HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-1, Page 3I'HF'' Ij:,'•tI : C10,1W,RICII ()NITA RI11 NO NEW BLADES. I rbe Ablicl \* - Ot NO ANNUAL TAX. If you wish to test one of these Razors without RISK or OBLIGATION on your part, apply to us for details! M. W 4.0 6 "4 PNICOR Carmai •sa41.1210 P•Ir 1• Leather Lass f47 tesaMaeeerd Cara. Tile 4.r a W'u,Vdpnc1,. Y44.t(o l to•it Lan Ner.,p,s, 11.00 free Stalled "Slats W stows," F',Ir -ale jl.y HOWELL, - Goderich til vanni`lri'fRttimu!7 MooIKi PER',4110N Ot o wini5a.. Sada. 1FtMOONEY BISCUIT •CLNDT LD STRATFORD CANADA Food Value Mooney's Perfehion Cream Sodas are crispsquares 449 ares of wholesome nourishment. They are the food that . builds strength and muscle. They are as easily digested ,by the child and invalid as by the sturdy workman. They contain ALL the food properties of finest Cana- dian wheat flour, in a form that delights the appetite. Always fresh and crisp in the moisture -proof packages. -"At s11 grocers in thew h)g.enoc peckaget ' THE GHNE REMEMBER . ! , ,1J he•,dr14 gad wagon .. Ploughs of all kinds, 141144••94•54 Reser., Manure Spreaders, Scufflers, wheelbarrows, Etc., Etc. ' '., a,• a',a4.0411.4 mail„u...4. car.. The Wilkinson Plough Co. 1_It11TED TORONTO • CANADA - No Sleep For The Kidneys. -1 ►1 L'eiv of the Sistriet. It(16t. Lockliett anti tinnily, of 11'eN W4w+ummh, have taken up their read deuce in Wingliaul. John A. Ev4mtdt. formerly of Clio - 4m, now of .Detroit, was married rt•- ee,ItlY pet Toledo to Mise Josephine Lemont, of Detroit 1' Hi'preeentativem of the l,.4- Sterling t with a gold watch soul ebain by their • mous and dauglitete.• Bank of 'Pamela huvt• been hooking In t Gliling health fur Mateo thiremonths. • 1)r. 1terry liruwniug, of Exeter, left last week for Copper (Tiff. Ont„ whet*. he will take charge of the Melia pit cal d. depacl11n•nt of the Creighton hos- e Moo. Il,•Stewlt•t, a i ueh respected resident of Kiucu.dine, Jlns4:el ,twny. oma Friday, ,lanuary 19th, aged sixty- eight years. Mr. kkt'wa't died some t( the 1/41'Iwr'ts 1441' 14141114114111114411 044talo1ialltuen Of 11 1/111111411/1 the hank at %%Ingham Winghanirfidatirs Sudden Death. Thomas Abruhau4, one of the earl. lest settlers of 1%'iighatn. who had Iat•u e•ngagel in the shale repelling business there for upwards of fort .44.111.44, Nus 4uud 1104411 in lard early Fridley mot 11 - been i11 dud(. The old gentleman had 1 )'eau's ago. The Wroxeter Star has changed hands. Mr. Palmer.t. I the mamma par)• print t', hawing 141 1141 (4444. to Wm. Carr, of Toronto. The O•,an:rea. takes place iu ab(iut two weeks. • George McNair, gn old r1ide tt of Brucefield, passed away /recently, aged ninety-three years. The deceased had heel) at resident of Stanley for mousy patrol. He 10.410 never married. Miss Charlotte J. Smith, daughter of Mrs. Stein, u( Wingham, was quietly married leeen11v 01 John D'Arcy Lediet, Mho of Wingham. Rev. Dr. Gundy, pastor of the Methodist church: performed the ceremony, Miss Martha, eldest daughter of Mrs. Millen, 7th concession ut Howick, wits milted iu marriage to Wm. R. Fallis, of the township or Minto, 4411 J41nuairy 17th. Rev. A. B. Dobson, of Fordwich, was the officiating clergy- man. The 'Oshawa J anal doer 1111 ne- t!ne- t of III 11 marriage 1111 Tomer). led of en old McKillop boy, Rev. T. J. Robinson, B. 1., of CCrositleld, Alber- ta, /4 1141 Mire 3lerry, y(ungeNtdaught•r nt Mr. and 3Irs. Jas. Boyd, of Vars.. The ceremony WAN'IN•t•f4Vnlel Ity ltev. lis T. Bayne, of Ashton. The new•r was received in Exeter ;f the death in London 4n January 19th of Mrs. James Wright, ferm4•rly 31iw' 11(a'ne, of Exeter. She leas in her Hfty-sevt•ntli year, and had been ill for several nunitlls. The dereaHi'l C0l1- dnc0e1 a Millinery store in Exeter fan - over twenty y*•al•s, until her marring!