HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-15, Page 1TWO PAPERS
FEB., 1907, AND THE
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(>rU1►EK[(-H, ON t'ARIO• CANADA : FEBRUARY 1.�, 1916 _ �' VANATTIIIt t ItUHkHTtlUN, PVtILtlaara _
F1DanC1BI LOCAL TOPM dress, IV. Fioglund ; vur,Al solo, Aliar New Hospital Board A -- - _
" -- _- $ i! k ppointed. :DEPUTATION INTER
and we soliei( An opportunity to explain its Ilaauy novautageit.
We furnish chesiue books so that dep(witorf; may any their• bills by
cher(ue and thus avoid the neceraity of keeping it urge amount of
n)oney on hated.
Call or write for our little IA3ol[let entitled
TH � - _- -- 1
L. H
ANA ' '
1, is k.
No. 1 Company's Banquet
1 r
ate (w rn , "eclamatioll, iV, MAUR- l he public m( rtinR fur Ihr atnnnxl
detest " Mcitwttoel, His„ liose Aitken: ,.]action of t,.,,,I ti eif the he ant ll
gee, ••The'curne! [lead " Angels
The men of the Ucxlerich colo I
the Wrtl (Hump) Reghuent enjoyed
� MCI Miwine and Genet•nl H,w ital, which
A1cl,x liana• Beall• H. liillies• she, y
my l'aysGal Blear!•• titlrl+uuatiun, K, w4" cuivertihed for. Friday evening
What the Members Accom fished i
thenneelvois to the fill! at their second
4nuetal oyster supper, which held
Kolwrtsoh : w•lection b 1+tat, was ]xwtlton d till Tuesday even•.
i y the ,Olee ing, „wing to lhr xl)wence tram town
('flab; question drawer, Mr, Strmng;
Toronto Last Week,
1 the IoUlnr of the Ins tiois club (m
critic's remarks, \V. Taylor. Ut solllltl (if the pld caftb;erv. Althongh
called art annual mee•tin it has
mentioned it, last issue DI
tiohurw tvaN iu Tomato !Amt work a"
North street lart Friday flight. The
Rnthrring war honored by the pt tla•
Father West's Contribution. bown held annually clue og the past
ineniber,of a depuGttion appointed h
the county council to interview ter
tl ee of the commandin officer
the re�imeut, [.[.•Cul. K'il lam Young.
r41w, and b
lnfrot std ev. t r iest,itor Y y this rinr axatesi of the
of tun(6 is frau Rev, 1f Pat, of of tilt [town lArxid liave
Prot•tucial Government withreterenc
and v t ill bout and sun filhd the
huutxa t!ll,abuut midnight•
as uey Inove a
lit. Thutau.s, w•ho has scot)] ental •i• uuovt'ti away clow tuwu lar de toted
f �"
bntiun of *W. This handsome gilt this life. A new 6our•d was ,• east,,
wxttt•t•b, lab(, other illegal
Iw•" r of the dr utation 'Were Walder
sp4cktautn Cuuneillor
What Councillor Sallows Said.
is a Must pleasing one +old recalls in cousiating of nine galemlers iwhereas
x vPry Practical wanner Father the foriuer Mari haul thirtenu talrur
and MclCenzi
and they wet« Met in Teito11to by Mr
EiJM•h, the e e inet fur rout
In the re )ort of the town co"ncil
mre+ting in hist Week's si nal ('uuneil•
lVest'e cutantiction with (ioderirh fur lo+"n(1, tae follows : Judge Doyle,
IHan dal'" aW Jud a
Y Y' ]xtstor of St. 1 eter'x K Holt, C. Mrrtgrr, ('. A. Nmh u,
1•hf• deputation was Away front 'cues
day W Ftitife
101' M4111/Wa Walt m,uit' Gr say that hr
thought Gown officials ••atuiold take
church. His nanny friends and ad. MxvorTilt,fi. McDonald. Rev. J. EI•
in{rets,Jlrlr+, within and outside of his lion, Jxinex :Urintosh and ]{, F;,
Mil -err
t\'itis retrt•ence G) the ['aunt!
