HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 29
TottusNnAY, Jan. 16, 1906
uunBltl('H. ONTARIO.
Telephople Call Na %S.
Terms or eubseriplien .
51.01.1 per annum in alt aur•.
Nix months 30c : three mea hs. Jae.
Subneribers who fail to neeive Ink SIov.I
regularly by mail will t,onkr a fator by sees
quainring us of the tact at as earl) n date a.
When a change of address i. desired. both 1 he
old and the new address rens should be fit er,.
Adoertiaine mates :
Legal and Other thinihar advertas stents, 10e
per Zine for Mal Insertion alai :k• per'llne for
each tut.wquenl insertion. Metes:1mA by a
nuuparell settle. 1 ache line. to an Inch.
Business rants of sax lines. and Under, $3 per
, year.
Advert iseluent s of Last,, Found. let rayed. NII
nations 5-i1•anL Sit oat ton. Wanted. Houses for
Sale or to Iteot. Varian for Nate or to (lent,
Antrim for Axle. ,•lc.. not' ex..ewlir.g eight
linen, Y -b nosh insert Ion : til fm flr.l month. loc
for rock subsequent mouth. Larger advertise-
ments In proportion.
Local notloes in nonpareil tyla' 5c per line,
No not tar lent than 2..'•.
Announcements in ordinary mating type one
omit per word. No notice low Oban Xi1'.
Any .privet notice, the nh)rr•t of which is the
pecuniary benefit of any inti .•141.1 or a.w.'i
at on„to br considered an advertisement and
to be charged accordingly.
Hates for dlnpl..y and contract atl erti•e
menta will be given on application.
Address all communications to
VANArTh,K k HI)HF:ItTra(1N,
, Tux Swx.at,
t i.sterlch. I )tit.
'The`Trtilt fins ftlleri: and e1Premier
Balfour, Joseph C'Mamberlain and the
other Unionist "leaders are sitting
amidst the wreck o
f thetea
R 1 )
which rule.' Britain for two decades.
The index of the bye -election -s, which
prtmaged a Liberal triumph, iN being
more than conflrnle'd in the general
elections now going on in the old land.
With over one-third of the elections
held, the indications are that the
Literals will command a 'Dojo' ity in
the new House over Unionists and
Nationalists combined and possibly
over the Labor 'itemisers ales,
A feature of the polling is the defeat
of several menders of the late Cabinet,
including 1111t3ialfour himself. On the
other hand, the Liberal Mnlimters Wre
being tr' pliantly rrtut•ned.
The ;inevitable reaction from Con-
servatism has set in with a vengeance.
There is a r . with hose do
foundation it is impossible to say, that
the Hon, 0. W. Roan, ex -Premier of
Ontario, is to he called to the Domin-
ion Cyabinet with a view to the
strengthening of the Ontario wing of
the Federal Government,
\'e hope that the rumor is not well
founded, Mr. Rose' connection with
the Federal Cabinet would give it no
added strength in this Province: it
would have, WP believe, the' opposite
effect. Rightly 1(r wrongly, My. Reals
in identified with the.eourse of events
which lex( to the downfall of the On-
tario Liberal party. and to take 1 '
directly from the position in which
the votes of the people of the Proc-
1nee placed 1 ' a year ago and give
him a poaitirm of power and infinente
in the Dominion Government would to
to bring upon the latter a great degree
of the cation' which, as indieated at
the Iasi election, attached to the• Gov-
ernment of which he was the head.
Further: Mr. Hasa is decidcilly out of
touch with the 11110x* of the 'Atwood
Tatty in regard to fiscal and economic
questions. A man who taik.ot of high
protection as the right policy for Can-
ada, who pi -earthen "Imperialism" of
the Chamberlain eort,•whn is. in short,
a good deal more oft •To'• than a
Liberal in such matters, has no place
in a Liberal Cabinet which ham to deal
with etch questions. The rank And
111*' of
(4f ratted* : a
P a lx nor
looking for leas. not for more, Cif that
art of thing from; their Ielere,and
Mr: HOW entry into the Ottctpva Ar
Ministry, with much views aw he hila
exprennert on several (*emotions, would
be sufficient reason for a decided pro-
test from th(ne Liberate, and they art
not a few. who have been waiting for
e further applpe►tion in practical legim-
lntion of the prineiplea laid down in
the Liberal platform of iM13,
Tins m
i not to tit
that the defeat n
)«fen f
Inst .January Rhumb] put Mr. ROSS 011t
Of public life. As leader of the Lib -
Praia of Ontario he may yet fight him
way back, to the confidence of the
people of , this Province. He may in
time prose to the people of Ontario
that he was wrongly judged when
his Government was ehattet•el to
pieces : but thin cannot he done by
leaving the Held and betaking himself
to another arena. III.. politic,( future,
there is td he one, in Ontario,
vela toren any disparaging remarks
1111441 this 141311 Or 11. people, (hell
3411. 1e trouble.
