HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 6(3 TuutowaY, Jan. b, 1111 6 1f 11 ° 1611L'11t1' ' II\1'11'111 For an Up-to-date Cutter ,'all and see \\"un. Kearney. Hanoi ton street. Ili- line L. made by the Borland Carriage Co., Stratford, Ont. Allot agent his the Latest Improved Farming Implements urn', b, the Deering Harvester Co., Hamilton, Ont. They lea the 411114 original machine mi t he market. It this 1s not wt, why is it that other ul ake's imitate the Doering. Also agent for Gasoline Engines, 2 to 15 horse power and the J. I. Case Threshing Machine. All these mewls are good Ilm.keis :1.. well as g4x Nt pn•1'ft lr•t l•rs. WM. KEARNEY Hamilton St., Goderich. "WESTERN CAN rA•' anti. ••11111'ISM COLUMBIA" Alld ;no; "brt puon elf .rith Ihe great rem.11re. and go-. dill ie. .1f0111' IIa111e44.0 \Peas Aar'hmhun•, Nin K. Voty.lra. Isidore ie:. punching. • "PIMP.* sada SMOOTIN t obs raided hy. •'SPORTS*IAN'S MA , • will toll con where the Creno, -t j. ids t. .f Ilii. 11o; ltd • lunt.d :ruA ho, 10 g I then_. "CMALLEN08 et IM- ROCKI S" tri t 4•. excellent lord interest ir,g inforn.Nt i, , e.n'eree Ing the tugged grandeur of 4he•'$t it ,rklnd of A Meriea. ' The "NEW HIGHWAY to the BRIEN out- line.de1,sU441114-414,4. lt 0114110411.4 le thi far firmed I::a,•1. Ideal trip• for the winter loon ,.. "MONTRtAL" sad "QUEBEC." tw.intik. illu•trxte1 booklet,., des riplive of the et werbial rlletrolmelk of'•1'...ilda and hinted. neene•e(emptier der., in)of the Ahote puhlie tion, free no town- (..lton 40 your Wean..( l'xu:mllnn rem, .*gent, er street. 11. Filmier. 11. 1'. A., Tutrmto. JOSEPH KIDD c. P. 1t.. gent God •t•icjl. Coal, Wood and KINDLING FIRST QUALITY and Coal, Egg, Stove and Chestnut HEML K and CEDAR ABS FOR SUM USE Any ammo of Ifardwe d, best Mapl: and Beech, cat and >tpltt, - read}' for the stove t'u,11"rt::t xviii. I11LI1I$, -o\"r 4 • men re left Brew - er re •1 sore sIlils 11 fule. 1 Mut to with; 1 the t• down 1 J hae t 1131 mnwayl•wrut of Ilia o al' u af- fair,. 11e Crux uot Indolent, -Unit this watt not the kind of work he oared to eneourlg.•. The KIVA(' arlswut4 he had kept revealed some dppa111o: fuels o h.•u he *scut over Uu•ui eaMrulfy out; morning at 4 o'clock after nu 1111.11141n session with the ledger. With lutluite pains be hail managed to 'Ise to sane - thing over 1t1:0,0irl In alit mouths: Buts to his original 1111lllou It 14id been nee - essay to odd $.1.4.:"..-41 which he had renlira•tl from 1. ls'r and Flint Anil some of his other "imf•irnmath' ()it- erations. •At least $40,1100 would 4''411,• to hint ultimately thry igh the sale of furniture and other belongings. and then there would 1,4' sornetlling like x_91,114111 Interest to comilder. But luck had nide.] hill ht getting rill yf his money. The bunk failure had Bust hitt $11^,• 41.44.25, and Hopper Ilar- risen hall helped him 'W the extent of $10.tMo, The rockiest. but determined effort to give a ball had .044 VA1,1tt10, What he 11311 lust during his illness 111111 !seen pretty well offset by the unlock):, (-invert tour. 'rhe Florida trip, luelud- lug medical intention. the voltam. and Using expenses, had entailed the ex- penditure of $1S.:.4m), and hist priw.ely dinners mid theater parties had footed 'up :Lel4r0, Taking all the filets Into consideration. he felt that he had dome rather well its far tan 111• had gine. but hr harleet part of the undertaking as let to c•4111P. 114', *Tam 141111 lu Pon - Ion of nn ;rnOrntnfts lulu which nn t disappear Iwfore Sept. 2:1, About $40. 40 hid already- beets expre.ed•In the t tehtiug project. Ile 4 eterultned to begin at once a m)-.- tematlpllnq•aign of extinction. 1t had !well it Monition before walling to diad PIMP of nay 11-Mlnl'huhl T4Tlit'i4 ,x � 1'111E McEwan S ,«)\ LIPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current literature 12 CoteLrTr NovrLs YLARLr MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 ern YEaR, 25 CTs. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES [VERY tIU411ER COM IN 1 SYNOPSIS 0I= Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. v Rat,' o ift. ,W hr 41141 ant expet to ri Irlt to ,'e,•w York before the litter par of .Ing st this would minimize the strut.: les of ihr 111,0 nmnttln. ,tut the prompt Ire 'Iron f" to le n'dgpirel from k. • Ing is apartment open WW1 not to 110 VPr11oke1. .114• a 111111 easily count' upon generous sum (or ,:11:Irir14 ;1101 running penises. flit•e 4.11 the oth- er side ,1f the lthlntie he hoped tltat new app ortnnil Zs for - extl•:n"aganee wood(' ures'ut the •Ives, and he fan- ciest I:t' mould leave he lir:,, settlement ,r ni. nil'airm T.Tr fh • Last 6(,1141). -1g 'he dolt tar wiling appl',Ocbal Ile sorb ! ugaiu sr•ntod bright lu *Lis m.tst mercenay of spendthrifts, A farewell eon:oat:M.n with 111,' ut• torneyn pl'ovel elieutIrag11114. stir 10 (Leal his d11:um•d1 to win the 1 *11nor- divary contest sewed of the lx•+1. Ile was in high spirits ni.,he left thew, exhilarated by die meltea11U11 that the world lay before Hint lu the eleva- tor he encountered Colonel Poen*iso 1)tew. 1)u loth sidles the meeting was not without its .iltlleultit•+. 'I'h.• colonel had been dazed 'by 'hr inexplicable sit nalion between 201ity and his dnuglatee. W110,40 furulutiuu4 he found hand to understand. Iter sunt11a1N• of the i•ITorl Awl. bad made" to effect :t r(eoucilbatiuu after hearing the story of the hank was rasher vague. She 11110 d011P joir utmost, she x11141. to be Mee to haul and make haul feel that she 11ppt'e'Iaud his ge•uer.lsbly, but be took it in the most .ltsagrei•a1,1.' fash- lou. • Colonel Drew knew that things were somehow wrong, but he w•as t10 41ro11gly au Aum•ri'an father to in- terfere in a matter of the affections. It distressed him. for be hail a liking fur \lousy• and Barb:ara's "s,s'tPfy Jndgiuewts,'' as he (ailed th.