HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-11, Page 6P Teri 1.11,e1, Jam 11, 1906
Fist' :111
('a11 and see Wm. Kearney, nabs11-'
tun street. His Zine i'. ii.ude by the
Borland Carria ae Co.,
Stratford, Ont.
AI•np agent for the
Latest Improved
Farming Implements
mule by the
Deering Harvester Co.,
Hamilton, Ont.
They make Ilse only nri(innl
machine on the market. 1t this is not
eo, why i, it that 151 her Makers imitate
the Deering.
Also *trent for
Gasoline Engines,
2 to 15 horse power
and the
. I. rase
Copyright, Hes,
by Horbon S. Si...
"Thr parade will eoImist of two gen-
darmes and the Brewster party lu car-
riages," bipgbed Mrs. Dan. "IW you
expect us to go before ur after the
bakery Carts?"
"we 'review the prore,eion from the
hotel," said Itluuty. "You neetlri t
worry •lout the fete. It's going to ole
great. Why, nu lrishmau isn't t leer
of marching than these people are of
having a carnival."
The men la the party pent tufo ex-
ecutive session as soon as Monty had
gone to Interview the local ntlthorities
and seriouely t N
Idersl taking
Mena -
urea to subdue Utter host's e:rutrc-
hreahing Mach}nesRiesbut the humor of the wcIn.iii ap-
pealed to then) too forcibly, mail almost
All these gleets are good lookers as before they knew it they were ms4Jng
well as g'dd perft1rnn•t•=.
Hamilton St., Goderich.
Pix cor-ec
"WESTERN CANADA" mud •' 11H fuSH
CD(p,,UMBIA" end acquaint Daniell ,.iib thy
edit re.en,nr. and I-ib111ttrs of oar winu•n..•
We -t. "�
.\ riealh,n stasis 'mn•.1 r, ,.
g K. 1 Fihrt-
its, Itxnchina.
-FISHING end SHOOTIM(I," N.ri,lll aili.d
by:a "SPORTSMAN'S MAP," will tell )ua
where the ante -i bf.nur resorts of this Do-
minion an• 1.. itestnnd haw 111 get them. '
Ki 1 P.
excellent and intrn"tiug information 'vnu•ern3
Ing the rugged grwmleur of the -Ss ilxa•rlaud of
The "NE* MIOMWAY b tis ORIENT" out
611.' pleasant mot ,dncatiu• tour to the far.
famed ka.t. Ideal trip- for the winter month..
"MONTReAL sed "QUEBEC:" beautifully
illustrated hrwklets, de-eripl it r .4 the ohm
merbial nletmpolts of Canada and hioturir
scene. of earlier dors.
•of the above puhlimlions In:cm',
PIC4n• m, to your nearest Cana flan It -WOW Agent.
orvl• Tito t. N. F,a•ter. 11. 1'..t., Toronto.
C. P. R. Agent (icktcrich.
`Hard Coal, Egg, Stose
and Chestnut
No. 1 Red Jacket, Do-
mestic Lump, Rest
Soft Coal in the mar-
HEMLd.CK and
Any amount of Hardwood, best
Maple and Beech, cot and split,
ready for the stove.
The Best in Current literature
$2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CTs. A COPY
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
An) es en nnmberisl w of i5Hlitnion
iend- In Mn ' hoot the Nortl. we41'm,
strewing t and Pt not reeervel. tons* M• honer.
Mead, lay any 1w•rson who 1. the ode bead of
family. or any nuln oyer Is Vlwr+of age. 10 flu•
extent of oteryltnrier amt ion of IRs tete.. mon.
Or leer.,
Ent r))' mus* Ite mnd, pPrwklnlh al 1111• meal
land Mitre for the didrlet in whirl the 11041 1-
stto+we. or U rhe hnmlwtcadrr An+In•+, hr nuq,
on n(Pll.ol1 Ion to the Minister of the Interior,
fnt.wn, the / nllunirsi.kler of Imt,Ngrat inn.
Winnipeg. nr 16r local agent anise ant horny
for snag unr he !Mike entry for him.
