HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-1, Page 7.1'1t1-; SIGNAL: GOl)Cltl(:i1 t)N I' \ 1:1,,
. Thy sitar, Felt 1, 1/908
avii44'•Riv'7i''A``A`,i'ctii4'i•'i'"4'4044'i-'i'4***'i`'i'. 7'i•444,+4,'i`***'i''i`*'i'**'i`**'i''i`4'ir ,
The News of
the District.
A4546+4645 44** *4444° ft`5 4°4+4°5544 Tt6t46454'45**46444 4646 4641:464"46.411156#455t+4545 4444400e
The Signal's Clubbing List I LANES
•ti. 'rcltn.1Y, Jan..7t I. I
\\'KONK.tAv; J±1n.:ilk. 1 MONDAY, Jaumiary:Mth,
Now it the flute to (l(i)eu our -Mitts May Reed is at present visiting 1 Mr. sad %Ira. .114111441111at)llen visited
Y her sister, 31re. Thomas Dixon, •if relatives at St. Helens on Monday
reading mutter for 1%$EE. Look over Punt Albert.. I'last. •
this list antit tit 1 ti f
fel•ed to Signal sullsertlelw in getting
" the leading papers at rtslu(wl rates.
The Signal and Montreal Weekly
r4 • e a( vAll tgtw o -
Herat ..1........ _.. $1.00
The Signal. \Veekly Herald And
Weekly Sun (Toronto)
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Daily.Gtobe 4.50
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Weekly Globe ....... ...,1.70
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star t;
All .ub4.•r 1 . ss
1 nen, t l 41aa1tthe real y 'uilitti
slut Weekly Star ra•uice the great preralunr
pitlture, "t4tioen Alexandra. 11cr Uraudchil
dress and lost+
The leannur'4 Manual nod Vetorinary
Guide" may 14+ hall i1•rnnulvllon with n141vu
offer fot 1.) cent. 4d1it leuad, or a mutt of$Liu.
The. YiltnsI. \V.ekh• herald and
Fuming World 1'huruutol 1.30
The Signml, Weekly Herald and
Weekly Mail and Empur! .. •:1.70
All eub4erits'r4 for weekly Mail And Knlpire te.
eel re the premium art0lrrsvlire. "The 'Star Ile
Bethlehem. -
The ,Signal, Weekly 'Herald and
Toronto Daily World Sas
The signal, Weettly Herald and
Toronto Daily Star t do
The Signal, 11'eekly Herald and
Toronto Daily News .. t 90
The Signal. \Veekly Ilernld and
London Daily Advertiser...... ..: a .4o
The Signal. Weekly Herald ,and
London Weekly Advertiser 1 6o
The Signal. Weekly herald ,and
Presbyterian a as
The Signal. Weekly }le•rnld and
Westminster a as
The ia
Si 1 1, Weekly Herald.kl•l
I r Pres-
. bytenan and Westminster 3.25
The- Signal; \Veekly Herald and
Farmer's Advocate. 2 40
We .troogl • n4vsuawn4 our reader: to
imbneribe to The hlrlurr',a .id% ('telae.
The Signal, Ni4•kly Herald and
Montreal Daily Witness 2.50
The Signal. Weekly herald and
Montreal Weekly Witness ..... .1.6o
The Signal. \Veekly herald and;
World Wide t As
'fiend rtulitt MPH by ps4411pffl,e• or -
.der, postal note or express oiler to
TrKsu.ty, .1411Q.:filth.
Mires A. Sherwood has I4rfi visiting
friends at Crewe.
111•. and Nr. Ferrier spent 5 lacy
with Mrs. David Alton.
Miss Mart hit McKnight spent 41 fret'
day4 with Mrs. John Hackett.
Miss Minnie Nixon is spending a feat
weeks ' with' her sister.. Mr)). .1.
Stothe•t's, of Nile.
We are very sorry to 'War that Mrs.
S. Philips is ver) low at present.
We hope fora steal)' twos airy.
Sacramental M'1 Vire will be he•111
next Sabbath at Rope appointment.
Iter'. W. A. Smith will conduct the
Nr. hisses 441(1 Wm. Twanlley
have been out buying Ilurl,e4, Alr•o
Mr. Murray has Igen buying a -few in
this vicinity.
TrEsti.iv, Jan. :11th.
ins!eetor T paid our school a
visit bast Friday nfte•rn(un.
The Resift plowing for 11411 in our
township was (11111.' by Arthur McNeil
.00 hit+ farm on 'fttesln• of last week. '
Mrs. ('has. Hawkins, of Windsor.
and her daughter, Mrs. Dwyer. have
been gu.'..fain( H. H. NaeDoIald. 3Ir.
Hawkins i. one of the aldermen of
Vindaor Gm this V(•141'.
1 year.; K
Stirjing, who went from Golerielt
to n'hi t some 'ea tw ago to settle' in
Ma 'tuts, is het•.• on n visit seeing his
fathe Ru14•t•t Stit•lill . now residing
in ('li on, and other relatives in the
cant it'. On Friday last he visited
relatisee in Dunlop vicinity.Pasant, Ills. Ex.(Ml N.%TInN, --- A
large circle of friends herr will be
pleased to le rn that our well-known
(tailor 14,y, Ja les Y)4nng, has passed
his ex, tlllinatiu, 441 all engineer nn the
lakes. The exa dilation was held at
Duluth the w. k before Inst and
tatted six days. fter the ( iI*)inR-
tion Jlr.. Young t est to Milwaukee
to assist the chief a ginee•r of. the str.
G. N. Orr in ot•erluul 144 the Issilet•%of
that • boat. • He is xpected borne
shot•tly and douhtles, will receive
many congratulations ( 1 his recent
success. `
31(Nnay. Jan :3)111..
Mins Carrie, of Nile, visited •1' sis-
ter, Mrs .lances Hoorer, reeentl
Mrs. Witt. McDowell and er,
Mrs. Anderson, are visiting in Guc di
at present.
1Vn1. Terry and thee, of Flesher
- ton, renewed old acquaintances here
the.pilst week or two.
Miss Effie' Knox, Auburn, i4 wend-
, ing a few Olay. with her friends, Misses
'F. Tanner and 1.. 1'amplWII. •
Mr. and Mrs/. Janes Hoover encu'
tinned a number of their friends to an
o tele moppet. a few days 414411.
Mrs. Wm. Stackhouse reesived the
rytd intelligence -of the death of her
sister, Mrs. Ramsey. a few dines ago.
Albert Campbell has been confined
to the house for the past week. We
hope he may soon be able to to out
John Bamford left on Tuesday of list
week for Toronto. 'I'he•r.• he intends
to spend two months before leaving
for the West, where he purposes home-
David Ramsey has purchased the
fifty -acre farm owned by Jackson
Wightnllln, for the 41444 of 16:1,:34).
