The Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 4ft 4 THVRIDAY, Jas. 25, IYt6 TB it SIGNAL: GODERICR ONTARin • A LONG SESSION. Many Matters Engage Town Council's Attention Last Friday. Assessor, Clerk and Police Magistrate to Have Separ- ate Offices and Town Hall to Be Furnace Heated Mr. Blair Opposed to Grant to Orange- men and Council Doubtful of Its Legality Another Move for Clean Water. The regular tweeting of the town cuuneil'Isst Friday was a her three- hour ses$iu11, and it great deal of bo is was put through. All the melt I)ers Were present awl the plrx•e•et ing4 started puurtlxll-vet $ dcloe•k. Sunman., signing himself, Ratepayer. urged immediate attention to the re- pair of the mart at the summer hotel for the pngwr pt� ote•tion of the town's interests. Tltis Was referred t1 the committee which i4 111 ••large• if the matter. Later iii the evening a report was given, verbally, by Mr. Elliott. chair- man of the c ter. as to the peiig. tris made. The committee had eon - Milted the windier as to the town's powers in having auly'reipatirs :nude. aid On his advice hod written Miro. Smith, asking her if she intender to come lark next season and take charge again, and if she would fix the building, as it required iunneliate at- tention. Her answer haul nut yet been received. The $ioo Vote to Orangemen. , The question of the $1141 voted In• last year's eumnci1 for advertising in connect' with the holding of the annual meeting tel the Right Wor- shipful Provincial (rand Orange Lodge of Ontario West in Gladrt•ieh the coining \larch was brought up by a Tetter to the Mayor from the chairman it the committee, 1.:11. Told, which read in art as follows: In aecorlance• with trstlotions of the town clnneil of (i(sirrieh. dated Match :Bel and March ugh, IIMtu. I Iwg leave to make application to Pout Worship, on behalf of. 1. O. 1. l$2 for the $1141 granted, in order that we may devote the money to adveK tiring purposes, for which it was legally granted'. In my humble opin- ion all that is required „order the treasurer, slgnt4l by the Mayor and clerk." A copy of the report of the finance committee. dated Jhar•h nth. ifMki• which was adopted at the time by the council. on Motion 1,f Messrs. Clark atnd Thongx+ui, Mr. Blair dissenting. ,was enclosed. The reeom mendation was as follows: "That, if it ii legal to do so, the couni•il grant 1111 and send an invitation to the Provincial Orange Lodge of On- tario West. asking them to meet here next year. - Mr. Blair said he took the objection when the resolution was plowed that the council had no right to do its and said he was still li ()pawed to that way of granting money. Any ot•ganizJation bringing a elrow•d to town would ask for a grant. •. the precedent was established. and where were we t1 draw the line The council, however. did not wish to hreak faith with the committee of the Orangemen, esiwcially as they had beton acting on the strength of the grant. and Messrs. Elliott and Goldthorpe , unwed to confirm the grant. conditional on,the town solici- tor's opinion as to its legality 'wing favorable. .(' a r r i ed. Mr. f{aH1wa thought the council had no power to make the grant. and recalled an twea- sion when a tants MS' was gotten up some twelve or fifteen year.. ago by some of the members of St. Peter's congregation, and a grant was e.ecutm) troth the town. On that o•e,lsinn an injunction Was tweet's! restraining the town tIlancil from paying the money over. Messrs. 'Nair anti KIlic,tt, moved that, if it watt found legal to pay the money at all. it slteiuld 11e disbursed under the dime ' on rif the :r1eptiiin committee o n f erre t h omit \n_ ul. l`arriwl. Investment of Sinking1uods. Messrs. Dickinson A '(}at•felw• wrote as follows : \\ 4 M. O. Johnston, Town 4'Jerk. Oa pa snit, 4',. Ie In ode 7.