The hnlne.lendrr I. rrgnired to perform the
emaition. eonmrtel therewith tinder one of
the (tdlnw ins Man..
ell At Iea.+t rix tared hr' reslrtt•nee open and
cult lratlon of the land In earl. pear for 11,1•'•
1Y1 if the father for mother. If the father Isle
MNmpAI Of the Mwn'e.tu,APr n••Idr+ n am a faro,
in the ,ietnity M the land entered for the re
gnlremen(s gr In rr.ldenee noir ser w tl+net
by *Itch person residing with the tither nl
1f the Muter has b1. pern,Anent re.ldrntr•
w fanning Inud nn'n•rl by Idn1 In the Hein
Ito hl•' homestead. the re'pllnrn.ent- n- to
rule ma) he enti+Nnd h)' residence 'lp.m
tae ea land.
811 /et.ltthi natter 111 s riling -hn111d Its green
to the (YRnml'*Imwr of )Mannion tend- at
/Rtawa of Intention to apply for 'latent.
W. 8- Petit{'.
IMprity of the ?Sinistern/ the Inn eel or
N.M.- 1'nantltntlne. pItp Ration of this ad
t ertMteoent *U1 not Ire pal for.
plans for the eanitval.-
"Of course we can't let hint do
but ij would be sport." said Stew
Smith. "Think of a cakewalk b tw
polleenwn and latindmvses!"
"1 always feel devilish the nmuien
get a musk on," Kalil Vanderpool. "a
you know, by Jove, 1 bin en's felt th
way for years."
"'flat mettles It. then," Paid DeMil
"Monty would call it off himself if
knew how It would nffe•t Reggie."
Monty nqurneil with the nuuunr•
meutatbat the mayor of the town would
declare a holiday 1f Ilse -tmerlcaal could
see a
U fu 11♦ forthe t repairs in
the 1,
t /11r1r roof. (Irene a A Ir lie nil c
11 h was
traveling In the neighborhood was
guaranteed expense, If It ss mild stop
over and occupy the Kgnare in trout
of the Hotel de Ville. Brewster's eta-
th11SIamIuI was A. Klll'1
1 tlllat 110 011 ' e (
resist helping him, and for nearly at
week 1114 frlenis were occupied lu mu-
perietendiug the ereetiun of triumphal
*relies and sewouragiug the shupkeem
sass to do their beet. .\Ithuueh the
scheme bad (leen cotleelvtrl in the spir-
it of a lark, It WEN not les rr.Mived by
the townspeople. They were quite se-
rloua In the matter. The. railroad of-
ficials Kent adveriinement'' Ismaili -amt.
and the local core sidled to thank
Brewster for reeurrectin:y, n' It were.
the obteure'aahlt. Tht• exprnasloe or
lite gratitude {van ao ulhlgrel with flab
tory land appeal that Monty could net
overlook the hint that :1 IIP* altar pile*
hail long been n•edel.
iMous tlu 1 isibl, fi1111111. .1 1 sae
Kplrlt. To Itrewsl,r It ..•1•0.,•4 :1 w.1%
genie, and he foiled 1t 1...........l 1 1, .)
part IN•blud the foolish rola .k 11.11 he
expected. tel. 11111 own feign.!. . •owed 1.
ela.le hh11, mill the eoque•U•:..i. of Ih
Village denim•I+ hail merely. a Ih.•ting
chant;. 11. wens stwldiiiK pp:trt t
watch the glimmering es•uwd when II
,Meas startled by tl eunn hems' cry.
'Furulug tV 11ire•sl lgale, Ire dineovered a
little rod domino. uuulivtnkabh• fright-
ened and tryili ( 10 release bel• -,•If feint
0 nal ardent IhutrltiuCIli). \Lonny'.* lir
1'11•ai prevented Min from h,uiu • mfr
the girl's musk sad g:0'e hiw 1111 eu
tir••ly new• ...Map! 101 of Me MI101110114
life. Ile arose finning and spunering,
bel lie w-ae Urkett iu Laud by the
(Tom' nod whirled frau' nue to ;moth -
It. I.er lu wbhosical inaek,•a;y. \I,•auwhlle
Maury. ntlebumelous 11a1 Ills mask had
dropped during the eneouiter, Meat ((4-
tuuishel to feel the little hand of the
sI duw;no on his arse and to hear a
nal •'(' Int all uufaullli:u• lu his ear.
at "Monty. yon are a dear. 1 lure you
tur'th_at\� VIM 1.1.k1d like a I:re'k ath-
Ie•'WM. Ito y.111 k11(11:' it w•:14 f'K)li*h--
he but 1 really was friglibelel."
