HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-8, Page 61 rel I4a.A1. 1906 i GRAND TRUNK RAIL Winter Resorts in February (itlifornla, .Mexico, Florida, Cube offer attactions•tdifllcnh to find in any other punct of the %%swill. , Delightful. restful, health -restoring climate, luxus- ' hotel. Round trip tourist tickets are on We daily to all southern resorts, 'rhe \lomat. Clemens \liitrrnl Baths and St. Catharines Miu- real' Springs. situated) on .1111' direct line. air celebrated foi curative waters. Try it., ' For tickets and full informa- tion call 4)11 - 1.b.' -r1;14 F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent. Office huue : d::10 u, iu. to 9::il p.tn. JOHN MTRA ITON. I k•lwt .Agent J. D. Mchumid, biett•ie(Pi: senger ' - scnger Agent, Toronto. L J CANADIAN PACS FIC READ ••WP,STERN CANADA" +,•d "BRITISH COLUMBIA" and acquaint yourr•If with the real re.ou... ire. stud poibilltirwuf our imin,'n-.• �Y'ed. .sericulture. Mining. Forestry. Ii.her• int 14am-biog. "FISHING and SHOOTING" aer•Mtiptnhri b)' a ••SPORTSMAN'S MAP.' win ten )ou when' the gr'ale.l game mag I . of 4 lo: Do- minion .10 haat tel and how to "CMALLENOC al Ow ROCKIES' gl r r excellent and Intro+-tte.g informal' 'ream i•rn ing the t engg.rt grandeur of the "i w it x,•rland.f The "NEW I110MWAY to Ups ORIENT" out- line. 0.1...ud cued ell Heat ive lour. to the far- famed artamed FM#I. 1.1,4111 ri1., for the winter month., ••MONTtOAL" and "QUeseC.", hes O(101y lllu.lnitrtl booklet., de.rrlpl t'e tif the tr11m n.rrbl,I furlroroh, of Canada and Malone oenea of earlier da)'.. -.... Any of the above publi.6alton• free on appli- emti.m to your ,Nwrr,4 Canadian I' -wine Agent. lir write t'. fl. roger. 1). 1'. A.. Totunlo. JOSEPH KIDD C. P. H. Agent t: ales i,-1 'PHONE 15 °R 2 w'ar.hon.rt cr. we•it When )•m1 want ( and Yard.) (street and 1 THE HEAT nat 1)11. k 1 u a r e.t CO ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS/;.ON HAND tar All Lott weighed o nlfatthe market •e dew. where yet[ gel AIAAAA�", WM. LEE. Urdets kf at l'. i'. LME.$ Hard marc Store Eta .141r mire. promptly attended to. Coal, Wood and KINDLING FIRST QUALITY Hard Coal, Egg, Stove and Chestnut No. I Red Jacket, Do- mestic Lump, Best Soft Coal in the mar- ket. HEMLOCK and CEDAR SLABS FOR SUMMER USE IAny amount of Hardwood, hest Maple and Beech, cnt and split, ready for the store McEwan's I. Brewster's Millions ii3OgSI. bee, br llfarMrl f. Remo t Compaq By GEORGI. BARR M'CUTCHEON 1 I ICIIA110 4.14LAVLS) is • I HI' sir. ,a l„ 1;0I)I'1►1CH ONTAR•t► •4'•''A '!-.. , .. d j CHAPTER XN \ 11. sprang to the door. It wus h.''ke. OW will you lee good'!" cried.) alai the key was in Subway Keith's Reggie.Wauderpooi toPocket.' With nn impatient .Solani; - as Monty went duw-u the -- lieu be. turntxl and pressed an eletr c e. g;anionwuy. The remark was button, pari-( ly what was 1114'iii 1, for the "It won't ring. Monty," explainer pent 11 r feelings of the entireennpauy Subway. "l'he wire has been cut. were now 1001trrl forth upon the hufor- Now, be cool for 11 minute or two and Mutate young luau. Subway Smith was we'll talk It over." for hanging Mtn to the yardarm, and Brewster stormed for Ute minutes. the deutimintion of the others was 1.o the "delegation" pitting calmly by. derisive that Iteggin sought refuge to smllgug with exasperating couddeu•e. the chart house. Bnt• tate atmosphere At Inst he calmed down and in terms had been materially elea'd, and the ,of reason demanded an explunatiou. leudcrs-•of the mutiny were in a poet- !1e was given to uuderstaud that the lion to go Into executive session and • yacht woukl .all for Boston and shut cousider the matter. The women watt- he would he kept a prisoner for the ed on deck while the nieetiug lasted. entire voyage unless he submitted to. They were unanimous in the opinion the will of the majority. that the affair bad been badly man- Brewster listeoetl darkly to the proc- aged. • - initiation. Ire