HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-18, Page 1. , TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. I HE SIGNAL TO ist AN., tl)o7, AND THE ONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD FOR ONE YEAR, BOTH PAPERS FOR ONLY $t.00. Subscribe Now. I r aa1 PRINTED STATION- ERY, CIRCULARS, FOLDERS, ETC. VOU CAN DEPEND QN GETTING A GOOD JOB OF PRINTING DONE AT THE $IGNAL BE- CAUSE WE DON'T DO ANY OTHER KIND. 1111TY.NIYT$ Y1CAH-Ne. �t l GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : JAN l'ARY 18, 1906 VANATTER tit fli)l HTSriN, 1•t'nu:+rl1sws r I� --- _ - - -- - FiARn(ial - UOVA 1J rI�UPICS. sl ill in tufcn :Sul {vr h.l\r nut Ir:u Dell • I NEW ADVERTISEMCNT3 - JAN. 18th tlt-flllItply of Iris inleutluus i A Busineta Change. J. JI. Yar{tf-r IIaN diXpoXt•tI trf"bhr ih•dfnld 11A1'IN•l' "Ill til bltslaYs" 111 .Pall 1, >' Jurdun. 11f Sparotin. Mr. 1 arker is 1'I {11'1 To Audit Godorich Township tiookr. OS,at Hudsop, of 'fol unto hNX IN4•u - x i lointt,tl to mwks,'+ui tool U (- lTlp 11 1 -i' INII/kX ll(llll• 1taW1141�1{I ..( (i(NIYI'Irll, 111 IralNlllArto a rel{lleSt fr111U residents fir the tuwnallip. A Recount in Ste hen. p To harness - t� ver Maitland _ ._ �,-_ .. ___..._-.-._.._ - -� _--- - - A Great Undertaking Now Under Way. i:,.,' , ,. ruin • Family Iieruld amt Weekly•' -fill , tukbl& � I U. Millarco. � . 11 i •„•uulkinhr - \II . 5('t-. Tn•wbley 11, C,ul Stiurly c a „ \nnonurl•nu•nl ! rhlh.ena Ulu Taller ' : 1, \uUrr "( �pphritli"I rn I'Nr1lNlllelll-a. T. '1'hourteson. of nw',I. ..... ... 1 I.hlat Jncalhw un• .1 II. H.ewkhl.. 7 Nanton Ik,rKahl.Stlll J. u. ('olbol4ou.. .. ., t _ -- - --- (iODERICH MARKET8. - T_ ' The aroteet ` in. l3trplteu Tnw•nallip A Possible Dever mint. '-� oP Announ--nn-lat -J, it HaN'kl.e.. . . A Then• 1- Nu Place- F', H. Ilartln. - ' TIIL'IWN.A 1'. JtlIt. IXth.-- 11('t Wt4'tl T31UIIIIr1 9Wtl118e•1' and IIp111'S' - - + 1'iuxrinar lea. w'. ,i: Ila• Int: S Thi+ wrck tho glwllo ulurkrl nhuN'm nn ved ""°'"' i„ „rime^''"'"• "'.° are In p. Willer, fur the n,altioll of rervf- I I '""tiu«li in ,t lir• IG►3 w(Pn%1 1N•il,g ilial Expected to Make Goderich Great Industrial Ali.sxl HrN-h-�, .II K'1liu oururanitrand rbi%aro C'bass.I.I.r- . a iluf.l 1laltlnm 1•awder t'. A. Naini. U. Fall wheat, per bumh, new_ .. $0 73 to 1! a 73 Spring wheat. ,leer bumh. new .. N 73 to N 75 RI'.• fur elliell candid ate. 'IYttl Ietlleelling oRlrrr gave his 1•t►Ntillg v Ite, Irl fAvOr a Centre J. T. Goldthor a and Associates p .11. Elliott. Apo r. Whitei) .. 7 IiRrin-w'ortk SpItcalu'wtal' -('. til.- .Ttturray'. tm•r bwmh _.. _ . •a IS to o IA Huricwhrut. per Lu -h ........_ tis to N1 IA �kit-, bunk., of Mr. \\'illert, but his tr 1 lonent wits ll Announce Their Pro ect to Dever Water vp Torouw...... ..... .............. a ttlloula-co'cllt H' a1111'tl'. in..tilul........,,.I 'fh.Urutt per new:..:...... Il:i to II aI 1 eam, purbumll ................. a 73 t1 1.7.5 IFxHey, nut /rumen, til let the luatter teat that wlty anti Iasi SaittilAay, on him, flowers of the Maitland A Quarter -Million Joneury' Sale-HuiRw1A Hum- a '`'nytlm Sylr of Bullnose HlAsl--1'rolmhbt, per bllnh .... ..... n It to a Ia Iw-r.asninopi per ton ..I. . .. IA.nto IA 1x1 Flour, fwullly, perewt ::ill to tan lobuli, \Ie,Fat•.. Pt•oudfta,0t, Ha 'X k Hlalr look out an oplNluhtntent, Dollar Scheme. HR '- Hlnlr..' .. 1 ' nlludly {1NHl -.. wt chains.,;.......... a .:::.... 'lour, {Nf.. Owt 9'01 to ' Y INI Ir= 1111'1111IdP 111 It Wppk. fill' a Iel'l/llpt ht•aid iii t es• 1i. h t fir ta re. 1 t f 1 N III4- tuM , Ureat ClearouSalt- FkJ. YlAmir.11nnRrniwen A A art lin "'Ale of ('utter.,, tWvlw -, etc. -Thom erteen Short perton .... la es to Is 110 ~bort.•, poi tat . lin lin W YII al Hny, rime-.-- _-..-"I IA-� -'7�-en- lVow:I, IN) la•form the votlnty•duff p. _ -1 J R_ Law Librar � itisoeiation. !-- Y • .. - fhe'I"cXtioll Of cl1cAl) 11owc' la title tubi(- feet leer wxund, lite uvea•xgr • '> . Sall, I,,,, vF• Al a um, ("ttl ,--'1'tmn. Ual y t u 1 1 m ' f 1' PL Itutwu. Auctwnuern 1 . a per,,ord.. .. ..... ... 3 to A UNI liuttet, {we. Ib .. _.... .. ll, to (I til 'I'h1• truth i __ - - __ _ dxil flow ivhtc7i coinlair ohtilntvt w•itt .of tilt• glrutpXt 101rIb1e•Illm ice the IOdlls- Y ) Y L�JIIi 6I}` Iaj la t_:trig2lal-Off{ Y,_ �_._ ...._ t--..�. Flrt r tun 1'uwbinal \'irhoria Chemw.perlb .._. ... ... ... U IY to II It ,nonoil nu•rliug of the tI'nll N' 1 1 Ike tC3.i ('Y Illi' (ePt ter !Il•l'llllll Nllll'-' lou Utwna Hall, ' ,tertius o $1 to n el Hirun law Llhrary Atf.toclatiun yvhts 1 t a , .tilt It r% weliel:all cull- f ... ... 1 , tLKai1'ftt.'t'' ".'." )•' 111 Model' till• RV.11litble hel►tt xt fila :A.-trAy hIt Notio. lelll•• '( -- ---- -----____„_. PulRt/,a•. .. Uhl: til NI held Int 51ond y Ill/lt'lllllg; (Ilrm,�'ll1, 1'1%it'll tI1Ht. M, (Nr ilA IIIt11111f,ICt111'ew e. R ;1,:kN111114'lllltllr7ll hl,roa•- '•, Calfle.urdin'y tlgood, &wrcwt. a i1 to IND Jud a Uo 'Ie, Jud a Ilolt, anti Messrs. Hlaek Hole' - -- NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ('ullle.expert. per cwt . I Y:1 to :v 7.5 K ) )+ our cwlcerled- the fulur'e lira with lowers for t9•rnt rout• hours it day - Jlrs. Cam IIN•Il Aotlo@ H,Nrx, Ilse weight, wt cwt: .. a a3 los ,I :t" Oic•kin"on, Seltgrr, McDonald. aCaill. those count'jete lull with th.Nr• loculi- iht• year round. ) • IUYdiI•al nit it ,%ed. l --- -_ f- rindlnlob. t;ml -ron. ItlAir. llnys, Oaui,owwill f rood- %%aA "event) t near yea 1s ,0f age, and p 5 101 1e.) Co f ban f r nnin v r i - - "' PY o c ge o u g ad e t se Sheep, poria, .... ........ .... J w to a 13 fail,,. Thr ut11(erm, 7111{a ,II1tPd wrry fa. firs in which lNoteulinl eulogies rile Dam at "Black Hole." w:w nuunlg thI• oldest te.idl nG+ of menta must be left at this'oifice by \ U'l'l('1:. .l l.l. AC('OUNTS NOT Hwnt, per I .. _...... ..... U 1a to n lfi told title IIIUnIh N'ip tw 11"tda.i 111111 1'uu ltRrm,, r Ib 0 13 to Il IA folluwN : I'IY•sldrnl,- ullgr 1{till vire IM drveluprd must reudih• into {IUN•er• It It- avplFsed to cl,satrlx•t ,t .law xt 1Lalel ich, coming hen• in is" Kite Monday noon to ensure insertion h. aolkxllun. w'ultSt:Li,'ri t'bcap Haldw"re Ltn1. p ei Ib ..... M to 1t+ plvaldcnt. h.. Ifollool air i'ir•wforthr ; .npplirwhle to lllavhiuet)•. \Pith the the "Black- Ilule" which at•ill give n twits """Win Fr pnlutgh ounnty, Inv. in issue of same week. and IT -1 Store. Tallow,.peelb . _.... _... ..... a M to Orli at(•reGu'w, \\'...Pro fail,,, K. ('. ; I!- fa•orkiuK bend ,0f i:{ feet and tit the Ixnd, ,Sul tonna t 't hu+ ruuntry with HiAns ppOe1r• cwt . .. 7 sir sirs, progress In the ,flu 111itiqu of het auents when Nrvs,n veer" old• ----- OTI(!F.---THF ANNCAL JIFET- ?thaa,pelthM..... . ... .. Aaltn 13 hr+lvi"n. O. MrOtannh xddit(lIrl, E. L. 1 I "ante• taus foto a sUnags, rPS•rvuir { N r rrtnlily tta ntr(-hunu•al li arse. exlendin from the "Ifliu•k H Ie" lir Thr Guuily Nettie% HtwC nt LiurlMc. s� - - INU of Ihr trills(-. of the .tlexNm!1'x rurkefam ... ...,. N 13 to a 1a' Ihckineem and R. , . ... - ars 1 rt 9 K u ('hicken... N ly to a Il, K K lielunillor. 'fhe ei Warily of thiA K M-('"Ond t:elot-ml it- town Will Le held xt laid •• .. "'•• ruuuuittre, Jud v IluyIli Inti a H(rll, w'atf-r (NncetA are IuyuirinK :e \uluf• ( F.►b•r nluc!n to \Inn vll and r wllnjf T I1 I flit 1'NUH Huu.l,, in the Wen of l:clurlrh, loll 11 )ulxiAt-lnarket- lou tNIKc it ('. :\. tiragpl', I'.. Ia the 'moll gild ty{ 1vse•rrnir conir►t41 with tit.• low wall•, t/l UeNlrrt h in IFIi . She w+l. Mar Frtfl"y,,ht- omitdayof February. A. f 1wiitit N('I lite)' Setae-nint known Iwfore ll, ritrCill )'%,1 to her of bert•av141 hit" *�{� f rela'k V ail., fur the N'. I'trnitlfoot. 1'hm, tt•e.aA rib tr•- HIIW tit I►li• list•,' IN NuHlrieelt bl prvr STER ING' BAN I�. pury). 3 of cI ALIP' � ,ort shoved recei too, ;U: i l I"'a" els"• +old h)• Ira moll l,f her text , ; -,- 'batll W 1 j ho Intl cone to ( Nlrrich a few i 1 I I14 blare. "INI other Ela -lea•.-. 1, Itl'I)UNA1.11. \ � t5 dib• K Jule c, /i 1 lurehxnicxl II(/-MIN/y{;rl'N A. ting st-4'o'ttr). 4' 7 fvrnith-of ►rich {ruWOrh C:utall:l ham the lou n tell -hour -day basis. years ptt•a'iolm Sltu is u•vivwl by e _ nuSrulrutm, sil11l.i . OF (ANAD•A \iFFTIMe O F T H E H U ICO 1 N ( )�Ir 1 ( v, II New Railway Project. )n"d)K"'t or hiscoming unr of the• great. Thr place known m the - ••Black (In" I t, Williittn: of Hat Nn• Reach, CAPITAL $1 i■n,l#u ( I/l1 COUNTY.1'ul'N( If- cwt indu.u-ixl connU'ies of till• world. little" is n tolweinlly favorable site. for Mirh.. a id her daughter.' Me . Holey. Am Will 1M semi treaty it tinlice, iu m • the tare ction tit A d"nl. 'fhe shims (if Mc ". ('a itFAw.11'A uutiden nn le wills TO WATEWI'AKLIV,. itdverkislrl rulnuttis this weeks t► Thele wetter {bowers sere Scattered 1?IisllfMth tthtuuunl and Nhp Ira Uva. The +•mnm•II of !hu county of Huron .,ill - tilt fiver tit this PIKee gale torinetl of Inverton•hole the opportunity t ,splitY u,.•rt to the council ehxmbcr i" tho wu t ..r ,•ouupnuY at ell tib.• \\ 1•NI' .Onutriu 'ery witirly over the• country, rind nhrupt bnuks of Solid rtN k, risinK tux slAtel'A xnl x ht•ulhmr, \Iles. \\'t• tlrll•, for tlw ahulwn It(till. IW1k. Ay"dy to (i.Stel'b,•In. NII alt {t'"Ia'1'HAt•. are Ilnw' title ,111,1 d 1 xt.i0c 1{all 'uy ('owp:w)' ia, uppl)'II'K Ilo - .lastly yrAl'm IL IUM IN•rn r�(-:ignizt4l K y. nt. 11 u•nn Iles. 1'utvin.- of li nN �ei ht tit' front thirty tie thirt Hvm' ! T n - 'I'ueildiNy. the Y.itd (If Jautxlrv. to landi:n l t ter ,a vilarter fur It fe%•t OlNove -tile river. and a1NAtt :CAI Rapids, and Jolnl, of ('olunhhg., O. til. i . BRUWN, GODEItIF'll til 3ni't�x•k UIS('lyl'NT OF In Pklt �'t:NT. th,t yr hour right. Ix•,+idt• Ihr in Uudm• Ihr fuumr:ll t Ik r p. u,. l,rpn(-h line to (slot frnm j,llndrrn fare, rl Dort, the•'Imd of the• fiver nIS1 Iw- {hue tiff }\'wInPS4 .UI. "rr"Arstm r imt the rcanty 11111-t I" N'IIt lee KiVvrl to rxtric-.pAylnic ILYi'it. c. l{lrnllgh fhe t. uultie•m of Middle•S•iA. rico( a Iver Whi(-h i+ r,ltNlble of leeing !ng So�i(I rock and Ixxing well gobs lied m rnhig fro . leFiidenre of the.dr• phoYd -Jill the rierk below till -date. , { tic. LANK. Clerk. during the earth tit Jnnu,(ry. UxfutYl.'.Prrth. -) rotl and Hrucr w a dt-welu(N41 ,tad ewpl..yed to iuuuensp for the conatruition of n dant. , Ill tilt- eeag d's• da!%li _ r,_Lighthitesy NaLteet. - --- nAta1 J.an. WUe, 1 #ek Arrear of water rata•« lowest Is; p"kl ;It Isnot nn Lake Hillon ll, Ilirotl or A-Iv"ntuge in making thim tuw11 x ditiuu. rill the material tirreswary fair le St. Fetrt. l lurch. !{ea. Fathi•r x -- - -- -pnru or N'x[cr wiU;lx• turlo/d off. 131-t1ve e•nlolt)'. :\Udt•4-w I . 7'11111-1'- (IIP 1:U11Atl'lletllllk 1,($ douu. fvith the stridor slaking link lrfs,lrence ll, WBIIted + \\('-►I. MFFTIN(:. Snt, ofUtrlNht, i% u in n. elulieitnl. Krext+enter findumCry'. Soluu• serest the• and tNrunvn'r '1 he• II-heilfvtse �_ __ _ _ '1 - 55'. L. HORTON. Collector. i i 4 , K l. r exception of cement. (-fail iN• pruruth•d for the applicant.: fhe ptujeclel[ ag.. the Mltltlfitld Rive" i ower ('our on the 1LOVER AEF[) \\'A\•TF1).