HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-8, Page 44 liOYSDar,'Feb. 8 lig 6
wlk1. Id view of the. fact that the prvr
mater( had nhwady expended con -,
money. perhaps the town'
Iwould it: ue t• -this 111 time of the pre-
Mud luuy toile -meets Mr. K1llatt
thought the scheme war one that
ptruuiwd great tbinge for the devrlop-
went of Ol,dericle and 441 Id lie sup
ported. 11e would like to 'e' some -
guarantee that the power would b•
urdd for 1 he ire elopurtit of Goderich
and reit treul44mitted to Stratford or
Loudon, but said of coons such poi -
visions conk! he made when the c
rely 4,p cried for a guarantee of bootie.
later. Dr. Holmes &.id 1 he -town w PA
1111t't1) intrrest1.d 111 It 1*igre•xtent fu
the scht•i ne, toeing ,t large user of
'tower. at. well lis indirectly interested
111 the hook ue cheap power would
goer to i4),u►tial develop cul. Oti-
e•1'+ 114111 been wade from outside. pian•+
to the pis mutters. but the iulentioi1
oil. to utilize the power for, 14x111 re•
gariremenls as far .es 1 11911 w:w an
demand.' The cost of the Irgirhtlio
asked would be For Iutp a $1:11.
Councillors EIliutt and -Y g moved
to grant the request and their notion
A letter was received from Che
1•;Irvat .r Company. rllt•Ip1111g its
solicitor's opinion that the l' Ira
4as not liable for lousiness .tasessulel
under the terms of, the exemption
gragteed by the town. The collectorex-
plaained 1 hat there was evidently a nlit-
uwleest:u1ding. as the Company was
. purged only with school (44x4,.` 1'he'
let ler %vim referred to t he Cow it solicit.
for report
A letter front J. M. l'nrutlf.od asked
the town to melte arrAmg41114nt8 for
drainage in his locality. There wits
2i levet (41 watet•in his cellar since the
Iasi thaw. and he did not want t11
h:1 v.• to 11.11111 111 legal pnro•e4'.
• The mallet was referred to the
public ,.
i U IIc NI lkN 1'111111111t1ae.
A letter re • the Pae'kard Electric
('o. as to the repair of al Wagner
traosfurmrr. 'which Mr. Kelly ex -
relented was burner out by lightning a
Mewl time ago, was stent l4) she water
and Tight committee. •
M. O, Johnston, secretary 4)f the
forted of health. gav a ropy of the res.
°lotion adopted by th limos!. eve -
mendi.rg the enunci1.10 Hake 884.7*ngt•-
men t s (fir a proper place Where pat lents
suffering 1141114 infectious 4)l•rontag'
diseases might be taken.
This woo: teferel b) the relief e
R. C. !I tinning). remotest to be a1
lowed to° 14.11meve at poplar tree t4
1)14lIk street was granted. and the\tee
sn114'al of It couple of dead Inas natal
the organ factory and of a hag (1)41
tree • /
l e . n 'I'rafal lar strri•t which g hu•h h:
leen ' de:ed to several yev►r.. wit
authorized. the ntidle works emu
millet. to have thr supwrcision.
Wit). Pruellfteit. K, l'., wrote u ging,
the coot (i10 e e
I ta4 steps n
tt have s 1 n
large appropriation (or the outside
IxY•akw:4*(4 placed in the original es
(invitees to he )1't'MPntell at the cumin`
semsauu .of t'a1•llament. ,as it wits much
easier t) *slue a. good eppl14priatlon
that way than if the matter wits Heft
to g4) in the supplementary estimates.
'1'h.• .IH)1)r anti ('uuoc•illor Elliott
were authorized to solanum irate with
the member for the riding iti the
Thr finance committee tecoiulnended
I is tient of the following accounts
%Pan. Marrow; $2 ; H. 1. lima -isle, *222')
and $2:Ro1148 t Elliott, 1111.16: Natiuna
1'at•loon 1'it., fii11 : Hobert 14.111111*. $I► :
Noreuan Mei El8•; Canada Gen-
eral Kle(ti-i. 1..1.. $1. IN : and femme -
mended Hurt the !natter of collet:tion
of arrears 4)t' local inlprra•elnrut rates
be referred to the molicitot• for report.
