HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-2-1, Page 1TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. THE SIGNAL TO 1st FEB.. tecta, AND THE ' MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD FOR O N E YEAR, BOTH PAPERS FOR ONLY fjt.00. Subscribe Now. i PRINTED STATION- ERY, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS, ETC. YOU CAN DEPEND ON GETTING A GOOD JOB OF PRINTING DONE 41 AT THE SIGNALw Bb- ■ CAUSE WE DON'T DO ANY OTHER KIND. FIFTY•NINTH YEAR -Na 30761 GO1ERIOa;e ONTTARIO, CANADA : FEBRUARY 1, 1906 VANATTER t 1tOBKRTa°N, Momentum Financial -'.Vo have just issued a little booklet entithxl '`SOME l'AR111NASr POINTS" This is an interesting booklet and Should be read by all' who have money to invest. %Vt• shall he pleased t give this booklet to anyone who will call at our office or who will write to us. THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZES US TO ACCEPT DEPOSITS. THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY Goderich office, cor. North St. and Square W. 'L: HORTON, MANAGER. , NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Lost or Found 71I0YCLE FOUND. -A BICYCLE 1) was found a pew days ago by one of the town police. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expeuw:. Wheel can be .nen at the Town RAW (,ITRAYED FROM LOT n. MAIT- i' LAND cone...Ione Otelcrlch Wwn.1,Ip, e light lay colt. little white on left htud toot, coming two year. old. Any Information lead- ing to Its db.eovery wfll be utt*bly r'u,varded and extern... paid by the undersigned. JOHN NEWCOMRIC EDufuc A ROY ADAMS TVA. era ur Plano Studio In hank of Montreal ::lurk. / W W. ILL11O7T (HONOIts(:Eu- 1. TIII.'.ATE Trinity ('ullegr. London. End.). orrggaanist and .4:Mon...ter of Knox church, O.derlch. teacher tot Jarmo, organ. site/Mg. theory and harmony. 'Studio at , r Mck,nnld •,.. St. 1 :to id'. Street, t o door. wens. of VimeriA .tn,et ehun'h. 73-3um Fine Arts 71RAWiN(l ANi) PAiNTiNG 1'N 1! OIL ANI) W. TKR COLOR. ate tuition and rl.i n. F go. . Itadt0ITT. (:ale mi a R, -,-..•e- IUoldtheept crow). Cr IL SALE. r ►,5., D.U.R. • Mclean Bleck Dr. Turnbull's stand.I Medical 71It.M. EmmEn.S()N & TUR ULL. 11 A. 't. F:xi-ti rie.os. M 1). W. S. Ti nv.Uu. 11. a. OOoen, Hauailr on Street. -Reeve Ve.ideuee phone 121. DR. A. H. MACKI,IN, M. H. L 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' SpecW attention to Eye, Kar. Nose and Throat. Iffier and residence. old Henkel Mow t,�ewat1 oppeelle Po.toMce. Waal wt., Gnderich. 7tNephon a No. let. Legal rIAMERON k KILLORAN. BAR- , 'LISTERS .oliettore. notaries, etc. °Woe. amilton St.. third door from.4ysarv.OodeAr4 Ont. M. U. CA]419RON, K. c . J. BIL - LORAN. L°KAN. ---- _ —_ J. ROUDFOOX, HAYS 8t BLAIR. berri,devm, solicitor*, notaries public pr. '• ton. in the Maritime Court, etc. (Mlee. r*.mt ride Square. next door C. A. Nairn'.• grocery. Poi rate funds to lend at Icw,l.t rate. of littered. W. PKODUFOOT. K. C. R. C. HAYS. G. V iLA►II. NCEY, L() 'I ITS E. BAR- S atom r r no a1 tic Hon give t ,roll Ito . JV notary. Iwci Hon given to Murine ('Dort work. Money to oan. °Moe : North SI. set Square, Ouderleh,1 &A O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. • l►1 • sn11c ter. coqumlawtoner, etc. Money to tan. (Mice, corner Hamilton and HL Andrew's Streets, Goderich. Ont. p. ICKiNBON & OARROW, BAR - ROSTERS,. attorneys, solicitor,. etc., erich. Mone to Ked at towe.t rata.. E. God Y7 L. DICKINSON. CHARLES (JARROW, LL.B. T(11. WARD, CONVEYANCER, 111 • etc., 'and eommin.loner for taking and receiving m.ognlaanee. of Mail, alltdacito or affirmation.. depoeitlonw or edema derLara- tlon. In or concerning any Action mutt or pro- ceeding In the High ( hurt. of iutlee, the Court of Appeal for Ontorio, or In any County cr Division Court. All transacet.lous barefullyy and prom sly °teeuter. Ite.Menee and P. U. addrww.-Iningannon .nsuraacer Loans. etc. 'MONEY TO LOAN AT 61 PER ▪ ('ENT. on town and term propeetr. Fire. Ile and accident insurance. D. F. HAMLINK. 0. F. ('*HEY. TOPiN W. CRAiOIE, LiFE. FIRE t and accident mourners. Attest for leading mutual and stock companies. Insuranoo In a lines effoete4 on beg plans and at lowed rate.. Call atoMee, corner West Street and Square. or address J. W. ('RAIUIF Uoderich, Ont. Tele .hone 24 McKiLLOP MUTUAL FiRE IN- S URe NCE CO. -Farm and Iodated town pro Insured. Value of property In sated Up to Jan, IBA over $3,000,1M. 41Mren. and directors: -J. R. Mclean, prem, ; T. Fraser. vtce-prom ; Jae. C(nneneUy, U. Dale. Mr. ('hem- ' nay, J. Watt, Jae. Erata.J. 0. Grieve,.1. Renee - web:, dlreetone ; T. It. Hap, Seafntlh..orretAry- tr.amnrer • Inspector., nearest director U, hate.. J. W. hen, FHnlmnevllla agent Inc We.t Huron. Polleyholden. ran pay Se.rmAments and `ret their rant. rocrlpted at Mr. ('nate;, ('itnton er at Mehenn Brow' Pa✓i m Clothing Stere d . orterich• Marriage Licenses WALTER E. K ELI. t , (GODEKi('H, ONT. WM.-Meeker, Jeweller and Op) icldn. Issuer of Marriage Llren.ee. WLAN, iSMUKit OF MARRi- . AugAGE Howson. 0elertrh. Ont, Auctioneeang THOMAN (4UNDRY, LIVE ST(N'K and general a ettolin'er, h u remevod from Hamilton Street. to new oOIres on Month Street, where he will M, frond at All time. when not aryIng malo.. Term. reeennable and every et - ort used t0 rive you mMMfantmn 'Phone 30. GODERICH MARKETS. Tucaep.ay. Feb. 1st. Fall wheat, per bush. now 41) 75 to $ 0.73 Spring wheat, per bush• newa 15 to 0 75 er 1.5 to (I lei l),e'kwheal, per barb it 4t to 0 48 oat., per bu..h., atm ' u 34 to a M 1'eas, per bu.