HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 71 THE Sit:NAL: (3ODh'.klcH ON'I'AKIO THU enAY, Jan. 25, 1906 t*****441449**** *gill 4904****** .4. News of the District. The ,� :";') 144++ 44+ 44+4 4 44 +4446445444444444444444444446444441k The Signal's Clubbing List. future be will probably follow hie own judgment. Wooer Bt .-A large wood bee was Now is the tittle to choose your ggotten up bast week by John Ryan and reading matter for 1906. Look over Joseph Thompson, in a piece of wool this list and see the advantaaiter of- they had purchased from )'has. fared to Signal subscribers in getting McNeil, On.Ttiestioty the weather war the leading impels at rtxluced rates. not very suitable and only a few turned The Signal and Montreal Weekly out, but nett ahoy in the afternoon saw Heralu large turnout of about thirty-six men. The Signal, Weekly Herald and with long saws and ears, who worked g Y with a att•auly will, A barge cask with Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 75 $ thing sweeter than the waters of The Signal, Weekly Herald anti the flowing brook refreshed the thirst Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 of the workers. while their saws were The Signet, Weekly Herald and attended to by John Ryan. In the Toronto Weekly Globe...........,1.70 evening at Mr. Ryan's home n s '- The Signal, Weekly Herald and trout su per was served, which all Montreal Family Herald and thoroughly appreciated, after which a Weekly Star1.75 tile/tunaevening of Nodal chat and All �.ub. ,tbers to Montreal Family 11,111111 various games w•as enjoyed, --Mout" of and Weekly aiUar essays the great premium those present were Bert, Bu►•ruws, of 'Actor:. Quern Alexandra, Her Orrudchil Colerich, Wel. Y g, of Sheppard - dreg', and Don't" The Fanuer'a Manila' and Veterinary tun, and John H. Harker, of this place. tirade" may be had in connection with above tihntr Id 111ebsrp. Ityan and Thoutp- offer for l3 cents additional, or a total of 111.trt. eon have another nee before the winter The Signal, \1'eekly Herald and • closes we hope that a sawing match Farming World (Toronto). 1 3o with Goderich township teen :may be The Signal, Weekly Herald and an tinged. Weekly Mail and Empire... . ...1.70 All sub.ur'ibrrn fur Weekly Manned Empire re. terve the premium artortravure, • Th: Star 0f Bethlehem. The Signal, Weekly Herald Toronto Daily World and • 3.25 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily Star 1 80 The Signal, Weekly Herald sitd Toronto Daily News .. 1 90 The Signal, \\'ee•kly Herald end London Daily Advertiser The Signal. Weekly Herald and London Weekly Advertiser .......1, 6o The Signal. Weekly )Herald and Presbyterian The Signet, \Verkly Herld and Westminster 2 25 The Signal. Weekly Herald, Prees- byterun and Westminster 3.25 The Signal. Weekly herald and Farmer's Advocate. 2 40 We s ern 1 recommend our readers to t y ra t n suttscrlb• to The Farmer's .ldvtwrto. The S' \Vt•ekl • He ' and TL Signal. sold R ) Montreal Daily Witness 2.50 The Signal, \Veekly Herald and Montreal Weekly Witness t 6o The Si Herald and Signal. \Veekl • ) World Wide 1 d5 Send remittances by portnfflce or- der, postal note or e>yrre•ss order to THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. 2 40 2 25 ST. HELENS. Tresu.ty, Jan. 23rd. Mrs, D. Mcl)onald, of Ripley. spent Sunday with friends here. Next Sunday the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will he dispensed in the Presbyterian church here. Mrs. Mille, from near Brandon, spent a few days with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Jab. Aitchison. lite latter part of the week. A. F. McDuuxld epe ent Y Sunda vidsit- • nag friends here. lie and his brother, cancan, are engaged in general store - • ping ping in .la mestown. Fraser looks w 1 and seems to like the business. I) .tTH ml• Miss LI•r.•n. E Goatxrr.