Anyway, it is letter to have slept
and waked up than never to have
waked to all. Down in Clinton things
are so dead. municipally. that after
the • ions the town clerk had to
hustle ,wound to get enough teen 141
qualify to maks' up thelicullncll. •
ante will Ise aepreentatIve of the
• liberate of the Province.
It in natural to -otuppow• that the
reason we are not having any vola(
weatlper this winter is that it 's all
needed in the Old (' try for the
frost that John Hull is giving to 'hinl-
four, 1 h*ullerhiin et al.
lord 4lrathcona'tl e•Ntiuliile of $il,-
111111,111MI as Canada's (population within
the century is iutetesiing; but it
would Ir•• ever 11101+• interesting to
know if the individual Canadian will
be any letter tar as into 41f righty mil-
lions shish as 4111*' Of six Millions,
The University of 1ircat Britain is
handing out degrees this week.
Caulphell-Hannernaul and his col-
leagues. in the new. Ministry are now
h41nowed with the title O. K., while
Half • and a lot of other fellows
have had N. G. added to their Inness.
A Russian student wits shot dead
in a St. Petersburg lestanaant for not
rising to his feet when the olehe•stra
played "(1,441 Save t he Emperor." He
must Int s*' been x particularly obstinate
young man. Even in, this democratic
country there in no one menu enough
not to get up and put on his overcoat
whei that national anthem is struck
,The Toronto Telegram vacs:
"Ne•wspitp•r 11huw'' meet lot may
public luau out of public life who
should have been left in. (.tack of
"newspaper abuse- hies len a whir
lot of Well in pul1ltc lifv 3)141 rl .Id
have been put out.
To which 'rhe Brockville Tines
aids -
Quite tone. The cry . "newspaper
abuse' IN -111 4411110141 every wase the
plaintive excuse of it amok man for hila
own in4mcienc%'. The 111411 of large
callow playa little at tent ism to unjust
newspaper criticisut, because he knows'
well that the newspaper reader, is just,
as well able to judge the Netts cor-
rectly ass the newspaper write!.
In the course of an article callirtg
for a reorganization of thea ('ons•rvii-
lis•e party and the ailupt' of rt
deflnite policy be the party. The
Itidgetuw't Dominion, a Conserves•
Live paper edited .by Phil. Bowyer,
M. P. 1'., snakes these remarks:
_..'Aa1ut the taritl. last as.--aalso,111tke-w
snigger tion : ('0,111)1a est has b e e n
masse that after ISO' the Liberals
'stole' the pnrteeti*11 policy of the
IPI \'In
g PI the latter
only x cry for still higher protection.
Time brings many „changes to parties
as well am nlen, and because the Con-
ser4atiwe•s wisely adopted the No-
tional Policy in I147S and adhrted to
it for 44 quarter of tk century, is nu
tritium why the party or the country
*tumid consider that policy inuuut.ble
in all its hearings. The Liberals hav-
ing abdeu the 'clothes of the Con-
servatives some ten yea' 14 ago, why
should not the (bns•rvatives of this
day attire themselves ie a portion at
least of the discanled raiment of the
Ohl Liberals?
e•In short and to the point, the
masses of t he voters of Canada; in
everyProvince, 'Believe not only that
the tariff is quite 'adequate,' but
that it alight be lowered here and
there to the advantage of the country.
The tariff commission foutul no- toe
cuuragenlent for ,411 increta,' of the
burdens on the people, rather the con-
te ry. At the last general election
we now of men who did not go to
the ahs. They wanted to condemn
the 1 nkrn pledges, railway pont
and i, leased expenditure of the
Liberal \iovernnent, hot t were
ehecked h • fe,u• of an inl'reasil tar-
iff should t e Conservatives with
"Let the (. mserviative party adopt
a policy that. will appeal to the in-
terests of the p pre, and alwandon the
support of the 'in [stria' and 'in-
terest; to the Lil •ahs, who as long as
they lire in power are •round to .re-
ceive it,
"We hove heard i asked. '1'nder•
such a polity where wil the campaign
funds come front?' Ou • reply has
been, with the support of he un11st.s
the party can wan within a great
fund supplied by the (Impure 'ono."
