The Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 6Tneltanalt, JUL 18, 1 9( 6
For an
Coal and aro %Vim Kearney, Hamil-
ton street. His line is 11144 14 by the
Borland Carriage Co.,
Stratford, Ont.
Also agent for the
Latest Improved
Farming Implements
made by tlie
Deering Harvester Co.,
Hamilton, Ont.
They make t he only original
machine on 1 hi • market. If this in not
no. Why i. it that 141144 makers imitate
the (Jeering.
Also agent for
Gasoline Engines,
2 to 15 horse power
J. 1. Case
Threshing Machine.
All thwell AS good performers.
ese goodsre go
aod Iiikets as
Hamilton St., Goderi h.
PACI roc
Vas •
Cesevielit. I•4.
bp 11110.4erl S. Swam
4 C•spane
:,ionty: ny snomit t
mild you? We have k •n one an-
other tuush too log for that." But lie
thought lie detected some 'contradiction
in her •'3 411, aid he wan right. The girl
W1114 afraid of him, afraid of the sensa-
tions he awoke, afraitl ilespetately of
"Pettingill may ,appeal to you," he
said, and 11111 voice was serious, "but
you might at least be courteous to me."
"How absurd you (we, Monty Brew-
ster." The girl grew hot. You ueedn't
think that your million gives you the
privilege of dictation to all of your
"Peggy! !low eau you?" he luter-
She went on ruthleaaly. "If my con-
duct luterferes with your higlineas'
pleasure I cau easily join tit+ Prestous
in Paris."
Suddenly Brewster remembered that
Pettingill itair'spoken of the Preston's
and expressed a fleeting wish that he
might)* with them in the Latin quar-
ter. "With Petting111 to follow. I sup.
se," he add Wily. "It would eertaip.
give you more priracy."
nd Mrs. Dan more opportunitiee."
orted as he dropped back toward
rtIst Instantly took hia place.
moment he had ehallenged
race and they were flying
ad In the moonlight. Brew -
outdone, was after them,
ly n moment before his
iolentiv at somethiug
COLUMBIA" and acquaint yonmelf ith the
gyro re•oureee and pumibilltim of our Mourner
Kest. Agriculture. Mining. Foreatry. Flakier.
lea Ranching.
"P13211140 am/ S/100TINO," accompanied
bra "SPORTSMAN'S MAP." will tell you
where the greateat pone resort,. this Po
minion are howled and how to get there.
'CIIALLENOE al *h� ROCKIES' iri v ea
excellent And Intertatibe Ihformation c Til-
ing Inc rusapod grandeur of t he -I.+ wit xerland of
America. •
The "NEW HIGHWAY te the ORIENT" mit-
lInta pletioant and educative tour. to the Air -
rained Kest. Ideal trip. for the winter niont he.
"MONTReAL,:' sad "Guesec." beautifully
illustrated booklets. descriptive .of the eon,-
merblal nietropolia of Canada and Matoric
ecenea of earlier daya
Any of the above publications free on appli-
cation to your neereet Canadian Pacific Agent,
or write C. B. Fueiter. 1). P. A.. Toronto.
the o
The ne
her to a
down the
titer. 1101 10
but it was 9
horse shied
black In the Then he saw Ter
gy's horats gallopi riderless. Instant-
ly, With fear at hi throat, he had 'din -
mounted •and wan t the girl's side.
She was not hurt, 1- found; only
bruised and dazed and oniewhat lam-
ed. A girth had broke auel her sad -
die turtd.d. The ersissal 5:11(2 SIIPOt
C. P. R. Agent - Ooderich.
Coal, Wood
hard Coal, Egg, Stove
and Chestnut
No. 1 Red Jacket, Do-
mestic Lump, Best
Soft Coal in the mar-
1 'stultify he hnd (11yrnotintcd and nos
at the !WI's side.
and sony•what awed, tudil the carriage
with the servants came up and she was
put Into it We. Dan's maid was there,
and Peggy insisted that she would
have '10 0(14 else. But AM Monty helped
her le he had whispered: "You wou't
41ild, win you? How could things
go oil here?"
