HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1904-02-18, Page 68 cal u ttaDA r, Feb I 1901 a 1'111; SI (:N.\ I.: f:t l ll I:It'II t ►\'1 ,\ I:I. .•••II sass• e•••• ••••• sass• sass• ALICE f OLD VINCENNES By MAURICE THOMPSON Csg sal O Ik ke A• 111OWIJI-1agipfy CBM►AIR • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •••••••10. **** •iiie•••NON. CHAPTER r1Ii. A lamina IN ens lei' ura.r-rs. I3VKRLiy set out on his mid- winter Journey to Kaskaskia with • tempest In his heart, and It was perhaps the storm's energy that gats• hien tbe courage to tato undaunted and undoubting what his experience must have told him lay In his path. What meant suffering to him If be eould but rescue Alice? • And what were life should he fail to rescue her? The old, old song bummed In his heart. even phrase of it distinct above the tumult of the storm Could (told and hunger, swollen streams, raretwua wild beasts and scalp twining savages bane Win? No; there Is no barrier that can hinder love. Ile auto this over end neer m nrmseer ern.- no. e.•m..r.,. ter with the four Indian s.outs r•u Coe Wabash. H• repeated it will, every heart heat until he (ell in with some friendly red men, who took him to their camp, where, to his great surprise, b• met M. nonasillon. It was his Song when again he strode nfT toward the west on his lonely way. Ile did no; know that Long Ifair and hie band were fast on his track, but the knowledge mind not have urged him to greater haste. He strained ev- ery muscle to its utmost, kept erery nerve to the hlgbeet tension. Yonder toward the west was help for Alice. That was all he rand for. Rut 1f Bong Hair was pursuing him with retentlee. greed for the reward of fered by Hamilton there were (rirudly fnntst ps attll nenrer behind him, nud not day at high noon while he was bending over n little ere broiling Pomo literal cuts of venlson sifinger tapped him on She shnulder. Ile sprung rap and grappled Onele ,laz ni At the name time, standing nenr by. he sew Simon Kenton, his old time Kenl ieky friend The ',tingled features of one and the fine, Hugged fare of the other swam as 1n • stat before Reverlet•'a eyes. Ken ten was 1angMnw ouletly, his siren,, nprlght form shaking to the terve of his ph -Imre. Ho was In the early prime of a rigorous life, not handsome, but strikingly nttrartiye by reason of • eertaln glow In his face and at kindly nssh In his deep set eyes. ' Wen. well. my boy!" lie exelairned. laying hie left hand en Beverley's ehonlder, while In the other he held.a hang, heavy rifle. "1'm Rind to see ye, glad to toe ye!" "Thought we was !Nuns. eh?" amid (Melt Jaznn. "An' .f we had 'a' been wed 'a' been *Ince o your scalp' The wizened ole( ereole rankled gleefully. "And whir, are ce goin'?' drmend- ed Renton. "Ye'ro makin' what incite a heap e' bein' • bee line for some 14eepr atter." - ( B.rer/.y was dared and .-•rant mind - e,. Things seemed wavering and dim. 11. p nb*d the two men from him end g azed st them without speaking. Their presence eTtr! villces dirt ribs( torirtpi e . "Ter meat' a-hurnin'." maid Onch J .atn, stoopin to turn It on the smol- dering coals. Te must be hungry. Cookie' enough f r a regiment." Kenton shook verley with rough familiarity an If to use his faculties "What's the matte ? I'itz, my lad, don't ye know Si Ke nn? It's not an long sine, we were Ilk brothers, anti now ye don't 'peak to e. 