HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-4-21, Page 7��
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+ ,i',s, i As`4'49+ 4,4. ' ,ivc'A4iii'ii+Q°l*** *74.91'
4'X,' 'i
NEWS OF ThE. DISTRIC 0tX463644+45**o ++4 44k+4+4• 1 446*4
MAFEKING. 1 DUNGANNON. ' now to attend tAt her own household townsman, Marl. Horton, loaves here
Moxu.ay, April Nth. • TuYruev, April '1"9�th. duties. in a few day' time to haliavin Gnwnb
Miss Aggie Kilpatrick visited friends I.EAmten '1'. I'ullwrt. h14a 'Pak"' fro . On Wednesday hist the funeral par- arsirtraut in tbsGI ,• p sultry ostahllrh-.
near Luekuow chi. week. It. Fit emit! farm in Ashfield for a cession of the late Mrs. Richard went he hat d u 1,•.1 in tit❑ cir.•uhir:
Andelso n. of the ninth concession of town. (1 tvin h t. a g. rtl in tu.ty help
In th4. ertterprie.. which we hope will
be it sueee:e/ ul bmiues venture.
! . ()UNSAY, April 21, 1904.
The find plowing of the season was term of live years.
done et Hawthorne Hank last week. PunctiaeYu.--Huh Finnegan re -
Some of the iu•uple from here will
attend the aide of Shorthorn cattle at
L11,1ulet on eVe•dttestlny.
D. C. '1'uylor pre,te•hed here Manday
morning in the itleenee of Mr. Smith,
who war culled to Montreal by the
serious einem. of his infant daughter.
Dorothy. We hope to hear of little
timothy's openly rce'vt.ry.
Inst Tuesday morning- this place
war the writes of a serious conflagra-
tion, when Then. Edward Finlay's 1xt°ge
brick house was burned down. The
Inas, lAinelt was considerable, is partly
covered by insurance. General sym-
pathy in manifested for Mr. and Mts.
%Vaux(tsi .tt', April 31111.
Rev. M..1. Miiltion, of Nile. ably
filled the pulpit herr un Sunday even-
ing Inas.
Michael Pfrantnuer has secured the
servicer of a cutup stent miller lot lite
/etwott of Mr. lirepks. Hs tanunsei►ced
lila dutie s bast week.
HPm'y Maher and wife. who have
slant the winter in Clinton. have
letura.d to inti• meld, asn4 are (win
residing at their h • here.
Harvey Mallin•, having sneceu•sfully
graduated (rem the °Mane Veterin-
ary College. has Is might ant it praetice
at StaHa. He left on Monday for (.bat
Mr. Win. Vendome who' has been
indispitsse4 for some time with, au
at ttaaottk of rheuulali,ln, is not ie.-, 9,,..
Jug as rapidly as her many friends
would wish.
Norman Snyder has rent ell the
hieckatuith ring) at Nile Ave, Jesse
Grunt/nett. He left on Monday In
commence hi: lettere. We wish him
.every envenom in his new undertaking.
Settee .ty, April Deli.
/ et r following sn f / KT. • TII f 11 rw'r is
ret 1
tit. report of KIINf1 1 MY1 11 til edited fill'
pl1)nth, of Meech. The letter epee
.Ia11da r))wrfeet. V. iotas, tote I:rile -.
.Addie M •Lrtsl, 114:. IV. . class, w•nita•.
3 . , •ge , ten a ISMS •
Graham: 2 ; totes'. Gr14haut• 24 : 'thfe.
Ruby Hawkins. 194: Violet.Ilogie•.
101 ; Aggie l{sw'kitte ed. IV. •class, IxTt KMExT. -T'I,e remains of the"
•junior. total ZII►-Edgar Dougherty, late Eleenot• Jane Savage, relict u) tis.,
139; Annie Young. 72: ,lames Jobbu• Lite Ja s Glenn, who diel on the
rte,m 21. 111. ring. r Elsie 13th w.n• int(rrel lin [ i ,:inn
Dougherty. herty. rp.11lug. 13 1'., recitatiou,,I cemetery on Friday, lithe The 01)-
141 P, arithmetic,`1A31 Join, Vein 'Male Ke,uied weer• conducted by het'. ('.
spelling, 2 P,Yrilalion. 15 P, arit.h- Rutherford. The deceased was a
m.•tl , IN!: Win. H4 ire, epolliug, 0 P, pioneer of the township of Ashtleld.
rei•itatiun, 16 11, aril intetie, 1511. 111. She leaves to mourn her departure
^les.• junior -Fern 1 isatherty. spell- five bons sod two slaughters. She
leg, 13 I', recitxtian. IS 1', rtrithieetit., was highly 'esteemed as, a neighbor1 ; ()ahoy Johnston... wllieig. 5 1', and el teem.
leoiettion, 124 P, writ la Ie, Ito_. 11. \\•.tNK
'rEI► To ,iow. -The Signal in
" Gips. 'tenets--lftgt(I. ie,
*}sell- it recent new. bail it that Mr. Your
Ing, a P. recitation. 12 1 rithm(etr of l'ollw township. Centel that he
IVO: \Vhitely 1)•atghety, >;I�IIiuR Idltui' e had a cell, a d mei year ;tad folu•lcen.
