The Signal, 1906-2-8, Page 1TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, THE SIGNAL TO ut FEW, tgo7, AND THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD FOR ONE YEAR, BOTH PAPERS FOR ONLY $to. Sub sc ribs Now. PI PFY-MiNTII VICAR -No. 9077 iimats GOI)Etttt'H,ONTARIO, CANADA: -FEBRUARY 8, 1916 i PRINTED STATION- ERY, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS, ETC. YOU CAN DEPEND ON GETTING A GOOD JOB OF PRINTING DONE AT THE SIGNAL BE- CAUSE WE DON'T DO ANY OTHER KIND. 1 .-- VANATTKR & ROHkRTSON, t'usustisa+i Financial 1 THF STANI)A ISD •LOAN CO. AS A DEPOSITORY HAS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES : lot --Capital and surplus of $1,11/2,(00.00. 2nd. -Board of Directors consisting of men of standing, capital and busbies. integrity. 3rd. -Offieent whose efforts are at *II tinges to please depositors and to treat thein with courtesy and con.iderwtitin. Call or write for little booklet entitled. "SOME CARDINAL POINTS" THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZES LT$ TO ACCEPT UEiiOBITS. W. L. HORTON, MANAI:rR, TO ADVERTISERSNOTICE Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Wanted: 1 TASTED.-Ft'1(NISIIEIE }HOUSE. 1 Madden oonve,dencea From May 1.1 to September tat. !'lease •taL. lent and {rr ticulen. THK SIGNAL Lost or Found 4ITHA.YED' FROM LOT S. MAIT- • 1I LAND con.e,oton. Ooderich townshle, a +. Ig ht bay colt. little white en lett hind toot. • tooting two years old. Any information lead. • mew Its discovery will be suitably rewarded anr4rzppren.te paid by the undersigned. JOHN N X W I'OM HIC A iu*ic ROY ADAMS • Tteae rag IW PIANO Studio 1n Bank of Montreal Block. • ►itW. WILLMOVry (HONORS CEK- 11•TI AT K Trinityy College. London, . and chnirn,w.trr of Knox Pegged, u1 ode t • F. .4ngtn, a dory •n, teacher ,of blare, organ, Inrlonakl'. theory arra harld,. '(opt ndlo ra.- 1r.. Mr bna►!d'a, St. {Irv1A's .Gert, two door. wit -t of Victoria .Deet chsrch. 733n. Fine Arts DSAWING AND PAINTING I N OIL AND WATER COD /It. }MveM tuition and clam- .. ONO. F. H AL'l,ITT, 1'ambria hand a;obithorpe'o pow,. Dentistry S U.Ii. E. ALF L.U.S. D McLean'. Block Dr. Turnbull'.. oldr.and.° Medical li-Kt4,- lk-TVRNBULL A. T. Kai)1IAwoa. M D. W. S..Trarv. snt. M. H. Mow Hamilton Street. Those 101 Residence 'phone 1:y. DR. A. H. MACKI.IN. M. B. 1/ PHYSR'IAN AND St'Ht)KON $D.010l attention to Kyr.. Ker. Now. and Threat. Moe and melds, r. old Hanka? Mons reg. oppoalte I'rwt08kr, Nest .1., tioderieh. Telepboo a No. fry. Legal IAMERpN eft` KII.LORAN. BAR- RISTERS, ,,Melton, notertee, etc. r amen Hanilfloo St., third dont lino ears. (lode Ont. 11. O. ('AMERON. K.4 . J. L KIL LORAN. _' PROUDFO(yr, HAYS & BLAIR kan•btere, aolielton, notaries public pr. '• Lorain the Marl! me Court., etc. Omer. a .at elde, Square, next door C. A. ealrn'e grocery. Pel este PROIJDF OT,•IKC.1. II. C. HAT. interest. SLAMS. GOD ICH MARKETS. Tmrtr$DAY. Feb. rah. There aa. no . foment of hogs thio week. The gi market t •menet quiet, with pricer et old figures. ' Faall wheat, per bus , new Ip 73 to 4 ring wbr wt...per bu new.1 75 to Kyr. I,er Leah 0 11 to 'luck%heat. ler bush o ilk to )kat, per bush., new - 031 to !'race per bust. , 0 75 to to Barley.. per beuh. 041 ecreeninr*, per lou la ps to Flour. f.uuile. per rwt 1 . r lit Flour, Iwtent, per cwt ... tett 2110 to Haan, per ton le W to Hhorta per ton 111 lay (o Ha). per tun • 41 S) In Wool, lam coed..... 3 •n to Rutter, per Ib as�lr to to (he.se,,et'. per Ib 'r_'• freer, per nos - 0 1,2 0 IS to Pewee.. ... 4 35 to 1 'at t le. ord in 'y t o good, Otis cwlr on to l'attie. ezp,rt, ler owl "5 to Hogs. her weight,; per cwt7 4 to Springlau,,b. 3. l 4 to Sheep. per cwt 3 to /bun. per Ib . 0 16 0 Macon, per lb- +'u 9 u 4 ,' _ 0 13 Lard. per Ib . )^t n . 121 t Tallow, per lb' ..' se4 a e. , 0 1. Hides. per cwt.. • l l t ' "�. • ' e J) to Sheep Skill ... . t9n.•;;"' e) to Turkeys tett tett,.. 0Uto l bickers .. .. .. ... tet. 0 A to ?Outside niarkei, on page 3.) T ANCEY, 1.0101 ITS E. BAR- RiITI'ER,.ollettor. notary. Special Attest. Hon given M Merino ('ohrt work. Money to can. (Mice: North St. tint Square.Ooderlch. MO. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, . solicitor, commiaetnner, etc. Money to oar. (Mice, corner Hamilton and SL Andrew's Street., Goderich, Ont.. DICKINSON & HARROW, BAR- RISTERS. attorneys. eolicltore. etc., Oodeyfch. Money to lend at lowenet nates. K L DICKINSON. CHARLES ("ARROW. LL.B. T O. WARN, CONVEYANCER. tJ • etc., and comrnissloner for taking and reoefving res ognlraur.r of ball, amdneite or amrnlatlal.. depo.ittone or solemn derlara- ttone In or concerning any .wtlon suit. or pro- ceeding In the High ( ourt. of Ion, the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in any County cr Dlvfaten ('ourt. All tr*neii 000e carefully m and prodly executed, Its ldence and (4 *Admen --(Dungannon 'Int. Insurance, LOan$, etc. MONEY TU WAN AT Ill PER "N on town and furn m P•rl) Fire. Ifs and accident In.nrwnoe. D. F. RAM LINK. G. F. (':\RF:Y. T ORN W. 4;11A1 411E, LiFE, FIRE • and ambient in.nnnee. Agent for leading mutual and stock sonpsnlrs. Insurm,e in all line.. effected on beet plane and at Inweet rate.. and Street ('ell at office, tomerr N cwt S ISquare, [GIF ()afe,ich, Out. • ads resa .I fele show 21 9075 U 73 .0 L{ 0 48 U S4 0 043 la o11 1 Yr 1 3' 10 00 111 en 7 u0 e .14 44 JJ(2 k4 1 (1r 4 73 7 Int 511 3 7.5 Ula 0 Ie 124 0,44 7 30 5 1 13 t1' Meal Estate tor bate. quip: (B)DERICH 11EAI. ESTATE 1 AND INSURANCE .'GENI'Y. F'oa SAL):. 