--- The pasted b 1 a Y wx in Lucknow on 1 Thun the 1Nth instant, VictoriesElizalte(h Gordon. daughter of the late John Gordon. one -of the oldest and mot respected ntenther•s of St. Helen •omunrnity. The deceased, • though at 1 in the blooms of young wontanht had leen more or leas of an invalid fon\titan)• years, dating from a severe attack of Intl tion of the lungs in her rlhod. While Miss (Jordon will be h mimed in the whole eopmnni her hues will be partirnlarly felt t the Presbyterian church. of which a was a most ac- tive menthe'. In very department *of church work ehe nook a warot An intelligent interest. In the Sunday school and in the NV( man's Foreign w e she was • Society, h Missionary 9 t ,i of a lite member, her preewn •e and help Will be h missed. blot articularly In the Harris Mi«sion Ban( of whish Vie was the very life. her reit vaal bore left a vacancy that c•tnnot filled. Though gone from our midst to her eternal reward. her kindly. gree ioue, Christian example and influence will abide as one of the Heavenward te- mente in her old home church a d community. Her end was )eecef and victorious'. Those who bats the rare pleumnre and privilege of visiting her during her last days went forth from her sick chauuutwr'st.rangely ,awed by the fact that they had seen a soul on the verge of eternal life who looked into the intone with roam, midi faith in her Redeemer. The funeral funk place from the home of her brother, Dr. 1). Al . Gordon, where the deceased spent the lest ten weeks of her life. The other members uf• the fitfully presnt were Dr. .1. K. Gordon, Ripley c Wm. E. Gordon, St, Helens : Mrs. las. Inglis., Winnipeg : Mims Christina Gordon. St. Helens. LAURIER. MONDAY, Jan. 22nd. Mies Tena McLennan. of liolerich, spent a few days the guest of her aunt, es. Kenneth %IeLewuan. John Ross, of the 2nd, entertained a Large number of his friends nt the borne of hie sister, Mee, Dime. McLen- nan, on Friday evening, in honor of his guests, Mr. and Mrs. Weird, of lfanittuha. A grand concert will be held in Mar - Donald's hall, Kinteil, on Friday even- ing. Februar • 2nd, in aid of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, The Inst talent that could lee had is pro- cured for the nrcasiou. Witt Winnu- grne MacDonald, of Detroit, will/utaist itt the.)rogruu, which will consist of solos, duets, quartettees,'re'citatione and dialogue)): MacMot•ran's orchestra, of Lurk now, will tarnish musie. Ad - u h minae n Lac children 15c. AUktUHN. \VICuNESDAv, Jan. 24: • A. E. Weatherall left Fant week for Manitoba, where he hes procured it school. ' The river has risen to such as height that it has swept away the chopper. The heavy rush down the race swept all before it. Albert Knox is visiting in this neighborhood et present. ifs spent that s • in the Northlvest. work- ing in the interest of a windmill com- pany. - ANNc.t). Meeertem-91m+ annual tue•etiltg of the Presbyterian church wag held last Monday, but owing to the wet ditty the attendance was not s, large as mivaal. R. A. Rulsrtsrn and TI aw Hude•litte were appointed gers. The various reports were of a nature tau cheer the members of the church. The debt on the, new church is in the - neighborhood of SLIM. Mulch Will. wasa appointed rad caretaker. _ LEEBURN, UUNLON. Resew your subscriptimt to The sweat at on, .• ,t0 rw not M miss any numbers , The Weekly Her..ld, which goonIth ever seb.crt{moon to The !Menai Wild in n Subscriptions may be handed to (helm at Donlon. Mr. S. It. Williams. Termor', lan. Zinl- Mr. Brown. of Port Albert, has leen here the past few days, doing carpen- tering work for our merchant,. 