The Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 66 Tuuitsuny, Jau 25 191'6 Dear Mother Your ktde one. are • commas urs i• Faa cad Wusa weather. the will Ile catch cold. , you know about Slob'. Consumption Cure. the Lung boors. anJ what a has d~ 10, ro many )' It a .and to be the only rabble remedy for all duet... of the au [swages in children h u eb.olwely Anemic., and ploa.ant to take. It u guaranteed tocure a your moray is returned. the price in 25c. per bottle. and all dealer. to aaedsme .ell ;is SHILOH Tits randy .booLJ be is effigy household. GRAND TRUNK i STEM LEM For the Winter GO 1 0 California, Mexico or Florida. "The Land of Summer's Sunshine. TOUR OF ALL MEXICO I..•:aing 'Toronto on .limitary :31. Covering all points of interest. Special reduced tate. MOUNT CLEMENS "MINERAL BATHS" and St. Catharine. line•raI Springs. Delightful resorts fon those who need a. te.t. Best of hotel accouuIMlatiou. l'or tickets and full information call MI � F. F. LAWRENCETown t Agent Office hours :6:31 a. in. to tl::at p, m• Joon NTAAIrIN, Station Agent: J. H. McllonALn: District Pow. Agent. T"rouito' CANADIAN NACIric READ •WESTERN CANADA" and "BRITISH. COLUMBIA" and ,o•ya,int yuuts••1f with the watt Ie.ourrcs and per.thibtirs of our inunrus.• Was. Alrriealture. Mining, Forestry. Ff.hrt- Ieo, Itonehing. a "FISHING and SHOOTING,'• iirrontponiel rya "SPORTSMAN'S MAP." will tell You where the greatest game resorts ref this 1M> - minion are located and how to get them. "CHALLENGE e.1 the ROCKIES' give. excellent and intra -1 ii.g information euneern- beg the stowed gnvndcnr of the "Swit ,'hand of America. The "NEW HIGHWAY to th ORIENT" out- line. pleasant and educative tours to the fat - famed Vasa. Ideal trips for the winter months. "MONTREAL- sae "QUEBEC," beautifully illustrated booklet.. descriptive of the Drone merbial me(ropdb. of Canada atm' historic scenes of earlier days. Any of the above pnblient ions far on appli- cation to your nearest Canadian Vieille Agent. or write 1'. It Foster, U. 1'. A.. Toronto. JOSEPH KIDD (..r. H. Agent Gah•rielt. Coal, Wood and KINDLING FIRST QUALITY Hard Coal, Egg, Stove and Chestnut No. 1 Red Jacket, Do- mestic Lump, Best Soft Coal in the mar- ket. HEMLOCK and CEDAR SLABS FOR SUMMER USE Any amount of Hardwood, best Maple and Beech, cat and split, ready for the stove NlcEwan's ors .�-- SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. • THE SIGNAL: 4:(1T)KUICH ONTARIO Brewster'S Millions imemmitellee Cop.aelt Ileo, by Berton S. Stela a came., .ja By GEORGE BARR M'Ct1TTCHEON (BICIIARD GREAVLS) fiC "tanbark) bas a pilo." whispered 1 "It w'on't do twirl -de with this chug ; )tip Van Winkle syinputhelle•ally, and 1'eg;:y," oak! Mout•, cooling quittespao frewuter Isugh.Yt. 15•ggy did not hes- to lier. "14.11't lead Mut ou. 11(' might (tate au It stent after hearing the ge't' early if he thltike you're making laugh. She walked straight toward spurt of hie." the sheik. Her ehe•ks were pink. uud "You are quite absurd, Monty,' she her eyes were tlushlug dangerously. oriel petulantly. "1 nm out making The hrl'aisteut bmw'n slaves followed sport of him." with the Jewcle, but she ignored thew "Well, then, why don't you tell him ruutpletely. Brave es she luteudet to to go about lila business?" Iw, she eould not repress the shudder "1 don't see any bends lying around of repulsion that went over Ler or she loose," said )tip turweutIngly. The Iookid full upon this eager Arab. , sheik 3tnpatleutl' said something to the Graceful and slender. she stood be- interpreter, and that worthy repeated fare the burly Mohammed, but his ase- it foe 1'rggy's benefit. • dor weag not cooled by the preteueewf. so many wlWeeses. Willi a tb d he dropped 10 bis knees, Wobbling for a tueinent In the sucesesful effort to Jfohanunrd //repro/ to his