKETS. cakes •aleady - Batble Mark Strome; ter tattle sad clap. yduu, Feb, IY.-4'uttle are quoted s In, to 1:P4i: per Ib.; refrigerator Weer, pe to .NJir, ORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. H, It lots of tire eto,•k at the Union KU, lards ware 111 ear lua,ts, ruws.sllug of 1031 at8ltk•, iii 'skeet, Ni hogs uud '( salver, tidaporters. Price', rad. J from $174. to 1,per cwt,. lied with It's' ut 1 e latter More, the Intik well. Si t, ut $1.11.*. to I: aa 14.1.•.wl, F::pnrt 1,1111,4 ad bold al 4:1,:+, to 1:1.,.,, sw, q ,.•e- ur %BP Lunt /trougkt as h • li els 14 per cwt. ut M Biers. • ('buirc picked lot of bu*. ber' sold et $4.510 to 14.7u p'r , ' but July n' vert few rea,le.•d the t4rttr Inotntk,n: loads of geed sold at $4.1U to ji :: ,f,,lrl to tor,lntu at 41:: les to 414.1.4; it.lul n,1 •11144441 with ,.w4. 414,6'3 (o 1:10-3; Ceuta 441.7:; 10 b:1,7 4 per, wt- The Ina Imre/ter. ,f whirl. there Selby Ke• pet8k•rly finish. •d loads w,7,• bwled up '41114' 111 the Hitch cows. A few ,1141,-,, 'oars dud sptlnrer fel ell. which. ga•urrnlh• slu,iku,g. 413 to 4144 ' %ra1 calve*. Atiote Ls, \‘....4 , aR,•s f.4111 ready es 64,40 to.417 ler . WI sheep and I.ualh.. The r.0 Cut sbwq, -°td 4., i l,s 1101 Itelns Lag.... 014„Rrrlu;,s loom! ready su,e at 116.,f,to 17 111 ler .'w4, fr.r s..l. et rut•.- nu.1 wetl'rr lamb.: extort raven. 44.77. to 44.' per ,wt.; eapur1 becks. at $4 to $4.::3 ,per "wt. •4l tecta. Few were 014rer •d tool Atr.. K .. 1.1 -,ter r.y ,rod 1144.511 for eeleets: l,r1. Y for When your business lecotlIes irk. stone and (list iteful, you are not well. i4 Ntlier's Compound Iron Pills will Make it It pleasure to attend to husi- t cess. For sale by Jas. Wilson. Catarrh -Cannot Be Cured, k with local applications, ll they ra111104 n•a4•h • (ht' ••cat 04 the ,{iseaee, camnia a a blood or censl,l whine) ,hsetiae. and iu order to rlirr• It you utast take internal remedies. 1ia11'.. (starch cure is taken internally and 44,444 directly on the blood and n,ueou. snrfnot•.. Ha;l'44 Catarrh Caw 1s nota qua,k medicine. It was pre.erilad by one of the Ixat physldaus iu (1.1. mornrl for Year. anti P. a render pr•- .' ripltuw. It 1, c io..Yl of Ile beat 10444(. known. combined with lbe best blood purifier.. acting directly on the moven. surface.. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produce. such wonderful rrsulta itncyring Catsa•b. lir11d for test h000l,Il., free.' F'. J. cHl o1 -.V B (-u., 1•rops., To(e,Io, o. )told by alt drugtist... re. Take 144,11',4 Famih• J'ills for cumtllrltion. ' On the :ird of November Mr. 1.. l'. feta ry rials rail 1 by `discovery of Fleming had a pullet which laid her . • novel tuet'sal ''tire fur this first egg and by the end of November prevalent disettat•. she had laid nineteen eggs and by the Until a combined( f uhu»nal rem - end of Ilectenter had laid thirty-eight ' cdies, heretofore to lttle known in eggs. This means thirty-eight eggs this ,ount'y, w'a; ,4de its Mi-o-na laid in two days less than two (.,.paths, tablets, 111, Pl•fUtin if for indigestion by one hen, against thirty-seven laid lord been found. s it is therefore in two months and a half by two hens, hardy io le tt•o(,ell at that our Mr. Fleming has another pallet that learning druggists v' have the Gode. laid on twelve consecutive days. These rich agetwy are .rap* large (luau - are littered Hocks. 