There are sonde y pointers chi:
article for the •lexdei:s of the 1, ertl
In an address before the ('ai:ulian
('Inb at Toronto Mr. Hays, general
manager of the Grand Trunk Rail -
Wats, urged the importance of the de-
velop11u•nt of Canada's natural water-
ways. The greatest railway nod e
met vial growth of the country was to
('Horne apparently in connection with
the development of the wheat fields of
the \Vest, and any (expenditure by
the (Io%•rtinlent for the purpose of in-
t -reaming the transportation fa•ititien
which womb' so greatly aid in that de-
velopment should he in the direction
in which the (pliekeet returns would
lie deb
GunPIL the Ss-nndrrfulIxke s•s -
tern connecting the eantern with the
stern part of Canada: 111 the en -
ging of the facilities :l Pott
thn• and Fort William . to . (0411:11
ser nt Dulnth : the provision at ,
D.rlke Hurn and Georgian Olay pxtt•tn
fa•ilitiew equally adequate with'
at MOW.. Erie and (lleveland,
the railways furnish the tracks
ding to these potato. and they i
old noon tier(' double tracks to
udli• t o traf . When . t h e
nculixn . irthwemt hind reached its
t dms• n o
pmen t it would no
ger ben question of whish port :
wool' be a (intention of what port,
:nus' the facillticm would Ise. .0
inn', they would -.4 *4' No occupied
t it. would henecessary to hold the
Hie hack from these plt•ts. and hold
for dans, unless norm early action is
en in the des'elnpment of them."
bin is the advice of in great traens-
tation manager, and it looks like
*tilde and sound luivier,
i 1
"the ,
It • man'
that the
sleep there wo
Hot, all thP axe
nal stated last week that Th
of (ir
x1m 'r
1woke r
r )1)141 r
k up." ' Joh
'paper had ever hinted
IP of Gmierich were \
Id hay.' been trouble. road
e protection theorimts cannot fool
n Rul _
'hat a tine wreck Chamberlain has
e of the once great. ('nionimt
they do Seen' t0
have been "doing Chingos' on ieipal
election day. apparently not before it
w•ss time. --(Tinton New Era.
Really, this molls Inc nem. remark.
We don't believe The Signal made use
of the worts quoted I the first.
sentence. If the types in 1 im offiee
had perpetrated such a stet u, the
who(^ staff, from the "devil" . t the
editor, would inr.ly have had nett
pi -marathon. No : We did not say t
people of (hiderirh had "woke up."
The New Ern ix quite right, how-
ever, in pointing out, the folly of an
nntsider'a interference in little family
troubles, \VP OPP reminded of the
man who, hearing the screams of
woman shn was being belabored by
her drunken husband. went. to her aa-
slstatice, and wan sorry for it. when
man and wife both turned against
him. We can have our Ir lit * friendly
tl / t
r all
fights herr in Godmrirh, but. as The
New Fara says, if any untside paper
Hon. Nelson Monteith, I'ms•incial
Jlinistt'r of Agriculture, gives the
people of Ontario good advice when
The cautions thein against haste in tak-
ing up any Cobalt scheme which may
resent itswho
I[. Many
will seek
fortunes n in the ores o Cobalt alt wi
Il get
nothing but experience(•• The Minister
declares hialwlief that 'New Ontario's
rehl- wealth lies in i agricultural
possibilities. and its arising class
rutins the real INurklop: of its success,"
Haste Not, Res Not,
Without hll.tc. without
Bind the •etan,thybre, t:
Item it with Ibm' s a spell
Storm or nunslii'c, guar( it
Hood not flowers that noun
- Hear it onward to the tomb
Haste not : let no reckless 4 •d
Mar for syr the split's s1*n
Ponder well nod know the r • ht
Forward. then, with all thy n 'ant
Monte nut : years cannot aeon
For one nckle'a action done- -
Rest not : time is sweupinf by.
Do and dare before you (lie.
Something mighty- and .ublinl
Leave behind to ronquer time.
Motions 'tis to Otte for aye
when (hex form. have Iw•asext a ay
Haste not. rest not : calmly wait.
Meekly bear the storms of fare.
. Iluty be thy polar guide -
Ilo the right whateer betide'
Haste not, rest not : conflicts pant.
Dud shall '•mw,. thy work at last !
thee bloom :
Gamey and the Bible.
London Advert incr.
Al an Orange Lodge meeting lei'
ronto Iasi night, N. It. Coney, M. 1',
P., declared for an open Bible•. It in
reassuring to hear that \It'. Gaul
doesn't want it with some of t e
leaves cut out.
When the Oldest Inhabitant Talley
Toronto Tticgnu11.
