HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 44 THURSDAY, Jan. 1 8, 1 P is THE 141(1NAL : GODERICH ONTARIO FAMOUS PEOPLE BY FANNII: M jOTIIROI'., *14 ►�:;' BLISS CARMAN ' Canadian Poet, ' ritie and Editor -- - Bliss Carman, poet. critic ails editor, on.e et the foremost of Canada's roe - temporary litterateurs, was barn in Fri•dencton. N. 11, in 1861, and on his 'lather's side is descended from the Caimans wlto went from Long island, N. Y.. to New Brunswick, while his maternal ancestors fought in. the Ameri- can Revolution. He was educated at the college school of his native town and the\ University of New 13runswIe1 . from which be graduated in 1881, later taking a two years' postgraduate Bourse ai the University of Edinr burgh. 'and afterwards sp•udtng two y car•. al !Inn -aril. . There seemed to be a restless. Bohemian strain In his nature that chafed ander restraint and ,'onv'ention; for he tried many lines apart from litera- ture, but it 'had somehow a compelling homing instinct that always 'Drought Dim back to Is bottle of ink and a pets. For a tew years he read law, then ventured into the field of civil engineering, then taught school -but It an proved empty and unsatisfying: he hail not found his place. It was not until his post -graduate days that his poetic sense became manifest and undet\the stimulus of the inspiring apprecatlon of the editors of the. college literary magazine'he began to write verses in a timid. furtive sort of a way at first:\then he grew bolder and more Irrepressible. until the editor's drawer 'was staked with enough Carman verses to last for years. When he began to send h poems net to the real magazirfes where the editors paid for contributions, ace. tanee was not so sure. He. sent out poem aft ' poem. but they' almost invariably returned, with no leaf of promise: bits a had supreme confidence that his doves of verse would find resting place An some ark of editorial appreciation, The best ones. which always -made the' reatest number of trips before acceptance, especially Interested him. and he' g ve them pet names to commemorate their travels, such as 'The Flying Bute an." "Ulysses" and "The wandering Jetra." One manuscript he seat 111111. reals by- way of San Francisco and .It came back via the SuPz Canal and Lo don. visiting many editors, and. this poem be christened "Captain Cook." bees se it circumnavigated the globe. Mr. Carman has been on .the editorial staff of half a dozen magazines or of the "Literary World"; he has more and recently retired from the edltor+hi written about a dozen books, three jointly wt the late Richard Hovey. He has a well -shaped head, a shock of. wavy' hai and a general premeditated eccentricity of attire that would make him con livens In any company. a we aearrtawe sp let er tM 1'ulun,e,.i •.1 CaaaM, u la. leu 11•., 11 w. C. i. M a" aryyrlanat H Irneallaaw TOIMPROVE OUR TOWN. Everyone Is invited to Contribute to This Column.. , Suggestions for Our Municipal Authorities. or Others Who May Se Concerned- An Op- - portunity for Anybody Who Hu Anything on Nis Mind to Oet It Off. A citizen stopped the Signal man on -.the street-Alwreght .i!ay and IrswdeL him with a n her of ideas which he (the citizen) had beep carrying around and which he thought (should be taken up- and dealt with this year by the t town council. As many suggestions - some good. some bell, some indiffer- 1 ent, aix suede in this way to The Sig- nal, we have decided to start acolumn to which we invitecontrihut' from anybody with an idea which be thinks should have publicity. 