HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 2as
Tav111na•, Feb. 15, 19( 6
Telephone ('all No. 33. •
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Advertiaemrut. of loot. Found. Strayed. Sit-
u dhow. V,aeant . Situation.. Want e.l. !Iowae. for
Mile or to Rent. Farina for Wale or to Read,
Articles for sante. rte.. not exneding eight
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f tr each auboeuuent month. Larger advertlse-
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t0 be etnarm., erW dingl1.
1:(ate, for di.play and contract ads er[Ne;
menta will be en on application.
Address all counnuuieatiOin lu
Stax at.
t(..erich. Ont.
The promoters of the hospital and
those interested in its establishment --
who, it may be said right here. in-
clude Ir outside elude noun) I sr, P
rich were greatly surprised. not
to say shocked, when they learned aif
the ccnlnty- council's action to repudi-
ating the grant of $1,000 bade in 11102
in aid of the project. They have still
greater t•easlin to be emanated when,
they learn of the grounds upon which
the council's action was hawed, as
stated, (roti various quarters since the
uleeting,of the council.
County Coitncillur t'antelon, sof
Clinton, who engineered the repudi-
ating resolution through the council.
attempts to justity it by stating that
of- the sixteen men who composed the
council in 111112 only four now remain,
the other twelve having given place
to new Members, and that, an these
men were not in the council when the
grant was passed, they are not to be
charged with breach of faith in refus-
ing to pity it. We can hardly believe
that Mr. Cantelon is so ignorant of
the true character of a representative
body as to bring forward such all ex-
cuse in seriousness. Surely a man in
his position shoats(' know that when
the council makes a grant, or takes
any other action. it iv not Mr. Caulte-
lon, Mr. Miller, :the. McLeaul anti the
other individual tneinle rs who do it.
but the county council of the county
"f Huron, and that the changing of
• the personnel of the couneil makes rut.
A tittle of difference in the force of
any resolution previously adopted by
the council. The county cuuneil of
Huron Made a grant of $1,1110 to the
hospital, and the pn,mutetr .d the.
hospital have a right u, inok to the
council to make its promise good, un-
less there is sum( 'adequate roust. for at
refuted entirely outside of Mr. Conte-
Iom's impotent excuse of a change in
the ine.nb ership of the council.
The only other reaue,nt advanced by
Mr. Canteelun in his published letter
ate that there is n hospital ward et
the house of refuge and that the
county taxes Are increasing rapidly.
How manly people in ordinary rine -
stancea does Mr. ('antelop expert to
go to the house of refuge for treat -
went ? The hospital- ward at the
Clinton institution doubtless nerves a
good purpose, bet it cannot do the
work of n regular hospital and is
really nu guletitute whatever for a
well-equipped hospital such as is being
established in Goderich. The matter
of expense was considered by the
council in making the grant in 1912,
and it is hardly n square deal to urge
increaser) expense" which have since
been incurred as an excuse for refus-
ing to pay the amount then granted.
Mr. ('antelon says the count y expendi-
ture hags increases (runt $35,541 in 111112
to $01,372 in 1011i. The council ham
neer flt almost to double its expendi-
ture in three years, but cannot pro-
vide the romparetively small
which in 4002 when it was evidently
in a more economical mood than it it
at present, taking \1r. ('nntelon',
figures for it --it voted to whet it con-
sidered as worthy and deserving proj-
ect. Mr. Cantelian wind(' have done
better to confess openly that his ac-
tion was due to the tactty jettlotisy of
t. he county town for whirl' lie im
maritime. than to attempt to coyer tip
his motive% with the lame attempt at
atgnment he has given to the public
in him letter.
Another renw)n-lhat late leen given
for the council's action is that an old
and unsuitable Wilding is being used
instead of the erection oft, slew build-
ing. We should like to know by
what means the council carne to the
conclusion that an unsuitable building
had been chosen for the hospital.
