HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 7"111K $I1;N' aI.: (,OUERIUII ON'i'A1 il, aC ` is****4 `4`$104444. 4'4 '4e, 4, ' 4 . 4,4„ii4i' ystic ;S4�s 44P' 4. I The News of the District. . 4,3;,... 1g4 4,****************444,4.4,* **4 4 4 444444 The Signal's Clubbing List. / Nile is the Anne to ideate,. your, t1'aaling matter for liana. Look over g this list and see the advantages of- fered I itat 1'. Jan. '211• Alex. Stirling, u! Go4rri4 h. vin itd gave hint surprise party lest i'riQuy frnel to Signal ru1NSI•ril(rrs lu getting ltev..1.1'. Reil paid a sharp, visit to his' brother, L. Sti,iiug, this week. evening;' rim; to his departure for K K (tin ds in L gun Iasi wt;ek.!Amissg FiiiII icll whrl•t. hr hos rte•u1w1 u the finding iiiilpapers .o reduewl rates. Misr Mtirlfu of Buffalo, is h' vurth leeagu4' Wilde Ilex[ Tllew1ay lip 4,11 ii, Illollth'r visit tl relatives here, g'1":1. 'elle i -i . illg N'am x.li t Ih I The Signal and Montreal Weekly eVel1)t \'Willill i, '.Vts lilitChrist '1'+aught, 51iv. .1.Chrlholiiinod children sp.'ii1 nag,µ (i,1111I.(i•1ewi htaYuut�lillt\Vel Herald *Loo New Year's at Stratford with relit - School opens after the holidays 11.1 two.. • Wednesday of thin week, with Miss Weekly Sun 1'l'uro,>tul 1 75 Now sulaa•ribers will receive Thu atonal and F y lady. of Crewe, in charge. The Weekly run fru for the balance of 19,1 The Signal, %'.ekly Herald and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 The Signal, \lre I v lir1Y1 1 and Toronto Weekly Giobe.. 1.70 The Skoog' nnd 11 eeklY [Hobe free for hal ants, of Ilan to new oulsx•ri1Ne+.. NILE.' throws'' Yow• s111w,r1>a bin t. The algal at 011un, w, a. mil' W 5u14,guy uuudwfi• of 1'ke Weekly Ilerald. which nes, with overs Y ly xub.cri,rltuu toToo s1Ku.il paid 111 advwi e. LEEBURN. TVKau.4Y, Jan.'2nd. A. H. I'kitten was a lieuce•Hrld visitor Lhii week, BENMILLEtt. MONDAY. Jai. 1St. St•)u'HIMI I'.aK'rY L-Al.ouL thirty of 11. It. Long's trieudN and ori 111x)114 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Family Hera Id and Weekly Star 1, S _ All ,nlsr'ril.. r. 111 Montreal Visually Herat and weekly Star sedge the Eyelet prendutl picture, ••IjuWn Alexandra, Her (lruudcliil- Mein and Bog," The Farmer'.. Manual and Yctotinnry 0114.1..'"sop)' he hail Ili aame,'tiun with alone oder fon 15 arms additional. or a total of 11.0). The Signal. Weekly Herald and Panning World 'Tor titel). 1 311 New .uho.Yibers wi11 reei•e The Signal and Fanning t1'urkt free fur the balance of lwtl The Signal, Weekly Herald and Weekly Mail and Emppitre.. 1.7o The simnel and Weekly )..sail and Empire free far.lo dame, of 0!01, to new su1M.•rile•Is. .111 subserlher, for Weekly Mali and Kopans re- e,Iv1• the preu4,K dum arra4 tire. "The Stair of Bethlehem." The Signal. \Weekly - Herald and Toronto Daily World............. 3.2g New ,Illu,erlber, will receive The signal and The WurW foe for the halo leis, of 'brio • Thi• tiignal, %V.ekly • Iiel,rld and Toronto Daily Star 1 >!o hr 1 S' 4gn:a1, \1'e•kly lirtrdd and Toronto Daily News.. • 1 90 The Signal. %%'rekly Herald nue) , London Daily Advertiser...... -2.40 The Silunl. \Weekly Herold and London Weekly Advertise—r.....,. t .6o ''ills Mign4'. \1'eekly Herald and Presbyterian .2 ]i - '1'h.• Signal. \1'wrkly }Jerald std Westmins'er 2 35 Thetiignal. \Veekly lfrr,ld, Pres- byterian ,grit Westmin ter---- 3.25 The Signal, %Weekly Herald and Farmer's Advocate. ...2.40 1'h.• Signal. \Ve•kly He•rahl and . Montreal Daily Witness 2.50 Tile Signal. \\'w•kiv Herald and Montreal Weekly Witness t 60 The Signal. NVee•kly 1letald_iwil World Wide w. 1 85 Send revisit t alili* by fkatfRlie ori deer. Ia N.tt1 tilde or express toiler to - THE GODERICH, SIGNAL, ONT. MAFEKINc. Renew your sides net inn In The Slgnol nl 004.e, .n a. 1101. 