saw that they had gain- - "They should have offered to stay by e.1 the upifer handl by a clever. ruse and the ship provided Monty would let Mr. that only strategy on his part could DeMille wauage the eruisea' said Miss outwit thew. It was out of the ques- \'alentiue. "That would have been a tion for him to submit to them now concession, and at the same time it that the eoutroveray•bad assumed the would have put the cruise on an 0.o- . dignity of a struggle. uowlcal basis." "But you will be reasonable, won't "In other words', you will accept n yonT said IDeMllle anxiously. man's inyltatlon to dinner If be will "I Intend to fight It out to the bitter allow 'you to order It and invite aha end," said Brewster, his eyes flasldng: other guests.' said Peggy, who was "At present I am your prlaoner, but it quick to defend Monty. Is a long wiry to Bo -.ton." that would be better than For three days and two nights the helping to eat up every bit of food he Flitter atennlet! westward Into the -At- poeisesstd." But Meas \'aientlue al Isntle, with her tetupnrnry owner Ids'k- ways avoided nrgumeut 'schen she ed in him stateroom. '1110 confinement eonld and gave this as a parting thrust was irksumo, but he rather lilted the before she walker away. steelns:ltiutt of being futereettrl In some - "There must ire something more thing resides money. 11e frequently tbau we kuow stout in Monty's ex i-tugM•d to himmulf over the absurdity travagauee." said Mn•, Dan. "ile isn't of the situation. film enemies were the kind of num to wpuutder his last friends, true and devoted: his jit1Mr pettily without having aowetling left were relentlesm, but they were (/maid- to show for it. There must b• metbo.I Prate. 'The original order that he mhuldd In bra madness." beguarded 1.y,one moo was Violated. e has done It for tem." said Peggy. on the first day. There were times Ie bas devoted himself all along to when his guard !limbered at Must ten lrlug 114 a gaol time, and now we are perans mud some of deal server tea show int: our gratitude." , and begged hint to limteu to reason. Further dlse-n.ulon was preveutel by "it la difficult not to listen," hr said the appearance of the consider: ` come •fiercely. -Ira like buldlug a 110111 down millet., and tho whole cotupaur was end then asking him tots' quiet. But summoned to bear be'sj:'i. • red's"• ss wv time as cowing" ehairulsn. 'Revenge . will be hie," exclaimed '•'iVe have found a 'o.t•t:nu or tic', Mrs. Ilan trilgieally. diftcultios." he b•Ipu.. e,NrJ' hl run11• "You might have your terns shorten - iter wire so jubiiaut that 011-ry$wne Iw- col on :matelot oLgool eauiuet if you 'sone hopeful. 'it Is desperate. but would only behave." suggested Peggy. 1 think it will les effective. Monty bur whose reser-.• atria Iwglultiug to sotieu. given us the privilege of Irariug the "Please be good and give til. yacht at any tort where• We .•111 take "1 haven't been happier d�iug the u steamer to New 1-00S.- Now, toy whole cruise," suit stormy. 40u deck suggestion- la fink w.• 'whoa the ,most -1. wouldn't be uotlrel. lint' here .I aro ett•enieut 1.1a..• Yur all of us, and finite the whole thing. l'/.+Ides I ren uhyl,ssly there In nothing quite no.con. get out whenever I feel ae it.' vouletil 114 nn»b011.'"' "I have $1.1500 whi.'Ii says you can't.' "Una 1*31ille, you are quite foolish," said ItoMille, ante \lenity %napped hint oriel her wife. -Win ewer trouteivod rep au eagerly that he misled, ['that you such a ridiculous ,idea?" can't get out of .your own ace.,rd." "Captain ferry has his instructions," • Molly acceded to the eouditiou and continued ltcMilb'. turning to the cap- offered ails on the proposition to the to:n. "Are we not acting along the others, but there were no takers. lines murkisl out by Brewster hie- "That settlers It," he dolled grimly to self?" himself. "I eta make $1.000 by staying '1 will 91111 for Boston if you may the here', and I can't afford to