HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-25, Page 2t■v■saAT, Jan. 25, IAt6
uuuKHt(•H. oNTAltlu.
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OODKKi(11. THI:KSIIAY..IAN. !251st
A valuable contribution .toCanadian
history was msule by Sir, Richard
Cartwright in his address to the t'ana-
dian flub of Ottawa on • :Some
Memories of l'i)nfedenetion.'' The
fact that Sir 'Hichanl was 1 ' .elf a
partieiprri in the events whish im-
mediately precedent the unient of Den,
together with iris fine sense of propor-
tion end his admirable power of de-
scription, enabled hint to bring the
conditions of those crilicel days vivid-
ly before his hearers. Young Come-
dians especially ehould read his ad-
dress, as it presents one of the most
interesting chapters in'the history of
our tx)untry, and perhnpit no other liv-
ing man can speak with equal author-
ity on the subject. •
George Brown, Sir tient ge Cartier
and Sir Aleaandcr Galt, Sir Richard
said, were. the Olen chiefly instru-
mental in hringingalout ccofederatitm.
Brown and Cartier were the political
leaden). respectively. in Ontario and
Queher, and they,'Were• brought to-
gether itt the swot* of uniting the
British North Aulericatl Provinces by
the diplomacy of Sir Alexander Galt.
The commercial, flnenciaf end politi-
cal renditions of the two Comedies.
1'pper and (.ower, were at that time in
an alarming condition. The Grand
Trunk. Railway. with whose welfat*
that of the country wait closely eon-,
cerned, Was almost in a elate 44
collapse. huge deficits were occurring.,
in the Government's financial opera-
tions. and the credit of the rountr)'
was at a very low ebb. Polielcall•
thin• was a deadlock between the
representatives of Ontario and Quebec
and many of the leading p ubile men
despaired of the future. it was this
crinis which forcer) the project of c.m-
federation to the front,
teirJuhn Macdonald was not disposed
at first to favor the union, and his
fears me to the mite were t14 a con-
siderable extent justified. slid Sir
Richard. At that time there W011 no
Canadian Northwest, and without it
Canada's future did not pr•sc
pr sped which hlapi' `iritow does.
After some {e' k4' on the slow
progresses which l'anauin made during
the first thirty years of confederation.
Sir Richard spoke hopefully (1f the
brighter tern whir•h ham now dawned.
promising great things. for tour coun-
try -'s future. His concluding weeds
were a caulium as to the exeg•cie• of
common metier in using our preNent
advantages and a plea for the due rec-
ognition of the unselfish lai.irs of the
then who brought confederation to
pass. •
t •
thorough recognition of those gentle-
mrn'es merits, all 1 eau say is 1 011411
feel myself moat ply rels(id."
This is the seaNdl of the year when
most loshleaw )nen are trying to 1a1•
anee tht•ir accounts aid phare thein -
selves equarr with the world. It would
' Iw a )Ouch easier task if people who
owe small (((•counts here and there
would make a point _14 Nettling them
at *. .Such people apparently du'
nut atop to consider 1 het inconvenience
to which ,they are putting ehiulls
andradesmen by not paying mn•ying their
bills pn/u)ptly. The amount in Illy
one case may out he huge, but w'he•u
pwrh:gw leu 0r thine 1 iteds of
ped11)14' hove the s+uur habit of putting
toff the pity)neut of their small accounts
it Iwomie5 a serious matter. Indeed,
in ru • e*esu It conatititrs 11 ort'
hluuiies - to the.. success of a business
I'eople should realize that it is Met as
dishonest to owe 141)1 dollar for con in-
definite period its to nave a hundred
If e•vtryt0siy in Gtelerich would pay
his bills before the end 'of this first
month of the year, there would out
Mil) be it great renewed of business
activity iur the town, but thele would
ales. be, we verily believe, n genuine'
revival (4 practical religion for how
eau a man love his neighbors if themes
on the right hand is dunnrng him) for
five dollar, while the one 1411 the left
hand will not pay the bill which would
enable hum to settle with his rteditor?
Men and brethren i, Ind sisters.. pay
your debts.
