HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-8, Page 3,
cwt*. iF,IIK,WAM'170UKM.MEM.ft . ....--- • :1- - 4 ,
„a k. -rv,.. ___.. _..... •n.. ,,..,r.. mss.eA 44144y>;tstal.. ,^a' .�, ^:t,V,7 W!!;atn Y," ', - -.-.__ .r+ylgNs,r�¢}• i t*' iytp� tit w 1 rA y� ...,irrmwh 4111 m rl,,(
Vt t* ---- ----- _.._ -_. T..`.. `"- --. GN ; I ,,ti CRF. .q''8k" • ,x.... _rM '3 .W. -Pi. °'b dein^Ikdn it*, '1 ""-" jlw ,."iP 'li, kr, L ';(l
THE al q „•. 1.
AL (fiVO�ltit`jl n.�. I;ft1
si /�� -
9 + ■ +r� pal1. 1\e clvll/aem,
�. a v�-t,+"t p,/` /� �� District,
The ase: tit salt no a nev.wary sup -who Stades raadea arwws to Death.
• tlbld ( �iT'a- . e s v pletne'4t to diet hu+ had 11111. h lUlfae•ucr I 'Che ruling pa4slwt of Udw.lyd, 1, ofp iiu .4bnpitig she rlvillsaliuu 41141 explora• I Ellglaud was uurluubledly Ihr'purxuit
i ons ~ � `r a- Wit tit the world. It is tuuvt rwlwhie! Of hid Ideal of uulllug pit the Drtllvh
i Months' �c� , - I li. hill has 't,"Iml out x gtxN41'y, exlxr ted. Tilt- tiom-o W wait IN.rn in that file oldest t•:Lle: 11,ute, weirs veto. , Iolauds under one ralp Alla grtAI ob.
Thai t ml, IV itl l'lintuu• helAuef :Lud cattle to Cantufn its Ig17. ntt+al for,lhe salt trutho.. alt wilt gull atficle wall Scutlaml, and the eo7)tlnr"t
I Ywr.eoney return• 1Im Ffe 01111'111 w/N,lietl Illdla lrltl,►in Nix yNal'd Imtrt IN• :111(1 his wife t/xrk of ticotlaud, therefore, I)ec.ln)e 11 pad. I � l
,l nal aut.ned ill cr elude'!, wit 11110 fin"lkwi; of uperxt m11N till the f"rlll ill East. IVILWAll„ah ,Ili i11leaee' furnlel) ike• Thier "A'(Waaries �
WAYSarY e`y' boong rrNnlan,l. of the nuelprrt days. filen will' Illus. NtruU e r thdti 1
W Y s which he 6,111 tw•oidlvl rare wiucN. iii±. J'• . 'Phis was certalu• I g' J'•wrlt, it
REby r I John 111CCuol, of -the lundun ('ol• �Nlde's his widow he id Nimvivod by ly till, case .fill the eare,u11 'rtxuew fu l aeut him to the livad tit the arul1' W1144t
NR INSTANT USE leg/aft• lu.t+tute, 1 1 revel) sn0s and two) d+au hte". 111, a amt the ftallarn, willie the mines I he mud Ile only I - 11 "I,rh bell. 2111,1
Reit" hewn tit, )ointevl K J' when hr was et lust eun)Iw•llevl to u.
t a,N,e�„G,b-H Inspectm off public school• fur• K+axt Death vie Mrs. Shaw, Chata& Of ""I'll' 18414 {acro the center of a
1..4ra:r,.ly4,wIts ow 1O�e'k lit•ue•I'• I 'tt-we it -tide IN•fore the tilue of .\lrxsn•, J•Irld ht• Naught it, wake this Int..Nl ou
fwtluwlruua. txetiown • ratoas R, t ulith, ,f Wi11ghxut, lots Otl fr'uuuAy of hull week MI•N. Jahn el w w2 hl. x1111 by ordering that 01p I � ' �
retuiur ray. With der. -
alnar .aretul ars.- s2ts I teltexl a dtgrl- iu (aintor, +`1n! inleu<ls Khaw' of ('10111211, pahmetl ltway tit the Another luter/atiug hu't Is that N41t fle"h Nhould'.be 11,IlelF trout him Imai, • I "�
Na, it will to Id srw.11r currying un a gul)t'a 1ut41i.hin x11) IltnuN uC her- w.u, Or. Shaw. Death lids Bayed a t•uuslderable ,1141 l'2 the l affil that hid xkplelwa should bei var-
i,. admit ter ` I..Hr.we{ . I cluthirg busiue•x.. R wits the result of A xtrukv tit loom lysis i I rlwl at file brad of the army' atiC tv)• �--. / I �'.
rr . r a d;mtriluttio i of nuua. 1\'hpu it hot.,! tit+ r
f n..a.ert ,.* A whilf,,it AINwt hotel, uoof her ago main unburled til) Scotland war 000.
r„wwic-, V •• 'shout. Il+'h-I, e' of kxrlin hex whtr+tt ilrrweve hunts, and her help atwoluh'ly 11evegN:yy to him, tilt it did -
"Carbo Nitros(-' l'4. puleb+wd D"11141 HcUntxly'N Alit* h➢1 b+x.rnud;tiun rvrr•"incu 2revente� her ret un earl stn pita red.
' l co.hroa hln p., it.00. II IerH Gu w un ll',• 114 rune(xldiun Alf tilt- , rellplival to her. awn 111u11o•. \I r., he avuN foreed stage
raw grueili�a to l/dans;' 'hid is the Most conspicuouN luslunce
Y2e•brwitJst•'Hfa4afiharen.^ I town.hip of y�phen.= The luitr paid Nhaw w•ns INu•n ill ht. Catharine", and 1 of "the ru11nR paNNio1 xlronJt in deuty"
W-1-4 It7.041, after her, wxrrid Whe4e It could be obltlinnl. '111ixj JJ
i Ift' rhN lived fat• ou rarpl'(1, IJ -1191, tunny other. would
"f _ ''bog. J. Fh,yiur, ;t furwerq'itdt•nt of srvannl yl-urN iu lirussrld xud 'leas• brought "him to the xenshure:, ohne hei'lrp uortlJ of quutuUun. t1'Ultpm t'itl'd
Exrletl diol nl SIllllt Ntr. �1tu ie stir {vutt•r +►rid fen tilt• iulat Cuur pears s11e Rsfuerl hid Ideus of waritline cowwrree. I putrlutldn) r2tdgrtiti! to ills test v t atnd
rlritly'. lir w11x futla-ei ht had reltidod 111 111111111. li,'"F,' her J.tislly, the preservative Pffertx of gait; g•t I
R Yrr`1d of luxlth01 ills last utte•railve as QW Net-
age dud iv .lar, • 1 1 i al 1 -, h '
. I
tart ,y ht, wife and 1 "uta s el'Istil•aived by two sous oil He•14k toot! ulade lung 04.0411110 voy, so11'x lifelong determination to at•eure .'.,!
lWurtxughtrrs: atilt three daughte„t, Miss Do)lx)thy 119"4 possible unit thus opened up tbe+ the comuloxl or tho wen, while \apo 'r°'
Jax, K, tioudtun hit. dii4 xmwl of bis 1+eing the only ane at home. She was world to commerce atilt eivdllzatluu. I Ieou's Atilt dratillvas one of battle.