11. Shields. THE WEATHER. -The mild weather of Monday was celebrated by the pigeons in our local pigeonry taking bath in their warm lathing tins, while the croaking of the frogs in the morning drowned the mound of the school bell to the uurchinm an they went along to school, thereby necesmitating "excuses" from some of them. A CH.tL Jteue. To the long saws and exemen of courage of Gu,derich township. Liam) ! Meme'. Ryan and Thompson have some choice timber very imitable for pawing match and they world 1e pleased to arrange for a match with some of the notables of Goderich township, the said 'mach to take place sane time in March. A purse of not less than $10 will he given MAFEKINU. MONDAY, Jan, 22nd. Krneet Blake is visiting his uncle, Joe. \lallough, neat Dungannon. Mier( Olive Gardiner wars the guest of Miss Lou Treleaven over Sunday. ''there was a Targe altendauce at church on Sunday night. The service i was conducted by Bev. 11r, Smith, Renew your ,ubaeript ton to The Signal at nom, .0 as not 10 Hast any number of The WeeklyHerold which goes with every yearly subscrition to r1'ha Sigma pwld in aalvan.u. Tt.MDA V. Jan. Zir ' Mrs. Alex. ('its , of Goderich, who has recently returned from a visit of some months, in Scotland. spent aeteral days here last week, the guest of Mrs, A. H. ('iutton. LITERARY StH'I TY. - A Literary Society was formed here on Wednes- day night of het week and was joined by rn.tuy of our young people. Alex. Horton wits chairinatt of the meeting, and previuuw to the forma- tion of the Society n good program of mimics, dialogues. violin and organ music was given by the local talent. Horace Horton was elected president and Arthor Fulford secretary and treasurer. The executive con»nittee consists of Roy Linkleter, Alex. Hor- ton, and 'H.A.H rt n t oil Edith Horton, s the teachers of S. . Nos. 5 and 9. The Society will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7::111 (o'clock once n fort- night in the Temperance Hall. the Host ruet'ting to be held on Wednes- day of next week, at which a member- ship fee will be collected from those joining the Society. Visitors are wel- c We wish the enterprise every success and hope the meetings will be bath interesting and instructive. BAYFIELD. anew your subscription M The Signal at OM •, eu as not to mi.. any numbers of 'rhe Wee 1- ilerald which goes with every yearly souse• , peon to'Fhatlticnal paid In advance. - ret hisn.nY, Jan. Z3. Wm. Reid, of \Vinghant. called on friends ' re last week. • Mice Inez Miller, of Clinton, is the guest of Minn Millie Cameron. Moo. T. King is in Clinton under- going an operation. 'iVe wish her a speedy recover Master John Roberts spent S tttday at his home here Erueet Idiake, of Mal'ekiugK, is visttiug his uncle. Josep`h Malluuwit. for et few (Jays. , , . Miss Maggie Malluugh hoe returned flout Toronto. CARLOW. Renew your rubaniptlon to The Signal at once, so a.+ col to tonal any number. of The ta'eekl' Herald which goes with every ) early1' Mise Daisy Bark well 'tlu'ned to sub.t•rttaluu W he Signal paid In udvame. her home at Lochalsh after spending MuNDAY, January 22n(1. PKRSONA1. No'rice.--Oswald Bark - well, of Yellow (trio, Seek., is visiting friends its this locality, Mr. Harkwell moved from Carlow to the Weet alx)ut four year's ago and we are glad to learn that he has done well out there. lie is located in a good wheat -raising district Nits. Trethew'ry, of Go e• rich, waw et guest hast week at the r•sid('nce of Lt. -Col. '\'aroma. We regret to learn that Gordon Young, who,lr staying at his sun -in-law's, S. Bissett's, ap. Sall(ord, has tern in very {oxo' health. We hope he will recover MS wonted god health. Jur'ruxo .--The roads are very toad after the sudden thew. The tows hip fathers will have to du emote repairing to the reale and culverts, and we think it would be a glees idea foe them to take a drive mound the township now' and discover the Lad spots. Our people around here would not mind httying at little moil. taxes if they could ave Letter roads \1'in. Alcl'hew entertained his friends and neighbors a Jew evenings' agti, giving them an coyote". supper and at dance. There was penty of god music, of c sc, as , Billy " is as famous utusician. The party broke up somewhere along in the wee, sista' hours, and the greents were s, well pleased with the gather- ing that they etre all hoping it will be awn 1 affair, with themselves In- vileonl i t,-('ol, Varrne has re•ntecf the Will. McIntyre property on the 9th concession for a term of years, for a grass term. \lr: McIntyre, we understand, intends to go West. a few weeks at the horse of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Stothets.