The Ontario 1w•gislsMre will be
called to meet on Thursday, February
4130 h,
le British elections continue to
fav the new Liberal Government,
which 1e now assured of a good
ma jut•i t
The tote
learn from.,
question is a
tentiun of the ne
speople will Iw pivoted to
he report of the council
At the water suptoIy
y engaging the at -
There has been eto,
to what President 11
with himself after the
term of office in 1t119. It
ported that he thinks of
Africa to hunt lions end elephi Its and
other big gauge. Nothing sena 1 for
Mr. l'hamberluin having ennoune
his intention of carrying on the cam-
paign for pr)ter•lion with his little
1411111 of followers in the British Par-
liament, we Aleve that the able edi-
'tors of The Toronto Telegraun and The
Ilnmiltxt l)ixrtat(n• take '.hip at once
and go to ids aksistance. And way,
'boys don't hurry' brick.
e sper•lllat 14)1) at!
Nevelt will 110
xpiry of i 1111'
is now re-
ing. to
When the River Maitland rear( in
The Signal Inst week of the plot W
put it in harness it began to Iwhave
itself li a fractions. colt. By knot•k-
ing down 'ontracWR Pigotl's trestle-
work• Inc t e second time, it mans to
show that a engineer' report is not
necessary to d monstrat4' that it can
considerable rse
0x4'.0[hoower. (
John Auld, M. A,l'. P. for
Estwx. nnnnunces
tlt)n'to Ad -
next $dsiliun of the
."gislatute the alolitlen of county
.councils. Hr di14 that the entire
huoinese dune by count• cemocilm
could be (1 -• as well by the councils
of the minor ' •ittelities 111 each
comity, with :1 waving of exp enoe.
'•what im requisite now on 1)411' part,
nus far as 1 can judge, is that simply
we should have a little prudence, a
little eouroge, and a little honesty in
wnt•king out our destiny : that we do
not allow our present good fortune to
turn our heads: that we do not. fill
into the mistake of supposing 1149.1411!(•
we have half remit. years of t•ery great
prosperity that we have a F'ortnnetus'
puree which cannot lw exh,uwterl,
end that wr can indulge in any ex-
travagant* on the etle•ngth of it.
11)e need also, if 1 )nay may coo, to
tar• fn it that We do not Icor • the
dupes; of that meet nliiuhievoue of all
modern. drlusinne - or perhaps 1
Should NAV of that t 111isrhle-
yo(1s of nil Netiquated dp141141nn14 )note
cunningly revamped- Gust it is we.
eible Gl increase the collective wealth
of a nat1111) by increasing ite taxation.
14 obe•trine which appears to me
economically (o be exactly 48) n lou
with 1)r. Sengredoe Lamour maxim
that the way to snake a patient
healthy and strnngyas to bleed hila
every conceivable
r N'N\' 111111
e 1
every conceivable occasion. I will
only add that if thi'. Iw 111e deeire of
the people of ('nnoulit 1 ran certify
that there ie no lark of leeches truly
to ar , late them.
"It may be the men of ISM budded
better than they knees•, Th.•piing
promisee( to heroine it mightytor'.
The f.dpratir,n of which they ltk( the
toundetion will, 1 think, Fuson take
ire per* 11111,ng the ferenlimt malaise.
of the world. But 1 *mild nay to
the corn of ride -v, if they or the henna
to a ranter. a richer, a re fertile
hcritege, with Te a onitent plwei
talkiest and more andntent t*snn1P(
than any of um ever today can well
know, the y will do well In recollect
).hot it is due in very Inrge MPornre t
the mel. who in legit, who in time of
sprat storm and 14t.rc4. nPverthelr'e9
dill not desptir, And were reliable at
n4' smell enrriflre to their penin/
fe.lin and p•rannal intpte'xts (1f
carrying out the scheme of r•'nfe dere
tion which t.hey proposed. 1 doubt
very mach whether whet those nen
did, the eir•dtn14tanceu under which
they did it, and why they did it.. have
been altogether fully and properly
Appreciated. I how thiel the }Monty
of the future will (10 them just ire, en(
if it he poetible that 1 have been for
Inflate In the few wntde i hsve N.1
tlhowyd to you to bring about a
woman dr eitel for drunkenness' in
eelt. Jahn claimer) that the law colder
which she woes charged did not apply
to her. as it re•ferteel th "any Iverson
who shun 114• found drunk." etc. Aa a
'•Ierwll1' WAN Ilot at woman, 01te
chtiuled Man )Inlity. and lite pljut was
eso cleverly taken that the judge last
the woolen go.