11111,11 -acre tarot, cube"N"ion Ili, Givy ; to atxty-there years uGxge. f ` .
Will. mild 'Thus. Knits, of the Iwwe Death of Usborne Township Pioneer. How cowards Were punished. + �� �/�
line, fat• tho.il11r of f1U 1110. PoxseN•lou ressome ON41 Prx■.
will Ix• givetl on 111irch lot. 'rhe township of Cslx,rle lost an- . Mauy of the devi,•ex by which wllt- I A clever "tultggling trick fruit been
other or its eateemetl ioueerN in the • tary indi*reiice to life' bits boell ma-, plared oil it custpllas ofttcer on the
Tho '1'reNwxt)t " A(•il¢OI iWord halo death on:.q'llewlxy, January 411th, ,f tured uad sustained are curlous. in Russo=German frontier. Au Itluoeeut
Lgaget `1J+ A7dlidge, at , lim'seot Jaloes 1fo)i1•, of the 1Lh cunce""ion, Mr, ancient Athens ihu public temples .looking priuripal of tit pu121ic xchu, tit flair wait ll his ei Ih eminel k pea"ant repnrtert to tire onterr
F:lub.,, at prfn(•ilNtl of, tilt* Terdwutet K Ycut and were closed to those who refused will. n . )lot for _-
had IN!eu ill ferhl*! la•xJill fur alNmlt tA', Lary service, who deserted their ranks pig+ nrr s��la ri frerutler`gThe 11111 ball
-1-114,01vlt a exlxty of 717:21► n year. rears. The dece,l. d %%'1rg how•n iu
T. 11. linea, former editor of The Stirlingg, Scotland, iii IWZ. 'Twenty or lost their bucklers, while s few con•I he Nald, would be'ro drive aeross at Dr / $5 0W rtMAat -lit
Mitchell Ite•c, leder, hila hull Nlxtrd AN yr:uN 1x114 he ruligrutrtl b, l'xtimehl ,trained such oRendrre to sit for three, 7(-44111" of half an hour, 3, 0, 12 nod 240 ppeer�., , hoe r"i� w ally
Sunli ht "*..a waren tila
rt eti llitiolti,mt*l' ti, the New Zealand +Fad .rt11w1 in Lint tnwndhip of Far - daYs in the pnblie forum dressed In' d g R t. gP ""t:u.s any
1 R,, the sour •ler" :n •tUn •that If the f 'nionoa. t "m al. or ally
1•: -ere le iv11 ti, IN• held in the• full. Mr. ls)rne, Lakin* up as hulan:rlpxd the the garment" of women. Mauy a Span! first three lots eunld be sent over there .(w) ('wmo(a.iNtprativa.
Ito r leaver fur Neely. %walmnd in Junr. farm on which -he died. He w,►d n 11111 mother would stab her non who Iroltd ix• uo tranble acUG the :Yx►, ,t t,'
Tbv co)ull:ul fur eeC•ettitK the uKw uixn of unuxuul ser ligth and energy, vaine back alive frow a defeat, and The officer was ualuratly ml the apart;
bridge at tilt- Mill d"ul in Win'batn A -, tilt ";buling )core thin tilt. Avevrtge such a man, If he escaped his mother,, let aveortlanee with the pnts:ult•s stat,•
hnr; Ym•nu give•u to AV. H, liiutok , hie; "ILLI'*' toWalds tr"I'siortl2.ing tilt• to'- was debarred not only from public op men .threx plgd were driven over, then
trt�ticr being i0iif. The new• bridge hrukrla forest into well -tilled field". Sunlight
K flees, but from marriage, etpowrl to the six, IOAO%%'c'tl by twelve. A11 atrre til•
111. curt in the ni igldxn'h;rgxl of ac n fang i Mr. Hair hrid fee. as all blows of all who (-huge to strike him• lownl to puss, and preparations wells
fal,:,isl, acquiring a vmlunblt* ••at:Ue as all
µtfril•niturist, .Anil lit the tiute of If* compelled to dress lit meati, clothing apse to rp,etve the .'ext,
1. C. Ntett*tldutt. ane of the oldest But uu'uwre It
bu•int-os ult4F in Cliotull, hits s,dd out
dealt 11 be was ptiN.r"xi] tit 1.if, m(•ee a of and to wear blit beard negligently pl6•v nppptln'd, ped, the twenty -enc nnf• Soap,<�git ,1,iy. fnt•liture alai] under•takitcK haixi- '►rill in the trwrt.bip.•f 1'sixw•ue and trlmmesi. In the same way a horse mala adwitted bait iu lite u)ellimillq f.,h,,a:., a
art . w 11e"xr.. Huuat•r A iie•1!. 114. foni�sretttin" in Aho Nurthwert. Hid soldier who tied or lost 6(s eh1eW or rt* 'cru latg(,i iu xalrty.-Berlin Cor.
�t.•ae•nxun purliuxrN uluving to (•:di_ Wu ua r in lift pre4lrcrasnl hi,,, ofN,IfL celred a wound Ju any litre the front London !fall.
forma, twellFItive yeur,l but a faulily of part of the body was by law prevented is a perfect cleaner j►nd Will
xovell slivvives. Inte4um•ut wits made Rudimentary '--
lieec. 1)t*. 1liurr,q•, pastor of Knox in the Jj04$ervillr cenietera, trom,ever afterward appearing In pub ltedteewurY'Hind I.lr.he. floe InjUpe a'nythlflg.
church, Kineardinr, I"1N beell ext.•ndwt lic. Suakl-s -ore not . the only u°lmils
.t call fnnl a large cunsc egali,wl ill UtPDeath of'George Samwell. Exeter, --"- a•hit•h rzhiblt the puasexxi•,n o[ nidi- �� for all hAtlsehold ptlh•
eft. u[ ?ipdnry, Pitt"• Breton. Thr The «(-rut^ leen. sea, SUnli ht
Dos tor. Ili'* not vet decided whether f; j,, -,s i•,tnrtii•rw•pt :ti;unlvelt. one of Russia is tamed for the manufacture menlary 4111• Iiwbv, in the gbute g Soap S super
he trill A,-eept lar ant. • • Kxt-tpr'N tarhr� urerelleutr, iNlxNe(l of great bells. The ••Giant, `•cast In tribe there is sit et•Idence externally ct lorily is most conspicuous in
a way unFt•id"a `,allilary''-'Hth,-ill his ltloscroaa' In the sizteenfh century, kind timing. The fore limb• in them
