HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 3Tau MAT, Jan. 25, 11104 3
YEAR? Maud door .aah anti goods.
woo,. as pleasant, permanent mad profitable.
(moils used la merry house, every day. No fake.
and uu need tu create the demand 1..ellitittlate.
reputable Immure. You can Wart without • twat J . Lundy, of Toronto. has ing to the laLas front jumped off the
es . Waite to day t; !I wasiam.f. k Ors. opened a dental office in Kiucardine. high ice banks into the lake and Was
Wholesale Teas. •ud Coffees. Loudon. Oat. Rusatell HairtrY, of Seatfortla, hats 411•"wiwd• Th° dee'''°4411 "8 "l'irtrr
ews .of the &strict.
you —noth-
ing more
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an eve*
balanced, wholesome, nourishing •
food, equally good for young and
old. Made from Canada's finest
wheat flour, rich cream and pure
butter. Baked by the Mooney
baker in the Mooney way.
Say Mooney's ' to your grocer.
Just Common Sense
'teen engaged as teacher in H.S.. Nu.
It. J. Merritt low dimposed of his
photographee's4 business in Kincarditte
to C. Cooper, of -Montreal.
Mimi Petrie, of Brueefield, hoe heen
engaged as teacher by the tisisteeti 01
S. S. azo. 12,Hullett and Goderich.
Da. John Ferguson, of Harriatatn,
haus recently settled in Kincardine,
where len intends practising his pro-
f ension.
flea.. years of age Mai leaves one son
to mourn ht•rliamentable death.
Death of Mrs. Ftobt. McArthur, Henna.
On Thursday, January ilth, Mrs.
Rola. McArthur pawned away at her
honor in. Heiteall, aged reventy-nine
yeers. Death was eittiseal by an at,
tack of mie lllll maim. The deceamed was
born iu Scotland Mid emigrated to
Canada in ISCTII with her parenta. who
settled in Tockersinith when the coun-
try was nearly all blush. After her
11„bert, mem by . marriage to her Imoband, the late
iicelaination to fill the vacancy in, the
council of l'urriberry township caused
by the death of Councillor John Ca/up-
Robert McArthur, they' set !lett cm -lot
6. 'rocket -smith, joartid the present
village of Heinuill, whore she lived till
her death. Of at 11 •ly sof twelve
children, three sous and three' daugh-
ters siativive.
Hollstt Pioneer *Passes Away.
On Sunday morning of laud week
there passed away another of the pion-
eers of Hiallett, in the prom in of Thomate
Quigley. after only about it week's ill-
ness. lir was born seventy-eight
years ago in the e ty of Sligo, ire-
latiti. and came tar this country with
Ills parents in PCr2. About half a
eentury stgo decrased took tap land on
the tali cuncetaion Hullett. where
he continued to live until hie 'death.
Ile was a devout member of the
Roinan Catholic church and was
greatly reopected the- eiimumnity
family of three daughters rind five
sons survives. his wife hating flied
about Ma years ago.
Mimi M. E. Brown, who haul been
for amine years a clerk in the Exeter
porta:Mice, ham entered on a course of
ustining for a sae in Harper lent-
pital, Detroit.
Mita P:dith Hutit, formerly of Bruce -
field, passed itWity recently at her
in Toronto. She had been
for nearly a year with consumption.
She was in her eighteenth year.
ago sOill his farm at Langdon. North
Dakota. With the intention. of settlink
&nen in this county. has c Hinged his
mind load will remain in Pai
The hook and`stationery hi iness of
W. e,iotwr Wingh II. has
changed hands, Miss K. Fisher,
who has hail eharge of the 'Hennes*
for BUMP months. heing the numb:trier.
let. purchased the mediral practice Mad
residenre of Dr. NV. S. Petwason, of
Ilemodl. The latter intends removing
to Tortaituai, practise his profession.
Miss Carol Niaise be, organist of
the Ontario street :Sletlaielint church,
11111111110 81/114141 in Ole Indian Head,
Sask.. kletliodint church, and leaves
'shortly for the W'est.