• about three years ago. A very pretty wedding took place at Ihr Main street l)ltromage, Exeter, on Thursday, January lath, lire. 11'lu. Godwin -4ffeiating, when Mim. !limbo gine, of l'cot main, was married to 11'm. Kirk, of Exeter• North. 1'he couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. harmer, of Eden. Mr. and 3111. Kirk will rrmtde• in Centralia. An interesting event took ploiee at the home •nf John . Pfaff, Blind line, Hay. mt. Wednesday evening of let w'e•k, when hie eldest rlulghter, 1'lolry w44ii -united in 11uuv'iago to Peter Sell Wa 111, al pros(N•t•trnm y g fat•iier, of the stone line. WV. E. s •huelke• performed d the cert. iu I lar )r•senee of nr11y the Oat l 1 Via. After an illness of several ' the Mrs. Irwin, wife of George Irwinof 1Vingham. foa'srrl ItWily nn Saturday n' t 1. week, ae4k.in.hrrtwrnly•rixthyent. Sirs. Lwin WWas( dainjhter of Mr. ltd Alts. Lewis rimed , of 1Vin}thnol, and hail been married to it little over three year.. l'unsnut) ion. the result ofy 44141 ('4nlrmeted alerts a yev,r ago. was the rause 4f her death:. The township 4f Grey lust another of ire worthy pi nn -id*y, 1, :try 19th. in the p erston of G4 Sage Shirts, who passel *w'41y at his hu 4. on the 1Ith cOncrssd(4n, at the ,age n r•venty-seven yeat•m. The deer/marl wart a 11ative of Scotland lout had tern resident of the town'hnp some 1M.'2. s wife predeceased 1 ' 'seventeen are and of n family 4f eleven chill - •11 tweet' survive. A ones t{' Seeitli ng wile Yld/•Innixel 111 the St . Clemeut Roman ('at holic church ;it 514 -Gregor (4n .lannmry 1Htlt, when 51iss Ida Penr)nnplink 1)rr•anne the wife of William Reynolds, .f Hn11ett, the remllll/uy Ming pwrfnrmeat by the IlI'idr .4 brother. Rev. Farther Pertson- 4eanit. After a welding breakfast nt the St, ('lament presbytery th(• happy (4(41110 left 1444•n; new home on the at It eon(ersion of Hallett, '('111• J • 4f Geo. itnok, Eden. was the revile 4f a very pretty w'4.ddine at high noon, Saturday, January 211411. when Ilk daughter Alice IV/U4 au4t:riel to Ray F'auwnn. of AIe•rnethy, Sitsk„ fernwily mf F:xeter. The rete11u)ny was performed by Rev. Mr. Andrews. of Centralia. a ' 1st many friends of the sr intrite ting pal•tica. 31r. rued Mrs. Penson will reside in 1hermit hy. when. the groom has a large hard- ware !moaners. Wingham Business Charges. 1Vm B • lots sold his flame and fetal 1411sintem in 1Vinghaml t4 Mr. Awde. of T4mntn, and C. Klee -Wel ham odd him stock 4f hat•urss 4utct•i441 to G: Mall - tiers. Mr. Knechtel intends going 1Ve.t. Sold His Drug Business. 1)r. Lutz has mold him (irug husinems in Exeter to NV. S. Cole, of London. Dr. Lutz ham Ireton in business in Ex• etre fur a great many years (Intl put - 1141.4 taking the rest which his health of late requires.. Twenty -Fifth Anniversary. There was a happy gathering at the home o n f.l hnT. Currie, county coun- cillor. ot -cillor, in East %V4wanrwb, on Friday evening. Jn r g, many link.when Mr. and Mem. (lirtir eelthrot tern he twenty-fifth 111) ver•mar•y of their welding day. The large company of friends spent a very happy evening in apes'ch-n irking, story -telling and grantee. Turnberry Fatality, Old people are especialy5-liabl* (y t• to Kidney and Bladder Irrita- etre (ion. The organs are weakened by age. This starts up inilam- mation -bhx,d, is not properly purified as it gees to the kidneys -and the bladder is unable to retain the urine properly There is a constabt desire to urinate day and night -and sound, restful sleep is unknown. Bu ll THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE gives the vigor and strength of youth to kidney's and blad- der. It soothes and heals the irritated surfaces- tones up the organa --enabled them to do their work easily and naturally -and curesall kidney troubles. Cures Rheumatism Too. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL Co, LIMITED. W4+or.•,4 Oar. - - • Nrw YORK. Pure Tee Hygienic PackegeS Users of Grand Mogul Tea pronounce it the beverage of good health Grown on the sun -kissed mountains of Ceylon, it has the delicious and mellow flavor of purity. Q Prepared by machinery from plantation to cup. The packages, lined with air- tight paper, protect it from store dust and microbes. Never sold in bulk nor in poisonous lead. The effort to substitute some other tea to be " just as good" isthe desire of some dealers for an excessive profit on an vlferior article. Grand Mogul Tea IlSold at /5c, )0e 40. and 50e per pond. Luk for the premium mi - pan and lit of premiums in welt oedema Robert 1Vnwls, a farmer of Tarn. berry township about three miles from 1Vingh , Was killed on Friday morning last hy a tree falling on him while working 111 the hush of John 11. Hardie, a neighhor. The unfortunate man lived only at few minutes atter the,(r0id.•nt, Be was about Hfty-flue y(111 FS of 4tge and unmarried. The Late John Carmichael, Henna. The death took place on bunI4ry loth of John Carmichael, of Hensall, at. the ,age of fifty --right years. ,Mr. ('a - tniehal'I was a native of Glasgow. Scotland, but for the last thirty -fire years he had resided in Huron, taking an active and pmnlinent ,part in the early deveelopment of the malt in(hl5lry in vnrinw parts of the county. II.• is survived by his widow, a daughter and n mon. Golden Wedding Celebration. The home of Slt. and Mrs. (George Juhnston, of Morris, Wap the s00be of a !Hippy event on Wednesday, January lith, the (erasion being the eelebr*tion of the golden wedding of the host and hostess. Mr. Johnston is "eyeful...lne yearn of 117.45 and Mr*. JOAnatnn sixty-eight ye*n(. The worthy coupNi were each presented ne was a p11111d11e11, member of the (homage Order and at lifelong l'onw•r- 'TRWv0. lir had Imam for 411111)' years a member 01 the 1Vinghan7• public 44(•(4/4411 hoard, maul was ie -elected by '.cel tion at the elections in Jan- uary. Seaforth Man Killed at Stratford. 1'att•iek Mulcahy, 41 Seafotah, a TSung ua•ried I11411 rulpluyt•lf em a ii*1•bel• at Stratford, was struck and ho1Tib ly mangled by an engine at the Stratford potation and instantly killed, last Friday evening. 51r. 3Ldcidly was the well-known Soafortlt hceosNegoal- keeper. Him wife and nluthe,yttt't, still living in Seaforth. Apparently he was cmJeavot4atg to !pesos in front of the engine, and probably stumbled, '.4-114.11 the engine caught and pissed over him, :11n 11141 bent was held. Blyth Residents Go South. Mts, Wm, ('4..n rabelI, 31iss Llitth. Ik•itley, Getor a Ilentle+y and George CanlpM•II, of Blyth, le t .oh . Monday efte•nool of lust week f4 •an extensive Dip ((4 points iii the %Vas • •414 States. their fiend stop will 144. 1141 a at Salt Lake Pity, Utalh, and from 11t re' they go to lam Angel(':,, 1, 4Iitot•n , and oleoe Park, [)Ocean 1 k , l'aliforuiu hem t residence of several months wil be made, 51r. and Mrs. James 3 5lurcbil, of Myth. Live gone on trip southward with Havana, Cuba, am their destination. McKillop Wedding. On '.Velm wlny afternoon mf hast week the hands • residence of J,41114•14 1V, I,1(w1•1c1.