__ ST. AUGUSTINE. '1 reett.t Y, Jaan, Z3, Some of the g folks had a taffy pull at Uriah-Thompso n's one night hast week. Miss Maud Troy, of \Vltitet•huitch, is ( uu,ititig her grandmother, a1L'r. Flynn, at present. Syme of the farmer(' are hustling the seasons along : there were a num- ber of them plowing toelay, Tuesday, January Zit'd. \Ve are sorry to hear that Mr, Jef- ferson, of Donnybrook, LS ineer health at present. We hope to Meat tot his recovery soon. We were enjoying good sleighing laet,w•eek, but the tinily on Saturday and Sunday robbed us of that Poem - tire, and we have nothing now but luu•t• ground and mud holes. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. \VuruNKaD.tY, Jan. 24th: i).un McGinnis, who bus leen a resi- dent of the township for nearly thirty years, hew become en imitate of the county house of refuge. - SA1.K OV FARM,-- John Hudie has. bought the fano[ on the 7th concession which bet mired to hie late brother James. The property cottutinw 110 acres and the price paid was $1,155). The feria is at prement rented to John Marshall. who will cont' to occupy it for sane time, Social. EvgNINO.--Lest Friday It most enjoyable time was spent at the Mrs • u •.nod.L ' . 1 w' f M I hospa[a ole residence r James McMillan, 611t nttm•essiun, when over one huudtetl young pe'(.ple•, st- ly from this township and some from ('ollwn•ne township, Gorle►'ich and Pett. Albert, gathered in the evening to in- dul.ge in a dance. The music was fur- nished by T. McDonald, assisted by MessIs: Jnnee and McCluskey, me - xttied on, the organ b y Ars, T. \c - i Id and Miss Lily l[ ise. Every- body trr -Moly went house well satiated with the evening's enjoyment, as all who know the Ast and hostess will be- lieve. 'Twa4 a jolly good t' • all round. Airs.. hynat formerly Mies Maud Fergus() of B tford. is Dunking a week's vi 'fonder he parental roof, Miss F. Evans, of the Aux Soluble. left on Monday for a month's vim* with friends at Bra ` ford and else- where. • Mrs. Jauuew Fergu o and Miss Wynona Ferguw,n ha • returned home after it visit to t former's parents at Marnoch. William Perquwon, who leen nailing e11 summer, has return - haeme for• a few months, The Hayfield people are always pleased to we Will. We are please) to learn that the 'tick of the town are improving nicely, including James Donaldson. Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Pollok. Ilat•vey Sperling, formerly manager at the Albion, but now of Hrncefleld, was in town for a few days straighten- ing up accounts. He leaves this week for Sarnia, where he has secured it goal )omitionu He was accompanied - by Mr. Cameron. K(NGSBRIDGE. t TrKruIAY, January Vete. J. M. O'Reilly is visiting his friends at present. .lore Hussey was the guest of C. Moss on Sunday. Miss Nellie Young, of Loyal, is vis- ( itinq friends and n•Ixtt 'ves here. Wm. Qmiglen attended the funera) of his father in Clinton on Tuesday la.l.. .Icahn Keefe and Joe Hussey lurid a flying visit tot' the Commercial on 1Vednesday last. Chaos. Moss, John C. Dalton and .1. ,I. Dean have purchased some of the material of the old church. u had E. Dalton and Joe H saes famous horse deal in which 'Mr. Hue- ieyceteceived a vaalmthld Christmas ''sees nt.' . her of the young ladies at- tended the quilting het: given by Ad. die Martin at his h nn Wednesday of Iaet week, SMITH'S HILI. CIII'RCII,-The merri- ment of the Lord's Supper was dis- pensed on S lay, I Ith Inst., to the largest number for several years. pastor, 7 'he Bev. .1. I.. Small conducted the services, loth on Friday