+h - 0 75 to 0 73 0 12 to 16 en to }lour, family. per etrt '4 .I) to Flour, extent, paer.celt 44 600) to Bran,p or to . on to Short., per toxi .4 4q 4o Hay, per ton ..'1 , -. 6 an to Butter, per1b _er coed e.r49 W Cheese. per lb ... 0 12 tato Kap. fah, per dos 0 Ia to 1'otatou.. 0 LS to TAttie, urdin'y to goal, pK este' Sea W Tattle, exhort, per out 1 Si t0 Hogs. live weight, per awl7 e, to b. Suring lam. 4.„ 0 a' to Sheep, per cwt. .......... . ...... .210 1.0 1(111,,, per Ib ala to Baton, per Ib 0 13 to Lard. per Ib 121 to Tallow. ter Ib 0 Ia to (tide., per met, ,,,, 6.91 to Sher-pSkln. 611 to Turkeys 11 11 to ('blekens . ..... .. ..... It to to t0ubYLS Ill ritets on page 3.! Barley, per tmeth Iteree.ni,.gs per ton 16 art 2 SIt V 80 Ir W to oil 6 to 004 u 12 Ill lir HI 1 110 1 75 7W 6 30 3 73 0 lel 0 18 et ti 730 75 n 13 II 1n Wanted �]ANTrU. -FUKNIa iEDHOLYE. 1 Modern conroobncna. i' May. 1.; to Septeueh-r I.t. Please state re 1y und par Oculars. THE SIGNAL. • Keel .:state tor bale. OOI)ERICH REAL ESTATE, 1UT AN)) INSUIt.,Nc4 All1NCY. Folk SAI.x. 2i -story brie* and ecment' lammed damning. Large stable. 6 lots. Finely diluted. 9.1,01), a stop. II -story frame 10-rro,ned dwelling. Near Collegiate Institute. 411.3)10 *Very frame Pr:muted dwelling. 2 lots. Nearly new. 411,9)0. Thi. b very mo.) value. '.fury brick .tore. baker'., oven and photo- graph gallery. Situated on 5Lou ..erect.. Blyth. One llwne recant lot on St. U11arre•'e (reeecant E rootage 7te feet. 91 144), 3 three--w•re Imo, well wooded, .Mated pn lake front '4 ladle. from Uoterkh. Flee 1eueh. Beautiful location fur .ummer eottearai.. gain each. ai acre. good pasture land. 2' mile. front l/ode. rick. Splendid chance fur anyone wi.hing t.. go Into dm trying. 91,4444. lfl) •re farm. Finely .14 noted. (loot building.. Fruit. Good supply of water. 44 mite. from town. 414.3444. limey to loan, 3 per cent.' AREY.. HAMLINK. •Hs0kd Commerce Bldg. '• ITA . FABLE FAI4M FOR SALE OR T LENT for a ten,, of yews. ('ond.t Ing of 144 re., conet•..lon CF:. 11. township of A •.haeht an .Ittnteet'li'.nlIe. wept of Dungen. non. Good In ding., larrre orchard of choice Runt tree.. 44 ar . of fall wheat ; remainder of the re I*a.n rune. On - p ,ppb' of good venter. ..• and cht,b ,.'. Apply writing or pernaally annus. 7641 \I KOR(IE HEC KETT, (iENE FtAi. auctioneer, MR Hamlltnn street, (lo.ierir.h. 1'. 0. fox IA9. All mope. will renelre special •Mention. 1 will hey yyoer entire nark w hneedco hoM Rods Incfnr cook end will Bell you .raven. Mrwltnre, mmhere .trew, .pring', Ste.. cheap, ('a1n1 And .no whet we ra0 for roll 1n this line. OKOIt0E BEC('KN , Cerkeity Shop, Uoderi(.h. ,1 1.1111111111 farm n 4. seeded i - mime.. 10 n never MI s 1 oovenient to mchod n leer further partle•Illats to O. E. AUGUSTINE. D LIKAME RESIDENCE Ni) HALF - ACHE LIFT FOR SALE. with false stable. The garden le. one of the ••.1 in the di.trl.t for the growing of .mall it... "For tern. and condition. apply W WM. ,TTS, Idaltfore. 1 t AN EXCELLENT' FARM F()) SALE.--'3nsere. ln a1'e,.t WVaw•ano.h• two mile. from Auburn ; .nal a clay far,,. ahou4. IH) a'•rem ender rulth•ntton and 30 to 40 acne. limber. A well and tem springs wale of r a new (Mine dwellin a .cal tarn .table u d O R. A drive .hod. Apply ' tt� to a ROBERT. SUN. (ladoricb. pp y HOUSES FOR SALE. 1 hove for male.everal new home.. each, rnn- twining hall, parlor, dining room. kitchen, p ante ..a..hnon,, thrcr Ise: r'wnn. and rlo.et. !trach �u. n Rod ccllnr extend hyp under the whole hums. Theme home. have all Iw'en recently nuking and por•hawers w•,11 and t hum thoroughly %mho. fartnry. If yen ere n tenant you .1,0)414 come and sec one; it i.choaper to buy n house than to pay rent. 61 tf • J. T. GOLDTHORPF YOUNG A• ROBERTSON, REAL Enlate And 111.11111111.0 ARont.'. heal os• tate for male or to let.. Proq•rtic.. handled In nn)' part of the town and county. Fire and Ole 1nenrnnce, Money to loan, etc. PR4)PEHTIES FUR HALE. A comfortable frame dwelling on 4.wex street, with modern convenience-. A ntablo and drivingg houwe. A Commolln0. frame dwelling nn South and Pieton .treb., with .table, etc. A frame dwelling on Keay..treet. Va1,1111 Ln, on Bruce .trcet nr, K.ewx street, on Mnntn•al street, on Hnitnnoin road, on 14 tire) rad. 011 l'mlar et reef. Earn,, 4K0 mile* fro,n Carlow. 24) items. -.epee- tor Moldingm good water .apply. orchard and thul.'r lot. F erm In West aVewano•k, within three mile. of Auburn. An acre... God buildings and water. • Farm In tniborne, Lake Shone, four miles tuna Ondde ieh. rn acres Earn, on Hayfield rand, four mile. from, bode. Orb. Into acre, ran, no Hilton rood, one mile frau, (io.lerieh, Pinworm. For further Information Apply to YOUNG k RfHERTS/1N, Real Eel ate and In.0 re nen Agent., eicderleh. (Mr,.: Next door to 14.11 Telephone ()Mee, the Square. Ooderirh. VOR SALE.---FOi'lt TOWN LOTH S. on Hayfield road, smith of Mr.. ('a� p1.1 HIM non'+ property. Apply to O. W. TIHOMSON dL SON. 33-6 f. VARA FOR MALE-FiiiTY ACRES. h being north half of the cad half oe Mt No. 6, melee...lon 4. AAhfield; two mild, west of i)nngannon. Good building.; two scree orehanl : well underelralned ; +nfl clayha. For pertlrular spies to GEORGE HmAI4ItIM. Oolerlrh. Ont. 1 F.