Mista Ada Imlay. eldest dmighter
made her llll in Sarnia for years,
to Robb 31eGregor, mitperititt•udent of
Ole 911itlanlitle MAC at Point Ed-
ThOe. F. Mel:twin, formerly of
Wingliam. w 404 11111111011 am New
formed at the I • of the brides
in neardine township owing to
nialli ix. The epread of the disease
att ri ited to the fact (het at person
ninety ;Iraq
Miss Eeely
Witigham w4
4 41' her parents.
Wednesalsty of la
The yet 1'111011y wan
Dr. ifszlewood.
The death of Doi d
most esteemed se
lucidity. He wait a nem o
highly respeeted by. the en
•ty whieh he lived:
.• will simplify many householil
difficulties, reduce your table
expenses,. and add several dishes
to your daily menu withe..tt
additional expense.
"Culinary Wrinkles" tells hoc:
to use Armour's Extract of Beef
in the kitchen, with the chafing
dish, and in the sick -room. :'ettt
postpaid on receipt of 2C. stamp.
Sold by druggists and grocers.
SAVOY SOUPS-”12liods; All Grocers.
A Friend
Told Me About
Hundreds of people, who hive
been cured of Kidney Trouble
by Ru-Je, were first induced
to try this wonderful remedy
by friends who had them-
selves been cured. The sales
of Bu-ju are daily increasing,
because everyone who takes
them is benefitted—and these
in trim, tell others. So the
good news is spread.
about Bu -Ju
••1 have used nu III with germ
benefit to myself, and cheertalty
recommend to •0 who, I think, me
auffering from Kidney Trost:AM
and Rheumatism
"I think Rolla Use best remedy
Yours sincerely.
Highland Tea
Is Pure Tea
Grand Mogul teas are
the products of the high-
lands in Ceylon.
CI They are the real
mountain dew of the Orient.
11 Nature put into these
Highland teas a high per-
centage of theme (flavor-
ing) and a low percentage
of tannin (bitters).
Grand Mogul teas are
a nerve tonic. a pure food
and an aid to life.
01 Nervous people prefer
them to medicine.
Healthy people regard
them as the beverage of
good health.
Prepared by machinery
from plantation to teapot
Grand Mogul
lOc. 40c And 50e per pound in
black green or mated Look fer
Mat premien coupon and prensiwa
law in each package net colt at
these ocopero is net taken out of oho
tea bet le imply a. part of' the wiNflee
faun apprOpr1101111.
•ith nenellimix attended at
which there well. over
J. l'arrutit. footway of
mamba' at the home
week to Dr. Win.
litronto Juliet ion.
alumna' by Rev.
Golden Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. lifaxwell, of the
the fiftieth a • •ersary of their mar-
riage on Wednesday, January 1001.
The venerabl.• couple are both nab Veit
Seolland and are both in their,
Rev rut y -t hird year. They settled in
the township of Slorris but for
the lam twenty-three years they have
resided in Turnberry. Of at family of
eight children, seven aro living.
,Many valuable presents W0111 reeeiv,ed
by the couple. among them being a
puree of gold f • members of the
family.' The event was a very happy
one the grepuisitian of fifty years ago,
the guests, a 'WI' of whom txcle
over eighty years of age.
Death of Mrs. Barber, Seaforth.
Tyksu.iv. Jan.
l'Horongd Nita' Cingeit. mos.
oat Prearbyterian church. at the caw.
ner 11 the 12th coneession on 111. 1,km!
leading to the village of latelialtili,
which laits been need as a place of wor-
ship for over 14 arty year*. plroltliiiMi
010011 10 1,0 r1•1110.0041 by 0, new edifies
re in aWeandalliee With the tinted
and the requirements of the large con-
gregation of this popultaue and strictly
Scottish district. A pot • of the
ruin its:paired. with what lute been
proiniew1 in the. way of sobseriptions,
ai now on hend, amounting to well
over $5,tstO, and as ibis section item.
imbed it Well-to-do entlitisilietic
probably 'dart free of debt. It le pro -
portal to !mild the uew ehiarch 1111011 a
portion • ot the menet. groinids im-
mediately opposite the old site. and
we linden:teed it is the iutention that
the building shall be patterned Oiler
the ehtlyell at St. Ill tile neigh -
with at limas basement. 'The.
