HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-8, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERItiii ONTARIO 40 The News of the The Signal's Clubbing List.I MostraV, Feh. 5th. Mimi Ella illake, of tioderich, is at Now is the time lo choose your present with her ulster. Mrs. E. Oke. reading 'natter for 1008. Look over this list end Nee the ittlytintagem of- „ming 01, 0„.400i0„1,30:00 herr ow A• S. Gledhill, of Kincardine. Wilt1 fert/11 Lii Signal 'subscribers in getaing past week. the leading paper, at reduced Entre. Win. Hellman. of Moline. Man.. The Signal and Montreal Weekly is; spending a few daya visiting at the. Herald ;Leo home of W. M. Mohritig. • DistrTiio�r�ictg, Qm 1 . farm trite from wewtlr and in main - is Rheumatism of the face Uric Acid left In the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve wha.h branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. Ther caue is the same as in all kheIJ,nalism - disordered Kidneys. The cure is Oka- y. k..K i se tbs rams-- COLBORNE. , tainitin the fertility of. the land. TUKSHAY' Feb' 6th' ' Finally, the prospect of profit in the --There will be preaching bervice ' wen' for year,. mid „1:0 7:0700%""i's next Sunday at 10 in. and 7:31p. Ill. 1 proi4i4ing'10 dime who Live 1.„,„,0•0,,,i Rev. A. D. Giechier returtKil from their faith in the sheep as **the Iltedin hug Friday afternoon end ex- rarmet,,,, friend." • pets to occupy the pulpit at both services next Sunday. You are inteit cordially invited. Pawning a Nook Deaik. The pawning of the wedding ring has become a pathetic commonplace to those who are familiar with police court und coroner's court stories or with the private petitions for help of the deserving and undiseerving poor. Out we confess that with the West- minster magistrate we ha•e uever beard before of pawning bank books. Yet on expert pawnbroker'it evideuee elicited by pollee inquiry it is found that this Is not at all au Nuusual prac- tice. In the vast majority of PaYeS would seem to be a simpler matter tn draw on the bank account rather then borrow on the strength of it from the pawnshop. But one of the unfortunate possibilities of the practice is revealed in the particular ease mentioned at Westminster. • picture frame maker, wishing to withdraw f3 from the bank, could not And his bank book and then It/Vial/111 .13-11111141 L103 11101.11111g 111 14:1.5 Goderieli. A bridge is teeing spanned` Years, bar if borrowed f7 10a. on It over the (4 1.111111. welve f here mut live miles (roan Eliiiira. This morning 0 gang of about welee w••tit "tut from the city 1.41 lay the I spin, and' au hour and half fterwarls W11 Of alga 148111( I) ought bark 41mul 711111 1,1V11 very eer- ie ly injured. It 'seems that there %V' /4, It/Sty-1001 1100111 1111 the derrick. !slid 1,11 the end of this the girder. IL St ills LII'lL the track approaching lug a work of profound philosophy the brit e has licen gradually sitsking. written by one of tbe puatest political an I flip I vi Weep ti() pil•Willit thinkers of the English speaking race. the south iylt. rood went to the north .Taken with a knowledge of the facts "id". " 111". glYti" w" beiug ef the career of De Foe, "Robluson Crusoe" can properly be considered a At all story intended to illustrate the heavy events the de •k toppled ever, t lie. burden of trouble placed upon any sin- sp.ea striking a vstle 114.1 been gle indlvidnal isolated from his fellowit lewd for carryin gravt•I cora (0' the and compelled to maintain his exist- otlu.r vide ot the r a•r. the derrick. and once without their aid. The tale thews two itir „r a. going with it in an inimitable way hew an civilized from this point of flew; the author of Tue men saw the ;tit. r swing Anil the moat widely rend work of fietion started to run: but we e pitiotal on the way. S • rati Ai Hr. cm- ever written becomes an object of par- hatikin alt soul others took the tear Ocular Interest to all thinkers upon ,,f the eitrs. Those who we • caught' politics. -William N. Hill, M. D., in were : Timothy Mahoney. 