N. 01,tlf11K, of Iflyth, deft lux! week se•vrptx-Httl: year `\ He had liven i!I y the washing of Clothes.
fur 1Lulit.d.n. ahe•r• he g,es' Ill the for ttlxntt 111114• %V, 'ka with pno, weighed nearly $20,(1110 !rounds a are.coswimming
into the •'flippers," or
quire(+ tweuty-four men to ria nf. rtti Paddles, Yet when the skel- i
iutpn•,t. of the F:urekn' ernu•nt bh,i•L uu)ni:l. but it avax h(�lx•d be w•onl(l R !t. InC.OfTIft1011 soaps destroy
nlachirle, trruntfar•hued by Messrs. recover until n very shrtet tittle before 17:1'2 It fell, but lis fragments were m etou Fd, examinMl traces of a hau4.•h
\!,•Nally k 1'lut,mrr of lity-th. 11 r, ill" end ('2`1110. The rate Mr. Nanlwell - "'at along with 9ther luetal Into a bell and attached rudimentary thigh be s the painted or varnished
(,unling will make 1114 he•adtpintter•a lit was i o pit in Ply11g,nth, England, and which weighed 4� ,00J pouudr, the are found. There ht delpio(leil Itt ce - ,--surfaces of woodwork and
1(rmudoll• (-+arae to America fn Ilt;l, se ling Hrd( metal: of which alone 1$ valued at 71300,• lain kind" or whalca a bony piece rt* take file color out Of Clothes'
An old pinort•r Alf Stan'ty Gtwlsltil, to BrINAIvI1. N, Y. After, 1 u: in
bt10• resenting the hannt-h. The thigh bore
Amu „1 away ou ,Ixyu»rvIih, in the thele fo► a few months he c, tie tie is distinct, but there 1" n uteri ruai• Even` the daintiest Ifflen
-Nixon of Archibald NVN*Vil. at Ihr le,ndtin Arid'iG•1• to F:xctet; 'here if" version of It. menf\attackegl to 11, rnpre►entiug the
t • __ _ a r of eighty-three year-. Mr. .11c- flxrw•n prwitiun as ,-fork and 1 ik' "Rut didn't yap promise -when we or lace, Or the most delicate
p `s' N�•il wxh n aLul of c.insideralrle•' ability krepel• ht• pnwlx•tetl until he leca were ublrrled that I should xmoke to ahln e.or tlbla of other auimuls. OkNS
ye"�2. * s t r r ltd %V . highly ro,teemed by alt µ,h„ one of tilt- firm lar :3aulwe•ll h Pic -al , Ihr huuxe wht4terer l {deuNeel't , [ e"-�' D>ay be sa��ffre�l�y wasl*d
i �3t. THE L O R H E , knew him. one 7rf the IN•Nt dt•,gonda Mires. of "Tera. but you never plias, b smog. Dpaoersel. Rif SUIIIIghI JOAp m file
ty- r •a ISxelcr. AI art Ntttvn t i y " "ids, tea( 'et* wax tellltt' u" that we it W8 f
f"a;U ^ Tur "nntutl fu<eilug ¢fi 'the (lintun '7 y 4trs ago he 1t* 7n the huu.e. You dfxuleage-me.' „ehoil all on n e- 114111 1n our ts'tt y OIIOW direC•
q nn e'Ib war held rnently 'ilnd file the e; sed retired term metitx lif to 4 Y
q * I
vera fol' the ensiling ,y••Ar P1.4•tP,I ", lj0}- the t'ruits ,f hill 1"1141•x. Mr. A Cut Artery, weckoolrafnl• \ both should feel any ' if )• -
The (reli.urer's repowt .howcd Nu• 1;/1114vell wits tit kindly dislx)siti n, elf A gUtcl avitteel woman stopped the better'n anybody I"r.•'
w' !r kuowlel! r And bnNld out x,k, +t I I "Tl1nt's right, Cr 1,m.'• Your coney refunded by etre deals
i ' `'3' 1111, H, !d• in n tlonliNhi11g co0dil;tin ° K flow from a cut urtrty lit Ube log b � from w m you bit Sunil
ilbauriLdly, huldifix ".w•tx vndunl nt ;;real 1,•Adc•r and It deep thin rt*. le Y '•fifty, ma. can y y elm Soap 1F you
(s Willi a nlrnder ref til/• 1'11 , 1•utting the fart in three nc'ea of 1 6 to school today find any for coal
111„ wl, without "Int li%Ibiluieq, y[etiiln i Plaint n
1-1111t.4 It ,aid in Ixrliti••. Wit" atIrn,1,.►a flour In n large jar and pn(�hiug flour Without washin' my face? Tone of the
t ' j Chas. N -fight, ,if McKillop, op. ba" rest of 'ew washes thein." Bu
and ruthusuwtle Litx•Ixl. til ,4114- to the top u[ the Jar, beatlrt the Hour y h and �Ce
I "� " : i reut,l the fr'I•11t of Hlith. Hotltt•irlt rival by his
wife. down•with.a piece of stove wood, Man is the merriest of tl`the s l� C'• low direction.
REMEMBER 1 nln•tx.M,tl :1. 1'Ul kersmi►l,, known, a� ped
the Fon.ythe Lirat. for a term .If live Rev. Dr. Roes Lass nets, -e of creation. Above and below him all Lever s Limited. Toronto
it'ehuaf6r.;d.euso-d ..r," )tars, tt11t takes I",s"e:s.iun int tbl- 1st cew•Idetntloa, are serious .-dddloon.
frtesea• s/ all ktwde, Aarres•, Roger, "f Apr;l. Thi+ lural �•ntlntl)" l:,o The long. happy all oust "nceehs- JlmRon-New•. you ,wouhlu't marry C
a`rr", Ila, Ion it g.s.,l Ilmildings and iii tel trmI-'I "te of era, nlul Koss, D. me, would you? MINS Seats-lfoat rer-
Manure Sorradrn. 5ru111er•, ll„ 111 eo11nN,•ti„tt tail >' - - - Melville 1 rt*"= --- -
Wheelbarrows. Etc ,Etc. ,ne1uf the he't in the nava"hit' hyferiall 011114-11. 11111"el". wilt; ter- fainly not. But xrhy do,you ask RUeh a a -----.-
_ -_ i
Afway. pkaaed to mail yea,..u,at.I,,r_ Mh ll•wt Fletcher. a1 v..tg,yr,ed .mfnnted I,u.t week to the egret, of not Question? Jiwson-Just to delIdes bet.
pioneer ..•:torr of 1' IxnueI I)hsw•d only Ott- cobgregatiotl but the elms- '
The Wilkinson Plough Co. nwxv ,n tiaiutvtat. .lala11xry {rt nnulfty nt large. and o1 '1'hutdrlmyLet no man think 1 fly' e[ goal. A'-- " - '" ""`•"" .. ,
the rrxulrncr -;�,f his x,nrfn-11aw. Fehru:uy' 1Nt, hi• with induetrrl illi,,') Raying in hiR heart it ill not heneAll ,��`.
i. a of 2 r t p I fe war. Clark. tin t hi] I ith r in "'""l. Iii. now Held of Inlxm at Port Did. me. F:ven by the fallln of water dr*
IOR011i0 CANA01 Ale nnv if yrnn+ .d ng(•, noel hoav;t-, (l'1 the Muld;ty evening lite- a water vo b filled.- uddtra, p#I t ,\
hnd,r•.i.bvl in 1'x►xw11,• fat futtyyrnr•s. a'iuua A farewell Nowhtl will, held in the
fie• is survived by four- "ens and three Bt•uwrl" rhnrq-h :trill during the even -i 11 �uf Granite an
ire (hailghll•r". iig the tetivink pastor wigs ptesentuli , FALL CATARRH. ` "i d Tinware
t{It) CuIxC$ -^`; g) sg , (ht.1'nv7Nln} l-vrni11g..lamlmty :F2+th, with mil illeuuutmted addrt*ss, Ieunti- ithe houat* of Mev. 1Mnnld !'noir, !til hilly prelou,vl, ru)d Olt,. }ins" with x Dseaee I'resale/1t Now, But Can > are Always on -Top. a
Rheumatism line .d 11ot•t•is, was tilt- Beene of Iht• handsoMe- cathedral chin" cl,lek.
d,alr:.q;t*tif her dunghtt•r. Miss Annie, Till- addrt-ss contailh•d neratly-executed Quickly Cured With Hyomei. TFL• titrxnsky umttt Hutt we hfutdlr. i" x list rngw
',"OOe 14 nlnl Albert h:dwxld l' -oaks, a 4.411- Ix•n alit ink sketches tit Melville A glext MAny people suffer ►note mike, Kuatxntrrd tut Hve years. rend mlthein tt it co"t.
knua� n yu11hK fnruier of the mann line•. g'hurch #tnd uouiw .and w+lx taund in with cxGu'1'h during the t,tl1 uurnLl)s I you w little mull• Money than othgr• makes R it will ant.
