The Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 8TUURSDAT, Jan. 25, 1966
The secretary of the Hetn1411 hockey
club has written the 0. 11. A. that the
club hail nut dro o{x•41 out of the A19448•i-
ation. last Fa Miry Seafnrth wun
from Hettanii, 4 to 3. The standing of
the 1041111a in gonlp ft of the iuterutedi•
ate 0. H. A.444 tw follows :
Won. - i.o1$t-' To Play.
Lotelo, 1 0 4
Gudelsch 2 I 5
14ewforth 2 '4 4
Clinton 1
Reactor 11 1 1
The result of the utatchea so far
fplayed in the town hockey league is as
ollows :
lir up 1. Voseulite44 won from
Ramblers. 5 to 4 : lies Mill won from
O. P. R., bl to u ; Ramblers and C. I'.
H. tied in last 'Thursday's match..4 to
Group II. Ttcumis•hs wun from Ir-
oquois.:1 to 1 ; Machinists won from
Corollutiolls. 2 to 1.
The ho elpey match at l.unduu bast.
Friday lateral the seventh Regiment
train and the Goderich 1ehu1 resulted
in it will for the4tljers by a %Wort• of 11
ul gin ten 1111nu1e•s' extlw The
Lumbar Advertiser Says. "The g •
was wiuiesreMI 1.y the largest (isms)
ever 11,1 the I'riilceess rink :and •h
. • M , . •
o ..i , ofe
I .', .1 n prevailed:" IMI. xe 11n t1.
rnU 1 1 5 I p l K
G1dei•idi playe,l'1'he Advertiser say.:
••Naw•, this (1.alericb team is a mighty
gore! one. They .me .4rong, husk)'
chaps. good .kal'l8, ,.Ilpletslid sriek-
handlers 1.11.1.str ng shuts. They mix
it up on the slightest t"'' i•atlum.:uid
rhee.•k hard. They gent avow isi1h
emisiderable• rough work i .• the first
half, but all Ili• trick)' placing and
inh:ut' of the rules were not :411
theirs. Ly :ul); means. Cart -Harris.
at co.erp,int, is:4 horst in himself. His
work was it feature. Ile bt•okr 1114
rush after rush. checked !mart, and
directed [het liar of .1(11u•k. In lbws
he wits the brains .If the (ilxlerich
Walla. 'His I'II.II5. were always
dangerous, and : he caused 111154.14 u11 -
easiness a g L.rndon`a porter..
whenever he broke away. That foes
wand liar is a bean( y. They are
strong. swift 'katvrs, witif plenty of
weight. They all' shoot well, and
their combitiatimh work is good.
They are more finished stick -handlers
than the London boys, and they sheat
IM•tt. r. '1'1..• 6•4t work was dune h)•
McDonald on the left wing whose
little stick did s Swuxth work.
The MIQuiw boys are fine. and Mc-
Iver, at Centre, is to the good. The
Goderich furwar.1 line as a whale
looked a little the' betted .•' As tO the
reteree we quote from Tile Advertiser
again : "Loll Mash. of Toronto, w•as
referee, and a lou:'graph should be
devoted to the work of 14111. In the
first half lou was fearfully to the bail.
By actual count he waw three offside..
-and ruled two men off. 11'hy ler
heaven he nded (carr -Harris off, no-
body knows." The first half ended ti
to 4 in favor of Goderich. when time
was called the score was a tis: talo K.
After the test London scored in two
Minutes. Goderich scaled one also in
the first five minutes, but the time-
keeper's whistle had blown and the
goal was not allowed. Both teams -
were tired out, and ml 144:0)19 resulted
in the other five minutes. The liar -up
was as follow,
444.81..4.TII a81.14.44.r.
1(1)11ol.8 gal
( i..leruan point
Mcl.enruue eoverl.ulnt
.l brain never
McMahen (entre.
