HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERIUH ONTARIO -
it.uncludod trete pea
Currie, tbit the county make a trent
of Om, to he itpeut on the boundary
line between East Wriwanorh and
Morris. tient to road and bridge -
=Met.. • ,
Moved by M. McQuillan, reconded
by l'ilr. Lamont, that Manchester
bridge be repaitvd by putting on steel
joists and rock elin plank for Hooting.
Sent to road and bridge et •
The i•traci end bridgelllll mittee re-
cce lllll ended the acceptance of the- fol-
lowing tenders : For conet•ete work -
for Day's bridge and Jainestown
bridge, George Hartley. Hrueselit, $$
per cubic yard ; for Formythe's and
Belgrave bridges, J. J. Cole, Ethel.
44.110 pet. pubic yard. That the to
tract for the cedar bridge at Zetland,
which im to be mode over out of the
old bridges when completed, be giVell
to John Elder, Witighaiii, at the eru-
dition. In his tender, 111 19.75. Fur the
superstructtere -t a 1 the 11
Bridge Co., Kincardine, rt•ceive the
contract for Ihty's bridge, mpan 12311,
$2,1110.50, and Fontythe m bridge, with
cement dnoring, mpati 11 feet, $240.25:
that ,A. Hill k Co., Mitchell, receive
the contraet fur Jamestown bridge,
span 113 feet, $1,7t*, and Belgreve
bridge, with concrete flooring, span 25
feet, Pitt. The committee advised
that in all contt acts entered into great
re should be taken to see that the
flttes*ry bondm are Signed, and in
every case that the marked chem.: be
held until the completion of the ton -
tract ; with refet•ence to the motion of
Messrs. McQuillan and Lamont. re
Manchester bridge, that it be repaired
and the matter left in the hands of the
county engineer ; that no action he
taken 011 the !notion of Messrs. Istristet•
and Currie, re boundary line het ween
the tiovnehips of Etist Wawanosh and
Morrie, known as %%Ingham Prairie: -
with reference to the concrete abut-
ments At. -.Hayfield le•idge, that the
report of Mr. Roberts be left over till
the June meeting: with reference to
the commanication of Metecrs. Duff &
Stewart. Sleeve*, to wroth -out at their
lumber yacie, due, as they claimed, to
county bridge being too short to carry
away eurplur of water in spring
freshets, that the matter be left in the
hands of the county engineer to report
at the June meeting ; that, with refer-
ence to the motion of Nlesirs.: McLean
and Grieve, all e cavations in the
future in couttect. n with cement
Work be let by the et' ie yard and the
work be done hy the ontractor aim
receives the contract f�g the eoticrete
The reportwae adopte.
A supplententary repirt rf the road
and bridge ctei lllll ittee wit referent...
to two bridges between :de ilia) and
Logan tow nships. while not admitting
any liebnit y on the part of this eieint y.
recommended that the matter .be re-
ferred to the Perth eitinty • et' well,
and. if they feel 410;1,4100d to build e#.4'
bridges, the matter can be arras ed
with Iturtini•ounty's engineer, Hu et
to pay halt the cost of roust totter
?duvet by Messre. MclAetti and
that this council grant the emit of Von
tot...Ards mainteining the public rieul
on the Lake Shote road feint Sheer.
pardbm to Girderich. Lieu.
Mr. Dag 8it,4 appointed inspector
04' concrete %vitt k at Foreythe'r," bridge
while excavating and concrete work is
being dime :Pit-. Itryans as inspector of
concrete work for Jainestiiwn
Mr. !Arista- at lielgrave bridge. rind
Mr. Miller at Ihry'm bridge.
A lettet• hom .14),hti Ansley, county
engineer, remigning his pooition as
engineetto take effect June 1311, next,
was consideeel in committee turd ac-
Moved by Mess's. Croatian and
Ferris, that the clerk advertise for ap-
plications for the posiC of vaulty
engibeer in two Toronto papere, The
Municipal Wald and several county
iwiperm. 'Carried.
Moved by Meows. Gardiner and
Ferris, that )14.esro. Cantelon. %IcIA•an
and Mt•Quillaii Ire a e It.'*' to
secure the assistance of s,(1114. NM)"
petent engine.' to prepare proper
planm and i.peciticationo for the time of
this county tocthe reveille) ..1 bridges,
name to be ready fol -,next meeting.
Moved by :dement'. McKi.tizie and.
McQuillan that a committee be ap-
pointed to get piety.' and sperilleationm
prepared for future purposes in build-
ing bridge. and concrete wot k. Car-
Various Mations.
Moved by Mr. Oardiner, seconthel
by Mr, Grieve, that Messra. 1,aitiopt
god Lane be appointed mentors of
criminal pettier accoillits.
Moved • br and
Ishister. that W. .11. tiundry he
ppointed high' constable' fur this
g inty.
yell in melnient by Mr.. Mc.