A li-t .d the.lnpaid pixel. for Hata '14
and ')*r, sulmlitted Ii)' the collector, ac-
panied therepon•t.
Tile report was adapted.
1'he••puhlie works enminitte•a• 1•er,xu-
'Mended that tenders be risked. for
heating the town - hall : that any
)wr.4(11 4)r 11)r4sofm found . wit hin the
44th haat unit gerunds without good
reason or Lound injuring the property
of (11.• agricultural ground,. be prose-
cuted anti that notices 4tfe1•ing $.1
I4w•ae11 for each conviction 1e p»)steel :
that the mattl'r of wtorl11 (IllInage b•
pe1-redel with ,444 emit: as po smibte :
that thee wagon a11.1 suitable
(Nixes be procured for lise••'111 howling
tinders : that those having pe•pert4'
.in the Square. H: 'It.n street and
%Vest. oat vet to the pxl,toftlee he n'-
qurmLarl 111 kerb the maim .h,)vpllw1
off the sidewalk-. in feint ,.f their
lespeetiv.• plates.
The repos ens ain ,1411.
The water and light r, 'Or"
tee •1141.11 that 1 he a.'rn1111t
against the public library far elecirie
light on the Hat 1111r 1M IPI 49..41 1n
proteirtipti far the time from .1 • eery
27th to Manch 1st: that no ' •pian
be taken on li,.• application Of .. rw1pli
r -
••p, rave ..• tors aaetl►.rA
The World's Greatest Investor
. The Vdritht hundred or more patel1ts , redited to Thoflas A. Edison means
one for every Pi rep week, of his tiftt•eight yeani, and even, this calculation
to unjttet to hls`,meehenb-al fienilt4, f it does not include hi`s many'invcn-,
tions which never ventured into the pt .II•ily that patents demand. '
This wizard of Invention was a ala 1 of precocity. Born at Alva, Ohio.
he had only one ter her -ala mother: at en he' ber•anie a wage-earner; at
eleven he w' e•reaiiir .ewton'at "Princlpi "; at twelve he with a newsboy on
the Grand Trunk itai!v ny, and in. an imp vise.' laboratory fn the baggage
car he began to babble la ehemisty. A hrn Pn bottle of sulphr,ric a,•id flied
the air with an odor Oat was siuspeal:ah►e, nd the erne) kande .of the eOn-
ductor registered his disapproval by a brutal low on the Par of the young
disciple of mamas which Blade him deaf for I e. '
HP soon learned t.'.+graphy and became so expert that the matt rapid
operators on the line could not rattle him fly t sir fiercest screed. and. all
taken down In his small, clear. copper -plate w ritin He ..howed then the re-
markable ab'lit:• to meet any situation instantly and perfectly. When • he was
In Canada. and the terrible storms eat off all teleara hie eommunleatinnsand
it was necessary to get word to Sarn14'r, an American own arrosx•the border,
he mounted a locomotive and "tooted" a telegraphic m scat a again and again
until the answer came.
His first parent was for a machine for r41nrding\votes for the State
Legislature. It worked perfectly, but If was the very th'ng the Legislature
most cordially did not want. In the.gamo-yeor he went it New York friend-
iesu(. penniless. In debt, hungry. fnnesm-e and heart -weary a times. but with
eyes w1 e opQn for chances. TP taws Gold Reporting that reported
stock tran aetlops,
had an areldent that put 4'I its machin y out of .coria."
mission. Wall ,t re4't patrons fretted. rhofe, Rrew fre
nitrd at the delay.