•nl. 11:111 no weight with hint. \Chea he found him- self confronted with Rren•ster In the ..calor the old warmth revive, and the old Nolle that the quarrel might lee an end. Ills greeting was (leery. You have not forgotten, Brewster," he aid an they shook hands. "that you ave a dollar or two with ns?" "No,' said Monty: "not exuttly. And 1 411:111, catling upon ym1 for WIMP of It very Ie.. I'm off on 'Thursday for x erni»e It the \I,.11terrawenw." "I've hen 1 something of It." They had reached t P tonin door, nod Colonel Drew had (ln wu his eriimmutou out of the crowd h n the rotu ndt. "The 1,'ouey Is at 7(111 disposal nt 4111)• mo- ment. nrenY , 041 setting n pretty You know I've 1 I knew your . . 11e wait a d lie would ducks and An)' .•,4.1 Wonder.., 04411011 of 1 ia*,ut. 1., M*111111th.4* t111• Xorl I1 et-, \hall ince" reeve•1Itiag n nlml 31, Imo rew'n e1. %1,4) 1e.• hon,', t, 1,11'11 to xnt outwit, ,1 -ho 1. the -.le head of /,toil*. or no. 01014.4,(r 11 %ens• 411 nue, In the' rtl.'vl of onr.an.vtet ...et on M Int 0444.. re Ent rt Ino* hs• toad, 'terminally at Ito, Lh•a1 land .,uric far the di-uiet in whirl. the hand M mltuat,' nr if the honeawnder .lr.lre., he ion,, on ninth...11.m to 4 h Minbrer of the Ilio ins Inlawa. the 1 4.I010l,.i0ner of Inul.dgrallno, w1 iudpeg. or the 14.--11 agent reet•I, a notion -11y for .rote one to 1,1,10.' entry for him. The hmtierat,mder 1• required to perform the rnnditI.m..rmntrtett therewith tinder one of the fnlMwing plant III AI Ira.? .i* month.' nrldene- igloo nod rultltntinn of the IWMI h1 each year for titer year.. It If Ihr L.1 her lot mother. If �I he rather 141e rentedI of Ihr h '.I.adrt t.•a,t '' upA farm In 40,• , banal . of the hind erin.r, .., live r.' gnirenaent- 0. 111 c•mIdened• Illxy i'• antl.a.d byash let's remitting with the father .r 'anther. 131 If the +ext ler lin. M. let•nlnnent residence 'tpm farming I*nd owmd Iry Idol In the thein• 11y.1 ht. hetnr.tend. the n.plln•lurot. or. to rvMemw vox> he stiffened by nh.ldctre., u11041 the sold land. Mx 1110111 h.' node' In w'fltlna •hmdd het/Wen In Ihu 1'ntnmislotver of Ibminhm lwml. st !Stowed Intention to sooty for patent. W. W. rslft\', Lk iott y .4 the Mlnitter of the Interior N. 11. Ilunthnrlawl Imh1eIp*,,.tlml of tht. ad mtiettatrt will not be p*eM for. Iltele Novo. lily Illy 11w'av4 11L'4r1 you. a r:nmdf1uher rather *v (,'111 11,1 chem. Monty, lint.. to me 7(111 make dr:ak.s of his fortune," There 4(:n* mowethlig In x11 colonel's manner *lint woftene1 ilrewstl• notch as he hated to take n reproof fro ' itar- bara's father. thew agaitl he wens tempted to tell the truth, hot he int 441 himself 1111 It, time. "It's a funny n 1 world. f•nbdln.•1," he said, "and sonlr- tllui'n u010's nearest friend Is a stranger, 1 knots 1 sent n fool: bot, after all, why- Isn't It good philosophy to make the newt of n holidn7 and then settle back to work?" "'I'hnt It 101 eery• well. Shinty" end Poluu4•i Drew was entirely merlon's - "but thework la n hundred times hard- er after you Imre played to the limit. Yon'li fled that ylat 11114 way beyond it. it'e 00 joke getting Lack Into the liar - new.," "Perhnps you ore right, eOloltol, but at denst i %hell Imre s.nlething to look lack stem even If the worst comes." And Mentr Instinctively Straightened iris .hnnkl(re. They tnrned to lease the building, .n,1 the colonel bad a moment of weak- DPs%, ettl reglaa•llt will' leer awl s:nld- 1 w• h,41 if hie friends lent Itu1 Iut.'r- •rd. "It u1T$'tft-r'I'mrrtl--The . ltalu- .l l n, • r lean alliance." n„del Ilanluer, "but your pwl,etlxtnk ul ds ,ii'lut•uliug r • hit wore." Vet the pol•keltwluk •rail very wide spwu) and-tlanlllers only consolation las in, a bail English girl' whonl he took 0,1.1 hi dallier. For the others there rP than)' co,alsilsatious• ail the at I t r was Ilrilli:MI.3ml Ihr new'clettlent it pleasant relief from- the Inevitable to nadolp•. The i'litter saw some rough weather In making the trip :o•ross the bay of - T Lyons, $he w•aa h.•tdiI, for Nile when cu Ineldent tinned Ilia l•erealed: the • 1'or your Wilke 1 very aloud' Ivrea the s1111:ttioll were las simple :14 It ralellle, Birt there ore some things n built mai ! 1 1, r t forget, and -well, Barbara has Acorn la a (1'ILOn mays Mut ale ha.: no fait:l lu tae." "\Cell, rve got faith 111 You. and a lot of it. '':Ike care of yenrwdf. and when you get back you t•tW a•uuut on ale. Goo\Iby.". r ' On 'hursdny tnor:.ug 111e flitter ate:,turd off down the buy;, nu(' the dight of the prodigal grandaunt was on. _No swifter, "cleaner, handsomer Twat ever sailed out of the harbor of New York. 11110 It was a Merry crowd that .1114' carried out to sea. 11rewistl•r'14 gleets numbered twenty -live, and they brought with thrill a Ille•ral enmity of milds, valets and luggage. It w•1114 not nun l malt)• weeks litter that hr read the vivid, descriptions of the, weighing of the anchor which wire printed lu the New York papers. but by That time he mus buga'rcions to thl•Ir rklieu1,'. O11 de. k, watching the rugged sll- hoM•tte of the city dlsatutear Into lite Mists, were 1)nu DeWitt. mid Mrs. f 1)1111, Peggy /fray. ,tip, Van \1'htklr, Reginald 1'autlerpdo 1, Jew it-•:1;rdon, lar, Lot1e11a and 111. Waiter Isu1.1, !Irr. 111111 \Irs. \'all'utlue•-the ()dicta! 1•h:11.• eros- and their daughter ,nary, Sub- way Smith. Paul '1'rtliugill "nud 1' eliwrs hanlly lies$ distinguished. As Mout)- looked over the eager crowd he recognized with a *smiler glow -That here were represent his best and trw- est. friendships. Ili. , ,rally of these c n s uta inion hal been 1 1, tl' Ilei and he knew -that' they would ail d by hie through, .very'thlug. Ihvre was no little murprl.e 'wit n It wens 'learned that 1/an 1M\tilleN was really to sail. Many of the i.lk•'voy- ager. ventured the opinion tit: Ile would try to desert the boat lu 01141` ocean if he saw a chance to get letek tlw,mn) -ittmmer. But IN•\I1110, big, 1tdol.•ut'tud IuAl2er- r11t, smiled carelessly- 1111/1 booed he wouldn't bother :u1,5IIOly if he "stuck to the shill • until the eu.l.- 1•'or :a time the sea :ut1.the %ley qqd the talk of the ccrowd were enough for the Joy of living.. Rnt after a few lealeefltl days there *tea+ it 11111, :11141'14 wa+, 11/0'11 111'11 N111111 41bit41 the nick. Patio. of .11adJIn, Which ening to him. Frotutrwr. from Abe 11010 /N' the rigging or from tinder the .e:l. )1m hr..u;;ht forth tour' drrki.'s trims. the Muth who turn ext banjos and 14allg ragtime mebsiiw. More than luee dur- lug the voyage they were 'Nein!. "I'etitry,'' said 'Brewster oar day when the sky was particularly (leer and things e'er• quiet on (leek. •'o11 the when. 1 pri•f.r this .to (Tossing the North river ona ferry. 