„Of 31eKill01 1, ws 1114' 504.444' of at pretty remit, when his y(1IIgest daughter, Ethel Ada, was mnitel in marriage to Lorne. S. Web- ster, a prosperous young farmer near ,Lurkn(dw. The sere y was, p!er. formed by Bev. A. K. Bilks., D. tien- drt'son, of Lnckna'.v, pe -footled the duties of ga.u1111Nlnatn, while Miss 444(4 -t - 1w1 Dale.', of Seaforth, acted am brides- maid. A sumptuous wedding d' •f• was served, after whiel) the happy left on the evendug Orlin for their home at Imektnw. Damage by Flood at Blyth. The result of the severe thaw of last week was at heavy flood *lung t i(' Blyth branch of the Mait1a1411 river., Se- (ulup wird by Mote or I444N damage. Owing tl taw old chapel 11( the river Ming partly IIHed im, and there being no lout' et for st atter When it did get in: th,• water hn(•keI up and entered the 11;4,01 the Blyth Hour mill 5.0 the depth of two .feet tan i114114.14. The bast.) 114.1 VOW/titled 1.:141 hurhe•IN of .44 ;41411 .11x1 bushels of barley. ,all of oshich were destroyed. The elevltl11/4 and, building .were afro seriously al dI*gi•d, and work will be at a stand- still till the damage is tepaitwiler Death of a Pioneer: Mrs. John SU:Eadz4.an, a pioneer of Huron, (Sassed awns- at the limo*. of her daughter. Mr.. Th - • M (i1nn11rll, 111 F.4uturuled's% ort Salo/114v of last week. SIM' haul re*ehed the great ,age• of ninety-four yews. Thr dm yam war born in the island a( Arran a ''.41,40 to Canada with her 'husband loll. After a 44hort residence in Waterloo county they settled in (irey, where they 'ronlinned to reside till Mr. McF,ulz•'.un's death Sixteen yeas at. ,, sinri• which time the dery /wed haul real with her daughter, 31114. Gem - men. )(a family of twe•Ive she is rur- vivel b my tw•u'aom,11111 t'.'.' .I.iu,gh. to",, 'thou s, 4.1 Grey : ,Lours, of Cali- fornia,: Nem.. Simp...n, of McKillop, and 311. Gemell, of Egmondville. Death 01 Ma Joeaman, Exeter. ' Mts. Ann Heatmtn.\('('44.1 of the late %Vialiant Beaman, Iw51te•d Jwn0efully gw•ny at the]/ tat of her sem George, Ptrier, on Sunday, J.nnay 21st, at 1lir' advanced alg,• of righty-s.•ven }cars. A native of Devonshire. Eng - !mid, the deceased cattle to Antrica with bet husband about fifty -Neem years go and settled eh New York State. hree years later they cane to ('.ln4lda, tiling (4n the 3111 ermeewsiorn of Stehle• watt employed in the 'Aye of the Me - Clary Mfg. Co. Mi544 Field waw a young holy of unhlentishe( char- atoter, (4f a 111/N1l•4t, ee•11,itive load t'etlrino 41iN(w1Niti.,,, with a te11d('ney lu ulelau•holy and di4O•u141 mf he•c own ability, and the uuly expla- nation at the su) ntfair dm that Iter melancholiac developed into temporary insanity. The remains weirs brought W SVingh,wl for internment. Death of Mrs. John Beattie, Seaforth. On Sunday.21st, (acurred the death of 31 s. John fleet tie, one of Seefnt•(h'e earliest must res te('trtl reeidrnts. .The the -metal had leen ae•1'iautly ill for seyet•atl weeks and while het. recovery wits hoped. for death , was not unexpected. 31re, Beattie Wow at daughter of the late I"r llc1po Seott, of 1'uckes:ndtil, lull wnm IK4•n near (ialt in IKt(. She had been a resident of Sra[urth Since her marriage to Mr. Ik•atie in (14541, Mt•s, lle•attit. was highly esteemed fey herr genial, kind diNpositi4m olid high in- tegrity of (diameter. Besides hrrinum- lo,u14 44(44. leaves 41 mourn bre loss font mans and four daughters. The 101111 - 1111' 1,ttue$4, of 1'11114'04M. British Uo-. luwbix : Frank and William, of lull,' K41144414, and 1Vesh•y, of Seaforth, and the daughters, 311.14. .1. -H. Pyper, of, Hamilton, and the Misiee Margaret. Helen and Mary, at home.. OBITUARY. ENsu4N.