HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-11, Page 5HURON'S ACIt[-
Hi' •11:,' \ 1, • 1;111WI{ It'll PNTARIO
tiactly a leader, as the following
figure* show :
Ilua4 KN.
1 N u. TilTllu 1--N... tablas ,44U 4
mn w a i;ituri3,t1.ttl1' ;LI7R : 5:14.140
y 0.771 t.:+AaY1, 4,.14 yAI'�ii,a�AII
till/014)' .64,4. ,(14.x11 8.174 la.eil
MI4.Ih•.ex •,.' :.,,11.,sn J.K1. 46•J,4414
Huron Pletinetly • Leader in the Raising of
Hormeattl nd f
• C • Value • • u o the County a
Products In Field Crops, Apples, Llw Meet.
eta-Statletice from Report of Bureau of
The report of the Ontario UIII1'M1 of
Industries for 11114 is an interesting
publication, and for these who delight
Iii figures It 1440'id011 11104.4 grmcy'wasly
in the way ot statistic* relating to the
vurl)u, b►wnchis 111 the agricultural
indust-ry i1( this Province. Asa Means
of comparing the different counties of
the Province, in regard to their lura,
their pl'txtuctionN, their Wealth i1( farm
properties, rte., it is esp .dally• valet -
able, and some figures taken foto it
relating especially l4) our own eeuuty
of Huron may 110• of interest to readers
of The Signal.
ender the heading, "Rural Areal
Assestied," we find that H4ron's rural
area is one of the largest in the'I'ruv
ince. The ftgnres fur the cuuntiee
which lend inithis Ie4p set are :
ri rl
se ` ' i I Vi a$
(.rey; I,p111.733 Ir14.111: 2,. 11( iBl144
Raid nu. 1:'S1,.i'L1. 4$2.77.7 447, -171&) Ii
Runfrew 1.11210.21S 1.11.3104 411.1 •'_"1. -tea
M M 1:
411011,.1 i M:1{ '� 1 1
Simeon IaM.3 al 1
.J1.a aM
11(Vi 1 2 1 N
Nr RI,T7 51,1 tNi `
1," 1. 1
H t'1u 19 714.114 ,.41.1141 2•.117 ltl,ll.i
Mlddl..ex 737.7171 ot13.144 111,471 - axis
It will In. sown (444(1 rime» s nelrage '
of clearest land is lw•eund only ,lo
that of (iiry comity. The percent-
ages of 'hvtrMl hltiel in the. various
'onnties of the 1'lovinrv• rim f1
for l't'eI comity, down to 111.41 for Jllu-
koka and.0'014 tont•%• 411411 that for Al-
t/email, Hlliteurtun. Ni14ise41g, !fairly
1tiv4•r anti'1'1umu1er Hay. Huron is well
up 10 thb trout with a percentage of
1111.2 of cleated land. ,
The Staple Crops.
In p sethictiun of 840110 411 the ;staple
crops the leading counties an. 4tH fol-
F.11.1, WW1 VI.
3 :7,
AAP' •langut-
I NO. 1 'alto crel I1( rear.
1,'TNu. alto.
,hiAra. . i{i
IM -I-z
$31104.1Ltt,lt6 44.4, 1.1ti+14,
J:w) 1171 31, 1,121.37
Brace �..2rl' :I,1111,S11 81,510
Sheep, Hogs and Poultry.
they, Bruce, 1\'lllington and Mim-
eos. ole the great shot. I,rais1Ig (•tun•
ties. Huron had i11 11414:1 ,4111 sheep,
44 rhivalue of bt:01,10, 1 had so4l
(4r slaughl('IY•d ID the 410+14 :11,1417 ieaml,
444 the value of $134,3.',14.
604'x, Kens '.14d mwise lead in
enlist., although l4ururl in well up L.
the (uHi. 111 11111 1.111111 comity 114411
711,1417 head, Voltam' .411 $521.1111, utad
lead sold er slaughtered in the )'0141'
111,7511 bend. Valued at 1111.010.2114.
%liddlhex, Huron and tiiult:4w an.
the lei•fiers in. pooh h•y. In 1004 this
county had 71(,571 turkeys, 13,1:144
geese, 1(4,101'✓ ducks and :M2,222, other
fuwJet, the total value 4(11 15131.1412.
bonnet the year th(1.' were sold or
killed 111.401 fowls, valued 444 $.73,347,
The clip of woad 711 Huron in 148.4
Wits 1411,:4141 pwulnds, value(' at $10,2.17.
The mooting. of lase e•oIl)llle•N Was 11,74a,
value•! at 1(1,i14,2II 411(1uding uutfitl•
Middlc5414, with 1LOA/ •olomieM, valued
wv,M the only county ahead
of Ilurun i11 this"liue.
