HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-1-4, Page 2n
THE SI1:NA1.: e•:1►1►I:1'Ipl.1
°et:Mo lett. ONTARIQ
l'ekphole ('a11 No. 3).
Tarots 01 aob.eripMon
*1,111 err *IUIUW Id, 1141e4114.....
141s month... ys• : t lona. mouth., it.
Nubarlbera who fail 143 nhvhu TOOK 1.1ux44
regularly by instil will roofer 4 favor by ac-
quainting u* of the feel at 4. early r date a*
ponslb e.
When a change of add nen. I. de.ired. both the
Old and the new addno-..hould be given.
Advertising Rates
1 al and t4114.1 .inti)*, ad, en IMIIIPnt., Lir
year line for tins in.rrtion Aad Ar• (* r Iuw for
etch .1ilern4l4Pnl 444..•44 tun. M1w.ond ley r
nonpareil wale. 1 *. 1 . Ilii, 1113111 ineh.
Hwiue*. (tale). of .is line. and under, $) per
.tdvenbwtu,enl.. elf lawn. I• ,,. NI nywl, *il-
1(141lon. v., I,
Ia..... for
144 s fol Nine lel to Itenl
Nile u4' lu Ilan,. t ( 1
An iele4 for hale. elm.. 11431 eNeot olhlg M*hl
line+. 'Lk each inert ion :111 fur ler-t 414. k•
for each .ubr•qucnt 04444114. Luger ud vertlae
men,. in prveaMion.
le*al nuthw+ in nonpareil t yew :a• Iwr line.
No 1401.« Its. 1*:ul 2...
n- 11 anti• a4'' era,,lu typo., mar
Ani* r A�ern. 1 > g y p
Cent nor wl.nt. Nf 1141)4. f4.. 111.111 1L.
Any .facial notIre. 1111...111.4.1 of which I. the
pecuniary Iwnent of any Individual or 14.1•.44.11
Winn. to lea .on.,ktrr..1 an 141, cit i.eann,l and
to be ...hunted a.r11rdlll4l,.
Hates for Airplay anal enrol met loll .'rt i•'
merit.. will be given on application.
Athirst... t... ail romnlunicatleu. to
TMK N/o!I.el.
t,e,erMh, tint.
shows the
keeping Nn
and Wee
'm4' came. 1
p ce of good
Ran neounlging
KIT: violence that
the I 'lenience of
in mt 'rila4 matters
wider *p . ere of the 1
Dominion It IS en1•l11
nhserre that party poli
suit)) it part in our ural
tions, Tihis is espelally l'1
the Conservatives of tiodert •h. who
are proh*hly able to elect x_ col lit of
-their WII JIilIiHrMl• -
they wish to do sl, but who un .
`day last helped to defeat ('44nserv1(h
a to eIeet Laterals in their stray
T + is as It should be: party In11114'N
eho Id have 110 j4'}M4'i• is municipal
Con 0%.
The new conned looks like a aINId
r o• may IM• a w•rnlo•lw in
h r the
inexpe' nce• of se many of its mem-
bers; the new
IerN; Ira (lt)1,rwl tl 1 body
)uakt4 a ver' creditable-epr•srnta•
tion of the town. and the (lectors way
expect good work from It. It is to 1*•
hopped that the water question will
now lea dealt w'i111 with yeaseentble
promptness, and that the tt•ole ques-
tion of the moinageuwnt of dew wafer
Rod light systems will receive the
careful attention it requires. The
new council may also he expected to
see that the loan officers have mome-
thing like a proper conception 14f\#.heir
duties and live up to it. The rtvtdl
need attention, and the question '4f
a;gin aP4ointing n street in*pectot.
might well receive considrrntiom.
:}:nleiency should be the flim of the
Council, but if 'without stwrifice• of
efficiency flee could lw any ream. -
tion of the tax rate it would he very
went( to the taxpare x.
The townnpvpoleg vile give the new
council a fair r rut 1 will expect
f dthGtl nnd"fj f , r1'i4e, and if
they don't . ill be aloe*
on the gl'ren Stead r hence.
1/ Ili • 1 verbal
4' electors u owl JI their 1
is with their votes on Mlinday.
but one member of the ruling
of the; council of I*11* were de -
Thr ;vomit of the polling
the rattiulye's' have 11414.11
rye on nunicipall affairs
pard to art when. the
'real vigilance is the
ovens uwntlr (111(1 it is 1•
when t he people
they are (Wake U/
.a*) g,lwl•rn1114'11t
is will es in the
wince and the
aging, too.' (44
es plays too
'riled 4'l v'-
lit:tlyde to
\\'IMMINtiock•un \I tray. That NeeMN
')ill• an who of •,Id t' 14in lilrlel'ich.
The' Miileisiyei n of (1(Klrrich were
Awake uu Monday, and we hope They
will stay awake. deo ,o(ii i1 is eel
KIMMI that it doesn't awe 1 watIhing.
'1'h.' anti -litigation party mined in
the Colborne township elections. 1'he
new 4441111411 luny 1*• eXIWCIcd UI adopt
the Shakespearian motto: "'rhe firer
thing we d)(, let's Lill all the Lawyers."
Local44p1 IN•I4wl ewe vutel on
in about sixty' ' 1µ))4)1r. in On-
t trio
)14,trio no Monday. and wl (Or AM tweed
fie a folly six ' •ilalilb•s J1:tt',•
de•larvvl for the closing of 4114' I*11..
1 I thew• (Orly -.ix places there i" ,t
to1441 of I:11 Maw, which will be closed
at the expiriti of the litems• year
on kpril :,lith urxt.
Inn Thurslay let lion. (4. \\ . Rues
was presented. o44 ivied( of nJ ' 114
thrnwghuul hecounur•. with
N cheek
for $:kS,IMMl 1 rcog1411ion of his great
public ...Lyles , esileeIN11)' to the
Pro wince 444 4 hit rho. Itis well known
th141 MI. Illss is ut a 44 ('41(1413 nine,
and this tr141in11 dal Will serve 1 0
male tit tilly (44414 shun for fut4ur
.y(wf%, as well it. bei K :1 *ulwlnntial
mark.of the t414h411 Ito admired' of
the elutribulors.
Thoughts of the New
lent to. Mull -wall. friend.
Vor • p.11 L- lir 1141,4,'d ,all 11
t mI,.
'The 4441. ywo..lal t h 4. 1 J•
• 1. thine Ont mine. 11 friend'
1.•1 11. sank .InIKIl4y. (444141 :
the crooked motlu behind u. now.
Pre...1114 .•4th .14..0114.4 puigaw• on .,or brow,:
T.. Meller .1..411..1) fri,nd
1.1.1 n. 4.141. KIa.14). frim)
relownee -4111x' C11•al1'r good 111.111 we lime
11111( lin• n-. lir o • Gir 1..;1441 t1mwn
\t ' hell )4'l lent nn,; 44 fnrnl'
4. In
In Britain the 1•:'IN•t•nls Are keeping
the fiscal question "well to the fore in
their c tnlpnign. and they ire reeei1-
ing the aseistalee off n powerful idly,
the Duke at Devonshire, in their fight
against a policy of tl•sde restriction.
Devonshire' has issued n mlanifesto in
which he advises free kende unionists'
t 4 vote for free trade Liberals tether
than for pl•oteet Midst 1'n4nnisls, as he
considers that home tide for In•:nod
i( not at present an 1411114' issue ie %Lely n. long 4414 he will, He ha* t.la
British polities. "'fhe coloni/n and better of 111 there. \\'N have the
IM•lU•r of hien in h,aing Ihr J,tilr 4'x
their position in the Empire Nene in, o item•nt 11-1-1.41-
11)41di*ripltne of uuaking ,t
f.,r n conaidera1le amount of methene (i1•i*14,--full 411 changes not hazards
Con, and in 14 recend aeldre*, Ihr new hopes. .rbrpri*es. thrills. dieopp111' 4 -
Premier, Sir Henry l'nla, lwll-Barmier• "nen t*,anNd-sat isfu•tions. Our million
41 •eat• (Mend mixer+ that, \\'r m 1,
man, elnmle (Mollie sensible !so mrk,. re- heat 114111 444 discipline, 1141, \1'4' air •
girding the policy Which the mother apt to get a than he dog, - the
c*untt•y %*(111111 adopt, or, t•nlher, tea- salutary disci 11ine of steady work. of
s•Ifrl.•ninh oI (effort. This is e -
telrl, in relation (11 *1.4' /'11111441441'%yN•
'Abu 84'44) n•hnriplrhaves•If.govern•
Ing rol.,nies (develrppd .1114.1. the b14ptec
1 sfriend!
11.4 dl
Low 4'l,
aiwb, • rout oar
rrer Id
(' IN34m k
4411 h I
S11410,41.0 to hl
The laurel bee 'Inn. are out lu f al .aeet
ler lilt ly at Lend. Mea),
4ln.1b'. friend.:
I. w1
life h\ )J1)
Lett1. ;talk
d ;talk
eannol .91 bun
NI t
Non ,wham t 111,4w Pre n. year. Ir la ('r -els.)
Irl hoe M',Il xli 1 its. friend.
bet it. w.lk gni(•kls'. friend :
Work Pith tour :night 01.114.1a4.. Atilt.. -Nov.
r w • halting ro11lrw14. 1111 the 444,) ;
.\14311144) Gaifilidc n.. friend!
•I.illi:,lt Gar.
It Wouldn't Figure Out.
Tomato sura
'e )hien 1' •l111•
a n .11 1
\ HP it may red h
\ 1
hna1, Went+ to )lave leen illogical he-
rl o. 1 *k ('+nlnly I..min 4,• 11411*• that
two an telt. with as (et tido
of lurk, mild Make five.
Pr hibition by Degrees.
�Toruconl \Yurld.
If 1114:11 option carries in miry More
ipalili*s Iieorge %V. Ito*. will
have the Satisfaction of .owing the
fruition of his life effort of getting the
whole Peovinee under total pr..hihi•
t ion.
A Hint to Sir Richard.
Sir Richard. Cartwright is going to
speak far the 1)1(IIwa Cann thin Club
an "Mv Recollections of Confederal -
tion." Twould 1e t(1 the pur-
pose it `fir Iliehanl would *peak on
"My Rrcollectinn* of low Lilwrld Plal-
'(orUl of Valle."
Rights d Railway Passengers.
'14,mnt„ 1:101«.
Th., York Court of Appeals
1:414 d(. keel that i(,1 passenger marmot
•Hud a seat in n 1'*i' for which he hot*
t10ughta t kit he has 11 right tel .go
int„ n lino• g'nwpn ren• and take a
sent until on ,i4 provide' for hila in
the 1rlinliry piassenger ear, and also
that if seals ate Nut to be lad Iwe.NI+(•
they are de.npiell'4,,' parcels he Minot
hound to ask the owners to re 'r
t.he0,. 11 t4i14 is not the how in Cana-
da it NI Id be.
Compensations of a Modest income.