He intend.. erecting a blawksnlith .tiop
and carrying it on In c0ntreeti(in with
the farts. We (10 not know as yet,
what Mr. \Vigh %w intentions are,
but be may retire to Galerielt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Hoover and
family of five children, of \Westfield,
are to leave in ahead two weekm for
Hosent•nll, Alta., where they will re -
nide in future. Mr. Hoover has been a
resident of West 1Vawnnneth for fully
forty years, his father being ()tient the
early settler% in the Ilnrnn trarf. Mr.
and MI's. Roemer leave for their new
home in the:West wit the best, wishes
for their flit ure welfare of the entire
ro111ntint' y amongst whom they have
remade/. Mr. Hoover will take a car-
load of effects with hint. -
Airs. A. Al. 'l'rel)eaven, of Ripley.
spent x week with h.r parents, 31r.
and Mrs. James Lane..
Bert 31'e11w/u111, of \Vinghaus, paid
a flying visit to friends iii this neigh-
I4'1u441 on Friday Tart.
George Webb, of St. Ht•It•ns, and
3111'. Kent, of Port Albert, railed on
friends at Lamest last week.
31r. and Mrs. Joseph Sulellzer, o f
Lances, silent Stimbilast at Mrs.
SIeltzerb father's 1101114. in Currie.
'1'('Ksn./ 1', .1x11.:1)! ll.
Mies Limb&!sturtly visited the past
week in gearing h.
George hadcnner, of the 4th c e•4•
Niue, has bought the NeKi•e hum of
righty acs's upon which he hiss lived
for s years. Nr% Falconer now
owns ll►) of 1411141. •
lilt K11'KN•1'-(•rioN. Mr. and Mrs:
Arthur('wr11, of the lith concession,
we•re;dims:telly surprised recently 'y
a uumla•r of !.heir friends from -Sharon
Mtalusl444 r6urrh calling (114111 them
and presenting thele with x ha111dsttine
extension table and rocking ('hair.
The presentation was ac. onlpanied b;
•t very kindly wonle'4L1dllr'•... Several
hours were enjoyed by the e)4nrpany
in games. 11)1441.' and social ('halt. latter
whit It 1 'b w:I, served:
TI•K.sis-11•, Jan. 3eth.
I)ona111 \1el)onal(14Isnlght a► team of
horses this week. •
' Mrs. Allen and sons spent the last of
the Wistk to N'iughaul,,
John 134.rinet t• of Poi•( Albert. visited
friends here 4111 smithy. '
Rev..t.: Knox pre:aeln'el blithe Eng-
lish church Inst Sabl4lth.
Rev. H. W. Craw spent Tuesday visit.,
I lig the 414)11greg,lt ion at tomes.
-Mrs. ,D 4." 114 :14 � \
I 1 h . ( lkul, of .lotden, .Inn.,
visited at Mr. Mintage's of S,lnday.
John Murray, of Goderi('h, i4 spend-
inga► y'W weeks'hulidatysin.tate'Wage.
311. ,rml 'Mrs, (.'on. I)eekt•r spent
Tut -mine aftern4y)n and evening at
.1. Anderson's. a
The Fnyesiet4 intend 1111.14114 it Is)x
social it1the 114111• futile, todtably (u
friday, ''hruart. tit h. if arraa11g.•1111•Ws
cal) Ile /(fide 1 Iol re e
lu 1 d into Irl mut will.
I•" m: de later. t .
S.t•n•nt.ly, Jan. _n•r
V4 441Ie11 AT Sri( cement. --'The fol•
1 Whig !is taken fr11111'I'he 5tratfold
Macon ( 11)l•
t 21 It .
"A quiet .wedding 1.1.1k phare this
ani • g 4.t the tesidetni•t• ..f NV. T.
Nelson,.Albert sl met. when lit sister.
Miss Isabel l'.1111ng Nelson, « 34.unit.'el
in uIitI1'ia44e to: thigh li.•Il •i prosp4•r-•
ons young farmer of Ailiberle.v. Huron
14011111 V. Thr•ronp1.• 'Well. 111131te11414.11,
111111 1411' beige was given away 1)y her
brother,. \W. T. Nelso11. 11(•1•. l)1•.
1.'ngforl, pastor of the I'entrat ,f.th-
.411st lit arch,:perbnava the ('chop my.
in the Ilee.ellee of ale hmilrdi,11r
friends and relatives of the contract-
ing pat -ties. The bride was. prettily
attired in x travelling suit nt.lnl:nen
cloth. The grtilxm's gift to the bride
WAS A h41nd4/ro1i• 1)111)4441, set With
rithi(w 111111 ',l411rw0nds. The ive(idin,(
presents were nuul.•ro11$ and costly.
1'h.• young couple left on the noon train
for Go...ri'h, from which place they
will I4• 'dl•ive•n to their new 110111e in
Alnlerley, whets.. a reception awaits
thrui." .
N4IN41.3v. January •�tth.
31144 Belle \Irllae• who has leen )4n
the sick list, is improving.
1)4l1a44l and Nis% 14th• McKay are
visiting in 111y111 this week.
.3ie. and Mrs. Neil- McDonald, 1•of
Ripley, visited Kintail on S,tnrl,iv.
. hiss Flora McDonald; who' w•:t4.
visiting in Il:unilton, has rt•tutnrl
Mrs. 1). McOonadd is spending a
few day's with her titer, Mrs.
Ferguson. of Au1M'rley. •
\Iv. SI111oy and 51r. .L11niesrll, of
Colborne. visited at the home of 1).
N'M0rrtiie over Sunday.
Mrs, Wm. McMillan. of Port .11liert.
spent a few days Last w)s•k, aft the
hutne of -.144111.''. Mefirrgor. -
Harry Mel/on:fid attended the con-
cert at Ripley, given ty the S.O. S.. on
Tneslan• eve ' g of iast. week.
Misses Annie :till Jessie McMhmvliie
have gone M1 Wood',ridge to attend
the wedding of their cousin, - Miss
The Fore.111.11 here give 4n ny-stPt'
slipper on Tuesday bun, the remainder
of the evening, after supper. tieing
spent i)1 dancing.
'1't' Ks 1).l v, Jan. :Int h.
Mr. and Mts. .1. Armstrong visited
friends in this n.ighborho(41 this week.
' 11. E. \lunro went to Rodney hast
3lond1V to :attend the cameral of his
ate. brother-in-law, Mr. .14hnston, of
ant place.
V. 11. Kerr. of Brussels, Deputy
Gr (1 Mester Workmen, visited Pal-
ermo i444lge. A.O.U.16'..in this village
taut ' '(slneNdny evening.
The tray Ituttons on the sidewalk
4111. fir(' Inns for IA' he gun (.1,11)
oyster 4 )per last Friday evening.