Quoting a portion of The Signal's
article of last week on the rumor of
ex-Ple•ulier Hoes' intended entry into
Dominion polities. The Striated Bea-
con say's :
"Mowll cot luueat is timely. Mr.
(toss has cellulin)' put hiulself out of
tench with the Liberals in tariff
'matters and would 1w out of plwe in a
Liberal F'evleril 51inistt•y. His interfer-
ence 511 these matters weakened) Wm
11.11 as little as. Prowiicial l'reulier.
t hough lie Was' pis grreelvein Provincial
attains. The Liberal party of Ontario
needs strengthening 111 the Dowiui
Cabinet not in the hue of protection -
isle hitt 11) earn who will strive to lite
11p to the tariff declet'ations of the
Ottawa 1.iiwrnl coiventi.1n."
The Provincial bye -election in King-
ston tinker place tlext' Monday. The
esteem's of the city have an excep-
tional opportunity 14) eery* the inter-
ests of the Province by the re-election
of Air. Petite.. The (iy'ernmlent hiss
already n sufficiently large mejl1'ity
to enable it to carry out any program
of legislation it'miey have in tient, and
the election of an Oppsition member
would Odd strength where it As In(1I4
melted than on the Government nide.
Mr. Pense is well known throughout
the Province 101 an able 111:1n, and his
preserve in the Huse would be :an
added check upon such Ministerial
menxutes as may require strong and
searching critieisw. \Ve hope for
Mr. Penes return.
The first meeting of the new coun-
cil of the village of Exeter was opened
with prayer by 'one of the local clergy-
men, and The Seaforth Expositor, in
reporting the somewhat 5(1.11 oc-
currence, elates that it to ings t '
another tie -vision, when a political
convention in South Huron was
opened with pitmilar deentimes. "The
hugest hall in the plice*'twing too
81)11(11 to nuc Mate the crowd, the
sonvention adjourned to the' Preshy-
t Tian church, of w•hjeh the Irate Ker.
elohn ROSS WAN pastor. Mr. Row was
present at the convention. and, as
loom as order was secured, he ,arose,
and in a fent well-chosen words asked
the late Hou. Alexandre McKenzie,
who.,with lion. Edward Blake, %vas
in attendance, to open the meeting
with prayed•.. Mr. McKenzie woe' at
first somewhat taken aback. but he
ptoveel w(1101 111 the OCCIteion, laid de-
livered a brief but very nppl4opliate
get." ----
Ihonld McMaster, K. ('.. of Mu t-
t*111, who was a • lidate in tl
Cha,llk•rlain iuteltIte hi the British
elections, was defeated by a majority
of over 2,1111, He toirt•erl dp such l•n-
thusiasul in hie campaign, however,
that weevil lady admtirers+ insisted
upon kissing him. Almost any man
wIrllel be willing to face defeet1 ler
steel' eirrmlislaneee.
rhe legal Ikntt Ietre.n l'ullorn•
and (Orderly!' townehip1 lot net yet fin-
isher( Iacrorling to the Goderich town-
ship eerie!, of the affair) : and we
note -ea sign of further hostilities in
the suggest' of ;Air 1)nnlnh enct•e-
Rp lent for sawing match between
to filen the two townehipi., Pet -
haps the disputants might take the
result of the flawing iniit•h in Nettli•-
na•nt of the legal issue : fur {a it not tt
contest of sharpness in both cotes :'
Iti the 'British' election campaign
al *t concluded oneof the de-
Tir'e% employed by Liberal campaign -
ere was the exhibition of enmities of
the itnrtetiteh Naneagee " ie in Ger-
many," where. owing to the high tar-
iff on imported meats, horseflesh i9
revolted to es ,a eomewhat e•e41)Illll
article of diet. The (object was tri
demonstrate to the British work -
p eople one of the resettle of the pro-
tection policy as it has developed in
eat io
the Pt
for the
shied lettil the teachers and the Gov-
ernment shot tear a share of the cost.