•11.41, utter in .triol lon. front the late Mayor. gist Ite;for• the hast enrol loo. a,• have• taken lune . of Colborne. a mortgage for pk.m. p1r the ranking food In the hands of the Masa Loan. The lout is lteyablr tivt• Yen, ft, the 4th of January Instont, with intetewl ,e S per 1en1.. with the privilege. tioarvet% of paying hark any ,amt not less dont tDu or re Man on coy uh of .January. The loan 1. n IIartld•ubu fly good • ,ut&,,,,.a ern to the requirement. of the -.int ore. w'e would at,o n•udud yup that there were n number of other Inane submitted to you not long ago, and we would he ghat to Swill 0 in.lre1,•1 ton, of some 'or! real/eel ing theun se/ that the .inking fund, may he appttert a, far ars tau-ible on .uelo Iran. ,w mea er 11,e term, of the mond • for that purpose. Yours troll. In, sOSSna k li.tllKu t On motile tot'' Meaat•i. Hltit and Clark a resolution was passed mot bort- zing the nerepinnce of 1111 mortgages on the solicitor's bands which .1,u1 - ply with the statutory rrgtiirenents, up t1 an at munt not exceeding $11,- 41111. 7`hr a t onto Illltlied to $1 1. - OM owing to *714)!, 5,f the *14.111, ,.1 fund,. now on deposit, being rrttuired in ae year or w). Collector's Report on Overdue Tures, 'rhe tax collector 1114(•1e1 a. fol- lows : "The tuxes of 1141, ea 'Heeled and raid (over to the town (remoter!. up to 1 ember, Mat. 11Mki. ,uirnlntel1 111 $31,1114.0i, anti dis'nlints allowed mime $111.:3l. Since t nervy 1st $32.i Additiol,al has Igen paid to the treas user, making in all paid the Ito,usting to date $dl,3lt$1.0i, for which I loom the teasnlet's receipts. W i t h amounts linable to collect and a inflows to be registered against Lund, there will he lesath,In 1111,,411 to la. eolleeted. The taxes of 11411 and loot have all )wen colleMed and paid over to the treasurer. except Si • $ranolithie walk rate's which are disputed. and until these• Iter arranged rolls eanntot he chimed up. As the pressing of these clairns may involve legal pro•eeding1w would request the council have thin matter referred ton eolooloo'.' 1st t•On. aider." Mr. Blair asked if the collector .hod Made his statutory declaration of taxes unpaid vet ihrrnlls•r 15th, and received an nnnwl•r in the negative, Mr. Comp bell sating he dirt not, know that much a declaration was required Mr. 'titch also asked if the five percent. premium had been collected on taken paid after December faith, and was told that n1 additions had lawn made. Mr. Blair said that if It was a proper thing to add five per rent. after December 1.1t.h 't It should be added. There could Iw only one right way, and the exact parpraw, of the reindeer! declaration was that the council should know fretnt nnf w•htnl the premien should be sol Meted. On motion of 11,404•,, Blair and Elliott. the assr44t11• was asked to hand the eh:M.1MM of the Himmel. glitter a list of unpaid tuxes at par rut and +1141 of the dtspuled taxeti 1,f 11411 nod 104. 'I'Im• latae • Bats were promptly produced. It appear); 111,111 What WAS stated in the council it the exemptions granted the It tlltt alg (' poly and IIIc 1.OIII- ta4• (' patty terminate this year or next Dr. Macklin on Board of Health. Itolwi•t Mrle•arl de.liued the 4ui- tiln on the hoard of health, to which he was appointed at tlie• bust council alerting, un the gruultd of (wing over OW /WI' 11111i t. Mr. .1eIe4011'a tesignu- Lion was accepted and 1h-. Moult lin watgxalltel:s, 111 fits Ilv. A letter 1• 11. I. Strang, 11. A.. thanker the einuwil for