The i't7renunly w,is lierfurunetl fry Rev. ns 11Lw.N•1•ti. Nt•". Boss, on IehAlf of than at any nthet• "e+axon of the year. 'tet thein a Kn1Al many tin)ry,vet•: thelrfore it'ilt the .
]iu•Jn (-arcs RheuttsatFRm, 1"e• Dr. Russ, of lirttvxr., in the lnesenre the \1 oulnn'.r Wun•fgn 1lissiubxry the, chxngra in weather eNelufng to rheapprat In the lung rho. Alwr the unr+/uteP is
eauae it cures the ICidneya. of n'ogc• nulr.lx J of gueatx, yl.,cfe[yt of which she Incl long Ix•rn have a ilia• effect npern the dix(vl"*:, wortlr x genet 11 R
I 1,41"kt! }?a'erydr, pofblaxl in ihcbaf7 lira•"idrnt, 'A'" "IN t Nome of the trues gLule b}• ll nmei
A 1 McKenzie. hrnel n • t e art
. f t to td w•' :
t env vex-" t with x
i x n
th►u , Y
u 11th teal e •
# 1 e s to r
palll('F n mal 1 J N"g • r,
g r •r {•• a t* pin a
ra n N r x( :• . otn;n 1 ern
nls,. l t " rrna•v
rehuFnfthe 1xmn1 of t ) m.phnditlty. 1 eluuxwhenane rentt*mlxt,l a r r,,i' f
i d , t�-tts filtered. if the kidneys ars nlallageurerlt of the I.mKxide Pe,•gliV. lx"nnd Bible not Hark tit Praise, +axl that the putierits haul suffetett from i t k
1, trick -tired -inflammed -they terinu ebur h. wit" lnewnt+xl with x the Jli"vas ArbaI Argo +end Iferth,t catarrh since chiltlhosml #trill duet for r �',,
j _ tien't filter out the °rte acid. handsom.•'gold w:ah b and rhaie x+ a K°"" wclw curb pn•acntrd with m geld YI',tle they h,ul been unable to get' a I
It this add, deposited in the Ii•,''1Knitiou ill' .his g, t vice by the ting from the young leople of file Rixxl bight'" Sleep. nn ,u•rnnn( of the Ike i l'1
. I . f roll n• ti'r - ' d !
, -i.t nr ar'x,
T,IV r'UAY Feb. 8, 1901; a
l uu,e lit II u li,Nlr,irh ' 0.irru ,hy
r'.'htod aNd +a n few' fill -1.1h. )1,,, "it l N.
able to earn a .clary of wl" to Skill Per
muu11'. Thera 7N A atr.t dealaud tar
utx•tutor.. Ile ready d, hold a tluwilion
un the nuelph C (ialorich fly, uoud
cllsncta• for Iddy upenetoa..
A. E. MATHESON. Prinailej
oFFI, K G. H'.' Thoul•e,u & lima'.
\tit -r, 1.1111•, un the sgnah'• C_
No -m --NWA
• ( a P'
11l 7
'f I
l «'';I
U , , �,.P"Yt'�:
• �-�,� t ;#:,
Now qq° r
i8 i
by gettingour
F18kce,1,iron t Ninetle for 15c.
iner Oil Si,00 hotel'
for .4c. I
Compound Syrup Hypophos•
phites $1.00 bottle, 5�.
Any of these uta•di"iuvs will
put YOU f l gaxl shalx• for tilt-
N. W. Thomson's
��� ..r
( t 1. BROWN'S P 2
}), it
Celebrated �.
H air Grower. '*,
4 -
i•hy.4•talm SvientistN, ale lulevr given their
uuqquraliae•d te.t. te the ualy known retnedi" ..
whl"ir will airriltaa•y du what t. clxbnu,l for
them, x1111 at Abe ,wore. time mayy fru ee4il,1 upon
u. ab•ol itey har"'I' . rind otn•clire, Rti d s
n0! ex}rn to grow Mdr tall a Nhblinq 14x10 head -
wllr•ro ll'! t.Nn. of file hair are dead or de-
trwye.l and no line hair left, put if there I% ally
ane hair left we, -rue wake It grow, We hxvn
WM%it huir on hent]. that have lxen bald for
l,"'r II where'" yoanrt n1N111i +wmnxo %- it he f 1t.-
Ing t heir Lair and ],..•aa i "g tads when• our eelr
hutted hrtir ltmwinf MIlliedte. will fail to pro -
,1(1,v a atrori healthy hurul of hair, If u,"
,trot'dilultothe dlrcctluu., .
To whom 1t may concern : +t
1 qheart heartily anlddr.I! the nae of Arown« rl
('ulabnn+d Ihur l: rower. BY per-onal exiled,
en, r I I, ," fliand that it I. not a lwlaminn loot
,t1i•uehalie vel monbill de whiol 1't* Mg,Yl,a thintfor!
I lon of dantlt'lltr and other. i,u cleanww the
•ealp ..).that the hair not only dl.,wntinuu. to '
out. bill- 1x•ahLv to grow b, the,•,! pbtceN
11111/1nr.utlle {Ilse, -'u yya nip h(ullW-01 no (Juice
,�lI l�`tl 1 u.e111i,e',H, fimwer; illy ..ah) i. naw
11x111 (rix, front* d-ndruft. and ,upl,ort. ". den.e
I gfpwth of lu+ir N,. it over did, `
IL J. WATra �
Genend Repo+ rntaliv, `-
Canadian (brh,.,)xtndcoee ('ollegu >
Por Sale bp..
S. E HiCK, "W1
Druggists {
a 1.>" 3,'
v i
CEMENT �'�,, (.,
yin s -_al the ner es - that 1114 ill " 1. 0 that rhtn•en ob tile eve of R R+ 1 ,n. a t4,al cOn,plmtent. l""Or PfihlP tli'khnv turd Iirnpliilag at '' t )w
hilt dr rart11e to the t\'PNt. The rre•s- It"*" addrtv.ht•r w'.rle ;liven d°rin r tilt• the block of the throat rauw,l by thix ,1.
cetftbeumat;sm. 1 - 1 avenin ex 411 gxivp of the hi A' ofrenxiar dfgl-xxr. :\ fr,w duyK trent• a
entatfun was accungxlnitd by ata ,2111• g 1 gh pat wit,
%al dn•"", fn Whirl' the lieu•. lir. Ito.. and family menf with Hytimei hnnlght yuick rP• s
are held. lief. and it" ctintimed nw• mode A, ,' w ,v
, fin 'rhew'n' afternlNm (it last week. --'---'-- cumpletr and Insting mire. y }tfil i �.