While we belie -P that the Goveu,u,ient
should deal lit* ly with the tno•hers,
We have some dot* as to the wise)
of tie proposed se eine. Ito result
might be a tendency on the part of
local school boa rds to 'rep salaries
down in propotkion to th aun)unt of
aid' thus te•ceiyed hum, th (_iuvertr-
went. The true ._ nr t e pres-
et • ons in the• teach i1) pro-
ession is to impress upon the pt die
the supreme importance of eelncatio :
the impossibility of securing g(14
results+ In education without the cm -
ploy Went
m•ployuent of cnnlpeteul educators: and
the folly of expecting mien and women
to become proficient in teaching with-
out the Prospect ect of a fair te•w•arel. It
is 0 slow ploress, but the logic of
events is ahe•ady giving tn11t4l'iel aid
in driving it home t1 the taxpayers of
the Province that school teachers
11(804 be letter paid.
There is not ratan .-nsrlation for
British protectionists in Birming-
ham's' adhesion to the Chamberlain
cause. A *Titer in 'the 1'ur'fmto Pews
W1111 knows the district states that
in the area including and aiir•r•ounding'
the city of lBirmninghamu, which has
hitherto leen regarded ns t he
"('Yagilk•rhtin sphere of influence."
Mr. Chamberlain tuts actually list
heavily, thP•clty itself, being the only
portion of the distt'iet which has le-
meined trite to hint. And. Birming-
ham's loyalty 10 personal end ham no
!retiring upon the 1,01114141 nettle( Of
the ally. '•11, voter( for him," nays this
writer, "when him inclinations were
Republican, when he was an advance('
Radical, when he intrigued with Par-
nell for Irish Home Kele, wheu he
was a Liberal -Cid ttnlet, and now when
he is an old-faahionPtl Conservative.
It would tete for him even though
the central plank in his political plat-
form wen' the Waete of snoth*n bil-
lion and :a half dollars in attetnpting
to 'open up pt•efelentil(I troll• relations'
with the 'elan in the moon.'"
committee of the Ontario Ed.t
1 Asswiatioft has cul 't tett to
villein! Government a scheme
tensioning of teachers, in
The following art isle. trent a to cent number of The Weekly Nun, -abould
Is' read and thoughtfully considered by every lad, and especially every
iario'r's son, w'i14 has reached the time of life at which he begins to think of
•' doing
something for 1 ' self."
The Ontario farm lad who is ap-
proaching mitt)) mel has au almost un-
limited choice in selecting hie life'e
work. if lie lnnlp0ww to engage in
(minim( in this Province, and it is
nrcehleery for him to acquire n h
for hiulselt, he will find that land is
relatively cheaper Ileum ever before :
farms in a good state of cultivation
can he bought for lees than the cont 111
trtttttOng the tinder with which they
were originally covered and erecting
the buildings (het now .Geld upon
throe. 1f he wishes to wander farther
afield the,rehrire utter (nim a home -
laved which he can have free on appli-
cation. In the cities and towns em-
ployment awaits those who choose to
enter factories or workshops. In 'New
Ontario and the Far Nest opportuni-
ties in alining are offered tho.e to
whom life of Chet kind' (offers attrac-
tions. In the operation and construc-
tion of railways, and in activities con-
nected with the harnessing of
water powers the field is broadening
more rapidly (hien in Mimed any other
.1ite•etion. lu the prole/saloons and
in the carrying o1) of great financial
inetitlrintim there is intern for a few.
SVhirh of all the netnews open shall
the lout ohoner? One gener.d 7allaw4'I•
will apply to the 44)454' of each nue who
pots the question to himself: let him
find ,.,it if possible what he i. Iwet ad -
aped for by mallow and then lwnd all
lux energies to tit himself for that
cit( l i ng.
Cunsiderdions will, however. -arise
as to which of 11e several avenues
open offer the lest opportunity fur
leaking most out of life. When this
Ipoint is reached, a Lads are apt to
ke misled 'by the glamor of.t he city and
the stories, h•equeutly,exaggeretetl, of
the !emcees attained be those of whom
they have heard in the great centres
of population : others • be fel into)
error by what is toll ort (he weal[
which is being amassd in the great
wheat farms of the West.
Leet ors content ourselves at present
with a rnnparsinn of farm and city
me in Ontario. The wages of opera-
tive* in factories, (1r the salarlex of
wren in other pnsitious, look large to
the boy l n the Herrn. But out of
these earnings payl0ent must he Houle
in cash for A thousaml and one things
w111(11 are not valued at ell upon the
farm, because they come ail kart ref II
the conditions of living m1 the soil.
