The Signal, 1906-1-11, Page 4' 1(u uaoal', Jan. 11 1'l. fi THEE-ii•NAL: GODERJCII ONTA'•Ifl FAMOUS PEOPLE Dl' FAWN!! M I.OTHROP Twos ai Meia en. wen • • BARONESS BURDETT=COUTTS "i'hc',a•orlo s "., as . man I-hidanthropist Angela Giorglacs. 1•arml,s t:u. u,tl.1 auks. the lady bountiful of Eng. land, one of CI. partners In the great .banking house of l'ontts-second only, in wealth, to the Bank of England -and one of file richest peeresses in the kingdom. has had a'Ionl4ulie and remarkable tarter in her uine4yone years. She p•as • rinse trend of Qne.en Victoria. and Edward Vii. said of\ her: "Next my 'mother, i::4. is the tnOat wonderful woman in England." She was a daughter of Sir Francis Burden and Sophia Coutts; her maternal gran ether, Thomas Coutts, died ignoring his children. and'leav- Ing his great fo tune to Lis second. wife, who was Miss Meson, -a well-known actress. The wow late, married the fluke ot St. Albans, whose relatives treated her with ridicule 1(l and l o , Inaccuracies, a ntem t for her • , 1(r ve 1 1 ace, 4. , r I a In tat her i quaint speeches aP her inc.I I ,v to master the social rode of ,her set. Her will evea'e here r 4) r en ewhe was . g 1 It s. found t every 1 hat t r) ppenny n( her fortune went to her step -gra &daughter. Angela l:nrdctr. then twenty-three, with the understanding that s r sh'olhd ad a hyphen aid Cetus to her name. Then 3fiss Burdett Coutts, in 1S i. the year Victoria became Queen, began ter life of benev'o'enee and bettefre re, limiting herself to no one phase of helpfulness; but whereler she .soul( lenefit humanity her -heart and her purse were open. She hu It and endo ed St. Stephen's l'horal, Westminster; endowed three colonial ishoprica, se -tired the government- adoption of traveling inspectors of a ar ods, Re funds for the topographic survey of Jerusalem. aided emigrants n a large scale. established a home for women,' fitted out hundreds of boys for the h'avy, suggested the formation of•the, East London Weavers' Asso nation, erected model tenements, aided Sir Thomas Brooke in his work iia" Sarawak. helped the starving fishermen of Cape Clear Island and the poor of London and Scotland, organized 'the Turkish Compasslonate Fund to help the peasantry during the Russo- Turkish tear, and for nearly seventy years has &'voted herself to charities. -in 1 871 the Quem made Miss Coutts a peeress. and ten years later, when she was rtxty-seven, years of age,,she married W. L. Ashmead•nartlett, a young American -now a member f Parliament -thirty-seven years her junior, settling. on him an annuity $250,1111O,a.year.. Surprise became consternation. and. later. gepulpe 11°544 are, when it became known that the Baroness. after 'nursing young Bartlett rough a long Illness incident to his work on her Turkish charity, had marrl him. e,n.t r.,-. 414/8.1• A.l of W P.4444.44.f eau.* 4.44. 4..4.1 l•r W. l'. Mart, .4 514. 1(.'.,(...l .f At/kiting. Mayor Tilt firesides And the New Civic Legislators Make a Good Beginning on Monday. 2 Standing Committees Appointed U satisfactory Condition of Affairs at Hotel Go rich Mr. Blair Suggests Changes in Mana ment of Town Accounts Sinking Funds to Be nvested --Members of G. C. I. Board, Library Bo d and Board, of Health Appointed A Lengthy Session Monday Evening. The new tuwvf pnlu it had i, glad 1' uti 1.f Keri -ion - Messrs. lllail% hrlalking in to its work 1n \41411141)• ('her , Young arid Elliott and the .Ia•1• bust'` e statutory t 911( m tin Was 1 1< K held It w I III be , tat I -t f•11 that at Ihe 1.11 x14 I1 'chick in the mot ulr- w ruing. with nil rel v all , ;mai (ark ilnuttifl,c• 1 the the nt when; pltwnt except Mr. market eonnnrtlrs• of fornfoly,s1s (iU 11 4'1 4N•r 1dtBot• who: r o s n 1 4 tr,t 11 r ) ! 