n stet 1 x) ''
n 1 tic I c
f w law ni n.' T
[ ha
y P K
buil r% [tin a, edit! toe Hal rum. Ales
i K rat find Tilt, McDonald,
Councils Act the deputaticarl di r
nu h'
t gat its the IIP •m
wxa incurrr•ct. At r. })xlto«•a' )t.igt
waw that town ufiicrtw should nut tike
wt this Butts FIh HL u
txntial t'vidrnc<• of his nd Hodgen" are new (nen ort
eontintiid intrt•elll !e tis+; h)Ivn. 1Vho the h0sy'll. As a nuulller of the
R 1 t cut t
decided the (;orle ac t had Alreluly
part in Music11'AL rain i nie - in
other sante, rhuul(i not tark,e a Actira
will follow his gtnt(l example: ul•w►y-elketed board wee+ nut 1je trent
the election of oMeers w•As not ,ry-
Forpters' BaN. !
decide(1 un its line of nctiun.
A l ug interview was hIW a�itll re•
garol,to 6f alse of refu tt i
tet( ell «•itis. rhe work at the she R Ina a a, 41K
part in the election of tilt 'od • from e, the tuinistero declared thenime4ves lot
- - - -' which they receive theirappelintuient. Thr oymtei supper stud MdI last. h,ud iesidencr, «hich Is hriug con-
Thursday eight et the Uddfrllowit vertc•,� into x hospital, wa u' under tits- ill "yctlp'tthy fn curry pnrticulxr wit!'
NOTICE TO AOVERTf$ER8 OODERICH MARKETS. Uoderieh Minstrels Two Nights. Hull, tinder the auspices of .Court cu"siren. Tilt ch4ni(ee, it rN the changes in legislation cooked fur
'- Everybo(1 "afrrich, Nil. W, C. O. h'., funs it oral have cost abut 1 (mxi. and (owing tie the r1., i` will for lC+mem1A t rd, are that
Copy of change e l running advertise- Tui surer, Fvb, tJ,b, Y ia'goitag to Bre the Rode• Ntl(CQM IlOC lip )]nti Huagcixlly, the action gat list• roan[ cotulcil in } ro ales should Make pr,vimu)m
meats must be left at this office by The trN•at niarkre+toacr haen rtuful all n anti rich 1instrels. anti rhe detwuld fur > . for All perselnN nlrntxlly unsound, who
meat» was oo great that'it wx" found onttx•rs of Ihr older wl•re present going Fau•k nn its promise of x genal for (ll owe sonitm e t u s
Monday noon to ensure insertion wuA prlr•e. refnwlr, naris thc.ainew. they were, flvnU hayfield, lieumiller and Puri. eif 811,IMM) the wrn•k iv ails fit x sG(nd_ A u e8 of refugKe
in issue of lame week. There were Ito.hfpne11t• of scot•, thk Nea•k, tweesartry G, arrange fur A mecond pro. until alum Can ire funud in a Yrovlm
mow+• -r Fall shoat, N;r bu.+h, ucw. duction on Friday night and the seals Albert and the gathering aggregated still until wome, of the Nubscri tions
- _- - -- S roue whrgt, IN>r bush, ucw.... 0) 7J to f r 7.; over :0). The sot x•r tables wrrr esu 1 P vial Asylum ; theft property owned of
. J TS to 0 7; 1"r the second prof lvillance fire tieing PI le got in. rhe greater part, of fit any time acquit ed by fin inwxle
1r01 Qale IYra. per hwh a is to , r 4A taken ver • Wrlh The )horn rot tha in cleared Away between U and 10 o'clock the attendapce fit the ulreun on could tie A ro riatsid fur t
. Huokwheut, per 61 .b (8 to •o is y R k and dancing commenced. .The music Tutwin cunwisted of, the 1•uli s in. �h xtr�'
( . 01 Kidd A Co,'s Anti �1'. N. ell s p the.bq)Fwif
lM s, per u.h ., ucw ,:,, ay to p aI Y w » onrvided bp two ViulinistA wad x G Irsteti in the 8nc�tuc, the sectio of such i wtthuut- ilia concent it