Lea seconded • he Mr. Dag, that
JAhri ile le. appointed high constable
of this c tidy during the pleasure of
this emus
The mote cat•ried.
W. S. Mc listie, St. Hetens, and
W. S. MeKe ier. Wroxeter, were
appointel audit
Mewed by Mr. 'madam sertmdtel
by Mr. Miller, that douse 13 in the
repot.t of t execuitiv ernimittle•
the January Mession et 2, granting
41,111) to proposeri enit tiospitstl.
be rescinded. l'at•ried. Vie -Messrs.
Brvatet, Cantelon. (',,,ti Dag.
Perris. Gmeliner, Grieve, ester,
I lllll and Miller -- 10, Na •••
Messer'. Mot rison. McLean. McK.;11 e.
MeNeughton, McQuillan, Spackle/tit
Meters. McQuillan and McKenzie
moved that a deptItati011 he appointed
to interview the Ontario Government
in reference to legislation respecting
Collegiate holies of refuge
and County Comicilm Act. Cettrit.d.'
Moved by Mesere. Cantelon and
Ishister, that the Warden. Dr.
Holme( and Mr. McKenzie be a
deputation to go to Toronto and have
an interview with the different heads
of departments in reference to matt ere
mentioned in (ion of Messrs. Mc -
Quillen and McKenzie. Carried.
Chinese Humor.
The fullowing story is told by the
Chinese Minister at %Vitshington :
**There was a Chinaman ithic* had
three doge. When he van* home one
evening he found them asleep on hie
coneh of teakwood and niarhle. He
whipped them and drove then' fot•th.
The next night, when he (an)e home,
the dogs Were lying on the Weir. Ilut
he placed his hand on the couch and
found it warm from their ballet.
Therefore, he gave • them another
whipping. The third night, returning
...niter than ititual, he found the dogs
sitting before the couch, 'diming on it
to cool it:'
Compound 114)?) Pi I re-
store t he color to pa le cheek end Nood-
les"' lip*. For male by .1 aniem
Gail printing on good paper is 41 de
light, to the eye oud A pleasure to the
titerchAnt. titaniaticlortic or profes-
sional man. The Signal doer. /TO oth-
er kind.
Annual Convention of the Auburn Union
Sunday School Association.
The eusi Petition Of • Au horn
Union Sunday School Aesociatioti Wart
held in the Pia•ohyterittio church
Auburn oncJittniary 17118. Rev, A. 1).
Oischier Watt unable to attend owing
to rickness. Rev. J. L. Small 418(11'
pled the.chair and Mr. Plunkett, the
reeretary, being abased. John Willem
was 'm1)41011041 in hie place mit tem.
The reptirts trout the various schooli
in the 'Joliet very encouraging.
The nominating committee appointed
war' follow,.: D. E. Munro.
Walter2. li. tirootte, A. C. Jackson, E.
A. Weathetaill, W. J. Parke :and J. J.
Witehingtom The delegate to the
international eonvention, John Wil-
ma, gave a very full report regardiug
the work of the eonvention.
The report of the nomimaing nom-
mittee was eeceived as follows: John
Fingland, preeident ; Rev. W. 1). Magee
and residentminieters, viee•preri-
dents ; William Plunkett, iseerettu•y 4
IV. '1'. Riddell. t.rearturert 1). E. Mun-
ro and J. J. Wilson, auditOre.
ltev. J. Robertson, general seem-
tary of the Sunday rebottle of the Pres-
hyteeitin church, spoke on "Scripture
,,Nleniory Work." Ile istid• that, the
things that influence us are those that
are fixed in our memory and these
sonietimer are not always the beet.
)1' storing tar luenen•ies with 4411 ,1
truths it will enable tar to Owerconte
tempta.tion. The effect of the Bible
on lives ie ,aipperent, for example,
Runyan, (Matsui,* and others. Often
we are kept from the power of temptas
titre by wane Bible truths stored in
our- 111811010r, and how easily' 011r
thoughts are inoulthelati out y ger
days by chore. tt•titlis acquired when it
plearatie to b-arn them.
The afternoon session was (awned
by a song service hy thi. children
under the leadership of Rev. J. I..
Small, after which Rev. Mr. Hartley
einailtieted the devotiottal 'service.
After the intrielitetiou ef the presi-
dent ..lett, Mr. Fingland, Rev. Mr.
Fitil is aclilt•essed the ebildren. FrOtil
tle•tes.seet, homesiii•endeavoredtitlead
them in l* ttIght. to thesetet•nal home.
There. were various waym of arriving at
the eat•thly home, hitt-only one way to
the heavenly, 1 'Mist being that only
tvay. the "illilst rat ion of the
suitability of the care to the railroad
track. he ',Mowed. how Christ was
miritial to the various wants of all.