�. 191�., _ `(an/uel Wilwsu. marble dealer, of What Causes Appendicitis. By hmathinK Hyuntei through the I , p
lit•nsse lit. urns united in tilt- holy bonds Thr cutuuttin,," IN Net inl11der that comes with ever t �"t , r
Lift rtr:ttt•i11,o11 to 11isv 114 it•, tilt, t cam''' 0l xplendi. y l
RK (-itis A t•,nRtipation. %Vhen yoit re_ outfit, all the air iwaeetxgr" of the lung" ? ie r i r, a
estinuthM slut titer of 3(t*. ntind 114". , n ami throat +u•e' HIled with air Litten e i ra 1 , ,t�','
THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE 1 ire pbpsir don't use (-hen r rlr,aatic'
ihinvan T;n'lor. of Grey. Th, rne-
par x'"inR to build the coming
Wtiu�d du well W itive•etigate
its towle by 11x. Thev ,,,,
telly Pressed #" ' "
v my Finished
an Colored to suit
ock faced for triellis
.ay a% wt-!oFto , n., by xparrmllst%. smlth+ng, mftw a
Ili J ur•rh, one gwAV chre, lift 8. .Nil
and •elite
7H1t CLAFUN ('ir(ENWAL O0., usurgal. nl ). an M4 111e Carpenter.
bn high-
,Iayal;. lYl its le. Nti utrdfefne "o It yriu ennnot obtain Hpomt•i of CHAS. C. LEG
nirn nnd,�l7Nv hyla ('nrlenter, shigh• nnrrxhah,l,w Ur. HxrnHton'" Pillg.mold ylnlydexler, it Will he A,rvrar,ted by
Waaoeox, Oar. tea. YOWL r.. IY "rotn•ba41 y(nulg Indy of Dublin. Paer•ywh -rp fn L'x•. Ix)xe•. with yellow Instil, fxrstxge paid, on 11,eeipt 0f pt•ir,•, THE SQUARE GODERIC!a. �• BROPHEY ON
,P till till, Hm111lar ""llinK lrreiiouh to (•over: gel, the genuine, 1,Vrite Gxlay for ronttnitation idabk ,
hi. nu►rringr Mr. Purrpll war pet. --_____ that, will entitle you to set•a•icen of 11111• •
seut•d with A met of dinin 11x"111 It':'•`1 nlediewil department tvithunt chat e.
The Same Result R g+eti'r-_7nE LnAbtrva--_
leather•.:Ltr(1 cbxitx by• him fellow The It. T. Booth (70wpany, Hyowri ,
Teas of F'nr•vterh. The gift with xe(,otla- A well-known bishop of Tennesse:e,, Building, Ithaca, X. Y.
parried by a rrorig4luentary noldr•-srr, wag tnkfug his eu"tnbal•y ;,gtroll` Funeral Directors
Delicious rinvof 0l') St"Idrty, ,htol"ItT •JNtth, till- den'th through the park the other morning. and F m E)a I m e rS
t.xrk place of Misa Agnrg Hart, eldext He happened to sit down on title of
dswppl1htier .of George }Ilea-►, of Bruce_ the benches there, Now the bishop 9f'rf _,° %
fll-hl. Jlisx ifxrt lord hn•n ill fur a ih n acry gtent' man, not only in the r' t ,' __, *'''p `
It ht w a mann
�S OtTy lung tiler and her death was not un- Mt churl h, but in Plnhnnlx,int : 'i t r " ' . orders ..many .uenaed to At eft
with a microscope to l-xpw•tl-d. She war thirty-two Year-" as well. His weight proved tit" tlylch Will
hoer.. ht et* da+
of ,a c."I'he'trreaxl-d wnxnvW eStit for tilt- bench, avhiell cul'' well. n ill• 1
tell Grand Mogul Tea Y y in hilt on the A p to i i t e
able ynun� I:idy :Intl net nraiar R gerund. AlNnit this t �u Xi
from the Comnloh kind worker hl r nlrrh (-it, It,.. 4hr lg ear- tint• a little girl' rolling a hoop along, 1 �:,�, i ��•iH. ��i fl t ��
vivre Illy her Gather and one sister, fol. the: tvrverNnd gpntlewan prostrate ( p -'
by the looks: but a blind 1ff". Kate send tifteTe,l her nvhi.Gince•. fiat, illy 1011 Bottle OTF iLl t10ZOat@ �� j� p
roan can cell talc dlffer, little girl," said the iti.hop, ••do yon Q s and Give It t0 You t0 Tle7a UfUNllRY 13RUS.
Presentation at Belgnve. think yon caul• help gurh n grn,tt,
ence in the first sip. , I
P hPavv uuln nn his fent ?" We make few elaims of what 1,i uo. •
lir". \\', L. Brandon, of ii oragrve. q)h, yrs, replied the )fill# irl, q been made with it. Its poAer had been Atm roost forms or the following:
Q Grand Mt�qul Teas are w:lv prew•ntt,l with it Ix r/ttrifnl nlxntrl .a v,, 1x•1 "rel p R none will do. And no testimoninlR aro pproved,ltKain and again, in the meet dif- Rldr,ey Trouhtwa Liv.r Tmnblei,
a Lhve blefxJ c f sit r- clock by the choir tit Ketox chterrh, 1 91"'I d A lot" of t111"Px published to show what it has done, R e 6rult germ diseases Then we offered to Livery, Po iR when hp*m been even drunkrt• than tliom. •b rrouh,•x womon•s 2",..wte KaCk
Ilplgrncr, 11114.4 vrninK revrntly. Mn. ler th�t each sick one should learn its nlpply the first bottle free in every di- b� y aa,e� u,mati n ,orae a gwren 1ptim or11th
lative qualities that never Brandon had teen n njellob•r Off the won i1ep-*' M• IL 1iIII`r, in Februal'Y wer b a test. That is the gtlickat seise that required it. Aad over one deceive the user, ppinrott's• Ill rPr.au. dPWIKy Lt,j'=:. actsAs a ^tWkLallsw
choir tar wane finer 2111• the p cc mel- way to convince you. million dollars have been spent to sit- aceompllahingrnnari,tbr.r,,.WW. r - -- AND --
Q Mountain grown in Ceti- tion wax It parting gift on the occnalon tlHeac T -,r;%f So we offer to buy.ths jtntt bottle ar I nounre and fulfill Ibis offer.