and the elderriand the building c -
'Lidice have been indefatigable in
their efforts to forward . the present
movement and we may expect „to tiet.
the neW Make areomplisheil fact
settle time during the peseta year.
of 11 story told at the old' low
'Milne lit-epliteo tal long ago, when
the settlers were few and far be-
tWeen The first settlere here in
and around the present village ad
Kitatail were all of Scottish origin
and they took up their lots along the
lake shore, for there were no Toll&
and the only means of lllllll unien-
tion was by bunt to the county town
tictilerieli, in the days 14 the add
Untiatla, Company. The find St•sl
were Inailr of logs and, though (mew
heatable and war1111, weer devoid. of
many of the emnforts et, the preawait
day. Nevertheless a hardy ttenerat
of men and women have sprung fr lllll
them and their descendants now oc•
evy the holdings of their foreto hers
ne two grin -talons ago. 'Amy
interesting stories of the early
pioneers have been handed ahovia and
McGregor, the first madam, who lived
it little 11111.-11 ell shark near the .
11011111 and had for only companion a
Iarge larown t eat that he had
brought with hint ag panimi in his. '-
lonely wanderings. The story gi we
that, on 41111. 14111311 hogket.
that was iniing from tioderiith tar 8111101
WrItekeil 4111 the lake and llll the
.wreekitge that floated to the lesteli
was a small keg containing live gal- I
pareaul. peacefully to the life 'peyote', lib., of 1401,4 110,, at„b,„„,
at the residence of her stiti•tii-law,
Get irge 51. Chesney, Seaftirth.• on Fri-
day. January 12th. Mrs. liarber had
rem lied the good age of . 'seventy-nine
yeat-s and nine months. but, notwitb-
rit ling her advanced y.1•11•11. she 11011
1,0•011 reniarkahl y well until her recent
illnesm. when Mae was prostrated by an
attack of paralysis • whirl' she
net, er reeovered. .Mrs. Barber was a
nattier of Athens; Leeds enmity.
Ontario. anal was iniemjed to 11 r.
!Loiter there in ISM: They re
wosit and settled Tuck •
the eat lies;
lers of the
and WW1
The home of Mr. and Mtn.
Potter, has bePla
bereatetsr log the loss of their
whose death occurred on Tuesday,
laud week, after a few tlityn. illness
was in his eleventh year.
At the residence of the bride's
another. Mrs. Jean, Francey. et Am-
berIey, Bruce count y, the loth
init.. her daughter, Mime Annie. was
'teal in wedlock 114 Doliakl 1 1. Mc-
Kinnon. of Margaret, .Man. T h e
officiating clergyman was Rev. John
On Tuesday evening, January lyth.
a qui as t wedding wits solcumazed
at the home at the laride•s inveher on
emacerision 1, Statialey, when Miss
Rena MeFarlane. youngest daughter
of the late James SleFarlane, was
'led in uiarriage to Thos. Frainer. a
prosperous farmer of the eame town -
At the annual meeting of the East
Huron Agricultural Society held in
Briisnebt on Wednesday of last week,
I he offer from the (Trey Branch Agri -
vulture," 14ociety of emu to hold the
itt llll al fall fair of the riding in Brue.
nein was aerepted. The date of the
fair will he ,Thiareday and Friday,.
October ith 1 tali.
ertson, who ace penied the remain..
'of his son from Mutton. Alberta. to
Wingbani. in now spending at few
days with relatives itnd Ohl friends in
Winghnial. Mr. Itolwitteatt, lies done
well in the West and his friends here
pleamal to see, him looking rso well
And art. glad to learn that 11 has
prompered since settling in the N
Word has been rereived by frient
of the death ef Margaret Montgom-
ery, Wife of Robert Ilabkirk. of
Neepawa, Man , who panned away on
liecetfiber :and. She was fartmerly
remident of Glendale, 11 en., and was
married tit her now bereft partner
eight years ago. Four children tire
left without a mother'n care. Mr.
was forme! ly resident of
the Oth concession of Grey.
