The Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 5712 101 A LONG SESSION. Io'.a,uludeml trues lag. (.1 the clerk's office. The entrance to the turves or'r OmCe and alert to the council chamber would be through the retain door at the foot of the *tains. The estimated cls. with the furnace, tu rata allowing $100 for the furnace, A second plan, arranging for an ex- tension of the council cltauller to the rear, would cost about $171 with the , furnace, but the first plan is the one approved. Consult Another Expert i The water and light committee re- ported as follows : ••1Ve recommend that teatime be asked for the Nub - anitted Blit of electric light and water- works supplier in the usual way, tendert( to be in by the 30th hist. ; that H. D. Reed's request for relmtt• in, water rate be grained. he having been' charged by Mistake for water when same was turned off end not used ; that the petition for a light ou Mutant hill he granted; that the clerk write Mr. Reinrfonl, with reference to his request for change in the water rate charged him. that, in the event of his water service being used during any year. he will by expe•ted to pay the contract price, and rewind hint that the eervicidit 14 special one put in at a large expellee r that the clerk write the 0.1. R. that under present con- ditions it is impossible to install a meter and supply then) with water at a rate per thuuseud gallons, mud that the rate of * now charged is not ' more titan slat the actual cost of pumping the water consumed ; that the clerk write J. F. Moffett, of N'atertowlt. N. 1.. oinking 1 ' to name his far for expert advice on the t4Wn'N water, rloPpIy : that the engineer and elec- trician report to each meeting of council the. services installed ant►sell work of inlporGtnce dune." r The report r t w a a autuptid. Mr, :Moffett is the engineer who wan suggested by the clerk of Port Hope . as one who hal had considerable ex- perience in conditions s !what simi- lar to theme at Grder•irh• Ile was written to by Town Clerk Johnston, and in letter of .January 111th amid it would be impossible to give an intelli- gent opi in regarel to our water supply without first making an '.x - amination and ascertaining all the conditions. 1 That Diphtheria Scare. • Mr. Elliott. as ehairuuin eif the relief committer. referred to the quarantin- ing of Mrs. Mcl.eed'a letirding house Dn Hamilton sower-ow*ttg -t-pis (Mph- ' theria suspect ;being ledged there. Ten individuals were iii the house. After iiitsultsl' with Mita. McLeod he had taken- the responsibility of ordering 62 worth of groceries and (,Or. of meat, no. the 1Ncupent4 were; without witch neeeN'ssriPa, and asked the council to approve his -.ec . Mr. 1•]liott spoke of the newt) of tunule bombe where such rases could he smut, and Mayor Tilt gave an account of what he knew of the case. He raid he had been Making arrangement* for ' the removal of the patient. but Before much rout d Ism acrungolislied .the biome was placed under quarantine and the resulting expellee to this town en- tailed. .Mr. Blaair thought it 'should not take a week to ascertain whethe-r s man had diphtheria and *aid the matter should he brought to the notice._of the hoard of health. Thr re- lief comuiitte.