Bid the members who) voted against
the grant take the trouble to niake
any investigation or inquiry tit asccr-
lain whether the huildingwitss suitable
or net? Evidently they did not, of
they would have discovered that by
persons who are ronipeuent to judge
the hospital that is'heing fitted up on
Routh street in considenrl very tatis-
factory in all importantrespects, and
that in its establishment the county of
Huron is securing an institution that
will he an untold benefit to the com-
munity within reach of the advant-
ages which it will offer. it in to 1e
hoped the membrnof the (!ounril who
are open to conviction will take an
opportunity before the next mention of
larking more thoroughly into this
smatter. There was no agitation
iu any part of the comity, as
tar as we ' have learned, against the
payment of the county grant.
and if the council later on re.
vies its action and conies to the as-
sistauce of the hospital we believe that
no member will stiffer in the (satinla•
tion of his cxnlatituetits.
Of the Hon. I.. P. Brodeur, who suc-
ceeds the late Mr. I'lefontaine Its
Minister of Marine and Fisheries in
the Dominion Oovernulent, The Mon -
heal Witness. which is in a position to
know hint well, says :
"It is a fortunate thing for the
country that Mr. Hrsteur now takes
hold of such an inlps,rttntl port fa() as
that of Minister of M:rlKote, where
there in so much spending to do, as
there is surety that the department
will Is Ilalministet•t'tl honestly and
efficiently. The most urgent work
before hint hi to complete the widen-
ing and deepening of the St. Lawrence
ship channel and to bring its buoying
aid lighting and signalling up to the
[mint of the- highest possible efficiency.
Ilia pr•decestor was fully seized with
the immediate necessity of such works
mid wt Was his pnrteceswer in the
same responsibility, Mr. Tarte. who
took very practical steps to that end.
Mr. Brodeur. we cue sure. will prove
no laggard in this or any testiest
where improvements ale necessary,
for the good of the country. The new
Minister is happily young, only forty-
four. is truly patriotic and is broad
and modern in his views, and may
look forward to many years of useful-
ness to his country'."
The Hon. \yillianl Teinpleman. who
takes Mr. Br deur's place". 1414 Minister
of inland Revenue. illa British Col-
umbia ititn and his : ppeihtutent to a
portfolio is especially pleasing to the
px•tip le of the ('oast Province, who
have long been ANking for "mire direct
n•presenhttion in the (io"einment.
Ile had leen a Minister withott port-
folio for sonic years. He is resigning
his stat in the Senate to seek a -lei -thin
in Victoria. B. t'.. and will probe
be th opposed. Mr. Teulpleniatlt is
newspaper man -another point in his
Did you get at; Valentine?
The death of E. H. Eddy, of Hull.
Quebec, 1e1110vtas one of Canada..
great nlanu(acturets. Mi'. Eddy was
the pioneer match -maker of Canada.
The farmers are warned to ptelytti'
fur a dry summer this year. Haar
this a connection with the carrying of
local option in so many • rural wuuici-
paddies ?
The school teachers are waiting on
tiptoe for the atnnuunceineut of the
Government's policy for the increase
of their intlarits. Ii.• generous, Mr.
Whit hey.
Hyatt it. Ne.:bilt Into quitted pi
bet he seems to have left an odor of
-beer and pigs' feet" behind 1
judging front the doings at a recent
meeting of North Toronto l'nnterva-
tives. •
Belton+' hais innate it speech
which ptntines to keep the ieumant
of the t'nion1st party together he-
rmits' nobody understands clearly
enough what, it means to disagree
with it. -_ - The patent mediejnm men an. saying
haul things of the dtxetors, and the
dot -tors have leen saying hard Cling,
of ,the patent medicine men right
along. But It 1 be ndinitlel that
neither ebur -ii. wholly Mad.
japan it learning that all in not
glory in the wake of even brilliantly
successful war. ' • toggle with
1(nssia hags left the roun;ry- in as
greatly impoverished condition, and
hundreds of thousands of Japanese
are in danger•of starvation.
