HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-4-21, Page 2•
llunaDLv, April 21, 11104
ikc *isinal
totollboRII'H. ONT.Alth 1.
VA\ (ITER t 4nlIKitTStl'
'Telephone ('all No. xi
Teresa N Bek.eteptlon :
$I0 per nnnuln in advance.
n mouth.. .51k ; three months, .ic
a;ubeeribwe who WI 10 MAW. Tnr IM,eNA,.
ngrulall) by moll w111 confer a tacos by ao.
qualeting 11.111 the feet at as early a date as
When « eh/fere of odd neon is desired, both the
old *nit t hr new addreo,, should be given.
Adr.rt,.m1 Raters.
begot „ad oMn•r whnihr advertlaeiuent., Irk
per bnr for lirot m,.MP*I and :4• tar 10., for
BMA .:.n� u'�yy01st bn,erlion. Mesaured by _ o
nonpareil reale. 1 welveliner TOM' inch:-
Ruotneu e«nla of six lint* sad nailer. To per
read�er. r 1 iaeaurot. of Bane, Found, Swayed. Sit-
uation. Vorant. 811 „a1 tone limited. Honoree for
sale or to stent. Farms for Sabi or 10 hent.
Article« for Teale. etc., not exceeding eight
h410N, UN' tech ira,erelw, : $1 for flea ttiontb. 00
for each robsoemu.nt luonlb. larger advertise -
menta in proportion.
Learnt not or 1n 'nonpareil type Sc tau line.
No notice Lane thus x}.
Announremer$o in or,1o11.1y ruadIt1g tyl.o0e
rent per word. No notice 1.r.. thou' 23c.
Any spacial not tee. the mile,•( of which 1r the
paeaabry bonen( of soy individual or us,.eei
a1im1, 10 l.• 1•010.14441..1n wlrc.l4seawnL and
10 be charged arson( u,gl y .
Rater for Monday and rootrnrt a(tvcrtt.e•
meat', will tie Avowal seeti atop.
.1ddrea• all ewnriunleatio.r. to
Y AN.t1ThIt & Itu&IEKlra ie.
Tui Sion Al..
Anderton. tont.
eODERIeu. TIFMRSLIAY. A1•ftll. .o. Ilam.
1 �
Toronto oetvpap'I it' oIter who
Ess leen-plrsuhlg an investigation
with n view 10 dote ' ' g the city's
'tendert' of honesty finds there is
a general 1..Iu f in the mortal hatinise-
IIess o •'. 11 11 " the Hairs l 111 1.4-
t v! fli tat rttl pea
.or.' fele °f' the ib••it y'n 11"+x' 111: 111111
him that there -weir some social lights
and el •h menolier4 W 110 did not htsi-
' tate to gine incorrect returns in re-
, gatd to their 100001 s and 'Iernonllty.
The report*( called (1)0111 the head of it
prorniilept Ineirantile fr,i with
t M11 wnr on familiar ta1 N
, nod
- in the counts rot a cont'es•uaLinh ii" •
mended tire question, floes it pay t .
be honest ? •
"It 1.'1-tainly;lows," itpliad the 'tier -
chem. and he instanced several ('assn
whet• people had tried to act crooked
with him. :moil diad, always ,got. the
worst of it.
"T'pn:Jl .N•ccwiois:•' Persisted the
reporter. 4
"Most asxlue11Iy"
\\'had did •you tell. the 4aaa,essor
when lest he celled?" asked the re -
panel.. in a lower tune. Then loath
wen laughed.
•'1Ve11, but everybody dons. Use
battle," said the head of the film, "and
were 1 to be the only one who allowedl.
myself to le assessed tight up to the -
last dollar i might as well go Dalt of
business. \Vhy, it would cost me
$:410 a year to tell the correct flgasreo.
Anyway what right has one of those
fellows to come into my store de-,
mending to know my privet' busi•
"But is ii:Juel421L?". was the liar ' •
query of the questioner. '
The tnt'relaant did not kuow. •'it
dnettn'L seem into es straight ht na 9 su -
ilea '," hew*ih. "hilt wfhlIttnT4QQ"1lt?