1t trust be understood that The Signet does not necessarily believe that every sugges- tion to be trade in this column is a good one, but it ttltist. of ctlurse, have some general interest. The column will be maintained just as long as the people keep Wilding in their "ideas." ing papers ern Now The Toronto Star nihlish, v x11 the news of all the elf an hour of the mOn ape- ) c- , in time its wnrk� uo p t Within tinm the edition -is count of the dilTere cable news covers the Old Werld until a late evening,' so that there is nothing fresh left for the u ing s papers.u..e Yoan get The Toronto SAr at The Signalfor one year for $1.it0) I sending your subscription to The Si Dal, Ucderich. Ont. PLEASED SUBSCRIBERS. Otte of tile. Krreteat rewards that 14 1 10 the newspa1a'I' man is to know that he is Isst)Ing a 'splice that meets with the approval of its read- ers. From many snlaserilwte who have .calla at the alive to renew their subscriptions fur the new year we have reeeivisl words of apprecira- tion. and in the letters wind' come to 1111 1141111 Leaders at as distance are (1e- gUeitl)• kind expressions/Which en- courage us t,. renewed (glints in turn- ing out a bright amid many paper. The following are some of these e•x- p(ya:.ciosts. it Appreciation. for; which we heartily thank the• senders :' From J. 1'IRE MTE\YAItT. Chicago,. 111. '•1 must say that the good old --yes. I may syr new Signal is a credit at the present time to the 'finest town in Can - From .1. .1. BAILEY. Guelph. Ont. formerly leeche•t•.I11 l:odait•ieh cub legiatte Insiitute4. "Please renew my subscription. I can congratulate you and your staff on the fine paper you pont. It is the best local paper that I have ever come across, and I have read a good many.' From FINI-SI- P. I.u1N(i, taiga' y, .•tllwrtit. "Enclosed you will find one dollar for this year's subscription to The Signal. Can't do without it." *Froin JAMES HACK Err, Belfast, Ont. "You will find enclosed S,.00 for The Signal and Herald for 1906. I can't do without it. 1 was well pleased with the Christmas number and consider that copy worth the money itself." Some Bargains Still to Dispose of. Dress Remnants 24 dress ends films 14 yenta to 41 which will be offered at away below oust prices to clear. Solite black and some colored. A MHAL SWAP. • Silk Waists '11 silk waist', 6 white and 6 black, 'Untie from lame Japan silk. *2.25 Value fue-$1.75- and -$9.(X1__ calike for 01e.:I0. Skirts 17 iasis skirts to be offered et the following reductions: $2.14) velar for $1.511. 12.50 valor fur $3.04). $2.75 value for $2.25. $3.75 ruble for $:1.15. 411.50 for gt.51. $1.110 value fur • $1.U0. Good cloth aud.well made. • Factory Cotton • ' 1,7441 yards of factsm•y cotton in uncle from 5 to 20 yards in a piece direct from the still, bought et elf 11ma•h a pouisd, al •to :f7 Mellen wide, free from 'elecks and flaws, just right for sheets and pillow covets and the prit +s arc tinder present wholesale figures. Silks (hm Satotday next, 1he jlllh. we will offer 3141 yards of pure Jepau silk, :?t inches wide, r'gnlar • 54) ,cent goods for 39 cents. Black, white, wavy, brown and c:e'dinaL. FromTHOS. A. 