•('hi1.1. bow• onld 11 113 Ye lapbw,utl;'„
be whispered, Is ding her away. "Tall-
ey toy little Peggy Is ills no one to look
after her. What u beast 1 was to trust
own to Pettingill. 1 Might have knownu
the , 1
ieuu, a• 1 .
u H r h:nA ,••
� 1 IN .1 kn.e•ked
out by all" tide ",lar." e 'Mopped to
look dime at her, nu4n lig slime Into
hi. e3e'14, ,"1.1(11.. 1'eggv Ili he great
world," he Ku111141; -yon are blot flt.
Yen nerd -well, yutl nerd -Just r,"•
Ilan .
1Int .ter
Valentine '
u hn l vomit ha
t e
he stood revealed and ca pre up {n
search of l'eggv. It was almost mtorn`.
Mg. elm told her, nod quite 111re to go
Leek to the hotel and sleep. So in
Itragslon'N charge' they wandered off: it
bit r•lnchantly, u bit li,,geriigly.
It was net .tnitil \f.,:ity was s1m1-
Inonert 'to teeene Itsti •ie \':I'5 !erpool
fra:a the ,(In an:l.of fes• 1'1w• Ibit be
diorover.l the fdeurtr of l'Dudi:actio.
Mnailfesth• IK•' h:ul lint been IR a eon•
dation en rwvl'm?°r lilt pl:r:I11:t1H. and a
sullrepne.1 di•a.reetee:t had drtt'au
the first out of his heat!. The poor boy
T111 great day finally arrived,
and no carnival eould hil4.1.01• 1
tllore Aliceessfut. The morning
was devoted to ntl11.11,a and
aide shown. Thr -firemen wotl.the tug of
wear, and the people tnarveh't1 when
Monty duplicated the feats of the et rong
mhtl in the Oren.. Ite\lille was called
upon for a Ness -h. Inst, knowlit, only tett
words ..f I'rineli, Ile gratlously retired
In t:n"r nt the mayor, and taint tom -
little man trade the most of a
rare otliortn�ite. Referee's* to Frank-
lin and Iafsy to were No frequent that
Rubwke Smith throated that a nlhber
stamp til tat have ,been 111(181 In writing
the add. ��
The paha took tree Ill the after -
120013 and pro l gait.the feature of
the day, The • ,elation f precedence
nearly overhang Monty' plans, lint
the chief of 14011,•4 n finally made to
see that If he were to •!ihef nar$lnl
It was only fair that the remleWeould
March ahead of the police. "Ise -rhos of
the Flitter made N wonder(, *howl
It was lel by the ynrlels Inn whie.
fairly outdid Sousa In Bois', 1h gh It
was lest ratan In the matter of
time. All the cabs came at the end,
there were No nanny of them and th
line of march w'a. nil .short that at
times they were really leading the pro
cearton demptte the gallant efforta of the
grand mondial.
From the 'sideway of the hotel Monty
and Isis party pelted those below with
tlowert and confetti. Mare allusions to
Franklin and Lafayette were toad,•
when the care nod the mayor halted
-the procreation and presented Mousy
with an addrese rtehly r•ugresed on
imitation parchment. Then the
children smog, and the rmwd diep i rsed
to Meet again lot the evening,
At N o'clock )crew ster presided over •
large hunqu'•t mail numbered anion!!
his moods every oar Of d?stineits11 Ili
the town. The wired were also invited.