knits. maintain a poetic equilibrium. Thea he began pouring forth vuluuurl of shattered l-'renrh, English and Arable sentiment, acentt ':ulld by facial eau - tortious so Intense that they were lit- tle IPma 11tan grewsoute, "Oh, joy of flu• 11111 supreme, jewel of the only eye, hearken to the en- treaty of Molts eel." It was more as if he were eoumauding IIs troops 10 WHO. than +pleading for the tender t'otupassiou of a ladylove. '•1 :ire coupe for yon, quern of the sen ntielliearth and skyMy boats are here. my venues there. and MnPIOmnled promises ,you a ptiIace in the sunlit tills If you will but let biro bask 'forever in the glory of your senile." All this was tittered in n mixture of tnngne' coo ntra•tnus- that. Sulnvny Smith afterward rlese•rlbetl Wax a sal- ad. The retinue lower) Impressively, and two or three 'graceless Americans tpplauderl as vigorously as If they were' approving the actions of a well drilled comic opera churns. Sailors were hang- ing in the ringing. on the dnritsand over the de t'k house roof. "Smile for the gentleman, Peggy," commanded Brewster delightedly. "iI. want. to take a short bask." "Your are very rude', Mr. 1)reweter." sold Peggy, turning upon hint coldly. Then to the waiting, txp.ectaut ehyfk, ''What Is the meaning of this ole - twenty?" Mohammed looked bewildered for a monugrt nod then turned to the inter- preter, who eletrel tip the mystery .nrrounding her h:nglish. F'ur the next three or font. nliut.•M the nir was filled with the "jewels of Africa," "star," "sunlight," "gneen," "heavenly Talc." "pearl of the desert" and other things lu hail English. nurse French and per- fect Arabic. Ile was mtlkiug prolufses that mild not Its redeemed if he live) 0 Monsauel years. In conclusion the gallant sheik drew a long breath, sveweil Itis too Into n simpering grist cul played his trump cord i11 unmis- takable English. It sounded pa tblet leaf• ly like "You're u pe•neh." An ludeoruus t•onr went tip from the white spectators. noel n kicky In the rig- ging. suddenly thinking of home, piped up With It bar yr two fr "'I11e Star Spangled H: 'r." Itt ti rig ace pliMlurl wlmt he nitwit]• ern! to he hi..part of the ee-n•nlun), the sheik arum.. null .tartnl toward his I:uoeh, .;oil' motioning for her to f.il- lou. So for an he wan concerned the natter wag closed. But • 1'eggy, her heart thumping like n trip"bn11ater, her eye* full of exetleulenl, Irltpiorrd him b, stop fur a moment. "1 appreciate that great honor, but 1 have a regnest to make," she said clear l'. Muioauuu'l noosed Irresolutely and in POOP. Irritation. "Ileare's where the heathen gels It anew:: the INYlels." whispered Motet- to ylrs. 11a11. And iie called out, "Captain Perry, detnll half n dozen men to pick np the lends that are about to slip from his majesty. neck." Any even nnntlienrl Ne•tinn or t Inion Laud, ht Manitoba at the North-west erreding Nand 'At not reserved. cony 111. home. atcndra by ant proem.w lin is the ..do head of n family, or coy male o% ser It yenr+ of age, In the extend of Onrvnnarter s, -t fon of In, eros. more u) bei. Entry may In' mode ireesnmJly at the breal land flitter (dr f lee di'triet In wlek•h the lamb IN eft matt, nt It Ile• boniest...dr; desire.. he may. on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the r',mtml+.loner of Imn,lgmtfon. Winnipeg. or the Meal agent receive Nut 110111) for scrim one to make entry Inc hlni. The hnrn.'Ntea.l•r Is rnl mlrnt to perform the inndltlnn- isorinerted therewith ander ones -of the following plan.: 111 Al leant .ix m'mtb- ronMnn'e upon and enit.l cal ton of the land In notch year for three years. 14, If the father Int Mather. if the lather Is do- , ti i'eb of the hnnerntradee trades u t a fans In the vi,lnit- of the land .•nler d tor the nivel»en1+ a. to resItIenee ,nn> 10• wrli.nwl try nosh person residing with the holm tor mother. 