Oyster sup IN being of fore ocrurn•nre
here, it is 111 d for the buttons to r.
,.is(, (he ('XtI44 strain.
Taking %t(4• 's the order of the day
with our villa a merchants.'They
have not resort '1 to the advertised
standard of cutt1 •g prices in two. or
selling flt less the gust, et'., 4t% 4l
person W111114 'Elie them if (114
Skating was the o ..'r of the day
last week. As two o our village
youths were skating 00 c by side,
pirtiring to each other the bright
days of the gluttons future, ('(('lisp
chill was realized 1t.. tin y 4 ..ended
through three fret of water t a •)111'
foundation on Mother Eorth.
MAIT/.AND TKM.I.X h:1.Y.(T I+1,I-
('kH4, Loaf Mon(1sy1'11ning Mait 11(1
'frtuple elected and installed their'f-
firers for the current quarter, a4 1. -
Iows :.1. W. O. Rogers. chief temp
lar ce itemplar
Mattel l.r'att, \
' a ibu' . Mattie
Ferguson, sel•retau'y : E. A. Blair, fi-
nancial secretary ; Gen'ge' ilowatt,
trensnter : William Melhmnkl, mar -
shall : Charles Robinson, ehapdtin :
Hattie i7Mwson, (leput • i)))ti4hahl :
Hartarii Dawson, aseimtattt secretary•
John H. Jackson, sentinel, and My
Meads, guard. Maitland Temple has
not Iwai est pr'MAperous for y'ear's ak nt
pi lent.
Mr.Dliver, sr.; of Mitchell. is Juin•
,visiting his sun, Jams ()liver, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford ,(pent
Solidity with. their relatives near
Donor uwlit. , '
3Ir. 4'i x, It student of Huron ('al-
lege. Loudon, assisted ltev. Al r. Hicks
last Sunday.
Miss Evelyn Hayde11 returned ft
Ridgetow'n last week aft4• ' x n4Onthl4
visit with her relatives thele.
lite Presbyterians of this locality
hire king xr1ul( • lla to enlarge
and improve their place cif worship.
The next meeting of the 1,44(1ie Aid
Societe will he held at the his of
Aar;. Hat•gl1l40M1kius un the 7th pros.
NI is. \Vit \•stomas, of Sheppa't-
ton, -was ,1 visitor at the home of her
mother. Nes. 'A, l'Dawkins, for 11,
few dors last (geek.'
The Presbyterian.: are making prep-
arations tor a farewell conceit in the
old church. The roure•rt will 14• .held
some time early in 31auch. - -
• I'rK.:uav, hu1.:41th.
\hiss Sarah 11rinty'I(' spent Sunday
the guest 11f 31i-. \limy Mello11uld.
31 is LHy N1Gteg.r, of Kinlnil;
spent .a week will Mfrs. .\Iris, Hoyt!.
D. N. 31eGrtgot• spent a few days
with friends itt l.u('kuow and Kinloss
lase. week.
Geo1'g4' i'"er4us111, of 4'arlow, mood
a few Jaye with friends in this 110411 -
We -hold last week.'
Miss lily 3lrlevm,, teacher tit Ship.
pentium and Misr h'lotrn(e, of G(4Ie-
rich, spent Sunday
John Cowan Spell( 4t motels with 'Itis
laminr•i11•14lw, Nr. \Walker, of Inger-
soll.. who is euti.'ril,g with cancer of
the stomach. •
Don't forget the concert on Friday
night, February 2nd,, in 3icUlualil s
ball, Kinlail, to t4.• given in aid or the
Sisk 4'lildreit's Hospital. 'Const(',
Miss Lrxy :\Is1e•ar has returned
home after spending a( month with
friends in Brantford. accompanied by
Iler.11ncle, 11r. Davie. of Brantford. •
A pleasing event took plaeie at 31r.
N4•Istat'44, Stratford, last Wednesday.
when itis si,tyr. Miss ('111•rie Nelson. of
Toronto. was united ill luau 1 4 a to
Hugh Ilell.•of Laurier. %V.' wish thein
•1 'king and happy journey through
,y7o1'U'K.-'I'L1h: LOCAL AGENCY
in Dui ammo for The signal in itt the 'd-
im of .1. ea. tenni, J.1'., rnnt'rynu.-rr. etv., who
will cervive unler, h, -Woven. ., oil Vert i••
log4114,1441 work, nod in ontle bast to give re-
con. for lnlnuutn odd for the Noel',
TUESDAY, .1 AO. :11th. .,
' 4•II01.1'I o: Mll.l.. Deinganllnn's
grain -chopping trill is- ill first-elitk.4
14111111llg 451 der 1 is 114AM( (•xrellerlt
work. 1'h.' propriet,r, as we air
crlditaldy informed, has not -intl. he
cult llletl,.d business Mild :a. siliglr
complaint of dissatisfaction, which is
1•VIdl•nrythat a Ile '14314.m.•nt of wane
malicious person 111• persons 1, w• holly
fads!. ,
tills 1(4.11 N(rrt:x. The sacrament of
the land's Suiting. will (1), \',i he
administered in Erskine church nn
Sabbath. 411 Febtnay, 111.1.V ire to
comnll•nr(• Al 11 .i('lo'k A. in. Ptx•-
1)441at0l•y sel•Vice will Is. held on hri-
ibt • eveninge•t' i s
fn' 1 1. 1(/ cot unnence at
!i p. 1)l. Rev. 1). T. • 514 K err)11. I .uck-
n)4W 1x to conduct • (lir pre -
pant tory service. -
AN/rruhat 1'IIINKKI( D)Kr.1HTKn.---
\\'illiaru 1(oac11, ai pioneer of Ash-
field. and for many years ot•. Whitt
\Wa4w:un••h. after a few d,1rillness
from the infirmities of old inset 'sir-
parted this life early on 31onday
mug ,It the age of seventy-seven
years. The deceased wan highly
esteemed as a gl,iet, kind and industri•
1)714 citirl•n. Ile Lives one son.
Salllell•I. of . I)twgannon, and
.1:1114411ler. Helmer/1. wife of Wil-
liam Smith, \Vest \Vawaaosh, to
1ilnnrn his departure. His 111.111411.1
are to be interred in Dungannon
eeul.'tery on \Wrdnes(lan•.
Dt'x11.INN 4N 13(1.1M,N(4.-Duugatnnou
('1'e, '1 y Company has 1)l t Com -
!let ed the ('reel' of It Nulmtanlial
and e • lions le -house, for use in
IW1111.'.tioll witli its (•mntoe•ry._ It is
to he holed 111nt John'Frost will put
In 4.411. good work in the near future.
11'e Wish the t• patty great success in
the new enterprise Dungannon
is shortiy to have two new 'milks.
The Sterling Bank is to open a branch.