21atory Birk and oeuenl harnoinec.dw,Nlng. large ',table. a let.. Finely ^hurled. 9:,u1,,. w .nap. 11-etframe lianenned dwelling. Neer • Collegiate legiate 1.,.)) uta•. 9(.314. ,-story frame I4:naaurl. dwelling. 2 lot. Nearly new. {Joe'. Thi. L. very dual' '.!Inst 2...tory• brick eton, baker'. oven old photo- graph gallery. Situated on Main .leas. /fly t h. 01,1144. one more var•mnt lot on et, George*. ('teecent. 1 remain, 7n feet. 90!111,. 3 three -ten lot well waxl.d, .it exin lake final. Ymfrom GJuaferfch. Fine brach. Heautiful location for mutineer *stage.. gee each. a' *, r.. gad {mature lair.. _ mile,. from Gale rich. Splendid chance for anyone wishing to go Into dairying. 31.40). 1st -glen farm. Finely .11 nested. nobd buildb,g.. Fruit. Ito d .apply of water. '1 mules freer town.- 9&941 Money to loan, 3 per cent. ('AHKY. HAM LINK. 'Bank of ('outmercv Bldg.• VALI'ABLE FARM FOR MALE OR TAP ItKNT fora term of rem*. (ond.t• ing of tan acres, eflnees.lon 1. E. D. township of Aehlteld, and efrriatad 25 mile. we.t of Dungen. non. (eel building'•. large orchard of choice f:•nd tow.. 41 acre. of fall wheat : remainder of farm 1. mewled In goal famine. On the pre- Mulme.. law never falling supply of good water. 1 onvenlent to o'hool hoose end church. Apply for further pert Indere in writing or personally MO. F A(Ur1TIN K. Dungannon. 7441 McKIL1.OP MUTUAI. FiRE IN- 1URAN('E ('O. --Farm and Isolated town property • tenured. Value of rnpert��•• in - mitred up to Jan. IMO, over 93,4)0,4444. officers and directors: -J. iI. McLean. pre.. •' ChasT. Frame, ' dee -p194 : Jas. Connolly, O• Bale, Mr. Chas ney, J, Watt, Jere Evans, J. G. Onto e, J. Benne. we're directors ; T. E. Hays, Seaf,wth m.x•retery-, trexenret • Inepecenre, nearest director to leen, J. W. Yen, Ilnlrnesvflle. agent for Weet Huron. Polley -holden ran pay a,.eneimrntai and get their card. reeclpted at Mr. cents', '1(, Inton�thMclwwn Riva' Palace (lothing oto» Marriage j►acenees LIRAME RESIDENCE ANiD HALF - c ACRE IA)T FOR -SALE.--With fran.e t1hle. The garden la one of eche Meet in the dl.trlet fur therowing of small fruits. For teem. and condition.. apply to WM. POTTs; Kelt ford. - 3tt A.N }YCELLE: i' FARM FO 12. SALE. --10110 acre. In Wee Wawanoeh.two mile. from Auburn : roll • clay 1001.1 ...11110111 ton acne. under cultivetlun ire+ 7) td' -4n new. timber. 'A well and two a Ipg' of water, a new frame dwelling,a horn, s ble and driving.he,t. Apply to -0t'NU 6: ROBERT. SON. t4oderlch HOUHES FOR SALE. • 1 bane for .ale scleral ne- w houv*, each con- taining hall. parlor. dining roam. kitchen, pent r •. mailroom, three bedroom. and elort. Lash hmailroom,a a. a good cellar extending under the whole honor. Thos house. hate .11 been rnrcntly finlaherl and pure haler. will find them thoroughly -tad.. factory. If yon area tenant you abo ld mime and ace ane: 11-1. cheaper to buy a Ironic than to pay rent. el tf J. T. tiOLDTHbRPfi. %TOI'N(4 & ROBERTSON. REAL I', tai,• and lnanrwnce Agente. iien) ...- Isle for wile or to lel . ('ropertie' handled in any part of the town and comity. Fire aid life In.urance, uwney to brag. etc. ('ItlPNRTII$ 14111 MACK. A c fortebIF frame dwelling on lea.ex 'greet. with modern ronvenlenco.. A .table and driving hoose. :\ cormnodlma frame dwelling on South and I'Irton -t reefs. with stable, etc. A fenny dwelling on Keays deed. Vacant dot. on Renee street, on Eserx street. on Montriol .treet. on Britannia read. Off Huron rrstd. 011 (lmine greet. Fan,,. two mile.. from ('arlow, stn acme, .neer- kw building.. gad water supply, orchard and limber lot. • Farm In Wort Wnwana.h, within three miles of Auburn. 8)14 acts. (Mal handing. and water. S tour miles from ' , Cnllen,e fake hose. Farm u Unclench. 1944 aeeea Form on Hayfield road, four miles front (lode. rich. Pin acre.. • Faint on ltumn road, one mile from Goicrioh. lee acres. For further information apply to YOI'NO a RORERTSON, Real y.tate and insurance Agent, (Fod,ricb. ()moxa: Neat door t0 Hell Telephone Of1ee. the &+rare. Ooderleh. t _ KELL', WALTER E. t0UDk11(•H, ONT. Wa4ehmwkor, Jeweller and Optician. Bawer of Marriage l.lrrnaes. WLANE, ISSUER. OF MARRI- A0111exn.w, Ooderich, Ont AIIcttOrleeri14 THOMAS OUNDRY, LiVE STOCK and general anetionder, hes removed (elan Hamilton Mtreet to new effete. on Mouth Street, when. he will be found at all ttmee when not rryIng .alas. Terme moment& and every of - ori. woo to sere you eatlstactfon. 'Phone .y, LIMORON: BECK ETT, GENEISAL '7f wnct(nneer. 1411 Remit, nn mlreet, Goderich. P. 0, box mt. All sole. will [reelse epeclwi t k of lineation. I will hay nor entire noc vier will moll yon Menem rash w old gond.. for Menem, fnrnit ossa mmttrcaw., .priors• err.. cheap. ('all and nae what we ,an do for yo, In Chia 1yw• UKORUK BECKF7C turloelty Shop, Ooderieh, . LOCAL 'TOPICS. Th Signal's Prize Competition. lite work of judging the composi- tions sett in by the boys and girls who took part in TIie Signal's prize competition has just been completed. and the awards will be published next week. The Summer Hotel Sale. Bidding at the sale of the summer hotel and furnishinga last Saturday watt not very brisk. The hotel was not mold owing to the reserve bid not being twitched. James Bmilh. of Clin- ton, offered the arbount of the chattel mortgage he held for the fareiture and was the purchaser. Another for Goderichl The Stratford Beacon of Monday publisher the following with reference Situations Vacant jTENOGitA1'HER- W A NT E U:•- 1 One who hits been employed in a law oIoe and who undur.mnd.. bookkeeping and b:urkiog beanie.. preferred. Apply. stating experience and •salary expected. to BOX •Lie, l.olericl,. OY WANTED --APPRENTICE TO AS learn printing.14 or IS years of age. fsdr education. A goal opportunity fur a brlgbt boy. Apply et THE SIGNAL OFFICE. it OtlCe WARNING. -ANYONE FO lT N U trrmlmwsing or carrying are-anns on any part of our property will be erre*ted and {,rosy. euted. ISlgnofl k. C. and E. l.'