Were 1 to be *ismaiaNy t,1•urdifSl'io
NMs.sespset: t w0..-. rem• veracity
like it stone aro unrd'nry Teed[, ertmtln-
oaf drag in the competitive rocs. Tu
11 crt*nin extent a man must net as the
.!epees%deamong wham•Ire-iiveto,"
\Vhon Rimm ordimat•ily honest finds
Ft hrcess iT,To r us aeje aC o1 i ,
resort to prevarication, anti when this
is found to he. as this urercI,ant says
it is, n general practice, it is high' time
that .erious c.lwsiderMilw site given • to
the .question whether w1• are to be-
come a rmlioq ()Idiots. T►1e p'rarmal=
ty as.esrmert4 is abolished Ilv the tlt•w
aauar.onent IIi1L and thus one etanh-
11141 •b1(ek is removed. l'he income
asee�laement remain., and the 'integrity
of imreyue 1axpgters will still b•
tested. 1
I)Ilring the peat few days the Iron•
• Mien (iovertmeent has been ',cleft of
ahem* one-third of its mionlel•s by
enterpri.ing Iewnriape ll: whish h*tee
disputed of theca in dive's ways,
.ending this one to the bench, that
.sae to Floglarel. and W. 0m. Tile
Ministe•)w themselves are totally mot,
were 'of their fade, end in blissful
ignorance are still 4,14w:f ilm business
as 11101/dAt. Ottawa. Millie Mr. TNrte
left the (inerrnment snnewhat 11111-,
riedh•, after his p•otecti.m campaign
• of 181t', the Upo,ition organ* have
1101 'leen aide to give their !readies
e nch
delectable tun: sola Mend, (Jalrine•t
,,..,sel0torre its thorn'- with which Mr.
1 arts'. indiscretions provided t hem.
The 1.wy little ex•\finia•'r 111(0 -lawn
al.tkibg things rather lively in the
• Opposition 1.71114)1, 11;1 1.01'1•yltoly
knows, :11141 11141 44711(1 their 1110 other
• t t(tlthl.•s ,u,wrllg Mi. JIentlell m r.11lnw-
Under the cin'luuntances. what can
Mr. Bohlen do ? He toed to be a
.stung Liberal. and in sold to Ile
carpooled at heart to the demand for
an ail-r'uuud increase of the tariff,
(adally at period like this, who'll
dien fee•t...ries ate king mon,
money than they ever dict before.
Mr. Tarte, was (bout on him by Mr.
(Gradient. who apparently did not
know that, like 11 nni al's elephants,
Tarte 1s 114)1(1 dallgei-otuo to 111M
friends Ilett to fide fees ; and since
then the party has leen r •Lt4I
beyond renal to the policy of higher
taxation. which might serve well
enough in hard times, when quack
nuiltrums of all sorts ate io dewaud,
but in not acceptable when the ltsly
politic is eujoingR buoyant health and
prosperity. In the House Mr. Borden
Heists to fi� t°the battle almost sin le-
hanled, anti the strain Is more th-tin
he. hear. In crowns, the brethren
ere alvays, tea Memb
. Hu ed would
�ty. "scrapping' amongst themselves,
Mid thele IS 1111 one t1 net tea pseace-
,ntker. not even Matu. himself, whit,
to quote 1 • again, "earnest it razor'
for several fellow -Tories that have
voted hilts 11 uulltauce and prayed for
his defeat and that of George Taylor,
The party is in a state of disintegra-
tion, its best men have paid the dell(
.1IIIIlutc, and those remaining Alt•
not able to re-establish harmony 11r
find a way out of the wilderness. Mr.
iio lnleth is doing his Zest to ,reituild a
ruin, which in as proverbially hard
task ;, but, onforLnnately for hint,
thus' is 110 one to, help him. least of
all Mr. 'Parte, who'• forte is
detente. -
1o)ti end who,. thew 1n 11o doubt Will
some (ds)' 149111 Mr. Borden if Wean.
say against Imperialism, A llyetander
(otherwise Prof. lioldwiu Hwith) ion -
vents himself a greet deal about the
affairs of a country with which Com-
mie halt nothing to do except through
the hupraial connection.
In the course of his rt,uarks•in Par -
Mr. 'Taylor, the chief Con-
servative whip, lies given s inter -
main KK figures regarding the new finan-
cial (!emend of the (iovernweut. Mir
\\'ilfl'id Iaurie r, inatds upon giving
_Dom 4)Ill $150,00I,l14lO to $170,e 11 •a•1 to the
Grand Trunk I'acilic. Yu.., 41nne)'
must collie hem souleWIItl(. This is
110w the bu d, n will be distributed :
Ill the !legislature nn Tuesi ay, in
reply to a question by Mi-, ' Whitney,
if it w'IUI the inti htiuu of the Govern-
ment to ),ring in this session Legisla-
tion of any kind respes•ting the liquor
(raffle, the Premier replied that it was
headless to may at that stage of the ma-
se I11:11 it 404(0 not 111 all probable'
Mere would hes any legislation.
Looks as if we vlene gonng to Blit
'.'int..' .,:! emptier.