$IRABLE FARM FOR SALE.NeerthnrlllageofKintall A.hfloldtnwn- . hear I6 Mlle.. town (Indcrirh And 12 111110' from Lndknow, The *have property rmmpr1.r. A 1, Art of Inn Acmes 011 the main gravel real, near •honl, rhur•h and post office, and is .nit)hlc fnr ell her I'rotret ent or Itmnan Tntfol le fn.,,) Ile.. The bnlldingm, which err In grew! .tate of repair, emptier. wwell-hnlltroughened ho, w, 3m fret q.am, with two ton.. ,., n gnol bearing orrhari. The land I• tmanrpawed Int fcrt tltt y the townehlp, with a neck rennlnc In end mit of the farm, and I+ well Adapted Inc the mixing of stock. The property 1. ntt►rcd Inc the low flgem of 14.24,. a. the ,,weer 1. unship, by eltvwmatnneo., to carry on the farm. The monk and implements ren be fanlight nl. a Inw velnatlnn, .mI fnvnrnblr form.. will be given un. pnrehaser, If the farI. nnl woM by the let day of Morelm, :. it will for offered for rent nn Share., the .fork, ,mpinteent. and .eyed fnrn�llnhed by thqq proprietor. Apply pteo,rnn,llyr 1' by totter �jot'ItltIliTftl'HE:It LAMHEIIttTTI':7, • LOCAL 'TOPICS. Appointed Coroner. The Ontario Gazette announces the fpkoiutment Of 1)1'. F. R. Mengel.. of Brtsdeu. L,Nnbton county, to ie ms. sedate coroner of Laurbtuu county. Dr. Y(;nget• is known to tuauy of our residents, having on several occasions visited here. He is a brother of Crown Attorney Seager. Charged with Perjury. High Dunstable Gundry went to Wruxuter Monday night and the next 100ltlitt4( took Daniel Kaake, of. that plane, into custody on a charge of perjury itt connection with a trial held there On the 0th df January. The_ prisoner was taken before Magistrate Murton at W inghauh the Mance day, and waiving preliminary trial, Was met- mitted for trial at the June county aeasiuus. In the meantime he is re- leased on la•il. Again a Prize -wiener. An .4eviUlCr don•espondenL writes The St. Thomas Juut•naI ,as f •Ws: "We were pleased to notice• be of. out esteemed young frien Miss A. W. Green. cheese and butter maker for the Aylmer Cheese and Butter Association. as one of the prize -w' re at the N'estern Dairy- ntenb Association tion held in Ingeersoll last week. Our heartiest congratula- tions. Misr Green." Miss Green is one' of Colborne township's ,uccesafnl young ladles, and we are pie:used W Mee she is 4111 among the winners. The Black Knight Coming. The Goderich Gospel Temperance League bas made arrangeaneuta whereby the Rev. J. H. Hector, known throughout tie English..Ipeak- ing world as the "Black Knight,' will address the Gospel temperance meet- ing on Sunday.. February lith, and will deliver a lecture in the Temper- ance Hall on Monday evening, Febru- ary 12th. Mr. Hector is considered cue of the greatest men the negro mace has vet produced and everybody should hear him. Admisi,ion. to loth meetings. free. Further particulars next week. The College Girls. The big musical production. De Atex'., College Girls. will appear ,at Victnt ix Opera House on Tuesday evening next. Thi., is one of the great nmsicxl hits of the season. The ' leer Sale ' ' VOR MALE. -THE UNIV. iGNED h*. fur ,Yale n M1an.ey"llarrin *cod and grain dr111, laving no further oma for .arnp. It is In 1r,4ehaee. •undltlan; I.ee been end • two year. in 11.1.0. Half of price will be taken in cord wood if Lorre able topnreha.er.-THIIMAS PRECIOUS. !Meek, ..1159444. 76-:t VASE BURNER HEATER FOR 1)) SA1h:.-e'nunte..• of Oxford. No. 10). In drtm.le , eoarlitlou : will be mkt cheap. Apply Mand to H. Tl' VVOItU, cor. ('ambrla orMand Trafalgar 'greet. ;Situations Vacant LTENOGRAPHER 1V A N1' is D.- F - One who he. been employed inn law oMce and who :intimidated. bookkeeping ,and tanking Moine. , preferred. Api'ty. 'tiding experience and .eatery expected. to HON 296, (..derich. TWO APPRENTICES WANTED to learn dressmaking. Applyat ogRee. HUDli1NS lt11OS. BOY WANTED --APPRENTICE TO learn printing. 11 or 13 yeare of age. fair education. A g.mel opportunity Inc a bright boy. Apply at TIL. OFFICE. it Otice NOTK'E.-THE ANNGAL MEET - INU of the tnmte,e. of the Alexandra -Marine and General flo+pital will he held at the Court Home.. in the town of Oodcricle on E'ridsy. the 1411, day of February, A. 1). loot at M o'clock p m., for the, purees, of electing tnt'teen 110,1 other buslnes.. D. McDONAI.U, �cting Sect Wary. RNIN(i•epANYONE FO U N D TV tl peosln4 or carrying ere-nr,n' on any tart of I property will to arrested end prose Gated.1 i • nod 1: C and K. C. ATTItILL '0TICE. ' — 1 he West Ontario 'seise hallway Company will apply to the Par ,vert of Canada at 11.. next ..e -.ton for meth' to build n branch line from a paint nn the ' mpany . line at or near the cine of I.m,don. On lo, in northerly direction, through the aunt of Middbe.ex, Oxford. Perth, Huron and-Hnie to a point on lake Humn In the comity of Ho . , or Brace, and for other purposes. , ANI)itkw' T. THUM )N. Solicitor for the Appy nt... Ottawa. 12th January, 11111, 71- I 1REMS MAKE IL -MRS. W , . 