Furthermore. the large earnings in
cities are paid to men still in their
prime : when noon -dry pluses incomes
lion. Mr. Emmet -mon. the Minietpr
of italwtlys, is being 'umbel over the
rule in the Merit Mu! l'ro'in(er' be-
muse, in pursuit 44 him policy of re-
tr•nrhnlent on the Interrolonial Reit-
way, he hem cid oft some trains which
were being run et a lose. Mr. Ent -
'Derwin will have no path of row( to
treed in hie task ot making evude
lee et on the Government railway Rye
tens 1 hot if he stickle to the jnh and
art empHmhe•e his purpose) there will b
A big templet e ing to him from the
whole l'anerlian people.
It in atone rule that doesn't wnt'k
loth ways. The bulges of the
Supreme ('nnrt of New Brunswick
re. -eptly decided that women enuM
not he Admitted Al attorney*, alit
wnninn wits not "a peered" within the
meaning of the act, The other day a
shrink faster than new -mown hay in
the sullener sun. On the farm, while
the incutne may not be large, it is con-
tinuous : there 10, almost from info:ncy
to old age, the lower to earn living
exlwnww at least, and there 14)14' uu
lung periods of enforced idleness, ouch
Ad frequently occur in all cities. More -
twee, the man who stand. on his own
broad *crest need call tm elan mister,
and any leu, even if starting with
U(1tiling, 11)4V nw'tl Ills (:u'Inl debt -free
by the tittle he is forty•five : in All or-
dinary petitions in it cit)' he would at
that age begin to feel his earning
power 011 the wane an 1 outlook for
the' future darkening.
Perhaps in no utter way are country
tads so torten misled in estitwating the
c iterative advantages of different,
callings as they are by the stories; told
of the fort •s acquired by those
whose names are seen almost daily in
the newspapers. The recent merle -
tons in connection w'11t) the ineul'anlec
scandals 114'New fork have thadicatavl
how some great fortunes have leen
amassed there : we have also had Nome
light thrown on the manner in which
fortunes have leen {tiled up in this
county. It is doubtful it any 14.141
happiness comes with the bread that
is sullen tr others. Besides, fur -
tones which come eerily ux1ut11)' go in
the lune way. Seventeen years ago,
there wet* sQ m* rorty uweullel•s in t►rr
city council sof Toronto, And over halt
of thele went reputed to be worth
anywhere (148,11 5311,1111 to it quarter 01
a million, mostly wade tont of lend
speculation. 1N the entice number so
classed there is not • than (1114•
well -ot! today : of the rest s died
in poverty, and one or two were
driven into exile es a result of the ex-
posures connected with the etreet rail -
Ivey scandal of niters) yeerl since.
It 10011141 require much .note then
the space available for an article such
as this to enter into :a full dis•u1sion
of all the points raised in beginning :
the main object in writing at all is to
set boors thin 'ieg earnestly for them-
selves. And in the course of this
thinking let three facts not I* for-
gotten : That nn an Ontario farm
there is mulch in the wily of c forts
and conveniences which cannot Is• Nei*
curd in the nrwe 111011 of the
IMuliuiun. and that th owitlening of
fernier' which has re •ntly tekti
,,lace gives promise that thalami .dill
hereafter; have a fairer )(here loth in
political power L financial returns
than it has hod in the past.
fro(11 the people . he lives amongst.
May not this fact be due to the color-
less nt. detective character `of hi! his-
torical training ? Considering . the•
short period it covers, there are few
histories more ta,rinating or inspiring
than tint of Canada, and there surely
could Iw no letter menus tot culti-
yatiug 14 true national spirit than sae 1
thorough grounding in this branch of
Where Ara t'te Revelations ?
Toronto Tele,fra 1. (Conner.at(veI.
Ontario is entitled to proofs of Lib-
eral guilt flout Hon. J. P. \Y-hitney
and his neenciatee or the Literal party
in this Province is entitled to an
apology from the Skittle gentlemen
The W hitney Government owes On-
tario an exposure of cot•rlption and
mismanagement in the public institu-
tions and public resources' of this
Province. Or the Ontario Govern
went owes the Liberal party an apol-
ogy for imputing to its leader the
guilt of corruption end inef1ieney"tfl
the handling of pu141144"rnuney and
public_ .1e11001.Ces when instances of
this'corrnptioo and inefficiency have
not yet been exposed in paying quan-
her most potent influence is the
Yes• it is true. I was very weak and
Miller'st:orupound Icon Pills made use
strung. F'or sale by Jas. Wilson.