1 titles of Mi-°-na. EzeterTine's: \Vhen it comes' to Mi-trnu Ss a /refaced cure for hating the hen that ,teat, the one all diseases of th,Mmach excepting that laid the golden egg, we have it cancer. If you 1' {tains or distress 'selves'. She is of the Kock variety. after eating, hars, belchingg of and et a great -great-grandmother. i gases, sour test* Ihr mouth, dizzi- She lays nearly every day told never i nese, hcarthttr "P'skit F,rfllte the thinks of depositing in the nest any- eyes, furred 415111'. sleepll•asness, thing less than a double -yolked egg, backache•, d,'!) •n' wraknes3, it shows tout )pton,seh needs to toe South Huron County Orange Lodge. etrt'ngthened.1t \li'°'tla• ,lust ane lit tablet out of a :dl -cent The annual meeting of South Huron box I,t•fore tis far a few davit and County Orange I.Islge was held at f yeti will ata regain perfect ,health Exeter on Tuesday of last week, and i mad str'cugtl was attended by about sixty members. I if you es ,;o ,titin Mi-o-na of your After the preliminary rontlne )York n' (lt•ugggilt, its' be went by mail. post - number of intportent matters were pai(1, on rcpt of price. \Vrlte us discussed, including the oro ' g. meet- fin• 4,1) 1,•' your case from a leading Ink of the Provincial sir 1 Ledge of stotuaeb „ialsl which will be sent Ontario West in (lcxlerieli next foss. •p•pft. T. 11x111 Company, month. it. was decided to celebrate' Ithaca, Ili• the comin,gpl'. Twelfth of July at tire- ? - forth. The following ,Mcers were ' elected for the year : W. 11.. George Art by the Tea. 1'. Hahley ; O. M., F. Davis; chap- An Alean city once attired Mac - lain. Rev. (1. M. Kiley : 011duty chap- ' 1.40ullic,re sculptor, to euter a design lain, Wm, i.ewis : recording !Were - Lary, around 1'. Cantelon : taw+un'o, A. bailors' monument. He de- ('antelon ; financial secretary, W. J. dierti Davis ;- lecture,'s, Jas. Welk and M:, J. $lined c'umpete, Then the commis- ialiott ; U. of C'., \\'m. Lowery. The goon , tendered to him outright. He beplace of meeting next February will .ubdd sketches of big idea for the decided at the semi annual meeting grow The committee fn charge of • to be held at Henaatll in June. the anument wrote him, asking. Count L. O. L. of North Huron. "HP6any tons of granite do yo11 In - County tee use In the base?' the reply The ('aunty 1.. O. Ltd North ltaron' wt if you are In the business of met in annual session on Tueadav, b,g granite you may use 4441 much t•'ehrnary lith, In the (orange Hall, a.,u want, one ton or 100,000 tons, Wingham, st f o'clock n. In. The, so artist, anti I never yet heard county master. Brother M. Maths, in being bought by the pound." and other officer, were itt their places. ', question was dropped until the After the appointment of finance, cre-`trait for the commission was dential, suspension aad ezpulsion cam- *motes, the Meige adjourned until 1:41)aWa, When Mr. MacMonnies re- p. In, On aecII.t ling at that:hour thlflved it be discovered in It a clause various commit teen reported. and lorovlding that in case the brnnzet were their reports the c(luuty of ortiver thrown down from their base, by Huron is shown to he in a flnurishirany cause whatever, and any person - condition, The` various distt•(or property should be injured. lie and master's reported Gtvurahly. Afta his heirs forever should In liable for great deal of business had beet ort the' damagesustained. Ile rc'terned anted watiefactorily- to the lerthrer whom a large number teen• pre the county plaster Declared al offices vacant, and called upon t' (bounty Master Brother \V. ,T, er to conduct the elections for I(yhe result of which ' wee as fFYtM Count y Ma41t•r, Brother M. 1). (1, M., R. Leishman ; mem n,yr e lain, •Hey, M. J. Wilann , (•,f 1'e- The idea that roosting nn a p..lc lar cording secretory, lfenty 1) Y ; hosts i lu41e41 Crooked breast banes In bectome countcounty financial l seererrr,y.lt,', q ; yd theory..., nneoung popitre uexperl experienced poultry. county U. of C., N..lohnsr "unty raiser fella as that after a Treat deal lecturers, Alex, Ieishmu ie°age et investigation he has found that Thornton. Brother (lir Istalted er4oked breast, benee •trsult from the the new officers, after whinit one tack of proper bone building food and made a nem, lnnt mther yenrf to, conducted\a itttk experiment Wilson, be merle of thn forrihle of his oven. Winner, set fortho in a clear', Oran a-1 ono n M manner the dor g M pure bred Plymouth men to each other auto to our Racks was fed a ration itf Anne and countryand oat. lfrot!)r, ('hie- moat meat mixed with other feed once holm, . P., being Pr as sanest a day and another pen whit given no nn to make a few repo+ern(' pn cis- hone-hutlding fnm1. Sloth pens had ing he wee grl•ete•(i ri.l1yaliy' In rnnsts, while a third pen Was without roosts and was fed no hone -building fried The pen that received the hone mend showed no ,tane of crooked breast hones, white the m( lnrlty of oho other two pens were alYobo4. Ne can• chide. that It 1x hn0,. Plod and rent the ab41enrs of most. ,bat keeps the breast, hone straight. ('htea.,• intro octe k the contract without comment, unsign- ed. When the committee wrote him, asking the reason, his brief reply was, "]our lawyers are too sharp." • *reset Ilene. of Poultry, the rousse of Ifie rvka he avid some gond thimgs, made clear Pomo questions of vitt4 lortan)e to the welfare end well'K ('t 01)1 hr- lnvlwl Canada, deli a splrtldid address °f almtlt'hty mimttw(e. The county this w'lll hnl(I nn demnnatratior as !Inty, tach die" trict being allowed lrhratr whore it chooses. in ab Icing taken Advertising in The Signal play.. WINTER CLOTHING , I 11114 4 hal', a nIIlt• enu(tortablc (0 It •l1er-tit ting suit," sapid a lean 0.10 gets lis clothes made ,et 4, r rn w144 s . • \ - Ilah•. fate. $4 40 ;Li Ler 144.1 for sow'.. awl 11'..111 to 1:4.3p for etax41. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Mruhent Fel,. 11. ($p•.inl,t A ea114.. 'from U1regow rel,,,rted lrgJ' good, w114, C pri,'.•s fin,, nod prua',c •ia ttvoru4.101,1••••v ie. 4' .l.•. 1►G ti,.. 1-;trrpool mot l.ouduu oil ' cuua,llau rattle, were firmer et 11e to 1111e, and 1 A (loll stock of rrUlY lit gird 'them as Lich tot 12c. shoos Au:, rican cattle In London wJd at 12').,, ' weight clothes tar Skop ,e,t. for the week from Portland and 1 6 EMPORIUM At. Jobu were 2We cattle, 1•Y sheep. its• celpt* trete 1360 cattle. 50 mush rows, 12.1 sheep and- Iambs, alio cartes, 500 hogs, The btaetietti were out strops and trade was brisk. Prone beeves sold at 414 to 5e •npretty •3ohd thr e cmmnockn04eto ;Pie There were esreral an* bulls which sold at 4c to 4%e per Ib, Mitch :•ows sold at Map to 855 ears. RIrbottc paid 433.50 for five of the best raises, the others selling at 13 to $3.50 seek. Sheep /old at 4!y.- end lambs et about 4r per lb. The markrt for bogs was firmer, min gt *smaller tf- forluy and an advaw'e of 10.' per 100 lbs • was paid l,1 same eases. The demand from presses was hood and salmi were made at 17.40 to 47,50 per cwt., neighed off the Corp. EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Borah,. F b. 1:, -Cattle -Receipts. D000 head' actie, 10c to 16c higher; prime steers, 14,50 to $575; ohIpptolt 44,75 to 1..50; butchers', 14.60 to $5.86; heifers, 30 to 36.10; sow!, 82.50 to 44,60; bull. to 6le 31.66; stockers and (ardent $3(ardent 4,50; stock heifers, 12 15 to 56.40; fresh cowls aad springers, active, 12 per head higher, $30 to 160. ' Vests -Receipts, 1000 bead; active, 16,50 to so 50. Hoge-Recejpta, 15,600 brad: active, be to 10c bl(ber; heavy, mined, and yoekere, 46:86 to 46.85; pigs, $0.36 to $6.40; roughs, Cheep and Iambs -Receipts 20,000 head: ■stow: lamb*, 46,25 to 746; yearlings, 16 M to $615; weathers, 46,54) to 48; ew+a, 16.60 to 15.75; 'beep, mired, i3 to 13.00; erecter' lamb*, $T.25 to 41.86. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. C►'(age, Feb, 12. --Cattle-Receipts, M- OW: market strop( to 10e higher; common to prime *tensa, *3.40 to $6.416; cow, 34 to 44.40; heifers. 12.26 to 55; bulls, 14 t0 $380: calves, 13 to 44.25; stockers sod temdun, 12.40 to 14.50. Hoge--Replpts 62,000; markrt, steady: choice to prime, (easy $6,90 to $6.95; me - hen togoodhie6av , 66. o 65.90;;botch 0 `Let, bea.y mixed, 45.85 to $5.90; packing, 60 to $6.410. Cheeps -Receipts, 86,000; market. firm: !been. 3.50 to $6; yearlings, $6,50 to $6,40: ma b., 6440 to 10.50. Clark's heady Lunen Veal Loaf will give you an appetite if you haven't one already. it is ready to serve - appetizing and tasty. Get yule• job printing at The Signa. STIIEET, n•diow and heavy II and winter wear I , Suits and 0 'rcoats made to measure on shin • 0tice, lteady-tirwear ('lothin -gesso lamb' strong -made on the pt'cnlis s. DUNLOP, the Ta or 'WEST STREET If you are in Need 1,1 earthing in thrline,.f Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil or Gasoline, call at PiNDEIt'S. Ili' keeps only. the best anti prices are right. Let hint figure on 3'otlr Plumbing, Ideating and Tinsmithing. SA'riSl',1(TiON G r A R A N- 'rEED. W. R. Pinder 7 h. r...,.. 1.,,.' . ,r erring •ale, rs the tl,.,,, act m.,rerls for her young. The , ,.e h„men mother feeds her /tablet on Parnell's Pure Home -Made Bread It !roads nowt... sharpens intellect. Erg foundation for vigorous manhood. 3OUR POPULAR GROCER, AGENT You can easily Afford to get Good Coffee In feel, you can't allied to 11.1)1` i1113. °I her. The pert', fr1•eh, delicious and frogl;tnl. COFFEE WE SELL WILL GIVE YOU SATISI=AC- TION:EVERY TIME. \•011 can dc(atid on it. Try Rohe at a5c a pound. Our blend of Mocha and Java Cortes, it like a pound is extra flue. P. T. DEAN, The Grocer. 'PHONE too. COR. MONi REAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. THu spay Feb. 15, 1V0G 8- allimmammaimalloommomommumi- W A. McKIM GODERICH'S BUSY W. A. McKIM STORE STOCK CLEARING SALE VERY large stock to begin with, and a very mild winter finds us with many lines that must be cleared. To make room for new goods, To get cash to pay for them, a well as the love of it induce clearing sale of us to make a ten-day stock - GENUINE BARGAINS only a few of which we, enumerate. Come and see these others for which we have no space. Dress Goods. 500 yards of heavy goods, elegant for stilts, skirts, and coats, or for boys' or girls' wear. They are mostly high- class goods, including "Harris' Honie.- spun" and equally reliable hakes. We make the prices to meet: the lean- est pocket -book. There are plan y 1 i g h ter weight materials and all adorned with t'marching" price tickets. ONE LOT of lueltons, sergee, etc„ value1 :Inc. and flu(•„ to clear per y'anl .., 22C (would be cheap for linings) ANOTHER LOT' of fancy weaves, tweeds, stripe Amazons. etc,_ value 30e. to OW., to 25c clear per yard • H1.A('K GOODS, such as bro,ulcl,ths, veneti(uts, fancy weaves, ►ustrea, etc., at a straight reduc- tion of 10`, . - REMNANTS -piles of them at any' old price to clear. We want their 41p tee and the money. that is in t.heul or part of it ; you can have the balance if you take them away. The end you want may be here at n trilling\c(st. Wrappers. \ 1; dozen fancy wraplwrs, reduced on quarter. $1 Jsl wrappers for 75c. $1.25 " otic g2.2 .. ..411.50 $1.52 Jackets. 