HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 5THE $I10N.1L: UNTAKJO
copyright, Ix16. by E. e'. t'ar, ell.
Old Ned ataa,rted nod east au IuJured,
reproachful glance back at tris mis-
'There, Neddy; there,' she *pato-
/Med. "I didn't really maw to strike
you, but I'm that. worried In mind --
what are we going to do, with your
young waster gone, 1'd like to know!'•
She gazed with wet eyes uerufr the_
meadow, where the "youug nusster,"
ber only child, end she a widow, was
at work with the hired luau. Ile
waved hie baud lu response to her sig-
nal, and her grief overflow(,!, ahticl;
patlug the black lonelluese that would
be hers when the fur treat had swab
lowed up her boy, victim of a girl's
weakness and her lather'.. obstinacy,
"Oh, why did he set hie heart .upaln
that spiritless Lizzie .'lurk when there
are so many girls Just as pretty and
every bit as good?" she groaned.
She had pttt the question to ber sou,
and he had answered by u look only,
but a look that somehow entirely pre -
"Illy Andy lajevery grain as goo(' an.
Your Lizzie, and you kuow '11, 0(141
what are you kicking up all this run•
pus for against their belug worried?"
"Well, 1 happen to wuut uiy Lizzie,
nod l haP1a°u not to want your A1uly."
he explained.
"You are waking her wretched and
driving my boy. away 'from mics,
She caught her breath and bit her lip.
She would not cry before beth ('lark.)
"'They'll both gel over 1)," l(: isig$•
omitted easily 'itis he and to the gi•uuud.
"Other folks have been disaplointsd
iu not having what they wanted moat
and got ui•er It -or ansd up under It
anyway-dklu't let It ..pull their lives
and go whining around the rest of
their natural span." 1Iw'regurled her
with 'Nihilist- areneatiou.
She flushed uurowfort9bly, and *awe
of 'homer things whbit had seemed ..o
far. far buck euddeuly eonfrouted her
very closely Indeed. She felt dubloua.•
Perhaps idle had better have gime home
after all,
"Well, I eall't air the sense In mak-
ing the .tdklreu miserable," she re-
evarked lamely, breaking an awkward
"'There'd a certain old law that says,
"lire slue of the feathers shall be visite('
norm the children.' 'isn't ibis 1(0• itu'occa.
afeu where it eau be Justly euforced?"
he queatioucd sternly. '
."Yost -lean Menu"- abe'benttnted In-
"I mean that Andrew Baker robbed
me of toy wife that should have been,
and ,Andrew Buker'e sou shall not rob
(1118 of nay daughter.? '
She looked astonished and burst out
indignantly: "Andrew Baker, wouhln't
--take •No' for an answer. 144' -he kept
0t and kept on till I Just eoulJllit say
It again, ewllechelly us"- . Her voice
trnTksd° out.
"t)b"" he rid/timed in a tune ludica-
t ve of .Ildden, amazed rinHgbtemiwnt,
s4 ran;; at her n. 1, 1.;1InIVIIy- ihhags
hart Utioxi cetevtly canfrouterl.hlil 911/0.
1 tl:are.l up mall stalked off fur
gitad, ny 'lightly terribly hMeulted by
the lit a negative. I was ns tantelted
ns a-tur •ey nk'k Hud at mild utt It pig:"
11e elle rt.(' a straw and ruminated
lengthily lit 11 opeuklhg *Wiener.
"Hut , Liatnie, cud I were inippy
enough," he, hMel•ved presently'. with
npporat laidVance. "She (\•u a good
woman. and 11 tie Lizzie is Just like
'".tndrety Baker was am good us the
'Nest, and 1 was, happy with hlui:" she
bristled, "And my Andy la like his.
No.' But hieis up ngniust her d:id'.
'No all right. I'm not g.11ng to be role
bed twits*. St 111“-- Ille.i uti'/upliaterl her
1 duwnnl.t face, 111111 11111 IIWIt *atoned.
Ile turned his back and moonset tasty
whistled n few burs of an old lore smug
they used to sing toy;ether,
"Look here, Josle 1Mfg is linker, I've
never been friendly with you mines',
elite 1'd found .out before• lIow that
things you've thought dead Dat. (onye
to life. l gauss thiuga en 11 be tiersl for
the chilitreu provided -- Look here, Tin
going to ask tliatt queMtlou tgalu, and
1'01 not going to take 'No for an au
ewer this dune: 17I Hak 11 every tithe
mail everywhere 1 sec you. Jostle. will
you Marry• titer
She tweeted her finger's in ehliarrass-
ment, looking absurdly like the old
Uwe Josie to his partial eyes, and fal-
"Well. of -of course, 1f you won't
take 'NoI"
6COLlt 1..014 11Kxg, MET', .'LAI:K. 1 Maim
TO TALL To 101'," ant: oat
vented the now of argument and ben
'suasion with which she had hoped to
convince blw-
She kuew.well that had he tint imag-
ined the errand upon wing. she was
bent now 1e would have hal cull, with
shocked Alertly. to fru.rrate it.
Sire. \Baker ordinarily would not
have meddled w -1:b the young folks'
love affulrs\but she could nut let her
mon iw*',,me al4suploiuterl•world luau•
derer without Making every possible
effort to avert 11. h( Lizzie .'lark were
the cable Indl,p*ensu le U1 eteliorlug
hew t0 lire home, I.izzle 1'hsrk he must
,have -the girl bust set. that herself.
She was certainly very Pretty and
-attractive, Sirs. Baker ndtnitteil\t0 her-
self as Lizzie greeter1 her aoni4gvhat
shyly, and there was it w-iatful appeal
in the sail eyek aril sweet Pa.e that in-
dicated plainly that she was unhappy.
"As she deserve"' to 11e if she will not
assert herself anti Marry ,tbily, whether
Seth ('lurk consents or nut!" was 01148.
- Baker's rather vindictive Inward com-
ment. -
".tre you going to drive buy boy away
from me and drug me 1n sorrow to the
graver' she demanded drnmaticn117,
uaeonaeloua that her blooming person -
silty was In ludicrous contrast to such
a dire posslblllty.
"Oh, Mra. ,lnker, wont ntn i do?"
Lizzie gjlaver(d,
"Do! You can spunk up: You are of
age. 1 come on purpn'e to take you
away, nod you and Andy will be roar•
rigid before anybody can Interfere and
prevent It-"
"Did =did Andy aenti yon?" Lizzie
panted. pale and frightened. "I won-
der at IL for he knows 1 cannot do it
while father Is so set n'gninst It. Did
Andy rent! you?"
"Andy thicke you love lt[m n great
deal more than you do; 1 fear. But you
can easily prove your -love. Come, Just
take the matter In your own hands.
It's the only way"
"flow can I? Father never would
COMP to are me nor let nlea'onie
1.11014' walled. "1 c'0n't, Mrs. linker, I
"Well, you'd have Andy, wouldn't
you, and bre happy, wouldn't you?
Why should you care what your fa-
ther did?" Mrs. Baker argued, forget-
ting that children usually 1t v.' some
affection far their parents and that
other parents besides herself might
wish to keep their children.
"Yes: rel have Andy," a tender bloom
flooding her face, "bit, Mrs. Baker,
don't 'you think ehlldren nim nt all for
their parents? Father is hard about
this, but be always ling been the heat
father a girl el•er had. I love him. I
couldn't be hapP7 for thinking of him
here alone nn.l miserable. We are
young, Andy and I. We cnn wait. And
I'm hoping Andy n•Ill not go away
when be realizes bow It will grieve
Mr. Raker was torches!, and In her
heart she approval. She mold no more,
r ''i( deal nn. weut
Int kissed the 1 1 1
ort. But she was not going home yet.
Roe would ere Seth Clark and present
him with her opinion of his conduct,
spite of bluff and bbnster. '
She asked no goestIons as to big
whereabouts. if he wens on the farm
she would locate him. 1'Innily she
found him on top of n shad hack of tho
barn nailing down shingles. She stood
end witched his energetle movements
n few moments, seeing things which
seemed so far back In her life that
they seemed to belong to another age.
"(bine down here, Seth Clark. 1
want to talk to you," she ordered nt
"Heart to heart talk, JbsephIBe In -
gals Baker?" be asked, not at all sur -
primed, havlljg been observing her out
of the tau of his eye.
"Yea, or knife to knife, jest as yon
choose," she retorted sharply. "What's
the matter with lily Andy?"
"Why, Is 11e ailing?" Ile mewed to
look concerned. She scoreed his tri-
No Man Stronger than his Stomach-:
Let Mi-o-na Strengthen Your
,Digestive System.
The stoniech is your vital centre,
No mon hi., stronger than his
The at'i-ratge' 11140 111 114/1111.11 him
physical vitality by his heart, him kid-
neys, or his Iungn, Yet it isthe
stunlar'h that An mid lin fliwt conabd-
errt1 when you wait up the account mf
health. ,
Every organ of the Lx1y1a sue-
tnine d and nourished by fond which is
converteed into nutrition in ‘J,he
H ommel' and conveyed to every pert
of the system in the foram of bl,w.I.
For this remain,' when the Min:melt is
. trengthened with Mi-o-na and is able
to nlllwet•t the fund into nourishment,
ell 'other organs soon 1weoux• w, -Il.
This explains many cures of heart,
liver or kidney, diseases in the cases
where Mi-o-na its used. It is the most
wonderful health restorer known.
Just one little tablet out of a 5o -cent
box of Mi -(ria for a few slays, and you
will Mon leer A great improvement i
your health.
If yon cannot ohhlin 'Mi -oma of
your dl ltggist, it will be sent'by Limit,
post-paid, on teeeipt of price. Witte
elm for advice on your 11454' from a lead-
ing stomach Specialist w'hic'h will be
sent free. The H. T. Booth Company,
Ithaca, N. Y.
Crowding Him to the Rear.
"1 envy you," declare'', *whoop.
"Why tai?" inquired Nokid..
"liecanwe• vnu haven't children. A
mete husband cute no ice with chil-
dren in the house: Yon at least
occupy swine place its your wife's
scheme of life,"
"Oh, 1 don't know," was the rueful
response. "She has a couple of rubber
Sell Your Cold for BI?
You eu 1
rely won't t der
p at a .!11!!014
bill to cure that horrid, sniffling cold
On to any druggist end get "Catarrh--
Catarrh•ozone' NMI your cold will ie a thing
'of the past. There is nlmnat witchery
in the swift wry l'etarthnznne kills.
colds. But when you consider the
penetrating, healing and antiseptic
qualities of Catat'rhozonr perhaps it's
not au wonderful. Certainly there in
no remedy half so pr pt for colds
and catarrh as C*t*rrhoz,ne. Refi.r
A substitute and insist on having only
The Oldest Country In the New World.
Everybody 1e talking *boot the
high -Arum *peel*' elcurlion which the
(grand Trunk R*Ilwoy Mystenl Are lir•
wising for. Mexico, and which will
leave Montreal WIN) a. on., .1,nttory
d)th, 100441, in 'peeled Pullman ears on
the International Limited. These
car' will be attached to the private
train that swill be oreIIBnd through•
out the tour at Chicago the following
.morning. All expenses included In
rate. Tour will I*at *bout forty doy..
and will rover the most interesting
portlor. of "the oldest country In the
New World." Apply to piny (grand
Trunk *gent or to J. 0. McDonald,
Union Station, Toronto, for all lnfor'
melba], dr'crlptive matter, rates, etc.
' Mid heu.lachos aril cured b Milks'.
(granules For sale by Jae. Wagoa.
Hrce'pta of 'I've shalt el the Unt..i. 141., •s
Verde erre 44 cur !wads, coutpoio,1 of Aga
trine, .1 nherp and 41 cuf\1.4,
'rise vitality of the bulk of fat ,alta• was
sly fair to 111.411894. 'fou litany bull -11111+S•
ed *rifle flirt ought to buvi..1.'.,, left lar
• 11.' •r da week.' ,longer '111' the stable aro
'.lug offered.
rode was fair, oudd.•rina the quality,,
A11 uttering* were wird berme noun.
Prices ranged front *0,3.1 to $1% per cwt 1
aeon lir eight luaus sold a1 the .1411.1
tlN 1414, tM hulk welling at IIA to $4•u3•
Expert buns sold et -16.311 to 41..5,
Thar. were not tunny hno,Is 'nf w•ell:lln
Isbell 9.l,'hers. '1'h.• heal sold at 111,11.". to
01.44.; fair to taerlluua,- 03.1(1: to 04•I2'•:; rota
mon. Cite to 08,143; ruwa. wild al 02.45 10 per cwt,
Kest Buffalo. Jan. 1. 4 g'IIP BPrelpts
4000; atruattgg to 1:.'. higher; lime etrurek
05,40 4v 03.75, ah.p(lug steers, 04.78 it
•L5; Witcher*, *1.:.. to *5.23; heifers
:26 to 14.145; cow.. 02,73 fu 01.15;
62.50. 10 $4.35: alu'►rre ■04 feeder. Li 11
14.34:11101.4 hrlferd, $2.2:4 to 0:a; fr.•.ill 'sow 1
and •telages*, i2 per bead higher, 001 t(
vale-Necelpts, (1480; active; 31.511 (1
'log►-Reeotpt,, •40,5(10: notice; Lc to tet
higher; beavv, nosed and yorkers, *11111 tr
0p..18; plea, j0,0.1 to 115.70; roughs, 14.:.1 n
14.75; stags, 63 to 0:I.5o; closing easier,
Nheepp old 1x019. Iter.'Ipts, 141,213.; i,'
five: sheep steady; IAmbs,25, bleier; Iambs,
*41,ffi to se: yearlings, 1x1,501 to 1,K.; weth
ere, 05.80 to $41; ewes 03.23 to *1.701:. .Seep.
wiled, ea .to 45.441; Canada 11.11,1,14 $7.143 h
.17.41; w,*tern lauds* 07.:41 to 17.75.
New York, . Jan. I. -Beeves.- Ib"etpts,
4214 herd; ;k5 rets 011axle; steers. .law;
top grades steady to a shad.' higher; me -
6111,11t all* to a shade lower; bulls
and ' tow's, steady; Iwluoluo (0%4,, strong,
stout all gold: steers. Sabo to 85,31; huiig,
02.75 fp 14: cows. 01.75 to $8.5e1.0;. Liverpool
1:141 London emblem, quoted uettlo steady, at
4u0 por a wI VYav,rtm,wooly; none. to day; Ionl..
7181 cattle. Calve,. Itm elpts. lois 'seed;
1.11, o.tire; vests. Ole to 2.1e lower: hero.
a.d and westerns, slow to 2:.• off: a4 sow;�'ra 05 tn'i:oat: tors, $111.i5:.Imlt. enlr•..
105(1 la 04,50; 901488,,nl wive,. 03 to 44;
70141191(4,, 12.:*) to $2.75: westerns, *.'I04l to
$3.70; dl . eved 'al4r4,. nlaler, 01 9'. 10 12',
peer pow "d for city dressed vests, load he
to 13, for country dressed.
nh.ep and- fall 1111.111 411.1.lp1a. 443( hee4:
14 etre on sale: sheep, lion, to 2:.' higher:
lambs, _sr to 541• higher r•no ems held over;
*hero, 1:411.) to *1.81: 1-1,141, 02.5*1 10 09:
Ian ha 17 to 814.25; ,'.ills, $5.
110g. Iteeettite 1:1.:17.1 head; .0741 o11 Nal •:
higher: state find 1'enn.•ylrilutn bogs. 1111,75
to 05.1141.
8.rong Gals Frustrated Firemen's Ef•
forts -Leu 830,000.
Pickering. elan, 2. -Pickering f'n;lags
ane of the hest -known schnlaatic 'mita)),
llshments on the American o ,ntimint
was destroyed by fire 011 Aaturday. Th.
outbreak occurred at about i.z0 a m
In the northwest earner of
e apartments of the Principal. Mr
WP. Firth. M. A. The pupils weir
enjoy on their rhrl,tma, holidays, and
the building was only occupied by SIr-
and Mrs, Firth, the matron and 'ter-
yenta- Mr. and Mrs. Firth had not
long left the•collelr. for Plrkering sta-
tion to take train for Toronto. when
the lire. was first nolle.',. ars they were
.ummoned-back by telephone Juat be-
fore, th. (1410 started,
The wind was blowing a gale from
the northwest and drove Hie flames
arrow. the building. mid fruatrate.l the
firemen's effort,. The lir•p burned fierce-
ly f 1i•veral hn and before nooq
Jho whole of t main building had
bee0 mmoly .,ly destroyed, the walls
and ch'mn.A•ii being all that remsln
Th. gymnaalum and other outbuilding,
aro intact.
The ,Inas 1w .etlmated at about 430.-
000, Which' Is partially covered by In-
The rollege, which was erected In
1671. was carded nn under the auspice+
of the Society of. Friends and war the
only Friends College In Canada,. ..
Big Firs at Truro, N. 8.
Halifax, N. A-, San. 2.--Gnnw'a Opera
Rlock at Truro wan totally destroyed
by fire Apnday morning. A number of
firma were burned out. The loan Is 0.-
tlmated at 100.000, partly cnveeed by
Fin 'In Asylum Cottage.
Mimics). Jan 2, -Although the
building '1n which they were confined
war burning down over ,heir heads,
many of the patient. In Cottage Na.
Two at Mlmle(rAsylum. which was de-
stroyed by fire Sunday morning, ab-
solutely refused. to be rescued. They
finally had to be removed by force.
The twenty or more' patient,' ti the
house wore, however, wefely carried
out. The lo's Is about 015,000.
Wheatley Stook Burned.
Wheatley, Jan 2. -About 2.30 Melnek
Aunday''m••rning fire broke nut 1n the
pQeer Jackson' block, corner of Erie and
Talbot street'', occupied by Stewart
Anderson as a general store, -The
building and stock are a total Infra, loot
on building, 82.100; lose on stock, about
86.000. ,
Wash oilcloths
and Iinoleums with
warm water and
Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe
dry. The colors will be preserved
and the surface unharmed.
Common soaps fade the colors and
in;urc the surface. Sunlight Soap deans, freshens and preserves
oilcloths and Iinoleums.
Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most
de'icate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains no hing that can
insure either clothes or hands.
SJislight Soao is better
than other soaps. but is best
when used in the Sunlight
w..y directisnsi.
Bey it and follow
Sc • direulons Ci •
tette BROTHERS LNITtg. Termite
British Cern'.. c al Agents.
London. Jan2.-I(', A. P.) -It 1.
probable British t1ommerelal agents
will he appointed 44, ('nlonip,. Mr.
O'Harri s letter caused the Matter to he
Herlously dlscut.eg. On behalf of the
Hoard of Trade It I" pointed out that
Canada will "jot be entirely neglected.
Aa to the ('cion!.'' in general men have
been aetlt to make Inquiries In South
Africa and the Auatrallas, with the te-
ault that ngenla have been appointed to
Afrh'a, and will apparently be chosen
for Australia- The probelbillty Is that
''Imilnr mea,),iw. will be followed In
regard to ('enada.
Hamilton Man Killed.
Hamilton, Jan. 2.-jslllntt Longley,
who residedd near the Jockey flub, and
war empiIoy.d by the imperial Cotton
('0., war on his way to work between
6 and o'clock. Saturday night, room-'
ponied by his mister, when he was
struck, by a O. T. R. train from the
east and wa" killed Instantly.
Two Lonely Men Suffocate.
.Wtnntp.g; Jan. 2 -Word ha* been re-
ceived of Elie tragic death of two home-
steaders,1. McLaughlin and Jarmo;
Ross, who were living In ono "leek
near Hanley, Mask. They were found
dead in bedbyneighbors, n hl 1411
having R
R beeow
suffocated by coal gas.
Alien Act In Soros.
London, Jan.'2.-The Alien Act, peas -
5t1 at the iaet premien of Parliament,
Same into force yesterday, The Br.ot
'Reel of the now law was that the
Immigration officers refused to permit
the landing nt 24 of 42 Immigrants from
Broken Sleep, Tired Next Morning.'
Sleep not only test^ but hnilds up
the hotly. 1'it down the hors of
sleep, and yon cut down health In the
Pattie proportion. " Itebnildinl{ 'then
hems, nerves go to smash, Yom grow
tired, weak and wretched. '1'o restore
sleep you t get more bodily
strength, te nutrition* blood,
healthier nerves. Ferr•nsnne solve'
the wholeproblem, myouakts you sleep
soundly, vee sndnrtnce, vim, ern.
hition. o mom morning weaknem --
In,tead the fire of youth will run in
your veins, supplying abundance of
energy and slam. Witeh.'y ex•
the :afloat effect of k'erro:one;
Baby beef is the highly finished product that I s for the highest
figure bcausc the muscles, tendons and tissues are but hardened by age
and use.
It is ender and juicy, like a rapt=y, young tree. '
It cots, on the average, about 3c tomake t 11). ;.f gain at one year,
and about7c, at two years, and ayon, because the digestive powers are
more energtic inounger than in older stock.
Theresheul.l he no let op in feeding the 365 days of the 'ear.
W. A. McKim
During the open season we have
many goods which we will not carry over if
small prices are any Orowail,
25C Millinery 25c
A lig lot of woolen's and girls' trimined
and untrimmed hats, priced up to $2.50, .to
clear at. each 2.'c. ,
Overcoats .
Men's and boys' overcoats.
About 7.1 to clear at one third less
than our low prices.
$:1.00 coat fur $2.00.
811.00 coat for $4.00.
a'k 12 00 coat for $8,00,
All new this season,
Jackets,, half price
They "must be cleared. They are new
this !all and you 'can have ono or more at just
half price. $3.00 jacket for $1.50. $5.00
jecket for $2..)O, $10.00 jacket for $5.00, and
a lot more ' at the saltie rate. Half ,your
money back.
One quarter off Furs
Clydesdale Stock Food
can be fed v.111 the greatest b; nefat to calves, especiallywith Sitsaratbr
Milk. as it-tkke4he place of the extracted butter fats,
- It tweverta iCOu,,,"Iherefbre,lhere i; no "let up' in growth.
It has the bre and muscle producing ingredients that helps to build
a frame on which •, put the tun ler flesh quickly, and, at a profit.
Nothing injutous in it, and can stop feeding it without harmful
effects. Human Imes can take it with benefit.. We take 0 every day.
Your men
e Y seerfuati ration*: by the d ler if any Clydesdale
Ptrellaraticns do nntive satisfaction*:
Try Hercules Poetry i,4, C1.vnra41ar.a atoea F 111 CO.. Limited. Toronto
Mics. F' I. NAY6L3:..
1). li. BALLARD
rug 11 41 PI
SOUF1t1('H W. lit {MOWS k seN .,
\t'Rt'HN - N', T, 1111►n#:LI..
( LINT4)N Int. Hick ,
1 l' HI' It N
�eas6rta5le 5oods
. nice assortment of
'Ties„ I ,ndkerchiefs, Scarfs,
Gloves,.Hosiery, Etc., Etc.
A few of tone comfortable Pyj.uua(a (eft. Thcy
have bad a go' sale, Yon Mhoul.l ..•e !hemi
eg. Black
JyIt- Shoe
The "Invertus Shoe" assortment affords every
advantage to the purchaser. The newest fashions,
the best.leathers, the little original touches or style
characterize them as, being out of the ordinary.
Made in a wide range ot- styles' including shoes for
every need and seri'icr. The most attractive values
offered in men's shoes today at
$3.75, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00.
LCor. East St, and SquareQ'}� - GODERICH
iammumm!M Jam__ ..lR^
heats' Fvrisber al .fitter, • The Square, GOD[RIC11 i
No u1au1'religion ever got warn 't H F A D A C H E
by \workingg m.
These un"ighllyy piltlpb.•n ran Noaraigia and Nrrv.nasne,. rand qui.kl. hr
stile! retulv't' 11 -
It 14 111a a doped tinauhlut bit at true lutibr Hud
nutritive fecal,
Our 5oc. size for a Tonic, at qoc.
•1 9,14,• i, ,,„ 1„ ,I, i kim1.
entirely 1 y the im•(•of MI1In AJAX t4Anetil ala t1tADACNt -y--
(' plrunt' 1rot1 Pella. 50&me•n25eon AND NWF.:L^'a CURT: �%. C. GOODS _
For Mille Inv .m Wilsnn, h1e�ae Jepr,e.;nn. C.nale.t 14(11414 rvrr J; -,..•1414;"
T no.:hers,. Andes. A or Jirect from BEDFORD BOCK.
Arms a co. Simeon. Ont. ,!lone; Junk if net Mpe�rbtl attention to fart •l 1•n•I •n,
NAVE x011 A BOSS? ly �'
1250, 5 for $I.00
M$ f or see you and
pendent? If you Are nlskulat m•iney lir Meme on ,�{ 945 .,p.
else, quit sad make money for yourself. tree our t}' 'i` '*` "i` • , ! 9 f ?,�F G�y 4
of slavery and be free Write ,MAwatla,-a tars-�s•'i`
Co., London. They wi't show you the way. They
have started thouvnds nn the road 1,, fresdom.77
Seven dollars a day, every day in the year, is he.} .
les'made handling their goods. Write now,
Tilos Is stoney. ,
W. Thomson.
are headquarters for
"Worn i, PIANOS, ORGANS an
People 1:
-Don't neglect the Best symp
toms. Oftentimes the irritating
cough, the insipid cold, the listless
and languid feeling, are due to a s
weak state of the system. It im a
sure sign of breakdown. Nothing
else will put you right so quickly and
effectively as "PsYCNINE-." If you
feel "worn out," it is time for a
tonic, a real tonic. There is only
one really good tonic. it is
s'P,vcn,Nr. ' Keep a bottle handy
-never be without it. it tones up
the system and restores your obi
time vitality. Ask your druggist
about it.
(?Rof otlnicL3 W!l ar°
Son s't
DURING the many
years in which we'have
been engaged in cater -
lug to the needs of t h e
people of the greater part of
West Huron in Mustral In-
struments, Sewing Machines,
etc., we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantly increasing patronage.
We extend thanks to all our
customers for their many
We wish to announce that
we were never an a better
position for the handling of
r goods an our line
:t...1., I I
• s, - i,4 �, 1. - yrs..
od '*'' 1'.i' jl •'"^''S^_
,• than at the present tame. t 1 ' `-
• 4,47 h'1e . Not only in the larger 1nstru• •!L i
ments are we well prepared
to ti the most particular demands upon us, but in the smaller instruments, such as Violins, Gmtarq, Mandolins
Flu Clar,onettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc , also is our stock for the coming holiday season well
ate. In fact our entire stock of Musical Mer( handise, including the publications of all the leading composers, is
Edison Phonographs and Records,
Berliner and other (gramophones,
Empire 'Typewriters,
Fountain Pens,
School Requisites,
Fine Stationery, etc., etc.
we cordially invite yon to make your holiday selections at our Muq,r Empnnum.
OR T. a. SLOCUM. urnit•d 4,4. The ared
',- Goderich•,
mecum .t. w. r e..lte, 0 ' Sawadd 4 s :� '�,44 4445 454.454545454544454.-44646+45444844444446441t !'tT54545 45 Y
it •r
;rR,4,«„ , ,. � gl-:f s6 adv, , ar,.v„.< 16ii: 0;v.• +� �:. _61:toot: PAWL 7asss,r a+ •-Riw1:a,-,r,