-An Old iemident of Loch- alsh, in the person of 1same Ensign, passel away mn December 211th. The 11.111114 11N Wel intered in Loebahh cemetery (4n New Year's lay. 31r. EnNigi was 110111 in Karst Nieeonri fifty- s'v4.m years ago, and war married in 1870 In 1874 he with .his family moved to Parantnun1 and Nhur11)' fterwa m settled rd 4 nthef 4 ' l 1 a' u n.n Ash -- Held %Owt•e he livid till reu4ovet by death. Hr wits a mUPI 11bel. let the Mpthodi/it 1+1114.1) and N•!m highly re- $(}''Ied in the c6n)lnunity. ,He is star - dyed by his widow and a family. 'IA)ro,i l.IN. -On 11'edn•aality, Jilll- (ou• • 10111. occurred the de4ulr of Mier. 'Thum s O'lomghlin alt her f • on the 12 eon(•e•N)+ion 411' %Pest Wawa - I4 • de•eas 4.l was a woman of sterling c urate •r 1118(1 was highly es- teemed Iiv I. she had Leen a resi- dent of 1 ship for a Iw-'' of years. 'J'he mu tiring niemleem of the fuuily, Sue (Ian der. 3finnie. ,and, son, Martin, 64((40 the heartfelt 44t'111- patby of the r iiity; as the 'hand of death ham. ream; art from their midst four ntentloers a he family din- ing the pied three •ram. Mrs. lylwnrghlin WAS 144xty-t'. 1 years of age. 1'he funeral mrn•ice w . m held at Sr. Aug.istine ehlm•oh, 10.114. r 111381 4444414 l•(•Iehl•11tell by -Itev. Fade Han - Inn. 4t Clinton. assisted by Bey. Father Lanoend'uu, . 1,10ng 'he mourners erre 51i1n1 Tessin 3141', n and Matthew 1.. M0('ann, of Ilodal( and Dennis O'Loughlin. +i Holm m. of rankle, N. 'Y. A Valuable Paper. George Drannetr, Kintitil, renews his subscription to The Signal for 111411 and writes :, "1 have taken The Sig- nal far n l.er of years and Hnd it ,t valuable paler, as it contains se much home news." Information Wanted About Canadians Who Died in South African War. The South African 4141 uncia which is now in course of completion will have rlrnt'tled upon panels around the brow the noinwY of all l tniulinn soldiers who were killed Or action, or who died of wounds or disease rd while on st•rviee 111 South Africa due - n(1 ing the . Boer war 1MKF lilts_. The 714 South Atriatn Memorial A4soeietion, is dr>Yrnus . of obtaining full partici', hos of nil those who thus Baer up their livres Illusti•ateot particulars of the 1It4.tn01b11 will two sent upon re- quiem. Mailroom, -Sydney H. ,Jones, Srett•tnry, »4 1Vellingtnn Street West, Toronto. Got Two Seats, .101111 VraN the new• Iwiy at the board- ing-house. Him mistressw•1aS meolding hien because he never surmounted an olstar'Ie: "John," the'molded. •'when 1 sent you for a two-lwiund loaf of cake, and they bald none. why in the world did you not bring two one - pound cakes That would he exactly ahr same thing." John Keto neo to grasp the knowledge. Him nnistrl',m thought (40 until t he next. day. She war, going nn a journey, and bring a large, remit wonlnn. tl4bd John 1,1 4.(45Jt(45l(4' two. 'rets in the 'hum. When John n• - turned ahr awked, "Did you have 4111)' difiretl4y %" "No, madam," replied the hopeless John : "but f could riot get therm loth together, an i got one in the in.Mi11ratnd (1141• on the top," Frost Fence Company's Agents' Cc n • vention. - - where they resided until about third •-nine years ago, when Mr. Hemmen diim ,. For many years Mrs: Heitman colt inu441 to reside on the honl.'steul, butin the year DOG to Exeter, whe she had miner lived. She is survived h three 144 1111e, George, of Exeter• : 1'hopin of Brantford, and Hobert, of Montan Demise of Stephen Pioneer. One of the oldest resident of Stephen township pas. 1 amity on Thursday, January I$th, in the per- son ;1 Samuel Braketimhioe.