111 TItE:MBLK4'. South edreet, oppo.lte Dhs. clpin church. guarantee., perfect 114 and price* rula.o,.able. 714f 1 lady band and orchestra it- most attractive novelty. Matlaui Pick,artle, the direct less. has atudiewl under some of the lest masters in (lerUIMuy and France and it a graduate of the fam- ous Leipsic College. The Hist part setting, "Ott hoard the Canadian Hal- tleship U, da" -the ' first Canadian man -of -war -is a mnslerpieee. Re- member the date--1'hesday, February 0th. Everything refined ; ladies and children especially invited. High Constable Mackay's Resignation. Owing to ill -health U. C. Mackay has resigned the position of high clo- sable for the county of Huron which he had•held for sof many years, and Kt the Laex'tipg of the conuty nettled Ixst week W. H. (sundry was chosen to rneceent him. Mir. Mackay was a vigilant end competent officer au4Lit is a matter for regret that his health has given out. We hop( -that he y in tillle recover& great portion of his wonted rigor. His euccesurc, now High Constable Gundry, in just the man for the position and the county council could not -have mute a,ietter appointment. House of Refuge Matters. County Clerk Lane Was in Clinton yesterday attending a Meeting of the Use of refuge come:Mow. Among th tatters discussed was the put. - ch of sixty-seven items of laud, to the noth of the present farm,, tllat is offered r sale, and the inspector was authuriz( to get an option on the property a . report itt, next meeting of the calm tire. The purcha .oe, of some freshly -c tad COWS' in ;lice of some dry ones, a • (1 the exchange of a span of horses the are not quite suit- able for the purpose hey are- wanted for were left with the , mute of refuge authorities and the pit ase of a new cooking range Was decid: • on. - - For Sale 1)1SPER8ION MALE - 'or ItP014TEbIKD SHORTHORNS AND GIRADE l'ATTI•F: at HMeid& Stock Fano, Loodoi road, ono mile mouth of Clinton. on Wednesday, February 11th, 151tgit (4) Shorthorn. and 12 tirade+. The Shorthorn., ere good cattle and well broil. imported 1011111 have been leirgely Salo will 'omelette.. at 1 o'clock p.tn. .harp. Timms: 4 month. on approved joint note., orb per cont. o1+eer nnmmm ogler melt THUS, Gl'NI)RV. H. PLUMSTKKL, —741.24. Aacth,awer. Proprietor. UtTION SALE OF VALUABLE L)♦ SUMMER iIOTEL 1'ROPk14TA' AND C Arrne3. Moment to the power of male rentnlned In it naorteagee made by Nellie 11. Smith, there will be otfernl for sale on the ppnnrmbe. by p)b11e auction, by Thomas (luniry, anMl,nwer. on Saturday, the:irl (lay of February, A. D. 61411, .1 twcl%e o'clock noon • The property known a. •Ihn Iloderleh Pnm- ,00r Hnlol, together with the laude 11.0,1 In cum meet ion t here wit h.% is.. : bol. XI, Mho, :8.4.:W6.:547, 3atm, ON and :801, running numbers In the mid town of (iolrrieh. The bnlldlng enna.to of a three +tory brick, m encored building containing n barge number of rooms, conveniently lsld nut and well ndapf-• eel for earrying on the bu.hem of a summer hotel. Thle property Ie pert [elderly well situated. overlooking, a+ It doe. laom !dike Huron. A n wlderahte Moine.. ha.. in the pm.t been done, and with proper management there I. no re.l.no why It .hoeld not M' made one of the Mot pa)•Ing hotel. of the kind on the continent.. There will .41w,, pennant to term- and .enn- AitIon. of sole 'nicotined in a chattel mort�l,Rr made by the old Nellie H. Sent ha he ndrn-4 (err sale by pnhllc exertion "en bloc at the .ams I Into and place, by maid electioneer, all of )ha furniture hnu'eleold good., chattel., turnieh• Ind. and fixture. of emery kind end deeerlpt Inn In and a4"n the. mold hotel and premise.. There will he a reserved hid for both rent and perw.not proort y. Terns. And condition. of male will be node known At 1 ho 111,1f o) Fort her port teeter. may 4e had from Jame. Smith and J. I'. Tl..1 ll, Tlinton, or the under signed. toted at Oolerleh, Lith day of Jannary, .5. U. Inset i'ROI'00"IOT. 11.1 YS k 1)1.ARt. ' e nIIeI1e'rx for Mortgngem0, THOMAS (GI NDRY, Auctioneer. .7 1.1t '33rd Regiment Officers. The annual meeting' of the officers of the Sind Huron regiment w held at the Hotel --Normandie, Clinto un Thursday of last week. Atie ty, 1 business transacted, which was chit. of la routine character, the officer drew up a scheme for the uniform re - clothing of the regiment. Under the system hither in vogue the various c panies recess new uniforms every. three eats It 10 a All in thesame ' Sae S year. Ate attempt Will 1e made to secure now uniforms . th js year for every company in the regiment. M). that the 'checkerboard effect" will he done navay with, and the."JItire regiment $vill hereafter exhibit' the same degree of smartness (or nhahbi. nessk throughout. Death of Mrs. McHardy. The funeral of Mrs. Mcilatdv, relict of the late Rotert McHardy, and mother of Henry McHardy, of the Goderich Lunhtx•r Co., took place at Hluevale on Sunday morning of last week. Mrs. Mclialdy died the pre- vious Friday, M. the age of seventy nine years. )its. Meliardy.'s maiden name was Agnes Petrie and she was born In Scotland. Last July she suffered n paralytic •stroke,- from which she never recovered. She leaves two'w)uli. Harry and James, and a daughter, Mrs. 4111110, Aitc•heson. Her husband. Robert MrHnral . and In* daughter Annie died several years ago. Since the death of her daughter, her grandaleugtlter Mims Anuie Aitcheaon, had made her home with her. Death of Miss