('lvrother. .right wing
1 antield left wing
C. P.
1. 1(11'11
n. Mi %or
H. Meliaw
s Mrlvor
P. McCraw
181141 1'. A. Peterson, C. ,i':.. chief e
ginerr of the Guelph A I1(xlerich Re
way C pane. was rl.pirated by J. N
lwxlwud,relsident 44 the latter
n 1'04
paY, 111111 (141111,4111111 g5.1140•a! 11114118Me
Of the Eastern limes of the ('anlulia
Pruific 1G5blwny, to make a repot
upon the water power on the Maitlan
Hive'. -
1)n the 11th -December. IIMki. M
Peterson Iso reported and his 'report
es follows: 0
t4 derlch. Ileses.ber 1111., IMW.
J. 84. L.'8.ant. 1}el
I'n,.i leet I;. a: (1. I1.'..
1'. 4'. H. 0elc.4,,iIont teal. l an.
• He w'ailer•4'uwer 1111 Mankind Itltrr.
544:.41(811x.-1 have- .of tilt lath Mat. eu•
Mr. Cameron .letter with n•terenee 10
the water lower op the Maitland hover. I
have looked info Ili• moaner and dad the drain.
.lege 111.4.+4 of rho 654411 ,4f the Mallbnd f• tea
mimic toll ... The minlualtu rainfall for 1h
li-I sixty four year. i. twenty inches. Forty
tKu pert ,,4. of th4 can lie taken .L.the naul1uet
wh1ch own be raw'r4.d by mean, of Otwage
Ivvvvolr., 1141 t would he ,+r.1 'ache.. Thi
ago tttt .a( .d lu the .lunege reverts Yater
bl) I sr iyt1, feel wool.' trt\'e 5.1.14 honwil ower
The 11111111111111 flow of thy ri, er taken laid fail
ww. let cubic fent per mood4. This n1nuan
muter a hold of 14 (. rt w 01 rive 11(51 hoed.
ITCHELL.II- The following is a copy of a letter,
II- which hos been sent GI The Star by
n Chas. A. Reid in reply to the article
.t direeteYl Against Mr. Reid In last
yl week's 411841e of that pm4iwr, in connec-
tion with Mr. Mitchell's 41isplasetnewt
it as secretary of the (ret Northwest•
ern Exhibit' ,•
AN 1 aur the person evidently re -
(erred lu in The Star halt week ail
ehiefiy responsible for Mr. !Mitchell's
"dismissal' from the secretaryship of
the t1111 exhibition, I should like to Nee
the matter properly placed before the
Collie. '
II/ 1110 first piece, !Mrs Mitchell wt.
" not "dismissed." The appointment of
.1 secretary is made annually. the
rerun of office being one you. only,
and although \I r. !Mitchell had beet.
" le-rleetl'd for m1111y year41 he haul no
I tight (44 . cnnaider the °arse pl•r•
1 111:1IIelllil' his 4/8'11.
The apl1('inumrnt of ether maul :ry
sre•tetvu•y was 1104 5414(1,loo Gar as I
'awl rotwer111Y1, in .a spirit of revenge
upon Mr. Mitchell, and %1r. Mitchell
rhoild know that, even if I had
wished! to, "engifleer" the approint-
10ewt as a "piece of revenge." it would
hair heel) hills ,.s111hP for Int% or any-
one else to du rm. 'rhe directors of
the Stalely were cordes) 111 Open meet-
ing, ,old six of Iheul are now mien.
inmgaeliatl•Iy atter the geuerdl meet-
ing the 111lectun. 11101 and Mauls their
g)4)8'lntuents, 101.111diug that of WWII-
1.y,v. What !opportunity had 1 to
• .7rllrlx•1" or `'engineer" any plot
right uwder Nit. Mitchell's lase, even
il' 1 'lad tyre•n dl41)I0aYl 541 do sa :' 1
hail only • vote, like all the rax.!.
and I used it in what 1 considered to
be the best interest.. of Ow Slxirty',
81141 I have 1141 reason to suppose the
reit of the directors lieu! any other
object in view-. The result wax the
appointment by a majority vote of
wane • else Other than 140. Mitlhedl,
bol I don't Sere why he should Maine
1111' for IJ1r whole trying. Mr. Mitchell
last yelu• warted to a_ 'let' of lwr-
enns that b(•'wawiil'el of the position.
and he 4411uldd not 1' plain that, he
was taken at his word.
