HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 5.
rc11I SI(;NAIi :- G OOF:11011 ONTARIO
Tun bIAY, Jan. 1st, I:,te
J ,
Talk happiness,
Not now and lass, bat ovary
Hl+v,.od day.
Even If you don't believe
The half ut what •
You nay ,
field. un room here for hint
\1' ho w h I nc.• it. 011 Ids
nese h011o01..
Iteiunnh•1..un. the world is
Sad euuugh without
Your wore..
'inik kimono.... ouch cloaca
You get "and
Talk it gaud 0110 .truul) r
les.k fur It
The byways 444100 grittily
Plod along;
I'urh4p. it Ie a atnulgor now,
Whom, Arlt never
Comes •
Hut tall( 11,! Soon you'll nod'
That you mid Haldane..
Are chum,..
There Koruna to be a moral some-
where in this story ; go if you don't
like stories with a mural don't read it :
An eminent ph sieta n in 1'- hail
cured a little child of Iadangeroua1H-
nr". The grateful mother turned her
items towards the homes of. her roll's
“Doctor,'.' she said, "there are suint
things which cannot be repaid. 1
really don't know how to esprese my
gratitude. 1 thought you 'would, per-
haps, he so kind AN W accept this
puree, embroidered by my own hand."
-Madam." replied the doctor coldly,
"uaediciol, in no trivial affair, and our
visits -are to be rewarded uuly
money. Small presents serve' W ilio-
tain friendships, but they do not rtls-
tai' our families."
"Hut. doctor,'.' said the lady.
alaiulell and wounded, "speak --tell
1)4• t he fee."
"'l'wu hundred dollar•+, madam."
The lady opened the embroidered
purse, took out rive lank nut's 1(f
hundred dollars each, gave two W the
doctor, put the tem+Lining three dock
in the purse. bowed coldly., :and took
her departure.
• .1 Parser, I'fra.
My little Y boy> in eight year. old.
He .,
g.a.. W +''had each day
Hu docent mind the tank+ they set-
They neem to him but pkiy.
He heal+ hl. ria.. at ranl,l Mork, •
Ault 41.100 4ike. the lout
At waking dinky paper boats -
Hut 1 wlah that he (multi rend.
They lew•h hint i,h)•94olngy0
. And, U; it chill.. our heart.
To hear our prattling innocent
Mix up hln inward parte.
He .I* lean,. unto" y
And names the .tann by night -
(H roar* he's try up to date.
Hut I wish that'\he could write.
They ?mob him thin 'Mlaniral.
They t,'t•h himq how draw.
11e babble. of uo'tholoary
And gravitation". law ;
And the dinemenr, of rhea
With him are quite • fad.
They tell 111e he. a elever bon -
Hut I win,' that he could 11.414...
The interpretation of the old nursery
acing entitled. "Sing -a Song of Six -
Lonce," i+ el•txlited t) a clergyman of
iverp ol, England, named John How-
ard, who soya :
•' The four -find -twenty blackbirds -
represent the four -,rid -twenty hours.
The holt of the pie is the world.
while the top crust is the sky which
overr'aehea it. The opening of the
pie is the day.dawn, when the. birds
begin 14, sing. and surely such a sight
is fitting for a Ling. The king. who is
represented as sitting in his parlor
counting 1110 n.gnry,. 111 the sun. while
the gold pieces which slip through the
flngetr as he counts' thea{ are the
golden sunshine. The queen 114 the
main, And the 1 •t• with which she
ta hersi•If is this, moonlight. '1'he
industrious maid who he in the gimlet)
Ito work b rot'' the sun has arisen is the
day dolt , and the clothes she hung.
nut aro t (•14,114144. while the Ilial who
ao tragical! Inds the nulls by nipping
aR her elate 1 the Muir of sunset."
A medical stu.len o obtain his Ile -
great must stead In rr ego iia 'iwe'tlen
ten years, Italy eight ales, Switzer-
land right velars, notion ight years.
Norway eight years, He hunt eight
'years, 1)onnurk seven year', 'r .rtugni
five yp. ra. Ureal Hritain. Can a and
the United Staten four years.
1'd rather 1w'a Could ale.