Jamem Harris. of Kinlaiss, has sold
his farm to Itaxleriek Bain for the num
if *MOM end Mr. Reid. of Heron,
`has sold Iris 150 -sere farm to James
Harris, for the sum of 48,500.
Rev. Dr. Ross Leaving Bruseeis.
Love's music Is never ;Wert without
the ehonle of pain.
Obstacle in often only esuaddler
Of spelling opportemity.
right opposite lais little I hie dwell-
ing. , To iwentiu. the 111110144111' of so ,
.11 gond 1111110U With 11111141a it 111+40 I
good, he 1114a; it that what wae good '
101' 111111 1111111. 31 0 1I0 140111 1111. MS COI/Is
paition, the old brown tom eat. At
Hist he poured down its throat A mild
stiumlatit of a spoonful or t um,' which
had the etteet of making the eat teel 1
good and lively' atm' afterwards' 1111,55
avilimposition to 4.4.
14111 41, Then lie retir.,41,1
4. Barber dim) and forcing down a good. half -cupful
There cannot bc different degrees
of purity anv more .than there can
be different degrees of honesty.
If a man be honest, that is all he
can be. There is no superlative.
One flour cannot lx! purer than
another. It can only .be more
In these times When all flour man.
ufacturers are claiming purity rot"
should remember these two things :
Actual purity in flour Can only be
secured by the use of electricity.
l'ome to the thalerieh Telegraphy
School and in a fro e hs iou will he
able tu earn 44 -.Mary of 10-1 to $1.10 per
is a merit din:rant' for
oil the (owlet' ilt Costa -ma la Ity.
alarm -us for 1.1d) 4.11140114tUrn.
A. E. MATHESON, Principal
Music stare. 4111 II1e
Royal Household Flour
is the only flour, made and sold in
Canada, that is purified by electricity.
You can get Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co
"Ogime's Book for a Cook,- contains (30
pages of...excellent retires, sortie never bete..
published. Your grocer eon tell you how to
get it.FREE.
by gett ing our
bottle for Mc.
Cod Liuer Oil $1,00 bottle.
for 50c.
Compound Syrup Ilypopbos-
pbites $1.00 bott:e, 50c.
Any of these meilichies wil
put you in -good shape fot th.
spring. •
H. W. Thomson's
Cel e b rated
PM swim., Scientists, ete ((MVO given the',
matualititsi tests to the onfy known reinedle,
whieli win ithsolutey do what 1-a claimed tor
(berm ond at the niillie time may be relied 111,011
its.111.10I1110). harmless and effective. We do
not calm to grow hair 011 shining bolo head
When, the roots of the hair are dead or de
stopyeal anal no tine hair left. hut If then. 4-1 nor
fine halt left we ron make it grow.. 4Vi, have
grown hair 011 114.0.41 *hal halt. been bald for
)0111,I 11011 yearn. 10141 there 1. 110* 4.4itn. *0 1.0
-fonnal where a young manor ii01114(11 WhO in 14..-
1116(111,4r hair Rod becoming bald where uur cele -
Imam' halr 'frown) mint -dia... will faiitrAfiz.--
To wheat d may concern :
most heortilY endorse Ow use of lirown's
ch011111.01 01,11100111111. \V1141.11 111eVellts 1.111• for,'
pooh.% of 1 lot !otherwise dentine... 11111
..l.01e so. that the hair not only discontinues to
fail arid. haat hones to grow lo these pieces
hieh NM hare, My 1110r wits falling very bud.
and itt wine II1N1st's 111y .11,1111 11041 11,01110 11111111
110111. 1 11.011 11.1 '.11. linmcr : my wain 141 now
quite flea from II Inert. oriel supports dense
ge0Vit h of hair tis It ever did.
Canadian I brresasinaltance College.
seventeen Y041111 NCO ,/11111 80011 111 the fiery ligitid and then he let. it
after the deceased left the farm and g„, a;„ bi„d the brandy 4.
Mrs.' M. Chesneywith whom she
hail made her 1 ever since. He- companion than 011!' friend McGregor
found out that, 0 gla the tia
shire the ime dau liter four sons. all
residents of Slanits»a, survive.
went to reside withlier only daughter. imenced to wk.., foin,.