Lamprey. The very large attendance at the funet•al of Mins Annie Lamprey. youngest daughter of 'Vin. Lamprey, Huron road. on Tuesday afternoon was art) evidence of the widespread sympathy her sudden and untimely death has aroused, Rev. .lanes A. Anderson conducted the mervicts, aesixtaal by Rev. James Hamilton. The accident'in which she lost her life has been a leading topic of conversa- tion satire the regretted oecurrencte. She and her sister were driving home on their return from church and it Appears she wait leaning forward to touch the horse with the whip when the- animal kicked, knocking the dash- board against her. She fell out of the huggy and ran to the side of the road and fell down, depth ensuing almost Immediately. She was taken into the residence of Mr. Driver but nothing could be done for her. The Odeon Male Quartette. 'I'he third of the series in (he popu- lar entertainment cometook. place at the Opera House on Monday even - Ing last and was met wit h a full house. he performers were the Odeon Male artette and Mina Nellie .Iaa'ksnn, res and the pr)grnub was thorn hly enjoyed. Miss Jackson has a very pleasing visit} and stage presence and has a remarkable facili- ty as n mimic. and clever tike -offs formed the main part of her program,. She was to n large extent the life of the entertainment and )net with hearty applause on every appearance.. The (Afeons are snnlethimg After the style of the Meister singers in their seleeetionof pieces. The tliffetence in physical characterimlics between the Itletnlxer•M of the quartette rind ap- propriate actions were employed at times to lend a touch of h r to a selection and in this lay part of the entertaining power of their numbers. They have good V0icen that Mend 1ieely in q tette singing and are more of a success in this than ns soloist.. A tenor solo by Mr. Lacey and a hese sol,, by Mr. Hunt were dilly applauded. board, for the xploietntent of officers and 0 'Gees' for the euwing year acid for other huaineer, war fixed for Feint/ivy 10th. Wright v. G. T. R. Co. Before the Cort of Appeal at 06. amide Hall bast week, W. Prondfoot. K. C., for plaintiff in the auction of %Wright v. ti. T. It. Co., appealed front the order of it Divisional Court setting. ,aside a judgment fur plaintiff given. by Meredith, .1., upon the Mutinies of a jru•y'tnr $:(t3, and dismissing the ac- tion. Plaintiff war crossing a Dark of defendants' at Seaforth on July 12th, .1004, defying in x waggon, when the waggon was struck by a poising train, and he wait thrown out and in- jnretl. The Divisional Court held that it "11J1 the duty of plaintiff to have looked Wwanlr the east as well as towards the w'emt when he was ap- proachialg the railway- track, and that the Inci. that there tuns an engine and a train which: might approach from the weal was not IC stall( sent reason for not looking to the )mixt ; that bad he hooked lie lit have inlet) the train .and ,avoided the accident; his not looking was, therefore, allot a (natter of contributory negligence, but the reel cause of the Iaccideut. Plaintiff contended that the rtvtl cause of the a eri(ent was the omission to sound the whistle or ring the 1e11, and the fact !that there- Was no wuhebnlan h) 1rive warning at the creasing. %V. R. Riddell, K. (,., and 11. E. Itose•,•ior de- fendants. contra. Judgment , 1• e- aerved. -' - The Hospital Fund. - The action of the county council last week in rescieyding the grant of $1.19111 to the coon's, hospital is not - particularly creditable to that Imxly, audit is to be hoped the members will reconsider the matter; and give the hospital the support which such a project deserver. Councillor Mc- Lean ohjet:tett tit motional y, to the Motion rescindipg the grant and wan backed up by Conucil- tor McKenzie and other members, but the tnajorit y favored the motion. Vhile the opening of the hospital may n he deilayed the promoters will ha increased ('difficulty in meeting the ' ancial obligations involved un- less istance epto's from tither q uarters. Here is an opportunity for the citize - of Goderich to show the stuff of whi they fare made. and by giving the Itotial' scheme more en- thusiastic and ore generous support than ever prove hat they are nut to be daunted: by at It unforeseen set- backs as that which s been exper- ienced at tht.hands of the county council. ('nntrihutions hge or numb will he gladly received ..ti will a seixt n project that deserves 11 of Ilbe connuttnity. Doting the pas • week a cheque for Nal has been r ivtd from Benj. Allen. of Chicago, as an auldiT to the fonds. This is most encouraging, and we trust that many will follow the splendid example of Mr. Allen end others who have con- tributed generously to the project. The ladies who have been chiefly in- strumental in the establishment of the hospital have hail :. long, tedious and difficult task. Now that their efforts are almost jo tie crowned with suc- cess in the opening of the hospital the people of Goderich njundd show their appreciation of such unselfish labors and not allow them to be embark -staled by the action of the 'county council. Standby the hospital ! - ChildrAnis Aid Society. The annual meeting of the Chil- dren's Aid Society even held bit the e,atrt h.Atee 0n Monday afternton'IrysL The attendance- sear. lfrt