111 1f the settler has Id. pernianent ,wnNlene' 0,Mrn farndng land owned by him in the ylr-fi - ftrnt his homestead, the regmlrenw'nt. ,.n to ....liana may be nnllnard by nesldence norm the said land. nix mewt.h.' nntlor In writing •hnnld he given to the c'neeemfasfoner of writing Isnd. nt !Ottawa of intent irm to apply for patent. W. W'. e'(11t1'. threat of the NI Ini'ter of the !retain,. V.N. tinaathorland fmhllralfa, of this ad verlino'sset wi8 not be paid for. CHAPTER XXIV. pEOM' gave the sheik an Writhe.. dee•Inration that he weluld come an• Ing .nolle, followed by n brief 1 other day and that the Whole world glauee nt the beaming 'll.' I would tremble at lila nppmaeh. itis Valentine, who nodded her head approvingly. "W'on't you give me time to •go 1w - low and pack my belongings that they may be sent ashore?" she asked naive- ly. • "Wunder!" gasper) Monty. "That's no way to turn him down." "What do y6u mean, Monty Brew- ster':" she cried, turning upon him with Flashing *700. "Why, you're eueonreging the old guy," ha protested, disappointment 1a every Inflection. • "And what It i am? isn't It my af- fair? I think 1 am right In suspecting flint he has asked me to be het wife. isn't It my privilege to accept blm It hoard the yneht, several resident I wish?" I French and 1:ngll.b nequatntanees 1,0 ltrewster'. fare Walla study. He Mg the guests of honor. The ',tory of could not belie.. that she was In ear- 1 the day was told by Mr's. Dan tte- neet, but there wan a ghastly fooling Mille, eommisalnitetl especially for the that the joke was being turned on him. ditty. eh. painted the Beene so vividly The rest of the contently .lnred hand that the guests Innghed with joy over at the Anihed Peggy and breathlessly the dlsenmfitnre of the sheik. Peggy awaited developments, and Brewster found themselves look - "The eon of the prophet Tres that you be as quick as possible, ueen of the world. Ile tires of wait g and cotuutunds you to come with m at once." I'eggy wineed, and her eyes alio a trief', look ut scoru at the scowl) • sheik. Iu an instant, howeyt•r, she wit smiling agreeably and was turning to- ward the steps. "Holy mackerel: Where are you go - Ing. Peggy':" cried Lotless, the first to tura fearful. "To throw some tblugs luto my • trunk." she responded airily. "Will you e•oute with me, 'Mary?.' "Peggy!" cried Brewster angrily. "This huts gone far enough." "Von should have spoken sooner., Monty." she said quietly. "What are you going to do, Marga- ret?" cruel Mrs. Dan, her eyes wide with amazement. "I nun going to ('marry the sou of the prophet," she replied so decidedly that every nue g:usIwtI A moment later she was snrrouudnl by a group of excited women, and Captain Perry was call- ing the jaekles forward fu a voice of thunder. Brewster' puahevl his 'way to her side, his tale as white as death. Ing altooplahly at utte another now and then lit the course of the recital. She purposely bad avoided him during the evening, but she bad gamely endured the raillery that came (row the rest ut the party. If she sus a bit pale It was nut amrprlslug. Now flout it was over the whole alfulr appalled her More than aha could have suspected. When several of the guests of the evening euberl• onuuutietd that Mohammed was a dangerous mum and even au ob- ject of worry to the government she felt a strung(' retch in her throat, and her now mlrtblesa eyes turned Instlue- tively to Brewster, wbo, it seemed, was the ahelk's special object of aver- sion. The next day she and Monty talked 1t over. Thr penitcuce of loth waa bcittt• tlful to behold. Each denied the other the privilege of assuming all the blame, and both were so happy that Moham- med w'as little more thou a preposition In their conversation so fen' as [00111l- uunee was concerned. But