P. rte itetiot. 1:r1 1', nrithn•( u•. 1414, months. whin. weighed 1.206 ow..
Lindsay Iinrr.we. 'Melling. 1!14 I , `K,w,' one, certainly. However, there
ssstt+rtioit. 10 P. anthroet \int t harts two fanners in A.hfield, B. Augeu-
Treew Young. slxlling2 111 1 c. , is', fine and T. Cnlhe•rt, who ran beat it.
t1n,i. 12 P. arithmetic. 711: hell r - ,lr. Augustine lepton tUla that be haa A
jay, Telling. 10 P• levitation. 1 P_ eon. Kind by 2nd I$anneld Rinner,
Nit iii($Je. 1:10. II. rim's'. 1 w•Itleh weighed ()bout a th since
Vera 13urriere, spelling. 11.1 )_', reoiti • l,21l Ile.. age one year and ten
lion. 11 P. arilhn,etie. :tl,I: M"ri,' s• Mr. ('()list takes the I(•all
Il_awkiu•, rpe'11iug• 7.4 I. trciTittInn, (i; hue r. lie refuels having two
P. arithmetic• le : Ib,rmld Kuggio, spell- c Its, ea • , year eleven months
ing. 11 1', melt time 111 I', rrnh- (rl enc a which was- mind by Me-
metie, IIMt; Merei tit (ire tams, aritle (in or stns . tin, sued tceutly tipped
metie. 100. Tut:sl n tnis•r nn the roll, the eaten nt ,3144 Ilse., the other at
ffi: svenge ill.ten(larc. 21.3. bell, Is,, sire) by L., ettrill's etallion
••Marg " Missr:•l. ('()Miert and
Augustine are first and secund on the
li•t 141141 wunld like t•, know who can
beet them in raising bu'se's.
cantly putchesed fi'mu his brother,
Robert, the Marl half of lot Icer
7, on concession 6, E. U., Ashfield
00010 t'.v'rri,k.- John Kilpwttrick,ett
well-known thrifty farmer mf • Ash-
field, recently sold two cow's for the
handsome if of $i13). It pays to
raise good stoek.
MUtrloN of Const e. -The tuunicip-
el couuell of Wert Wawanowe met on
the l2th• all • the member* -,resent.
The Mixt meeting in to be held on
Thursday, the 211th May, which will be
a court of revision of the arsomor'u
PeweeNAe-Mr. Morhi:teeter,' of
(4odct•µ•11, visited relatives here the
latter part of last weeek. He states
that the winter iu Pennsylvania State,
where he hail been fur some Gem V114-
4.1tiK friends, wits very cold and
rtln•i i ' John Hunter, of Zion,
Aslt�d,- hes moved on to the farm
that he recently purchased frau \Vm.
lM►'IuoVi Kiwi' UK THY FARIL-T.
Culbert, a pis lire farmer in Ash-
Ileld, during I,t summer put lido
drains on his premises 9,00) tiles and
this year intends to put in LUDO more
tiles than list year. 'Ire deserves
special Mention for them- improving
his farm. John Cantwell did last
year's work to the satisfaction of Mr:
('ullwrt and he is employe) to do the
work on dniintge this aeawru.
Arteries K.atKs, -An auction sale
of Joseph O'('onnor's properly, teal
and p{sersolitl, was conducted by T.
liundry. Gesb•rich, ua Thursday, 11th
Ienli4iog ,g.rort prices There.
WAS It large crowd. nt and bidding
was lively. Mr. McDonald. of Kin -
Gail, nhawsl the real -testate. Jia.
Walker's ruction rale will be held un
Wednesday, the •27th April, and
Willis Ie•II's on Thursday, the 24t11. •
New Iset MI►Bltele-I1ev. M. M.
.(ioIdI a rg left here on Thureelay. lath
iusL, for 1) talk l!oari*h, bo which Ire
has Ism appeiulrll by His Lordship
I3r h„
The tSven'd gentle-
e -
man has been upwards of fourn
r y'+x114
in this inetenlrney. Mrs. Goldberg
and daughter, Miss Rosa. remain here
for about.. two weseks. We presume
the roads will he in better rendition
1,1•n,. \101.- and his life.
the vihLtge a visit Iasi Simile
Edward) Mote, W110 has sl mt the
past winter in se;lf,rth, wash ne on
a visit last Sabbath. •
The first of the windows for the' ew
ehir•h arrived this week. The br k
jai all 011 the ground and the fuuni
MUM) is nearly r it),pb•lwl. The w.trk-
men are to begin AS 501 111 :IS the
went her is favorable. •
Borne of the farmers in this 4,s•ality
bave ne d%el to et lend '10.1 11111. own
beef and have 4,t•rue.1 a thee They
;lave aplwetnt. d n matt to attend to the
killing and expert to have everything
In runninK,mler in it ?thee!, thee•.