no large is the Morita of the work deserve. lame,' Mitchell, president, Wee in the chair,' and its the aabsenre of the-sert'ethry, A. Bissett.l'h . It. S. Williams per- formed his ditties. The report of the executive was ream: by the, pn•sident and went into details of the work done during the year, showing nine individmtls taken charge of by the Sioeie and )laced in the London t n r 1 shelter 01• in foster home~ or other• wise 'started on the rad to a useful lite. TWO Other cases -one ill town and the other in a northern village - were engaging the attention of the ex - et mite, 1 the c itt'e ex premed its opinion that the county yenned should appoint a county officer who would have charge of child-n'seue work In the Whole county. The treasurer's statement Was lead as fol- lows : - Rnlmcelfrmh 14tn • 41 0 84 FCC, received ...... ..,.. 1 Na Con,,ty °omaell grant .. . . .......... . All 411 110134 Goderich Public Library. The monthly meeting; of the public library board wan held last Saturday.' A corn nHlMeat Ion frnrn the town clerk announced the appointment to the board by the council of 11. i. Strang for 1918 and '07 to fill out. the term of Rev. Joseph Elliott, resigned. and the reappointment of John K.rnighan for 179 '07 and 'IIt4. The member?' of the board for the present year are Meteors. Tom, Kernighan, Rolrertasm. Reid, Tigers, O'Connell, Strang and Kidd. The lihrnrinn't report for Dece•nther 9howd receipts, from sale of cards and . catalog*4re and from finer; of $6.791, and an issue of 1.1901 hooka and tnitgazines. It was resolved that the old IIIAgiizilien be pput top in parketten of six months anti let ()tit to readers as hooks, l'he otter to the lihrnry from Mr. Strang of some hooka, formerly belonging In the late Judge Masson, was 'weenie.' with thanks. Vot•n of thanks were mused to the C. P. R. and lie T. R. authorities for their gifts of pictures for the wall. Of the reeding room. l'he ensiled meeting of the l Miss Wells; Mlis MtVittie'and F. T. Egeper. The first address w,ar by 11'Ill. Bailie, of 1)ungtinnon, who spoke very earnestly and appropriate- ly .on the sacredness of hoof, and home life. John Kernighan followed with a few interesting remarks. con - eluding with it Scotch snug which elicited a hearty eneot•e. 1t. M. Young, of Carlow, wars the next speaker and after some introductory remarks he gave it humorous Scotch reading which was listened to with 11,4)41 enjoyment. The last eddreysof the evening. watt by Jatuoes chell, who stoke ' eloquently of the 1 and woman's wpd)e4e. ,a subject along the line of the work of the W 'n'sl Institute. "Gist Save the King', brought to a clue a very surmssf ul and enjoyable evening. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. When 700 want to brighten' utt, the interior of your home Wilmer Ntnit h'. 1a the place logo. Art Pictures. Mauro frothing, high-grade fur- nlrarc, uphul.teritte, etc, tVluter i. rut over yet by any mean., a. the ,,.pert of enure phi. heorning .how.: n 111),', Is the making of hobby winter tailored gar menu at F. J. Pridhanl'.. Setiefactiol,g,iara,. toed In anything you want. A new cement floor in Gundry Bros.' livery stables makes quite an iulpruve- meut. Mr, and Mrs. John. AntlrewH have moved in froiu the Hayfield notal to t Nie residence on P:a5t street. Its Gore District Mutual Fite in- let' re Co. has again declared a re- fund or the year of 2► ter cent. W. ,Prow's & Yon shipped 1,1910 I)ushels of barley to Portland and two cars of w eat to Chathatu this week. We tegt •t to have to annpunce that Thos. hue, East street, who has leen ill for 1 c t1e time past, continues in ae et -it ill c ditiou. 'Manager Mc an, of Victoria Opera House, is thakin an engagement with Porter J. 1Vhite I • r the production of ..Faust" on some . te in April. Misses Bertha a d t,ouiaa Min• daughters of Richard loin, Colborne, ''were brought to to •n 'last nigght, having been cotutuitt , to jail as insane. (ita,d printing on Rood ' . r is n de - .light to the eye and a pleas. oro W the merchant, manuf*eturer o profes- sional man. The Signal does to oth- er kind. ))14111'nsg0059T8. In Itrown rant. fktyarld $4I +3) In Brown cm.'•, W'b,throp . • 11 t5 Balance In bank .. .., ..... .. ,27:e 41M 34 Both reports were adapted nM most. Matisfactory, and the election Of of- ficer?. for 15991 resulted in the re• appoint lient of the old staff its fnllowst 1 re0id.nt, Ins. Mitchell ; wits. presi- dent. R'. S. 1Villinms ; mecretnt•y-treas- urer.- A. Bi'ewtt-Theon • executive ronnnittee-Men. Jan, Rndertson, Mrs. J . it Brown, \Ins. C. 1k'rk, Mrs. M. C. Mwiinson, Mr,. S. Clark. The meeting (hen con sidertel I be (•.18014 still undin- tosed of. referred to in the executive committee's topin't, and (trebled to leave them in the haeme of the exert" - tier.. to 1)e dealt with s might neem advisable. The meeting then ad- journed., Women's Institute Oyster Supper. The anmtel oyster sapper of the Go !evicts branch of the Women's Institute is one of thlmte affah'M the announcement of which is always received with pleasant expectations. An excellent supper and an evenings enjoyment of serial intercourse and entertainment are invariably .ensured, but the armlet gathering of last Thursday evening 'teemed even better than those of other yearn. 