ins! Franklin and l.:fa; efts• were again
all dell to. Each of the mem tlinde at
leas one speech, but Subway Smith's
third thirteen war the hit of the even
old. ICI wing nothing but English. he
hail ores slimly 111111(4 eone?stently In
that binge e, but the Third and final
address seethed to demand Nomtthiug
more friendlyn'� and genial. AVM' n
sweeping IOW n d with sill the dignity
of a stal'snlan he Iis'gau:
"\levdnntet et ni 'strews, J'a1, 11) aa,
it n, name grime"- w h ■ tuagelfieeut
gest are '•((us aver' The I'r•n.'13
n:emlN•rm of the comps ly were 11.1
equal to hie primeneb111u and were
ender the tmpre.vion that hit was still
talking English. They wore Profound
ly impressed with het deference nod
grace and accorded hie preate Ie n
round of implanter. The Amort• nit
did their ulin0st to Dennude hini to
'tented, het their t p r u ,
eon r w'
ani r•
I m1. t.l
I,y the others for vuthuMlaam, nnil the
applause grew lander than ever. Rah-
wny held up hid hand for silence, and
bit planner ,snggesttd that h. w:lt
about to utter tine p0rwiIntly !moor
tont thought. He waited until a pin
fan Pont' have been heard before he
went on.
"alit it re ('nrip:1e ser in nrbrc
penile" lie flnl1bnl the speech an he
wet being 'om bol bodily front the risen
by De\1111' and Brngdon. Tale French-
men then imagined that Smith's re-
mark* hail been insulting, and his
friends had .1berteel 11lin on that no.
(omit. A riot seemed Iuunlnent when
Monty (Ue eelel in restoring allele*
and with a few tactful remarks+ about
Franklin and Lafayette quieted the,
excited gents.
The evening ended walls fireworks
sand a dance In,th, open Air A 4 in,,p
that grew gay tinder the masks. The
*heels had been w.11 o*IP,L and there
Monty's arrirnl !pee l.imnarse Mlle. ii -
Mot of the t:trcnu,,ue li'i•.
tent sadly bruised about the faee, and
l;* arrest 111141 probably saved hint
from worry punishment.
"I full 31511 1 eouldu't well' a ns:nk."
he xplutmel ruefully ns :Monty lel him
born "But how 'oak' I know that ue
Tadd ar ser all the tinier
Ile' dey after the carnival Brewster
his guests over to \route Tarlo.
tut t stay only long euongll to
ick t the 1:1111e. at1.1 lo..,
make p (or the dart at `:e:1
p rk. e• f :Ir Mr.w-drily 1.11e -
nem as forgotten, 311.1
1 .lie tk•gau to
ear11y, 1(11.1 it
at a cont'.' ' 1 t
WS wal(h:npj a
hired him 1t/ 1
IIs\ urger. 1
(hint(,•{, i t
He 111
try bit
enough to
*-hell bit
`11'e:l ret1Retl
Komi after hili rric
Riau;;'. At first h
woad with ,i!11i'• 11f)*
hi, joy. Peggy I:ra
him and In whimpers+ In
sties. bei Mr:. Ilan exe
hlmo•fo ennlinne until lila 111(1
To the girl's chagrin It (an t
r••,kles.s advice that he follow(*
no desperate a Initiation he felt the
ennld not atop. But his I11ek turnld
"1 'mil afford to give .up," he fall
1111 Irably' to himself Jitter a these.
"1'm already n winner by $'i,IXst, and
i mut of least err rid of that:"
Itrewvter' became the center of In-
terest to those who were not playing'.
and people marvel's' nt his Int! Tlr•y
glitte misinterpreted his eagerness and
the flumhes1 maxtoru look with wba•h
he followed each splu of the wheel.
Ile diad els )ern n seat 'seeable an P'sg-
li'h limbers' Mmes. Reactive it we' to
appropriale the winnings' of the Wore
Ia4Tperleucel p13yers, NMI IN was
aware that manly of Ills gold pieces
were Ieing il.11lperntely stolen. Here,
Ile thought, wan nt least n be ping
(land. and he went on the point of sum'
Ing hH stank toward her side when
i)••MIfIP Interfered. s ito hada Watched
the duchess and hail called the
ernnpler's e$tentI0n to iter neat little
ethos', Put that neater° Individual
sb need hies Ly snyl,L bit Nllrprlse,
"Be ellWe a dnehess at do you
Not t be dnwne•1 sol moat , ite\lille
wntchel m !tidy from Ia•III llonty's
rhslr nail •Iiiin11e1 I,is fr nt the
first opperhl h'.