If His was the first impt.esmion Made'
111 childittitsl, it would be the last to
lei'.,' in ()hi age. Lying he colllpared.
to notating a fellow of feathers on the
top of t hal on a windy day. The •iin-
,ptiesibility of t,ollecting them wits
similar to repairing the stitsehier done
ht. lying. A reference lets tuade 10
the security of the jail, by lockieg the
doors.' The tongue can be kept from
lying by the closed lips and teeth. Ile
warned against 511111e hail hilliit41. such
as drinking, lyinge. swearing. and NI)
forth atell gave the wine mitiai to seek
Hort the kingilaii of righteousness:1nd
all other thing, would Im. athied.
I"i 'Ow vtatly gistgraphy
*Clued at k •Italge of the various
C4414111 ries; Was at -toured, the inhale -
tants 4,1 earl) knew their own country.
'it the Christ hie ought to know God's
k tiztl t 1 whieli le. bel, *nged. the
414 luct of which was peva. and joy 1:1
the IOIY (lleet:
Ile -. '1V;' D. Nlegee; of Clinton.
simike oti."The 1'hristiati T1 • • g
Chihli.. 1." Childhood: he said, was
the bat le -ground of • God 4 winnum
the "h11. foe Christ ought to_be the
great idea child's training often
decided his /1.1. Character is formed
in it great in Asbre front 1 Ile training
we get. Th importance (if training
is often witnes. regent to plant
life, in our 0 drevor to fled the
best P:vt•ry ping is done to pro.
cum the best (levy rirment of the plant
life, whilst We ten neglect the
greater, the child training. How
strong. is timforee or habit, goodnesa,
for earriiiple? %Ye 4 ust teach goo141.
habits. aided by cant ttttt ms and efl,.
vit•ontnents. then we wi be mirseig to
(Flit against the forces vil. Habit
rimy Ire (leaned to vice : life of min,
even if changed, can never NI) high
1114 1.1131 Wind) 111).8 ined by
vire. A right relation should ratter'
exist, bet wet•ti children and 18 rents.
Teach vhilth•ett ohedienee not 1 • the
terrors of the jaw. but by love. By
being :rue ourmelvert we teach tent to
ehildren and inculcate revel...nee rt.‘
God's house. His word and day:
Then foll.,wed an open pitt•liament,
The 'abject, , "Home Co-operation
with the. Sunday Seined," Wan in
charge of Mr. Campbell and Mr.
Anderson. The home should teach
reVereilee for Gar/. word. His house
and people, and assist the child; en in
studying their lesson. The children
Should he brought mat sent to sehotil,
Mrs. R. M. Y g dealt with "The
1-144441 and Abtores of t he Lesson Helps."
They were only to ht. used as aids At
hone. and after a careful study from
the Dade Alone.
"How to Get and Hold an Adult
Bible. Chum" was taken up by 14. E.
Munro. Ile mid that in the homes
where the Bible is mtmlitell we find the
habit fixed. There are those from
homes where the Bilde is not . studied..
There 414011111 be a union of ell and an
endeevor to enlist the sympathy Of
each member to listo his or her jail.
enee in bringing and itheisting others
141 C11111e 1f/ th.'
"The H11111111y Settee, 1114 11 Missionitt•y
Agency" wart discussed by Mrs. Sett-
eliffe. The missionary work in all de.
pat•tmentm Is one of the great ques-
tions/ trf the' day. The salvation of
!nen and w .0 is a tvot•k that In*
only begtin. We 1111144 spend more on
fission"' and less on luxuries anti be
re alive to the great need of the
chi ;It in Africa, Japan, China, and
At t time of the open perli ttttt ent
Mr. Sh. rd. Nile, taught, a Bible
elass,takin the 911)111' :411111flay'S les -
:4401. flesh( et tt. t wough preprint -
At the night Nehru the devotional
et:tell/4es were charge of Rev. Mr:
Faille and tho •al tinnibi.rs were
furnished by the Pres vieriati.ehoir of
Auburn. The first Pub ct censidered
was "Conversion of the ." by
Mrs. Sutcliffe. 1 ',nth is t e t nie for
convention, the moot muitabl for hit-
pressiOnm. How early the -tang
show evil hithit. It 13 het t t o
implant the good seed I,vhen to
Mind es storweptiele to good impel.
I. shine. Children ought. to be train from the eradle, as 1441(414 4411 the VolIng
!Mind begin.; to develop. We do not
require to wait Tor the young child im
easily taught. Nature around ne
gives good examples for teaching the
goodneme of Gott Of early conver-
• himtm•y fut•niAlies 11s with bright
examplea, much am Slimed, whom 1110;
mother dedicAttel to God, the young
king Josiah, David, and others.
"Bible Study for liming Men" wax
then taken by the 'Rev. .1. C. Robert.,
mon. He said in part that all rang
men should study the Ilihle, tett how
to get, the young men 141 mtudy the
Bible ix t ha important (mention. "Very
interesting to the yelling are the
etories ermtained in the. sacred .