-- HIGH- -Fit afa lila any ing Nf the u,enllipa of pFs, I gtuund. were• 'l'luaf. 11e1f en 't•, U. hxlen, U. Nrljld i Nutl,o1 FJn• ). Somaurr Cu.... Fr %ill Mo" t � unp ! Use, it is undt•ratulN iw to (orisk a puny av:ly provisionally organized Thr r•olst of Nlo slant at this point, Pater anti 1'. lA•tul. IGST ca.h prco INfid. A. J. C(Fi)PR(0• IN• h,,ld in tier toN'n hall, iernflort h, loll Frld Ny, 11 of 111P It . P. R. sv n1. Wuldd IM AIN1tll �2JII,IMN1, atnthof .Apert. Uodcnch. ,.t_4 Px with A view to ••hn u•+sing" tiff• river. Inr1Y•'pops! Jouu"r> Oeeitah, Itm04, to 1 ut-la•k pine. Ho -t• ------- - ----- r hilt. like .many til r undertAkin -m, dewxnd fur ,l,wer could readily IM t ANNOUNCEM TS. --_.- __ nevi Itlr0%Ing tilt- dinrtur•' atilt Mrirutry'- Lost or Found O• C. 1. Literary Society E ets-Offncers. K filled h the powetrurtion u( unr tit• n•. ,urt•, ties, clI lion ,f tbrrr din4-I.N. .Id N'Wall left'.- aftel•wsrllr�, IMen lit• ni Int Y lallilC Y "go Ln.ilaa•-- fur tier ga,rd and ye'elttre of tier r..__-.. _ _ _-_ _ ___ 'fhe O. C. 1. Lll/•1'ai•c .• evitwty h.l.. K L(l suc(-rm., lhi% HiNt atteul at r0i m(Prm'lltoragl: rPXBrvoirm. 1.lCT- .�. - - _--- t:uugrue3. Tlae• reOrinK dirtrtnn.xre: J, It. hAU}"S, l:OI,U \\':}T('H 1.(IST MailgitlilzlYl't"r [ht- ensoiiig cru with i H.awslN. is rle7lcln h at,Mk of Nrle•nu. Srxfus"l, 1'M.: Th-. Vnawr. Hrnrr- + I lu'ough. IAt•gely IMc•nuS, f tier Irick Great Thin Or Goderich. K /, . ROY AI)AMtl -r-- ti . q Ilxwilton creel on by let',7, cern tltm fulloN inK ufHcer• ' Prrsidl•ut, gJ st,over .1 ridirulooAl low I c•eN. Ll Ta lcar.lt nv Ihr t., Nr1A ,I'.U.: Serf tf ll,. 1'htrney. t�[Iwmd Wlla I,1 Fielder will hr rewnnlyd b)' learli til rilpitxl. It N'xx IIuC. bl vmya•1, til- Y P PAN_. ho art -,•the! lite for re,ks-i lose. TI(u+. Is,• ,R :e[the \\'til. F'inglfand; Hr%t ,orae-pr•%ide•nt, �. Thi» 5A n gtvxt undri•taking. \vith ---- ILA YS, Ser, J. It, WLEAN, Prc• {deur. F" .4 I:X.vI, offN'K' \\dill: Pnatdfoot ; searou,l \_I e.. ,rest- togMher• x rN111UY•( As it File AIIPn= leossihilitieA of dmvelupnlent 1118 lhU[ itPpPN' )'our xulrw'rl(atie to The tltddloMNankofMtmtroxlBlock. ----- --_ - - - liotl•flothe Nswllaihtiesl•in in the I1 1'LF F'OCNO.--A HIC}'l'I,F dent. Miall 11. Clark: art trl:u t. \lis- l 3 K hxn11y 1M Sat 6a•th in'cold tyls•, and, tiignal ofton(-1•. "IN AN clot, tel tll % Allyy ��':\KNiNO.-ANYUNF FOC N U B was fou d a fcw' its%-. Ago b)' one of Iho M. Girvin ; trem"f •er. Preston Strnng ; i ivrr anti If -d Lu It turn• pr m being ,xs lids Iwrr AhuWn, i►hrvtdv it has tiu111bers ol'The Weekly lirrald, {-hich W. W ILLMOTf I IONORS CER- trey pa.mfils air carrying dre-"rte- .sl any f-Rort which !X Itoty IN•I" ~ante to ell,- owe \f il)1 laws, y4 -fen I .ulaN n tion T, ort of our , ,Doll p,dlrr'. The owner gun Luer lite •Ault- h}' Nrl•I•eGu'v of COIII rllith'Y, til. Ifra" : 11, tilt• tat• K le"U'llc 1 - •a elttge Which re•lrrl•%1•IltN K TI FII'.1TE Trinity ('ullelrr, lea,dnu, 1 [ rnroerl will M: stet+ted "rNl J rrr+r- ` } F.nRa, cFrs�Ol-t wnA rholrtnn.lPr of Klrox •'nisi.. artlgiradl tY I•wad K. 1'..ATT)tIL1, -Pent 1119 p1aprrU' and -{w illi, rs[N•Nxa+., "'Ilcel editor, \\'. ttlnyth; t►sNint"nt relitnr I l ll, Inn tical energy Of t.hr A cOnNiih•1'a111P drgre of ,rogtr•14.. (o Thr !iignxl paid in xtivative. 1'hYn'Is, Apldel'f1'll, tliN'her illi pM11,.. 11, 1'.tlllN'•.•sailAlthl'7bN'nIfNIT._ a Miss M. WAlter'; eollll(-dloria, MI%" \\'Htl•r willc'h at. PI•rsrnt IN 1NWNIt1g '1•Ile volnilhll .IIIII111a•t• Will (Iollt)tle•AN Doll't forisrel.Ihr oyst•t•NII1Mr! 11 1'T"If.thanpp wad hwrnnny. Sutdbr,.i�r�`if... `OTICF' tTHAYED FROM'Ll)7" .), ;MAI1'• ('. ('nntelou, hiss H: Siq•th and H. idly by our daFr• 1,1•f. %ulrstnntilll ,,ticv4•Inpnlmn( of the b,dl. unde1- the xles(iirrs of the ('a, - Mr Mnakt'm, let. IMvkf..1n4•t: twloAsron• ,le.t ,uf t'bctorw street chnmh. :a -alt- 1TM•'•vtxot unterin I.M.IMc Halfway tLarniat lis: e ' -LAND roror ,.1nn. roderirh I" I Iii . N Anderstm ; pianist. Miss T. Lewitt. For solum worths pixitint•Pt•v Ave :heulm. xlthuuKh in ,1 Krttlt work ruli:w Ur•drr of F'ul e,rttrs. to Ile held it ..liulat"hy a•.,k. Ititle blithe am Ich bind loot. The• series of meetin s for the tergal 1N•en golrtly mtlguged tnkin Xu[• .vs of ,itis rharnoter pnogrrxs is neecw- Oddfellow. t ha• __ _ _ _ _ -_ __ _ _. _ Neill apply to tet- Parliament rfra'annllA xt N+' - K K flail, un '1'InlreNix ', rollingtwo Yemirmold. Any infonu.t job It -Ad- nrul Illaki fi 1'alcldato ns, the ,result;of Ateril • "low. - ) ns•It.,•essiun tin--antliartly tie tiulld a br,inrle will tw inxugurxtmd with rt pu)memnde K Nlegutixfiou% are now F'e1Fi•unry lith. Dentistry line (nine a point Nla the loom ftnv . line at re. mR to 1[n dfmaucery will IFe uitthb' re%ard,A t 1 .fast rxlm+n.•- paid by tier und"r..iKtled. .JOHN culurt•t Wmon•ow . F riday) evening. • W irh is to delilonstrate• ib•yond quem in progress Is•twms,n Mr. Go1d- --= nixrtheritvoftwrudnN,nntgt•np,inxinnheel) NF;N'1'n)113t.. - tion the tarticahilityof tier llrvrh hairM and a CnrllNlll)' 1'1.11Y•ArllLllig The 7111IIIUlI a•stmt sup{N•r t[[ycler t iI• len4•tlun thou Ip•t ht- ,lou later. of Noddle -lax. P' lj% i �eItf -_-_..Stnsy>ALTe[�tPtrdnt:e.M4etinyR, .. Inent of power (til it gvHtxhle MLris. .thexu licrx of tie Gooleaich branch C e. !$ALE..L..Il. __L.o,LP.15__-. _.. O[fiNtF-F4•rt h, +iurwn mil flrsSro.-M sy,.rhtt rt- -_-.._-._-___- _-__-._ - ' .lghsh IrtpIGII Whlrh N'!4 IP4 till Yat, , '• Lake.F(nronlnUwe. mlyof Huron air Hn,I•r, ThIN,e who risked tier. lertls'..f F{,Ilow•111 ,him,, withal tier Inst iew tit Nnvrr for cur , t which would �'f Lhr�}'/often« Inatit.utrN'ill IN•held Mrluwn's 1q irk sad fur othar Pur Flit.