eseaIw." word," said the thoughtful captain. On the third day of Jlouty'm bawls- -But hP is sure to countermand such. omitted the Flitter began to roll heayl- an order." ly. At lint he gloated over the dlscotn- "1fe won't be able to, .'upturn:" oriel fort of his guards. who obviously did not like to stay below. Subway Smith and Brandon were 00 duty mud neither wn9 famous as a goof sailor. When \iont3' lighter his pipe there was con- 'llteruation, and Subway rushed on deck. "You ere a brave man, Joe," Monty said to the other and blew a cloud of smoke in his diroetin,. "1 knew you Subway Smith, who had for some Buie been edger to juin in the can%ereatiou. 'This be a genuine, dyed In the wool mutiny. mud we expect to carry out the original plan, which was to put \lr. Brewster In irons until we are safe front ell opposition." "11e Is my friend, Mr. Smith. and at bast 1t is my duly to protect him Fran any indignity," said the eaptntm stiffly. "Yon make for Roston, my dear cap- tain. and ,we'll elo the eon," said Ie Mille. "Mr. Brewster can't counter- mand your orders unless he sa'P11 you in person. W. II sre to 1t that be• 11119 110 e1110•e to *11111 111 you until we are in sight of Boston harbor." The eaptuin looked doubtful nud shark his head as he walked away. At Iwnrt he was with the mutineer., nod his mind was made up to nssiat thele as long as It wag possible to do so without Vlolutingt lila 01111K11 1011.1 to Brewster. Ile felt guilty, however. In surreptitiously giving the Order to clear for Boston at eleybr•ak. The chief ottl- eier9 .were let into the secret. 1/M the sailors 'were kept in dark111Ma regard- ing the deetinntlon of the flitter. Mont/ 'ry itrewstor'a guests were immensely pl,':tsel with the,.eheuio. rel• Biondi they were dubious &lout the I' I, nntoome Mrs. U:nl regretter her has- ty comment on the plan and enteral into the plot with eagerness. 10 nee cordate' with plans detailed open by the niltIio1'rm, Monty's stateroom d.s.r was guarded through the night by two of the ni'n. The nett morning ns he eln0rgel from 1.tm room lie awns met by Subway Smith and bon b*\fills. "flood morning." wiles his greeting. "ilo 's the weather today?" "stn " nnawere9l DeMllle. "By the way, y ore going to have breakfast In your • un, oil man." lir.wet un.ngoe•tingly led the Way Into his ate room, the two following. "Wbutb tit mystery?" he demanded. "We've bee deputised to do some very nasty wor said Subway ns he turna1 the key 1 the door. "We ere here to tell yoit , hat port we have t incest." \\ "It's aeliall3 good you to tell rne`! "Yes, lent It? Bet a bare studied tip on the'ehlvalrots t . tment of prim• noon. We have decided n ikiktnn." "lt there a iteaton on th aide of the venter?" asked Monty in ani surprise. "No; there is only one Bost -e In the universe. so for as we know. It Is a Tarte body of Intellect ■uniom by the rest of the world." "What are you talking about? don't mean Boston, Mos% Y' end 11 ty, leaping to his feet. "Pred'laely. Tint's the port for us, and you told us to choose for our• Petrel'," said Sniithcmtfteitd, and there wee amllety un- "Well, n"Well, 1 won't have It, Hut's nil"' deorriath Captain ferry's meek of un- exelslrned Brewster Indignantly. "rap- (mews. l)eMtIM and Ur. Lntless talk - lain ferry take. order,. from inc .oil !t1 I. the ae1l.ele,fl wsy men bare from no one else " : when they try to .'nn.•eni their nerr- ll.-p'.t4 of the MWater tit the Inter tor. "Ile *trendy ha. his orders,- said IM. i1.UOMA, But the women did not re - \I1. I'nauth.Hred Imbh,rl hal ofoda nil Mille, smiling my'lerlously. SpsoRd; they were In no mood for con- ,tstsaloon' will not be: mad for. "1'11 see about that." Brewster em'Nt11011. • SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. An) '.en ann,hered ','l inn of Iknilininn Ladd. di Manitoba or the North weal 1'mvinrea- excetn Inlrrf m and Ot. not n•.et ed. toy be bottle. atr*41i t by any petwon elle, I. the .al•' IM.1el of a family, or any male over IS 4040 of ng•', In the eaten, of one-rpinrter wl•rt.m nt lard marc.. 1°0(4 or leets Entry ran''• 1'r node lierwonally at the Ural land nm.r few the di.ttiel In which the Intl dl,mte. or if the hem.e.tead,•r dealer., he may, en application to the 31m b)er of t1•e In,rrtrn, (Wawa. the 0,nun,issioner of Immlgmtlon. Winnipeg. 