1f 1 cannot Ise an ,ter .
For a Could 1h• 1..1 May lir.
With a chance of lourhhlg pot.
1'11 rather 1.' it H,i. Been
Than a Migbt Hat,' liven. by far
Fora Might He in a llasn't lloen,
Huta Has Been wan moment Are.
Alen nn Are is I. and Am.
•A Wa. wa+ all of these :
Po I'd rather be a fait+ neon
Than a 11ann'l. If you please.
Sharman the wonderful healer who
had half the Province talking a few
months age, wax in Ststforth again re-
cently, but r'e'ports say that his visit
did not. "pan out" aside former one
did. la it passible that the people he
cured on the first visit did nut stay
. 11 is reported that Andl'Ply Carnegie.
the donor of puhlio libraries and giver
In general. Is to visit Canada mixt
erring. isn't thin a chance for the
public library (Klan) to bring him to
undie yinwn and titudedemonstrate
to hint him benefi-
ciaries 1 1 (luderieh ? Surely he *01114
melt in tear's on beholding the magnifi-
cent tablet erected to his honor in
the handsome edifier on Montreal
street I Who of our citizens wishes
to earl a niche in the Hall of Fame by,
organizing a demnn1tratinn for An-
drew when he visits the prettiest
town in Canada ? Don't all speak at
Will be Brought to Canada Through
the Agency of the Salvation Army.
The efforts of the Salvation Artily
on the liner of immigration were s1(
succerrful last year that arrangement'
have leen made for, teulthousand
people to leave the sh,res • of (heat
Britain through the game agency dur-
ing the Domiug season. 'Phone 1 -
grants will be selected front it pob,tjble
nue hundred thousand applicants, ked
when it la known 11114.t each eine is
thoroI $hay investigated, and p1Y•f-
elentst.given Only to those tvIto 4400
likely t, (make good rt•ttlel'il, the
effort' of Uenrrltl Hlwth'tt worthy
movement will to thoroughly appreci-
ated by every Canadian.
The mile accnmm(ahtt' of three
'trainers has been chartered for this
season's busi1era, and the "Hirt organ-
ized party of 1,514) will embark nn the.
14. d. Kensington, Mut4•h 1st, attiring
in Halifax ten days later. Many of
these lieuple=_a1Y• from the agricul-
tural districts of llre,it Britain ; in
fact, the majority are coining to Can-
ada intent on engaging in fai.ii, work,.
and will he distributed to farms in
Ontario on arrival. 11'arnleYi who
have not w-ourotl their Help for' the
'coming season will do well to write
•immtdiately to Brigadier Thos. How-
ell. Secretary 14. A. luuliigratie.n
pplutnlent, Janes ,and Albert streets.'
Toronto, for applitltion forum and
further pet u'u1ars.
Many splendid •tributes have- leen
paid to the S:alvatMir Army for the•
excellent (lass of men who have al-
rtvady been brought to this'ctzuntl•y.
Willie nen+ n gentle Incl.
°anent) regrets
We felt when Willie one day took
To umokiog cigarette+.
WI111e kept on po ting
Hander every dor.
M -ler took the ennpm+ and
She plat Them all away.
WHIM ban left 11.-
le dewa. a mournful shock.
ndogot�amhe erotism. In
mantel r1a•k.
Noor we gather 'round it.
At the minute. Ay t
ilIt nllember • WIUI ,by.
The original pronunciation of Trs-
falggaarr ie on the+ flet and third tel•
hides. When Witham !sang his great
gong he wao compelled by the rhythm
to place the ardent on the second
syllable. and as he ,sang it on or aioYut
the night the great news corns t0
London, In November, 1)4011, thio tang
went like wildfire thrmigh Britain,
*twee people adopted 13raham's
t%rontmciation of the word. Trwfal-
gar is a Moorish word, and nigniflee
'Data of iLaufai+n
01,000 REWARD,. ,
For a Casa of Incurable Constipation.