Young Edison diagnosed the difficulty, treated it instantly. an Wag at once
known and recognized , A short time later lee had a Wain eek In his
pocket for a troll: ticker he invented Then real life iegan for h .--
To tell of his Inversions in a few lines is like seekingto r ndense a
Ilhrary into an epigram: but mention must are Blade of multiplex le egraphy,
incandescent eteetrle lighting. the'nhonograeh, moving Pictures. th mit-ro-
' phone. the tadmeter, the ndornscnpP, electric pen. Ma sterage bathe v, the
megaphone, which 1144+ faintly suggests a host of others.
an•ml• -slier h. a.• - (•1., ..'4l nal, n.•4. u,114•..1. lea, a, w", Neb. ..,k• twr.rs•,. 1,r .rr•.IIN
Steps Taken Towards Securing Ap-
propriation for Outside Breakwater.
To Ask L.pslature for Power to Guarantee
Bonds of Ms,tland River Power Co. More
Request• for Street Lights - A..ebsor
Campbell Reappointed -An Objection tp
Councils Action Regarding Changes At
the Harbor A Belated Letter on Water
. Supply -Another Lona Session.
• The' WWII (4)(18411 seems to have
lulaptc'd 11 p. 4)l. ah the regeletion
hour for erasing its meting, the fort-
nightly session 14wt Friday again eon -
eluding Only a few minutes before
that s All the members were
present 'with the exception .4)f Mr.
A letter ffr)nl A. 1l. Tadd, chairman
.iif the con maittee ai1'anging for the
muting of the Grand Orange Lodge
of Ontario West i4) Goderich on
Match, asked for the ala' of the Lown
hall for the gathering ars the "mut
house was not obtainable owing to the
aesizes (wing held .411 the same t'
The request was granted. • .
A circulate f11n11 the Union of t'ana-
dign Municipalities asked the town to
join the Ameuciation f4.• the year. And
called attention W the advantage of
union in opposing frauu•hise.•gr1hlers.
. The cost of membership would be
about iglu tura toWn 1111- eixp of Gode-
rich. Goderich wam a ine,,lwr list
year but the council took no action.
for the present year:
A request for the placing of a street
Tight at the raid !wart of (1loeceste•
terrace near the railway bridge was
signed by residents of the locality, awl
Walter Sind) and John Sands, who
were present. spoke in support of the
resquest, calling attention to the dark-
ness of the Locality, thea t 4)1
11'4(mc along the terries. and th.•
danger of driving in the (leek with
the .edge of t he 814 e1 bulk sit near. and
t4) the fait that the lorali*v wits being
build op considerably. Conn(ll-I
Elliott spoke in support of the grime -
Mng of the request, as this WAN 31 n.el)_
14br1-. anld nn his Inotaotl, 'ecu11d411 1.)•
r. Of /141 the leglt.•44t 4,n
ranted a minima 4'
g u ,, o hu 4)l uf1Ot•4sl by
%Ir. Clark, :,'.king the engineer to re -
MIA as to 1114' roll, finding 1111 err-
under. TIP: light will he :14) ill/u)11.1-
A similar epplicetion, tot a, light n
Trafalgar street, midway be -tweet'
Virtu.•ia and. North streets, %v8' barge
Iv signed. and H. 1'. Stunning. and A.
M. T,d.1 spoke in its smp)ort, Mr.
Todd also ceiling attention to the nerd
of repair.. G) the sidewalk. The einem
eilloi.. felt 1h:l the light )houl/l he pal
in but thought it 44,44 terse 111 1.111 a
halt id granting such p, titian' nnlil
general depart on the nerds of tile
whole town should be revived, ,old
the request was laid aside in the 114••aln-
tine. air. Clark said there W1•11. 1141' -
haps a dmtrn petitions• that had *oven
laid amide+ last year. which rightfully
should Mein.. before this, one, and the
clerk maid There were -11mlre petitions
in 111r MI1)•111 ,)f pe'paration.