'fabulist. i.watgogol magazine. ; on the construction t rain. le waR I instantly killedHe belongs t Lon -I The :iiiiWnal. WeeklY liamkt ami ' A number ft this. Viethit, at- DEATH or Mits. (loom -Mrs. Sarah W y Stan (Tomato- Good died on Fridey :Alth ult.. at the 1 75 tendril the funeral of the ante Mies 1.10 .._ --- T. • . The Signal, Weekly Herald and Annie Lamprey. of uoderieh towuehir. eti re /.,)1 tier wilt.: !It tag: ii. e to sot etnttly- Toronto Daily Globe 4.so on 'Tuesday latit. g it )(este. team. edit 11110 0 le The Signal, Weekly Heiadd and pioneers of t ha township hating sett - Toronto Weekly Glebe. ..... 1.7o UUNLChle. led here with her husband many year§ tufo. She 13441 been a widow for sotto, The Miguel, Weekly Herald and TVIUIDAY, Feb. Mb. time, living etit the homestead wittrher Montreal Family H e r a I d and NV000 HEE. - 0 U r well-known son. She wits troubled with a cancer Weekly Star Las townainan J. H. Barker had one or Ili* "" iwt fame. and Nome time ago ati un - and Weekly Star receive the gloat munition annual bowing and wood beets en the esuccepasful Piro' t was made to re •e all sutwerthen. to Montreal Family Herald picture. "Quetta Alexandre. Iter Gnuelchil Attrill property. There wits a fair tit. it, and this. it hs thought, lunnened her deem end Dogs ' teridance and a good quantity of wood death. She was it member of 1111W Ey- "Thr r Sarnier's genuel and Veterinary was vut. Messrs: Ryan and Th le aeirel'cal chur le aud a woman held in Guide ' may be bed la: connection with slime offer for 13 cents additional, or a total of alma Hon weta• present with Hirt*. machine the higheet eateein. Tin. fettered ber- me signal, Week,lir Herald and and did Nome record *swing. Sty far vim.% were conduCted Ity Ite.v. J. 6. Farming World I oroutio 1 30 nothing had beep heard of- the (Jade- Yelland, insthe absence of WV. Mr. rich township Nowyets. We hope their Gischler. •• The Signal, Weekly Herald and courage is not covered tip by the re- , . Weekly Mail and Empire. . . 1.7o cent stiowetorin. Ali 4111.44,r11W14 for Wreklyllall mid 1.:111711re re- ACCIDENT ON G. & G. RAILWAY. ceivi. the premium as 114010 111.0 -Tlic Star of ______ Bethlehem.- „ WESTFIELD. Two Men Xilled and Two Seriously The Signal, Wee.kly Herald and MONDAY. Feb. 5th. Injured near Elmira. Toronto Deily World 11 Semen. !boson% -The pupils of 5,. The Signal, Weekly Herald mid 5. NO. 0. East Weyeaumili. obtained Toronto Daily Star • , Lao tht. follewing 'standing iii tettl PS11111111- Tile Signal, %Veekly Herald and . attests for January : V. Oasis -- 'narks The Signal, Weekly Herald and Ili -Ciliate', Lad Senior IV. elass- s London Daily Advertiser ... : .. Lao marks obtainable. 415 1.:1111113 Cit11111 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Is -II, 304 ; Clara Hitinford, :173 ; Earle London Weekly Advertiser. 1 ect Wightitien., 35I patient for one ex - The Signet. Weekly Herald end atninatiote : Maggie Ittulgers, *17 : Presbyterian - a 35 Dell .MeLartv. 251 ; Ada Stockholm., The Sternal, Weekly. Hentlit 111111. 213. Junior IV. class -marks obtaitt• Westminster . a.as able, 215 Thomas Rodgers. 1W; Cecil The Signal. Weekly Herald, Pres- Ittisteel Wisely.. 0'2 : Chrissy• A t•itentr. bytenan and Wesbninster 3•35 08 !Mangan foreme peat .. i .. mien) : Alva \ The Signal. Weekly Herald and Mel Sowell, IS. Senior 11. class- - . Farmer's Advocate. .4 • .2.40 marks obtainable, 105 -May Conk, 117 ; \ We stronfly rec ... 3 . mend tam readers to Nelson Itoliinemi. 111 : Maggie Ferrow, riehreribe to rhe Fernier'. Achim -ate. 1X1 ; Leslie linchanan. 