HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 81
8 'Irl N$U.r, Jan. 4 1 ' R'
T 'gilt, January 41h. for Big Mill
and CI'. H. tearer play, 111 1h.. ha!a1
The hewer •match rt•brd111111 fo,
a• a Teeutm-
1 stem 1 l
144e-embereth I u
31 h
*eh* and Lehr! is, far lien fixed (air
next'l'ueeday. Jamie'y 111 h, Ihr poise
PO44' lent lasing op e.vt4ull of 'the
leek of ie...
Tomorrow Ih'ridaV1eventing 1lrnsall
and (i4rlrlit•h wi11 lw•1I . OHO 41404111
at the rtnk herr in tine of the U. H. A.
championship eerier If watches.
Wore open at 7:x11 p, 4)l. t g • celled
at N o'clock; Adliliw.illn : gentlemen.
26c; nadirs »nd rhildlrn, 16..
The 11r*t to iii the Zeal, hockey
length. w'a4 pia) el 1111 Tu..rrlav night.
the eontestl11g tenure helmet 1 he YtMw
miter and the 11:011l1se:s. At Milt -dere
Ihr sole „!Manu 3 1..11' in etym. of the
Yclwmites and at the end of the ,te•-
ond half it was x tie. 1 it. 3. -Play Nam
continues for five Minn( I'M Inter each
way; during which the Y,rsemites
mord 2 and the H:unbleie I, talking
'e4 ••(u b• M•orof
111P 1`/1wHlllt '. lune \ 1 1 IT a 1
• 5 to •j. limey Metiew Woe referee
and fuuntl'it nerewwry to Mend Jnck
Tait to the board* for rough play un
' our twe.leion. Tile liar -up was as
fol l' n we :
1',wlielrefl. •
K. McLeod multi A. Rouen
( x.. Vldeau re.Ii i \y. M1 Iran
J. Tett eoverpoiet K. 1o,.,.
KM.Lean right wing . •: \Ichor
-Beach) " Meteor . erotic Pule !reran
11. McLean once U. Brophy
0. Mel koald left wing - .I. cbi.h0uu
The thelerleh U. H. A. hire played
in Helsall last night, std the wLelch
• the'. u cto '
is that (levee d in r dl p nt h The
Inndun•Fne. Pies : H,•neell, Jan. 3.--
L) a fast and exciting genie of LIN•key
played herr tonight G..drt•ich wain
from the home to Iiy a score of is to
4. The home. craw woes handicapped
by lack of practice, but 'taken all
through all the players on loth trains
did well. Goderich WAS 4141111r4hat tela
fleecy for their lighter tenements:
The score at half -tire. was (i to 0. in
the last halt Hen.xll wowed four to
their opponents' two. P. I'Iowpat4t,.
of Zebedee. wise very aatiefartury x*'
t efeee to limb trams. For Goderich
Herrin, at .over, was the particular
star, and was ably !.tend!: by McGaw
at centre. For Hensull 'Nylon' in goal.
Bew•den it point end Cameron at
cover did well and were well sup-
ported by the forward line. The teams
lined up as fellow's :
Melvor (Fell
l'atapled' I•"„t
('aM-Harri. ,o4,'r
McIvor rn.•'r Hogarth
M.•liaw centre Illa(k*ll
Mc(iaw wing Blacken
McDonald wine Buchanan
Referee. I. Showmen.
Ila N,a1.L
1 nu.enm
The Rest 0. 11. A'. match to be
played here this season amok place at
es• the rink on New 'ear's night. be-
tween the Clinton and Gralerich \.
t. ams. The ice Was in first -claw. 81114*,
The Guderich players started off with n r
d dotthe puck rush x11 bolded 1 p 1. in their ,
adversaries goal net in a friction of a
minute. This wets only the beginning. '
however., and the first live or six
goals did not ev,erage much More then
x,lIiuute a piece. At the end of halt
time the score stood $ to 1). In the ,
second half Clinton picked up a little
and played a somewhat better game, e
ruecee(ltng in scoring • goad. which ,
wits greeted with a hearty cheer. • t
Goderich retaliated by scoring a few
eeconds•leter, :end the score for the
second half was 7 to 1. snaking the
result of the game 15 to 1 in favor of
the h playe•n. 1114 game was to.,
one-sided to 'w pat•ticulxrly ex :ling. m
but the G/dle•ich forwivaIs gave the
spectators some nice • biuution t
au welch and Harris irresistible rushee '
elicited plenty of ilppluus•. Melvor, a
of last year's "all-star" lemon, kept up
his reputation for effective work in
goal and Cxmpllell did his shale id
work at cover point. Brown Jackson,
of tiraforth, was the .reface!, end -lint
a single player had to 114 penalized.