1• mired o
To a person who can't re a e, 1 f
comstipal' by I)t•. Hamilton's Pills.
the al0(40 reward w111 be li;tbl. Ni)
ti.thnrtie medicine gives such luting
satisfaction or effects such mutrVeilnux
elites Aa fir. Ha 11.41''. Pills. Helier
diutely follows for headache, hil-
ioli.nests atria tit( tua4')) disorder.. No
griping pains. no burning +en$,ttiuns•
nothing but the most Piga*silt relief
attends ,the use of l)r. Hamilton's Pills
--uthetw not ply j;iexi. Prier Lac n ish,
at all dealers.
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future
Close Higher -Live Stook Merlotti
-Tho Latent Quotations.
Monday Evening, Jan. 13,
frt•rrpool wheat awl curia futures closed
today +k,d higher time Saturday.
At. (Wragu May wbeut closed '.10 hi:A e
Hum Saturday; May corn, 1,.. higher and
tlay oats unchanged.
The following were the rhrlugogn..tntlnna
rrrslett:ay at 4h1* ur rk,•t; .\Ily.
hly;c, .)uly 8014c,
Tb. visible supply of grunt In the t'u.trd
Slate. sue Cauatla is as f.Rkuays:
11441. 1 . CUL
Jas. 14.
41- - ;.ti,:1U,0I
n 1,773,1100
kr 11,,171,/00
Hilo supply ot,
ulled, nutter in -
corn, I0ereas•d
eree.ed 277,1)!41
w'Leut 47,401,0
l'orn ....,. ,,,10.761.0
bailey .
It ring the week' the ,l1
wine( is Canada and the 1
el eh awl 1,e614,es1 ,`rhrla;•
1[.2.,A11, hustle:4; male, d�
New Perk 11:1 ta)%
Detroit , t t)l% h74a
207edu ,a:.... ...... u111a $744
Url(t til sUy . 871(0
t(t„ Iy 07 e91
Yat ueapoW 561do til s
Grata -
Wheat, spring. bush . .$n 76 l0 1...,.
Y. tt at, fall, 1,11.11 .. . 0 7(1 0?8
Wheat. red. bust& . .. m 70 tf 70
Winer, row*, bash . 070
Htr:ern bush .. bm 711 - 4) Sl
Ort.• herb 0 :4{tf, 0
1•uh , O 74 ...
I'cns. blah „ 0 75 - -'....
I0.ckwhent, Minh 0 33
New York, Jun. 15, duller---trudy to
m: r."tint ., 4:00: tre,•t prows, stub
cre.mery, 27e; official prise, crtnnary,
4.4(1n•on to extra, 1111• 0 .i. ; .10.. 011. lrx•
le 24c; stale d+drv, a to extra. lir
,44.. • veno' t
a ell au c.xaiwutt e r
to r ran
tit s4. to ear; wt'a4•rn fae).ry, ra111100 10
Iart., 11440 to 11)140: weat,'ru Indt'tlou
('rtes cry, extra, 21e to 214,,4,-; do.. Orate, tae
to ase.
('h( tae--Flrtn: rrOMitts, text; state, toll
I mama, wall and large,, colored and white.
W pteml er funcy, 141.e; do. 4)1,11er bent.
13'S!! 131..': do.. not, mule, sma11 color-
ed and white. average Leat, 1214 0; du.,
'large, 1214 r; do., fair, 114;1\, lu 12c; okra.•
lull to hilt, 341.'.0) 11%,' "
Aga -Ea Db.
sy; 0Fcel 14336: state Penn-
ayt,uula l
and nearby funcy neleet..white,
Biahop Baldwin Memorial. • :vie to 29e; 00., choice, 211.' 4. 27e; 0o.,
misted. ,extra, -24c to 2.ia: western first+,
London Free i're1s: The Synod of 21 iyc to 22c; An„ n .40.0 ), 20e to 211; noun.
Huron after earnestly co,u idering a• cotsInc to _e,
form of memorial to the hate Bishop
Baldwin has, through a1)1.11(1 emu -
emitter sites for the pure..', de-
cided uls,u a lili,aionarY scholarship
in connection with the Iiioeewan Tin,}
logical 4'oliege-as n fitting manner of
signifying and advancing a cause t1(
wlriclI the Ill le Flitting) WAN devoted
with a consuming zeal. It is pro.
pt•ti t, raise al Ilam $1,)44) 101 a Call
141 10141. the net interest of which
shall be given towards the education
Of a student' pr students kir service fu
the Canadian 1(r foreign nli.0iun Held.