The Star is guile at 14lwt•ty Y0 go
111e11)1 with Its criticisms of the town
rmuucil. t he fell fair board. ur 1514)'
other pnbdir 1141dy ; but in doing w! it
sl Id keep the fiu'ls straight and nut
make unWarranlexl attacks on private
Wignedl (Inst.. A. Riau.
1' %cry (rub. •
I8ign1YU '..4.4 4'.. Passe..N.
Thr hut.r)wlaer quoted iu the above
report is on 0 '21•h(,nr Isl,is- on al 114
how• 14444415 r h r 1.1141 Meese ewer
snood, by 'soaring tin• flow for the re-
maining fourteen lours, lessmI.'2:114)
hors rower. awl the total: power
would Iikewew 1110 inrlwYo.el1 Ity 8
.imliba dosage of flow.
Annual Meeting at Lucknow Society
in Flourishing Condition.
I'hr eul11uul Meering of the Kiu1,48..
lir/melt .44tlicnitmal Sea•iety 8.1141
held at Lucknow 4.11 \C'el11rs141)-
aft 4rn.xal, 11111 1,1A ., 4111.1 151144
Iem'yfe•l' attended. The treasurer's
11gxn'1 showed n Imbues. an hand
of $41, after all expenses had
Leen pi, and im all "flier 1'.•.)4415
theMoeiety is in a thyeirishiug r Li-
llian. The nY•ript. nom 111,4 show hast
ye,$r Were the s•c0I141 I4I')1'st in the
history of the Soviets.. and 11 .)x•1•I:d
effort will he put forth by the di -
r etor. this year to make the annual
tall show, whish is to be held on
I'uesl:n• x1111 1\'1YIIIerdiry, October
.toll :lila 3111. better than ever. After
a good deal of dis•1144si,1 un v8ri(11144
mailers of interest to the Society. the
fullmwiug aflices were elected: Iron.
p11•.ideut, b'. H. M.•he•nzie, 31. 1'.:
president, .1 •4. Bryat1: Hoot rioe-
pr•slelellt. Peter 4'411.1•Ig811
ri.•e-presideul. W. H. \Vilsen : secre-
tary pre' tem. Ed. Lawrence; peas -
over. '1' h u s. Lawrence., Uirert urs,
K1111(1. t4WIShip Alex, 4)ehinnon,
Angus M( -limy, A I ex. Nicholson.
Ile ery Thompson, Alex.' Purves. John
Mel►iarmid. James ('mwston. Ash-
I10d 54 tvn.hip .Iohn Me intyre,.lafuell
Lane, 11'8,, Hunter, \Von. Kirkley.
West % 4tw'ano44h--4.V,n. McQuillan,
Taylor, li. A. Greer. \Vat, Mc•
1'rostie: Hurn township- --(iw.r�rge
Itoberttwnl, H. K. I.4ne, 5,. W. Smith.
Thos. Moore. (ilxo•ge 4.141. -ms Luck -
now -J. G. Ar(lrrstq), J. 0 - Murdoch.
James Lyons. 3. H. Hunter. Ahdiums,
Win. 4' II and .I. (.. Murdoch.
District L 0. L.
The annual meeting of Goderich
1lislrils Loyal Orange bodge- whirl
consists of No. 1fC, (i(.derich, Nor. Ir45.