101-4• in the near future and the iBank
of Ihlmillon'rnn(•h alt Lnrknow has
this wltrk 4u14111grll to open 4111 0111(.4.
in %\'In, Mob"'.. M•n-1hw(•,t (•(tarp Of
:111.11 street, 1Vxwiyun11 side of the
I'►a14os it.: ----Ml's. Harry 'Sickle. of
(1ltd4.t)4m'. Manitoba, in on at visit
to illative% nod friends itt Dun-
gannon and Yi(inity. and also at Tor-
onto anti Pembroke. Mfrs. (tickle was
horn and brought 11p In West \1'mvvan•
os11. near Ihing1nnon, and her friends
and feigner acquaintances here '11t•(•
pleased to s(•(• her again
N.lin Anderson, of Lapeer, Michigan
(daughter of the late T. G. Anderson,
who 411ed wan. soul's 11401 in Nelpawa,
M,olitoh; 1, is Visiting hr• 44p(1ad
r -
'' rents. 31r, rod Mr*. Anderson.
Ashlield, and Tither reintives in this
neighborhood .1. W. \"auittet•. of
The Signal. was in Dungannon last
Sal nrllat)• evening Rev. .1. (1. mod
Mfrs. Hunter, of Harmony), hon -in-law
and (laughter of Ite', .I. 31'. Robinson,
are visiting at the parsonage.
DX.'TIt 4)F iil(n.inn So11Iole.--..The
remains of Richard Mo•rnw', sr., were
interred in 1)nngannnn cemetery on
Sunday afternoon, . Ming escorted
thither from the re.aidenre of his
dalghter. Nr... 31c\\'hinliey, relf••1 of
the late A. MrN'hinney. by n large
number of relatives and f4 send% f
G(4lerich, Nile, Dungannon. and
Crewe. Her, .1. W. Robinson con -
duet's] the solemn obsequies. The
deceased, who was eighty-five peat•m
and eleven months of age, was for a
number of y(wrm engaged' in' farming
on the Goshen line, township of
Stanley, after which he purchases! n
farm in the township of Colborne, in
the vicinity of Nile. where he and his
family resided, for many years.
Owing to Rd(Rneed years he• sold his
1)'t (:1 r•
faro x'1 retired to 41eri h .
. where
lis beloved wife died a few thet
(., :after that h(' ('4(111. to reside
w It his daughter in ihingannon.
det'ea%e took place 11141 Friday,
bur 1 the infirmities incident M 01(1
apper1•. 111' wan d mulch res meted
pi'mow both in Stanley and •C.) borne
townahi Ile departed this life
with a onfi(ling trust in his Re.•
lecher, ha ing lived a ziriloltr and
kotd Christ n life. -
C. P. K. ('(IxMIYtreTiON. •- (ioisl
progress is being made 011 111e l'. 1'.
R. construction work and the steam.
shovel will this, week. cross the litre
into J. H. 1111 Waists' farm. The big
hog hole which ratified all much
trouble Ir 1)41w pretty well filled in.
. N)I ITIIII 111 I.I. ('111'.11(11. -Next 1'h1) -
bath Rev. J. L. Small will es:change
pulpits with Rev. Mr. 4'opuhart. of
Kippelt A spec ill .5 lli44l44'gilt 1411)1(1
meeting will I4• h.'Ll in the church •my
Thursday, February till, at 7:31 p. ui..
to reeeiv( and consider the report 4.1
the board of lualnag(•1'4 in 'regard to
the proposed rl•l111)4l-r1Nx11 additinu.
PKHsox.tl. 5! ENTIIs .--Ifni. howler
is dawn from Alanitola spending a
few Weeks visiting Ili'. mother and his
Mothers and sister's in 1 he township,
Air. Fowler hits been 111-11144 in the
West about 14ix4re•n t'.al1s and 111(4
el well, 1 nal n1alb he likes that
country .lames Alitchell has rt••
1111(9 1 (ruin the Rome Pe•nin4uln,
where he was working in the I tier
w•1441'.. dost of the Irlt114•rnlell have
n•111t1u•11 1 •: as the)' Wert• not idle
to take out Ings owing to the lau'k of
MlNI1.'Y, J411), 11 II.
51r. and 111'+. I1i11 are guests at the'
home of Godfrey 1Ldl.
311.. and Mrs .11f. Eel tine tx1 ti,ited
at 4Ile 'ou1.' of \1 111. 11ak.• 1111 Sunday.
\1i4s Id.11 N', !stet, of r tan;Ltu,w,
visited het sirtet, 111•x4 Tho . 1i1Rke,
over Sunday. .
1'he quitftset•ly service of the ..1.s11 -
field circuit will Ile held in 111114•
church milt ,S IR)•,
t':'l'ebbutt conducted the service its
Hlakrs ('lurch 011 Sunday usx•niug it
the,tlwe11r(• of 31 r. smith.
No. 9, Aitif1Fa.0.--Report for.
1a11au•y showing the percentage Oi-
triued by each pupil at the oux,11114'
a•N.toination.:. Conti tuatinn class -
I'.:4 a Stothers, 711 : \Vol'th4 141314,4•
i• k ' 1
, S n
.Iia' 'r
Ih Stothers, 71 t Finlay
Reid. 72: Melvin Reel. 21 : ' Ham•o14
Tre.ii-nvrn. 111. 11'. elhss - Lama Fit
711 George 'Treleaven. lit :
Som Finlay, 1)t, Se ' • III. class -
Bert. Rivers, 711: Carman Stotht•1•s,,
711 : Willie Alton. 1111: 11ai-v" Saunders,
Ica : l'ou•I Saunders. 144: h: • Fib
geratld; iia • Leila Blake, 112 • •Maggie
Glen, s'(; \\'atlliee TW:uul(4)•,- 417. 11i.
•''ass. junior. Walter Alton, 417:
Ernest }{ail, 51 : Genttge S: let•s. Xi.
11. ('laws - Kfll. .1ohn'+ton, 71 : Mary
t:lazier, 117 : KW in'I'waunley. (Li : •\\'a1 -
ter Glen, 495 •Agnes learns, ID.
Part I1. - Wsn, (ilazirt•,' Illi : Jessie
Stolh.n', ill : !AL•u•y ,tones, 52:•T
Toy Glenn, 17. ' facet 1.-\\'illie Fitz
gerald, Lily Alton, Ida Glazier. Thos('
marked • were absent 4'or part of the
ex:( lr irlxtions. - - - ---
l'u Esl).%Y, Jan. :tali.
Miss Parks was a visitor 111 the.
t'lelnity Sunday.
Miss Nellie Curran was haul.• from
(teilerich Sunday. '
George -Nixon was 'visiting. in the
lolality this week,
Wm., Begley 414.111 l friends in the
r. ') le( end).