711 : Jennie Tun- e Signal. Weekly Herald and entreat Daily Witness - 5°a• fOr 11111. examination). ratrt; if. Tbe•teignal. Weekly Herald and- t'olitt Canipbell (ailment for one ex - Maltreat WeeklY Witswee• • • • • • .1.60 at initiation,. thistle's NVitarrnaN, The Signal. Weekly Revell! and all'ent•her. World` Wide 1 115 ' Mrs. Alex. Monteith, of •Kmpen. visibel her Netter. Mrs. A. 11. Clutton, this week . went her (at thin year differs from the February weather 1d lost year only in the quantity of snow we have. The keen frost irf the last few days and nights inakem quite an inroad in the h • supply of coal and wood in the neighborhood. - tilar meeting. of the Literary Sfociety had one of the Int -gest audienees ever Keen in the hall and everyone was 11 pleased with the good program given, which include:I a fancy ilrill IT 4111111. of the boyis ef H. li. No. 5. Dur- ing the intet.mission Roy Linklater Walter Kingswell, a new face to a Lee- hurn audit -nee, gave some mouth - organ ',Mellott,. acc4inpanied by the M mews Foiik. Them were also retyi- ng's and dialogues. Messrs. Platt a d Neakets. late arrivals front merry E land, and MOW .1 the farm staffs -the program. rontribut ilia' several :nglish songs. The entertain - meta w One Or the best ever given Send unbent...a' by postoffict. or- der, postal ote or express order to • SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Miss Mary Jane Di kson is the guest James Cameron ing a course phyttiology at Sheppa ton. Miss Madge. 'Markley it s gone to .Goderieh to proseente. her tidies. Johnnie Miti•rae line the co traet for drawing the milk to Permute' t chrism. Neil Afeekenzie, of Limiter, is -ork- ing on trial with A. B. McLetx of John Mackenzie and Kenneth Itt't- cited visited friend.' in Ht. Helen,. Sunday last. Mrs. Hatierick A. MeeLeimaii has now completely rt.covered from her recent illness. Minietiell, of Tiverton. who wan the' guest of :dim Alary Cameron, han re- turned to her I Miss Millie long. who line been suffering for atom. months past, had her foot amputated last week: Horse -buying seems to be the order ,,of the day. The prices are going up. The mirth." of !spring sire beginning to Appear and the Mai:dots', viaitors. are umpiring to return h Mr. end Ales. Benj ' Lyons are The Northweet Keeney to *gime .th them. -er is, again frozt.n .over. and require ice for the !mu .r ginning to hope 511..01111 tire a nimply yet. S II WAS Optima huh echo:wed pulpits. anniversary net - well The r there wit seateion ma. be ehle to Sabbath, he mu Mr. Small preach vices et Hills Green. Rev. Hen': Not t, of tioderkli. preached in the Method t chureh hot Mr. Faith; Obi week in revi al services in the Methodist church. . 001Nit WENT. iJohn Nicholson, our village haleness -maker. leis gold out his property here to Nri1VP.S. Mid leeves for the Northwest 101 M0011 out he Clall get midi: He was tht•re We wish I success in his new en- HOLMESVILLE. Atoenav. Feb. tele Edgar Trewortha the past week visited PIAL iVPS in Seaforth. Mrs. Alfred Jervis. of this village, etiperta Med a few of her friends and rdatives et her home on Thursday J. Yeo, of the cut line, Goderich township, is having an artenian well (trilled on one of him terms on the ninth coticemion. N. W. Trewertha, teacher, reports the Average attendatiee for the month of January to be thirty-eight. The number on roll is forty-thret•. On Monday, January 2110, Mr. and Mrs. J., McCartney celebrated • the flftieth anniversary of their wedding day. The awed couple ere both enjoy- ing comparatively good health. Mr: (lrigg. (I London, who had been *misting Rev. F. Swann for the past two weekn, was forced to rettirti to hie !Rune through ill -health. His Holmeeville friends wish him" npeedy recovery. Another of Hohnenville's well -eve teemed young men. in the penton Lewis Tebbutt, is &patting from mingle life. The good example re- cently set "iT,heing bravely put into effect in this 'chitty. osbaideeten, roe. of the village, 1. having an anction sale of fern Mock and implement's. The nale will lye large and evt•rything will 11P St/i(1. Rivers : What have tont grit that ittt.ing tied /lemma yeti?. finger for inen limed it .1. Times to remind me to peck gym fei the fiver I lent you a month ago. Chicago Tribune. VOTICE. LOCAL AGENCY dee of J.0. Ward. .1'.. conveyancer. etc.. who