HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-4-21, Page 1Job printing is an ever-chang- ing feature of the typograph- ical art. To keep abreast of the times requires comment watchfulness and gaudy Ira . the production of good wOF'k. The Miguel aloof to tufo goodrinting effectivedo but ono ituauty the be produced for the mune," ly • r'IYTK.bicvKNTH YEA o. era Music Sot • H. IS. (71)()Y, o - p--iliiE Toronto l'uUOge of Meek, organist and (rcolliwetor of North NUvwt Melhodlot church. (tudorlchlafurt, le prepared to receive pupil,. 1a pipe orrgglru,l, ;dreamt, and ,.eel. Studio at 11. W. McKenzie'. en.Muua•, North At. TI1MM McVITrIF;, OF THE TO- KoNTO College"( of Mesh% Is opening elan, es in vies' and Mete uu.woe' meek.. lEur lu- fonyr,,��,mrllun pup to lens, etc.. apply lit rt.ddouee. Orin avenue. G14:()It(1Lr J�1THlilt IINdE, 1411Al)CT- ATE ur'15.r,00w I' 01‘ coley, o,y,ol*t and •olrmaeler Kiwx chur. h. Uamlwrich. 1•retau•- oll to r.ei rn puede in 1 •IIowl : Pion,., pile omen. voice ..altar: 1 theory. 1•upile pet, Mt/eye I:Manrwltyexaminatlone. Studio, 8t. t/eye Moulretil Street. 19 -Ike Medical FWVIIITELY' & UALI,)W, klen, eurgeasi, El-. Odea. North rmeriy ,ern .lad 1 by Pew dt os,t & L raves open If from 11 e l0 .w n ( Mow'. ie ; 14. N'h.tel 'r rerWeu.le, S7; If,. Gr,lbw's IesMcmo, IIA 1VIIITKsou LY, M. . te.C.P.&. 'WH. W. Y. UALLOW, M.o., ki.C.P.&I,O. Legal VIDRODDFOOT-, HAYS & BLAIR, a . �tt r:5 uutirts public. pros na3ty ore. (Mlee. e•.1 '14e . iba•re, next door C. A. \alrn'. grocery, 1Ti- e ?Wide to lend al lowest rale. of inture,l. ti UDF'Uul', K. ( k. C. HAYS. G. F.. 1{l CAMERON, K. ('„ BAR- .tIKm Mlrll hint l � from , Me, UAkv. toot. Ipaan+. Uyderh•h. ]IANCEY, LOfe!'UM , M. BAR - PUNTER, ,nhlo tor, smeary. Specht ellen' 1 ion ghee' to Maine Court work. Money to "'ill. (MIM : North est. and Square. (lu,lerieh. J. FRAMER, HARR[STEIL, 'met'ra" ke the floe, Courtate with P nip Hest, K. C.) e.� a es.t side Court Homy mare, (IedsAeh 1`'f . 0solkJOr, NSS'1\()N, BARRIHTER, ems. t' Iseluuer. ale. Money to Office. cornea. Ilamllton and hi .Andrew's at 10541.Oaderirb,�lnt. � K�iNFION & OARHO W. - BAR- ./ .ItT)r' te. atterneFf. aeltciton4 etc.. at Iowan nates. Y iI4DAHMOW, U94. • ARRISTEit, v'eyen.`er. care uey to .a DICKINSON, CHAR ORAN. MEAGER, solicitor. notary and M Court House. Ouderich. T G. WARD, (.'ONVF;yANl'F:It, 1{e • el[•.. and (xnunu.4o, . for (akin and re.dv re1•ernixa1 4 of or a5rn,al ions, deenettioas or col- stale Dons In or ootemniin * n t or pro- ceeding In the H g *exaction, alt lir (tb.