Any amount of Hardwood, best
Maple and Beech, cit and split,
ready for the store.
pin \
The Best in Current Literature
12 Cora Nov,* YEAPILY
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered aectirm of Ponlinion
Lamle iti Mentiolia or the North watt p.1.5
Noteept log It end Ile. not rt.erved. may te• home,
'deeded by any perm., who 1,1 the aole head
family, or any male er IA yeer..4 a)1e. to the
extent of one -quartet atadlon of 1111 erre,. mow
Kntry may he In/4'e pemonally at the locel
land whet, Inc t be dlatrict in which the land le
'Mutate. or If the h ttttt eateader elt•atire, he ;um.
00 applleollon to the Minkter of the Interior.
trttawa. the I 'ontinbutIoner of Immigration,
Winnipeg. or the local agent receive Ant hm-fta
for Nome one to make mit rr, for Min.
The hrmineteader to perform the
condition., notinected therewith motet one of
the, following plane:
, 111 At leaat month.' re•Idence upon And
'‘e ult Ration of the land In each year for three
tit 2112.' father 20,mother. 21 (2,' father IP do
/wooled, of the honseelooder reelde. oipon R farl,
tu the vicinity of the land entered for 1111 re
quireretente AA to reatelenee TR). entb,fled
by much pemon remitting with the father or
1'.% f theitet tier ham hla permanent emblem,'
ripon farming land owned hv him In ther bin
itY of ht. homeateetet. the rontstrettient. a. to
residenne luny he entistled roddenee upon
the ..eld in net .
Aix month.' 001 15' in writing ahould IrIVen
to I he ntitmlaaloner of Dominion Jowl. et
'Clew* of Intention to •pply for patent.
W. W. c1)11
10/Tidy of the 1111nl•ter of the Inter -Int
N.11.- Unmet horlreel plibli,•atIon of thi•
Vertimement will not he paid Inc
TUE' penerfulueem of fairyland
wan something which Brewnter
eonld not afford to continue,
and with Bertier he Watt soon
planning to invade it. The automobile
which he wan obliged to order for the
mysterionn manottee put other Ideal;
into tits head. It seemed at twee ab-
Polutely necessary to give a coaching
party in Italy, nto1. as vouches of the
right kind wens hard to lind there ant
changen of 'tonics moat uncertain,
nothing eould be tnore simple and nat-
ural than to import automobile's from
Paris. Iswking into the matter, he
found that they would have to be pur-
cliamal outright. as the renting of five
machines would put hie credit to too
severe n test. Areonlingly ltertier tel-
egraphed a wholesale order. 51111443
II ‘411 the resonreem of the manufactur-
e and causied much eompinint from
POI 1 customera whose work woo' mine-
r -0m ably delayed. The arrangement
made Its tf minor wax that they
were t be ta en bark at a greatly re-
dueed p ee a the end of mix weeks.
The innel nen ere "dripped at once,
flVe to Mita one to the nddretim of
the tuyaterio m quip* in Florence.
It was with elms i regret that Mon
t/ broke into t lilljd of the villa, for
the witchery of e Wee had got Into
his blood. Bit n ter h nettsr. of duty,
combined with the lit that the Paris
ellaufteurs nfidi mach were due in
Milan on Monday, ine morrizIra,leetni)
He wan astonishes! thn
deennip 55 -pc,' IRO meekly veil, for
that his Rolieitous eon did
not know that worse extras- ee lay
beyond. De look them to n by
train and lodged them with won den
dor nt the Hotel Corot*. Ile lie
found that the fame of the pelt ly
profligate had preemies' him. end
portly 110Xt Wild All IleferolleP and 11
tention all regret, too, for monsieur
wag plat too late to hear the wonderfill
eternality orarlists who had 'been ming -
Ing nt 1,n Seale. The settxon was but
just 0101.11. Here WIII1 11 11 oppOrt IIII fly
missed, indeed. and Breivnter'si vexa•
Bon brought out an Ironfcal eomment
to Berner. It rankled, but It had lUi
effect. '111e moiler proved (spud to
the emergency. DlaeoverIng that the
ninnager of the eompany and the prin-
cipal urtiata Weer 'dill In Milan, he
anggested to Brewster flint a special
performance would be very difficult to
Peenre, hot might still he omissible. His
chief relight At the idea 11111(1 anthorlseill
him to make every Arrangement. re-
fa:n•rrsi-ying the entire 11011114 for his own
"lint the plan, will look bare." pro
1410.1 the cornier. aghast.