"'fetter'e:,.I In nn.l r• your
Rent. Slimly, Th 're rnbl " hP
'•('ash In when 1' as
doll • •.!If`\' 1T • ' 11‘1:/, 1,1 /),•I•A1•111
lie 1'.o111.1 calmly lose in the coral, but his
palsies fate (vias attained him. With
emit., stake otl the rel, the bull con-
tinued to full Ili the red holes nutll
the-t'niupu•r uuuuuuevrl that the btuik
was lroLeu.
1tau 11,' %I itt,' gathered In the Motley
:tail •'e11u1.vL $13(11(1 before he baudrd
It b, tI•.ry 111* friends were 01er-
p0y'0v1 sshen h.• left the table and wuu-
dererl why 111' looked 140 dolv11learted.
Jnwardl) he I,-ialel himself for nut
t.lka,. I'••ggy s advice.
I'w .0 glad for your sake that you
did not stop ellen I asked you, !shinty,
but -your IueIidorm out change any la•.
Ilei Mato:, milling is next to stealing,"
d'rg►y w..- . tusiralned to say as they
went to sumer.
••1 wlah 1 I:e1 mica your advice," be
gala .hswt?I,
_'.tad iii*7I+I the fortica• you have
wont Boo polish of you, Monty! You
were a lose by several thousand dol-
lar. thea " .. objected, with whitual•al
iai.•.ui•.si•u ,
..Itut, 1',•• 7," he said quietly, looking
Je p into is ryes, • it would have woo
me your r. beet."
�II.1.rT R XXI.
..''Ivy's situation was d,'sper-
Ite. Only n little more than
been anent on th
..t e
nrtllvol, and no opportunity
of :i.in tthig the roulette winning*
tweete•df• offer itself. IIIc experience
et Mol • Carlo diel not encourage hint
to try gain. anti Peggy's nttltud,• to-
ward e pinee watt distinctly aotago-
nisUc he Riviera preweuting lie new
import litit•N for .xtra%iigome, It be-
cause •'eswlry to seek other worlds.
"I s er before usi b'rstekkl rise real
mean' • of Ihr phrase 'tight motley'"
thong Monty. "lord, If It would only
looser n bit and stay loosened!" Smut. -
thing :list be dune, he realized, to earn
bis 1 seg. Perhaps the role of the
priu v prodigal• would he easter In
Italy I1311 14153 chore else. ole *tu lled
the , Il.sok from •0e'ry point of view,
but•1',• l 1•
t t were r r 1.1 u. litN Isheu It scout•
ed b. "less. Baedeker weak provoking -
17' 1., feluf suggestions fur .11 ro', 1 -
go it.-, enol \tartly grew' lu1p)abeet of the
look' small ecuuomlew \dicing some
chap ra on the 1t•1lisn Imus, iu an lo -
spirt moment he remota weed that
Petri ;;ill had once, 16.1 hie heart to a
villa VI the lake uf`Ibu:d. Iii-rtnuth• n
ur,w•• let of the ennetiy pre,o•utel Itself
'l his, 11e sought out 1'ettiugi11 mad
dent I. Ivl "a dfns rlltiou of his entitle In
ikilis'ii wit
mgrs 11(41
lug easel
for chill
I.,•1 to Mott
"1)11, drop ".*Intl 'I,'rlty," Kahl Brew-
ster, "or, M will mitke yon poetical.
What 1 want to kuuw�is w•bo ou•ue It
and le It Itkely to I* eee\(nl.ied at this
"It b,•I.aigs to n eertaru arquise
who Is:t widow with 110,hihire: 14'
say m: ,- las u horror of the plan fu
some r•s.uu :ltd ha. Meyer leen u a
1t. It b kept' ma though she were
lens up the nest day, but except ?
the servants it Is always deser(ed."
'The very Ming." declared Brrwtter.
"Petty, r:e'11 have a house party "
"\ iota better out count 1111 that. Mon-
ty. ,1t Milli I kuuw• ran amiss the
Wave Neer anal tried for a year to bus
it. ISN the lady bur ideas of her uw'u.'.
•'NY1!, If you wish to give him a hie
or I leo about Trow w do Ihiug., waist
me. If you don't spend two weeks lu
lir dream eilel le 1 will cut the crowd
imnl sail (Or home,"
Ile +.-curd the name of the owner
and (mud that l'vOlttgill had, even a
rrlliatit idea of the address of her agent.