14.1 alai dolt, Materiel) township, and
No. 153, Colborne met in the full mf
N. 158 on the Ath inst. The report s
from the different lodge, were most
encouraging, for they went to show
hilt financially and otherwise the
)rder le progressive In this district.
he following are the officers elected
or the current term, the installing
'14.iree being performed by Comity
Chief Engineer Peterson's Report Coo- I T
firms Estimate of Available Power. . t
Negotiations have lawn in progress
for some time by the pruuuoters of the
Ontario West Shure Electric Mal-
ay Company with •the Canadian
:iflc Railway with a view to the
1 rt.' pamy'seither oonstructingor
MN tiny the constriction of certain
, bra h line, of railway in this county
rove by the charter of the above
Elect c Railway Company ; and with
a view yp1f ascertaining the Iikelihwxal of
obtainilig power from the River Mxit•
. 101
!faster U. H. Hanley :
Master, George l'8ntelon, No. 1441,
Deputy. K. J. Elliott, No. 145.
Chaplain, John 4turdy, No. PC.
Rec.-Secretary, Menson l'ux, No. 145.
Fin.-Seereutry, 1.. C. Todd, No, 1)12.
Treasurer. R. H. Elliott, No. 1g0,
I). of C., Robert Manley, N4). :•011,
Lecturer, tiers A. Clxgwr. No. 301t.
Deputy, William Million, No. Lai, '
Auditors, Adam C'autelon and (ieu.
Take a few dhee•11 of our well-known Laxative Cure -a -Cold Tablets Idiom date -
moiled]. Arras 1pany this treatlmentby taking teaspoonful doses of our
Dr. Cooper's Cough Emulsion (35e per bottler. Two or three drays of this will
break op alnul.4 any c"111 or cough.
We have a new lot of that large Twisted Horehound Candy, 3 ounces for 5c.
S. E. tIICK - Central Drug Store
Ooderich, Ont.
Plink 1 I PP":
MOn waNnnn l nnY'11mr+.rM,orn-dnry ku1,4,,1 , iIn 1
s,.dal° ear OOG 0015a'T Mian
1.1l44CWSIT181))'4: ' : *55145-•140
is a very high-grade
brand of Tools and
General Hardware.
Each tool we give you is sharp, ready to
go to work with and guaranteed that you will
have satisfaction.
The firm through whom we get then) aimed
at getting perfection or something better than
they heretofore had.
Wewill be pleased to show any persotl these goods.
"The recollection of quality remains long
'after thek^,price is forgotten."
Lor .11
Howell's Hardware
('n(44. 1.8Ylnanl tett y't.ltenlay for w'ind.o,.
Mi...1;I.ulyaWhitely b vbltingin Kincardine.
It. J.'ldlaw left )(wterd44) on a trip to -win -
Alla. Morro-. of Ito..lawt, 1. vta4ting 5rieal.
11. towel. ,
MIa Aggie Nairn left peeterla).on Si 'rip to
ain. ('hri.tol heron, of North Ida)•, la vi.iting
Uoderich friend.., .
Maw McDougall. of Toroq(o, 4 vi.fling al the
luaidcnee of J. Kidd.
Clinton New Era : Adair roster mue,4 hie
f 111• to Uodlirlch 4e't week.
Mr. and 50+. Jai'. M, Wilmot'. of Elora. have
been vfatfng relative. in town and vainit,
John 5)..Mackenrie. of .osteo, 1% visiting hS
111111), Mr,. ("merge Morrls,'and other relatives
in this vicinity,'
Sl r. anti from Ream and two children, of
Londa,,. an• vl.4? ink( Mr.. Heard'. lament-. Mr.
and Mr.. Jautieson Reid.
Alt, Wm. Ith)n:e. and Miss 1oa1 4x4'0 re•
1.117.:::A.,.45.; town, after-,. 4. 4.14. of .,rvur4l month -
unt mud et+ewhetr:
Mr. and Mn.. Thu,. Mt.,' Long and
I1(4454roy 144)) left lard w•e..k for ('aim. Egypt,
uwa six aurin.' continental tour.
