HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 3THIJ i4IGNAL: I:0I11':1;ll'il l►�; �itlll
TIUISDAT Feb. 15, 1801;
Many a Woman is
Taking Headache
who ought to be taking Bu -Ju.
The kidneys are making the
head ache. they are not doing
their work properly - not
purifying the blood -not ridd-
ing the systeat of poisons.
These impurities stagnate the
Wood -irritate the nerves -
and bring the headaches that
so many women auffer with.
takes away the headaches
because they take away the
poisons in the kidneya. They
act directly on these vital
organs, strengthen and heal!
mance the in aamlation-and
atop the headaches because
they remove every trace of
Kidney Trouble. At druggists.
w11O.OR Owe • - New YORK.
ci bo= 'i agn�
If you wish to test
ono of thess Razors
without RISK or
your part, apply
to us for
details 1
LCa rr, n Sym,
Pdr 1a
Luther Cue -
sable loneme
kr awry Beards S2ls
Wsbo-Jla:,r• tisane
(\1Ahloa Dt req..-, it .00
Fns saakrt "fru t• S4r.A."
M W HOWEct_ - ;n•"1.1c'
Packed at the
Oven's Mouth
We do things right at
the Mooney bakery.
Crackers are packed piping
hot from the ovens. The
moisture -proof paper and
air -tight tins retain all the
freshness and crispness, no
E Y `S
stir ratio
matter where or when
you buy them.
They come to your ta-
ble just as inviting and de-
licious as though you ate
them at the ovens in the
bakery. At all grocers in
air -tight packages.
tyr hudd he"deset good wagon
Ploughs of all kinds. Harrows. Reser:,
Manure Spreaders, Scuffles,
Wheelbarrows. Ete„ Etc.
Always pleased to mail you our cataIngur
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
Grand Mogul
Pure Tea
Q Grand Mogul is not
exposed to store dust or
microbes. The clean,
air -tight packages are the
housekeeper's protection
against inferiority and
Q It comes to you free
from adulteration -the nic-
est possible blend of the
finest teas of Ceylon -and
affords you double the sa-
tisfaibon of just as good "
teas that are sold in bulk,
or packed in poisonous lead
Grand Mop' il apr sals to the
palate and tones tap the
nerves. Not a mere sub-
stitute for bitters.
Grand Mogul
f1Sold at 25e. ]Oa (Oe and SOc
per pnnnd blade green or mixed
Advarti,ina ap0nbprratron it divided
with buyers of Grind Mogul Tea
dmemdl pr.etiten couenrw in the
dews of the 9istriet.
Samuel It. Borne. of the toweship
of Uahurne, has mime an assiguutent
for the benefit of his creditor* to Johu
Gill, of, Exeter.
Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kincardine,
who With extended a call front a Pteto-
byterilu congregation at Sydney,
Cape Breton, has decided to remain 111
Miss Georgina Murray, who had
tendered her resignation as teacher of
the fourth division of Blyth public
School, hits been re-engaged at an in-
crease of eatery.
The Marriage took place at Winni-
peg on Jarlunry 2:nd oY lleorge
ltiucilley, of Regina, formerly of Clin-
ton, :and Mise Agnes Demme'', lute of
Rguuutdville. Rev. C. 11. Stewart
performed the ceremony.
Mise Agnea Govenluck, daughter of
Hobert Govi iskwk, Seafuflh, who has
been in the millinery bUSlllee. in At-
wood for eight years, has disposed of
herbuNineee thele and intents going
to Sintalula, ,SItekatebewate in the
A pretty wedding took piece in
Guelph on February 7th, when John
H. Geiser, of e:ttd1Un1; With utarried
to NW* Katie England. '1'Ite cere-
mony was terfort(d fit 1lle home of
the bride'* Mealier by Key. Mr. Burn,':
of New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs.,
(iaihcr will reside in Crediton.
-Learn U. \Veelr, manager of the
Penna. Albert hotel, Prince Albert,'
Mask., anti formerly of Setif i e!), was
married on January 121.11 to Missy
Evelyn Crowe, daughter of the late,
l'hin•Ies Crowe, Hudsut Bay 1'eallpaity
racism at RPi
Rat rtllge.'1 '1')11• ceremony
oats performed sit the Prince .Chert 1,
The llal-cere farm of Albert Carter.