ISdward Kilpaltrirk, of the G. C. 1.
was h ' on Sunday. -
A number attended the fiunet•al ed
the lite R, illdt•t•ow in .Dunganui.n
014 Sunday.
1114.re was ar good attendance at
rhuri'44 Sunday evening. 5."..),' \V:
Robinson %•ati!' present and INmductet!
the eter'ice.
A 1.1•e'K\' h:s(.IeK.-On .lan,1ary
1114 Victor Whitely wits returning
home frlol Gdslerich he haul 4111 ex=
IM fatality. whil'h might
the have re I be ed in
nearing hone , 711 iving in his tong t•.
t t ep 'resit/1. 11111 and
WAN continuing lois volume through the
'I'a)•Inr valley to the river bridge.
1'11.• thaw in the (tayt111)1" e•a11n141 the
river to rise and the bridge was swept,
away. The horse ltpproa.hed iU'
verge of of the bridge precipi1e Rod
halted. He urged the 1x• 1st 1111 it
stood and refuses) to c ,ntinu. its
course. Ile Was R141,4 to 111144 the per -
minder, whelk he thought he would
first see 11h4401, He vino led along on
hands and knees seeking the bridge
plank. and t1 his diN nay (1AeTiiiiTte
Ind flown. 3'h' water WAS flowing in
torrents and he wits obliged to travel
1 the blot k to his 10. , Ile is
to beclrngratlIlIted 111 thin instance
for his ea44efelhlf•ms a11d on owning
nucha wtginciunn hors.•,
TrK4t ti-, Jainuary 3)t1L
Curtail Ni•rrat.-The regular sncr•t
mental ser"ire witl be held 1)t Nlle
churl next Sabbath, • Rev. .los.
Elliott, of (4441erieh, will preach in the
itt In:14 ). S11114141)• school will
be held at 3 o'clock in the altt•rn'.)),
instead of 2::)t. LI the evening the
Hev, 311'. Urquhart, of Kipper), will
preach on behalf of the 13ible So•i••ty.
• Ntt.K. DKIrtTKas \VoN,- On Friday
evening the Methodist church was
well fined with an expellant andi('nee,
gathered to hear the debate between
representative. of the Nile and Carlow
Young People's S(4•ieties. The x1111,.
ject 1/f dehat. was, ••K1%olvesl, that
eapittl plllnishnl.nt should be abol-
ished.- The 4',ti•hw debaters, who
took the atfirtnntive. were Gonlnn
Young. sir., and MIEN \Hoon Walter.
and Nile was rl'preseitld by Alfrls1 K.
1.111110d nn l Miss Mabel Bailie, up-
holding the nexative Nide. The nd-
dt1•sN.N were all good, withmit exeep•
tine, and the arguments on 141111 sides
were 'Overfeed with judgment awl
skill. The judges -I), K. Munro,IIIR
Auburn:' James Mitchell and \\'. H.
I4 lertson, of (l 41erirh in. delivering
their verdict spoke in terns of high
raise of the manner in whiC,h.the de-
bate hall been handled and stated that.
neither side had ,ouch the ndvaultage
of the other. In Their ' judgment,
however, the affirmative had failed td
establish its case : 4.41 1)1e verdict was
in favor of the negative. Rev. J. I..
Small, of Auburn, presides! during the
debate. The. Messrs. 1'vndnll and
'Nilo( Boggs rentleh•d vocal relectionte,
Itev. Mr. Small gave a recitation, and
Rev. .1. ('. Reid, pastor of Nile chinch,
addressed the meeting briefly., At the
dose the visitors from ( Minn, and
other guests weir ,erv(sd with trfr•esh•
r .. '
m 1)t Inhe basement.' t 1)l Ill( 1f wRs a
pleasant and a profitable evening for
those who attended, and it Is to le'
h.q,el Sheets will Ie�imihtr (!erasions
in the future. ,
Husband : 1 itfaw the do1•tor today.
11e srlvised 11)41 t0 take ,t rest trip.
\fife: ISM you show 1111,4 your'
tongue :5
Husband : No: Mut 1 told ti1no /dwelt.
yours.--FIiegende Motet t.4.1.
if you have Backache you bane
)(idney Disease, If you neglect
Backache it will develop into
something worse -Bright it Die -
ease or Diabetes. Then Is no
use rubbing and doctoring your
bark. Cure the kidneys. There
Is only one kidney medicine but
It curs Backache every time-.
- 'I'ut:ARAN'..1anua•y :44th.
I1,(vtuon.1 51e1'onnvll vialed friends
hrte last Sunday.
1'lnilip :1114.1111 11111•nds moving back
1((1 the stone by the 1st of April.
'tarry \\'erks 411(4 1Ile guest of .1,
31a'til.fof a fel: days last week,
Miss C. 1'nmlorenterlaitted a flew of
her friend: last '1'memley evening.
John Austin. of H:Inliltotl, at-
4(1(1td the Marriage of his nephew,
.1111141 Hegar.
'Fhs' old rhur('h is rapidly disc gN•4r-
ing, several patties having bought the
lm11t14.1• in
\\'r are pleased to obit.. that 31ast'r
1,1.1,.Itacve• i4 e•atv:tlrol•ent after a
ver)' ci it Mat n 4't•:It inn. -
11iss Nellie Y e;, %rho had leen
visiting NI•. and Nrs. Garvey, It1ta 1r•
turned to her 1 • at
1144)1)' Nit.t1.. l►n 'I'm.•w11(4, J:II)IIIry
2Avl, the 1art'ialge of 1ti4s Edith
Veruni.at McNamara to John Il5gi441
(1.,k plus. The bride' was - neatly
llr•4Nd in brown cloth. i<ith While
She WAS at9•n(1.•.l by Miss
Hogan. whi%4t George McNamara as-
sisted the grl4xn. After the militia)
mass p reeept14)11 '.yas held at 1Ir huts»•
of the bride. over .event y guests being
present. The 1•Vall1)k^ (4:t, passe•d in
dance and snug.' the on the
('(•rasion being of a vet) loth oiler
and 11111111 .•njnyrll• s'-"-1•11 friends
from :4 dist IIee wet-.• pn•',•nl • Nr.
and Mrs. Peter Scott. of 31inoi. N. 1).,
Mts. ;fnd 311x' NeNaty, of S.•:ef,rth,
and 51r..1..1: Austin, llainiltlm, 110,14
of the gl•lH(IIl. We wish tit(' young
couple lnuch happint•ss.