- IgA ..man amu i Jn Ire. the IF D t. Appeal for (Intone. lo.o, or ha an t'mmly R Di Conn. ♦11 traneertems e, refull sad prouyely executed. Rdklenee en J. ()r eddree-Ilhangannon, Inst, Marriage Licenies 1T• LANK ISSUER OF MARRI- , fax license,. Goderich. ant. wtIns uraoases, Loans• eta. / ,\ NCi[ and real estate *geol. Only last Fla. er,sanine represented : London and N4.1'011111. U ore Dot rlet Mutual. o1 (tall: .1ra1. of Berlin. ore. (safe, in Runk of Commerce building. sl :uWI 500240,1In.uram•o. Ayenntt to 1 l t .,tara -- matted andsk ms nano Ynrth'*tw fniull lane, effected on bent plane and at low's( ruts. ('all at ora•, corner Went Street and )4quate, or noirree�".a J. W. ('RAiUIK, Uoderkh, Ont. Trkphode M. OIIN W. CRAIGIE. LIFE, FIRE It. ROHEItTMON, ACCOI•NT. It • ANT And anenranrr,gent. II„rks and momenta made up. Hnildlugs mooed and lents collected. Fire hlsnrenor• In British end Cann than rompanfee ()alar - In l'rondfomot &Hays onlee North SI. Dederick. l,.icKiLI.OF' MCTUAI. FIRE IN - 2711 RUE A N (' F; (' O. . Fenn and leolnted town prepwty mm ama. Vila, of properly lo- weeA fp to Jan. I4103, over ln,on.uo, a nieere and d irerbn, : J. 11. McLean, prom. ; T. VeterekConnolly. • Jae. mueolly. U, Dale, Mr. ('bre. nay. J. Watt, Jas. les anon J. (1, Itrieve, J. Senn, - web,, dieret,rw ; T. K Heys, Seeforthowen mry- 1 reas.rer - inspeetere. nearest director to 1 ' J. W. .., llola,.nllle, agent for West Huron. Polley holders ren pay sw.e.wrw.•ots and get. their rant. rerelpled at Mr. ,',wt.', Clinton, et et Meheen Hew; Tahoe, ('lathing Store (Iederich Anctioneering 'THOMAS OUNDRY, LIVE 14'ItO(IK and general auctioneer, has removed from Hamiltonitt.reet to new Mlle. nn South Street, where he will be found at all times when not crying,aloa. Tennreoonabje and every of fort used to rive you eati.fact iinn. Phone 311. Hotels HUHON HOTEL, GODE1411. J. T. Kula, late of the WalpporIloilo. m Berlin and the ('nmmerdwl Hotel at Sr,forth, and F. 0'. i.r.lm, 1,10 of Toronto, pit, .snap. 1'erf.•U7 modernised by .tms boating and electric lighting : an Mee' .topping Owe for Use tnivellet and the farmer. Every( Meg up iodate end the vcr • beet m romm'.tatlnn. Stable. .04 liveryin c.mnt.'lion. 1..LL1S 132(05.. the Square, Goderich. (101,1X)RNE HOUSE, HAMILTON V etreet, Jn,4 nR the Square. All modern venlenees. Flrst.clna, armooptodatlm, for travelling public. flood stabling and Af- tive ho,tlor. Rata,: pile der da); el.er•ial for regular bo.rdoee. {)AVID SA11E, praetor. • * Paper Hanging, etc. tie. , BTII i 'It ? NA7E!PAIN'E1 2. paler hanger, end decorator, over Signal Caner Kohl wt Tomei° prime from sample book,. of all AMA,. , b C. it. Howl Icy l'y„o{ Toolitho .4*,°Men.Al lily rradr,w•o amt I will send the Mak± to your bailees for you to selcelfrom. t7 -c 'leo do paper -h 1 ing And dceurating Polars right sled the We4 sat lsfaetlnn. An .,pprenUce wanted At once. • Wanted A NT1S D.