Vit in
object l)•.
Cables 1 nrba„aed-rattle nod 11og.
Lots., nt 11aeahhh,.
lou.;o11, Jam. l:•.-e'a111,• nr.• gnonvd at
1(k• to 11140 per 1b,; refrlgerst.w, 8%0 10
10. r:pt. or Hoe slack. at the 1'nlnu Rt eek
Verde acre 91 ear imole,. ewul.u,.ed o1 111)3
rattle, 43 sheep, 4 bogs and ;t calves,
flyers ranged 011 thruway from "!•1,::: to
$5 per cwt., the bulk µ11111a at . x}Aki to
circular has accordingly leen issued 4.ta;. Export bums sold at $150. to 81 per
h:< clergy of the Oh west*. 'ethos 1 cwt•
inn u/ the k•rttking xnd in•. Datehers.
l anbxt•t•i tlnn''tlarrelo. The Thr. bulk 0t '0R)•• Rrrc1, as bnt.liera'
P cul.. ot.•d of ml'el ltd 111 straight loads
ea • 4 44)1' 14,4110(1 to fertile' the of good rattle h•:tig u keel. Then• were
Hinting it before their not el. (.ugh timelier*' of goad quality 4)1
luritb+t•annl c •tptels 111 ('1(1)1.440 of the terel nod more would, Fater' found redly
,resent month. The scheme half re- aa�e. The tx•dt sold it $4 S to st.4u t4r
1 cwt;. rale tan good, e,,a ria -04,%"".::
4,12160: oar
ceivwl the railcar ndorluati1(n of 1 he m:,na at $::•ik, r.. i:t, �: („nes nt s•2,5o to 10.7:..
Bishop of Huron. "he 4418 (101 vont- IPoedera sad s4aekera,
minter having the 11 ter in charge o
Wort•ka:u.yy feeder+ were nu le. A tow
consists of the Dean. Vi' c flee. Eviuls Vsola n1 Si per rot.
Davis, chairman : e'en. tt•hd,•ncon >•/leg Cowls.
Hichardsln, necr•l. ''; R0 11)""1atAhantta5aiia114s1. and springer* 'aid
11.... Mr. heisted Ila)!.; a •d Mr.------
ohn !l,►ns o a Ira to r ou , which sold
to all, to clergy';1nen to luring the ,-- at $4 to $5,22• per en t.
jeer iwfore their people; to menthlN Sheep and Larbe,
41 the chgrch, and to the m/enlle•r% of a Pactuyt ewes tali tit 01.:14 to $4:73;
other l'hriotinn trainee -as it. ix felt
he et Kau per rot.
that many of the latter might wish to 11
avail 1hemwlvem of the 4glportunity tjisr
The Permanent Style nd
Shape of Semi ready Garments
' Everyone wants style in his clothes.
Some men say they don't, but they
are mistaken.
Almost all ready=made clothing has
.tyle in it. In fact, it is style that sells
half tbs ordinary ready-made clothes.
But there are two kinde of style -
surface style and thgougti-and-through
tailored style. There is as much differ-
ence between them as there is between a
wooden house painted to look like stone
and a solid d eton
e nonce.
Surface -style is created principal y in
the pressing room -put in with the hot
hon -it pleases you when you try it os,
brit after a couple of weeks war It
looks as if it had 'been drawn through
a knot -hole.
Our styles are designed by the 1c-
knowlelged best clothing designer fa
America.. Semi -ready styles are right
then we tailor them permanently.
Sari -ready style is built from' tit
foundation 'out. Every step in the con
atructiolt is in the hands of exper
niton. The shoulders are permanent':
stitch - moulded into ',shape (see du
illustration), not pressed acid shrunk b'
a hot iron only to sag uut of shay
niter -a little wear.
Every part of every Sem:•ready gee
meat is Stitched' into permane::! shag.
3f the least nnev5nfess shows it is riExi
it! ssetitChad, not smoothed over win
a hot iron. Every garment is passel
by an expert as perfect in shape before
it goes to the pressers.