31 to clear, t401110 at half price and others at 0m'- third price or $3,110 worth 0f jacket for $I.064. Overcoats. - 11 E:1:S. • No. 6ZH-3 only, regular $7.011, for $J.:rt H 14>-4 •• • ' $ft.00, for 61.90 No. (Ci4-s $II,W for 14•5,:11i H 54- -p $144.1)14, for 1154)-( " -I $1).50 H 21 •• 87.50,$12.0for $7.:111 $7.:111, for $.i.lal YOUNG MEN'S, 4 only, young men's, $7.00. for $1.51) 3- $( (tU, for $4,01I 4 1301.8'. 5 only bora, $3.444, for $3.50 4 - $4.50, for $2.481 5 •• " $4.00, for $2,75 6 other overconta for men ,and boys at 1111( price, TE 1 - and many Shirt Waists • at a small fraction of their value. They must be Bolds LOT L--ty dozen sltirb waists, white, black and white, blue and white and fast color print. The leanest in the lot wits 60c., to 25c clear I.OT ii, - IS dozen shirt waists, black 'sateen: white lawn, fancy muslin41, chatnbl•ey with -yoke r e)nbroideed , regular• twice 75e. to $2.00, A11 at • 50c LOT Ill. -3 dozen shirt waists, fine white lawn with lace and embroidery trimming, cream lustre with pin slot, black lm,tti•, black sateen, regular price $1.2.5 to $2.23, all 75c at each Skirts. :1 only block lustre, sun -pirated dress A / skirts, regular value $0544, fur $'t,5o !,!'+ dress skirts at half prier $1.2.5 skirts for 113(•, d c 11.2.00 " " $1,00 $load „ ,. $1.511 $5.00 •• " 62.50 • Underskirts. 6 only sateen skirts 1 .. $5, tis•. 1 •• lnoeeen $1.7.; • 81,1-1 anc stripe $1.25 81.511 9 " fame,' Pe $I.L, .3011 1 t _ silk flounce $ .00 •• $2.2.1 White Goods 'Ito one -quartet. opt', 211 dozen fine night-gowns 11 " drawers ' 24 " " skirts '- K children's dresses aprons at a eduction of 25%. :1 dozen deeming saepues and kitnontts At 54 Price just cut in two. r„teaae, M,•n'ie real buck gloves, regular price $1.50, for *1.18). Men's fine reit gloves, regular price $1. s, for 75c. $1.25 men's mocha gloves for $5 ,lis •' .. .. .5O leaer for 40c, $Len c(o1(thmittstnitta for 75c, .75 calf Nitta for 53c Black ea teen, regular price 17c., for 12' c.' 5o Ills, Berlin wool, all colors, at per ounce 5c, • Remnants in all departments must be cleated, we have not spate. tl name them but conte and see. DAYS' CASH CLEARING STOCK SALE It takes nerve to cut prices this way in the face of advancing markets. We have the nerve and the goods. We don't say every thing in stoc is reduced, but there are enough genuine bargains to make it your4nterest to investigate. We expect you at McKIM'S BUSY STORE 4 **4 x4* *** 'i t ' 4rciliv****9119+494;91c4° G. W. Thomson a Son <Sf {t r. are headquarters for PIANOS, ORGANS and SEWING MACHINES, 44 'T DURING 0,e many years in which we have been engaged in cater- ing to the needs of t h e people of the greater part of West Huron in Musical in- struments, Sewing Machines, etc., we have been •favored from year to year with con- stantly increasing patronage. We extend thanks to an our customers for their many favors. We wish to announce that we were never in a better position for the handling of marketable goods in our line than at the present time. Not only in the larger instru- mentsre we ll to meet the most particular demands upon ue buts n he meallereinnstruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Mandolins. Flutes, Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Month Organs, etc„ also is oaf stock for the coming holiday season well assorted. in fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the publications of all the leading composers, is very complete. Edison Phonographs and Records. Berliner and other Gramophones, Empire Typewriters, Fountain Pens, School Requisites. Fine Stationery, etc., etc. We . ntdlally mvate yawl 411 snake your selections at our Mus,- Frnpol tli, ,; The Square G. W. THOMSON _& SON _ /10444445+454454s+-45454546+4, 454454+46464 Goderich. 4 4 4 4 4 4l tea' 4 4, 411 41 - 4+ 4 * ' 4e > +fir