1111.1' 1•,l n 1 r of alt) K fur on(• 14114 .1 114" township t /'ollruru14. haul to attend the (eci.14 and r.•Ii,•f e, tt4•i's also have 1 1 the tetat(4tor' meeting 1f the 111W11-- "'° merged and ThrdttT ,)f a IiN•r / '. tl al 4.41 111111 I If• • 1 111 1 fY The size ship council. striking c 1. \ trvk'1 • 1 n attire / (• . { t t�l ,. K 'treex h a also 4454.41 4.r• consisting. of :11 •e,4. Tilt and ('onnril- tln,•ed, following 5 .unrillor Blair's tens *t11oinU,,l to N11gge-tion 5I1:4t the work would Ie mot r rx N4)it sitattil 041 14.414 ly411111g(e,'nu411411111544 by smaller tees. Thr from John Hol- size or the water and light rmnut i1.1v4' 141l104. hotel, i., llx,•,I ' 1(1 ha'laty oto. in.'luding 1114' + pinlwl hl whole roon: eil, but d ::,o; the neet- ing 31 1'. 1111111' 44111.1• 11.00,' that he It'' winter 44,111111 111115.1. *t. the next ,•oun,•nl nle•t- by-the pr o•rietor, Mrs. ria 'th, roto- ing t1 nn11v111`114' water and light by. ill/tilled that Nuitlab)(• (11.1111) e1f41tn I,IN• by rellneing the `l1( -1 „Pe 1 , Outs. members. • ,1 statement t from 11e t.•asntrr '1 'hog $231.;111 received front 14,•reen• Iel�l.ith.'ltl, to January Iso. '1(i. for note'• mid light rotes., 11111 OM. from the Rink of !thrallreals11uwin4.*1.72 I. - at the errdit of the town tlwasur,I 1 hr close 1f lista, wets- referred I1 �Jauditnt•s• \ 1' i s. 1 14.s ir 1 1 1 and 4'411 draw up a Ii11 0( xl for the 34111. .% lett land, cats talker of the who, with 114154 wife, 10:lige.of the building fin had not been !in110 for kes•pin 1(141(4111 comfortably healed arid- hey had Teed to heavy ex1N•nw•'for %sari, and, III y'IPw of :own's 11114':1,( Irl the building and nn keeping con: 1e1/•nt persons ahere to book after it through the Winter, asked the elttineil •to take N • art ion. Councillors I') InAtt and Young µv41' app anted n etalinlittee t1 visit the Imbibing and iltrestig*Ie Ile. 1•5indilions and to r(•- pott t1 the runoo n. Think) o%tug 1•. \114. Hnldtlun'IN'. ,hsenre the ('1,1151011 then adjourned till a4,i,lN•k the_ mom. evening to receive the st.riking•011u- tnitl0e•a repN'rt and the report of the c iter appointed to visit the sum- mer hut.1 1411(111, general hminei4s. Thi• evening session Wn" a Tong .410. The Mayor and all the I•oltm•illors were in their places pr ply at 44 (i d«:k, n gond beginning 511d one in marked c1nttst to She habit of their bredl•lwssu11.1 in office, a hal,it it is to e hoped the new council al not fall into 7W time. (.1154111'4. 'There 0 a plenty 4o( lousiness to transact 44 1111 the menthe -is of the (•1(4),414 seined die,. posed t1 start 'oat llllking retorter; and enquiring into everything rale. felly, and nt. 44(W 11:1ai p. 141. before the 'motion • 10 adjourn %•a'. :proposed. A number of +p•etahn•s were present their year 1114. l' patsy should pay the. Vtarl)'rate A41ld uthrr (41un(1110114 Cuu- vari 4.d. 'l'h1• I0tt•1 WAN N/411t 141 1111• u.ilet• and light ell •.tee. 1r. A. Pigott l\ ('o. wrun•, hulking u I claim yf $. i.ai for expenses in -has dug water service ••Ira141 of , . 1ruction by sera Nier 1 41111 in 1a%i1g drain opened'to] free NeWer• rfo111ert11 .ofu'"�( uhsUnn rtb..• From the i(ruli'r.e*J hill it Appears a Iliu.il*•r 11114 4$s- sistnet' made pretty frequent visits 441 M4. I'igott's. Messrs. Elliott all 41 Youpg mot ed 14Wder the letter to the water 111111 light Cuulnlittee. but the 11111'uwthunght the council should take nt1 action :old 1111 a11i('il(lu1.11t to 1Intl elft',.