'Veva not forgotten me, Fitz!" "M.bhy be don't like y n, well tie y• thought he did." dra led tine'. Jaron. "I hey known n' fell a-beln' mietak.n j.. (het way." R.v.rley got him wits together B best b• could, tiking in the •lined by sure degree, as ..em.d at the tint nn - duly slow, but which were really o'er, momentary faltering, "Why. Kenton' .Taznnl" he pr.aentl .xelatmed, a cordial gladness blending with his enrprtne. "Row did you get here? Where did you crime from?" He looked from one to the other hark and forth, with a wondering enill• breaking over his bronzed and deter- mined etermined fee,. "We've been hot on yer trail for Chir ty boon," amid Benton. "Rotisslllon put us on It bark yonder Kit what are ys cop tot Where are ye goin'?" ' 1 rn going to Clark at Knek,skin to bring him yonder." lie waned his hand eastward "i am going -to take - Vlneennee and kill Remllton " "Well, ye're tnkin' • mighty qn".r enure., nfy hey, if ye ever expect to find Kaska,kln. Yc're ■bandy twenty miles too far south" "C•rrytn' Ma gun em the same ahmtt- d.r all the time," Raid Oncle Jason, "ha. made 'Im kind o' awing In a curve like. 'Tafn't good lurk nohow to enrry yes gun nn yer lei shoelder. When ye An it reeks ye take n longer ,tep ter right foot than ye di) with y,r 1.r, an' yo enn't well: n ittthitIght Hit to save yer llv.r. Vcntrehl.u! I,e v.naleon Intle encore' honk at that dieted meat heroin' *On!" Re jumped hack to the lire to tern the searching cute. Beverley wrung Renton's hand and Inked into hie eyes a* • man does when an •1d friend come* stdd.nly ont of the paet, so to any, nnA brings th0 freshness and comfort of a strong. true anal to brace him In hie btnr of great - eat 11114.11. "Of all mon In the world, Simon Ken- ton, yeti were the Last expected Pint hew glad 1 nm, how thenkfnli Now 1 know 1 *hall suce.e4. We nee going 1,1 revere Vincennes. Renton. ere w. not? We shall, shan't we, ,137.0n0 Nothing, nothing can prevent ns, (aa Renton hrnrtlly returned the pros - sem of the young conn'. hen4, will. . Onele Jason looked up qutevieslly and said: f• "Were a tol'ble 'lpectahte let to pre- vent; hut, then. we might git pereent- ed. I've seed hotter men 'in nm pnrty eeuald Ile pervented lots o' times In my lite" "For my part," sold Renton. "1 am with ye. old hey, In anything ye want Is do. Pot now y.'•• got to tell me wsrytbleg. I Ilea that per* hoopla' sv back What 1. Its' Hp 612171ce41 etdewtee aly'ly It thlcle .111: on Beverley wan (rook to a fault, but somehow his heart tried to keep Alice all to Itself. He hesitated; thou -- "I broke my parole with Governor Hamilton," be said. "lite forced me to do it. I feel altogether justitloel. 1 told him beforehand that 1 should ter. talnly WAre Vincennes and go art a' force to capture rind kill Idle. 8n,1 1'i1 401?. Fimon K.Iltal; 111 do ft!" "I SOP, I ser," Kcototl nssented. . rat what was the row about? 1Vbat did he do to excite ye, to .make ye •(p••I jr . tilled In breakinover yer par .!,• fn that hlgh Landed way?. 1-';t' 1 1:: etc Fy ton well to be fooled by ye. You've got .omrthiu' 1n mind that ye don'? want to tell. Well, then, don't tell It. a..em. .re.,. .r a wan w u Wt.4 W011.1 w Jezon•:.. "Blind as two mole.." said the old man; "butt, ns for thet reeret," he add- ed, winking both eyes at mite, "1 don't know as it's so mighty Intel to ci a. !t's always safe to 'nagiue n woman to the ease. It'a mostly women thet Betide men 11rottttl' off 'bout uothite, sort o' eru2yllle... Beverley looked guilty and Oneb Ja 1011 continued: "They's a pooty gal at Vi lve:Ines. 10' I see the young Inas e-tklppin' Into her hots. about fifteen 'times • d iy 'fore I let' the place. alobta• alt's tuck op e.1' one o' thecal English olffc•er.. Gals Is slippery nn' onaartin'." "Les..n,"cried Itereritr.'•..top that fu- 1tar;ly, or 1'11 wring your old neck'" His anger was real, and he meant what be maid. ile clinched his hands and glowered. "f'on't get mad at the old man." Pe td - lienLo. plucking. Beverley Raid... "He's yer friend from hie herds to his old scalped rrnwn. 1..t hhn have his fun." Then. lowering his voice almost to a whisper, he continued: "1 was In Vincennes (or two days nud nightsspyio' nrowel Mme. .inldrre hid rnr• In her IIo11AP when there tens need of it. i knots low I -t Is With ye. 1 sot all the gossip about ye and the young lady, •e w.11 as all the informa- tion about Hamilton and fete to Bas that Colonel, ('lark wants. I'm goin' to Kaskaskia, but I think it gnite pos- sible oosih1. that (lark will to on his march to Vincennes before we get there, for Vigo ham token him full partleulars as to the fort and its garrison, and i know that hies determined to rapture the whole thing or die tun,' ' Beverley felt his heart swell and big blood lenp strong to las veins at thew words. "1 man yr while i was n Vincennes," Kenton added. 