and on the Sabbath. Qu Monday afternoon the ennui - congi•egationatl aborting was held, with •t goal attendance. The reports of all the societies were Ito -she most part encouraging. The treasurer showed receipts of *.rat) for the year, with a balance of $37 on hand at the close of the year after paying all betel- ities. The treasurer stated taint the money R•Rs umre easily collected this year than ever before, an evidence of the good feeling existing in thereon-. pewit ion. Instruct s were given for the printingof the tlnant•ial•state- inent. The membership at the close of 1905 wits 101. Herbert Fisher and Milton Tyndall were elected to the Maud of ntautage•rs, the other members being \Ver. Mocllwein, Throe. McPhee, \V. W. Walters and John \i. Juhn- ston, tt•ith the secretary -treasurer. Alex. Young, who was elected to this position for the seventeenth successive year. Tin' auditors are 11. J. Morris and Hen►•y Gallagher, and the ushers Win. Mallows and A. W. Yonng. A resolution was passed itstructieg the manager's to secure estimates of the cost of n school t'ootn which it its pro- posed to build at the rear of the church, the )dans and estimates to be submitted to A meeting of the congre- gation to be held next month. Fol- lowing the congregational meeting a social was held for the congregation and Sebtath school- An excellent supper wow followed by an impromptu program, and the en -ening was Much enjoyed It the Annual meeting of the Sabbath school the hest reports ever submitted were heard, and all the officers were re-elected. The newts foe the past few days have been very mouldy. One of our Meal farmers htii, pt•ophemit•d spring and says the crow*are re odt. UUNGANNON. VOTICE.-TIM AL AGENCY 1.1 in Dnngwnuon for o Signal la at the of- fice of J. O. Wand. J.P.. uo v,e wn cer. eu ..'w ho will receive orders for. su tIons advents. 1ntwnd job worktand is nut rarod to give re- ceipts for wmouns trail for thc\samc. Renew your sud+crlptlon to 'Tho Signal at onr'e, sr as not to miss an roamers of The Weekly Herald. which gt ee with every yearly nbe•rintion to The Signal add Insl vanes. Snbsr•notions may be handed to the loan' agent in Dungannon, Mr. J. G. Ward. - TfF.sttty. Jan. Ltetl. Moto, :SeeTEN.-The mewled tneetiitgs are being continued again this wet'k and they are Ming well attended The January thaw, which has been the heaviest for litany years, hes taken it wuldden geld, - LrcF.N es: Ct IM MISSIONRrta' Myr r'Itto.- On Thursday, the lath inst., T. E. Dnrnin, liquor license commissioner, attended It meeting of the cuuunis- sioners at Auburn, to organize and to tike into cuuwideration important hominess i n compliance with the changes in the re' ulationa of the liquor license act. The next meeting of the'comtnissinners is to be held itt Goiericgt on the 111th of March. The nnnunl meeting of the patrons of the Hayfield cemetery war held lest week and the following officers were elected for 1151(1: l'resident, ,tae. Thomson ; vice-president. T. J. Murke : director*, 0. Elliott, ,Ano. Middleton, to the victorious side, John McNaughton, .lag. Campbell, Ot.t) Sora TRICK*. -..Mattirdny of tarot Jno. Green, Thus. Hrpwnett : treas- week wan an April day. Quite it num- urrr, A. E. Erwin : sexton, iticherd her of farmers who ramp long dim• Elliott. trances with loads on sleighs had to leave their sleighs in Doderich and borrow wagons to take them home. 1 s'nn irritable ae) l it Ana of the nerves It, is maid that an irishnutn, from near caused by cold. Relief tomes; quickly Kinguhridge•, with Scottish prudence from Nirvillne, the great pain reliever parted fr home with a wagon, bat of today, "1 eonuider Nerviline a on reaching Port Albert end hearing magical remedy for neuralgia," write,' of the big fell of (mow at (ioxlerirh he Mem. K. (4. Hartle, mt Baltimore. I3ut. Lo,Rnwed a sleigh to make the rest of 1 never' worry if Nerviline is in the hi,' journey. But, aloud he had reek• house. A few uipplication,' never yet coned without old SLA and did not reach tailed fqq kill the ((pain. i can also sec - town till after 4:1111 p.m.. and then only matt(! Nerviline f o r ,'tiffnea, after great pulling. Ile Was obligee! to rhu'umat.isn end mna'nlar taint." In borrow a wagon itt teener* himself tts• fleetly fifty year(; try Nerviline and effects back to Port Albert. Id yourself. a The Root of Neuralgic Headache IBM Bintius ars simply kidney disorders. 