all day long the harbor was full of fisher boats, and at nightfall they still were lolling about, slulater, restless tdysterions, like purposeless buzzard", And the dark teen on board were taking up no fish; neither were they minding the nets that lay dry and folded fa the bottom of their boats. Far Into the eight there waa revelry on board the Flitter, more gttests hnv- lug conte out from the city. The dnrk- hours before the dawn of tiny had ar- rived before they put off for shore, but the timber boats atilt were bobbing about lit the black waters of the har- bor. The lights gradually disappear- ed froth the portholes of the yacht, and e tired watch wee about to be t'e- I vel. Monty Brewster and Peggy re- mit ou deck after the guests (tail gone over tier side of the vessel. They Were •cuing over the rail aft listening to the 1.1111 voices of the visitors as they gree Diluter and fainter In the diatoms., he lights of the town were few, but 1 r could plulnly be sec'(' from the otro . • "Art' you ti ' Peggy" naked Brew- ster. with a tone of tendern•as. Some- how of late he ha often fele a strange dewire to take her I' his aria. and uow it wee strong upon h n. She was very neat, nod there was a irooping wearl• mess in her attitude w Ieh seemed to d14n't1141 protection. "1 have a queer teeth that some• thiug,aw•ful ire going to hap) a tonight, Monty;" she nuswerel, trout, in her Soft voice. "You're tervuns: thnt'm n1I," h . e11111, ."11111s isn't a joke, Peggy," he cried. 'ami 'you should go to . le.'p. MMI "Go INIJw, lllld I'll get rid of the night." 'lltelr bands touched) In,; to 'hell" darkness. and the thrill that went ave Jost the(' the burly Algerian asserted hii hall q truth of whMh hr bad Iw.'n hliw,gf. He did net like the way 1n ..u13' ragnely ronw•iollM. The peace of which his adored one was being han- dled by the "white dugs,' std with two • nen he rushed up to Prewster, alibethought of her nod her too quiet afftc- jtion for Ilhi In it left nt elealoudent. ublterlur angrily. S, •Wiwg 1 ".I tigtlu't the aide "Stand back. you Idiot, or I'll punch of the slip, nod ni1.•r0 II Mound fuhuw- yuur brad off said Brewster, w Ith ed. 'rhru cause other gentle thuds cam - It ▪ ewphasis' Motel With the eft swish of water dim - It tuna not until thin moment tent 11111041 1'egp:y and Brewster were on 1'e ggy. realized that there eight hea the loiut of g.tin� IN•bw• when thti•hr nt• 'eater side to the little tune- she and ,,•ula11n wnM c:nlght by flees. .trnnge Mary hail decided to play for the pmt• iohmeut of Brewster. Terror `suddeu- ly tool: the place of mirth, and she "W'hat its 11?.. %be asked as they pane - relay: frantically 11 el Irresolutely. Ile strode to the roll, „r•i..1-Y_.. watc9l, who had .been overlooked la the Copycaresl Ior,'assart. Royal j Sleepy sailor,' rushed on deck with • prou+ptuesr that was amazing. 1'ery quickly they had found and uubouud 511 '.hltrr, carried u couple of 'wood- Bakingell blpulater lM�tuty rod hod ('uptulu 1'.•r% in his puj+unus ou deck to take l•eamralaltil. "'1'Iw aearchllgbt1" cried Brewster frantically. "The devlla have stolen 'Miss U,•a_v,"- "1 'seat Popular size, 0 oz. can .,... ..20c Regular size 1.2 Ib. 8 oz. can ..26c Popular size 12 oz. can 40c Regular size 1 Ib. 10 oz. can.. 45c 7iJ:cn completely by surprise. While swift bandit were lowering the !sato fur the chose others were carrying firearms ori-tle•k. '1'be search- light threw' Its Mighty-whlte arm out over the water before uy seconds h:ul passed, end eager eyes ere look- ing for the louts of the pillage The Arabs had reckoned without oearchlight. Their fleree eeultatloh diesel suddenly when the mysterious streak of light shot Into the sky and then swept down upon the sea, hunt- ing thein out of the darkness like a great and relentless eye. The flutter's