Aettnfv year* Bemire the -hnyyoTto-
a>y will is- the Oldest Inhabitant
p Is-lleged to remark :
,alk aix'at your Iniad winters,
b11 'v.• sen mounters colder than
the Iter we had away back in 1i841,
and- 'And then the erased will run.
Hittin the United States Tariff.
.union Atli e•rtl•r'r.
Thdt. stere vd observer. ,lames .f.
Hill, says th' t one of the reasons
al is being invested in
this c rotary is a
11'1 f1' ''1111der'
gives the 'aril?
.t States is halal
American carpi
Canada is tha
Cheaper place to e
existing hew.." 1
13o11rIN11144 iu the 1'ni
out to crack.
Change in Municipal F. 'on Season.
Hamilton Speetato
\Chen Hon. Jur. Hendrix
w mayor
of Hamilton he advocated he re -
•al of the ' 'ipal electio from
the holiday time to some other. Now
that Mr. Ilendrie is a Cabinet Min ter
he should snake endeavor to have t e
law changed, m„ that- the Mout deiir
able change ran 1e mule.
Should Have Retained the Royalty, •
('limon Nett' Fant.
• The folly of re nbying the gold oy-
alty in the Ynk4n is illustrated in In
expenditure of $'2,:Cts,:ki'1 over chef rev -
11111e nill(•e lysat, Lava year's revenue.
was $7322,:,**► short. The i,eh mines
should par the cors( of government
there, Anti the royalty 'system ought
to have been 1•e•Goined to collect. it.
Our Gracious Queen.
London tient leaommn,
Our Queen's attitude all through her
tnarriel life has leen "pure woman-
ly." She loan not posed am a learned
lady, not • IN • • ronspicnotie though
arty particular act o,iglishneit, but
hos always thrown in the whole
weight of her influence on the side of
gentleness, merry and charity. Mhe
ham been queen of her honer circle and
queen of all British hearts, And ham
spread about her thee gracious aroma
of what aloe is, rather than of what
i+he says.
Don't Be Arbitrary.
Toronto Olnlr,
To dogmngtivr. arbitrarily on the
emse•ntfnl and inherent e
I l rent linin
If1eaA of
tlnitlgm that. are only of doubtful. ethi-
cal quality in t0 alienate the man of
ordinary intelligence and independ-
•nee. And to denounce as -,in• whet
nay be innocent and hxrmlcsv execpt
n its excess or under hurtfml condi-
holm in to maltose moral diatjnct.ionn,
tut to offend against the *average
nan'm common wens* of things.
A Temperance Movement That Failed.
•Montrrwl star.
(Inc.' upon a time George Hain
tied to Intralnre a rednrnt by in-
iting a couple of xrgnnintanree of
is to "r • in and neve a necktie"
t a gentlemen's furnishing emtsh-
ishreot, instead of nlwity's lining up
t m lar for 'the in*Vltalle thit'ntlpsm
rink. Rut his fri*num fell into the
plrit of the reform rex, engerl)•. They
went, jovially in Wand 'selected neck -
tire worth more thin the reformer
had Mena him person, with the +*milt
that. this lortlrilar antl-trenting
movement fell through right there.
No Sectionalism There.
Catholic iternnd.
Inok at the new• British ('ahinet,
wit h its
overpowering Scottish repo. -
mental ion. The national vimion of the
138timh elevator nverl.woka all thought.
1(f Met Iona: origin in the eunwiderntinn
party. •
1 The formation of an ice bridge at 1
Niagara is rrportel. Where did they w
get the!kp? 1
Thin weather.1i all right AO far am
LI* coal hills are concerned, hit what
about the price of ice next Nuni,ner ?
A doctor over in oma Landon says h
that "wnnan is mentally not inferior A
to train : she in only dissimilar." 1
nese we,ftten had better let it go at
that. \ _ d
1)r. ler'a unfortunate mpeech'davit
old ontiride in blamed far flfty
cases of san1f-(lemtruetion that occurred
in Cleveland last year. A man mint
be careful eves( in his joking.