• A letter. signed by Kvangr*ia gad
Thomas D. Hawley, asked the c •n1
reconsider the reel lntion passed at
the Ignt.meet ingatit hori,:in4 the diming
up of (14441)1)1 lane end the opening -of
W tet• lade, on the ground that it diff
not plieltly eno.e4h pr',)4ida• that the
(Welt & O.drr•ieli Hallo my should
pay th il'tluaga•s whirl) would be
4ustxifre r hf4• the writers
letter sta('s f tie writers haul legal
advice that the town (-Mild riot Orange
the week o larlwfr mtn•f•t, nor close
up Harbor Imre, ' extend Water
Mane without becoming liable for full
compensation to, the (mewls of a11-
je.(•.•nt property hie n11 damages( : that.
the resolution authorizing the dowing
of Harbor lane and opening of Water
lane, was illegal and void. The
write•re thought the railway c(rtnpeny
ahonld have leen required to tender a
bond for, say. $lan,llm, to rescue. the
town. The Hawley,. are owners of a
,onsidereble moment of property in
the locality. 1'he mwrlution nn q,Irs
tion was referred t, the town solicitor
to lar 4f it sufficiently peotr•Irl Ir
the town. '
1'. H. Husk ,41.1114'. rw le,sing m Irate
from the .1ohn '41rlNnegall 1'41481.mM
Iron \Ptak. Co., Ltd.. of Montreal.
Inpondn4to els of Water filters. to
a hu111 Mr. Huse . had submitted a
sample of the water jet (:Iglrrieh,
Extracts. from the letter are ses fol-.
lows : "We had the sample til water
analyzed with -4I isf aetory results.
Thele i' no a)nr.tiou Nit this seater
ran 111• filtered sat i'fa(torily, *114.- only
question is One a, 111 1 hi• size 4)1 the
filter plaint and the relative degeee• of
efflcien.y I(1(11•rll. We uu(s4.14el.
feel that a pressure filter win1141 boast
suit the requitement,, fix- it can 1e
minors -tea right up between the pres-
ent l ps and rutin 4)11 1fry-11A44x, w,
that it can lie disconnected during tire'
service 4)r at any time it is required to
b• examined.•• A wnnewhnt letter
em1-sen,y could be gotten with the
open dr gr(4')1)' type of filter, but
(linable pumping would be require.' :
that is, you would !rave to pump the
water from the well or intake into the
open filter. the filter delivering tittered
water int.) the else• water basin, feint
which another set of pumps would
deliver it intu,th4' mains.'" '1111' letter
gave the COAL of the- app arahts neces-
sary and ofinstalling it, 11111 ((in-
s ludr•.F 11.14 follows : "If satisf•u•tury
samples of local '811441 Could ix• pro-
cured the a(wN•e Wier. 1.4111d I»' r11t-
sidet•:4MI1' ImxliH.•d. 1'sniall v' w4' im-
port a pedal grade of .yta tz '111111,
4.141(11 is sn•e•ned and graded. which
is very expensive. and for which it
good deal of (14.44(10 has to 1x' in-
dented." •
This ettttt111(llieatl,)n wet:l sent to do-
wnier end !inlet c11nnuittee.
The town xniirilnr sent in a 'draft
for a new lova! ilnpnry meat billow,
whirl) was sent tio the publil• work).
c1nl)u ittee. This emitter•, it appears,
Mut 1.411 standing settee hist fall. awl
the old bylaw is said to be in very NO
The too ti :*Ai, itol .Ilxeo furtiebel :a
list of five etei tgagee held by the
Standard loran 1'..., which (oul)llied
with the stet ll more rerplrernl/ 111.. 1
S • of the 1111' t4441)er mature in th4' r
near (uU111•. 1174(4 n 11.114.W/I1 w,11)1.1 Is' h
probable. The 111. tler was referred to r
the Meanie (nnln•e e4'. . K
I he 41144s(1,in oft r sale" of the sone• n
11111• 11111(1, 4141411 141+ 111 take•'phiee ,)
the following day. 4v x brought up by r:
a letter f • the tow( xolirjtor. The tr
ante* rates dor, *I1.3 elected.. light
rale,. dor, *21.I.!. ane taxes dor, 441
*7N,7:.,were etales. t1ir 1 of the ince it
(eels ..f .•
.f (he•fn i'
In h t
i1 r
tinder the plover of sale tithe mo re -
gage me which the sale ' 11P 1nkiug
plate. The town 'ton11(1 see 1 hst
these were paid .fht of thee) eras of tf
x4)(1► Pale 111 .dukes not to incl Ilse the , to
1uoolinl against the land ,tn. build-' at
dugs, The ins111YlI»'e•, paid by the e
town, a11wun/Mug to *1.i2, was I. Ilw't•
able not of the ea le of the *uildin a
The Mayor raid some arrange' rat t
t he made to',roust. the tow ,'m 1
01 1/11.S1 1(1)11 1)144,) VP 19111•1111 a hit re a
that arrangements ((1)4111 be m:1de t) a
kelp the furnishings in the hmaldia , P1
1s •r. they were re'rnnved i1 Haight (ti
b• mime time heftier, the lou abling se
would be n'furnishol. Thr ' matter 1
Wets left in the hands of the finatwe
1' ' '1•, to met in cnnfnnrtion with -
the solicitor and r.)lle,tut•.