( was passed. un Motion of Messrs. Mall.Ws 1 Khair. A 1'.411•st from 'Judge 111.l1 tut Ie - half or Henry C 1114.541 fir p•tami.- shun 114 04 1lallgl• (Can't l•1')• Tuts was granted. A petition, signed by .1 large ler of employees of the Big 3)ill, asked for the placing of an 1.11e•(ric light 1(u Ilse harbor hill W ba kept 14111 oing all night. aN the uu•n cll.inglvl' watch "One• at midnight folds • ,at I o'clock. '1'114. twitter Was referred 111 the Witter anti light eu11ntitr. Arron its froth the tell 'releplone l'(.. fait Slit 444.1 $) LSI,. for half -yearly service :1 town 11411 311,1 IN,N'rl•.wus,'. respectively. the regular :uuunnts. were ordered paid, ,1(411 a 11 111(14 of 111111.1'1 Olt ((4.4.,41111111 Was s 111 1(1 III,• tillauru rulstluittee, .1 report from the public works volniiiii lee of last ‘'ear was adopted. It Sated that wave -Ring, about seven feelwide and at (mot deep, had been dune, on 11111'111 roau1, rot1m11elicit la al H. M L.nn's and extending town ward I:ai1'1 Is,(41a4..s.41f:Ill, fete .ctrl -and light$I a p Ires 4.w ort. signed by hist )•w1( N 111.411111.111, 4w 144.11 that the water flint light toll..dlrawn up front the intornu1- lir s lien 4.c u b 1 v the seven -Tel policemen's i1(- slel'tlolr of, the services, la' adopted and handed a the cu114%•C t;4. nut• rulIt•t•- thm. Councillor'Iliott reported un the condition u 2 ( 'fairs at alio •1' hotel lasu f um 1 v alio r tri• up - pointed 141visit the. budT'uw \1154. John Holland. Who 4454 i1( charge, they considered an energetic, Clean and thorough w•u111 11. h. though the building on the tben.ole• n 14 in 101114 t•undit• . part14 We 1• gain4 '01'11111. 1'he greater part of 1 r veiling (11(104 the tower . t v r 114 Ifallrn 1(d" b 11( another lir 1 room also ;1 It4rg.• 41141n[ of 114x• ter had fallen. ).The to 4f• rryuiret1 shingling and he rale! should 1e• tat1(11 all over. 'aur 141 s of glass •in a skylight wet oat ant 45110 %%10 414/w Was 11111 441 Ali t•e11311'. •thug the snow in. Thr fnrunee x444411 al i4 Jair condition but the tapea were hist is4g badly. The pip,. 1 hats was a sl Its :1 chimney. at the hack of, .h4' la 'Iding was bilown down. As Let 1 he 111t01' Of 11ea1ing I''11p1lai4l(elOf\ill 311• fol.. lams le ter, the 11l1t11itt\s• 1tI,1 it (chivied Mr-.-Herilrtrrd t tut the 1/41 w:ts nut r4'spostsuble, as she was p111• then. by Mrs. 141141411. Mrs. '} c ' ``brined that she Was (font troubled with parties. from t wanting to remove Menne of 4 he g( A gentleen nl in ('lint° 1. it 311114• has a chi tt.1 mortgagra•n the (urni ins.. Tile 1•vuncillors Laao 1(e 11' culty in knowing tvhat. steps to take to gid irIl the lawn's in :erest;i, owing to the delicacy ,)f the town's position as uerely the hander of :1 that mit rt• gage on the building. It was fluidly decided .t4) leave the 'atter in the haunts 14 (lit• Mune COMM Flipp 11 /•141- s4dt the s4l1i14it(14 /IN (1 110 [4 4N11'. pN'W01•11111(1 if necessary ei iiiiIlI:nicall• with the o, ie. 31.-s. Smith, amt pro - reed with necessary repairs if thullgh4 advisable, Couurillut'+ayy Mail and 1'I - lona. introducing the Anitiln \. Mr. Blair repurtell the purchase 111 it frieze (vetr.11 at F'. 11. \Ixrtu,'s for each of the policemen, at x cost of $LI each. Councillor 1nllovt'54 asked fur [Hover to hate the old lank in the 1141111:11.0 'fillet! up ,1 one,, was it was in A danger- ous con lit ism 11•1 1 t! • work could be done 11 nv Itithtnt couch 11x(11:141' to the grass. The Matt .5 wls'Ieft in the hands of the 44111.101 t, parks and 111/1 !