loots were la the water Anil manned by sturdy oarsmen before the glad cry went up that tale rob- ber feet had ben'n discovered. They were tea • near the yacht that it was evident th dusky trllwsuten were poor oardrnen. In the clear light from the 11011/.11 deck tIwy,l'ouItI i* seen pad- dling wildly. their white robes flutter- ing 114 though Inspired by fear. There were four boat*, all of thctn crowded to the guuwnle's. "Keep the light 00 thea, enptnln:" 'hooted Toney from below. "Try to p "k otit ?tie boat l �that has Miss Gray oh lonnl. full attly, boys! Tina means a hundred dollars to every 0110 of yon— yes. it tbouwtnd if we have to light for .er, 'hill every one of them, Mr. ltrew- ste '" roared the raphlin, who had re- tiree behind a boat when be` became aware of the preserve- of women on dark. \Three is shut away from the tilde o\ the yne t. Brewster and Joe Brag deft In turn 11 1. both armed with rifles -Let's 1:1::: •1 -:'tn.t :1? , ::1 •" cr:e.l a' stilor 1:IIo .t. • in the cern with hl+ deter on n trig • 3),, do that! Te timer Ir.10w what 1 to . nut M nano Moat 1-'.''a Peee)'.' onl:•:an•:el Brew- , '10n1y: only Juking," the girl following cl,s' behind. ''t'hre'e ater. "leeep cool, ls. met 1 .' reedy toll she cried. ' Oh, eclat have I done?".harp. little whistle* clone front clove sir.!;1 if Webster t".' wens half toad "it's my fault," he exeluimed, "hut and behind them, but before they lad with tear ::ud nmxietp. : •1 he was de - I'll tele care of you, naive fear" time e•1 '. men to stnelate• at ti their l.trnu url t a ••xteruriu :'r !:e lanai 0f "Stand aside!" roared) the sheik meaning the rismewan in etldenet% eaa.,.ri, if micro mete to .e girl 11) • threateningly. livor the sId,', of the ship came shad- owy forme ne if by magic: at their The aituntlon was ominous., i'right- back* p:Itther-like Iwslle' dropped to mewl as they were, the Wooten eonkl the deck with stealthy thud.. Emit'ensuer.w. not nee, but stool as If petrified. Ball- ing from the inky sky 010)10. There use.+ eagerly sw•brined to the deck, '•1 let off thin Lunt," said,Monty, mn- Inotisl• rift': to the interpreter, "or we'll pitch you and your whole mob. Into the nen." "(Grp cool! Leap .tool:" creel Rub' way Smith quiekl'. ile stepped be- tween Brewster and the angry suitor, met that nation alone prevented merl- ons 1unitl'lo. YVIdie he parl••rel-with the sheik. Mrs. INeMllle hurried Peggy to a safe place below deck. and they were followed by n flock of shivering women. four l'e'ggy was :ilmowt In Powder We are now able to quote the sumo 'trice* for • euatconlere as are paid by corautiters in Now York, Laudon, Mau Francium, and other huge ntarket.s of the World where Maple go.sts am sold lowest. We think • patrons will appreciate it. We recommend Royal )faking Powder Iwenuwe it Is of the highest yanlity —always giver perfect satisfaction, uud is most (teunundeal In the cud. Rodd and rt'ronuuended by C..A. NAIRN, G. M. ELLIOTT, O, C. WHITELY, and other Ant -clans grocers. A RELISH AT ANY TIME Thal • vl hal Ihr kntow•i no; *:0y ,of PURE GOLD QUICK PUDDINGS SIX FLAVORS ALL TASTE GOOD ARE GOOD Chocolate, raapli'rtv, custard, tapioca, pineapple, arrowroot. You'll like it. Try a package today for only 1(k. One puu•kige ell easily make one quart of really good pudding. P. T. DEAN, The Grocer. 