KJ.. .1: I thalt l'hicego chap who tea
herr a few 11umlhs ago leave any . (
his liquid air lying around 3,
L'Inm every l'aundian .$ 25
Every feemly 1=5
Eve, -y voter . ... 150
ii very`towneirt1r ... llif#UUH
Every conatituency )1(1),0X111
--Mail and Empire.
\\'cwt. 11111.4)11 people. who k11uw
something 0)".111 \L•. Tii)101'. will he
pleased to sew that his testily (lar
yarning is still inn robust condition..
The T •040*0 \Vorld menti a plan,
that has been adopted with sucecw0 in
England to encourage a taste for a
higher ricks of reading. The fact that
public libraries are used chiefly for the
proteindug of works of Hellen is a con.
slant 'H11•ee of ieugdaint, Mild it waw
10 nenetly title that the scheme was
drwi'd of issuing Iwo tickets to'read-
ers, only one of which sh.uI,1 IIs avail-
able for novels. It is foetid that a
I1irrower'.eho takes hWo tickets uses
Toth, and tis he cannot get two novels
he "takes as volume of veru' or history,
or a (took bearing on his own untie."
The system hew been In operation for
some tinre in sixty-seven public librar-
ies in England.
A protectionist °eget' complaiue,
with nthch reason, that most of the
fish take!' in thia Province go to the
United States, which is thus "table to
t cheap fish ft llanadaa, while the
)pie of Canada, living right along -
rid the big, hikes and other fishing
gr)1 ds, find fish saute and dear."
Yet„ t tis atone protectionist organ iM
ready ) go into it fit every titne it
as bloke at the trade statistics because
,( ('anacbv buys *o nuurh from the United
Staten and the United States buys so
litte,fr,nl Canada. Indeed, when it
gets talo le a of its real protection
- paroxy=sms t e only thing that would
Thr we shotdd
send everythl we have to the
t- United States t id• get' nothing in
return. The p 'tectionist is never
avowable" Ittlanee
1 tar Mail and Empire objects to the
inereaeol taxation of the railways in'
mewed by Mr. Ross. Is thief-
posit • policy '
Some of the Iwwspatpert4 aretwonde
ing whit has Income of Mr. Tart
Anothlr politician that ham not been
heard from for' some tune is Mr. Fos-
ter. Their 'unwonted silelnce, has be-
anie pNlsitively loud.
Fl• the Scottish NettIt'110enta of
Stormont and Glengarry. comes it re-
port of the death, within ten days, of
twee 'enteoarian residents who
eoulhi,iol ages were :118 years. Alt
were of highland descent, The Scots
air• stlhhnrn, even about dying.
mind Tn,tn attribute(' the Jap-
e m'eeur'•s1u LLa a1 iesess's"ew'/ as.
rncnts to •'His Majesty's superior
volt " 1)1(1 the grim old seaulug
smile its he spoke the words, or is the
ex Seel an indication of t he Inept/LI
Mattis f the educated Japanese?
to 1t is found that the dentruetit
operations of the. mire this w'itite
were ehi,41 in orchards and field
that were not thoroughly eultit-alted
When the grass g'ow,, the mice tin
^abetter, and the trees in such field
have suffered 111.gt from girdling.
itisieporliel that John 1). Rooke
feller has cornered Lbe a*1e*ins supply
Which has called forth the suggest'
that. the .Mt(uolard 011 magnate icil
have fees) of 1111 the asloe0tos h• ea
lay his ,I *Inds eon when he leaves thi
retie (if (nope and exorbitant. coral of
legs ,111 interesting story front
l a lea a. don1)11ess or less true,
1. ill *his falshi°n :
\Ir. Tarte• hors ,est sun -reeled in
•ilei( :1y; Mr. Motif to the t•esr and i*
now r'• •1 rot i d ' M' 1
Ig G. 1 n Ilso•n41i1.ing 1r .ian••
kenzie Howell, who, he x1(1.0, is mixed
up as director with :i (•.supany meant -
Ing in Fiance which Iia Il'htrfe
I ,•w ?toile. Attacks w1111 1111• 4111j4*'t 111
slliki.g at '4. still -known Ielw•rsl,
when, I,y 111e wa1k, withdrew from if
1;11.s .1' ', Mir '41Aeke•nzi.' does not
I.•ie. , that Mi. '1'411 e I. it desirable
ally. oesepiently lir, 'Atte i. knifing
, hull :airy day in th V. newspaper.
'1'h... Ni'. ('Iaoke, '•f Ti Ni', -and 1h•.
INp1lr'.1'•, t wit headlights tr Ot*ngei*uu,
• are 10 Infri.•nrlly terms; 01(11*( Mr.