0r the Irma) agent receive anth,Mty for nom" 01r e0 make entry for 11M. The 1 -.trawler i- required to twit -form the ,mNlll emennneet,d therewith under one of the following pions: 111 AI lomat .1a month.' maldone• ottani end eehlvatlon of *lie land in each )ter five tine years. 111 If the father ,or mother, if the father fade- itmeardi of the hot,Newte',Ier m•M"- „[[14111 s fn14 In ihr t Minify of Llie land enlere91 for the' m 0nit 11100i- as to roaltdem'r tamp lie .Ml.md by an.h ;roar° wwitiing with the father or mother. (3t If the -cutler ha. hl- `erntanenl n'wl,lene 11000 Leaning land ownta by him In the vicin- ity of Ma hmnMead, the requirement, n- to re•1denie may bre wall.aal by re.klrnrr anon the mid land, lib month.' notice In writing -AouId la• OA en to the (,n,nnt.r.inner of I)nudni.. Law1- *t. (Pilaw* ,f inten11ew1-to appiy for 141111.1. w. \t'. 1 (lift'. • e0 Only we of them taus quite oblivious' im't "tell fddlowel mean( but otte tthing. Almost instantly the macUWery 1 o pesmlal dt.fol lit! I gild tClugrr. 'iVas stoiq„`,I nn 0111104Nla allrut•e lu the p•(•g)i; eo•ay was t,hd:le.;; °f the pets• wldst of ihr dull mer of the water awl Boer Ixeluw'. lel a price tWa tit her uwLL the cry of the w'lud. borer she 'p!etured hie crouchltlg to rue little stateroom like a doomed criminal awaiting exet•uliuu, 'low. negle'lei. forgotten. unpltietl. At drat she 'pleaded with the mtu for his ro- leuw•, but they Insisted upon walling 1u: the hops' that a *tore might brlug him to lila reuses. Peggy saw that •uo help was to be -secured from the other wetulyy much 114 they might carr for Hree-Mer's pewee of weld and surety. He• heart was bitter toward every nue reapausible for the situation. end there was dark rehelltuu It cul - 1 her soul. u ilnatel dually iu a resolve to relent,* Monty Brewster at uny cost. With difficulty she made her way to the stnteretom door, (Hoping to sup- ports at tines and then ltluugiug CIo- lenity away from them. For some minutes she listened, f1'antieally clutch - log ltrewster's door nod the wall rail. There ecce no guard, and the tumult of the sea drowlted every sound .with - hi, Her ininginath.y ran riot when her repeated caths were not answered. "Monty, Monty she cried, pound- ing wildly ou the door. "Who Is it? What fa the trouble?" emote in muffled tones from within. and Peggy br'athel a prayer of thanks. Just then alir dlacoveled the key wbleh Monty had dropper and quickly open- ed the door, expecting to find him cow- ering with fear. But the picture• was. different. The prisoner was seated on tbs. divan, -propped up with malty pil- lows ilolows and rending with the old or so electric light "The Intrusions of Per sY." --- . iUnity bleu et rtoud rel a)nnke 111 hp d1- , rot 1014. would stick tn.your post-,T.nl wouldn't leave it Veen if the ship should go down." Brat;,lou hod reached the stage where be dared not speak and were hu93'iug himself trying to "breathe with the mo- tion of the boat. ma he hod called 1L "Hy Jove, continued Monty relent- lessly. "This stroke is getting thick. Some of this toiletwater might help 1f 1 sprinkled It about." one whiff of the sweet smelling cologne ens eternal' for Bragalou and be bolted up the comlnutioiway, leav- ing the 'stateroom door wide Open and the primmer free to go where he pleas- ed. Mouty's first 1mp1114P w•as 10 fol- low, but be checked himself ou the t breshobl. "Ilallg that bet with DeMill.," he snit to himself, and added aloud to the feeing guard; "They key, Joe -1 dare eon 10 come back and get Ib:" Hilt Bragdon was beyond recall and Monty Melted the door on int' Weide all mused the key through the ven- tilator. On deet *small part of the company braved the arty ID the lee of the deck Morse, but tie others bad Inuit sinew gone below. The boat was pitching furlong* he the wgllsst ISS It had en rifAi"rl>n XXVIiI.. ..y IIt" ens reggy's only ezela- ventlun and them' was a siadowl of disappointment. Inher Pyem. '•4'4111,". in. 1'egtty. And I'll rend aloud." w•a.