Mr,. ('1.:u,, Haw kin., of 1CInd..rr. her .laugh-
ter• IIn,. Lwyer.wml the 4aller', hdanl rut! arc
vi+!ting at t1." re..dener• 05 11., w'. Fe t lark.
Mr. 4(1411 Mn•..4.'Me14. 441xn left lad week
for 'Toronto .1 onetime, where Mn.. .tIliul will
'petal the winter. 311x..4llaa left a 'hurt time
ago e0 take a ..eur+e of trwiub.g at St. Lukee
ho.pital. New lot k. ,..
VT. 11. Kerr. of Hruxsel..• 1)14triet 'booty
0',,I Mader of the A. 11. C. w'., 1. ('dtinit
the lodge, of the a pryer in tri' did riet. the
Monday evening he vMited 514(p5e Leaf lodge•
t:.atcrich, and 11.•1 night lie was wt lfenm111rr
with Shephard lodge. 'Tonight he v kit. the
lodge at Carlow.
S. 17: Hale. formerly of (io der5. 5 1 4,11egf4.6.
110.1100e and at pres•nl connected with the
Haulltun s'ulleaten. luatltute. 1.N been offered
and lie. ,u;u led a plxatiun m1 the Kinston
('011081,de Iuotllute .tart. at x .alar) 01 441; 1n
per annrn1. HI. re.signa ' 1.x. tarn ..twitted
ey the 111,14.41? Oil 11ru•Q. 40 lake. rayon 1144 eeb-
rlury lat.-
The following i. from The Tu11Ylo Made of
Jnunary ltd: 51r, (4'.orge 5.•t hbndg.•. of ll.
Timms'.. lint.. who wa.. the gue,t 111 51 r. and
- S1.,. J. Ii. Ilan.), for a few day. till. week, re-
turned home lied eve11tlg. Ser. I.ethhrldge i-
t7pud.1 111 Knux I'r".bytenan rM.n'h In St.
Thoma.. and x .u.all group of friends were
privileges! to listen 4, wn Informal n.,dta'
given by hili yr'trnby fternexxn ISI 1ho mal.
nfflrent new pipe organ I the( entral ( onlrre•
g„liun..l chnrrh. this 1!n e.y'of the 'hureh
having taro exteixl.', 1111 by the official..
31 r. Lethbridge 4.11 rnu'Icla of rare +
a 11(0.1 enjoyable hour w,,. + n b hi+k fol. and
ll.tcning to 'eeleetio.. I Y er. the
It 4•.eiah. and'CI era' int vi rn.nn her..
l.ucknow Sent incl : 1'. .I. .\lak•nn,.rm. who
hr. Leen o re.idenl of . nr vllll4ge for cater
twelve year., left un 'fueoday lion twoc,w'alker-
ton, where he ink.. over (lie I,w oniy4lfee of the
late Mr. )'. 1• 'It.-II,4500I/own not only
an able lawyer but a first -Chow eitlle•n.. and ht'
departure lana lau•know' I. a low. that,wW . be
,cry hard to ell. He 1.n. been for Ulan)\ pear+
the able .e1•retary of the ,lgrirnlo.rxl Y.iriIJlety,
x114 for the tw.1 spree yens-. ba' been ch. et
the village. and while lib many frurnda end
wide cin•le of {patron' .fneerely reirret•h4o de
pirllac . they n11 juin in wishing lino e. ory 1411
era• in the euon?Y town. ,Ir. Malranuo n In
tend.. for the me an0m a at Iea.t. to be in I.0 k•
no! for a dew dory' ea4•54 week to look after the
iuterwt, irf ht' client. here.
Clark's Lunch Tongue
is tleel 1' nut '(1f 41911x111 fts testiness
Makes it welcomed always, juicy and
Proved in Mount Forest.