10 1111,• un) nundery 41 The Weekly Hersh',which ger:. with every yearly xub,rri .t tun t4,'lTe Sternal paid In Jolt aloof'. Moonie, .tan. 1st. \fila Millie Webster is visiting friends here. Miss Daisy R4rkw,'li is the guest„ of Miss Ray Stotliers. J. ('a Stotheil visited relatives at -14I(h/deli over 1'1111 (4'. - Mies Luella Treleaven spent as fes' flays in 1.urknuw hast Werk. Mi.. Jas. Edwards and Mrs. Will. Mothers are on the sick Iiia. Mr. 41111 Mrs. Wm. M,•nerv, Bervie. are visiting tidalive•.4 here. Walter Hawkins, of Harm C• Meg.), London, rolled on friends hove hist week. Morley anti, John Hall r'tnrnwd home laid week After spending holi- days here. Rev. Mr.Smith's W111 at Ih,rk,•.'a appointment was taken by Her. Rich. Kilpatrick on S bay. WESTFIELD. Renew your aGrript inn t4 Thr Signal at 1111(4,, w1 K. not i miss any noun Mv'.+ of Th'• Weekly Herald. w lett goes with carr, yearly Pia , ,b.s ri ,tion to Ti,. 'wad id In advance. I ONroa ' . 1 Jan. 1st. Mr. Lennox, 0 0rrnto, was the guest of J. H. 31eC ton during the holidays. Melbourne McDowell. of Glwlerirh, visited his brother Harvey din ing the past week. - Hobert Taylor and wife; of Bethel, V Mire \1s. 1 11111'14 jiarents during holidoi week, Mir. J. illou 1 of Dungannon, K KI , agar n in, event the holidays with her parent*, Mr. and Mir..loIn McDowell. James Hoover 'anal family visited air. ' Hoover's brother 1to1sai, near Brnesel.4, a few days hast week. James \I r(itiluugh. who ham 'Nen 111 the 'Northwest for s : twenty-five year,, is fume un It visit 10 Ilio thei and other MI/give/4. A large tf4inlx:r of yo(tng people f these partsatteudel the .1 abort, tea -meeting 4111 Mintmitenight. All rel)41st an expellent dole. The boys of'4.\Uon'nybrwk .4rhool killed a snake 1A emtwr Lind. This is something {ery masted int• this time of 1110 year, It .4(lrely ,last he An indication of an open winter. CREWE. Trt.u.tY, J411,211,1. W. 1' is • •' 1 tl a lour, nh I 1 friends here on Ilia l' brio u r t 1a v cation. 1t. !denary has hired George llen- Ilrttao work for hie) this winter. 'l'lrleay.'i and friend, ayrte visitors at the ful'lllrl''l hone hem.. E. 11, 'Duriiu left for the West on Tuesday. to ( glee his duties • as school teacher. W hien Nit. ---.t. Note ..... of Interest to It' her in this Iaeigh'sn•1100df wits `.it'iimedet1;o111au41s, in the \Vest. lizr,l,t•th, daughter of Patrick Sher- .N•oNi, lt'hig united in the bonds of holy tuatriuuny h, Mr. ('ormilnth of that place. The bride • many friends in these parts N ish them happiness and j►rlsp•rity. DUNLOP. Renew your auhaedp11.n1 to The $ig*ml a1 onee..4'out 44 mils ,any 'Hoiden, of 1 he Weekly Herald, which go.'. will, et er)• ycariy •111.4,•ri aloe to The Signal paid in ,lunar Subwel'Ipnun; Inlay be handed to M0101,41 ,a:( m at Iwallop. Mr. s.11. williaue. 1'I'ENIIA Y, Jiin..2ntl, Miss Sophia Stirling, of Clinton awls it visitor hely for several days last week. The ,1111,11V 11.11,101 lneetink held at the "Olt 101 110140, saw a fair attendance of ratepayers. aur I IltisineSs. was quirt. A. A. \ '11'1.111, watt,lx--electeI tants' for another terra )1n motion of A. Allen itiul John Linklet•r, Frederick (timid was a11111iiUd alldit.ir for the 1•oulingyrni• rhe .1ppN,inuurnt .4f n caretaker was left in the Minds of the trustees. S. H. \\ iIIh1I1m was •Mair• mon of the meeting and Chas. E. Mc- Neil, secretary. ' • • KIN1 tIL Renew y4at subscription to The slant at 1-. 4, am 1101 4) nli'. any 11111(1), t of h Areal, Herald, which Kew. with "over )•.ash +ub-erasion to The Signal (raid to adv, ser. TIII'HMII.t V, I),'. :'Tilt Vincent Meg AI 111114 returned to his Boole in Hallett. .lohn M. Dalton, of. Sarnia, ',petit Christmas at his 1 'hem Joseph 1111sse)' wara guest at the CImrmrr-ial 11m -ember :'7th. Miss 14 wet L41 (i t•ifll1) Is spending 'her t•aU.at ion trailer elle parental r1/1 of. Miss Sadie F itil i 's4m w'as the guest of Miss Jessie McMlnrrhie• last week. Miss Sadie 4irif 11 i4 spending her Christmas vacation, at her h • here, Miss Annie 51031urch4.' is-houl.• after an e•xlended visit in North Hay. 314.4.4 Cassie Gt•i11h1 entertained a few of her friends un Christmas even- ing. • Miss Harriett Young was the (;nest of \ti.+. Nooks, of KiIg.bridge, 011 1''11- d:(y. Jack Stele got his Korea' clipped by our popular blacksmith hod week. You will have tl wove faster to kw•p warm, ,hick. - The done,' given kr the hall by the boys WAS A dra•iltr,l sures'.. Fine luu.ic WO furnished by the Lm•know nehn.tr( and the attendance nnm- I,rle•d 44(14)ut 1,M1, ST. HELENS. Renew your .uli+.