the misulie•it431 In. • he haul receive) in api4tint- ment to the library board. To Relieve Liability for Accident A circular felons the Ontario Muni- cipal Association requested the sign- ing iof an enclosed form of petition to the legislative Assembly, asking that section 1441 of the Municipal Act Ite re- p•alel which would relieve muni - (1144l corporations front liabilit • for nun-fe,tsutce. but not trout liability for mis-feasance, ordheir posit ivrncte, neeiiti111 iltg ittjlo•y to persons in Travelling publie highways. The cir- cular stated Gnat he section imposed too heavy bunlels ou tunnicipuiliti's in tucking thein practically iuemlel1 of the tt•avellling public. The circular Inas refected to the publie works voile 11)itter, Mr. Blair thinking that) the matter should ie carefully looked in- to before asking the legislature to re- lieve mloticipalities of responsibility for accidents owing to lord (roads. Lighthouse Street. Residents' Petiti -- �vjuest frnn —riot—Went s of 1 the vicinity, asking for n street light on Lighthouse street, midway between 4Vatr't•doo and Wellington streets. w•hicfi'had been before the told council and left over owing to the emit of in- stalling an arc light :and the m'er- luaulel condition of the incandescent slate'''. was Brought up again. Sev- eral of the citizens concerned were resent and their cause Was rlutngr toned by 11r. Elliott. Mr. Blair, w•11110 entirely in favor of granting the light, expressed his preference for referring the Matter to the water and light committee to get the engineer's re- port. He w, s' in favor of having a general report fr+gi the electrician as to what lights wee •ecessartgforprop- er•ly lighting dark vela, as there were many such,. Iwfe culttnitting the council ahsolutely, !IS aright be necessary to refuse even last ' Ieaw1I1- able requests. Messrs. Ella t and Goldthorpe moved t1 grant t re- quest and Messrs. Blair and ('lar to refer (1'to the. Comuuittee. On a dry +ion Mr. Young voted for the tomtit on ,141 Mr. Sallows for the amendment and the Pubvor gave his casting' rote for the motion. The light will le an incandescent tow. Tree* and Cannon for Park. The cemetery•, parks and market committee recommender As f,tllOs..: Tl,{I the park seats be lalinttd by the town employees; that the well on the northwestaide of the room house be 1111ed: that the drain in Harlem Talk he tilled ; that the Park !louse park be planed with fovea: that the oleo cartoon in Victoria Park be mounter and plowed in 3 proper place in the town: that the sexton furnish a list of ceuletl•r'y. pots JO,vuesl, with the names of the lo•at'es, since his ap slinlent. for the use of the clerk... Ttm The repo.? ryas adopted. 11It amend- ment offered by 11r. Blair Ito the effect that the constable on duly in the ming paint the seat to finding no se.undet•. • Changes Under New Water Rate Roll. .1,.,w'pli Whitely was heard in cum pl, lit against mercer• of water tine, as 1 I. re•snll of the lour of inspeTion )(met lee.. made to- the 111,11re. The u ittet'\was n•fcl•rel til the Witter ,old lig eh rte.. .Mi. 41'ltitedy. it alga • •s, had leen prying $4( for set: vote at' /owning & .Ii.l'ie•at s stool, olid 1.1x1 14 ,ll alye, ,11111 w'aa t111µ• charged w' li the two taws: Wes. or *12. He said yeti, little water was used in either plate. h 1 was willing to leave the matter in t hands of the com- mittee. He aptk also of the services at his own hour•,, 'Where Ile thought he was 1yiii harged. Finances. A11 ae.l,lnt of the Niall ill Carbon Co., 4'leveland, for *11, Wtt. referred t. 1 hr finniti a i•onnuitO'te fila a reit i tied 'u r t of the Queen 1 Toronto, one barrel 4.011111 •r oil, JI. in. was nolenrl paid, the form,hhty t'1 ttle.rting it to the eulntuitte• ll.iiu dispensed with. in order to have it paid in time 111 Obtain each etiactultt. T h to thinner a tree 1-1•r1nn- nwnded 1h,• payment of the following nrrolatts: 1', (`, Lee, SKIM; Mnnlei- pul World, $16.11'; 1. A. Walker, $:1.2.1; 4tsilnu•r Snaith. $1.'Li: 1'ann- dian Remelt Eie'l•tttie 1'O., *11.11,: Itoty Engine Works, *I.ln: tosepli Its,,hler. $17.25; Municipal World, *7.25; 11. 