. ATTItILL ANOTICE The Wad 4)ntario Pacif- ic Reilway Company will apply to the !',rllament of 1'anarla at Its neat session for authority to build it branch line (mut a point on the ( 'ompanv'. line at, or near the city of London. Qntariu, in a northerly direction through the cuuptle. of Mlddl4aez, Oxford. Perth. Huron and Bruce. to a point' on I.a�k.e Hnror, 1n the county (9 Huron or Heuer, rile. fur other V'art'o.avl. ANl)It):w' T. HoMl'HUN. Solicitor for he Applicant. (HLE\', Nahr ..at*w* 11th January. 1119. 74.51 I REMAKER--M 4. WM. THM / ut Areet o ity t i F: elide ehurt•naguuranleees perfect fit rind price. reseonabk. A .\7141 FOR SALE. -FOUR TOWN LOTS on Layfield road, mouth of Mea Il'eaDl_jUlb- win'. property. Appy to 0. W. THOMSON & SON. 1S-- tf. LI ARM FOR SALE -FIFTY ACRES, 1' bring north half of Limbed Miff of lot Nn. m two mile. we.t of ,rasion 4.A hfHM : a, rnn on (load bnlMln awn acre.I mnrrn n as orchard: well unAerdralneA• mil clay Imam. For tartlenlan apply 10 UIL'ORG": HA Mils, t)ederirh, (MG ,tor Bale ' IOR SALE. --THE UNDEItSIONE`D ha. for wile a Maoo•y-Harris seed arkt In drill. hating no further use for same. Ih first -clue. retention; hos been onl • two )•r. in uses. Halt of price will be taken in wool ifagreeablc topumhaser. TH"MAS ('It '(4)11, Hinrk. .tract 76.31' ro i)A. E BURNER - HEATER FOR 1) S LEL-Counter.. of Oxford, No. 13), In fint.i rendition will be .old cheap. Apply fur Pani mare to H. TI►'FORD, ern. Cambria raid and rafaldgar .treett' • utile Notice AI'f51.ICA ION TO PARLIAMEN TAKE NOT!( that enaepllewtler will he nude to the Logi tier Assembly of the Petty. ewe of Ontario at t nett sermon for an act extending the time or the completion of The Onto, iu \l'r.1 Shoe ri.• Railway Company and to enable it to e pmprlate whatever land may be merman- for par x,.e.. and for .itch other amendments to he ',ewer. of the .add Company s. may be de- .1 nee ewary Dated atlhderirh this h day of February. IAA CA NI k KILIA)RAN, Soli tors for Anplbxants. J1 )ERiRAeerlhBnvLE111FA KM F'Oit HALE. Nwrrn?Klntwll,A-heeldtown• hip, it mile, from Uederieh and 12 mules from ),,know. The above property rnmpriaes a tenet of Inn 4. no on the main gravel road, near wheel, church and. pnre, end In .nitehlr for either l'rtedant or ld(nem ('nthnlie fnmi- Ilea. The bulkting•. which are In gad .dote of ,rdw4e, compel.* a well-built rough...at, holm., 3) het .quare. with two burn., elan a gn.e( hearing nreharl. The land 1. nn.nrtsaa.ed for fertility In the township, with a creek running In and oat of the farm, and M well adopted for the rmiming of .trek. The property le offered for the low figure of es.1m, as the owner le enable, hy ctrcmm.tencese, to carry Rn the farm. The etnC k and Implement ran be "aught at a low rantatidn and fal•or.LM ten. silo bin Iver to a pnrrhw.er. 1f the (arm h nM.0Mb be nfferea for rent f Shark I twin der n ipso the nu .hard, the Work. eine. 7irnM and .)seed furn1.bed by the pprnrwpptr kfdor. TpppIyYtl*xenpet�yl(, �aa or to l'H t11AT( !PH 1011, A MARRt!, r by de Killian P. 0. 74 -1st auction 1 alSPERSIGN SALE 11 OV it(OISTERED SIP )1(TH0ItNS A 'D GRADE ('ATTLI. at ljlIl.ide Stock Fairm, London • one mile eolith of Chole,, nn Wednesday, February lath 11111. 151 Short horn. :old 12 Graded The Bho horn. are good cattle and well bred. Import.. bolt. have been largely need. Sale will commence et 1 o'clock pan. .. rp. TaKse: t months.on Approved joint n steeper cent. jeer annual off for marl.. THIS. UUNOltY. • H. PLL'MSTEEL. 749. Auctioneer. Proprieto to one of our old Goderich Cloys : "H. included gifts from Toronto, Hamilton, B. P�arions, formerly accountant in Chatham, Stratford, London and the lBanadian Rank of l'ow,ner•e at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs,' Hyslop leave Stratford land recently of Hamilton, shortly on a trip to Port Huron mil has been appointed to the manager- Detroit.