- Let tan umInitlis•, with power. The p1Iolie µ'14•k54 r 'iter (as ill. Mtl'urte4) to hale 34 ((.11k neat' Captain, Baxter's repaired, SIS it Nits soil) to Ie' in as dart r •las t 1 condition Kaltl l to see r hat the snowplows were in Nl'k hag and make 111atigenm•ntx 154 to (t1 h . 41 vv N a t operate the plows. M4 Ill:lt I !1. t could bN• started to work inI- ,nt+tliately, n the 31atsu's order, when 11e'1NN1tWa''d4.,11.1 e4lnl'waleItl. 1 have It is ,c 4' to the town n ren• o Il • '' ( ),•rs rut up 411e haunt trees that were 50411141.11 (• the `14)541141•, an,) 10, M• I 1114. WI) N1 I ' rl the stove ' 111 I r• hr .rn nl 1'11 4.4411 IIIIN•4'. councillor Young 41((14 rht the stn•.•( grads Nhunld be kelt tinder c..): r, Iola /IN they,• swan's) nu place to keep it 111 ;11 flint Was. tilketl. Mr. 1)lurr brought tip the matter of the 14(111 allgement of the c. (al offices -on Fast sheet Nn (t4 to ,lllnw separate offices for the assessor and clerk and provide such :5(•1.41 iiiii111La11on 311 would remove the hesitancy 1( ladies in Bring to pay their. taxis 1r do other llusinrsN, 311'. Elliott said an import: 141 matter 4441111,1 he `(he ar- rangement r- rangemenf of the lfflres for economy 1 tt heating and thought an 'Hive shrink! la, pounded for the nether. m:agiatriue 1\•ntrlf *la a Is 4.n I•L• to Ihe !lick at the Intvn hull. On notion eK %less,s. liltuir and Goldthorpe, the 1'hi111nell's Hospital, 'J'I/rftnto, and it mat ter was tr•fet•Ird to the public tans dr 'hied to ')}!tea' nine 4.11ies-1f P� works on 'tire. 311•. Mallows mug - The 1141 il,ipll Wtteld, one wlc'lr glstrd Nppnra to accommodations for the 11:14 councillors. 11erk (1n11 the polilr nL 1. tl.aanre'• hit. 140110444 asked about. the insur•- .% 101 1P tr n the O. T. 11. stat it solo. policies held by the town, as`h'en= agent reaffirm I the company's 4,11- Idly the one on t.he.waterwi.rka plant, jeel ion to the (based anemia the and 11r•.Iilair. Ihuught th('Iln:nee'',1. hot 1) 44(14aAin w n• vvater.snppl)•, lintminae ('114x1 • 11 .ton (lee the pithiest at nn action was taken in the way 1) t 1 the beginning of emelt year, reduction.. The rate the .company ; Al r. ,Blair m4d4' a numbern f 41"11 11,1Y1111411,1Y11114((5)545• t1 41,1115):11)• 111 eras I. ('0(4.4.1' 0114 Wit 11 reference to the *{'.',and 111P lmvn Inked LIP. 11114 to nulu4g14u11•nt of 1114 t,)wrl )11e•44111,(,4, $',4l) 1“1"1111 iiiiii 11( stall (his )'011'. 1114 1h,)111rIll 111,• 11111110 r•4141nit1PP 1.1)4' town enginee•, frit.' TO. p)rsent, 54114141411 Mk ' up with the tel:alter the Icing asked for informafi,)n, said a placing of 3l1onnts Nn as t1 have ex. meter had leen Inst on 1 or a year And noun! tires 'allot tell t1 Illi' 11(•114') it Won rotund the (I. '1'. K. nerd 3,7414,- departments. He advocated having ' )1(31lonsduring that. year and 1 h school .5, iodate Ian /try !ulna ,))d rote was ....mattered too 11w. Es. ,. t r., *.nuns(,•, leeildly in tie%' of •Ihe heavy- ship- ments fill' the Big 31i11 and 11)e prase., two ten birge shipments from the els• 4)41nvn no doubt by lin unter,•st nn th14 ((i51.1' as wore ns it W111 1,11111 141),' in- p131lunn4'l 1f the new rotund) 31111 a 11P- `4.1x0011 41(15' 44,11! be grit:: 11w ••n14,gh. II Was inso stated' that in reference to the Thr nnu,rwriterr' de - nand for the erection of x tank the (4)4)lpany hod l,',n allowed until the .1541 of .1 new I.rerect i5. 1lie reason 11 1154• mlder44lil,•r' names' i" that th.