1 rather like It. don't you?" "It seeing like a dream." she cried. h.rcairn *1.'yes bright, her hair plowing in the -.knit, }'eggs. do you know what 1 tud•kel away- In a chem( down In my -s "1)0 you know, Monty" IIP mau&. "my daughter Is nwfnnv int up shad thlr Imminent. 81,0 la'Micky and trite, tit' .to show It, but, after .11, a girl doesn't get oiler that sort of thing nI1 M n mil. mint. 1 am not %eying" -it prole* nee - piggery to recede n step -"that It wnald hMRitn Patty matter t0 pntrh 11p. Ant 1 11k, you, Mont', nod 1f any man could do It yell ern." "Colonel, 1 with 1 might." .toll Rrrty. ' 'ter found that be did not healtate, lour d.rkle. u•).o slrunoned ytt,Joe and wino ragtime mclodlc', cabin? A lot of books that you like- notm• from 111P old Barret. I's e sare1 them to read on. rainy days," Peggy did not 'peak. but the blood began to creep Into her (ler, and she hrokwl wistfully moose* the water. Then she smiled. "I didn't Mem' you could save a0y thing," she maid meanly. "1 bee now, I'rg;ir: that Is too nitwit.". "I didn't mean to hurt you, 11nt ynts nn1111 mot forget. ylonly, that there are other years to follow this one 1)o you know what I mean?" "Peery, dear, plena' .don't 1.41110 me." he hrggPt so piteously that are climb] not 1t• serious. "The 1.11)'14 Is dismissed for today, \lonty. t 4.1' mall nirlly. "Rot the t4rl- few.or ktiAvs his duty rand won't let UII off so easily next time.* ('ICAi'TER XIX. T Gibraltar Many was baffled nti ntulnnns looking table - grunt, which he opened trem- IIngly: To Montan ry Itrewater, Private Tarht Flitter, till, Iter: There 111 nn x IltltInn to declare fbr tree elly, r 1'nn mil, lire twice mm rine •11 to spend. Hoorn v: yt)ls};a• TO which Mont) respan.Wl: flefent the mer.anr nt any .'naf Th. more the merrier and (•bergo It to eve. RRE*VITF,R y et 111" and P. a. - Please • send Mark them collect. The niviera pennon wax 1st .•Ior1ing, and the pos411411tee ung tel by Monte Carlo were tog) allure to the Met to admit of a tong +top' t 46 - ',rooftop. nut the 1MMII1em had„kttters to one of the °Meters of the garrlwon, and ttrew.ter could not ovf41 rok t'pe opimrtnntty to give an N,btrate AM\ ner. The surfer% Of the attalr mn, lest be judged 117 the fact that the Flitter'* larder rf•gnire' no entirely new 1410.0 the next days The officers and ladles of the gxrrl+nn were flaked. and Monty would bate entertained tips ' Il ret real :excitement ,1•}Ix•rieIcel Ut1 I eu u .1 a 1 i. voyage. .1 ill ill 1 1• k 111 the Main saloon was sliscir-Milt more or I.'et stealthily Monti's "tui+derleen- ors" wheSts Itrg4y ''Vander' tot taruter- etl latlli ate ills face displuyine the only sign of tutrrest it had shown In day's. "Funny 1tretlicauiwa1 1 w-as'.jtvt In," he drawled. "1 want to ask what a 1 fellow should have dune tlhd.•I the elr- t•11111'1:1 IIees." "1'd have refused the girl," observed .1RIp1 Yon Winkle la,oltl,lliy. "Girl had nothing to do wth it, old chop," went on lleccy •ir.ttping Into a chair. "fellow full overt wird a lit- tle while ago." hr *vent .al calmly. There was 11 chorus of •rtes, and Brewster was forgotten fir a time. "Able of the %allure, you ku w. 110 Was 11111112 .aum•tldmg in the rgging near where 1 was etandiug 'off, off be went Into the spm. and Isere he was Puttering ar/t{nld to the-veter." "4)1,. the poor - fellow!' cried Miss Yaleutlne. •* "i:d never net Pyee nithtnl before-' •perflet stranger. i wouln't have he.- -Itntl'.t n rtluwte, but his deck was crowded with a Int of hi friends. One chap was his bunkte. t*, realty now. 1t wasn't ma,- pewit til jump In after hila. • Ile 1•I11111 keit', 1 hit, and 1 ):elk ell On hitt to hold tot Intl 1'11 tell ile ,'3(1411111. 4'nnf• Jed tomtit In w'•tsn't to he f mud. thew:•1Slenelrelr said 1e. ens -asleep. lu the 1.1141 I ta1.1 the mate. By lila thee re were n mile awn,- from the place where be went ,pvtrtoarh and 1 told he mile i didn't think we 'sonde' find hint 11 we went' !vol.;. Rant itt' I"woo' 1 .14 1•x14• t. rpt+. su•I user tout lark fist. Aflrr,arr.l 1 gut to tit/liking slant the matter. Of flew,. if'1 had 1. owu hlui-4f pp had been o11," of you it would have hems ll t annul :" coli I)r. 1., 1141 you mer the lswt swimmer lu , y,11 1111 •ruble rut!" 1'xplabd 1t•,.'. There 'was n 1141 rush for the upper deck. ant -,''l I(Timed was not the her,; of tue- turned null her course. racing to the • 11 had "\\'herr lx ltragdd4i. "I.eadt fi Ill's* Iuate, "11.• ouch Mr. 1':1.11 t i "'Mere! body 11p it M:Ite. ' 10 11114i 11 he's (taro A thee Melt 111 t caps in to the ra Ile• .10:11 eitenle•ut Ille•Ilt it. tIouty * m i 11114. leaning on his fallen the ltd: Helped* 11:11 den 'Oren mlltu g lue .1s lie s lint frill ups *41114 nearly empty at the time, awl the proprietor wept tears of joy when Monty eugagld fur his party the en- tire brat dour IIf tete house. with hal- venire overlouklug the blue MeiIlter- ruuean and a leveret., dining room mid melon. Extra men' moil,. were ruin - moms!, au(' the Brewster livery wur rote' a familiar right about the village. The protests of Peggy and the others were only eitl•uo4d when Meaty threat- ened to rent s C11Ia and go to bowie - keeping. The town quickly took on the ap- pearau4e of eutertahtiug u royal vis- itor, aud u udfuls•r of 'hops were kept open' longer thau usual in the hole that their owners wlgllt cutch rouse of the Auw'Mau'. Money. Otte morning Phi- lippe, the hotel proprietor, was trying to lnss Brewster with a gesticula- tory .stit1 -tory description of the glories of the hataille de tleurs. It 'Seemed quite Impossible to express the t'ltent of his regret that the party had not arrived lu time to ne It. "Thur Ir quite nuother plate at that time," he said ecstatleally. "It la meg- uitlteut! It is superb! If monsieur had only seen It' "Why not have another all to our- selves?" asked Monty. But the sugges- tlou was uot taken serioualy. Nevertheless the young American and his host were In st't•ret %edition for the rest of the morulug, and when the ✓ eult was announced* at luncheon there was general t•ousteirlatlon. It alt- pearls! l.pears) that ten days lute• 4weitrre.l the fete day of aowe minor "saint who hall_ not fur years teen actonled the. honor The Instltuttons of the Narlonal Sanitarium Association, Including the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium and the Muskoka Free Hos- ptt4a4 tor Consumptives, are under the distinguished patronage of His Egcellency Earl Grey, Governor-Goneral of Canada, and Countess Grey. 47 Readers of this announcement will be glad to know that there has been an encouraging response to our requeat for help for the - Tuskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives iter. 