'h•tt 1 newer let ye 1aI as 01n. will y• iris Tod pamio held. 1 felt that it was best not to tempt ye to glee me aid or to let ye here knowledge of me while 1 wee a RPI. I Il twtY chops before y Attl end_ should have been at Kaskaskia by this time If i hadn't nm aerate Jason, who detained tie 11. 0001(1 to go with me, and 1 waited for him to repair the stock of his old gun 1Ie tinkered at 1t 't ween mettle and showers for half a week at the lndi•o tillage bark yonder before he got it just to suit him. But 1 1.11 yik, ha's wo'tb waHln' for any length of me. and 1 was glad to lot him have hie way." Kenton, who was *t1II n young mon In. hi. early tldrtles, respected Bever- Iet''s reticence on the subject tipper - 'nest In his mind. Mine. Godcre hart told the whole .tory with flamboyant embellitbments Kenton Ind Neon AI - Ire, and, inspired with the gossip snd a snrreptttlnne glimpse of her beauty, he felt perfectly familiar with Beverley's condition. Il• wns himself • victim of the tender pnsslon to the extent of be - hog nn exile from his Virginia 'home which he had left on arconnt of dnn- eronely wounding • rival. But he ns well touched with the harkwoode- mtest. for joke and banter Ile and • Uncle Jaznn, therefore, knowing the main fester. of Beverley's predica- m.nt. Onln,.d making the moat of theft opportuhit' In their rude but perfectly generale and kindly way. Ity Indirection and impersonal d.• tails, es retarded his feeling,' toward Alice. Boverley to Ane time made Ills friends un4eralanrl that bis whole am- bition was centered in rescuing her. Nor did the mot( a fall to enlist their sympathy to the tmost. If all the world loves a lover 1111 men having the hest virile instinct will fight for lov- er's cans.. Both Kenton and One's Ja- son were .nthnslsstle. They wnntot1 nothing better Hann nn dpportunity to aid fn rescuing nny girl who had ■hewn se tench pntrintism and pluck. Itnt Oncle ,1Rzon was frond of Mire, and Beverley's' story effected him peculiar- ly nn her sec -mint. "They'n one gne0tton I'm R -gel$' to put to yr, voting men," he maid sftetbe hod hrnrl everything aid they li tnit:ed 11 n11 over, "nn' T wont ye to an• ewer it atralght as a bullet Com yet gun." "of cense., Jeznl. Go ah.AA," amid Beverley. "i entail toe glad to *newer." Rut his mind WR11 tar away with the geld hatred maiden In llamlltnnet pris- m,. il. .rnrcely knew what he wee seating e tr • ce -Air y xp .tin' to merry AII Bnneslllnn?" Beverley earns(' as 1f .a blow hod hren nimty] rat him. Onrls Jason's question indeed WAS a blow es nnex- ported ns It wits direct and powerful. "1 know 1t's pooty p'1nte*," the old man ridded After it short miner, "an' y.rit may think thet i ain't got nn hislnces main' 1t. but t hove That leetlo gal's A pet a mine, an' I'm a Inokin' *fuer, her en' PtpectIn' to see filet she's mat bothered by nobody when net Rein' In do right by her. Mart -yin' ie $ mighty good thing, but" Kientem had been peeping ss4N the low hanging Snub oak Fermata. wh''• Oncle Jim -in was speaking thea. inat word., and now ha suddenly Int.rntpt- 1 ^ - tion s thread, and at the saute time our three friends realized that they had been careiesa lu not keeping $ better 1 ruhottt. 'They let fall the meat they had not yet finished eating and seised their guns. lice or els dark forma were moving to•,'iid them atm„ 0 little point of the prairie that But into the wood a quarter of a mile distnnt. "Yrnder'a more of em," said Onde Jazeu. ea If not In the least concerned. »1Cgtng hie heed In an op/melte (brim - lion. from which, another squad was approt"l'bng. 'I-h,i( lee dull. appreciated the elfin. tlomappeared 0017 In the celerity with which he actiet Denton at once 'assumed command, and hie companions felt bis perfect fit- ness. There was no doubt from the Ant as to what the Indians meant, but even If there had been It would have 150011 vanished, for In lest than three minutes tp•mmy-oue savages - were R,ylftly and Ptlently forming a circle in - the spot where the three white men, who had rovertd t:emaehee as best they could wltb trees, warted in grim Steadiness for the worst. Quite beyond gunshot rnngo, but nenr enough for Uncle Jezon to recognize Long Halves their leader, the Indians halite! and Hogan maklug sigma to one another ■I1 round the line. Evidently tered the old man, deftly begiuring to reload his gun the while, "but 1- Jere happened to bit that buck. He'll never git toy scalp, (bet's Bertin mei sure." Beverley and Kenton each likewise dropped an Indian, lilt the .Iota did not even cheek the r 1.11. Long hair had planned to capture his prey, not kill 1t. (:very savage had his on1dera to take the white men nitre. 1lahllton's larger reward depended 00 this. Right on they (anus, tar fast as thnir nlwble logs mold carry' tlu•m, yNlw like demons, and they rcathel the grove before the three white teen could reload their guile. 'Then every war- rlor took .over behind a_ free and be- gan scrambling fore -'id' iruin Isle to bole, thnppraacluyk rapidly without 01(11 expuiosure. A struggle ensued which, for deeper- 1 ate energy has probably never leen Kiirpasred. Like three lions at bay. the white men net the shock, snit Ikon- I like they fought lu the midst of seven,/ teen stalwart and determined garaged "11011'1 kill then) Like theta alive. Throw theta down mud 1„11 therm" was I :r ie" llnir'a order, loudly .hont4d in tongue of Ile trlbc. Both Kenton and Jezon' un ierstood every word and knew the signior 11 e of such n command from the leader. It naturally came Into Kenton's mind Gnat Ilamilton bad been inforuisl of they (treaded to test the marksmanablp hhi bait 10 .lncen,t'' and had offered Iof aver, ria.aeea e• they knew most a reward for him c,ptuie. 'This- being Larder mere to be. Jodrell Long Hair true, death as a .eV 11'ould 1. the ten had personal knowledge of what might tato result If he ween• taken beck. tie certainly be expected from broth Ken- might as well die now As for !fever ton and Oncle Jason- They were terri- ley, he thought only of Alm, yonder :1 1,1e when out for tight. The red war- he hall left her a ;.r''nner In Hanel- riors from Georgia to the greet lakes boa', hands. Oncle ,{,is •'.t. if he thought had heard of them; their names smack- at .11, probably consnb;,.1 nothing but ed of tragedy. Nor was Beverley with present esenpe, though lie prny,al 011(11 out (rine among Long Hair's followers, hi" to the Messed Virgin even while he who had listened to the story of his lay helpless upon 11•• ground pinned fighting (pi/Miles brought to Vincennes .town by the weight of An enormous by the two survivors of the scolding Indian. He could net mere any pert of party so cle•erly defeated by him. himself save his lips, and there me. "The liver eilorrd cowards," said chanlenlly put forth the wheezing stip. Beverley "arc !(oared of us In a shoot- plication. everley and Kenton, being young and powerful, ware not so easily ma/- tored., For awhile indeed they ap- peared to be more than holding their own. They time and time again scat- tered the entire crowd by the violence of their muscular efforts, and after It had finally closed to upon them in a solid body they swayed And swung It back and forth and mond and round until tbe writhing, savage moss looked es if caught In the vortex of a whirl- wind. Rut each trtemendoro .'tertIon could not last long. right t0 one made too great a difference between the con - 'tending parties, and The 0!' possible conehtalon of the etre_(!. sooncame. Seized upon by 'desperate. (linging, wolflike assailants. the white men felt their arms. legs and bodi.•r weighted down and their strength feet going. Kenton fell next after (lnele Jaunt nud rias 1000 tightly bound with raw- hide thongs He lay on his back pant- ing and utterly ethaioted, while Bev- erley 6t111 kept up t naetual fight. LOn;_ Halt -.prang At the loaf m► melt[q�ie,. �doublyerrlalll the stems' wig ill.' lits moat twe.•.w' ..eaMH tve. • flung his hong and powerful arms around Beverley from bchlnd ami made n great effort to 'lira, '•m upon the ground. The 70111_ imiu, feeling look* kind o' squally f,,r us. 1 don' (lis ft' ash d v' �^ `�'� •..•Mrr,.r.�....w...««ei•Mr w`.."i .•"1 .o�etlertb oto: alive, but we're get to try." ' mighty spurt of power. He 1(b•d the Ile showed by the density of his stalwart Indian Is -lily and /asked him root voice and a r.rtnln gray film In his headlong against T.,. buttressed of face that he felt the awful gravity of a tree half n rod distant, breaking the the .ttuartnh: bet'he'w;as caltn.•nj ll-not-'maltt'r hon.' of btirletr liedgrtn And a mitecle quivered. well nib knocking him senseless. 'They's Jen' two rhnnees for as:' I It "iia a nue exhibition of manly said ttncte Jerou, "nos them)! as slim strength, but the-.• could he�,nothing Ii In' match. They know that n lot of 'em would have to the If they should undertake nn open fight with us. it's some sort of a sneakin' game they lire studyIn' about just now." "I'm i-gfttin' mos' ton ole to short wo'th it cent," said Oncle Jazon, "hut I'd give holt o' my scalp et thet Long Hair world come oloet enough fo me to gO $ bead onto his IP?' eye. it's tnf- hlr plain the( we're gone gosllu's thin time. I'm thtnkln'. Still it 'd be mighty satiafyin' if 1 could plug Out a lei' eye or two 'font I go." Beverley was silent. The words of his companions vv,•re henrd by him, but not enticed. Nothing Interested him save the thought of eeeaping and mak- ing lila wfty In ('Inrk. '1'o fail meant in finitely mere than dentb, of which be had as small fear as moat br.ne men, and to •sic e d meant everything 01:1 life could offer. F, in the unlimited aelflahnesn Q( Love he did not take his companions into recount. The three stood In a thew net clump of four or five s. r Ib oaks at 1110 high - eat point of a II, ii.y- wooded knoll that eloped do. n 1:. all dteee*tsws las Ma' pralrlP. Their rites wns wide. but to Places obstructed by the tr••e$. "Men." said Kenton after a thought- ful and watchful silence, "the thing am a broom straw. R'e've got to Stan' gained by It. A 'raw on the bits a of here nn' fight It out or watt 1111 night his head the n• t Instant etretehed nn' sneak through atwees 'em an' run Beverley face duwt nerd and dncon- tor ft.'• scions on the ground. The savages torn - "I don't see any hope o' enesktn' ed him over and lo•ked satisfied when throng) the line," observed Kenton. they found that be n as not dead. Tb.' "I1'e not vitt' to he dark tonight." bound him with eveagrenter care than "Wa-a-1." Oncle Jazon drawled too- I they had shown in .securing the others, rhalantly 0•h110 he look in n quid of to- - while Long Heir Prod by stolidly book Itnero, "i've Leen into tighter squeeses Ing on, meantime supporting his broken 'An this many a time, an' 1 got out forearm In Id. hand. ten.•• "T'gh, dog:" he granted and gave "Likely enongb," said Kenton, still Beverley a kirk In the ash. Thin reflecting while his eyes roamed turning a Wendish stare ❑pen Oncle amend the clm le of aaynges. Tnzon, h, sere, eed.d to deliver ngalnat "1 fit the skunks 1n I'rrgtnny 'fore Itis old, dry rib. .erre 61 four like rnn y 0's thought of, Si Kenton, nn' duan trlbu tions with resounding effect. In CRYIIna In them hill.. 1? ye think Pnleeat' Little old greasy women!" war - 1.111 n-gnln' to be sr•nlla•d where they , he snarled "Make good fire for war- nin't no .raise 'it!,nnt tryin' n few 1 rlor to done.. t ' Kenton elan re. (lodge*, ;ear a dad Aaeteder fool 'an i .eelved his hull Phar. of the kicks and used to think yr wns, nn' fliers makln's verbal alum., after which Long Hair a big compliment to ye." I gave orders for fires to be built. 