• service pile to the li. '1'. It. ie x .2.in0h nne, and if it were open when n lire alarm rang it would mean a material lessening 1( the pn•ssur•e. A repot on Om inspection 1f the toilers and engines at Ihe town power house 'N.,,s received f • (ion. ('. io,bb., the inspector, ',Mel r,h41w('d a 5,0lafnrtory condition (If affairs. John Itansfonl of the North Aneri• can 1 `hens!•*! Co. wrote felon London. Asking the town to 511*a0(e Ihe rate the l', patty ens charged for walgr front $.,4) a year to #1. "l4 * month, *1 it was probable the Works wnnld !weer Is. run *n4) the Company did not want to ply the yearly rate if they were running for old(' a short lime. Mr. (flair thought that if the sire to size tip the member, 1n their rapacity as civic legislators, ' h.. striking 0411111105(4.4, 44 report was the first .natter taken up, and ' it Nes aloptwl, not, le weever, before 11r. Goldthorpe. who is the only member of the 1,)11(1'.,1 not named atm chairman of ..,)me committee, h,ul refllsel 1141• importunities of the Mayor to herr It the chairmanship of the the r • mates. iss p1*.r of Him lVorship. The. IRnnlittees ser 1111 f.rllnws, the flr41. na11e1 on each cuttim(ttee ie•ing c111411 - (11a11. Cemetery. Parks and \Inrkot Menne. Hallows. Elliott and '4 Special. Relief and Reception Messrs. Elliott. Blair and '::Mows. Finance-Mflssrm. ('lark, Elliott and Blair. - P11blic Warks -- Messrs. lining. Clark and (inldthorpe. 'Vater and bight. Mr. Blair and all the tithe! members of the ,nunril. Fire -The Mayor, and Messrs. Young and Clark. d 111 it separate nreotlnt '1(t• ha dist rater .to the treasurers of ill different institu- tions am N/N155 (14 it w N voted. No (hal it 4411111/1 1111 1e mixt lip with funds that the. emitted h .I e/nln41 1f. 1 tlder the peesenb. 'pd. n' it ens 1111- (NINNIbIr• I,. t.i'lI hrnv' nnu' of the cn4h to the treasurerN rr(slit (4154 available for the 11%'1 r•nunell's disposition and I • nn111h was lint of its 4.1I1 1114), I44. ing regnired for school for lit. try per- i. er- noses. 111 Heroines ,lgniced I r town should be sent in monthly, .alt that they might. be 1(1110 s eitititely r•he(•krd, instead 1f sometime.. hating *0011111(44 a 31.11) fold 1111,S1.511 141 (1* /It present. lie would nisei like to go with the electrician into the matter of having n "5iirt account kept of all light and water 11,11.11 by 1110 town, if ins PMsnr)' lave melees 50stapled and the town rimmed with what light it team, the wader 5)541 in Watering the streets, .14., Just as esrefnlIy Rs It prt- %Ate individual i". Mr. Elliott elm realest hInote If ns 1hor.mghly In accord with Mr. Blait's suggest.iMu; he had not been able to yet the Infra (nation he wanted and that he ht lie sd(' have hewn works werenpa•r*1.Nl at *II doting the 1 ebb. Gf get. frnoi the oflnancial state - 111et11 ; he 4'4111 541.15trw) that M11110 4('11(0,44 of kw'piug nr(141111i oft he Tight and water used in the public service 1nel nut 110441 11111 4.11% tae WWI le - tiered 111 having the books in IIII, 1.11,..(1 boat IIN, the library. 1•t•.. audited, as alio auditur8 were the watch -dogs of the 1101441111. 114.. Hlale saki the 1:111 •!u•nt 14/11411 suggest dot haul heel§ Adopted last 4444. On .114.,, Iil$r's.445Klrstion Thr clerk,l was :Iskeel to notify the Finuitlee 1'onl:u4)'(1a C payliienl that was (hie on its hul,1a.Innuar)" Isl. and 1114 in- (.n•111.11i.a1 was 4.VCitlel'.1hal all 4111101• pn)uuvils 4)4)51 IA :104 of 1110 041111. 'willies In whirl' loan.. 11401 her mule It lit leen 11:4111. 1f•. Blair ndls•w.i hl the.o.neibn'y Tette- received smile 1hue ago as Cu the., necessity oftransferring tht• uninvest• (,I sinking ( Is to a chartered hank, and said the eo4154 11 bad deferrer) making tin• change 1111114 January 1st. The olurtgagl•s are',• nl 111•,.0111 in 1114 iu11141N of the 4.dieilIII' ,111.1 110 111111 handed the elm k n 11-t 1f 11111x0 N•hu1h measured -5 p tIli.• (iovern114ula1 11.• Quin meats. The floods 1.141 Iain in I II.. 4111.51) and (truce and Standard 114111 l' patties for eighteen years and the tlr:lsll•r had asked for 1110' extension of Bear for 7unkitis the ttrulsf)! to The iknk•of 34,11114'))), • uwinit to the difficulty of immediately nrt•:ulgli g for the, payment of x1 bilge nu +um1nit. 31r. Blair 5l glit the taut '.l Id make 54(111(1' effort to got luart 1(t least of the $114.1.141 or s1 of 1(u• invested sinking funds invested and thought the council sbordd .h54ve• some genesial rule ,IN to the torsi,,. 141 w'hic11 .144411. 0011111 1142 eKtlted, 540 that it w44111.1 1101 114' necessary to call a council meeting wh4'(4rve alarm Was prospect 4)C a loath •He 11111\'041, second- ed bt•. Mr. Goldthorpe. that the town (tf1•r,1/ /•m1111i454ifo11 m) one per e•nt. to anyone who) vv nseal • II l an :11 t Ialntdr r percept;, the wafter of inveaiga•ing\ title and>eeing that the Ilan itievlp'tlw statutory I'teplllt•te11t1( to 1e in the hands of fhr '..(lienor, and 3105454(54, (iuldrhorpe end Young to act as N 14 Valli- atm ulu- il m t 114.4.0 nee.•... .11 \' their ' 1 h 1 fee tl lie ):al b d the ►• 1 f„04' l .. \Y lt. 1•:u11 tt ht t of 11 1 a If g solo liuut x1141411 be 1.14 in • 1°O. the res0'15 ion ;is 1.. the tithe u. !talo Ti•s Epilr, . WAN to run and .u.arestwl an inside S'ekge'l, ern limit of fon. v..1.. Mr. Mail said it tr,aI a on such would be t1it11 •015 1.. ger Mone)' out ol. 170 Rina Street, 4),u•-•i.t s sell ' orcin to, ttgalgl• at five per cent. without •�'' Stock=taking Sale • During the next•two 11ce,ks we will conduct a Stock-taking'Sale and end it with.2 Monster I;argain Days.' In last week's papers we said that our 'Rai 'ain ',I)ays th1'laitid be on the 11th and 8th, hut we have decided instead to have them at the end of otir sal., op the Jath and Igth, Saturday acid Monday. • We' are making this an Unloading Sale and the most of our stock will be at reduced prices. We want tai get .our stock reduced before spring goods which are expected by the middle of this month are placed on our shelves. The following are some of the ?Ines which will be reduced regardless of .cost : Ladiis' Coats, Ladies' Dills. Skirts, Tweed Dress Goods, Waistings and Golf Costs. PRINTS. to cent Prints for 8 cents. tat cent Prints for ig cents. AO good patterns and fast colors. GINGHAMS. IV} and 15 cent lines at I1 cents. Table Linens at cost. Hltlf bleached and all !nen. Be sure and get to this sale if you want Bargains For two weeks only. And don't forget the two bargain days at the end, 13th and 15th, Saturday and Monday, J. H. COLBORNE Phone 86 Gash or Produce r 'Phone ne 56 D. Millar. _ Co Square e. KWeatlr ca eW fi1l r: wI h l I take thisO opportunity i� t V S. YihsueDance, r arm t.leand :,,1.1 of thanking our many friendx for the liberal support •cu ctaT!:t: l.sr4' . Co.. •'rived sillce starting r business and trust by carefur.' A,1 � ' hcareful .atte 4.0 • r 'u IIOIT 1 114,11 r a nl\' 14.00r keeping- hest goods at moderate prices' to retrive a further share of public patronage. pro, liege /is R U toI,•ilavun uport100xch �! LEIrw year. \Ir. Elliott •454amend- 81•1•11m11.41 11 ill amen 1- B1�r V f V CV GG wehr, se(e111(11.41 by Ili. ('lark, that the t 1(%'n authorize the I.sn 1f 111,IIn o1 - less at live per rent. 011 The hi II . Apinimmisomme 1'I I)l" ' i1. 3it•. i1L•tll' having some pros- pect of meeiiring it limit fr•n. that &mutat. Thr amendment was. 1„141. only the 1111,14'1 and seel11der v'utit ag for it, and Mr. 11)4414,4 motion was carried, The nights for '1lie regular meetings of the ('4)incil and tot • 4'.tee meetings were fittest the same :air dor last ).ear. •MMe•ssrs. H: ter and Sallow'. 111nvw1 (hat I. I. Strang. 411. 4).poiot,d 111 the I11:u•1.n 1),.' 1ihlwry Issuedv,e:ih'l by ter. .ION. Ellhae, for 1134. 34•'11113441, '17 ad that .1. Ke,nighan Is• 1,a 'pointed r (lit -yenta 11:I111, 11711,11'554• 1'art ital. is gives the Collegiate Instants. re - moo bat on the IN4:41d. and ti w1as.44441 141 Nle tealtlril it appears the ,lrsliou of r.tvidffig that Cul- ieglN N "114)1041 IN'relgeseltel fon Un- itary .toeq111154, 1 he 14 • ns 3)111)10 and se- palRte `41.8111 :ire, is likely to be taken tip fie 11 Ilepatll,tr11C t fl. (' Ilornr woo. reappointed 4.4 1110 ('nllrgn to Instil 5354' boat 41 .tut' the ensuing. the a \ears. an a u11•Ildlllrllt in favor of 4) Ni1h,1u,n being vomit d(1%4l. Dr. (lark :Ind Alto. I:tliott being•th5 "alar •o,lnrill.a•s in favor of waking the chine. 'ouueillurs 1 ling. and Sall.i •s mnvwl that • hob . 311.1.'1141 he 41p- i po.n.e1 to the 1 r.1 of health in Pelee of 1). Mt 41)))Il•u .fv 1111 that 1)r. (bellow Is- 11•111111111411 d (or the next three 4'184'•• 4'111'111 (1. Messrs. Elliott and ` 1L )tf Istmtwl that 11". It. Robertson nu') i). 33. Ball Ie reappointed and ors at the %41,44• remuneration. $Itl,te)r . ('arried. Hplaty NO. 1 of HMO, c"ontit sting the appointment to the G. 4', 1. tries. tee board ; bylaw No. '2.t inflrt Mg the appointment ntuel o 1 I the board NNI . 11 i 4.f f 1 rUtl• `ry' t• bylaw [{:Iry 1 1 N11 •e :f . ) n >Hrwi n t r h a 1 Ne' Inturn ,) t t h public { the 11 Thr g•� I l 11 -tory 1 N 1ate 1 bylaw IRK' \r. . 4, 1141'1 t Zitl l M K + hl' I4, Ivv im f n g 11not mm. than $Ya). s) for,eu,•rent expenses till the ti,zrs at aid ' 1 1 111 and bylaw + P )IIW . 11, .i, r,)nftrnsitt the nppointlurn4 of auditors, weir ren 41 111 t h •t•4. r. t times 11,1x5404. Mr. Elliott t lskwl as 1 4• t x 11314 n t 1 . $:Ili to flip auditors for getting out the financial statement and Wanted to W kn. -t it it 'Was ' as t n '• 1 h r 14..4.11. Thr ch d ; rw:n of the nnamer c !4'e said that. it 11411 been the rust,),,i to allow the tro.,s'nt•er that a t fol having the statement drawn 11 11 r. Ell11,11.hjrrt'd strongly to pa .molds. being made Without to form resolution of the rotin1•il. Error) It it should he dune aboveboard. of f 1 )'- nl Clark's Pork and Beans Ig FARMING WORLD CANADA'S-FAVOR/Tr FA •1ANDSTOCKIPAPER.Publixiox111 at 111 1/11 t 11P • and 4:111 of each month,. ltd.) cents 1t 'year, two years for $1: Devotee) + to tl r farm and it. inlr•sl s. THE FARMING WORLD and THE SIGNAL hot!' papers tor nor year fol A wail le copy for the N in u . IY K vulso'rjilt dols (:,k.•n now will L.• dated frons .I.unou'y hsl. 1144)1. N. B. --Above offer includes also a year's subscription to The Mont. real Weekly Herald. Write fm testimonials. 1411 erfe't fn'wl for energy Addrrsx-- 1 rgyNnd vi¢oro i. BOX 173 health. Steaming hot in five mime, s. It it tikes your lulnth water to think aoderich of it. r Ont. 11 Tome a t from Ceylon "jZecl. Feather Tea Leaves a good impression. �h. Prig" 40 are ,.M.111111171.111 Snaps in MEN'S FURNISHINGS our Windows cll'a.ting u Il' 'l1( i,tnlas goods T BARGAIN. Watch GREAT Men's Smart Wear and Fine Tailotell Clothing. at a REG. BLACK ((lentsutfltter1 ur,rnis(iodehetrichend , Stock -taking Sale On Saturday fir t. we, will start our first annual stock- taking sale when all goods of passing fShion will he marked at substantial reductions regardle.' Of cost. Sub- stantial reductions its all staple goods ---o r stock Nein all levo'. This 'is a grand opportunity for getting first-class ods a bar _ 5 _PhoMIL-AR'S POPULAR STORE ne 56 'Phone 56 Learn D - ss -Making by Mail In January a save from 3 to 5 dollars. Lean 1.y 11)111 sit home in you .ire s-rflaking business, or for halal• day sham ing him dress -making eon 1 any other war. In order tot gel a large this iulpriered cunnie by nail to all co instead of regular prier $1:) and $1.7. A 1\'rite t1 -day 1,0t•par,iru}pt-, Address San. Ont., Can. 1)If)rr boors fr 1 tw 5 p.tit , Mar itt ration'. spare time. if yon 441141,) like to ( lure a Iso. If you would like to !mike $3.141 a taught )setter and cheaper by mail than ler ,,f agents at once, I will tool' silencing in Jima/try. 1141*, for 510 111. N'*05,v1 whole or x(an• time, ' Dress -Cutting School. Stratford, -et Place, opposite City Hall. ' - Why Buy McClure's? 31rCllltr'n M*p(AZlllr IN )ought and 4.01141 in 1 •11 not be Cause• it b. 11 mag - 141111e, 11111 144011114. 1 iN t 1 1 ' 4.11•.1, magazine. \1' y ht'? R FIRST -THE PRICE. 1t costs but one dollar 11 year, en eels than ten rents ,t ler, for over thirteen h Ired two•eol age of re.ulilig matter. 4.1114 ulonntN in actual bulk to tNw nt • or twenty-five v r IN costing x � nvW here from aderllar 15, two , d/lbu•Nnc alai Ir r . 1111' I , 'A I.ITI• R flie.reading matter i• wliItr •• Anle• 'r 4.l N i leadin writers-the lANt. shoe 54 11iY w 1 ite,the I NNt writers 11n timely art les. 1 x54t writer,. r*o/ important serials, Nuc ti,h1lrz's Reminiscent -es 11 r fiat a Railroad u ad srtirlrs. TIMID TIMI?L( ' � The h reading 1141 g mnUe•r in Mr(`lurr'N ix not only g(NN) ; it is not only enti•,t'talnlllg• et sing, instructive slid inspiring it is also abbot the vu1)jert44 in which you and all A1111.1ie4411N are 111,)stinterested at the time Nn NI 111'0a•f1 In ' 1114• next ) xf tw• aleu n4. nths are r' t 1 a R/ / important K RN e. Thr yn.Ntiln of riaihe'ad rales and 1•rlaatel and the nitration of lice nsurance. Walt of there 141)4Mitiur.4 will he dimeseis4s1 by authlriti.s in an iu)partial, carr alk interesting why, 1'1)t'ltTH-'IT$ ('ISA!CV "1'j:It, Mcl'Iure'a Jlagaaine is not edited for Children. blit at the sante Grip, there is never a line in it'ihat anvrnmK girl might not awed. 144 M1101111111141 4 )54414'54 are am clean *s Iia wlilmrial pages.' r1cC'ure's rla• azine in 311445 home is ' ) intended 141) work only far good.- Send $I.01) to -dap for 'OW year's subscript inn, or leave an corder at vont. hook -store. November and lb - manlier, nhew wire new sub...rip/ions for Nat S. S. McCLURE COMPANY, 47 East 23rd Street. NEW YORK. yon r 1(l eon, n Ion .1 inrou., by taking en the business of -e' .0-ing anew Ober. for 55,1 IoM It Is,I. ,, 414111 ..•IP, r.;. 4.l lilt 14511DIIrNt IOn 111571/141 b4 to ),'present. The 5p*q) is Herne. roe l !1!41 -nhw lip! tub. In addnlof. t0%114b)701/44,,,,,..44:41111,41,1.15$41.f ur ilia IN1st work' Write 1,.11 far 4,151 1,.,, 540'1141.! This very�ll� OPEN WINTER will 1)et'fnit you to alta a great deal of your OUTSIDE REPAIRING We cart`y a full line of goods to assist you in doing this work, sncW as Nails ant Screws, Bolts of all sizes . null std leo, Glass of any size and weight, a co plete line of Carpenters' Tools and eve ything that is found in an Up-to-date. Hardware Store. in Plumbing, Heating, Eeve ou ;rhing, etc . we can give you prompt attention. Work and mater, fully guarantee Chas C. Lee Store 'Phone 22 Howie 'Phone 112 f