• $Itllatlo a YaCBIIt 1 R' I 1, P""^ \.. I►r.TurnbuIt'.ulA.twod.i y __ ) _______ walkin least Funlirt • afterno nl to day. flrinnaial n Mr,lliori of nn it-• only 'ndirf411y. if al tell, IMliplittllis ,;n tier f-wrrlutg of Thti"day, Januitry A\ yHK T. TH(►Mt +lox. -_ K 3 1 rLh. m Ihr l)(Idfrlluws IfAll. tiny t - _ - _ _ - - tlolivt r fur the Applivalit'. OUSEKFEPER W A N T F, L - ilttetid tier Grlape•1 tpmperauce meet• lan•tmil eherlarler have tali place. town. \ Mr. O4)ldthorlw prs,fers that {{ P'' . Ottawa. 1_4h Jandary. :I -:x inR.wrr*. [veil to A1d ) tit rxcrllenl Doul Thr • ' nal is loud• ire ,1 Nlmition tie the w r should LIN retained in the met ved'frlin H p, til,' and jnYrgr+lou wftrr. \ �� (( Funr rhllAmn in familia. AdArx-w rt I Y 1 1 fkE' ��' Phis•- ro ININ:•t Ik•nmlllor. ,1.tit' aeldrefss by Hf -w. Benjamin Nutt. Mr. /patlint. tlla•'t.•henlr Whic11 rimy 111run control . hMal rtt+n -anti. rill Jyl gel `tdinissiun '3i rt.4, h;vrrylNyly wrl- - -- -- HF:S�1 JI A K F It.-' \i H" \\'M. _ _. - . .1 i�ILS. FMMFHSON A TURNBULL, �� Nott is (tell wort 1 on ever lutar of � stol4rto the flitlu•t - L - { Y P IYIN•tG of this mote f1, -fty Tor -`fhe iutyxtita- tsttne• .. _. L TR n'll. f Kl'alitty h .tn•�. npplahc T(is- 'LITF%OQHAPHFH W A N'1' F 11. K .. - riple chnn'h. Kunraular r,erfect trued Vrirl-'.• it Illll• N'1111 IUM INV•rl (•til In - t tie i, Law oMec IIID Imngwranre, ynrst lou• itnd Itis town. ' of (ilNle rich• if fN�1111P. FI�Y. •I'.\ IrA ll<I NIi. A( thio WANrIn of t. T. F'wvmt.nl. W i1. rrawrmble. - 7I -t[ V )''' -addles" peas full oft hole L ellN urnr(- lay. S. TUXXF" 1.I, )1. It. and who under•t.nd. bookkt-rpin9oad Iwukmif K I The moving N{lirit in tier etiterpt'i"e This, wwll's Impels of rllltlt•.• develop- the• year W)• make n N N•/'IHItyy' of black Wtius lifamiha, Starr. Phone air:. - '- -- - --- Ermines prenrrnd. :A ppb'. �ueungy re.rN,rirloae and p,lthua. Sid Hml(-I SApIg (hu' iS Councillor .1. T. (italdth(Prlw, witty mmol lies in tiff, lti."ibility taf alt+t t- aN�s for drrNS enc *.vpnln wear. Re,siderae'phnne Itl.' _ _ j''Or SLki@ anti Wlxry exlir,'tell. 10 IFI)X v1i. l..N[erich. Swe,v y til,IPnln Pito it," -vend his hx:.v made exte4lsivk inve I II1cutA ing-ultlnnfacturing indi strirs. Iulrl the �l'lle gemson'N ntsh is Digo, ivrr and _ , , rrndrring SAS in rx lent ",slur which 1\e hint rontnti of hum six to only way to brill« th*.m .t • r• is our tailors hawf- ulon, time to J)R. A. li. -.IAPKLIN, J1 H. fj1WO AI I RENTICES WANTF;II .ext Sundae lite m in will lir K % I(ive t" AOR SAi,F:.---HFiNT/.SL\N PIAN 11 t:, learn dre-flookin APVIy, al oure: K resell tulles of fhP rivet•, oft both AIdPI:. tll'nligtl the (ulvnutA of rhe•,a l Ihnt rh1AA of No'k the attrtttiuu that 1'HYSI( IAN ANU SI'In: Kt)X K• xddl'*." -41. by .ohs. \fit- •II. still MiW 1! ?(rre•tal attention to Fit-• Fete.. zN- and Ij AL' nWe + -tvtary .fail ►NN,kea-1•. Apply t HUINi Rl"S, IfRos. 1'llVeri fig all illr•7l Irf skill Or iON) ,acrt•A, IN,WI•r.- OUr Nhlpinllg Ca;II1Lll'A, Wltll Il n•IIIIII'1•N, }\'1• Illlym ,aIle IN'Yt riln e Throat eM1re And n•ddrnrr, old fMhk,A Mon- 1 at1IS. l AN) 1tyN, ".Ylrrid(rn." Nonh strcrL -- Kmttu•ah Hr)Wu ,vitt AI h N tKc 1 t K S 1 with elAtlntiirlg right�1� �nttlhe "Hlfir•k lief• ruruplYtios of tilt- l', 1 . R. run- Of ni atcrixla tr1 lis, Seen fai,ywhere atilt Ireal, oprn.lte 1'Is4am.,•, wt --1 mt.. l:Nda:,•h.l -- (IY \\'A\TRD-APPHFNTiUF TO 11l•yurst, •'Salve the Hoy. Everytlot.Y Hole' Dud ••Pill--'. 1►x14� , nertiou, will he first-class, fund frith wt- will gunrantee prompt and {lite- ' Telephone Nn. 1M:. [)!A9F HC'HNER HEATER `FOIL tehir priml,Nr.line L5 yc.n. of ,tge. fair w•rtoonle. .. - \ rhrip throe,• to after tie nlnim- %(Panel att.rnliun (u All orrises intr•usttd --__._--. __. -_ _. _ SALE.-Countrm- of oxford• Nn. 1:11% in •alu -al on. t t�.1 o` porlunlcy' for tit bright The Engineer's Report, '� , - - -- fir.,-rla.. r•ondbtbon: will M•.Flat cheap. .{pply tM>'. tip Rt' "' SIUN,tt, ofFlt'F.. Magistrate's Court. factlit-ci s . ties, town w' i I I loosS•.p to um. 1 Itimi.tN Tiix TAI :OR. ' L@�aJ fur wrtbt-ulxn to H. Tl't'FUttU, rt-'. 1 nwbrht . - Thr enginw•r's report nn Lhe af•xil- attractions for nulustrnal e%Ilthli-h- .. n ul,�and TratAlRar .t Doti ISI ICT Af:FNT \\' PN,TEU.-- The pulics, nutgistr,ate anti l'Iv1w.b mill*. welter pow••r of tier ri re. Ue+ItA ulrolts uut-yualh4l iu Chin wrstf-f•n .%I ve ill„ A, .1. CoolN•r, HamilG/n The .',tinnnt I.ifu A..arxnrr l'om ate, • of latturuev ,sets In Y.bntur 1 sterdm In. 1AMF:HON At KIL1fUHAN. HAH- _ �� { y , 1 Y tiff-sobjertItlrtlnannermntlrt {'difTet disuirt ,0f (hdntita. An 4-slimule, of "1111 t, hat a rnr ,�fpAtentfl��r,the ■]`,/ HIST tat.+, rolJtitol••, nntwrfes, etc. nlllcr. ` 1'AnndA, hr, utbtr, rurnrrut Toronto and Ade• eon nectlott N' 1 t b at•lil n+ iigxinat \\'e�%tf-r•tl (aau[d;t 1' lotlg' \1111,+ thMt•- riamlltwt(;., hintdmrfroolS.luan•.Usdrrlch. @al 1'istate for sa1C. iAldu•tn•etx. n c a,llnb(riu.he(wnnont•nin)f Ilutrl.kr*.ret•Iiuxlnnfol•: uftrtcliuu of rut from Ihnt of othmt• n•Iw,rtn Ise- Ihf- Iue•f-rtt coal of IN,Wmg• drerhalt s IP vlou•Iv ]finite on Ihf. s,ainm {il)N•f-r. 1114-111 in G.derieh is fl'tan II(1,3 ill CAI tint and fife -olio h1:u1dN, ,lm) a vier Unt. M. U. 1'A IIF:ItIIN. K. (.. J. 1. ' K11. rnr n limn ruga Ie of fondling I:c►crlch dl.- tier {,Ir U,01• :\rt. .00P rh 1 t• w:a.• diA' rM'It tar .11A)rlm, laOd bl'Iatl, - to IM ehm- LURAN, --- trim. Ton mAn Yaliable of pnxhnringn Wane,- 1 -1-hm latter Irltsrd Iheir r,d(-Idaliol -011 M•P hor•selmlw'e•.. Witter joemer rein Ire Nraf ta 1 •• . - ( ,title,nonallitof ne 'bnnins.,m cxrrllent eon- mitimlFind+if the other 1r. Mixtor ii�� t f t th .O1ont rrltwmnhb• iritx•N. (0011FARM FOR`SALF.--THR1sE- Ilitrr trill t.