ASl� BC'HNF;H HEATER FOK ate( . suer "I' "'",..•. ::• 8 7.1 ta. u ;s wiuljn«a of Noutu (I[ tka company In � ( R he• ch(x3srs to re�u► in Ihr !nen'
Ilrrley. to"r bunk . e t: toy. 0 u r esttitale give acute idea of the fun pi nimt front Kintftil, and tilt• dancing watt! held in the Claw library fit the
SALE-Couatea. of Oxford, No. 171 In !4•roeninK•, per tat .., Is w to ` 81n wx'+kept hP till x (4tr hour. sh t court house. Lion ; and that ,hate oho3rld rA gov-
I'm' rlA.aavxldiliora; will ba %OW chmp. Apply }lour, fiamily. ler est" ,.. 1l ;,er,a ') •y, thitt nuty tie expected ■t the Opera pia"
ru, pair Tratea to It. TCF}•UkU, run t•arubriA Ylmr.twt«na, Iwrawt Y tar G, I.a" (louse Gmight ane] tomorrow n! ht. wAm NPrced fit widnlght. „ - ermuent uts]Ax;hon gat houses of fef-
- -and Trafalgrr troet. firwo, wr toot . . it sir to IA� 1 K tllack Kni6ht' Has Crd`w' tied Meetinbs. ugc. The ably difHcultt•, in Ihr view
--- _ ___, -, short., rental ... .. I ..., yn err to jf, Irl G. L. L Literary Society. Board of Trade. Th,ise who Gxak Ihr lyint given by "f the ruinistcrN, with• trfer+oce to
Har.ye t ton . .. R jot la 7 to The aw1Ua1 tllel`lin of ROVer"Nlrmt Inc a•Cihtn, im,tlle InCMAa-
Yi06t OI FO11IId Rto . qtr cord.....:... t (fo to a u1 Owiug to other alma tions.htat F'ri- K the Bolud of The Signal a week aKu u li nt lbr 1
- -- - -- Butt`'r• tier lb. •••.•.--• ►u to u yl tiwy, the t -guiar rn(r•ting of Ihr Ctrl• Triute (till Ix' held ill tile:, town council Temperance Hull curly 1 t3undwy if Ing Haller and Consequent expense
t'1HAYED MHUM L(F`} 'h``•"t'' wrlb- ...... •...... •. R r_ to n 1t I late institulr [.iterwry Rai irty was ch;uuher• iota Monday evetling' next. they wished to secure a sex and' ear of the loop• ctorN for rariuuo w melt
5, MATT- ice•. Ire-it.,erdos............. 0 1. l0 0 !R Febrn:u• lllth, fur tect-ivin the He•v. J. i(. Htictor t r h that bases W Irr•n. a,ointtttl p
1 7 L.}N1) concession, Goderich town,.hl , n Pu.«tae., . 0 Nr ro `S' hr the evening previous, ;'he pn)- y K h Blatck Knight, 1 l Tho ��in-
ight I'll, colt. little white of) loft hlerd root. Carte, ordln'), togoad.�tiircwt. s lar to 4 Irl grans trout Ae follows : President's cul• Animal report; electing nffteeiti rynd Were wise, fur long before the hour rater•" aw'elli/d in favor of mune con -
Ing to I two Irmo, old. Ann intabiv s - lewd- HQgAe, export, Ire cwt.......... ! YJ to t ;,; LrNUyRCt1Ug general hu"inesm-, Every annou'riced fit• commencing the tweet• "olxlatiota of Ruct' met•vices whereby
llfg oro ora dLltoreity will bo sutlabb• rewarded Hely. Ih•u weight. per, cwt.... , to to 7 gat - - ---__ ini-rchant and business ,nllur` in Ihr ing NtandinR tvoru w'atS fit n premtgm, nm]x•ct a n"nl•
e POI; . e1 by the . rodernisntd. JOHN N1army( Lamb ... . ;tae the am Me officer could i
NEW( OMB Nhc•p,,er'cwt .., a .yl to 7 ;a S1tl1AL1011a �a(SaIIt to«'n i" t•ncneally invit(d to ritteud, arld many ivere turned Away unable IK'y nt for vgeiuua institutinna in nue
HAw, ter oto ... R R to a IR -- _ The'anoual re]mirt is expecteel G, be of to gotin a dellittarove. The scuue• thin h3cxlity.