° ship of the new branch just opened in the uptown business district at Mon- treal.' Mr. Parsons is a young maty of the right stamp and his success is well deserved. Fancy Dress Carnival. Bills are out announcing poesibly the last and' certainly the a best fancy drew cerniv%l ever held In Goderich" for Friday night (tomor- row') and those who attend are exhort- ed to "dress Lundy,. act futility, look funny. laugh. skate and enjoy them. selves." '!'here are good cash prizes and the competitors will have the ice till 9 o'clock, judging to 'continence at 8:16 o'clock, skating till 10:30 p. tn. Adnaisaion : Ciente, 46i' ; ladies and children, Ibc. The Harmony Dance. The Harmony Club dance in the Odd elloweHall on Ttioaday evening R was it very pleasing function. The at- tendance was larger than usual and included a number of y g people from outside places, among whom might be mentioned Meer,. T. Rance and Hillier, Clinton ; John Hulhirk, Miss Hxlbirk and T. Sample, Brussels, and Herb Smith mud it loud from Blyth. • The music was supplied by the. Blackstone orchestra and all ex- cellent supper Was served at midnight. Died in Toronto. The death occurred in Toronto on Thur,day. January 25th. of John Shur, who only a few weeks ago Me - neared to that city from Goderich. Mr, Sloan was a painter by trade and had a. store on Hamilton street for the' sale of pAints and other goods in that line. 1 [ - lived here- onl • *Ioti a n Ie h 1 year or two, having come here from Toronto. Shortly eater his return to that city'rhe became III and passed away as altar stated, agrol forty-four years. The remains were interred at Milton, when. 'deceased's father and mother live. Mr. Sloan was u coumin of A. J. Cooper of town. He leaves a widow and four sons. The "Black Knight" The Gonne' temperance meeting last Sunday afternoon was addressed by G. F. Blair. His address was well re- ceived and gave evidence of consider- able thought and (-nee in its prepare= \tion. The meeting next Sunday will he held at S p. tn. 1note the change in t • time) inete,ul of 4:15 ars usual. and wi be addressed by Rev. J. H.. Hee- tot., he "Black Knight." On Monday event g Mr. Hector will deliver one of his lee ores in the Temperance Hall. commencing at 14 o'clock. As the seating capacity of the hall is' limited, those who desire to hear this 'wonder- ful cyan 11 do well to he there earl in order to ure a neat. There wi1I )r ( asilver o ecti.u rc n At:(TiON SALE, .w. FARM, F'AHM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND, 4Hot's(;Hot.tl F:F'F'EL'Ts. 1 have reeelred in.trnrtlon. from the execu- tor of the e.1*Me of the late Henry Hutt to melt by public auction on the premise.. Int e, con. remafon 4. E. 16 Colborne. nn s THl'RSDAV. VEHRt'ARY 15TH, 1116, at 1 o'clock p• u..: The farm, enntelning 2.i screw, COM' loamy mall, well adapted for fruit. growing: On the farm aro n one -.tory frame dwelling with kitchen wing. barn. del. Ing mhad, stables, err. Good water on the ;member* Situated n mile and a quarter from church and wheal. Alma at the same Woe and place the follo» Ing : ate) horns, mulch cow.. in calf, farrow- cow, calf, row, In pug. 3 hens, onrhur.e wa(on, light wagon, top buggy. cut tee Incarly new), mete hareem., . one hem: plow, .et harms.. Intel roller, horse rake. turnip pulpe•r. fanning null. Crew cutter. set light tab•deigh., mggsledrns..tketom,.,t'e, `` shot els, fork.. R d grate. and other Retiree. G., mucron. to meat ion. I1tleaa implant. 1 bureau and bedstead, 2 mtove.,' 1 bednmmi net, and other hem...h dd regi Terme: -On the farnt, will be made known on day of sale. On stock. Implement... etc., all mom. of 910 and under, crash ; over that amount. nine months' . milt on approved joint note.. A discount of five per cent, ntratght allowed for aaeh on reedit wuwounte. LCTHKIt I). ALLIN, THOS. U('NDRV, Executor. Auctioneer. Statutory Meet of U. C. I. Board. • The statutory meeting of the Col- legiate Institute board wAN held yesterday afternoo . In the absence of the Secretary, Dr. Holmes, Sheriff Reynolds took the m utes. F..Jor- dan was reappoint chairman and the standing a int . were named am follows : property -R. 1'. Hnyn• J. H. Colborne and Judge Hl t: supply -- Sheriff Reynolds. I)r. T -tor and Judge ihoyle. The restrain meeting day was fixed for the first Thu -Imlay in each month, the same as before ,and a nuiother of ac(vruiltai were {teemed. •The board this year consists of the nue members es last year with the rx( p - Lion of Judge Holt, Who won a mit ied btl e1 remainder the of coasted tht, late it)r, l're et terns. Board of Trade. At the Meeting of the loomed of the Hoard of Trade on Monday evenh,g it was decided to hold the nnnue) neeting of the Board on Monday, 'ebruary 19th, when the annual re- nts will he rece•ivetl, offieet•I elected the year And other hlsiness tran.- i. The emitted instructed the ent and secretary to sign a petiti n tri the Ontario Government for th estahliabing of a hygienic in- stitute in the .city of London.J. Straiton, the local G. T. H. station agent, w to in regard to the request for inere d facilities et the G. T. 1t. freight ya - s for the handling of heavy good* nd suggested that the matter migh • lie postponed to luc'h time am the c htemplwtt'd rearrange- s and the erection of AUCTION SALE or A FBA MX BARN. HORSES CATTi.E, I'iOS AND HA$NEi11H. • Mr. Tho'. Tilt will sen by public auction at the Colborne Hotel, Ooderich, on SATURDAY, FEHRI'ARY IOTH, Iflfa, the horn at present situated on corner of Elgin avenue and Market street, known a. the omen*. hare. The building le in n good 'tote of ,''p'air and ,ntl.t be novel by March 1.Nh. Alm black hone. rising /ears *rt._eked by Na. nndnn. dam 17y St- Hlntw,eked brown mare, need. gray mar, , need. lay mare, t) year. old. brown mare, elder.',teen, old, bay gelding, 11 year,. old, twn-seated carriage. lou, homey, rubber tire% mikado aai R. new, .et. of tight hob 'high.. grs.. seta of 'Ingle harne'.n 2 imet.k in robe., '2 emend hand ratter'. 