• fva•n. Thrrontrart will ,rorlde unr g:ntginRnf Ihr MAitLtnd ri{'r•t .1o'l- rurOlshell ;at a llgure ronside-rrthly [ { ROUIJFOOT. HAYS k HL.►ill. 1 l( I lid Chs, Har. in Ill( -fitly ar:nann, .while thf-'finlnrr Inw••r, and Site~ it i%cunAid*.rtvl that 'SII kill&„of rhi-ken farts( for %xlr. P Merl+ter , weliclton. notxric.huldfc pn * ''iRhth• of l ndlu from Nfle nyre- font n•newwl inter(-• P' f K '1'hnlar Arnblc l.fd. well fonexl wlo( w-.t•ml Tb,•'Naiamwl Lifoh PI -t rl-, ,ht- uln+t 1)n luesdxy \Cnit4-rrl, ': lil•Atty and '.. Wnrkn all out ,in rid rulxtio S front Ihr, tier } sit n o 1 r • ieoNN1S deliyrn41 to any uu•t of Ihr '.orNin theltwr/ime Courtrrtc, tyMce. or ms -b:e with never-failinKoprlrur+: mn+tly sar4,a1 with .1w.-c-ful veal' It. its tlJn r) ,Yid 11 In In+ tier 3Illrfow. till, hlllA w'hta ,tvl 1114'11 ail- t i 1 111. till 1 r Ihr Xc11e•In,• nlNlwe 1 fe,[uare, next dour(. . ♦,dell'. gfrocer). I H Unurt by+Ind rhaver: Runt bnildin end M•Ar K It•xit/fxll. Ierofrls nt which all-,• Klven otltlita4l.. van te•..wide mnfficle•llf Nawf.t tot( -n. All kinds of groin taken in s,x- : rate hlld-to {Old wt kw7+t. reWA of lntoieAt, g+ 1't•hr 11#04 nI A rcry' .t fllostica tse.iUon. cnref-rattlel fol theft, wi•! loefore Ihr t r nit P, or IN UI IIL nt 111 cleat rilah Ing , Irhnnl : nix acres of rye in ted full fhe 1'om{NUU' ha. ,Irl%( I •nw.ed it+ es dud 'for catch month fur eri.mis I h g K W. PRUUI)FY)lY1'. K. l'. Il. ('. HA\'S, U.: t p1.nlRhing dune. 1'us he•IN,u ht al• A IwrK:dn: 1 Stud mai iMtAU• 011 oho e" A)f )rrrak- I rxb•tdin to rnu all the fnrtnirx :u err%eat f -x- K dLAAt ---- - g t,m•kfromt:n.uutnlitn■,n nnA1a'ratfa..f i R roril thirty-four ll, sial)' smolt'%, Ianll i.tinK in tier rulntty of �11ronAothr �rir•mN. A. .1. 1'INttMtt, IinunilGm•rt., n�a4ra-Ili tt�sLtr}i► -7if i[�o n il..Nl"ttr..ttnti..... rig+turN'AIrG. ," tl.tmd,1 akin A frutn he t N1 atnt•tn of thio rainfall ill anlit,ti,lr ndra riot hl• hnd of what Lila• undertxk• o A :1 ((' R in pi K )' t i ilNlerrh. - fur rash tit lel ptlbllAnli''s' ,-Ilmtl.ly Irf tiff- troll%tilbleon thewart,• K i'i-�•t' UANICFY, aA)P'I t•S h., HAIt- HISTICH, solicitor, netAry. Sp cial wtten- tlon Shen to Minns Court work. Money 10 Own, (Yfe/tb: North Sl. ani Square, lildrrich. O. JOHNSTON, H.4B1{1:3TER. ramml•wioner etc. Moir to ,ollcltor. Y taut. Qtllax, .atnur flnndltun and Sl. Andn:w'. Streets% Ucderich, Ont. ICKiNSON wit GARROW, HAR- HiSTkRS. attorney., w,lirfture, eta, tlierlrh. Money to lend at Inver -t rate.. F:. L DICKINSON. ('IIAIOLF:S U.V(ItoW. LL.H. NVEYANCEH W RU (O. O. A if %. n for ,akin u 1 T end iter tJ ate. and co a re(:(•iting reaognbuomiti of ball. afilla it or nfilrnnatlnnn, deprNeitlun-or-olnnmAuclare- tions In or 1•onamerning Any tw•tio t muit. ter pla- rerdheg In fhe High ( our of Jnmlim. the Court of Appeal for Ont rio, or In nn)' County cr Divi.1on Cour. 111 trttn.w'tlonm t-erefetlly And prompptry rx.mntal. RYs,fdence and 1'. U. WIdraw--Ilningxnnon ')lot. Insurance, Loan. eta - _ _-- ___ _ ._ -' T a. 1 F. K '}' TU LOAN A Moil: , l'KNT, nn town And Mrns prohert)'• Fin•, ire and AMAlent In-iimnce. D. F. HAMLINK. o. F'. CARK1'. IOI L1FF: .EIRE TUHN W. CRA N, s/ wnd aceldeut Imm�ranrr. A�gout for Walling mutual and mt4wk rum rania,. Inmomnec in AN linea effected on M,sl plan- and at Inw9: t "W t•+. (,fall at office, corner wb-I Street and . gaere, or wddre". J. W. CRAIGIE. (iclerich, April refs .hone YI MrKILLOP MUTUAL FiRE iN- S UR A N C R C O. Farm and I+olated town pmpertYY inured. Patna of prog.,r'� I11- s,u , ill, tn.ft". little. oyer tY3Nwitai, elfih•er. And (JIM loI-.: -J, H. Nelson, pre.. ; T. Fra♦rr, vier`� "...:.1& Conn'lly. U. IMIr, Nr. Che�- ne. J.willt-Inis.Kvan-..LlI,Orime.J.Wnne- Wei., dlreotor- ; T. F:. HRy+. Srafnrth,s'rmttry. trtNwn•'.•r : in-pe•lon•, nehremt filmlinr In has.. J. W. Yro, 1101me.ville. ae.nt for \teal Huron. I'olloy holden earl {{wy Flim-"tnenta and got thnlr cwrde♦ rceelpt.Ni at Mr. carats, Clinton, or at Mclean Prom,' Palace ( lathing 19wm "me"ch• -- _-. .. _. __.._ _ Marriage Licensee WTER. «ELI.. , - ((FUf)1tRtttN.ONT. M'fatc wkrr,Jewellerwndlhalelxn. Icw r of Mwtrlwge IJa•n.+P.. WLANK, 1f9sl Oir MARRI- . Atig OoderlcA, Unt. �----- ---- Tit0MA9 G1INi)RY, ,iVF ST(X'K and eneml wneti,mot+r, h mniov.41 from V n mel. n 4n tit f L n rN-�. 1 /twmlltnln . It44rt fn new T where he will be found Fie all i when not crying allies. Ternls reassemble wn et'ary of oM Usti to rive you satisfaction. 1 ne .vl. (1EORGF HF(;KFTf, GENEXAL wI( wnrLinneer, AM HeimIIt.m Fit reel, OlNle h. oil rts`o`lt'e w IYe I x IRI All 1 IN'r lin �i' 1�a{ s,t k IIP M fenUnn. I will toy sraute entlr• Or hmuehnle fest. file i.Am . and will mall lino M.Veof, tlrnitom, mAt.trFiews, s ring+. err., et amr, (,,all and sen what we ton Ae far yon In thlr Ile•. ApF:o[t(1Ft HK(:KA' 'T. CatlOnlly Slow Uederloh. , '.r i ,l;# f _:re.• .i, , l,4'• . It :d . t5 t".e -, AN FN('FLLFNT FARM F' O R • M.IT K --.I,:, acralm in Wort Wmxaroa-h. two utile- front Amhurn ; .dl a clay hatr.t, AMhit IK, i rcI ander r111Urntfon mild :#f to Nr acre. t1mIN•r. ,\ will and two -print. of water. a new f ano• desel 'n n ..Nt torn ntablc "tNi , r h K. gg driun{{gg hal. Apply to lYrl'NII k Itl)HKItT- SON, Uixturirh. 11OUSE,S FOR SAIF. Ii lilt%r fair -,le. wi'enll lore, hMl+m. conch tan. tolnintr limit, parlor. dining Dann, kitchen, gunite', wa.hrmnn,tllmelmdr.xmlm Arid Ofamet. arb �,- m gcxxl rl•Ilxr cxtcnding Imdcr Iho wT...In hurl+ % - +., hon..:+ hnu m •n n e- al - 0111.h Th/ u 11 tA4 cal y ) , u un•h w I e d h 4l, I hanr)la hl saU.