HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-11, Page 3, lUK (;01111:1(3'il itvi rarritiiiriivat • ,‘ . Armour's k Extract of Beef Makes Food More Nourishing We do not claim that Armour's Extrad of Beef is a food. lt is a tonic fix the appetite --is soothing and grate- ful to the Stomach -helps one to get al the nourishment out of the food -insures quick, sound digettion. Start dinner with a dear bouillon or savory soup with Annotir's Extra d of Beef added to give the true beef flare' --and see how easily the dinner is digened. The Gentle Kidney Cure. Don't think that Lulu is not effective because it does not "tear things lo ,se." The man, who talks niost, does least. Kidney remedies that purge -- and over -stimulate (he kidneys -upset the stornach:-are going to do you mighty little good. THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE goes about curing you gently, sii:dly, correctly. You nevee know you are taking medicine -excect that you begin to get better and keep on getting better. Bu-Ju'heals tnflatn- mation in the kidneys -takes away that Sharp pain in the back and the dull ache through the hips -stops excessive unn- • ation-and enables the doseas ilea portions of the kidsreys W- heal and strengthen. Cloves 111LIsensmatiam 1o0. TIME CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED.\ A Beverage of Good Health Grand Mogul is the nicest possible blend of the finest and ripest teas:, Grown on the sun- - . kissed highlands, each packkage is a whole bouquet of delicious fla- VOR. Xeivs of thi.Sistrict. Azgff , Mr. and .31r4. %Vita. Homo. of Brum- 1 through Captain Haney, tri thelailitun 144.1.4, celebrated On.. tifthiirh miniver. brunch. Disastrous fire at Ethel On 'the now AA i AA g Ji n out t•y Ulf, fire broke .out in John Mei Loialtra retort/ lit Ethel 111141 Spread Witll l.uh rapidity that the Aide blowk was e plett•ly destroyed. The' hardware stone of The dehentures tainted in connectilm Kramer .1/4 Hit eine and the barber wiefr-the.;thintott Knitting Co. loan *hop anti -dwelling of NV. F. Heath have 111.01 NOW bv tilt. LOW11 • to th4. 11.4411 W4.14. 1411111111et4.d) 44045 4. 31 ()oilmen of the World at II !wr cent. cause of Ile+ hre is Link tttttttt The interest. 10414 414 eetimated.at about tati/.11011. The pat.titership existing between H. Johnston and Coehram., marble Died in the West dealers in Winghani, has beelY die- • Coin. , of \Vest -Wawanosli, 41 vel. Air. Cochrane will continue received tile soul intelligence recently the business. t.lant his mon. John Gaynor, a voting John !nos Nuevo" died at hi, 111110 Id twenty-five years, had died in home in Turtdoerry rut Saturday, De- l'ilownix. 11. C.. of heart lo II a't cembet. :11n h. fie Wail ill his for; Y- I 411 441441)4. '‘ nit"' 441 sweond year mad leavew ii wilt. and Sinai 1 '1 11111"1"1 114. it i" "IllY114 little “Ver 41 family to mourn his demise. witrV of 1 heir marriage Ull Chrlat 11111* I Day. • ltev. II. Liwjo• has telen pastm.al (Inoue of the Methodist church at Kincardine, having recovered (144114 111'. rt•cent iratees • A quiet wedding took place at the Engliela chlirch rectory in Mitchell on Tuesday. December 211th. when Alias Carrie itatikin anti 5V ,i. 1)., 44114. 