'Ile kidneys Alter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood passu through the kid- aeys every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation longer than that time, Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidgeys have failed in their work. they aro in need of stimulattan, strengthening or doctoring. 'Dole medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood pelmets diens le Dodd's Kidney Pills 13 Alfred A. Naylor . , . , . , ..1lelgravt' 111 Edith i':.Jeukius..... - Myth 11 1t'uioni Margaret E. Bielby, Blyth Township of Hay. 2 4 (1 " 1( `ll► 11 12 13 14 15 Reou'ENtsu SERvicem.---On Sabbath reopening /services •.vete conducted in SI. Paul's ehutch. Considering the unfavorable conditions' of the weather and roads there was a fairly goal at- ta•ntLucee at Moth timoening and evening mervires'. Mr. ('ox, student, who sap. plied for souse tivae about twelve mouths since, aswittarl Rev. T. Hicks. The mullet/mos friends he sande when here were pleased to meet hint again. The interior of the rhumb is veru nt- traetive since the renovation enol the members and others have liberally re- sponded towards •the exlensee in- cut•►ed. The attendance has largely increas'd mince the present pastor mi- nuted charge of the parish, which is evidence that gond work is being d e, TEACHERS OF WEST HURON. The following is a list of the school teachers in ',Vest Huron, ns compiled by Inspector Tout : • •Town of Goderich. Jas. H. Tigert Godet•Ieh Isthel Sherman Mary Mernor ('onsta cc K. LeTouzel Tena 2)lcEwan Adn Fltirritt Vesta \Vateon.... Kate Watson Marion Parsons Eolith Wiggins Wilbur F. Anderson Goderich Collegiate institute. o. 31. Fit•Id, 13. A.... ....G(deticf h I. Strang, H. A Rohr.. N. Merritt; H. A Geo. Robertson, B. A.. Edith 'arlce' Bertha . Bauer, 13. % hip of Colborne. S. M. No. • 1 (trace Cr wfnnl Loyal 2' Ed went., t w'at't ..... lienmiller :i Annie Cott • ey Cps low 4 Mary Fingl Benmiller 5 Eliza G. M 'MI n, Dunlop 0 Gen. S. Woods Ooderich Ilepenillo•r . Iiolmesvitle ....Dunlop Nile G O G O as George Mattson .a• Hay JIM. W. Hogarth Hills Grev'n Zurich Mary E. Psrsons...., Zurich Alex. McLeod Zurich \I' ' • Best Zombi* Pearl L. N ichule n Zurich Theo J. liart Ieib 1both wood Jean .1. Murray ,' liens/ill Alice Al. Toutter..'t' St. Joseph Edwin Mr(iavitt ' Zurich Mary McArtt•t• : flay Isabel Thompson a.......:Helvetii Edith M;.:u•ktt, .. Brewster Township of Stanley. • •1 George Ifaird. Clinton 1 (1' ' ) Helen Sparks 3 Mabel 1', Jennison 4 Jatutes lk'Igaty • ,hones (*antrum 3 Fawcett Stntdy 6 'tie°. \\'. Shore 7 Annie E. ('ulsitt 9 George Hu(vatd. 111 least \lusterd 13 NIinnie.Peuhale a. 1 RIutNAL. Mks Olive ('rawfor.) rete ted h ' on \Vednewlay nt last week. fter hawing n viuit of sonic datys with ends' in MPaforth and other point*. ... \fism Birdie Duettist, student at Goderi.h Collegiate Inntitnte, after elaiting he pareetn, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Durnin, r •Owned on Monday to re• Putme her ntu ies Afr. and Mrs'. M. E. Sanderson a turned home on Mon- day from an ex, rWed vimit to friends" at $Hawttey an vicinity.......luntea McMst.h and do lighter Myrtle. of Clinton. were visit Kfriends' here for •t few datym Inst w -k Mr. and Men. M..1. Young vim est the ('irculer Town on Friday he 13. Mr•('lure o o Goderie atter visit in « returned r n. f tr t h rn g hetojnother, Wm. Will`rm, for a few lariat R ('six has tftdt•ned house to Holynixwl, after spending a few days the guest of Mr. Roberts Men, Barber him gone to Aylmer to Visit her dnlaghtern, She was fir • panted by Men. Meotl, of Brandon, Manitobih,.... niches[ Morrow is quite ill ethe home of hie daughter, Mrs', A. c- \Vhinney T . Young, of To onto ,)unction. is the Rueet of his uncle, Mat. Young, for a (ewdeys 7 Ettie Knox 8 l.illinn \ason 9 Jean Uantehon ... , 1 (Colon) MFanny-linty Township of Gaderic 1 Flossie Nnftee'( erieh 2 Sarah J. 11x11 ..... .G ericlt :i Nelson N. Trewnrthu, Wilmer" ill• 4 John H. Lowery ilio m Ci Kathleen Swann.. Porter's fl I 6 Adelaide E. Ilavidsm ...Oodt'rich H Bertha ,Millian Hayfield I) Writhe Hayter Clinton 1n IA'welOenichlxrrn • ('linton 11 Olive ('ogyer...;'• Clinton Township of Ashfield. 1 Oliver Henry... 1'o►•t Albert :i Minnie .1. Durnin.... K'inta+il 4 Frets Items .., iAwhitish 3 Annie ('larks n ... .. Lucknow 6 Madge E. William \lafeking 7 Annie McKenzie Lothian H l'hitrlu4s A. Tehimi1, ,.L)mngnrtnon Itchy A. Robinson .. , , Dungannon 9 John C. Stahel.. Mafeking 10 Liettet.tn Omni *the ut IAne•s 11 Lillian 1.. Mcle•an....Mhej)Isoniton 12 Mergeget McDonald Leerier 13 Ernest Sherwood Heelfest. 15 Colin M. Kiel 1 ot'hatlmh 10 Mary E. Murray ('rPwe 17 Klin th I). Rutherford. Dungannon Township of West Wawanosh. 2 Mao g:I ra Kilpatrick ... Prospt'rit.v 3 Wm. 1'. McGregor.. ML.Helens 4 Beatrice E. Anderson ..St. Helens H Mee o 7 Sylvia a u 1 .. .....F Ford ye 12 s Hannah Wilmot" Fordyce 14 Maggie A. Finlay.w.\Vhiu•rhorch 15 Ethel Fer•goam.. l VV'eM.tIeld 17 Mabel lttilie ..... .... 1lmnglamnon Township of East Wawanosh. :3 ire& Woods Myth (1 Gnrlon E. \V'ightntan .VVesttirld 1( Lizzie A. ('unninghuett) 1/Pigrave 1) Made M. ('lark Win ham 10 Rthel Cameron Blyth 1 Isabella D. McDougall... WIngbllls Blake f Hayfield Bityteld liaytlrld \'aero Varna Bill's (it•een ... Ithtke• Hrucelield Varna 14 NIn•H. Johnstoti ttippen Township -of Stephen. 1 Minnie Botterill.. l'entrnlia Mande \1. Porter ('ettt•alia 2 Olive \i. Turner Crediton 3 "Percy S. Bailee Exeter 4 George ge Vi'. Lawton . ....Crediton u Claude Bluets Crediton EthelF'nrroty l'reditn Clara Kienzle Crediton 9' Earle Campbell dx'll Khiva 7 Esther A.''Pt eston,,.,,•..... ii)ipka H Jennie Mills ....,....... Or I Bend 111 Rebecca Carter.. Greenway 11 Lillie Hatrtlrih Uanhwuol 12 Hew A. Snaith. Grand lirud 10 Jaunt's McLennan 1)aehwool Florence B. Graaham,tbshwoxt Township of Osborne. 1 Margaret. A. Stuillie ....Horundalt' 2 J •sane A. Hamilton.. ...Farquhar 3 Freta (4. Sweet .. Kirkton 4 Herbert Campbell Fxeter 5 Peter (Iowans... ........ Exeter 6 Dantean Metiougall....Winehelsea Winton* Howard.. .... " s e et a 7 itachel Kirk . \Vinehclsea 10 Alyt•th• Madge 1 ley 12 John 31. 'Torrance ........Whalen Village of Bayfield. Thos. H. lh•ow'nlee...... Elm elha \1. Stanlury . ,... Village of Monsen. \Ven. McKay Minot Donn. Flora L. Reynaldo'. Village of Exeter. Louis C. Fleming Annie E. Dorrington Agnes F. Cheney .... Frances E. Mcl.t•an Helen E. \\'eltond Elsie A. \I.Calltim...... •.... Anne Martin,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Laura \I. Jeckell llelt+nJI Exeter 611 Miller's Compo+ind Iron Pills. only 25 cents for 511 Closes. For sale by Jas. \Niko. FUR CAPS • We've got about two dozen left, and don't want to carry them over'.' They aro not high-priced caps, but all made from well -furred skins, look well and will give ser- viceable wear. You will never regret laying out the small amount of money they will cost you now. If we were to otter you 25 per cent. for the -use of some of your money' and gave adequate security for same, would you pot loosen up some ? . That is exactly what we are doing and even a little better in some eases. Step in and look them over. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Haers, et c. Vita' sillt' ('onto iuelrrie•Ii. J1 THX7 BI8!3I1LIa Moister has made it great record throughout alt Canada. Thera aro good reasons why this is so. 'Warred ■Jakt -- lues not bumtu up. Irppreted nate-Cuts and turnsnu.l ov er. tllltekr. Neu salt -Easy draught. This Disk has several Imitators but no equal. Nunn genuine without the name "BISSELL." For Sale by Agents. Mum - lectured by T. E. BISSELL. ELORA. ONT. (CJI] Ask fur I)ooklet elp! Help! HeID!- This milwinter has -re t rded the sale of winter goods to a d 0 which beim* ves us to make the price clear then) out dti theweather '11 IlOt. • Furthermore, we will c tt mmence stock -taking Feb. 1st. We th 1'efore desire to clear our some lines and reduce oil stock in oth • s. We will succe . You wil think so -when you note the prices. 1 above picture of the man and fish fa the trade- mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coon. tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul- sion found a way of preparing cud liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the belt thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people., and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Rand for Rae oomph. •COTT a ROWNE, Cwue'rs Tntt10*?O, • T. Mr. 41,01.1N ♦1 Iry Inests Hockey Sticks MicMac and O. H. A. Horkev Sticks, regular price 311c, vale* price rc XXX Practice, regular prttet' JAW. stile `lnice a 37e ' Hoes' Hockey Stick*. -..... .tee' Pucks, Shin Pads, 20 per cent. orf. Sleighs Hoye ot• girls' Coaster• Sleighs. reguhtt• pries 9th,»arc price 63c Steele) Sleighs, unbreakable. regular 51.211, sale price 93c -4-- Sleigh Bells. ao per cent- off. -Arctic Ilutfalo holes, large size, teguhu• print• $11,511 to $11,311,.. . your choice at e•aachtil Horse Hlanketm, Plush nee l Coven. Gil Knee Covers, 30 per cent. off. Mitts \title -:+kin Mitts, wool -lined. splendid 'Ali rent value, sale Itt•i(•e 39c Pig -skin end Cloltskht Mitts, Sweeping Reductions in Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Sale commences -Jan: 26th and ends Jan. 31st. DON'T FORGET THE DA"i ES. wool-linet very warm and al t evt• •Boating, regetau• prier $1,151 .e phi , sale price per pair Mule -skin Mitts and 1591 vets, lee- pair .. ....25c ( 1 ...IOC l 1 vent )a r. (baton I ) r .}x F (' . s ('ut Maws. 6 feet long, $3.00 Dandles inc tadedi. ('ant Harks, Inti, led $1.25 AXees Files... 75c IOC FOOD CHOPPERS, 75c se. J. B. HAWKINS . The Hardware Man. OMR MONEMOMINI11,11 WINTER CLOTHING IOW nommitimsss now "4 nevi. r had a mare einnfnr•tnt a btette'r-fitting snit." maid a num gets his clothes merle et ,HEADACHE I Neuralgia .orad Nerotnnc.vi cured quickly by AJAX ANDNCUA�; CURE Nn heart depeewatr. Griarr.t cu re everdi.nnvr:.. Take nether. oast. d aa. Alldc.der•or ditett from Au -.TIN & Co, Sim es, Ont. dtua./ hack if not satiaGcd. ole nl ' who. -E DUNLOP'S TH CLOTIi1N6 EMPORIUM !EST STREET. A full «frock of neditnn turd heavy -1 weight clot hes for fall Still winter wear Suits and O'vercoals mode tau ttuvsnre nn short not true. Really -tit -Wear Clothing goal aunt strong- Made on the prcutisev. DUNLOP, the Tailor 1C1a'1' ti'l'l:1:1:1' TO THE PUBLIC The toter of Moet „t t t le throughout L M. HI 11f•h I'ngdrr ha. dr ;;n-.1 n not.it or two, wn'I rrxay,`.anrntis lural ;trier- are Anda:. We aA• now .w'itytwa ail pot...wt Inwrr ',Herm, while tate ,trtallty M nn 711t not sett. -r, than over. Ne \'A MEAT M.1IIKF:r Forewatem all kind. of mtaats, you'll , e1,•.. and. *111/.t'hank lag (he !nubile for their Itt•n.l tare. *u .mach w rrnatlnuao, o of Ute .uta McLEAN BROS. r o,mt /Ammo. ,and Sooner, limit,„1� 1 FARMING WORLD CANADA'S FAVORITE FARM AND STOCK PAPER. Published at Toronto on the 1-1 and 15th of each month, 1141 rent,* a year. two years for Si. I low( itet1 to the farm and.,i).• interemts, THE FARMING WORLD and THE SIGNAL hair t Intl I.30 1.,1' 11111` year I' tis A sample copy far the waking. Sttle.cript(nns Token now will L.` dated front .lnnlulry Int, 11e16, N. B. Above alter inchtdet also a year's subscription to The ]Mont real Weekly Herald . __