•ripfon to The Signal it 411.Y•,,.644 110; to Illi,• ,an nut/Owes ul The avr.,k(4 H'•I•,tkt. whirl, op.. Withs•va•r>' Yo+ar.y Nutsrr:pt ion to The Miamd pa4.I m 11114(111,.. 'rrE.e.ty, .Ian. 2nd. /3 young 1111 41(44494 ,at the Imam of Thos. Plnnel lately. 5 '. h•, 11 Hide I t 4'• 0 1. . 1 her, I ' f Man 1 . ani l u L 1 t, spending this week in the burg. 1). Rutherford and fatuity splint' New Year's with friends at Stratford. • 1. Decker spent 1t an,1ay and Monday visiting his wife's people at • Mrh•'t a"r III gal K Miss Margaret ('lark r(tlarnwl to (ilxle•ich Tuesday morning )1 r n to reit unle her studies at the fi, 1'. L Miss Mary ('lark is spiaiding ,a few days in this week, the guest of the Misses \Well\YINNI, 11'v. S. M. Whitley completed his visitations and left f ,r 'rr,'sw•ater )1n Saturday Boit',. The projlletii•re were pleased to see hint again luokilig 140 .w•r14. , 1r..\ I TII 1 r1tK a' \ t . f l .a1•'m lilt t :1lrrnlsn. Mr. Crew was called away 'Mat week owing to the serious illness Of his mother, but betook. Ile Mildred 111)nle Ale bad poised away. The fu11- erAl took phtrr• on Saturday, 311•. ('raw bring linable to he INi•k in time ter take charge of rhe Sabina .11 .swiss: Iter. 1t took the form of at pra)•pt Ineetdng, ...inducted by 11. IIIILIII•rfllrl, while 'tet'. Me; M•Ke•rnll took • the strice itt ',.'arms 'Mr. ('raw 4. ..x - •rt 1 brick this week. He hits the helrttfe It sympathy of the cungr•ga- tion in his Ip'reaveuii•nt. HAPPILY s snitiIti.--The home of Mr. x1141 Mi•N. Edward Taylor, jr.. East \1'a(wenish, Mals the scene of wham/tat festivities on \\'e,1nesbay efientitpp Inst week the forgo ion tieing 1e +,r '1( fl m Gage, of .Urs. Taylor's mister, 1'. Humphrey, to \14'm. 14'.11's,' of H'11•Iph. At the hoot' of 5:311' p. dh. t hr bride entered the parlor on the au'nl of her father to the strains of the wed- ding, unwell played by Mrs. ,lug. Stalker, and took her place ler All slrh of evergreens and hollyItev. S. 11. %'holey performed the Cert.- nu'1W ant'won/ained the words that tied the nuptial knot. ThA, bride looked ,harming in a cnstill>e of white silk. with thilTon and lace rim- 411ing.4, and earried a 11 Iugnet ore& am roses. while the hrileiln,tid, 5 'ms 1?velvn %'e'Isttr niece of the brit hh• was dressed also in whits' silk and car- ried pink maws. The little nieces. ere the bride, Ruby 'Taylor and Della 4'14nttn(1, dressed in blue .4IIk, made very pretty Clower and ring lw.arers. The groom was ably suppocted by his eensin, Mr. 3litllrll, of Guelph. After 1•ongfwtulltinne the gttents, t.m the number of about unr hnndi5Nl, re- paired to t hediningawina and partook of a tempt nous Wedding dinner. The remainder of the ,evening was pleas- antly spent with rnnsie and in Berri gauges. The presents were nutnrr/1ns and costly, the Pteeterion choir of Mt. 1Jel,ws, of which (.1>' bride wits an esteemed member, tr5rrntiuIg her With A IN•antifnl china dinner set. The young ronp1.' leaver this week fair their future 11)111)4. in 6'1..1140 earryin1f with then the hest wIehe, rind good will of all friends here. , BAYFIELD. . )renew )'e1tr .ntr.rri1AiOn to 'ihe NI onto, es n+ not to offs. an>' tomnben of The Weekly Herald tvhiell g4N•. N'll ll eTsly' yearly .'oblllrlptloh 10 The Shtnal plod In n/(4nneo. 1'1'K14I1AY, .ian, 211,1. School reopened on %Iellti•Mhty• Mine Flom,ie I'nllo•k entertained n fev friendsTumidity11n evening. The Methodist Iw(•uleetin4; held (lp \V.Onpshty evening WYlas a splendid 1rccem1, Alex. McLeod I..ft. On Tuesday for Zurich 01 take charge of the politic shod there. . The new council treater) the vming folks to a dance in the fawn hall New )'ear's night Alex. And Ch:ue. Fergnsml nnd John 1t3,►iley, w•ho have herosailing all saunter, have Ieturnel home for the winter. Tuft E1.K(Tt1/NN, The holidays arise over and everyone has settled down again. Thr elections 1111' 11,'er and male air a114.1 And rejoicing while (ethers Are diwyry oInteel. The result In Hayfield is Am follows: Reeve int', Woods, e1 ; lir. Smith. 12. Connell - lora - onnell•lora- Chem. Parker. 