J. A. Macdonald, editor of The
Globe, i' spoken of am at pxeeible Lib-
eral candidate for the North Toronto
seat in the Legrnlatute. We doubt,
thcogh. if there is n ,constituency in
Toronto with sufficient intelligence to
appreciate a than of Mr. Macdonall't
We welcome to the journalistic field
Wml. F:Iliott, B. A., late principal of
the Mitchell high school, who has
purchased The Mitchell Recorder
frost R. H. 1)nvey. The Recorder is
a good paper, std We expect it to is•
Metter than ever ander Mr. EIliott'a
cant rot. •
The nunmagenit.nt of the Grand
Trotik I'acifir Railway It an an-
nounced that Prince Rupert has leen
(elected as the name for the Patine
l'oat.t terninnt of the new transcon-
tinental pine. The name was pro-
posed by Mist Eleanor 11. Macri Id,
of Winnipeg.
It is altogether likely that^if a vote
were taken a vast majority of 'Cana.
(liens woldd fasvor.the-.audition of the
Senate ass a us'lesn and expen•,ive
body. Yet it continues to exist. with
no serious nnovenlent to do away with
it . We are still ruled to a entn•
tiderable extent by our dead an -
The Stt'atfond Herald (Conners :dive)
in not in favor of the proposal to amid a
Minister of Public Health to the Pro -
Vi tidal Cabinet. It ways that "the
tendency in popular Iuslien is to or-
ganize things to death" and that if the
Provincial Board of Health is doing
its ditty there in no need for it 11t•nith
Department in the fjovernment.
At it sitting of the thrift i-ot11n1%t-
tion et Ottawa loot week the mana-
ger of 1t Montr'nl importing hone.
gave figtures to show that the Cana-
dian Lugar -refinery; are snaking eros•
moue profits thrnigh the working of
the CAnAdian twriff en relined auger.
The refiners of cruets, dispute his
flgur•a, but the runner in one that.
will hear careful iovttu.tigatfon by the
Ministers. Nu Dna should be enabled
by legislate to makeabuurutal profits
out of A commodity that is such a
CO111111011 tleceaeary as sugar.
Having settled the tutsic-teauhiug
(lunation on political party liner, Hann- •
Ilton is thteatentd with a blinder
contest over the respective merits of
the vertical and the slanting systems
of writing. The (frits stand for verti-
cal writing and the Tories for the
slanting style -the only apparent rea-
son Irving that Toryism is generally it
little "on the slsint._
Sir \Vilfi•id i.ulrier is to spend
nearly a week in Toronto, where he
will be the guest of the students of
Toronto University on Monday and
will receive it demonstration from
Osttaatio Libe,alm of Wednesday, He-
tween times Sir Wilfrid might try his
sunny- ways with some of those
Toronto people who have leen voting
against hint these many years.
The protected interests having de•
Blared their dissatisfaction with the
anti-dumping tariff, there seems to be
no reason why it should not be abol-
ished. The Government should Is•
able to see by this time that it cannot
satisfy the protectionists and might
find it good politics to drop them and
pay some attention t(i the desires of
its natural friends. the low tariff in-
terests. There is an old story about
falling between two stoat..
"Tax vacant property'," said n n'si-
dent the other day, "tax it gout and
stiff, snake little difference between it
and all improved lot." How will this
theory work out ?-Wiarton Echo.
It would work out by wicking the
owner of the vacant land put h house
on it or du something with it to en-
able him to meet the increased taxes:
or he might be compelled to still it to
sonlels.II7 else who would improve it.
And the lower taxes Int improved
property' would. lie another influence
in the same direction.
The temperance agitators ought to
satisfied by this time that Mr.
)W limey knows what he is doing. and
can,ot be diverted from his purpose
by ( "mations representing extrem-
This 's The Hamilton Spec'tator's
comment .n'Mr. Whitney's reply to
the teupernnee deputation that
waited upon Minn last week Asking
hhn to abolish the Isar and stop drink-
ing in clulw. As The Spectator is one
of the most in)it(ential Conservative
pipets in the 1' ince, temperance
people may see just bout how- h
to expect from the pat 'It'power. •
Old Times, Old Friends; • id Love. .