'ale Flitter had W,,sle:tMing back over -o small boats were da.'0 where Iteggy'r UR- IC ove0 irewnte11 " shouted Joe him, lir;\uswered the t0 know Of ijl14," cried ,) 'bey are - picking nonte- r yonder, rxt•lulutwl the '\'hat hest boat hats laid -.r are dragging. Yes,: sir, 1 went up (1n loan mid the i -auall il.,It.+ waved theie 1 11011s'. Ev.•ryioly rnmhe.li 114 the Flitt.'r+drew- 1111 to and there rya. Intense ex -'1 n bound. A 4:1011 411 amaze - t up Froin every 01114. Brewster, dreuehtei. but at in • of the !mate. and imply against :hitt, his head est, was the sailor who duel edition'. Brewster hod- 111 od111 the water and. Instead of • lig what III, (lute...stellts Were, t0 hi. assist:ome. When the ,ilial hint 111111 un4•oueeiou* bar- s a dead *right and his own 1 was nhltost gone. Another okir lots two and bode would have 1 111. hi'y 1111111441 510111y over the nide ,crisp for an instant, grasped the little hand 111:1t stnlght lis m0 Bally and then tm'ue.1 to look the halt dead sailor. 1141 alit that boy's a:awe. Ntr. Al tz, end see that he has the !rest •of are. Just le•f.re be fainted out theie• he murmured something about his mother. 1x4• wasn't thinking of 1 i4'elf ever) then, you see. And: ltrn4108"--this lit n lower solve-"WIll vat see that his wage, are properly i0'0•eas1,1? dello, Peggy: hook out. )sill get wet to the skin if you do that." If Brewster lad hail any misgiving. About his nhillty to dispose of the hal- 111('r of his fortune they were dispelled very soon after IIs party lauded in the Riviera. on the pretext that the yacht required a thorough "hoose el.:uilug • Brewster tnntif,rred him gueate to the hotel of a fascinating rilinge which was near the sea and yet 'mite tint of the world, The ('Ince r Monty turned: t0 balk upon the half des ardor - of a eeli•belltioi. Monty prnpo:te I to revive the eustum by arrautg:ng a 31•t- oud carnival. "You might Just as well not COMP to c1Ie Ilk Writ at ail." be expinbipsl '1f_ i.tu 4111'1 e.4• ri caruira1. W. 11 141010e matter, really. 1 of.'r one prize tsar the lest del -prated (nrrintre and anoth- er to the handsomest laity. Tm'n r,-• ery one puts Un n domino :nitL-a mlask, throws confetti at every one else. and. there ,you ore." e "1 l'Uplaade you wvill hnvgthe confetti made of thousand frau' dotes and of- fpr- n house and lot ns a prize." An.l Cragdon feared that his sarcasm was almost lurultiug. "}Really, Monty, the scheme Is rWle- ploils," told UPMIIh'• "The pollee won't • $ow It." "Won't they, though!" said 31owty ex- t ..t d. •"nI,.IIIPt impetus to it. Phl- opt te s brother -in -10v, and we had haw PLO - :rye telephone. Ile wouldn't listen to )the Scheme until we ngreed to make him grand Marshal of the parade. Tlu•n he promised the .o-ulx•ratiou of the entire forte anal hoped to Interest his (olleague, the chief of the Ore de- 'partweut." ICOYTI:(CIID.1 Write int t,entinttnnials, FREE HOSPITAL • FOR CONSUMPTIV�,�� •, •w Gl,wvex.,.w q Since this irstitution was opened, a little more than three years ago, 560 patients have been cared for. Over 2,000 patients have been treated in our two Muskoka homes within the past seven years. - Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hofor Hospital (.on- e sumptives because of his or 1 - her poverty. 9 v r Our plea for help is that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives cares for patients that all other hospitals refuse. If the nes ded money is forthcoming, this dread disease might be stamped out. Bo'btnm10e•a, tin ( P1 t 4hysteutn of \I44111rrnl, dq. the l'nj.uh,ot 11e.14311 Aa+o1.1a11401, and ci-1e...ident of the British M,.li,•al A•eieiat*un, stater) at t nasttnig of the 11„ntnol Leo i••nil for the Prevention of TIIlm•rrellosis, his film 'whet ttlat itt twenty tire %'rara, prnvidwl propwr means are minuted, a 0114.! .Il 14ttxumpti0u woukl be a cutiusuy. . 9 Within the month the accommodation has been increased by twenty-five beds, adding to the burets of maintenance, t in the faith that a generous public will come to the aid the trustees. Contributions may ,be 'wilt to Sift We. R. Mrarnl'n, Kt., O+gossle }tall, Toronto, or W. J.IIA4:r:, Emil , :.i Froth, St. W. Quality higher tll.ttl pi 1,:. I'r1,C ION* Cnott.'h for all. MARTIN'S CLOTHES are unequalled, for style, fit and workmanship. FRANK H. MARTIN THE TAILOR Parnell's Add NSW Goderich Box 173 ▪ Ont.' (AS WE PART WITH THE OLD and eo forward Into the new we wish this year Of 1906 may he a bright and prosperous year �to our many friends and customers. On nee 1 of leek of skilled labor we hate at limes beep h delayed with few 1 orders, and would ask that w.ln•excsseil this time sod fit• tf1.' flout* we ill:,'i, 141%-1 ' to 1e. n)m'• 1t, and with 4P1+un:tl alteration, honest prgood 1( iceand grora)11111/111141,14 net it ,1 continuance of your pstl'onng.•. thaw have pleated )'119 tell others 'shoot it. A few of the 1hind' found in our stole : The Celebrated Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges, The Penn Esther Range, tit• 0141 41 t1001,14. healing 1111140 made In 1'41 11/1110, and m11 will 110 .1111101.141 of the prime. Lamp Goods, Granite Ware, Tin and Copper Ware. Everything for the kitchen. Plenty of raw material to 111t1P And nywir. :Anything you need in P1 biog. Tinsmithing, Hot Water and Mternn Healing, Furnace work, T'nmghing, .ti , ere. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL 011. ALWAYS ON HAND, V011144 teal', PRACTICAL W. R. P I l \ DL:■`, MECHANIC Bread leek ran get it freak at Your door every dac- 1. kne.Jed by ma, tun. err fawn 411e highest grade Manitoba Your anJ GN pawl rent. Made by the Largest Makers In Oenede. Y . T D3s;A N YOUR POPULAR GROCER, At1r.NT it 40)01040,0,0,010,‘wale* OMr I iL ii *111t�/0 hiM1bI1Mahe 6- -9 PIANOS .. E At When buying a piano consider the merits IF of the famous E Z C F A Newcombe Pianos/ F E aFor choice (duality of tone, durable ac- C ▪ tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold F ▪ medal at Paris World's Fair and other F '_ great awards. (;all on or write to F 4 IF ?al0. HOARE, F F 3 County Wholesale and Retail Manager 1 1 DISTRIBUTING CENTRE 1 AT CLINTON, ONTARIO IMmh PT/ITTWWW14 TTTTTTTTTTT� r Co.retito. by Q ..... .. Brewster's ?4illions -• d 191114, By GEORGE BARK M'CUTCIIEON Herbert S. Slew* Hutpany (RICHARD LRtAVLS) - t'u,11"rt::t xviii. I11LI1I$, -o\"r 4 • men re left Brew - er re •1 sore sIlils 11 fule. 1 Mut to with; 1 the t• down 1 J hae t 1131 mnwayl•wrut of Ilia o al' u af- fair,. 11e Crux uot Indolent, -Unit this watt not the kind of work he oared to eneourlg.•. The KIVA(' arlswut4 he had kept revealed some dppa111o: fuels o h.•u he *scut over Uu•ui eaMrulfy out; morning at 4 o'clock after nu 1111.11141n session with the ledger. With lutluite pains be hail managed to 'Ise to sane - thing over 1t1:0,0irl In alit mouths: Buts to his original 1111lllou It 14id been nee - essay to odd $.1.4.:"..-41 which he had renlira•tl from 1. ls'r and Flint Anil some of his other "imf•irnmath' ()it- erations. •At least $40,1100 would 4''411,• to hint ultimately thry igh the sale of furniture and other belongings. and then there would 1,4' sornetlling like x_91,114111 Interest to comilder. But luck had nide.] hill ht getting rill yf his money. The bunk failure had Bust hitt $11^,• 41.44.25, and Hopper Ilar- risen hall helped him 'W the extent of $10.tMo, The rockiest. but determined effort to give a ball had .044 VA1,1tt10, What he 11311 lust during his illness 111111 !seen pretty well offset by the unlock):, (-invert tour. 'rhe Florida trip, luelud- lug medical intention. the voltam. and Using expenses, had entailed the ex- penditure of $1S.:.4m), and hist priw.ely dinners mid theater parties had footed 'up :Lel4r0, Taking all the filets Into consideration. he felt that he had dome rather well its far tan 111• had gine. but hr harleet part of the undertaking as let to c•4111P. 114', *Tam 141111 lu Pon - Ion of nn ;rnOrntnfts lulu which nn t disappear Iwfore Sept. 2:1, About $40. 40 hid already- beets expre.ed•In the t tehtiug project. Ile 4 eterultned to begin at once a m)-.- tematlpllnq•aign of extinction. 1t had !well it Monition before walling to diad PIMP of nay 11-Mlnl'huhl T4Tlit'i4 ,x � 1'111E McEwan S ,«)\ LIPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current literature 12 CoteLrTr NovrLs YLARLr MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 ern YEaR, 25 CTs. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES [VERY tIU411ER COM IN 1 SYNOPSIS 0I= Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. v Rat,' o ift. ,W hr 41141 ant expet to ri Irlt to ,'e,•w York before the litter par of .Ing st this would minimize the strut.: les of ihr 111,0 nmnttln. ,tut the prompt Ire 'Iron f" to le n'dgpirel from k. • Ing is apartment open WW1 not to 110 VPr11oke1. .114• a 111111 easily count' upon generous sum (or ,:11:Irir14 ;1101 running penises. flit•e 4.11 the oth- er side ,1f the lthlntie he hoped tltat new app ortnnil Zs for - extl•:n"aganee wood(' ures'ut the •Ives, and he fan- ciest I:t' mould leave he lir:,, settlement ,r ni. nil'airm T.Tr fh • Last 6(,1141). -1g 'he dolt tar wiling appl',Ocbal Ile sorb ! ugaiu sr•ntod bright lu *Lis m.tst mercenay of spendthrifts, A farewell eon:oat:M.n with 111,' ut• torneyn pl'ovel elieutIrag11114. stir 10 (Leal his d11:um•d1 to win the 1 *11nor- divary contest sewed of the lx•+1. Ile was in high spirits ni.,he left thew, exhilarated by die meltea11U11 that the world lay before Hint lu the eleva- tor he encountered Colonel Poen*iso 1)tew. 1)u loth sidles the meeting was not without its .iltlleultit•+. 'I'h.• colonel had been dazed 'by 'hr inexplicable sit nalion between 201ity and his dnuglatee. W110,40 furulutiuu4 he found hand to understand. Iter sunt11a1N• of the i•ITorl Awl. bad made" to effect :t r(eoucilbatiuu after hearing the story of the hank was rasher vague. She 11110 d011P joir utmost, she x11141. to be Mee to haul and make haul feel that she 11ppt'e'Iaud his ge•uer.lsbly, but be took it in the most .ltsagrei•a1,1.' fash- lou. • Colonel Drew knew that things were somehow wrong, but he w•as t10 41ro11gly au Aum•ri'an father to in- terfere in a matter of the affections. It distressed him. for be hail a liking fur \lousy• and Barb:ara's "s,s'tPfy Jndgiuewts,'' as he (ailed th.•nl. 11:111 no weight with hint. \Chea he found him- self confronted with Rren•ster In the ..calor the old warmth revive, and the old Nolle that the quarrel might lee an end. Ills greeting was (leery. You have not forgotten, Brewster," he aid an they shook hands. "that you ave a dollar or two with ns?" "No,' said Monty: "not exuttly. And 1 411:111, catling upon ym1 for WIMP of It very Ie.. I'm off on 'Thursday for x erni»e It the \I,.11terrawenw." "I've hen 1 something of It." They had reached t P tonin door, nod Colonel Drew had (ln wu his eriimmutou out of the crowd h n the rotu ndt. "The 1,'ouey Is at 7(111 disposal nt 4111)• mo- ment. nrenY , 041 setting n pretty You know I've 1 I knew your . . 11e wait a d lie would ducks and An)' .•,4.1 Wonder.., 04411011 of 1 ia*,ut. 1., M*111111th.4* t111• Xorl I1 et-, \hall ince" reeve•1Itiag n nlml 31, Imo rew'n e1. %1,4) 1e.• hon,', t, 1,11'11 to xnt outwit, ,1 -ho 1. the -.le head of /,toil*. or no. 01014.4,(r 11 %ens• 411 nue, In the' rtl.'vl of onr.an.vtet ...et on M Int 0444.. re Ent rt Ino* hs• toad, 'terminally at Ito, Lh•a1 land .,uric far the di-uiet in whirl. the hand M mltuat,' nr if the honeawnder .lr.lre., he ion,, on ninth...11.m to 4 h Minbrer of the Ilio ins Inlawa. the 1 4.I010l,.i0ner of Inul.dgrallno, w1 iudpeg. or the 14.--11 agent reet•I, a notion -11y for .rote one to 1,1,10.' entry for him. The hmtierat,mder 1• required to perform the rnnditI.m..rmntrtett therewith tinder one of the fnlMwing plant III AI Ira.? .i* month.' nrldene- igloo nod rultltntinn of the IWMI h1 each year for titer year.. It If Ihr L.1 her lot mother. If �I he rather 141e rentedI of Ihr h '.I.adrt t.•a,t '' upA farm In 40,• , banal . of the hind erin.r, .., live r.' gnirenaent- 0. 111 c•mIdened• Illxy i'• antl.a.d byash let's remitting with the father .r 'anther. 131 If the +ext ler lin. M. let•nlnnent residence 'tpm farming I*nd owmd Iry Idol In the thein• 11y.1 ht. hetnr.tend. the n.plln•lurot. or. to rvMemw vox> he stiffened by nh.ldctre., u11041 the sold land. Mx 1110111 h.' node' In w'fltlna •hmdd het/Wen In Ihu 1'ntnmislotver of Ibminhm lwml. st !Stowed Intention to sooty for patent. W. W. rslft\', Lk iott y .4 the Mlnitter of the Interior N. 11. Ilunthnrlawl Imh1eIp*,,.tlml of tht. ad mtiettatrt will not be p*eM for. Iltele Novo. lily Illy 11w'av4 11L'4r1 you. a r:nmdf1uher rather *v (,'111 11,1 chem. Monty, lint.. to me 7(111 make dr:ak.s of his fortune," There 4(:n* mowethlig In x11 colonel's manner *lint woftene1 ilrewstl• notch as he hated to take n reproof fro ' itar- bara's father. thew agaitl he wens tempted to tell the truth, hot he int 441 himself 1111 It, time. "It's a funny n 1 world. f•nbdln.•1," he said, "and sonlr- tllui'n u010's nearest friend Is a stranger, 1 knots 1 sent n fool: bot, after all, why- Isn't It good philosophy to make the newt of n holidn7 and then settle back to work?" "'I'hnt It 101 eery• well. Shinty" end Poluu4•i Drew was entirely merlon's - "but thework la n hundred times hard- er after you Imre played to the limit. Yon'li fled that ylat 11114 way beyond it. it'e 00 joke getting Lack Into the liar - new.," "Perhnps you ore right, eOloltol, but at denst i %hell Imre s.nlething to look lack stem even If the worst comes." And Mentr Instinctively Straightened iris .hnnkl(re. They tnrned to lease the building, .n,1 the colonel bad a moment of weak- DPs%, ettl reglaa•llt will' leer awl s:nld- 1 w• h,41 if hie friends lent Itu1 Iut.'r- •rd. "It u1T$'tft-r'I'mrrtl--The . ltalu- .l l n, • r lean alliance." n„del Ilanluer, "but your pwl,etlxtnk ul ds ,ii'lut•uliug r • hit wore." Vet the pol•keltwluk •rail very wide spwu) and-tlanlllers only consolation las in, a bail English girl' whonl he took 0,1.1 hi dallier. For the others there rP than)' co,alsilsatious• ail the at I t r was Ilrilli:MI.3ml Ihr new'clettlent it pleasant relief from- the Inevitable to nadolp•. The i'litter saw some rough weather In making the trip :o•ross the bay of - T Lyons, $he w•aa h.•tdiI, for Nile when cu Ineldent tinned Ilia l•erealed: the • 1'or your Wilke 1 very aloud' Ivrea the s1111:ttioll were las simple :14 It ralellle, Birt there ore some things n built mai ! 1 1, r t forget, and -well, Barbara has Acorn la a (1'ILOn mays Mut ale ha.: no fait:l lu tae." "\Cell, rve got faith 111 You. and a lot of it. '':Ike care of yenrwdf. and when you get back you t•tW a•uuut on ale. Goo\Iby.". r ' On 'hursdny tnor:.ug 111e flitter ate:,turd off down the buy;, nu(' the dight of the prodigal grandaunt was on. _No swifter, "cleaner, handsomer Twat ever sailed out of the harbor of New York. 11110 It was a Merry crowd that .1114' carried out to sea. 11rewistl•r'14 gleets numbered twenty -live, and they brought with thrill a Ille•ral enmity of milds, valets and luggage. It w•1114 not nun l malt)• weeks litter that hr read the vivid, descriptions of the, weighing of the anchor which wire printed lu the New York papers. but by That time he mus buga'rcions to thl•Ir rklieu1,'. O11 de. k, watching the rugged sll- hoM•tte of the city dlsatutear Into lite Mists, were 1)nu DeWitt. mid Mrs. f 1)1111, Peggy /fray. ,tip, Van \1'htklr, Reginald 1'autlerpdo 1, Jew it-•:1;rdon, lar, Lot1e11a and 111. Waiter Isu1.1, !Irr. 111111 \Irs. \'all'utlue•-the ()dicta! 1•h:11.• eros- and their daughter ,nary, Sub- way Smith. Paul '1'rtliugill "nud 1' eliwrs hanlly lies$ distinguished. As Mout)- looked over the eager crowd he recognized with a *smiler glow -That here were represent his best and trw- est. friendships. Ili. , ,rally of these c n s uta inion hal been 1 1, tl' Ilei and he knew -that' they would ail d by hie through, .very'thlug. Ihvre was no little murprl.e 'wit n It wens 'learned that 1/an 1M\tilleN was really to sail. Many of the i.lk•'voy- ager. ventured the opinion tit: Ile would try to desert the boat lu 01141` ocean if he saw a chance to get letek tlw,mn) -ittmmer. But IN•\I1110, big, 1tdol.•ut'tud IuAl2er- r11t, smiled carelessly- 1111/1 booed he wouldn't bother :u1,5IIOly if he "stuck to the shill • until the eu.l.- 1•'or :a time the sea :ut1.the %ley qqd the talk of the ccrowd were enough for the Joy of living.. Rnt after a few lealeefltl days there *tea+ it 11111, :11141'14 wa+, 11/0'11 111'11 N111111 41bit41 the nick. Patio. of .11adJIn, Which ening to him. Frotutrwr. from Abe 11010 /N' the rigging or from tinder the .e:l. )1m hr..u;;ht forth tour' drrki.'s trims. the Muth who turn ext banjos and 14allg ragtime mebsiiw. More than luee dur- lug the voyage they were 'Nein!. "I'etitry,'' said 'Brewster oar day when the sky was particularly (leer and things e'er• quiet on (leek. •'o11 the when. 1 pri•f.r this .to (Tossing the North river ona ferry. 1 rather like It. don't you?" "It seeing like a dream." she cried. h.rcairn *1.'yes bright, her hair plowing in the -.knit, }'eggs. do you know what 1 tud•kel away- In a chem( down In my -s "1)0 you know, Monty" IIP mau&. "my daughter Is nwfnnv int up shad thlr Imminent. 