11th a :teslas of they; leas been
leased to Thema. fear t, of Brus-
eels, fur a thaw -year term, possession
to begive!' on March 1st. Mr. Carter
intends taking a trip to the West and
in Saskatituu' locality will tike up
land for his sons. Mrs. Carter will re-
main on the, farm in the meantime. .
Gavin Davidson, of %Vinghaul Junc-
tion; INt.,sed away on Tuesday ul' lest,
week, at the age of sixty-one years.,,
Mr. Davit'son had been confined to his
h • fur several weeks with an after-',
tion of the heart. l'ht. deceased was a
41141 iVe 4)1 80)41.1)11141 but had resided in
Turnberry Mr a number of years. He
leaves n widow, three sons and five
A happy ('vent was celebrated at
the haute 0t Mr. and Ma. Robert
Ferguson, 11,,Wick, an January 21th.
hien about 1511 guests assembled
to witness the marriage of their
youngest daughter,: Slims Jane. and
Andrew Allan. a well•ttrdu young
farmer (,f the same township. der.
and Mrs. Allan left on :a visit to New
York and other 1'uited States cities
lttel on their return will take up their
reeidl'uce on 1191 'nth cimeessi°n of
A i' -4 -try wedding took dace at the
114)1111' of James end Mrs. I•'ei'gneon, of
Listowel, nn ‘Vetlneshty, .Iaunnry
31st, when Miss Margaret .1. Edwards,
Iest, deugSter Hruseely stunited eKae 1
Wm. Baillie, lnllrconcessiou of Elmet.
Miss Carrie, sister of the 61•idi , Was
bridesmaid, while J •. 1111)1111' sap
polled lbe groom. Rev. Mr. Fergu-
son, of Monkton. performed the vete-
nemy, after which the hutppv couple
drove .tc their It ' "1A•5w•age•
Farm," hhele a sumptuous diea1'r
bird been prepared.
Exeter Wedding.
The home of Mr. and \lea, John
Ilawkshaw, of Exeter, Was the'see•ne
of a quiet wedding 00 Tuesday morn-
ing of last week, when their daughter.
Mims Vera, was united in. IIIar:'lege to
Charles Livingstone. of Milverton.
The crt•t•muny wits 'wren -teed by Rev.
R. J. M. Perkins( reftorof Trivitt Mem-
o) isl
eero)irl clench, only the immediate
IIIOIlllx•I•t of the family. being present.
After the erre y the happy couple
left for a .bort honeynllll before go-
ing to Calgary, Allwi'tn. where they
intend making their Ii
Jame, Kehoe, of Seaforth,'Passes Away.
After it .bort illness of only four or
five days Jetties- Kehom•, • of the
sturdy pioneers of '1'uckerenlith. died
at his home in Me'aforth on Thursday,
Februery .1st. He was t.e.venty-two
years of age. The deceased was born
in Iti•Iaud, and cattle to Canada in
191)(, nettling that in :Montreal and
Tater coming to the Harm Tract it the
early slays of its settlement. and tak-
ing up the farm in 'l'llt'kersi litll on
which he lived until his removal (o
8enfot•th fourteen year. ago. Ile is
survived toy his wife and it fancily of
four suns and five dntighters.
,Death of Mrs. Van Egmond, of Egeuond-
Another of the worthy pioneers of
Huron county passed away on Sunday
of last week, in the person of Mrs.
Wan h'gnioud. zeliet of the late L. O.
Vile hglnond, of Egmondv'ille. The
deceased wits in her eighty-third yen!•
and had been ill only a short time.
Mt.. Van Egmond'4 maiden niunet Was
3lxrgaret Johnston. She was is native
of Devonshire, England, and cam(' to
Commie when quite young. After her
marriage she went to live in Egmond-
ville, where she continued to .reside
until 'her death. Mr. Van Egmond
died about two years ago.
Died in the West.
