HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-11, Page 2tr 1. . • • 8 Ttenaanai, J. 11,•1906 lyltll'H, ONTAliltl, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Nr VARATTEK l• H.HF:IIT$4IN `7blephww• Call Na 11. T.rm. of Subornation $I,01'tell ons Ons ill ,1.s'\ taM1•, 1411 10001 h., Nor ; 1hr.•e poseur It., Vs.. 14ubs•r,beo who toll to receive TIII: 11111111. regularly by mail will confer is favor by ac. quaint lug u.ot the fart at .w earls a dale as poo able. When a change of whim,. 1, d.u•Ind, drab the old and the now adder-..h.mldlw is est. advertising Rates : 1. stal and other slnllar ads erta•eu.ent.,- hie per Zine for not Worthon and :le per line for eteh .IsIs.o sour insertion. Measured by a nonpareil scale. twelve line. 1115555 1111.1. Huruirs..wnts of ds Ilnl•. and tinder, F'. per year, Advertbement. of 1.,41, round, AtmynL Sit- uation. ('.want. Sit nation. w'nntr.l. Hausa list Kale or to Rent, Farm* for aisle or to Ibex, Articlsa for sale. rbc.. not ex..Yding' eight Ii11ea, YY each In,.. rtloii ; tit for nr.t niontb• Me` for each snbsequenrmonth. Lsryer tdverllw'- laenls in proportion. Loral notice. In pared type .k• per line. No with.. 10.. than 4 a. Announcement, in ordinary reeling type one cent per word. No notice Iris than 21.. Any special notice, the oti.irel of with h i• the pecuniary benefit of any individual lir ossr•i- anon. to Ir• modelers(' an advertisement and to be charged a.•rordiugly. Itale* for di -play and contract a.ltrrnse manta will be given on application. Address all rommulacetimis 10 VANACTI:R & ROHEHT$4IN, TIIs StuiAI. Il.s•erieli. Chi O4JDERICH. TH1'Itsp.4Y. JAN. 11. 100. CANADA'S CLAIMS TO CULTURE. Sara Brruharlt's ta4tImes saying that Canieda has no art and no liteo- tote and is generally lacking in cub tore. and a' 'lar iniputati•ms made 'e papers. have w New 'ark t h•• tr l t I vaulted no little stir in the minds of s Imo Canadians, who. to disprove the charges. have called over the roll of l'ttieda's great men. her artiste,. waiters. scrutiato. Arid even her mil- lionaires., Theoc defenders of aril• rational repute 1.4,111 111 have uvrr ltrked'the fact that "the nation in et ry ,,:pat •)• dwells in the cottage." and\that the true claim to greatness In a v lane) depend., not upon the nunll r of great names on its roll of ms' t'peon it aceK 1s' a r comditiuu tome. ur of its p /pie. Considered from this point of view, where d.nw Canada stand? Y there are fewYwnt•ir:any. where the average le ).higher. W. dun 1• not many millionaires. bur, on the usher hand, we have `(res• roper... The average loan in 'anaula lives in a state of comfort tha, would serol al. most luxury to the .,'rage main in t European cwlntri In intelligence and 'ration tail - average is high. 'e have not only writers of ability, b )ter have also a people able to apps -t e ate their works. In few lands is tdu. tion so widespread: and though our Mews- linn.l system has grievous fault it is still oolong thebeat in the work(. the equal of that of the I'nited States lid greatly above" that of llernhorl r country. In art we may be still somewhat crude and unformed. but this is due largely to the fart that in .is new country theta cannot of na.wsity be Such opportunities OK HIV Afforded by an older land. Our people are busy carving farms fmin the forest And painting "seethes of peaceful (arupa- Lion on the prairies i • still they are not two bus), nor tum' hrntalirtd• by oppression lir hy grinding poverty, .to be able to enjoy the quirt of the forest life. the glorious sweep ..f the prairies, or the unequalled splendor of our Canadian sunsets. It is not of much that We lack culture an that We lack opportunity to indulge our love for the beautiful, and time to give ex- pression to it in tangible form. We hate not the collections of older land.: yet. probably. if an average roti! be reached it wouldbe found that Canada measures not so badly Ilesidr ' m a n y 1 urlpean countries Whole aristocracy of birth or of wealth are refined and cultivated but whose peasantry are oppts'sscil and degraded. In matteiw of drat. eapets IIy among the lower e1aaae.n. and in architecture we feel inclined to plead guilty to lack of taste, gut we liter in hope that time will prove that the fault lies not sn nluell in ourselves as in our circ stances', and that we ' Shall eventually bee masters of m it\ environment, if only we lean nuc• cesefttlly resist the rnrrste'1 •nt' of the spirit of display, whirh is foto! to tr a cultm•e of any kind. Probably in music is our ovetnge degree of cultivation boom. than in anything else, Certainly we nor far behind England, w•he•re ninny of the common people Are trained , 11e Ppot •may to appreciate hitt, to sing the lest choral mimic. But we are not behind, rather ahead of, the\ United States. Take two cities of neatly equal size, Detmit and Toronto, for_example, The latter I:riigs to her concert hallo H lot. if not a11. of the gre t artists. who visit Detroit. and in nidi( In has K aro,Iter t o own 4i i 55 t zrn oho M- Girlies trained to prxlui•e the wnclue of the peat mestere. Detroit logoi for behind her Canadian , sister in this ‘ In Hernhardt'a own Paper's' line Canadians have the ability to per- ceive and appt'ee Ste the hest and trle,l,- while refuting to ac:ce•pt the tainted or immoral, even though it Imp Ile disguised under floe staging and intense acting. But the ffnuuJ teat as to' the true mule 'Dire of A people will -be found In their utandard.s of honor and Morality. Herr at leant Canada, occupies a high place. We have A clean, honest an 1 lndiiotrious p•opin, Who, If only they rennin true to their highest Weida, may occupy R position see 1 to none. 1'anada's great hope And at the saute One her great d,mger lies in her in craning (r.Is1N•rit)-, whirl' will give her wealth and leisure to cultivate the higher raanhesd .ars) wa4ualty,s'd, hitt whirh linty, tau Ow' other 1141111,. by re •Ing the nerd dor work weaken her enemies and dissipate in omelette and frit',lmis soYa(Wt inane Iii noblest strength. But we hove faith in the Canadian people. \1's' believe that, though there lila) comae times of strngglr and ale11llt of, dearth*. ultimately the good .fill tr. ph anti our plat' will reach e'.rot tedld' that height which her great uplru•tunities are lidding her ottain. ' THE MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT. STATEMENT. ' Is ally trns,ln why tlr munic- ipal' •Hn.n1•ia1 aual.•mte•nt pnbJfshwt emit year m11641141 eonlinl,e to le 1111 1 !Maxie to the rat el .•res ? Year after year it} is pout old in the same un- $.4it6ect:ity. ulsw•141e form, r..(uiring an expert to 1e111ke out 'chat It , menu* and r%e•n nm expert Woolf' nbiAin lit Mt! idea of the (moo's Hnanrial stand- ing without ''"'glueing the statement with (hose of lambs' years. Evely- torly g • 11.'.• idiom it : lint it is woof id those things that are nobody's • (aunt in particular, and sl nobody feels called 'Mink to snake i4 e•lauge. This year's statement is got out Just like Iasi year's. :s'1: Inst )rag's' lust Jikr tt-,If lou) year. hr4n•r:.Juni NO un :k to prehistoric tinges. I1as not cone in out Malt y. the originality t/ 4 viae a letter form, and the eneriy to p1 •as it.adnptiom? 'iV11'1 is %%A ted fa a statement that will 111e oulnh for the y year. the year : so (ha any urlietary nla11, with- out rsgoiring a special genius for .the s.rltation of Azalea, 4,151 toll in ,1 few 1111 iiit'iit. Whether the town is paying 4t. Will1111. is running Is'Iij11.0 A sep- arate statement of the finances of the water 41111 Tight d.pu•tneuts, showing the charges against and the receipt'. from these s4ners, tcuuld lea useful 1 1 l' would addition tl the re x rt. owl Il t tend I to the letee of mind of the ratepayer+, who • hove to depend upon rival candidates for Hg,ties showing that the water are: Tight departments pay, lir do not lay. lu'eorling to the ;wrote) whip Jo adder -axing t M. - - Another thing in which there sleuth) lir it reform is in the ai'i° tinning of payments to the various ammonia.' Last )eau's statement, AS WAS pointed Out 4t the 111111101444,n meeting.. had 544551)0 ridi-nhlus .entrie•r-such KS the charging of telegrams. railway ticket+ etc., to rotate! 04ruunt. In sOn54' case), repairs were charged to capital, without any offset by deducting an lunlmnt for depr•.:iiition of plant. One of the speakers at teat meeting declared. perhaps in a jocular spirit, that it urine no Inference to what ae: count the payments' Were charged-- the harged-the money was gone, nnvtvay.• nut it d.a•s maks' A very great difference. The cur ora ti 'should Ie *55 careful as any b trines. house doing ,an equal moult of business would he in keep - 44, ae'uunts est that they will show v on the face of it: aud with - f -day's figuring. the rYeipts r expenditures eor f 711•, UIr the mph's lir delieit for the EDITORIAL NOTES. s the 14tnple's Joe would alt)'. lel'r o14/ke dhie yemf a 1 in tiu,lerie ll. 1.11:4 cbiap W1111 wants' a. 22 1,1411 tax rate fur 41451 Islamist protium' the plans ,11111 spcilie•,t ions. • flaw would it do los! the upholders, of the Oval elueatiumd Iht'lt•iea ti unite upon ,111 1, object. TTu4oalghw's ? Relent events have imsply jnsli that 'she Sigpull't iowit ion i15 teig'.id (o the gat 1•,111114111)' p1141po),it Itotl. h/.l sukl- iner. The 1111111M rale• should hr exen•Is5I hi griutiug n frk,,bise• to any company. •• As, Winston Churchill soy.. thele is no sed to be "j py" about the Empire. 11 will still he ":1 vaster Em- pire •Ib,k1 has Iden" luny atter the qu1t.•I. sl•hrnes l,f Pushed Ji50 lire lliriell iuid forgotten. Human nature is :flout 111e 001115' everywhere. 1'hr 1k tan HT c '14441(11 has 11.011 sitting in the igtititits' i'rl; i11,es-a old has Iee•11 re- ceiving leryursts firm Illallll foot llr•r+ for bee entry y of their rano 11141101 411 and protective duties 1111 their output. The average manis a go.11 dent of a hug, - • It seJlml ext•.olrlinal'y that. with the amount of work 10 Ie done I. the town emoted, no important emu- witte• could he found' to he placed- in 1•hargr of the einmu•illor Who 140041 seismal highest at the polls. Doubtless thele teas no 41110,51400 till shelve 314. Goldthorpe, lint it will be unfortunate if through iitad'.ertepee an -impres- sion should le created that anal WAN the intent' . 1), it too late tonlok, the platter right? The ('uum'rvative papers ale in it. great rotate of delight uyerYhr 44455e of the S.iiI11 Huron license inspector. Hfie is ,t Wall Will, has 11011111)' re- tired from sMrr under the Ontario Government vvitl t Icing ••Hreal." It. Zemin u In one n of the old l ( ocks')• who was :wowed of being an hive' mote shi.krn-thief. "Why, 14sa, 'deep I'se. refurnad,". he Kidd. . "Dim las we'k I've haul the rheumatism No load 1 ea)-n't lift ten' band above my head" The Bei tbuil elections are on, 111111 the Io.Iple of the -United Kingdom will atom settle the trade question which leen such A .source- of agitation daring' the last two or three years. InGreatBritain the eleetio11s in the various 1Ynstitn,nciet are not held all ton one day. illi in this country, hitt are strung reit avrral fortnight. The last riding will nolo le polled until Jan- uary 27..t h.. but the general result of the elections will be pretty well known by the enc) of 'text week. A el in advises the tonna- t' g ipal elector" of an Aasoci*tl,ll of Independent Electors %Vito Kuow Their Own Husiness, each member of which should wear at ele•- tion Cams a • button With the in- scription, "I never vote for any man who auks me to." Other electors mild west other buttons, such as, •3V1• wont to be asked," or ••Turkeys ateh ns." lir "Beer and cigars will do," r ,yell, "T1s the highest bidder," ht.n the man who is rmniiing for dM,r c,obl tell At ,1 gloom. how toocon- luct h4ulre•If timards the individual lector. M•.me mien ale l,lfendell if he eandidate;take thein for their vote, lnue are offended if they Are not skel : and among them* all the can - lid: to hos ;1 very uneasy 4' of it. AN Irately how the r•urporation stands', Many. T•• charge to eapilal ' is which Irl Ido way enhance the e the eurpiration's property 4s' 0 the rerorl Aud 10 give Idie T a wrong ngotession, and 15 extent In defeatthe oar o neciwear are kept. e great ditNcult' in COW 55 it Hmte A vAIue• u. flIlMl ratepaye• 5(1115(1114(11 jell for whir l'rrha4), un ne'tion with Wel hook -keeping is That there is ;l division of authority and that oto nue i 'I,sl,t1 Is responsible onsib/le flit th,• moaner -in himh 4101.1)nnts are kept lir tut• the fn it in w'hiefi the annual ,tatement it published. It serum to 5515, however at the chair- man of tlir itaulrr ens Hitter's( the 4ounril might well give t este maat(er. Ilii attention,, If he can minims. at the end of the year at state rent that will le ,lent-)• intelligible a.d that will girt. a -correct showing of lecur- poratiln's Hnanrial shoaling he will have iu•hievel sanething dint inetly ,to his credit. .THE EDITOR WAS ASLEEP. Thr 1,ludun I"re,' - Press Made n funny mistake Ihr Ether day. On M lar hist. four daya after the •d'tV that in C ;stilt); it had it ,auplign editorial commencing with this' oe'nt• core : 1 ••l'he 111 ptign in (' pt.on, judged by t hr to ge and enthltpiiastic Conserva- tive .meetings. 'given fair prnnlis• of the ,'hs'(ion of 31r. linfun ('nils', t11e former\t11N1111'•r for the Hous of (' • Thr Ere 9',.' lapse eat pY'nhat•ly unfortunnte lion, the foe( that 31r. sr Pope, w in t lid. of 14•ing Heeled. hail surreal a mevelM• a defeat. being :1111 or 4451 voles behind itis (.neral opponent. T1r Advertiser.ti55.r aftell pointing out it55 et ntekllors•y'a Irit, litabsent-' ld- nesI. went on to sty t �. -Just heir it may Chu 1e amiss to •4 r. 1 111 Ill nti tor to t o the nstaur of Mr. Pope s campaign. The pglldati,in of Compton at the Inst sensuo 54*1'. .d w•1 13,1R(( were Ilon14ut Catho- lic", tonally haunch-1'au,adiana , Mw. Pope made a direct hid for the Homan Catholic vote. Ile denounced yh. lovietxled school daure, of the amtal,- 1rtny 1411 5114 it s.hanl,ful betrayal 01 ('iitholie rights. He told the French- Canardians that Mir Wilfrid Laurier hod been false not only to hi.r trliginn, hit to his rare, in Ie(plin (o snake F'rr'ncb **i (Arial language in the new Western Pts.vinrea, ns demanded by the leader of the Qnrtee ('.snoervu• ti'lm, %Ir. Motile) To their honor the Roman rat holies of (' pun Wooed to he otatiipeled by these appeal's to mein! and religions prejndire, and they aided in electing Mr1 Hunt, an English -tweaking I puteotant,)ike Mr; Pope. "Orr neighbor's' entha►Aisaln over Mr. l'ope's candidature' is hard to r.•concile with it. attihide' toward 111e autonomy bill a few months ago dor• ing a bye -election near home. If a ymte for II y11,n1) 55555 a 5.414, for Lander, MIa4n•ttl and Ihr liieratrhy,' a vote for Hmfn. 1'npx• s1 hate hems a vote for Polk Piot himself." FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. ` A Gentleman, London !411 onlay Review. The hest extant definition of a gentleman in " a naan who never gives offence tentil,nitlly." Took Than Away. Cleveland Linter. "Oid-lthe arehite"t carry ant yenir- plan.'. ?" . "(illrs 1b 511 44,ve : ) , haven't Imo's. nolle top Hud any of them al t the bons*,." ; Toronto's Referendum Vote. Lomb., Adv art laer. '1'.pOinto gave it big nitjority for the nlolil' of the lair in IfNrl, and on Jlnnday past gave n11nther hig majority against A bylaw- to abolish a few of the harm. It is'.'ry.ev'ident that the desire to •' put lbws in a hole" hind s ant thing to db with the .vote l.he,e years ago Where the White Horses Come Fr hl.towcl Homier. , All exierieneel turfluan theother troy 1•X premed in the shlicsalrnilIA Ilk ll e ...rut regarding t w origin of the white hump. Did n gone MM-cr se• it Whitt' foul:? Hr -lie ell did. not could the theory that maws Usual (.hits' lit the pr•valetwe of relieesded girls • Hud ,Ismolest l ni1ion. NOW w rimes Unr r•tvIAUns of n prrnninent hnt+N'•lred01• that n white horse is foaled black, and, a the hair is sherd, Netts e• then (0101 1 11 01 r grey, hitt.. Fruits of Mend Legislation.' is 'titin.• Recorder. r. ' 'I'w•l, item nl Interest Np/pamt• ill Nett- nriny'* t mos•. The. Intario Tre,es- iwer received $1:41.1554 ofd Aeroflot of 55ucemaGi11 duties from the Fulford ro- tate And 51541,4551 from the T'rmiskann ing Hallway, ibul Ihr 111rn11,er55 of the preoent 4lntariu 4iuvv'r•nnlrn4 had .(Itrh• wily the. twit item,' could never have leen truthfully written, because there would hove hien no risee:elrsiem (Wien and no Trnlisk,aming Railway. The wisdom of Mee►.,,,. Mowat. Hardy and Roes anti their colleague* will he and none exemplified by history. Something Else Than Mott, flamr° Ihltl.h American. The sacrifices whirh •13ritlth stale,- men Are willing to snake to terve their country Is shown hy the state- ment thl 1 Mr. Asgiith by accepting the office of Chancellor of the Kxehe p- ort• hal forfeited a brief with NI,U11 g ulnen. Markel on it. Thin enornxnil, fee had Ivrea tot/feted hilt In order to go to Eggpl. and Smear In a great case which kirttttt Mg before the eurtn there. The sacrifice of ()131,411, In a *Ingle fee "rook' give semis' itir- ienn a nevem twinge. Kv Ientlt there aro higher thing* than money .1‘i Ir. r �A1'.• 55'1 1 ' ('f5 '•''1 % I I11 c11nsid4rati in (hill world, akd thi' lolling l,f high l, fteo ill A iLeel►t IOW - pile is' our of thrid. Using Brauns on the Faro. aa..l.IWh New.. The newt lu1Nluctive farina oaf the 1.101111 11' :11w those. of the Northwest. Tido is not Iweates a the natural ea1- .1411onN 1111' 1114.le favorable in that ere - I ion than in others the South, (tit 111- staolre 111111av41110' Ihr Norlbweater11 farmer is a 'tick ler for aysteul 111 his farming. He. (heel: nything by gulls• work. He keeps lonlks ala takes a 1404.1 lir miiii but Or1.111, 1lae a 41111 111- 1IIIIP. Ile knower what it ,lata I Ili grow his crops and a hen pHs hit's Marketed 111,011 lb knows what his lar oil lir lustas lwen, lir kuuwr ll►e Value of keeping up his aiiu•hhney and hit s1.N•k awl of laking adyaktage of n/�wu•sl Method.. lir is a reader of newspapers and magazines 1 keels 4lvetst of the ptogs-c*. /1f the world. Year after year the farmer* Are-tnix- iuig •11111 a brain. with the brawn and gmaul, they put mi'their fields, with 1111wt sali55Gactoty result+, The Workingman Minister. •IAmdoa Tani. For the first Rule in our hiNtory n workingnlon Ieruuues a l'abiuet iater, and a workingman of on advanced hype of thoiglit, who duo+ Is.n, and to sulke•xletlg Ntill is, a tenor to all 1 0.4lml.11ea. Without any intention to disparage his col- leagues, Jnr. turns is (ht. must con. apt Hgule in the Ministry. \V,,tkingunea have before hili. won the respect of the Hous.' u( l' and rt.aRled the (lover •RL 1140(1 11v sharer merit. Others have gained great influence outside Parhauleit by their mere eloquence, though 1 doubt if any of theism hat's' equalled him iu the gift. tint some 111111, an deeply int - pressed all Names with his political sagacity andnu'titxl grasp of Hittite: and it IN a pealtollleu for the future of democracy that the Hist workingman u foremost l, t 4 Mini�itrr f Ahr Crown is a 111411 of ouch abilities and character. The Cheeryble Brothers. Pall Mall t:.1111.11,. Dickens lovers thr/alg tat theworld will be Muiele:4ml 'its hear that the warehouse in JIau4110ster .lf ihr Brant faro.. the l,rigimals of the ' 1koshers 4,150*5')' 1,11' -----4). to be altered'ill it way that trill abolish sonar n( the interim historic teatimes. l'ngeiously enough. it is just Hft• years Nine, lh,uiel, the younger CI►eer•ylile, ;sassed 4v•ay. It Ilan trio. supposed hat 1 1 \'' l 11 thawing \111 K these uharactens Dickens relied entire ly on rgorl, Int( in filet he made the aeillair►ta nee .4r the b1.Hlleis timid at lanrbrster 1 welvo nowt 1,. lwfolr• •• Nicholas