Leat )h,nday evening it was decided
At a meet ing of the 1'trshyterian con-
grrKalimll la merited the axvistnitee dI
I Lodge. 0 e . Jinni' fra-
to Grand Iw 1
f the
HT , 0 e
to • the corner � f the
tarnilyy lay h
new elt'trlt on or about the first of
• June. •
'J'be St.. Augustine people ;u,' highly
dissatisfied with the pm•sent nail ar-
rangement. They declare they hitt'
e p.itiently submitted In the Inevitable
during the 14or111S 0f the past lvfntet•,
but new that de Mg has entitle they
wUl insert their rights.
Digit 11t 1►AKi1TA, Jetties Dnhh'. t
former tw'idsnt of this breathy, diel
Dakota 011 the tit), inst. ih•eeswsl
the el.heit mon 0f the' bite ,lesa•plt
ie. and ,vee born in the vicinity of
Mon eat 5isty-two year. age. Fir! y•
acs ago he 1•; ' with his p'ar-
entr to Ids neighborhood. growing Ise
m*nhim. Iluanitst the 4itlletdsie.t and
hardships- of plolaee• life.. 1.•;ivin.;
Mete .he s. •nt, live year. iu Parry
Fennel. aft' ante reuulviti to 1h1-
ketx, where h has since resided. Ile
had ever (leen a trong advocate of the
temperance eau. a,(1 w,*. Insttet -
mental in ergasia the temperance
lodge here. At hi lem,rd with a
Meat ill the senate 0f 1 's adopted State.
he hal the•plenaun' uf- ' fisting in the
lriun•p.h of the p'ohIb11i 1 1:utse,
Auto NINETY. -After 'mei and
toilsome Journey of nine( vearm, et
pile dawning of last Sahbal 1 turning,
Williarti trinket, 4041(1 Nelms debt.
Dere/used was Innis in the north f Ire-
land. Tempted hl' the gloavin 1e -
p0111. front that far-ote 4.n0 he -
wdved to make Centel.' his lute
4swu.', nrriving in West Waw/1110e
when the traveller vrIter was
guided on his
way t hvou h the unbroken wlhlernerw
thryy the mark of (lie woo•Inlan's rix' on
the trees, Or when, if benighted, the
purpose of K
Pine torch nerved the
lantern. PoMersaing 111e keen wit
n*titrnl to the Mems of the Ernes iii
Isle, until lately tu• would revelI in
glowing pietnrei the sl•enee of the
earlier times : with the neighbors
nested around the flresidr' and the
sonepp', the covering fel ihr•ir primitive
dwelling, glmwing in the firelight. he
would often recall the srenns of iheir
youth or picture the educe n1 their
adopted country. liie partner in life. Miss Maggie Mitch tkl, who ham
titer mons and five ,114ughters MurviVe for several weeks leen cairtng fee her
him. fir tons a member of the Ing ! Aunt, Mrs. Jeffermon, of I nny brook,
Huhehnreh. Hi. remain., were placed! haw returned In her 1 ►e. • We are
In their last tinting plans last. Wed:, pleased to know illat,Mri. Jetf4'rwm is Por Sale
paUM7 altmeewwwl fn mt
II'a cemetery. lrh improved In health and Is able
A. Denney, �
n whose serious illness
tl'fi•ren.•I' westttadat to lads week',. 1`I -
rue, diel on Wednesday, the 13th
into.. aged seventy-eight years. Ills
remains were Interred In the family
plot, Ihmhgennon cemetery, on Suter -
day, the llith, being ~oiled thither
front his bate redden s, Uransforl. In
shtleld, by a large cit 1(1)111141' of sr-
winRrebltleen n/III fr ads. Among
from n distance, ere Mr. and
Grorge Ihirnin. .1 C• Iton, N.
d Mr. and Mrs. H. r •y. of
1, Ont. The solemn oleweitties
WPM en • ducted by Rev. ('.. Ruther-
farl. T e diessased leaven iir iving
him a aolilfrwiag widow, Vire" 11rnth-
ert, Rots•rt\\fid fomdnn. whit wee reeve
1)f London 1il�vvnahip for many yeaen, :
Alexander. ,.f' Nnrth Day ; George,`•of
I...1u Island : ;OA two sinters, Mt7.