1.4011 Of Winglavn, were united in Illaolage.. The vottrin lawknow oil the quest ion of aceeptfng a grant from Andrew Carnegie for a public library resulted ha a favorable majo laity. There were 172 %%nen for and 0044444(111.4. the prop- osition'. . Mr. McKenzie. of Toronto r, . bait been appointed conductor on t he L., H. .1/4 it, llit 1111C4oiftstir 40 John Quirk and has commenced his new AUG.,. .11 1. .5!, 44 will 11141 144 hitt laYnHy too Winghaill. czar Hollins. of Cleveland. Non of lir. J. A. Itiillins. of Exeter. wait ... ried 011 Christman Day to Miss Millie MeTavish, of Detroit. The young couple leave taken up their residence in Cleveland.. A. .1. 1•Iwirk, of 11I.13...08, lias rented the Fordwich flour mill f(11- at term of thre4 years and has taken 011sa4.144i.411. • Mr. Low iek is an. ex- Perieneed miller, having spent 4 went). - live yearn to the business. Mrs. Wilton. • wife of Jaeob J. %VII - ton, of Brussels', died on Friday, De- ceitillet• 2./t It. 11(44.1 1(11 illaess 441 414.14111 41.4.4. She Waal in ' IlOr fort) - seventiryear and besides her huslutiod leaves a family alf five children., wising ii Nr.....,4 : Showman, 't h e healea-, (lid not eat Ida Christmas dinner here 11.)1. was 44114.44'444.14 4.41. hilt 1.441114. On ' rhtirsolity last. He is mow at the Queetes, but is not having nearly MN greatauceess Ks on hie Iles& visit. Alex. Mr KW:111, Of NIewlitt, 141101 t) ' 111 WAN a 1111441 4401, ineastitimi fifty- three inches (lean "Willy( IlkItittg'. and w4114' -,beautifully feathered.. It isa 40w intention to have the NG! ite ttttt tetj. 514.4.4 Minnie lleK intion, 41anghtet of Mrs. 1).1). McKinnon, id I. tingsiole,s was 111 11 1 los! on Deeember "'Lit 11 too James 4 '1.,4i44 Melhonald. of 'Montreal. 1 agricoltural editor oof '1'he Family 11.1-3111 and Weekly Star of Montreal. The marriage •of Nihon Grace D. Salton. (laughter o'4' Rev. S.,Saltoti, Chntiow troves, form rly of Centt-alia, arld Couttis,London, took plac'e 1111 1V14t1IWooltlV, 1 40444141.141* Mr. and 'Mrs, Courtis 11 reside in London. , Miss' IA, iret tarlIstynhatts, fq innerly of Centralia, wee puit:ed in Marriage In Walter, IL Thotommon, 0111. young farmer of Withwley. l'he event took place on ftcreinher h at the I• ,.? bride's sister, mrs. F ed 1,1,),', of Wolseley. Mr,, id Mrs. Vanstonc, i„ celebrated the 4 (('34( 3' fifth annivernat v of their marriage on /W- ont:iv, Ile.. tither :Ottli• A few of their .friettilo front it dist anee were preaein to tender (yin rill Obit 101r1s, ate'. it very pleasant eveni was enjoyed. On Tuesday 1st week NI rs. John NICl/ollgAll, 41 fore et- tvell-k nowt) resi- dent of Britasels lo litv, died at her holtle 111 Said( St • Siltrie, Ont., in CI Cold, tepid or hot, it is - always a family luxury. Pleasing to mothers, palat- able to children, it is Ceylon's best mountain gift le you. High in theine (tea -tone) and low in tannin (bitters), it is the beverage of.hy-. geine. 25c, 30c, 40c and • 50c per pound. Grand Mogul Tea ((Sold only in packages lined with prepared paper, never in poor:mous. It Direction* and premium cow pcos in each package. Isie her seventy-fourth yt. ir. It is about three years; sinee 41 •eased and her daughters moved front russets. .John Goodwin. of Kit -entitle, and 5l.s Corn Evans. of 3 'stilaceintrg. were quietly mat-ried at 0 • rectot•y. W'inglinaii. on Weilitenday. e1ensbet- 27t45. Her, T. S. Boyie le tt-foo tied the 11•14,1111111V. Mi. and SIrs. Goodwin will reside in ‘Vingliaiti fon- the winter. John Hold. hem aold hie liNtacre farm ou the 2nd eoncession of Tito•ker- smith to Mr. Armstrong, a Stanley. for the mion of $7,04111. Tiler farm 441 one of tht• twmt in the bowfin/tip and is in lirst-clasn entulit ion. Mr. 11•.141) and family pm pone t ving to Seedut-th to reside. An •ohl and well-ktion-n resident of t het itheonleetedoill of ( . rey passed away 011 KIVIdity. 