Every wlem•t, in this town tried bis
blest to relie'yr' Jots 1, 11'11hom of
a.( hula : none ane ee dial. "For y,Yus,"
she au1tis,••'1 was a dr1'11df111 monoses
nothing gave relief. At. limes I found
it, neeessu')- to have all the damns and
windows open to get my heath.
\Vhen in despair• 1 heats) of '('iitarrh-
IA.OIII••' J used it and now all! per- e.
real' clued." This proven beyond
doubt that any CAM o1 11,114111(1 is
rurll,1' with ('aterriermne, Nn rem-
edy so plensent, none So ahmolulrly
ePriOan In thnn.ughly cute: try '•('a-
bin'Iiozone" ynul•Relf ; 11'5 441111 I',111t/YYI.
undrer I Le a n• i,i, e. of lid
Canadian Lyceum Bureau
I: 0.11.1 ire.
The Odeon
Male Quartette
Yl. pool ted b4
. Reader and Story -teller.
East Side of Square Goderich. MJ9: :L'w and .11c•;, •L'oe.
1'411; ►i)I?IUI('II t►N'I'ARIO
Saturday and Monday,
Jan. 27 and 29.
SATURDAY and MONDAY, Jan. 27 and 29, we wind up this, the most successful of January
sales, with our annual Mid -Winter Bargain Days. Then for stock -entering Tuesday and Wednes-
day and the balancing of our books for the year. From end to end of the store stocks have been
gone through, and every broken lot and odd line has been picked out and marked at a bargain for
these two days. We do not want CO take into stock a dollar's worth more of winter goods than we
can possibly avoid and have put prices on these lines that should make their selling sure. Here is
a list of' Bargain Day Prices. It will pay you to read it through to the last word. Prices are good
for Saturday and Monday, and these days only.
311 girl' eaa14.1's hair Tans-o-shenters.
Kaki getality, assorted colors. regu-
lar 344:, largain days 15c
50 liaise ernihmrreand ringptw(xxl (:loser,
also a few paths of knitted mitts,
black, white and rotors, hist' pairs of
23c and 31k• lines, for bargain days
per pair.... 15c
HOSE, '15e. :A pains of olid Ho.,.,
mono1y traveller.' samples, mists 7 to
All only, plain and 1.1111.51, legular25r
to :tic, your choice for. 15c
2 to 3 ends IS inch Allover Lace, short
leflgths left from better lines, bar-
ndays per yard 25c
TION 3c. 21111- yards Embroideries.
and-' rtions. 8,4IrrG41 widths, last
ends 4 many letter Iinee, choice
bNirgain'Klays per yard 3C
A table of La •rs, black and errant, reg.
tam- 2I1e and'tx. on bargain (layer 02le
Li only ladies: an aliases' Golf Jerseys,
tha last we hay left in stork. sold
regularly up to. a 75, choice bargain
25 Waist Ends of F aline& and
Fancy R•aiaings. 1 • gofer alk•
and 11k' per yard. 1w• gths rim
fa 2'; to :.l yard... Vo Irchuiee
an bau•gean days, per en
one tend half bleached Table U8 ask,
good weight ,and quality, re 11x0
5:,e, for bargain days
12 only heavy blenched Table ('k,ths,
2y yards long, good width, special
for bargain date ,95C
25 )airs raid ('olset4, :1 clean up of our
Corset stock, not x r• Clete range
of sizes of any one make, regular 75c
to $1.25, choice on bargain days per
pair. 5oc
2endr good Quality Cwottonsde, medium
weight. Punt the thing for Suum•ka
or tvorking vhirt14. regular 'Jlc, for
baring day's... • 121c
:i or 4 tapestry Table Coveys, filnpe
ell around. 11 yawls square, special
for bargain days 5°C
Sample Napkins at
Three for 25c
:741 only 'I'r:nrller* Mnugde.