HaaegsiI., 'Hong "dill (1 ,1 -Ii. L. 1
'Foster, ;1 Mill Icing utiles th wrath
•,f rhe est:rend Milder, Si \tike-
k,n,,H Who ;othen•sto1lie belie that,
1.' wa., driven tr 1h,• 'cense lip �.
by N "nest ed 'reams." W. F'.
hart mals w'llh IN,. Npnonle• as ninon,
My. eke, Ont alttn.•ks Iwai) when
the hens, 'sloe's hint : in fart, is
the •Seifetal terrible" sof the whole
t'nnw'rvs11',- poly. In Ontario the
Hal lrluler it F. lH)' (r,J.•r• : in Quelec.
H11gh liratbaua, o f 4'he Mont teal
}Mar 1 4501 line 10.il{11.1' f popular with
t-1. ahs rsnk- ai1i iii.' Gm 'r. romp o
Is not raking headway in t hese Pow, '
1e Note Scottie and New N
wick the pper)0 hes virtually (
1 to exiol. - In the \Vp0t. 11. hots
nblhl cad Mr; MrHrkle, but they *
raw no rli4Ilrsiti141) to vitiate their : I
happy without a
of (seine.
Legislation, no ural r how well in-
t(•nded, which haw the eet of placing
mean the state the 'rest nsibilit)- for
lhe'dischatge (-tithe nate I duties .of
the pur11t is llulieally v sous. To
'while children it only been a vantage;
to childhood in the aggregate it is a
great wlnng. The fact that some parr-,
elite ilii lot exercise ouflc•ient care in
the training of their chillt•eu W gvitd-
onc•o that the sense herd parental 14-
•pnnoflHfry nerds tel fe strengthened.
To provide special legislation for the
protection of children in matter.
properly coaling within the sphere of
the home in to weaken the sense of re-
sponsibility in the parents. If the
pretcpdalabok..aatter 1.11
dren, what. Ivor, natural than that
the parents will relax their vigilante :?
And yet legislation is an infinitely
poor substitute for the influence of the
d loner. There 'is torr much droning to
Parliament foie this, that and the other
thing. --__
Not too soon is governmental notice
• being taken, through the railway roan-
mbision, of the railway accidents
whirl have heed ') frequent of late.
n An offlc,•r of the commission has been
investigating the recent disaster on
I the Grand Trunk at Guelph, in which
(Yeomen were kills( and two others
t injured, to soy nothing of the Inns of
property. 1t seems that this lime the
s I.emp)lioibiiity ie being pleeed by the
* railway ie iple.41p44111 a telegraph op•r-
e gator, a boy of nineteen years, whore
- working hones were from t) o'clock at
e, ,slight to F ei clgrk in the mnorrning, and
who haul innnn►erabl• dntir0 to per-
form duringthe'' home, with no Otte
e Omonist him. If the Grand Trunk
* people consider it economy Isesave *
• few dnllats in wages and brae the
' enormnllll Nn1n0 they 1. have hat
during (the past year as the result of
wrecks, that is perhaps (tidy their own
lousiness ; but when human lives ate
at stake it i* anther affair. The
thing is hemming intolerable, and the
railway- istimmaston will have n strong
Piddle sentiment behind it in enforc-
ing much a Wilms upon the railwatys
as will gentler travelling safer than if
ham leen.
The Days Gone By.
to 1he day; Rolle 11y 1 11 l lir .sly. gone by
The ain't..., in the nn•lo,nl. nod the path. oy
t hronglo u ho rye :
The'.•htrrll' of the rolr1) nod the whistle of the
, r mnn11
A. he pillet :tern., Inc111end0w .reel 3. any
We ane in 1a potation to say aha
The Hauniiton Spec t'r's aVe1'Piol tt
the tricking of Isatin ib the sclin.,IN i
not the to its dislike for thing
pollen, ass might be suspected. Th
reason is that the learned editor coin
eider* it quite unneces$ary for anyon
to know any mon• thay),Iwl know*. ••
One of the 'tttereiPM for which w
might tothnuk a kind i'rovidence i
that Admiral l'og° is not a 'Yankee
Jost imagine whet we should have to
endure if the 1'. S, navy were to per
form touch expI((110 its- three in which
the little Jape have Io'en distinguish
ing themselves( before Port Arthur.
. f11 Illemiltnn, The T' s Napo, few
text -(woks • mothered o)t of fees
pall by the pupils --dare the rile.
'•HALil.-oFdecOrating bookie with pen-
cil anti pee 1111rks and (limbs of irk,
breaking the binding by carrying
pewset/11s, lenow wad+ of paperin
lww,ks, etld e'veu 114in•f then) to pelt
one (bel'- with, are (toile a on -
mein.' indivi.lnnl and .lir44(et minim -se
of Isoks word.' tend t, induce • •
eaan•fnl handling. The principal gein
in In scummy of purchase."