A monster banquet in honor of Sir
Wilfrid 4.aarior is being arrangeil to
Ink., platy in Toronto nn Feltrnnrs•
21.4. It is exported that the mttend-
alar? -s-.,,yr.'.dzb::,::.:,1.,...4
11 political leadership. Campbell-
Ballnrrlwul, the Seta. iN lewder of the
English 'knitter/ivy. ,1(4)111 Morley,
the eullmxlinient of all the essential
qualities of English 1•1IN•ralisul, sits
for a licuttlrh riding. The matter of
representation is by 1141 means ignored
in elle t•otg1.iitierrl 111 the British
Cabinet, as it should not he ignored 411
the Dominion Ministry. Hut thele i1
is out cous1drrell land herr it should
not be taken account of until the ner-
vier '1 the state first secures the real,
the acknowledged leadet'N of the'
nation's life. A lihulitone or x Mur -
ley, a Laurier ur a Fitzpatrick ; any
states who st is 1111011 .an 01111 -
nonce is atom essential to the Hiatt, for
the time being than the principle of
sectional representation, though we
are far from belittling the principle of
cabinet representation upon which cls-
pendH't he aatisfa•Gm'y administration
of affairs front the popular point of
view, .
NOTICE. -Tail: i.(X'-►L AGKN('Y
111 Dungannon for Thu Signal In at the of-
fice of.), D. Ward, J.1'., eon, eisneer, etc., who
will weelve orders fur subscriptions, *Overtire
Mg and job work. and In authorised to give re
Mins for amounts paid for the maw.
Renew your nedis•rlpl tun to Thu /Signal
once, seas not to miss au) numbers of
Weekli Herald, which a,N•. with et ten
ubs-ription to The Signal }wad in titivate.,
Sulr:e•riptiuns may Ix, hanlod to the local a
In Dungannon, Mr. J. t1. %Yard.
TUecst.4Y, Jan. loth.
JANUARY THAW. -III consequence
of an oldtime Jammty thaw our
sleighing has diaappexrd. However,
rte the roads are to good «unlit'
wheeling is all that can he desired 1
the forest is In good shape for cutting
sawlogs and firewood.
ANNUAL Mec1.TINo,--The director*.
of West %Yawanotoh' Mfituxl Aire In-
surance ( u1npouly will hold the
3111111AI sleeting in the Agricultural
Hall on Wednesday', ' g
y, '.:Itll day (4f
lar •. All concerned c r reel ulx • u •
3 govern
themselves accordingly.
Nirritrt.-in last week's issue re
appointment of township officials of
West \\'awantilli for 11)443 we omitted
to mention that %'m. Thompson, 01
\Vest %Vawenosh, had been appointed
collector of taxes. 1444 successor toJ, 11,
Traylor, resigned. . 1)ungannon's
grain chopping mill ,ls in got*d form.
and, owing to good work being done,
is well patronized. •
('LR.aa1Nti SALE. -M. J. Young is
offering a-, genuine dealing sale of
grnetil merchandise for fifteen days
only. couutenw'ing Monday. January
22 1. A detailed list of 1/111.' of the
litany bargains offered will le found in
his large advertisement in this issue,
and the prices medial are certainly
uhmley-savers it anyone needing
gINNIN Irl tris line._ 1t will pay you_ to
i n vrstilra tea
Tuitrr. -On the night of January
:3rd dnt•ing the intense darkness and
heavy ricin, some- pretaam ur pe1•Nous
entered the glanHry of Mrs. E. J.
Peers, ooncessi I. E, 1►, Ashfield,
and stole same grain. It is .epre-
hensille conduct to steal from a Male
fau•mer, hut much more s., to steal
from s widow. The granary was me -
cutely locked and the party or parties
broke tlin hc•k and helped himself Or
thenlscly If they are found out
they will Ice dealt with with the ut-
most rigor of the laaw. A handsome
reward will he given to any person or
persons who Will give any info' mo-
tion respecting the Thieves.
CH rite!' Ntrrete.-Divine set.%icee
Will he re+unlel Next Murxlay in St.
Paul's chur•h at the usual time, 1I
ti «lock n. til. Owinjt• to renovating
the interior of the rhnr'+`h thele were
no service's held for the last two Sun-
41117s- - The work of n•ukr�vxti,n wean
done by ' Thomas Ellicott, painter
and paper hanger, assisted'by David
filen, and is deserving of sortie' men-
tion: for the tnnnn('r in which- in-
terior part of the sacred edifice, reil-
ing, walls, vestry, reading -desk, put -
it, eliancel and pews, has 114'«•11
*iodine.' caul improved in appPlhr-
nc*......The• revival (neetingo which
e being rond11ctel in the. M4•thodist`
e girth by Rev. J. W. Robinson are.
e, /littering the condition of .J he
w . thee, being well attended and a
do , interest is losing taken in the ex-
ert.' er I.y those in attendance•,._
The annual meeting of the congrt'ga-
tion 1f Erlkini' church was held in
the luin•h on Monday, the 14th,
when the tteasnrer's and other re-
lxn•ts von• received and rtdopted,
I'h. ports showed h a.t Yhr
finance .1 to church •ere in x
.atisfnet ry condition, and at good
pt»gteNm tad been male In the •Hsi
depnrtnle , is during the yeaar. The
details of e meeting can
will 0
n in
the :u
Inux report art forfMk"
1 ,.
pleasing the energetic, past()
elders, man • Ing entllltlitter, and all
concerned, .tt the affairs of the
church are in prospemum condition.