Ion. cured and blended by of her severing her connection with y Plus Prayer. Rive it to you to try. Co,aph" it Willi Tile rofectit is that 11,000,000 hot es y50cw Bottle Free.
the church. 'Mr. and 1111•s. Bt•andon klhel. one of New ll..w whirr'" common remedirs• see how much mon have been u.ed, mostly in the p h two tried to I -d Liquozone, and have never 'Bus Stables
it does, Dont cling to the old treat- p aae send us thin roe
experts, they enter your tea- leave for their new honw-fir the %Vext "evenrvrnr•old dxughtrr•R, iR tipvottd Year.. Ttxl.e there aro coftptlpsd cured pon. We
atxurt clip end of Fehruary to the birlw. NhP wait e•nta rel tit her menta blindly. The scorns of diseases one., scattPrrd everywhere, to tell what will th"n mail you an order on a local Ido
pot with a flavor that rt0 An Exeter Wedding. older brotbpr•, wh(we kel-treRt l-n'11y- I which an due b germs call for a germi- Ligqvozone hull done ° drugpgqist for .a full size bottle, and will
other tea possesses aunt serried to le to Irnp them, a Nhr doe' Ple"e learn what Liquosotse can itut 90 many others need *ill that this PAY the druggist ourselves for it, This
A pretty t4InenK,411.1 place in 'Mx- ilteadett with hint* and hcoldnl biro, oiler fit Published still. In late peau,eci- is our tree gift, made to convince you;
Q They are a contrlbutlon whePtern
on 1ir'n Ira, Mabel.
ht thingmir
S1"t- "It all to no Pftcct, 80 F:thel t(xrk ,t What `l V en1111-traced srores of disease to era to let the product itself show you what
to good health wfit-n 11i.s INanrn lbilx•h sang ter of new tack. Q ozone is. attacks. Old remedial di not AP pp)g to it can do. In justice to youreelf, please
11r. and Mex, .M. Hanly, mai united in When F,rayer tittle cane the other The virtues of Liquosone are derived them. We wish to show those fuel, ones acceppt it today, for it places you under i
Q High in theme and low n,arriave tri F redericli H. Itielthell, (if rvenfng Iter mother pearl this flnnl play from gas". The formula IR sent to -at our Dost -what Liquosoas can do. °o 0 Ilixatlons whatever.
in tanrtn means high m Zirrich. Thr cyn•muny titIA'place at ietitinn +uldrt) tA) thew: which dealt �h user. The pror"a of making re -
the 1•iquozo°e costa 504, and =I.
11011110 of tilt* hride'lt plttentx and directly with the R n•ilnal rend rna, qutreslarge apparstus, find from A to 14 Where it Applies.
flavor arxi not a mere w,lvprffnrnrd by Rev. tV..f. Pagel. trriAl welfare of the frtmfl ••A",, days time. Itis dirPeted by chemistry CUT OUT THIS COUPON
substitute for bi"crs. of /arlch, to tho plvrsl-brP of hit• •pat• (lost, Alenve x11taxh aft lYilllo'R of the highest (-Mita. The object in to so These are the diseases in which Liquo
niediat• n•IRtivell. '%free n 1411ort xtAy "mt1' trap.. for .leans'sake. Amen.•' it and combine the ItRaeaaetocarryinto Zone has been most emploved. In these Imn,1 ,,it .rid man n to Tho IAgoou,n. (am
Grand MU9ll� with friendh In (Ontario Mr. and Mr". "FthPl, d"At1p paid her ng,ther, Ford- the system • werful toni"-germicide. it hnR Parned its wid"t replttadon. )n . ~°y'�1 Whb"n AA'+CakaeP
Kirkteil will IMIYP !nr irpnp, X. flit- ouRly, '•dti titin reltll� think thettlast fit CO°�twitpoLiquosone kills any forret
yy h all tl thee. ndinaa we •upp,y the 6rsl trymua"is.....,:.................•............
Tea "keGa. where 114. Ilickleil hxe btsftrPi. w nice thing tnnak(itxl to i]0? f),r alt o! diseflRe RPfR1, h•xauae Rprme are of hotllrfrPP. Andinall-nomstterbowdif-
itlterpRt., pa, Y vPRetnhle or;Kin. Yet to the�ody f.iquo-
rx t Hitn t0 do Ruch x thht sit ficult-we offer each user a two months' sit hays O"Tor&IO bot f tt" IxP, bite It t. wer
that Y' g sone is not only further tent without the risk of a rats me•soc I+asteerre t set tate 1t
Y harmltxs, but helpful penny
Q Sold only in P.. -r. -ell In A Pioneer Passes Away. kithl-1 ernlh It hfwndngly. a n d In the extreme. That in its mein dls- Asthma outer. ti at
en wore dust. no microbo. Leen An old ,trill highly re•leeted rexi• I nn"wer"l : '•Oh, thrst'll ere all tri ht, tinction. CommotlgprmiridPR are poison All- Amemf• (Pelt `rl,mtnPn••..••••............•..••............•'. ••••••
Fa the prerniern (-°4111°" in "`d, R when taken intern sl) RmnrhltM Har rw.,rr-lafi".e.a
dent of 1:x41 Wnavnnnsh, nr"r 1(pl- 11r117,r.(!1'. JNh ►N fn►4 i Prr111M1 It rRrairx Y• That iR why Rioad Plot L.nnPP. AL1. f'At,Ltt A7TPvNDF:i) TO
Mase "Ge arNl Moser!" drapes t medirine has b,en Ao hPlpkaR in a germ R., .rlTroahtra r.ornrrhrw
tKr, wth I grave. John OwPnh, l7a.wYI rt WAy Pnl'ly i M11aRhIVI 'Peel ill) wy own ae1L'•_.-. 11on lR rally ••••
4111 'OOn+Pri' nr1«lay morning, ,January •Lard, in Fehrtutry Lippfncott•x, dIRPRRP. 1,1 nnzone is mthilnrating• vj- chrr.ompo..,, I llr'V i *�r.lus A x PHOMPTLV FROM HOTFLN
» by sM•+s tf,e pm,"alms nw hi. R•ct-lRy-l(:aentb rear. ,ft*. (Iwen" -. _- . _____�_ I talieing, puri7ying; yet no disenae (•--. rt. e,. •e D I V AT B H O U8I►.li
' AND P It
�'„•ia•id anrne elle lr>ors• gym r ,rt* r.,.rrA•`r` Rhw,1m.,,e,a t I oi.. fall.. . . plainly.
y 4 l nrxrl)' MatTla(fe can
PxlRf in it. i ...,,..r o.r "e,ells (SUNDRY D c
M w altciPes when rxwa g; ri�1_" .dear -ant., BEIO►7.
three tar" 44441 his death w4•x n• sage We urch"ot,d the i •.
h x,'n n axle health i fur
4,111 �� (fllawlfi. ft* eafta American raRhfA to +r•, ��r T.,hwrml o, xeuutaeaun/br,Iquertnnewva.re nt..
r q /' s00 ollllsfltdg of testa had illy«.-wi fwew rtli t't ' any ate; sR or gt ant y{trr ylet+•atra ! ttlJt Tff NTitIlF:7' ('HO\ F: F iYI Y
ry a ti �.m,".a f141 a If. , r. aq t le � rt,` 1".. tit ., fi.sr . :, , � g ti e weross a tw
, J4'.Y,�r',•" dI t m1c i "tv ��i to .`1gr.: n..-`ut`"�`rt(r�ai£, ef";1°'5 'k,xcauam�x'wr.�ag. �.>.. �l.-
(i(It)1J 11ORRIiy
CA It* IAGF: ti
--- N T e•. , AT -
--It A': x S-
Itrttitii and veli-
able d rivo rn in
charge of the
Rnae•x, which will
meet all train a
arts Ateltillboata
r :7
cleans, beats, strew the
nrorty war. liPMunned by Rea•. fir. Miss
;n tilt- ptexrn 4. of only tilt. immedi"re
pill"--get Il'•. Ilx2n)!tm'" Pi11g whi,,h
xtten then the at(anach, rt* elate• the
R ►r
wit I Nature. own reel dieh for the
cuie of rttxrrh. All di.eatge g.4•ms
at*: killed, and the
t "' f,I. r; ,
t t , i 1,i,,
a x a
4f a site,. t
.«. _.