Huron First in• Live Stock.
In the total value of live stock
Huron hwulp the list, with M4,340,711.
Middlesex cooties second, with S8,275, -
l1144.. 11ut•on's tu1141 is matte up an 1\01 -
Iowa :
1)n hand, lipid or
Bed Ki11a1 on )eor
Hotses $3 417,1334 51 511.1:11
Palle4,'2-''7.1' 1./....1,11118Sheep ...1 2111,4442 1!114,35$
Swine 'isl,fkil 1,114i.7J►1
I'ouhry'r' 4.14,444! 53,3/47
1.'., 4411,711 W1,51C4,1k17
14Ou•.re (14.174 1,:473,' l2 411 3 11,Y1i,3.'.
V. wit :111...T.1 Kl(»11421 3 101,13
alid.1Ie.rx '116.121 :144.4114 11 :4 3447,133
HI NOY 411,:1.M :111! [4 13 5 542,144
N'eterl,, 31,/41 :440%11 1 7 rwv4li
Hur,n'sJ1rnd'ivtion of' Ipring wheat
is insignificant-: 'l..i1M1 aerate- were.
Riven up to this c" Ie' producing 22,:4iti
bushel*, ter 11 buahe• , to the 414 11•, with
a total , kat valor of *'21,444414.
L `-
- 1504.17N L1M1.6111•n 254Mkint
444,12 .1.310/,175 rl .i 4111,7w,
11.11. 1..313.225 51 5 412.153
MARI 1.121.411, t1 r 474.7401
14.101i 1,115,434 ti) Initial
4L.:8L14 I.1w.w4 11.51 17a,IS,
.ES $
Ile nos 13.1471 .4.4+2,7141 (7.8 111.772.Z.",
Wellington � (374,.4.41 .4:311.1422 441 N` 1,724.172
Grey " 112.310 5,214,11: 317 4.1ie1.Kso
forth 110.1.41 I,K11: 1 4.1 5 1.114.,221
14411)4.11• -: 1411,123 1.111.3* 44. 7. 1,434.312
Other Field Crop,
liulon is riot ai irgr premluct•r•nf
1)4.1144 and 1101111. lift tits. Conner the
It•et(ler•r are (1rt•y, Minli•ui' acid Brute,
and in lora 11 pr aluetion •
ant county
aw'a1ng1N all others. Nor ilk county
leans ia)th in rye rind in b ckWhetet,
and in
all corn Essex and Kent over
others. !forint 1.0111141 venth
among the potato -raising I.tllntiaa,
with 514.11'.'; bushels. an a%e4rage
bushels to the acre. Simeon. and (.rt.}
are the leader's 101 carrots, but Hurn
tonnes to the front *gain in lu:ulgels,
with 2,510,AMl bushels. (wing beaten
only by Perth, with 2. 56,2(81 fantods.
Our friend John limrhan en, of 'at 141w,
will be interested in learning that
Huron eounty had 7,7111 aura in
turnips in 114444, pllwleicing 3,044,411
hmahelM, for 44*) bushels to the Here,
with a total market value of $3fI.1Ml.
Lanark comity shrews the Inst yield
per acre in turnip., 5112 bushels,
Hay. and Clover.
\ to hav and clover an Milt)l't41nt
c p the leading counties are :
11 'Y AND ('r../YKR,
M•rt. I Ton. fcnr : • Jlnrkre
10.0411 _ AM.443 1 77 $ f.,1(, 2111
f YJ,3I41 2 27 I,737.74,,ter 7213,741 1 7( 1,7114,1411
21121,4til 171 ' 1.14417411
CAD 11
Aggregate of F. Crop..
in the wggtrgnt. 'able of till field
rroliti Huron counts. i thiel : thin:
vk�•1 Wer Arra
h A,n•.
wetness -tote
• York
1- 4ra.410 «11'$ 1 N 117,11
113.7.3 0.1117,1 11.144
.3781101 1.+417.0114.7,x7
1%4,310 .1 71.v,1nt 17.4"
321.8414 .5.1441,:.81 ruts
Kent I " :41:401 .(11,412 I KI
The following' 1410 the Banns.