"Fill it with flon-eret; ..nr11 it with
tenentriets," commanded Itrewater. "1
Iput the anair yoilr bands, and 1
trued you to carry It through 111 the
right way. Show than bow it ought to
belted;tTe‘;''n heart 'swelled within him at
the thonght of so glorious an opp.ortu-
nity. Ilia fame. he felt. was already
established in Italy. It bectone a mat-
ter of pride to do the thing Inuidamin,
ly, and the 1144414A1ley,1111A1114N4 timings,
motto' called out all his unused re-
illsnircea 01 delleney and diplomacy.
11'11mi it conies to the decoration of the
itl writ IMAM. be called upon Pettingill
roe assist:nice, mei together they super-
intended an arrangement 11.11141i cur
alum! off a large part of the plaee and
rishiets1 it to'livable proportion's. With
the dower% and the lights, the. tapem
thee and the great fattest flare. it be-
came something quite different from
the ipmal empty theater.
To the eonsternation of ,the Italiann.
the work had 14+511 11101141, 141141 It W:14
OA the evening after their arrival In
:Milan that Brewster conducted his
friends in mtate to the &mitt. It was a1.
nowt a triumphal progress, for lie lied
generously if unwittlegly given die
town .the most prineely sensation in
years. 11141 curloolity was abinolast.
Ilne. Valentine, who was. In the car-
riage With Molly. wondered wetly
why they were attrneting much
take Ian tM American dun.*
and prineeweess." radishes' Monte.
"They never RAN • WII 111:1 II"
"Peril:ilia they exposled I1A to rolebn
said I nim.,"witli_lut.lau
eaptices in our tralu." •
—No," Subway Smith pro1ested;1"I
seem to see diaappointment, In ir
faces. They are looking for crowns nd
scepters Ind a shower of gold t 'n
Healy, Monty, you doh't play the\ le
aa you should. Why, I could give u
points on the potential. act myse a
milk white' steed, a few clattering t-
tendanta gorgeous uniforms, a h.
0.01 here and there aud little nie
tributing silver In the reur."
"I wonder," exelaimed Alm Dan. f
they don't get tired 110W and then
toeing potentate*: *ain't you fancy
Ing in palaCess and longing for a that
ell cottage?"
"Easily," auswered Subway, wit
laugh. "Haven't we tried it outsets ?
Two months of living upou nothing it
fatted tithes more than I eau st. d.
We shall I* ready for a home for s-
pepties If you can't slow dowu a it,
Whereupon 3Irs. Dan evolved a an
and protuptly began to carry it ui by
inviting the crowd to dinner the •xt
night. .Monty protested that ey
would be leaving Milan In the a er-
noon and that thin was distluctl. his
affair, and he was selfish.
But Mrs. Dan was eery sure. My
dear boy, you can't have things our
OW11 way every minute. In as her
10011 111 you will be quite spoiled:Any-
thing to prevent that. My dtg Is
plain. Even if I have to use Itrole
measure's, you dine with Inc ittuor-
Monty recognized defeat whet he
met it Iliad graciously neceptee her
very kind Invitation. The nextmo-
ment they drew up at the opera awe
and were nahered In with defence
only aceorded to wealth. The /Tieder
of the effeet was overpowerin to
Brewster as well as to his Iwwiltred
guests. Aladdin. it seemed, had eirly
outdone himself. The wonder it
waft no eomplete that It was aomelme
before they could settle down t4the
opera, which was "Aida," Mven fhb
nii enthulthenn that only Hangnails'
Duriug the last Interminsion New.
ster and Peggy, were walking the
foyer. They had rarely spoken Ince
Abe day of the ride. but Monty nfleed
with happineas that mhe had on ?feral
occasions avoided Petting111.