PxearwyN.� 1..
nding sons
a and *ell
on and vitt
(x1erich o
a VI. IC
P tow
to hay
shays of t
We hops t
Indy bre spa
joy life. ,114 he
Jonathan Miller.
And esteemmi live
of Miller & %Volker, to
prrgresNive village'
week Mr. nrutOtrL•
son have returned incline
juyable visit to \Vingha
naw Mex. Harry H'
two daughters. of (iladst.on
toba, are visiting friends in t
ity F W. McLean, of Wi
is on a business trip to this par
Is buying a B arlond of hor,ap*.
\Vrntern trade. Mists Lillie
Lean in spending the week s ith
friends in Gcxlerich, Mrs. Se tt,
of Manitol,t, in visiting her ni
Mrs. Henry Jones, thin week. , , , .
Moo. IL Horton, P. m of Dunlop, '
t visa
tin •
her father, Mr. 4amnhy, who is quite
01 Miss Mrl'hee, of (ioderieb,
NAM visiting her sister, Mrs, Fred.
Robinson. the past week Mine
Lwin, of Ripley, wan the guest of Mrs.\\'m, McNally for a few clays last
week.. .... M(mm Trice Milligan ix lin-
proving after a aevPre„ attack of
quinsy. Mrs. Roht. "Went and
children vimitel Mr. Went, in Wing -
ham, one day last week Root,
lyurnin, of Camn, flank., i. visiting ('
friends here....,.,., E. Whyard, of
\Vnterlo , Is visiting at his hulnc Inc n
sew daa)•s.
Ixmen Walker, after
days visiting relµ
laintancee in Dun
ity, returned horse
Monday. Your
am much pleased
ith hint and an
loot the earlyr
t on ahI
and W '
able gentlernan
y yearn to eel
x present.
widely -known
of the firm
ric.11, wan in
ne day last
OA. Ander-
,a0 an en-
nd Luck•
le and
s viein-
n ipeg,
r his
r tlum
Not Disturbed,
A minister and a rather hmttplions
traveller ntr11pied the mane mtateroln
on n voyage nernsm the Atlantic.. 4111,
beenkf,lmt on the flrmt morning LW
traveller maid : '•p hope, sir. my snor-
ing dirt not disturb you during the I
night '" "Oh. no, not a hit, Nir," re-
phed the nainimte•r: "not a hit. You
nee, I live on the coma near a light-
house. and I'm umed to the mound of
the fog horn on thick nightls,"
Miller's i
M ' ra (ranul*l( care sallow skin.
Fon side by Jae. Willson,
Courtesy ix a key. It will open
doom than on crowbar,
Can Not Underlet.
Mall and Empire.
W. M., l;'lil1G)u, Qu. - I lead a
building with two shops, ane of which
I occupy ua 'ae1L There in a tisane its.
the (ease which says 1 am not to "un-
derlet the whole or any part, without
the written' consent of the landlord,"
Can 1 underlet the other shop to a re-
spectable tenant without the land-
lord's consent, and what course can
he pursue to prevent me?
Ane, --Where there is a covenant iu
a lease, "not t4) assign or sublet with-
out leave," and Alan at covenant or
ptvvielo that the "landlord may re
enter or rtr'uver po4s•ssiot" 111011
tneach by the tenant of any of the
coven/nuts contained In the lease, the
courts have too power to relieve the
tempus front his power
of his ten-
ancy, Hill v. 13ulrlay. IS \'esty gd, A
covenant not to assign or 14111)1*'t 's
often inserted in leases by the express
agreement of the parties. 1 of
course it 111144 118 what it says and the
courts will enftr•e it. Crawford v.
Bugg, 19 Ont. 13., Il. If you sublet, the
Iatatload can r 'm•e cul 11,cti011 in
the court to cltuccl pen. lease 1(11(4 r'-
e04er p Ottite$si()tl of the premiere. or
he eel bring an action for an injure:.
Mon to rest tabs you ;, Hridew•ell s•
Hawktner, 14; Times L.H.. IC37, See
also Munro v, \Valuer, :'Ji, Ont. !t., 571.
A Successful Horseman
Never allonym his horse to suffer pain.