0. was held this year in the OddfeIlows' hall, which wets taxed W entnfortably nreontexlate the large .'ant any. Five large tables were kept a►InlnMt ronstHutly filled during the hairs arranged for the temper end the waiters were most ar.1ulhbo1a in their attentions tot�% it• gtlests. Atter the simper the tattles were• removed and the preei.dent of the Institute, Mrs. bootee Salkeld, took the chair and en ex-, eell'nt pnrgrun of le and nddreeers was given. the first number being an inns rumen) al duet., a medley of Scottish 14l(4 inbon.,,' .11(1)4'dlay, linnet' anniver- nn, y, by Misses Mitchell and Trethew• ey. Vdesl solo* were pleasingly ten- , dered. by Miss Julia Johnston, Carlow., Night calls for the firm of E uer- son & Turnbull will be anew either 'from their office, Hamilt n 'street, or from "Dr. Turnbull's res dence, Nelson street. On Tuesday Gabriel Reeves was bruuklht up from Seaforth and lodged in jail, being sent up for trial by Thos. Hays, J. P.. on a cbafge of theft. He will probably be tried tomorrow. Court (iudericb, No, a2. 47."0. F., trill nowt next Tuesday, 0th inst. Report*: initiation and application.+.. and arrangements for the supper will be the business. A full attendance is earnestly requested. F. J. Pridhxnb left Tuesday morning on as trip to some of the . bBsiness and fashionable eentleo, including some of the United Staten cities. Hislidea is to get the bent in his line and to note -any mu -cities that may be of benefit to the patrons of his fungous tailuring estab- lishment. W. Warnock on Saturday received a handsome memento of the Great "North weMtet•tl Exhibition sof 1(1(k;, in the shape of the silver medal given by the a of C tierce o e Mink rc G th person taking the hugest number of pri7.1'M 11 the shoal. 'flue Bank ham Imam giving such a medal annually foo' am)1)10 years. The Goderich Renal Estate and In- eur ace Agency (O. F. Carey and 1). F. H,oulittki harm taken n space in The Signal for the announcement of,lh'Op- erti.s for ,.ele in town and elsewhere: Those who are looking for investments in n•al estate should keel) track of theme announcements. 4.110111 will Ile fount) nn page 1. 1, 1 . A..1r, Kun nude his find 'visit to his stony, wince his accident. on Mon- day, and since then him leen out "walking." with the aid of a couple of .,lirks, hut tti{1M the operation a some- what painful (Me a,. yet. Mr. McKim mays he will Iiie ready for 0. foot race heft re long th,nigh and his many friends [time the tiute any he short. A. 1). Mebenti, of ifrle'an Bros., re- turned from Montreal '1'thesday night and. m a erne., brought with hint a ;;suit case" full of men's and 1oy'1i (lathing for the coming wtatnh's trade. This firm ate Molle local agents for the cel,hrntesemi-ready clothing, and (arty ntl plete stock of name imit- able fur every tste and requirement. We .an' pleased to note At any time the foreign businems dune by our4ncnl o)nr•chanls, and Prid ham, the tailor, nectfM to be doing his :Mitre in Witt line. A customer itt' Indian Head, writing under date of January Lied.` mends a very enmplhnentary letter : "flattest arrived in excellent condi-' tion and are ierfretly natinfaetory. Find unclosed cheque for nm(unt. Your, truly, —" • Mr. Bagley, demonstrator for the Canaelian Kodak Co., will give a practical denb,,omtration on the work- ing of veins paper and the d.•velopling of 1111nm without the 119P of a dark room with the new lamp developer. Prints froyour negatives Made free. Development of your ekposedl flluhs free. Two M'sslonm, from 2 to :i p. nI. and 7 to N p. ti ., Monday, February 6th, at my studio. H. R. MALLOWS. Have you :wen the knight in C. C. bee's show window ? 14,. n it "14 rap- per," sure .no'tgh, but the stuff of which he iM made will withstatel touch hard SSW' before site goes into the "scrap ht• aq. l'he figure is Orn' of Role ftraigie, 1nge'ninun prexlu(•tiems and is a credit to him Inventiaeness. Another attrertive window on the Square is itt W'na. Sharman',. mho( Mtln', where it flteplaee casts a warn) glow over i . surroundings. t r ndingn. 7'h. seating eapa►eity of the Temper- ance nce hall was taxed to its Minted Inst Sunday :Memnon et the usual Sun- day arteri eorb Gospel tonlle*atnee- tneeting, which Wax ,add,-e,ww41 1jjyy• C. M. Ikzz). The Blackstone OrehFmtra furnished the nnlmic and two little Orin. Hazel iielehe•r and OerN, Gra- ham. very sweetly sang a duet. The meeting next Shmdsy will he addrem.d b y (i, F. Blair, Then, will b e special nmmic. Everybody (Mmes On Monday numbing (4,relry Ilrom,' 'bots team haul * lively runaway !nen the Mt.4tion, where the horses were mtanding. The 'tom onlllde1 with An electric light pole at the end of East NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -FEB. lat. The Lorne Wt• (vat neon-W'llkln uu 1'lo'ugp l'a, Toronto. 3 Winter Reseda 1a February -}'. F. laweaece a If 'Von Are in Need --W, It. Pinder. 3 So'oml tthinment of rprligc Goode -J.11. Cot bonne 4 Dispersion halo --H, 1'lummeol. 4 You 1',.,, 14.041y A)Mrd, eta -P, T. Dacha e New Spring -ducal.- U. Millarl'o 4 Seed and Hemi brill for sale -Than. 1'reclour 1 New Spring Good. - %V, A. McKim 3 F'urul.M,d Hume Wanted -Tho Signal 1 The Find Arrivals for Spring -Redstone. Brea a Valuable Farm for Sale -O. K. Au0100101111 Fur Coate at ('oat - lteg. Black ;p I Oudericlt Real Entitle and Insurance Agency - 'Cluny k Ha,,tllnk • 1 Announcement- It. R. Hallows., 1 '. 