News sons received in (Tinton Inst
we k of the, death at Middiec11tu'ch,
Ma Gibe, of Mrs. ('r'e, a1 former resi-
dent Clinton, and her remains were
br)ug to Clinton on 1'ri(1ny for in-
terment Mrs. ('ere and her daughter,
Mies I'1 lenlae, were en tempt' as
tenele•rs it the Middlech11rch Indian
institute, w rich wan destroyed by fire
n few week's ago. miner which time
Mew. (live had lived in the 1 • iff the
superintendent, of the Inst it lite. She
wo1M a ditughter of William Cook, of
Geslerich towniebip. She is survived
I)y tWO mans, Hobert and I. x'k, of.l'lin-
ton, and two daughters. She was
fifty-seven yearn of sig
The Uakladeat fat.
"Is 1t true that your fattier Is so
angry with you that he even refuses
to speak to you?"
"Why, he won't recognize me at ■11.
Ile Is so angry that the last time we
met be even cut my allowance."
A Bad armee
Often enures a good deal of trouble.
The lust cure is a prompt nppliceti(111
of Nerviline, which-iustantly stops the
pelts prevents .welling, removers all
blackness and discoloration. Nervi -
line is antiseptic -- pteyepts h10o4
poisoning. Nu lit inleut so strung, mo
penetrating, .o swift to destroy pato.
Yat 1111445 it 101 Of . fort by not using
Poison's Nerviline. 1•'u[• nequ•ly fifty
yealb it has been the 1. 'ly liniment
of (Swaula.
Nationality Didn't Count.
A mother went into a shoe store to
buy a pair of shoes fur her little sol
who accumpauied her. A clerk came
briskly forward, and, learning that
shoes were wattled for the boy, Raked
at hint intently for at moment.
-"f reneh kid ?" he said. •
•' 'Tis none of yarn' business whether
he do he French or Irish," flushed he
mother : "1 want a Stair of shoes fur
Winning Man Who Never Tires of Tell-
ing What Dodd's Kidney Pills
Did for Him.
Winnipeg. \inn.. Fees. 1'lth. (r(Iwc-
ial.l No railway man running out of
Winnipeg is better known than Mr.
lien )Rafferty, C. 1'. It. engineer.
whose house is at 17:I Maple .lreet.
And there ore few who know bite
who have not heard hits tell ed the
great benefit he !peeler(' from Ihsld'i
Kidney Pills.
Nenrly everyone knows of 'the hard-
ships rnilwity men endow... Mr. Raf-
ferty got hie full .hnre of them and
they left him nlmott. a wreck. ile
had pains everywhere 80(1 wits tired
to death, hut. 4-4)1,1(1 nut Sheep. He end
'to Isy off work. Then Ise started to
OPP Dodd'. Kidney Pill. and the first
night, after taking them he slept.
They cured him completely.
You're Only Half Sick,
Hut nevertheless you feel pertly
"seedy." Best prescript' is Dr.
Rendition's Pills; they tone up the
entire system, strengthen the stomach,
elevate y • spirits loin slake you tem
(letter in one day. It's by cleaning
the (only of Witstes, by purifying and
etirichingg the III(Msl, that Dr. Hamil-
ton's Par: a14.0111plish so Much. N'ery
mild. exee(tilingly tncemit, and guau•-
bntex d in every case. Your druggist
sells Dr. Hamiltuu'e Pills 05 Mandrake
and Butternut in yellow boxes, 25c.
each, or five' for $1.111. Get. the
"See Here," grumbled the initiate of
murderer's rote, "ain't there n law
11gin crool and °mesial pt)tishulenl:"
"Yes," answerevithe harden.
"An' ain't 1 g ' g' ter be hanged
next week?"
"I'm afraid you are."
••'Then what d'y'er mean by s,ndin'
rile a► bunch of story it:epees to teats
that ain't trot nothin' but continued
stories in 'enc Y -Cleveland Leashes i
Wearing Away Your Lungs?
Yes, awl your strength UNI. atop
coul;hing and get rift of that catarrh.
The only remedy is '•L'atarrhozone."
which guts to the 'then:mei! tissues
along with the air you Menthe t it
can't fail to reach the source of the
trouble, it's bound to" kill the genius,
and its tar healing up the sine places,
nothing can ' surpass (ahar•hnzune.