• was -given power to take any necessary action. To Close Up Harbor Laos. Mr. Blair int rshucel the question of peening a further resolution to enable the (hlelph R (hxlet•ich Railway to • proceed wit li their plans at the harbor. On May nth last it 1'emolution of the council wet( named, authorizing the Company to change the grade of harbor hill. is that their track alight rant beneath it, and now the Company wanted' authority 1•, proceed in the necessarysteps, to t pN baro• Harbor Inns close) sip}, the (7 pony agreeing to open up `Vst.r line at tttowit expense. Harbor Zane is the road running north and south to the weed. of the Milling Cornpany'N mill tinct elevator, and Nater lane is a parallel r nil farther west. The closing of Harbor little doe. away with the necee.ity of building n retaining wall for the e•mhruekmrnt leading to the bridge, and dues away with the circuitous route that would he ne'ePesery in Mite of trains running up the Harbour lune and having to d•luble back on their tracks to get ou to the embankment. 'Meese plans were fully outlined in The Signal last May. The following is the resolution adopted by the Perm it : "Moved by (i. M'. Blair, seconded by. Wm. Young, and resolved, that thg, Guelph A Ooderiel Railway l'urnpany ler and are hereby authorized enol per- mitted to so alter the grade of Harhtr street in the town of Gole'ieh'as to carry the mine over their 'inept rail- way where it crossem the baaid mtteet,'at the phi CP and in the manner set mein the' plan tiled with the town clerk, pro- vided Oat 11 goisi noel ''nflicient devi- ating ivity is provided for the )truhlie during the progress of the work, and provide) also that the Company will ti at all tunes maintain end keep in good les, order their own structures and erre- tions and will place and. maintain m;Bicient guard) along the RAMP mo n I w' to ensure the safety of the travelling w pnblie, :end will at ell tint•s indemnify ti and save harmless the maid corpora. to Linn from all loam. costs and dsnnagrm ,le arising from non-compliance with M such precautions. ser "And that the necessary . stem It Ile taken to have the road or lane th now running between the wharf Bt and Iltrlmor street on the west f„ side of the trill and elevator of w the 1Veste•n 1'•tnadx Flour Mill. ('oro• te, pa►ny closed, on condition that Water mi lime he extended itie full width of forty jet feet in a northerly direction to the A �wharf the Railway Canptnt• to obs .101 taln the cogment of the Weetern n Canada Flour Mills Company to ouch iii closing, and that the Reid Railway en Cornpany provide. at its own expense p the land tegnirel for the ext-nsinn of to Water lane and that the Raid ltelilwey 1 Company will 8efray all expenses in- M Burred by such a tering of Harbor lane and opening of 1 tsr lane, and tl a the Mayor and clerk'lt��ee authorized to sign the plans in rippti>vei and attach the meal of the corium(tin ,thereto." T Mr. Sallow. Wants Reforms, the bylaws againet spitting ou the sidewalks and tg,tinot luaing un street cor'net's. Smaller Water and Light Commtttse. lu purruauce of bis notice of motion glveu et the last lunetlug, Mr. Blair moved to educe the membership of the water and Tight cauuuitte inun the whole eauucil to three, and byleiv No. 6 of 111111 was palmed, elueudi.g bylaw Nei. 6 of 11*41. tis au(ended by bylaws No. 3 of 111)1 and No. 10 of 19112,, by iedaeing the number -of mem- bers of the water end light cominittee to three., . On motion eif Meyers. Hallows and Hlair, the couunVet, war named, to consist of Musses. Blair. Goldthorpe and Yuang. On Motion of Dr. Clark and Mr. Hlair, it was deeidel to have the auditors' report printed, tire' form to be