He always use's Nerviliie ,which is
nutet1 fur•tm•i114 sl itfnwss, rheumatism,
swelling's and strains. Ners'iline is just
as good inside as outside, • For (Tempe,
colic, slid internal pain it's a perfect
miarvel. In tho good racing stables
Ne'rviline is +always used, lecnus' it
makes letter horse,. and smaller vete[••
inary. hills... Twenty.ftaw eents buys It
We have laid out and marked seasonable and desir-
able goods for our
January Sacrifice Sale
of our lest and highest elms gtsid. Full size and best satin lining, >s:,
in Dress Goods, 11 Is, 'Tweets, value for j15o.
Priv Silks, etc., 4111 our Galileo, Bces Ruffs, Capstones and Stoles
inarklIti at half price cold less Unclear. care marked from 15to
S0 per cent. off.
FUR COATS. ladies' Antrlu•I,a,) CARPETS 1 CARPETS I English
crutrluahnd('Ifpasrcm, earsll asize, e4edx' m1411:11" TA.I4uklagruyifie(( earalh,uwnginbs awlidt
to '11 inches lung, Ordinarily Nuld ridiculous 14" c r i 41 ae' price". A11
At VI to $124, marked at =as, this fall's buying, IoM, Mk., 711e, your
Satin quilted lined, finest skinei,tailor- choice roc.
1uade lluohurxn Lamb Punta, ti.t'land pore Carpets. SO iwilt. all
$3'1, AI each =a4. pure slot reversible
Carpets in n
veiliety of patterns, Fab and 110c quill.
FURCAPES. lu only altinrh Astra- icy, ,at per yard 6oc.
chowLams) (',ales, matin lined mid BLANKETS. Large eine pure wool
sweep, high collar. Prices were Nola Scotia Blankets, heautifully
front $12 to $1,i each, January sale Ionlrtetl and nishrinkable. Re•gu-
i5• ler $ll and 111.511, At per pair ;4,50
LADIES' HEAVY -LINED COATS. MEN'S FUR COATS. Black Dogtsar, No. 1 quality, all sires, I•e•gll.
Best styles, all this wanton's. 1pw Anil ht
garments at $1) $:-Y.2 a volts for 4 q. Hare m
coats At 46.$S $li cold $12 \'' oulat Coats, No. 1 quality, All
Nates, regular t6:t2 value for, $a8.
Black Calf Coate. No. 1 quality, all
LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL CAPS. sizes, regular 1628 value for j24.
lest 433 quality for $1.75
1►eep wedge Nhxpe and satin lined, (bon ('oats, tine dark skins and
, heavy fur. regular Mel value fur $50
large bottle of Nerviline ; trey it.
..O Hoo
rte f my boys 3 ) had skipped his
classes, deceived his mother, been
found oaf, And c,uwr"i h unhappi-
isss all around. i took hint ,aside,
and we had a heart -Go -heart talk.
Johnny sat still. looking at nae in-
tently. and seeming to he deeply im-
plement. I thought I was making
great he•adwny . and , that my little
sermon wins ' surely penetrating
Julmnv's br•,tin. Hnt you never can
tell. Just as 1 had leached the climax
in my Appeal to his letter self a light
u[ discovery broke over Johnny.
"!$av, teacher,' he said eaget•ly, "it's
your biller jaw that rooves, ain't it?' '
\Von* and Worse.-"% het silly
verses that noncom is reciting :" • 1
wrote them. 'sir !" "Ah -O, vet -to
Me alIre--elever lines, hat horribly de-
liverer(, don't you know woman
mord he a furl to -bungle 'end so --who
is she?" "My wife, sir!," -Cleveland
Clark s Ready Lunch Veal Loaf.
Better than plain trial, so holesome
and most tasty, It's one of the lent
ready-ro-serxe meats you caul buy.
Mexico or
"The Land of Summer's
Leaving Toronto on .Jamar) 3).
Cowering all points of interest.
Special reduced rite.
find Mt. •d'ntharine•, Mineral Springs.
I)rlightfol resorts for those who need
rest. Hest of hotel ace» 1
For tickets and hull information call
1 ,
Office hours : 3::C1 a. 01. to 1►::ii p Int.
Jona Nratrn,N. Mtathm Agent.
J I). McDu*ai.u. District Pim. Agent. Toronto
SII, ptanQ
As eppr.ciat.d br Toronto's
Favorite Concert Accompanist
Drone cud Cl.oilwe ur 6alswr'. Pressen. 6x,, it
C1reMw Go.tiva Leder, 343, .ad Kris Salome Lodes. 21,
"The Bell that t purchased from you
years ago continues to give the best ofsat-
isfaction. t can entirely recommend the
Bell to anyone requiring a perfect piano."