'PHONE no. COR. MONTREAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. Learn Dress -Making by Mail • In January and save from 3 to 5 dollars. Learn by mai t home in pour+ppare time. if vim wugld like to I,otdurt n dress -making Maine > or foe 1 use. If you would like to make $3,151 a a day showing how dress- taking von lie taught better and cheaper hp mail than any other w,ay. lu under . get a large bet • of agent' at once, I will teach this improved r ' • by to all co 'acing to January, 111I8, for Diet instead of regular prier $1:1 a - $15, %gcnte wanted whole or *pare tits Write to -they for particuiars. A. • • Sanders' Dress -Cutting School, Stratford, Ont., Can. Office hours (r Ito 3 1 u , Market Place. opposite Pity Hell, St rat ford. 1 A Our Granite and Tinware are Always on Top. The tit r:el,,.ky- nnt•e that we handle it a German snake, guaranteed (tor five pestes, and although it coat. 11111 It little mole •y that -other stakes it will (Mt - last„ them te gewwl Inatlly times over l thrtefote. it Is Hit- ' heopest he'henpest in he long run. Also the gtuarantee in. worth it great 'eal woe un Instant of dreadful calm and then the crislr. .3 dozen sinewy forms burled Ihenuelve•a upon Brewster, who, taken compk•I'l• by surprise, was throwti to the deck in au instant, Ills attempt to cry out for help l'. iug check- ed 11 lea p betide. I'eggy's 'terrain wits rut off at. quickly, and. paralyzed by terror. cher Olt herself engulfed In strung arms and smothered Itito.3 levee, it :III happened mo quickly that there A. am no chance to give the aIarm, nu op- �i.rrtulily to resist. tors, and the ,iiennM ler felt h11mu'If lifter) bodily. I g1:111r.•4 she and then there was the w teettion of threw nt Brewster when he stepped 1,:,11ing. Ile strung notimthlug fun Ibly between her and the lmpttuuus sheik. with all hie weight cul fell back with who had started to follow, strnek deep a crash to the deck. Afterward bt into his heart and made 1' ready to tumid that the effort to throw bin tight to the de:11I1 for herr, 01 ,'t•Intar.l hail (1111141 mil) ' because his It took uelrly nn hour to convince aasailauts In their haste had hurled the Algerian that 1'ezgy had 1111.1111- hint against an unseen stanchion. derstual hie mud that .klu.•rlran w1111e I',,ggy- 00 Ill borate forward end low• eu were 1101 to Its• w'0011 after the At- .rel .n-iftly into urine that /I.losite4l Genii faahiuu. 11e liiolly departed her rungltly upon siontehleg lard. their potter. "Sheet !11 file ear• ,n 1 INt"11" alts the cry from the yn.ut, and the gen Idre:d w':Is kept CO that p artic•:I:Ir o!t;e al. need la :!te evr•Iralon of Me 0113 Ilnt ('ap.1:t i ferry- saw the W{:ole e) keeping all of them .'(early located in order to prevent trickery, ►trewstigs brawny. sailor lays came 1P, like iff%•yhnnntl,, ehen'ri rt'•N nm fling dlehet rowing , the boats of the fngt- tl, ern. ,Titre or four shuts were tired luta the ale by the zenlona American lads. and Thorp were lona cries from the Anis. ns they veered off panic ,triekel. Monty'g (oat Wati410W ht the path of Tight 'and not far lwhinel the one wIdeh held Peggy. He wan stand- ing 1n thte ow•. - "Take han• of the others:" be called ho:•k to his followers. "We'll go after the 1.'ad.'re." The response* from behind was a cheer, n half dozen idiots and some of the most Joyona profanity that ever fell trete the los of American !adore. min - (led with ahricks from the boats they were to "take care of." "Stop:" Brewster shouted to the with Liv eulir 11.3311.,thutong111y 1"Arabs. "Stop, or we'll kill every one of There was a Jerky, racking tion, )you:" Hua boat was not more than fifty s:.tistlel and hi high d11c1gent. At the sudden splash of oats*, nod then feet f•rom •the other. Mid he threatened to take Iter by she knew no more. f.,r..' then he agreed to give her :un- suddenly a tall, white robed flgun ollu•r day I11 whirl to make up her mind to go with Ilan pnme.al.l•, and again he einteludod that n hunt in the hand was worth twv, 111 the • ealt. Brewster stool gloomily on the out - elite of the excited group glowering 113)011 the ngly suitor. 1'OoInr heaths hied relegate) him In this pltire of se- curity i'r.rltlg the dipluui:laic mutest. 