Ilumn're field'crops for the: year. mak-
ing the total given above :
Hn.hnls Markt Value
Fall Wheat 511,41:r•1 N 5:141,41671
Spring wheat at 22:tswi 21,4001
Harley 1122,7102
(1*ts 5.1441, 71441 1,772,245
PPeas 1: 1 711 04,7rJ f1
n A
}leans 1,4441 71,tw(4
Rye 12.1111 144,44144
Hwckwhr,lt :11,70.; 17,4414
Corn for husking 442.4104 24,70'2
Corn for silo dotal 07„5i4 111:/.1541
PntAt(tea 511,1012 21111,1111
Carrots' 142,3444 7,7144
Mangcl-Wllrty,1'ln 22,.i111.I4111 2141,8441
Turnips 3,(111,4'14 :141,41141
H(y,,\clover (tons) 21:4,71414 I.7413,Mtes
'1'04441 111.7,417,654
Apple Yield, Etc,
!Imam is reported t4) have 110,014
*erne in pastor,. : 171,:124 sere» 41
orthalrl 1 garden, and 52 acres of
vineyards. This county has :114,4)17
apple trees flfts•en years old 140 over,
being second only to N»rthnnllle'rinnd
county. with :4:3,7:ai: Mit Huron la
astray behind in young apple trees,
having only 1011.3'( under fifteen
years. emotional with NnrthnnAwr•
And'. 1142,:4713, 4444411114".2114.:481, Ih•incr
ISdw*rl'. 1114,1154 and several Minn
counties. Nort.hn nherllind's apple
crop in 11114 was 2,111 1,5451 Inuhel.
Kent's 2,682,$44 huahels, and Ilnr•on's
$942,7162 bushel..
A Leader in Horses and Cattle, •
In horses and cattle Hui on is dls-
Hyomei, the Medicated -Air Catarrh Cure,
Endorsed by Physicians.
No one' MI 141 Coll 10010 1111111II panel
with the patent 1114.h('it11•M tll(t are
n(Ivet•Limed to cure catarrh.t is 1144
sup(•t•iir to thens-n11 as the diamond is
»lore 4odto(1114' Ihim 1114141 glass.
Their ('nmpWition in M4' -ret' but
Ily •i gives ilk for unlht to all Pcp111-
ahle physicians:
Its pulse is the humus ruealyptfis
nil, well known for its alit i414'4(l 41'
qualities. This Is e hi11,41 with
/1110111111 le (111(1 healing (21111144 and hr11-
&r11n, Making i0 411111' .11,111111 w•hi111,
Whet) used in the 1Iv.lnei pocket in-
haler, fills 111e air cuu'%math.. with
germ -killing. disease-de'troving and
heading powers that restore tea th le
every par; of the throat. Mune ' and
1lyomei is endorsed by pleyi14intes
gtnrrgenerally.. Many 11 T them 1(4.1'it them-
selves to break up a cold acid prevent
pne...... min. ' It. iM the only mineral and
rational way of cluing entail',
Wollld it be .1 4 none trent -
;tient to try and eats. a roil) by wt.
au'h doling? Is it not just as foolish
GI try and 4.1111' 'ottani' of the heart
and %61111% by Mwltllow•ing tablets ot-
liquids? Thr only natural way to
care thin disease and all di5enw'v of
the respiratory nrgnns is to Lillian.
H veinier
if yon cannot obtain (lyomei of
,vont' dealer, it will 1.• fife -warded by
'I, postage paid, on receipt of »•ice.
1141%etoday f1 • foonnulteition blank
that will entitle yon to set -vices of our
medical department without r•h,lrge.
The R. T. Rooth l• parry, Hyuuwi
Building, Ithaca, N. Y
Full Particulars Given.
A. small boy who had rel.,ntly-
paMs111lois tiftlt Ihitthdbiy was riding in
n aubin'hael ear with his mother, when
they were inked the custom:ety»es.
time, '•ilea old is the boy Y' Ater
being told the »•meet age. wllicll did
not requite '1 tare. the ,ondietor
peened 01110 the next pension.
The boy sat gale '.1111 art 11' ponder -
over glued u.tim'*ml then,
cm clnding that full information had
not Riven given. called Iondly -to the
(v4nd1t4tor•• then at the other end of
the rat': "And 4)11)4144111 thirty-one!**
How, to Get Consumption.
Ninety pate cent. of the •'Ilnlgern"
contract consumption'by allowing
power of te,.istanre to fall so low that
a favorable condition. for the develop-
ment of the hn"il1i it pt,)vi/lac} In it
healthy system consumption can't
take rad. But where there i'. weak.
Iwo4 and debility. throe you find tuhe•r-
culo/sin. For developing strength avn(1
building 1114 the weak, nothing equalM
1''erlrnnne. It makes the blood n11ri-
tioo,. and 1114• net•vel enduring. The
way it convert,. fors) into million-mt.
the tippet t( it glees 4M anrpt•ising.
,hist what trio man verging on con-
'. - 1,1 m erre
sumption »0911 l) t F tt x •.
If tired and weak don't (nit nit. Fifty
cents hiiyn a box of fifty taddetMM-tit
all dealers. -..-
Recognized the Signal.