At these Wiies' college rat Whitby, a'
few evenings iag°, the young ludic* de-
feats! the question whether won,JuWelltm
Well hnvc nevonlptisMmore mogood
in the world. The result was that the
/Well folk were given the palm ns the
Areal Ienefactors of hnnlsink ind.
Thus :11 least rine quell( fon teems to 1.e
definitely settled. The *omen ,u•k-
IMrwledg.• the preeminence of the Coen
M this respect : the lords of enation
Upsell Ilimpel (10 not even consider
.Ittry uestiarn (Mleitallde who is left 10
!impute 1 he unnnimons done' ?
Bv.tander in The Weekly Sun
s to know why there h.wn't Deco
n r0 buret of indignation in Canada
/vet- this alleged introduction of Cloin-
s.•.sleteIy in Month Africa. There
re penmen awn reaa1/1111 : FIMt. *het.
'ans11ttns are not negll*int41 with
he feet* in the rase 1 arc• 1, that
'N11144)1111)1 ore minding their own Isiel-
foal «(1bsg pod jmin Mr. Boden, . n
1044. For a nen who Ii** N411111114+ (u
K'hen the loin lug nn, one the eloVer all the
t,Ine woe in the sky,
.and troy happy 1101st bat n,nu>,I over In 1111'11,1
801)0 by.
In the day= gone by when my naked feel w%r.•
!tipped • '
ata• the, honey ,e -k le tangle w'hi'rs Ibe w. tr.
line. filmed,
And the rlW,lc'i, of the el ey 111mw•d the Ie,•
Along the brink. '
IV here the Ida'Id-eyed and I'oy fontml 1'.,!1
ciente to drink,
And the qlt.ing snipe- *nod feirle,t
Ineinl's wayward cry
Anelshe,epladhingofthe swimmer, inth',I,),
gone hp.
1) the any,. genie by ! to ahs dans gone by
The mud& of the teething Ile, the In.lre of the '
t ),e ,
'The ehIMlsh faith In !atria., amt ,%l.ddi , . '
mask ring
The,lmple. 01111-roln.'itls. In 1'111
t 11Ir,R.
When We wa.144 * w,*,w7;-h*Idis* n 1444. s.*h
In she golden, olden i glory of the 404y. gone h1
6.00•111y ..l • Laiary
Wok ostia Scar.
"(Some seen, lid (noels Eben, "ee-
gYds honesty lr- a p(•iie i ,Ir, o»' sows
alta luzluy to be indulged in naly
aft/ r dry 1101 el, one(' up a good safe
TM Inn ace of Wooten.
Looe - ♦dvertt*er,
Wivak/n Ohii, hill halm Is'eu turned
don't by the Uldbaw llotZervntivu$,
and will yl•ub0111rtlsakefdaap)loar4aune
411410 l.itleral Iutperialt0L .in she. next
Pau•tlauueut. His marriage with lord
AIes.Ieuyr's daughter may hasten his
1'.nIa'rr. ion.
Something Thal Will Be Heard Frain.
laet.tyn Ad%orti.rr.
111e AuulDaallataisil _oL_Oufatiu
suggested a tar. an Ow '•1111eM'ned in-
crement" of laud values just to hear
what the lawn .,kers find lu say aMult
it, 'rhe ehwn•i nus 1,44) subtle fur
suint• of them, .ind after they had
Iwgista't'ed then --objections he with-
drew it with the remark that the
might 144. heard f • in the
fl,turo, 'rhe,, 's not the slightest
doubt about that•
What ,, the Remedy 7
Ts .10 Ub11s.
Vit. St.tang, '1:111:1117111;i1
lmc1 iI of :thee
he (icale-
u-ich l'ullegiat• 1na111(I(, in a k{ttrt
which we print in nnot.he, sol . di-
rects attention 1,1 the r•4114(4able ilts-
atppw•arN1)01 ut men from the ranks of
1111111 ',hall to:Irhlrs, The effect oil
the .tended of !opulau• .dural ion 1s
already deleeteri•11m, 1114(1 it will 0lam Illj
elLlauhitoua, The change is driving
the older pupils fluor the rural sch.ols,
timeline the (thin Env., 1111t to speak of
young men, will not co11in cul school
to lit taught by w'onlrn of a rot their
own age. If anyone in t•yiti to find
a remedy forth- evil this is good
time to estate wire he has dies tweed.
The muesli/went Act.
Baas. .11 That, -
There are WHIP',. 14,1 (names in the
hill, but. they :n,• hardy a sufficient
enhance on the .4 .1 1441 1o'tvarr:rtrt the
labor and cost of its •pr«lttettop. At
one time it was 1lroIsl.ed ill provide
that all houses I.' sxe(1q)t 111 the valor
of $700. That w., a step in the di-
rection of a some!, general principle -
the lessening of taxation on the int -
,prover hot the 1.•gishtttire• was to
timid and the (..veiling of the tax -
seekers wed t4M1i1 ort mime. Stich M1
exetnpLiotkvl 0111'*ta1•edone -h ty
prtlnk)te. bIIkIing and to relieve,
an intolerable situation, alnd would
have had an eine stied on our
I.'.l Maker's. s day we shall hate
an au:awsmluete ',listed on the idea
that 11 reran to, ern to the (om1-
11lunity alxrn•. ' the-alegrre in
which the co, • t)' benefits hint.
and not o0 th. 4 (hat oe shall
take st w•h.,.- tinct. most. But
our ,tatrimmers 4,: 1.1 `rosy, 1114111 a
good deal of e d , ; to bring throe
up to 1141 apps. Lc ..t t he' honesty
and wind t" -,a, 1 principle 1.10 till
then we must !,et ',1, with crazy quilt
11114asur/s (hitt ,1 , r:,•- a little 10 Karn-'
per progress. '
- The new taxation hill reseed its
final stage in the le•gislatnrc on Mon-
day. The main -frit ores of the hill are
ns follows :
Ex r: N ere lees.
Interest of the Crown in any )3111p-
erty;;uchnrebt- pi 11 educational
tw'l+wNIATIWtr o ,...,; publicublic
fir pe•rtS' ' mublir
part.. prnitcnti:u'Ies, pot homes:
insmigr*lion snci.•ties; inj'ome from
*tiepins f•lnlst o1 frie,Hly societies;
scientific or literary institutions;
otllsial in-�.nle of governors': Meiotic
of militat'
officers1 income derived
li a farmer „from his farm ; fixed
machin'* v f ,r•mannf•rttirinK or faarm-
.uK3ttlrp'.'.':,, except for u- ductionor
supply °f :,' )Ice power; dividend*
f1001 *rte k 1„ incorporatell connany,
,the in41nry which is )inble to assess-
ment : t. m1 stock ; income f
personal „iogi, in cities up to
$1,lrrl, in t,•..14 110 up 10 $7111, non -house-
holder, tie's'. ale); rental from real
estate. es,l'p1. interest on mortgages:
a*'•tw11o•nl t'r local iIIptovetnents1
)ffieers of snllorior courts appointed
Awe'M.ied, :., 188(1.
rr-1N)FBN TAX.
Dist' ler. Irl per cent. of *messed
vain. • -.75 per rent. of land,
('x011 1 occupied14.44 a malting
bons.. .Il he (N) per- cent. of
\VI,- merchant, insurance
r•mltl1,llle'•. 1',,11 11r trust companies,
express , oI,in',1(s, banker or tittian e
'1:nut! , 0:) per cent. not
liable 1,. L.,-• ,ass larval :'•:nulent ,as a
wholesole ucer hent..
Department:.l st,re, more than five
bran, 1. -• a hos o. assessed '.due exeecd44
,,1,wood or hinder, 111.1),,-
11444', club. 511 per rent. ;
inc111 : 1,10,000, coat dealers Xi
-' • , , I.in':flan, oculi*t, aurist.
ion, dentist, veterin-
aryc,.,a.., ,Irveynr or architect,
logi n!.'',• •'• :r. t.• 1' rent,
11,1.111 Ir, 1. cit in (rifles hover 50,000
25 e•hercities over 10,00e,NJ,
ps•r renel.:-all) otlw•icipalitiea-�
1V, INT r 1111.
Phoilegraeher theatre, ron,ert hall,
.kalin' 1 inti, Io oIding staple., re4taln•-
11nt, hob•L '2'H .. i Cent.
T.•ic:;l,tfoli •.7 telephone c )):any,
rlds'f l'i•' .ri' ,1 r. • 1 Ilallwrly, tn14lsrll INainn
roulptnV. cent., excll,Niie of
\ere •" I tent of any person
1114.1•4• ii,**. tax is Isms than
I. ..!, . 1 .,sllea*dd Mr IirYill.
:1111.11ln!s amewanlent.
'11'?! .e who controls itt-
. erne r,f to l , 1 ving out*ido of the
' 1'1mu,,. .1'411 t. astesited in respect
I'1.: I,..;4I•,t. 1111) TRt.Rrt(e1NRrt,
Tei. -*-i n.• rengrnir', fN) per rent.
„1 goo., o,'rei).1 111 cities, town* and
villa_- in r.'i ,Hurt 1(41,114 ). 711 per
1 ant.: in Lnvnsl'tlt, $141 a obis for
nn' ,cis •, ,•.mh :nloilthrnal wine $7.50 a
.:, . ',;Iles list exceeding Yi. miles .
.'., oNg TAX.
1'' . • ', lint liable t/ MI*ineIM
10441 from (.he Nist-
a 1x•(•0417 I. 111404ess-
tinniness over the
�W. Acheson & Son
---The- most •arlislfc assortment ever brought to Gt3dericfif, and
Mock suggests bargains of great interest
(Mr Ian#nenSe'
English Brussels Carpets, 8)Na•ial, 7&', Re and $1.00
5 doyen A11leticen 4 -ply crochet cotton
white Quilts, double teed sire and in
hauldrou,e 1tniseillee 'materna, our
regular $1.25 and $1.35, Saturday and 99C
Monday at each
our new Linoleum.' in 2, 3 and 4 rand
widths are of handsome design and.
very superior quality. A wide range
of styles and patterns to select from.
2 yards wide, at per square yard. .. 37_,C
:hi inches wide, in Hollal, scroll er naiveti-
t ional d.wign, at ler yard, •spcdal,
:18' and 35c
Wilton and Velvet Carpets, $1.26 and $I,,4l.
25(11 yards Perealilre Greve lining, an
inches wide, Motet quality, regular
15c to 20cat ard, in black only. 011
Saturday and Monday at per yard . IZ C
11111 pint double lied sow American Cot-
ton Blankets, tine heavy, lofty finish,
perfect, and in pink 11r blue borders,
In grey
or white reed value 85c Sat-
urday and
Monday per pair
:i dozen pair,( long waist Atrlei-k'an ('or-
Wil4, new and up) -to -date style. tirade
of fine l'uutill stock and lest eters
tilled, straight front, our regular +�
special 754•, at per pair ....
W. Acheson d Son
into the discussion byaslashing speech
in the 1•onrse of which he charged that
the Opposition leader h'ad leen guilty
of a grave breach of Parliamentary
etiquette. This was the itae• by Mr.
Borden in a recent speech of a'wret
menlornndnrn prepares) by Mr. Blair,
then .Minister of Railways and ('anal..
on the railway transportation question
and intended by him for the private
peruse! of his colleague*. The paper
1a (marked confidential.
There is nothing specially new in
the memorandum, the people being
alre,uly familiar with Mr. Hlair's views
through hitt own expressions in the
Home and elsewhere. The' question
is, how did this confidential docu-
ment come into the hands of the
Opp1,titioW header ? Mr. Cowan charged
th t it had leen stolen - by some Tory
e•i 'I servant. -
Fridey Mr. Horden male ,t
pe mal expbtnetiun, in which 10
ick owledged having ticciy(1 the
document, but end it was handed to
him by a gentkeman not in the employ
of the (iove11unrnt. Anyway, he
questioned whether it was* really 11
confidential taper, as it was the opin-
ion'ot a pitbhc nen on a public tows-
r--- A� wttrrta 1i..l.. Baa at..Ur.•
was as to where the (lneutnent cam
Ir- ft wax plants 1r
nenti 0114 1)1111 vN-
ated the law, and it wets Mr. Borden's
(Iry to tell how it relu•heot his hands.
Hun. Mt'. Fielding pot the now ve•en
stronger, and e.Inpattyl Mr. Borden
to a man who) had received 141.4)1441,
g({asps, and sand Ile owed it to his own
honor• to explain where the document
ea Ole• (''114*)
The ruh-c•nrimmittee of the select
entttnfltee of the Legislature on the
Petty ices railway taxation hill n• -
ported to the committee, which
aulolited the r•e•noa't and sent it on to
the House. The report recotn.,n•ndrd
the appointment of a commission of
three persons to gather information
neon the euhje.•t of railway taxation,
eap•cially 111 regard to the venous
-phases of legislation in tome "in the
United Staten. The House efloptrd
the report by a vote of 17 to 43. Mr.
('arscalien i Hamilton► refused to vole
with hitt party on this question : hence
the majority of four.
To vent smch delay* in the hold-
ing 4) bye -elections as in the notorious
North )Renfrew case, the atalnte paw
i* being amended to provide that "in
CAMP the seat of any mernher of the
Legislative Assembly in vacated for
any (-Ruse, if the writ for the election
of a new me•Illter has not belied with-
in three months after much vacancy
curled, it shall he the duty of the
clerk of the Crown in Chancery to
issne the writ forthwith, and an
courts, ()Meets and persons shall give
full effect to the writ so issued."
The municipal taxation bill W11/4
given its third reading on Monday.
A synopsis of its provisions apposite; 10
another enlmntn.