There nn• no day like the good old a yw
The day. whets we wen; youthful :
%Viten htlnmtlktntt wen• pure of ,mind.
And ,tmeett ,and dmh.reit truthful
Before -dime for.ordid gold •
Ikvvtntr man'. ritltt•g p••--i"e.
And before each dame :ld maid It.,nue
Slots a to the tyrant fa -1 •
There ale no girl. like the goal old girls
hgnin.t the world Td aake'em!
As buxom and -mart. and clean of.Lc,art
A. the Lord knew low to make 'ern !
They were rash In spirit and rmnmon ;muse.
And piety all ,tlptt,rt in' :
They t•nuld hake and brew. and had taught
school. too.
.Ind they made such likely emu -t111 '
There are no boys like the good 9141 boy. -
When we were bop. together!
When the gra;; was sweet to the brown bare
That dimpled the laughing heather
When tie pewee sang 10 the summer dawn
of the be in the billowy "lover.
or down by the mill the whip prior will
Et'hoed hi+ night rang mit.
There io no lose like the geed fold 1111" -
The los" t hal mother goose us!
We an' old, old siren, )et we pier again
For that pn.'iou- moire l itd save u.!
!(o we arrant and Milani of the grid old time..
And oar heart. grow tenderer. fonder,
A. three dear old tlrealtti, bring.olt1 hing gleam•
if heavell 'tawny mfr yonder.
-Kumar.: Field.
Nothing for Gamey ?
Toronto Tcicgrno..
And is )♦t. R. Marney, N. P. 1'.. to
gget, nothing, not even the degree of
L[s ).,at the next Convocation of
the 1 niversity of Toronto ?
Niaca'Cannot be Duplicated.
- Moni real Stat.
We have an abundance of water
power in Conrad.... Few rngntu'ies are
st t•ieh in chit ns'teseity of the in-
dustry of the future. Hut we have
only one Niagara.
A Matter o(`Appetite.
Ouoleh Menatry. -.
The reanon your wife's pies don't
equal those once merle ht• your mother
is easily explained. Virile mother
mule pies for a healthy appetite that
hadn't been impaired by whiskey, to-
letecrand playing the races.
Mr. Garrow and Spoils System.
Toronto Mail ..nd Empire.
Mr. (ynreuw•, now rnr of the High
Court judgt's\sopposel when in the ',m-
iniature the making of fishery license);
a ?merles of party' spoils, although
other I.ils•rala insists(' 111)011 that
policy. The circuInstant-t• speaks
volumes for Mr. (farrow, who, it will
be retneuler d, was: the nethor of A
resolution requiring a vii servants to
keep out of polities -a lotion which,
through no taunt of Mr, arrow. was
never oIAervel.
Want to Sponge on John\Bull.
ltamiltnn Ttn,es.
The tariff rotnntissinnere have held
meetings ftrom one end of Canada to
the tit her. but where in all the gather-
ings wasn there a Chamberlain sup-
porter. it; the n)anufu'ttaring line,
who cattle forward and det•Inrd, "1
should like to rid in the entablisbnient
of prefen.ntial teat's. with Great
Britain, and An a practical tent of
sincerity I t ready to Rive Canadian
products a preference in tht'l Hritieh
krt. -to have the protection 1
new enjoy against Hi-ituah products
cut down 10 or dol percent. London
There is ho fear of their doing +hat.
They want still higher tariff against.
the prxluct of the motherland. They
are trnite willing to 'sponge on the
14rif,sh people, who oak ma for nothing
end give ns a free market., by oinking
t hen, to make their hent dearer for
our advantage: yet the Name Come-
dies Chamlx•rlainitc• effect horror
The Signal's Essay Competition fur (children.
. '.
Subject -- "Canada, Out Country."
First Prue ($3) Mary Augusta McLeod, Godench.
Second Prue ($a) C. Irene Hick, Goderich Township.