1'11itnr--is that your little son in
the next root» w)le'.tting. "1 Wnnt t0
he a Soldier of the ('runs:''
Fond the! (making for the 4.,304
Ives; be"s trying to drown the wand
of th. •k.•v turning in Ih4. jam
Iw. ,,l lock ! --
'Miller's (:'il) hoydens cute. For
sale by J4(8. NN demi.
111:C:Ne14-rh-tillrini-er..01011 hi-14.4:e1717/1.11t,
who %vett. t hog house from a wed.
(how, 4 t gan to ce,n4ider the state into
which their,putatu,nl: At the welding
fens% 6,111 loft lh.•m,
'6»»441," wlfd tb'• u,'mist•r, "JIlitI
atop A minute bete till 1 gei ahead.'
Msylw• I don't walk very steady and
the good wife high% se11mu'k some-
thing not just rigl l."
11e walked ahem' of the N4•rv41111 (Or
al 511e11 distances, 44(1 then asked :
;, � How is it ? A111 walking tar/sight?"
••4144, ay'," ruliwer(i ti,uol, thickly,
"ye'rt• ti ret -lit --Int who's ,that with
It 114 Int ter to ionic With +i Man this
to sigh for hit,.
Tllere IA 1(4(..I '14 a 1411•5.IIIg 11 he
found t hi• 4(4ye' ol'14 hu'den,
All uuuce 114 1 ' (ll of good it llll11 n'
111'" 24(i111'' In'1114.' .1 lelto111 pull,
The preacher whie works for his hitt.
is seldom) invited 411 44111e up higher.
It's 1184.1144.41 11) 'rift, Sympathy on H
111:411 la 110 Ilan loll• l o..liul'Iu'.
WO 1nga(18i1111' ltd./111y w11n1Hit 1.,
look 1114 yo1111g ns Ate Maks Alt. 14s/ks.
children believe. here is 11 1.111111.4
('1441114, and 14441'.'1110 11 111 t here WAN 11111',
Luta of melt (411• h oinisy trying to
save thi• country to own an honest
N ARKET Rt:PORT . Who Was the Other v
Liverpool and Chir.agyt.-W(itlst Futures
Close Lower -Lira Stook Markets
-The Latest Quotations.
311.Oduy t;roulae, Just. N
Liverpool wheat futures com.1 W (LI,
%d do yid lower than Nalurdsy, sod tors
((44ItI'lY tad to 144 11114.0.
At C hi(seu, 7414) wheat cowed tie lower
061(1. IWNtrday, Slav runt J`r lower, vu!
514(41 out* tee lower,
V � BLE iUqL Y.
Jan & OIL Jan. 10 • 4)
11 heat 45 },11,34) 40.2114,114
Corsi 12,Md),)341. 10.010,,1111
%lata 11,5 111,11111/
Gt. 2.370,1.104 o Ills; as
Ilarly •11At0,11W 11.,14,4.4
14 hest lu.rr.a.ed doting the week.
y1i bushels. 1'.11 a lu(•reagred 64,144) 1)1011
e1.) a114 oats lu.•reus'd 734,000 boatels•
Stu:. Jule
New fork '4I NATE
▪ 4'
Toledo 11141 Ila
Minneapolis *714
11141111027'1 10
Mt. Lorna ' Sib *11
(sesta- • • •
wheal, spring. busb,,.•10 70 ti 5..
Wheat, fall I malt..,.... 0 70 a 744
Wheat, red: bush 0 7(1 0 78
Wheal •4,w
a• bush a 711
lmrtle)i hush, 0 IMI to 51
Oats, bush. 0 :11th u J9
• Rye. bomb. , ... 0 74 t . , ..
Peas, hush, a 75 - ....
�wheat, bu.h. 0 .1
llrerpool, Jan.8. Wheat •Spot 'needy
NO: red weetelwinter, lin 7d. b'uftir•8
whet; March (4 G. 11',4, May 4e 041,4
Corn Spot yul••t; Amerlenu 111144.41. now
.10 ..%d; Anu•rieau mixed, oh 4s !'d Fn
lure- quiet; Jan. 4s 2'.d, .1rir.N 411 24,4
5447 4t. 341,
Reef r:atra India mess qutt. 75. 744.
Pork Phone ones., .v,w.teru,eaay, 1184 84
Lard-Amerl,au rennet& 11( pulb, steady,
4Un ad.
1LItow--1'rIwe city arm, 21 Od.
New fork Jan. 11,--Rulter.Flrw; ' r�•
retitle. 5722. Streetp rice : 1111 w rea
„y 27e. 'Official prince : Crowell, cons
aio(1 to 'extra, o
a Ise l _( 1114114( duilr.s. 4 .1111
was 10 extra, 141. la 244'; motivated. 1'.n
fano to extra, I5l_e to 21.: arateaa4• fn,
toy. 1011 to first, 151,.• mill,..; wo.t
era 11Ntat1Ou ermon.•ry, 4.1%01111. (1t. la 214."
d o. newt' INC to 111e.