1 pnrnhr.d mrl.tered 'hnrthnrn row, ' elen ,f RMgewo 1," oalred May rt, 13(1. by Ieride M Itlmgewnrd, with heifer calf at fortby the well-bred Min Red Saturday Night's Fire. • ' Last Saturday night between 8 and U o'clock the tire alarm sounded and a large crowd soon gathered at the scene of what turned out ti, Iw a very disastrous fire, resulting in the total dest ruct ion • by fire and water of the furniture at Clarence Penninggton's house, Bruce street, near George. Stewart's- greenhouses, The only lire in the house front which the blaze could have sternal was in A coal stove. There was no one in the house at the time the fire started but when Mr. Pennington returned he thought that he smelle('smoke and on investigation discovered the source. Mr. Penning- ton and Mr. Stewart labored valiantly to extinguish the fire and the brigade was summoned. It was a difficult tire to extiogutish as it gut in between the walls and would break out in a fresh placeI i r while the, firemen putting o K out the blase 111 another quarter. 'fhr house belonged to N. VI . Nott, who had $5111 insurance, and we under- stand Mr. Pennington had several hundred dollars' insurance on the furniture, which included a valuable piano. A Three Days' Show. A joint Meeting of the tweed of direct.orm of the West Huron Agri- cultural Society and the (bele ch Horticultural Society was held in e evening i7lrt. town hall on '1'ueesada) g The usual au)thin for conadidation of the boards and the holding of the Great Northwestern Exhibition under joint management WAS unanimously agreed to. W. R. Robertson anti William Trane were appointed audi- tors and other tipsiness wait the ar- ranging for treasurer's bonds and the appointment Of committees to mylieit subscriptions. The question whether the show should cover two or three days was Much discussed And after the matter woe, thoroughly threshed out in all its prom and cons the vote was for it three days' show this year and Lite (Tates named as Wednesday,' Thurtidxy and Friday. September 29th. 27th and YJlt1). The town council will be asked to make it grant towards the funds of the aamstcialion and C. A. Reid. J. 13. Hawkins and John Salkeld were named a ttonulitteee to support the request. fn tit` pre•n meat of the yet new freight shed. take, place, - Uesth of Mrs. Ret • . i After being e'r' ned to bed for ,about it week Mrs. .lantirsnn Reid trammed away 'last Fr ay, her death being dim to heart fn ire. She ' :had Iw't'n in pour health for it Year groat. The funeral took plate on Sunday* afternoon to Maitland cert •tery, Rev. G. N. Hazen conducting the services. The pall -bearers were the deceased's mine (U. A. Reid, Dr. 11Vealey .1. Reid, of Detroit, end H. S. Reid, also of Detroit), and her sons-in-law ( Walter Sharman. Robert Heard, of London, and F. H. Martin). Mr.. Reid was a native -of Ireland. where two brothers are still living. Rolert Orr, of town, also ie a brotlher. She was married in the Old Country forty-eight years ago and canto to Canelo a year later with her husband. settling in liolerich. The bereaved husband and family have the sincere ty apathy of our townspeople in their 'furrow. Hyslop ---McCreath. About misty guests easetnblwl et the re4idenee of Mr. and Mt•'. Willialn McCreath, Mt. David's street., on Wed- nemd.y evening, February 7th, the occasion being the marriage of their meeond daughter. F9orenre J., to David w o The erre • was John H 1p 7 r Y 3 P4' formed h Rev. J.A. Anderson at e:i) o'clock. the bridal party standing 1) h` Goderich Minstrels. ' Next Thursday evening is the occa- ehTh of the first production ot the Grdett{ch Minstrel Company's show, which Promises to lora huge success. The advertising literature promises twenty atheists, aechnrus of twenty - ti ve. an ore hear* of ten piens and eight funny end -men, up-to-date specialties, n ie is Loraine, Monsieur "Aa xi magician and conjurer. Plan opens at Kidd's land: attire Monday nom. popular pt•ices. Resset•ve your seats early and have a good laugh. .Every Joke as hit : every hit a laugh. Pro Crede in Aid• rjf the 'tiled Regiment banal.. The performmne:e consists of an elaborate first part, a Iwantiful stage Belting. with twenty soloists, an addi- tional chorus of twenty -live, with an orchestra of ten pieces thoroughly instructed hy Clarence Pennington., The SOAKS and choruses have hw•en ler the instruction of A. Rot Adams, whose efforts ha{'t• been-ttntir- iupt( in perfecting the rhoruwe,a. The wanes are all the latest and the talent cannot he eurpam4el even on the pro. fewnionwl stage. 1.1)4o -date NIM'ciell- tire, int.erwp)sl•wd with overtures b) the nt-chestrs. will lie given. The after part cenobite of magic and conjuring oy Monsle ar Alexis L.rraim'• and an i.h akeroh by Parsons and Sturdy. 1.14411; g of original up-to-date 1(141, rr(04 rtee. Death\of Thomas Amy. A Painful i4lness of Iwo or Gnaw pwntha eluratiun wit. ter nlililted gee. t87tiay,tunrning. when Thomas Ann)' prettied aWee at his h on East street, at the age of enventy-three yearn. Mr. ttlmy was a native of Devuna'llire, I' ngland. a ing to this 'country •when w young own. He mettlisl first In thttnorth part of Peel (-minty. where he now bereaved wi from Peel t) But 014 married to his They removed evil, in Brant county, where they •ved for about fifteen year., and tient me to (lode. rich township. where th y remained until their retirement, fro 1 farm life and their re •a1 to to" n seven yearn ago. e13e.ides the wl ow,. the family of four song and fivirt d rghtera are wt1 surviving, and those who are not living et h e all. visited their father during Ilia last -dines* he ems are : Charles and Albert, ‘of fl Burford: Thornam, o 1 derit:h township, and William. at home, w d' the daughters Min.