It is chested! whereon the aged reel ne
in their declining years and the sick find
therein a solace amid their pain. Hut
to hitt:treat the young Ulan in the study I THE MARKETS4
of the Bible is our of the firobleatil Of I
Liverpool and Cli•eago Wheat Futures
Cb.. Lo.•r-L•vo•Stock Markets
Lote:t Quotations,
the day. How eagerly the affair* of ,
every -day the 'tali llll pollitiett1
iota social, PRIM*, his attention.
%Vith tact nod earl. we ought. to enlixt,
it in (ht. hisfory of the melted.;
Jews. Aw wt.'. portray God's' dealing,"
with his ism:keit people ss depicted by
the sacred peril11i111. WM will arouse tie 1
pat t•iotie ardor. H Is love will
rat engt hen towards ar t he Divine
yearning *Irwn% over the' t•epentlint
nation. As tial 'ewer chiongeo He
takes the sante Interest in the nations
tif today tut of old. Art eiti of old was
followed by. itS itWitll ConsequenCes
the ottIlle will be the ealie now. As
!hairnet are 'mule of inclividitahteo the
interests of the nation ittust centre In
the individual. When the youth %Act-
tita.e 1)1.1 ideal leader, 49111418 ,110 he find
an example as in Christ
Her. Mr. Leckie, of icuNdeslioro111(11.
took' charge, of the question drawer,
later which the Meeting Closed.
An Easy Way from Standpoint of Con-
410-e1414141 cures for indigestion
are almost act 111 lllll Orals as the- victims
theitimelVea, and seeively a day passel.
without the hopes of thousands of eta-
fet.ent tieing raised by the discovery of
motile fervid method of mire tor Ode
prevalent disease.
Unfit a, combination of unusual rent.
edies. herettifort. but little known in
this country, Was matte 111 Mi-o-na
tablets, no certain elite for indigestion
had been f I, and it is thereforre
hardly t• be w lei -ed at that our
leaditig druggiets who have the God..
rich agency • are selling large twain-
tities of Mi-e-na.
Mi-o-itit 14 ri gihtranteed emir tote
all diseases of the stonitteh excepting
ceincer. If you have patins or distress
after eating, headache, belehing of
gases, mime fast.. in the 11)441 1(11, dizzi-
ness, heartirtire, speeks before the
eyes. , furred tongtxt., sleeplessness,
backache,. debility or weakness. it
shows that the st nil, needs to b,.
sti•etigthened with Mi-o-tia.
Justoing little tablet out *41 ,1 50 -cent
Jinx befoi•e meals for at few. days and
tam will earn regain pet•feel health
and strength
If you canntit, obtain Mi -0-1114 of your
druggist, it win Ire Sent. by 104411. post-
paid. cm 1'i pt tit %Vent. us
for advice 011 your case fr it leading,
stomach speeialist whieh wilr be omit
free. 'The It. 1'. Minh • Company.
ritittica. N. Y.; .
• A friend of hilt WaS lying ill, and he
went to 14444. him to rheahint up.
"You look nitro lll i ll bad, .1 0e.",he
said. • • Yes." said t he st Hever.. M ade
your will ?" inquired' the comader,
"because 1 would if I Were
Theta" was an awkward pause, during
which the visible. 1..1c. A moment
later he retut•ried. "1 say, Joe," he •ole
"terve!. "yours is an awk wind 5(111114
to get a 1.•41141 down. (hittl-bye. Joe,
-g' (*41-1)44'. I.oridou ()lobe.
How to Cure Toothache.
Any aching wall can be relieved in-
stantly with Nbrviline. Fill the Cavity
'.till' looting dipped in Nerviline and
• th.4 44 s with Nerviline also. If
the face is swollen anti site bathe the
painful parts with Nerviline and 'eover
with a flannel. This can't fail. because
Nervilitie kills the pain outright and
prevents it ft et toiling. St 'Omer.
Hacker. mow -satisfactot.v than any
1 other liniareat. Nerviline lege
hertl 1 helargest seller for nearly fifty
years : try it y lllll
What Causes Snoring.
‘‘'hen asleep, pet tide that snore,
breathe through the mouth insteed of
the nostrils. which are clerked Wait-
e:dart-h. .Just " Cat arrhozone
before retiring and youll quickly cure
the snoring habit. Ily destroying the
cause of catarrh :mil healing the 11101n-
•Irra nes, Catarrhortme makes a com-
plete jaire in ev..ry case ; it clear* the
nostrils, stops the discharge and pre.
rents dropping in the throat in a 116w
minutes. Nothing so pleasant or
certain to cure stee•ing, catarrh
colds as Catarrhozone-that's worth
• A Two -Sided Reason.
'In the early boffin days 141 Atlantic
City a meeting of the city father*
wits held to vote on the quemt ion of
fencing in that pit•ce of ground set
tmide .by the city for the but.ying of
t e unknown dead who were cast tip
I) the yea. Before it wiri put to vote
1111 111 salt. whose Mind wro. interh:ely
prey ical. :ii,1144° and expressed his
"My felloe -member.. in regael to
this put 1.11144 up of a fence. Cthink we'd
better go t 4 itt le slow. Fire 1111 ,idre4
dollars is a het of ttttt ney to espetul to
enclose /1. lo 0. GNI knnwa, none
tif um that a t wish to get into,
and mine of t lWni bra are in can get
out of."
The fame was tt mi. -January
Thousands Die
NO condition 1.111I141'A Holy incur-
able dime/Dies am enlist n... It not
only preveram the kidnet fri it elimin-
ating the p(1imotems waste I) t ea user.
anaemia, statitteh trouble a
Lion. Why won t 44)11 tee. . rint71-
befit l'ills I get cured ? 'This e "O-
ka medicine 114401144 i)11r111111. 0, i*el
'action in Thenuwitela .
Your system will be pere mid .. ea*,
you'll tw free front heatlachen, no ei ore\
stele swine...Ili mliort h ve
jovial spirits and (81.1(8(4 good health,
1)i. H 'iton'm Pills are mold every
where, Coe. a INA. (set the genuine.
That if You Cure Your Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills You Will Cure
Your Lumbago.
Ilitmiltim, Ont., :Inn. 29th. --/Spe-
cial.) That- lumbego is eniete1 by
diseamed. kidney?' failing to strati the
uric acid ort of the blood, hits again
been preyed in the ease of Mr. H.
Ilitt;aleti, of 5110 King St., West, this
eit.y. He had 1 Irmo' and other kid-
ney troubles. Ile cured his kidneym
with Dield's Kidney Pills and hia
bag.) disappeared. 'Speaking of his
cum Mr. Ila warn slays :
'I "lettered tvith I bag.) and kitt-
y diseAse for six retie and nothing
1 'Pr ttrok could give me any relief. -
The rat box of Drnid'e Kidney Pins
gee(' e relief, anti five hoses cored
me COW Hely."
Catarr Cannot Be Cured
with local appliea on.. AN they memo) moth
the .eat of the Masa Caton h to. a blood or
tamstittotional disease. nd In order to mire it
iron must take bile al remediem.
Catarrh (nre is taken nternall) mut acts
dtreeti • on the bleed a neiros.. .urfaells.
1114411-. ntarrh ( ono Is not a a. ek madieltte. It
wits prescribed by one of the ht ;.l, 1(1541. In
this country for rear+ 111111 1. 1 nartiler
septillion. ft Is comment of th nest tonles
known, combined to it h the best Id tofflets,
^Minor direetly the ronentis surto 11. The
Mier) )• hthatIon of the two irtif
what Pro(Illre. 'o1.+ wonderful restate In
( n)oosh. Send tot test Imoniels free
1;14_ ,1 '74); l'4"1°'
l'lTnalitto 3,Hall's Sanely P114.,t-ter eseatipattes.
.I • l • .••••-.f:dt111.729,_
1.14 pistol 14 LI. at itr. • , ',swot 1.4.411)14%it
14.1N.•1 I 1141) 14.11 1(14111) 11)1*1 4'11)11 t11•
'111111. 10\1,1 ,
Al 4*, e tiot Slay m 114,1.1 • I. nett t.4.411*y 1
I.mei 4,44, 14111 1.1•1•)4 NIA) tura '••••• *MI
101,1 1:1111 wits Ull.
Th. rott...hig ..1.411•14 •Iiitaatlui114
pub. -40y at this 1,414 1.04 Jun. 70. May
Jew ral%,
• may.
sew %1.r(4 • . 1114
4441-4144)1* so. •I'm • • • •
1,,1011 tttt .•
r KO. -- -
, Grata..
Wheat, Okr,lag, 741 kg 4:...
444 (4, talk Mum to 76 74.
WI rat, troi. bush U 76 . t,j 78
W le at, ....nose. husk 71 to 7::
I 1.11sy.•
lush tttttt 7,1 u Ng
Ibis bush ttttttt :tit t U 40
448, Gush • to it. ....
l'osa, ALAI . • 14/
lteettvheat. lotk .. 0 43 • ••••
Lioerpoul. Jan. 1.44 Wheat, spot nominal;
fioli•ics, ,'.j -4.. Us briet; toity olio 'Oh
Corp, 11444, (111.1).): Allio1"111 1114,1. 1141W. I.
1:1•01: Alert -1..1s 11•;., 01•1. 4. .1.011: tni
tiles, dull: Jou., afar).. 4* 1*401:
-311)4:, ts 2;401. Mem,. t lour beolies.
4414, SbOubloAst 'square. Orin, Poo cd. Rule.
• 4,4141, 14 ll'neltte • oast) steady. r.1 lus to
43 17,s. ,The ,11111)1A.11 1/1 wheat Into
pool 1,1,1 woo,•1‘. ov, 72.:414 olvailero. 110,i
.1)4.411- I mid loo from teitter teats.
New York, Jail. nutter. If)-ei.U1sr; *•
41. kis. 27113; street prior ry.
Lsh• to Latiye: eta., 1 ilce, ere.:tar•rs,
4' notion to (xtr:t. 17, to :As.: do.. 3el.1 ex-
tra*. 23e to 231.,c; .4).' dairy. 1'0111111011 10
extri, lie to 24c: re 'atost c0111111011 ...re
tra, lac to ....rnke; westrot •tactorry.st .. .. 141
le 11144., 1:04,, 44 1.1.4 111•11•111..11.
• I 018414 extras,. '..tte to 211, ; do., .1st.
lltie 10 111.
rtsi NV- Steady; nns•Ipts 411I:
en Mil. enroll arta 84 Il9 ••••400s1 gad whits,
1,11 0(4.'.' fancy, 1l4; do., toctolo•r, •tii•Mt,
dt. to 13%e; do.. 1,11• ng,14. :malt, over
, heal. '114,4e: obi.. 11A01•. Jakir,"
to I2*-; skims, full . to ight. tis
Esrs ,Irreguicr: remipts. lorsk-o; *tat . and
Pew seltioniu foamy, .selected White, •.;14 tu
241:10 ck
hoe. vs- to 24c: WiXt111,
extra, Liot• to 21e: 1)e41., no firsts.. Pie; AA.;
seconds, 184, to We; soutteriis; 17e 84.
cables Steady to Enaler-Cattle Are
Viirturr at Hurrah): ,
Loudo.n. Ja1,. ('414 44.' are' ... it 111, at
polio. 10 eel- r. ruierater.'7,• tw
to. siock at Hie 1 1..11 81oc4
Imola were .40 oar loads. . mse of 1174
cattle ltio 1111 I 1111111111/, 12 11 ,a. and
17 hoist:a. 1
2 Exporters.'
Chly a' Malted attatotar 'mold he 1,11
til.:)1111,11, and the e ere not half tiailsb
eol. Prices fur sltielrst. 011114.4 freer (4.01
to 44,04t and One or IW• il-k* tt.e: ill
se.H. sold at 11 1110.. lucre ties•sy.
bulk mold at 544ro to Cm:, two rot. • Et -
port tuna ranged froci $;;;si to 1 per (44%.
- Butehero.
As In esportem 1111 111 luitrhera% few .1
them could be ,-lass-'l 18 004 to enoks,
and throe were pleked iyo at firmer p, 4em..
tout thr manntou classes were nut any .'iior,11-
er than last work- A few rho*. e bit
itm.:4.1o4 %tit 1 out amsoidt. I. 411
10 64 utedlum, 53.7t4 te
united lots. with ‘004 aor.ongst 112rts.
(4.44 to 5130; ,01/4, •t U.75 'co $.f,71 Per
3111.11r1h Coors.
• few mileh rows. ge woolly of 54 '2
1t7, 4041404. 4.44 to 444
Sheep and Lambs.
Lambs sold at $6.74.1 4, 484.90 and one
o hole.. lot- was reported as hi" tut $7 ter
4 -wt.; expert eWes sold at 54.75 to 55 por
'Veal Calves.
Four Pelves sold nf $41.75 per Cwt.
Rceripte were light and prices low pol-
ed 141 psr cw4 lower. selects at vier., •nd
halo fats at $.60 per cwt.. amto Mr.
Ketieedy mated that he hod paid 47 pow
ewt, for two or three icatia. oliore 11111 IrI
11,14'. 1.11) had derided to droop pliers, lia
anted a lane.
Stull trot. .11111. 31 --144 1,4,1111 1' CALA. 'a4-.
vices eituir totrouser and pliers for. t's1111-
e11 11r Is tdrrrpuel. slimy atk udvooteso
cot 02, to 11o., and In lootilun '14117 lirM to
high,'*. at 11c, 'toliserow enhoes oinoied
prices at 10 -No• to 11,1.e: shipment•.,(roolio
l'ortland and 443. Johu. n14.14 heck
wore ;:mel eattle. Ittia sheep. Itt...srlpls 1.•
•taywen* boo (-little. 30 ;Mich osows. 134)
al -.'p and lambs. 73 calves. Ifsio hogs. The
briebf ra Were oat atreag atral !lad,. was
IrIsk st tirra rat,, alt mond. •Prirse breves
e ottl at ste. t. per 11,.: plod mottle, 41.j
to 41- and the common stock 2$.00• to
3tye. (NANN ad I at *30 to 5444
way.. of them being imperial- milkers. l'he
alms w,r, .11 y0111111. 41 .1 ,a041 at 43 1-J
V. each. Sheep wsld at 41ie• anti Iambs at
11e 'ter It.. owilig. to, _the 112CrIn10.11 supply
of begs) a weaker feeling developed 111 the
market and toilers Piller Saito -day ars1111.4
48*4 prr 11•sr: the drinrist in 11,1.
Ens u"as roo.I mud JII the offerings were
sold .at $1.11.1 per leo ihs.. weighed .41 tilt
Vast eidfalo. JAI): 2it.-Cattle
3;01 4.,: .4; aetive. Mill. 11h. higher; Crime.
elvers. 1/7/.441 rtelt,pott. tl73 to
1.,? 1,0(8 54.40 to 41.1.21: heifer .% *1.43)
5o.447o: vows. 5::.:14/ to (4444: 1.11114, 52.74
in stock. is slut feed. rs. 11:1.•4.t to 44,444;
stock Iferf: h273 10 53.3118: fresh eons. or-
Itt-.• MO stoma: ',torturers, 51044. 1211 1•• 558.
Ms- Soo head: le
13.8•0 I•eird: fairly otetli .1
bef : other* steady: heavy aud
tn.ged, 6.1.83: torker. 63.3.1 Jo .4g',
NO; 11,1,8119, 114,41/ 10 14): Nits. t•
At it, Sam° address, since 1891. Also
Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out-
fits, White Enamel Letters, &c. Write
us, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack,
9-11-13 King St, West, Toronto
If you
in Need
nI anythit in Alie line of
tinware, G niteware,
Stoves and Ranges,.
Coal Oil or Gasoline,
call at Ptsomt's., Ile
keeps only the hest and
prices are right;
Let him figure on your
Plumbing, Heating and
W. R. Pinder
ourre gra, 1/1114•11 (Weer ni a. AMI,) 0411:
1111.1 111111111. *NZ 51.104.: meow., se .1.)
ta 17; wetkera. 54 11) t• 66.10: •W•44. (554
to 55 73: sheep, naval, sa 54.43; w' acre
117.14. to 57.1.).
New ork, look At. -fleet Ial Receipt..
bill:4:4110st .4r.,1;-1.14,taidSPJ"LYto 3•11011;11,11'1°,11.it.
54.70 to 53.73; °Zeit and st‘ea. LAO to 54
bow, 53.15 54 3(4; ...mei, se so e.
few -041111 , 111.00. M•ports to-worrow.'
'rook and MR quarters of beef. '
Cii,vete Receipts. 14311: ',flow and chol•-o-
yawls, steady to arm; others, slim tu 2.14.
WMr; barnyard calve«, lowpc: western*.
tdoujil.t7o0V;"bal'enl„Lrlar1,7 rtUe:44... 1111311.11%; a$:,4.1110l
gy2rn7031 (414.) 10 75: emir', heavy, via) to
-nisei? and Lambs lte.elpia. 7100: oh.op
In light simply and steady; lambs. steady to
11154, eloorp. 58.75 to VI An to
$3 30: Iambs 110,7:1 lo 58: eholee select. -d,
18.11. to $8 1414,,, culla. ft 774 to fa,
*logs- 13.3h1; dt Nov;
pigs. Omer: atate bor., Ig.alt 1. $4,14e"
pigs Irritided.
Chicago Jan. 20.-.4.Ittle nevelt:tar .24.
OW: shady to 1)140114.: ttttt SAM 10 prints
latent. (3.44* to 50 30; rases, 53 to $4.41,
betters, 52.25 tu 55: bulls, v. 44: e •.
1:4 40 ss; stoeiters and teed..rs. ('440
Receipts, 4.1.4110; to 10e metieu.
detiwt tr,..tor an t.e.s.ta 4,, 13711 8100:Lri
141. 4324'
to 53.30. •
, lett Reeelpts, 23,4100: markott. 111.• to
314. loner: sheep, 54 to $.1.75; yearling; Id
to fU.140; Iambs, Mae te ST -39
Well Spread.
Mike iwas tamiloyed in the Powder
wot•ks. One thrtre through 0 (Ate
lehifliesS, 1111 4.91,10Niiill and
11001 .44)1 Le with blown tor pieees, his l'e.
ttttt ins being twat !eyed far and near.
When the.sad news had lit',',* broken
to his Wife, she said pathetically,
between her sobs, ••That:s Mike all
over 4" February Lippincott's.
IA'e often do inure Rotel by our sym-
pathy than try tier labOes, and render
to the world a nil we lasting steal.... by
abSetler of jealousy and recogiiit Pitt ''1
merit than we could ever euder *by
the straining efforts of pereonal mule-
tion. '1' • • A 111/111 11111y 14.s,' pfe4ilif111.