410ra•aa•siren': rrre:ptsMP state, tet:
cream ambit 41ud large, (..,Inrrd an.1 whit •
l.elre • fau.'y. 140: do, 11..1,414 r, 14•.1,
10 1:1'11: do,. late 1114114.. anta11,rol,,le 1 :1 ii(
average heat, 1:•^ du,. I.rR.•,
do.. fair lit., to 1121,.'; 84:1144, (1444 (4
light. 8444,' tet, •11'vc'
Eggs- Plrmt'r; receipts. 117111: a 1(r, fret»
Mylv:.nla awl ueurl.v. fan.'', .el.•dt•d, wlat.,
8714 to 34c; .40....44.4..• :OD. l.. 32. do., mix
rd, extra,294•' I0 :44•: w'ridern fl4 .( •.•le
•d 27t.; d., firsts, 20,4 suufhnu•. 21x• t4
('able. Plainer -Alcamo Steady foe
(rattle. Firmer fur 11.11..
Loudon, Jnu N. 1 :l;1' :,rt. 111(„4•,1 1(t IQ
to 11•, 4' 4. i:..; 1 -n rat ,- - 1.
t ard41 Were 54 carloads: cututala.,4 of 1.841
(.ante, a 41611.14, 7 calor and 441.lion,•.,
frit... r,.ed ,1 Iron) i4,:'1) to 44:,.12':
per W...rt.., the bull going at 74.441, i. q.v
`.sport t.)l.s are ..•Iling al Iowan
Lava waded al 44:1,:n q1( 14, few last. -10.
the latter prink•, 114 will be' emu Iq' 4444.1')
a:l-ru 1,el014. • - -
for te tort: lair
t4 wet1001 sod of
•', 54; .roll.». 1 410 10 .74.73; gw,J cowl
rt 18.7444 Io 141 ti,; .•uwwntl cuwr 1(t {'2.7:
W 115.23 par cwt.
real ('alae.,
Trteen rau¢,...1 hoot sir.. to 1,: per cart
(sheep and Lembo..
l'rl.'r•s weere tun 14a11pn.1 at 44 to 14.30 fol
expert ewes: awl 18 to 15.50 for bucks.
.1'1.l^M were quoted as being unra:owe.
11 I'1,:ti4 for .ele,l. and Ili for light fat.
■ 111.4 no.1 watered, at Jho... gtlula4e0...
Nllcb Curr..
1146• a !Witted windier w'.t•-ofered, ani
prices wen• 1nl.1.•4 at 44::0 to 442 ('4111,.
3Moulreal, Jan, 8.-laiA•efrl.l--('ab' •a fame
easier. Liverpool quoted t'nnadlac rattle
at lotae and 1,11.114111 a 1.11.44.• to 1111. 11,'11•
has barn a fair deal:. ld' fur mum freight
space and a lwrt lou .4 !t tr, nn 1•u,tl+ind to
1.iserpa4l for Jai: .•any. reoryarr, %I,.reb
and April has br:o•pN,uAel at •18 1•d •11(4
some at 441. A por'4oes pf the London
spare (row et. Juhu N.N., for January Lod
Petrrary at 57. 4(41, with Llv•rp.lul .;I:u-
unw •14.4 Slaue•hu•ter 041 -ring at 371. The
rldptennt44 fr,wu 1'.ul-!'.d and St,
B,. Bret reek ware :.::K4 noble, 541 ahrsp.
11.4444 ;Ws lunar ware 1101 cattle, �5 wll•b
1414.41, 11.441 ■b..i• old 44.mb4. 741,1,::ve, and
11.41 lots. '1''•.• •.14%004» WPre Out 4.1411441
and 'ltw'e was a fair demand for 3,7.•:dolt
good. Inst the cuitm'o stmt. wear ucr.w•t.
,d. Pr:me berv,•s 441'
nt 144.0
Ib.; pretty focal rattle, •1'.4
14 l0 414, and
the mmwun stock 21,4. to 8r4c, with. x too
lean eara:ers 1(l 2e. ,valves •a Int . se
per no. The tdlrh ('0140 were an a 'eery
lot and 1.141 el. V10 1., 14.5 ra: • I+it►,p:eu1J'
at 4'., per III.. and the lamb.:' (1- h• rt.`.•
Thr aur►,t -fur hoes was •'twig 1 .1., .
good demand and wall ■uppaes owl 411 "4
of mixed lots acre made at 7c p. -r 'b•,
weighed oft the' can,
Fust Buffalo, Jan. S-tattle-1:,'re,ata
CkA 114.8.1; 11.1144.•; lot to 172' 0146,•1; pr.. :4
ateer4, 55.:111.10 f:e.4'; shipping, 11.76 to
1;.,4.: bomber., 14.:10 to_ 75.35; hal,or,
t :4t :41; w .30•
w to t4, (u M. 12,15 t0 14 I,u;la.