••M•ylty'e cheerful ;;re•tluaa as he stoat! before I, 'r. slide ynd go spl'awling. "No: 1 wrist go." sold 1'e .,,• 4,0D' (so as cowriMDED.) The First Blot/trio Troia. The earliest puddle triol of a purlieu - ger boat driven by tin electric motor was that conducted by I'rofiessor Ja- cobi of Rt. Pettersiit'g lo the year 1S;is, though for four years prcviatoily he had eucessful experimented w-llh electric traction �11 the privacy of Ills own /rowels. The triol of Jacobi's *Pms1'1 tack phew nu rho Neta and Rt.' . 1 • it cn9t crowd of etre•.swl I Speople The blurt was twenty-eight feet long 1111.1 leu fent wide and carried fottrte'u pe,'sons,. It was not until four yearn later that we find nn3: reeor.1 of a passenger ear, Tinge driven h3• eleeetricity ou hand. and in This case the knceutn'r wus ,ilex, i der Davidson of Edinburgh. The car ridge was sixteen feet long by seven feet wide and wag impelled for a tulle and a half at the rate of four wiles au hour ou the Edinburgh uud Glasgow railway, The Baser .f floe Sheep. Amoral; the stypsie•a lit Bosulu there is a curious game called "the game of the sheep." You know they skltt a sheep or gout hl the east by dragging the skin off wrote over dna bend. This skin the DoMltinos drip and grease most care- fully. Then they tie up the four legs and the (neck and blow it full of air, aro dolt It looks like a very greasy, badly shaped sheep. This is thrown in the middle 'uf a ring, and each man In tura Jumps on it. with bare feet until one sueensis in bursting It. The lucky one then Rets a purse. Such a funny sight as 1t is to see them jump and sprai•1, for of e'(turae if they do not strike It at just the right :Ingle. tit* on the greasy surface as If 1t were a toboggan [lewdly. "f thought you might be Plates. nervous about the atunu=and"-- Individual plates fur table use were And you came to let ole oil?" Mon- Unknown to the ancients, who ty had never he•n'eu happy. their meat in their lands or employed "Yee, and 1 don't care what the oth- erm'tiay. I thought you were suffer- ing"- But at that mmueut the boat gave a lurch which threw her across the threshold into Mouty's arms. They, et:ashed neeinst the wall, and he held her a moment and forgot the storm. When she drew away from hint she allowed him the open door and free- dom. She email out speak. "Where are the others":" he asked, braving himself to the doorway. "Uh. Mouty." she cried. "we must not go to.theml They will think me a trustor." 1 "Why were yon a traitor. Peggy?" be dew:oudet, turning toward Iter sudden- ly. "Oh -oh, because It seemed eo cruel to keep ,you locked up through the 0 orin," the answered, blushing. "And there was no other remain'?" he p erseiteil. - -Don't, please don't!" 111P cried pite- ously, and he misunderstood her emo- tion. it was clear that she was merely sorry for him. "Never mind, Peggy. It's all right. You stood by me, and 1'11 stand by you. Come on; we'll face the mob, and '1'11 do the fighting." Together they made their way Into the presence of the mutineers. who were crowded Into the main cabin. "Well, lucre's a conspiracy:" cried Dau LeMllle, but there was no anger In his voice. "How did you escape? I was just thinking of unlocking your door. Monty, but the key seemed to be missing." Peggy displayed It triumphantly. "By Jove!" cried ban. "This Is rank treachery. Wbo was on guard?" A steward rushing through the cabin at this moment In answer to frantic cane from Bragdon furnished as elo- quent reply to the queatiou. "It was nimplP:' said Monty. "Tbe guards