Nuccets is like it do1L•u. T. 11e
Appleriated it must he earned. It
s like a dollar in several other ways,
em you have noticed.
Not to le conquered by these headlong Jaya,
lint In stand fur ; to keep the mind al brood
fin Ilfe, deep meaning, nature'. ,dt.itnde
Of beeline..', and t lmWat nv+t ',inns why..
At every 11o1.gblwnd deed to clear the hose
out of our eyes, considering only this.
What man, what l$fe, aha) love. what
Thi, I. 10 live. and win the anal pause.
Though strlfc, in fortune. and harsh Inman
(lest down the soul, at momenta blind and
With agony: yet. lather -there elall 40111e
Many great von*, from Ilfn'. outer sari.
Nowa of strange Irinmph. and, Neb a few
men hese.
Murmurs a1M glimpse. of etr'rnILy.
- .Ar•hih'M Lemtrnuan.
Canadian History.
iml.or (l' ',rl.
It be not.' ams thatthe yenng
connections, when he ,rewire into the
repaid*, is son a4win111atrl. *nd lee
conies petit itudly in(lietingnlehah
Irteland the Land of Centenarians.
London Mail.
Notwithstaiditg all her cotl pent-
tive poverty, hardships and griev-
cee. Ireland remains the lend of
c4' teuari:►n'. As m any as IS2 arsons
tog 1110 years :end upward died dur-
ing 11. The women centenarians
were t more manlerlele--there were
111 fanner to en nudes, Verve's aged
It' years a upward who dad ilk 11114
nun)Iwrd 11. These figures are
given by th registrar general in his
annual report. Another curious fact,
illustreting the . mina and longevity
MI the Irish, is that. sheer "oil age"
instead of any specific dimmer was the
cause of death in 11, instances ; old
age. indeed. ramke as igh as second
place in the classified caul of death.
The Farmers Are R • ore.
Farmer's Advocate.
The c anion will lie Able o re-
port to the Government of ('a Ada
that the' farmers of Canada re
resolute and 'ted on this gre
question, and. fruits the evidence. fluh-
mittetl • G/ them, should le able to
advise i'arlianlent that the wishes of
the great bulk of the populati(1n are
rfnr lower tu•ift* and full restoration
of 1,114' Britiel) preference. and also
that it will not be pleasant sailing
for any Government that diaregatde
the sound 'Meier so literally tendered
by the rank and file of the people
from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Governments cennnt hope to hank
in the popular sunshine forever;
neither can they, any more than the
individual, expect n pont record of
work done to be taken es n reason Inc
sitting down and doing nothing. A
nation 11Aa to be built up of contented
people. hearing that important duty
rn mind, the regneets of the farnene
to this Government. thrnagh the c -
mission should be ,cr•etl l t1 ea soon
o constrict the neccs•
as it ispossiblet nett )ct
14:ary leegielntion.
Women and the Ballot.
The Presbyterian.
In 'spite of the eloquent appe•t.ls of
1edies of tulvene.d views for the
gnenting of the righte✓'f the ft•anehiee
G) women we 111440.' .lways had an
unconfe'esrl cmlviction tlutt the great
mane of our Canadian women are not
clamoring for, adtnia(ion info :.he
(olitie*l arena and that the•Sg'believe
their greater 'sphere of intl,lt•nee is
along ether lines. We have always
contended of court* in the coxeo.
chivalrous cony for the alstnart right
of women to vote and will ;decay. do
Ret, lint looking at the very small
number of woolen who exerl•ieetl
their franchise in the Toronto menir•-
ipel elections we Ors 41i1p(os'1 to le-
Iicve that .w n c1a.e woollen are not out
eager to vote ns Ihet have been rep -
misruled. It alight naturally 1*
'.uppeised that they would be deeply
in,ere.trl in the aeletion of those
who are entrusted with the education-
al interests of the city and In a quota-
tion sl essentially molal in its lwer-
inge and s1 closely 1(oching the in-
t*lr14114 of their home.. es the reduc114on
of liquor Brener*. het ecare'ely one
in five took the tmnhle to pet them-
- wives on return et the poli:. The
M+ average woman feels that the "here
We don't dub ourselves
"Professor" but we know
how to assist defective
vision if lenses will ,do it.