'M4rKEiTH, Lothians Ont. "1 appreciate The Signal very much." From MRS. C. E. M- OIt1t1`, l ob•tt.,i . "I can't do 'without the old home Paper." From MiSS JENNIE - WILSON. Owen Sn,rid, Ont. "I enjoy The Signal. It seems to keep - one in touch with the home town." Fi' out J. LYNN GORDON. Kamloops. B. C. "We can't do without The Signal ;very YeaYeaCongratulations for the great im- provement in the style of the paper lately." From 1y':TER R. M- cNAY, Lothian. , Ont. "We appreciate your paper, The Sig- nal, very much." vents of the - hour 'every From C. J. ROBINSON,. Kalaruauxs, tactically Mich. t morn- Here is the first lot : The appointment of an excursion manager, whose business it would to to organize excursions to Goderich from other towns during the snrnmei• months. We have the test town on the lakes, and ought to hievt• two or three excursions a week. The lighting of all four dials of the town elek and the trimming of the trees in the Squaws so that the dials may be sten from the street in the summer time. • The rnlaction of the present pro- hibitive license fee for circuses to e reasonable sunt. It is held that these shows taring people to town from the outlying country :and are good for trade. One reason the el unt•il put on the pl•eeent high fir is thnt the heavy circus wagons cut 111) the roads leully. The cirri's people might he required llnt'piey..t, to pay a reasonably high few and in Ilan' addition stake a lleposit with tfie town elerk to meet the cost of report Hills Green . ing the reads, anything left over to Holineeville.. les refunded. Kippe POSTOFFICE STATISTICS. R eeeenues and -$Shires o1 ti WOAttfs in Huron County. to The following statistics relating he gross revenues and salaries of satoftiees in Huron are taken from he Postmaster-Genet•al's report for Ilam. Aphnrn Amlwrley Bayfield Bclgrave tleenaniller..... Bllyd+dttf Hlyth Bru cefleld.... Brussels Belfast..... Blake....... Brewster Centralia ....: �... l'Inndeb oye Clinton .......'5,244 7I Cr•lliton..... .. 1117 01 Carlow .:_ .. ' 131 70 • (:hiselhntst....... 41S 73 Constance . 117 :4 Crediton East.. r175 On Crewe 19 110 lbleb wteel Unngannnn 4)ryslnle... (Dunlop Egmondville .. 2s2111) Elimtille 85 PCI Ethel...,. 432'141 1•:xeter...... 2:414104 Fordyce .. 4a 48 l''rnd w• i,l . 1150 114 God wich 7.74)4 21 Gorily ... .. +a•. P#41 27 (:Ie•nnnruut isal 3 INI (trend Bend 244 147Il) Grernwny....,Glenfarrow .171 18 Ilen+all 1,5154) 97 Hntlwk i In 1#) 211 MI 1311 101 72 81 04 147 153 :r :t:45 l8 K hind w 1111 tiros,.Itev,•nue. Salary. $ 388 31 $ 1741 INI 1:11 48 ill 1N) 5rti 7L' 2110 IN) iso 21 . 2411 IMI 1:41 72 i1) IN) :$14 33 111 IMI 1.551 '':I) o:#) IN) 4411'41 14*) 1M) 2,118 43 700 IN) 181 77 118 IN) .11511'S 52141 :41 INI 25 IN) 832111 •114141 211 211 1144 IMI' 1,0.10 IPS 2270 le) 57 t4) :e) IMI 72 (4) 141 IN) 23 IMI 1711 141 2Ysi 1MI' 54 1111 :s0 IN) 11U OD -41 IN) 2112'1MI 841 00 23 I N► :NO IN) 2.175 51 :SC (4) Xi IN) 25 48) 4117 :.4 IXr2 PW 1140 72 i° IN) The vending oof the cannon known As i 1g Tom," now lying behind Burrow ' grain warehouse, and pine- ing it in the Square, where it wmtltt be seen. - The introduction of new inethisls in the eon('net of the Great Nol•Lhweetern i:xhibition. so that we may have, as we ought to have, the (pest, t he biggest and the moat aucceseful fall show in the diet ric t, The Toronto Star's Wonderful Growth. One cannot find in this eotintry a wallet for the remarkable progress of . The Toronto Daily Star during the last Port Albert five or six years. It is a facet perhaps Porter's Hill not yet fully appreciated that from-Prsspserity.... modest beginnings it has grown under Itesltrrave its present nsanagenient until now it Meaforth `.,......... • Is not only the newt widely -read ager- Mt. Augustine .... noon paper in Ontario. but there is St. Helene . s...... only one morning paper in all Canada Mt. Jnw•ph . 01 14 that exceeds it in circulation. Mareptit.. •71 IN) There was a time when peopleMhrpparlton 07 211 thought they had to get it morning Mhipkn r tri 77 paper 0 they wanted all the news, hot Summerhill. ee..