1.41.4C14.01.444. :114, III I Ilt. 4441'' 4(4)11 bf John Williamson. The de - reamed came to li 'immix f • England fot-t v -five years ago and had resided in are). ninon. 1/172. • lie is tourvived by three mous. MimM i ay Gill wan presented with a purse of gold by the trustee board of .1 s• street Niethodint chmeh, i Exeter, on her !eating 1:./reter toi take eharge of ot depat-tment in the Fort Erie publie school. The gift was 4 recognition of her faithful neryices in - ----t•hoirt•h work. . - . Miss Lubin . fowddem, formerly of Whigham, wits married on Monday, December '21th. in St. Joseph's Epiowo. pal church. Detroit. to Wyna 6. Doinston. mining engineer of Idaho. They were unattended and left for 1 Lansing and other point,. for a tahot•t honeymoon before going to their : Western home. . ' A quiet but ptvtty wedding wan eelebtated at the hilltle of M r. and Mrs. John (flay, Hamilton, formerly of Wrogeter, on Christina?. Day, when their daughter Sala became the bride of IV. E. Dodson, of Hamilton. 'rhe ceremony wrin perfot-mtsi by Hey. Mr. Treleaven. • Thq. happy eouple will re- side in Hamilton. Stolen Pleasure The children will show you the merits- of Mooney's biscuits if yOU give them the chance. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas have made themselves famous all over Cartada in a very short time. Crisp. inviting, tasty . Different from any other cracker you have ever eaten. Say "Mooney's.' to your grocer. .1 Isitter, another son died in the 11'oist, and in this great affiliol ion 311. loud Mrs. Gay ttttt • and family have the earnest mytaipatthy of the windcoon - y. Presentation at Clinton. • The Ladies' Aid of Wesley chitreh. Cilium., entertained the choir, tlie offietals of 4)14. church anti their wives one evening reeently. Outing the evening S. 1'. Niurelt, 1444110 had been the, 14.444141 )44 the choir for time. and Mrs. March were presented with a hands • silver tea service. the tray ng suitably engraved. The pres- entation was accompanied 'by all addl.-as 'which was teatil by It. E. Mai ttt i i lg. Mr. mad 3Irs. Sittrelt have left for their new 4 e 4,, Stratiojd. Hullett Marriage. A quiet Mit 4)14.4.1 3' wedding took plitse on the evening of December 27th at the It • of Mr. 111111 Mrs. 3litth ibis letv, :11-11 rotteessiott, Hullett. whet, 1.111!11'. Ode* daughter, Miss Mary, lieeitlite the wife .44 %VIII. J. Big- gart, of Clinton. The erre, iiiiii y was pet formed ny liev. Dr. Stewart in the presenco. of about fifty guests. Miss Ji-lonie 'Glen% Mir:04r Of tI,e bride, 10.441.1 114 bridesmaid, while the 441'I ),)III was assisted by Robert ('14)111 44444'. contain of tho' bride. Mr. and Mee. Iiiggart 1414111make their 1101104 ill nillt.011. Hensall Nuptials. A pretty wedding WaS sole '414(1 (10 51.44,40 y. 3411101(ry 1st, at the home of Mr. 41411 Mrs. John Bell. of Hay, near liensill, when their daughter. Miss Niargatet Ding, '4444 411(4 in marriage tor A. P. Ketclie4, B. Se. A., edam. of The lowest Fa ront.r, The• (ere was 4.1(mine)1 I mit 1. . . A., • liematIl. assist...I by Itev. - 111. Uttpoltart, B. A., Of Kippen. The maid of honor W•la 5141a Amite Bell, of 84.4(4',,) 111. Nie.,and 31114. Ketchen left till the 14V1411i1144111440 bor Winnipeg. Dsath of a Grey. Pioneer. . 