Nickleby" Was Written. Hr tort theist at a (linnet. party, and many years. Many of the Cheesyble attributer Were drawn f - rot/ life. notnidy the 1.popleclii'. holler At the Linkilw•ater dinner• aha with -ipotesi his master's wish fair a fresh !agile 11f Wine by holding it lel'isidIlia , t all•k, with the cin•k.rrew already inserted. More Than Talk Needed. Tonwto Kuurdn) %',<,t. The majority of ;11'1 given for du- bylaw irbylaw in Owen S. I, by Wbir11 thirteen licenses will he cut off, is ,1 notable one, in obir town Ai the h.ca1 option candidates were elected atld 1111Iy one candidate Who was (5(l1(x.se41 to Ilse measure Was returned, The Nignidcaner of the sweep of 1.•al option in Owen 1,n11111 luny (4e rimmed in the. Net that those who mime-41mml the memoir, • there hail given proofs 1 f of their n' Ilxet'It. 't K 1 t 1 1 1111• matter before voting da) It will le remembered that p'as'ty in the fall two of the principal Owen Sound hotel), were purehatrel by a .)•ndieate who at once began to lull them atm tem- pe•rnner homier. At the tithe it was re kell on (Isis Page that the 10111- p•18nee party to do any effective work t not depend ow idle talk and empty demi studentions, 'rhpy must Ile willing to give up a reaoonahle anlunn1 of jinn. and Money and dis- play as Immutable nm.ostnt of vow sistrncy before they con accomplish any results Worth while. The truth of this seems to have been lento.. ynt by the Maul( Of he vote in that tow . Where the advocates 1.f twat ism '1, have done menet hinit uune t has r ake a holler. How it Will affect ween t'l+,mnd. now sur ,of the IN and largest of the 4OWnt. and sola cities of Ontario: is Another laud * tuost 4n- ter•sting (nest' . A Little Lesson In Economics, wllusio s Fneress. • "Prot•rtion 40111 t' •fres.," a .111411 voi mode• up fro 1 article•. origin- ally published in ••Itidnsh•ial Canada," im beteg circulates sa1)ewhnt exlen• ti'ely' jut( now . ►io duula• with a view of thea munching tariff rev i- ailm.. ,Thi' Ix ion ornamented with cartoons in Mill the arguments .1 t Ire high pr eco innint) lire suppslwl t.. Its met . for 11 ((iictoriall)' in it telling form. One of t hose metopes replewent. ,1111►n lied) awl 1'ncle Hans in 0u tre•- natipn. / The lilttrr IP holding a lag mark 1 "$128, 7111),$37.•' Under the cut in th dialo glir : •' ohn Hull : That is a big bag of m 'ley, Matlnuel. 3V here did you gel. •'Cnele Mani : Jack Camel paid me thin for nser•lulnslioe bunt yen•. "John Roil : Wh ✓ Jack t upend all the y 1 iwy hint for fano pradurto in toying good.. from you 1" Nothing could 'show in termer form the glaring fallacy (bar underlies the high pmtecrioniat argument. John Hall says Ire paid ('anndla "ulunisy" for farm pitxhlets. 1Hd he ? ft mil, bow did the money conte -in aN/ r N v ►sign ,Runk of England notes, lir 1*,dd taus ? Where im the rciord in our tariff returno of this -importation of coin and bullion ? John null further says that we paid the -('niter Staten " ey" for the merchandise l,rought from that coun- try. Hut did we ? if so, it cosdd not have been in currency, since our hills 111 not circulate very readily the other ekple of the line. 1f the money went ad in gold coin or bullion one trade.talisties uhould note mss large a movement. (:an Industrial Console tell us• whets. the entry In one hone books showing thin Norman's export con he found l' The farts. of ,•mil's,, are that. Canada dM not get wsonev frnn England for her produce, e, nor dM she pay the l'nited Stales ney for, the nser- chsnsliAe pnrrrhsuesl their. Canada took her ray for her exports in im- ported goods. (bent Britain did not. sand sutMcient nisido to pay for her imports fnnu ('anal* and the halftime dew tut cause fmtn the United $lateen, with which In tarn Brest Britain settled. 