'fable Napkins. qualities that
sell in the regular went from
181.50 to $1.1111 per doer.. A11 have
:i to 4 email hole•. ('lose to one
sae, where they are hornet tr.-
g;:ther. On sale bargain days
at your rimier. of the lot 3 for 25c./,
20 per cent. off
Astrachan Jackets
Oil Bargain Days we will
give you 20 per cent. off (or one-
fifth oft) all Ladies' ll''urJacket.,.
There u a few choice garments
left in stow(. Jackets that are
good" inside kid out and can be
depended upon to give satisfact-
, ory weer. It yon are thinking
or lhveatiog 111 a Fur Coat, you
can get a bargain here Saturday
and Monday. One-fifth oto
means that 8110 can get
A $3o.Oo Coat for $24.00
A 35.0o Coat for 28.00
A 40.0o Coat for 32,0o
A 45.00 Coat for 36.0o
Every !'oat is Al duality anti
eau be depended upon to give
satisfactory wear. ,
Dress Goods for Bargain Days
Short work to be made, of bal-
ance of winter Dress Goods. All
winter stocks to be cleared out if
\ Qossibrei
1 end only Mask and white £alley press Goods.
suitable for waists or wrappers, regular 1111.25.
for INlrgein days 3C6
Probably a hundred yards of medium weight
Dress (Omrals 81141 Suiting.,. last ends of lines
that Sot at 50k•, (41c and 65c, on lairsaolt. days
your chi -._ •. 33c
2 ends only a quality black Dress G.1(xls,
14011•le effect, guilty $1.225 to $1.50, for bar-
gain days• yours choice per yard ' 75c
Atsmt 125 yet& pi,lit, and tweed Suiting,. last
lengths that are lett of several lines that sold
at $1 (Ind up to $1.225, on bargain day's for 65c
134) yards Suitngs and bumf materials. A
collection of lines that eadd at 75c to $1. On
at'gain d8y.. your choice of delis lot per yard soc
Just Half Price
On Saturday and Monday you can take any
Mantle In the store for just half its
original price(
n Bargain Days We will
give yo your choice of any ('loth
Mantle a t11p stole for exactly
half its r inal price. Not a
single ga lent is to be carried
over, for tl re roust be no left-
overs here heti next season
Come* aroun There are 25
or 30- .Jackets n' our racks to-
day, after a se on of biggest
s'I ling we have ev known. .111
;Ile ncw`Stylish ain good. You
can lake your clivi a Saturday
;Ind.:Monday t.11'
Bnyiug_Furs today is a better investment than putting youmoney,i 5 a (lank, for the prices for raw skinsare still advancing and the finished articles will be higher next season. 'here are still some choice Muffs and
IiuN that we would like to turn into money before stock -taking. (warier s of each and every one can be de-
pended upon as first•class. Bargain I)ay prices have been put on all, and a promise you genuine Fur Bargains
if you come here Saturday or Monday. Isere is a'parlial list of what we will1sell:
100 yards sateen finished Print, Kraal •
weight and quality. blue 111• Mack
ground, regular 121c, for bargain
days 8c
VESTS, 37c
211 only ladies.' Vests, soft plush finish.
re u
h1r 5lk• and t4 o
R , ai k, n bargain
days 37e
2141 )aryls 11arruw silk and matin Rib1-
bons, I inch w ide, odd shores, choice
On len-gain d(ey% per )'and to
2 only black Gnat ('apes, well made
and .lined, regular $111, on bargain
days.... .. j6.50
2 only Down Quilts, good. uality, 1114•
teen covering, regular > - for bah '
gain dayll =390
130 yard. 14114'8 striped (iinghr►md,
patttet•mi ..ndualde for waists mr child- \
rein',' wr•1-, last emir of lines (that
mold at :7k• and 2.5.•. • We w8nt Illegal
out of the way before new spring
pattternr arrive and mn 'sustain days
they go 4111 sale at per yard 12 ie
Heavy Towelling, good weight and
width, for bargain days per yard tk:
211 yards 8swx,rtrll fancy dress Trier
minas, black and rulers, choice on
bargain day's two 88(11. for 5c
One ease large size cotton Bats..