Write us for Free Booklet " 8 " con•
raining photos of leading musical
The Bell Piano & Organ Co., Limited, Guelph, Ont.
Suits. and Overcoats
There is no place iii the country
where you cap buy Suits and Overcoats
that are as good as those made by
II MARTIN, the Tailor
of Red
• Due hundred mote young mem nal
wonaen. who are nulhitiowt\a1441 enter,
hu qualify In 1 he
for the 1,.1111' In -,;,11- „1''11 1,1.411 those
elm arc t h,rn,ughly pol•ared to uer•M
1hen. .5 six month.' tone« In Ohl.
college means for young (111111 of
right kind on oehu•alinnal equipment
better than nlsn) trades nr pnde•w'kmn
In money earna,g power. Slnd,nt.
admitted at any time. 'Insular. free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
('or, Yonne and .Alexander +t..
Cures Coughs
GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing,
and does it well. It's no "cure-all "
a CURE for all throat and lung troubles.
(: stops the irritating tickle - takes
a the soreness -soothe s and heals the
throaty --and CURES COUGHS to stay
None the less effective because it is
pleaaant to take.
25 eta, bottle.
For 33 Years
Shiloh', Consumption Cure, the (yam
Tonic, has been before the public.
shn, together with the fart that its sole,
have steadily increased year by year, is the '
beat proof of the merit of
n a etre for Cnughu, (olds, sad al
diseases of the lungs and ay passage,
Those who fuss used Shdoh would not
be without it. Thaw who have never
geed it should know that every bottle is
sold with • positive guarantee that, If it
dioern't cure you, the dealer will refund
what you paid for it. Shiloh "
Hai Cured
tarwad, of the manhrinetr eater of
Cold. s. Co. and Lung troubles.. Lit
e ou. MOM
**LAW rineO, 1 r,.ghed In the.. ow,4. aid
eMaeM 4w}�.t.,.rawns woo C,r.tew'a.w 1 en.,ase1111
weftwell 1 isl g�, , ( wisher def wee ar
Ceneueneefr, Con. taw
hellfire rueed(w. The ..war 1 had ..er had
mrd w.. woe .hk, la reek, m, lar,, wew ewe
ea tis tide awl bark. Six Wets d Sh,7n1, mak
me ,..It 'sem. 1 Ares mer (11. 314.1 pats
sed r.en nor of there Mw b_, .sed A
J..oh, 44t,. H,weiadu, Q... ' es..
25c. with fastssase at all deo psta,
Headed Off,
Didn't the 'tulip's who
called leave rarlm ?
Ilridget. They wanted In, ma'am,
lout. 1 timid then ye hal plinty xv
yet own, and 'alter Ones, 14x0.
Hair Grower.
un ^i Ill, detest telnllle onlyl'kno itt egiven
n oicetkr
which .111 ahwdutcy do wh.t1. hi
1. '
themita ab.ollditey nt lhe harm] lr,ew stun le elMier
y Miert relied upon
Vt. do
11o1 calm to grow h,rlr on a shudn
g bolo brad
where the roots of the Milt
end or dr
tn'yed nn'I nu 11,1.' hair left. hutrif e them Is any
floe hair 1.0 we can make It IOWA'. We have
gra*n hair on heroin That have been bald for
Oars and ye#r,, ant three 111 a lief cane t0 hefound rhe re a young roan or wnrl.Alt who In hr
log their hair nod b,. Inglwld where our rel..
betted heir gnaw ung rcmedle. will fall 10 pm.
dare a good MAO y head 'of lair. If used
auv.er,l l ng to lite directions.
To whom It may concern :
I most
Celebrated flair 1 Drawey r. 44' . 44pon,onalhe of lexperi-
ence i have found that it in not n conuunl Iwo -
cot medicine. bot a neientiflcally prepand
mation of dandruff. nd otherwhich wise clean its Ie nes the
scalp no that the hair net only dhteontinuan
(all nal but!o'
herein, In grow In theseie place.
which art. tem, My hair wan falling very- boa.
and In some phare. my -'alp had Weenie gnite
hold. 1 ines1 14.(',44. ll rower : my scalp In now
wine free from dandnifr, and supports an dense.
a growth of hair an It ever did. t
For Salc•. by
The Great
1t. J. N-arxa
4lenenal Repo•"entAt Ivo
Canadian ('orre.pondenec College.
laughter Sale
(I l;
Men's Clothing,
and Furnishings
is in full swing.
Come early and get your share of the bargains.
Walter C. Pridham