left in the hands of the ftuaut)•e cora- statue. ', 1)l'. ('lurk also suggested putting wire netting lir shutters- over the windows of the agricultural build- ing to prevent them front taring broken. A n estimate of the cost, as given. by Mr. Hurl an, was $1N for the forty-eight windows fixed with wire ecrerus' or S00 for matched pine rhutten. Mayor Tilt thought the offering of a reward for information leading to the con- viction of the guilty parties would have a good effect. The master was left with the public works committee With [sheer. The couuctt adjourned at 11 p. ui. HELPING THE TOWN. One of the lmportaat Agencies Which Deserve Greater Consideration. Mt'. Robson, head of obi's'. I'. R. ad- vertising depti tul.•nt, was recently in- terviewed by the Canadian Municipal Journal, a bright monthly magazine of Moonset!. devoted to the interests of municipal management, upon the mubjeet of towns unit villager aulvertis- ing thenetelven :old what means• lie ionstdeed best for so doing. '1 Hobson replied emphatically that h believed fishily in Npstematic aulver Mg fell' . •peptics for the situp reeIsi n that he had seen it don succe•refully in Nevetrei instance,.. H amid, in reply to the question o Methods : "In the first place. 1 have'a very high regard fur the local paper. Teo often its good work for the municipal Ity ion overlooked, no week after week it devotee valuable space gratis for the Iwnefit of the cutnlnunity in whit•h it j ieie•ated; and, like minty other L4 ssiass teiNe a " K, is not recognizes!. l'omplenting on this The Brockville 1" satys: Mr. Babson is right, The local Ill•w'all:ipl-t' tie a rule spends endless time. spate and energy iu booming the town, and yet et • of the merchants and husi nese turn '.e -cul to begrudge it a little patrr,nage, haggle and beet down priers,. and -in uuuly cases give their work "to outside firms or travelling fakirs. 'theist is no lased enterprise which should be so Willingly lirsnbstantlolly sup(1,,ted as the held newspaper. however 1 hie. It is not sof big as the city pmpeet'. and' the kern bargainer who wants to get a maimed rate ueve•r fails to point out that he gets more -paper for him •t• in the city daily. but the little Ideal sheet fills it place whish the city paper never do•N arid Hever ran. It is not at rare thing t., hear some narrow- minded individual mn.s•r in derision at the local paper and point out its Its teeth. '.Fell, it has defects• and plenty of them. no doubt. but nma rule it 1•epresente the eo y pretty accurately. in this respect me in others. The Presbytery of Huron. TILE *I(:NAt,:' (rNi A RIO MARKET ' REPORTS. Liverpool and Chioaeo Wheat Futures Higher. -Live Stook Markets - The Latest Quotations. Altman, Eveula JaG. Liverpool wheat futures closest sest tu-day Med bl.ber than Saturday, ass to tu- lures Ira higher. At Chiral(, May wheat clewed 1 e bleier tlau Saturday Any corn She higher, oma May tura unchanged. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. The folluwlug were toe clorlug quotation* yestsrUay et 1414 market : Jan. 76%c, May Sgne,re, July 614+,•. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. May, July. New York PI", Silt Detroit ', I4'eti Toledo tau% sere TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET. Gr•Ia- Wheat. spring. leuah40 76 to -$ Wheat, fall, bush 0 701 "---0.111 Wheat, reed, bush .0 70 u 71 Wheul, seise' Irurh...,0 7u Barley bush,0 .rel 0 51 Ort+, bash' 0 :Stye 0 w Nye, bush.74 Peas bush. ',0 73 .... Buckwheat, bush. n Irl LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE. lAverpool, Jany 22.