will reed 4. orders for subseripti .... advertio- ing ill111 job work. and s authorised to give re- ceipt, for. ...... tints tstii or the same. TAKEN ItY 31 1347A 'E. -Almon, LW° or three weeks ago 41/11 13•11.011. when ab at piddle meeting. too we presume. in 'Mistake, a cape belonging to Mies Carrie Al Wenn. Miss McCann would be pleiteed if the person who did se! would be so kind aat to return it or leave it, at 11..1. Crawfonrs store. . HERE AND Timm. -Miss Lillie Jar- dine, datighter of D. Jardine, 51 Gude- rich, is visiting Mende and at:quaint- anent here and in the y kinky R. Clenderining. is. visiting Mr. and • te that the venerable- gentlemen. ow g tit advent...el 'ears. is becoming feeble and poorly. INTIEHMK.NT. --The remains of Wm. Roach teens interred in Ihritintimint cerneterY on Wednesday afternoon of Wit week, heing escorted thither from the residence of his son Samuel. iti Dungannon. by a large cortege of relativee and sympathizing acquaint- ance% The funeral servicen we: e con- ducted by Rev. J. W. Robinson. Ctietten merriment of the Isnel's Supper It as administered In Erskine chureh lent Sabbath. The pitst•w, Bev. C. Rutherford, con- ducted the solemn eterviet. very appro- priately. Theta. were three admitted on profee of faith and It large Iminber Of members and ruthereven were present. Rev. 1). T. McKerroll. of laicknow, cenducted tie. prepara- tory service on the Friday evening previous, and hie discourse wee very intereeting and suitable for the toceir • Ntrres.-The municipal! fathers of West Watwanosh will meet in the 10111111 piece on Wednesiny, the 14th. at 10 O'clock niutrp. All concerned govern themselves accordingly .. Frank Tnylor, manager of Wingham foundry, was in Dtingannon last week in, thr interest of the company. to procure stock at COD per share in the mid company.. ...The month of February ham thus far filled the bill lie to cold, wintry weather. John Frord, king. and is na respect er of pernone. Last !Pride), Jamie; Johnetem, mr.. and R. Anderson made an official visit, es auditory, to the office of the treasurer of West Warranosh and audited the aceounte of tom morning Mrs. Jane Meaty, of Went erinditmel by the infirmitiem incident taold sge, deperted this life. and her remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery on Tueselay Afternoon. The eervices were conducted by Rev. C. Rutherford. Mrs. Hasty Wait eighty yenta of age. She leaven surviving her two Sons. Robert. at Crewe, and John. on the homentead, and two &tighter+, Mrs. .1. Hamilton, of Melt- landville and Mrs. S. Matthew's, of Nile. Ties &teemed watit one of the pioneer. of Weet Wawsnosli. having 'settled in Wawartovh with her now de - She wait a kind mother and a good, Indust s end unobtrusive citizen, and was very highly esteemed. tbe drat time, and of course she. had bken paying interest on her various transact's:mg.-London Pall Mall Ga - When the average boy spends the de- lighted hours' of imaginative youth in devouring the pages of "Robinson Cru - sae" be has, like moat people of more Nature years, no idea that be is perus- it :elute teetity Mien are interdependent. Regarded den and leaves wife and f. mily. Wheu the reputability a punning is body end li...t.t. David McKe ie, under discunsion it is well to bear in trick foreman, lietirivel, wits SO mind that the very name of the Pat badly crushed about the head a (1 confesses to a degree of arrocity. To body. Ile died *hole ten III/11141 "pun," Recording to the London (Iron- arLer bete,: Itken kilo the 13,1","°'• tele, Is to "pound" words, to beat them Ile mull° 311 taLPILIpt I/1 tipPell.:. 101L to forced conditions, so the philolo- iambi net be under loud. fie ate() s believe. would pun thee into elm re with hie Est," says Thersitee F. J. Si.111/11. braketinan. an 014 ern- yeale previous to coining on the tr. P. physica "poundirg." "Pun" is not a N.. is Willy hurt, having four ugly slipshod evelopment of "pound." but toslies on the hcad : ribs ;40.1 41111, Its origins' omit. the Anglo-Sir:on verb broken. Ile with his wile mei snii beteg "puni ." and "pun" or "poun" E I. are laity ing,itt the Imperial. Ed baviug de,e1 exi a .flnal "d," just as thy "soun" becarn "sound" and as th! (5 ;ill:It:11Z 1,A• T,„.