1131: 58111, Moore, IPl : JAI. 1'1 in, 71 ; D. Lein -h. RN R. Elliott, 111. Triode's. 1V. Elliott, g7: JAA. Mtn1t1'en(. 72; 11. I)rehm*nn, Al; Jno. Ferguson, of ; Mutdtrli Ross, Mr. Moser. from neat•811atfull, with his two daughters were New Year glarrla of Mr. \loser's son, Jauvb Moser., • • Jacob Moser and \Via. 1'hirholil ti ere , 144 111 a ira•14r. of the.. wit air nl '.'NPru"*.... 0 l'In•is t rums i•' 1 , I g,• I Ylt 1't � N n t -1 1 t yen our u 1 .n•,'Ldion of your i.., ' r Huron. seeing th and Mrs. X. 1Lwc1.- S I I osol Le p hat rfuer leen fall WWI nod always. avil ,',lido ler, formerly of this place. . etwerfully what you could. A+ Sunday school --_.•-- -- - - - u 11r•intendeu1.11'1.11'ct l > ' lin%, pael yourself vui UUNGANNON. I cttl,ient. dnvurell and fait Wel worker. lu the I F:nworth',sogne >o1 Lave been the same, TO'FI('I:,-THE LUCAI. AGEN(:y.xlwars remit to help without apology or 1 111 U,u,kimono for The S1gnal 4. at the of. ;..11:::.0X,....1. xcu44. Nie 144x, that whrrcver >aur fol only 9,e of J. IL want. J.1'., ,wn teyan,er, etc., who . Ie east )'uu 1'1.14 ever armour 'rue to the well receive utder4 for 4nlw•npLio,i • advent:, ,shun.,• b.• 1. .4 n' •h.sd 101.1 '•'•^•' rr 1. loot and jab work, and Is authorised to giro re. Leas 110 at d t 1(,d Who k the head of ail thee reint..Tur anmmnts Laid fur the rxuuel A:e k. .. Heuuw your sutw'riptiou to 'row r(Kiul at nese; �thl•.ii l>itd,•i.4,lt writs nK eebikrf "frwu 011re. sur, wa 10 11,10.4 1111) 11uu,lw,fit of The your friend. ,eau r,,. worker, who wish you 41''-e1:l*Heral41, wbi,•h 104..4 with every >'enr13' suse•o,s and 11..0'. b!.-.s0(.lhoonsgh life. sur1s•nptl.n to The Signal raid In oily r•. ' signal on la•ludf of the Sunday ,yehoia ,tat Sun. -rapt inn. 11144)• be Minded to thei k,''.,I ,(gout i F:piturth Leeiruu, 411 Uaogaa4on, Mr..1. 1:. Ward. . RI4Il)erg Ssy4r;n • 1't•E1QAY„Jan. '21141. I . Erura. %VAL'lhli.. •lk,nutiller, law. Attn. Meet Agttie.” During the. evening a I presental1nn. accompanied by the follON'iug address, was ;made : Mr. H. R. lung.. - - 114:au Flur.su. It 1.. with regret 111 It we ir•.dixe 1hat >'nu ,are 404,1 to leave 1111 udd.t N, Inked position ,•Io•whe•n•. ave, th>, i n•uabon+ of the F: ,wroth, League Id Si it l u r 1 u) 1,•h01a, wt TIIK TAI.':. -The topics of con versa 11011 At pr /Wilt are the results of the municipal eleefions., the .cmtiiu4d pleas alt weather, and the good Nun- I ditiou of fhr 141414114, which' are •1 bet tenor ti'aw•Iling than alt this time LAURIER. MONn.aY. Jan. tat. 1'aat•tire ani• the gal. of the, year fat' 11)1411y yettrr. - '.311)04 I.l'x)' M(•l4el1l 11144 left ter a 1.11.E of I''.t1!>t -I3. Au.n4ttlle, )d 1111Inth's isit ill Ilford ford. x r rt A hfl( h, has lull his farm pawl, Nell Ilafu is spending his Christmas Imes to Jau,p,t't1. 'j,chi1INeln, of Aubnly... holiday... with his le, A. McIntyre. it i1 a good;tarot. Weil ritn,tt.341 1111,, ,\1'11, i': .14( I4'4gor• has left for St, has goof halillliags its IIi'st-class r.....h- Helens, where hr i. engaged a.'`t.'uche• tom and the 11)114• -pts int a1'4,4 $-$.'Lill. for I(1(4 Mfr. Augustine; upends to lig ire f •Rod. 31c1•rhas ri•Uniel tifarming. \Ve %.l) him hapi' eta ' I)a111NlltNl e dung, as the retfr(u)ent'and wish 31r. Nichol' n teacher there..!troth In fill i1Vr111mood. Mi" Bell. Mi'1.••nu;tnt--P:-f:. (', M., F.XIT.-Shire our boa the fifth tyrar 1114. Eel t, 1. Nolan t0 (Y•1 1"het• of 11 .' 1wv'ntelh vomitory 11118 re- duties as te,aehet• in thel'0nmervmtury. Bled to old F:alher 'rime's 14Ilili es, tlud 41 will IN• Inug rrnl44hitwrrd its, 'Misses 51:141 and \unie•McKenzie•, 4441')• eventful tful yell' 1111 are l,llll1 of war, avha bit" hei'n 144'whl1I,g tlle•ir• 1l,1il111y$ .11111(44(1 deaths. railway.-dislullers, the at ho111r. left this week, 51114 .l lube, sirens and 14,114 e,1 ve's•l, nn fhr 0.0,0. A. 1.. 1'. 31.. aee11ny)4(l ied ley her 111111111 and , inland lakes, • etr. 'boring the 511x0 Fannie McKenzie, going to the year a, ton4 uumlNr of ihr pioneers leudnn l',1r1.er4a(ory of Music, and of 1),It: In hair departed from tine 31 i" Mad to Dett•nit.• .phare n ;Seldom t)1 their 1111x1 rest. I KLIg out the 0111.1114 in the new. lil'SINILYf4 NOTES. -- !Noce Sander- ! 111111/. h,y11,v bells. acro.. the snow'; • Tito. year s Koine.. het him apex 11011..1 On. nop• elV.pr ietur of tit/.ewsu f• lasa- Hinz mthe gal..._ria;r 41440,.0...4 shop lin succession to 1I, Hickle , has engaged is first-ellxs 'nevi11l 11•. N1)11 is thereiotr in. position (0 111411)1)- 4111 Bleu may favor 1 ' ' with their p,at- 1l4l) lgr Ormiston Augustine hasi .nupl •te1 his ri•tt• grain chopping i AUUUHN. mill and is uory ready .for business.-\'ruNr.Ne.1Y.Jam :Ira. H+s'•hilpping"'ill i,l un ribs InY•miw'8 Mrs.':41>w1h.r,'vs.isitiugiuthe village of the out 1'.'11ap4'e,urte *tall, in. ale- thio wtr•k. 311114.'1 'survey, village of 111(nIg,tIrwn. • *here ile will be pleased to w,1it 1)4)4111 511'. and Mr". 113"14"1" spent their 1141 .1111,11114.1'14. New roans ill 1Ile Y illage 111 Preston, will, ".14""" them*. INTERMENT. - I►Il {V,'p1n IN•1'� 111 . .., One remains of F. 1. .'tikt14.54., an rx• A. E. Collis, of the Aunlv'i .(1 S. 1,, teemed cold resp •1-t, ti !dottrel. of the (11x,14' 41 1hui9 visit 114.14. 1' ..t Bark. 13v- I2_Ihe •essiun,-township .f. Ashfkld. *N1N'+i('aucr1 the 1•11"'".1 II the• Jau.- Were. int/erred in I)IIIIglult.A3 ''441m•- than is agreeing Wt•11 with hint. levy. followed by nn un..mildly large Dan. ltutrliife, f11mi 5lirhigan, who iuudN•r of 8 1114154 4.( relatives nail has been around renewing old friend - friend... The ol.Y,.quies were solemnly ships and visiting the scenes et' his comliieted by Itev. Wn. Staab, of youthful days, tattooed. Koine this .kshfteld n' a 1,4 Ir. 1 . The deceased l l N' x 'week. a t It)••fice• Y''''''' If fig'. 11(141» T far lur xnnivrrmary service, in ase Pt numberof Yr,Ir4 *•1(14 111 n 11,141r,,fate•. 1)'I4.1 -14n church will he held n of health, Hr leaves surviving hitt to Sahl,th'. 1'ra-m4'rting 51,11)414/• „ii. mourn his departure three mars and ing. social fur lily chilalrrn Tl ,u1ny tare, 4111ug.,te•.4: John. in 514411it(lul : ,•v..)aithg, Geurge,in I,ucknow : ifosls•rt on the Mr. look. of SL''1'lioul ts, a' former 1111at1'•.+1.Y111 : MI•s. A. %'.14141». ,\shliel'I, te53,.4• of . o St.V111I soh,', f iiiie ilnd Miss Martha, lou 1411• Isonie,tl'.ri. 'thiel I"'.ire. 1', 11k, renewed 11111 1 11111 Thr bereaved have the sinrrlr Sym aciputintanr(ri during the past 1'll•ist- Itlus 411 the valiant man ud fnr.1 .The larger heart, the kindlier hand 444 ng 4114 1 hi• 1141 nl 1 he laud, J111111,111 the l hri.t that i', 1, he. l'it 11 1011,' J.01 4 1 G 7 Dodd's are the only nted.c,a. that KdneyBrig wr. Daw hetes. Lake Bright's Da► area this dm- will sae• was in- ■ 'amble until D0dd'a Kida.y Pill• cured it Doctor P �� themselves es ewnl.0 that without Dodd'. IKidney Pills they ars powerless against Dia. bets& Dodd • Kidney Pills are the first medicine that Iver cured Diabetes. Imitations --box, nam. sad pill, are advertised to do eo, but the med.uate that dew cure ianitos b Dodd'■ Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney fills are fifty cents a box at .2 druggi, t s. then(•*Y 1.1141,11 Se*lion uN•t Ian Wed- nesday Inst 41111 tile let) its U•11stees the 1'011.%ing: \V. 11 -Luba) for 1111',',• years, 1)..I. limos 1'e • two) vents, and 3V. Situ•l:air for 0111• ye u•, 'I%1,is sect ion will be k11uw1, as S. S. %'Ipnu1N1i.--An int.' •est dug event tank Wave nn %'edn,.tl,'t•. December 27111, 511,•1 5114$' 1«L11ll1, a lest daugh- ter of \V. Perdue, and li, •t Lindsay were united in the holy bonds of (.4111 anti)'. Itey. '1'. A. ,'te:ulnl:tu was the officiating cle•gynua . Both the 41111114 people 4111' plolN(lar r 1idettts i o tittiible to ma-. Add a little Extract of Beef, Armour's is the best:, to hot water — and you have a'cup of beef, that tones up the system better than any medi- cine. All druggists and grocers sell ARMOUR'S Extract of Beef. WW1 L1Mrr1D, - TORONTO. Savoy Soupy 12 Linda, All Truces•. M pathy if the entre 1•11 ..... i1 . luno bolidny e, ANNle.l1. 51 KKTI NtiS.-Thr annual,I. est M,1ntlay mornin( our new nail. meeting of the congt,•g,lilt 1 11f l r -i carrier nssunwl ofH >oN r with ,a l Milne ehlnrh will ix,held rat the• pti,innlly 611•. d IN• dr'iari and miles Asquith 1•ft ,nhay. Miss 0'4)14 11.11 (quilled t) \Vi,arton in her schist] Thal ien. 31> !he e • Scla t t Were w, , her o 1 • the duties of s ' int• ental growth of our vilhlg4 township hall 1111 Monday at i 4,i clock yi(rrths. How is it that 140 I11811,V of it. 111. shar4>r .. .. At the alnunMl pub. unr yu aim nee on the streets itl,tekl lie rc•hlrol (meting. heli bast \Wetrle•s- of a ending ,4'hod day in C. S. S.. Ashflrld ,and %'nN•,t P ,use- and y11110m et• reign on ., : nosh,7 h u Ls %'i ins was re-elected streets here. I KK ( .Net work the a cr- fur Nem eel term. C. A. Tehl At k>at, •t•krlx _tv.'iY: on the (cru path land C' ,: Miss nn 1 a ,1I' I.1{ nns)1 1heir nam N14t rte Ir iur P1. ; l u ) L'hr l taxe er x•r1(. rn KaKwl for t f. eG r •.. were well rt anyd. though iitart1.4))" MUNICIPAL 1(1.E1-n(i7 -varied in character, hit ended in the The toll.'.ing Wer• elected to runt act one r 9usiui: '• \'unr for one." 1. i1 the (nlnieip)d tttt,tir' in %'est. 31' wit.I I •, pocket lining. or what is it 'hal 11 ).11 forIt1N4: \\111,-11.ilie, %4, p, will cause a 1111111, day after. day, 1 and Stephen \held, No mood ' ho1np- frn'.ik.' him 114ine41 441141 )t1s(4!54 114• sen. A, AI1lb1'su11 And it. Mil r.ny,!dl•graiiing piston/11 of a w.u11, ''ug e01111illma•s. The vote was folloecs: street A(•,Ih, or i.4 it Inv.' 11ir (IIIc . ). v' r ,to .For tY•rt•1• \\ . H;aildr, 1 1. Tay. ,cul 1t...,\ 1t ws.. hymn, k .I by la ulin- lor,.Itet ; .1. McLean. 11 , h,1)' 1)1'1il- iter her, ,tt x tea -meeting 1.6,11,,' rA•e di,btt,•e, IN•iu 1 •sen" '•�,i .1 \erig 1 114• 11•.1. ci n S. h :4M• • ,a pieties 11t I I. .1 n1.'j't p. 1 1 star:ail : A. Ander.., , '21.a;• 1). Mon- I14•c„1141' very religions at this time ray. 2111: I1. 3filtilill. 1. 2 NI; r. %V,aleh, of the year. - 1711. Mr. M•.1.11 and ' r. Andrrs011 were memo r,. of hast cat's ronuril• Kx• GODERICM TOWNSHIP. eouneiRnt• 1'. W. sh 4(4140, f lite be went. in January, 1 •41, nn the (imlph k 1't•KNr:tY;'.1rtn. 'lad. Hotilr•t•ieh bra eh' )1f 1 he ('. P. It. -1)411- Mr. and Mrs. John' Porter•, of the 111 cimeetethin, Spent UW11.4111101 at I'etr41iu, cbutrhmi Monday. January 444)1. a `tart: roads ex fail xIt•ndanrr i s 1'wpnrxtwl, n 1 weather all that en iny.lrtan1 church bosille54 is to he t•veh•Vthing un Lim e0nsideed.'` The annual meting1'En51:1)1 (4'.-. of the Werw:11awh Mutual Fire Insist- for Ills 1.11,1(1 5 411(4' ('o111(14n). is to IN• held at Dun- Fe,'gusenl has snail ..... un January loth In emir. ' time to resat diatiee• with he municipal Ru err and l 1 1 1111(' 1. r K 1 11 Nl atilt N 1 r the first session of the nes• council of -t' • 11),1x`. \West W M:1111N1b will I. hell in the ing the t on the IY•tt •n trip hr w;w 0rrniled 11111(1' liar 11.4• noon of M,ulrhestrr st,Linn. 1 141 g,l. led[. however. he wens Pot ,viunsly injnlr0 in the acci- dent. Gn(ngh lie: was somewhat ,lis - App )' itel in the I rip. P: 44101)4.41..-.1. Ritchie, of \Wing h (n, fire insurance agent, wow here t week on business hi his line %;nl. \Vets)). of Listowel, life intim- once gz44n t, also writ.. here 11n business. e1'. Stalky left here 1111 Saturday hoot, intending to spend holidays with his 1111ugh1(r a1 Meat Retch, and also to visit friends at other points, but owing to feeling unwell on the way, lir returned hone, and is now feeling Vetter 31 ,l. E. Hat. her. 1•- he•r. w•ho has been on an extended visit to relatives at Aylmer and viein• icy. returned In /Me on 81111)1,0,3' Mies Carrie Milligan, teacher of S. N. No. 6, township of Morris, heft bete' today to r(snmp her work after spending 414,4 Christmas holidays. She has he•n re-engaged for 1(1131 with an increase of saltily. whish mhnw•s that her eery iees Iat year as 41'u•hi•r are appreciated. %'i wish the young fatly further swees, AAAvng other f\\'hri,tniMs visitors. M(1+. Jas. %Vil- ann. of Flora, fnrlllerl)' Miss Naomi Davidson, is spending holidays with her mother. MIN. R. Davidson, nnd friends Miss MIRtd \Vhyarf, teach- er in Y':Inlira, spent Christ h 14 - days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .bas. Wirynnd, tea friends, She 're- 4,1rne•el today lot resume teaching in the narle s'IrrNll Mr. S,oinhy, of London, is visiting his brolhe, William,who is ill 11'. ItnNme•II And Ms hrothers. David. Frank nod R'dw•rl, are guests of their patrntm At. !'ran.4forl, Ashtteld. l'hl'y nee 11watwl in the \Vest and are doing is ell. lnillght leap Is hatter than other seeps, het ie best ethos 'need in the Sunlight way l Day Susb(ht leap sal fellow d1r■■tteaa 1 Mims W. MiMnth visited her mister Mar. N. 'I'rewar(ha, during the week. Mfr: and 51,x. It. B. Porter, of Clin- ton, visited telative4 in the township hast wrl•k. A reception was held last I . Way ('venin; sot.%-illmv Greve far 511•. and 310,. N. 1'trw,irth,l, who lural eetnrnel from their wedding trip to Allsa(lrlig. N M e E Ke TI )].-- The Ir+tepNnyet'.+ 111 faith You cannot be expected to have iai:h in Shliloh's Consumption Gte, the Lung Tonic, as a cure for Colds, Cough, sedan dtsases of the air passages, if you have lad tried it. We have faith in 11, and we p((arante, it. Ii it doesn't cureou acmes w y]enothing. II it does it costs 25c. Thai', fait Try i1 to -day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the most obstinate urs, and we do not hesitate 1.0 18y that it will cure any Cold. Cough, Thmat or Long trouble. If we did not believe this we would not guarantee it. ,ihiloh has heti an unbroken record of curter Inc thirty years. It las stood envy possible tea without failure. Further Proof i, found in,T,e many testimonials el [bore who (rare tried Shiloh aril been cured Mo. Archie Taylor, Asaph, Pa., wren: -1 hoists , heath .4 Sh. W.'. fen..maim Cute anti lnem.l r vary bene&tial. 1 14,.t,, rh,Fhnn. and the, hod a teri,le tm ah. 1 a,.e them e.eryrk,na I .•.hl IM4 „ 04 Loehr yore ben �al me ;nes .nr hwhand h'e.M .Iwo. ,4 A, M es n M the .1.14,., when they urn) M 4. 4. .'.4 1bn dry* 011 ons4 11 cored •w,e4me;,. I shall alwan )lap i in the two SHILOH ino' wish Wares N whwt.er indictee it seat JANUARY Stock=taking Sale .311 goods classed- for heavy whiter wean' will IN: 41441.11 eUu'illg this Slork-tuking Saleat- 25 PER CENT. OFF regular I'r'ises. �• Their are yet nearly four 1lllll .4 in which winter clothing nix)' he N•)t'tl. Our ,took includes 4 FUR CAPS, OVERCOATS, MITTS, Etc. I 'nth. i. an ex ec �11411 11 inn' t purchaseo hair goods NiN fr 10111 11I1•tu-1li stuck ,It Ism• 1111 of slioni•N'I(( goods. but all new land 1lup) to• datte.4 luulkrupt stock EVERYTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS (except Boots!. McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters. Court .1 louse Square, li4ralw'ii11. ill= t IIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIMEO • fII i1 lute 1 t nsllip, ,owl Iuate 1111 hest wishes of all for their future pros- writ DericsI twat Ni•e•ri.%l.s. \ prep y wedding leak pace 1111 \1'rdursd.l)1 erertllier 37111, :It the re.idrnee of the brothel . 1,11 rhe Hayfield lith•, when Miss 1( , 41.,.- ion, ltaught* , t' the late Jiulir14 ken, out• became the wife of Nelson Y1v, :a tu•u.t t•r,u. 1111,1 114pn1:1' young farme • of this township. The ee•r iniony was la•t•forulrd at '41 o'clock. by Bev. '1'. A. 1te•raaltutan. The bride Buri summated by \fits Yat,,• sisto`r lot ' t hos gronu, while the groom was assisted by Jai.. Bear ...brother of the hide. 'obi• young couple heft lu. •e for their new hums, followed b)• the lest wishes of their many friends. GOOD SKATING at last. \% a liavo still an excellent assortment of 'Skates, Hockey Sticks hin-pads, Pucks, Etc. Neatly every .Skate we sell i. .\'x.400 rl:y.V Gl•.lf.\N1'EED • AGAL "I' 1i1.:EAKAt; I:. .YOI1 take itti 7-isk. \1.1' lit \'e 11.8 a sl)IeIulid line f Horse Blankets, Alaskan Robes, ee Covers, -Ms, Gloucs, Etc. PRiC.S 'ALWAYS RIGHT. J. B. H WKINS Is To You! The Hart are Man. THE HOSPITAL FOR lir sr SKK CHILDREN For 1t Cares for Every Sick Child In Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay For Treatment. Ilii' Ar Ar The hospital for Sick Children, College street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and mother, of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nurse» within its walls every year. The Ho.pit.l is nota local institution but Proviornal. Thu sick child loom any pima in On- tario who caret afford 0 pay her the same privileges, as the child living in Toronto and is treated free. The Hus- ppital had ia41 year in its bads and 0041 891 pa- tio/AM-316 a- tiooMe-316 o.f_ those were from 217 plan. outaid of Toronto. The t is 1.14 cents per ptient per day, and t wore 133 sick lisle ones a dayin the H e os gab Sitio its found tion tha Huaital has tented 11,210 WL d reo.:%4w t 1,000 of these w re unable to I pay a 1 (1 were trot- I M w e1 free. - 1(A1s+40,44. Your u,iney ,:nn put golden hinges nn 1 be door Mille Hospital's mercy. 