Semi -ready fit is a certainty. Our --__
plan of physique types cover every class •_
of figure. Short stouts and tall stouts,
slopiug shoulders mud over -erect, all,
variations of figure are provided for in
the Semi -ready plan.
These points give' you style, fit and
cdmfort-uow for wear.
Evety piece of cloth that comes into
our tailorey has been selected at the
mill by our cloth experts ; before it i+
placed in stock it is tested by the most
severe tests. Some cloth men say we
are too severe, but' we think not, fur
we put our reputation back of every
thread of it when we sew the Semi -
ready label in a garment.
The .ilk -sewn seams, the carefuply
selected linings, the perfectly, made
button -holes, every little detail is care-
fully watched so as to make Semi -ready
tailoring the best produced. - .
You can see the style, fit and fitness
of a Semi -ready garment wen you
try it on -there is n0 guess wo -and
outguarantee covers any
ssib de-
Next time yog are thiuking of clothes
drop in and see us -in justice td pray -
you should investigate our -chines:
Seri -eadr
le ` �Ta It► ring .
GODERICH - - - Vic! EbN BROS., Agents
-a>•mcs wens arz.. ...
Veal Calves
J fowl AnP1 1 Frw r►lI ,al,o ,t.r,• a ,.•
of iwr•tetuating the lac •y of one SO. liglt tats
universally helot:•t,-2iind to all who MON
will. to co,npet•nt.e for the nem unplinh- blwtre4l, J
went of this wont worthy object -the ppm 1Jrerpvw
('rent' of "The Ilaldwi:) Scholar- steady at lutist., bt1 London advt.+•. were
*hip- for 110001) (',illegen ealaer at lube, and r anew Voted ;1 de-
_ crane at ld with trade ha • 'there -alas hemi
That Pale,.Tired twirl. a better demand for 1.1,er, • .1 and eierage-
Wl' to bare Sem made at ! shipnienta
She is. in society, in II11ahIP+,4, at tow. et. 301in and Torino las. week
I everywhere where you owe hien tett 1410 rattle, Luz sheep. itelelpte to.
always our' and fatigued.
she hasn't day were two cattle, 30 sheep Aad Iamb., 21
►f cr+l'ea. IWO 110115. The but,hcrs ,werr..alt
hcatsl of Fer1Yfzinie or she wield be smet, but trade was low owlug t0 11,.
perfectly well. How quickly it small supplies and the advarced pekes de..
attengthen',-what Inn appetite it gives 114,f-tx:ell for them, lame beeves sold at
-what n glow it brings t1( pallid 41'' 1" L4te per Ib. Gond calHe. 3s,,o to
,'weeks ! Te- oral -intent contained in Stec, ami the comma) stork, 214,• to .e,
with 0000141 large 1.1,11.. 4t 3141 to 4r, 751e
Ferran ne puts strength into anybody. witch cows were a prior lot and there arm.
Inhaling eyes, rosy lips, bright quick ed to be little demand for them. A 'cry
movements all tell of the vitality Fer- Ane large Dalt oak abld for L•",; the others
Kennedy r,y.orlyd na ndvnnce'or
t., setects. tit 1463 per "wt., nod
$6m per cwt,
15.-(Special.n-- Cnbt•.
Cahidlan ea tile tame
!zone trtidurt•Ic. 'Thousands �d tat- snit", to m Park, sheep d at 11,4.' and
1 lan•hs, at 61, per Ib. There oonllnara t:
le. -. very strong undertone to the mnrast
for hots and prin. worm, another ads:moo
of 21.- tier cwt., which Is due to the -con-
tinned month suppta, coming forward and
the keen tomp•tlno'n between pnekera for
the same sales were made at $7 to $7.23
MARINE NEWS. per rot„ welshed 5 the earn. Catlett foist
London and Hrintol on Canadian Dagen weer
strong at an adranee of le to 3a, bnt eves
Another g t steel carrier will he at this rote rackern.elalm there is nomoney
added to the ( nwulian lake marine. In mating shipments.
The Farrar Tran. striation ('onlpny EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET.
1 live happy women use Fer'tn.'ne.