„.„1„, Illiterate turn own" into "gownd. WW1 betIlv injured. lie sustained Curiouely enon "pun" and "pound" scalp wouiitr, and is injured iiitei have no centre...al° with "punching" a 'Iwainjured men were taken to intr." contracted, or ith "punching" man's head. avhic-h simply "punish - the. general hospital, while th3 two a ticket, which goes b k to the Latin eltiane4', Words. He wen very -badly er101111-ti I/11 k lees, I. awaiting an itentest. , at tho aeeitlent tin the C. 1'. 11. idle, hall his 1441 hand liteptitated thi ateeleste.. Ilis pts ispc els of 1.0011170 sir H•noalerr Da as peculiar as himself. His t affec- me,. tearful. Charles Atney WO./ IS so tenon was a lack of time. lie .as al - operated on this fifteen...on. end to - war; in a burry. He pretend that ingla his (smile ion is critical. n in• quest ivias opened at, tinel ziii,, be had no leisure to dress himself. nd ii,045.1s, i,...1,. c_.n„. co„,iit• „r, nary he simply put one shirt over a Chanties Amey. the brid roilim,,n, is other until he was known to have on li ite.st eneetwaging. any every hope is five or six shirts at a time. Of course ente•rtaineil for libi re overt.. Minim be could not wear this amount of ap- also in Making eutt,i4.111.317 Progress. salmi without appreciably Increasing The Outlook7 Sheep Husbandry. • cret were sometimes surprised to nee him fall off in apparent weight twenty pounds in a day. His wife's great anx- iety was to keep him "fit for company," but as he did not cale a fig for com- pany she had no easy task, and domes- tic discord was a common thing. when a ctuinge of linen became nei The riso and fall of prices. the ebb oAnizeil fact of commerciel file. With ts finger on the pulse of the market, tht• ability to relate one's t the demand.' of the present and the courage of potholer. aml resourceful- ness 10 pt mare for the demand,. tir the future ere talents that ehotild lemur tarmess in the lite of arty man. be he it farmer, trade:amen. or matitifecturer. 111111 yeitr to !strengthen or im- prove Isis breeding Hock, and refumes to breathe the attempt:lets. of dist-any- agement ion] iitipatie•nee tinder w high his nt.ighbers are ming down to fev- er., ie %time in his (ley and generation. Th.. ebeep-owner and breeder who, not despairing of the revival of the sheep inibistry. ham "hiring the past few years. Ire jittliciotte selection anti niaintained or inereased the quality of his flock is now reaping the reward of his hopefulnteei and b. in a position to take the largest ed. vithtage of the brisk demend and high prices of the prenent time. prices" is the reporter's summary of the satiation at the Union Stock Yards. Chicago, for 11115. In all (lur- ing the( year 1,731,748 'thee') were keted, which hen grand total is MAIO mon. than in 1001. The top price for wethere W1104 1101.2.5 per cwt. The demand for breeding ewes throughout the States, has, during the - past year, fully doubled end there were 1,y no means enough feeder sheep to nupply the demand in the col n-helt end im tbe range. Ont. feature of the Chit -oat, market, was the presence of Canadien nne lot melting In November hist for $7.11 per (wt. The past ',ear hes *lea been a profeeble one for the wool -grower. preftent prices' being abnormally high. With the Impetus given to the ehte.p industry by the active dement' for wool and mutton and becatiae of the general prosperity of the countrY. the opinion prevails, among high nuthort tim that the breeding end feeding of sheep will be st prnfitable business for the next, two or three yearn at leant. For breeding purpones, %beep 'selected from Canafflan flocks are per- t popnler in the United States, and Canadian fartnerx ought. to be in a poeit ion to Map rich bar- ye, t through trade with their meets. it.asass the 1111e. The premenor of %helm nn the feriii." 