Third Prise ($i each) -Elena Girvin, Nile, and Irene Pridhain,
The essay's sunt in in The Signal's prize competition for boys std
girls have been carefully examined by it well-qualified person not residing
in (iudericb or connected with The $igwJ, who has awarded the prizes
as above. Compositions were seat in. ahoy by Tontine Robertson,
Auburn; Agnes Ham(Ilon, (;ooderich; Flossie Elliott, Dungannon; Jes-
sie MacKenzie, Hayfield ; Lila' M. Cameron, Ooslerich : Wilber Potter,
Mnnlgnitrery, Sask..: Estelle P. Kirke, Durgamion : Florence Young, Car-
low : Elizabeth Wilson, Lueknow.
We congratulate the writers, nue and all, upon their efforts. Some of
those who wrote are quite youthful, and we hole they will be encouraged
to try again. Whitt is the clatter with the boys? Only one made an
attempt this t' •.
\Ve publish this week the first -prize composition, written by Alloy
Augusta McLeod, of Goderich.
Canada, Our Country.
Occupying the mart herd section of the
western hemisphere is Gregg Britain's
most extended colony, the vast, Do-
minion of Canada, which covers an
area of the earth's surface nearly equal•
to the whole of Europe. 1t consist))'
of nine provinces, two of which have
recently entered the confederation,
and seven (?) districts. Iler vastly in
creasing population bar at present
reached Mutant eix mill' s.
Canada' it subject to cliinatic ex-
tremes, the Bummers being ch•1r.;.-
terrztd by a higher and the winters
is lower temperature than in cor-
responding European Iatittiaras . The
air is always salubrious and bracing,
surface o l' 454141 is ane • a
The uf:ace f tau tally a
level plain. though it includes the
Rocky \lountaint, with the pictur-
esque and diversified region lying be-
tween them and the Pacific, and the:
Laurentian range, continued mirth.
ward to the Arctic Ocean.
Cattail* is plentifully watered, hav-
ing, Itwides the (hent Lakes which
find their outlet through the St.
Lawrence, dnnunu•rable tuutll Iakea
ant rivets.
Front where the shores of the Attaq_
tic, with their expanses of faro) land]
and primitive tatre.ts, as beautiful its
when viewed by I'vsingelitte, stretch {
before the sight, to where the
tuoultAin walls of our "wester nult)st
province" raise their lofty peaks te!
the sky and present to the view of the
enraptured tourist scenery "to des -1
crilte which would wr'I•k the t re-'
sour•eful vocalxllery'," Canada pre-
sent s n cont i u uuus psanorauta of beau,. y
in the purest, st fentnitic and
splendid forms.
The resources of Canada ware as
Varied as its lealtlts•s. She peeresses'
great natural wealth in the products I
of her rich mine., vast fnrt'ste, and
prolilh' fisheries. The geographical
situation is favorable to her extensive
(outcome. lit manufacturing iu-
dustryalmu.st every branch of produc-
tion is to Is. found. As an Agri•
cultural country Canada is every yestr
becoming more illlptti•tent, and it is
believed when the rich prairie lends of
the Northwest are brought re
largely under cultivation that in agri•
cultural product' She will rank fore-
most among the nations.
Canada has thrown open her doors
to the toreiguet• and wages Of int•
migrants are thronging her tholes.
Au education is the free inheritance
of •every l'antulien child. Excellent
facilities for histruction are afforded
in the high and publicneltols, colleges
and tlttia•t•i'sities of the Dominion.
The citizens of l' oda a are ani-
mated a spit„i
u it t[ loyalty ant
y 1 1
pxtttiutistu, which absorbs thew in the
. transporting aim of furthering
the, good sults glory of Canada as a
notion. The words spoken by Earl
Duffel -in shute years NO are a lifting
eulogy to the present state of the
lkmtiniou ;
"Never Wait Canada Inure unite)
than at present in tymttathy of pur-
pose and unity of inter't+st with'Ihe
mother tnuntt•y, more At tine with ht•r
111 wwial habit)) and tone of thought,
mor• proud of her (labia to share in
the iuheritant•e sot Eli -gland's pato.
noon. reiuly to accept whatever obli-
gations may belittle atd upon her by
her piartnership in the 4uttare fortunes
of the empire.,
Now, as newer before, may all true
Canadians stay ti) the tree and happy
I:erul of their birth or atlopti"n,
"0,1. b.w,tnl w 1,11 capture beat high at thy
Thyle.alt h 1. our 1 non -port -aur triumph thy
ffkk mre.-.