• 1lartis[rn, of Onondaga; MrM. .fames Colwell, of Or erich troopship; Miss Ida, at h : Miss Margery. teacher at Glen M1r1 ant Hes. Nurruot Toronto. . Mr. Anil was a quiet, unobtrusive citizen, hot was esteemed by those whir knew him its it man of sterling cIn racter. ice Wats it member of North street Methodist r hutch and unernl nervices. onorrnw thr 1 t (Friday) afternoon will he cducted try the p�,tutor of the chug Rev. U. - N. Hazen. . W. C. T. U. Notes. work accomplishes much good by leading people to think seriously, others to take it firm stand who had never been interested, and in this way Ir public opinion moulded rend tem- perance principles given a 41011 prom- inent place in social life. Frances Willard said, "We are bound to win ; we have the sober men on our side; we have the women on our side; we have (hal on our side -and God is a srower. and let us not forget iL"-W. . T. L'. PREes Sem. Women's Institute. The February meeting of the Gods - rich branch of the Women's institute took place at the h of Mrs. W. T. :tturnry on Thursday of last week. There w•am a fairly goad attendance considering the stormy day. The program was short Un account of members lasing absent who were to take part. :Ctrs. Marne), gale a well- prepared paper on "Accidents in the Hogue and How to Deal With Them." which was very interesting. T he treasurer's financial report of the oyster- muVL4r was read :and proved satisfactory to the members. It is the wish of the branch to extend a hearty vote of thanks to thaw who took part in the program or in any other way helped 'to make the enter- tainment a success. The March- meet- ing will he held at the hone of Mrs. S. Clark, when a colleetiou. will be taken to help a hospital in the West in which a member is very much in- terested, Brigger-Mitchell. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. Canteluny Quebec street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding today, when Mims $rock Mitchell became the bride of William Brigger, of Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Turnbull, rector of St. Oeorge's church, at 1i 3O, the bride lysing given away by W. E. Rothwell, of Toronto. She wore a handsome costume of White chiffon over taffeta and carried it shower bouquet, of white ruses, while her sister, Miss Maribelle Mitchell, who was bridesmaid, wore' point d'esprit over taffeta and rounded pick carnations. James 'trigger, of Hamilton, brother of the groan, lam sisted'biiu. After the marriage ser - vier the merry partyty Alt down t o a t',•cherche dinner, the lu•ide'e table be- ing decorated in white and the other in pink. The guests from out of town were Mr. and Mee. W. J. Swan- xon, Hamilton : Mr. and M r s. George. Forsyth, Hamilton : James Brigger and Mee. mini Miss Brigger, Hamilton : Miss !trigger. Toronto ; Mr. and Sura, W. E. Roth- well,' Toronto : Mr, I Sire, Robert White, Stratton!, and Mr. Upton, Hamilton, The bride's health was proposed by .Rev. Mr. Turnbull and %vas ree4pontled to by M. G. Cameron, M. 1'. 1'., and the hridesmaid's health was proposed by Mr. Forsyth and le- mlandret to by Mr. Itothwcll, Mr Up- 1.111 pt.n1 also tuaking an ap).ropriate, speech,. The Presents were numerals and Iwautiful, including some very pretty ones of cut 'glass, 'silver and brass. Phe gRrwoui'm present to the bride was t neeklaaee find sunburst of pearls, to the h:idesmaid a gold locket and chain, and .to Sties Chrissie Cantelon, who platyed the wedding march. a pearl ring. Mr. and Mrs. Hrigget• left un the :to clock train for at trip to Buf- falo and other eastern points before making their home in Hamilton. and .'oufetti w'an lavishly showered upon the happy e'ouple. Mr. Brigger IN vice- ptesideent and secretary cif the Upton Co., of Hamilton, rand president of the Huston A Baldwin Manufacturing Co., .also of Hamilton. and in her new Imola the many Ooderich friends of the bride wish her joy and happiness unstinted. The meeting', of the Woolan's(Arlie Gan Teinperefte ,[inion. though not Always reported. are held regularly on the second and fourth Mondays of tlir•' month ,at 3 p. tit. in the 'Temperance' Hall. .A very practical end sincere in- terest hs blew', by the constant atten- dance of many of the member, and their faithful attention to the various departments of work. Thr Union n in being in (nowt ►ntlY mu Plied wkh educa- tional lue -tional helps along various line., which go far in making our meetings in - tinder a htmwshne of evergreens and I tereating., A very cordial invitation white flowers. The wedding starch in extended to all interested in ('hrisr. was played by Mire Grace Dyke. Mims thin work. -u well los to three desiring iattie McCreath, minter of the bride, to lead it better life, to Attend these acted Am maid of honor, and little Mina tneetingm. Arrangement are being (Hedy,' Bedford, rondo of the groan, trade to hold a parlor meeting at the wag ring -bearer. The bride's gown home of Mts. Tretht'wey, Ifritannia Was of hlne and brown shaded milk and road, very pooh, probably on Monday she carried creme rotten. The maid of evening, Fehuary 1(4th, An excellent honor wore cretins .ilk and the ring- program will Is provided *nil the pro - bearer wins in white silk. The groom reeds will he devoted to the mrip!smet of prementecl emelt of the little girin with w temper*nce mhsaionary in the lam- a ting met with pearls. After thewed- her camps. A silver collection will iAnn, that wrlghe 2,93. pound*, dlhg supper wan served a pleasant. be tnken. A [Qnod work I8 being at - that, All .nine nt ere un : hlnr I weird eveningwas spent, 01(el• which Coral II 11ed to ryll hunt the county. tMt. amount. 