12.7.5 to 14.51: aterke.rel1ud eettel•14 474.:4
to 12.:44: at.,•k betters, f2.:41 to IR1.8: freak -
tows steady: "wringers 411.,4-, $24,1 I,. 41:14,
%veal.--lnr•eyas 'Nal bead; iclhe': 2St
14.1404. 5
: 1,4() to 111,15.8, ----_.-
Ikigr-- Reveling 24.11104 head; active amt
a shade higher; !testy end mixed 85.00 to
15.05; a Mw, 15-.A; yorkere, 47.41 to 417.1•.',;
pigs, 5,1.0.'1 to 4.130; rough8, 14.75 to 15;
stage, 18 to 53.74).
shred and Laredo' _Re.r•Ipt4, 24.44) head;
110%;00: Iamb.. 541.27 to as 13; yearling..
10.75 to 17: wether., S2w. to 5)1.25; „41%140
.•5.:11' to 15.71: .11.-414. mixed. 1311. 147,74;
Canada Iambs, 17.2:. t0 57.7.3; western, 57.•14
to 57,85,
New York, leo. 14,-Rowt.4--lt,relpt4,
37430 steers active; toe grad., -1114 to 13c
Maher; other, :4• to 10,• bIg,ler; bologna
bury4 nun 111 WV higher: tat balls steady:
bologna rows :4• to 1011 higher; ulhsr,,
■ t.'It1); .1eern, 14.2:. t0 $5.75 .411481 'and'
.11144•, 14.44) to •
15; halls,' l:1 le
$4mut du„ 14.'25 to 11.144; Bowe, 441.%:1 to
raises Itncelpt. 1141%: veal. tirin to :rt.•
higher; barnyard .•d11en steady; 1.1•111.4 (LI
$1(.75; few tope, lou; Intl.' ,v:v.4_, 1!4 10
F1; barnyard calves, Ni to 444;. yearlings,
lh.4•p and t.gn,ll. Receipt,. A1'L.4; sheep
atonic top grit. Usher; hoot.. out.. steady to
toe lower: Wsli•:Ilatnl4 sheen, 111.:41 to
41.1.75; '11148. 12.5' In 1:1: lambs 57 71) to
50.411: few Home.. 0'..401; 1.244, 1.3 to 141,411;
Canada I4m1,4, 5N;
Hoge- Gel..' p4., 15./170; market higher :
. tete and I'entsylc uol11 bogs 15.10) 4.. fa;
choice light do t. ,'tslde h.iyer., 10.14.
Chic:mn, .In,.. S. -Cottle- Iloelpt1,
moody: .v0mu1.4n 141 airline .tool., ,443.2:, ret
5(1.271: nalvro. 44141 In b$.NS;•sloek1n and
feeders` - 40 to 54
IIoR's--� i II ts, to fit 01Rh,•r:
temple, to prime, heavy, 1.1.4:1 to
Medium to good, heavy, R. 10 to 5:,,g,• 1n11 -
chert' Weights, F,,441 to; p1104 ty
chole heavy, lolled, 5.5.55 in $:1.43; PROW:
to 1.5.41,
Sheep .and' t,amI.4 Receipts, 47,110.
atendy tai wrrnn4; sheep, $4 to 1elZ:.' yearnoes. Po to 17; Iambs, 17.21 to 57,56,
Express Strikes Stage.
1lellesIlle, Jan. 0, -An express! tram
struck the Tweed stage, killing' b(ilh
hors'. and carrying away the front of
the stage. The driver waa unhurt
A Bilious Headache
Is one of the meanest things in the
world. To prevent • I)iliou'.nos. use
Dr, Ihlnlilton. P41141, which keep
the system clean and plot•(', regu-
late the bowel., give tone to the
kidrwyM and liver. You'll neve?
have a headache, you'll never have a
41Onr ntnma'h, but you will have vigor-
ous' lancing health by taking i)r.
Ilan)i$t4n4'4 fills. Your druggist. 40114
Dr 11 "Item's Pills, 271c. per box or
five looses for one dollar..
Those unsightly pimple's can be on.
titrly moat -eel by the lee, 4,f Miller's
F ouip4Nlfd iron Pills. 511 doves MSc.
Yoe sale by Jas, Wilson,
The Way tut.
A Ivell•kuow'n physiian, says Th,.