PIth1.KNT.tTI0N 1111 REV. I•'.4Tllta4
'449((' . 131.1( . The 14•0ple of A.hll.ld
pat completely surpt•i,ed their
pastor. the Rev. M. Nwl'ola(,u•, 4 i1
1).renit4•r'2111i, <vhrn a mimics of lbs
gentlrmeil r,f the .• 111Kt1'ga11iotl a4p-
In•onched the s ►netnitI')• just. 4(x
I'ath(•1.53((iot•l11ae was 1o(11i/1g di+wn
from the altar niter ma's.. an11 pre -
scrotal hint with the fallowing ad-
dress, which was ars parried by at
su114tattllial purse of gold :
111:)..)4.p 111:441 F((11C4. "w1, . 1114' Of
I'11111. 1411't.hiouer•. 111 behalf of the 14114(11•014-
1.11/11, ill/111411)1•11)-Mr 44111, .Inn'' 11in,d11ce
.knnW111e your.•4111.4)11. 1,5)4114)' 011 o'ra'l,,,,.
001114 Linde In ,••tpn•., lu • • w4' however
oar e:oaro: napre''4o1011 111111 11.1111.(1.11
gratitude 111 ),1)i rot abs manner in (chicly you
have brought rn....i.acre.-fol u compact iuu the
gland 11111'1• yoga h .14' .o 1'''''Lily a reete I 4 '
the honor and glary 11f (41.4 in surparish. 11'1'
mu.!. hnwevlr..ay)) hat 11 i, anainly :.wing In
your mit nrink 4utr•4 ry. d,,nbt lr.. energy aid
1.i -severance. trawl ter uilh your •4rirt re i r
rimy, hu.lne+• 41111141)- mid broad oh:trlty. tint
111is grand r,'•ulthas been 4.,a 1./1914111 toddy' int.
%Vt• Host 111..1 +1111 that while rtr'tng 11r
material y411.ht 1-e 1101 ,1('gl(cle.1 Ike .pml 11111.
•di11(•e. as youwo.r„ eV er n•:4h• at gu)' boor.
hnwev,•r mem:, rui ''111, to n.iui.t.'r,t, oar .pis
it nal nrlr•.Il i,-, and u•gnir.•mr,d., .1111 u'r
In,w' 4•4 you to 1''4'1.1') Itis .mall. Rift o. a,
feeble reminder that pair hi our ndda
hao•(' nal 14445 111111111111 W11111.11.
Dlr.... ins. 'dear Fa him.,wit w•' you In 1 nth win!, ). 1 all
then •Iinenl• of thin Soon. ...mom,
DIM sun may lie . ,ne4s1 11)14)3' 11 ,-0
year. 1,,-
,11111 4-‘14-n41 4151• many gond w,rk• you
have been .n Ninon)- in.tr •0)141, under Di -
Int) I'rm iitou'e. hu 4.'cumpll4hlnK n. g"t to.
Signe t on behalf of the coagregdt inn, Mor,
ga n'Mltnn,.10lm .1. Nri4ln, Jost) Long. Jobs
5,11••. Tho..4)(ona'n', MI'ir.l Karat.. J.ime.
•Pole), .Lau ---!;Ilii n. , Tho.. 11 Reilly.
For Thin
Fat is of great account
to a baby ; - that is why
babies are fat. If your
baby is scrawny, Scott's
Emulsion is .what he
wants.• The healthy baby
stores as fat oilil<at it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not Cry ; they are rich ;
their fat is laid up for
time of \need. They are
happy beause they are
comfortable. The fat sur-
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them.'
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungenlle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul-
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
e Send for fro* sampler
P. sure that this pleu r• 1a
the form of • label Is on th•
wrapper of •.ery bottle el
lmul,Ion you 4434
Scott 4- Bourne
Toronto, Ont.
• epe-'saa Si 00
Al) Demerits
hal her 5114'urmai•k 11x416('1 1(4. fol.
lows :
11Y /K.In PKopl.44, I t hanky -on very;
sinl('n'ly tote this:tddl't•:.s, its which you
bestow nitwit praise 011 1111•, :utd for
this 1111r•se, by which you shot' 111111
)ions prai.e 1+ tut of 1111. kind aha
ruin' have lilt 11. )41• no tattle. 1 see ei'e
Loth will) 111111•II pleasure anti regard
them its v,ry at more than %vital
yell are 1111'414.(•11 10 ('all Aa (P1 91.' I•('-
MD.41er 411 4(lat' ilppree131ion of nos'
ser•yice 111 t111/4.11/114/111. 1 k • that al
great work has been dote lime within
the last few years. Thisnuagnilie.•nl
house of 1;; it bosh, and furnished in 4
style that *4)4111(1 ilu h ' 'to (1e
'pisclipal parish of London du N•(•w•, is
an a('111eVertl.nl that) allay Ile 141144141
1111.111 as a 4.14)1)4' of vote r.,•:11 and sin -
'e•' o
ut • u, the set•v see 11
f l 41 and of
1,yal�u-op.•rAliim (Zit 11 your wrrlesi-
ustirnl soperitir. Your Work x1141 your
money (vete freely, {mail ill• and gen-
eIol,sly given 4.' :a4r1111,Id't•l: IIsi' VIII!
proposed by 11IA 1.40.1x11111 the Ili/414111.
:mid 1 know he is highly pho111t•.I with
Vim, for Vol!? h,1).• dune 110'13 :1111
Well. • 1 :1111 1-•.•1 y gral(fill t)4 )'i.ii (Ili'
the 111111)' 4',.44'. in 44104 yon 113 re
assisted law to ,441 my share .1 the
work, and I feel d(iu'ly grateful when
I hear pori express the desire 'that wee
cont. • the good works 4, Impiety
14 gut. 1 do not forget. and I :m1)
slur• you do tory to thank (9,,! alp.445'
ar1(1, Ingots. all. • .1 I' ism. 1NK11.
11nNt(,. Jat1,:J'1t11.
31tNt+'nA1. Du1No.. ail)•• wilele•s>r
t•Iegttphi. Yotl 4.9 "4 411 correspond!
eel. who has leen in hitting here for
ton!. in the Iloiutt,• at Nile, on Friday
ryell h1g. r(•ill• brilliant yu114' speaker
(real Poplin. Ilow c:,wird 4111f the
honors of the eve ' 1: . iI. 3hlrris'
Engli.Iuu:ul entertained 11 company
near 1 h po4tdn)' • 11ight•Ia4t wt4•k.
Thew must 1.e w xt111411iun 1.4.44.t
hat wll)..lnhie. _
\\l•:LiNh:•t444, January :ilst.
silt uf' 114444 1.4' HI -r1'. - (*cry
sudden was the 4 )4f dent
which eIune to Henry Butt bast Thurs-
day. The deeeus,d had just gut into
his waggon to return home ft• \\'1)l.