11 ' not you 7 A box of fifty chocolate -
rota tablets costa fifty cents at any
has decided to hail n 1),(441 -ten steam -
and t contract 'ill rnlwbly le
given to the Calling t, Shiphuild- &sae to fekto; ahlpping steers. SLEW to $11.:Z;Fist Buffalo Jan. 13.--('nttle---Recelpta,,
he p 48410; attire, 10c to 330 lower; prime steers,
ing u
(Ism ult• for deliver. (slily in the butchsli4
, .31 to 15,13; belfer., $3,21 to
� • Linn N.75: lawn, {SW to N•3:.: bulls, N.:lu ,o
of the mstack
onster carrier n in the heifers. $3 to 1'1.23; treat) cows and.
•p'lai'n, stead05
y to strong. $24) be 0.
V1.1410--Itpe.Jpt» 8(4); relive, LAO 10
hogs-.Rrrelpts. 24,000; active, Le to toe
very heavy milked and yorkers, a) . to
pigs, $5.011 to $5,m; roughs, 4'21 to
spring o 1(11)7, With Lh exec
g p N.2., .lockers and feeders, 0Jd10 10 04.40,
initial stages of construction at, Col-
lingwo/nl for the Midland 'erne. s,rta-
tion Company, this will be the la • est
Canadian weasel on fresh wa. r.
There are three-veels now mid
contract which will inct•wta(' the
carrying capacity of the grain fleet
per trip to *bola 0111,144) hllShels, 'The
thr?e companies that are building
new tonnage are the Midland Trans-
portation Co., the Mnnt.real Transpor-
tation Co. and the Fu1'
rcate rinupnrta-
tion Cu.
The head of the Midland Transpor-
tation (' pony. Mr. Playfair, has
been loyal to his home town in the
marine enterprises with which he has
leen identified. The company carries
the name of Midland ; hie steamers
Midland Queen and Midland King
'were mooed with this in yii•w, and It
is statist s•nni-omciltlly that. in keep-
ing with the eternal fitness of things
the new 4a0 -foot steel r•arriel4 Gr he
built at Collingwood will be mad
the Midland Prince.
('apt. F. A. Hansen has been
appointed to the command of
steamer NewmounL
re -
That's How Dodd's Kidney Pills Cared
W. G. Cragg(ism.
's Rheumatism.
Dresden, Ont.. 14n. 15.-(Special.l-
11se11 up with inflammatoryt'heunla-
titnr and graft, Mr. W. O. Cragg. a
prominent lnerrhent and ex -reeve of
thin town. could hardly get around to
his tenter in the store. Now ha n at
smart and active a* ever he wilt, and
when asked what 'brought about the
cure he aniviers promptly, "i)olldb
Kidney P1114."
Dodd's Kidney Pill cured the slick
and dean of rheumatism," Mr. ('rearm
says. "It was the inflammatory kind i
had ami it troubled me for eight
yearn. i tried everything. but got no
relief till i began to 11444' MAWS Kid-
ney Pills. it used only six boxes of
them ami now I tin cured."
Ogallala leap is WV* than other soaps,
bat is best when ad in the Ranlight way.
Soap )ay Sunlight sad allow diraatio.s.
.80: maga. $3 to $150.
Rh/pp and Lambe -Receipts, ;_i PON
eon, active and strong; lamla, door
be y meetly; Iambs, $01.23 to 17,101; yesr-
Iln $6.7: to $7; wether,., •:,,.r0 to 16;
e+000, 0.2:: to 04.63; rhoep Waxed. 113 tw
16,03; ester' Iambs, 17.:11 io $7.75.
New York. Jan. 15.-Heeve.-R.•rv'fpeo,
4367; draaud, hair; steers. 0:183 to 13.70;
oats asd stags. LOW 10 $47.t: bulls, 0•: to
14.45: cows. • $1.1.1 to $3:511: lap prier, 14,
Bxperts to -morrow, 110 rsttle,
.101:vra.R..Y-tH, ld67rk, Qj;
1111,' 11 10 10.715.',: tlttlr: esmaI ea,et14 to11tr*15;
bartiysrd stork, 13 to N.