u • ,tier t br k for lauilding put••
1 'x•'N•
1 �1ean the blood-
P*oPer Y g
friend" of the runlractinK pxrtit*". ,tM-11dicitis,
and prevent any tendpnry t+r
in one day vnn'll
irritntnl mur0ux
nlenlbi,ane is hPaled.
tgt. }wpi.,A, ,ia, ,,
Fur peirOs a d pin icu'u .lite tt.
n i
stops the ltcbe - attd takes
` away every trace ALauwlk-
r. :1m1 114,,. 1Vfldon will tike up
ho)luekl-e ,n irf Bru"se•Is,
P R ton'•
the tteroendnua tx•nrflt of Ut. HxlRtl•
Pill.. fly purifying the blimmi
The complete outfit rosix hilt $1.210•
tltittlef, 60 eentn'. (;o,upare tiff.
We are not 1,111,\' ,in tap w'Ith 11111' Rl',uriff.;m l till-
Ivxte hilt with HaPPY Thpught Hauges; Radiant
1�r 6Netic6 Cement Brick td
Co., L
tism and Sciatica
mnS•riagfr-ttx)k plave o, WednrR-
i ill' I t f 1 '
find cleansing the systen►the•v prevent
sinal) expense with the fee. churgexl
Heaters, lieneral Hardware Plumbing Heaton Tin
.ay a% wt-!oFto , n., by xparrmllst%. smlth+ng, mftw a
Ili J ur•rh, one gwAV chre, lift 8. .Nil
and •elite
7H1t CLAFUN ('ir(ENWAL O0., usurgal. nl ). an M4 111e Carpenter.
bn high-
,Iayal;. lYl its le. Nti utrdfefne "o It yriu ennnot obtain Hpomt•i of CHAS. C. LEG
nirn nnd,�l7Nv hyla ('nrlenter, shigh• nnrrxhah,l,w Ur. HxrnHton'" Pillg.mold ylnlydexler, it Will he A,rvrar,ted by
Waaoeox, Oar. tea. YOWL r.. IY "rotn•ba41 y(nulg Indy of Dublin. Paer•ywh -rp fn L'x•. Ix)xe•. with yellow Instil, fxrstxge paid, on 11,eeipt 0f pt•ir,•, THE SQUARE GODERIC!a. �• BROPHEY ON
,P till till, Hm111lar ""llinK lrreiiouh to (•over: gel, the genuine, 1,Vrite Gxlay for ronttnitation idabk ,
hi. nu►rringr Mr. Purrpll war pet. --_____ that, will entitle you to set•a•icen of 11111• •
seut•d with A met of dinin 11x"111 It':'•`1 nlediewil department tvithunt chat e.
The Same Result R g+eti'r-_7nE LnAbtrva--_
leather•.:Ltr(1 cbxitx by• him fellow The It. T. Booth (70wpany, Hyowri ,
Teas of F'nr•vterh. The gift with xe(,otla- A well-known bishop of Tennesse:e,, Building, Ithaca, X. Y.
parried by a rrorig4luentary noldr•-srr, wag tnkfug his eu"tnbal•y ;,gtroll` Funeral Directors
Delicious rinvof 0l') St"Idrty, ,htol"ItT •JNtth, till- den'th through the park the other morning. and F m E)a I m e rS
t.xrk place of Misa Agnrg Hart, eldext He happened to sit down on title of
dswppl1htier .of George }Ilea-►, of Bruce_ the benches there, Now the bishop 9f'rf _,° %
fll-hl. Jlisx ifxrt lord hn•n ill fur a ih n acry gtent' man, not only in the r' t ,' __, *'''p `
It ht w a mann
�S OtTy lung tiler and her death was not un- Mt churl h, but in Plnhnnlx,int : 'i t r " ' . orders ..many .uenaed to At eft
with a microscope to l-xpw•tl-d. She war thirty-two Year-" as well. His weight proved tit" tlylch Will
hoer.. ht et* da+
of ,a c."I'he'trreaxl-d wnxnvW eStit for tilt- bench, avhiell cul'' well. n ill• 1
tell Grand Mogul Tea Y y in hilt on the A p to i i t e
able ynun� I:idy :Intl net nraiar R gerund. AlNnit this t �u Xi
from the Comnloh kind worker hl r nlrrh (-it, It,.. 4hr lg ear- tint• a little girl' rolling a hoop along, 1 �:,�, i ��•iH. ��i fl t ��
vivre Illy her Gather and one sister, fol. the: tvrverNnd gpntlewan prostrate ( p -'
by the looks: but a blind 1ff". Kate send tifteTe,l her nvhi.Gince•. fiat, illy 1011 Bottle OTF iLl t10ZOat@ �� j� p
roan can cell talc dlffer, little girl," said the iti.hop, ••do yon Q s and Give It t0 You t0 Tle7a UfUNllRY 13RUS.
Presentation at Belgnve. think yon caul• help gurh n grn,tt,
ence in the first sip. , I
P hPavv uuln nn his fent ?" We make few elaims of what 1,i uo. •
lir". \\', L. Brandon, of ii oragrve. q)h, yrs, replied the )fill# irl, q been made with it. Its poAer had been Atm roost forms or the following:
Q Grand Mt�qul Teas are w:lv prew•ntt,l with it Ix r/ttrifnl nlxntrl .a v,, 1x•1 "rel p R none will do. And no testimoninlR aro pproved,ltKain and again, in the meet dif- Rldr,ey Trouhtwa Liv.r Tmnblei,
a Lhve blefxJ c f sit r- clock by the choir tit Ketox chterrh, 1 91"'I d A lot" of t111"Px published to show what it has done, R e 6rult germ diseases Then we offered to Livery, Po iR when hp*m been even drunkrt• than tliom. •b rrouh,•x womon•s 2",..wte KaCk
Ilplgrncr, 11114.4 vrninK revrntly. Mn. ler th�t each sick one should learn its nlpply the first bottle free in every di- b� y aa,e� u,mati n ,orae a gwren 1ptim or11th
lative qualities that never Brandon had teen n njellob•r Off the won i1ep-*' M• IL 1iIII`r, in Februal'Y wer b a test. That is the gtlickat seise that required it. Aad over one deceive the user, ppinrott's• Ill rPr.au. dPWIKy Lt,j'=:. actsAs a ^tWkLallsw
choir tar wane finer 2111• the p cc mel- way to convince you. million dollars have been spent to sit- aceompllahingrnnari,tbr.r,,.WW. r - -- AND --
Q Mountain grown in Ceti- tion wax It parting gift on the occnalon tlHeac T -,r;%f So we offer to buy.ths jtntt bottle ar I nounre and fulfill Ibis offer.