Jewell rat, Wheal. 1,,• 11,111 Ie.'u on NIA-. 4
111'44, ivhl•n he soddenly fell over and
exlin-ed w•illionl a4 word. 1Ieartr. (nil-
ur). is supposed l0 14• 1Ile e11115e• of
deallh. Ile had wen in his usual good •
health and Itis a .nth is 11:41114(ily t►
great shuck to h' s r.d:hives.. iie
144.. 111 111.1111E his L•u,ist• his wife
and mu. 14111144141 ')'. 1 Luther 1►.
\Ilio. '.44'olluarin'. The ate 31r. Ilett
was born in England as 1 came tit..
This. try when of bor. • Iiv(sl in
Darlington township for aux r t'
Inn had tern ,t resident of Cl borne�
for a great Italy )'rani and'`. wast
highly- esteemed in th1• ('.Immunity.
1'1e was in his Se%1.14y-sixth vett
111.• 11nerd lurk 4)11(1.4. (114 5111(144y ,
from his lata residence 1111 the (4h .
1411114•4411111 411 t '11II4,1.14• ca• et•t•y 1(1111
Was hiT¢('l)' :11 estilts!. 1'111 sympathy
the coin,lnulily' is 1)4tentl(d to the
!sorrowing •. in their sudden and
uI lel'IY4'1.1111•I1t. •
(.).141 i4.al Neu. of the 141.1de1 019,9 98.
i )-east• ot• sit, 11x1- p:u9laity regi ' 4.1 his
freedom:111 MM will send yon a1 1 s
aboral the loonies al alTairs 01' this
burg, which 11144' again ler)4nling
mitre. Ktap 4411111• ear to the (Viriles-.
Noll-uVitelli next week. .
NlTKs. • l'he young tenpl.• have
been rnjo)'ing themselves skating 1111
.1(Ilmn ('la•k's field in the rcenin4'.llll .
A metier (snit Loyal and I'opti44' lb,w
NAVE TOY -A BOSS? i,r are yo, hubs
4.. earn) ' 11 ),au air making money f4T Lome one
.1.', qu11 aid 111.,kr Money 1,11.yourself. (anent
of slavery a,.1 4,, free .''rile 1:, Maa..aaLr, &
trails. They wi'l show you the way.'They'
have aatted tl saints on the road to freedom,
4rrrn d•dlars n day, ryes day in (la-year,t4'lr-
ing uu.1r ',moues their geode. Wtite naw,
Time 14 m.nry
If a Man had to ' do
the Washing
ho would have • a machine driven by steam
Power in short order.
Isn't it time sometl4inl,; was done to make
washing a woman's wort': ? What day is more
, fatiguing to the hong 'keeper than wash -clay 1
It won't even over-
tire a W0111an1 to
.11) an ordinary
‘'ash if she has a
good W11gllillg :11a-
('llille. No such
labor -!ANTE. We
have.. 5 styles, $3
to $M. A good
Wringer is also.a
groat labor -saver.
Price $2,50 up.
• • •
• • •
Solid Copper Wash Boiler . .
Tan Wash Boilers with copper bottom
The best stock of Hardware in the county
J. B. Hawkins the tiartlllare
•• 1 lu't'I1 hada nose 1,40ll'ot t.414le m
14 1el4.0141hag suit.'' said 41 sial( who
gets his .lid hes mad. at.
A full stork of mt•dllnl and heatvv
weight ('inches forfnl! and It inter wear
Suits slid Overcoats
nude to 11easm')' on slum( with....
Itea.ly-to-sans Clothing g(441 'noel
strong- tend. 041 the plrn11541..,
DUNLOP, the Tailor
Th.' price of )av'f 1411141 hrna:ghel11 t hr
ItrHl.h ►:ropirehn''n114'ed a notal 01.
t war, alai "nrl4.slurntly hien► Priers an'
down. 11-44 an. 1111V) .upp1rattl14a all
at lower ',rims, whir the gnallly Is n%
440114. )f 1101 11e4er, than 144.4'.1.
4'4.. Y.•
1.►:T N + M ►:.4T Ni MIH ET handles ell
kindi of n4'mt4, P..411try, Mr.. ala). whlb•
thnniing the pllhli.' ' fot their lil4'r.I
Iwt ll Kr. wen .)114441 a eimIlnIMmr of ,
the 'aloe.
of ttl. and Span. I
Neuralgia and Nervetemt.. , arv.l yunhly M
so heart depre.sion. 'Grea(t.( roreeVC, dirtwert..
T44r ars •her, ,nand•,,,, All dealer. or dist front .
Aesn% & 4:04 Simcow. DNP Mono/ h.l.k if not
)'eiblishwl at Toenaileltoti the 1st
and 1.1111 of inch 'month.
110 cents 11 year. t nen y1a11•. for 81.
Iot•voted to the tom and its
11.1111 pnpors
for one,.1.111• I • 30
for r.
sample copy for the a('king.
1nb.cri rtiona taken now will be
.fated from .bnnary 1st, 11111•
'N. B. Above offer inchides also a
year's subscription to The Meat-
Isixreal Weekly Herald.
- ,V•(> \'e got about- two -dozen left, anti
don't want to carry thele over. They are
not high-priced caps, but all made front
well -furred skills, look well and will give ser-
, SICefble wear, You will never regret las ing
•oat the small alllolthlt of money they will ,
cost you now. It we were to Offer you '!.►
1►er• rent. for the 1130 of some of your
•' 111011ley 1111(1 gave adequate security for same,
would y t u not loosen 111► some . That is
exactly what we are doing and even a little
better in 401110, cases. Step in and look
theta over. •
'Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers,- Ha ers, et c.
\forth 54. Court „Ilouse S1111a1'e, tiullfl'ICh.
hal her 5114'urmai•k 11x416('1 1(4. fol.
lows :
11Y /K.In PKopl.44, I t hanky -on very;
sinl('n'ly tote this:tddl't•:.s, its which you
bestow nitwit praise 011 1111•, :utd for
this 1111r•se, by which you shot' 111111
)ions prai.e 1+ tut of 1111. kind aha
ruin' have lilt 11. )41• no tattle. 1 see ei'e
Loth will) 111111•II pleasure anti regard
them its v,ry at more than %vital
yell are 1111'414.(•11 10 ('all Aa (P1 91.' I•('-
MD.41er 411 4(lat' ilppree131ion of nos'
ser•yice 111 t111/4.11/114/111. 1 k • that al
great work has been dote lime within
the last few years. Thisnuagnilie.•nl
house of 1;; it bosh, and furnished in 4
style that *4)4111(1 ilu h ' 'to (1e
'pisclipal parish of London du N•(•w•, is
an a('111eVertl.nl that) allay Ile 141144141
1111.111 as a 4.14)1)4' of vote r.,•:11 and sin -
'e•' o
ut • u, the set•v see 11
f l 41 and of
1,yal�u-op.•rAliim (Zit 11 your wrrlesi-
ustirnl soperitir. Your Work x1141 your
money (vete freely, {mail ill• and gen-
eIol,sly given 4.' :a4r1111,Id't•l: IIsi' VIII!
proposed by 11IA 1.40.1x11111 the Ili/414111.