141•eep and ].stub. -- Receipts, 11,1445:
sheep, steady; good to choice lamb.. atendy;
medium grades, ranter; .beep. N to 35.75;
1,011., 02.50 to 03.25; Iamb., 56:11 to 18.35;
0(e (ar, P1.37%; no !Uneaten lambs,
Yost--Ite'elpia, 13.).A) head:Market
: arket
about steady; Mate and Pennsylvania bets
gusted at 18.73 to WM
(bleago, Jan. 1.1,-('stile-Reeefpts, 36,•
(!m Ball; common to prime Steers, 13.40 to
16.35: row., $3 to 14,40: heifer*, 02,121 to
$5: bull* $2 to 13.10: naives, $3 to $8;
steers and feeder., 5240 to $430.
H.tn--Recelp61, 48.(440; Mende; cholro tai
prim.. heavy, $3.3:, to 15 40; ,mediate to
Rood. heat f. P,21 to 1e.30: bittetiofir
weigh1',15.10" to $5,40; good to rioter heavy.
r ;55 to 11.30; pooling. 1 .11 is
bllf. D ns. 113
Slab lterelpta, 21,000; steady: ahem,
N 1. tr,. 3:.yearllatn, M M 10.111; lambs,
Ii7.:5 to 171 ,
Aoki is Mining Claim.
Clinton Ne -Record ;--Mr. James
Hamilton, co*I Yuerchant, town, the
other day ceived *•cheque for'.everal
hundred dollar.. hid share of the Matt
payment made on a art of land in
the township of Hutto New Ontario,
fifty miles from M1141 nr, of which he
Wan one of the five nwneret. The com-
pany .pent three nionths\.nrve Ing
this Mml three venni ago that winter
and .hortty afterwards sok! ` t to is
party of American 1le1nlatteQrs, 1L a
stringency arlaing in th'F m. ey
market. aerofoil the border before • e
deal Was consummated, it fell throug
The sok which bee now bees
wax far $181,1441. The pcopelt y aul joins
that 0n which there inn i•ieh iron mine
for which Mackenzie & Msnn iu.id a
very barge Noire and root:ibis itself. it
is ala ilnrti, motel' mineral wealth which
only needs capital for theadootitent.
Neuralgia and NV1,00000e curt) Quickly by
AJAX I% A D NC06 rg CUE.
No heart depression. Greateet cure ever Ss: aurae
Take met they. ,or anJ ase AC dude'. ,w direct gar
Attune & Co. Simeon. Out. •Moor/ back t. no:
artiaf- -
data rrh
Catarrh is offensive -more
'than that it is the fore-
runner of worse diseases.
Catarrh spreads from the
,nose to the throat where it
solimerimes prepares the suf-
fe r e r for diphtheria; ,it
spreads to the stomach and
bowels where it generates
the worst kind of indiges-
tion ; consutnption, even,
tias betn known to be help-
ed along by catarrh.
If your breath is bad,
you had better .sweeten it
up by getting c:'.tarrh out,
of your system. You should
take something tha t will:kill
the disease germs,. tone up
your general he:: tlth and
particularly revit a lize and
invigorate t h e
membranes whic
especially attacl•
fuss and fail with
sprays -get riga
at the disease b:
greatest of tot
builders and No
Roti by all drunk*
SAMPLt Abri it
.01 with oar e.
Amara, "Saawp* 1
Dr.T. A. Slow
(Nark. ami P..
170 1)1140 STRSET
THE {s
:i catarrh
a;. Don't
snuffs and
it straight
using the
tics, tissue
cxl purifiers
is akclnuuy tempered (by our 0s
Flarrr,e0 process) g;v,na it a Alnt-like
dne.s, With ordinary careluluse,
will )told its edge aur years with
Car'+.-\,,,:n.!74r $ or) TO T,...'..
tau.,.le l ,” .. 1,, t v.11 , ,4,.,
r r
lienee 41,..1,," • t-(1)
100 Shave:Fru
At the gad of a moat..
YOU mar return the rune
.n.1 .et your money bark
it not 04(1.1.01. .- '- •�
Your dealer b.0 or ran
got ••(Let.,- liktometir-",-
1)o not t.ke . nd.at)tute,
Trhe Pnn}'ta ah.�eretl44,���• e•
will mall, l eoo re.
p,1ntt. to ,Y•, )at bn..,t,
Hint. 1 ah
mailed fres.