I:11845,,, :(4. Moron. in the Ilecen•11.•r AtIonth•.
Ulm gime] friend with 44, million
d1411141'4' a year "allnit rail mull" re
ler Iwtte• 11 Moll or drink •h nein of
better oh'inks, than the ran. he
d144•s, he will be sorry. Ile can h ve
more places to live. in. and enor11loue
more and, hands ane apparatus of 1114
Mg, but he can't 1114.' 144 none than 14141
idaee at '1•, and boo much apparatus
is a l4ther. Ile cin make himself
comfortable. and 441.4' heaphfully. S.
inn wl•, 11,' Cala hia%e 811 1lie Pions
he Walt+. 4,111 go where he !does 11l11
In(pusl' v111unhrhe to soul. body, and
1. Ile (4n't buy it. We get it
thrown in with 0411.460v bread. %Ye
11144 ns likely to marry tel our haste and
(111• when we 1011 nn end to the old Liv.. happily in the domesticated slate
C *144IIINI My141eta 41411411h1111e1 1n1 the as he' 1+. 4\'e bare rather Tetter
dial basic" of colonial preference and chances limn Ile of raining ourchil-
l) owning street intervent' : Un dren well. We, new Rs likely mg he to
the Ilrinl•iple 44f se'f•goverttt eat and lied plen1111.' in totem. .
liberty, including • plete fiscal lilt- --
erty--R principle adopted to the in- The Red Squirrels.
cticulahle advantage both of (;)rent
Britain and Ii*halter Britain, a prim Toronto ((lobe.
rip]. which ndone eunld hire ndrnitted They enjoy Ihr happy (nntinnition
of the develuplul•nf 411 a great con • of . •r ' thin nnv other riles
federation of five slaites,'44bleb (4'c 4'l•. among our 4ubmrlan resident M. In-
joire to See. stead of hnrrow•ing in the show and
•'Yon had, Better think tyvioe ,and hrinoeing 11111 the hiddhn nrol•ns or
fowl. (III• Mll14$h1140. nod flue roll), grey
diump/ws*its Ihey e, • Willi happy.
busy indifference. Iii the fall he Llys
up stoles of amain., 14414x11 , pine
cuff w, corn. 01141141' 1141114••, •1 l(d Holli)'
wU14p1M aI'tillrl of 111e1. Their IM 11
,•,treleoss indiffese n' n)Mwt his meth•
,K4r 11.. well as a c lel generosity,
for thin slur's may lir through flu:
winter lig untied uol,Ns *trine
hungry brother Lapp•.% to discover
them uu41e• the snow.
'1'1(0 gild. of the sweet 1111'11 11114 k a
f*vurite ureal for the 1t• 1 sombre', per-
haps become. they ee11snin ,on the tree
through the winter, 41141 eon le gal lm
erne) in the molted tops when the sun
i. t4uolptiugly 411.4niog.. Thin hr Nits
c4411gllIc•ltly aiming the small. betid-
ing twigs. his fuzzy iuttlInes shnw'iug
against the sky like 1111 nl4uldunrd
lent of a bnnKI of ruterpillal.. 11(•
linger. uvrr J1MM u1r(d, for the seeds ire
.Mall. 111111 hr ran gal het. them only
be breaking ipff Ihr three -lobed senles
anal scattering tlu'ul on the gtouu(.
H,• Works delilwr•anely. holding a mune
in his handl, and, wliile he scatters
the %1114104 flw•IV *lima, never lets n
Ned rm•alle. A plentiful *pru4kling.nf
setae. often n show. 1, herr n spun gel
has Men enjoying hitjJiself.
('hr bb(ek squirrel .Res 1144 14(eti( welt
"quiplied (0E1 he ahu4gle for 1•xiI(rl•nc(•.
That hi* familiar ffrr• ('1114 should 111•
,'hang«► 141 black 1114Ir1411 1.1 white -i(
aur Hart hern ('11111441+• *)nein)( (0 lin Vie
leen tone of uatlIlr•s 1116141.r/4. 11.4
fur evil'' Kti(le.N of maitre .lie Ill.
'mole rt million fa Unrest. inns he black
splirrt-I seems destined to iw• unr 111
the million. At one time his nest was
11111 11111.011111(el,I, Riad) It Was tM•l•a*14,r(-
ally appropriated be the more 14l-
ligerent hot • 101414 iudu+trines 1'1••1
squirrel. Ilut now to stn irlel'N nest
built in a tree is almost a thing of the
past. The builder ie nn,lhl.• to elope
141( 11 o a
1 w
and h4'sh's that
haver mune 111 Ihr
train of f ri1•ilistl n.
The red equh•r.l mimes endaw•(d 11 hl b
I hr elements of $Ilei°N. I.et 1
stale With quavering lips. *cold fruits is
atoms. perch. (witch swift l: from one•
'igid attitude to another, 1%411111 1/17.1'
snow, or loaf on Slender. sw'ay'ing
Phis. 41141 114." 1 41•1e1 111.1 hr. 11`111
•%hauls, the sl II 1t1111.•1111n jay+ of
minis Iifr. - r
Hat x11 1 .4'IDiversion of the
$1swe•. People.
Betel let (hewing M the national di-
version . f the Siamese. Every- one
'from high to low is addicted to the
habit t preparation al d of ter quid for
)lose tau poor to 0(314 iugreliente and
boxes; Is lu every tuwu quite a bunt -
news of itself. 111 the smallest Nettle
mk1114 011e I4e4.4 peddlers wt4uatling be -
for their trays of balm loxee 1uk110
line and seeds of t0I1$11eeo and pack-
ages of NJ'ruli. or gret•u betel Itavee,
'Ile betel tree 1e among the mu"1 COM -
41011 ill Siam, sending up tl trunk S01114-
Ih1m* full Kitty feet, always, like the
(04.0111411t• lhubles* except for Its bush
of a top, where, again like the cocoa,
the 'nuts grow in closely attnebel
1 harde11 and redden before
The cardamom soted..cer clove,' la an
extra ut the well to do anti .'specially
of Ilse wolf w.• lite emu habit
• men of the cullutry 4s to add a
pinch 4(1 tobacco..after ,first rubbing It
Over their gum". The bri:•lIt red *oliva
fr cla•wiug Is, !u the town house.
rneefully deposited In a hnnd*ome Sil-
ver ra•eetaete. in the alp country
1 se '.111* Ie'twvwn the openbamboo
flooring obviate 11144 utsyssity for Pilch
tleelleel. 11111 always om 10r111al Well-
;11011,'Pe'en In the Jungle IsIge. the betel
nut chewer earri.•s his box for the free.
ly flowing Juice that stains the teeth
a deep rel. whirl' among the letter
cures with care and attention 1Ke0I11•*'
a highly Iobiwhed I eek.
And thio 4. true Peen of (inn's most
enlightrucl ('d4Km44, «14.411 (•11111 get *411h
the outside world appears not to win
from the betel nut and llleellorwl tet•lb.
In It:Wtk1L 1 talked with cone of royal
blow) 11 1141 Ilia wife, loth of wb had
lived several years In England, yet the
teeth of each were Meek n" ebony, and
the woman frankly expreSmd her dia-
rist at the white teeth of foreigners,
Dogs :11141 other four footed animal'.,
she declared. have white teeth. Bless-
ed Is contentment'
Are•rdlwg to Dr. !Iowa. They Are
1•erfeetly Harmless.
Lr. Manu, an 4.111111441aNlle lover of
snakes, routributes to a recent k:ug•
111411 volume a Irtter w•hieh goes to
(how that the larger kinds of these
creatures "(nay have far more charac-
ter and 441114010u dials they sire general -
credited with. -
My present- boa." he write(, "al -
Wilke NI(Y'I" 444 my hell around my feet.
Ile I*\perfectly c1e:n, 11e4 41 111 null very
seldom (li(ttlrbe ole. lh14•ntlonally he
crawls 14 my face to Ilek It. I fre-
quently take n python to bed, but *t
present 111)4 M 110,1.1, and If she cannot
find my feet vett wit out of the bed and
curls bereft, on he 41hor.
"1 do not uO'1 *)f '1e114've that any
python or lea Is Ravage, but they are
ureulfully bald, emit -Molly from the
114 treatment they relive when fir(,
'iught and the u11s•ry and terror they
endure on the 1oynge. There is anoth-
er thing: They have no eyel1.11 and on
!(•ingNnddelly un('0Serat lend dragged
Perth to the light Suffer from the giant
very acutely. It 114 best, therefore, to
hide their head* In your hand or Irnd7
your vont. tt--
"IG1Mnr thea) often and Rive them
wafer, pn•RRIng their beadle gently Into
4t. 1 fors) my bona r
Irl frequently from
my hand, but the Inst time 1 offered •
python n guinea pig the'prey eRenped,
and the python took In the whole of
my Mind inetenlY Ile soon (Recovered
Inks mietek4 and wax greatly dI4trP1414-
ell, rubbed Ile head against my hand
nod (wemel to f(nr Rome sort of pun•
thrice (whore you lrpl:ee n Isind whirl' pine runes. Ihry run airily ,tJ('ut. Ishment.
•eRwrt flet or gall toy • whieh, varying their Viet. as tho•ir squirrel- ",lire that time 1 have had great
sigh to the rye it may quietly to fish fancies direct. The hemlock Iglffl -1)1* hl p(•rsnnding him to Pat lo-
lit a greater evidenrr of unity, mon(►., whose concea l's] and • hitter 1 1
inevitably fetter that freedom
vhich one sorrowful roloninl
rats. Alovp all. hwwarr of 11
> n ay' pore so irk,Mnnennd hors
'o the people of nm• 11aother-
nld lead them to conlplein,
^omplainel in the old days
'victim' of the colonial ewe•
• ('nl0ni*4 were tier) ilke
int our neck.
lelieve, i'' the (lisnst*r
Adoption of Chamber -
e. it lead, and i see no
.4'r 0444.,`harkln4 un *uch N
•rleb.truerrn�ed oter a two leaf on
cite* •may.
134111e, woe elected Jlay'or 01
• 1..
*1414114 helporf the ule•ngn su%f.•nanr,. lees nurse him or take him to beat,
of a halwinter, ewe a pletely ig. whet he will lie the whole night wltb
norel. 1%'ith 'worn% lying freely I Ilia hent iii 441•' h•lnrl."
A1n111, 141141 all the tooth • waste of
last. se.IOln freely (•x posed, It h n Pets That Caswet Walk.
lounlifnl tittle for thy frisky little fel- in oriental countries It is customary
lawn that all o'er/41rnu11h• fmn1 the to )fief v�l,, .' O,), ns 1Mu1phnld
loftyenlra�(r' of.* cavernous 1leeeh, pet., In the smile, way as we have
u4' (limb lazily 44)414*, on the Hoke(' (.4444 find doer(, and In nimo.t every
twigs of the sweet birch. They d(' horse 1n Japan one fan find Jars eon -
not avoid or (hump nn int11*4)1 t es in
summer, but .Iwo) almost In, -line) Up tnlning Meme 11 110 garlulens, JnJnnese
weleonle any relief or bleak to the nobles hive Inane nrounrin, In which
quietness, of the tentless hers and wet, I are to be found 14prl•N of add and
half -frozen ground. Thep• little inn, , curious fish that ltnrc ham brad and
rowing continue. the eh', km, err cultivated for the Inst 6410 years and
sleeping away the short, dotrk any., ' ' more. in Chinn the paradise. fish Is a
(nmhndfnl of the r fort*Irle weather 1 rood stomp,* of for twos"( ('14refnl
they might freely' enjoy. Like the ,•nlfllaffon, for It 111 lee fmmd In
1tu'rnwers in 'Omit hri,k and mortal ' n wild NUrfr�• t1� extant. f (ler IN
the, Irina the most exhilarating phase•
,If our enmity. Rot the nal squirrel
rrinr14, whi ty those
is a typical Can.ulian, neet•pting the 101 any el • Another
I14onseu01d pet IS flee l'Mne*e (valet
goldfish, which Id 14111144444141 with Iw-
IIINIIsr ('141141111 111111 flat *pn'IJ out 1411e
Mil 111 when the 4r.•akrr 4. *)4 luauiug.
Pet or ohegrahr•
If the people abou4u(4 are ellrry'lug
on their hue :leer or 'Ir 144'llev,lenee
let a pace which drat the life out of
you, neolutely take a «'ter pate; he
1• 1
called 4 laggard. 1 wrk�Nx ulna• • nen
146 money,
(•uulplIMh less work thetthcy, but he
what you were Meant t be stud cat)
tx•. ]'yu have your 114111 limit of
power uv 11111(4. 4414 asi eugln(r--te0
horsepower, or twenty, ort hundred
You are fit to do tertnhl kles of work,
and you need a certain kind and
amount of fuel and. it terra, kind of
huadling.-Oeurgo g. Merriau
Footrest Cokes.
'I'twrt is a grimly 11uumyrous member
of the dying YorkNhlrelunu wit asked
Ilia daughter tor'a slice of the Liu she
hid Just remove) from the sto' x1141
\t•:IN refused on the gruuuJ thu t. gm's
110 )
t for Dion: • hu al's
1 for t' f• 1
nal t
may he capped by one found lu 11 gel
Fr a 4'wintry 1ltary," a bugi of
sketches of English c try life.
A •ut•l41e went one day to els
aged parishioner, u small fa
whose end Nail daily expected. I:
lug 14,111 rather letter o11 this Wet
11 lid prulq*d up 111 bed, 44' propose'
rend a ,Hayter of the Bible to hi
The sick man gratefully agreed, b
paid scant attention to the dl$,'au
law:time he wag eunstllutly funibllu
colder his pillow for smile form of edt
tyle whfe•h he nituu11h•d with evident
satisfaction bet his toothk'se gluey.
last the curate stopped 14,1 peal re
1 udl
I 11
asked hill what he W11y 410111
Tile 0141 U4:111 %)1111(141 14171y.
-Aviv." lie said In a triumphant white- ' 4''
pima' 'they' hal'! '.axle Npl(wngr 11is•ults 'tool .p•u. again on Jana
Ilgeru 11(04 dues) au' bid 'em lu the .. 411 rtlq• rrS .her
(4 43 1 1141441 441, eat 140 love n,•4' after spending her v
1 y don't know aswh • ,tor in' 1(w'ritlou.
. 41' 114 of el 'Nat. and"--N'Ptl a senile 14 ‘1.„., \•1144, Brophy, of
gilt -"when I be gone
an' they come to like for '4'm they
won't rabid none on 'Pm left!"
as all,
111' a
Still, It
but how t
Thr only
ern faullly
day's Is Ile
big a
The "good fell
haul 11 1141 tell yo
peel witured
of you to his wife.
'!'here is lathing so
to have one lake you
a great scree uud t4.
you already know It.
„s dead
t., ytnt well dl(
)ugh to 1e (4,4«34 about.
1 kleu ttl 4'h,4,t It.
lea (•441 ► rutbo34lastic,
el to to
It'd to l
flintily. -gush-
ed t
W. Acheson & Son
�Mr Ailed Sale of Prints and Ginghams
*4441 (1)041-
but of the older
(era aur i"le't '" of month buyers we offer special bar -
For ea
t•„1, sl::p 44'1 the .gains prints and (iinghams ; over stocked is the
�oul'I.l tU may
4. Ile• :'•IllgllalUr
♦Iu(4(l' mtlug ah
e fru you psi \
yet ,hut
in rhea
In feeding all ('hissee in
1s the little thing's which c
for the successful feeder lee
go small u■ tri escape hen 011
The prnductlon of baby bee
high aha a feeding g pre u4' f J ng and M
h' calls for' greater skill OA
of the feeder. Fits alai ill
keep the rnin,al14 constantly
weight without, at any time
Tr'Yism%v, Js
Miss 4'. ioureei 1e*44 spent l
,reek with relatives 144 Stift
The Misses 74 ilkehl. of iitl.
viating 1 heir feiond.. \fie
bell, here et eese•nt.
N tot
viJ Leidy ,t dol hl o
144 1
r. h to ti' in
l lro*141 1 .1g Nw;
wilding the holidays with
Powe C
••d R•asowa.
An amusing Iucid(ut Iappe11el the
ether day at a !•tub whirl, had hoapl-
tab1y thrown open lu d,*lre to two
other clubs. A rrrluiu well known otfi-
IY 1
r hl the brigade (/
Ito f oris \1'44* •all[ '
N k 3
of the offense of smoking 111 the wuru-
'hag room. .\' a nnatter of fa.'t, he W:la
under the impression shut it was the
%tm44)4 room. A brother ottimer told
yf 1i1, o(irtakr _Lie went upto
only other oeuIaut of the room, en
old gentleman dozing In a tenter, and
apologized for having Inadvertently
broken 0111' of the rutPN of the club.
'elle told geutleduau replied, without
haute, 1114 follows: "My dear sir. prey
d0 not nl'1'gize. In thin first plat*, I
um Awe you would .not have' smoked
441 1.44 11w t ,
had a known hit it «4414 o 11ltrd•
1 Stele
in the Sera.!, 1 should 4)e the lust per-
son to Wain,' you if 3'011 had dour me;
to thin). 1 all out u in.'uler of the
club, II 1141 ilk the fourth. I have Just
liven smoking myself."- Loudon 4;lube.
The Eosplr,F •t D•II.4's,- .
\\all stn•e•t 4S the eapltaI of the em-
pire of dollar'.. Like all other capitals,
it has its Intrigues, Its favorite'', Its,
duels, Its cabala 1111.) itt eamnrlllaa,
and, like all other capitol* -It .gives Its
color to those w•ho 41a•11/1 their IIv1•e
there. It has even a "tort of patriotism
- "wolf honor"--whit-b brings Its citi-
zens together at times in defense of
11e dollar :Ind of pn>[4rty rights. The
empire of do411es iS not altogether a
noble Np14•ta.le. We ire not thrilled at
the mere thought of those Yenlee bank-
ers who "finance)" the en1"ader,. We
110 twit like to think of those \\'all
• street manipulators who triol to corner
, the gold supply during our civil war,
W114.11 the 1(11!1011 needed gold. -Samuel
Merwin in $111141441" Magazine.
Time Per Change.
What shalt a do with our parett14?
Th.•re M my father rutting himself and
04'• by his wlMittl Ignorance and my
mother raining 1144 by her exlrava-
gnncee. It 44' a great development of
the tithes that the ordinary chtkl who
1s past twenty ie nitogether better (du•
coile(1. more experleneed and wiser
than are his parents: 1t
to me to suggest that aft
child reach.'a twenty tb
should therefore COMP under
trol of the children. -Letter In
as occurred
the eldest
he con -
Belgians ahrlrp rishers.
Horse* piny nn Imlartn*t part in
ehrlmp fishing (thong the Belgian const.
A proeMMI0n of weather beaten fisher-
men stnrt4 from the store, emelt main
mounted 11(1011 1141' Mark let a' trained
horse. dragging the triangular purse
shaped net whleh 11m0ap11 In the shrimp
89 It p1)4404 over the ,.nods. Tlosse
fishermen on horseback fregnebtly
mike Imola of several linndredweigbt
In a Nin,,^,Ie trip.
?w• aweeplsg P.x Prptlewa.
He -1'4444 k they *ley a woman
rnn't "keep n Keene. She-Thnt's n li-
bel. ,- tvoni:n rat" keep n secret Its
(tally 4114 n man can - 1111 but two
klnd14. There nre RecrPte that nren't
worth keeping and othert thnt are .Y,o
goal to keep.
At 1...wt,
lie•- 4Then • ou w111 elope with me,
Agfrlln Rhl�-Y•rrN donned -but,
g oh,
(;er•4'gP. eouldtl't we at least send out
card" l(Iltotneing that? -Kmart Set.
A 41.1!1 Parable.
A certain Ulan enrried
t8411l g n heavy burden,
l'orne It ninny weay dry'..
Then all he Jourteyell the angel of
know9elge rime to bIm and spoke to
him. Nfu(illg:
"Rhot lo'.!tboll carry i'
And the min rep11e1, "ft 4s it heavy
hetivy hnnlen."
"Of what does the burden eon1i*t?'
the 'time! asked.
"Ot my worries," the man mu,dn nn
Then the angel 'smiled pityingly uponthe man and mild:
"Let us kx*k into the bundle of thy
worries" n
And they 1o4ka1, and, In, even m they
looked the content' of the Nark dwln
eller!Into nothingneea.
i'or when the angel of knndlalmf
teaches a man to took might hr per
mild•,. that 11411 worries are but tin) and
aweless thins gend the harden of theta
grow'. Inconceivably Tight. San Fran
Nitro Call.
n mirk con
and lie had
('..144.4(•.''l',ll•.Illt,,. .tm,4 h.,
rich. qtr` sp•11(lulg the v*c:it4on
their parents' I heir.
• m in ,t1 t(
A -til 1 v er
u it r
f hospitality 1 d l Soda' the 1 Oro. n 1 h .
I n
evrnins bat w•yk. Thr)• rel
.1K•ndlnp , very .nj(rv*'lle evening, /1
Nr light ,*1441 dal'k prints.
--'low, 32 inches w'i.l,• a1111
hest pa/ fust colors, 1, gular
"al nvul y 1114 at pro' 1 ('�.
value.. tttttt l4.
'ln,ala It y'ielrl• •
lent, and l .nglish Ginghan s
e• t111N,ity in neat check+ 111111
14.4, Mur., Hills, retie, 111,%•11,i► n111,%•11,rt' eegtilur ) I' :(11 J 1
4'yard.tt..,., . ..... ■sie
detall L
the pi
dui t
elf f
Ho 4'Y %, (It*11-
p0i' ho30lier
:s( dozen andrNN
u14el le. ,dl -'."4 14114,•, hie'
.giil.r :1.sr 14*.25c
awl:.• rib, µlir `
nnJ :,I k• tit'
Gloves -
hlioves, 1.1•x1 French kid.
41 01110 f*.la•uwr, in brow mil
tan., greys, special p'1' 75c
pair, ...... ........
ISM) yards, :II- fimhr" wide, 1.4131,1',
4i111e u11hun ei�1 •1.44. regular
and 40c itIP`1'd al 30c
4,'JIIMI .. Y'i iueh4K wide, Eng-
or ' r
ll'•enrs•tintlora l or diel ) 41
LL 4'h" its ihud.N of he °wtn., 1 ed.• ,
t7nrr, 4411 this WA 144411.11 utak),
regular Oile, Ilk• and 714*• vel- an,
ties a: per yard OWL
Linoleums and Oilcloths
I, 11, 14 and 2 yards wile 25c
atper square yard L
4'u in the 1 re.bytrrirul chore!) IINN
INlstlaatet to the 14th inst. 1111•
nal eongleg,tiour(I meeting will he
on Monde y, 4 1w 15th, at 2 o'clock
1 r e annual *4'-
.af 4'r uw %% hen a t h 1
he t e n u
will lir receto ed. eh11reh Off t•erw
till, etc He1•, J. A. Antler-
. of Knox chinch, vuderich, will
34.t'h !woe un Sunday (1 ey next, at 2::31
I(*•k p. lel. The pastor, Rev. J. 1..
til. will YYmaitl al Auburn 1(411'
1 to the anniversary services there..
Mkh,i le BNt4:4 Norms..,-- The home of Mr.
• of (Doi, +k1 id Mrs. Arch. Ht rtnn wow bright
4' ted by the arrive) of a little d'111gh'
ter a few days 4 efot•f' ChliMtmal.
(' engt•at'Mathew l-. ..Jetties McBride.
a x t4.l
1 Y P and
w l 4'/t r
o loll Ie
raiser of the fine fat rant included In
the Christmas diwpl.l'V of NV. T.
Nrnev. the tioet•icI butcher. ' It
wait eight mouth old and weaghel 710
W104 ib. and Ws no doubt one of the test
( 1
• found the
kind n IN t 11 ll 14. t
'1 Ix of I h1, Lm 1
c tl Mt . McNt'i le is it /wader in
the tai.'ntuo good .estlle.
54'11144) (1)141ENT. -.\ l•llnrlrt wei.
ivl•n ou litioetlnl•, Decrotwr 21st, by
Renew yo +141Nwr1 km to t
D( The R
iia. r, w4' ,!. , nos.
AM �N'
1,t'. -8,I* Hun. 1. hleh 1 nth evn of
goo. id 14 4'1 %1111 ew1Y
.411-x npNun 1.� he s,yw.l paid lu 4441,4441..
1.1.V.111).‘ Y. inn. •end
PEltrulq. 11. Mitscrm)R. -- ire.% J,
1 K• 11f If .oihnn. N est last
w 1 1 11. Ie N • •141 ' i 4' Mom
comae ,Revisit by his tw,rInt
MnNlrrs AIfIle"l 141141 Msrkrnzie
Dr, l4. lit. „II I .104)44 SI(1)ol4agle
T 111.nt11, Spell • 4'ilrhet':Is let 11.0 0
h,N(ty Wit 11 the t. „other Fronk
\\'r leglet to repr11•1 that
Bucha11uln's hell lei, not inl�irol•hog
her friend! W111111 '4 114(1,
,'1'InE\ -s. \
1 •
«Yelled «dile uprt we 'Nn Nmridrnt a t4'
11:1yn ago. lir w• ; i -inning x rim
'miner whet. (14' ft Ir some way an.
hmk.• lois right arra hove the ellow
1)4'. 44'Iitely, let Om ch', attendee _
the injured .,o'nlla'r. , aoe,hd 11,1111
hum is partial,. *lima 1 fora 1414.41.
by.. an acr•idrnt wit palp�genal 4(
1' day last 1 k. ♦1.4.411• h
Ulu. rutting straw Zvi the vetting -
lox 141' hail Ib.' lop *ken off tone
finger of his right hand.:
l'Itl•N('II News. The counnnnhon
Tho 11111.....f beef can le 1 hro••g•nl the
Ilrit6h Ympin• 4.w,. rlroplad a 11.41-4(r
ten. anti conagnently Lana) nil.. .Ir1
down. lir are nus111ply illy A
let 1011101. whole the goomlo -�•,.
wood, If not n:t'rr. then , 1,11 •
I.y.AN'N MI:.1TM.s1t4IT
kind. of Menlo., poultry. etc.. ,m1.1. 4
thanking *be 1pfnlle for thei, ''n..
patronage. 1.e (444, 44 a ronIuri ..
t Ili -sna•.
4 'corner I:a-1 rt. and >yu.u.
g 1
e ( ,
(hf 1 laid S. K. :,1o, S. ' A weld len)-
glutei 4l drill*, ringing; I '(nation*.
rte. reudrreil unit was •h
rnjuyw h thew, plw«ut. Miss John-
4tun 4.,l leen tole her • 1oolion Na
1 It the pupils
r • • o echoed *n
r hll the e4'
t a 1 1
1'4*1 ei'
w u 4'x t t4. n
ISI l' 4.M l
took 14. CN 1
Nfft14'Llarl fl •,her by making a -ple*-
rntalion to ',tri amcunl4)atliel by the
fallowing ould gots:
To )t*. Tema Johi
Im'.1a Tv.se 11(14.- 1'r. lite pu1d1. 441$. N. No.
it, t 'oll*Irnr. un t . y departure Mon
*11mralt u., Iayi
11.44 •r to you 4414 r►Vr•.elm.
col Our 41441«44• n•glwt ,a you loan to .l•1 re �.
your nonnrt 1011 with us. wt• have 404444
ohne years plea.M,t l) n d rmatwbly Wget her.