11. Townaeud, *.i: I1. .1, ('nrry, *1 ; W. ('. (footle. $2.13; Sln- niripal World. 1101.7:1; T. Swart, $11: Weill City Oil Co.. *1:1.111; Packard Electric ('o., *i i5: The Stave, *90111 The Sigtunl, $1ki.14 : (ieorg,• Campbell. $2; Dickinson k Garr,w, 11.62. Th. rnrnmit tts. reenmiuendel also that all those supplying goats to the town be notified that all nccoanta, so far as pr*Mirable, most be sent in monthly. and that the clerk cmtsult with the treasurer and procure rubber stamps to mark much separate 141r•ou11, directing to What dlrmrement such account in to:he charged. The report wait adopted. Town Offices to Re Remodelled. The public works committee reerinl- mended that Architect FOWIPef4 plans for rermalelling and improving the town (offices he aeeepts1. and that the work be prrtweeded with out Ma/n na tlnsrihlt. The report Watt adopted, The plans provide for separate office.. for the clerk and the ixseaaor and one for the police magistraland for a Iattement with furnace and coal t .Menta. The doing . atony with the atovew 14111.1110111e ee y of !liter in the arrangement of euetmcillonl dark and the Mayor'a dais make Irattll h • the as4esa1r14 office (wing taken mit itrail,tbt• space 1.1 took., a police of the council sloop(•e without very other, 11' ft. it 18 ft., to the back of materially trducttlg the ace 4(8111 -_- tio11 for the potent! public at coum.il uaytiltgt. The proposal Is tot take 7 N:etrutlamed un pyre 5.1 t off the length Of the pteseht •neral office, making it 15 f1. x 14 ft., and devoting it to the use of the clerk, and adding this 7 feet to the other i r Genuine CLEARING SALE General merchandise FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY. lawommo COMMENCING M ONDA Y, JANUARY 22nd The undersigned begs to announce to his many customers and the general public that he will offer the following goods at bargain prices. If you are in want of goods here mentioned you will make no mistake in coming and taking a look at the lines he is offering and noting the quality and prices quoted. The following will give you some idea of the different lines he is offering. Come early and make your selections. V1•'rapperettes a n d Colonial Flannels We (,tree it goal assort- ment of these glxxlS:.`you con have your choice at the following prices: Fancy wrapp'1'e•ttes. regular price 11k and 12l'r, per yard wrapp erettee,; twilled finish, regular price 15c. ler yard • 11c Fancy colonial' flannel.., reg- ular ,price l:x•, ler yard 11e Wool Blankets These• gexals were bought before the advalte• in prier, so you ran make no mistake in 'buying. 0)x71 in. wta)1 blankets, reg- ular price $3.141. per pan. *2.4.i. 141x)41 in. wood blankets, reg- ular price $1.511, per pale 14)x7$ In. wad blankets, reg. ular prier $5.141, per puri. 6402 in. King Edward bran I, regular pt 100 $.1.141, iwt• pl i l' ... • .. _ sees... Eiderdown Com- forters ietrge :uul vat•i:yl assort- - latent to select from. Prices as follows: God size, regular prin. *1.5/. each lllllll $1.15 72x72 ll. size. regular prier' $Y.4s1, • alt ...sees .*1.21. 