1 lntet•natlonal trade in carried on Ivy exchangers of gondol-not by money. The value of there exehangeu in ex- exchangers In monetary terms; and thin proven a stumbling block to the Ig- norant and a useful device to the p o- (er:tiunlst in his effort* to mislead ahs• plhnc, We Are aH keen to se, ma expl.rtn eltpand; yet growing exports smolt nuan lre•rswpsmding growth of Imp ata,, nnMrm, Indeed, we ars' willing to give tier goads to the world Rud ask 4 • no lower of exl4lpNrad ndr'randweR shoest uld Ie glad 1f she could pay for them In goods of her fawn make. This she is 1114, to do only in part : for the balance we are taking gexalr from the Milted Stater and other c trite, for whirls she pity. through ler town bx- changes'. Thin it certainly Iseiter than doing without payment at 1111.• The Canadian (Vest will attempt 1e NIl exporting ei 1). In .elf-defruee it nowt therefore insist uplu a tariff (Mit will not pl,lhibit imports ; other- wise there will he no means by which it can get pada for the g.4olr it rends a nista. BELATED ELECTION RETURNS. Results in Hallett and Moms Casting Vote Given us Stephan, 111.1, I . r,-rr. 'Ilius. McNI111•ut was re-elected reeve, with x majority of 31) over hid Op- ponent, Wk1. Moot). 'rile euuneill•ma defied ate JASON* Irip,s•, - Hugh H. Hill, MA 1 Me- t'eo1 and John Barer. WUHH1a, Reeve --Geo, Taylor. , Councillors'. -C. ti. ('amphell, George Kelly, W. H. MvCulrheon, Hobart Youill. $T(CPIt5N. Never in the annals. of the townllhip1 of Stephen has Ude fightfur the reeve- (411ip been so keenly cuuteatel as watt the battle this year. Huth S,uaurl Sweitser rind Henry \Ville•tare old- 1i111e warhuriaw, having tern pitted against each other on m•501•al mew siuno, 1•'ir/it 'iV i 11.r t defeated Sweitaer, then 1w•ritu•1• W4selected to lime.', The next time Wille•t was sucl-rsoful, but the . fourth time .Sw•eitzer pollee) the most votes. This veal• the Pier( 1011 resulted in at tie, loth enndiehlte, receiving 4.22 votes. This bring the mime the deciding vote was given by the clerk. Henry Eilier, 31. 1'. P., who 'cant it in favor of Mr, 1Villert. it is expected there w•i11.1e a tee t. REEVE MIDDLETON REPLIES. To the Iwrltorof The Signa'. Nut, -\(r. WVul, Young h,ul a letter 40 the Karl. press. Last week it) which he tried to nu1k4 capital out of the suit of (iltdrt•irl township \•s. Col- borne. It pi'rhala, gore hint. sour wlti4Gtet' to sign himself -Reeve of ('allow,' as it waw ill 0111 likelih.atl the. past titer. for the, people of ('ole borne evident believe u that fairpL t 1 is a Jewell. It WA., pedpaits. natural that h'I r sl 1.1 f,,I,.d for Iiia friciul-. but thin is nu weal reason why, bo trllini,ouly half the troth. h.• .11011111 rude•nVI r to mislead' the ptlidim, , Hyw- erer, hr is • down and out, and WOW( Hgur' in the suit any forth,,., 1 min was /1. wet It ...twit 11 I le 54•1m' 511(11 31r. Voung would convey, Jig.* • {e entered in a1o hrr. which h bi at 14.601101nd14,'e•ly witbaroWu from our court solicit ,i iilforin's sir. ,Decidedly. -we have not al,lndon•Y1 the rata. mull uulrsa si 1..eltlrnlent is 111 Ilse meantime tinkle it will le t•ie.l at , b next ak,tte4ok m' Of thmillet. and She- ri - g mil have Nn opportunity of hearing it. - Yrinr' truly. - .111114 Jlluut,ttriy.I W. AOHESON & SON We have &aid out and marked seasonable and desir- able goods for our January Sacrifice Sale DRESS GOODS. Hundneln of ends of our last and Jlighest claws goods in Dress (tondo. Flanneltl Tweeds, ,Prints, Silks, eh•„ on our tables, inn eked at half price nod lewd to clear. FUR COATS. Ladies' Asttacluan Lamb ('Igwts, all sixes,, good glossy curl and tanner,, satin lined gild 201 to :111 inches lung. Ordinarily mold pet ta3 to $ marked at $aa. Satin quilted lined, finest skins, tailor- /loch/wan Lamb ('exits, SIS and *IS, at each 421). FUR. CAPES. 