- tr ti p -Tar,• 11 n 1 a K Y Mrtr)ry'. If )'lost are a tenant. yin-hrrldd came land flee• nae ; it IA cheaper to buy a hcume 1 han to pay rent. ml tf 'J. T. Uo1,I)THotfPK. YOUN(J ' At RUHF,R7'SON, REAL F:.tnte and Insumnrr .,Rend. Roel cn• tale for sale or to Irl. Profs Ttiem, handled In nail• wH of Ihr town allot coutlty. Fire end f r lams rxnro t one, to 'wit etc. R i 1 n s Farne fm' main 2411 mere., ON,It f»neem ou (dol-' horse• te,wnmhip: has two traffic dwelling- with mtha , a blank Iwrr Mfrs-, fret. a driving honor, coastal fenrem &nil wells, t at•n•- on•hanl wnd to mere. timber. - It yell wi+h to moll or to. buy real estate call on \'OI'Nli k ItOFIEHTSON, Iteal F:-tato• and In+atwure A&gANt.. 011hres: Next ,lower to Iki1 Tleloli one Office. the Sau"rc. (laiderich. S - "(i V ( 9 OK ALR. FOl'1{ I } N I. Yf rm hayfield rcYl. month of %Ir-. A'A n., I;A�- . n' -p operty. Apply to 0. w. THOM-ApN A SNNi--_- 3t-tf. �1ARM FOU SALE. F WrY ACRES, ,ming north half of 1 he rn •1 half of lot No. d, rung. -"Ion d, A-hfield ; t wo collas we -t of imnlrannnn. Donal hnildlitlr'-: two wrn+s orrhafd ; well unda rdrained : - ie clay bonen. Forfwrlmdwr- apply to UKUKOF. HARRIS, lialerich, Ont. I IFNIRAHLE FARM Fo it SALE. J Neerthr villasp-of Kinlwll. a-hllrldtnwn- Mp, 1.5 mile. fro- (FoNlerrh And 1•L inilem frorn imeknow. The wboru property canpri e. A tmrl of lotarry,-an the mmin orrat'el road, never mr•Mwel, Ootmtr and posit only,•O�p aid Is mnitable for efthrr Prntr-amt. air Iton d1 ailNolle Mud Ilam. The huiMfngps, which Seri bl (1f[ood -tntc of mromir, minprise n welFhwlll ronghew.t howe. :"l fief winwrr., with ton Men-. &lilt) a qlA sit ,Naming nmhArd. Thr Lund i+ nn+nrtw.: for• fertility' in the township, with n creek running In and ont of the farm, &aid is will ndwpt•d far the rwidng of-tom•k. Tine prowrty be nffrrrd for the low figure of. VS,_mn, a- the owner I- nnahle, by ein•um.lanres, to, -arty on the, fainh. The.tc•k end implement- even t.• Mn:ghl set A low valnat inn, amt f"cnmblr I,,rn+ will M• given to n Inim- as,r. if the fain. I- not sold by r tN1 otflmd for rent n Aa Of , Nn'h, Il will ter I hn 1 h Y m, shnr,+, tier mtfb'k. ImplmNent+ end .reA hhrnl+hell by the pprnttrrlrt nF. Apppll 11mm•rvnnallyy or bylettertatCHlif.TOPHt:lt1,A.M lF:ItTI S. Kbntail 1'. O. 71 Int _ Fine Arte xx�-:= -� .-- �RAWiNO ANi) PAINTING I N I UII, ANI) WATCH COLOR. aiAltolt'i ('+mbriwHolA 1"alt,heat"'s riw,e ii Thr National rale+ are lower th,t otl cr ams. panic.. And tier hairy rontr'xrt i.+ 1 fern ,u1.1 ap to dMr in ever) n••{.rl. The min po-.:•--1.41 AT I re nevemv(ry energy. ran ,,,area a hnud+mor ipeonte. 111applb-Ation+will la• treat141 Ntrirtly •om fidrnt Ll: ei wee an• arr+urging later tern durnc lhm-einher' for tiro canting year, it til, "ble for prulwewd xppllriint.. to welts bntimi intely to the 116.110 IWFICY. Toronto, oat.__---_ --- :last _ For Sale _ U('TIO SAI E OF � ALUABL�E SI'\t{ re. " .IF,It It 7 F.(. 1•It(rl' : Y \ ) :11 FII A. I C H A'1"r F.L.. 1'n•+lalanl to the Iwewer of .rile contained in a rnorterilge Sudo by Nellie H. Sndth. thete will lN,offurd form,rle nu tho nrnli-r• by pnblle ,turJlon, by Thsannw (tundry, wuettnncer, on Snttndny, lhe•:3rddayOf February, A. h. time{, .1 t welve n rla k norm Thr prolwrty known IU• the U,ds,rirh tSi n- rnrr llutei. togeth,•r with the bmdm usl•d In run. nrI•Lfon thetrw'ith. Vlz.:lea-:OCL;iF4.:MS,:eek:r:, 1 ' t., :tom .Oe and .O rnnfah, l f n 1 nln•: In Iho .till R town of i..lcUeh. Tile hnildinR ron.l.t+ of w thn•e.Wry'belek- vrfac•rrd buildlnR rnutaninir n lntgr nuudn,r of rami+ cn11ycntcn I .ai to t w 4 1 1 d t tnA alnillin b al rnr rnrr)Ing loll the Mt -ins,+. lof a sunulocr hotel. • 'fill- IAatm•ry 1- partli'Idnrl) well .Itniated. orrrhrnktn ,a. It da•- Asko aro K. I H m. :\ run- mdeiable h.iolfin - It-+ in tier It -,-1 he41 done. ,that %-It I. Imposer nramyn•nn-ut them Im norea.nl why it.hoild atilt M• InAde ,wee of the ►.•s,t pt)>'hIR holed. of the kind nn Ihr rnullneW.' I'M•m will al.,, pile -mint M Tenn+ land con- dition.offmale.-ontAlm-ol fit n ,•hatirl marttrw�ts, until, by the ward Nellie IL Snalh. Ire ndatcll floe sale by 1,111,11" sari ton "en I'll.•' AI tier .'otic I hnei•nd PlAve, by .aid and lnne,r, All of Ihr furniteire. honnehold Karr,-. chnitel-, fnrnI4 InKs And nature,. orevery kind And dewriptlon In and 0tont the.od leolel arld pmnds•- Then• will be a re+ervlNl bid for both, reM wnd rrlFtwaatl pnr marl y'. Tenn. an� conditions, of wlr will tN• rna,le knn,tn at the tittle of rale. Fart)lc• part irnlar- cony Iso limit frnnl .lama. Sndth tend J. 1'. Tbndwll, (Tinton, or file ander. d old. IMtnl me liclerivis. 1511, day df January', A. N. Um a • 11HOUPFUIYr. Ha\'S at HL.1Ilt, Soliriton for •Mortienini . THI/I1AR Ul'N11R\;, Awflonevr. ,bat AU•% �'TiON NALF: OF CU TERS, rr,IRNF:•-o, N'HIPS,STIK'K F(Mil).etr. ''�}J�'n Satnrviny, .lnnuAry 2111th, 1011111. F:M•ry cutler nnI-I IS• -old mcvenlbw. of ,rad, la make rami fee-prfoyr.Myment of buesks. TKRiem: -•It month- 1•tedlt. 