4*M111,1444( that torn• M j4.*, *I**)', fount
444 w lignin) and Ira,.ta ng trwehrr, kindly
all dela and
' 4414(144 "mw. , d 1
Int nnu) y
) 4'l
'n'4' power to
14•x44. n t
U. b' cern u
•41111141eeu ) )
ocrnenue the dlMrultl4'. ) *rlwrAht• from
•(.n1.IHr. You hase ate. prolan to u.
:that 1'4(1,1 w.ak wise nuns s•: .0r. /..:.: WA 11.
We (alg thud you 1.444 a.•aw N 4.b Iany, uuo
tldk•t 'a-' w. a .light token n� t h edtwnl alai
11fn.'Int loq 111 WWII yon are (rid by u.,
4 lar .homer• 1.4.4, 4. *bat pon u y 11.4'0 a
4.w eye Pia. •nil. life. W r ntrr Y
w e •ern uu
-.t ou nu h
yy •z111 )
ri41i. g
'ora fe1r1*u 1'1 lets
rigo4.1 In ta'h.Jf 4f the ..•Mol.
Pont 11(Nire.
Itary 1•ao.to
That Cough
al.ic!t or,'.ivary remedies have not reached,
.11 quickly y icl.J to
It cure• thn.e n, deep...wed coughs -takes awry
the soreness -heats 11 - lhrosl".*lrengtll":.2 the longs.
)tore eke tense -settee. t .1:11 41 ispleaasat in take.
rt• .w t
' an see how 4'k.
ere Irat / 7 Ce
Just try a
of that cough- At your drsggl►t.. 131:. Tpott le.
(''1114• ml. 1144. (,.lerlrh T.-i'Yr .hr
•And m
"eloo l Anw few month- )044 1. .1 Is•
able to earn A .ally of kr to R1 Is m
nurnl h. There I. a (neat deasa,' fur
oa•rntor4. 14e• ready 4., hold a pc' i.e.
on the linolph K 4B4L'r1r11 41y. oral
chane. for Ind)' ola•rnt w.
A. E. MATHESON, Prilllpal
plFh •E.. 11.11'. '1'hnuroll t _on -
M udr Not r4'. 4344 l 4.,- :quare.
One hundred more 7011114 M and
MaflNfr1. MICU aro mabfUco11+ IS uter
prising. to nu.( Illy In the
for the 14(344(3 le•.It ion. OM!) 10 111
1 4.•.•m
who pro th,/r43ught invite rel t4' ne•rrnl
them. A .1 it 14. tonna i, lhlr
college oilcan+ for n y111nt era, of thu
right kind nn tdn,nt tonal ag itlln,nit
better than ninny font... or prr,...Inn+
In money rnrnlov e1114-rr. I, 4441,:4444
admitted at nnv tint•. 'IruMt. f, re.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
4 • ,r. Pony,• rtnd :11etk1.,1er
sem► wmflierasgsgss
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2
bTF1ATrrlpC (maser
Shorthand aeloonl. in the Dominet„. 1 Ito
M 111 t'oliettmi ettiola,‘ 11,4 1, via
• 111.11011110.
not I ettnonine a ow). of 1111f
hove son filen of taking 'ore! or
Nt'e belle; e there b. no Po hoord equal
Mel hod ie hitninen. training and for
parliton. Entex nny time. No tar of I
if von
If she buys gru:eries film' ut. If ,$,141 dues she will
I .you of
Reliable Goods, Honest Prices
nd Quick Delivery.,
All o which you may not -be getting_ We haven't a
cast ivl to whom we would hesitate to refer you. If you'll
liko.to e. lerience satisfactory grocery buying, give us a"trial.
• DEAN, The Grocer,
In January and save from 3 to 5 dollars.
••-• Learn by mail at I lllll e in your lotion. ime. if you uo111.1 like to conduct a
pin would like .to make P.M it
ityg busineea, or for 11011e44 110r.
day showiPg how (limos- king eon be bunch better and ehenpet• by mail than
tiny other way. In order to get large numb*. of agents at once, will teach
thin improved e Ise by mail to all roolutiettei in January. for flu
1,o.trati of reunion. mire 111 la MO •4115. 14..n1•, lig' whole or spore •
Write torday foe- pew. 'eularr. Address Sanders' Dres utting School. Stratford,
Ont., Can. 001ve tutors to 1 to a 41.1 11 , Mittkel Mac 3 povKite l'it y
St txtiottl.
Made -to -Order
Ur RING this month we want to clear out all the tweeds,
worsteds. and- cheviots in stock, Therefore such
"extraordinary lurgains" in made-to-order clothing ;
unequalled in the clothing trade. Consider "for one minute
the saving eflect,41 by buying your clothing from us this
month. They all must b• cleared cut ; you will see how
determined we ate when .you read the prices - read them
carefully it will pay ybif •
Suits tmele to order from good imported tAteed.s,
cheviots and worsteds; good timmings will be used and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Suits SILO° $13.50 and $15.00.
Others would charge Tor goods costing the sanie money,
"nut. Gerrard st... Toronto
Spot cash must bp paid it these prices.
Leave your order early.
The right spot to buy Clothing.