144 only :11Linch Antra- ehan- [moth ('albs, satin lined and full sweep, high collar. Prices were fist." $12 to 513 each, January elle $5. LADIES' HEAVY -LINED COATS. , Hest ntyletia, all this, *'assn's. $N and $0 g4rolent) 41 S5, $10 and $12 coats at $6 • LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL CAPS. Thep wedge shape and satin lined, lest $:t quality for LADIES' ELECTRIC SEAL. MUFFS. Full rise and last natio lining, 55 value fur Sasso. Bona, Ruffs, Caperines and Stoles tan marked from 15 to 5o per cent. off. CARPETS 1 CARPETS ! English Tapestry Carpets, 27 11014e4i wide, A magnificent rhoWing but all at • ridicldons seer 1 N e e Wrest. All thin (alt'), buying, 4%)e, ltk•, 70e. your choice Soc. WoolikCarpets. 1411 Inches wide. all 1111 ► wool reversible Carpets' in n variety of patterns, talk andt*k: qua). Ity, itt px•r yowl hoc. BLANKETS. large Niue pure wood Nova Scotia Blankets, Iwsuliflllly lorlered and llnrhl•Inkrllle, Regu- lar 80) and $0.511, at per pair $4.5o, MEN'S FUR COATS. Slack I)og ('oats, No. 1 quality, all mixes, regu- lar 521 value Mr $17. Brown oa Wombat l'ta, No. I quality, all Mars. regular 81(1 valor for Salk Blau•k Calf Coate. No. 1 gtullity, 411 sizes, •►r•gnlat• f1N value for Sao. ('lou halt, tine dark 'skins and heavy fur, regular $(*I value fur 55o. „ US IN Leading Conservatories, Co egos, Schools, Theatres. and in thousan of homes where a piano 01illi civ d o l e 111,01( is aI'Pr rated. The gen is the only piano with the !Unita • Repeating Action. Sewed for 8..,.I1F„I (Fr..) Boold.i B lo= 'lit. DELL PIANO r& organ Co.. Lim.Ied GUCL= .ONTARIO. Many a case of chronic Scon- e' neutnoniaan. even/ - onsnmpl cat tael ,may be traced directly to "only a cough." When the first cold conies, start in on GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE CUM IT CURES COUGHS -beats the inflammed surface.. - strencthens weak throat - the rungs in the strongest possible condition to resist tar tying effects of a Canadian winter. 25c. bottle ig slaughter Sale of our ENTIRE STOCK of high-class .✓ - mean business. member th sale-- here is .I)ow we will do it. -everything ust bo clipped. SOME SPECIAL SNAPS • Men's ;moo suite 1R5 75 Overcoats here im how we will 110 it. Splendid llnea• in $N,45) to $4,454end$10,451 Overcoats $5.75 52.34) good imported Tweeds. $10.00 Suits .... $5.75 cyst and Otis' Overcoats VS.25 domhle („111 fur $1.50 $14.11)1101(1 $1.,1$s Ovrrests *271/'I'ne,'•Is 1.75 $1o.98 5:4)4) Tweed, per yard i r.qo Ready -to -Wear Clothing MEN'S FURNISHINGS. TWEEDS, HATS. CAPS, Etc. fort he balance of.1anuars', cont mcncil'gpTUESDAY, JANUARY I6, at \ , Walter Ce Pridham's. The people of Goderitll and surrounding country will find this a golden opportunity to buy st pply of Clothing, Furnish' s, fiats, Caps, etc s _ . W have our reasons for reducing our .large stock to a out half the size in 15 days --you don't care 'what filo• reasons are so long as -you'n buy goods at nearly half price in many cases. -(dome and s4'e, the -Pt'ices will convince . you that Sve e are going to make you re- call give only a few prices • MA's $l3.00 Suits $6,011 In gond imported tweed,, good lining - and well tailored. $121*) and 51:3,11) Suits • ;i0.lB $tx.5o to $:5.00. Snits frays $1260 to $18,00 $olio, 20th Century Brand, single or double- breasted ,tyle $ta7S Men's.Rainproof Coats - $10.1*) and $124*) (owls i .85 $44.45) Coals 5.75 Men's Parts All in snit lengths. Men', $1.21 and 51.30 Punts age Men's $2.451 and $'2.223 Pant. $5.38 Hata Any hat in the 'tore lit 11,111 4)11,1. Boys' Furhishings • . Boyo.' Snits, ploy.' Overcoat. And Boys' Knickers, nil rut 1.11 111411,• yon help Hear mor stock. Clearing all our Tweeds Men's Furnishings Shirts, ('olIN1'm, ')'les, Sox, Sus- rrenders, 1'ndrrWfult Gloves, Mitts and everything eke. They moat be all (leered- - Prices cut right down. Remember we are determined our Men's %nil Boys' Suits and overcoats nlust go, every garment will he chopped. Don't forget to ask prices on other lines and we feel sure you will put no money -in the savings bank while this sale lasts. Sale starts Tuesday, rJanti ry ltfth, and lasts fifteen days. I guaranteethisa bona f'le sale. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Y.S. lour (;Oats at 81 bargain. WALTER C. PRIDHAM The Square, (ioacrich.