If you don't get instant 141ief and ulti-
mate cure yon will fat (cast get hack
your 01019)•, (or Gitt arrhuzune is guar-
anteed In cure catarrh in any part of
the system. Yuri rile Ina rink --there-
( we use l 'at4l-I'Ioesme--at 011r expense
if tot hatixlit4l_____-_
The Wrong Shins.
. M1.. Smith. afros w'1 an unex-
Ips't1'41 guest for dinner had fallen.
carefully adnloni.h(•d her husband
lief oreh:unil not to offer a second
piece of pie, AS there was joist
gh to go around o n c e. By
the time dessert was server. Mr.
Snaith had- forgotten his wife's in-
structions, . n u 11 repeatedly - urged
a eecuud helping upon the guest,
who refused, emit ti nm evincing
increased vusint.sii. \When t h e
door had shut upon the guest, Mrs,
81111111 called 1 ' to n(•count for his
action. "Why, didn't you feel me
kick you under the rale.. she in-
quired. "Why, n1l r aln5wered her
husl)nnd, 111 1tlrprise, •'you didn't kick
You Melancholy Women 1
Can't even sleep -restless dlty and
night --brooding over inutgined trouble
.111 the time. The disease isn't, iii the
brain. but in the blood. Whirl' is thin
and innutritiou.. Do the right thing
now• 1111(1 ynurll Iw cured quickly.
,Inst take h'erroumt'; it (urns every-
thing you eat into nouri-hment, ('011-
,x•quenlly blood cmitaining lots of
iron and oxygen i.. fnr11o•d. Ferro -
zone slakes flesh. ut(IseIe, nerve-
slrcngth1'ns in a week. cures very
quickly. You'll live longer, feel
brighter: be flet. from nrela11('holt', if
you use Ferrnznne. Fifty cents ()eye
:► box of this 101,1' (fifty 1•hocoln.te-
cuaued tablets in every 1441X) at all
Ancient Rermedle■ For Hiccoughs.
.The hiccough scents to hen modern
and dangerous disease, but the ancients
kuew it and pre.erit)e(1 remedies that
might now be tried adeantugeously.
Gbien recommended sneezing; ,Aetius
itipprovcd of a cupping instrument with
event heat to the breast; Alexander be-
lieved In an oxymrl of squills; Alaaha-
ravlus made use of refrigerant drafts;
(theses put his trust in calefacients,
such as remits, pepper, rue and the
like, In vinegar; Howling looked kindly
on calefacient. nttenuant and carmina•
live medicines.
Batey F.xerrlae.
Place a baby on his back on a rug.
and be will soon show you els own
ideas about silent , reerclse. If his
clothing is not too tight he w11I wave
his little lege and arms in the air and
kick nod sprawl in great delight. This
Is 4X4-ellent for the muscles, and baby
will show his appreciation of It by Ills
evident plenanre in the Ilttlo -gymnas-
tic% he performs. ,
Glass, F.ralahtags.
Clam furnishings for the dressing
room and bathroom are more and more
popular. Sets of shelves with nickel
supports, gine% towel rods and other
fittings have eupermetl(11 to n Inrge ex-
tent nickel enol even silver In bonnes of
wealthGlens bathtnla are not very
nen-. They are still too eslwnaive to
have conte into common rise
C..klna Filling.
A .very gaol substitute for down or
feather, In cushions la found 111 the
cork 110st smell Inc pecking fruit, prin-
cipally grnp,e, from nhrond. 11)1s can
IN. bought quite inexpensively from
grocers and fruiterers, Inc when the
fruit is unpacked they hnve no further
use for It.
(blit water Is often mere eatisfnrtery
than warm water Inc le ehing gloat If
It Is left to drain Anil then. polished
when dry. The glasses will leek much
brighter if done In this manner.