411111111CP. Wealth MA et•en health, and
yet live on in c fort, if with resigea-
tion ; but there is one thing without
which life ber•onies 11 burden- -that is
human sympathy. -Canon Farrar.
, Full Up.
\Vhen the ladies were picking tip
the di4lies after a StIlldity 'behind pie.
nie given to the ;•hildren of the 'Rieke
quarter serertil slices eake were
found Which they thol IPA Wish I o,
cerry 10)111e. •
Otie said to a stiiidl lad who was al-
ready asthmatic f • gorging: "Itere.'
boy, won't you heve another piece id
. 11." he replied. taking at hit•
lessly. "I gneiss 1 can still -chew.
can't swaller."
cot t
Wa ted a Different Polish.
Christmas -time. 1 gift from th,
eiree / There's a peed in every home for
Jaded' Iti has stot y 1,f 41 lit tie bid -Indispensable i
Will) OlitleK iies for "14 !king. This
4. 4414414 II) a I 1,..i1/11 S11111111y )101111111.
• n • Winter.
and Wart keenly buippointed whenat
turned out to le. a 1 V of Brownings
tSiitelay. !limey
what anteetteaal that ny ehild not
pl sed with his gift rot Id have it
excliatigel. .1 inarc 1 boldly
.A low doses, At the first sign of a cold, will allay all throat
irritation --take awa•• hoo:rseness-scheck the infiamnuition-
strengthen the lungward off the cough.
All the healing, soothing, curative properties of Canadian Spence
Gnm-combined with aromatics. Pleasant to take, 25' cts. bottle.
'kolas w A
Teti soar, Felt 1. IBM
. McKim Goderich
3t$ •
AM Spring Goods
Just it, stock our first shipment of
, English. French and Swiss goods for
Egi 1906.
New rluslins, Vestings, Oinghams,
Linen Suitings, etc.
New Laces and Aliovers
so moo, in use for fancy waists. Fine ort Allovero,
fr,rei l•-••• 1,. $1.80 per yard, for very line silk terchon.
we have the best to 1,.. had for the m ttttt .y.
745) yards at per .yard. Your choice of 25 patterns wide
Corset Cover Embroidety, 2c to 37 per yard.
notpriil. -see rhe lot at $11.,bl each.
Overcoats, one,third off. •
Women's Hats priced up to $2.50, to
clear at each 25c at
• •olb
Gives the Grope et Satisfaction
Toreirate• !avert e Contralto
and Solciist Metrepo ten Clsureh.
Teronio, 'writes •
"Altere me to towlines( Yes es the (sae of the
'exesistee 8.11 85447 Greed Pias. w I petthesid
Iron rep. 11 gives Ike ereetest Batiste too."
tcz iv) WM* els for Free Booklet ”fr"' oft.
retblaphotosgof leading ;was al
hi) reel? io & Ottap Co.. tuniecd. Gue.-1 ph, Ont.
. the suppcin
o the front with hie.
"What have vim theta., .1'
*Browning." • ,
ud what 410 ysott Want in Val-
e '1"*.
eking 1' e '
ace -
$5.0(x) RENARD sin
p b..,,, paid tot,any
per.on who proves that
!Fityllight Soap vont:mt.:my'
initirlotis chcalm or . any
Mon 04 adulteratfofl.
is equally good with hard or soft water.
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow rections)
you need not boil nor rub ,Our clothes, And yet you will get better'
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way
As Sunlight Soap contains no*jurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics an dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Loose We Linsittid, Toronto
5C. 74441,:n12445C.
Your money refunded by
the dealer flum whom you by
Sunlight Soap ,f you find any
cat* for complaint.
atiMiccitcci'vic+cis geciic9t9i4-i-icii
G. W. Thomson
aro hutt
DURING the many
years 10 which we have
been engaged in cater-
ing to the needs of the
people of the greater part of
West Huron in Musical In-
struments, Sewing Machines,
etc.. we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantiy increasing patronage.
We extend thanks to all our
customers for their ma ny
favors. •
We wish to announce that
We were never an a better
position for the handling cf
marketable goods in our line
than At the present time.
49.11g; Not only in the larger instru-
ments ale we well prepared
to meet the most particular demands upon US, bEt in the smaller instruments, 4111h as Violins, Guitars, nandotins,
Flutes, Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc., also is our stock for the commp, holiday '.cation
assorted. In (act our entire stock of Musical Met, 'iandise including the publiuctions of all the leading composers, is 4.
very complete,
S n
Edison Phonographs and Records,
Berliner and other Oramophones,
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pcns,
School Requisites,
Fine Stationery, etc., etc.
We 1 ordtally nvitc you to .0a0e your holiday tele( bons at nur Mum, Fimportutt.
G. W. THOMSON & SON 44 -
Goderich. 4t,
The Square
' A*44'44,3. eitt6444%***4+4, t 4'41 4s 4, 44*4s44450115. 445+aiblit
• w
'1111- •