'Moreover neeirita lInd influence to sorere gond le to wart the fernier Wonelerbelly iti keeping hie lank Gag.__rkinaga Brooks. ancient cmips. The enps of the Assyrians closely resembled onr saueers. Every noble- man and gentleman had his own cup and cup bearer, the latter of whom carrying' before him the cup of gold, sliver. cryetal or marble, which his Master only used on state occasionst Saucere for cups were introduced in the latter part of the eighteenth cen- tury and at first were greatly ridicul- ed, the persons who employed them be- ing said not' to be able to drink. with- out having two caps. "I cannot uncle:Mond, sir, why yott permit your daughter to SUP MO for breach of pteunime. You remember that you were bitterly opposed to our ea - segment because I wasn't good enough for her and would disgrace the "Young man, that was eentIment; this Is business." selectee' Judges. Dr. Franklin thought that Judges taught to be appointed by lawyere. for, added the shrewd man, In !Scotland, where this practice prevails, they al ways eelect the ablest member of the pretension in order to get rid of him and share his practice among them - Dodd's Kidney Pills POLITICAL NOTES. The IN ion Parliament will meet on Thursday, March 8th. It is announced that A. IL C. Cohn' hotm, of t be editorial staff 44 Trio Tor- onto News:. has been appointed to the IMP 11011. It. Prefontaine as Minister of Marine and Fisheries. and lion. Win. 'repudiation. formerlt• Minister without portfolio. bee 14 Alinister of 'Inland Revenue in sitcoms' .q0- m . LETTERS FROM SUBSORIBERS. Two thieve.' were breaking Into a doer When the mister of the house, hearine them, looked ont of the lain dow and maid: "Friends. come a little Das Bachelor Talk is cheap itenediet - For goodness sake. don't advertise it • bargain while my swift* around. To do what we can by our betthsts es a John Cowan, Newburg, North Da- kota. writes: • **Please flial enclosed 41.110 fin' 111). renewal to The Signal. It is just like getting a letter from home. /%1111 1 uot like te be without it." Alta. formerly of intimater .. .. "I 0111111-0 Y1711 1 110 ..... of 0111/ 11111131 LO hit VP you rontintte sending me The 19011. NVe are glad to have their regu- lar weekly visits. I might say to you we re all melt pleased with this 1VeNt- withimt a chimed; ;„ splendid II Hint time, lea today a spoiled it. The weathei it drift or storm 441 ht and saminy." mmith eloighin chineok ha has hung aro months and 11. any kiint-jumt in From Th re: Afar . "The Sistine itrit 'demi woe line. Pleased ill ree proveint•rit in the paper." Cogitations Discontinued at Guelph, Cruelph. Febritary :eh. Construe. 'ion work on this seetion of the iltielph lerieli Railway has been discontinued until the bridge al t lie Grand River 114171 1 teen eoninlet ed. That mean% that eperations will not res a•arly in the swing The et 11114t *Met i1115 t 111111. WW1 iLM 113S gone to) Toronto J1111(.6,111. Th. bridge gang will siart clearing mi wreckage from last NVeduesility ii- aliztnitams.: he iuquest is over. mid tie hridge will then he pushed to c New Hamburg Station Burn3d. New Hamburg. reb. About I ;1.111. 1114171 ). the new ((rand -Trunk ftail- imeight lire lend wits tidally conamited. with the entire contents. The sitation was built only a yt•ar ago. and was ot the latest design, handsomely :•• tieorgiii pine. The cam*. of the file is unknown. Init is supposed 1,5 le Irma the fmnitee. The bre on build. ing will be abont WNW/. There was lett the loss there is 'Ink IW, NIargaret. vimiter it 1 Run Down sion \we hear on every side. \t.rt less there it some organic tro dition can doubtless Your doctor is the Do not dose yourself kinds of advertised remedi get his opinion. More than 10 you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion e, the con. remedied. adviser. all of Cod Liver Oil Is just such a food in its best form. It will held up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. II you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial : it cannot hurt you. It is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sample free. Re sure ihst this picture In the form el a label le ea the wrapper of every bottle *I Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists Toronto. Ont.'