'I thought we had given up hiri-
land when we left the lakes', be-
lieve you carry It with you."
'The trouble with thim," Mo
plied, "is that there are too ma
ple about. My fniryland 111 to
a little different."
re -
"Your fairyland. Monty, will .bnilt
of gold and paved with alive You
will sit all day miffing comma 0 Au
office of alabaster."
"Peggy, do yo11, too, think vul-
gar? It'm a beastly parade, 1 now,
but It can't stop now. Yon do real-
ize the momentitin sof the thing.
You do it up to the handle," put
In. "And you Insomuch too roma
to be vulgar. Mut it werries m Mon-
ty; it worries ine desperately. s the
Were Ern thinking of—your Bite.
which Is being !Mallon -ell up This
kind of thing can't go ou. Au what
Is to follow it? You are wast i your
aubletanee, and you are not mak any
life for youriseIrthat opens out
"Peggy," lie mixwerts1 very lio only,
"you have got to trust inc. ean't
back out, but 111 tell you t -you
WWI not be disappointed In in a the
There watt a mist before ti
1,43 as she looked at him. 'I .1Ieve
you, Monty," OW All 111 amply. shall
not forget."
The etirtain rose upon the n net.
pioniethIng In the opera to I the
1 seemed to bring the two close
1. Bier. As they W1I*1 11:1% the
tio.a rattere was a note of reg from
Pekta) "It haft been perfeshe
breathes "yet. Monty, lan't it • sate
that lo o e else should lin VP It
Think of t exe poverty atricke ag-
ents who ad re inutile and haw ever
beard an opera.,"
"Well, they ithall hear one
Monty rose to it, but he felt e *
hypocrite In coneealing his chi mo -
tire. Will repent the perfo nee
tomorrow night and nil the hon ith
Ile was an good en hie word or
tier scat' Elven a task the ne lay
which was not to him taste. M tth
the aisaistanee of the elty authorhe
enrrled It through. To them It an
,evIdence of Insanity, but tiler a
tI era house was less complaceut. and be
soemething prineely a 100111 it, and they
wre tolerant. Themanager of the op-
-' bail an exclamatory terror of the data-
! age to his upholstery. But Brewster
had discovered thut lu Italy gold is •
panacea for an Ills, and hits prescrip-
lion" were liberal. To hiw the day
was short, for Peggy's Interest lu the
penance, as It cushy to be called. was
tw keen that she Insisted on having a
hand in the prelluduaries. "I'llere was
siontethIng about the partnership that
appealed to Monty.
to her regret the DeMIlle dinner in-
terfered with the opening of the per-
formance, but Monty connoted her with
the promise Bud the opera and its
democratic auslienee should follow
During the day Mrs. Dan had been
deep In preparations for her bauifuet,
but her plans were elaborately coneeal-
ed. They culminated at 14 o'clock In the
('ova, uot fur trout the 24,a11, and the
dinner was eaten In the gardeu to the
sonnet of music. Yet It was an effect of
simpliCity with whieh Mrs. Dan sur-
prised her guest's. They were prepared
for anything but that, and when they
were served with cousenime, 'spaghetti
—a concemsion to the chef—and chops
end fieam, followed by a Wad and cof-
fee, the gratitude of the crowd was
quite beyond expneslon. In a bunst of
ellthitslateau Subway Smith suggeeted
a test imontal. '
Monty complained bitterly that he
blatimelf had never reeeived St ghost of
• testimonial. He protested that it was
sot deserved.
"'Why 'should you expect It?" exelattn-
td Penitent!. "Wheu have You risen
from terrapin and artichokes to chops;
autl chicory? 'iVheu have you given ills
nectar and ambrosia like this?"