1)e ANAs College 'lilrie-Vlctorka Owe Howie 11'. Between $e,w,onn-W. 1'. IMdbam 3 11.1 Mau Had to Du the Washing -J. 8. Haw - khan. .. ............... 7 Property.for Ogle' -Young & )tobertoon 1 no street laud also with one a block fur- ther down the street, sand itt loth cases the pole keel teed. breaking off at the ground. where it had evidently rutted through. At the knotting fate! torp the horses bnike rew*y from the 'Ines but were captured. The 'bite also" sustained considerable damage. ' The many friends of Neil Meteor, who lives near the sutnniter hotel. will be sorry to hear that 1u, haul to have. his leg anaputate(l at the knee on Sat - 'inlay hest. He haat had disease its the bone of the leg' fur over forty years and has suffered nknxe tor less all that time. During the past three years he has undergone• thee, or four opeta- ti0u4 and haul all the diseased bone removed. Just when it was thought it 44114 finally cured, an the tone bawl gtvaa•nn.�up new ,and solid, he developed Skin cancer over the part and had to have the leg r• -ed. He is doing well and It is hoped he will moon be around again. WINTER SPORTS. Leuit.Thurrdey night the Tecutn*ehs gave the Coronations a Whitewash in a town hockey league game. , The seventh regiment intermediate O. H. A. learn scored its 100111 Vic- tory last Friday eight, defeating Clinton by 7 goals to 4. The score at half time wan'' to 2. Last Friday night u good crowd witnetaed the match between the Seaforth and Gnderich Q It. A. inter- mediates at the West street rink. 'he g was rather one-sided and I not of the fast•rt kind. The Sea - 701 h boys were as ,a whole inferior to the . timeplayersin weight. but even dowt to the little left-wing man were ready to •'butt in." The first five goals w. t to Goderich, followed by two for aforth. Goderich scored three mo before ,halt time, hnakinR the score at tall time A to 2. Ooderich scored first i the .ecoud half ; then Seaforth scot twice close together and Iloderich p t in five more before the close, tuakin the total score 14 to 4 itt favor of t home team. The visitors have Sonne good individual players but lacked c mlination. The referee w•as John l't ks, of Clinton, who was impartial in h' rulings and h teams for follows : neaten von ruled off menthe' S of tripping. The line-up w ,.IA roam A. Westcott 10101 D. Me? J. McCulla•h point J. (:am 11 J. Mekends moot point. R. C rli tr4 Ileotye H rover M aw Spot= metre -fir p etre Ivo F'. Shell erm left wire D. McDona 1). Stoddart right wing F'. Mcdaw A meeting -of group No. 8 In mediate O. H. A. wase held at Clinto on Monday and a sncslule of the post- poned garter W104 drawn up. On Titer. day Clinton defe,at441 llenwtll at Clin- ton, 10 to 2, A. Melv,r, of Goder•ieh, acting um referee. ' Lama night Lontbm defeated Seaford' at Meaforth. 4 to 0 ; mill tonight Goderich goes W Clinton, The ante c ) be ) games t t. played' a as Y 7 re 1 follows : - Feb. 1-Goderieh at Clinton. ' Feb. 1--Mcafot•th at Henkel!. Feb. 2 -London at Goderich. Feb. (F -London at Clinton. Feb. 0-0txh'rich nt Seaforth. Tomorrow night whatmoires to be the lest g e here is billed to take Ware at the rink, when 11opldon will play the hems' roam. Tho London GM III ilan not yet been defeated this season ,and a special train haat leen arranged to tiring tip a crowd of sup- porters. 1'hote who want to see a good g • of hockey should not fall to be present and help the Foye to score n win. The result of our game will 1e a lending butt* in deciding the district cbampionnhip. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Don't fail to we the street parade by diadie4i band with Do Alva College Girls next Tuesday at noon. OvMTEtt SIMPER AND fiwu..--Court. Goderich, No. 32, ('.(►.F., will hold their annual oymter supper and ball in the Othlfellowm' Half, (inderie•h, un Thursday. February 8th, Mup x'r servd.feom 11 to 14:3) p.m. Dancing at 9, There will be excellent mimic, and this wilt be one of the best events of the s,,slin Tickets, 77)e. a ('nttple ; :midnight billet, gentle4ne'n, 10c. E,a- eryteody come. God Mave the King. Toms. Iluenow4N,, '(7.11. ; 1 'M. MC. Special Rath to New Orleans For the Mardi (cram Fentl'ities at New Orleans, 1.4, The very low rate of ane -way first-class fere, plus p,21 for the round trip, will be In effect. (4000 going Fehrnary 21st to 20th. Valid returning on or before , March ani. '('all nn ngcntm of Grand Trunk Railway ft* full tetrtitailsh.• ' BORN. FI(1T7.L1Y.-le O,lrri' h. nn Tnemela •, lee. Mary tkd, te Mr. and Mr. Joe. Frit ?ley, .4 wn, \1i $)N 5Lp lbs//,- w'• 1 ).-in 1 n h, m, edne.,lnp. JAmure531,), to Mr. and Mr.. Allan Mc1Mn :dd, 0 sun. DIED. 1..1)11•It EV. -In Oo,lcrlrh. on Snndny. Jounary tat h. Annie, ynnnge-1. eh:fighter of W'n,. Lamprey. Huron road. MHdtite tio. In l)nnpemum, on Friday. Jon )are 06 h. Richard Marrow. aged 4,1 yen. and 11 meet hr, 1)1•TV. In 1'alhnrno tnwn.hip, nn Thurolay. .tannery to h, Henry Hunt ,need 7.5 moot h. and 21 day.. Mt ltAltl'V. In Itlnevale on Japvary Inch. Agee- PM rte, r••llet of rho Igoe Robert Mc hardy, aged 79 year., OWEN)4, In Fast WAwano.h, on Jannety YJtd, John Owens, anted 77 yeses.