The tax eollertor reported the small le
ext are.%reg•. of taxes that ever ea-
lated ad (leis time of year and said he r
had seem every inelividnnl in envois h
He Woe (ulher•irAvl to continuetie
('olletioh of taxes, with am little i ay
gm rlssible, up to lMue11 2n(1.
A letter from Ila•. R'..1. it. i flnms,
on behalf of the ataitland rive+ twiner
d4v4lopltm•ot mr•hr1(11', eekw1 1111. 1111111 -
ell to take the steps item -wary to hav-
ing 11 bi11 prised at. the coining 44444»'
Of the Iae•gi44Iatun•. esrthorizing the
town 19 guarantee• the bomb. of the
propx»w'll ponlpany to gn amount not
exceeding $15►,IIm, 1)r. Mame,. oma
heard in support of the "."mesa Anti
explained that. fhr emoted would in
no WAN be committing itself in grant-
ing it. The idea wan nitnply that
the town iihm,ld obtain the 11P11,14
wiry Legislative menet ion to any guar-
antee it night wird' to make later.
Asked as 111 who world pay the cwt
of s4'euring the legislation 14 . llolnies
M1'. Campbell waw present during I
the diacuwkm. The motion fur his re-
appx,intiuent seas - carriwl without
opt o rel t lull.
The council then adjourned.
Several Buildings Destroyed or Darn-
. aged - List of the Losses.
Itiplry, Fell. I. purr broke out at)*
ticlxk 1hlr warning nu the Shelton
block un.Quet•l 'tree*, c plele•ly de-
stroying it ,old the contents, and
►pleading Westward to' (8,. McLe11-
nan's office, thence to the offices o1'
Augur Martyr and McKenzie &
Marlyn. The origin of the Ills Ir .un-
known. The following is a list 4)t'
*4)4484.44 a+ (a1' rw eau Ir• asocrrtainwl :
John Shrltt,tt--d(wr, $1,1$41 ; iluureti1
for $8*1) is the Gore Mutual. Janie.
Smith, butcher --lino, $Itll: 4)u instil..
twee. Angus Maestri. tharbers-118.,
$113 : 'no insurence. ll ilium k lie-
l'teight•. agents -roe4., d:Gi ; no 1118111 -
nu re. McCornnick Manufacturing
4' Pauly -lose, $151: Mollrane*. 1111.
known. Dr.. ;1lclw•n14au lose, Cato :
no insurance. Angus llartyn. town-
ship clerk and insurance agent -- Lies.
$5441: iu4uraure, $'273 in the lluanlian
lusue(1le'e Comp/tray. 'rhe Ripley
public library -Iota, $,'1 4* : covered b).
Ilrlll•nllce in the (1144/1' n Fire ('l)11.-
pa11), J. B. Martyr loss about ease
coveted by in4ululce i4) the Perth
:Mutual e n d Metropolitan. Mc
n. Kenzie & vii - loss, $.ill; 4)o
insurance. 'W. N'. (:lass. tailor _lo..
unknown. Jacob Gates, 4h.w111eke-
loss. $111► : coveted by hnsuranee in
the Perth Mutual. ''John Putland.
prup•ietor of the Royal hotel, deni-
er(., to bares and sheds logs not
known : Metered in the Gore Mutual.