" Monty was defeated by a unnuirnous
vote, aud Mrs.,Datee tesstittionial wits
tonsured. This matter settled. Peggy
fuel Mrs. Valentitte. with Brewster mud
Pettiugill, walked over to the Scala 1 1
and beard again the Wet two acts of 1
"Aida." But the audiens‘e was differ- t
mit. and the appluttne.. I
. 'Die tiext day id noon tie chauffeurs
from Paris reported for MO And dye
gleaming French devil wagoun teauied
off through the erowd 111 the 41 ectiou
of Venice. Through 'trestle slid % roust
and Vieenza they imams', acatte ug
largems of silver lu their wake a 1
*a ving a trail of breathless woode
Brewster lomat the pace too fast, awl
by the time they reaches! Veitice he had
a wistful lunging to lake this radiant 1
'sundry wore slowly. "But this is pure- b
ly n imminent' trip." be thought. "dud I
can't exist -et to enjoy It. Souse tiny 1'11 D
collie back mud do it differently. I , a
colds' spend hours In u goodola if the , a3
blamed thug were not more expenelve 1 w
by the trip." ' ov
! ,
It woos there tbut he WAS suddenly • 0
revolted to his ditty from dreams of 11
moonlight ou the water by a cable-• 41
grain which dtquauded e1 before It .1 Is
could be read. It eoutalned wont „for
word the parable of USe teu talents II
and 404.1141 with the simple word 111
"Joties "
/ ' ) ell
uround," aud lie would marry her
Monty** 1/10041 1,0111(1 (UrIUUMIY for a
fallouts- or two, but lie was qui.•k to nee
the %bellow of tri-ating the iiropositioe
diplomatically. He tried to wake It
plaiu to the sle•lk that Miss linty
could not accept the honor be whined
to confer upon her, but it was not Mo-
luctioned's custom to be denied any-
thing be Linked fur, enpecially auything
feminine. Ile compluceutly 8111101.1111.1(1
that lie would CO Ale U11011111 that after
hump and talk It over with Peggy.
ewster looked the swarthy gentle.
mai uver with liticoncra leel disgust in
lals eye& 'Mr 1.,1 11014111 of this
ugly brute no much :IA touchlug the
hand uf little Peggy tiray 111111
with horror, and yet there was some-
thing laughable in the situation. Ile
eould not hide the smile that ,C11t111 WI 1 11
the 111110 11.1111/111 Of Peggy listening to
the avowal of the The Arab
Inilalutert.reted this exhibition of mirth
To him the grill ludicated friendship
and encouragewent. Ile wanted to
give Brewster a ring us a pledge of
affection, but the Amerieun declined
the offertng and also refused to carry a
bag of Jewel' to Peggy"
111 let the old boy mine aboard Put
to SPP Peggy look a hole through him,"
be re/solved. "No matter bow obnox-
ious' It may be, It beet every girl W110
cau say an oriental potentate bar ask-
ed her to marry bhp. If this camel
henier getn.disagreeable we way tum-
ble him into the sea for a change."
With the beset grace possible Ise In-
vited the sheik to COIlle aboard and
CullaUlt MINA ray In person. Moham-
med wax a good bit puzzled over the
intimation that it would be neeessary
for bitn to plead for anything he had
expresteed a desire to powers*. Brew•
sti•r mantled tlw news to Rip Van
Winkle and Subway Smith, who hail
gone ashore with him. 011,1 the trio
ngveed that lt would be good sport
0 let the royal proposal come fle a stir -
!rise to Peggy. Van Winkle returnisi
the yal•lit at once, but his eminent-
onn stayed alshore to do Rome shop-
ping. When they npproached the Flit-
ter later on they observed au unusual
eoninnotion on deck.
011:1I11 11:111 not tarried long aft-
er their departure. Ile withered libi
train together. selected a few (vastly
presents that had been returned from
the harem and advaneed on the boat
without delay. The captain Of the EH-
er stared long and hard at the gayly
*eked launches' and then callial to
trod unser. Together they watched
oremoulons approach. A coin& of
meta neraids CRIMP 'hoard nrst
naive,' the approach of the
ef. Captain Perry went fut-
on! to g .et the abelk as I* came
*et the odd of the ship, hat he vies
rushed aside y the advance guard*.
elf a lit:mired worthy fellows crowd- .
I aboard. find Ili 1414110 the Nikeik.• the
wsimitieation of 1 nip glull pride.