The C.agreesleaal Ltbrarp,
In its fine building the i:brary of
congress should be safe al plust de-
struction for many centuries. hire has
cost the world many of its greatest col-
lections. It ruined the ancient Alexan-
drian library of the Ptolemies when
We Christiania sacked the temple of
Seraphs In the year l75. It cost the
world thousands of ancient mauu-
sc•ripts that were stored in Constauti-
uople when the Crusaders captured
the city. Twice the library of congress '
has suffered by fire -first et the de-
structlou of the capitol by the British
In 1814 and again in 1851. In its pres-
ent housing It 1s protected by every
possible aa(eguard and directed in its
development by the must expert of
custodians. And with a sense of pride
In which all Americans must share the
nation has given to its foremost sculp-
tors and artists the opportunity to
enrich its walls with their works. 11
is a monument to American thought
and learning, which must grow in
value and significance with each year.
Tee Carious..
One. well known New York woman
bas discovered, like some others of bee
sex, that It does not pay to be too curi-
ous. One of the did family retainers 1s
a Reotchman named William, who does
not believe in glossing over the truth
for the sake of spariug his listener'tl
feelings. The woman In question, al-
though possessed of considerable chartn
of manner, Is not a beauty and knows
It. Her husband, recently deceased,
was a remarkably handsome man, and
his wife was one of his sincerest ad-
mirers. One day when lthe was looking
at her husband's picture on the mantel
In the sitting room William was fuss-
ing around the grate, and in a momeut
of impulse she asked:
"William, what do you think made
sues a handsome man as Colonel S.
marry- aueh a plain woman as me?"
William looked from the portrait to
the speaker, meditated a second and
"Must have been heaven's will,
The Afrieau Drama.
The African drum appears in varied
and often picturesque forms. 44Fbe na-
tives make drums out of shells, tree
trunks or earthenware, covered with
the skin of some wild animal or some-
times with India rubber. Of the origi-
nal calabash drums there is probably
only one specimen (n Europe. Some of
the drums are highly ornamented
either by painting or carving. One
specimen, indeed, bas puzzled travelers,
for there 1s depicted on it unmistaka-
bly a cross and also u head of European
type. A drum found in upper Lualaha
bus a unique peculiarity In the way of
a"sympath.'tic cord," formed by means
of a small tube ingeniously inserted lu
the side of the Instrument, which
causes, when the drum is beatnik a vi-
bration resembling that of the reed
A Plea For seep.
A learned doctor, pleading for soup
on every dinner table, says: "A person
comes to dinner weary and hungry
and needs first something to stimulate
the secretions of the stomach. The
flat course, hot soup, does this by its
action upon the nerves telePh control
the blood vessels. Taking the soup
slowly is an aid to digestion, and if
-not a favorite dish fish or oysters can
be substituted, serving the same pur-
pose. The joint or roast can then be
taken with benefit tt) the oystenu, and
the game, vegetables and sweet,'
should follow in their order, not nec-
essarily in courses for the plain fam-
ily dinner, however."
lRlleage of the Blood.
The mileage of the blood circulation
reveals some astounding facts in our
personnl history. 'Thus it bats been cal-
culated that, assuming the bears to
beat 69 times a minute at ordinary
heart prelseurc, the blood goes at the
rate of 207 yard. in the minute, or sev-
en miles per hour, 168 miles per day
and 6,520 miles per year. If u man
of eighty-four years of age could have
one single blow' corpuscle floating in
his blood all his life It would have
traveled in that same time 5,150,908
Wretch wad See.
A well known horseman describes a
fact in natural history whish may not
be generally known. It is that nil four
footed beasts In maktng tie, first move-
ment In walking, running or any sort
of forward motion IUWays employ the
loft hind leg as a starter. Even n
child if put down ma all fours nud bid-
den to advance in that position will
make the first move, With Its left leg.
Its hands at the time ocetipying the
place of an animal`, fore legs. •
Absolutely white flour makes the most
beautiful white bread -the kind we all like.
But white bread is not necessarily pure
because it is white. To be pure it must be
made from purifild flour. ' -
There is only ont lnethod'1of making
fl: ur absolutely pure, and that is by elec-
tricity. No impurity can Withstand the
searching; purifying work of this electrical
The electrical method, is employed by
every big mill in the United States.
In Canada the only flour purified by
electricity is
Royal Household Flour
therefore it is the only flour that can he .
considered as absolutely pure.