- Wheat -Spot !moil - Ran No. 2 red western wdnler, 10 1410ek. Future.' steady; March A 04,4, Muy lir 11)%d. Porn -Spot qyuiet: American mired new, ...Merl -eau mixed 01d, 4. WO, 1, g 1 - tures steady; Jan, 4s _' d, Hrrrh 4.1.3%a. y 4. 4d: • N•euu-eumberland eut steady, 44s. 'Lura--Auerirau rented, lit palls, oteady. .n.lid. Peas e'anmdlss eN 1(4 -gid. NEW YORK DAIkY MARKET. Now Yuri:, Jou. "" - -Butter - Weak: re' - cells as, 72,146. Street pyrrle-s : Extra crrem- •ry, 27c to 27%e. •ORlrtal prl.•rs : Cream- ery, common to extra, nic to 21e; do., :erbl, aPeunds to extra, 19. to 24e: state dam:. M011101 10 extra, 17.- to 23c: reyorated. rummuu to eatru 131,1• to 31c: West.•r1 rectory. ..numuu to nisi. Inc to lOt; teest• era imitation ereum►ry extras, 21C to do. Oreo., ler to 2IN•. 7 •,•.; Cheese - Firm: receipts, 6.14; attar. (.111 cream, email mud large, eolorA slid white, Hoyt frne•y. 144ec; do, Oct., It1xr to 13a'u•; do., fate made, auall, average best, 121,.•: do. large124,.; du.. fair 1111r to 12e; a Ions, fu,ll to °night, 'il.yc to 11 e. g*-}ev 'Ismer; relppts, 4002: state, Penn- r. • tants and nearhy frnrv, 'crested, tome, e. lac t 27e; do, eho(.e. 24e to 2.: . do ea- tra. : to 2•5e; wearers --.trot*, 3Jc:' Au. Mit. to lite: southern, 17e to GIs. C TTLE MARKETS. e \ . ( Ct}Ian P1 er-stele Continue, rgs sad Mather for Hoag. e•roado, The Preobytery of Demon 'met in Clinton on the Ilith lust., ltev. ih'. Mt•w•tu•t, n*deratnr. ,1t/residing. Rey, J• C. Robertson, of 1'01r,nti, general s, aviary of Sabbath sl•huule, and Bev. .lo. • Ih Elliott, of Uodt'rieh, 'being prase It, were itlt'it/d tit sit all corre- spond' tial members. 1 1 fll e'r•. TIIP 1 , K rr 11 for the year wire made up. and the following were certified as representative elders for the 0ungregation4 Maned : J•' lir Brigham. rely t h ; J. R. Lindsay, 1'l int nu i James 'Monteith, -Thane s Road,: limey Shang, Exeter: (1. F. )flair, Gddertich : John Sta.Ntt, Eg- nMtaidvillr ; J. Methuen, iIrllcefleld la, 1). 1Vil'son, Se•,tfs It : George Mc- Kay, Kimmel ; Robert McArthur, Hrnsdll : A. Elliott. Ithrns' church, Hallett : J. H. Johnston, ' Varna : %Vitt. 311Math, (ioleric•h `,township. The emotion rei•oisls for the ear 1151, wets. examined ;and attelee, Thr Batiste gl'71r1ts as last year Wear I •11111• Mended to aid-meeiying cnngt n- (IOna, and the helix. w:ts.rx premed 1 i 1 1hrnngh incteasel 11tternlity of them congregations smaller grants w(nlld malice after the present year, 1)r•. McLean tendered his Ieeignation of the pastors charge of St. Andrr•w'N church, Illyth, with a view to Isis re- tiring frvnn the active work of the ministry, on IWOIttilt of age and in- firmity. The matter was laid over to t e e t t h next regular Ills meting of this I n•A- 143tery, 51r. Fletcher. of Thames Itond, luring appointed ti minter with 1e eongregatiini and mite them to,tp- ret• in their interests at this eetinjl, 31,. Davidson presented a report on Sabbath ech.ed work ithin the hounds, which was ion the. hole very encouraging. In e011,nee- on with the report, a e•onfetent•e 1 Sabbath school work was held, wing which Mr, Brohertmotl, the ahhath school secretary, delivered 1 able lend interesting address. wasagreed to er,apaerate with c Prenbyterice of •Maitland and •111.5'- in holding x summer school t• Sabbath school teachers and orkere. The co ittee