.IrUM•1 .Igith these Clete, be set out lu
...earl h of u eourier, and through Phi-
lippe he seeurd a 1'renelini us mauled
1411;er, who was guaranteed to be aur-
' idlsime.y iutrufuus iu providing meth-
ods of spt•udi11R lllll . Tu him Brew-
ster o:miideJ his Keheme, end Itertte
realized with rising enthusiasm that at
petit he had Ke.mre l a elieut after hie
1 11 heart. Ile was able to eonlmle•te
tp'• address of the agent of the nays'.
lesions marquise, an Inquiry was
u.useil!atcly telegraphed to him,
'nm' :sweat's' reply would helve been
diseourn;;ing to.nny' one but firewater.
stated that the owner land no !Wen -
:oil elf lel+lug her forsaken castle for
11111 I...rim' whatever. The profligate
ll,{rned t:alt n Pair price for att estate
of that kind for n mouth wag BI,(aa)
1)1)11(4, nod he wlrell nn offer of five
Imer that tam for two weeke. The
gent replied that POMP delay would be
mese,.:u•v while he coumlu111elated•wl 11
its principal.- l `clay was the one •word
bat nrewate•r did not nnderetoiid. Ko
to wired him an address hl Omaha. awl
Ihr Filth* wan made rraily for sea.
Stein had been kept up, and her cool
qcronut would ,ntnpnrp fray-iral,'y with
flat of no Oeel n liner. Philippe wall
larathles, with joy 'when he wet paid
n`a!(tenn(•e for another month at the
hofehsoh the aItunoltinn that the pnrty I [COW/TRUED.)
might h' nmye1 10 return nt any mo-
ire it wonder." exclaimed the
til Ise Pyre grew dreiriny. "It
yvli a its) tis white ter -
i rrets Tike throe fnNe•inat-
\!axi?ell Parrish draw*
is fairyland. You re-
nd it g,rue."
n 1
the mono?
Never!" ntnt
beet to nvsnntp a Jos(•
At hest he p1113,.1
l7etem, piling his :
numbers which s"•tne,l
Minnie of winking I.
ronll 11TH lose, Then
verge different mi'vl.•sei
of, but they turned •t
ritually III tle,,H'r.,1
doublhlr ou nue uutor
Pett of
'114 his
effort A(
it nn the
e gltnply
led to re-
lied heard
wP Isegne
lhooe that
meld. Thr little town wee Ray at pert•
nig. add firewater and him guests were
gllen n royal farewell.
At (tenon the 111311 had n'cmmulnted
nett bell the attention of the yacht
to the P1;lusiou of everything else.'
nrewster w'aa aotla•what ere(tfatlen to
Morn that the lady of the villa haughti-
ly refused him prlurely offer. Ile won
the lifelong devotion of bis courier by
1ron11(ly Myren sing Ir to 100,0Ot)
frame. When this. too, met with re-
lectl.0 there was.4, Ramie us well es
a serious (ouailtallou between the
"Ik s titer." exelillwMd Brewster, "I
111114 113 VP the !blue now. What's to
he ,lone? You've got to help we out."
Il(t the courier, prkligai ;'4 he Meas
of postures, bail no words wh,C IM•nn-
td ,Neer ileut.
'There u1Uet be some way of geltlug
at Ulla marquise," Muuty cuuttuued re-
fltedlvely. -Whist are her taste*? Do
yet know uuyihtug ubeut herr
Suddenly' the fuer of the courier
grew bright. "I have it," he gold, and
lion be fedtl•rel. "nut the etxlle•uae,
nousiear- It would be heavy."
't'eam's' we cru meet It," suggentwl
Monty quietly. ''(VI ut's'the idea?"
It was explained, with plenty of ac-
tion to 11ake It clear. The courier had
115ard It 1•'IorenPe
that madame la
marquise hail u mueslis!' for autunite
1,11e•s. But with ber Inadequate fur -
tine slid the Many' demands Upon It
It war a weal:Ilene 1101 readily grafi-
lied. The m111,1dae elle' 1utd Need .111r -
lug the 4'iuter.w•:i* by ttu 11es1u.4 up t0
date. Possibly If monsieur-- Yet It
was bo much... NO Villa --
But Itrew•slter'a de•I+Ion was made,
"WIrt the fellow'," be Kaki. "that 1 will
add b my last offer n Freesia machine
of the latest lnalrl and the bent ke,
Say, 00, that 1 would. like Immediate
Ile liev'ured It, and the crowd was
tnilgerrel at wive to fairyland.