"Where la -other' h asked in his nit-
ve tougue. The past eters were by
is" time 11 WA 44 of the visitation and
wan to 'draggle on dee filled with
-What do you mean It (muting
Wert In tlas manner?" dental led the
or now irate Ceptgle Peery, Allot tig :a
couple of retaluers ciut of Ilia path nil
faclug 'the hes ding 'suitor. .tat In
prefer took a hand at tidos Jun lure. nu
doughty cold ain tinnily Wi1e wade
melenstaud the object of the visit.
etttIgInisl In the sheliCts face and told
• mate to calhup a few Jackie* to
lye the "tillgo411" off. Itip Van Win-
_ interfered., and peace wax restorel.
e cruitie bail changed Rip into a hap -
r and far more radiant creature. SO
WW1 only natural that he 'tumid have
ired the secret with Slaty Velem
IS. 1 le had told the story of the
Wm' demanil to her .an soon as be
111 aboard. Intl aloe had divulged It
Peggy the nett:ant wes out of
wen -otter found the sheik sitting in
state on the upper deck impatiently
awaiting the appearanee of Ids chann-
el*. Ile did not know her WIMP, but I*
had tranquilly commanded I tip to pro
dm'*' all of the women On hoard no that
114 might neleet Peggy from among
them Van Winkle and Bragdon, who
11oW WO. In the Arend, were preparing
to march the *diem past the rifler when
eame up.
"Han he ecu Peggy?" he asked of
Van Wlukle.
..Not yet. She In dressing for the oc-
"Well. wait n NOP What hrIppPdll to
hint when she geta over the first
shock." laughed Monty.
Juat then the sheik dineovered Peg. -
who, pretty an a picture, drew
near the pitrange group. To her amaze -
t, two niaven rushed forward sod
meted her pnismage long enough to
teat their le•ada ou the deek a few
times, after which they arose and irn-
dered two magnMeent neeklaeea,/ghe
was prepared for the proposal, bid this
'teflon disconeertell her. She gasped
and looked nbout In perplexity. Her
friends were mulling broadly, and the
sheik had placed hls hands over his
palpitating heart.
icise•tistmo. I
the c
nil an
ighty e
(.,....., xi.... ..
THE sunsuwr is scarcely a gued .a.1
tane to visit Emiti'. but .MO
1100 Isis averts 114111 11 desire
gee ...veil a little of floe northeru
coaat of,Africa. It was deckled, there-
fore, that after Athens the Flitter
should go south. 1 be yacht had wet 10
thew at Naplee after the automobile 21
procession—a kind of triumphal prog- tie
resit was dish:tie:A In Florence, and dr
t bey had taken a ilittrrie.1 survey of
Bottle. Ity 114 111 111.1Ie of July the
party Wits I lying the heat of Egypt
11041 111111114f I1 not half bad. :sew
WLIM Ilut tttt ire than a mouth
away us Brewster reckwied time and
distance, and then. WAS Still too much
Money in the' tree -story. As Septewber
(Crew nearer he got into the habit
of frequently forgetting Sweareugeu
.1011114 11i&tij it was too late to -retrace
hi. steps. He wan eomiug to the
-death struggle," an he "termed It, auil
there was x oiling rather terroriz
lu the fear that "the mill' might
do. hard." And so these last 11147s gaud
nighta were glorious' (mem, if oue (multi
have looked at thew with titiblaaed,
untroubled eye& But every 'member
of libe party was praying For the day
%them the Flitter would be well lido
the broad Atlatitic and the worst over.
At Alexandria Itrewater had letters to
some Englishmen aud 11. the few en-
tertainments tha t he gave succeeded
once again in fairly outdoing Aladdin.