- 41 70 that prejudice has given way to it cum- Sunshine victim' hat to really get the news Satltfotd . • '1M1 4i while it's hot and crisp you must read 'Themes Hoed41 514 e live nfu•rnron daily like The Toronto Star. 711e great ad VAMP.. made in Westfield . 1:CS •LI' printing machincrvnnd telegraph)• are ll'inehelnea 184 52largely responsible for this. (ince it 1Vint.hrop let i2 took all night to get t he previous day's «'alts/n,IS • 311'11"4fW news into print. 'That was the n•"rn- Wingbaat......1 4,tNC4 f#) Kin*ahridge • ..-:•••• 1•12 141 Kinti.II ,,.'`". 2:4;73 3713 1*44) Laurier ....... ;An To I.eadhuty in I.oehaleh Loyal... ...... Lumley ..... . l ondesloro 1,u, -know lothisn' Mafeking . Mnr111e')i '':' ..,' Monerieff.......... Mrnlnt Carmel... Newbridge 15:1 55 102 441 27 4144 314) 91 2,1110 141 25 fin 27 141 :Ti 87 5925. 115 lu 119 IM) UN ir2 1411 11) 11) 14 1)) Ip 14) IU 4,718 21 1116 S► lint 311 "Must have it." •- •-te,ts.n , o Front 51iMS R. I. STRANG, Grimsby, Ont. "1 do not like to miss even one coy, as it always has this news.." From MRS. J. 11. (:AY'. Leng, Sack. -"Enclosed you will 'find $z.00 --for -r es - newel subscription for mon for the good old Signet. 1 esteem it as an old friend -- always g to rcceiv it." An Enormous Record. The sulaeacr t' re•eeipts of The Fancily Herald -end \Veekly Star of, S%ntn'nl during 'December were thousands of dollai*, over all precious recut -dm. In fact, the rush of subscrip- tions was so great 1111 41 cripple for a time the Largest staff `gf clerks they ever employed. The Irately ;detour, '•Queen Alexandra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs," given AS a premsjmil, and the lig value -of The•Family Herald it- self sire resp nsihh' for the large in crease, anti 1t- for said their farnierw book. "The ?:Fliers' Manual and Vet- erinary (:nide," has also won Melo over twenty thnnsa nd new snlsseribwre. They are printing another edition of the hook, and farmers who have not secured a ropy should do so at once. as it is of upnsense value to them. No such value has ever been offered in this country. FURS FROM HENSALL. Stolen from 'Toronto Firm and Find Their Way'Back in Strange Magner. Tor"nt,., .14111. 11t1., The arrest of l'onrnd Lurie, a s,•t•nnd-Hand d,alrr, of Chatsworth. and the recovery of than $2.11411) wot•tk of stolen twesale. silks 11111( furs, were file (le- velopment.-,•stenlny in connection _robberies of . on 'veno♦ the t p t �( with r It 3 W. n c the . +I 'n •Inc wh ,11111 I W. 80 11) Bros.. Lug lu h R. Brs;k Co., limited. Lurie was 76 48) brought stto 'Fot•iinto Inst night by. De - :d141141 teethe Mackie and It charged with 21"111 knowingly rvi'eiving stolen goods. '1)4 I" Ms wife neer pattieil him to the t41 IMO city. He is twenty-nine3 years of alts• i.ttrie, the pollee say. "Inst have es- Tected his arrest, for he 'Mimed to the oronto police department yesterday morning a CUSP 111 goods stolen form Monypenny Bros, Ile give tip part of the tweeds received by him to ihe- tective Moekett e111 Monday and claimed it wan all be find. The de- tectives learned he lewd more. nhd 1)e- teetive Markle end a member of the firm of Monspenny Brio,. went beck to ('hntswoi•th yesterday. Lurie's action in retaining part of the Fronde and then shipping them yeetetdey was responsible for his arrest. cheque for $105 in part payment for thegoods, which Was given by Lurie to ('hnrles Goodman. the Centre avenue pink dealer, in jail here, is in psaseseion of the police. The biggevat surprise of the day, however, was a notice from the Cane- dian Express Company that they had a consignment of furs for "M. Canada. 