'Say •• Ogilvie's Royal ,Household" to
your grocer -he'll do the rest.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited.
"Ogilvie. Rook for a Cook,' contains '130
pages of excellent recipes, some never before
published: \our grocer can tell you how to
get it h'I(I-.E 2
we... e.
llrle 55otnt5311)11)1.0.
It 000 [MO 1.1401111 ?War
4,7 the dealer
fiom whom
1 Iron buy tion-
light snap ►f
eu 8111 any
cause for
than other soaps, but is
best when used in the
Sunlight way.
Soap is better
5e• Buy it a, 1 follow directions. 5
Lever llrotaere Limited. Toronto
reward will
be lad t4- M \
person w h o
Srorty that
rontain, any
In) trloua
ehemL•da or
any form •f
Thus Dravida Bracket giving low down
hitch and removing all neck weight. Solid
Pressed sleet Brads of a spacial "baps in
au the l)rnms. else Large Aal-Frtetle.
-Bolles used In Bearings No Dents
bearing to cut Inmost or grind. None
genuine withmit the nam.e
Inquire of your Agent or sddrew
Write for Booklet •' E."
"I'm Well
Because of Liquozone," is s Tale
In almost every Gamiest -every neigh-
borhood -there are living examples of
what Liquozone can do. Wherever you
are, you need not go far to find some one
who has been helped ley it.
Talk to some of those cured orris; per-
haps your own friends ore among them.
Ark if they advise you tie try Lignozope.
Or let us buy you a bottle, and learn its
power for yourself. If you need help,
pleaae don't wait longer; don't Stay Rick.
Let us show to you -as we a to mil-
lions -what Liquozone can
Wheat Liquozone Is.
The virtues of I,igwasone are derived
solely from gases. The formula i a sent to
each user. The propels of misting re-
quires large apparatus, and from 8 to 14
days' time. It ii direrted by c herniate
of the highest cine. The object I. to so
fix and combine the gamestMtoca.rry into
the Iystem a powerful eonic-germ icide.
Contact with Lignozonc kill. may form
of disease germ, F senate germs are of
vegetable origin. Yet to thebody Ligon -
sone is not oely harmless, but belpful
in the extrerde. That ix its ms in dis-
tinction. Common germicides are poison
when taken internally. That phi why
medicine has been so helpless in a germ
disease. Liquozone is exhiltratir g;, vi-
talising, purifying; yet no diseass.serm
can exist in it.
WR purehalted the Ammdcan rig'bh1 to
IAquosoae after thousands -of tests had
Told Everywhere.
been made with it. Its power had been
provr�, again and again, in the most dif-
ficult germ diseases. Then we offered to
supply the first bottle free in every di-
sease that required it. And over one
million dollars have been spent to an-
nounce and fulfill this offer.
The result is that 11,000,000 bottles
have been used, mostly in the post two
years. Today there an countless cured
ones, scattered everywhere, to tell what
Liquozone has done.
But so many others need 'it that this
'offer is published still. In late years, sci-
enee has traced scores of digesters to germ
attacks. Old remedies do not apply to
them. We wish to show those sick ones
-at our cost --what Liquolwne can do.
Where It Applies.
These are the diseases in which Liquo-
sone hes been most employed. In three
it has earned its widest reputation. In
all of these troublm we supply the first
bottle free. And in all -no matter how dif-
ficult -we offer each user it two mnntbs'
further test without the risk of a penny.
listens (Mitre -(font
Atones,- num lo Onnomh.s 0..t
AmnrMn, Hay Poem In/names
Putrid f•noon rlpppw*
newel Trn'hte a ionmrrh.a
crnighs cnida M.l.115.- Nrnr.Igla
canennirtion t•IIM Quinsy
contagions OMawn Rbsomatl m
fencer Catarrh Armenia--8,phllu
Hylset.rr 015rrba. 11510 Messrs.
Intap,paua Handrail TabMlrntn4.
Tnaen.-Yid psra.M T*maR-n Imre
Threat ?radian
Alegi reset forms of the renewing
Rldney'1',0Ohlea UT, Trnohl.