Bierou. per lb . 0 M to t) 18 �OV \VANTi•:D APPRENTICE TU unu"gal inteve%tt and in view of the ureurr(d rot for \ ictorin Bleu e t MetheK The either chatter the depuGa-
Lam, per IL .. yy�� ..l
ZIii)LC Trhow, per lb oiN to o t trgrn prtnurt(r, 1(w 13 yrwro of Ntn', tgir P wthilitir" of trate daring the Pres- dist church Monday evrnin where tion alta inatructt(1 rn Npexk NIN/111
__ - ' Hill".t,orest r )a. Alate A yt.wsl nrym+rtnuft � Grr A bei ht eat year there Ahonle IN+ x St•y' rn- yr, Hector )rexr•ht' And ( axin fit Ihr Kis -Sch,id
w+w Ihr section iR the Hi
A. ROY ADAMS - 111: (pdkinh .. a at a 7 vi bon. Apply at Fy1K Ntiu.V., (�FPICFI- K ) K I tK let which dtxls with Ihr gat m
T,arke rye t't end res}xn,Ae to that hoard's invitation Te_Inllrrotncr; Haiti \lontirty night. Had' ` 1 Y ent to
TrarmzA or Ihssu y" 0 Is to n i3 -- -- IA• ni+ule h una.cougat
Culckaa .. • ' - . O lsi to- e, Ill xudrt hearty cow ration amongst the it not IAten that Al r. Hector waA rn- Y y to ruxtther fur
. _ _ OLl
O 00 hu .'
S 1 uta iness al P o pP
tudk, Ido r n f h o
in loan O Atari fm l P t W n r'
k f Mon n• o on n. t i s
t al R lac • , .i.r ,t tv " 1 fox
1 1. __ i t Ice a a t e
P•se K I re else I h fora
K when• er antro(
list' (iur]A•1 Lnq x
t ftAF`} ICU HE [SUN, . ]1N)0 r t;. Mrs. Wm• Bawtlen Daad, rcruprrnnor LeAgne would iliac re. sigh rict/(x/! of Ihr fatter county. Thr
/ 1 \V: \\ j],],MOT1 lH/►1Ul{`2l'EH- -' 1 i ti(/N.y wl h{nrttrera grnflerl fur Ihr ,•our \Nott! wxa twrPivetl in town on Turn- txinrd him fim TuPodAy.n,ght ion uricr stctiun to (unSidered aunblguous. Nu
a . TIk71'ATF; Trin(t r'nllxge, I�nNlon, Real.Estate toi ale, irtKrww,u b, rower or coutary cite huge the li:ty of the death that rournin th:u thim� who were. unxlde to clip doubt )]filling the inany changes tilt•
Kag.r, o(,odimt and �arr ,of em o/ Knox vr•rviec-of an exterienrel rafter by leakiq to 4d MisslOrs to the Mufiday acid Mon day Oovernlnent intend lhitking in edtlCti•
Mrhun•h, h"71 lsli Irarher .. t�. oto, n, -� R K Exrtell (rf �t rs. lt'rrl. }iit«•den, eldest tlunxi nlwttrt7r t '!i
ilyt1na.thror� wnA hwrntrroy. f$udb ai ln. HF: Gl)f)KK}I'H REAL. F.i4TATK (heir m,]cr, gat Tlao-. vadeun'. mr,e.f. ,fore. }sat ,]Nnghtrr of Ihr L•ot(• Mrs. Mhaw (t( nic('tIhKB might have nn op n•tunlit' hl )natter will IrCrivr
e or...fold'.. Bt. Itwrtd'. nlreet.•f wu door* wast Mlnyrl. of hewnnX tilts glint rnnn. However. xttrution:
of ylctodamtrert chnrcb. AND INNI'ItANt'F; .1UIyNl'Y'. - AaorNle-.nrtment of teals c,(rtrt Or Clinton. Mr• And Hr". HAn'de" weer to luldttton to these u
i1Jtn F'nA Ns1.,_ app!«• te+er, Plan old cherry w n. to stack, f(n•ulrr tvrll•known wmidrnts eif (:nate- the• rtouhntt.eq• Intend having him IatterA llr.
- _ 1J-alo ra li . lar. ii flat. 1m riN,rna.1 dwelling.. - -. - - rich And Bluer their dt'par•tiln• Air, tinct. nt un early date, when 4u rffur6 Holmes w I s o had a n interview
Fi. _ y�� _ - Le ern+, hLll,lr. a tole•. Fieely .Npuarwt. Rigg y A K F; H.--! ti. ftV: