HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 44 Tnuueuty, Jan. 4, 1'1;,,l!
The Publisher of Thirty -Five Periodicals
e meat successful newspaper publisher in the world is Sir Alfred
1Tarms orih, who owns thirty-five periouirals, seven of which are dailies.
In the 1 ding cities of England. He was born In Ireland In 1865, the eldest
son of an i:ngiish barrister, and was destined for the bar, but before he had
enmpleled his grammar school course he determined to be, an editor, and
though sentenced by his father to go to Cambridge, he succeeded in having
this sentence reversed.
At seventeen he w'as Installed as editor et one of Sir William Ingram's
journals in the office of the "Ilustrated London News." Four years later
he married when w
and n t cony -three started his first paper, "Answers," k
penny. journal of popular information, and the foundation of his present
fortune. The publication office was a small room, hardly large enough to
draw a long breath in. and the four dollars a week he paid in rent wags quite
an Item. The first number sold 13,00O copies; within a year It rose to 48,000,
and four months later, by puzzlek, schemer, guessing contests, prizes and
clever and daring methods of wtnnleg publicity unknown to the conservative
British press, the tireulatlon rose to nearly three-quarters of a million.
' When the unapipreriative government offlelals stopped the competitions the
battle was already won and t'I(tory petrrhed on the Harmsworth banners.
Then followed a long string of minor publications. until. in 1890, he
bought the "Evening News," a paper witto an !mouthed record for failure.
and by the Midas touch of Harmsworth It"was on a poking basis In a few
weeks. The next year he started the "Mail" an instant success. which now
has the largest circulation of any paper In\the world; sells five times aa
many copies pi any other London daily and ,pays Its edltor-a man only
thirty -a salary of $125.000 a year
Np one in the emp'oy of the firm: which comprises Sir Alfred and his
rix brothers, works more than five days a week .every one is granted a
vaeatIon'eaoi year. and if an employe desire' t0 leave England and travel
Sir Alfred pays Dalt the expenses.
- The Napoleon--off-journalism owns half a dozen axe rotmti,y houses bs.
rides hos magnificent town house in Berkeley Square, and more than a dozen
automobiles. He does everything on a large Beale, and recently bought a
tract rf forest land In Newfoundland. half the size of Vermont. from which
he will make ell his paper to bet carried to England in his own ships.
woos ,u a e or ae. r.r.,....,t etre/web hits: melee:, hr W r. wb'1. .1 ol. Dee eMut ..r eerieW(.,..
Municipal Elections.
Mr. Thos. Tilt Mayor of Goderich --
Only Three of Last Year's
Council Returned.
RiLhard Jewell Defeats William Hill for Colborne
Reeveship, and Jacob Moser Also Goes Down -
Reeve Middleton Re-elected fn Goderich Town-
ship --West Wawanosh Elects William Bailie -
Local Option Bylaw Carried in East Wawanosh
-Results Throughout the County.
The elections on New Year's )av
r?lltilted in a putty general Yut•no er
in tyle town council. Mayor Murn
went town to defeat before an ad-
verse otity of 41. and Thmmts'1i11
will foe . yor of Goderich for 11551.
Of the old 'ouncilIurs Messrs. Rel,
Laithwaite a d Thompson were de-
feated. lot. (' k was the last man
the elected list; -,and he was just one
v ahead of Mr.`Thongason. .(i. F.
Blas repeated his per r armmnre of list
year heading the I and H. H.
Sallowalso got hack ith a good
Of the 1lir new camdidet a three
were elect' M,•ssre. (:oldthor El-
liott and Vot g. Mr. Beckett in ere a
good into and '•ith a little re' a i.t
IA making hi welt known to t
Yotr1's would prof -middy have leen
atnong the elect.
The emitted of 14510 will, therefore.
1w composed es follows :
Mayor -Thomas TILT.
Councillors- G. F. Ht.sou •
W. F. ('1.\1414 -
.. RKt•. Jot+M.ro EIr1.torr
I. T. (iu1.I.TI1e 111'1:
B. H. S.1Lt.etwt
Yon -',a.
The elevator bylaw wee defecated.
Of the votes cast there wads a email
majority in its favor, but it rano• to
long way from getting the number of
votes required 415 Parry it.
The vote by palling sub -division,.
Was IIS 10110We :. -
no M twin.
1 2 a 1 + e% To1'1
TILT ..... _.... al iN IH 's rn 047 37 WS
Monies .. . 71 Mi ;A .AI :1) :N 33 M3
Majority for Tilt....... .. .. _.. 11
mown !01114454*.
IlLAIa 72
.1.'1'.Iinl.terlrntmr, 117
Hxv. J. 1:1.1.1, err. 71
1t. It. ((A1.IA,NM M
1.7.4'08. Yol 51. :A
W. F. ('1.t414 . s
it. Thompson NI
H. H. Iteekett. . 4.1
J. 4'. iAlthw'Mlte N
ring ,Is elated.
co* 7.181 al.ri' woe nr1ow.
1' 2 3 1 3 41 7Tntl
roe . ... ..... 114 42 ht a14 rs1 'l, Ce
Afro .v1 27 M 11 C M a7 21.
Bylaw fender of necessary vote to carry 5.
School Trustee Election,
The only election for the •110ldir
echoed board was in St. Grorgr x ward.
where Alex. Saunders Was elected,
the vote being: A. Maunders. a.1 : or.
M. Nlchobion, 4:1.
The wehool tnutee hood of We
will be cntnlwtsed to. follows: R. 11.
Cott A. 1). McLean (Mt. David.%
warm), H. C. Mannings, Wm. Ache -
'eon (8t. Petr'Iek's wands, 0. F. Cowes..
Alex. Send,re (St. Georges wards,
Capt. J. H. (Iraigie, J. W. Craigie iMt,
Andrew's ward). -
2 3 4 1 7 Tot')
eel 112 73 73 71 .18 104
7a 7. 714 a2 74 41 172
NI X14 17 12 7, 14 eC
14 .44 a1 31 :a 44. 373
C M NI Ll S. 3e MS
rte 112 :ti :A 've M 112
Sl al l 42 31 32 Xis
11 Xi Ie 12 42 11 tow
Al li .N At 42 •LS '•Jet
42 214 Ai 17 21 444
in Colborne Township Wm. Hill and
Jacob Moser Left Out.
Things WPM. (doing out in Colborne
township oil MoImlaly, and as a result
then- ix quite a 1•h{{1tu',fr 111 the council.
Of 1 lie conu(il of 1005 only two mem-
here return .lames M4Malms and H.
J. A. Me Ewan. !tenor Young retina'
d %Villi;lul 11i11, who aspired to his
e, w,t3-1141N1111.1 by the old woo.-
. Richard Jewell. by 11 11111jslit4
.lamb Moser atlw, wart left at
"Janke" is pr h,thly one of the
(horn who 'ever eat al the
tnwnxbip ruunr•11 184,1441) end
1 In be weilnigh invinrihlr,
Collo n'n
was belies
hut, in, he s s'. lomowif, he -got 4l in
the neck" flu time. The chief ramie
of lois defwtt e d that of Mr. Hill was
lnuhtedly l . bewgi111e in which
the council Pugs • I the township dur-
ing the last Veer ar two. 51r•. Me-
AlaOtes, who. fongh in the. emitted
against the lit iget1on, tended the peed.
The two r
, new members f the council,
besides Mr. Jewell. t'- Thomns
Robertson's and Hobert StrMnghart.
Thr vote` by soledivi'ions vas ow fol -
we :
H. .114 •a1.
F1111 4l.I;vr.
I 2 3
... 71 311 MI
Wm. 1 I .... -4(1 2e 411
Major 1 for Jewell.
a de)rlecti.l,(ille.
I 2 s
7(4 M 114
111 77 31
1114 Io Iii
n 141 lay
311 .12
las. 31.'31..!tre .
14. J, A, 31r+:w.t.
H„ar. set 1,11,5.
T1111/.. I4WMI.147Mmle
J. M,...•1 •
Fire foul ela.•ted.
1 Total
(*• re
I, 1444
114 2;1
42 1,I
el on
Reeve Middleton Re-elected with Sub-
stantial Majority.
John Middleton will ngnin 1w H•eve
Goderich townehi , for the corning
veer, having detested Johnston on
.Numbly by Sj, cotes. (If the 111e•rnl.et•s
of the old 141unl•11 who offered them-
selves for terrler•tion (only our, George
0. Stott -11y, Will 11(4140441H.L.
MaIkeld again headed the p011, as he
did Inst year. The vote 4.418
l'or reeve John Jljddl•ton, :151
Jos. Johnston, 'lel.
For claoneillors 11. 1.. Molkeld, :*Ili
,John Me('lure, 2,14: John Fond, lu
lea. cox, 217 : (4, 0. Sturdy, 2111 : J.
Rai hw•eII. 175 ; O. A. Cooper, 124.
Salkeld. McClure, Eons and ('ox
elecL,l. r ---
Local Option in East Wawanosh.
In E144 N-awnn.,sh, the council
having Iwen elected by w,•rlalllat.i0n,
the only Voting wag 1111011 the local
option tbyl,0', wMelt was carried 11v a
vote of 411 t two to 1)1114, 7th e
vote by twilling divisions was it, fol-
lows :
1 2 :4 4
:1l ill Al 25
14 24 10 34
' Majority for hyltw 70
There ie only one Brennen' hotel et
present In hast ¶Vawausth, et White-
West Wawanosh.
Wm. Hsilte wens elert.r(1 to 1111 the
reeve's chair in Neat N'ewatiosh for
11510. His opponents were ('has. Tay-
lor and John Mclean.
'Elie councillors elected are Stephen
Medd. Saute. Thumpstin, A. Anderson
and D. H. Murray.
1'articuhrt's of the vote 111e given in
the Dungannon cortetaiwmdence.
Maya' anti t •11101* were all
elected by acclamation :
:depot- J. H. !hoover.
l:dnuleillor. - H. WW'iltsr, H. J. Gust
bingg,, J. A. Ford. WW'. J. Pai(dk . N'.
Witham. W. (4. Doherty.
A bylaw_ to raise 8221015) for a toys.
tent of waterworks was voted on 111111
defeated, thetvote standing 04 for and
tad against.
A bylaw to fix the ussessutrnt of l'.
Lloyd & Son's door factory at pielxut
assessed valor for ten yenta w.w 1 11-
ri4d. The vote was 3'11 for. 23agniust.
A bylaw too establish a highschool
was cau•rietl. The vote wits 2.for,
75 against.
A bylaw ' to jsitw debentures
ting t0 $based to build a new
hl'idge over elle north branch of the,
River Mait11(1411 at 'Water street was
carnets. The vote was 91(1 for, (51
ti.F4HTI4. -
MnyUr -N', H. Willis.
Councillors -J. C. Greig, M. lir,sder•
ink, 1):.1. McCallum. WW in. E. flinch -
ley, J. ,V. Smiley, George Murdie.
(bungs elected by acclamation :
Mayior--WV. G. Temple.
Councillors --- Thomas IO:,tles. 'Wil-
liam Hunter. Bernard N-I*s1,.1. Armi-
tage, Janle•Is Drake, John %Wilson.-
l(tey, -Dr. W%'oxdoe.
011mt•i11111W-paved Leitch. Charles
houreParker, Samuel Moore, James 11141111-
• tat ' •l rte's - e man
!(ch 1711 H. DI h 1
Wm. Elliott, 'miles Sturgeon. f
Heevr-Andrew• N'. Slone.
Councillors - John Potter. 1)r. 4V. J.
'.lila-, Allwrt E. 11ra.lwin, .',Nudism
Johnalon. . •
Seho441 Trusters -John \Iaiueis. A
Wyetlhuder, Wm. ('empla•II.
Lt -(•KNOW. -
Iteeve-,l. G. Anderson.
Councillors -- J 011 n ioynt, 1).. N.
Lawrence. M. Mitchell. W. J. Earls. -
!terve-A. 4. Ikobier.
1' a11or*-E. Trebles N'..1. Hea-
nuul, AE. Fake. Jars, Creech, tor.
Reeve- - Root. Hetulerslm toteclnlna-
- ounellto►W1-Alf. ftwteker. Jag: Hat-
Iantyne. H. Jetties. Jas. Jones.
$T.t N LKY.
Reeve -Jas. Mt•Dierrnid. 55 ma-
('nrinrillurs =WW'. J. Stinson. Rola.`
Arurtro*g, Geo. Beatty. John Gil(
sem shy +u•elutaati0ul '
Reeve -William F'r;owr ybp acrla-
ioll). •
C.arneillears--John Brown, John
Grant, John li'utt. I1u1'can Johnston.
It..sr-Josehrh Hawkins.
('owneillor,--George Andrew, "Lune,
11.illanl 'ne, !diehard rd Canon, Fred EI-
Reeve -Robert McKay, 1'11 major-
Councillors - Herbert Crich L ,
Joseph Atkinson 210. Alex. Huchaulel,
215, tile/. Dale 202. James Dallas 1151.
Hugh ' NeMillan 170. Ituger Pepper
150. First four elected,
• M'KILL 45'.
Reeve--J.',M. (int•enlock.
('oltneillors--Henry Ryer nutn, 1"'..1.
McQueid, John McDuweH, Michael
The ron,estbetween Se 1 Swell -
ze•r and Henry N'illert for the terve
ship 'emitted in it tie, -arh getting/
42•: votes. We have not heard how
the clerk has given his casting vole.
The councillors were eleetwl by nerdy
„5,44 4(•K.
Reeve -Wm. T. McKee 1 uI'lallnl-
tion 1.
Councillors -John Gowdy, Joseph
Hatin41t.w:k, John T. %inters. "T. 0.
Shrra r.
To the Fi1Hor of The SlgnaL
Goderich Township vs. . Colborne
Inst week an item wale 1/11hlished
showing how 14148 raw wee disposed
of, The Reeve tit Golerirh township
iMelled a circular to the effect that 41.1111
item woe untrue and offering to p•(1)'
the (1111.(11 if his Mtalenn•nt wits not
eorre48.. The statement which ap-
lw.trd Inst week, in Mn far NM the
withdrawal •n/ said action is con-
cerned. wag almnlntrly ten- and cor-
rect. Thr following is an exact ropy
of the notice Revved by the solicitors
for Gnderieh township on the solid -
tore for the township of Collsn•ne.
"troths High (•ourti nt Justice.
• The (corporation of the Ton'nshlp
of o,derich
e Corporation of the Town.hlp
of ('ollw,rne
'Like not) •tint the plaintiff wholly dl-,on-
11e11m. tui- ar on,
Dated the Olt day of l oro ember. 15141.
hlrk lnwm R Harrow.
Solicitor. for Plaintiff.
To M..m. frond( t, Hay t 11141)1,
Solicitor. for lefemlau(:-
The law privy -e where such n
notice is given rust he pMintiR pays
the roosts of the sent within forty -
right hours offer taint ,n. The origi-
I net of the above notice i on file in the
office of the (7opr-t nt (h . eriell, and
can he seen by anyone.
1 think It is now up to Rewe Mid-
dleton to slake Road hie (offer, •
WW'M, Yl)l'NU,
Reeve of Colborne.
Following ore the results of the
exeimin,uions held during the fall
(4fln In the enmmerelel form of the
(hoderieh Collegiate Institute. The
fun urate woes 1211) :
M. 'I'hurlow ...
11. Aitken .. , v01
G. Munninge ,. M45
Jennie 1'rrotdfo,t 1111
V. i8lliott 4425
1.. Kerr Hti
Si. M*Kinnon MLS
T. Themes lily
(l. (lsnlelfin. Rei
0. (4oldl.hottle ier2
C. (ir'iffln 7111
1, Th s 745
0. Smith 7511
11. ifeed 7:47
M. Wvl• 71q
Jock 1'niudflait 11141
E. Mntherkent one
M. Tholnpemn Kin
A. Mv(iilljvray dein
M. Wndsay tray
1'. ('a mpheI1 - -- 1(13
It. David...14 , .......4...... .... 0111
0. tt,+beI ttdun 15
P. Knox :Int,
M. Miller nest
E. Glenn
G. Niven.. . ... + ........
A. 514.110111dd ..
1.. Melodeon.
Wonderful Work Dodd's Kidney Pills
Did for Mr. G. J: Worden.
N'ickh 1111 N. 11.. J 111. 1. - I Speeial t -
Mr. 44. J. Wooten, the old end Ie-
nja tied 1en1 ualesIou4•)' 11f l ueklwM
el%il courts, is oils• of the veteren Ce-
midians who coon sty, ' j).*ld's Kidney
Pillet Made ole feel like u'young man."
'Illi-. \Willeden gives the following ex-
"1 was atflicreol wit kiduey trouble'
for over twent y-Hve years. 1 suffered
with tieing in the back and loins. and
it. was with great difficulty (could
urinate. Doctors failed to help me,
and ein o4) Iil1• brought ter 110 per-
nuulent relief.
"An nolverlisaulent led ole to try
1)odd', Kidney I'tll«, end 1 firmly be-
lieve by the go ace ,f (load they have
done all for me tint 4.4 .Ltimt'tl for
them. for it seemed to me 1 was a new
and young 111411 ninth out of au old
It is terrible hats! to save money
when you haven't (ter left over to
If your every -day duties are 14bur-
den, it 1s because `tin err wit well.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills will cor-
rect this condition. For sale by Jas.
Ebony Hair Brushes,
Ebony Clothes Brushes,
Ebony Hat Brushes,
Ebony Mirrors,
Ebony Toilet Sets,
Ebony Manicure Sets,
French Stag Horn Todet'Sets, IJ
'French Stag Horn Manicure Sets, t
Cigar Cases,
Tobacco Pouches,
b Perfu
Fant me.e
American Perfumes, 4
Ch.rnois' fesre, )
McGregor & Webb's1
Finest Chocolates
.H. W • Thomson's -
4'18 a8neitc
le ern rung tempered Iby per ♦r•
chum, pr.., es/ (tying i1 a Tint -like
hardness. with ordinarycmlui oar.
It swill hoist .0 edge ha 41ar11 81111
coe...M.(„ee a, a) •rale so
Do• Ie t ..r.. .,r Yer razor
Do.'bee. , bruit. . r. le ' ;1 M
100 Shave: Fres
At the else et 1 month.
you the rev,
ind Mei , ,,'utr m.,ney beck
It not set lea«t. -
'fou 'feeler hu or ran
•'net .- Magnetic.
t h won't wete
will mail.
Ipt of pr ode r:.;t
-Hina te. Sharer.,
wailed free.
flu Al A. L 911bertleM
Maks. ••OrMe.•' cowry
457-9 !'way, NewYert
I.,avtl .‘Kent (004)1•:1(11'11
" I never hail a more eomfot•tnbh' of
a letter -Ht ting suit." said a num who
eta hie clothes made pt
• A fall stock of Io, (hum and henry
u eight clothe', for fall and 45,111ter wean'
Suits and Overcoats
made to u8t•aeule on short notice.
Re,erly•tn-wear Clothing -good and
stt•ong mule on the premises.
DUNLOP. the Tailor
NEST Salt ltF."r
New Grocery
East Side
Hamilton Street
A cnntpla•testo, k 11f ever')'thingin
w'e nrr waking FiSH, Etc.
w .Iwsaalt) of
Orders promptly, delivered to
(my port. (of the town',
Your patroougg • is rilapect1u11y
'Phone 111',
Hamilton Street.
Stock=taking Sale
During the next two weeks we will conduct a Stock -taking Sale and end it
with 2 Monster Bargain Days. In last week's papers we said that our Bargain
Days would be on the 6th and 8th, but we have decided instead to have them at the
end of our sale, on the 13th and lsth, Saturday and Monday.
We are making this an Unloading Sale and the most of our stock will be at
reduced prices. We .want to get .our stock reduced before spring goods which
are expected by the middle of this month are placed on our shelves.
The following are settle of the. lines which will be reduced regardless of cost :
Lades' Coats, Ladies' Dreu'Skirts, Tweed Dress Goods, Watstings and Golf Coats.
PRINTS. to cent Prints for 8 cents. 171 cent Prints for 1r cents. All good patterns and fast colon -
GING HAMS. I)1. and 15 cent lines at n cents.
Table Linens at cost. Half bleached and all linen.
. Be sure and get to this sale if you want Bargains For two weeks only.
And don't forget the two bargain days at the end, 13th and isth, Saturday and Monday.
J• H•
'Phone 86
Cash or Produce
Satisfy Your Boy's Appetite.
(`link's fork and Beane, tasty and
satisfying, is the finest thing ioys can
eat. Plain or 'with chili or tomato
moire. -
Milletta (ii-iFF. Powders lure. , -1 or
sale by J+IC. W\'ilIon.
Maybe it would , pay the people
h .tier to pay their public w•rvan lr
n4 ore and be 1•uhlwd lees.
l'tol,li.he.1 at Toronto 1111 Ili,• 1.1
,ams 1.11 h of each mond h.
till rents 11 Year, Iwo years fate 161.
Itevoteel to the facto and its
foot. onto yeas$1.o
-W uunple e'1'' ft,r the asking.
subscriptions taken now -ill iso
dated tenni January 1.t,' 11481.
N. B. Above offer includes also a
year's subscription to The Mont-
real Weekly Herald.
'Phone D. Millar C
OOn the
• Square
eke this opportunity -
of thanking our many friends for theliberal° support
received since starting business and trust by careful atten-
tion and only keeping best goods at moderate prices to
receivs a further share of public patronage.
Stock -taking Sale
On Saturday first. wetav(ill start our first annual st
taking sale when all goods of' passing fashion -ail;
marked at substantial reductions+ regardless of cost.
stantial reductions in all staple goods -our stock being• a
new. This is a g,rand o. • rt nit for ettin firs -class
goods at bargain prices.
'Phone 56
Helping men in the hest' way t f
A 5,1x,8 who i+ honest fnr-pwrlicy w 11
Iw dinhont•st Mr pro tion.
This is a delicate any of pulling it,
isn't it ? '•5Iy dear." he sed.1 to his
wife at the table. "1 Iwi(in G. think
there err a few Misprints ini your
1Y04tkery Ixiok."
At it, sante address, since 1511. Also
Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out-
fits, White Enamel Letters, Ac. Write
its, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack,
f-11-13 King St, West. Toronto.
Worsell's Clieap Stove and Hardware Store
1 )on't ti'y to (lu `')(144
ou that old
it has been.
only kind we
stove of yours. You 'Wyant yoilr cooking just a little better than
For first-class baking ybu require a first•cfai;s range. That is the'.
sell. -
R nges
with or without reservoir, have large
sheet steel oven, modern firebox with
most improved grates an(l linings,
lige ash pail that you do not have to empty every time you shake the range,
easily regulated dampers that loo not get out of order. The most up-to-the-minute
Range made today.
We want to prove to you that this is the most economical and best cooking
apparatus on the market.
Your wife or mother would appreciate one as a Christmas gift.
See our stock of useful New Year gifts, which comprises Scissors, Razors,
Table and Pocket Knives, Carving Sets, Spoons, Forks, Skates, Straps, Hockey
Sticks, Sweepers, Wringers, Nickel 'Tea and Coffee:Pots and Kettles.
Special prices on Mitts, (;loves, Saws, "Axes, Bird Cages,
Lanterns ams Boasting Pans.
Goods the best and prices the lowest at
Worsell's Cheap Stove and Hardware Store
Hamilton Street - - OODEI4',ICH