Philip Blitzstein, damage to were-
leotisiei-)04:44 about $111) : no insurance.
1'Hlt l'ANAUTAN (1n.'1•lil(• .- Th i 1
publication is now being healed use
weekly and should till it want in i'ana-
diap literature. A g the eentrih-
lame. who have been engaged by the
publishers are 4 u 4' II well-known
444)14811 1144 J. l'a.1411 Hopkins, H. F.
(iada*y, 1V. R'ilfrIsl Campbell. W. A.
Fraser lend .I.. alacdonmId ()airy. And
44, • of t'n1uu1H s hest il*uste oto s And
cartoonist,. wi11 assist in the pno-
dauetion of the paper. The subscrip-
tion !nice is $2.10a year.
Feiner -sea' CANADIAN \Lal:.'z,Nly,
1.Ih4'te are some tralurrs in the Febr,•
, ('anal
h . ti) Canadian Jhagnzinr which will
'u. ify at
rt tr114ion. The most T 4 t sxet•,r-
J to
s Idler of the84 is o wt•rir8 of photographs
_ Hoekv -:Mountain wild dowers run-
tr"hutetii by Julia W. Henshaw'.
'Phaco• %%cele taken .0 high altitude.
around H:ueff andField1a
4)d are won.
dee wily well '10ne. Albert K. Car-
man has A or -II -illustrated Article on
••Wmll Paintings in Europe." showing
whet may be dine to. decorate the
corridors of public buildings. The
leading literary 4untribution is an
Article by Pro(essoi• G»Idwiu Smith e/4)
**English Poetry and English His-
tory'.hnw-ing1( how the Poetry of the
-various periods has ronformcnl t4) the
contemporaneous phases of national.
life. Professor Keys runtt•ihattas' A
valuable essay, entitled "Canadian
Monographs on .Eriglie•h Latenitlu•A,"
i revir4 erg the win k- of Crozier, Ars
(144441111. Schofield, Fairchild, and Wal-
lace 1111111.4. none to.: well known. yet
tbask• of Canadian *Medals who hent•
won 'ecegnilion aliened. 1118 short
stnrirs by W. A. Ferber and Virne
Shrum( are excellent, while the de-
partments are filled with suggestive
11uee•rm i. Iran (irehenab conu(481 4
on '•What NV •n Fear" show 11(ne
than ordinary ability to estimate
human chara(ter rue it manifests it-
self in this rolntt•y, •
But Since He Cured His Kidneys With
Dodd's Kidney Pills He Feels Lake a •
Young Man.
trlulie Siding, Kent Co.. \. If., Feb.
5th. --- ISp ectal, I - After forty yeare4
I suffering from kidney thermic, ('alixte
Ri,•hnnl, the .w,•II-k11uwn justice of.
the peace here. is fully recovered.
14,x1(1 m Kidney Pills robed hila and he
is not 441ow 111 girt. there the reedit.
"Yea," says Mr. Richard.- "1 had
kidney tronbll• o.'r forty yetis with
the remelt that I was a wino -out man
at me%ei4(y-IWe. Then 1 started to
take ihdd's Kidney Pi1144 And the i*.
salt is that. I arc a heelthy moa and
,able to work agent."
Ik41,'. Ki4oey Pill. mire the ills `of
the aged Ani snake them feel young
Again. .