appointed examine the new IIIPtricel ver - on of the Psalter, piepered by a int eotutnitte* of the Can,edisu and rleriran Presbyterian thurchl•ei, ex- r•seed satisfaction with the verehm, it thought it inexpedient to termer - end its introduction in pIoIe('nt eir- nlstancom, a view in which the resborer)' concurred. It was agreed hold the next regular meeting in 1'illis church, ('limon, on Tuesday, arch lith, at 10:3)a, m� 'A WORLD OF GOOD. hat's What Mrs.' Kinsella Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Ihd for Her. Mr. `tallows then Avdreso the 4111101'11 un a list of things he wit Led (8 attendcrl to. bust year he strived for in a dog -lag bylaw, by whish the dog K tax was to be paid and A tag for the year secured at the sante time, bot the se l,ylaw, he Judd, had not. been passed. of Seconded by Mr. Young, he moved th that the clerk prepare such a hyla►w, o The enforcement of the bylaw govern- 111 ing the clearing of the lidewalke of w pintos,was him eecernd item, and thio oh Wax referred tothe public work) eom• mn nlittee with power. The dustiest of the p)liee were not clearly defined, herald, n and on his motion the clerk was in- structed to write other town's and th eltiee for copies of their mikercggula- JI tions. Other MattorsMr. Sallow,. rat mentioned were the enforcement of toe. St. Malachie, Que., .Ian. 21,- p•riAI.A -Women who croon will be tereettel in the story of MI•m. James insella, of thin piece. in "1 hada pain myright hip." Mrs. Kinsella, "and in the small the back, and wan swollen all down e right side of the Ahdntnen. muss every 1 W:o hliged to ns water evy fifteen Mutes in a horning, itchingsart'of Ay. 1 could not 'sleep, Font was lige('to sit In an Armchair for two 'rimers."Then i started to ase 1)ndd'm Kit• ey Pills, and after the Mot box felt h Netter. 1 rontinucrl to use en, and now f can go to bird and Pep am other people do. They did • a world of good in other way. w , THE SUNUGHT WAY (1 tt /•'i<"% UB ON SUNJ.IGHT SOAP ?tea-,•. • II,. LEAVE 30 To00 MINUTES' RINSE WELL Sunlight' Soap is better than other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands. and the clothes'''Ywill be perfectly white, woolens soft and fluffy. The reason'for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no in;uri:us chem;cals -- indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing. dirt-removingproper- ties of soap that is nothing but 30.3p. it and follow 5c. Buy d,rec:iens 5c. YOt'R MONEY REFUNDED ht the denier from whom Sou boy Sinillzhi Soap if )ou had vat) cIu.0 lo: eulllileuet. LEVER R51114etS LIMITED, TORONTO) AN 1N\ ITATION 1s extended to all who contemplate the purchase of a piano to make a critical examination of the Bell; it is the only way to acquaint yourself with its superior qualities. The Bell is the only piano with vr: g the hliimitable Qtlick Repeating Action. Loadu, Jail.2- tattle are quoted at i0114e t�Syc.per 1 ; refrigerator, 7' a to fl%TORONTO\AUNCTfe . LIVE STOCK. Be.•elpls of 11 stork a the Colon Stork Yards were 57 c loads, ' pos•il of 1112 Settle, 2U 'perp, hugs, oaf and bones. ✓ .0 Zapo era. Prices for exporters iugcl an14x1 to $463, with two or thr lute tt a i1tt1• 'Aare mussy. -}spurt hulls old at 2.. 