. Tau himir Feb. 8 1906 7 The Permanent Style'and Shape of Semi -ready Garments Everyone. wants etyle in his clothes. Some teen say they don't, but they are mistaken. Almost all ready-tnade clothing has style in it. fact, it is style that sells half the ordinary ready-made clothes. But there are two kinds of style - face style and through-and-through tail I style. There is alemuch differ. ence be een them as there Is between a wooden h se painted to look like stone and a solid ne house. Surface -style created principally in the pressing room ut in with the hot iron -It pleases you en you try it ou, but after a couple of aveeks wear it looks as if it had been d wn through a knot -hole. Our styles are designed by e ac- knowledged best clothing design in America. Semi -ready styles are right then we tailor them permanently. Semi -ready style ia built from the foundlation out. Every step in the con- struction is in the hands of expert tailors. The shoulder* are permanently stitch - moulded into shape (see the illustration), not pressed and shrunk by a hot iron only to sag uut of shape after a litUe wear. Every part of every Semi -ready gar- ment is stitcheil into permanent shape. If the least unevenness shows it is ripped and re -stitched, not smoothed over with a hot iron. Every garment is passed by in expert as perfect in shape before goes to the pressers. Semi -ready fit it a certainty. Our plan of physique types cover every clase of figure. Short stouts and tall stouts, sloping shoulders and over -erect, all variations of figure are provided fur irk the Semi -ready plan. These points give you style, fit and comfort -now for wear. Every piece of clotlt that comes into our tailorey has been selected at the mill by Our cloth experts before it iv placed in stock it is tested by the nsost severe tests. Seine cloth men say We are too severe, but we think not, for we put our reputation back of every thread of it when we sew the Semi - ready label in a garment. The silk -sewn seams, the carefully "sedected linings, the perfectly made bUtton-holes, every little detail is rare- fully`watcheil so as to make Semi -ready tailoring, the best produced. You ca"assee the style, fit 71711/ fitness* try • it on -theie, is no guess work -and our guarantee cOvers any possible de - • Next time you are th' king of clothes drop in and see us-ia tice to your - 534 Semi-readyr ing - MclEhN BROS., Agents RUBBER STAMPS At it, same addrees, since HIM. Also Stencils, Steel Stamp", Pries Card out- fits, White Enamel Letters, tie. Write us, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack, 0-1 1-13 King St. West, Toronto. HEADACHE N ell ralgia .11111 Ncrvousne.e cured quickly by AJAXHam., LIAlliNNICADACI1411t AND NCLIFIALtril• GUNK I A ke he:, •nc1 isc. A II dealer, r.r direct front Want Your Business NVe don't. want all of it, but, IWI! want, the• part taint requites gruel hardware. W*- know thrn. are " °there who Nell good hartlware. it we In•li,•ve We timer it decided at smug.. ity that nue sit,.ek is jiret new mut upao-date. We P hed Hard for business hod y o r and got quite a little. In fort We. got about four Notwithetandling this we WILL P1'511 HA if Dellt next year beemise wi. want more. 'We expect to get there by treating everybody feirly, melting hardware that AVI. can guar- ' 10111PL. nnil 'wiling .11.' price FROM Cite:A Plat T1L AN ANYBODY WE SEM. a Ai-LON/4 OF 13)AL OIL 1.1111 PI CENTS. 