Mosey At•ot•trr s M('l,wro. •
1 Age, i3 year+. i
because Canada is not piping Mil kill)/
annually to support I he navy ! But
then. they think such payments
w•itnid mean higher tariff tax(itiou on
the ('1 Ilan amasses, 1)o you see the
point :'
This is how a writer in. t comicial.
wxti•41ry calls down the most who e
plains that the church in always beg-
ging: "People realtp'amt that the
chulreltis always legging. If the
world would pity up the hawk taxes
Which it "ween ((,he clutr•h for nuking
this oW world fit to 'five in, we could
run�all the dhnr•h'a tu'lieities f
now.,till millennium witletilt nuking
again for a mingle dollar."
Reformation by Statute.
Windsor Iteconl.
With ths. words The Globe closes
a 'splendid ht oily on the Morro wreck
in Detroit tit man who had it twit -
limit academie Leer and waan gratin -
:deft with high. bona ws at 'Toronto
University : -
"The legislature\ that will make
treating n punishaahiee offence, stud the
public opinion that will snake it an
unpin' bre social criitte, whether in
the barroom or the club tilthe h
will do something to givi? Charley it
chi net'.”
1'nfortimately there is' ni i-elorm-
atory'virtue in a statute, ev11n if a
legislate could make Ct'1111Pm IlrYs hand
and invest with criminal chat•ncter an
act that in itself is not a brach of'any
law civil or moral.
It is an axions that men ate tis,
(orated only in freed . "1'hnrlev
hone his freedom and he cho t nes him
way. The virtue that needs to le
fronted is seldom worth Saving and
manias are not teat•esi in a mortal poi -
Moral fibre is cultivated by hat,
and combat conies by meeting tempt*.
tion. Sometimes the fighter will Ie
duwu. but Ultimate victory lies with
the individual. From the humble
court of the rural J. 1'. to the British
Privy Council the moral accountabil-
ity of the subject is assumed and on
this aamumption all • law. morel and
civil, is hared. If thin univet•sel its-
mumption to tree. any trammel on the
liberty of the person in things not
l'rhninn1 would only hinder and not
,hasten rcfurnt.
A ntattut• might slake a rep jelly-
fish of "Charley" but not A man.
PoatoIRee srr.teelee.
The clerks in the foreign branch of
the postomer iu New York, says the
Epworth Herald, Dave many amusing
epiwtlea to tell. One day a modest
young mon, niter Inspecting the Mall
aims marked "Foreign," "City" and
"Domestic," approached the clerk at
the window.
"Where do you mall letters '•"he asked.
AR(•ertaining that the letter was for
city delivery, the clerk told the mane
taadrop It In the slot marked "City."
The molest man went over, rend the
tnserIptlons and came lark to the win-
dow with the letter still In his hand.
"Well, did you matt it?" inquired the
"No," replied the man. "i don't
know whet to (ln. Yon see. it's this
wry: She 'treat in the city, but tlhe Is
n foreigner nnd domettle,"
(1n the same day a plan approached
the window and, thrusting fA n money
order, looked for the cash. 'The clerk,
nfter Inspecting i1, handed It beck, re-
"We (Wit esnh throe here Thin Is
the foreign branch "
The men Ienneel ever sed MIA con
fidentlaih -hknnw this IS the foreign
brnnrh. That's why 1 came here That
order is from my father in law in cin -
(Innen, snd"--lowertag his volae -"be
Is a fovetgnea,"
A Gallas( Owleefe,
North.'rns'rn ties.' got KO ae•rttstnmM
to the curt demand?' of wlrert ruins -ay
.'mpinyren 11 "Step IIs.'lt" and "Mose
lip front" that the phrases hnrr knit
much of their Ilsrshn.'ss. crowded
trifle remtirei that men and women
t butts step lively for their u)rn 1: 1.