1)4lIIlI..PAmes. an esteemed filial/vet rem ent •the township of Grey. pasned away at his home in 1.1-thel 1)11 Dweaidwr 3Ir. A111.411 WAS 44o411 ill/ Soli tOrtet, England. NIA .17111111* 1110i 14.411411.441 when a 114 tiVe. Year.. F.fty-inte year'S sgo ,Ii.' and Ws now bereft wife toe* up their els ode on the it h cootiol•Sidlon Of Grey and there they continued to lire tantil about ten years ago. when they re 'ed too Ethel to pass th'etr yeinsining days. The doweased was seeentY•nine years of age 411111 1114sitIPS h1s Wid11W 4. stir hy eleven children. Morris Wedding:: Fairview. the bottle a Mr. ford Mrs. John lirii;batn„ Morris. was the aeene of a` vo-ry happy event on l'itiarstlitv. I >Pet -Minn- 'Aft when their (laughter. 31ariati Millar. was Milled- 111- Mae. Gage to sio IL 4(44.1)111' '1)44, a props- IN•11.11, yo lig fat•mer 54' '11114. by !tee. 1),', Me an, of illyt h. The bride was attended hy her column. Miss 1.,Isie :$11 w hi, art 1,44 as tb iwer-girl. After partaking of 44,.' •edoling supper, the ereliillg Wds spent 141 Misty and Soria! 1411041140111104114. 111.1 114,4 14114111414 of a large circle of friends how the bride and gro ttttt to their be. titian! home, Maple Ridge, Moirris. January Wedding in Luc A wetly home wedding took\ place at high noon 11/1 ‘Vednesday of last week at the ts•sideticis id Steel C. 31 or - (loch, Luck now. when his daughter, Mins Nlaggie4 wan united its. marriage to Will Fisher. of lawfmow. The cert . - was iterforened•by the Hey. D. L. 31(.Kerrnill in the presieme of the sliate relat ives of t he coot carting parties. T -he bride, Who 0 414 given away by her father, talked very pretty in, her - gown. At the conclushin of the retie y a wedding w 'ont k fast was served. after '.5111.41 511. nod Mrs. Fishet• left for at trip to Dettsoit tend London. • • Married in Minneapolis, 'rhe wedding of Miss Etta Motives% dainthter of 31r. anti MIN. .1. MIIIVOV. Wingliam. moil Dr. W. A. Grey, of St. Paid, was solemnized om Dis•intiMfo- 21101. in the First MetInalint church. Minneapolis. Alnalt one hundred and fifty guests witnenned tio• retie tttttt iy, which Was pon•formeol I.y Rev. 'W. II. Jordan. Mina Laura Mulvey. of Winnipeg. was her sister's' ordy at- tendant. Dr..1. 1'. Mulvey, of Win- n brother of the bride. gave her in marriage. and Chester Grey, brother oof the bridegroom, wan the beat titan. Dr. (hey im orgtaulitate of 0110Peollnimili Sunlight Soap is bettetthan other snap', but is best when useclin tilt Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washinyvvith Sunlight Sezp-in the Sunlight way you should followL'.:rectioni. After rubbing on the Soap. roll. up each -piece, imny:rse in the watcr, ar.d go away. Sunlight Soap I will do its Work in thirty to sixty minutes. ,. Your cloth cs will be cleaner and vs.e'iliter than if washed / in the old-fashioned way with boder and hard rubbing. 