Ion. cured and blended by of her severing her connection with y Plus Prayer. Rive it to you to try. Co,aph" it Willi Tile rofectit is that 11,000,000 hot es y50cw Bottle Free.
the church. 'Mr. and 1111•s. Bt•andon klhel. one of New ll..w whirr'" common remedirs• see how much mon have been u.ed, mostly in the p h two tried to I -d Liquozone, and have never 'Bus Stables
it does, Dont cling to the old treat- p aae send us thin roe
experts, they enter your tea- leave for their new honw-fir the %Vext "evenrvrnr•old dxughtrr•R, iR tipvottd Year.. Ttxl.e there aro coftptlpsd cured pon. We
atxurt clip end of Fehruary to the birlw. NhP wait e•nta rel tit her menta blindly. The scorns of diseases one., scattPrrd everywhere, to tell what will th"n mail you an order on a local Ido
pot with a flavor that rt0 An Exeter Wedding. older brotbpr•, wh(we kel-treRt l-n'11y- I which an due b germs call for a germi- Ligqvozone hull done ° drugpgqist for .a full size bottle, and will
other tea possesses aunt serried to le to Irnp them, a Nhr doe' Ple"e learn what Liquosotse can itut 90 many others need *ill that this PAY the druggist ourselves for it, This
A pretty t4InenK,411.1 place in 'Mx- ilteadett with hint* and hcoldnl biro, oiler fit Published still. In late peau,eci- is our tree gift, made to convince you;
Q They are a contrlbutlon whePtern
on 1ir'n Ira, Mabel.
ht thingmir
S1"t- "It all to no Pftcct, 80 F:thel t(xrk ,t What `l V en1111-traced srores of disease to era to let the product itself show you what
to good health wfit-n 11i.s INanrn lbilx•h sang ter of new tack. Q ozone is. attacks. Old remedial di not AP pp)g to it can do. In justice to youreelf, please
11r. and Mex, .M. Hanly, mai united in When F,rayer tittle cane the other The virtues of Liquosone are derived them. We wish to show those fuel, ones acceppt it today, for it places you under i
Q High in theme and low n,arriave tri F redericli H. Itielthell, (if rvenfng Iter mother pearl this flnnl play from gas". The formula IR sent to -at our Dost -what Liquosoas can do. °o 0 Ilixatlons whatever.
in tanrtn means high m Zirrich. Thr cyn•muny titIA'place at ietitinn +uldrt) tA) thew: which dealt �h user. The pror"a of making re -
the 1•iquozo°e costa 504, and =I.
11011110 of tilt* hride'lt plttentx and directly with the R n•ilnal rend rna, qutreslarge apparstus, find from A to 14 Where it Applies.
flavor arxi not a mere w,lvprffnrnrd by Rev. tV..f. Pagel. trriAl welfare of the frtmfl ••A",, days time. Itis dirPeted by chemistry CUT OUT THIS COUPON
substitute for bi"crs. of /arlch, to tho plvrsl-brP of hit• •pat• (lost, Alenve x11taxh aft lYilllo'R of the highest (-Mita. The object in to so These are the diseases in which Liquo
niediat• n•IRtivell. '%free n 1411ort xtAy "mt1' trap.. for .leans'sake. Amen.•' it and combine the ItRaeaaetocarryinto Zone has been most emploved. In these Imn,1 ,,it .rid man n to Tho IAgoou,n. (am
Grand MU9ll� with friendh In (Ontario Mr. and Mr". "FthPl, d"At1p paid her ng,ther, Ford- the system • werful toni"-germicide. it hnR Parned its wid"t replttadon. )n . ~°y'�1 Whb"n AA'+CakaeP
Kirkteil will IMIYP !nr irpnp, X. flit- ouRly, '•dti titin reltll� think thettlast fit CO°�twitpoLiquosone kills any forret
yy h all tl thee. ndinaa we •upp,y the 6rsl trymua"is.....,:.................•............
Tea "keGa. where 114. Ilickleil hxe btsftrPi. w nice thing tnnak(itxl to i]0? f),r alt o! diseflRe RPfR1, h•xauae Rprme are of hotllrfrPP. Andinall-nomstterbowdif-
itlterpRt., pa, Y vPRetnhle or;Kin. Yet to the�ody f.iquo-
rx t Hitn t0 do Ruch x thht sit ficult-we offer each user a two months' sit hays O"Tor&IO bot f tt" IxP, bite It t. wer
that Y' g sone is not only further tent without the risk of a rats me•soc I+asteerre t set tate 1t
Y harmltxs, but helpful penny
Q Sold only in P.. -r. -ell In A Pioneer Passes Away. kithl-1 ernlh It hfwndngly. a n d In the extreme. That in its mein dls- Asthma outer. ti at
en wore dust. no microbo. Leen An old ,trill highly re•leeted rexi• I nn"wer"l : '•Oh, thrst'll ere all tri ht, tinction. CommotlgprmiridPR are poison All- Amemf• (Pelt `rl,mtnPn••..••••............•..••............•'. ••••••
Fa the prerniern (-°4111°" in "`d, R when taken intern sl) RmnrhltM Har rw.,rr-lafi".e.a
dent of 1:x41 Wnavnnnsh, nr"r 1(pl- 11r117,r.(!1'. JNh ►N fn►4 i Prr111M1 It rRrairx Y• That iR why Rioad Plot L.nnPP. AL1. f'At,Ltt A7TPvNDF:i) TO
Mase "Ge arNl Moser!" drapes t medirine has b,en Ao hPlpkaR in a germ R., .rlTroahtra r.ornrrhrw
tKr, wth I grave. John OwPnh, l7a.wYI rt WAy Pnl'ly i M11aRhIVI 'Peel ill) wy own ae1L'•_.-. 11on lR rally ••••
4111 'OOn+Pri' nr1«lay morning, ,January •Lard, in Fehrtutry Lippfncott•x, dIRPRRP. 1,1 nnzone is mthilnrating• vj- chrr.ompo..,, I llr'V i *�r.lus A x PHOMPTLV FROM HOTFLN
» by sM•+s tf,e pm,"alms nw hi. R•ct-lRy-l(:aentb rear. ,ft*. (Iwen" -. _- . _____�_ I talieing, puri7ying; yet no disenae (•--. rt. e,. •e D I V AT B H O U8I►.li
' AND P It
�'„•ia•id anrne elle lr>ors• gym r ,rt* r.,.rrA•`r` Rhw,1m.,,e,a t I oi.. fall.. . . plainly.
y 4 l nrxrl)' MatTla(fe can
PxlRf in it. i ...,,..r o.r "e,ells (SUNDRY D c
M w altciPes when rxwa g; ri�1_" .dear -ant., BEIO►7.
three tar" 44441 his death w4•x n• sage We urch"ot,d the i •.
h x,'n n axle health i fur
4,111 �� (fllawlfi. ft* eafta American raRhfA to +r•, ��r T.,hwrml o, xeuutaeaun/br,Iquertnnewva.re nt..
r q /' s00 ollllsfltdg of testa had illy«.-wi fwew rtli t't ' any ate; sR or gt ant y{trr ylet+•atra ! ttlJt Tff NTitIlF:7' ('HO\ F: F iYI Y
ry a ti �.m,".a f141 a If. , r. aq t le � rt,` 1".. tit ., fi.sr . :, , � g ti e weross a tw
, J4'.Y,�r',•" dI t m1c i "tv ��i to .`1gr.: n..-`ut`"�`rt(r�ai£, ef";1°'5 'k,xcauam�x'wr.�ag. �.>.. �l.-
(i(It)1J 11ORRIiy
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charge of the
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meet all train a
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