\Vhately for r.'Irlte' an waiter rates :
that It. J. %%rev 1e made a fait
,llon-anee by the millet -tor for rebate
in water rate on nets onto of r.'loaie. t..
h)dr+uat : That a. J. 1',ege. s wetter
intl. be related to the extend of *M-
umma , herg,-d him for horst. land
1411 the 1.114(111,•1.1' 111411P141 Mr. 1.110pw'r
11•((I1s.•s enol Ie)x/H fie. the eoller*(8,4
1011Aller ,)n ahs 1,44111 ra14.) .•hargsw1
hal .1. J. ll right 1e eh,u-g••(l at the
ate of all *4•1141(1,1 b)or.ling I 14 for
is water .revise : 111111 the engineer
pleat 4)n Wn1. Iloll*nd•. Mr. Me -
Hy.). and Hobert Orr.* eervires ; that
11 action lie taken an the -op wheat ion
f K. h .f. Itansfonl for (httnge n water•
fling f that the time for taking
• ide's for au )plie. he extended unci)
F,•In•naty 13th : that the engineer
nk a test well 4)n thl• Iw,o•h.-ehg11o}r-
14( the town laborers rers : that 1664
t1Kine•rr rep»)rt all parts of the, town
whish tegaire street lights.
The report was adopter. •
A bundle of replies from tither
ren., 4ilh copies of police Iegula-
nns, was leferle'tl to the m) -vial coin-
ldtler to draw lip a hyla for (iod-
Mt•, Mallows, .on Ill If ,)4 Wowed?
nd a1, Hr.)trh(y', ,)R rel to furnish
wit sets of v-Irww of hr Li44r1 free if
he rnnn(il would mnish the frames
nd have then, p rel in t , city 1111
n A/14e1'tisrnlr, of the town. It war
'nested it • .old Is. (4 44(41.1 ;Weer.
%emend of le (awn to hose such a
•t in a sit ,rale frame ebo•ed in Nome
•1 pnblie building. railway
mt tion t• hotel, ht a nu(11(418 of elti,..
Mr. ,ll,nvr' generous offer Wiwi 11'-
fert to the sowed mementos. to re-
) '111) 111 111*' of (111)1es, 1•l,',
✓y W N,). 7, (1anfirmi1g'th4'app11nt-
nen* f 1)r; N11111E141 to the hoard' of
/ eall h, wits passel.
Mr. F: 'uta bronglit up the matter
of the ap Ailment of an eswe$mor and
('f(Ik •tor f r the yrat•, and, *perinatal
by Mr, l• rk, cep that William
Campbell -1» appointed at the mune
salary am last ear. and ppoet n tribute
toe Mr. 4'nlo11el hl'a faithful work In a
trying position.
Me `bllo4s id there wens probe
ably no one Mit f t Mr. Campbell wits
well qualified fa the Iwattion but
ttlrre were street rl tors that he Wits
"butting in" in bus ems tthat he wire
1101 rnncerned with. Mr. Bellows
thought the duties of 1 *awn ot11('ers
mhonit( be dearly den el and oR1er
hones kept, instead of \ta)wit 'Acre
being aper at all bl,)a,7) to 1wr•0111e
momi.what of * lording pdar4. Ila alma
th.neght aitch erM(ialw 4111114 take ti ,
palet In p)litic'l rampllign.
•'1'(1111111), 1'rn going to I nisb you
teever ly." '
"R'h,d fee. ph
"Now, don't , try tat inn(wen(e
Agana.. i know all /• bol things
' You've 41 • today.,.
"No you don't, pyi. }'4)l) don't kn11e4
when- I hid the strap you lick in.
• with."
Chit(' Prove Fatal.
If wit nl[h am* circulation are not
promptly /restored, (hell., result in
fatal pnenn,onia. This *41rssitites
krt•pil Net•vikine on band. TAlten i4)
hot 4 Leel it Menke up g chill Ill two
dr item. By rubbing freely (we►' the
t )at and chest It prevents Colds,
(1 liniment al) stlrin4(. Po penetrating.
PO swift to kill pain ,and inHA lion.
v1., s' rrr
nad haw proved
the velar of P(1IM)II'e Nel4iline, You
shnuld get 4a iwttle today.
Second Shipment of SPRING 600D5
Canadian Prints,
English J rints;
White Potton Wttistiiigs,
Laine 1)e Stele Waietiugs,
Mercerised ('olurod Wai4tings,
Cotton I)elaiue• Waistings.