'Then "Well. w. don't loom to Argy this be looked to bis Mittarm 8114had the question, Oracle Jason. They're a-glt- bone set and bandaged, never so much as wining the WIcle. It was soon nppnrent that the Indlane pu'rpostd to celebrate their successful enterprise with n feast. They cooked 1 a large amount of buffalo steak. Then, each with his hands full of the wvory • meat, they began to dance around the fico., droning meantime) an atroeioaily repellent chant. Before tide was ended a rain begun to tall, and it rapidly thickened frith a desultory shower tx a roaring down pour that .Reeroally quenched not npl, the tires avenue which the earagri`s were dancing. Lot chi enthusiasm of the denr•ors ns well Timing the rest of the afternoon and all night long the fall sons incessant, arnimpanled by ■ I cold, printing, walling southwest wind. Beverley Inv nn the ground fere tip - ward, the rawh1Ae strings tnrtnring life Jlmbs, the chill of '- 14 water neurehing hla bonen. He could PPP nothing but the dim, strnngc canopy of flying cele, against which the bar* houghs of tha senth oaks wore vagnoly outlined; he meld hear nothlnq bet the cry of the wind and the awash of th. writer wbleh fell upon him and ern under him. Nib- bling ubbling 011(1 gargling as if flendl.hly ez- nitnnt The night dragged on through its ter• t rlhl. length, rin;lling out 1M Inde*mit- n ole horrors, and It lard morning nr- rlvt"l, with n *Unity and uncertain gift of light *lowly tnerensing nntll the dripping trees nu/evert! forlornly gray and brown ngalnat cloud• now !went - "The deur,' i,nnk yonder"' he Rrnwl• ed nit In afartling tone. "miens'" it waa a ahem @nen of tLe converse• np vnrrlor !roped Mph rind fell petrol lied. tin' readyk,tn run fn. neon us, and we've got to fid . 1 any. Beverley, are ye ready for f. t ahnntln'? Helve ye got ,' plenty' n' hit Pts?" 1'ca; ltnnsail n Rave me eibundred. i to you think"-. Ile wns interrnilt0A by a yell that beeped from savage month tn'moiith ell mond the eirete, and then the (Merge began. "Steady, now'" gm* led Kenton "Let'. not be in a hurry. tl'nit till they rnmr nigh ennngh to bit 'Pm he - fore we shoot." The time wan apart, for the Indians esfP 011 at nimnst rare bort. greed. (incl..Tnrnn fired first, the long. keen hart at Iia *moll bore rlfl• aplltttng the sir with a suggestion of virions energy, and a litho rosag warrior who wen ontatrlpping •11 his retkiws leaned high and fell paralysed. "Can't shoot wo'[b a pent," met - Ina, into MUMPS that gave but Iltfle rain There was greet stir mmong the In- dians. Long llnlr stalked shout scru- tinising the ground. Beverley snw him cone nenr time mid again with n 114- 11*. in/miring scowl nn him fare. Grunts mud leennle exelanatlonI pnm0 't1 from mouth to month, and pre*wnt Iy the Import of It nil could not be mss taken Kenton and Jasou.werP gone had a eaptd (hiring the night- su.l the -'rein Ind rnmpletely obliterated their tracks. The India.,. were Harkins, long Hair seat not nickel Parties 91 his trot scouts with orders to scour the coun- try to ill directions. keeping with hlm• self a few of the older warriors. Bev - prley was fed what he would eat of venison. and (mag Hair made htal un - Beverley dashed Alto headlong ayadnat the root of u tree M derand that he would have to .nffer some terrible punishment on Recount of the action of his companion.. Late In the day the stoma straggled hack with the report that no track or sign of tbe fugitives had teen discov- ered, ,nd Immediately m consultation was held. Most of the warriors, in- cluding all of the young bucks, de- manded a torture entertainment as compensation for their exertions and the nnexp.c•t.d lose of their own pris- oners, for it bad been agreed that Bev. erlei belonged exclusively to Long Hair. tem, objected to anything which might deprive him of the great rewardff offered by Hamilton for the prisoner if brought to him alive in the end It was agreed that Bever- ley should Le made to run the gantlet. d provided that nn eadly weapons were used upon lieu during the ordeal. 'r,, ith' CHILLS Indicate poison in the blood The kidneys are not working properly. Cleanse and tone these vital organs with Beg -Ju And. the blood will reg.•(• its life-gieism vigor ,., Orug erb Sea of 60 P111, 50 Casts 11•1o.• imamate. e.t ilU 1% naw 001511. WINDSOR, OMT. Big Clearing Sale Profits Thrown Away We must clear our stt.ck of Christmas goods and a few other lines and have mark- ed many articles right down t o wholesale cost in order that they inav be cleared out quickly. we oill'I' Money Saving {'rices 111 Tia 1)ettsert anti Table .Iltlttll9 ani{ fucks, Tett, Dessert al 11 ile Knives 1Zaz. 115, SIufrt I1, S iisi(I11,, 'l' 11t'', Iturst' 1 1,IbIliet►r 1i1)1,e 11a1t1•rs, Mitts, Sleigh ht•IIs, 1'11•., etc, ar-a�sats� llt•re are a few 1111)10 SOAPS 81.73 hind, Itbmkets Int• $1.15 1.5l llurse• Illankets (rap 1.2.1 .75 Axe and w $4-(11) Hovel' law for 4.1(1 .e Acre. xerP January at male sects. 65 Something i tie Ladies g .IMI Ti'. Fta nfm svo 11111 Tnhlel1''a01.kas felt' 176 1.13 Hockey Nkiitcs fur 1.411 n.IMI limo'• Mabee* for Il,llt ewasitadminst Watch our windows for bargains 6[O. L. AI.LIN The L ailit t; ;it Ilgoe •t Grads a1 limit Fr1.a Ite t a ' 4e#4e+0000fm, Come in Out of the Wet lib 1)o not rule tli,o risk of disease' with defective plumbing. 1'1111 had bet ter change the 11.11ult' system than take chances. This may not be neC('siar,)', however. \\•e are very successful with repairs 1%e have re- stored to good order and n;efitlncs4 very ntm(It b'ttl itlnntlnne, If new work is. -planned permit Its to Ile it. 1 f' a thoroti hly good jots is dcsirc,l 11'e are masters of PLUMBING .in all; .its branches, anti we entil\ satisfnl.'tit,,'. never fail to give CROSS -CUT SA l4 Salla( AXES wh' it the sett' melts a little you will be able tui get into the lntsh and will require cross -cut saws anti axes, I have an:up-to•tlate line of both to choose from. Also a full line .of builders' and shelf hardlv,tr,!stcon'.l to n'1n, w 9 or Toronto HEADQUARTERS FOR AMERICAN FIELD AND HOC FENCE SS at ■1111111■111MIiI 1111111111111111M11 JI f•i•__iriema 1 __f• !!wiIMBINISMINOMONI 41 ll f♦f♦___/111 asiiimmimmilm �TI�>•IMIMrA e 1 __� alA•_s 0 s •>e. e 1e • SS Mal. .■a.rNII II ��fl•�!!il!,:l�I MI11111111111111111!l1A1 Y 1 1111111111111•1111111111: Pill Al 1/1111I11111111I•111•1I.11111I111111111 r.1 ti111111111111111•11a11111tia tl r1.8Ititt.81S1111111Re 4 s �ea�t��efi e� • a e .,ae s a • Y a . s, Reenter Mlle repecIal Nog. florae sod Cattle Styli' Mays u Y• •r 61a. wart Stay 115 Ia. r 6 Is. apart Made of large, strong, high-(,+rade steel wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contraction. Is practically ever- lasting. Never goes wrong, no matter how great a strain is put on it. Docs not mutilate. but does, efficiently, turn cattle, horses, bop and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED by the manufacturers and by us. Call and see it. Can show you how it will save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced. :K 111 fencing I can save you money. I have 1)urcliased a carload of the American Field :111tl Hog 'Penile, no wall known in this onotion, nine, n carload of No. A London coiled spring steel wire and a number of machines. These two fencer aro the hest on the Canadian market. Call and get prices and see goods. Kindly call when you want anything in our line. CHAS. C. LEE 'PHONES -Store, 22 ; House, 112. 0+81114511 tationery For Business and Professional People. flood Printing qn Good Paper --the kit I that will add tone to your buMness is the kind we do at The Signal