10 p Send for Booukful (Free) 3ookl01 B fo The DELI PIANO®OrgonCo.. Lamited GUE.LPH,ONTAR1O. Ea 1112 EINI EN r>✓ 'Phone w to W Tun soar, Jan. 25, 1906 A. McKim Godench Clearing Lots Without considering Cost or gm Loss. W IN DRESS GOODS ■E tilt yards - homespun sirens goods fitrsilts, skll•ts. gi r'la suit.i, ehildren'r coats, rte; Regular prieee 75c W SEM. 50c - flood colors. To clear at per yard About 100 yards heavy black sateen, mrreerlex•el, 1 macular value 15e and 17e. to clear at per yard 1 C al - JACKETS all short jeckets price) up to 1110.00 unaptly black). 11111 with a few of the newest f lengths, priced sip too $1 9 C7 1}1.50, to clear at each .7 'lit jackets. the r'el'y newest in woolens', gill., and children's, HALF PRICE. t=� Men's and boys' overcoats, all new, at ONE-THIRD off. Woolen's and girls' felt hats, values up to ez.5o, for 25c, On :account of the open 8044500 We have. these and ▪ 1I1a11y more got els that We can't afford to club' • over. McKIM'S BUSY STORE - tot' �■1� Be Alive to Your Own Interests. 5!to, putckerr, licked Iota ^Roll at $1.23 to .:L) b t there were few ut rbcs.•. BenIr ds wd at at to 1.4.23; medium. dt $3.111 tt let N.): oomwun at -$x.23 to $3.30; crows lit 42, , to 53.25 per cwt: Mllrh Cows, About 1a son, b cows mud springers ao, at 5*5 to V.1.00-14 aaup.ylad LswIsa. Ilelh'.•r(es wrrr lirbt, and prices firm at $11.73 per cwt. for limbo and 54.73 per 'wet, fur sxpurt -ewes. a MOTHERS RELY ON Hear, 11, Pc-Kennetty'report* peace. 23e per eat. higher; selects, $7; light fats, $11.75 per cwt. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal. Jan 2.2.-(5peelal.t • -t.1verpnol, rabies on (•atudlsa rattle came steady at toy,•, while prices in Ialndou are lower at IM.. Glasgow mance+ reported trade bad tad prices bye lower, but slated that u better trade woe expected next week arilpp- meut•i from Portland and St. Joint. 1.1t., last week were 44)50 cattle and 533 sheep; Recelpta were 1•200....We. 30 nines cows. 50 ob,•up end Irwba 073 calve. and 91* bogs. The butchery Nowt out atrnng audtrade ass fair lower prlce.,being pall for_,attle. Prime lieeres sold at 4%c to "e per Ib., but Roue of them were letter than 041.11: pretty goal rattle sold at ache to 4... nod the common atoek at "t,r to 3•.r. eosin 'old at $30 to 5.3 each. Air. Rltrh'tt paid 122. nr at the rate of iiTi5f,,,,r per lb., for • superior .•aIf and 1:k, $.r eight other young raters. wlarh ...11 at 1 to $.i each, Sheep sold at 454.' and lambs at*. per In. The market for bogs rotationed very strong gnu Prre* scored J a further ofr mus rim madeW serosa from packers wag V kern and O ibis were made at $7.30 to i7.73 per dub' EAST BUFFALO CATTL* MARKET. Fast Buffalo, Jun. 22. -Cattle lteaelpts,, a'O$ head: steady; heavy slow : others ar- Svc prime steers, 55.33 to >E575*; ebippink, 54.00 to $5.20; hoteliers, $4.33 to $5.10: heat- ers $3.110 to $.7.5: rows�-a 52.30 to $4.21); balls. 52.30 to 54.83; ahN•grrit mad feeders 5:1.50 to $4::s ; .toe -1 heifers *3 to $.3.13; fresh rows Mid aprlagel-o acute and strong, $:10 to $Ss. Hoge Itrrelpt., 15,60D bead; attire; 3C to Ilk• higher; heavy ,and mixed, $5.53 to 53.11u; Yorkers, $5.14 to, 13.116; pigs, $3,116 to MI; rough., 5.80 to $5.10; .tams. 4:1.23 to $4. • Sheep and Lambs. Reeelpt. 21.600 (read: Iambs, 110.25 to $7.+1e; yearlings $4)!at he 50.75: wetherg, $6.60 to fa; ewe. *514.2:. to $3.50; sheep, mixed $3 to $5. 5; sweated,lambs, $7.23 to $7.40. ' NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, Jim, 22. - Reerea-Receipt'. 4331: .teem slow and generally 1.k• lower; bull. Weedy; cow's' to 10,- lower; steers. 14.33 to 16.62,y; oxen, $3.30; bolts, 11 to $4.10: ' rows', *1.70 to 5:3.75. Shipment. tosmorlgw. 