1344111411 H1.1(1141, WA.0/1118 w1114 to his
lintel ono winter wol'I1,g when the
sidew,lk. Were II ghee d ioe. IV 11411'
going 4141w11 the .tree( It lust a holy
coelin4 in the "Insig to 414%1441T The
lady was at stranger 104.11. although
he was not unknown to la'. Ito dye-
ing tt1 avoid 1.(411 ntbe•1'oon the icy
pay.emlelt they both edipp4' and 'tune
toe the sidewalk f.u•illg etch other,
with 11,1.11• pedal est 1'1'111114 consitlel'-
•lily entangled. 11 hilt he pieta,
I 11ttl' 1
Q I was deluding in his Mind what,
was the proper Clink 11144)' 111' (111
1111(11•' the 1•)'ing eu•c 14116,1 the
Problem was 4')11ved ,by t4' quick -
Wilted lady, *4.114.14(111411)' Marked :
•'111 tor, if )'1/11 1% ill he Arid enough
Lori4' and pick out your Its, I will
take filial '('matin,"
polite as Ever.
1 hr•nehma:in who w•a44 ,Nlyiiig xt a
1141144: in I':diulaurhh asked »the (-
ash -ler'. desk tot his Lill. :rid wet 111t(14,-
1,h••d (»11114 it 0„ 1.)1g('.
110 fylt ;hat he haul 414e1 mudered,
but he pail the hill and lu.141 to see
the prupiiit, . 111.• laud ill 1'41111•
duw'm 141 .....4.444., .' I hi• 111 141.
with . miles• •I'I:e ''renl•h111n lulnh( 1
Up to Ilion. e4.laimi,g :
• Ah, let 111e elnhaet. yol Let 1411•
kers your,
"But why -do 1.1411 'ant la embrace
me, sir :' I don't. nu.•1•.t40
earn'. Ilill,wlwt the hill."
"Your bill ? Yer.'it wad of it 'r"
"Vitt Df 7L :' .1\'641,% mains zat I
I ,dl %µ'site, neVaire.e, you again.
salve." ,londtt Aust'N,
*eels are weal! to ey ,
- 'lam-1,iliuu14ne1M, 1(yili/r'.-(+ran.
Mies. For axle by .las.
• 1 never had a 111011• c''(a1111' of
a latter -fitting suit," 141124)8,) whu
gets his clothes muule at -,
A full stock of 4,1411' aule,n i
weigh t rlotheet for fallatnd w'iy,.g,ir
Suits and Overcoat
made to treasure on short mai
Ready -tie -wear l'lothing---R'4n(1
1413ing --made 011 the premises.
DUNLOP, the Tal.
on 3
Months' 41.1.07 '�w17'
ra+t �e
lour money re- tt
tl,rnal d not'»stied
try n iv. 11.70,» ---
sent sane day order is received.
because the"CarlroMagnetic" tS�
Ja.IIow rage lrne(Irred.mi O\
Mellow round inns own
peculiar Way. Walt P��
o rrlina ry arrlul Ca
1(.e• it rvi hold
iq eche for lA°
with 1�fa'
. ''•a Grippe
.I''wclve times and out !
that tLA
VK •U'
will conic t'v4) or three 'cars
More and disappear again
for 5o 'cars, It has a
periodical run of 12 'ears.
EitCh tiine it Conies It is
1c rse than the time before,
time 1L L:► GR11'1'di I�
prophesied to have terrible
neuralgic: and rheumatic
pains as a symptom and
afterclap. These pains are
the most excruciating
horse than the rack and
torture. Avoid l..e 1'ItH'1', ,
' prevent LA GRIPPE, or cure
1.A GRIPPE, by taking the
specific, scientific remedy
Sold by all Drug, ,.4,, for 31 ter h01r•,
&L1 AND i
8g FRF.
s.444. 44 a "ample Dept. M
Dr. T. A. ELOCIJIVi, LimiI:•tl
41 0 an.1 1.1,04 .r.•r.
173 )t,n. at. *cot, , . 7011054y0
Cash or Cure
If Shiloh's Comumptan Cure fails to cure
your Cold or Cough, you get bark all you
paid for 11. You are sure of a Cure oe
the Cash.
1f it wasn't a sure cure, this oder would
not be made.
Can anything be fairer•
If vnu have a Cold. Cough, or any disease
ef'the Throat, Lungsr or Alr Passages, try
25e. per bcitI, AlI deed!. {ora Res w
Nwlrile;a and 2¢»,,0,.,4144 mired
AN N ufit^'a
Xis heart depression. Gre I t uN:er rd,.4c rn. •
Taken,% tiler,.. and ,µ- A II dealer, or,l... irol
.11441,44 1, Cu, Sono.. Ont. Montt/ b,
o ,.k': not
For the Winter -
California, I
•I 111 '•11 J mil I I. 1 V
Phone W A. McKim
Godera h
am E
�-� Uuri4l; the open season we have too
ERmany goods - which we will not carry over if
small prices are any of avail.