in oiler that the czars may make
Welle41111P time.
in the smith, where the strews of life
Is not so rude and the tine natural
court...). r • . leisure
ur r of the toutheru r ba I tint Ire
t:1 flourish. the manners of an empleyce
of :1 northern street railway woe,ld-m'tt
be tolerated: hem* a roan-shiug little
scene re•ordeil In the Outlook.
An inexperienced middle age' south-
erner nnu trl thepInt
form of a car
In a, northern city. The conductor. not
dreaming of harms, had joint propelled
n fair looking woman into the crowded
inter:•or with the cottsasuary nuab aitd
NAVE YOU A BOSS ? or a,e yrn, rata
pes.lent' tt y;.0 are mwk,nZ envy for. Nene one
else, quit sad awake nr,'wey t sr'yourself. I.et o,yl
of slavery and he free write (1. Igatan*lt &
Co..' 1.o14,11 They will .how you the way,. They,
have started thoiwnds on the road to freedom.
Seven dollars a day, every day in the year, Is 1,e.
ins made hand:tog their goods. Write now,
Time is money.
The price of beef .:at t le throughout the
Iiritl'h Empire ha. dropped a notch or
t wn, and consequently local pel.'e% are
down. wr are now nu1,plying all rill+
at lower prima. M bile the quality i• 11/1
good. if not better. than ever. Mr
LEAN el MEAT MARK FT handles all
kind. of motto, poultry. etc.. and. while
l hatnking Ihe,a puhnc for their Intend
1.4)1rumage. we aoliell t ct i1t,tnanci of
1 he wttt9.
oriser Fiat St. and Square. Uolerteh.
line I,nndn.t unore young lien and
w •n, who are ambition. anal enter
I'r 1.I11g, to ,inalifl Irl 1 he
for the many positions open no all those
who are thoroughly prepared to amen,
them. A oix month,' roars• in this
college mean. for a young man of lhw
right kind an educational equipment
letter thnn many trance.. or profe',,elon.
in n„lney oarning power. Student -
admitted at any time. 'Insular. free.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
1 or. Vonore and Alexander Mt-.
ant examine n Cop • of our catalogue If s';n
have nut Men, of taking a preparatory 10111.1
We tt'Ileve there IN no wined limo l tonna for
met bottle hnolnes+ training all for pntlnt•leg
good n'+till.. We -"nett Most lgat tun cud 10111
Iwri-o11. Enter ,len tme. Nus twat ions.
nnpr MO I alt r:n,i ' 1... T„1,11tn
'0 If. sIt .t tt'. 1'ri boot
ill the rnmmerriwl world! The .':rest and
+1,0,1. 1 rowel 1+ via 11)1. «-hods wee Rlre n
non •.• of 1 rninitos1t that 1. not nrls,•.,'d by
not 1111•1ne.; College In ('nnada. wr gi, e
indl.lanai Itt.lructbon, therefor•• yen mar
-tit or Al y those. write fen frost rar
ee entalne
and get full mirth ntwr-.
Prins hall..
February Hosiery Sale
Indies fine rib or plain English call •re Haw•, heavy weight,
double heels and toes, sizes 9-14, tvgular value 404- and 50c, at
per pair
French Corsets
New American models, made of the best American cuutill,
with suspender attachment, white or dove, special
$1.00 and $1,25
Dress Goods
New mohair Brilliantine* in all colors and qualities, 50 and 54
incites wide, special
Lace Curtains for February
110 pairs real Nottingham] lace Curtains, far Mellott wide, 3;
}':oils Tong, in floral or scroll patterns, regular 51.35 and $1311
per pair, at
K511 yards English (111ttslry Carpet, 27 itches wide and extra
heavy pillet in colors reds, blurs, browns, greens, 11ord, scroll
4e• conventional patterns, February sale in -ice, per yard .... .
the words, "Step lively!”