Rs N A L. Silberstein
Rehm "0,4111" Cut
457-S $'wsf, NowYwk
'Phone W. A. McKim Goderich
Clearing Lots
Without considering Cost or
:III yal'(ls homespun 111110 1;114x1+ (1111411)1 h. skirts, girls' suits,
childl'es's coals. etc. Itegalla,p• price' 7.10 to 111 1.00. ==
Cloud colors. '1'o clear at per yet 5UL_
Alx,ltt 1141 y'a/rds heavy black sateen. mercerised. 11
regular' value 1:x' ,and 17c. to ('1ca1' at iter yard
• �z=a
_ill ,hut'( jh('kt•lx privet! up to $111.111) (merrily black),
with n f,'w of the newest , lengths, priced up to si •(]Q
$4.514, to clequ• at each .
al jackets. the very newest in %lumens'. girl's and
lbildreu's: HALF PRICE.
Men's and boys' overcoats, all new, at ONE-THIRD Off.
Women's and girls' felt hats, values up to-$a.so, for asc.
On account of (Ise open se�tain we have these and
twin)' more wood!. that we can't afford to eat ry over.
Invictus Shoe
The "Invictus• Shoe'' assortment affords every
advantage to the purchaser. The newest fashions,
the best leathers, the little original touches of style
characterize them as being ova of the ordinary.
Made in a wide range of styles including shoes for
even' need and service. The most attractive, values
offered in men's shoes ti,tlav'at
$3.75, $4.00, $4.56 and $5.00.
Cor. East St. and Square - GODERICH
ani exnul10' n rot of our ,v,tal.If yo
hat aIdea of t110.gcne
leg a Preto. r:,llil nwunve
t,,r :,
\\,- L.•liese n b. r4 i4 un
n'ipleloud t n out•(Or
1K41e1lFlhit..! n,.-.1()9a)1i1.m11Mfuu,pnxl
111,06.11. k111e., 14nt0 vtcaU1mn.
Yang( sud U,'rr.anl 81... 1'10,00
M. H. SHAW. I'ri11 pal
ail 1 1/7
1.TRATr(4R(7 ns)1' ...
In 1 h romm(relal world/ The unrest. Ind
.bnrte rood 1444 is Ill. .chid. We give a
c •4e training that I+ notonrp,w,ad by
an' Hn'i e44('albs,' 111 (bvuuln. We give
audit blurt ins?nlrl lion. therrfnrr pia Amy
enter id nm t' Write for free enteloguu
andgotfull neplars.
�� l'rintlpl.,
11 is nut n duped sti'rul:rlt but 11 trim t.,tn'c and
nutritive (0111.
Our 50c. size for Tonic, at 40c.
11n-11' Is not holler kin.!.
nail` Agent .(i0I►E.It1('11 Special ;Went' to family recites.
25c, 5 for $I.00
aQ44 r' 44*'ar4*4'i 4945QIc4'sr 4 '}`4 i 4*4 444
. W. Thomson & S
a 61 I,4, 1„,11e.
rihl11' rhea
14.01...•..1 0•'
aro -headquarters for -
4► • ..
DURING the many
years In which we have
been eugaged in rater-
ing to the needy of the
people of the greater part of
West Huron in Must(al 1n-
sttuments, Sewing Marhmes,
etc., we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantly Increasing patronage.
We extend thanks to all our
customers for their ma n y
We wish to announce that
we were never in a better
position for the handling of
marketable goods in our line
than at the present time.
Not only in the larger instru-
ments are we well prepared
( as Violins, Guitars Mandolins
rots i,
`w meet the most particular demands upon Ire, but in the smaller instruments,
elates, Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc., also is our stork for the coming holiday season well
•assorted: In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, Including the publications of all the leading composers, is
',very complete.
Edison i'honographs and Records,
Berliner and other (jramophones,
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pens,
School Requisites,
Fine Stationery, etc., etc.
Ws Cordially invite elle to teake your holiday selections at aur Maar Emporium.
The Squame
444404541.44444 444 *++ 444444 64S44+ 4545+454546 4
54 66, lb +it