72x72 in. s *2.511, each. These goods a good fancy chintz Ifound reliable. regular price tirade tette id will be Kid Gloves YaIt• choice of 1,nr fol assortment. Regular prices Stasi and *1.21, per pair isle. Ready-made Clothing Overcoats Nen', grey 1)xforl, regular price $3.141, each ' ..1$i, 75. (,luck cheviot, trgmlar price $7.511, touch $.1.141. lien's henry tweed, reptilian. price 61,/41, each $7.56 'Ien'4 Mark Ideas.•. cloth, tegmen. price 51:150, Pneh .....$11.14,. Tweed Suits \pen's• plain tweed, .snarler price $.5.110, each. $3.7:., 41.n'a plain Yweel, ti,tnla• incite $7.50, each..... Vestal, 11Pn'n fattl•y rhe.k. trgprltr. mice $$.I41, eleh \Ii'n',i dark grey Halifax, reg- ular price 0$.441, each $J.:di. ',hits fancy .leek. regular pi ire $111,1 1, each57,:01 I'len's Pants - ;GI pwii- 11411'. 11,hI tx alt red, r'gitlat• price *1.7:,, peer nail - it $1.25. pails•ZI .11s men's Halifax alifax t Weed, t'gnhm prier *2.141, pt r sett - 3.1 tiles men's fancy alripe• tar, 1, tegldat• prin. $2.41,, I"'t ltd $1.4:5. ,Boys' and Youths' Suits A large and ' varied assurt- meut-of boys and youths' suits at clearing prices. iehe above mentioned cloth- -mnde ltry--the John- ston Idros. and is 'noted for its perfect -fitting' and superior gwtlities. Gents' Furnishings 111u's regatta shirts, your choice of a good aasla;l• meat, each - - •Wc Pitney four- tiro 2 for . 'til•. Fancy .ilk four-in-hand ties, 2 for 2ir•, Faoty silk flowing .entl ties. tepptlu• pricy :Irk•, each :air•. An asw,rtInent of fancy silk oeekscarfs, from Y•'a• to Tae. (lents' kid -lined gloves, regu- lar price 51k•. per pair :irk. Gent's kid -lined in n c Ito • glovfle. regular• price $1.141• pwu pair 71•4 A goad . mstortment of heavy pined leather mitts at clear- ing prices. Fur Goods Owing to the mild winter woe have a large stock on hand and in older to Make quick sale we are putting them on sal' ,It prices that will e-nnvhi•e the shrewdest buyer that we ltiean what we say: Space will tont allow its to e•mm..lettte theta hilt we ran *saute you wr have wane. good reliable at Is ranging in price from $1.1 1t $14.511. Dress Good This line is full of gots At tempting prices. Basket cloth in blown, nay .net ,and green, regular, orrice 30e. per yard 21e MMney tweed effects, regular pew. kite, per yard Mc Box cloth in plain color., been and green, regular prier :alk•, per y'anl .41e. English rep. regular price OW.. per yard ' 45c. ''e•netta11 cloth. 141 in. wide, in green, brown and navy. tegubu• price 7:s•, pet yard ;►1c Farley tweed cheek sailings, 44 in. wide• in brown. navy 1 dark grey, regular price 7:s•, per yatrl.....154. :Scotch and English smiting,. :eft in. wide.' in top -to -date shades and patterns, legit - lar ( price *1.2.1 and $1.1.1, per yard tele rod S1.l1. 5� a have other lines lei lq''nlly goal tau,'. Prints The choice of our• full assortment. Krgubn '1,4- and 121r• lines, per yard . ... i Embroideries and Insertions An asstortnl.nt of 1,1141 Valli. to select frinn. }trgnlar$c and Inc lines, Iwo yard We will offer many other lines at clearing prices, such as wool node-rwetr, men's winter caps. winter footwear. such as ladies' felt shoes, menb over- shoes, lumbermen's rubbers, so<ks in all qualities, ladies' and men's craven- ette raincoats, ladies' ready•to-wear skirts, and many other lines will be found on our tables at prices just as tempting as any we have quoted. We have three reasons for making this clearing }ale. 1st. we want to make room for spring goods which will soon arrive. 