1 1 cls , Suiting+, llnerdeloths, taffetta., serge , satin erodes, lied Me, ve11(-
11a118, lsrlllina, cashmeres, (,i amt deleint suiting,- and walstiugs, dross ging•
hams. , • choice of IMO yards at 121 cent., fast colors, just i4), extra 4(41,4,.
119 Saturday you can buy your el • •e of 11 pieces of tweed suiting,. 7. cell*.
for 50 rents,, Iii cents for 10 cents. 51 Iamb for Si rent., Good color, and glad
cloth. Just what i8 left after our Stock Taking Sale.
Factory Cotton
1.?iII) yards 4)tGo•lot•y 1.01 10114 ill e1(1)t front 3 to
yard' (11 a piece dire(. f114111 the Milk bought at
84) nlurltw 1/1 1111111. 31 to :17 inehe•1 wide. flet from
.))41 k44 and Haws. lura right for sheets and pillow
mom..., and the pl•icrm are under prevent wholesale
12 dives skirl,. to be offered at the following
reductions : orlII1 value for $1,311. $'L'tO value
for $'LIm. $2.74 value for $2.23. 1(1.73 value for
«113. $1.50. for $3,311. $1.110 value for $1.1111.
Good Moth anal well 1r.
J. H.
'Phone 86
Cash or Produce
Published at, Toron,to ,)n the 1st
and 13th of each ,wont h.
111 tents a year. two y1•aIs for 41.
Devoted to the farm and its
forth papers ST
s o
for one
year ear
A saeup1e (spy for the asking.
ahsrriptions taken now• will be
'I owl from .l:uu11uy 1.t, 1t1011.
N. B.- Above offer includes also a
year's subscription to The Mont
real Weekly Herald
\Prate• fop fextinlodale.
c:1 '
{ MS/ l
° 4.4
11 4 CJs
'so efiry
;r, ''
Box 173
D. Millar Co.
New Spring
On the
We will make our first showing of New Spring Tweeds
and Suitings, new Lustres n plait( and fancy 'designs.
New Silk' and Wool ('re )ol es.
suitable for Shirt Waist Suits.
New Prints tinct Ginghais,' New
We will also' show an entirely new
('rezones, Art 'Aluslins anti Sateeus.
This material is very
Muslin, and Zephyrs..
.range of Tapestries,
During February we will. bhow on o.ur bargain counter
I all Othini ntb; also Ladies' and Gents' heavy All -wool Win-
! ter Underwear, much under. their regular value.
'Phone 56
This excellent stomach and blood remedy is a
w1(eelonle mixture of rota/, berkm, e1.,
We intrad 10 .change the e4)ntuner and to ,clear
out the present Tut will sell this excellent remedy
at just iutlt-prise.
15c or 2 Tor 25c
Just think of it: Kash p:urkag, snakes a quart
of medicine.
Come soon!
Only :. dozen to ga.
Ont.I lied -Crass quality le alwaty4 the highest.
C(111'1'11.'1 1'01..11
a4(ainat culls
bottle of
not 'the cheap trashy
kind tome sell. Only
4o cents
At Bargain Prices
We Can
always rely on nor riest(rmerr' mousier
tion with our
Canned Goods
Imrnuw• 41. handle only retie ble *numb'
that wit know nil abmL Erin v hnner-
kerp er knows how mush 11iffer(•nrf.
there is in three homs(•hold tIPewwilies.
Anil it be not always the prier that in -
mires the quality. We air ') ing a
line r.f yenned goodie that we are melt-
ing very low indeed, so low in fact
Chet you will be eurprba•ti how growl
1h1'v Ate when th.•y aplw'er me your
1 able.
We want to clear our large
stock of Stoves and Ranges by Feb-
i'lutry 1st anti are quoting o11 then)
Prices that
You cannot afford to allow to
Go past you.
Every Stove
and Heater
Big bargains in Hardware,
(!lass, Tin and Oraniteware
nr»1Nee»:,ompe. =semboompse at _a.••111/1
Worsell's Cheap Stove and Hardware Store
Hamilton Street