7550 cattle. Calves --'Receipts, 1283; yeah 25. to ars le er; Bober calves steady: weals, 15 tu" 3. • choice. $11.90; little calves ilt50 to barmy_rd radrer 53 to $:' weaM terl, .50 i.3 , Sheets�1 rad lalmhs - lieeelpfs, OW; market enmity; ..beep, #1.50 to (.5,51k: choice, $3.75; culls, $2.514) to 13: Iambs 47.:5.. to $a; no common or n ,'shim Iambi here: mulls. $3. I ing.-Kea.• to 13,1434: market 19• to the* higher: state ntg1 1•enns3lranio hogs, $0,10 to $51.23. CHICAO STOCK. (!baro, Jen.-Reeelpt., A- CM; 11k• to 1:.e. mnn to pinto steers, W-75 to $3 to 3n: barer., 12.23 to , 52 to *410; calves, 53 to 5S; feeders, $2.40 to $4.3). !logs --Receipt., 45,O1.10; fir, her; ehol.•o to prime. henry, 154*) to $5115;tiedlum to go..l heavy $5.3, to $5,04; attehers' weight. 13.33 to $565; good t choice heavy mixed, x3.00 to 83.33; parkin to $15.h5. Sherrie and Lambs Rerelpts, 114,0100:" AI sheep. 54.31 to $3.73: yearlings, 56 to $00 lambs, $6.511 to 57.50. O tVE hlgbe oro $.:11: nos $3; h II. Mocker* a 1 Golden Wedding. Ottawa, Jho.-a.-Rlr .Tames and lady (brant yesterday celebrated their gold- en wedding. They were married in Ota tawa 60 years ago. Mrs. Grant wan s daughter of the late Mr. Malloch, M. 1'. for Carleton. HOCKEY. Yesterday's lemerd. 0 games were played In the O. 1t. A. esterday, but the following belated tett • a of. Saturday games were re- ceived; Federal League, Ottawa V1p.... a Montagnarde ... 2 Exhibition. Torosto Veer, a earnest., Tech... 1 Brockville .... 13 Morrlsburg , , Prof tonal League, Houghton Caaadlan Soo .. 4 *TAT1'. ,W 01110. CITY of HSI" 1 I,( (AS ('0e. , m "'• Plank J. Cheney makes( th that he Is Ren for tsarner M the firm of E. J. ('honey t doing hnalneee In the city of Toledo, county and State MnrsaM and that said flan will toy the suns of (INF: h17NI)ItII) 1*1LI,Ait.M0,,, Each and every rause nfrxttarrh that cannot be CUM! Dr the use of Hall's Catarrh rote. Sworn to before me andYsnl ••rihhe, In my presence. this ath day 0f Deremler A. D. INA. IAoah A. W. Od,EANtt,,N Notary t•nhtl7. HsII'svt'atorrh ('ore to taken Internally. rind arts (Meetly on the blood end macho. ,ottfec •. M the *gotten. Mend for tewtimonl.lo free. OtnM h all A J.CHENEY k ('1).. Toledo, O, R,nnte, 7.W. Take Hall, enmity PM. for rnnntipetlan. Swelled leap la bettor than ether Naps, bat is beet when used i* tee ewal ebt wee. Say Seahgbt cap wed Allow elteelliela 1. Gray's Syrup to keep the children safe from CROUP. It disolres the thick .4putam-clears the throat -breaks up.. cold, Mad Ct.'RES COUGHS. Keep ay'sSyruporRedSpruceGam -.always in the hoose. A hot tie of this famo.sremedy is your best -protection against those sudden 'light •)tacks of croup. Equally good fore!! throat and luta trembles-- for y. c.g mud-otd, lS W. bottle. Is the paying hen beyond a doubt. Otte dozen of eggs on the average sells. for t • same as one pound of butter, and the labor is much less. Nothing on the farm gives such paying results, if.' •perly fed as the hen, as it is her natural action to lay eggs. Hercules Poultry Flood contains the harnile:s ingredients tha t makes your hens lay 'in winter t,me when eggs are at the highest price. Besides, it keeps them in splendid condition to resist disease. HERCULES LOUSE KILLER will keep your fowl free from ver__ and CLYDESDALE CARBOLINE ANTISEPTIC will keep your h house clean. This adds to the egg production. All our nreitarations are sold under a POSITIVE GUARANTEE dr SATISFACTION or money