special for Istrgain day.......... toe
pails wool Ilbtnkets, regi -
lar $2.75, for IarRain day. $2. to
I pair all pure wool, ieilk
bound. regular $l.21, bar-
gain day F... . ....... $3. 10
2 pairs heavy weight Bud
extra quality, all wrxol• reg•
oleo. $5.75. for bargain
Clays .. ...... $4.00
Half a dozen e11118 of Liners , vat-
' tour lengths and sizes that have been
nlrn$nreil up for the bargain days,'
marked at ('leaving .prime's. if you
e.ut ors.) an end you can geta bargain.
2 ends -surly English ()xfnnl Shirt -
111g. snood quality. Tight color, special
for bargain (kayo•
New'Mnre•n Skirting• milk finish, very
line quality, nice shade of gray',
regular leis•, for bargain (14(711 .. .311k
2 .ends only heavy Flannelette, 34 to
3t1 inches wide, regular 121c, for bar-
gain days 8c
Pink and bine Ganey stripe and
checked Ginghatltm, a limited titian -
City to well on bargain day. Sc
More Remnants for
Bargain Days.
J.usuary salts made lots of
Remnants.. Thele have all been
gathered together and go on
Itenlnant table at /shout
half the n'gelnr prier. If there
an end in the lot you can use.
vnu can mare money buying it
liftman) days.
2 only Alaska Sable Ruffs, number 1 fur,
trimmed with good tails, regular $111,
for bargain days 17.75
t Ohio Sable Ruff, choire for, good vise, the'
bast of our $10 line, for bargain dart $7.75
2 only Black Coney Ruffs, Mirk, sores fur,
extra It regular *45, far bargain 11x5'., $4
1 only grown Marten Ruff, very stylish, regu-
lar *11.511. 'sirloin lblvs $6.75
t enol German MdAk Ruff, r'gtller $.i, (air lour-
gatn 1111)•'. 53 85
t only Red Fox Ruff, with head and tails,
regular *III, for bargain days $7.25
r only Red Fox Ruff, very fine quality. reg-
ular $1:1, for bargain days...... ... $10.50
t only Brown Marten Ruff, very thick Fur,
seg116u $:71.141, for bargain days $54.00
2 only genuine Alaska Sable Muffs, good fur,
well Ile. regular $10 nod $11, ' or bar-
gain days $845
2 only Ruffs, one black and ane brown, regu-
lar $$ and $8.50, for bargain .lays. . $5.50
t\only ReI$ium Hair Stole, regular *3.50,
r hargaln 41x141 $2.25
1 only Stole Marten Ruff, extra fine reap -
3 only Ohio Sable Muffs, flat and round shapers
regnlara$7.30 tp Qpm. for bargain days $5.00
2 only Imititation Sable Muffs regular $4.344,
bargain days $2.95
r only Imitation Bear Boa, long thirk fur, reg-
ular 1810, for bargain days S6,50
1 only White Astrachan Storm Collar, retorter
$1.75, for bargain days . $4.25
her 4125.(J), for bargain Days $t .0e
No room here for a further list, but we have t2 or 15 Ruffs and Caperines, all choice garments, goods les and first-class qualities. These we will give
your choice of at one-quarter Ins than regular prices on bargain days, !'here is lots of Fur weather ahead of us
take adv
you yet, and you will be money In pocket If
you ace of at these ate l day offerings.regular
Flannelette Minket Fr, heavy
\right. gray or errant. 1111
1151,4', 411 pairs to sell, special amt
hal gain days . 68e
ethaker Blankets, good quality.
gray or cream, Targe 111ze, sok.
finial). 36 pairs loaedl, bargain
dove 11peeIal at pa4rpalr.... 65c •