:mid 1 know he is highly pho111t•.I with
Vim, for Vol!? h,1).• dune 110'13 :1111
Well. • 1 :1111 1-•.•1 y gral(fill t)4 )'i.ii (Ili'
the 111111)' 4',.44'. in 44104 yon 113 re
assisted law to ,441 my share .1 the
work, and I feel d(iu'ly grateful when
I hear pori express the desire 'that wee
cont. • the good works 4, Impiety
14 gut. 1 do not forget. and I :m1)
slur• you do tory to thank (9,,! alp.445'
ar1(1, Ingots. all. • .1 I' ism. 1NK11.
11nNt(,. Jat1,:J'1t11.
31tNt+'nA1. Du1No.. ail)•• wilele•s>r
t•Iegttphi. Yotl 4.9 "4 411 correspond!
eel. who has leen in hitting here for
ton!. in the Iloiutt,• at Nile, on Friday
ryell h1g. r(•ill• brilliant yu114' speaker
(real Poplin. Ilow c:,wird 4111f the
honors of the eve ' 1: . iI. 3hlrris'
Engli.Iuu:ul entertained 11 company
near 1 h po4tdn)' • 11ight•Ia4t wt4•k.
Thew must 1.e w xt111411iun 1.4.44.t
hat wll)..lnhie. _
\\l•:LiNh:•t444, January :ilst.
silt uf' 114444 1.4' HI -r1'. - (*cry
sudden was the 4 )4f dent
which eIune to Henry Butt bast Thurs-
day. The deeeus,d had just gut into
his waggon to return home ft• \\'1)l.
Jewell rat, Wheal. 1,,• 11,111 Ie.'u on NIA-. 4
111'44, ivhl•n he soddenly fell over and
exlin-ed w•illionl a4 word. 1Ieartr. (nil-
ur). is supposed l0 14• 1Ile e11115e• of
deallh. Ile had wen in his usual good •
health and Itis a .nth is 11:41114(ily t►
great shuck to h' s r.d:hives.. iie
144.. 111 111.1111E his L•u,ist• his wife
and mu. 14111144141 ')'. 1 Luther 1►.
\Ilio. '.44'olluarin'. The ate 31r. Ilett
was born in England as 1 came tit..
This. try when of bor. • Iiv(sl in
Darlington township for aux r t'
Inn had tern ,t resident of Cl borne�
for a great Italy )'rani and'`. wast
highly- esteemed in th1• ('.Immunity.
1'1e was in his Se%1.14y-sixth vett
111.• 11nerd lurk 4)11(1.4. (114 5111(144y ,
from his lata residence 1111 the (4h .
1411114•4411111 411 t '11II4,1.14• ca• et•t•y 1(1111
Was hiT¢('l)' :11 estilts!. 1'111 sympathy
the coin,lnulily' is 1)4tentl(d to the
!sorrowing •. in their sudden and
uI lel'IY4'1.1111•I1t. •
(.).141 i4.al Neu. of the 141.1de1 019,9 98.
i )-east• ot• sit, 11x1- p:u9laity regi ' 4.1 his
freedom:111 MM will send yon a1 1 s
aboral the loonies al alTairs 01' this
burg, which 11144' again ler)4nling
mitre. Ktap 4411111• ear to the (Viriles-.
Noll-uVitelli next week. .
NlTKs. • l'he young tenpl.• have
been rnjo)'ing themselves skating 1111
.1(Ilmn ('la•k's field in the rcenin4'.llll .
A metier (snit Loyal and I'opti44' lb,w
NAVE TOY -A BOSS? i,r are yo, hubs
4.. earn) ' 11 ),au air making money f4T Lome one
.1.', qu11 aid 111.,kr Money 1,11.yourself. (anent
of slavery a,.1 4,, free .''rile 1:, Maa..aaLr, &
trails. They wi'l show you the way.'They'
have aatted tl saints on the road to freedom,
4rrrn d•dlars n day, ryes day in (la-year,t4'lr-
ing uu.1r ',moues their geode. Wtite naw,
Time 14 m.nry
If a Man had to ' do
the Washing
ho would have • a machine driven by steam
Power in short order.
Isn't it time sometl4inl,; was done to make
washing a woman's wort': ? What day is more
, fatiguing to the hong 'keeper than wash -clay 1
It won't even over-
tire a W0111an1 to
.11) an ordinary
‘'ash if she has a
good W11gllillg :11a-
('llille. No such
labor -!ANTE. We
have.. 5 styles, $3
to $M. A good
Wringer is also.a
groat labor -saver.
Price $2,50 up.
• • •
• • •
Solid Copper Wash Boiler . .
Tan Wash Boilers with copper bottom
The best stock of Hardware in the county
J. B. Hawkins the tiartlllare
•• 1 lu't'I1 hada nose 1,40ll'ot t.414le m
14 1el4.0141hag suit.'' said 41 sial( who
gets his .lid hes mad. at.
A full stork of mt•dllnl and heatvv
weight ('inches forfnl! and It inter wear
Suits slid Overcoats
nude to 11easm')' on slum( with....
Itea.ly-to-sans Clothing g(441 'noel
strong- tend. 041 the plrn11541..,
DUNLOP, the Tailor
Th.' price of )av'f 1411141 hrna:ghel11 t hr
ItrHl.h ►:ropirehn''n114'ed a notal 01.
t war, alai "nrl4.slurntly hien► Priers an'
down. 11-44 an. 1111V) .upp1rattl14a all
at lower ',rims, whir the gnallly Is n%
440114. )f 1101 11e4er, than 144.4'.1.
4'4.. Y.•
1.►:T N + M ►:.4T Ni MIH ET handles ell
kindi of n4'mt4, P..411try, Mr.. ala). whlb•
thnniing the pllhli.' ' fot their lil4'r.I
Iwt ll Kr. wen .)114441 a eimIlnIMmr of ,
the 'aloe.
of ttl. and Span. I
Neuralgia and Nervetemt.. , arv.l yunhly M
so heart depre.sion. 'Grea(t.( roreeVC, dirtwert..
T44r ars •her, ,nand•,,,, All dealer. or dist front .
Aesn% & 4:04 Simcow. DNP Mono/ h.l.k if not
)'eiblishwl at Toenaileltoti the 1st
and 1.1111 of inch 'month.
110 cents 11 year. t nen y1a11•. for 81.
Iot•voted to the tom and its
11.1111 pnpors
for one,.1.111• I • 30
for r.
sample copy for the a('king.
1nb.cri rtiona taken now will be
.fated from .bnnary 1st, 11111•
'N. B. Above offer inchides also a
year's subscription to The Meat-
Isixreal Weekly Herald.