Try us --examination
Jeweller and Optican
Mid Winter Clearances
(letting ready for stock -taking. Reduction the order
of the day. Read our list carefully. Such values
are unparalled.
inches wide heavy serge Suiting'',
all pure wool, in navy, cenl-
iunl, creme and black, regular
value tOe. at per yard ..50c
Make tine wou1 un,1u•ink*hle Vests
and Drawers, all sizes and )nukes.
regular $1.'25 14.11(1 $1.35, at each States
DRAWERS. Finest Apt e r i e a 11
golp1s, r'e'gular' value :>Ik', at ler
lair 3Sc
MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Stanfield's
MI wool unshri11kable Shirt.; an(1
Drawers. sizes :ii to 42, regular
51.25 end 81.:5 value, emelt et St.00
LADIES' COATS. Ladies' st •dish
Caveats, all Ibis winter's goods, lined
throughout and tailor mode, up to
date iu every detail, $l(( and $1'1,
each at 5.00 and Se.00
MISSES' COATS. About :1) Croats
all 1ptenilid imported garments,
fly dark tweed cheviot.. $4.11),
$4.111 and *1.111, 4'18.11 cot.... $zoo
entire stu:•k we )nark at sale price
n0twith.tandiug fa(1'riers write us
of iulvnnee in price of furs. Astra-
chan L*.ttb ('oats 30 to 32 inches
long, satin lined • end true glower
skins, regular Value WM, each at Sin
Bocharau Lamb Coate, No. 1 skins,
satin lined, tailor meth., value $35
x11(1 $ to, each at.
LAMB CAPES. F'armer's natio lines
full sweep and 14111 length, 3 only
$18,aiya (etch at
Coats. all size*, perfect skits and
well lined, regplar $•141. each at St
Black. Oa1f Coat., select skills end
best makes, $2i, titch at
CARPETS. :511 inches wide, heavy.
union. reversible Carpet in a range
of patterns and calors, 401 and 4&,
at per yard
27 inches wide, English Tapestry
Carpet in 221 patents and all lead-
ing colons and new patterns, 00c, Me,
714' a yard quality, at per yard. _six
.4 Treat from Ccylon
a scientific way.
One Price - 40
Snaps i
Watch our Windows
We are clewing of Christmas goods at a
Men's Smart Wear and
ine Tailored Clothing.
WA.Nr-1` !
rine hundred re young 1111'. and
woolen. wino ere ambition- Hind Cuter
jri'Ing, to qualify In the
for the 111s • )
who are th pre
them. A .nI li
college 1111n.
right kind an f
later than many rod
In money esrnh.m
admitted at any tlo.
f •or. Yong.' and
4'u -ii inn.. n.•u t All three
middy Lived to &remit
months' ronrve 111 thio
V a young of one
or&t unr, equipment
4'•o r ler feee1o11+
power. St .dent .+
'Irrular, free.
Moodier Sp,
01l11 exnminc a copy y ,mr catalogue if
lye:moan Idea of taking preparatory eroli
for a
we believe there 1.1 no .•'Lunt eq nal to our. for
methodic bu.inew, training and for pnNluring
good r nulla. We solirlt In vret lent Ion and role
Iwrlaon. Enter any tulle. No (oration..
1t i'1 not n duped 'tinnll((lt 1/111 :t true tonic and
nutritive feed.
Our 5oc. size for a Tonic, at
icon• i*
5., !,.Iter kin,(.
Chemist 25c,I oo\
5 $
Special attention to family recipie•..
Not Just As Good, but
than any of the others are giving you.
We put style and snap into our work that
cannot he imitated. _
The Tailor
- Goderich.
The Great
laughter Sale
Men's Clothing
d Furnishings
Yolge and (ierraril pts., Toronto.
W. H. sit AU'. Principal.
Cin I dal
e in full swing.
In the commercial world 1 The enrcot. and
.hurts) nod 1. eta'!;!- .•hunt. 44'e ries a
emir., of training that. 1+ not +nrpswed by
an) nod's+.. t nri.yee In 1 •an'sda. we give
individual Inst ruction, therefore pm may
enter at tiny time. Write for fres .wt'sIl,gsa
and get full partlent'aro.
Come early and ge
our share of the bargains.
Walter G. Pridham
• N
:.:ji. 14£.k..lic4