deserted their Trost and left the key beblud.' "Then It is up to me to pay you $1.100." "Not at all," protested Monty, taken aback. "I did not "'escape of my own accord. I had help. The money L yours. And now that' I am , free," be added quietly, "let me say that this boat does not go to Boston." "Just what 1 expected.!" cried Van- derpool. "She's going straight to New York!" declared Mout j'. The words were hard- ly tittered when a heavy sea sent him sprawling across the cabin, and be con- cluded, "or to the bottom." "Not so bad as that," said Captain Perry, whose entrance had been some- what hastened by the lurch of the boat. "But until this blows over I must keep you below." He laughed, but he saw they were not deceived. "The sees are pretty heavy and the decks are being bolystoned for nothing, but I wouldn't like to have any of you washed oyer - board by mistake" The hatcher were battened down, and It was a' sorry company that tried to while away the evening to the main cabin. Monty's chatting about the ad- vantngos of the North cape over the stormy Atlantic was not calculated to ralse the drooping spirits, and It was very early when he and his shattered guests turned In. There was little sleep on board the Flitter that night. Eren If It bad been easy Jo forget the danger, the creaking of the ship and the Ineessant roar of the water were enough for wakefulness. With eaclg lurch of the boat it .seemed more In- •credlble that It could endure. it wan such a mite of • thi.,g to meet so tort- en* au attack. Through the night the trestle little craft fought Its lone- ly way, bravely Ignoring its own weak- ness /1 1141 the Iudnite strength of Its en- etay. '1'o the captain, lusher to the bridge, there were hours of grave nus- lety--bonrs when be feared eneh wave as it apprnachedl and w,ndereil what mew do/maw. It tied done ns It reee,lPr1. As the wind Inerensed tnw,t,I morning he felt a elekeuing certainty that the brave little trent was ',semen. Somehow. alio seemed to Kron eourlge. to water a bit and almost give up the fight. file weto'heeel her miserably it. the dtuI1 l dawn CI 010 1111 out of the sem. Yet 11 waft not until 7 o'clock that the crash name which .hook the passengers nut of their berths and filled) them with shivering terror. The whirling of the broken shaft seemed to 5•0111111 MP the ah1p. In every cabin it .poke with horrible vividness of dl.mater. The clamor of voices aid the nob of m*u the fiat wheat,ni coke* thea made on which to hold their victuals. They are Ilrat mentioned in A. 1). 000 us need by the luxuriouM on the continent, and in the.uinlit century they hail 'cisme into common else both in England and o0 the continent. They were made of Wood or some kind of earthenware, the former material being preferred be- cause it did not dull the knives. Tee Saterualla. The saturnalia was a midwinter feast of the Homans lU bouor' of Sat- urn. beginning on Dec. 17. On this oc- casion great license was given to every one to do whit he pleased, and even' the slaves were permitted much liberty of speech and action. All work was suspended, the houses and temples were decorated, .'ougratulations were exchanged and presents sent as with us at Christmas. Better Be Careful. A o,ortiug paper recommends a cer- tain way of avoiding the bites of at dog, however savage. Ail one has to do Is to 'stand perfe jly still and hold one's hand out. 111e dog, says the writer, will take the band into his mouth, but will not bite it. But what guarantee have we that the dog knows this? -London 6101i4). ' Dtfereweea of Ofdalaa. "Women are hand to understand," weld tie tallow philosopher. ^NI at all,' answered Mr. Meekton. "Henrietta has never yet spoken her mind to me without making herself perfectly clear. Deemed. De Witt -So you sow me strsling a kiss, eh? rpton--I did, and I roll it larceny. De Witt (ecstatically -Par- don me -grand lareeny. WINTER FOOTWEAR MUST GO l'or the next ten days we are going to clear our entire stock of felt ootwear at . o per cent. discount. l he following list contains some you. Men's Felt Shoes. 