--ONTARi1) *'ARM F'ItOPKitT1108 OF ALL KININS. Wehave the perch/wets. We want the tenor. - (hie raid Are for cnrh t D COIA)NIAL REAL` V AND EMI - RATION CO.. 84. ('op(hall'\venire, 'K. (1, on, lengl5.4. Tenders Wan r1CONTRAfTORM. - ^S R A G E D tenlerw w111 he modem!ep t0 !any 2m1 Mt for We howling of Liu- 4 enlrea School. Godenrh, by .taam nr by hot Air, with miniver oR. Demon rind other work In rnnneetton, .1..t amhing and Amin., flans And specie to be Seen at, And all lefortn,llon harm the oars of J. AUKS Fo w' 1, K R, toot, Albert street welt Or any other tender nroe.v Al 'll ENDERS, MEA LEI) TEN DF:RS *all he reeelved np to May t'nd. ILIM, for erctioQn. of A MelMdl,t loar000nalrr In toe age of'1)nngennon. llnilding to he of e.U4 t on .trme ,.nestle on. flan* and epode --•an Amon '.pen by Applrin4 to Flet'. J. ReMroan al the Mrenneee. Itneganmm. ,at er any trader net M.Th. anent ed. V. k AVD t, IN. wN•mtwry Tmetre Hoer. tMnnnon. April INA, NM. Zhe t GO1)ERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA: .1I''I;(1, 'l, 190I OODERICH MARKETS. Tuuaunar. April 21.41. tread 1.. being marketed somewhat stain' freely• Wheat la quoted aceut',latter, Live boy(..low a.11gb1 street' lienitig. PolaL„w oro very .•apse ,u.d 4k' ,Mer bush. ,. offered. F'alI wheel, per buff, Al u.s to0 ea S}prang w•hnal, per bush .. .. 0 06 to $ 0 NO )lYc p•r boob Nuck wheal., tar lush .. ... Oat., per f,ust 0 it l0 0 31 Pow, per bu..li . 0 1M to 0 760 0 Hurley, per bust .. 018 to 0 70 )kreeening.,0 0s to 18 A) Flour, family, 2 ton . • . • l3 v0 10 U) Flour, yprrwt . .. 3 'to Zan Bran, per tan' . . ... N a, to 9 ,t) Shorn% per ton :..... IN c' to 19 'p !ley. per tun, %7 let to Yr) 3 0 Wood. per oonl 37 let W 100 Potato.,, per bomb 5 elhit to 00 Nutter, per ll e1 to !3 Cheese. per Ib - 0 13 to a 1J Fen.'+•, 'welt, .. .. .. 0 12 to 0 I2 'turkeys per doe ... 0 11 to 0 f,1 Cattle, otdbeyr to 0 %I to 0 11 Cattle export, row( cel. 3 O to 1 m Hawn live we cwt . 100 to t :St fiptk, weight. per awl.. 100 lo a St L ann,b.l• ro.fer►. Imr cwt.... e IMI to tl (6) Shoup. ew't . (W W 3 3 311 to 1 0.) Ham, per If, 26 14ue.n. per IA • 0 la to 0 16 Jaen), per Ib•0 IS to ale 'rkllow, per If, 1'y to 1•l. Hide.,per ey't "c� 3aSto e03 bkMpaltlnm : S MM to amu 0 70 to ,s{e. i ladle market.. on page 7.2 Lost. MHRISLLA LOST. -ABOUT Two week.. Mm • d1k nwbrclla was kW hi one will UIS "Wore. on the *MOM. An70ns Anntlrt it SIGN•1 rewarded or deliver) Il at TIIIt 4 or a,lIlag alp 7Mi01101 Situations Vacant 1 ANTED. -A GiRT. TO DO GEN- - iSRAh housework- l e ( PDh w MRS. I�A)J : . C. LICK. `({F.NTM Al'EHAll f. $6.00 A DAY ti lm , he rear 1rou d melting our goods. Always Lunn... No dell strewn,411V ate 1tfade MAR- SHALL S I'8)., London, (hit. (1000 MEN WANTED TO REP. 1( RFSIEN'l me Ili fill l,u res of ('anada 1 meltable bu,ln.u, T11F. INTICR('UTA)V 19I. HKALTI' ('O.. I,IMITt l, London, ` ANTED. - SPE( 'IAL ItN:PILE- SENTATIVK In IIIbe county IOW adjol01. ing. territorial, to re -194* nt and advertise a uk1 Method beelne•. honer of eo1M tt,u,nviel stand et.a platary ul weekly, with expensesadran. each Monday by ehtrk three, from bca.lgla N. Irone and boggy lur'A.h'd when MX when ppt.itk41 )o'rinnne,Il. A((Idrna, I 'KN' H1H ,x t ('U., Hou solo, Munon Bldg..sager, IU. 8149 w - ice VI W SEED MTO-WM. HO store LA ror y"* opened a lir, Ned and rood stere Klockroe Victoria and H . , street... (•om- pI to t. fr 8 '3.y..,,.. timothy, etc. Ali 'Dade of fee a for wlyl gardening. Early In ,l•awd to hitte lyiar call. WM. HOLLAND. For Bale LOCAL TOPICS. Business Change. I). Stoddart, jr.. her purchased the harness bushiest. carried on by D. M(Hlien during the past year. Mr. HGaldart is well acquainted with the requirements of his trade in this ueighborho.d, and in the peat has always ende1, 'ot•ei to cater to the wants of his ewLOmer•N in a sati.fac- Goy manner. Mr. McBrieu will de- vote his attention inure fully to the carriage and implement business. • Uied in the Flower of Youth. General sympathy 'is felt for the 'family of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrow, in the death of their daughter, Mary Gertrude, Wednesday of bust week. The deceased had been ill glace Deeewler with luug and heart trouble, and wag only in her seven- teenth year. The funeral took place on Friday, HAW. W.11. Graham, pastor of Victoria-st. church, conducting_ the Services. The pall -basses, were Wu,. Drew, John Duff, Thomas Hogqggl��r�t�6h Oliver Johnston, Herbert Buclwtaa unci W,u, Towersey. To Conclude the Series. The very successful series of Sunday afternoon Meetings which have beeu held during the wilder in the Temper- *nce Hall will ,be concluded next Sun- day. Rev. ('i T. Scott, of Dundee Centre Methodist church, London, will be the soca er, which should insure a large atter nee. Milton Tyndall will rendeea Ire. Last Sunday- Rev. JAS. A. Anda n gave an earnest address. The ort bridge quartette were unable to lir °t as expected, but we uu- -derwta d they will probably take pert in the program next Sunday. Deaf./[ of a Former Ooder,ch Resident. e news of the recent death of M .'Fred Fair in Detroit was received 111 general regret on the pert of lose iu town who remember her dur- lag her residence here• when, se Miss Jennie (7oxoke, she took a prominent part in uuusieal circles, being organist of Mt. George's and St. Peter's churches. Though not enjoying the best of health for some time Mrs. Fair was (•onfln) l to the house for a short C death being due to paralysis. The deceased was the second daughter of the late Major Cooke and sister of H1 I). Cooke, Hensel!. The C.. P. R. Extension. Tlurvoting in Morris township on • the bylaw granting (13,51)) to the C. P. R. took place on Friday Lust and re- sulted in favor of the bylaw. The vote was 99 to ,3-,. The voting in Hallett is to take place on the 29th. Public meetings will be held in the t.wnmhip ex follows : At Londeslxrroi on Monday April 25th. et T 12: 701 p.ni.: Hnrinck, on Monday. =uleJ A ria' it 73 : � .C.112:417 -**1;Al♦Twrµ,' err Y0ef(m't4l1, ri'iJt 10 OR SALE.- A $ILFF'ICIEN quantity of eheddlo�sa 1da� �um��ber r Sew i