•,4t the ripe age of eighty -One years. Th de•rar•d was born in ('ornwall,'Englan , where he worked in the mines until h 041110 t) 1111M country in 18144. Four errs latter with his wife, who survives int, he took up land on the 9th routes 'on of /Stephen, at that time almost an n- 11foken forest, and there the decen. continual to live while life •laste(1. For twenty-five years he WAN an h • •d director of Hay Township Fire insurance (Company. He WAS it member of f r the 1 r ' .1 til 1 '1 dltc1111r rhand in former • •m en s r took his It ( m P,r• n. a local prea(•her. Besides him wife he is Mmrvivei by mix mons and six lltuglite4s and one sister. 5(48. Kernick, of Ex. Closing Up Horse Breeders' Society. •A 'period general meeting of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeder's' S1w•iety Waw held at (Clinton laat week to (•0nsidcr what action should be token regarding the future of the rieiety. it is now ten years miner the a4w'iety was organized. '11)e .society has published three volnr114'n 4f its stud Monk, end 1144' a fourth toady for the prem..• with a surplus in hunk of Meverll hundred (tellers, but in view 4f the apparent impossibility of haying its eetifleates of registry t•5rogpizel under present Government regula- tion' for nalionalizat' of stork r'Fgiatry, the meeting derided 41 wind lip the aiw•ie'ty end appointed its emot- ed to pnweetel,ther•with aernrling to law. The envdfiI derided to 'weep( en- tries for reratration up till 5lereh next, after which date no more bush nevi will be done. Sad Death in London. The relatives and friends in Wing. hath of Miss May Field wee ,,*illy e110eked to hear that She fwd ttken her life hy taking enrledir neir1 at the home of her sister, Mn. Mr('reeken, in Loudon. The resit del was com- mitted on Wedne*18yy evening, Jan - limey 17th, hot her lifelerm budy was not found until the following after- noon. The dem•III'd wan a bright young lady of twenty-two years and The annual convention of the agents of On. Frost Wire Fence Co. was held at Hnmiltun recently Nf1(1 10(41 n most mum:tomtit' alfail'. it W41a the third, and 1114. largest, of the rnn4entione held by the Company in Hamilton since the establishment of the works in Witt ei1v. One in the principal oh- jeetm of these gatherings to. to explain in detail the ntanormative erf the (' pony', go(dM, so that agents may he in a position to set forth concisely and intelligently the advantages enol sn- (wriority of the various lines. The conventions *ho tend to !MOW tht• 1►grntn better acquainted with earl ther and with the heads of the Hrnl, ith good results all 'mend, A ora - 1 tile am well as at piia.Mnnt time HAS N t dor' In 1'e g the three (t+aym of the cony norm, 4141 w I 1 hnrhr•t (looted with Ith a ban- quet quet t the Royal house, The Frost Oorupa im an enterprising concern, and its enerlue treatment of its agents is Ilpparently one of lite factors in ism suer: s. Marshall Field to Young Men. The trouble ivVis newt young inert is 1 that they do it learn anything thoroughly and ore apt to do the work co 'fled to there in a ear•lees man• net., forgetting tint what is' worth doing nt ell is worth doing well. They become mere drones and rely upon chine'. to bring theta agrees.. The young roan pometmsing n eon - science that ('ann01 brook thealighteet suspicion of wrongdoing, and which insists on atendfnmt end undeviating truthfuh)eas, sturdy honesty end Ntriet devotion In duty under all siren tii- etAnreM, hem a fortune to begin with. Economy ist one of the 111(1541. eM(41'n (1141 element..' of pomrreem, yetnn.t wretch- ed!), disreg(.rbd. The old ,adage, "11'711114 wooste maker woeful 15-4414 never more fully exemplified thin in these deys when 111(1((4 of the want. that now prevailm