1).aMgtihl fixed with bother' soles it114 heel►, Ili all oiaea It o 1 front . t I I Women's Slippers. The remainder ire 11111' a11N k 111 w 'm's_ fancy htyiioe .slippers roust go. of the good things we have to offer Aden's Felt Boots. 1)1' the Best Inakoa and teethes. \Ve have a good) es - ',moment 1 let you will be wise to secure pair. vt Ire rt Woman's Felt Shoes. \V.' 11/.1'0 04 large ,tssurtutt•ut oLLi ae goods; to..lh light ,and Ilea' weight. dioses' and Children's 'tippets and Am.,. arc u this list, and include it y of style,. to shop that -will add to your Men's Felt Shoes. With heavy felt wars and fel heris. Just the thing .to wear 1 al' under is, pair of our uvea shoes, I v Cone early and you Will aTe • n• comfort. WM. Sri tRMAN Cor. East St. and Square Godertch, Ont. S �� Moos :rose. Farmer Hyer--How mneli milk doth your Pow give? Farmer Myer --She e . -Destro ori', Ten got to take It The Source of Neuralgia. It Inns hand in . hand with poor blood and weak nerves. `Health runs down. nerves get irritable, neuralgic torture follows. For the moment ap- plications may relieve -butt to thoroughly cure, the system must he streegthened with nutritious Mond. What ran piped Ferrozone:? It in - rictuses the appetite, forme ahundnnce of rich, lite -giving blood. %implies nutriment and building material for worn -tint nerves. Ferroi11ne 00111- pletely cures neuralgia. Every rnnt ,nil branch of the absence it kills. Absolute success in every case. Stop Buffering -fifty cents buy% Ferrozone. Fifty ch(nolate-coated biters in a box at any dreg stole. --mea Luigs" - " P.vculxs" has restored thousands of people to buoyant health and strength whose condi- tion had been regarded as hopeless. it is at once a tonic and flesh builder, Containing remarkable properties as a blood L,urifier and gennicide. '`1 it will strengthen and heal the weak lungs, force out the phlegm, and drive away the cough, no matter of how long standing. " PSvcniMe." ton up the whole system and drives out disease, heals the decayed tissue and restores lost energy. its use daily will preveet and wart off that most subtle disease consumption. GREATEST OF ALL TONICS (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) A.L DRUCCISTS SRI DOUAR hill TRIAL DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited .470 sing K w• Tereab. Osw*ds TIMM 33ISSI7LIa Shasta. 3. !, and t banes. Tho only Disk that does Twits 11. Mork while half easier os barns --a Record 4.1 ajuallM by anything oleo Lt.lt for cuntrati.ag. A autress for mak- ing weed lard sa i'a11 ?lowed lama. For aumsaer Fallow. or amiable Moles after harvest. look for the name r• BIS NELLNome gu•nn,na without it. Yoe title by Agents aad Manufactured by A T. E. BISSELL, ELO11A, ONT. [ 33 J Drops poen card for Booklet " L - "Maple Leaf Rubbers" = re made of pure Para„ rubber, are wet -p oof, neat, perfect -fitting and lasting. EveryRrubber has a Maple Leaf . branded on the sole, and this bran' is our ,guarantee that the rubber is per in every way. a } Insist on your dealer giving you x Made for every purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies', men's and children's shoes. moi. Parnell's Volt ran get it Ire.h at your door every day. Is kneaded by atm lun- er) from the highest grade Manitoba ROUT and the purest yeast Made by the Largest bakers In Canada. P. T Dh;A1J YOUR POPULAR IIROCER. AGENT .' 4IthtbtbththththtIJtWtli1Ii i1ut6tlnbtbtMtlrtbllrtLtlr IKNOS j'or choice quality of tont', durable ac - 3 do and stylish cages' Winner of gold la. wed at Paris World's Nair and other -go"at iii rtes. Call on or write to \%'leen levying a piano consider the merits of the famous Int Newcombe Piano! O HOARE, County Wholesale and Retail Manager DISTRiBIJTING CENTRE k ,TTTT"I TT^ivtli iftwt nMfTm^fwiwfvf TTT!1! AT CLINTON, ONTARIO