5 awl eunr. teff for ea -hon all.nne mer Iln,ta. STO1y1)ART t WKINNON,I'ro{mtoton•. T.ApUNDItY.Ane• Unneer. Y-_ IMPORTANT Ai -(TION SALE OF l 14)('1.611 .0,ol-S CATTLE: -The nntier will offer for sale h alit Ir h r on s,1 mid p) 1 w 1 t 1,N1 fl t Io, Iktne line. Onrlerlch town.htp, lhme ndlr. fmm Cllnl(m. on loVednefrdAy..l roiary':31mt, Twenty heal of Ane thomnsh-brwri Polled Allen. ,•ante, of the famern- HUrkMrd family, cms,ts,ting of elght bolls,, fire room, and Seven roinin two Anti three v n MtIM1f^s �l i41 aM. All Ne'red in t Amerlenn Hr are h'R) lM rd HMR (, Ire•1gnch ,nay M! aid It- nppllra tori Rola wt Y dehmk IF.m. •hwry,. Teel lis, - ( suit, or l here mons t h-' v-4111 r�I1 V en on arllime • mlt.y. K. lit TT. I'll* efor. XIMIAM OI'NOHv, i l'Ai TAIv itUBrM)N,1 `ic1Jo"ow" irnntS for uS• dnrtitg the dry Nf.asoi• ing me•Iuls In this town Auld district. Twit: FutTli-EATf ON �Mlf1%*ATloX- to jail. In num charge Walter•. anti , lir,ltt Setae it- IicnLe(1 Dent iu Ihr �1 ase tiff- w�rd.:.d ,hs, relNrrl : ••It In addition to furuishinK nalns'tlnl Nhl• h t. to n{glesr m the O Fi•Irt Y P ••Nall readily IN• Inldrr.t•NNI that thf- N/Wer, tiff- Scheme might la• Dottie Iho Ilous♦• Frida • and `ilitonlil ni h - other Walters and Morrow. Th0. lads •. ' 3 3 K• (A - 11�tilt• flow of 111 riA'prel w not nilly Nlsls of tit myaeu, of rndi,rl r,lllwvty" is rtm%i/lf.rrlt hy' tiff- pt•rNX ll, IN lilt \Sete went till fot•4riNI• ••g+lwl•rned but i+ uultw•ially alfr(•ted •u • , ouulrno\v tier nut imt:tte Ind the I Doing fir ail Godliirli to �loiilts in tlnmSl rongmny of itA kind 'IMforr• the K • t ••by till• renin which falls in the dritin- the notlyinyt to l-hilw Dol. rat fares- puhlir. fl will Ite IennenllMtx%I h f'rA)wn tttnrnry Ko InhleNforlhto t>' "itga•ar•ea, air rather by tile- IN•r4-e•mt-coat Nerved With railwIly%, and the de Sloane..will to itN re. S •• y x cnS x nntmf x nulllMr of inn 1111-11 K K at t ce"A herr ilt1 Y K ItK .d that raiOfNll Whirls it- teff rite, v*.Iopltlent of elel•tt•it• rtilwity rola- two y""U, agta. hyo atilt fail h) heir 1 linlleVt un (-•barges A)f rintlfu. lila- ,•this, drnlands l,f uatnr• iu .opplyittK nlunicnLiom i. m..tilething whi(-h'wa,olal tier en'rrtainnlent ..r of will h• Ir•t. , •per• '•11u1@stllreto ve elnhlr life ,tai• antis- ile of inralrulithIP IN•Ill•Ht toIN1th tiff- it. .Itili•.,inn •roe.• }le. 1 'S'• ":I The deon Male Quartette. Then is we form of voi-III mai%ie. w•hieh Kives grainier plelulire tluul e• air m.Lp m'n i t real{ flu tit t t n xnl -his v R K• 1 _ _ In card h ' 1 r ta& r- hNN wen i { t l III t 4l, re.%%fill (tour 'hirh tile, McWer (ilex Siilgprs of Iw)nt ,n, England, ,f ail bast Xeamun. Thert: i% oiling allow tie this tA)WIl on Moud,l)-, January :dlt.hs Ili Vivtoria OIMIrt Ilou unr of Anl(•r!- vot s very Hneml ynartvt es, mtnlely, tilt- Odeotls, whow work i"long similar linpm, They fare Su fa ,orf by x moat Adnlirthle reildpratin story- •Iwrr. MI.. ' fir .ourkNun w h 1S t .re. ' 'n n het r roil, n t _Huckleloerr•y Finn" hast �lle•conle fatuous. Siff- is,ol Nrtist of (.11104 ling ,tip )rnrittice anti lute it mlwt n•fte-Ff tlg lnl�ivldnality. An admitribl*. ll -)"- 1 grain Dray IN, looked felt,. The pbul for this rnter•tllininent {which i%nne of thr Popuhu• (donna•) toil{ IM o(N'11 to sell i"crllMPa Pat. Kidd'.% hook Store ..n ThurSlity and Friday, .1alnlxr) '3ilh nod :111th, anti to the puhlir tan S:ltter- day ;trill Mond,,y, .laniary 27ilh aril 2511th. A Unique Event. J1r. land Mlw. Alexander Slirling, \Noire Street, rrlebt:tted tier fiftieth anniversAry of their n'rrlling on irue•lNlay evening, .lanultry 0th, nt their home. Till• weltsion Wait . one (lf doahle interesl, it lacing Ihp fifty- S•rtand iumive•ro,ary of the nutrr•i,rge A)f Mr, aid ;11r•". 1). Stirling, I,etldlllrll. Tilt• rvioicing N'ltlt the .till Stalwart Inn%hand and himgentlew-if4-witm.hi}ted h y rhilclre I. grnnrlrhildn'n ii n Il trirn(lm, !nr•{ndinK four vollpless who had relehrated their golden w'Pllditlg and eleven who were pr•m•nt At tilt ceremony whirl) t,rrk pIaf.p on .Inn- Yary lith, iWell, in (:,Nlrr•ivii. nt the ■1"Insw on the corner ..f Fast. find Wictoria attertr, condoeted hp flip Lee Rev. Nit-. Frlm,er. TWA) of the witnesses bre still living, Mr.. H. \ vEtit Shannon, (f , I Pn, Ta•nn., rend T. Jewett, of hayfield. Of w family of filter children the three (hoighterm wen• present The eldP' tar thn children, the only' Sin, flit41 in Ningn, Man., .ones kith. 111111. There were ve. randrhi r ) Alata fl Idr i. 1 -tin e tit R R dAy Mr. and It rot.44titling ra•eived elPveral let.le'1-Y old telegrams of r..u- l1raWlalilal" ofnd ltlsNI t{'i%how that FAthNFrT1lne ""IM APal Rently with [!rein during tilnoy yoales utters of ruar- t •'HWI alld whit 1 filially I-vaelves the farilllllg final till' (-oltlllll•I(.I'll Itltvr' t- 11 N.., ( 1. dr.•11. I;N', Thl' IllIVNIo'New'11 "t,tteN "riv.•r : land that flaring thome npatth" of tile. dimttir,t. that \\', Frim64 Firth. is one of this ••when tiff. rainfllll is lenst, UIP land ••dricat evaporAUon Krvatmrt. alnW, m F A Possible Dever mint. '-� oP 111 n%1 avronipli-114-11 Imritl,nf•s in ••tip A ta 1• r unr c F f l 1 e. K Il II hep IIIhtV 1pnf � •. 1 r• o.%'1 i t. 1 (P r \ ( I I 1 11 IIIeRIIn of 1• 1 m div- I Amo-rirn. The New Yolk ' rrkftnnx N 1. 1 M 11 xk \S '• I f.l I. I I F„ ,1 "1'IVl file ,l 1 1 r Illi e't tit tl ll,\ • veail , 1 all I III '•liks, e' e.(1 111 f11 We I/ r f l {- t I l i t r' Il 11 !1 1 "1•- K 1 K 1 K 1 / u r1- o I , It n nm u n 11I'1 Yl. 11 1 f. flit 111 � 1•,e. ' K h t l;lllk. film Sora k uulnner during tier rainy m:l.on , "they KpStwl by tiff. ngrveuu•nt mole in Ihf- is full of hltmnr hit always r*.Hned. fire fill nt their highest, rrf.w•ul- I '•lug 'ru year IINIi IN•I.WPf.0 cite• vol a ir;ttion of 1 MI"m Mnrn• Jarktion line a vo if•e of - tw•o cxh•rmes. of•rrroptf• a '•,blame Grnlrrirlt,md thf-..l(1 \olillnnd Riwf-1- til• ILIIMI Ir1•III1tifill '1{Itdity, Metal and e({nn1lz- the flow dant l: (l., Whereby !f We Of MKrf-I'll, 1',at !ail fl,•xihl,• 41" n hint'". Slip i•, (-hiarnlin riveltltem fhe,•lucre nt illtitnrm, gin•„lN•rrenl• "agp O ,hilt tip• Cnitl{x1111. mhnl1bl fill."'