HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-4-21, Page 5THE • SIGNAL: (;ODEItICLI ONTARIO EMBARGO ON CATTLE. It Is Condemned by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. I • .• it' Oes&iitoen Pasaiii %rotor& of Ern. bongo front Canadian Cant* by Great Srawn Would So an Iscolloni Thlnj for the Lotter from a Nyilrele Puinl of VOW and Would es avidsfies er PrIendrittp tor Canada. , • London. April 19.-(C.A.P.)=At • meeting of the animal and meat trade section of the lucorporut.• Chember-ol-Cornreee -at- Literiosso. - a telegram was read (rem Sir Alfred Jones nreing the rect ain 4o. poe, the Government for the removal 1,1 the embargo on Canadian cattle. The Chairman atrongly advocuttsi the removal, on the ground thut it would be an excellent thing for this country from a hygk•nic point in view of the fact that. we are sending our best beef stock from - this country, and us a consequence our stock are interbreeding. which naturally results in a deteriorating quality of stock. Also, the, embargo might he re- moved for reasons of friendship for Canada. Mr. .1 .1. Gilbertson of the Canadian Pacific - Railway, and ethers spoke strongly In favor of the section taking action:, Professor Doyce, referring to the health of English cattle. Stated that owing to lack of fresh stock. 23 per cent. of the cattle were infected with tulanrculreas. The followiag resolution was car- ried unanimously . "That the pro sent restrictions on the „importation of Canadian cattle to Great Britain. are unjust, so far as they are based on the dread of disease existing among such cattle since any out- break of dliseare is as rigidly. dealt with In Canada as n Great Britain, and no infectious disease now exists in Canada." \ • . The resolution certitudes- by ask- ing that the prevent- Unions, be at once reconsidered. Chorehill it Libor •' •Winston Churchill has decided to stand for the' northwest divieton of Manchester, under the auepicen of the Liberal Association., chrorrol Only Wilk Illood, Chas. Devlin. M.P.. retorting 'open the Irish Secretary. said that ire - land had no quarrel with any nation in the world exoept England. and. would have none with England if she were allowed to Mintage her own affairs. khoottobo's'Of boot. 111. Washington correspondent Of Tbe Financial T1MeN, sayi that much Interest has, been armined in. the United Statin over the statintacif n.- latIng to Manitoba wheat growing. Manitoba swiped 50 per cent. More wheat per etre than Dakota or Min- nesota One-fourth tit the wheat lands' of the Northwest would be suf- ficient to Supply three imes, the eta- ttre wheat supply of Britain. Nat *wino ot-11. Right Hon Alfred Lyt telt on Co- lonial Secretary. replying lo Sir Gilbell 'Parker, said he was not filtrate that •ny colonial Legislation had roamed resolutions against pre earenee• Coloollol Show Is IOW influential support has tweet secured repeat nnd expand the colonial and Iodine Exhibition of 14141I at the 11-wittil Palate in 1905. in view. of the rapid, strides of hiewerietwaticren- ttment eteeng-rhe zoo more commit- tee were t of Argyll, • Lord Strathcona iitd Sir Gilbert l'arker. New T.. Vipreto le \.' Lontthn, - April\ 19 -The budget statement to be ntede in the • Douse •L \ - of Cent:noes to -night - by Aunten Chamberlin. chancellor of . the. Ex- \ chequer, .is ant ictiated With the keen- , ent interest. • . • . • .,, Premier Balfour yesterria. made an unintentional adminefon thi1 some ew form of taxation is ep.Ctoit, t otherwien the sorrel is wel jrv4. It rs understood to ho q ite un kely that thie nee, taxation w I be tlsc.d nn petroleum. - It Ip regarded as practically certain that he income tax will he raised, possibl. n 'duty Will be Opposed on importet ihmr. til tem v weep roe Oft Ottawa. .pril 19.-Tlie idea of hays ing it -central cattle nf inntruction this year hU now been definitely e Minister of Militia t the best twos/able hr.' has heen'no time abandoned. is minims', to propnrt y. hut t yet to examine' the free site which was offered t heL,_ deport meat •near Shortest Lake by t!tf. Ontario Gov- ernment Th. winter has been sq long and the snow se deep that it, has not been feasible to carefeily in- spect this property Aecordingly. the central ramp of instructing has bees postponed for. the present . Tb• Slog I• A• Copenhagen, April 19. -Tho Sy- borg-Ceenen train, conveying King Edward and tbieeh Alexandra' from Cnpenhagen on their way to Lon- don, was derailed yesterday ' after- noon. The last earring(' but one left the rails Their Majesties were in the last nonage and sustained no dam- age. he mishap only resulting in et slight delay. iitlatio 111111•41. Little 'Falls. N. Y., April 19. - While repairing a switch yesterday, Alexander Murray, assistant mechan- teal repair -men nn the New York Central Railroad, hocarar confused by two approaching t ?ionic stepped in front nf an engine and was in- stantly killed. Murray's home was in Ottawa, Ont. • r ly f•1141 7•11. Winnipeg, April I lb -William LW, kauf, a connector employed on the lateel frame work of tho tall new Union Dank building, fell yesterday from the ninth -at nrey to a platform of planks three Boors lower and ails - reined Injuries to his head and side that will likely prnve fatal. Ile maws from St. John, 5.11. PrIestel *raise Wawa, roma Toronto, April t9,-.1. 0. McEvoy et London, haft decided to proceed against R. R. Gainey first In his slander suit , and it will come up In the Middlesex Assizes, In September. tress Sorrow. Owed. Lender,. April 1 --Sir lbeity Thompson. Dart the distinguished surron. died last night. Ith•r•h thee.. Qttawa. April 111 The Ministerial Aseociation yesterday papw/ it 1111. IN)litida favoring church union. '4 Rev. C. T. Scott • 1. comitig to tioderich and will preach Paul lecture in Victoria taried Metier - did church in 'connection with the Epworth 1, sortie anniversary oil Sun- day and Morality next. Rev. Mr. 144,141 is 1.o upon an ' of the foremost men of (lin alteliodiet in lanolin) 1 Olifeln'tlet, 11101 lit ptenellt h., charge of 1) 11ts Centre Meth( 4 - dist cougregat• 111 the City Of 1.4 11 1 ll`gt. :1m1 porsperous church. 7 he rev; ettl gentleman is a careful and ddigent staitli•nt, an eheluent and thetight ;so I te caviler,* rind it 1ail viineed thinker upon It 11 tioesth nut of moral ',form Anti social 111'01/151114. The League has undertaken to dec- orat.• the clitit•eli for the oeeasion with suitable- emblems of the /society and will eteleav,a• to make all the services attract e and Iiinpirstional of mod. The 14-1,•iety. and junior. will is• cent ye 11,W IJJ 1.11.01!4 /41 the 111,11 nilig -el w ice 0101 tweedy litelgee will la. given to all the 111e111111.114. Speei.11 11114 .ippr,wpriate nand/• will be given by t the ehoir at both tiervices 4,1(1 ',teem) , "11,S -time+ will be taken. tht Nitwit.) evening 011 at 11111111' Will be git en by the Society. followed be a brief program and lecture. Retool. - numb+ u ill be served from 7 to S. 1Vhile the v. '1 p4.11111e /11.1'7 tiorving s 1 he 11l*-kstonn orchestra will pi ()vide sweet hankie. Following 1 his part of the exercise. the Rev: Mr. Scott will lecture on Citizenship," n 111,1111. popu- lar 1111 1 timely stible 1, and it will he hentiled in a clear, forcible way. Mims Lama 1 ft-yflgt 4 V1 ill relate, the Black- stone fleetest's will give 0 selection and vend mneme will Ire given by Miss Latin', Drew and the Mcrae. Belcher. Admission An Educational Controversy. ,. The diectosion regarding Latin, which Wal. 1110 outstanding feature of the reeent meeting of th.' Ontario Educmtionnl <Abu/dation, boa -now been treuefereed to the Pero, and The Globe oti Monday had the -following letter fro it Priucipal Strang in con- neethat w h 4 t he subject : • "1 am y to see by his letter in your jostle yesterday that Mi'. Dear- ness feel). so -til 0 over (lie result of the vete Oil t1**' 1 Alin question at the meeting of the 1•01ueritional Aso weia- Gen. I aiwillitissto rebuff defeat, be t elks id "the appareatt ;;; i ; wetly. not A real one,- "the tem:miryminority." ••tlia. inaelintille Iti: tail y.. ' and with more ingenuity them fairness olio tar make soon. readers believe that n ilea ieti. whirl) Wan 1'11'1'1141 by two to ' in :l meeting open to all ili•pat•t- iiients :ma sectious, was really de- feated by all overwle•lining majority. 11 is soicilt•lot /;111111111 114/1,. however, fated • him to misrepresent his op,- 10,111.111'4. 1111 1114 entimileeilly has done. i 11.141. 11,1 011(11011l111 to hot tire ing :ow air ef superior wielien iii reger,L lo whet . are the best isluintional in- teresta and ideal:. When, however, he 1111111114.4. Os 111plainly does in three castrate evidences th that his op- 1lsi11e11114 111,1 persenally emit•thing to gide or 1.,-.. by the decision. (2) that they ;it, iii t..wia ef era iiiiii ing the iiimiewy ii ;tit th.• tar:Wigton of at for- eign language and I. 1 ling the stittly'of. it stop nal' hat, 1:11 that they are not as desh111174 she i • to have iiiir rural selosil Lew I et, .11tittlinghly efficient he ivies lit far. And we leiVe 11 tight to ask him tiller to pat ify these 1111 - Ilea 11.11 ,I1 1,4:1;, ,,l' 141 W111111111 14' III. nen sor y 1,, ... A.. tlowt. like it, woe ot I:' -t4 Who%III ,•,1 With 11111h )u.geeing 1.11.41 life 11,1* fin. Ilse future oils 111111,4444 44 :4'1, 1,/ he h•ft,entirely in tin' 11110 *44 girt I ..ideas. Ti nue 111' /I i -apt nee of men from the ranks 1,1 the 1 lilii' s, lest' teachers is the mist set o feat ore in the edit- eationai mit look 1 °mark,. and if Mr. Dearness will il et. his spate. time and ability to Ass' ig the Falticethm scam' Way of Thotartment lo ;le • 'elitist ying twitter. will be more 'toyed than usefully and ertslital, in misrepresenting tin vie •s and the attitude of those wh be eye tlint every tenelter !lidding 11 relni Hal life rertilicatt• should be requils il lesae at leau est elementary ktiewledghave e of Latin. 11, I. SreaNth, "Beelerich, April la.- • , Grand Trunk Again to the Front. Th1. New l',tilz agent•y of the Grand Tristik Railway System is 11,4 occupying what is conceded .to le- the heitibmineet laths mil alke in She world. on the to4notia thine of the new Dim Merenntik AgeMajawalitilding. at 21'11 Broadway, New York. -This:11/tior Li • finished t Ito tughoot in Siiiimi- mirbh., Immo, and plate glass, rind the...decorations cent the owners of 0 boilding glasairliton, and it in con- certi the -fined dieplay of this 111111(1 - ROI r stone in Amet.ivit. The Grand T010)k leareel the entire floor and ile it the "Railway Exchange," 'main as iiiili-Isfienls: Great haat- ern 1'aM Er.•ight Line, Lehigh Volley Railroad Co., Maine Stemnahip Co., 1 lyileelltnehip (*IL, Queen and Cre 141,1 scent mite, Louisville & Nashville Refirdad (t'., Wisconsin Centre' Rail - rood Co. Ventral liailymel of New Jersey. 'The Central Stittes Dierettett, Pere Martoiette Ealliond CO., Giorgi^ Itailrond Co. . The congolidation of these interests is it new departnre, and in the brief time that they hatreL been together it him operated to ysia much adventage to the towels intense iLivind. has hoes ;melt an iteci,mmoda on to the ship- ping and traevaling out,Ifr, that its filleeeilel is rimmed. • The entire/ eftioe hag been fitted throughout In titohoganY. which ere- reoponde with the imildi g's decora- tions, the offleea being in t P centre of the spare with n lobby wit neich sit e. Everything coneid'ered. thew Grand Trunk Railway System'k ne* office is worthy /if n call from anyone \ visit- ing New York. --- ---- - , JUST ItgreivItio. - A mimed of Vie• tor feral and &leo any 111111 nt it v of Din h 1 clover and aardlin 'toe's. ni I A LETTER FOM GRAND RAPIDS. • _ Ortuut Retails. Mich., April 11, IAN. To the Kohler et Tbe Mend Doan Sot, Will pet kindly give the following a place in your valuable paper, ita 1 wish t11 say a few words to iity friends in lite old town of Code - rich, so that they Will know that 1 did not perish in the great flood et Oland Rapids. No doubt you have all heard of the terrible flied We have heel it) abbe etty, causing damage to protwrly, suffering, anti in it few omen lose of lib"; chiefly among the pour. IR is all over now, thank God. Fortunately W' etiosped, 110141lIbe We 11111 on one of the highest streets in eif y. p fr("n the bed of the river.. The river flows north and --itawath - •through the city. dividing it hearty equally. 'the peo- ple living on the west side were the areatest sufferers, the land being low all 1)11 that bide. nearly level 'with the It1W 11/111k of the river. The population of this city is one hundred tie nmand. Moat of the fac- tories are on the same Aide and inany thousands of factory handalive there, many of whom lout all they possessed, The great itici•ease of water was caused by the melting of the large quantifier of snow and ice on the hills to the north. It came so suddenly that in Many cases the people had no time to nave even their money. OD Lotman; ntis.e.t. and Rtimilton reet and the beautiful Broadwey the rose from twelve to eighteen feet. one house lived a f ly of lour, Malt and wife aid two ehildren, lit- tle Igo, live years old and the baby Kix months. The woman. taking her baby in her eons, plunged through four feet of water and made off to safety. 7'he ulan followed, leaving the little boy in the house. They lost each other and did not meet again for two or three days, Joel nit this C • the little bov WW1 n11 idone in the floating house. When fo ttttt I by the rescuers he had climbed to the highest place, he could get from the water. A poor Polish 001 tttt 1111 made her way through She water to a sehoolliouse and there gave birth to n belly, which was taken care of by the authorities and named the "Piond lieltY." The authoritiee, and in feet othere who live on the west side, showed greet sympathy for the filament by the fined on t he west. side of the river. Rescuers wentrout in all _directions in boats to save them, tak- ing with them provisions for the hungry. Housed were seen tippling about With people in their having nothing to eat and periehing with cold and wet. Home turiprineipled men went out in Nieto pretending to les rescuers, but refused to bring any of the sufferers away ftami their dangerous positions without unreasonable a of money ; they also plundered the bowies, hik- ing the poor people's money and everything else they wanted ; but one bold citizen, editor of The Grand Rapids Herald, Iwing indignant at such corrupt practice'. called upon his fellow -citizens to mie lynch law and teach these rohbers a lesson. such rascals remind us of those who rob the dead after a ehin-wreck or railway When Die water had rt•cetlea a large pickerel Willi found swimming aboli irt .1 buly's parlor in twit feet of ware The prisoner was captured and exhi- bited in shop window. It weighed six pounds mid a half. The ladies are grieving beeatise of the damage, done te their beautiful carpets, which as the water left were found covered with black rand to the depth of six Inchon.' Several horses were drowned in their etablee. An intrepid lady oto lriving with her roaehinan' came to the moat dangerous place on Bread• way, and told her coachman ti drive en. In a few moments nothing (multi be seen but the hersee' heads as they were st niggling to get through. The. water there wpm; rushing down in great force and the carriage was turned up on one side. Everybody exp.•cted to Nee all welshed into the deep river. but they managed to get Dirt oigh all right. There had been no such flood here sinre 1814. Beginning with the river the water was seen for miles like a large lake. Some reseners went out 10 boats with good intentione, taking food to the hungry and resetting the periohing. (Inc W0111/111 refused to leave her 1 se although it wits stir- roanded by Gnu- feet o' water. Some robliere were caught stereing the renctiero* 1).1:1t*. The tent' !Weller. railed to the robbery; to come- lock with the boats/. and hinging to do so they were tired at. The Christian 0, Mouinity of the cif y den••rve great praise for what they hate done to help the flood sufferers. Large MOON of meneyL have been col- leeted to distribute aiming, them. Fdinter Sunday over 11210 were col- lected wit Nt. Andrew's Roman Catholic church- for them. Good for the Roman Catholic's ! Some of.the sufferers may they will never live on the west side vein. so property ig going up in our neighbor- hood. for although my wife grove only $3,500 foe our preeent residence she is about willing for Immo). We have bought a $4,5411) house in the city of Muskegon and purpose big there to live smite time next month. Ao soon MA I ani nettled in my new home. I shall write to The Signet office giving you niy roerect addrees, ahould not like to bore /1, single paper, for The Signal makes ite friendly visits to me every week, giv ing me the news of the old town. 1 think the present managers derierve tni-h credit. They are certainly tip - to -date men. advaneing with the times. Just here allow tile *0 1414)' that 1 was never a very great politicien, 148 you sill know, but roilly believe that annexafitm of Canada to the United States would prove a great boon to the Cantolienti. There are over a million Canadians in the United States at the present time who desire thle because+ of the leve they have for their nett ve and dodo, just here to extend my nth- cere thanks to threw deer Mende of Boderieh who sent me lettere of reference, by which I was enabled to procure a position ln the Star Cloth- ing .C.). elf ON. city. My youngest daughter, Ming. Attends the Flusineem Vniverrity to learn shorthand, book- keeping, etenography, etc. Gilbert. my youngest arm. in learning to be ati operator in the Western Union Tele- graph office. As I was leaving the old town, many of my friends maid, "You'll he sorry end will he heck In six months." hut 1 do not think so. Atilt comma forget Goderich. that beautiful, pie- tiarmapie little town by the lake. where spent twenty of the mod eventful year of my fife. Good-hye, dear friend., with many well wishes. taunting the time will not he long when we obeli he all one people. Written by Mine) Mine Card at the Tittaineee Univermity et the dictation of her fattier, 1.1.vt Cann. 1411 IA (Irat,' (drawl Rapids, Mich, 1 1111494V, April 2 l, 190 1. 5 HEAD -°N C°U-ISI°N. if/ ife. Irldor's Iloilo.. I counted Awn- Ofalill al Nixes 0, •r Ontario 81611- ,64 Sy 111,1111111 •, 14,1 /14..otwlaw•Tled• Sintroo, Alin, - head-on col- lision ocean, .1, I litii Slid *bout five inia of sitincoew at 4 o'clock ycat,.vi,.•. ;II 1': 'won. during the biggest 'se • ore, of the Hei18011. The,...Waba' sit DU, •4140•1' train, eantbound, `so, L ewe:Wounl. met in a head,- roilialon one mile east of Nixon a a both trains ip,1•1- ing orders to r :o. N oote..111,. gine and can -I \A, 2 were not dam- aged to any ir•ro ale exteut: but the engine on No. la was completely des molished. Tir passenger ' oars were nootndlyerafoffied, were injured, (hes being all pasts. . • one a litth• gitl. who wan Midi •-iisoi with.; , broken gleam, and hts • her was injurol lh.- • • • were summoned fr°D1 Simici°e/te.er nameittaa. Iiamilton, Ayril lia.-The storm played havoc with eterything in the shape of • oblate. in the district biet, evening, Th, si rest railway was „dims( put twot leafiness about 9 o'clock. and tho Loniptety was able to 'move only a tax of its cars. The switches at. the "y" jukt out- side of Cur city would.00t work on ccount of Go- snow,- and all the G. . and C.l' It. trains on the line ere stalled thoro The Interoational Limited, due at the Stuart street station at 5.45, did mot get in till 10.15. 1 11111, t very beet onalit y. Highest prieee paid for seed imam and barley. A. J. If you have 11.001111 io 1144h tall about, MOrin. Hamilton street, them in the eolumns of The Signal. 41S los • At St Mooing. St. Thomas. April 6.--L-This city was visited by the biggest blizzard It has ell/Orient this Winter yes- terday. Snier. 1 gan to fall about 9.30 yesterday i oning, and gradu- ally increased'1 011111101 until it had reached the P14 1101:. of a bliz- zard. All the railway linos are', completely block:d. and the serVice is tied up. The rail:, ds are suffering from snow drias. A 8 o'clock last night there was 'Mimi •10 inches of snow on tb. level. B112/inrel *.T. ill'. was about ached To - in severity ched the he snow - rat ively weather The y in- no/FroX.,to. Ao,r110.1.06;rn-1 rob 0, .11 It increased uhtil by venlig it re e: 11 l , a /IS cont 9,"ttioltyel a blizzard. light, the estimate of the bureau being *bola three inch street car service Was serlou terrupted. A cold wave Is coming alo be- lated the snowstorm from Man Oba, whore the weather has been ere during the pest few 'days. T ,ay will be cleating eath • good deal of sunshine, but also with a stro northwest wird • It will be consi stably milder on Senday, and mo pleasant weather is prmniscd there - ft • I' 5 a or. ardibisholo load AitII 5' Kingston, Al.1 11 .16. -Arc Bond of Mont, 1 has been Acting Prime of the Ang House of 131 ac•os until it m again next 0,1.r. This tempo ary appointment. was made because 'ths Synod of Jetport's Land, had not yet chosen their Metropolitan. Those present in the liouee of Bishops wars. Archbisis•:.-Bood of Montreal, and Bishops somatznan of Toronto.. Baldwin o4 Myren DUX 0411n of Ni- agara, Mills at Ontario, Carmichael of Montreal. Thernloe of Algoraa. Hamilton of Ottawa, and Pinkham of Calgary. mato. bishop Olieft can • 1* Was a Ltivo Montreal, April 19. -"After re- ceiving your letter of March 25. I have /whim; more to live for." The above' conta•ned In a letter address- ed to Miss Ilaliday, it teacher in tho Westmount Scademy, by Rev. Colin Duguid. tl..• ill-fated Preabyterian pastor of Maisonneuve, tells the sad tale. The L.. cly had rejected the re- verend gen, mares offer of marriage and he cos Mtted suicide. Ile has been in por: health tor some time past. San Dr•rood to D•141.14. New York. April 1D. -Robert Nnl- an. aged 21) •aars, wail killed; Char- tism Mori -ix. aged 49 years. ie•rhai,s fatally injurod. and Prank Anderson, seriously hut,. "sterday. when a big iron girder slipped from the tackh. Ise which it had been raised 10 fret in the air pad fell. The men were on the girder and dropped with it to the ground. 'Two Terra Walkout • Strike. Des Moine, Iowa, April 19 -The coal operate. I and miners signed an agreement y. .terday under the terms of which Inw mines will bo operat- ed for two ears dating from April next. Dig Corral, Washingtoo April 16 -The Senate has passed the Panama Canal Bill. The Welcome Wag. . A gentleman was walking with itis youngest exon at the clime iwf the day and in passing the cottage (if it Ger- Merl laborer the boy's attention was attracted to the dog. It Wart trolly a 0,,,nunna etty, but the boy took a jitney to him. and asked his parent t'i bey the ani ttt for him, promising to take good care of it. Jura then the owner of the dog C0lIle home and was detnonstratively me by the dog. The linnIlettlAn said tt) the owner : "My tittle boy has taken a fancy to your dog and I ahmild like to buy him. NVhat do you mak fot him ?" "I can't sell dat dog," said the Ger- man. "Look here." said the gentleman, "that is a poor dog, but as any boy wants him I will give yowl at sovereign for him." "Yount," Reid the German, "I knows he Is very poor dog, and not vort ANA _;k. It's Economy To Trade at This Store IN buying our stock of New Spring Goods we have tried in every way " to make is profitable for our patrons; every yard of fabric, every garment and every article that is offered here is thoroughly good and the best to, be had anywhere for the price we ask. The following lines are amongst .our leaders, in which we are particularly strong. A shipment of Rain Coats just in from the makers. Our $4.75 coats are the best we ever handled for ,that mo!!ey and made in the latest style. They are really extra goof:1'valve. White Shirt Waists filen t he bed Makers. in 111' Dominion. made the latest New Turk etylea 1111.181 end up te $2.7.5. neatly 1 11111111141 WWII latent Pa yles of laces and neat embroidery. A 'few silk waists at speeialdwices, visit snaps. -Dress Goods VVe are right in the front rank with dress goods in all the new makes for 1 hr e g ...mown with pipes nit rock ' bet 1 . Sti choke crepeole-chenes, gitod 00 itIth, for 50is Black and leading colors. All lot tif eolored Saltines just in. • • Waistings an in stoiek now', the greatest range in white, from lis' to 31k- and 5S patterns to select from. all new this season. In cohired witistinge We all. 01010111g tile brig Arid neweat things to Ito found both in wash goods and stuff ttttt terials. "• White Wear gowns, 41(00 ,1 well etiestet wattle. There is money for pm in Ilea(' goods at the prices we ail. selling them. Prints ,1 1,1/t&',. thettreatent range we eier show - .41, our lOt- line is width 10e wilt denale now:' . "tile awl *401114' of them before they are all • Hosiery and Gloves ‘v., have now lie largest aud best stock, ranhillel'e and e 1.011 11014e that We rear earthed 4(1141 4111 prices ar at last year's fignme. The /sizes run from 4 iikhes to IP, inches. Gloves Ii* I hew goodis we have a, very complete as sertment, black. Whitt. and -cream taffeta both in jersee and snap fasteners, frotai 13e to 30,.. • Wt. have Perrin e kid gloven, which are the heat Make. 1 White. 1.010e141 and black, 75e, 1111.00 mid $1.13, •very pair guaranteed which means if they go w4tiug you get another pair. • Two great bargain days, Saturday and Monday. April 30th and flay 2nd, a whole store full of goods at Bargain Day, prices. Perms strictly cash. I )signet- for May, 10 ceute. A full stock of Standard Pattei its fo spring. An eight -page tttt alietalree. 84 J. H. COLBO Prod uce Ca sit or 'Phone •111. •••• ,k 'P fr fr fr frfr 1.1!/./!1ffiffYi!1/!1.01.011!1.1!1!1.1!1.1!1.1! ttttttttttttttttttttt 11!1111! tent 11 , bet der orsh ran teeth, chug ,i,it dat dog 1 ean't .CII -I can't sell de vag his tail vi•n 1 COMPS lamp at night. Dont's for Mothers By a Father. !bat mak...elute, tromps with your ehildren. Try hearts. la tit't threat eii. c so I 1. • . NA., reform. Always 1.:444, veer es wi(l. Dom), fail to I Ply tapathelie lis - Lu a ,..., to ehildisli leo of woe. ,That's nags. to ileelire istitig influence. eft repreas q festimiing. Only 'd 41)114100 never ask questions. 1.1. /111 poi capp 'rm optly. Post If to answer the hard 011ea. A. N. OLEDAD. t et tit Ans 'our. iron Beds and Springs 1 M E • ani K 1-1 tis -k Of new papers. They 110 beiiittiful to \ behold. VK U A N solid, - is the 'best, prellit est melectiop that.* had. have evt•r say that it and cheap - P I EM 1 pattern enough to suit evin•yhody. NV l tV 11.1. be the haw.. you call mid lark itt 4111111111en. 1, to our AGENCY C. P. R. TELEORAPYI TICKET wtd EXPRESS. idd & Co. •••-•-•-••••••••••.•- CANAblAN Pick c r- c. - 3a 65 VANCOI-VEIL 11. Cs VICTORIA. B.C.. sE,vrTi.E. wm411, TAcnm 14. WASH., ANTI PORTLAND, ORE. $4 I 15 NELSON, laiSLA ND, I1,(', rye,. th.1.11..h, 44o ',Ay. Serofel 1-104,4. 4111l, 1411111 A ptil aah. bower totes to many otto.t. talo Neely to Atty Canaelan Piwille Agent, or A. H. NOTIAAN.' Plum Avni, I King le.n,t. Toronto. JOSEPH K/OD, .‘8,111. 4,10acrirn. A Good Foroiture Polish im it necessity' in hoitee-cleaning Th114 our CLIMAX POL1HH, 11filkr.1 4)1,1 1111) look.like nmit% Elk .% bottle. A Good StoveplpeVarnish nIso tiCcessitry. Coat the piney; helms. " pitting ,iway to prevent mitt. Coat the latleony rail* and Iron fences. Good inside or mit/Min. That's air IlEATEM ALI. STOVEPIPE VARNISH. Aar. : 4 for $1. A Good Stomach and Blood Remedy To hnnish that Wed feeling and lime the alitteei generality. There our HANKA - YHA!, 1lLOOD AND STOMACH HIT- T.EIGI. .10c l 1 for SIN% Satinfitet ion guaranteed. • I NTHSI:lir:I UHT 1101rrs K DNEY\PILLS Sil 11,01 C01101 I (Tip: si.orrs \'ETI(RINAItV arl'OCK COMPOCND E V MOLE 'POOTII POWDER Ert . 1 I s 1 al CECTAN 0 A It DEN SEED `1 W. 0. GOODE, graro Chemist • 1111v,- Pint IreeeiVell i41101he'r ship - men 111 lout Holm with 14111111e tleW am! .• hoed nine designs, Making our assort- mentne of the lured complete in GIP distric and the prices are within the; reach4 all. In Sp 'hots 'we have the control of the (vie' sited odes Springs gmaniuti•eil to give satisfaction or tttttt ley retti tied. We also ave full line of the cheaper grad of Springs. . Beckett &•Sta I -NDERTAK ERS and EMBALM Day or night calls promptly attended West Side of Square. nton • 'Phone 89. Econo In Fen y You can not ve a better fence th 1 n a wire one, and yo cannot get a cheape one. We have wire goods from which you will be able to choose, such as: Lamb Field and Hog Fences. Poultry Netting, from 24 to 72 inches wide. Barb Wire and No. 9 Coil Spring. Weaving Wire, Nos. 12 and 13 Prices very low. ew PAL D. ROUCVIE Cash Haraware Store Goderich ;1 4, 4, Our Men 4, Shoe Department \was never more able to attend to your wants than this spring. We handle \ The Slater Shoe \ The lnvictus Tlie\Just Right Amer- ican Shoe These t res makes ate the crea of Canadian , and Amer an made 811 OCR A and we go; rantee them to you. r,' WM. SHARM N DOROTHY DODD FOR WOMEN 4. 4, 4. 1 •