57 Agates street." The name wee meant for Iletective Kennedy, end the auldreas is that of the Agnes street. pollee elation. The furs. 130 piece's in all, were wrapped In an old ttress raver and were dripped from ilensall. They ere part of thane. stolen from Iwtgsdin ft,Lugteiin, the ppl1lire think, and came originally from .Chap teworth_ -_ - - • 34 IX) II) IN) Pill IMI 170 (1) 2i 1X) 55 (34) ie* IM) 30 00 :I) 141 iU IMI Pt2 141- 16 IN) 25 IM) 174 I4) 1442 48) 21 IX) is IK) W. 00 ill 11) (11 110 52 181 :s0 14) 14) IM) 25 110 :#1 i1) 1,454 IX) ' :47 IMI Pull 1111 70 1 IN) :i0 IN) 25 IM) 4fl IX) 115 OP .115 Off a0 00 Ile f1/• 154 11) IX) • 110 On %1411 IM) 1,{011 110 Don't look before leaping when nn automobile clime" .o rching your way. 'That hot, dry eezemntoot condition of the skin will disappear by the nsc,,) Mllh,t's ('rnnpntnd Iron Pinot 5r4.l .s.•s Vccn$.*. For *ale by Jos. AV•I•on. $5,00 RLWALD wilt he paid to any ppee oho prove* that 1,4.n.. `n baht S,...p contains any wun us chemicals sr aay form of adolteratiuo. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in t' ,e Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals.' Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Baty it and C• folbwdlrecnons 5c• Lever (lathers Limited. Tomato .64 'Phone 86 H. COLBORNE Cash or Produce THE FARMING WORLD CANADA'S FAVORITE FARM AND STOCK PAPER. - i'etblishevl at Toronto on the 1111 and 13th of each neonth, 00 eents at year. tw•o years for $l. Devoted to the farm and its interests. TH FARMING WOR ►) and THE S AL • ft' papers vee • s I.3o for 1r qnr y ear for. A sample ropy for the itching. Sith'eriptinns taken nm•+.will i•.• date.l front January Is"t 1111E. N. B.-- Above offer includes tales a year's subscription to The real %Weekly Herald. 4 Address_ Box 173 aoderich - Ont. Circulation. "Who did you say that stranger wes?" naked the •country editor. "Jonas ' Perkinlsine," replied the loafer at the village store. ' r- "Nell. well! Why, that's the name of one of cur anhxerilers." "Iksu't saay?. �Y'nt'.s :the name o the other one'?" 0042 its i i Ago We Can Phone D• Millar C Our annual �On the • Square Stock-thking Sale - ....continue' TALL -JANUARY Extraor in_ reductions which have . been made. in eve v section�pf our store give unparalleled opportunities of s8Cn ing new d seasonable goods tbr below their actual value. Still further reductions have be made in our Mantle, Jacket and Rain Coat Department. O,nl);,si flew le of these we are clearing outridicul- ously l(4 -pi -ices. - 50c aistirgs 39c per yard Ali that are left f our .)4)c waistings go out at :tttc;`pee yard. No more than . waist left ( f any one. story Cottons shipment of factory cottons. 1)in'- ing there at mill prices. F -Yost -to hand a'larg ing this sale wo are cha f•,iew Prints and . hakcr Flannelettes Large range of new lri4lta and shaker flannelettes much under the attu.tl vain.. • Special prices in comf rter1. plaidings, flannels, flannelettes and sheetins; at k. cn ;'rices. -ttwn)'s rely 1111 our COM •rs'sat isf tinn with our Canned Goods Is•ennat• we handle only reliable brands that we know all ebotit. Every hoire- kee•pper knows hqw• h difference there is in these household necessities. And it is not always the price that in- sures the quality. We arc showing a line e.f reined genets that .ver are sell- ing very low indeed. so low in fact that yon will be surprised how good they at'e when they appear on your table. STURDY & CO. ;Nothing will he done well that you do yourael(.if you don't knnw how. A4friend in mrd in a friend to'iteer Ally of. ' .4 Treat ;rem Ceylon "Red Feather" lrea Always the same -Unusually good One price - 40' - l.11•111Ml Snaps in MEN'S FURNISHINGS Watch our Windows e Wo aro (+a.ling oto Christmas goods at a GREAT BARGAIN. Mon's Smart Wear and Fine Tailored Clothing. '.r+", -.