5c. Buy iiirrecandn.fs,1....v 5c. :11.zver •rothewu tain'tnd, Toronto j Tote MAE, Jaa. .11, I kk . a I'Perhaps the renown the holly le red le because it bluetit.« for the alma of the mistletoe., New York Times. I i total nature in ot gt.eat thing to havee 11 11.4114 1114. 11114)1411. ts • men meheth. mistake of leaving their% that Mown. . ... . • ARE Y3j IlliKIN0 82,003.22 A .YEAR? It t. being done. vitth, our goods, ti. -o I. is plessuut..peintauent sad nso14iaste.- 4 . ssle useA in every house. evety day. &stake. *04,140 need Ito ciente the demoted. Legitimate, . .repotable !Leduc.. You esti start without a cent of capitol. Witte to day. 41 la AAAAA Lt.& CO., wileteeae 'G.A. awl cakes. Lesions. Ont. •••• BROWN'S • cilium at he recent' election. Ile:sides his bereott-ed widow. two sous Herb- ert, of St, or 4.4,41Mom. and Perhy, 444 holm., are left. Li 1111)1011 his untimely death. Nature s Beacon -Light. miss, meer.i The traveller pro -iris -ding , f10111 F.1111.114' or Sy! i(, 01)' pro -telling that strange- group of is- lands known HS 11144 1111 the distant horizon tt strange red fire, menet Mien regular and persistent. If the 'tight be clear cl Iless, as the vetted draws nearer too the grotto it is 4••eti that this limning ogual 18 11(14. ait ordinary lighthouse- - t hough termed '1 he 1144114.411 '11141 of the. Nieoliterraneotn" - but tl blazing out - tiara th.e. fromc that ever sa•tive sat y• valve 4,1 1114' earth, Stromboli. 41,1 though the eruptionts 414' this neve! quiescent Vole. Are 141)44t11 (44 he 1 teeasitiltally Hite and grand; Fet they (Outwit 1 litee With t hose of list neighbor Vesuvius. A great 1 11 1011.1 114 Of this roaring, ever giving furnace - mouth is. istleeol not impressive...4.1 sublime sprot •le; Now, tongues and fotks 11111. II: Mai.. forth high io air. frail that tefrible v '- tory id fire. 1,11i -cling their tion -y hue 1»1 *Ii" geeat volume of lattoke. Whi,lt tt•aveilinJ 1,111 LI, son, whiell now A4410,1o... /1/4 11 414141 441(4044 1)44 candescent pall. a wreathing end gyinting aerial wean, its lurid *ever swirling and eddying, its bloonl- red bite nowlialpitaiing into a vivid intensity. ,445141 now Sinking into n t s t he flat vto collo it termite in energy. And now with a of thunder a • dis- charge 1 If red hot strnes itrul Itirtsgort of nick is volleyed high! in air,. reaeoth% nig. 1119111 it .11.1 a te'e. 11 14).1.11,' Or sky- rocket. or 'tot 1 ter pyrotechnic display. And. visible fronts the .veasel enter- ing *hi.. itay of Naples, red stiteaks 1114.44.4111...1 trailing 1 11 1011 the 4(44.of the agitated on •ttttt ill 11, which. though apparently so. 111014004 and thread-like, are teolly glowing river. of red-hot Io'.'* poolat•ingpitt of the fiery honace ever ragitig bo.neatii 11.4, and flowing over the cratet-'s sidloo 111 eatarnet 14 of *414't 1111144 and vincioi molten 114. Which f • till1O to 11,114,' 114.1111 1114. vineyna-ols and Oh 1-e yards t he, slopes of the on ountain and .0111,,,11.1. the font de soil beneath 14 -(I"11444" which in a few clays ia hard, stony rock. . And then its the dawn ammo whesi and the light of day' gradually drives away the tohades of night. 'the weinl fiery hue disappears, he -bello•hing Hittites are. 40.1(1.4.» dim:et/able, and the furious outburst no longer inspires tensor and alarm. Anil so when lie v./Ito-is tht• Light, of the world ill ttttt ines the soul, and the weary and the heavy -laden realize tiro 1'041 yoke is ao ea.). and. 1 I is burden SIP arki that to 1141.41114 theni f thotIttIrtioll Fie 1.0414 Illoir 741114 1.4114444141 theil• sotirow.s. then WI theia terrors and'alartois disappe-tr and van- ish away, and they realize that 11 1114-3' but keep stestolfast in I he faith. tIn.ir names 145111 4.4. written in the roll with those for wimirs,there is no condemna- tion. . Far every build of man there is a Semi -ready type SEMI -READY garments we built to fit live men. 'Must clothing is built to fit dummies. STATE or 0111.i. (ITV Or, "Leo°. I 44a. la-cris roes y. Frank .4, lieney tnakewi th 11t1(1 he 1, 0141 1o0' partner of the firm of V. J.( ',Ivory doing 1/11,41144. in the t•ity or Theletlit. and Slate afort,o111. and Or.? 4.1141 thin Will WI) the or P4'.; 44 1111'NiNtElt to 01.1.a for viol, and every c4.44.,_ ontiorti lort rOnnot be cured hy the,101. of Holt. 1'411.4.11e sham: J. II 'N sworn to before Inc sitil jti OW pre.eliee. 1111.011h day of periooltsr. .5.1 1, 44441. A. 141•. 1:1.1.:ASO • Not.. v Pohl toitarrlo room is token toteroolly, arta Id.. direct ly on the ItItroa nod glocotts, stirfsee,, of the ogateln. Send for 444...lition4.4s free. Y. .1 CH EN E Y & 1.. TOIOdo. 0. 44-14.4 1,5' all • Tato. s mud r 1•111. for ernistipollOn. • The Semi -ready system of sizes in based on the permanent measurentent -height. Once the figure in formed, height never changes, though the eiderably. For each height we have every variation of figure - stout, slight, over -erect, sloping 7 shoillders, etc. - there are los variations altogether. , Here is an example: When a 5-1oot Winch man with a 4o -inch breast comes into one of our wardrobes, we produce a suit for a 5-1004. sincls man with a 40 -inch breast. The fit is invariably Perfect - If the same man goes into an ordinary clothing store they take his breast msgsuretnent. But according to eltothing makers' methods, a 4p -inch breast I supposed to -belong io a 6 -foot man. so where does Mr. Short Stont come off' The four extra inches On the tail of his -mit make hint ridiculous. You see, the old system was wrong it veld only fit normal men the Sem(-ready system of physique types will fit any- figure. Of course, fit is an important thing to get so satisfactorily settled, but isemi• ready didn't stop there.' Semi -ready system of tailoring is different, too. Instead of employing a man simply because he is a tailor, we emnloy him bec.ause he has proved hinua-lf an expert in one particnhii branch of the bitaines.•:, and kvey hint doing mithing else hut his specialty. If he fits ju sleeves best lie does nothing else in our tailorey if he is expert on collars, that is hill per- manent occupation while *vial us -and no on to every part of our business. (' richt ated Hair Grower. , Physicians. rtylent 1st., ele. 441114 4' given thelf nolilled tests to the only known retimlies 0 104'11 5,111 sirsol vary do *hat is claimed tor them, 44441 .44 1114,41110,tfine slay be relied Upon its ithodtatey hamar,. and e14i14a1ve. Wr do not 110411 Id grow hair on 14 1411111111g lbalt1 head where II. roots of the atom ore demi or de. stroyed and tto line holr left. hut 414there 1... oily line hair loft %erten notke it emu. - %Ye Ass e glou 11 Intir oh Ittouls that hole been Wild fror yews wool )(ars, 111141 1 he». 1. 1101' a caw to ba found Where .. )4111114. 111011 or Wo1.101. who 1.4 10.1 hag their hair 44 torlicroining hold whervour tale. twitted harm gron tog ri.1114.41 It, tt lit fall 140 I1114)- 11 111.0 0 1:0041 healthy head of hair, t( lowd according to *4..' d41'er-11ot., To whom it may concern: . . I iiiisa heal iiir endorse' the vise Of Pros et's e.olultrittill Hair tloin re% !By isen.otial raper' elwe I 1..“... round tlott 11/1.'114,4 it 1 est eta litestirillV. 14111 14•i4011 1114111111 11' pared eitetot. 1,1coop, I. a 114 11 44.5 ('11?'. the tor - 114 11 1 tttt Of 11111111 V411r1.11.4'.)) 11441.% 4444 1•1044/144044 44,,, /-11114/... that 11,,,1)1)it 01 4014 .14*'..,.? 111 114.44 to falt. too. 1011 hrgivo. yo gni.' in the.- place.. v. birds ore hare. 3144 1114» was tolling . ery fast. and 114, some udder. 10) wadi. 1.4.41 1404'011W .0010 0.1,1. pool Itt '.II. Grower : nay wall) /4 f front doddrott. siot support...dew. .1 growl' of hair a.7441.j 1 e%,.‘r. 4,1441,1.k • -•4110110114 1 14.14r1.41011 111.1V14 '11$4041 tall l'orre.puntletien 1 -allege- For Sole by \ S. E. HICK, - . JAMES .WILSON, Druggists' • SHINGLES, LUMBER and POSTS there is. That is why you, finol style in all our garment*, and permament shape. We have reached such a high plane... thoderieli laintbet.' 1'0; how on hand a quantity of the above 11,114 ,',-j,11,, and eau de- liver too parties callintg at the mill or *hip 0 11 any q0411t11y:00 411 111 1101 141.4 The Goderich Lambe' LIMITED. in tailoring that we couldn't afford to . use anything but the beat of materials. IpHoNE so we carefully test every •thread ot go!xls we buy -then we guarantee them_ With the knowledge that they -ca'n'T. %%las as ast s";:in't ant. ) (sier!...i‘a7A ) • THE 111,:s at Dock Square 11Krong. Iserhapn you have neeer been in • Setni-rcaoly Wardrtahe if Wt. wonki dike - to Show you what *4. 4. like. 323 15 °F4 24 Semi -ready Tailoring GODERICH - 4111444111•=110 ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 1^, All evil utrightst on the 1140k, -.',sl,.., %lure yoti gel .4,01111 Its.. for a ton. *LEM BROS., Agents WM. LEE. 1 1,11,.r., 1,41 1 . 1 . • 11 .1 • i4, 4111t. Square. itroineti4 , 4,t1..1 isimmulk CEMENT Fancy Tweed Suiting's BRIks owingioilw beim demand demand fore and blue black Nititings, itshas left otir Tassels our fancy t weeds. Yon can 1111,'.'.. 1.0t1r choice 141 these $22.4.10,sititiogs for $18.0o. They aro mimes, Huskers 14 you. FRANK H. MARTIN THE TAILOR MilM111111MMI11111111119111111111 Those proposing to Imild the 1. hog seasim 45(4111(1 olo well to investigate. I he loriekn motile 11V ON. 1111PV are Firmly Pressed Evenly Finished can be colored to suit Rock -faced for trim- ming The tierfiwt iek for building por- poser.. For pi ii es and pat I ictilars 141 ite 4 The Goderich Ccment Brick Co., Ltd 1111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WER11111111•11 RUBB'ER STAMPS At it, RAMO) address, since 1891. Also Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out - the, White Enamel Letters, ie. Writ's us, well do the rest. Chas. W. Neck 0-11-18 King St. West, Toronto. -- NPW life for a whaler. ItIllter' Compound Iron 11116. For Ws b -Jas. Wilson, 'PHONE 115 HAIVIlLION ST - J. BROPHEY & SON DYES and RANGES Andrew Oriffith, of Kincardine. poised away ma Tuesday of last week, aged ninety-five v.ra rot. The de:wowed W145 R nntive et Ireland hut ci • to Canada in BCH and settled near Fer- Kos, where lie oteconentlated eonstioler- n We property. lie had been a resident of Kincardine for a few ya•ars. His wife survives him. On Wislnewlay evening, lieretober 27th. n prptty how.. wedding wan sol- emnized at the ts•sidence of Mr. and 51rn. George !hoe, Kittentsiiite, it las ing the mat•riage of Minn Rennie E. finny. their only daughter. 44, 1(1 Albert E. Sh•smo, non of John Slessor, ifervie. 'The (Prig ttttt ly was performed lit- Hey. Or. •Nlorray, postal. of Knox Church, Kituartlitie. -Sovereign Sank Buys Property .in Clinton. The Movereign !honk has ptirehoseil wine 1P1 kr10,411 /14, the Jacknon prop- erty at the emmer of Ilitron and the Univernity of Minnesota. MeKiliop Wedding The home of Artili. 'Wm. Kerr, McKillop, was. the %erne of a prett y wedding on y, I /ecesithet- 2001. when t heir skit rt., Miss Jeati Kerr, was united in marriage to NVililant Beattie, *1)1(1 of Hobert Beattie, and one of the young and progressive farmers of the township. Tho. rerensony was pq,rformed by Bev. 111 Carswell, pestor of 'has ehoreli. 141)11 'Wait wit !tensed by 14110114 tlf•V011ti* gatentoo. The was attended by Alin,. Lizzie, lient fe, mister of the groom, while Arehibald Kerr, the loa•iole's brother:, I/enflamed the ditties' of groommtion. lir. nod Mrs Beattie have tnken hp, their residenee on the it li emireseion of 'Alt illop. is farm ivertitly pnrehased IrY the groom. Fatal Accident in Ton . At Bargain Prices 1111) LI IA011411 Funeral Directors and Lmba Imers Order) carfolly 404, oet1 to Al •11 hours, light oof dm, We want, 41, cicar ()lir large Mock of Stovem-aiel Patiges by Feb- rilary 1st' and al., 1 on tlictit Prices that You cannot afford to allow to Go past you. A Rid accident witi4.11 tprininated falsity herrn i'ourieilltir John t 'onp- band, of, Tut -ober, y, on Thorailay afternomi, I )erenilier 2i4t h. The ile. veneer! mid 1144 Will l'erey were en. gagefiiin cutting ivowsl iii the ',mob. A I 1)4(44 114.4-11 feheil but had lodged iti atinlet. tree. 11 n41 a lottge limb break- ing 'off the felling trlw was hurlosl book And ntrin•k Mr. Complaint, if in Filipposesi, on the hark, lie was taken to hie 11 an oniekly so posnible and a doctor auto tttttt ned. lint before lie nrrived Hie hijoreil men had ranked. Mr. Coupland had heen a respected 1 t redden( 4,1 he township rue a numbot I Albert stteets. Clinton. The Imibliont, of yearn And 1.11. some 311.4.4.1 rinst hod to present rteettpird by Hodgeos liroe., been ot member of this rimnieipal will eventually he. 14114.11 nit for the (semen, and WWI TV•Plert.441 4); new.lpt I Dank. The purchase was inside motion as one of the township coon- . Every Stove aid Heater. Guaranteed' Big bargains in Hardware, Mass, Tin and Grattiteware at M11141.4•=1 1611.2141:141=1411111.114- , w1S .i l'A ItitIAIE l'IIA iT0 RTC. AT sitEM4(SABLE - HATE S ale. ' Well.appointed Ilacl\u.dand n h aw. - rivrs iri eller04.c o 1 the 'tilisviOrhii4swilt meet, all train a and st ram h , 4144. 4' Worsell's Cheap Stove and Hardware Store Hamilton Street 1511111lMIIIINL I VALLS ATI'ENDEV ito4' ‘li"riN Fittim A NI) 1. It IV ATE Hous iUNDRY BROS. 111 '' I 1: F. I 1 I.11oNN FIFTY ,414..