Ammonia Trnuhlee Wom.n', 1n..aa.a
Fever, lnasntmsl Mn fir ra srrh l mpnr. er
coned Mond u,nally 1ndl-.t• a germ •earl
In neroon. drM111w Lionuenne acts ass e1ta11aR,
accomplishing remarkable ream)..
50c. Bottle Free.
If you need Liquoaone, and have never
tried it, please Send us thin coupon. We
will then mail you an order on n local
druggist for a hull -size bottle, and will
pay the druggist ourselves for it. This
it ctur free gift, made to convince you;
to ice the product itself show you what
it can do. In justice to yourself, please
accept it today, for it places you under
no obligations whatever.
Liquosone casts 50e. and $1.
come 10 the Ualerlch •'elegraphy
Nehool nasi u1 a few month.. you will be
able to earl a .aktry of tip) to ;tin per
month. 'there is t great demand fur
oWratun. Ike ready to bold a position
un lite Uuclpb & (;,derrick Icy. (feed
chances for lady •ela•plurs.
A. E. MATHESON, Principal
141'1'1'1; (l.tf, Th"nl.uu a 4•.4)'19
Jlu.ic vdre, ou I0r S,tnure.
r111)t out and mad It to The Llqunan. 1 nm
pesy,441.444 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
My rhenium la........ ....•
T haws tried l.lgnnat,, bat if rig 10111
,apply me• 4114 bows ft** I will MIN tl
Mea foil waives errlq plainly.
true. that .h u ' Rs, *orlon a paw n,er, noir
Aar rhr,irl an or MOOl5I Met est past Llq.Nkr
wW te Wells auspb.l 1w • tK
get 1ingutll'
Beef, Iron & incN$1.00
bottle for 75:.
Cud L st r 011 $1,00 bottle
fur 50e.
Compound Syrup Ilypophos'
phites $1.00 butte, 51c.
Any of these medicines will
put you in good shape for the
H. W. Thomson's
Hair Grower.
)'hysir1511,, ScientLd,.. etc. have given their
unqualified tests to the only known remelies
which will nbsletry do what Is claimed for
them. and at the .same time 41)414. be relied upon
as ab.olut(•y harmless and effective. We do
not cairn to grow hair oma shining laths haul
where the routs of the hair are tiled Or de-
stroyed and Ito fine hair left. but If there ibi any
tine hair left we can snake it grow. We hate
grow 11 hair no helots that have been bald for
teat•s nod years, and there is not it ('10.09 (o be
found w here a young manor woman who is lo*-
jug 1 heir hair and becoming bald Where mfr (Vie -
rated hair growing remedies will fail to pro -
'duce a good healthy heart of hair, If mod
acceding to tbe. directions.
To whom it may concern : -
1 most heartily endorse the use of Brown's
('riehrat.d Ilair (1 rower. lay personal expert.
euce 1 hove found that It 1s not a common pat-
ent nitul4•ine, but a '1ientincally prepared
el • ad 4.0111p0111111. which prevents the for-
matiuu of dandruff. and otherwise cleanses the
scalp .0 that the Imo not only disnxrtinues to
fall cul. Intl 1xgis to grow b1 (loose places
which are bane, \ly hair was falling very butt
and in smile places any scalp had become quite
bald. 1 used B.C.H. Brower : toy emit) le now
quite free from dandruff. mid supporta As (.3150
a growth of hair it. if ever did.
11. 3. WATER
t ieneral It'presentative
(•,iradian I'orro.pondemoe college.
For Rale by
Thome proposing to build the coaling
5Pas)11 would do well to investigate
the bricks matte by us. They are
Firmly Pressed
Evenly Finished
Can be colored to suit
Rock -faced for trim-
The perfect brick for handing pur-
Fur prices and pat fielders white tc
The Goderich Cement Brick Co., Ltd
Illi LEAIIN0_.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders .srlully attenocd to it all
hours, night or day
�v r
L e ilack
'Bus Stables
(1001) 11011SEy
---ET('., AT--
Weil-it kin n t ed
!lecke and teli-
nbM driv'eet•e bre
charge of the
1 11s•s, whieh will
meet all t rain
lint' atea111110MMN
\1.1. ('ALI t ATTENDED T'•1