%11 _i NI It- till' {datforml and is ielwkeii pf bv' of rain, r•.11p:1 ,•ten oto. which 't'"ell'-s hormrpmvel• or o'f-r nt, *:.' a {lair h. p. fur lila• erns ns I".in till• fillcm "o ) L {fang ib4- river must In- inter. •'(-ept4-d, lu•;d hark iu aorngf. rt-S•t_ the I'S• (if till• town !n running its Wnfe1- rend light phtut. A milnilnrO. ht•aid iii t es• 1i. h t fir ta re. 1 t f 1 N III4- tuM , "wino $atilt di.t'ibutf.d in "urh glutnti. ndwanlitgf.nns ntr,tngpnt•tlt might lir - -- -fleas and At Sic'h fine(," 1t's is res hired •hta .I rv•arhed with the new rnr- amu whf-tl r Sr%iv oP Apnap. rrry of l-m.c n I .I •"t make jiff. tib nt• of the ricer nt ill. tiff. pro{N•1- tiuM aero v(.. LI'.'tm, l'lll'xT1'.• 1 "linlrel rybnl I(l the nvertge flow for [ Thr A.nscr air the• oufstAmlln f*.xl- K F'rank J. I In -m -y nrnke•s,wnth tial he 1+ -NI I n' INvtnrr of rbo firm F'. J. •^fhP Avrtrtgr rlYir. rind In hnf•r the Dees of rho• nrhenlr SF Ru• n% nv+lilnhle of Tooh,l•y c 1 n., slohl9 basin,•-• lir the tory n/ Tldeln, t-mmh' "sltarng.• ivPA-tt sirs hof n rvtpavity Large at thi. IInter fort• pnhlient.ion, :Ind -Tilt• '{lith "fall +rale arom-aid And•that mAkI firm will 1.ly o"• -nn. of INK int \1110,11 ISILLAHSMr enough not ooh to nu•/•t the Iewf-ingl• ••. Signal inttrNlteres if tier hn w 1 r,u 1, and evrrY I'A" of I,ltwrrh that c•tnnot lie e'rnand, but nNo to hr• ;fill.• to hole! tit: it will nt no distant 'tithe• tin• nn +11"41 6y Ihr• else, of HAII'- 1'atarrh runs. . "!n stator the udditionAl rnu off dor- air m10li+bed (urh, A{'ith imunens(• FRANK J.1'lIF VE\'. ' "!ng ye,O•..f extra heitvy'trtinfnll to IN•11011 to f1w down rend {villi tilt• tar- Sw'"rn to M•th'l nlr wnd +nlws,,•rilN41 In my pn•.enrr•. Ihr+/{I I. AAV rs} Ia•'PmIMr. A. I/, hen 1 !u A slant when the• rninGll► i- ward% 1.. \I r. linldl11,01-100. :old his ria- I IStAill A. W.OLF:A.40r_, ••below t 1• nverngge.•1" %..(-isle-% which Ihrir faith ire and loyal• I Notary ►'11611". It is 4h Wn, thnh Whllf- tier IoW 'y t,0 the lo5cn, n WPII laS Uu•if dirk 1 Ina 1" Vot.rrh ( or- I- taken internally. "Frei not.,Ilre,tly nn Iho libelist Worse. wat..r flow a the titer it- only Itll and etllr1-Ptisr, demserve. - • aril un.ans m of Ibr rystem. Sind rnr h••tlnlnnhn 1. fn4•, - . F'. J;CHF:NINA, a Ca,..'pdr•Ito, r), - 'rling 4"IA l all drug,r1-l.. 1.M•. ' Takla �.11: F'xn1t1Y Illi,. for an•UywtioN,. rind life. Mr, N Sohn h..rn nt nlnn"Rf.nlf•nl It. If. ('tell. .1. \V. ;�_- flitnonsf.ie, I�-,I . ire, StA)tLuld. on t'1-xigi-andA 1). Mele•,I11. Thr firsg A 1141.21.11 IKI'l 1• h'1 t I' . AUCTION BAl.EB. uR , u I lg o Ana( al rtaut•d on e-avh ronOnOter IS rhaur- !n Islnnnrl Sapling with h!% ),rpnlm fallen. Thr regiiinr Sorting night N•in !n lolrsn (-taunt),. Mho. Stlrling'S fixed for the flrmt. Monday in Ihu•h rlasld(-n -lune waS Mary N'. U. Mor- rtolnlh Ar ,41. ••Io( -k p. ail., tha• sitnne.ns RAD. She w,lm INrrlt mill1falnloral heretnto .. citpl. (1v►iglm mention(({ ('II -1h•, :\1Mi'de,,timbir•, Scotlalnl, Nin- that St. Andrew•'m wru'd-sehool was vpult.•r .'401, lKf7. \tally' IN(uitiftll (lilt of (-nil ftnd the ntli11ls•t:s 4 -f -fried to, gifts tta•I4• IN•Stuttrd nn the pair, and think flint Ihr rotisunyltitnl of fnf.l the• /l:ly will not .run be forgotten Ly thele wxsi twice wheat it ought en IM.' ,hof",• who were prrS nt. The hret•zing up Of pil,en at St. I)awlds via-, DIS, mmtionwl. Thr rhatitinan Public School Board: of the rnnt�nRPnt (-(Pmllllttf.s, will xt• The•-tatutlry nn'etitig of fit.• liihlie lend l0 theAt, nutt.lf-lw. An hool board SAA held I.n N\'edse�Wlxy evening, pt4,me•ni It, 11. f'itL Al1,x. A Sudden Death. - Swmld(-r J. It. Craigif-. A. 1). (-• A %hcN•ktng arvid.•ni t h n t hnu IAIS%n 1111-1 H. C. \ionningl., Ihr nio- nroiS•d no little Syolp:dhy fop the tion taf I apL Crligip need A. U. Me• ls•reaved husleartl,ulll other rebttiver I,e•,t'n, W. AcM(lon small ehnse-n rhalr+ wits that resillt.ing !n the (Imith Inst man. .1. F:. Tom wA. realilaOinfd re-, Sondny of Mem. George Campbell. l1n•apnfAtivp of Ill.• IN1nr1 on the nth- 'Ir.+. 1'11111[[1he'll Avian nttenrling hast ir library betnttxl for the next Friar dnughte'r, Mr.. Wtllianl i1;1b.y, who I% yearn Nnd It. C. Haym Wits t•Pttprsdntell unwell, ,(tilt it, aprs•AI•S olw•nmd this o e 'o11c lar m t tit 1 t In ,,Ills tNlA r r n f L 771 d tit e(t ' R I Ile to r r tit r. II 'r r 'r K xI 1 1 til ,Ake standing rommillers were nl)rw)0a(41 for Another d/Nlr which !m right next "" folb,w- : C.:ntingmif fohn• it, it. She• fell lo-eullong drown the Stair- Craigie, A. I). M(-IA'All And )lyt'. Main- wit fra -taring the hack tar the mki11, Wings. hinanre Al -x. 9aundr'iw, I1, nn(I never reRAinl(1 runmriou.npmr, F. (:rcry amt H. C. Munnings, Seho)1' She died shortly Afterwar(1, before I e sol'nntw. Janitors _+nn. � .1nrUmt . h. of rlooerN harms., whip-,.+hr•k fart. rnr. S'rnl, -\lar' h MIKINI'nv, ilren,rlelurs. Tnnw t" til 41rNt IahN •1 Mnrrr. - _-'_ - BORN. .IF:WFI.L Jnlltmlop,mfFriday,JananrvlrllI the ,lite K {{ail, Jrwetl, of SI. Thoma. I btkota, of A wt-. MARRIED. KF:f.i,Y 11'11 f)". tf Knox hnreh, oN Tnrsditi, January •tae, by HI•c. J. A. Ander. nn, H. A„ WAIIA-r F:. KcI1y', of Iiclrrb•h. to . .�+aIle] 11. Adam -.m. 6laghter of the IAI* Irhn ll'11-1n, of New' York,('Ill. SNITII- 111CHARIISIN, Nrar {t'e.t Ilr"rNh, MI(rh. rn, J,unn v \f til J. .I.. 1 1 y al h I'Ah . i[N1 al l.. n ail Ii,lAerl,'h town+hip, to All.-llanfe Inehanl..m. . DIED, NUF9,le lnKwtw'fwanamll.mhJ,nnerYbsh, Mary LT err, mllrt cif the tale John `ihi.�11. Fixed 71 years. F OATF: . o n t R Ie leprti n, n ,Fonr1% Lith Pollen, wl/r of .hweph'FIMer ,fnrmrrlr n( t'arnw,. Figrd n, veAlw amt 1 month Intermont nt. Ikv' nelA. t'A\It'1'F:1.1, In filrlerk•h, ml Smnday.Jan ,else). Illh, Khrntmeth Shwnnsen. hnioved wife d l.c0rse u,stept.11..Rod 1a'essns, n ♦ i