211d. we do not believe in carrying over goods from one season to another. Last, but not least, we Cannot afford to do so ; hence our clearing sale. Thanking you for past favors and trnst- 1ng that you will avail yourself of this opportunmty of purchasing ke sa : at reduced prices. Your obedient servant S. J. YOUNG DUN(IANNON - ONTARIO. Terms of sale, cash or produce. • Spring Goods THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF SPRING GOODS NOW READY FOR OFFERING IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : Canadian Prints, English Prints, White Cotton Waistings, Laine 1)e Soie,Waistiugs, Chambrays, Ginghams, Mercerised ('o!ored Waisting:$, Potton 1)elaiue Waistings, Dress Remnants 21 dress ends from 1 yams to 4f which will lw offered at away below cost prices to clear. Some (lick and some colored. A IOW. 03(AP. Skirts 12 dress skirts to be offered at the following ',hookup : $2,IM1 value for $1.511. $2.54) value for *2.14,, $2.7.1 value for $2.25. $3.75 value for $3.1:1. $1.54) for $3.:111. , $)i), ),,lue for $1.441, Good cloth and well made. ,1 Silk Waists 11 silk waists, 6 white and .1 blit, 1 , made fion1 pure Jallxu silk, $2.25 value fur 51 7.% and $3.00 value for *2.56. Factory Cotton 1,544) yards ut factory cotton in ends from 5 to .2i1 yams in a piece direct from the mill, bought at so much it pound, 34 to 37 inches wide, free from specks and Haws, just right for sheets end pillow rovers and the prices are under present wholesale figures. J• Ha •COLBORNE Phone 86 Cash or Produce alb We Can always rely (111 nor .1,4t o,, , , •snt keit...- that with our Canned Goods ler•aIlse we handle 1,114. reliable brands that we know all about. Every house- keeper knows how •h difference there is in these household necessities. And it is not Always the price that in. sneer the quality. 1i -e• me show int ir Ilnr t.f eanmrI goads that we are sell- ing very low indeed. so low in fact that you Will he san•prised how good they are When they :►plea. 1,n your table. P 56e Da Millar Co On • Square Last 5 days of our successful Stock4aking Sale Further reductions in all goods of_ passing fashion. -. Extraordinary real -Mons which have been made in every section ofeour store give- unparalleled opportunities of securing new and seasonable goods for below their actual value. Still further reductions have be made in our Mantle, Jacket and Rain Coat Department. Only> • few left o .f these we are clearing out at ridicul- ously low prices. 50c Waistings 39c per yard All that are left of our .,uc w;tiStings go out at ;19c per yard. No more than a waist left of any one. Factory Cottons Just to hand a large shipment 111 factory cottons. ])ur- STURDY & CO. ing this sale`we are charging•these at mill prices. Prints and Shaker Flannelettes 'trite for ,rttill...Mai., Large range of 11ew pit tlts a1111 shaker flannelettes much under the actual valine. Special prices in comforters, piaidings, flannels, flannelettes and sheetings at keen prices. Add,e., Box 173 Goderich Ont. MILLAR'S POPU AR STORE 'Phone 56 'Phone 56 A GOOD BRUSH Wt. Iliemt,1 hair brush. did ht's brush. 1u1t (rush, 1ni1 brush, Hoath brush or sharing brush. But especially in hair (.Ashes we have at present some that are particularly goal and serviceable. and that were sought and are marked at very reasonable prices. Some very nice tones in ebony, rosewood, light woods. celluloid, etc. let us shun- them to you. S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store GODERICH. ma 'PHONE 135 HAMILTON ST• STOVES and RANGES At Bargain Prices 1 We want to clear our large stock of Stoves and Ranges by Feb- ruary 1st and are quoting on them Prices that You cannot afford to allow to Go past you. Every Stove and Heater Guaranteed Big bargains in Hardware, (class, Tin and Graniteware Worsell's Cheap Stove and Hardware Store Hamilton Street - - GODE1. ICH lest ..t.