81,0 la'Micky and trite, tit' .to show It, but, after .11, a girl doesn't get oiler that sort of thing nI1 M n mil. mint. 1 am not %eying" -it prole* nee - piggery to recede n step -"that It wnald hMRitn Patty matter t0 pntrh 11p. Ant 1 11k, you, Mont', nod 1f any man could do It yell ern." "Colonel, 1 with 1 might." .toll Rrrty. ' 'ter found that be did not healtate, lour d.rkle. u•).o slrunoned ytt,Joe and wino ragtime mclodlc', cabin? A lot of books that you like- notm• from 111P old Barret. I's e sare1 them to read on. rainy days," Peggy did not 'peak. but the blood began to creep Into her (ler, and she hrokwl wistfully moose* the water. Then she smiled. "I didn't Mem' you could save a0y thing," she maid meanly. "1 bee now, I'rg;ir: that Is too nitwit.". "I didn't mean to hurt you, 11nt ynts nn1111 mot forget. ylonly, that there are other years to follow this one 1)o you know what I mean?" "Peery, dear, plena' .don't 1.41110 me." he hrggPt so piteously that are climb] not 1t• serious. "The 1.11)'14 Is dismissed for today, \lonty. t 4.1' mall nirlly. "Rot the t4rl- few.or ktiAvs his duty rand won't let UII off so easily next time.* ('ICAi'TER XIX. T Gibraltar Many was baffled nti ntulnnns looking table - grunt, which he opened trem- IIngly: To Montan ry Itrewater, Private Tarht Flitter, till, Iter: There 111 nn x IltltInn to declare fbr tree elly, r 1'nn mil, lire twice mm rine •11 to spend. Hoorn v: yt)ls};a• TO which Mont) respan.Wl: flefent the mer.anr nt any .'naf Th. more the merrier and (•bergo It to eve. RRE*VITF,R y et 111" and P. a. - Please • send Mark them collect. The niviera pennon wax 1st .•Ior1ing, and the pos411411tee ung tel by Monte Carlo were tog) allure to the Met to admit of a tong +top' t 46 - ',rooftop. nut the 1MMII1em had„kttters to one of the °Meters of the garrlwon, and ttrew.ter could not ovf41 rok t'pe opimrtnntty to give an N,btrate AM\ ner. The surfer% Of the attalr mn, lest be judged 117 the fact that the Flitter'* larder rf•gnire' no entirely new 1410.0 the next days The officers and ladles of the gxrrl+nn were flaked. and Monty would bate entertained tips ' Il ret real :excitement ,1•}Ix•rieIcel Ut1 I eu u .1 a 1 i. voyage. .1 ill ill 1 1• k 111 the Main saloon was sliscir-Milt more or I.'et stealthily Monti's "tui+derleen- ors" wheSts Itrg4y ''Vander' tot taruter- etl latlli ate ills face displuyine the only sign of tutrrest it had shown In day's. "Funny 1tretlicauiwa1 1 w-as'.jtvt In," he drawled. "1 want to ask what a 1 fellow should have dune tlhd.•I the elr- t•11111'1:1 IIees." "1'd have refused the girl," observed .1RIp1 Yon Winkle la,oltl,lliy. "Girl had nothing to do wth it, old chop," went on lleccy •ir.ttping Into a chair. "fellow full overt wird a lit- tle while ago." hr *vent .al calmly. There was 11 chorus of •rtes, and Brewster was forgotten fir a time. "Able of the %allure, you ku w. 110 Was 11111112 .aum•tldmg in the rgging near where 1 was etandiug 'off, off be went Into the spm. and Isere he was Puttering ar/t{nld to the-veter." "4)1,. the poor - fellow!' cried Miss Yaleutlne. •* "i:d never net Pyee nithtnl before-' •perflet stranger. i wouln't have he.- -Itntl'.t n rtluwte, but his deck was crowded with a Int of hi friends. One chap was his bunkte. t*, realty now. 1t wasn't ma,- pewit til jump In after hila. • Ile 1•I11111 keit', 1 hit, and 1 ):elk ell On hitt to hold tot Intl 1'11 tell ile ,'3(1411111. 4'nnf• Jed tomtit In w'•tsn't to he f mud. thew:•1Slenelrelr said 1e. ens -asleep. lu the 1.1141 I ta1.1 the mate. By lila thee re were n mile awn,- from the place where be went ,pvtrtoarh and 1 told he mile i didn't think we 'sonde' find hint 11 we went' !vol.;. Rant itt' I"woo' 1 .14 1•x14• t. rpt+. su•I user tout lark fist. Aflrr,arr.l 1 gut to tit/liking slant the matter. Of flew,. if'1 had 1. owu hlui-4f pp had been o11," of you it would have hems ll t annul :" coli I)r. 1., 1141 you mer the lswt swimmer lu , y,11 1111 •ruble rut!" 1'xplabd 1t•,.'. There 'was n 1141 rush for the upper deck. ant -,''l I(Timed was not the her,; of tue- turned null her course. racing to the • 11 had "\\'herr lx ltragdd4i. "I.eadt fi Ill's* Iuate, "11.• ouch Mr. 1':1.11 t i "'Mere! body 11p it M:Ite. ' 10 11114i 11 he's (taro A thee Melt 111 t caps in to the ra Ile• .10:11 eitenle•ut Ille•Ilt it. tIouty * m i 11114. leaning on his fallen the ltd: Helped* 11:11 den 'Oren mlltu g lue .1s lie s lint frill ups *41114 nearly empty at the time, awl the proprietor wept tears of joy when Monty eugagld fur his party the en- tire brat dour IIf tete house. with hal- venire overlouklug the blue MeiIlter- ruuean and a leveret., dining room mid melon. Extra men' moil,. were ruin - moms!, au(' the Brewster livery wur rote' a familiar right about the village. The protests of Peggy and the others were only eitl•uo4d when Meaty threat- ened to rent s C11Ia and go to bowie - keeping. The town quickly took on the ap- pearau4e of eutertahtiug u royal vis- itor, aud u udfuls•r of 'hops were kept open' longer thau usual in the hole that their owners wlgllt cutch rouse of the Auw'Mau'. Money. Otte morning Phi- lippe, the hotel proprietor, was trying to lnss Brewster with a gesticula- tory .stit1 -tory description of the glories of the hataille de tleurs. It 'Seemed quite Impossible to express the t'ltent of his regret that the party had not arrived lu time to ne It. "Thur Ir quite nuother plate at that time," he said ecstatleally. "It la meg- uitlteut! It is superb! If monsieur had only seen It' "Why not have another all to our- selves?" asked Monty. But the sugges- tlou was uot taken serioualy. Nevertheless the young American and his host were In st't•ret %edition for the rest of the morulug, and when the ✓ eult was announced* at luncheon there was general t•ousteirlatlon. It alt- pearls! l.pears) that ten days lute• 4weitrre.l the fete day of aowe minor "saint who hall_ not fur years teen actonled the. honor The Instltuttons of the Narlonal Sanitarium Association, Including the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium and the Muskoka Free Hos- ptt4a4 tor Consumptives, are under the distinguished patronage of His Egcellency Earl Grey, Governor-Goneral of Canada, and Countess Grey. 47 Readers of this announcement will be glad to know that there has been an encouraging response to our requeat for help for the - Tuskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives iter. 'ale Flitter had W,,sle:tMing back over -o small boats were da.'0 where Iteggy'r UR- IC ove0 irewnte11 " shouted Joe him, lir;\uswered the t0 know Of ijl14," cried ,) 'bey are - picking nonte- r yonder, rxt•lulutwl the '\'hat hest boat hats laid -.r are dragging. Yes,: sir, 1 went up (1n loan mid the i -auall il.,It.+ waved theie 1 11011s'. Ev.•ryioly rnmhe.li 114 the Flitt.'r+drew- 1111 to and there rya. Intense ex -'1 n bound. A 4:1011 411 amaze - t up Froin every 01114. Brewster, dreuehtei. but at in • of the !mate. and imply against :hitt, his head est, was the sailor who duel edition'. Brewster hod- 111 od111 the water and. Instead of • lig what III, (lute...stellts Were, t0 hi. assist:ome. When the ,ilial hint 111111 un4•oueeiou* bar- s a dead *right and his own 1 was nhltost gone. Another okir lots two and bode would have 1 111. hi'y 1111111441 510111y over the nide ,crisp for an instant, grasped the little hand 111:1t stnlght lis m0 Bally and then tm'ue.1 to look the halt dead sailor. 1141 alit that boy's a:awe. Ntr. Al tz, end see that he has the !rest •of are. Just le•f.re be fainted out theie• he murmured something about his mother. 1x4• wasn't thinking of 1 i4'elf ever) then, you see. And: ltrn4108"--this lit n lower solve-"WIll vat see that his wage, are properly i0'0•eas1,1? dello, Peggy: hook out. )sill get wet to the skin if you do that." If Brewster lad hail any misgiving. About his nhillty to dispose of the hal- 111('r of his fortune they were dispelled very soon after IIs party lauded in the Riviera. on the pretext that the yacht required a thorough "hoose el.:uilug • Brewster tnntif,rred him gueate to the hotel of a fascinating rilinge which was near the sea and yet 'mite tint of the world, The ('Ince r Monty turned: t0 balk upon the half des ardor - of a eeli•belltioi. Monty prnpo:te I to revive the eustum by arrautg:ng a 31•t- oud carnival. "You might Just as well not COMP to c1Ie Ilk Writ at ail." be expinbipsl '1f_ i.tu 4111'1 e.4• ri caruira1. W. 11 141010e matter, really. 1 of.'r one prize tsar the lest del -prated (nrrintre and anoth- er to the handsomest laity. Tm'n r,-• ery one puts Un n domino :nitL-a mlask, throws confetti at every one else. and. there ,you ore." e "1 l'Uplaade you wvill hnvgthe confetti made of thousand frau' dotes and of- fpr- n house and lot ns a prize." An.l Cragdon feared that his sarcasm was almost lurultiug. "}Really, Monty, the scheme Is rWle- ploils," told UPMIIh'• "The pollee won't • $ow It." "Won't they, though!" said 31owty ex- t ..t d. •"nI,.IIIPt impetus to it. Phl- opt te s brother -in -10v, and we had haw PLO - :rye telephone. Ile wouldn't listen to )the Scheme until we ngreed to make him grand Marshal of the parade. Tlu•n he promised the .o-ulx•ratiou of the entire forte anal hoped to Interest his (olleague, the chief of the Ore de- 'partweut." ICOYTI:(CIID.1 Write int t,entinttnnials, FREE HOSPITAL • FOR CONSUMPTIV�,�� •, •w Gl,wvex.,.w q Since this irstitution was opened, a little more than three years ago, 560 patients have been cared for. Over 2,000 patients have been treated in our two Muskoka homes within the past seven years. - Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hofor Hospital (.on- e sumptives because of his or 1 - her poverty. 9 v r Our plea for help is that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives cares for patients that all other hospitals refuse. If the nes ded money is forthcoming, this dread disease might be stamped out. Bo'btnm10e•a, tin ( P1 t 4hysteutn of \I44111rrnl, dq. the l'nj.uh,ot 11e.14311 Aa+o1.1a11401, and ci-1e...ident of the British M,.li,•al A•eieiat*un, stater) at t nasttnig of the 11„ntnol Leo i••nil for the Prevention of TIIlm•rrellosis, his film 'whet ttlat itt twenty tire %'rara, prnvidwl propwr means are minuted, a 0114.! .Il 14ttxumpti0u woukl be a cutiusuy. . 9 Within the month the accommodation has been increased by twenty-five beds, adding to the burets of maintenance, t in the faith that a generous public will come to the aid the trustees. Contributions may ,be 'wilt to Sift We. R. Mrarnl'n, Kt., O+gossle }tall, Toronto, or W. J.IIA4:r:, Emil , :.i Froth, St. W. Quality higher tll.ttl pi 1,:. I'r1,C ION* Cnott.'h for all. MARTIN'S CLOTHES are unequalled, for style, fit and workmanship. FRANK H. MARTIN THE TAILOR Parnell's Add NSW Goderich Box 173 ▪ Ont.' (AS WE PART WITH THE OLD and eo forward Into the new we wish this year Of 1906 may he a bright and prosperous year �to our many friends and customers. On nee 1 of leek of skilled labor we hate at limes beep h delayed with few 1 orders, and would ask that w.ln•excsseil this time sod fit• tf1.' flout* we ill:,'i, 141%-1 ' to 1e. n)m'• 1t, and with 4P1+un:tl alteration, honest prgood 1( iceand grora)11111/111141,14 net it ,1 continuance of your pstl'onng.•. thaw have pleated )'119 tell others 'shoot it. A few of the 1hind' found in our stole : The Celebrated Good Cheer Stoves and Ranges, The Penn Esther Range, tit• 0141 41 t1001,14. healing 1111140 made In 1'41 11/1110, and m11 will 110 .1111101.141 of the prime. Lamp Goods, Granite Ware, Tin and Copper Ware. Everything for the kitchen. Plenty of raw material to 111t1P And nywir. :Anything you need in P1 biog. Tinsmithing, Hot Water and Mternn Healing, Furnace work, T'nmghing, .ti , ere. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL 011. ALWAYS ON HAND, V011144 teal', PRACTICAL W. R. P I l \ DL:■`, MECHANIC Bread leek ran get it freak at Your door every dac- 1. kne.Jed by ma, tun. err fawn 411e highest grade Manitoba Your anJ GN pawl rent. Made by the Largest Makers In Oenede. Y . T D3s;A N YOUR POPULAR GROCER, At1r.NT it 40)01040,0,0,010,‘wale* OMr I iL ii *111t�/0 hiM1bI1Mahe 6- -9 PIANOS .. E At When buying a piano consider the merits IF of the famous E Z C F A Newcombe Pianos/ F E aFor choice (duality of tone, durable ac- C ▪ tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold F ▪ medal at Paris World's Fair and other F '_ great awards. (;all on or write to F 4 IF ?al0. HOARE, F F 3 County Wholesale and Retail Manager 1 1 DISTRIBUTING CENTRE 1 AT CLINTON, ONTARIO IMmh PT/ITTWWW14 TTTTTTTTTTT