would not exist 14,4(1 care been t*ken in time of prosperity to lav up something fora "rainy day." Whetis needed today w than anything elms. is 1.1 instill in the minds of our young men the desire alw)ve ell to build up a eh/trio-ter that will win the re peat of ell with whom they rosy mono, in rumors, 1 which in veatly mute imp ort*nt than a groat fortune. M*tehall Field in to, letter written to Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis two yearn I go. TIIUS$DAT, Felt. I 19041 3 TILE success of pastry depends upon the flour. Bread and pastry must he more than mere- ly appetising; they must be wholesome, digestible, nourishing. The flour depends upon• the wheat and the way it is milled. Royal Household Flour. .a 1 made from spring wheat only. It is milled by the newest and best machinery; It is purified by electricity. Use it and you rt bread not only light, crisp and appletising; but also wholesome,digestible and nourishing. . . You will better . your baking by buying Ogil- vie's Royal Household Flour from your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. - Montreal. "t t i11ie' . 1lo.4k G.r a Gook," n c nt.aills 1440 pages 01 excellent re'ill(yi some never published Me - lot fere. our gr(44•er can teal you hew to get it FREE BISSELL STEEL ROLLER ElE•f) UM` With Tyro Drams and Strong Rigid Frame. Soule Improvements are : 7.avy Steel Axle, Tblrb Nes.y N.H. rt..., Drapes Riveted up to stand any strain Roller Rrartoss• )tolls like s bird. Full Narticular. free by mall, or ask your dealer. one genuine Without the name "BIS- SELL" Look out for it. Address T. E. BISSELL, ELo11a, ONT.I Writs for Booths •, lC - For every bui'k3 of man there is a Semi -ready type E''• -READY a, fit He men. 31• t dummies. garments are built' to measurement. But according to clothing • makers' -methods, a 40-incl1 breast is clothing is built to fit supposed to belong to a 6 -foot man, so where does Mr, Short Stout come off? The four extra inches on the tail of 1'I - 0:'44 his coat make hint ridiculous. ,11, l ,. You see, the old system was wrong- , it could only fit norfnal meta - - the Semi -read system tem of physiquet ' _Y Y s 1' will fit anytypes figure. keOf (•0114.544, fit is an important thin;; to I get .so satisfactorily settled, but Semi- , . ready didn't stop there.! Semi • ready system of tailoring is 'AtIIIIIIIM different, too. Instead of employing a The Semi -ready aystein of sizes based on the permanent "measurement -height. Once the figure is formed, height never changes, though the waist and breast lines may vary con- siderably. For each height we have every variation of figure - stout, slight, over -erect, sloping -shoulders, etc. - there are 105 variations altogether. Here is an example: When a 5 -foot 4 -inch man with a 4o -inch breast comes tato one of our wardrobes, we produce a suit for a 5 -foot 4 -inch man with a So -inch breast. ' 'The fit is invariably perfect. If the same man goes into•an ordinary Clothing store they take hie breast is' math pimply because he is a tailor, we ploy him because he has proved hi. self ail expert in ope particular bran 1 of the business, and keep him doing 'othing else but his specialty. If he t s in sleeves hest the does nothing elin our tailorey ; if he is an expert au collars, that ir his per- manent occupat •n while with tis -and 510 on to every • . rt of our business. Thus we get the m. t perfect tailoring there is. That is w 7 you find style in all our garments, a permanent shape. We have reached such a ' _ it plane in tailoring that we couldn't ; oral to use anything hqt the best of ma rials, so we carefully test every