1:veryMry'a dollar rnnv be rho Yriond in Need to Snuebo,lv',r child. Your dabs may Iso n door of lope to somebody's e4id. '1'h.; Hospital pays out dividends of 1 health •114 happinomm to suffering ohildhood 011 every dollar that in paid ler friends nl IiU.le chib TIIa. nn.Yylr.pxlt1r'11 a*F1Nar1, dfen• loran x5144. If y o n know of any cbll.in your neighborhood .v1)0 i• sick or crpplecl or hu drib feet tend 144e parent:s rime to the Hospital. Se„ what can he .one for club -foot chit Iron. 'Chew) wer14.'t>S like castes list year and hmldr.ds in 30fears, w Waal 111141114/140 %11 Why Buy McClure's? Mel'In11''1 SLignr.ine is 1p,ught and rout in hn1tea not her,unse it is a mag- azine, hilt 14•1'411ee it, iS 1•In: Illag+ez1nr. Why P _ - I'I I{S'I'• 'I'II l; I'Itl/'IS. It ,' ,.t. hat lone dollar a year, or 't..,0 1111411 ten cent• 1 mooll) 1. for. over Illi[ 1..-n hun,r'il t 0•ed - es 101 o 'rages f reading matter. '1'111, :I11.l,l alts li act 11;,1 bulkllk to I1ie'llly ,N' tly..11t )'-fit's: books costing :ulytt heti. I rout a 111111(' to I wo d011:,1, a culume. SKI •U:\'1t (11':11.1'1'\'. 'The read Mg'mitt ter is w'ritt•n by:A, lerieliN rw•',''. lend in >, writers 111(• bell short Gory itlilrl the 1N•.Iit lets 1111 tiurh' ,(•ticlr�, the hest writers of iugnn suit serials, silt 4114 $rhulz'm 1 •nlinjs:euce4fir linker's lt'tih'I'inulllllt *11111(14.11.1 11.IL I. Thr•i• t m InIK twitter in 5 •l'lur•'s is. not only g0041 ; it is mit only rant-t;Lining, luluning, instruct ivy n to t''inviting it 1 (11,' about the ..ubj, sits in whirls cod and :ill .1 n4vi,ri n.r ,nee t iitvY,Kwl nt. the l haw.. N11 N111 P.44,41.1.1 ill [rte next t silver mow Its ctrl• going toil Ni. i11IN,rttnt Am t. 1' sines? ions of railroad rates 11141 rrt/1lles 1110 1Ile , nest'o ion n life insurance. I 11 Hu n h ftlu•r1.4, quest LY 1a III be dlNe'llwe,1 by authorities ii an ii`ipar4iul, care (ol,. Ilr•xLjg w•nc, 1 11.11 .1 tin1'I :S 4'11 3.111("1'I:It. 31.1'1,1,, . \I,1 zine isnot' edited for cllildry but at the saute time, there is never n line in 1 hat env t a 11 11 1' might I rev. l. t l 1 I :• I ,K K It. advert ' la Iltx' K m n , 1 .4n • i w NN clean I. KI K uiat. ilk' editorial pia,(r1, ClcCiure's I'l a g Ziue in your boom i. into` dell to work only :for good. Semi $1.011 t day year's nolo1iplkm; 111 Wire/111 rll,lhook-more. b l' for "n'. lit' at your hINIk •.4l unr. Novena r and ) '- rYenlN'k tree wit 1 e I b ne•w• 1 bs•ri 1 ' )) i 1 tlmna for 11NNt S. S. McCLURE ECOMP COMPANY, d S tree LNE NEW Y O 3,4,, .ui re rn n good Ow • I14,ik1"1 np the bn+luu44 o/.e•rut'InK 4nlw•rlls•r. fa Mc( leo, •. II !- •ir:m ,ung voltee.p+•111.44 ...4 1100,11101i any Ulan or airman would like to n•pr•.,'nt. 'Die 1111% I-- •eat. for..., alto '.1,.,-: 14,11,11'Ideal int loon In adlltln11 to 1,41' snob prizes fur the bv.l w0 `a -(i4,• roil.,, fur frill I,ui0vhWa ' Ik' . sterner ♦Irrw/1 Plesuw send eratrhu(Jnna to .1. Rina Itnller•tara. Chairrnanor M Muses* ()avid ern, R.e.-Teras., of to Rsepltal for Mak tltildrea, College Atr.t, Tweets. This veryAkila1 OPEN WIN'S' R will permit you to (lo 'a great deal of your OUTSIDE PAIRING Wt. carr' :t full liuc of goods to R„i,t ,It in cluing this \cun'k, such as Nails and Screws, Bolts of all ,iii•, and st)less, (aass of any size and, \1 ei.111, a Complete line of Carpenters' Tools and (''''11.tllin', that is found in an Up-to-date Hardware Store. 111 Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing, rte . we can give y0■ prompt atten1on. Work and material fully guaranteed. Chas C. Lee Mora' '''hulls: 22 Morose 'Plume 112