Thur• were protests, of e)nnee, bot
thew Brewster diad grown to expect,
me to w e
and l a learning
to carry tl'
{ uu s
with11 high 1 laud. The travelers K 7 ora Ira hail
1 1
bees precelel by itertler, (41151 the
vetting they revived from the -new-
aril of the estate and his Itlunineralile
neeetalts wile very Milian aril full of
color. A break In their tuouotony was
'ism. lovt111iees of the villa and Ira
gr.un.1s. w•blrlt slopped down to the
gestic lake, silenced -.criticism. Foe u
tine 1t was ettprem1ly satisfying to do
nettling. 1'ettingill (rendered about
as though he could not lwlievu It Aral
nal: Ile w,1e lust In a kind of at-
uoA1lhen• Of Loomis}• l'r the tar hrr.�
ebo 1pk It mute i•almly, It ('ae still
a',wdrt of paradise. 'Ib•jve who were
happy (.111114 lu It au Iuteusilleatlun of
lapplue•.K, anal to those who were sad
Jt offered the tenderest opportunities
fur iu, hauelioly'. airs. Dau told lirew-
ater that may a poet could have hail
this Ito pinstion. AMI 1'egyty !added:
'Anything, after this would be en au-
ticliuuut. Iteally. \louty, you Would
letter take us bottle."
"1 feel like flip Illy wbo {vas shut IB
a closet for Iifwi.bmrmt and found 1t
the place where they kept, the Jan:"
said Subway. "It is almost. an good
as owning Central park."
',The stalely"; were well equipped, and
the \day's wore on in a w.nnlerfid
Reser, It wvi, on 11 radiaut afternoon,
when twelve of the crowd hail stnrte)
out after tea for a long ride toward
Lugano, shut Monty determined to call
Peggy 1:ray to account. Ile was r•er•
to?e Ilet she )acid deliberately as'uidel
hint for days and weeks. and he e•ouId
tied no reason for it. Hour after Mune
he hail lain 11(•slkc wondering where
he had failed her, bait the conclusion
of one moment wee'rtJlt;tel the u,SL
The Monte Carlo episode s.emel the
Mose plausible ea use, yet etre before
that he hail 1101ieel that whenever he
approached her she manager] be
talking with some one else. 1'w or
three tine* he was sure she had s
him intention before she 400k refuge
with \ors. Dan or Mary Valentine or
1'ettlugill. The thought of the Met
inure ;cure Monty a 'sudden thrill.
What 1f it were be who had tome be -
ween them:' It troubled him, but
here were moments when the idea
aeeme-I Impossible. An they mounted
lid started off the exhilaration of the
Me mad.. 10111 hopeful. They were to
litre dinner In the open air In the
hallow of an abbey ruin some Mlles
way, and the sery:cots had been grout
head to prepare It. 1t went well. and
With Sirs. Dan's help the dinner Wilt
made gas. On the return Monty, who
e'at off Islet, spurred up bis horse to
oln Peggy-. She seemed eager to be
7►lth the rest, and he lost no time with
"Do you know, •Peggy," he Regan,
'something ee•nle to\be wrong, n11/ 1
m wondering what 'fie."
"Why, what do you mean, Monty r
s lie ;mimed.
"Every time I rouse near you, child,
lift seem to have something etre to ..•
f I join the group yon Are In It Milo
final for -you to break away."
and go forward into the DPW WO Wish this year of
1906 nlny be a hri j 4and prosperous year to our
many friends and cu(ltgnlers.
On nrr•(atnt of lack of skilled labor we linve nt limes Men
much delayed with mar otrl.r,s, and wunld ask that wP beex(p*(d
this time end for Ile Intut'r We weal*l!ilearor to he mire pt•nntpt,
and with personal anent. UM, honest ladces and good ({culls mel it
cold immure of your paotronngn,
If we hese pleased yn'1 fell ',there nhnl't it.