cheerfully refunded by the dealer. ' Clydesdale Stock Food Go.. Limited, Termite. Oat. Buy Footwear where it is sold strictly on its merits. Try the makes we are selling. •You'll like them. correct winter styles in shap;' y, perfect -fitting, comfortable good -wear - does at the littleut prices we'vo ever known f. shoos of equal quality. You'll have reason tQ 1,,e,,Itgnutl_oL your -spat-if you-wear-a--pair-of our shoes.. REPAIRING. SOLE AGENTS FOR GODERICH FOR THE TWO MOST FAMOUS LINES. QUEEN QUALITY FOR WOMEN AND WALK -OVER FOR MEN. Downing & MacVicar ^CODER/CH. I nvictus Shoe Advantages The "Invictus Shoe" assortment affords every :advantage to the purchaser.. The newest fashions, the best leathers, the little original touches of style characterize them as being out of the ordinary. Made in a wide range of styles including shoes for every need and service. The most attractive values offered in men's shoes today at $3.75; $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. D. STOIIUAJtT. MRS. E. 1, vlvi;LI . 0.41. 1BALLARit. 1 .,,:..111! Ile Oo»F:IUICH w, lir 111101.V$ k ier... .. OgOER((11 I`i Sr.I t•T )S un. Int'F iIEh1." ._.:, .....Itl'XUANNIJN Sold on 3 Months' Trial Your money retuned if not satiated ;n every way. Co' I z ALWAYS READY FOR INSTANT USE because the' (..rh..-1) gne,., " i sr/prey-wally teneerred and hollows -mend in its own peculiar way. With ordinary careful use, It will hold its edge for ra with / ,to M W. OWEI.L. . ()derirh rt(, P� 0t, O ratcea M .Vt„tt.*,.*3.. P.1r 1n too homer ewe • Cassis c.Mao 5 9 tar k..n Mara. "Carbo -Magnetic" Elas- tic Cushfo *$rope, 51.00. fres booklet ' • u w bbiesn." For •at.• ht RUBBER STAMPS WM. SHARMAN r. East St. and Square - GODERICH Thr , I sOsd` 'lt*iicit4 i` i'7lA`+49**iiic .:cit-i44'IF' cie oiricSpc49 �p9494 ,p*113 * fi are headquarters for -- PIANOS ORGANS+* and '. 4. 4' SEWING MACHINES. 4.- ilf At it, dame address, sinr& 1,01 Alder Stencils, Steel Stamps, Pile, Card ont- fts, White Enamel Lettere, &c. Write us, we'll do the rest. Chas. Hack. 9-11.18 King St. West. Toronto . 'PHONE 15 oR 24 trnrehnnao t cr. Wert When ppn want 1.ntl Vents) street lthd THE Biter rat 70 ,14 8glaro • AL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 1, All ('oral menthe., on the market ,riles, when: you get 2,I6 14. for . !on :WM. LEE. tinier. ten at . .. I,EE:4 Hardware store East side Square, pron,Ply attended to. G. W. Thomson & Son -34 4 ris from DURING the many, + years an which we have •e"•' tw been engaged in cater -i` pp�11 s, in{ to the need. 01 the t_' 'e►WJ4 ai "z1 We wish to announce. that we were never in a better position for the handling of marketable goods in our line 7 ' than at the present time. Not only in the la..ger ments are we well prepared PIP to meet the nit:1st particular demands upon pa, but in the smaller instruments, such as Guitars, Mandolins. Flutes. Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Monsh Organs, etc., also is our stock for the coining holiday season well sX' very complete. :in assorted. In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the putk‘ations of all the leading composers, is * : Edison Phonographs and Records, Berliner and other Gramophones, Empire Typewriters, Fountain Pens, School Requisites, Fine Stationery. etc.. etc. We cordially invite you to notice yrnir holiday selections at our Music Emporium. G. W. THOMSON & SON 4, The Square Goderich. 3,44,4,44,14,**4645+4,454±1 t+ 4545454-4464$454446.46X ear