25c Millinery 25c
_‘ Lip; lot of, women's and girls' tl'inuned
and ufitrinnued hats, priced up to $2.50, to
• clear itt each _':pc,
r•M at=
AIe11's and boys' overcoats.
About 7.; to Calcar at one third less
than our tow prices,
$3.00 (oat for $,00.
$6.00 coat fl)r $1.110,
1t3 IL) OU coat for $1'(.00.
All hew this season.
Jackets, halfprice •
They must he titling!., They are new
1111, ran and you can have one or mow at just
half Al '
price: fel'.$3.00
for t
1 .)
j('cket for $2..10. $:41 4I
$10;OO,jacket tor $44.00, and
lot' more at the saute rate. your
111 1111'41 back. •
One quarter off Furs
\ Invictus Shoe
The "In 'i3th. Shoe assortment :affords every
advantage to t c pin 'haser, The newest fashions,
the hest leathers the Ir tle original touches of style
characterize thea :rs ming' out of the Ordinary.
Made in a wide nal re of ,-tyles including' shoes for
every need and serve cc. T lc most :attractive values
\ offered ill i41L'In's shoes today at ,
$3.75, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00.
Mexico or\
Florida.' �' T M. SHARMAN
"The Land of Summer's Cor. East t . and Square - GODERICH
Sunshine." ,
IA•aving Tomatonn January _
Sting all.' 'Nth'''.'Nth'''.i11te. ;0.I TONE UP THE LUNGS
al IYdeteilate.
and St. tattoo-int•s .1linrra1 Springs.
Delightful Isnai(1(5 for those who need
4 re,t. Best of hotel accommodation..
For til•kets and full inforfnation r•a
F. F. LAWRENCE, 7,411,
It is not 11 1111114.41 (41111111411r 1/111 a Ir11,• ionic and
1111(111 i. 1• fnl41,
Il Our 5oc. size for a Tonic, at 40c.
"'In'n I. n'. 1. 11.1 1.111,1.
"''"tW. C. GOODE
Unice hours :41::111 a. 1(l. %1::1114, 1(l• - Chemist
June STI1 tITON. Statin„ A •nt, I3L• DFORD BLOCK. 25C,
..Ui•i t 5 for I,00
%11841. A pw'ial alhltllu11 to Gunily
11. 51116,2 oo. Uigant. mvsnto ti
39`:.,i: ;,::3 ;,{t; 41X, ,x . } 45'44
c.ria- s ee j'
D.•bl. °meows 5314
fir •o•7 beeees
)lar of your dealer. Hr
,I has (nr on get) the "Cart...
If Ma'metic," Show him tin' art•
'r rerdsement--<Inn't take a wbatituu.
11 be•won't get one, we will mail, Fo4t-
pald, on receipt of mire (we offer above).
Our book, "Hint. In Shaver.," mailed free
Oil request. write to -day.
Flus 11 A. L SILBERSTEIN, Makers of
ienign:Cnfiuy,457.11 B'May,NewTork
'Carbn.M agnetic" 1.a,rir t1(Jr„n ctr„t, 11,
[swat .lgcrot' e tool lull
Ebony Hair Brushes,
Ebony Clothes Brushes,
Ebony Hat 'Brushes,
Ebony Mirrors
Ebony Toilet Sets,
Ebony Manicure Sets,
French Stag Horn Toilet Sets,
French,,Stag Horn Manicure Sets,
Cigar Cases,
Tobacco Pouches,
French Perfumes, '
American Perfumes,
Chamois Vests,
McGregor & Webb's
Finest Chocolates
H: W. Thomson's
W. Thornson &
are headquarters for
-•:� ,. - -a •'1111104..114...1"41" t.4
1' I
;j v'li 3
1� 4t.
DURiNG tile many
years in which we hava
been engaged )h cater-
ing to the nerd9/ of the
people of the greater part -of
West Huron i 'Musical in-
struments, Seng Machines,
etc., we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantly increasing patronage.
We extend thanks to all out
elastomers for their many
Vlfe wish to announce that
we Were never In a tetter
position for the handling of
marketable ,Dods 141 our line,
than at the present time.
Not only in the geulmenu are We wellarl prrepastru-
et the most particular demands upon us, 'but in the smaller instruments, such as Violins, Guitars, Mao • eIms
Clarionettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc., also I4 our stock for the corning holiday season •el
M. In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the publications of all the leading composers,
Edison Phonographs and L ecords,
Berliner and other Gramophones,
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pens,
School Requisites,
Fine We cordially invite you to make your holiday selections at o014Muir EmpoStationery.
CRC,,, etc.
lir LL
�#► Tluare _
44Go�deriche (gyp'