'I'Ia• sheik's threats of veugeallee were direful, 11e sw,te by somebody's bean) that he would lying iIJ,'N*t leen to establish 1114 elainl by force. ifs. Intense de•ekre to light for her then nod there was qu.'llel by captain Perry's detachment of six lusty mall - ors, whose lig bare floe were shaken vigorously miller :, few st:lrllel noses. It took ell the tight nut of the sheik had his train. 'flaree retainers fell 1n - to the sea while tt•ynig to retreat an far as pussiLlr tool danger. M0101 01111141 dip:111141 with the Irate gusted with himself and nfraid to meet the eye. of the other men, Brew• titer went below In .eorr•h of PcggR 11e took time to comfort the anxtons Women who er,w•ded About him and then asked for Mhos Grny. She w•a* In her 'anteroom and would not /rose forth. When he knocked at the door a dismal, troubled voice from within told him to go away. -come out, Peggy; It'. all over," he called. "I'Ieasp go away, Monty," she said. "What are' you doing In there'••' There was n long pantie, and then came tall pitiful tittle wail, "i am un- packing, please, air." That night Brownlee entertained nn The Invaders bail planuel with n (Tattiness nod pat lcnee flat deserved atiree»s• For hours they had wallet, alMntly, wntrhfull• nual with deully assns nee. How they crept up to the Flitter lu Knell, It's: 'nod how the more daring Dame nlonrd long before the blow waa struck no one ever es- plalued. So quickly fled so accurately tram the abduction performed that the bouts were well clear of the yacht before olid, war given by nee of the arose In the middle of the Egyptian craft, and a moment later the pursuer* saw I'eggy's form panned up to him. She w'an lustnlitly clasped by one of his long arms, and the other was lift - high above her. A gleaming knife wits heid In the upraised hand. "(''Ire on us If you dart:" came in French from the toll Arab. "Dog of an Atnerlean, she shall die of you come .fame bar l" !cite TtNI'Y. O.t AS WE PART WITH THE OLD and go forward into the new we wish this year of 19011 may he a bright and prosperous year to our many friends and customers. On account of hack of .killed IsIMtr we have et tinges been WHeil delayed with oily orders, ntid would ,wk that we tie axe tined es time and for the intoe' ear willlemle:tvor to be more pprompt, 2(11(1 With personal attention, leineid prices nod gnool g,MMls merit 2( cord hcomer• of your potmnng0. 1f we have please) yo'I tell others Mlout it, A few of the !hinge found In our store : • The Celebrated Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges, The Penn Esther Range, the only double heating range made in I'nntula, and you will be sn'prisel at the price. Lamp Goods, Granite Ware, Tin and Copper Ware. Everything for the kitchen. Plenty of raw scrial to make noel repair. Anything von need in Phttnhing, Tinnmithing, Hot Rin. r and Steam Heating, Furnace work, Tnroghing, etc., etc. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL Oi{IALWAYS ON HAND. 6 1 t,tirs triply, e W. R. P I N D E R, MEQ AIN C Weare not only cut 0.;, With tour granite and tin- ware but with Happy Thought Hanges, Radiant Home Heaters. General HardW4re Plumbing Heating Tin- smtthing. CHAS. LEE THE SQUARE -- GODERICH. Parr ell's Bread Kneaded M mach„tfry. no .wetly hand. 10,eh it ink man'efaetur- ing, is baked in pttrfecily sanitary .urrnunding. That means more than people think. It vena. to mare than the lees cleanly kite. Try tt. P • T Dh:A N YOUR POPULAR GROCER, AGENT 3 3 3 3 3 33 33 33 3 3 1iW rb iii t � fid N, il� N, f,W iii il� il� ilp iii hili Ni iii its ilr Ili iii iii iii 1 �1I G PIANOS When buying a piano consider the merits of the famous Newcombe Piano! For choice duality of tone, durable ac- tion fin(' stylish cases' Winner of gold medal at Paris World's '•air and other great awards. Call on or write to O. HOARE, County Wholesale and, Retail Manager it DISTRIBUTING CENTRE AT CLINTON, ONTARIO C.