A *heft front the interior WAS a
guest at one of Illonty's entertain-
ments. Ile Wad hotly, hot blooded
fellow, with a (Impiety populated
harem, aud lie bail beim luvrted wore
as a curloalty than as one to be IWO- 111411
ored. As be 101111 aboard the Flitter 02"4
Monty bcllee.1 tle." In v I ta lion wan
more than Justified. ,Slolniiiimed was
superb, aud the women of the party
made so much of 11 luu that It wax small
wonder that his llontl Was thruisl. Ile
fell (temperately In love with Peggy
tirny on sight, and with all the ein11.
posture of a potentate who hng never
been mowed 1* sent for Brewster the
next dor and told hint to -mend her
and go forward into the new we wish this year of
1906 may be a bright and prosperous year to our
many friends and customers.
On account of lack of skilled labor we have at times been
much delayed with osir orders, 'mil would ank t het, we be excused
thin time and for the future We WilliPlIfleAVOt to he mote prompt.
and with perannal attention, honest prieen mid good goods merit
15 continunnee of your patronage.
If we have pleased yoe tell others about it.
A few of the thing". folind in our store :
The Celebrated Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges,
The Penn Esther Range,
the only double heating range monis. in Canada, and you will
lir Am -primed at the prier.
Lamp Goods, Granite Ware,
Tin and Copper Ware.
Everything for the kitchen. Plenty of raw mat Ct till to make
and repair. Anything you need in Plumbing, Tinamil hing llot
Water and Steam Heating. Filmier work, Troughing. etc , etc.
mime I
His 1905 Open Letter
Accommodation at Free Hospital Increased by Twenty-five Beds
Dear Friend :—
C4Intributions from rich and poor,
young and old, received by the Free
Hospital for Consquiptives, tell of the
lo‘e and charity towanl the great
work carrits1 on in Muskoka.
Thousands fin all parts of Canada
not only sent their "God blew the
work" but their money also to help to
answer their prayent.
pew WillOW out of her hard-
earned savings, telling how her own
heart was made lonely through the
dread scourge, as well as the tich
insurance cOmpanies, have rent their
2,009 patients have been cared for
since the opening of our Homes in
Muskoka. 560 of theme were treated
iu the Free Hospital. 150 patients in
three two Homes to -day, show how
this life-aaving work has grown.
Premier Whitney, replying to a
large deputation in the interesta of
the National Sanitarium Association,
stated that "personally he thought
$100,000 would not be too much for
the Government to net apart for this
Seventy five patienta to lw cared
for in the Muskoka Free liospital for
Consumptives means a large weekly
outlay. '1'lle Trustee' accept this
obligation, believing the needed money
will fortheoiniiig.
The world is full of good and
generous people ready to give. But
they w.asit to be sure that their money
is wisely spent. In no other place mut
your money do so much good.
The growing knowledge of the con-
tagious character of the disease has
tuade the lot of the consumptive poor
a hard one.
The Muskoka Free Hospital im to-
day the only place where a aufferer
in the early stages of consumption is
admitted free.
Will you not help to save the life of
a sick one to whom all other doors are
What greater blessing could crown
your giving, than the knowledge that
it helps to snatch a fellow -being front
the very jaws of death!
$50,000 is wanted for the coining
year. Will you join in this greatent
of all charities?
• Faithfully yours,
- W. J. GAG/,
Toronto, Can.
Our Granite and Tinware
are Always on Top.
The Stransky ware that WP id & OPPIIIAti
Melt., guaranteed for 11 ve yeers, and although it costa
you A little e money than other niakek it will out-
last them it good many times (mei; therefore it is the
cheapest in the 'Iortg run. Also the guarantee is
W01111 great deal
We iirc root "OR' on top 5s:t( tow granite And ti0-
It II Happy Thought Henget, Radiant Home
Heaters. lieneral Hardware Plumbing Heating Tin-
Made bysiiasvy stable.
thi modern housewife te
ha, ' asd more
wholemm. h4. MM.
out •ny the tr5b4.and
worry hooking day \occs-
•ioned bee routher.
/ad 11 Costs Liss Tams to Ms.
.01;;A 4\1
When buying a piano consider the merits
of the famous
Newcombe Plano!
For choice quality of tone, durable ac-
tion and stylish UMW Winne! of gold
medal at Paris World's Fair and other
great awards. Call on nt write to
County Wholesale and Retail Mr.nager
God Prioliog Always and All Ways at Tho Signal