Jan, Johnstauc,'4 N01t11 Hay, and Mrs:
Higkins, of Ash •1,1. The de•essel
wens a pioneer A.4 hllrld, Iuu'iitI 10-
rated (n the tnwn'h upwards of -fifty
year' ago. Hr Auld liir now bereft
partner in, life endured \their .hare of
the privations of pioneer life and by
plmr'k, in.l. 4N•y and e(nn nay secured
a comfortable limn, for tit•le fancily.
The dei'e:teed Wire highly osteemed 14A
a g(ssl and worthy citizen hysall who
hail the opportunity of heiva a--
quafnted with him. A kind'fat.her
and beloved hns(rnd• he wee Merit
endeared to his family. He-war.'i er
willing to do good and benefit those In
navel. A tree, consldent member n
Itis church and a regular atepdnnt. at,
its servi.es, he willw h missed by
the el ngregatiun to which he belontette,
q, well. nee in the c.unnntnity here.
fie departed tide life leriting good
evidence tied 111, end wait mare,
which shoaikt Ir( n great enure. of con-
snlnti,nl br lits bereft partner and
family, -
MeiNDAv, April Ugh.
K, Thom had a very Aurri•isfnl wood -
bee on the, Dth inst.
A. Durbin and W. Ilnmphrey, with
the • 1aat1,r's wife and Gamily, left for
the West 01 the 120 ins%.
Miss Violet Reicbannnn is nl present
visiting in ldleknow. iter sister. Miss
Moggie, is ettgaged t0 help Mies Mar-
1P7hclsun for n time.
Arennling t0 1Mille noncar, the
f hent visits of a certain young man
10 n it village are noon to terminate
th ringing of the wedding iXelle,
flu t•Icr ty last the boys of our.
yell a mime of flx.thell,with
S. No. 11. The entitle wait
side meeting any goalie
001 p
their(' ort
a tie, meth
W. E. Mae
h •anetvbr
nt. Mr. (inoley
non, on Satnr}ay
fortune (0 meet.
ever, net bine wen
preen. while bringing
er, that he hail I•ought
wale near I)nngan-
el. bpd t he min-
titulei tel y, haw-
- ew.
out township, passed through our
village on Its wary to Green Hill
cemetery. Lucknow. Mrs. Anderson
wits 111 only a few days prior to her
death. She was a woman much be-
loved by all who had the privilege of
knowing her. She leaves to mount
their Kati hew her husband and three
children, w'ho have Nur heartfelt
sympllothy in this the hour of their sad
MONDAY, •April 18th.
School reopened here Monday of
last week after the Easter vacation,
the teeeber, L. Knox, having spent
his holidays in Goderich.
As we prepare for press, Tuesday of
this week, aplwnrancma are that wintet•
intends to return for a longer stay.
One or two farmers have done plow-
ing but may have to wait with
patience tor suitable weather to slew
their grain,
THESE TO Go, - Fred. Robert and
Hees, sons of Robert Quaid, have en-
geged this season to wall on the deep
blue waters of the Canadian and
Anrerieatt lakes and may leave any
day now to join the horde they have
engaged on. This year Mr. Quaid will
have hialion Albert, with Henry Tich-
borne, to do work on his farm in their
abmen '4'
James Young, of loyal, left hers on
Saturday last to t•ssutne his dutieg as
sailor on the W. 11. Orr, one of the
loading bats of the hikes. He is in
the engineer's department under the
charge of Frank Nicholson, a former
resident. here. James had a plenartnt+
time seeing his relativts end old
friends and with his violin assisteel in
a few social dancing parties. On his
way to his duties he tnay see our well-
known archlteet in Chicago and tell
all the news of Dunlop since he left.
(Jean SAwINO CHALLRNOEn. --In last
week's issue of one of the Ooderich
papers we noticed an account of a
mewing lase and what the champions
did. We have good 'ten out here that
.in do as well and better and will
e ,tit •e' challenge
aw e t fri ndl from the
chiuuph nit for $20 and upwards.
t .ants.
Arrangement' can be uiado by cur-
respondetwe with the scribe, M. 13.
Williams, at Dunlop P. O. We hope
t e liodericb townihi chatnp}Ions of
t e snwrw rep y as q►t ckly as pos-
sible by letter. -
14e'H(e,L RMP(/RT.--The owin is
the standing in order of folt or the
pupils in S: 8. No. 9. Colborne, for
this term: Senifn• iV-Eddie Shaw,
Jean Clutton. Junior 1V -Reggie
1Villiams, Blanche Shaw. Hume Clot -
ton, \Villie Glazier, James Barker,
Minnie Barker. Senior III -Frank
Glazier, Elsie Linkleter,. Wilbur
Stewart, Oertiie Quaid, Mahe! Young,
Iida Harker. Junior 111 -Olive 'rich -
borne. - Senior Il-#lugh Chisholm.
Junior ii. - May Ryan, Gladys
Stewart. Part I} -Mart Shaw. Sen-
ior part i -Jnr. Glazier, Willie Chis-
holrn. Junior part 1 -Tummy Glazier,
James Chiglw►ltn, John Ryan, Pearl
Nulforl• There will lip (wo exgdl-
dates for the \entrenes o*is*lna,t,�Etplrpt
in July.
day evening of last week James Tobin
Invited anumber of his former echoul-
IIl;ites t l No. 9 8.8.. with friends front
Loyal, , Leeburn, G.derich. (tui 1. gid
and this piiu•e, l t it party. Dancing,
palm and euchre were the entertain-
ment. The musicians with their
viulius were Alex. MaeNe,'in, of I.ee-
burn, and C. NeWton, of Goderich'
township, while the duties of master
of ceremonies were ably discharged
by Jteaph MacNevin, of Iaeel irn,
assisted by Time. t'arney, of li(xle-
rich, who made his first app easr-
ince nt n Dunlop medal gathering.
Writ hope he will comae again. With At
Geirbrni l knight nod two ladle* of
this place he danced several old-time
Scotch reels during the evening.
Social 'Mutts Anti goatee of pedro (emu -
Pied w11 when not dituelog and t}
sueupttious supper was served at mid-
night, after which danej,pg was re-
newed till the atnii hours of the rn,
the guests before leaving expressing
to their host and hostess, Mr'., Tobin,
their appreciation of their kindnees
amt attention throughout the party,
making 14 one of the most pleasant
they had enjoyed. Some . 04 the
glued* drove several miles through a
heavy snow storm to he present and
among • those who attended were
tlouneifbir anal Mrs. Moser, Wm. Ful-
ford, of icclrurn; Herbert Morris, Alf
(iarhraid, and those from G,alerich
already notes.' James Tobin leaves us
again to follow his profession as a
printer in British Columbia.
TUK.DAY, April 10. .
Miip Fle sitie Potheringham, from
near •ueefleld, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. A.111. Clutton.
(tons7'tilJon*ntl't(,-Our well-known
After an nIJNtl' a ..f nest{y a 4luarter
ofa century • tit • p'titular figure of
Matthew Bites, n„%v oBayynedd,visited
the 'reties of 1 - htehel.u' days on
Butternut Row, • •eutg his old friends,
Pettey Stewart. .John l'hiaholw and
Juba Clark. U. I hi'w, like his three
friends, bas loci} •.;o Iaowei his head
lived on
to Cupid and we h hies old chums
llots of chat :taunt (bozo
Irachetor days, %%lieu they
Butternut Row.
9 1194 h.
Mien An41� Wightman reedhorse bust wiWt. atter it lengthy
to Echo Rty. �'I was Aucutnpualitl
by her cuuaiu, \t Aber \VI hhuau, ut
that place, who 1- tisiting his relatives
A quiet house welding took piece at
the residence of the brides father,
Geo. Tisdale, when his egret daugh-
ter, Allcc. became the wife of Albert
Stein ou Wedneel..y. April tIth. The
ceremony was p 1 I wined by Rev. Mr.
eloupland. We %ti.h the happy couple
many }ung yen• nl happiness,
Tho Auburn :..a9espwnlelent must
have been misinf•.l'is.l tnregard toour
*nail service, as we have receival a
daily mail instead •d just :every other
day ,since the htfiit;e wee earned away,
our trlail carrier having walked up
from Auburn And it•ried the ()hail for
almost two week-: When ,the made
were not in it tonin ion for a horse to
travel on.
It is our painful ,loty to report the
th of Mary Harbour, wife of
H. Anderson, .1 f West Watvan1)ab,
tch oevurrel nu llunday, 11th Inst.
deceased lady was Imre in Scot -
nil` came I,' this country with
its, broth. re and siatkls when
Syears of .e,;e. Shortly after
her m. hor died. aid being the eldest.
daughte the a .nlr • of the 4uuil$
devolved upon it r. Twenars
ago she tY: SII. Antyderton,ye,
since wile: tine she has faithfully
e e r I,.
nil x or d/ I c./ u
v 1 t as wife and
mother. Tb renter had leen a very'
trying one for ., r Anderson, having
to nurse her hu ' ei•,4 for many weeks
through a leve illness, \\ hen b
ad recovered au i iently to Ise ahuut
the house, she I ,e. .uddenly stricken
with per$tonithe .,i. 1 hi a ve•v few
days passed awe% ; . let•eternal home.
The interment t:t p re on Wednes-
day, 13th init. it 111•
tery. services brine emit acted by Rev.
Messrs. (kwpland. Kane nil Whaley.
She leaves to ntt.urn' her (• tarter• a
mot -rowing humbLjt'i,i. titre uugbtets,
several brothers and sisters, together
with a very large Hyde of fri (Is.
eloel iv, April 1 h.
Dirk Foley is to tps•nd next San fay
Tisa Ella 1). to is visiting h
lyiM liebiget man 'tent it few
Several bete took in the lirutter hall
at Kiotol.
One ,fay last week Mr. and Its..
Hussey were presented with a little
Mr. Dal• Ml& thigh ie•nnon, of
New York, al's vidiling the luly's
mother, Mrs. Ilogan.
Mitts Maggie inmbet•(tts nntl.Mi.s
Annie Pont :Ir.• on :ttwei works' vied(
in Hens!ttl and other points, .
AIicheel Finn-. and family h,r5'4-
moved to tow ah and John< Mua,ey hie
purchased bis fares iind has 'taken
Iwiesession_ \
'• \t'E:JR:BUDAY, Aprii'llkli
Abner Morin has it emiing face nt
present. It h a daughter. • .
!,Jr. and Mrs. A..I. ('cooper, of(ieltle-
rich, were visitors here Sunday.
Our pastor r'changel pulpits witlr
Hey. J. (1. Veltnd on Sunday last.
Rev. J. W. ltobinw,n, of 1) gen-
nam, will preach bete next Sunday.
Mr. lirumanett,of Kinloss, is visiting
here at' pr•MCnt. Hp Was railed bei•(
by the nevem illness of his nephew,
Jesse (iruutmett.
Harry -Morris was in our village one
day last week. We were glial to mei)
harry out again after his severe
IAu,•kOf oNin.%.
Jesse eirunuiott has rented hie shop
to Norman Snyder, a young man from
lientuiller. As Mr. Snyder thoroughly
understands his bncinese and le 11 very
ace odating young man, we have
nn doubt he will he successful here.
1Ve:wele•trare hila to our burgh.
Samuel R. McMath left on Saturil;ty
for .Tun onto, en route to Wlhnipe•le.
To get that appetizing,
brown appearance and out-
side crispyness on roasts of
lamb, beef, etc. -to keep
their goodness in them they
musbasted. in the old
style stove this necessitated
reaching into the hot oven
and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of
the oven while it was basted. A tedious performance with
unsatisfactory results. The draw -out oven rack of the
Imperial Oxford
►... 19� ''i The Gu
makes batting a simple and
successful operation. ►)raw the
handle in front of the oven for-
ward and the rack brings the pan
and its contents out of the oven
where it may he thoroughly
basted with the
greatest rax. /
The Imperial Oxford Range
lessens the labor of cooking and
insures the most successful
Call at nee of nor
for the imperial
men 4.-
by C. J. HARPER. Ooderich
1. the deadliest and most
painful nueledl' to which
mankind issublect. Dodd'a
I:iJney P11!, will cure any
case of Belches Disease.They ha,e never failed In
one single case. They are
the only remedy that ever
has cured It, and they are
the only remedy that can.
There are imitations of
Uodel's Kidney Pelle-pill,
hos and name --but imita-
tions are de rigorous. The
original and only g'eautes
cure for Slight's Disease is
Dodd'i Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box at all I
L1 1 Wheat Leaver, r+y
' a hla.
Closed Hlgker--t..ve Sleek diss.yieta-
Tke Let t (1 t1e
a. rot. a a
Monday Evening, April le
Liverpool wheat futures cloud today 44
lower than Saturday Soil cora fatures ua-
At Chicago, July wheat closed 4e high*
as than Saturday, July cora rbc b1t4et' dad
July oat.. I(,c higher.
ruxr.r.:x uAn1:e1;:
London -Close -corn, spot quotatloas,
American mlaed, 2201 111. Flour -Spot quo-
tations, llloneapolb patent, 27a Off. Wheat
.-Oa passage, rather rester. Cora--Ua
page, easter and neglected.
Mark Lane 'Miller market Whist -Fa-
trots'', aominally unchanged; English, less
stertng. Corn-Amerlcan, quiet, with. a
email business; Danubian, quiet, but stea-
dy. Flour --American, quiet, but steady;
ensldab, steady.
Paris -Close --Wheat, tone steady; April,
12f 43c; September and December, 201 70c.
Pleur -Tone steady; April 291 OOc; Septem-
ber sod December, 2++1 Rec. Weather to
Prance -North, heavy rale; south, show.
.47; fore..t, north and south, unsettled.
compared with tit a week ago. . the eland,
supply R
of wheat t' t
PP 1 t lot quad. m r
t end t noted
Splits kis Increased 180.000 bushels; cony
decreased 821,100 bushels -dots Increased
KAIO° bushels. The following Is a compare-
tlye statement for the week ending to day,
the preceding week and the correspoodtag
week of Wag Sur;
Apl. ls. '04. Apl. 11, '04. Apl. 1e, see
Wheat, bu. ..S1,3W'..n *7.180,0151 37.271.5s0
Oats, hu ...10,452.s,. 1,1,444,r00 8,470.000
Corn, Ds. .., %,28FA* 1e689,001 1341189)
'The world's wheat shipments for the past
week total 0 Y
ems Uri 1 h a .
Il• lints 1 1
t4IY against 1 ,
UIw,/,70 busbrl� the prn%Gpua week, and p,-
01.4,0,10 bushels the corresponding week et
To ren•apltulate, the visible supply of
wheat In Caned. and the fatted Ktatem.to.
tether with that attoet 10 Europe, Is 74.-
074000 bushels, against 78,74(It041) bushels
a week ago, and 70,723,000 bushels e year
MaNew York „ 4' July. Sept,,•,• 94
St Louis 9074 113 81
Duluth .,. 02 92
Toledo .. . , 08,,%, 80% 86%
Minneapolis .... .. r
TORrs•rrn *T. 1J#Rx.CM T.
Wheat, white, bush 4 90 to
Wheat, red, bush '
heat, aprin►i lush... 0 92 •••r
beat, goose, Lush .... 0.83
R riey, bosh 0 41 0 48R
He n.. nosh 1 15 ....
n,•a s. hand picked1 ai ,.,.
Rye, •rah 0 98 ..,.
Rickey at, bush 0.47 11.4
Oats. lot
r4I1 AIN' AS:. P.nortten.
Liverpool, -ell 144. 'Clming .x Wheat
spot, dull; 1 California Ts; futures,
dell; May. Oa ...1: July. 4h'll%d; xnptem-
lu r, nominai.- n -Spot, quiet; Americas
Mixed. new, 4e 2 .I; .imerle,u culled, old,
la 71; futures, d 4; May, 4s 44d; July,
Serf -Extra Inds mess. dull, 40s. fork
iMme DIPS., west' , (1101„ 6.341 O4. :Bre
eon- Cumberland eat, Mdy. Bos Rrl. slops
In tendon (Pact&c coital Firm, 10 Os to 47
NEW T,)nt DAIRY IfatagT.
New York. April la. --Rn r --Quiet; nF
changed; receipt., 4478.
Chow -Quiet; me -hanged; Ips., 2193.
Eggs -Firm; unchanged; recelp 13,4I5..
Celebrated Al<WAND HAMMER Braid
Latest American Goods -Large, bull Shirts
/kl H STOCKS iu the above are now
\ eutlrplete. Cotton goods have gone tip 10
price about r lately ; hut, furtuna(.ly our ol•-
dera were phued Mdo-t the rtstr ; (unseltueutly
Our former low prices will prevail.
Copy of chi of running advertise-
ments must left at this office by
Monday noon to eelosure insertion
in issue of same week:
Ye Olde Curiositj Shop
At a Great Sacrifice
A Few to Clear Out.
Goods bought, sold and
Thesefr r- w
uw 111 Inc Wool, (ratol, Silk, Jute
ur Mixed Howls lin one baththeyare the
latest and. meet intprorwl bye in the world.
Try a prekage. All colors at HICK'S 4481(1
7titi AOINU-
Funeral Directors
Sad Embalmers
01111111 aretull
Y attended to et all
hours, night or day
Ms. waste
Bicycle, Repairing
1(iell toI.1t. Bldlo�salitb Shop
Bring your wheel to ite. ,511,1 have it.
put,in good shape before Kpriug•upens
up the roads. t can guarantee you a
good job ata reasonable price.
Blacksmith Work
in all branches--Horetehoeiugg, general
repairing, etc. Give us a bal.
Alex, Kirktrride'syldVaud.
ICfng.(on Street.
CAW'S PIrleiveTrade Good, Rut P' e•s0
#Saler at Montreal Market:
1Aradun, April 18:, Live cattle Arm
Ile to 12e per M. or: .leers, Ares
Weight; refrigerator Net steady at 8
to 814c. Sheep slow, 12(4c to 184e per Ib.
Montreal. April 1R -About 800 butchers'
cattle, 80 mllch cows, 50 clatter, 12 sheep
and 10 spring limbs wore offered it the
East ked Abattoir t , day; trade was good,
but the priers of prime cattle were lower,
as the supply of this kind wife inusua y
large: a few chosen rattle were sold at
Ike per pound; prime beeves at 4%e to
4741; .nod medleme . 4e to 414e; ordinary
mediums about 3%', and tho enmmoa
stork a5 21Se to 334e per pound.
Milch cows sold at from $2.1 to 3410 nets,
Calves were scarce, young ones 'telling
St j2 10 $8 each, 'and the gond ones a1 $4
to -111 each. /w 4%c to Ge pet lee et
Sheep sold at about 4.• per`po nd, and
the sprite lambs at 42.511 to $5-e ch. Hood
lot. of tat hogs sold at 9 54c pee
East Buffalo, April 18.-- ttle-Reeelpta,
4200 head: am ee; prime seedy; others
10e to 1:K• hlgber; pro steer.. i,i. p) to
35.35; shipping, $4.45 to ; bombers', $4.28
ro 34.00; heifers, 1311') to $4.00; cows ane
bulls 13.25 to $4.25; .torkern and feed -
era, $3.5r, to $4.25; *trek heifers, 32,01 to
$3.25; fresh cows sad springers, steely;
seed to Moire, 140 to 4515; medium to good,
M2 to 342; common, 42) to 380.
Teals-- Receipts, 900 head; 25c higher; N
to 041.
ogs-Reeptpta, 13.M0 head; fairly settee,
5110 stead_ 'others l0e to 15c lower; hoary,'
30.38 to $.eon; mixed 4550 t0 35.no; york-
ele, 34. to $8.05; pigs. 45.25 to 314) 4;
YoutgOba, 4.05 to 44.01; stag, 33.50 to Nt
dalrir 35 40 to 33.55.
1bp nod Iambs Rnnrlpt.; none; se-
ttee inhere, 13,' to 2:e higher; lams,., strong
to higher; Iambs, 31. to $7.10. a few 37.15;
tonnes. $a 215 to 341.5o; wether., 35.Rnn
ewes, $5.26 to $330; sheep, misel, 33.25
('IleaQo, Sprit U-(',flte--Receipt.. 40,-
010; Settee 10• to ISc Iewer; rood to prl•nn
reeers, 38 to a ra poor to PAIm 3.
q to
34.(0; ntorkere sad feeders, 32.75 t01.25;
cows, 31.50 to 54.35; heifers. 82.25 to 34.0(1
(Nutlers, 41.110 10 42.40; 1.111, 32 to 441
cal. x
M 32 to 34.i0; Teets fee Aro en. 34 40
1111,--Racelpta,41,000; 10e M 1.7e lower,
lrlk and batehnr*', Men to 35.1714: anni
to c elke heavy, $5.10 to 313 20; Tonal heavy
$4110 to 0.10; light, $4.10 to $5.15; len n
BOMB 113 10 3410.
Dr. McCahey's Condition Blood
is easy e gli, Nut checking off
quality is not such an easy matter
with some Keds.
Rut thew is no 1caseef of trying
it with one
Purchasers do mot even lists,. be rely
upon our statement that thee1'
things art. excellent. Pitt .any-
thing to the test of use and its high
s taltty will be proved instantly.
ne' le•ing of f li h et (outle
Owe are Irtg est valor.
A(i1:N'I'S for LIPTON'S iTEAN.
ALEX, ROBINSON, Proprietor.
Those, who drive, for
either lilt a hill' nK or
idealsl(tr, will find the,
i Wgatte• Mt r,','t Lil'-
'try well el11ipl5,l
welt genet horse's and
,,Igs ..
Buggies, Phaetons,
Wagonette, etc.
Our Sample
Ranges are Here
We have now on our floor,utmple,
of the range.++ we are melting, These
aw the finest and most eati'factory
wot•kin4( t•ange sold in town. If
you are going to buy a range this
year curve in and examine there.
Hamilton St. - Godsrieh
Livery, Mack
'Bus Stables
1very care token to
moons, 1114. comfort
and ,•rtlisfeet inn of
tilt nine.
\(live me n call.
_.._RTC., AT---
Well -appall n ted
Tacks end rell-
ahle drivers in
r•harge of the
meet all trains
and steamboats
t •
(444114o (',al),tree 110441.
luldlrli �11�1111�{lutuuu
A n, rw..nt t l4IAyercpt.;
(*5 H tI S P I T At
10.1.„0,11,17 a,.r,lnr 4,4, R•ae /T Mua .A h..l ta.M
1r^ ,r. ./nmr••1 AM+•t t,.17h1r.. astir in• In lM
nit lv a, h,o a Imolai
-m s1. se
+l MA„ 4( .nthn.-5 a.n 4 i the 14. M. to . ,k4.dn , 1.4
t,M r•r.nAlllnn ort_,% Y•..d rF. Dr, Miele, . Kelley yea ■ a ■
e�-a.,., Her,
n Mrnn,• raw win
Mn, .M AM ..w I' '.
Il ..5mends*411� It' 014 that . wln r nen eM Maw..
coma. TM In. tlaeaM/ aMnlaa p
f.�/IraY. O,a..'tYMa�.
Pnt salt ii lioduric1► by ▪ T.mau.du: (a ALI. oAeae ACiXITltI, CALI. eR letITIt
Cllntora b1 ll, /S, t•eanlr. M. Bryson, 132 York 8t„ Buffalo
Nor l;'I'►514111 E:KT 't'TIrrNR P'1ETY
CJour dealer you raw
his adrertisem�nt in
The Sinai, aoderich