^r•• -cam DREG. BLACK (cents Furnis(loderich.her end t)utfitter, MILLAR'SPO 'ULAR STORE phones6 Learn Dress -Maki In January and save from 3 Learn by mail et home in your spate time, it von throw -making hominess, or for h • use. If you won day showing how dress -remaking eon I,e tnught better nl any other wnv. in order tis get 4a large min►Iwr'of atget this iurcomsat)rnvetil comsat) by mail to all et mmencing in instead of regular price $1:1 and $15. Agents wagti Write to -da for particulars. Address Sanders' Ont , Can. Office hour* from 1 to 5 p.w , 3Lttket• Place, Stratford. g, by Mail 0 5 dollars. 'mild like to.conduet a like to melte VAX) .q) • a 1 • ()beeper b mail then It at omen, will teach J wary, 1008. for •10 d ole or spare time. Dress -Ce School, Stratford. its City . Hall, ' 1) Why, Buy McClure 's ?' McClllrP a Magazine is bought and rend In h ee not because it is a ,nag- azine. !nit because it in THE ncagnzine. Why ? - 4IHS'r-THE PRICE. It ,oats Int one duller a year, or less than ten cents ,e Iver, for over thirteen hundred two -col pages of reading matter. This amounts in actual bulk to twenty or twenty-five Books Netting anywhere from a dollar to two dollars as volume. SECOND -QUALITY. The reading matter 18 written by An11•rieai s lend Ong writers --the beet short story writer*, the best writer,' m1 timely artiri's, thebest writer* of important tant serinln, such s Mchurz,' Reminiscences or Baker's's Railroad articles. T}riitl) TIMELINESS. The reading matter in McClure's in not only greet : it is not only entertaining. anmsing, instructive end inspiring- it bialys/\ /shout the subjects in which you and all Americans are most interceded at the \ time. No anbjects in the next twelve mnnihe are going to be no important as \ the queetionArf railwind rates and rebates and the question of life insurance. Both of there questions will be discussed by authorities in en impartial, care fol, interesting way. FOURTH -ITS l'HARATTER. Mc('lure's Magazine is not edited for children, but et. IoM a time, there is never a line in it that any young girl might not reed. its advertising pages are as clean as its editorial pager. 1"1cCiure's Magazine in your home is intended to work only for good. hti•nd $La)) to -day for year's suhaeription, or leave en Order nt your book -store. November and cemtter free with new sulwweriptiona for 14518. S. S. McCLURE COMPANY, 47 Est acrd Street. NEW YORK. Yoe Mtn earn a garel Income by taking tip the hi dness of wcuring •,nM,crl}wn for McClure Ills clean and self-rr+ t,ng-a puhli,•nt ion any man or women would like to represent The pay IsrS canto for each X1.141 snbwrfption. In addition W big rash prises for the beat work' Write today tar full pertioilwrs . A RELISH AT ANY TIME SIX FLAVORS That's what the knowing say of PURE GOLD QUICK PUDDINGS ALL TASTE GOOD - ARE GOOD Chocolate, raspberry, custard, tapioca, pineapple, arrowroot. 1'nu'll like it. Try a package today for only 10c. One package will ,•aeily snake one quartof really good podding. P. T. DEAN, The Grocer. PHONE oto. COR. MONTREAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERiCH, ONT. p.t;;A R. ---