001 W. Wee J. B. Hawkins 'UHF HARDWARE MAN inowizammammatal FUR , GAPS We've got about two dozen lett, and don't want to carry them over. They are pot high -pricey' caps, but ,Il made frotn well -furred skins, look weli and will give ser- viceably wear. You will never regret laying out the small amount of money they will cost you now. If we were to ,ptrer you 25 • per cent. for the use of some of your money and gave adequate security for.same, would you not loosen up some ?. ' That is exactly what we are 'doing and even a little -better in sotne ca'Ses. Step in and look them Over. McLEAN BROS. Art' Tailors, Clothiers. Furnishers, Ha ers, et c. 'North side Omit Rouse Square, 'Ouderich. The Permanent Style'and Shape of Semi -ready Garments Everyone. wants etyle in his clothes. Some teen say they don't, but they are mistaken. Almost all ready-tnade clothing has style in it. fact, it is style that sells half the ordinary ready-made clothes. But there are two kinds of style - face style and through-and-through tail I style. There is alemuch differ. ence be een them as there Is between a wooden h se painted to look like stone and a solid ne house. Surface -style created principally in the pressing room ut in with the hot iron -It pleases you en you try it ou, but after a couple of aveeks wear it looks as if it had been d wn through a knot -hole. Our styles are designed by e ac- knowledged best clothing design in America. Semi -ready styles are right then we tailor them permanently. Semi -ready style ia built from the foundlation out. Every step in the con- struction is in the hands of expert tailors. The shoulder* are permanently stitch - moulded into shape (see the illustration), not pressed and shrunk by a hot iron only to sag uut of shape after a litUe wear. Every part of every Semi -ready gar- ment is stitcheil into permanent shape. If the least unevenness shows it is ripped and re -stitched, not smoothed over with a hot iron. Every garment is passed by in expert as perfect in shape before goes to the pressers. Semi -ready fit it a certainty. Our plan of physique types cover every clase of figure. Short stouts and tall stouts, sloping shoulders and over -erect, all variations of figure are provided fur irk the Semi -ready plan. These points give you style, fit and comfort -now for wear. Every piece of clotlt that comes into our tailorey has been selected at the mill by Our cloth experts before it iv placed in stock it is tested by the nsost severe tests. Seine cloth men say We are too severe, but we think not, for we put our reputation back of every thread of it when we sew the Semi - ready label in a garment. The silk -sewn seams, the carefully "sedected linings, the perfectly made bUtton-holes, every little detail is rare- fully`watcheil so as to make Semi -ready tailoring, the best produced. You ca"assee the style, fit 71711/ fitness* try • it on -theie, is no guess work -and our guarantee cOvers any possible de - • Next time you are th' king of clothes drop in and see us-ia tice to your - 534 Semi-readyr ing - MclEhN BROS., Agents RUBBER STAMPS At it, same addrees, since HIM. Also Stencils, Steel Stamp", Pries Card out- fits, White Enamel Letters, tie. Write us, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack, 0-1 1-13 King St. West, Toronto. HEADACHE N ell ralgia .11111 Ncrvousne.e cured quickly by AJAXHam., LIAlliNNICADACI1411t AND NCLIFIALtril• GUNK I A ke he:, •nc1 isc. A II dealer, r.r direct front Want Your Business NVe don't. want all of it, but, IWI! want, the• part taint requites gruel hardware. W*- know thrn. are " °there who Nell good hartlware. it we In•li,•ve We timer it decided at smug.. ity that nue sit,.ek is jiret new mut upao-date. We P hed Hard for business hod y o r and got quite a little. In fort We. got about four Notwithetandling this we WILL P1'511 HA if Dellt next year beemise wi. want more. 'We expect to get there by treating everybody feirly, melting hardware that AVI. can guar- ' 10111PL. nnil 'wiling .11.' price FROM Cite:A Plat T1L AN ANYBODY WE SEM. a Ai-LON/4 OF 13)AL OIL 1.1111 PI CENTS. 001 W. Wee J. B. Hawkins 'UHF HARDWARE MAN inowizammammatal