1 m.mthe' ct+Nllt an hrrnWhing I P R y• approved jnlnt. nate.. A dlnminnt at rate of m the happy couple drove to their hone Word ham been received that. 'rveral per rent. pmFoment ellewedfor ramhonreed on Warren street. followed by the elf the Cniohmgra e ngage) in local l !Amount.. TILT. THOMAS Oi{DRY.bsst wimhre of thernm 1° ),Thrrrvsoption n work and are hopeful nfProprietor.w. Asetlarer, troll w�enumerous and_ tomtit' and success, Elm though defeated, this County Valuator s Report. • A suppleptentary report of the county valuators, which was sub- mitted at the January mesNiun of the i• :Ly council, was not published in our t•eport haat week. 1t Was as -fol- lows: We beg td. submit herewith the figuret at which each municipality in the county should be equalized. We have gone over the work care- fully again to Aticertain whether any injustice plight have been done tlnin- tentionally, as to comparative values banti hove etween el nsider drit necessary G sake t love slight changes from percentages formerly submitted. viz. : -East WnWat- nosh, 1 per cent. reduction ; Exeter, 3 per cent.: Seaforth, 4 per rent., and theme require 'explanation. In East %Vawanosh, we did not take quite inn Iargr a proportion of sw+unpy or power hands an we did in 4401110 of the other townships. and ovule the reduction as Mated, which will about even the die- crepancy. In Exeter three large Nisi - netts places vatted by IIN were assessed very low, mach lower, we believe, Limn other property in the village, rad behoving that this unjustly raised average about '( per cent. made t 1, reduction accordingly. in the h, \t,f Sr afurth we found that we had vah it larger proportion of business prom in proportion to the whole than in ole other towns, and this chain of �rropel•ty being generally as- sessed hi et• according to its pro- ductive volt than other pruperty, we fount! 're a y to reduce in that came by 4 per nt. making a differ- ence ir -ence on the aggregate eg1Iwlized val- tuttion of *boat $77.,I100. AMer,e,t. - 1114 New. velem-eat ',mallow XIIuiallne- Ihoperty n. tion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -FES. 8th. , Beading Notice-FamUy Herald and W. kly raew Star 3 Auction Malo -Luther L. Anne. Kxoeuttr, lie Idler - 1 Our Medical Herb Tare- .1 . 1', Goode 4 We Want four Huaineer -J. H. Hawkins. 7 Winter Footwear Must Uo- \Vin. Sharmane Overcoat M.tst (Jo -W. 4.'. l'rldhani 2 Announcement -K Wd'e Book store .... We glair the Newest -S, K. Hick 1 Notice -Cameron & Killoran ... New Priebe Mullins, Gingham. pad Cotten Walsttngs-Hodgen.•Bros. s Auction Salo -Thos. Tilt 1 Mnsvllfe Sanitarium, much improved in .41(th. womanMe•iween left last week 116 Attend he winter term of the Chicago School of 'unitise. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Massey have returned rem • two weeks' volt with relatives at Bridgeport, ('eon. Miss Marr, of the poetoMee staff, was called orae to (Myth til. morning. owing to the each of her mother. Mr.. Alex. Monteith. of Kipppern. ha. been letting r .later, Mrs. Stalculua McKay, of town, du ng the pal week. Mr.. S1 Kenzie mud her {•,r,rnldanghter. \ c • n 'w.h .1 1 urns f Hru ••eduld are vkaltlr )•tX so c. \\' yS wn (then i b , t of . H. Ituhert n. Miae. Mneia,'p, who had been visiting at the home of her� brother D. W. Massey, Wert, street, n•t um Mi to her 1 at ('arrtpbellfont on WedneaIny- H. H. !'argon., now teenager of a Montreal branch of the ('wmadian !lank of Commerce. was in town yesterday. Mr.. Parma. war elating In Stratford. lir. 1\'. 14. Tomblin, who has been ..ponding sy,erwl weeks in the hu.pital.. of New York. ha+ reaurnol to town bettor equipped than ever for fhb Tarrying on of hie practice hent. Jar. Millar. son of D. Millar. drygoorla nere'hant, town, {eft Monday ,,earning for V iga rvilI . AIW,, where he 11(111 join his brother Aline!, who has been in the `Ven for about a year. Stratton) Herron : Mr. F. T. Kanner. of (lode - rich, whose inu.Icnl studi.s have developed him into a proulking vorwltst and misu church rganist, wa. In the city over Sunday. He has been .tudying fur acme time with Mr. Palmer. Levi ('and, it former welt -known t'oeident, now of Grand 'Lipid.. Mich., wen.. 1n town on Cutin...? eeterdaay and caplet 011 w number of .I. friend.. He report prones prospa'roua with . turn'. to buslnew. In Marble week as h ( h d a him, but say. hr 11111)• yet U u,lerlch. Dr. Holmes (4 abwnt in T w u,etubcr of the temunittoe ppole ed by the county council to interview 4,embers of the Plot tnekaIGovernment In reference to hour of refngo and r•olleglato (0,10(oto legkaation and the ('aunty Council Act. \ Mr. and Mee. F, J, I'rldhaui an W. C. Prld• haul were h, Toronto the mat w •k attending a family reunion, which Included t elr *other and her thaw son 111, o f Toxon F .and Waller. of town. anw' 0 ledd her daughter. Il1 tr. 1'. H. (retie of Kingdon. It waw a pleasant gather - ung and was much enjoyed by the n,cmbon of the family, Answer This. ' • Ashfield Colborne .. . Ooderkeh Tp... Ilroy........ an. } wk k...' 11,1 t .... Mc•K op.. . . Mot rte. Steele,.. Stephen TurkymrAth 1 Titrnbrry I'nh,r,ee.. E. Wawanu,h�. W. Wawannah,. Hayfield... .. Blyth . . ... Brume'.. .. . ('llntre,.,.. Eerier . .. Hen.wll tett Ooderich ' W in:s orth m. . . W roseter . . 1.631.311) 1,:34.611 1.472.11 2.aral.22.5 1,218,794 2.412,11(3 1.(144,460 2.212.38 I.1Al1,11a1 1.1513,471 2,711.71111 719 1,7.,181 1,325.251 I,a31,IIL1 T11os a whl flay from cat* l le' houses is the ities will be inters ed in the following from a cuntewpora When your catalogue comes fro the mail order house wait until yo get home before removing the wrapper ; then wait until after supper, when the chores are done, draw an ens • chair tohe table where here the light will shine full on the page, pat on your glasses en that no iwar- gains may escape your eye. and nettle down for an hour of quiet enjoyment. What a wonderful book it is, to he sure --wonderful in what it does not contain as well Its in what it dues. We mine 1110me things we should be glad to see. Where is their offer to pay earth or exchangegoods for your !Witter, eggs, hay And grain? How touch do they pay for cattle, sheep and hogs? How h taxes will they pay for iinproving. roads and bridges, for the 'support of the poor of the county. tot• the expenses of running the 1)111400814 of the town and county ? On what page is their offer to con- tribute money or servicer in the establimhment and maintenance of a church -or Sunday school for the im- provement of the moral tone of your community? Whitt -line of credit will they extend to you' when your crops) are poor and money gone, when through illneiss or misfortune you are not able to send them cash with order for your hardware, drygoods, etc.? 1Vhere is their offer to contribute to any demonstration on a holidayin what department do they explain to you the increased value of your property am a result of trading with them? 1f in the catalogue you find there (jnemtin)IA answered to your en - tiro mat pdau•tiun, bring there answers in and most town merchants will turn to farming and let the towns go to grass. Under much conditions no town ie needed further than to turniNh a rail- way station, expreem office and pont- office, all of which plight lw covered with one roof. if you buy of Cata- logue - houses[ think over the above seriously.; n-1 ,3 ,14711 .2 to • 04 2.(412, 1,774.g 2.313, 11114 1,1e,1 2,.08,1411 1,770,7.0 1,7(12844 1.HH (441 11121 211 1.111 317 2.904.8)1) I,1W,i4t! 1.194.110 31„ (:Kale 221 4114 11.71' xr,:+l) .18),141, 673,74) .014.997m et 1.5t n 2.181.34) '2,a57,8)1I 2.4117.031 ;,41.144, 571.1011 8,14, 3, .144 2 13i, '4 1141 1.1 MO 1.401, 11 Y 117. 1 1.1144 1,613,314 111,43) 2 .1,1411 VI Jen 1k1.101 t y314 2.51,444) 1,1.11,.581 79,4n 7.1,1111 31;/34 4. a.a4 PERSONAL MENTION. .t. M. tweet]. of • bath/en, Is .lending a few day• in 1 1wn. Nita Jrnnir 4.Vll.nn. of Owen eomid. I. .lsit Ing et her h e herr. Alexander Wood of Pt, Mary.. i.1 the gnr.4 at his daughteM r, r., P. T. Hell. New Awe Mem). George !'otter relented last Friday front Lho ANNOUNCEMENTS. Melling out our wall paper. Now is your chance to get cheap wall paper., Ail roust\K he sold. D)D'1 BOOK STORE. AUCTION SALES. SAT( 1411.1 y, Fcbrnary Mtn, -Salt' of the frame barn at tamer of Elgin avenue and Market. mtreot : nieo bora,. rattle pig,,, hams'.., ear rhotoe, rte.. at rho Colborne hoteh Goderlch, eemmening at,124) o clerk p. M. Time, Ttt:r, proprietor. Tines Ut'. one, curt Mann. Tltt•HaDAr. February 1.4h. --Bale of 2;-acn' fano, belonging to the a.tate of the late Iienry • Hutt. a 1en tarn, .tock,implement,. and hon'r- hold effect. on the sm o ? V , to, 4, E. D. Colborne, rornn,cueing at { o'clock r. n.. lArrite.H D. A1.t.1.. executor. Toon. t' ep110, auct foie.r, Tcxso'y. February 27th. --Auction wale of farm, form sit** and Implemetas, ar lot l2,con- newton 11, Hallett commencing at 1 o'clock pp m, WILSON IIROS., proprietor.. THOS. Gl' MI)RY, auctioneer. BORN. WII 9(1X. - 1n (iodcrivh. nn Tnewta •, Jan - miry 91410, to Mr, find Mee. George+ %%'11aun, t w 111 .ons. WEST AWAY. --in Toronto, on Monde • Vetea teary 0th. to Mr. nd Mr.. W. J. t('ettta. *11)•, Ire 11a1dw1n .1reot,,t dory MARRIED. HYSI '- M. C .GI .1 ItF:.,TIr. - At the rcddenre Ot the bill.'. port,,t.. 1t. i1vld's mtrevt, en WrdneOlay. Februaryth by Iter. J. A. Anderaem, H. A., (M.•14 John HyAop to Florence Jane, mound daughter Of \%'n,. Met 'math. DIED. ((E . In Oederich. on Friday. February Ind. It ih Orr, helot ed titre of .iwmie,on Reid. MiA)A N --At hi. late redden-,', gat canton et me Toronto, on Thnrsrleyy,Jantsar y 40 h. John oar Itormerly of Gnderlrhe, 14ta1,44 year.. AM V. - in Udderieh, on %Yotnr'day. February It h. Thmn44Jlt Amy, aged 75 year.. The,f'meral Will take place from hp late rneldehee. Fa.0 Wren. of F'rlday. Fro nary Mh. Srkviee at the hoop. at 2.10 o'clock. (311)1). h, Colborne, on January 130, lira. Sarah (Mod. aged 7! rest« 1E11'11.1. in Vernon, it C., on January 34th, , Mary ()rare Steven., lw•Int a.1 WHO of Jams. Jewell. of Modern, Map*p toot, and elder of Mrs. ('has. Treble. atter) P• - toil') -'n Gnrtrrirh, nn 11'esdnendwy. F-ebruwrl• 7th J:vnr. Rrld• Wolfe Mews, roped 70yeats and 10 months,