Disease Prevalent Now, but Can Be
Quickly Cured With Hyomei.
A toted many people suffer re
th 11 ta any other. season of the yetaihr".
ith catarrh during the fall
the ehangem in weather eassming to
have bad effect upon the dime/tee.
Soil of the cures made by If yannei
Keens nu Evelio's when one rememln•rm
thin the patients Imal suffered n-
eat:mai e childhood and that for
yearA they I been unable to get a
good nigher' sleep, on masitint of the
disagreeable ti klinv and dropping at
the hawk of tht throaCrauresi by the«
offensive disease. A few days' treat-
ment with liyami brought quiek re-
lief. and its eonti eat use made a
plete and busting lite. •
By breathing By i through the
Pocket inhaler thitt coin a with evens.
outfit, all t he stir pitt04.11g014 af the lungs
anal throat are witl air laden
with Nature's own remedi for the
are killed.• and the irritated moue
membrane is healed.
The complete 1)1Ittit. 00/11 11111 is%
extra bottles 50 rents. C pare t is
141114111 expense with the fees clutrgeT.1
by specialists.
yoit cannot obtain Ily 4
y dealer, it will be forwarded by
mail, postage paid, oh receipt of priee.
that will entitle you to aservicen of one
mediral department wit' atharge.
The If. T. Booth Company, Ifyoinei
Building, Ithaca, N. Y.
No man ever broke Ins back tinder
bin brother's itunlen.
Rev. Dr. Roes, pastor of 3lelville
church 1Prethyttniatil, Brunsels. brae
Dalholutie. He will preach the clos-
ing PI' 1 his printorate of twenty-
six and a half TISILIN in Bruseele next
Sunday and will I* inducted into his
new charge on February let.
Thr death occurred t London, on
the itith inst.. of Mts. Aim Foster.
wife of Joreaph Is (refer. aged eility
years. Mr. anti Mrs. Katie formerly
lived' at Varna. moving to lAnadon
two yetern *go. Three son* nhil four
of Mtinitoba ; William, of Ye a:
W. Ihiwnon, of Varna. and Josephine
wets. interred in the Hayfield rente-
Sad Death at Kincudine. .
The tieath of Mrs. Ellen H. ..1ohn-
st on, of Kincardine. oreurred on Tues-
day morning of hen week tinder ex-
eeedingly sad einsimpanneen. For the
past two months she had heen ill in a
iewpital in Toronto. having returned
to her home only a few dart. On the
under mental aberratinti, /die left the
house unnoticed hr the hi mil y aoti go -
the most docile of animals, when ritt.,1
with brandy it ie quite a different
:mime', for just OA 16111011 11.44 the liquid
ed to take , effect the savage
;mi men ss i t tem if a whole tgetiP1.711 11 on 'of
• Inds et ttttttt eneed to show 'them -
pi• nion 'meanie a veritable terror. I 11 ,
and to Hindi all over the asides allies
building, and over the table where his ,
small stock of erorkery was placed. I
threatening deetrurtion to everything.
and even threatened to rematch and in-
nrlf with Re terrible claws. a retribu-
tion for having made the nniultil
(blink. In., this dilemma there was
nothing for him to ilia to escape the
raving,' of his one -tine. Ismail
teat to hurry up and bury I • self
under the bed -clothes until the effect
111 1110 Pr lant haul passed away.
The story tows that the lit did not
and MeGregrir woe kept there :1
prisoner. firmly resolving in his mind
that, if a “wee 'draw o' liquor" wits
gated for him nomet• .s, it was best
tea to try it amain on hiss eat. The
n i in the
deal of humor by the early settlers
end poor MeGregin• never lost the Three Generations use
lllll • of being the man -who made Psychine
the cat drunk on Ftsmeh brandy: -
Revised Proverbs. Childs. hod a ery bad asnagh
Anil armpit' his chest. For
"My father. Mr. Frank
lea a Witte non who knows when to many months he sir r
great torture. nod had ito•
ask his father for money. - el) Op all 110614, .4 remarry;
The' lead policy iti but eventinillY 'se wut for 11
how notch it behest him.