The debate upon the proposal to as-
Nimt in the rtv)rgnnization of the Moo,
induotriea )(echo( yet been concluded.
It is expected th,at the iegislature
will adjourn shortly after the conclu-
sion of that debate.
(0LBORO g.
Caelow. April 101h.
Connell met in the tlAnship hall ;
all the member* were present. The
minutes of preemne meeting were
read and 'signed. W. .1. (irahnnl
made nppplicetion for wire to build a
fence at his lot on L. It. W. Moved
by Hill, seconded by !Snyder, that,
he receive 25e. per rod. Carried. Mr.
Quaid manic a taunter implication to
build at hie lot. Moves) by Hill.
,wconded by Monter, thathe receive
15c per 11141 ('arrb.l. The following
actvntnts were ordered paid: Hillnt;y
Horton, repairs and disc harrow, 1j1
Horace Horton, lona work, $2: ('lair,
printing, $0: R. F'ritzlry, nae) work,
: Albert 1llI*id, robed work, $1 ;
Robert Bogie. rad work, 411.50; 1(irh-
ni (lliddun, 'lied work, SI; John
Gunter, road work, $2.225; Alex.
Bogle, rad work, 112 ; John Treble,
nod work, $0; Thome' Mitchell, roil
work, $2; ('harlp, AI)pn, road work,
Bak.. A ennnmunirntion from ilillary
Horton was read. rleiming daleaa►►gg.4'a
w injnties received while travelling
''1;, ' .r.e•ludad,
. gtaltie'm i n 'hips, l a
rad 'i1L1e,8' tial x'r rent. (f }
n „011'1• : it townohlp", $NI al 1
t, frit+•. {t% a nails for cosh I r
The ,,1 nho torr .lone 1,
0MM4,1ann 1N4, nla/'ae/* 1441. U.4«$ •
Stolen' oto -,.n•.. -a, T. r. 0.M4.
�___'Crmletllld. , a
tiLie a. 1la11 IQh, l'he ,attention a
f 1'atli:on.ni ha.. seen given almost.l
hrough MMaltfnrd, on Recount of the
tad condition of the roads, laid firer.
The council ndjcntrned to meet again
n May the 20th alt IO o'clock a. tn. As
court of revision of anwees,ne'nt roll
0d for other I'Isine**,
F. W. Met)ni.Anrt, Clerk
-=_-- f histsly this week In the trans- -_.�_`
411 nial miles% hill. The oubject I "Rev. Fat her Mwe(ktrma(k and Moir -
E. L. 18 klnaeln 011111 \Inco, 1'tonol h1i•Is•4•I, e,mfl 114114•1 threadbare, lot Ran Dalton, of Ashfield, were in town
hot. K 10., wet1lt to Ton to y44Mei- a 4'I'hm.dar N, k. Onwan, the mem- t is week and went to London yester-
(lay. \. bre fAr fin flI1.t ,,,� Injarted new life dry.
To The
1I Itis ('AMEKON
stock of Milline
plete. All the latest
have hee-n .elected
Oil e•- c}i an,l vicinity
ing their i.elections.
begs to announce that her new
for the spring tensor' is mow emu -
novelties in shapes and trimmings
th is view to giving the ladies of
he widest penible range anima -
ladies are invited to call At any ,
time alio! in14))'t.
1w1 -gr selection of trimmed Mid hall.
LTA special line of misses' satilory
bo a ready-made man, but let us
your measure and make you up a
top coat or rain coat that will look
it was, meant for you.
as if
The Best
in -gal live patterns, also in the quietest
ones, something to suit everyone and
prices t4 suit all.
Frank 1-1. .Martin,
1 The Tailor.
fn I ` J Bring
i/ Manfonl's "Usk Hall"
b,y'm clothing is the hest
you can buy. We no nee
buying cheep, poorly made
clothing for boym and iia a
wants of money : they
mutt be goal and *ttt)ug
to Pfau! the *train yo1►r
lively boy will give then,.
01m* is practically -wear-redid ing AP well so stylish and
snappy. if you want something realy good, bring your boy her,.
We ask you to take a look at our $1.01) to $7.511 linen.
Your Spring Suit
Where Will You Buy 1t?
Coto• to Is for your• next snit. We keep the kind of clothing
peahtn'ly rpm, they fit well and look stylish and our Triers
win • yon.
We an, showing two line* at $111.(10 A suit; we would like you
10 two. them, good strong tweeds, nice pntterna, good
linings, tailored in the most laahionable• style, a suit.
anyone (night )rel proud of and we only ,wk you $10.00
Oet of or $2.(N) umbrellas before they arse all gone
14ople.ne•i,l l uu
- MEWS 111111 note'--
Goal Prilltilig Always and All Wads at The Signal