A few of the things found in ow stun :
The Celebrated Good Cheer Stoves end Ranges,
The Penn Esther Range,
the only double heating range Made in ('nn,ulo, and you will
lt• mirit1'IMe•l at the In ice.
Lamp Goods, Granite Ware,
Tin and Copper Ware.
1I.:, ervthitvg for the kitchen. Tient v of r,.w mal el int to make
mod 'ninth. Anything you need in I'Innlhin:t, Tin•onithing, Hot
Wittermid Stearn Denting,- Fin Imre wink, Troughing, rte , ete-
• fours truly.
lt'she Ila?, ro!etia•4 from us. If she dues she will
ten you of
Reliable Goods, Honest Prices
and Quick Delivery,
All of \v'hich you may not be getting. We haven't It
customer to \vIH►nl we would hesitate to refer you. It' you'll
like to experience satisfactory grocery buying, give us a trial.
P. T DEAN, The Grocer,
"There is a poor woman in this
perish apparently just ,waiting for
death come through e onvu
m d loos
She hum not the unuru* by psu.lu a
rimururium, or she would ise,4ably
be at nue he4oro this. Flu aK still
comparatively strong, walLs about
quite xtut-41rilre tauter •*, tun --
hut every day, of course, is grow ing
wvIt>r11'oul l there he any prowl•
batty of her teeing taken into your
II for Cunsuug1tiver! It would
lie it men.), if rhe ..mid he ilermitted
to enter it. 1 *0,11,1 1,1111-11 a 1111 {ori:etc
,an early) reply, us every day mann
so mueli."-tray. it %W3li.0 Stem.,
1neiiwhew, Belmont, Ont.
" i am advised by Dr. J. IL Wilson
to write 'u r
U concerning 111 el
y g
how coal
11 tm wife fe admittedIn +p
Ke Y
11uuq,tt%e H,a•liud at l:ru eiillu'st,
also please scud use Iamlblet r'e
toren while there. 1 loot. I e - . 13,1.1
that it is In e, w please Irl ale hour
from you soon as I■su,ille. 1 11u,'e
6)setwo daughters, anti my wile en-
tnu•ted the didease front our ellett
nue, who diel ten months ago. 1
ton a working awn au.l not tilde to
Illy a high rate, int .(ill euxiou. to
11,, wlult 1 can,'. A. CAMPBELL-,
Landon, Ont.
qi The above are typical o scores, indeed hundreds,
of appeals constantly coming before the tel>`tees of the
Mvskoka Free Hospital
for Consumptives
Q No effort is being spared to meet every call. ,
F Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission
to the Free Hospital because of his or her poverty,
NEw r.ITlt.TS ox WAY 711 11.'vt•IT.1t
and the anxiety of the trustees to keep none waiting
is shown in the decision reached a kw weeks ago
to increase the accommodation by twenty-five beds.
This increase in patients 1(111 odd
hraviI, to Ihr burden of maintenance
rind can only ler (otrred by Increased
generosity on the. port of friend* In all
part. of Canada. Patient* hate been
admitted front e'tery Prot Mee in the
Dominion. and it 1s 441111 confidence
in Ihr response 10 our appeal., that
the trusters I,cII,•st. 1(111 conte fr
Canadians Eyrry44here, flint these ad-
ditional burdens have been assenned.
q Where a cause more urgent? Where a greater
call to help suffering Canadians? Where will your
money do more good?
- Contributions may 1.e sent W Stn Wm. I:. Sitltttser,,, Kt., (Tie(
Justice, Osgoo'le Hall, Toronto, or (V..1. Omar., Fael., ..4 Front St. W.
The mother hurl • unerriam
seas -U iM rhoiceet
morsels for her
The w,.e human mother
(redo bot hoboes o.
Pers News -Mods
It bonne merle, sharpen• intellect, bp
founlae,oa for vignrou. mamboed.
P. T 172.;AN•.
apiano consider c 1
s er the
of the famous
Newcombe Piano!
For choice (duality of tone, durable ac-
tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold
medal at Pads World's Fair and other
great awards. Call on or write to
County Wholesale and Detail Manager