three of goods we buy -then we guarantee the with the knowledge that they can't go wrong. Perhaps you have never been in a Semi -ready Wardrobe! We would like to show you what it i1 like. 423 Semi -Cady 1i1oring sGODERiCH -- - - Mc[[ N BROS., Agent's / Mapk (h' L-, Leaf MAPL& . LEAF 4),r ` (1 i GOOERICH IELEGR(tpHY SCHOOL t' • to the (:o erich Telegraph) School Anda. A few lomat. )441-(4111 4m Able to earn A Muhry of 56', to 51.11 pc, month. There is it grill 11011141111 for o(N-r,tor.. Ih' ready to /10141 N ywit ton on the linl'Ipli A (mulct ieh Ity. li,14,1 c1 r, for buoy operators, A. E.-MATHESON, Principal (ii•Th'l: lis 11'. 'I l,, ,,,, A .4 41-I4. Sol 4.c. o)1 the "4444(41', i 1 Build Up Now by get tang nut• Beef, Iron & Wine $LII bottle for i5c, Cod' Liner Oil 51.00 bottle for 50c, Compound Syrup Hvpopbos• phites $1.00 bottle, 50c. i • Any of these medicines will put ut you in good shnpo, for the spring. H. W. Thomson's DRUG STORE, BROWN'S Celebrated Hair Grower. Pln`•14•iins, Seieuliats..ete, have given their null aalinel tests 1., the only klown rometle.. which will alwdud•y Oto Wh,o la rlalulel for them. and al 1110 4441110 141110 now be Celled upon aha Miley-hannl0.w and elfrvtivc. We do IUB 01111110 grow hair on a shining trht head where the 4.004 of the 11111r are dead or do- .lrey,ml and nn 1111044110 1011. but if there is any fine Ratr left *0 cart' 1411)lac 11 VIM. We him. grown hair on 1101414 11441? hats',- 1444'4 14141 for 44)41M and year, 441,11 11,1•r' 4.4 our et ease to be 1411000 N )'oln)g 1(14411 or w'ot111let who 1•41044• 10( their lutu'aud lar ins/bold where our vele I. •tied hair growing r•uredic, will fall to poo 441 it good (4(4411144 head of hair, If 1110,1 I401.0 i...-..-.._ Te wh It may concern : I most h :illy endorse the 1140 of Moon'. G.:kJlnmwl 1 it 4. rower. Jfy Iw•.rwu,4l expel, onus• 1 1141%0 41 Id that i1 1, not a vuounon µo ,'Irl 1111.41irinc, 1 1 a 44.144111114cally pr'panl L404114111 10(4 are nt 1. which prevents the for - Hots.' onto... nor. Id 01 llnrwiM' eleatq.m the -Ip w.'h:at the hair 01 oily di.,'ontlWee to fall ' • m. but 144•gins to row In the'.,' 'dames who'are am in •Ul1111, pieces my'w•4*',a.144111a•(g'o1110 aliinite bold. 1 n+ut iI,(',H. (111 - , . any em•mlp is now 411110 flee front dandruff, and +a ,Mori• 1144 IIe11M' sign/will of hair ,o. it ever did. . It ,1, WATER 13cneral neon. "en(' %e Canadian (u aes fen 41ent'o (. • loge. S.. E. HICK, JAMES WILSON. Druggists For Sade by EMENT RICKS • Those proposing to bnild.the coming ' - x1~151(441 W011111 110 we11 to Investigate the bt•iek51 made by 1144. They are Firmly Dressed .Evenly Finished Can be colored to suit Rock -faced for trim- ming (NHS F01' 1519454 411111 pat ticldare write tc The rick Ceueat irkk G., itd • m gaurieet brick for 'minding pue- Rubbers are made only from the best "Para" rubber. 'fade to fit every style and shape of (Hen's shot's, !curies' shoes and shoes for the little ones. in ladies' shapes they arc neat, light( perfect fitting and lasting. Insist on the " Maple Leaf" Brand - it's on every rubber. Sold by all dealers. 1411•••1••w' i4 J. BROPIIEY & SON 1 tip. 1.11A1INm- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders urlully slleca4d to •1 alt hour*, ',light or day mil iNllRY BIiOS.\ Livery, ilack 'Buss Stable wessuessig 4.r (i(UU 111►f*MR ('Alt1(JA(Itl:l. PHA ET -TC., A T---- HE A"ONAAL.11 ATES Well. 4pptinted 111*i•ka and reli- able drivei'e in charge of the 'Mimes, which will meet all train.' rind etcant hoata ,11.1, ('A LIS A'ITENDEI* 1'44 a PROMPTLY F'ItoM H( I'11• I • AND I'ItIVATF: HOt'hr; (SUNDRY Pall TN MTIItNT BROS. PHONIC FiFTY ji