After nsing CSVCIIIN I., for
115.10 104111 11 rind sfrengti.,
a,re-1 seven ye.
mho NM Asthma %cry Mad,
rind Om elTrat upon him was
A tawsuit is the thief of time.
A dollar in hand is Worth two bann-
ed to a friend.
Miller's Granules will make a clear it, im r„Ily to be Wise to you Pee
complexion. For Ride by Jae. Wilmon. Ana bf.111.,
wetak, tired condition will noon 'NYliere there's a will there's a feast
for lawyers.
- It is m•ver too late to love or go
titan by the 040 of Miller's, Com-
ror sale by .las.
The Messade of the Star
. Have von ever notired, as the evening shadows
fall:how Ow star.; peep one by one through the
black. canopy of darkness, until at last the heavens
are ablaze with liglo
Somettnes night after. niklit the slq in black
and lo..ventig and no light can be wen, lett as sure
IRS day is day and night is nigtit the stars will at
In the same wav 'PSYCIR1INIK has crept tn/r/
thousands 44 !Ionics 'and enlighten sd them with the
14111( of Health and Happiness.
Sotnetimes the black pall of felt disease heads
ogler the home fs,r days. but as Mire as you use
PHICHINE. the star rof Health w DI at last ,1 !Teat.
Fevers. Lassitude. N'idht Sweats. ii'ar•kneas.
Wasting di . und all Throat mid Lung
Trou hies.
The Greatest of Tonics
All Dity,:,:',Ist• One Donor Frei Trial
CONTENTMENT, THAT WILL NEVER AGAIN BE EQUALED. We own and offer to you in large or small tracts your tho,ce of over
In these districts win he found the finest lands 111 Cnnada. The coun • is open prairie covered with a richly luxuriant gross:free from stone or brush.' Miter:Awe es;
These conditions together with the excellent
country In airy ruction in Western Canada that will produce the same enorma, -yields of No. I Hard Wheat.
facilities afforded tir hondreda of tulles of new roade now opperating in these diet eta end thousands of miles more under construction, Oink, it puesible for.A man to get •
a start more quickly and eheaply than any other country on earth.
THE FARMER who Owna it hundred mere tarm of high priced In 41 can *retire from WA better land at one Ilfth the price of the land he now operates and
make more money WI the next tee° or three yeara an he has in (be poet t twenty.
who is etruggiIng for • mgre exiatence, more 011111 In delit than 111It—w• hn it willing to take his coat off and to work, Will And a •704.1atiresn.
THE RENTER opportunity to aecurt for trivitaelf a home.'n competence and contentment in this great new country.
profit being mnde in raising wheat will cause them lands to inerearn more rapidly in vhlee in the nest three years than they hale in the pest five. This is your opportunit y
to buy for nivestment.
it anion not to require meet) •pece to convince you of the advantnee we offer 7011 In lovIne vnt1 he rIpirortnnity to
mass yeee OWII selections rerun OTet 2,00(1,0110 acres ot the best land in Western Lanada. No other company a n 111 n I, Noll such a fo•oroldr proposition. Itut'im wise.
doe% wait vista 7011i neighbors have 'elected the choice pieeel.
\ need Peve Roreeteed• of 1 A 0 ,,,, h. r., oil? be seemed near ra ilrsot %der; tio_ns moigreamtierm ;1.epartenue.nttctili;erecv.o.rraltaeraftorwrniliffp.e?renrmy tb;,,mte.M.pv,astrIcenittislititt,!e
'707 tows•top tributary tr, eta- N 1111.1n1., motion •nd every iistal 1 ill be re CI d ke ielth
A. 0. DAVIDSON, President
A. N. DAVIDSON, VW -President A. D. MOW Secretary end Trimmer
101101111 would do well to inventigate
the brickn tuade let• ifs. They are
Firmly Pressed
Evenly Finished
Can be colored , to suit
,Rocnikin-fgaced for trim -
The Goderieb Cement Brick Co., Ltd
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders Mtencred •t all
00011) 110104 P..,
tiaekti and reli-
able, drivers in
'quire.. of the
meet all train s
mei Merin) ho at PI