The southerner took the center of
the sltuatlott by saying to him in an
intense voice:
"You dare buy your hands upon an•
other Indy and 1'11 knock you off the
The faces of the dotarn troddeu race
of pntsengt•rs lighted op. The con-
ductor stared, then realized the situ, -
thou. As long as the southerner roele
ou the platform the aweulties of life
were olewrved.
• It was Don Quixote against the wind-
mills of stress and struggle and bust -
noes burry, but nowadays America
needs Don Quixote in a good many
As Accomplished Fart.
"Grandma, may I take that piece of
chocolate you left on the table? I will
be so good."
"Yes, you may take it."
The little girl does not move.
and get it?"
"Oh, grandma, dear, I ate It first!"
A break -Up Certain.
Rome, Feb 13. -Moet pessimistic olll
coal news has been received here true
Algeciras, causing considerable appre-
It is said that France is determlrw•,i
to consider a Franco-Hpanish organa
nation of the Moroccan police at her
ultimate concession to which German.
refuses to agree, thus breaking up th.
!f Treat from Ccylon
"Red Feather"
'Te a
Conspicuously a winner.
One Price - 40' '
fur Coats at Cost
$do.00 Raccoon Coat for joo.00.
(doe only I(neetiotn Coal. I,.ph' felt
prime, well horned auto evtnly malche.t
.kin.. extra large collar, lined with
quilted farmer'* Natio, a really halal
' route '0000 watt. gltalo was n klw telling
prier for thio cunt. but l0 clear we "ill
b 141 tm cur . .. 550.00
$55.00•'Coon Coat for $45.o0.
One 0n11'. practically 11. COM, k eat) aam
the above. goal value at 1151,1.,, het oo-
ckttring+ole price will be 545.00
ja4.00 Tibet Buffalo for $18.00.
floe noly I:i..1 Hn Maio. - rtnl moot
-kn, rlaU. gloat. Nell lualwl for. lined
wills quilted fanner• matin. The low
'rite, 52111x, -hould tower sold It bud row•
weal her twat more -a,. s,mable. Von
sin buy it now for 518.00
$65.00 Fur-Itned Beaver, $so.00:
(hoe poly fleasrr .hell. hne.l will
'rine tuu.knat ;kin burg,' 1'e'nisn
lamb collar. dressy and Ii,,nd'outo 111
apienrnne..., %'n, 111:,111, w' 111 ,tear
at .550.00
Also several goon Fur Caps at Cost.
Everything in Men's Smart Wear
Gents' Furnisher and Outfitter
the kind embodying every little detail
and giving correct style without going
to the extreme, is what we put up.
You can order now and not
be too early for spring.
Prank H. Martin
Specials in
Boys' Knickers
and Workmen's Pants
Knickers. 49c Men's Pants, $I.50
When we get a sup we don't try to make a big thing (r our-
selves, but pass it en to our customers. We believe in working for the
interests of those who patronize us. Having secured four cleating tines
of the celebrated Lion Brand Knickers at a big reduction, we are
going to give our customers the benefit.
:( lints of good throng tweets, 1 dozen in the lot, Nixes 2woDIM.
double te'ata and knees -just the thing for loyk-regular 49c
price 0, -.,and laic, on sale Saturlay for
1 line of good heavy bout• serge Knickers. This line will give
particularly good went. i)nuhle seats and knees, 41 dozen in this
lot, sizes 25 to Xi, worth mall wizen, $1.t11 myQ �
large sizes, $I.21, Sale price / JC AAND(7�Jc
Workmen's nII-wool Panto, double 'ware and knees, n gplcndid
pant to wear. 2i) pairs in the pot, worth , $'2.1M1. $1 xRJJ
Stale price , �j�
Workmen ought not to overlook this line. They are extra
good value.
Walter C. Pridham