The line-up was at, follows:
(101181(1'11 1' LINT*
1). Mclvor )nMl Miller
J. Campbell` plant.1. Forre.tet
IL H. 1 err -Harris. "Over '. Pinner
11. M.(iew centre 1'. Shephard
A. Meteor wort J. I4imp.on
F'. Mc(law Mn 4'. Moore
I). McDonald ' right J. McKenzie
Rifle League Match at Althorn Lail
Thursday. •
'Seven teems tenure tart in the Herm
Hide League 1104 1141 -a1 Auhursl la►
T11111.11/1y from Ale .111 l# ald.a
IMMO% Itlyth,• 11'tughuui, Goale'il•I
lawn„G,aleiett Lou u.hiI 1 Col
1,111111141•11111.' Willi 111e cal
with Auburn a Very Clime) , MY• 1
The teem al•Ilrrs .\•rlr
ti oderich
prayer meeting Mall the churches.
Ttamoitley.. ,Ialltlal•1' I Itie in Knee
dierelu. Sub .ct, •''4tissiu's." Sneek-
er. Ifrt•. Jas. 110111:11(41, 11. A.
Friday, Jeullnary 1216. In Klulx
t•hol414. Nmhjert, "Ferulic., Kdu'w•
t timed Establishment.. rind the
' Young." Speaker'. Heir. 11'. H. Gra•
, h . It. A, -
•I •
1). e'r'r run hu. g 10 Memfunl.
Mi.. Shoals 1. i 4.it11.11n TheJfonl.
Mi.. 0. 1rr i.yth 4.61 Toronto °q1 rl.4).
Prank I).1) left on 4eiliieut4i 4)u 4 11141 t0
Torxoti.. -
M1'-. Hu'on and .wet, of 'Exeter, are
vir(t Ieig l4) town.
J. J. Wright. of the Park Ilou.e. returned
from liuel,d, yu•lenla>'.
• J. P Brower. Jr.. 1. home from Regina. saes.,.
6,elerk h ti.wnrliip 20.►
N. Law, of the Lllndrrlrnri tease
won the medal for lest indi'idu,t
Hoole. Neil h 45 out of Ms possible. E
If. W.etwon, of thitierich, was weer
with 43.
The tooth -rich teuu's mote Naw 11
1.0111/WP :
ylFyd•. Y/111144 Total. .
E. H. Wittwo r 21 2j t3
''.uta 21
• :111
1 ll h 11
W. Symomis',,, 21 Ili :ii
Ge,. Tsylor.•.. 11 13 27
W. Junes . 11) II 'ti
A. Tulfeed id 12 :34
It. ('rxigir ..l1 11 :tl
H. Sitep arra.. , ..'. 1.1 0 24
W. 11 al Ines'. 21 8 22
.1. l'hi.hulml.,..'.., 1N 17 Hi
1 fur'. few woes. twisters.
Mr. a not Mr... W. r. Tse and family have
d been assaiegattl>'.vlllc,•
I. W. Broderick ha. returned from London,
where ho.).'.) l'hrl:'.tula..
s Mr..aid Mr. Arthur J. latex 1. strntfo.rl.
.Iwnl New fear'. has In taw 11. '
M4.. lila 'Vatiaton a Ion for Ilnttdo 4)u Wr,l-
tnvlu) after .pendlug tw'u week. at h •.
Mn.. Thnnm. I11)4114111 left lam week on a
month'. v1.0 10 Mitchell and 11'1111. Urn. r.
Mi.. May Parker. of Ail.( Craig. 'w:. Ihr
gpe-t 11 her runt,• Mr. Carrie. for New' Volt..
Mi-. 1p•l.\' Slowly Olio to Toronto la -t
Tiw,.d*) after .p.gwllue 4 day. at home
?I1.. •Mnry Iittrrl., of Toronto. iia. been
.•1.It ing at the redden,e of her uncle. fhm,,1.
H irri.,
Mr. 411,1 Me.. F'. 41, Kyrle. 01 •h. ('al h,trlue-.
petit A few 11x0. Iii. week at %Ii'. Kettle'. old
howl• M'n'.
N', IL IteilI. of Newea.tIt\ "'n- • the gnr.) Af
11t..i+ter, Mr.. A. I•arrow, 4 1 Mr. Fer,nw fur
N1'. Year'..
O. H..)nom left on w e.l ar'4'a4.ahrri tut f o
New ',Wheals, and J. .1 gully left hi. 111,11 Wag
- for 1 hr wnu. place.
MI... Helen Stewxr left on To ay on It
o Karoo. ('It a to other
slat t her bnxla•r et 6 n t. ) D
IMlnt. In the South.
Her Jd., Smith. of Virden, ]Ian.,'I n tie.,
4t the nrldrnce of Mr. and MrIe•rnarl'11.-
.0n, U/rlrrielt town•Idi..
John Mclv,w..tulent of the tl,ive.raty ,i
SItrhlgnn. Ann Arbor. yidtd. hi. home at
Tindall during the• holiday.,
411..Ijueenle Hnhertwm left on Tnewln^ 10
token .whirr in the high ..had department
of the �1',dlareburg public ...boot
John. 4', Sowl•r, of Shirn...h, and Mr..
sowIer hate leen vl.lting in town thaw week,
gue.l. of ?Ir.. Howden. F:a.t .Irtkt. '
4', W. Treleaven. of the Oonld: McKay 1'It .
Toronto, and formerly of W. A1•11,4111 R Atm ■
.tone, wo. In town til. week oq hulhle.)..
Mr. and Mr.. Malcolm McKay have pawn
.i.iting with relative. In Tnckrrnndth- where
itfamily gathering .s:in held on New Neer..
)Ire. T. T. 1,41.1, 14,1,1 1Mhy .14'10 the 'loli-
(111r. 41 the hoar of Mn. Leckie Mr..
Mmt.•Ith. in e'linton. on ('hrl.tn,.. the
annual Tamely reunion w'.c. held.
(louse web.ton of Katon'. e4ehli.hnleut.
4'itlni`a•g, row In,own !Id. week. Mr. Web
.ter. home 4. 111 Fonlyue and lie will .I*'nd
.eveh,l week holiday. (n thi.wethin
N. J. 1hopp:and, of North N.uudch, It 1'.. and
hi..'..In. 11, ti. Salkrid. both ',Indent.. of the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, pent
the holiday. nt the hitter'. home In Oedcrich ,
Iown`hl - i
1,..... ( 164n, of CI,. el.wf, 1 t, :rhe, .ra-,n
holid.s'., , he old h,nur i n 4 ,,lh arnr, 141 1 i
Thr Miaaol a \ Irte.'*nt •!ilea W(Innl•y. Nr.
Tobin 4. rng 4)r . with The 1'levelend Milt .
11041••. oro' of the ending doily new-p.per. of
he 1•i,lttd Mate..
Thele *n. a (,inlay rv0nlon a1 the hone of
4`. H. Ilobert.o11 Nrw Year+ fuer•. Ihr
got bream: inchuting. .Ide. the members of
the family re.iding i4) to n, Prof, J. C. Itobert-
-'m o'Toronto:
f .4. \I. R dwenro.L M. A.. of
sleeve: H. 14. Noberroen,��\ of Stem -font: -Mt..
Itoh,H.nn, of 4'indwr, x144 MI." Ju,.•ie•, 4)t
/trowel.. \\
' Itohrrt MI'Tn.l-h, ,f rhe (diem (''dirge
Toronto retnrnwl on Motdny softer seendinir
e few- day with h'. ennr, Mr H- Heniler-on.
11'h11c hero Mr. MeT*.-i-h 44-44 m't'1) p1014Cd to
rnt•.•t ht. former teacher, Mr. S114/1 . .y. w,d1
.. improvement.. Nit.. M.'Tuyi.h ft. ml m,•,)•
.s41 Outline., .Ines leaving herr o. •r eight -
sear. earl, '.
nee Fara: Mn Glenn I'.ernpbel. who
IND 1311 ' MI5
The annual Christmas tree (treon-
'section with M. Georges church Sun
thee sch.w l la being held 111 the seh,a,1
room tonight.
W. 'r. 11.1 tt.. the .new t•rgnnist
of Knux elites h• has Art Iyel ft•
tollta1)1 1111 And will meet the .choir
for the find time at practice tonight.
taking charge of the organ next Sun-
1Vesley church. Clinton, has ' ex-
tended an invitee' to H.•.. T. 1V.
Nell. of Toronto, am ace••pt the pastor-
ate Of the church next June. Hee. 11.
Ni. Jlenning. at pleM•ut plestait'aif \V's•
try chervil would like to get bock into
the Toronto conference.
The annuli 1 liristnute entertain-
ment in connection with Knux church
Sunday selemd wee held last Thw*alay
evening in the 1(41111t room. ate',
Jas. A. Ande'son occupied the .hair
and a long and .'*,-I d.,n0 ,'$nl aqf some
thirty pieces was given. Jillltitie thrill
being x very pretty fancy drill. At'•
the e •lesion a piitmentetion of a
gold -headed cane wow trade to G. F.
Blair. teacher • of the boys' inter-
mediate Bible class, by the nehmber,
of the class.
The annual ("hrlsar'-`rt;a entert�ftt-
welt in cunnectien Nott 1•lotori,
street Methodist church Sun xy r.i�hlsd
Vag held en ('hristnles nig t in the
•hurch. Instead, however. of the
hildreu re•eiving preseits.(11 v de.
;(intributiofN of toes and cloth lg. *ag-
gregating ah(1111 91) 111x., whirl were
sent to the Fred Victor Mr' ion.
Toronto., for di,trih,tiun at a l' ri,t-
uam tree 'wing held in contort. Dm
with the mission. for little Its *An
•hill en of Toronto. The enterta n-
nent wits eplendidly patronized. ala, t
11' being added to the sch.w,l funds a
a result, after admitting the children.
eachere and offlrers .4 the echtaol
The 11'eek of .Prayed• will he b
served by the Methodist. Presbyter -
all 411l 14aptirt congsrg,(tions of
MVO holding union Services. Ih the
femme.• of Hey. Mr. Wright, the Bett-
ist minister, -Hey. James liau,ilt,m
Weill take his phare. The meetings will
omnis( •r promptly- xt 7 :11 to clock.
nd will he of a more 'meteor' evangel -
'saw character than 111 former years.
An effort will lie thele to have also u
Metter service of song. 'The following
ix the prr/grenl :
M lay, January sth,. in Victoria
street church. Subject, "Thanksgiv-
ing and Humiliation." Speaker, Re'.
Jas. A. Andersen, B. A.
Tueetley, January 0th, in Virtorin
street ehytch. Subject, "Thr l'hur:h
Cnivereal" S1eaker, Hey. G. N.
Howe, B. A.
Wcglnes .o . January 14,114, regular
and we have in atx•k at the CENTRAI. DRUG STORE a full line of Drug-
gists' Winter Confectionery, such RN Haack Cough Dope, fii sedses Cough iAolus.
Menthol Drupe, Horehound limps, Maltese Cough Drop,. Licorice Drops.
English Jujubes, Stick I.icoriee. ('hewing Guinn, err.
Alsp Fruit flavored Candies and )tarry 11•eblis BoxoI Chocolates and
Ban Bons.
A new lot of that large twist -stick Horehound Candy on the way.
S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store
J1i1r�ti�5�IrNi�sU4,11,f4)�1,fh�Ir�ilI% I I�u�L�W�W�li�hfli�l��Wili1G
Every tied in 1hr K.en gutter line is ns good
be had N11d each and ,111 nor fully wat'1'Hnted.'
TIP long life of tie.l% hearing the Kern Kutter
dor to the fart that nothing is spared to make
ahad fill ''an
trade math is
the hest that brains. money and .kill can perdue!.
The Kern gutter line has IMI•n the 'standard of America for
:in Pens;, and was awarded the (ir•end Prize ,tt the World', Fair•
St. Limbo. lasing the telly eginplete line of (1101* ever be nreive a
rew*nl a NM 1
t n great Pxl it i ih.
Think of whoa it ntanN to you to 11e able to Mev the beet
Gaols that owe made. of every kind, her simply remembering the
one name. Keen gnt1••r.
Mellowing ate Sainte of the verimel link of Keen Kutner 1(xdN
and hardware we have in '[Took :
Hammers, Hatchets, Chisels, Screw Driven, Aug& sits,
Files, Planes, Saws, Drawer Knives, Scissors,
Hair Clippers, Food Choppers, Steel Squares, Eta., Etc.
Every tool is *old ureter this mark and motto. The r•cofiec-
3 tion of quality tanu.ins lone after the price i* fo,'gntten.IF
3 SOLE AOINTS F'()I.t (iO1)I;ItICti
lotArtutoP*001110twtotutiolveftwe ftlitwIl 'II II ftImill
11a. been an the "irk 11.1 for wutla 11UN dune.
41111 ,,.Mete 411410e10 lu hie dole. Pe oldie
lsule, 4141 .4ga111-1 of 4'111:. rimed'. w•N
khwlir remembered by 11.4. .140411. 0111 lirkt
.tio *loin 111.'1(1811(44111 0\1•,1111( Ik•l wlfe11 1111'111
1�•i.,.a.1 hooter. We Ire glad 1„ 1.4)04' he 1w
reowerh,g. 11' 114141 Very ,.lo w q .
Mr. awl Mt.. J&.0 eke ayd thrum ch idren,
of IWIwuc4iu. )lel .. ale heir. 011 1 11,01 of 0
roupin of nP4.1h. lu'.N r. (AO. Iwlrot*, )1r. nod
Mr...lobo like, of 1,11111 41111 other
Ir in r1411(4n yearr...10e0 51r. (11.0 len lair
1 11' wort a 41 (1, . i. 111.43.' 1',41 to
the Old I io,r. , 114. ,mks 1. 'Marled to a
d,u11d,'r of 1v111...1 reble. uft•.wl',
lir. Welter Turnbull leave. thin erred'.!!
for New York, where he 11110014 .I.a,dtn
4.1110 time in the hl.41011.461 Which hu will
d,'.'Ixe to.11rleer)' 411111i14,.0ar 11111,4 eye. .Mr,
11140 41111111r0111. 'SW t t'"1r• ..g'' 1110 111.0)1.1
la•nt 114 .4 mler A. l .e ..11'(1'011 III the New
1 irk h0.,dl1J, nod hi. work there now will he
on tu.iIiar ground.. 114 J. L. Turnbull YOB
motto In active practice here ,until hir
brother'. return and a.dat IIr•
1 h.r.• i. no.ay 11rll'.ru1vAaraliANon M.in rI''IityAt3tl.in--
- the ixuu:u'y(,uodian Magaz fir. Phe,,
,ti•Iieles 111 Sir John '1I, teem by
11,m..1 I. Curran moil Sir .11111-41 Carl-
' init by Fred 1'. Yeelluld ate Worthy
of epeeist ,Utetei11M ms each el Matins
iufocmlation ts 41.4s is loot gra e•ulty
'11., .. u. '1'h. :1 lrvis mamiscri1 t. of
u I'a
ra 4)wGll. taa kfiV • de-
. e
r 111• 1 Nlw•1 :erre of a 1uy411at yltiutlr
111111114 164 earl,' yea1'a of Ih0,war
wlhi -1i (n•h•11 in .o tunny pate otic
1(riti.hrr.' being driven out. of the
United States. It Sells nt the d let.
I, ;Its' he 1(ad•11 avoid being preeeed in -
1 &, to 111.' awlaa.army. This )IY. rovers x
comide'ald° pet hid, 1773 to lel.
Ammer lit. other article's are '•rii.
, Troll.. in 1h. !Philippines." by 11r,ult
' ford K. 11.Inirls, an Englishmen who,
how .pelt some time there : "Thr Pu11s
lie re•leed.In'I the Phil*nthrop)U,' by
114. ,I. M. 11:e•Iwr.' 11 p0.11,1nrut Quell o
• rdllcatioai.l : "The.111r•aking i f the
Ferber t'o11111ine." Iv they editor, a
timely article in view of the 4)1•esent
I [eget investigation : "The Indoors of
('arena." by Norman PHJ.ter1)n, with
nu nnrnNrs illustnit.ione : "Me. Jehn
{ Morley," as mann of letters, by Profee.
raw 1'.•ih,l!n"Edgar. Three at'* etudes
I'v'I'h..ulure 14,la•rts, Melt. Campbell
l't'xi41,•tart 1 it Mat•niv.•n'and Met -Kure.
its Evans. I'hie• lung list mnkee an
excellent htpuhrr.
Your Worn-out Stomach.
11'hNt It motels it til. at►engthening
influence e1 Dr. Hamilton's Pills -they
w,,i•I: merrvele where the-taiu1ach and
eligeetiun erre pram. In one day the
appetite increnres and the whirl*
ryatrul le rapidly NLlrngthened. No
r1 sell epeciell.t clndd write a Metter
prmwvlptloes than Dr. Haluilton'e Pills
of M.indr*ke and Butternut. At all
dealers in a yellow box. price 25c.; or
five Wee* for one dollar.
He Understood. -
"Willie," said an inteiesting young
mother to her lerst-burn, "do you
knew what the difference is between
coaly and wad Y The meth my child, is
what you rove with : the body dy carrier.
you *1mur, This it your• body,"
G•uching the little fellow's shoulder,
••hut there is something dee bet in.
1'ou roue feel it now. Whitt is It, "
"Uh, 1 know," meld Willie, with *Sabah
of intelligence in hie eyes', "that's w
Hanttrl shirt !" _ y
Why Do Women Suffer
Ruch pain
and endure he torture of
nervous he/Wade. when Lir. bus a
slucure like Ne eiline't A few drops
in sweetened 1 net .mere brings unfailing
re lei. 't o4) feel better at once, you re
Ibraced tsp. hwig(o-ateid, headache goes
sway after nue doge. 'rhe occasional
11 use of Nrrviline prevents indigestion
and stomach dis ortlra's--keeps top
, health end mtrenlrth. Every woman
needs Nrrviline nod should gee it too.
In 25c. bottles everywhere.
A Weekly Reprigt of Articles from
Leading Journals and • Reviews
Reflecting the Curren t Thought ,
of Both Hemispbbres.
World Wide is a marvel of interest
and eheaplrs as a higleelass ecleclie ;
it wi11 a parr resonates with en4•
thing at several times its price. Fee
the small .11111 of one dollar and *•holt
it brings every week for a year the
test meth -lee Ihet *pprar during -the
week in eta• lending Brit
and foreign publications. Of circa! It 1
appwa144 1,1 the thinking element ler
rac•h emnomnity, those who want alt
klio s' what the world think •14 mer
(h-ineing; hot these will end it en full
of rale entertainment ** of %reelow.
it is atbstihttely world-wide in its inter-
ests and leer no axe to grind. 'rhe
anneal Ioh4Cription includes U) 4:,
eerie:aired, x most entertaining re-
view of last year.
It wi;l h.• sent free of charge to any
.11 Ire.. for a short tim e. The annual
oueo..erfp 101 price is $1.1:1. ani the pith•
Iieeer are Julie Dove .I,r, at sloe, of
Montreel. Sew special el,s'✓m, r ttr
with The -Signal.
Lucky is the elan who can't lend
Guilt Iweemuss he does not know what
it hulks like.
The plan who can get fame on credit
hem ne trouble in paying up from the
'box uf%ee receipts.
We don't dub ourselves
"1'rofesso" but we know
how to asci=t 'defective
vision if len-es will It it.
Jeweller and (Jptican
Be Alive to
Your Own Interests.
Buy Footwearwhere it is sold strictly on
its merits, Try - the makes we are selling.
You'll like them. ('omelet winter styles in
shapely perfect -fitting, comfortable good -wear-
ing shoes at the littlest prices we've ever known
for shoes of equal quality. You'll have reason
to bo proud of your feet if you wear a pair of
our shoes.
Downing & MacVicar
For the Winter
-GO TO -
Mexico or
"The Land of Sulm1ner's
!weaving' Toronto en January 29.
1'feeting e11 points of interest..
Ind St. Catherine,. Millet SI Spring».
I)rlighltfnl tenants for those who 111MYI
a n•et. Best of holt) ser011llllodat*tin.
For tickets and full information call
I n
F. F. LAWRENCE. ;;�,^,
(Mice bony : tl::ell a. in. to 1)1,04 p. no.
Jou* Nra.tmet.'.$tatlnn Agent.
S♦ .1. lo, 111 11114 District Pa... Agent.T.anato
New Fruits
and Groceries
Holiday Baking
Holiday Presents,
i•Torday Parties.
Everything in our large stock is of
the freshest end the cholcemt.
Your New Year coke end' pudding
will be a guaranteed success' if you buy
your traits end peel* here.
The children will I*•.delighted If yeti
bey your supply of nuts, 0e14 candy
I Court House I
Commences Saturday, January 6th.
The Jan ary sale is an annualevent he On the gist of the mdnth we enter stock and balance our books for the year
Stocks in all epartmeris must be 'crowded do to the lowest notch before that day. We have plans for the coming year tha.
make the ma rial reductions of stocks imperat e, and in order to get -\the present stock where we want it we purpose mak-
ing our January sale of 1906 the most attractive we have ever held. Here- s the list we start, the sale off with on Saturday, 6th.
Watch the paper every week for further money-savi news of this great sale.
Jan ary Mantle Prices
will be decidedly mone • saving. We have had the biggest Ma
seascm we have any rd of, and are anxious to wind it up wit
empty racks. Every co 't in stock must be turned into money
before stock -taking. All f ew garments -and correct in style. Just
the last ones left froma sea n of big selling. Not very many in
any one lot, so do net delay your coming.
In this lot we pelt all ti r mantles the M,III nt $4.5t1, $:i and P1. They are ,.I1 this
lwn,on's 4'141(111 Hs�I include son stylish gmreient,. H
for children s well as
Helier. Tweed,. rill Black Bre1mtr' , regular $•i to $11, r,hoice for - $3.90
Jaiutary wale J
14.0wpm a (41,7..,, tont
$6.:141 to t11M. i 3,
Rtgnl#r *$,511, $
Alanit 231 yards in 1 his Int, last ends o' lines that sold as high ,u from 'Lim• to 5c
i')6, cleating at per yens
January remnant prices are iu!t half regular. Every remnant in the store will be measured
up and put on the remnant table next Saturday marked at exactly half the original price. Yon
will find this table at the rear of the s ore, and nn it there will be many a bargain. There will be
Remeants of dress golds,
Remnants of table Inn n,
Remnants of silk,
Remnants of flannelette,
Remnants of wrapperettes,
Remnants of laces,
Remnants of embroideries.
Almon fifteen than
$11. Al! new..
A derided twig
$1 1. Choice fr
MANTLES AT $11.144
Ten joreketa in chi
$13.511 and $13
CAPES AT $5.00 •
(1110 -holt d we•to elle*.empire, dark
Calve. rile sr $N to $12. J*nd
PN in thin Int. Lost one. that *re left of lines that sold for
I new. all *tyliah garments, pleb' bl/ !hire: 'tweed1. 45.00
141 to lyk14(. ' Choice of t lot for January male.... .V
in this lot. The last one* left of linter Ihat sold nt from $0 to
made from good nt*teriale and all *tylish tip -to -date g4rumentM.
if you went a good mantle. Regular $D. $10 and $6.50
diary stale•
` V JlJ
r. t w 14,ifovert11 and plain hhtckv. Remoter
For- the nunry sale you take your choice for
la only child'
I'd ha, rt.
1YrapIwl-, nm
lined, In.
daimon y
Me poll. (It
We wet
I's Infers, next. netts. armentt. in tweeds aid plain
1144 $2.11) to 83.4,0. For .f.nultry sale your choice'.. ....
ile room gond quality w•rappeeette, heavy weight, nil size, vo Ala
!nes that are left. from $I.25 to $1.5) lime. timed) fon- 75C
$12. $8.95
yr end fawns. Alen ttro plaidgnlf
ry sele your choice for. ..... .....
1NGS, tc
tri Ings, odds and ends tint are left of difTer,nt patterns.
to (dear theca all rut, and you task•' yew. choice per )•eed . 1 c
J 7 embroidery prices are money -saving. We must clear up our embroidery stock be -
fere the one arrives. These will be just as good to you as If you paid full price for them.
231 ye Is r 1)110 and lin enlhr,idori,.. nau,,rted widths and y1,11411.41. 1.4st
one of lines th*taold et 2.x•, 30e and :Lir. For Janunry sale choice pet' yanl ,
15 cents
L; ladies' flannelttgoatee ns, made f fancy stripe shaker flannel. fest
•••11•11,1.ap*et* 1 each 47c
:t4) pairs L 14,'. nstrnch#n gnllntlets, gray and black, leather palm, well mode
11(1(1 hued, ,peril(! ter J* )• 39c
111 only lulir.11 and children's golf jackets, red, !ream, navy and fancy 015.0
pxtterne regular $2.'25 to $:l, For .1,nluat•y axle, cltuice J
('hildren's woollen hose, sill sizes lip to Si. regular 2.5c (totalities, For Janie 25c
my .nor. 2514114 for
L'ulies' :out children's woollen torte, 74„ M, R4; regnitr 130 and ill Ir.
ftir January sale
• A 1 41,1,• of ends of ribbon, lengths 1 to 11 yards, Plein and Ganey, choice of
the hot per end, 10C
The 1.Squ re